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Bulletin of the Transilvania University of Braşov • Vol.

2 (51) - 2009
Series II: Forestry • Wood Engineering • Agriculture and Food Engineering




Abstract: The author of the paper aims to analyze the hormonal mechanisms as well as the genetic,
environmental and psychological factors that influence the eating behavior. The main hormones involved are
also analyzed: leptin, ghrelin, thyroid hormones as well as the implications of both adipose and obesity tissues.
The author carries out further analyses into the elements of eating habits in relation with genetic and
environmental causes, orienting the researches towards monogenic and polygenic directions as well as towards
hyper-caloric consumption, physical inactivity, insomnias, night eating or the use of drugs that induce obesity.
The conclusions unveiled by the present study emphasize the mechanisms for hormonal regulation as well as the
lifestyle elements that lead to profound deteriorations in the eating behavior.

Key words: leptin, ghrelin, eating behavior

1. Introduction hormonal regulations and influence

Researchers have reached the conclusion As for the modifications in the eating
according to which the modifications in behavior, which brings about weight gain
eating behavior (for instance excessive and loss, the organism needs three
desire for food) are caused by hormonal important processes, namely: rest,
regulation and auto-regulation of the elimination of remnants and energy
organism. A particular modification which consumption. These are the elements that
leads to eating behavior disorders and induce the relation between “body and
which is widely spread is the obesity. We mind”, relation that is based on neuro-
make reference to the lack of the hormone homonal mechanisms. The hormones,
called leptin, which disturbs the which function as mediators, send
metabolism and makes people eat in excess impulses to the nervous system warning it
although they are not hungry. The change when the nourishment is needed or when
in the eating behavior which causes the the satiety threshold is reached. These
obesity is nowadays a major problem of hormones are leptin and ghrelin, both of
public health, recording a prevalence of them being involved in the regulation and
about 30-40% in Romania. In order for this auto-regulation of eating behavior.
phenomenon to be controlled it is The influence factors are either genetic
important to take into account certain or lifestyle-oriented, the modification in
processes of our organism, i.e. neuro- the food habits and in the level of physical
Faculty of Food and Tourism, Transilvania University of Braşov.
Bulletin of the Transilvania University of Braşov • Vol. 2 (51) - 2009 • Series II

activity being more and more often satiety. Provided the fatty level decreases,
attributed to the environmental factors. the level of leptin decreases as well and the
appetite increases. Experimentally, the
2. System of neuro-hormonal regulation mice, which are genetically unable to
secrete leptin, turn obese because they do
Once the leptin has been discovered, the not recognize the “stop” command.
neuro-modulation of hunger and satiety We must state that leptin is secreted
mechanisms proved to be a complex during the sleep hours, which means that 7
mechanism. The main role of leptin in hours of night sleep are absolutely
regulating the body weight consists of necessary to prevent disturbances in eating
sending the signal of satiety to behavior. Males have lower concentrations
hypothalamus, reducing in this way the of leptin as compared to females (10). The
food intake and the fatty deposits. lowest concentrations of leptin were
Likewise, leptin plays important roles in recorded at noon and the highest ones at
carbohydrates metabolism, bony system midnight (20). The lack of sleep increases
development and reproduction. Unlike the “taste” for carbohydrates - this
animals, where there was noticed a deficit phenomenon is explained through the fact
of leptin, the obese humans are usually that the lack of sleep affects the production
resistant to leptin, having increased of leptin which, as shown before, is
circular levels. In the few cases of leptin responsible for the state of satiety. A
deficiency discovered in humans, leptin reduction in the level of leptin entails an
administration determined a reduction of increasing need to consume foods rich in
food intake and significant weight loss. (6, carbohydrates.
11). Ghrelin, a hormone made up of twenty-
The two hormones, i.e. leptin and eight amino-acids, is secreted by the empty
ghrelin, are the main actors in the stomach and stimulates the appetite. In a
cybernetic process of eating behavior healthy body, two-three hours after
regulation, more precisely in generating or breakfast the empty stomach secrets the
ceasing the sensation of hunger. Their ghrelin which, once in the brain,
specificity is well known in the specialist commands the appetite. The eating
literature (22). behavior modifies, we start thinking of
Thus, the specialist literature mentions lunch and we soon eat. The regulation is
that leptin is a hormone secreted by the then done, namely the food commands the
subcutaneous adipose tissue as response to level of gherlin to decrease and together
the fatty deposit. Leptin is connected to the with it the appetite of the respective
brain by alpha-melanocortin receptors person, as shown in figure 1 (22).
inhibiting the neuropeptide Y and causing

Fig. 1. Neuro-hormonal regulation of the eating behavior

The specific eating behavior of a destroy the myth of the direct relation
person on diet increases the ghrelin between hypothyroidism and obesity.
level not only before meals but almost Actually, the contrary was proved, i.e.
permanently and in time it erodes the gaining weight brings about the
will. The genetic code translates this inhibition of the thyroid function. The
mechanism through hunger/starvation. more unstable the weight, which is due
Another theory, which has been widely to repeated diets, (“yo-yo” effect:
debated over the past few years, loosing weight fast – regaining the
concerns the role of the thyroid gland initial or more weight, soon after
and its relation with the obesity. It interrupting the diet) the tighter the
seems that a direct connection between relation; thus, a vicious circle is
obesity and the dysfunctions of the formed, leptin holding an important
thyroid gland has not been clearly role as a major hormone regulating the
traced. Beside a suggestive clinical appetite and the caloric indigestion.
picture, the causes of excess weight Leptin is produced in the adipose
(especially in case of obesity) must be tissue, then, through blood circulation,
looked for especially in the lifestyle it goes to the brain where it gives
and nourishment of the respective information about the fatty deposits,
person. More and more studies seem to
Bulletin of the Transilvania University of Braşov • Vol. 2 (51) - 2009 • Series II

according to the flow shown in figure as the secreting role was concerned and
1. with exclusive role for lipids deposit, has
Moreover, along the human evolution, lately revealed its capacity of secreting a
the leptin – thyroid gland relation was multitude of substances (adipokines,
important for survival. During the periods cytokines) with role in regulating the
of hunger the organism uses the adipose insulin-resistance, satiety, inflammation,
tissue as “fuel”. Thus, the level of leptin sexual function, endothelial function, etc.
that goes to brain decreases, which leads to The most important substances are
the decrease in the basal metabolic rate and adiponectin, leptin, visfatin, resistin,
energy consumption. If this mechanism omentin, tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α),
didn’t exist the occurrence of malnutrition interleukin- 6 and angiotensin II (5, 8).
would be faster. Therefore, the The obesity is characterized through an
hypothyroid status is the answer the increased concentration of leptin, which
organism gives to hunger. Provided there is might make us believe that the effects of
not enough nourishment the adipose leptin are expressed, especially the
tissues are regenerated and only when anorectic effect. Unfortunately, the
these later ones have reached the previous hyperleptinemia within obesity and type 2
level the “thyroid” is allowed to increase diabetes (DZ2) is characterized through
the basal metabolic rate. This is the way leptin-resistance (7) which is similar to
through which the organism recovers after insulin-resistance. The role of leptin in
periods of hunger/starvation, which are insulin-resistance is controversially
nowadays known as “diets”. debated, the tendency being that of
Similarly, the food excess accepting a favoring effect of insulin-
determines, among others, the triglycerides resistance (1). Women have higher daily
excess, namely fats in blood that thicken concentrations as compared to men, but
the leptin, preventing it from reaching the mechanisms are not clearly detected (15).
brain. Thus, there occurs the resistance to The leptin secretion is stimulated by
leptin: the brain records deficit of leptin as insulin, having a reduced effect at insulin-
period of hunger and despite the resistant persons (12). It seems that not
continuous excessive feeding it continues only the hyper-insulin but also the hyper-
to maintain the basal metabolic rate low, glycemia contribute to modulating the
favoring the occurrence of overweight. leptin secretion (18). Leptin, at its turn,
decreases the insulin synthesis, closing up
2.1. Regulating mechanisms in relation a regulation flow.
with the adipose tissue The involvement of the adipose tissue in
endocrine processes allows us to
The distribution of the adipose tissue is understand its role as active organ; by
the consequence of an interaction between acting upon it, we can determine the
genetic and environmental factors. As for central, cardiovascular and metabolic
the arrangement, at about 20% female and nervous effects. For this very reason, the
2% male in perimenopause period the adipose tissue has turned very interesting
adipose tissue is viscerally located (17). for therapeutic interventions and the future
The secretion of leptin is directly will certainly lead to the occurrence of
correlated with the mass of the treatments that aim especially at
subcutaneous adipose tissue. The adipose influencing its secreting constellation. We
cell, which was long considered inert as far must have in view that the secretion

presents diurnal variations and the predisposition of weight excess of about

concentration of certain adipokines 0,7-0,9, as compared to dizygotic twins, in
modifies postprandially, depending on the their case the concordance ranging from
food composition but especially on the 0,35 to 0,45 (9, 13).
way of preparation. The research data There were discovered a few cases with
regarding the effects of benfotiamine on deficit of leptin receptor; the respective
the concentration of adiponectin are individuals, despite a normal weight at
preliminary and they call for long-term birth, gained weight in the first months of
validation through studies. Nevertheless, life, followed by hyperfagia,
the hypothesis is very interesting hypogonadotropic hypogonadism and
especially within the context of well- affection of thyrotropin secretion. The
known effects of benfotiamine in treating genetic defects of POMC production
diabetic neuropathy (19) as well as its (proopioimelanocortin) and the hormone
beneficial effects upon the function of stimulating the melanocytes α (α-MSH)
endothelial cells (14). act upon the receptor 4 of melanocortin
(MC4), reducing the dietetic contribution.
3. Influence factors in eating behavior The mutations at the level of MC4 gene
were described as monogenic causes of
The influence factors are genetic, human obesity. The recent data suggest
environmental and psychosocial factors that about 5% of the obese children present
that have separate or mutual influence as MC4 or POMC mutations (2, 4).
far as the eating behavior is concerned. The current genetic studies and the
recently used technologies have enabled
3.1. Genetic factors the discovery of new genes with potential
involvement in the pathogenic character of
The genetic factors were indicated on obesity; the most commonly studied genes
account of the fact that there are many have been those on chromosomes 2p, 10p,
persons who, despite the weight loss that 5p, 11q and 20q. The researches in the
followed a diet and physical exercise- field of genetics have showed that the
based program, do not succeed in obesity may be the result of a single
maintaining the weight obtained for a anomaly that may lead to the energy
longer time. The genetic studies help us unbalance. The individual variations of the
identify sub-groups of individuals who can adipose tissue are determined, to a great
be sensitive or resistant to certain extent, by multiple genetic factors
modifications of the environmental factors. (polygenic obesity). The studies
For instance, the researches suggested that emphasized more possible locus but the
the family environment is very likely to chromosome 2p21 has been most
influence the obesity (21, 23). frequently encountered in relation with the
Within this context, studies on families obesity. This area of chromosome 2
and adopted twins provided significant includes the POMC gene as well, the
proofs regarding the genetic cause of mutations at this level being encountered
obesity. The rate of transmission varied at about 0,8% of obese children (1).
between 10% (at adopted twins) and 80% Determining genetic factors became very
(at monozygotic twins). Similarly, the important once its influence was more
studies carried out on monozygotic twins frequently noticed at persons with severe
showed a concordance for hereditary obesity installed at young ages. Identifying
Bulletin of the Transilvania University of Braşov • Vol. 2 (51) - 2009 • Series II

key molecular elements involved in religious customs or climatic conditions,

maintaining the energetic balance proved which do not allow for the availability of
to be very interesting for conceiving new foods with reduced calorie content, such as
diets or diet-therapy methods. Likewise, fruits and vegetables, throughout the whole
the current studies have showed that strict year. The consumption of alcohol is
diets are not very efficient in the long term another important factor involved in the
without a change in the lifestyle, including etiology of the central type obesity due to
the eating behavior. an increased caloric contribution (1 gram
of alcohol releases 7 calories). Smoking is
3.2. Environmental factors often followed by the occurrence of central
obesity, reversible after giving up smoking.
As stated before, the change of eating The diminution of the physical activity and
habits as well as of the degree of physical the sedentarism, encouraged by the rhythm
activity emphasize more and more of modern societies, generate the energetic
frequently the environmental factors. unbalance, giving rise to a surplus of
Eating habits are a risk factor for the calories from foods as compared to those
obesity. Consuming foods rich in calories – burned through physical effort, even at
sugary products, excess of fats, gaseous persons without an excessive energetic
drinks with extra sweeteners– as well as contribution. The relation between obesity
the inappropriate hours for meals stand for and physical inactivity is bidirectional, the
the main causes of weight excess. In most weight surplus determining at its turn the
developed countries the consumption of decrease of appetite for physical effort.
hypercaloric foods is abundant. Their The lack of physical activity was proved to
availability in stores, fast food restaurants be an independent risk factor for
and their consumption at various social- cardiovascular diseases and sugar diabetes
cultural events favors the occurrence of type 2, increasing the risk of mortality.
obesity. The specificity of such eating behavior
In certain ethnic groups, the incidence of leads to obesity, its parameters being
obesity is increased due to the specific revealed in table 1 by the specialist
eating habits, partially conditioned by literature (16)

Classification of obesity following the deteriorations of eating behavior Table 1

Item Category IMC Type of
(kg/m2) obesity
1 Overweight under 18,5 -
2 Normal 18,5 – 24,9 -
3 Overweight 25,0 – 29,9 -
4 Obesity 30,0 – 34,9 I
5 Advanced obesity 35,0 – 39,9 II
6 Morbid obesity over 40,0 III

3.3. Psychological and social factors many categories of individuals with eating
behavior disorders, such as bulimia,
hyperphagia, excessive alcohol, excessive
Lifestyle and especially the eating
consumption of sugary products
behavior make many obese no longer be
(carbohydrate-craving), episodes of
able to control food impulses in response
excessive hunger, followed by increased
to stress, depression, loneliness, anger and
food intake, excessive night-eating.
other emotions. This theory is NOT agreed
by all specialists, since many people with Other psycho-social factors mentioned
normal weight have psychological by researchers (3) can also cause obesity -
problems without deteriorations of eating women during the pregnancy period,
behavior. Moreover, the obesity does not lactation, menopause - some drugs that
disappear once the psychological problems decrease the rate of metabolism, stimulate
are solved. On the other hand, there are the appetite and water retention (table 2); -
endocrine diseases (Table 3).

Medicines that may lead to overweight Table 2

Item Medication
1 Tricyclic antidepressants (amitriptyline, imipramine)
2 Antiepileptic (Carbamazepine, valproate)
3 Antipsychotic (haloperidol, chlorpromazine)
4 Corticosteroids
5 Beta-adrenergic blocking agents
6 Serotoninergic Antagonistic (cyproheptadine, magestrol)
7 Certain contraceptive steroids
8 Insulin, sulfonylurea agents, tiazolidindions)

Hormonal disorders that may lead to overweight Table 3

Item Endocrine disease Mechanism and manifestations
1 Cushing Syndrome Hypercortisolism and central-type obesity, which
occurs through the involvement of neuro-endocrin
pathways (leptin, corticotropin stimulating hormone,
neuropeptide Y) and the sympathetic nervous system
2 Hypothyroidism The metabolic rate decreases; it usually does not
cause significant excess weight
3 Polycystic ovary syndrome The increase in the circulating level of testosterone
and androstenedione and the decrease in the sex
hormones binding protein determine the central type
obesity and insulin resistance
4 Hypothalamic obesity It is characterized by affecting the appetite and the
hypothalamic centers of satiety

The complexity of psycho-social sense, Friedman would say that "people

factors leads to a de facto balance. In this have the illusion that they can control the
Bulletin of the Transilvania University of Braşov • Vol. 2 (51) - 2009 • Series II

quantity of food they consume and this is the lifestyle elements leading to profound
true for a short period of time, but in the deteriorations of eating behavior.
long term the biological drive to eat
enough and to regain normal weight almost
always overcome the control over

4. Conclusions

The eating behavior is linked to the

mechanisms of neuro-endocrine regulation
and in particular to leptin and ghrelin
hormones in the satiety - hungry relation.
Excess weight is not due to the thyroid
gland, but rather to the lifestyle. The leptin
- thyroid gland relationship influences the
basal metabolic rate, an eloquent example
being that of diets for loosing weight. The
excess of triglycerides in blood leads to
leptin resistance and to overweight. The
involvement of the adipose tissue in
endocrine processes allows us to
understand its role as an active organ.
Obesity, through an increased
concentration of leptin, is rather
characterized by leptin resistance; as for
the relation to insulin, further studies are
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