Rancangan Pengajaran Tahunan ICTL Tingkatan 1 2010

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s : 1 Hikmah, 1 Mahmudah, 1 Fathonah, 1 Amanah, 1 Hasanah


Introduction session + C !"#$%& '() &%*#'($+ , + L() &*(,+-($+ , + E$/+01 +, #1+,* 0 !"#$%& 3 I,$& 4#0$+ , $ 0 !"#$%&1 + Computer la rules + Handlin! "#uipment + $r!ani%ation chart + &ime ta le + 'o! ook + "thics o* computer usa!e + +nethical use o* computers + Cop,ri!ht + Cop,ri!ht -iolation + "-olution o* the computer + &,pes o* computers + 'istin! la rules + Creatin! la cleanin! schedule + Creatin! la or!ani%ation Chart + .iscussion a out ethical and unethical usa!e o* computers + Identi*, the e-olution o* Computer + Collectin! picture 0 ima!e o* -arious computer + 3ketch 5 main components o* computer + Assem le 5 main components + .ra1s and descri e data processin! c,cle + Collectin! picture o* computer components 5scrap ook6-(P& 8%0$ 1) + Assi!n asic computer 3ettin! + Assem le input and2 output de-ices into2 Computer + Current hard1are technolo!, 5Folio0 !roup2 discussion6 G& #" P&%1%,$($+ , P& 8%0$ 1 + Creatin!, rename, cop,in!, mo-in!, deletin!2 a *older + 3earchin! e8amples o* application so*t1are, operatin! s,stem and utilit, so*t1are 5Home1ork6

. 18 Jan ( )) Jan

2 )5 Jan ( )/ Jan

5 1 Fe ( 5 Fe 6 8 Fe ( 1) Fe 7 15 Fe ( 1/ Fe

3 C !"#$%& "(&$1 (,4 0 !" ,%,$1

+ $-er-ie1 o* computer2 s,stem + .ata processin! c,cle + .ata representati-e + 3,stem unit + 4eripheral + Input de-ices + $utput de-ices + 3tora!e de-ices

3 C !"#$%& "(&$1 (,4 0 !" ,%,$1

9 )) Fe ( )7 Fe

< 1 Mac ( 5 Mac

3 B(1+0 !(+,$%,(,0 % 3 T%0/, ' *: 4%;%' "!%, $

+ Handlin! input and output de-ices + Computer settin! + Current hard1are technolo!,

10 8 Mac ( 1) Mac

3 I,$& 4#0$+ , 3 O"%&($+,* 1:1$%! 3 U$+'+$: 1 =$>(&% 3 A""'+0($+ , 1 =$>(&%

+ .e*inition + &,pes o* so*t1are + File mana!ement + Installin! and uninstallin!

11 15 Mac ( 1/ Mac 12 )) Mac ( )7 Mac 1. )/ Mac ( ) Apr

MID TERM BREAK (FIRST SEMESTER) Sem 1 Test (24,25,26) W &4 "& 0%11+,* + Introduction S =$>(&% + 3tartin! 1ord processin! so*t (M+0& 1 =$ W &41) + Creatin! documents + "ditin! document + Identi*, user inter*ace + Creatin! simple document 5&,pin!2 e8ercise6 + &utorial and e8ercise (using toolbar, key in data, save new document, editing tools) + Creatin! simple poems 1ith orders and shadin! + &,pin! simple essa,s0 letter + &utorial and e8ercise (table and column) + Creatin! simple ta le + &utorial and e8ercise (Inserting word art. Clip art, adding color, auto shapes, text box and using 3D tyles) + Creatin! simple ook2 + Creatin! simple ook2 co-er0 rochures0

12 5 Apr ( / Apr 15 1) Apr ( 17 Apr 16 1/ Apr ( )9 Apr

17 )7 Apr ( 9: Apr

19 9 Ma, ( ; Ma,

4amphlets a out school pro!ram (P& 8%0$ 2) 1< 1: Ma, ( 14 Ma, 20 1; Ma, ( )1 Ma, 21 )4 Ma, ( )8 Ma, 22 91 Ma, ( 4 Jun 2. ; Jun ( 11 Jun 22 14 Jun ( 18 Jun 25 )1 Jun ( )5 Jun SEMESTER 1 E?AMINATION W &4 "& 0%11+,* S =$>(&% (M+0& 1 =$ W &41) MID YEAR BREAK + Introduction + 3tartin! 3preadsheet so*t + Creatin! 1orksheet + Identi*, user inter*ace + Creatin! ne1 document + Insertin! data into cell + 3a-e 1orksheet + &utorial and e8ercise (cell, row, column,! toolbar, cut, paste, delete,! borders, printing area)) + Creatin! simple ta le ("y everyday schedule) +&utorial and e8ercise (sum, average, lookup, #lookup) + Creatin! simple ta le ("y monthly expenditure) + &utorial and e8ercise (percentage and ranking, charts) + Creatin! chart and !raph2 *rom the pre-ious ta le + &utorial and e8ercise + Creatin! classroom time ta les (P& 8%0$ .) + Creatin! classroom time ta les (P& 8%0$ .) G& #" P&%1%,$($+ , P& 8%0$ + Analo!, o* steps in Multimedia .e-elopment + Identi*, user inter*ace + &utorial and e8ercise (using toolbar,! drawing bar, slide! design, slide layout) + Creatin! *ront pa!e presentation + &utorial and e8ercise (enter text, insert picture, textbox, word art, color background and save new! presentation) + Creatin! ne8t pa!e presentation P& 8%0$ 2 G& #" P&%1%,$($+ , P& 8%0$

26 )8 Jun ( ) Jul

27 5 Jul ( / Jul

S"&%(41/%%$ S =$>(&% (M+0& 1 =$ E@0%') + "ditin! 1orksheet

29 1) Jul ( 17 Jul 2< 1/ Jul ( )9 Jul .0 )7 Jul ( 9: Jul .1 ) Au! ( 7 Au! .2 / Au! ( 19 Au! .. 17 Au! ( ): Au!

SEMESTER 2 TEST + Concept o* Multimedia + 3teps in Multimedia .e-elopment + Introduction to presentation so*t1are + 3tartin! presentation2 so*t1are

.2 )9 Au! ( ); Au!

P&%1%,$($+ , S =$>(&% (M+0& 1 =$ P >%&P +,$)

.5 9: Au! ( 9 3ep

+ Creatin! presentation + "ditin! presentation

.6 7 3ep ( 1: 3ep .7 19 3ep ( 1; 3ep .9 ): 3ep ( )4 3ep P&%1%,$($+ , S =$>(&% (M+0& 1 =$ P >%&P +,$)

MID TERM BREAK (SEMESTER 2 A RAYA) REPLACEMENT BREAK (RAYAA TYTA EVENT) + "ditin! presentation + &utorial and e8ercise (Insert sound and movie) + Creatin! ne8t pa!e presentation + &utorial and e8ercise (custom animation, slide transition, slide design, button and hyperlink) + Creatin! link utton2 and appl,in! animation2 and transition into2 + Creatin! 4resentation a out M, Fa-orite Athletes0 'eaders0 Artist + Creatin! 4resentation a out M, Fa-orite

.< ); 3ep ( 1 $ct

2 0 4 $ct ( 8 $ct 21 11 $ct ( 15 $ct

22 18 $ct ( )) $ct 2. )5 $ct ( )/ $ct 22 1 <o- ( 5 <o25 8 <o- ( 1) <o26 15 <o- ( 1/ <o22 N ; 10 1 B(, 11 $$ % period a week

Athletes0 'eaders0 Artist (P& 8%0$ 2) G& #" P&%1%,$($+ , P& 8%0$ R%;+1+ , FINAL YEAR E?AMINATION (2< O0$ 11 R%='%0$+ , SCHOOL HOLIDAY

&repared by' ROSIADI BIN TAJUDIN SMK GADONG BEAUFORT ( ub)ect*s +eacher (

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