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Bulletin of the Transilvania University of Braşov • Vol.

2 (51) - 2009
Series II: Forestry • Wood Engineering • Agriculture and Food Engineering



Nazâru Ana-Maria 1, Bică Cristina Maria 1

Abstract: This paper underscores the importance of the internal conveying systems for
the optimal operation of the technological equipment, the hygienically-sanitary restrictions
as well as the environmental protection. The authors demonstrate that the use of the air
flow conveyance are in line with the European requirements, but requires at the same time
huge special energy consumptions. Trough the utilization, if possible, of the mechanical
conveying systems which lead to a decrease of these consumptions and implicitly of the
conversions costs. All researches keep sight to the mill production capacity, the flow sheet
organization (horizontally or vertically), the technological characteristics of the equipment

Key words: internal transportation, milling, hygienically-sanitary restrictions.

1. Introduction organization and internal transportation

solutions, which are necessary for technical -
Nowadays the milling technologies of wheat economical elements, but also to observe the
have been extremely performance in separating norms and the specific rules universal valid in
the endosperm from the cover and in improving milling industry.
the quality of bakery meal. Technical equipment
which participates in the milling process was 2. The Conveyers Used For Internal
permanently improved, manufacture lines were Transport in Cereals Mills
endowed with new equipments, so that the
modern mill is now an completely automatic Technical equipment used in milling process
assemble, computer coordinated, based on wheat was improved permanently, manufacture lines
characteristics, as input data and the output were addes with new equipments, so that the
characteristics can be also established according modern mills are an completely automatic
with the wanted flour quality and size. assemble, computer coordinated, in which based
The internal transport belongs to a category on wheat characteristics, as input size, there can
with very important activities in every unit be established the characteristics of the wanted
which hold or transport intangible assets, meal (output size), the remaining operations
essential for the production, for the sale and for being changed in technological system. In figure
the consumption. 1 is presented the principle scheme of wheat
The main characteristic of the internal milling technology.
transport represents the fact that this process In modern mills, where hygienic restriction
increases the cost of the finished products, while allows, for the internal transportation are used in
their value of usage remains the same. same time pneumatic transport with big energy
For this reason the present research is consumption, mechanical and gravitational
necessary with the main aim of finding the transportational. The mechanical transport can

Dept. of Food Products Engineering, Transilvania University of Braşov.
Bulletin of the Transilvania University of Braşov • Vol. 2 (51) - 2009 • Series II

be realized with many types of conveyers, which on the flow-sheet from most any mills, the
are chosen according to many criteria’s, but mechanical transport is used in old mills and
almost in any situation can be used two partial to new ones, and the pneumatic transport
constructive types, with different power is used in the mills builded after 1960’s and in
consumptions. The gravitational transport is met restyled mills.

Fig. 1. The main diagram of wheat milling technology

2.1 The gravitational transport of the etch angle of the screw and of the surface
The gravitational transport in mills represents
more than 60% from the vertical transport - from
up to down. With gravitational transport is
conveyed the fractions results to the passage of
sift, these fractions are re-conveyed to another
technological fazes. This transportation type is
made through pipelines made from different
materials (woods or blackboard from steel).
For the products to be transported through this
method it is necessary that etch angle of the
pipeline to be in concordance with the produce
Beside the proper etch angle, for a good Fig. 2. Gravitational spiral conveyer
operation, the pipelines must assure a perfect
tightness. The pipelines made from woods assure
2.2 The mechanical transport in the cereals
a good tightness than the pipelines from metals.
Through frequent changes step in the milling
diagram, the gravitational transport lines are
The vertical transportation with upraise
modified very often. With the direction changes it
advancing are realized with bucket elevator, and
is necessary to punch the bridging in the points of
one on the horizontal line with conveyer worm.
pass the pipelines through this, without damaged
The majority bucket elevator (Figure 3) used
the resistance system of the building.
in the milling process are made of wood, are
The transport installations used from the
drive from a centralized transmission, the cups
gravitational transport are the gravity spiral
have an elder opening and the discharge is done
conveyers (Figure 2) or the cradle type.
gravitational, excepted the bucket elevator from
These are format from many drop-forged
grit I, whereat the discharge is done mixed
fixed segments on a central soldier. The speed
(gravitational and centrifugal).
movement of the products depends on this size,
Ana-Maria Nazâru.: Optimizing the internal conveying systems in cereal mills

Bucket elevators are by far the most to the location, configuration, and capacity of the
hazardous equipment used in grain mills. Tests dust-collection system would also be valuable.
have shown that elevator legs routinely produce Other aspects of bucket elevators including basic
airborne dust levels exceeding the minimum design, reliability, and maintainability should be
explosive concentration. Although any location investigated from a system safety standpoint. The
where dust is present can be hazardous under possibility of removing the suspended dust
certain conditions, bucket elevators are should be considered.
exceptionally hazardous. The conveyer worm. The cradles of the
conveyer worm are made in most cases from
wood, with rectangular forms, the blades are
turnover in majority cases, and the diameter
doesn’t overstep 180…200 mm2.
The oscillatory tubes transport. In the mills
which manufactured the grific flour, in the place
of the conveyer worm is preferable to used
oscillatory tubes transport, to don't produces the
crumbliness and the modification of the
granulation of the products1.

Fig. 4. Oscillatory tubes conveyer

An oscillatory conveyer (Figure 4) is

composed in principle from the tube 1, the
Fig. 3. Bucket elevator actuator mechanism 2, the charging hole 3, the
outlet 4 and support oscillatory 5.
Development of specific preventive and
The transported products are trained on the
protective measures for bucket elevators should
move with the movement of the tube. On the first
be given high priority. Certain techniques, such
movement of the tube the products goes through
as the use of slow speed legs, appear
with he same distance, then, through the inertia,
advantageous and should be further developed.
the products are standing, and the tube is
The advantages of using plastic buckets to reduce
withdrawn. To the next movement of the tube, in
the chance of sparks should be evaluated, along
the first sense of the motions, the products get a
with the possible disadvantages associated with
new impulse through continuation motion come-
the addition of flammable materials, the
and-go of the tube, the products is moving
possibility of static charge buildup on plastic
continuously to the arrives at the outlet, whence
buckets, and the possibility of health hazards
leaving the equipment.
from the burning of plastic materials. The
Such as is seen in the figure 3, the tube is
advantages and disadvantages of PVC versus
hinge up of on oscillatory supports, inclined to
rubber belt material should be evaluated.
Investigation of internal dust levels with respect the vertical with an angle of 15…20° for the
Bulletin of the Transilvania University of Braşov • Vol. 2 (51) - 2009 • Series II

oscillation can be obtained on a inclined direction transportation through the absorption and
with same angle against the horizontal line. The jumping-up pipelines.
support must have a highly degree of elasticity, to Through circumstance as the most the milling
don't deteriorated. Usually is using the band steel enterprises are endowing with pneumatic
or beech bar, such like with one from the plane transport installations, so that it can be put in
sifting. function, it must respects certain rules. The
installation adjustment for no-load and in load
2.3 The pneumatic transport in the cereals operation, which is done through the opening of
mills the sliding dampers fan, for the necessary air
flow installations. After the adjustment in no-load
The conveying of the intermediary’s products and in load operation through the starting of the
obtaining from the milling process with help of evacuation air lock and seal-off the air lock, the
the air flow is named as pneumatic transport. starting of fan, of technological straight
The pneumatic transport of products obtained equipments of the flow-sheet, following the
from the milling process supplant for gradually transport products with help of the back-sight rig
the transport with bucket-type elevator and with up on the route of the pipelines above stairs of
helical conveyers. The pneumatic transport roll mill and to the evacuation from air lock.
proved the most efficient conveyance for this
products category. Among principally advantages 3. Hygienic - Sanitary and PSI Norms In The
can present: simultaneously with the transport is Cereals Mills
produced and the cooling of the machines and the
products as well as the dusting; intensified the From the category of the norms and the
process of sift; lessen the danger of fire; grow the specific rules of the milling industry do the part
space of circulation; improving the state of the rules hygienic and one of pollute average, a
products and the installations; lessen the danger case defended against a protective, he is one anti
of hurt workpeople’s; using the filters of pressure – explosive.
realize the equilibrium of the air inside out the
building, and in for of winter the superior mills
floors don't need the heating. 3.1 The hygienic rules in the cereals mills
To achieve the transport in eighth conditions
needs as that the products to accomplish the The procedures of general hygiene established
certain conditions: by elaboration the own program of hygienist and
for each line the products to be close as the shall be mention: the ground and the location
size and specific mass; units (the location food units is shall done apart
the particles have approximated the same the strong shivy places dust holes, slaughter-
humidity. houses, units of remaking cruel skins, sanitary
Mostly a pneumatic transport installation is groups the audiences); the appearance of the
consisting from the next components: the buildings; improvement general interior in
receiver of products, centrifugal air separator, air enterprise (paths of access and connection, the
lock, transportations lines, air main, pressure fan state walls, ceilings and floor covering,
and air strainer. luminance, compartments after functional must
The consummated energy, in the case of concerning the salubrious and insalubrious
pneumatic transport, is referee strictly on the fan circuits); sanitary annexes social (WC-s, cloak-
requisite power, which create the necessary air rooms, showers); the supply with undertook the
flows for the realization of the cereals source, the quality of the water, the state of
watery reserve etc.); the equipments and the
Ana-Maria Nazâru.: Optimizing the internal conveying systems in cereal mills

technological equipments; transports( clean 3.4 Antiexplosive protected rules in the cereals
advised conveyances hospital attendants, which mills
to protect the food products against
contamination); produced the feeding (the Because the milling industry is one of the
observance of the norms of hygiene for the prime most exhibited sub industry of food industry to
matters, sub products and finite produced the production of the blasts, this is due to respects
repertoire to the reception, the storage and these the rules considering the of a prevention
delivery, as well as the separate storage of incidents of this kinds.
dangerous uneatable substances); the personal Among these rules are enumerated:
hygiene and instruction personal hygienic; the •The leakage prevention of dusts from
operations of cleanness, wash and disinfectedequipments through a construction machines and
become compulsory components, distinctly andtight fittings, as well as the compulsory endowment
incorporate organic in the of a frame unitsevery machines can generate the dusts with systems
manufacture. aspiratory of the dust;
•The realization of tight equipments, operation in
3.2 The removal trash depression warned the elimination of the dust
outside their;
The removal trash (solid dreg with big a •The isolation of packing places in the shape of
potential of physical chemical contamination andboxes, and if this isn't feasibly, the installation of
bacteriological the foods, as much through directchimney hoods in right the jobs of thing;
how much contacts and indirect, through the •The avoiding stockade of the bags with flour in
crossing from the surfaces from the utensils,the rooms of production, in chief in one with rolls
equipments, from the hands of the workers onand site;
foods). •Maintain of a exemplary cleanness through the
The collection and the removal refuse, is donepermanent evacuation of the dust from floors, walls
in vessels with which lids is opened with linedand equipments, on the measure produce this;
pedal with sacks from plastic, tight. This is •The projection constructions of such the nature
thrown along with trash, and the vessels arethat in rooms to don't exists prominent, asperities
washed and are disinfected after depletion. and pillars, witch favorites the deposit of dust;
•The avoiding of the use of the water in the case
3.3 The own washing of appearing of a little fires, warned the formation of
clouds of dusts. The water can used only when the
This operation is specific submissive surfacesdust is deposited in film, preferred the pulverization
of the cleanness (for difficult of access places isfrom ceiling and the use of fittings type Sprinkler;
used the hose with warm water with terminal •Open the window panes, but matinees closed
head narrowed, as good as a feast of long anddoor, windows from the stairwell and elevator
easy of handled; for demountable equipments iswarned the propagation of the fire through these
disjointed all the innards components and isplaces, in whole room;
washed with different all attention the To remark that explosion of the mixed air and
dishevelment’s in which it can remain dirt; For dust have 2-3 stages. Initially triggers which
spaces of storage and pulverous equipments - outbreak initiation the second a blast much more
how is the case of the industry of the bakery and and after short time appears the third blast, all
milling - don't is used the washing with water but accompanist of a burning.
the aspiration of the dusts and erase damp). In take bake of the first tow blasts the burning
is in progress quick the fire propagated in
direction of the blends of dusts, the flames walk
Bulletin of the Transilvania University of Braşov • Vol. 2 (51) - 2009 • Series II

below the effect of the shock waves ale the

blasts. The temperature of about 500 ˚ C favors •The design of mills for grain milling must
spread of front’s flames. consider the internal conveying system of raw
The destructive effect of the blasts materials and products from and to various
demonstrated as much through the shock wave, technological installations, so that,
quotient and through heat developed, carry drives simultaneously with the assurance of a
to apparition of fires. The phenomena are with continuous working process, the
noises of different intensities depending on the environmental pollution and the dangers of
volume, fineness and concentration of the dust. explosions and fires should be avoided.
The fires from mills propagated with big •The most common internal conveying
speeds through openings of doors, gaps between systems are the gravitational, mechanical and
rooms and the planes, arriving apace feather to pneumatic ones as well as combinations of the
roof, through the stairwell. The fires generate three conveyers. Each of the above-mentioned
before apparition of the blasts are attribute of not systems presents advantages and
open flames. These are still more dangerous as disadvantages that recommend them to be
the sources of blast, because diffuse the big used in specific situations.
amounts of energy and persist much more in •The internal transport in milling industry is
average explosive than the sparks, the flames
mostly realized with the help of pneumatic
challenged on path electrical or of to sources of
transport, which is characterized by high
the nature the mechanics. In style of exploitation
flexibility and a relative simplicity.
normal of the equipments and a fitting, the open
flame appears in mills, and they are ascribable •Milling industry is always exposed to
exclusive of his negligent perturbations. explosions and fires due to dust released
The sources most fervently of generation of during milling grain. To avoid unpleasant
the blasts represent them the abstracted heats situations it is recommended to maintain strict
through the friction bearing to the idle running of hygienic and sanitary conditions, which are
the roll mill. broadly presented in the paper.
To these added the sparks generate by a
included metallic bodies between steam rollers.
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Ana-Maria Nazâru.: Optimizing the internal conveying systems in cereal mills

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