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Poet: Walter Da La Mare Context: In this poem the poet presents an imaginary land of Tartary. The details are so much charming that even we the readers find ourselves in this dream world while reading. Poet describes an imaginary world and considers himself as its king. There are so many attractions and fascinations that he presents in the poem. Q: What kind of land the poet has described in the poem Tartary? Ans: In this poem the poet has presented an imaginary world, which cannot exist in real life. Actually the poet is also looks like a modern man who is fed up with the anxieties and tensions of life and wants to escape in a world where he may fulfill all his desires. This imaginary land satisfies his lust for being a superior one having no tension at all. Now for a moment if we consider this imaginary word we shall also be pleasantly surprised. Mountains, deep valleys, fruit trees, chanting birds, flashing lakes, all these things make this land so attractive that one wants to fly away in this world immediately In this land nothing is there like sorrow but happiness and if one becomes a king as the poet does. This happiness will be doubled. The description is so much attractive that we the readers also become spellbound while reading this poem and feel as if we were also wandering about along with the poet. So the poet has presented an imaginary and an ideal world which is worth praising and worth living. Q: What are the desires of the poet in the poem Tartary? Ans: Tartary is an imaginary poem in which the poet has presented an ideal land where there is no worry or tension. Then he tells us if he were the lord of Tartary. What kind of desires he could like to cherish and what kind of comfort he would like to enjoy. He says that if he were the lord of Tartary. He would like to be its sole owner. He would not like anyone to share its beauty or comforts. He would like trumpeters to announce his arrival and also to summon him for his meals. Then he describes what kind of dress he would like to wear. This dress would be studded with colorful beads. In his empire there would be forest inhabited by tigers pools filled with fish He would visit his Kingdom by a buggy, which would be drawn by seven zebras. He would get up early and go to enjoy the beauty of the Kingdom. Before going out he would decorate his dress with a curved sword. When he would come out to some open place delightful chattering birds would welcome him. He would be much pleased to see the flashing lakes so many trees pools valleys and rivers of his kingdom. The description of the desires of the poet is so attractive that we the readers also start cherishing the same king of desires. Q: Describe if you were the Lord of Tartary .what kind of feeling or desires you would like to have? Ans: Not only the imaginary land of Tartary but also the description of desires of the poet are so attractive that we feel like flying away to this land leaving all our worries in this world . Anyhow if I were the lord of Tartary definitely I would like to have the same kind of desires that the poet has described. Apart from that I would also like to have other motives. As we all know what kind of luxurious life the rulers of this world are leading. Especially in this world countries, the masses are leading a miserable life where as the rulers are living a gorgeous life. So if I were the lord of Tartary, it would be my utmost effort that I would take great pains for the welfare of the masses of my kingdom, I would try my best that I could share their sorrows and joys, I would not enclose myself within the four walls of my grand palace or I would not visit my beautiful forests or rivers oblivious of the miseries of my people. So these are my feeling and desires as the lord of Tartary. Q: Explain the following stanza with reference to context.

If I were Lord of Tartary I'd wear robes of beads, White and golden and green they had be And clustered thick as seeds. Reference: These lines have been taken fro the poem Tartary written by Walter De La Mare. Context: in this poem the poet presents before us an imaginary land of Tartary. The details are so much charming that even we the readers find ourselves in this dream world while reading the imaginary world and consider himself as its king. There are so many attractions and fascinations that he presents in the poem Explanation: In these lines, the poet tells us what kind of dress he would like to wear if he were the king of Tartary. He says that this dress would be of a unique kind. It would e a long and loose outer garment. It would be decorated with small pieces of shining glass which would be round. These pieces of glass would be of many colors, white green and golden. These pieces would be in abundance and collected as if seeds had been sown in a land.

New Year Resolution

Poet: Elizabeth Sewell Context: In this poem the poetess tells us about her own resolution. She says that she will try to purge herself from deficiencies and shortcoming of the previous year. She will also try to face the bitter realities and not indulge in day dreaming. Q: What New Year resolution does the poetess make? Ans: New year resolution by Elizabeth Sewell is a very interesting poem is which the poetess is not only describing her determination what she will be at the beginning of a new year but also giving us a moral lesson to lead out life with some aim. The resolution which she has described is very significant. Every human being is a mixture of some qualities and some deficiencies. Great is he who does not boast of his qualities and one who admits his deficiencies whole heartedly. Same is the case with the poetess who is making a resolution when the New Year begins she will try to examine his previous misdeeds. She will try to figure out who is why she has been created. Then she says that she will try to face the reality how much dark it is. It has been observed often that we human beings try to over look the bleak realities of life and want to enjoy an ideal life. This should not be so. We should also get ready to face the dark aspects of life. In the last stanza of the poem the poetess says that when she faced the bleak reality. She will feel much relaxed after this she will not have the fear of any kind. It means when we are able to face the dark reality. We also become bold and more confident and further get ready to face any kind of mishap. So we see that the poetess has presented a very significant resolution and a message for us. Q: The poetess has also used a personification. Point it out also describe its significant. Ans: In this poem the poetess has personified reality. She has presented reality in such a shape that it has bony arms, here bony means pointed edges of bone which can prick and hence become a cause of pain. Actually the poetess wants to tell us that reality is always painful and it always becomes a source of disturbance for us when we face it. So as she says that she will lie in the bony arms of reality she does know that facing the reality will be pain full, but she is ready for that. So the poetess is giving us a significant message through her personification what we should face the reality at every cost. If we consider for a while we may think how a person can feel comfort when he is lying in the bony arms as the poetess does. But here the case in different, we will get comfort after facing the bleak reality so we should face it. Q: Why it is necessary to have a resolution?

What New Year resolutions do you make? Ans: No doubt, that it is very much necessary to have some resolution. We should have some thing which we should pursue life without aim is absolutely useless. Unfortunately it has been observed that most of us are leading an aimless life. We don't know why we have been created what is the purpose of our existence I do make a resolution at the beginning of every year. Like the poetess I also take stock of myself and try to remove the deficiencies of the previous year. But my resolution is a little bit different than that of the poetess and wider in its scope. I make a resolution that I will not lead this life just for my own self but also for others especially for suffering humanity. For this purpose I aim to become a social worker so that I my do so much to ease those people who are the victim of some disease poverty or any other misfortune. I have made an organization in my colony which consists of the young men like me having the same resolution. We donate blood, do social work then some flood or earthquake strikes arrange for the education for orphans and poor and many more. So in my opinion being a human it must be the resolution of everyone to serve other human beings so that we may be successful in the life hereafter. Q: Explain the following stanza with reference to context: Will lie o' nights In the bony arms Of reality and be comforted Reference: These lines have been taken from the poem New Year Resolution written by Elizabeth Sewel. Context: In this poem the poetess tells us about her own resolution. She says that she will try to purge herself from deficiencies and shortcoming of the previous year. She will also try to face the bitter realities and not indulgein day dreaming. Explanation: In these lines the poetess tells us about her the second part of her resolution what she will do at nights As the time of night is peaceful and one can sit or lie in one's bed and think calmly. So the poetess says that at nights, she will also lie in the arms of reality. Here she has also personified reality and assigned it bony arms. It means that the reality is always painful. But the poetess is determined to face even this bitter reality. She says that she can get relief only through facing this bitter reality.

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