Position Profile: SM Operations Transmission: Position Version Date Reports To Direct Reports Location Approved by

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Position Profile: SM Operations Transmission


SM Operations Transmission 03rd October, 2011 GM (Technical) Manager/SE, !egions Ms/Engineers

PURPOSE O POSITION 1" ss#re and optimi$e net%or& '#alit( b( #pgrading it according to mar&et standards"

2" )ro*ision o+ e++ecti*e ,e*el-2 and ,e*el-3 s#pport +or ,ong ha#l S.//.0.M e'#ipments and 1MS/EMS s(stem" 3" .e*elops and implements contingenc( plans in case o+ O23 4 s(stem +ail#re" Managing Operation 4 Maintenance acti*ities o+ .0.M/ .M/!egenerators terminals, Metro 1et%or& ME /(derabad, 5in 6asim 7arachi, Mirp#r7has, .ad# 4 Thatta, 5ac& bone O23 1et%or& 4 .88 1odes o+ ST!-9 !egion incl#ding 1MSs (/#a%ei ,ong /a#l/ Metro 1et%or& 4 :TE s#bsidiar( rings) along %ith allied po%er plant/ ir conditioners, .G Sets etc" installed in regions" ;" Managing 1et%or& data base and co-ordination %ith )lanning, .e*elopment, S%itching, 0,, deplo(ment, MM455, O,Os, 3MOs 4 *endors etc"


Position Profile: SM Operations Transmission

ROLES ! RESPONSIBILITIES Ens"rin#: To Manage the 1et%or& a*ailabilit( o+ O"2 media b( implementing proacti*e meas#res 4 to ens#re +a#lt +ree comm#nication to the *al#ed c#stomers" Manage 4 resol*e the critical 9ss#es/2a#lts o+ ,ong /a#l/Metro 1et%or& and s#bmit report to the higher management as 4 %hen re'#ired" E++icient #tili$ation o+ a*ailable !eso#rces 4 its timel( +orecast +or proc#rement" To implement the 3ompan( )olicies as per SO) %ithin the 1et%or& .omain" To initiate and implement contingenc( plans in case o+ O"2 s(stem +ail#re" To Manage the 6#alit( o+ Operations o+ Transmission 9n+rastr#ct#re as per SO)" S#per*ises the 2acilities re'#ired 4 pro*ided thro#gh 949 0ing to di++erent 3orporate 3lients in order to enhance re*en#e o+ 3ompan(" 3ompleted the .i++erent O4M Tas&s as per 3ompan(<s )olic( 9mplement proacti*e meas#res to ens#re +a#lt +ree comm#nication to the *al#ed c#stomers to achie*e the a*ailabilit( o+ transmission s(stem" 9mpro*e net%or& restoration time" Manage 4 resol*e comple= net%or& +a#lts and s#bmit report to the higher management as 4 %hen re'#ired" E++icient #tili$ation o+ a*ailable spares / stores and its timel( +orecast +or proc#rement" )ro*ision o+ e++ecti*e ,e*el-2 and ,e*el-3 s#pport +or ,ong ha#l S.//.0.M e'#ipments and 1MS/EMS s(stem" /e de*elops and implements contingenc( plans in case o+ O23 4 s(stem +ail#re" To ,ead the Team regarding 9nitiation 1et%or& e=pansion, #p gradation as per re'#irement o+ 5#siness :one and replacement o+ net%or& accordingl(" 9nitiate plans +or e=pansion, #p gradation and replacement o+ net%or& operations and maintenance" )lanning o+ optical +iber media di*ersit( to *ario#s cities 4 to%ns" )lanning and designing a resilient and rob#st net%or& to ha*e Ser*ice ,e*el ss#rance"

Net$or% Plannin#:

&"alit' Ass"ran(e: ss#re and optimi$e net%or& '#alit( b( #pgrading it according to mar&et standards in Transmission :one"

Mana#e Net$or% an) Centers:


Position Profile: SM Operations Transmission

ROLES ! RESPONSIBILITIES Ens"rin#: To Manage the 1et%or& a*ailabilit( o+ O"2 media b( implementing proacti*e meas#res 4 to ens#re +a#lt +ree comm#nication to the *al#ed c#stomers" Manage 4 resol*e the critical 9ss#es/2a#lts o+ ,ong /a#l/Metro 1et%or& and s#bmit report to the higher management as 4 %hen re'#ired" E++icient #tili$ation o+ a*ailable !eso#rces 4 its timel( +orecast +or proc#rement" To implement the 3ompan( )olicies as per SO) %ithin the 1et%or& .omain" To initiate and implement contingenc( plans in case o+ O"2 s(stem +ail#re" To Manage the 6#alit( o+ Operations o+ Transmission 9n+rastr#ct#re as per SO)" S#per*ises the 2acilities re'#ired 4 pro*ided thro#gh 949 0ing to di++erent 3orporate 3lients in order to enhance re*en#e o+ 3ompan(" 3ompleted the .i++erent O4M Tas&s as per 3ompan(<s )olic( 9mplement proacti*e meas#res to ens#re +a#lt +ree comm#nication to the *al#ed c#stomers to achie*e the a*ailabilit( o+ transmission s(stem" 9mpro*e net%or& restoration time" Manage 4 resol*e comple= net%or& +a#lts and s#bmit report to the higher management as 4 %hen re'#ired" E++icient #tili$ation o+ a*ailable spares / stores and its timel( +orecast +or proc#rement" )ro*ision o+ e++ecti*e ,e*el-2 and ,e*el-3 s#pport +or ,ong ha#l S.//.0.M e'#ipments and 1MS/EMS s(stem" /e de*elops and implements contingenc( plans in case o+ O23 4 s(stem +ail#re" To ,ead the Team regarding 9nitiation 1et%or& e=pansion, #p gradation as per re'#irement o+ 5#siness :one and replacement o+ net%or& accordingl(" 9nitiate plans +or e=pansion, #p gradation and replacement o+ net%or& operations and maintenance" )lanning o+ optical +iber media di*ersit( to *ario#s cities 4 to%ns" )lanning and designing a resilient and rob#st net%or& to ha*e Ser*ice ,e*el ss#rance" *PI

Net$or% Plannin#:


Position Profile: SM Operations Transmission

ROLES ! RESPONSIBILITIES Ens"rin#: To Manage the 1et%or& a*ailabilit( o+ O"2 media b( implementing proacti*e meas#res 4 to ens#re +a#lt +ree comm#nication to the *al#ed c#stomers" Manage 4 resol*e the critical 9ss#es/2a#lts o+ ,ong /a#l/Metro 1et%or& and s#bmit report to the higher management as 4 %hen re'#ired" E++icient #tili$ation o+ a*ailable !eso#rces 4 its timel( +orecast +or proc#rement" To implement the 3ompan( )olicies as per SO) %ithin the 1et%or& .omain" To initiate and implement contingenc( plans in case o+ O"2 s(stem +ail#re" To Manage the 6#alit( o+ Operations o+ Transmission 9n+rastr#ct#re as per SO)" S#per*ises the 2acilities re'#ired 4 pro*ided thro#gh 949 0ing to di++erent 3orporate 3lients in order to enhance re*en#e o+ 3ompan(" 3ompleted the .i++erent O4M Tas&s as per 3ompan(<s )olic( 9mplement proacti*e meas#res to ens#re +a#lt +ree comm#nication to the *al#ed c#stomers to achie*e the a*ailabilit( o+ transmission s(stem" 9mpro*e net%or& restoration time" Manage 4 resol*e comple= net%or& +a#lts and s#bmit report to the higher management as 4 %hen re'#ired" E++icient #tili$ation o+ a*ailable spares / stores and its timel( +orecast +or proc#rement" )ro*ision o+ e++ecti*e ,e*el-2 and ,e*el-3 s#pport +or ,ong ha#l S.//.0.M e'#ipments and 1MS/EMS s(stem" /e de*elops and implements contingenc( plans in case o+ O23 4 s(stem +ail#re" To ,ead the Team regarding 9nitiation 1et%or& e=pansion, #p gradation as per re'#irement o+ 5#siness :one and replacement o+ net%or& accordingl(" 9nitiate plans +or e=pansion, #p gradation and replacement o+ net%or& operations and maintenance" )lanning o+ optical +iber media di*ersit( to *ario#s cities 4 to%ns" )lanning and designing a resilient and rob#st net%or& to ha*e Ser*ice ,e*el ss#rance" Primar' *PIs *ailabilit( o+ Transmission 1et%or& #p to >>">?" !estore the net%or& in >0? o+ the cases %ithin stip#lated time" )eriodic 9nspection o+ total O2S / .0.M / .88/Metro 1et%or& sites in the

Net$or% Plannin#:


Position Profile: SM Operations Transmission

*EY RELATIONS+IPS Internal E,ternal

!ele*ant department heads ll departments

@endors 3ons#ltants

COMPETENCIES Professional Competen(ies S"pportin# Competen(ies

Anderstanding Technical challenges

speci+ic to the telecom ind#str(

Anderstand problems and classi+(

these into simpler tas&s and ta&e ade'#ate decisions on the basis o+ a*ailable in+ormation

7no%ledge o+ 5#siness )rocess !eengineering

7no%ledge o+ the ne% Technical

ad*ancements and technological changes in the telecom sector

Ens#re the need o+ the team

members are met and +oster team%or& e=pectations

7no%ledge o+ Technical related +ields )lanning and organi$ing %or& )roBect Management Technical s#pport de*elopment 5#ild Technical s#pport team @endor management

3onsistentl( meet established Modi+( e=isting approaches b(

identi+(ing critical relationships

5#ild positi*e client relationship and

maintain clear comm#nication

3hange personal approach +or

di++erent sit#ations and #nderscoring positi*it( o+ change

DESIRABLE E-PERIENCE AND &UALI ICATIONS E,perien(e E)"(ational &"alifi(ations

C-D (ears rele*ant %or& e=perience E=perienced in the +ields o+ 1et%or&

de*elopment 4 operations

d*ance degree in



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