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Abstract: The paper presents some aspects reffering to calorific power

determination of some kinds of wooden biomasses, instalations and
metodology for determining. There are mainly presented the superior and net
or inferio calorific power, differences, importance and principles for
determination. The comparison between some kind of calorific power for
diferent kind of wooden wastes and are also presented.

Key words: inferior calorific power, wooden biomass, calorimeter,

calorific bomb.

1. Introduction combustion of 1 kg of fuel. The inferior calorific

power is the difference between the superior
Wood biomass represents a renewable source calorific power and the quantity of heat used to
of energy. It does not contribute to the issue of vaporize water from burning gases. The superior
changing the environment because it recycles the caloric power is determined using the
carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. The final calorimetric bomb, where the water steams
result of burning wood biomass is expressed formed through hydrogen combustion (including
through the caloric power, a notion through here the hydrogen formed through the
which we can understand the heat obtained by decomposition of water) condensate inside the
burning a mass unit. The calorific power of wood bomb recipient, releasing about 600 kcal per each
is determined on the same way as for other solid kilogram of water condensed steams (the so-
fuels such as coals and it represents the quantity called condensing heat). Practically, the superior
of heat resulted when burning the fuel’s mass caloric power cannot be effectively used because
unit. Before this attempt, the wood fuel is the water steams are evacuated outside and so the
brought to a temperature of 20° C. Generally, for inferior caloric power remains the most
fuel materials with great percentage of water and important..
hydrogen, as the wood biomass, there are two
types of calorific power of these solid fuels 2. The methodic and equipments
according to the status of water from the burning
products, respectively the superior calorific The determination principle and the work
power (when the water steams have condensed, methodic depend on the equipment used
releasing the evaporation heat) and the inferior respectively, if there are used liquid calorimeters
calorific power (when the water is among the or calorimetric bombs (with exploding burning).
burning gases as water steams; in this case, some The determination of the wood’ caloric power
of the heat released is consumed to vaporize this using a liquid calorimeter is based on a volume
form of water). The superior calorific power is increase of a calorimetric liquid that has a big
the total heat quantity resulted from a perfect dilatation factor as a result of the heat received

Department “Wood Technology”, Transilvania University of Braşov.
Bulletin of the Transilvania University of Braşov • Vol. 2 (51) - 2009 • Series II

when burning a precise quantity of fuel material. container, caused by the burning of the wood
In these conditions, the volume increase of the particle. To determine the final temperature, the
calorimetric liquid indirectly represents the values recorded are being read every minute. The
calorific power for this kind of fuel. final temperature is given by the maximum value
As for the calorimetric bomb, the calorific of the temperature because after the temperature
power of wood is determined by measuring the start to drop it means that it doesn’t receive any
temperature difference of a certain quantity of more heat from the calorific bomb;
water that cools the calorimetric bomb. This way, - the final stage has as purpose calculating the
it is possible to determine the quantity of heat average water temperature variation in the
released by a mass unit of the solid fuel that has calorimetric container, because of the heat
been analyzed; finally, this value represents the exchange with the exterior, after the burning took
fuel’s calorific power. place. The same as in the first stage, the
The installation used to determine the calorific temperature recorded by a thermometer is read
power of wood (see figure 1) has many from one minute to another.
components, respectively: the proper calorimeter After this test is over, the calorimetric bomb is
(or the calorimetric bomb), the pressure pulled out from the calorimetric container (after
decelerator, the oxygen tube, the micro- the gases have been evacuated and the bomb has
briquetting press, the ignition device connected been depressurized), further research is done to
to the electrical system, electronic balance, see if there has been a complete burning (by
volumetric flasks, the mixing device with studying the ash obtained after the combustion).
propeller, distillated water or calorimetric liquid, Also it has to determine if all quantity of
etc. It is the best way firstly to prepare nickeline wire has been burned. The calorific
individually each of the installation’s components power is determined using the following ratio:
(especially the calorimetric bomb), after that the k ⋅ (t f − t i + t c ) − q s
connections are done and the installation is Qs = [kcal/kg] (1)
started by closing the electric circuit using a
Where: k – calorimetric factor; tf – the final
switcher. From this moment, the mixer
temperature value; ti – the initial temperature
automatically starts and it homogenizes the
value; tc- temperature of combustible biomass; qs-
water’s temperature from the calorimetric
the heat consumed to burn the wire; m - the mass
of the wood pellets.
The determination starts in the moment when
This calorific power (see relation 1, where Qs
the temperature of elements inside the
is determined) can be considered to be the
calorimetric container is uniform and has three
superior calorific power that has been calculated
with great approximation. To obtain the exact
- the initial stage, which has as purpose
calorific power, there has to be kept in mind the
determining water temperature variations inside
following aspects:
the calorimetric container, due to heat changing
- the quantity of heat released through the
with exterior before burning In this period of
transformation of sulfur dioxide (resulted in
time, usually up to 5 minutes, the temperature
burning processes) into sulfuric acid (dissolved in
recorded by a precise thermometer. The last
the water inside the bomb) is subtracted from the
temperature from the initial stage actually
total obtained quantity;
represents the first temperature from the second
- the sulfur content from the analyzed sample;
stage. At the end of the initial stage, the switcher
- the heat correction needed to form nitric acid is
is pressed, determining the ignition of the fuel
subscribed from the total heat.
The inferior caloric power (Qi) of wood can be
- the main stage has as purpose determining the
calculated with the following ratio:
water’s temperature increase in the calorimetric
LUNGULEASA A:The calorific power of wooden biomass

Qi = Qs − 6 ⋅ (U + 9 ⋅ h) [kcal/kg] (2)
Where: U – the wood sample’s moisture
content, expressed in %; h -the wood sample’s
hydrogen content expressed in %.
After an elaborateness preparing of each of the
calorimeter components, it can be proceeded to
installing the device and using it. The
calorimetric bomb is introduced inside the
calorimetric container. The mixer and the cowl
are then fixated. The electric installation’s circuit
is then closed so it will activate the mixer in
order to make an uniform homogenize the
The calorimetric bomb or the proper
calorimeter is the main component of the
installation used to determine the wood calorific
power and it is made out several components (as
it can be observed in figure 1), respectively:
cylindrical carcass, cowl; admission tube for
oxygen; skillet for shock protection.
The calorimetric bomb (figure 1). It is a
container made out of special steel that is inert to Fig.1. The calorimetric bomb: 1- cylindrical
acids resulted through burning; this is filled with carcass; 2- cowl; 3- ring-like support with three
oxygen at pressure of 25-30 atm. From a legs; 4 – oxygen admission shutter; 5- shutter for
metrological point of view, the caloric bomb has evacuating burned gases; 6- electrode; 7-
to resist at pneumatic pressures up to 50 connection tube; 8- draw bar; 9- anchorage
atmospheres and at a hydraulic pressure of 200 ferrule; 10- metallic fitting; 11- rubber fitting;
atm., therefore resisting at the great pressures 12- the cowl’s articulated rib; 13- protection
created when burning the researched fuel. The shield; 14- fuel button; 15- skillet
cowl is foreseen with a rubber fitting to ensure a
perfect enclosure. The cowl has three openings. The calorimetric bomb’s carcass (1) is made
Opening 4 is used to introduce pressurized out of resistant stainless steel which cannot be
oxygen; a metallic pipe goes in from the exterior attached by acids and corroded. The cowl 2 has 2
through this opening and it is used as electrode to valves 4 and 5 and an electrode 6. Through the
light the fuel. Opening 5 is used to evacuate the valve 4 which communicates with tube 7, the
burning product. The second electrode gets inside pressurized oxygen is introduced into the
through opening 6 and it is isolated towards the calorimetric bomb. Through the valve 5 the
bomb’s mass. The solid fuel is gathered in a burning gases from the calorimetric bomb are
nickeline spiral which has its endings connected evacuated at the end of experiment. On tube 7
to electrodes. The nickeline spiral is chosen as there is placed a safety screen 13 which does not
convenient as possible, having 0.5 mm in allow the flame to reach the bomb’s cowl. The
diameter so it will became incandescent when the skillet 15 has a protection purpose and can be
electricity passes through, lighting in this way the made out of quart, porcelain or other material.
fuel. Necessary accessories
The necessary accessories for making
determination are the following ones:
Bulletin of the Transilvania University of Braşov • Vol. 2 (51) - 2009 • Series II

- the analytic balance for weighting the fuel calorimeter, where it has to get 2000-2500 cm3 of
sample, that has a top measuring accuracy of water that has a temperature with 2° C higher
0.0002 g than the ambient environment’s one.
- the oxygen tube, with a pressure redactor - the calorimetric bomb is introduced inside the
foreseen with manometers; one of the calorimetric reservoir, sealing the bomb (in no
manometers shows the pressure inside the circumstances gas bubbles should appear on the
oxygen tube and the other is assembled after the surface);
reduction valve indicated the pressure of oxygen - the connection with the electric circuit is made,
inside the calorimetric bomb; without pressing the ignition button;
- two volumetric flask, one of 2000 cm3, the other - the mixer is installed so that when it moves, it
of 1000 cm3 for measuring the water quantities doesn’t make contact with the bomb or the
introduced inside the calorimeter; calorimeter’s walls;
- the wire for lighting the fuel sample, made out - the Beckmann thermometer is introduced in the
of soft steel, nickel, silver, platinum and which as water from calorimeter;
a wideness of approx. 0.1 mm and a cotton wire - the thermostat is covered with its cowl and the
which sustains the burning. temperature’ sight glass is turned on from the
When there is no explosive burning, the liquid- draw bar so that the thermometer’s scale marks
dilatation calorimeter is used; in this case the are clear;.
installation used to determine the calorific power The initial stage. The Beckmann thermometer is
is simpler then the one using the calorimetric read at temperature t0 at a certain moment, then
bomb. Using the calorimetric bomb, the superior further indication are read each minute for 5
caloric power QS is determined, in the premise of minutes and the indicated temperature ti is written
a complete burning and an oxygenic atmosphere, down. This stage is necessary to calculate the
at approximately 25 bar and also the inferior heat lost at the calorimeter’s exterior.
caloric power Qi can be deduced through The main stage. After reading the last
calculus, after analyzing the water present inside temperature ti from the initial stage, the ignition
the fuel. Using the calorimetric bomb, there can button is pressed. Then one must keep trace of
be determined the quantity of heat obtained when the temperature increase until it reaches the
burning a known mass of fuel that has been maximum value. We mark this value with tf and
previously weighted very precise. the time period (in minutes) from ignition until
the temperature tf has been reached. The
3. The experimental indication are also read from minute to minute
and written down in a table.
First, the fuel that has to be researched is The final stage. After the maximum temperature
weighted (a fuel button that has maximum weight has been reached, a fact that can be observed
of 1 kg). The fuel is wrapped, or penetrated by a through a constant or decreasing temperature,
nickeline spiral (or made out of electrolytic soft further temperature readings are written each
iron), which has its endings connected to the minute, for another five minutes. This stage
electrodes that are placed on the calorimetric together with the preliminary one is necessary to
bomb’s cowl. After the cowl is screwed on, the calculate the quantity of heat lost outside the
bomb is connected with an oxygen tube. The calorimeter.
evacuation valve is left opened and the oxygen The evacuation shutter is opened and the
tube is turned on until the manometer, connected burned gases are carefully evacuated. If the
to the oxygen tube, indicate a post-decelerator burning is complete, then one must determine the
pressure of 22-30 atm. This will also be the waste quantity by weighting it and determine the
pressure inside the bomb. Being prepared this sulfur from the bomb.
way, the bomb is introduced inside the
LUNGULEASA A:The calorific power of wooden biomass

4. Processing experimental data The caloric power and the humidity content have
a linear dependency.
The water equivalent’s value for the
calorimeter will be average of 5 consecutive For the wet fuel, a part of the fuel’s energy is
determinations with the condition that the used to boost up the temperature and another part
differences between the values of these is consumed to vaporize water. Other influences
determinations will not be bigger than 10 grams. can be seen in the figure 3 such as group of wood
First influence of calorific power is moisture (softwood and hardwood) and even chemical
content of wooden pieces and is showed in figure resin. Volatile substances from wood accelerate
2, for superior and inferior calorific power. the wood burning and consequently increase
It is normally that the calorific power of calorific power of wood [4].
wooden biomass to decrease with increasing of
moisture content because of great amount of
water steams which are eliminated from wood.

Superior calorific power
18000 Inferior calorific power
Calorific power kJ/kg

0 20 40 60 80
Moisture content, %

Fig 2. Influence of moisture content upon calorific power

Bulletin of the Transilvania University of Braşov • Vol. 2 (51) - 2009 • Series II

Fig.3. The calorific power for different types of biomass

5. Final conclusions
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