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BMS Semester:1 Fundamentals of Human Skill-1 11th Aug 2009

Concept Clearance test-1(Fill up the blanks with suitable answers:)

Max Marks: 10 Name: _________________________
(Q1 to 10 carries half marks and 11 to 15 carries 1 marks) Roll No._____
1) Inter Individual differences are differences _______________ people whereas the intra individual
differences are differences __________ people.

2) The changes and developments occur in individuals are in three areas viz Physical
development, _____________ development, and _______________________ development

3) In behaviour genetics, ______________________ refers to every non genetic, or external, influence on

our traits and behaviours. A _____________ is the enduring behaviours, ideas, attitudes, and
traditions shared by a large group of people and transmitted from one generation to the next.

4) __________________ refers to a person’s characteristic emotional reactivity and intensity. And

______________ is physical or verbal behaviour intended to hurt someone.

5) ___________________________ are threadlike structures made of DNA molecules, which contain the
genes. DNA stands for (____________________________________) is a complex molecule containing
the genetic information that makes up the chromosomes. Genes are the biochemical units of
heredity that make up the chromosomes; they are segments of the DNA molecules capable of
synthesizing a protein. There are two types of Genes __________________genes and
__________________ Genes

6) _________________ refers to the biological and social characteristics by which people define male
and female. And a _______________________ is a set of expected behaviours for males and females.

7) __________________________________________ is that describes the duties of the job, authority

relationship, skills requirement, conditions of work etc and on the other hand
____________________________ is the favourableness and unfavourableness with which employees
view their work

8) In ___________________________________ we decide that the behaviours and attitudes are not so

important and therefore the inconsistency is not important. ________________________________is a
process through which we compare ourselves with others in order to determine whether our view
of social reality is correct or not
9) The entire lift span of Human beings can be grouped in eight stages as:

a. _______________ stage e. __________________

b. Infancy f. _______________________

c. Early Childhood g. Middle Age

d. _____________________ h. Late Adulthood

1) The Major areas of Individual differences are Differences in their:-


b. Physique,
c. _____________________,

d. _______________________,

e. _______________________,

f. Interests,

g. Achievements &

h. ___________________
2) The factors which affect job satisfaction are
b. _____________________________________
c. _____________________________________
d. _____________________________________
3) Some of the factors that influence the Prenatal environments are

b. Prenatal Nourishment

c. Drug Intake

d. Mothers health

e. Medical X rays

f. Mothers age

g. Environmental Hazards


5) The Different environmental factors that affect personality are

6) Various functions of Attitude are



BMS Semester:1 Fundamentals of Human Skill-1 11th Aug 2009



7) The four important processes that influence attitude formation are






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