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Prestressed Concrete Structures Dr. A. K. Sengupta Department of Civil Engineering Indian Institute of Technology, !

ecture " #$ T%o"%ay Sla&s 'Part () Welcome back to the prestressed concrete structures. This is the third lecture of module nine on special topics. In this lecture, we shall study two-way slabs. (Refer Slide Time: !:"#$ adras

%irst, we shall introduce the different types of two-way slabs& ne't, we shall learn about the analysis of two-way slabs. Then, we shall mo(e on to the features in modellin) and analysis& what are the different aspects in the two-way slabs which are different from that of one-way slabs and then, we shall mo(e on to the distribution of moments to the strips in the two-way slabs.

(Refer Slide Time: *: $

When a rectan)ular slab is supported on all the sides and the len)th-to-breadth ratio is less than *, it is considered to be a two-way slab. The slab spans in both the ortho)onal directions. What we had seen last time for a one-way slab is that we desi)n the slab for only one direction and in the trans(erse direction, we pro(ide nominal reinforcement. +ut for two-way slabs it has to be desi)ned for both the directions. , circular slab or other types of rectan)ular slabs with different types of support condition which do not fall in to the cate)ory of one-way slab, are considered as a two-way slab. That is a rectan)ular slab which is supported on three sides or the two ad-acent sides are also cate)ori.ed under two-way slabs.

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Rectan)ular two-way slabs can be di(ided in to the followin) types. %irst, flat plates these slabs do not ha(e beams between the columns, drop panels or column capitals. There may be spandrel beams at the ed)es. /et us first know these terms a bit more properly. If a column has a flared portion at its top, that is called a column capital and if the slab is thickened around the column, it is called drop panel. In a flat plate, there are no beams, no drop panels or column capitals. There may be some beams at the ed)es at the e'terior of the buildin) and those beams are called spandrel beams. These are called by a special name because it needs to be desi)ned for torsion. The second type of two-way slabs is the flat slabs. These slabs do not ha(e beams but they ha(e drop panels or column capitals. Thus, the difference between a flat plate and a flat slab is that a flat plate does not ha(e e(en column capitals or drop panels, but a flat slab has those in the buildin). The third type is the two-way slabs with beams. There are beams between the columns. If the beams are wide and shallow, they are called band beams. That means, a two-way slab with beams has beams runnin) in between the columns and if those beams are shallow and wide then these are called as band beams.

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%or lon) span construction, there are ribs in both the directions and these types of slabs are called waffle slabs. The slabs can be cast-in-situ which is also called cast-in-place. 1lse, the slabs can be precast at )round le(el and lifted to the final hei)ht. These types of slabs are called lift slabs. This is a modern construction method where to reduce the amount of the form work, the slabs are cast at the )round le(el and then they are -acked up to their final hei)ht and these types of slabs are called lift slabs. , slab in a framed buildin) can be a two-way slab dependin) upon its len)th-to-breadth ratio. Two-way slabs are also present as mat or raft foundation. It is )i(en a buildin) plan. %irst as a desi)ner, we ha(e to identify which slabs are one-way slabs and which slabs are two-way slabs. If the slabs are supported on all the four sides, then the decision is based on the len)th-to-breadth ratio. Two-way slabs are not only present as floors or roofs& they are also present as mat or which is also known as raft foundation. In this lecture, I focus only on the floor and roof slabs.

(Refer Slide Time: #: $

In this fi)ure you can see the different types of two-way slabs, rectan)ular two-way slabs. In the first fi)ure, it is a flat plate where there are no column capitals or drop panels. The slab is supported only on the columns at the four corners. The second type is the flat slab where there are drop panels or column capitals. The third type is a two-way slab with beams, where the beams are hi)hli)hted by the dashed lines. The arrows are spannin) in both the directions to represent that it is the two-way slabs, spannin) in both the ortho)onal directions and hence they are to be desi)ned for both the directions. / represents the len)th, which is the lar)er hori.ontal dimension and + represents the breadth, which is the shorter hori.ontal dimension.

(Refer Slide Time: 2: "$

The absence of beams in flat slabs and flat plates lead to the followin) ad(anta)es. %irst, formwork is simpler. Second is reduced obstruction to ser(ices. In present day buildin)s, there are heatin), (entilation and air-conditionin) ducts and for con(enience, to a(oid any obstruction for the ducts, flat slab or flat plate construction is adopted. The third ad(anta)e is more fle'ibility in interior layout and future refurbishment. That means, once the buildin) has been made then, the client has his3her own choice to layout the interior of the space. 4ow, this is more con(enient if the buildin) is made up of flat slabs or flat plates.

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Two-way slabs can be post tensioned. The main ad(anta)e of prestressin) a slab is the increased span-to-depth ratio. ,s per ,7I "!2- *, which is the buildin) code re8uirements for structural concrete published by the ,merican concrete institute, the limits of span-to-depth ratios are as follows. %or floors, it is 6* and for roofs, it is 62. The (alues can be increased to 62 and 0* respecti(ely, if the deflection, camber and (ibration are not ob-ectionable. Thus, we see that the main ad(anta)e of prestressin) a two-way slab is to increase span-to-depth ratio. The span-to-depth ratio of a prestressed slab is much hi)her compared to a con(entional two-way slab.

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The followin) photo)raphs show some typical types and the construction of the prestressed two-way slabs. (Refer Slide Time ! :*5$

In this photo)raph, we can see a post tensioned flat plate after construction. We can notice that there are no column capitals or drop panels and see that the bottom of the slab

is completely flat. That means this type of construction does not create any obstruction for the ser(ice conduits. (Refer Slide Time: !!: $

In this fi)ure, we can see a post tensioned flat slab where there is a drop panel. 9ou can see that the slab has been thickened around the columns and in other columns also, you can notice the drop panel. :ere also for most of the areas, the bottom surface of the slab is flat and hence, this type of construction also creates much less obstructions to the ser(ice conduits.

(Refer Slide Time: !!:""$

This is the construction of a prestressed flat plate. We can notice the sil(er ducts and the ducts for the prestressin) tendency and they ha(e been )i(en appropriate profile for placin) of the tendons which is based on the desi)n of the flat slab. ,lso, you notice that non-prestressed reinforcement is pro(ided in both the directions for the temperature and shrinka)e effects. ,round the columns, there are additional reinforcements to transfer the shear and also to transfer the moment from the slab to the columns. Two-way slab desi)n needs special attention and hence it stands out as compared to a one-way slab.

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This is a closer (iew of the reinforcement around the slab-to-column -unction. 9ou can see that ducts ha(e been spaced closely around the columns and also the reinforcement is much hi)her around the slab-to-column -unction which helps to transfer the shear that )enerates in this -unction. (Refer Slide Time: !": 5$

This photo)raph shows the reinforcement at the anchora)e end of the prestressin) tendons. +urstin) links are pro(ided to resist the stress concentration that is )enerated after the prestressin) operation. ,lso note the spandrel beam which runs alon) the ed)e of the slab and this spandrel beam is desi)ned for torsion. :ence, the links of the stirrups that are pro(ided in the span-beam are closed. That means there is a complete circulatory for torsion in the spandrel beams. (Refer Slide Time: !":0;$

This is the detailin) of the other end, which is the dead end and see how the tendons has been enlar)ed to create the anchora)e at dead end. :ere also you can notice the spandrel beam with closed stirrups and also you can notice the reinforcement to check the burstin) due to the concentration of stresses.

(Refer Slide Time: !6:*2$

<nce the concrete is caused and it attains a desired stren)th then, the slab is posttensioned by hydraulic -acks. In this photo)raph, you can see that the hydraulic -ack has been placed at the side of the slab and the tendons are bein) stretched by this -ack to the re8uired amount of prestressin) force (Refer Slide Time: !0: *$

,fter the stretchin) of the tendons, you can notice that they ha(e anchored in the anchora)e block. 9ou can see the wed)es that are holdin) the tendons in place and this anchora)e block is transferrin) the prestress from the tendons to the concrete. (Refer Slide Time: !0:""$

4e't we are mo(in) on to the analysis of two-way slabs. The analysis of two-way slabs is )i(en in section "!, IS: 60;-* , under =%lat Slabs>. The analysis is applicable to flat plates, flat slabs and two-way slabs with deflectin) beams. If the beams are sufficiently stiff, then the method which is based on moment coefficients )i(en in ,nne' ? of IS: 60;-* , is applicable for two-way slabs with beams. Thus if it is a flat plate or a flat . +ut if we ha(e a two-way slab with slab, then we follow section "! of IS: 60;-*

beams, then we ha(e to make a decision based on the stiffness of the beams. If the beams are not stiff enou)h and if the beams are also considered to be deflectin) then we should adopt section "!, which is similar to flat slabs. If the beams are sufficiently stiff then we can ne)lect their deflection in the analysis of slabs and then we can adopt the method based on coefficients which is )i(en ,nne' ? of IS: 60;-* .

In this lecture, we shall co(er the method for flat slabs and flat plates, and for two-way slabs, deflectin) a beam which is )i(en in section "! of IS: 60;-* .

(Refer Slide Time: !#: 2$

%or prestressed two-way slabs, the e8ui(alent frame method is recommended by ,7I "!2- *. It is )i(en in section "!.0 of IS: 60;-* . This method is briefly co(ered in this , there are * module for flat plates and flat slabs. The direct desi)n method of a two-way slab is not recommended for prestressed slabs. In section "! of IS: 60;-* methods )i(en. <ne is the direct desi)n method, which is the simpler method and it is applicable for a reinforced two-way slabs if certain conditions are satisfied. %or prestressed two-way slabs the second method, which is called the e8ui(alent frames method is recommended. This recommendation comes from the buildin) code re8uirement published by the ,merican concrete institute and it is denoted as ,7I "!2*.

(Refer Slide Time: !2:*;$

The slab system is represented by a series of * dimensional e8ui(alent frames for each spannin) direction. ,n e8ui(alent frames alon) a column line is a slice of the buildin) bound by the centre lines of the bays ad-acent to the column line. ,s the name su))ests, the e8ui(alent frame method is based on definin) e8ui(alent frame in each ortho)onal direction. ?ependin) upon the number of types of frame in each direction, the buildin) is analy.ed for each frame and then the reinforcement is decided based on the analysis of each frame.

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The width of the e8ui(alent frame is di(ided into column strip and two middle strips. The column strip, which we denote as 7S, is the central half of the e8ui(alent frame. 1ach middle strip, which we shall denote as @S, consists of the remainin) portions of two ad-acent e8ui(alent frames. In the followin) fi)ure, we shall use l ! as a span of the e8ui(alent frame in a bay& l* as the width of the e8ui(alent frame. This is the tributary width for calculatin) the loads. (Refer Slide Time: * : $

/et us try to understand the concept of e8ui(alent frame by the sketch. ,s I ha(e told before, the e8ui(alent frame is defined in each ortho)onal direction. That means in this fi)ure, once we see the plan we identify a column line& say, in this case we ha(e identified the column line * and for the column line *, we are definin) an e8ui(alent frame which is spannin) in the direction of the column line. The span in a certain bay is denoted as l! and the width of the e8ui(alent frame is denoted as l*. The width runs from the central line of one bay to the central line of another bay. The shaded part is the e8ui(alent frame alon) column line *. The e8ui(alent frame is further di(ided into a column strip, which is the central half of the e8ui(alent frame around the column line and the two portions which lies outside the column strip, are referred to as middle strips. 4ote that each middle strip consists of two portions from two ad-acent frames, that is, the middle strip on the left has one part from the e8ui(alent frame alon) column line ! and it has another part from the e8ui(alent frame alon) column line *. This is the first way to define an e8ui(alent frame, )i(en the buildin) plan. (Refer Slide Time: *!:62$

<nce we ha(e defined the e8ui(alent frame in the plan, we also see the e8ui(alent frame in the ele(ation. The ele(ation depends on the number of storeys and it also depends on

whether there are any bricks in the columns or not. 4ow, )i(en this e8ui(alent frame, we start the analysis. (Refer Slide Time: **:!;$

The analysis is done for each typical e8ui(alent frame. ,n e8ui(alent frame is modelled by slab-beam members and e8ui(alent columns. The e8ui(alent frame is analy.ed for )ra(ity load and lateral load, if re8uired, by computer or simplified hand calculations. 4e't, the ne)ati(e and positi(e moments at the critical sections of the slab-beam members are distributed alon) the trans(erse direction. This pro(ides the desi)n moments per unit width of the slab. The procedure is, once we ha(e defined the e8ui(alent frame, we analy.e the e8ui(alent frame for the )ra(ity load which is dead load, li(e load or if there is no load at the roof& we may also analy.e lateral loads like wind or earth8uake. ,fter the analysis is done we find out the moment in the critical section, we find out the moments in the span, we find out the moments in the support. <nce we find out the moments we distribute the moments throu)hout the width of the e8ui(alent frame from which we calculate the moment per unit width of the slab. While buildin) the e8ui(alent frame we need to define the slab beam members which are the hori.ontal members and the e8ui(alent columns which are the (ertical members. If

the analysis is restricted to )ra(ity loads only, then a simplified method of analysis can be followed. In this sketch, we find that the columns are assumed to be fi'ed to the remote ends. (Refer Slide Time: *6:!"$

That means, for a particular flow le(el we can analy.e that by itself and what we assume is that the columns at the far ends from that floor are fi'ed& that means we are not considerin) any influence from the loads of other floors on the moments of this floor. <nce we analy.e a typical floor like this, it )i(es the result for most of our floors because usually the loadin) is similar for many floors and hence our calculation )ets much simpler as compared to the complete frame.

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The steps for analysis of a two slabs are as follows. %irst, under the loads, determine the factored ne)ati(e and positi(e moment demands at the critical section in a slab-beam member from the analysis of an e8ui(alent frame. The ne)ati(e moment will be denoted as @u minus and the positi(e moment denoted as @ u plus. Thus, once we ha(e analy.ed an e8ui(alent frame, we )et these two moments. 4e't, distribute @u minus to the column strip and the middle strip. The column strip moment will be denoted as @ u minus 7S and the middle strip moment will be denoted as @ u minus @S. Similar, to @u minus, we also distribute a positi(e moment @u plus to the column strip and the middle strip and those are denoted as @u plus 7S and @u plus @S, respecti(ely.

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Third if there is a beam in the column line in the spannin) direction, distribute each of @ u minus 7S and @u plus 7S between the beam and the rest of the column strip. This is the special case. If we ha(e beams alon) the spannin) direction for two-way slabs with deflectin) beams, in that case, the column strip moment is di(ided into the portion that )oes to the beam in the spannin) direction and the portion which )oes to the rest of the column strip. The fourth step is to add the moments @u minus @S and @u plus @S for the two portions of the middle strip which are from ad-acent e8ui(alent frames. We ha(e calculated the middle strip moments for one e8ui(alent frame. We can calculate the middle strip moment from the ad-acent e8ui(alent frame and since the middle-strip consists of two portions from the two e8ui(alent frames, we add these two moments and )et the total moment o(er the middle strip. %ifth, calculate the desi)n moments per unit width of the column strip and middle strip. Thus, once we )et the total moments actin) in a column-strip and the middle-strip and )i(en their width, we can find out what is the moment per unit width of the column strip and middle strip and based on the moment per unit width, we can desi)n the reinforcement.

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<nce the desi)n moments per unit width of the column strip and middle strip are known the steps of desi)n for prestressin) steel is same as that for one-way slab. The profile of the tendons is selected similar to that for continuous beams. We had studied how to desi)n the prestressin) steel for a one-way slab. %or a two-way slab once we know the desi)n moments per unit width, then the desi)n is similar to that of one-way slab and the selection of the cable profile is similar to continuous beams that we had studied earlier. The fle'ural capacity of prestressed slab is controlled by total amount of prestressin) steel and prestress rather than by tendon distribution. Still some )uidelines are )i(en on the tendon distribution. It has been found that the fle'ural capacity of a slab is )o(erned by the total amount of the prestressin) tendons and the prestressin) force. That means it is independent of the distribution of the prestressin) tendons. :ence, there is fle'ibility in placin) the prestressin) tendons but still there are some )uidelines to distribute the tendons.

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The ma'imum spacin) of tendons or )roups of tendons should be limited to 2 times h or !.0 meters, whiche(er is less. :ere, h is the thickness of the slab. Thus, the ma'imum spacin) of tendons or )roups of tendons should be 2 times the thickness of the slab or !.0 meter, whiche(er is less. , minimum of * tendons shall be pro(ided in each direction, throu)h the critical section for punchin) shear around the column. The critical section shall be described in the ne't module. We had seen that around the column that area is sub-ected to hi)her reinforcement and it is recommended that at least two )roups of tendons should pass throu)h the critical section around the slab to column -unction. The definition of critical section will be co(ered in the ne't continuin) module. Aroupin) of tendons if permitted in band beams& that is the purpose ha(in) a wide beam is to accommodate the tendons in its width.

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, minimum amount of non-prestressed reinforcement is pro(ided in each direction based on temperature and shrinka)e re8uirement. ,s per IS:60;-* slab is )i(en as follows. ,st,min is e8ual to .!0B times ! steel and ,st,min is e8ual to .!*B times ! ! , clause *;.0.*.!, the minimum amount of reinforcement which is ,st,min in millimeter s8uare, for unit width of times h, for %e *0 )rade of times h, for %e 6!0 )rade of steel. :ere, we

are considerin) a unit width of the slab in each direction and hence the breadth is e8ual to millimeters and the reinforcement is based on the total cross-section of the unit width of the slab. 4e't, we are describin) features in modellin) and analysis of an e8ui(alent frame.

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%irst is the )ross section (ersus cracked section. The difficulty in a reinforced concrete structure is that the sections may become cracked if the load e'ceeds the ser(ice loads. The chances of crackin) are reduced when the slabs are prestressed. The code allows us to use the )ross cross-section instead of the cracked section which is difficult to find out. Thus for determinin) the stiffness of the members, )ross section can be considered in place of cracked section. When we are de(elopin) a model in computer, we ha(e to assi)n the stiffness of the slab beam members and the column members. We can assi)n the )ross sectional properties and if we are consistent throu)hout the buildin) then, the forces do not make any difference if you ha(e assi)ned cracked section properties. Since, the )ross cross-section properties are easier to calculate, the code allows us to use the )ross section properties.

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Second is the concept of e8ui(alent column. The actual column needs to be replaced by an e8ui(alent column to consider the fle'ibility of the trans(erse beam in the rotation of the slab. The portions of the slab in the middle strip rotate more than the portions in the column strip because of the torsional deformation of the trans(erse beam. (Refer Slide Time: "":00$

/et us understand this by a sketch. This is a sketch of a slab-to-column -unction and we ha(e split to show the beha(iour across the width of e8ui(alent frame. The arrows represent the rotation in the slab. If you are closer to the columns, then the rotation is less. ,s we are mo(in) out from the column, the rotation increases. Thus, the fle'ibility in the slab is more away from the columns than closer to the columns. (Refer Slide Time: "0: #$

To account of this increased fle'ibility, as we mo(e out from the column an e8ui(alent column is defined in place of the actual column. The trans(erse beam need not be a (isible beam, but a part of the slab in the trans(erse direction bounded by the ed)es of the column or column capital. In presence of beam or drop panel or column capital, the cross-section of the modelled trans(erse beam is taken as follows.

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In this sketch, we are seein) the cross-section of the trans(erse beam that is considered. ,s I said, the trans(erse beam need not be a (isible beam. It can be a part of the slab which is bound by the column. In this fi)ure, in the ri)ht hand side there is no (isible beam, but the modelled trans(erse beam is the part of the slab which is bound between the column faces. In the middle one, there is a column capital and a drop panel and we see that the part of the drop panel which is bound within the column capital is selected as the trans(erse beam. In the first fi)ure, there is a (isible trans(erse beam and if there is a trans(erse beam then we also consider a part of the slab to be a part of the trans(erse beam& this part of the slab is determined by a 60 de)ree pro-ection of this outstandin) part of the trans(erse beam. Thus once we are able to identify the trans(erse beam, we can find out the properties of the e8ui(alent column.

(Refer Slide Time: ";:6"$

The fle'ibility of the e8ui(alent column is e8ual to the sum of the fle'ibilities of the actual column and the trans(erse beam. This is the basic idea of definin) the e8ui(alent column that we are addin) up the fle'ibilities of the column and the trans(erse beam in the rotation of the slab to column -unction. ! by Cec is e8ual to ! by si)ma Cc plus ! by Ct. :ere, we are addin) the fle'ibilities to consider the increased rotation of the slab as we mo(e away from the column. C ec is e8ual to the fle'ural stiffness of the e8ui(alent column, si)ma Cc e8ual to Cc,upper plus Cc,lower, where Cc,upper is the fle'ural stiffness of the upper column, Cc,lower is the fle'ural stiffness of the lower column and Ct is the torsional stiffness of the trans(erse beam. Thus, what we see in this e'pression is in the addin) up of fle'ibilities which is the in(erse of stiffness. C c is the fle'ural stiffness of a column and Ct is the torsional stiffness of the trans(erse beam. When we appropriately add the fle'ibility, we )et the fle'ibility of the e8ui(alent column from which we calculate the stiffness of the e8ui(alent column. ,n appro'imate e'pression for the fle'ural stiffness of a column Cc is )i(en as follows.

(Refer Slide Time: "2:*;$

Cc is e8ual to 6 1c times Ic di(ided by / minus * h. This is (ery close to the e'pression that we learnt from the slope deflection methods in basic structure analysis. 1 c is the modulus of the concrete, / is the len)th of the column, h is the thickness of the slab and Ic is the moment of the inertia of the column. Thus, we ha(e an e'pression of the fle'ural stiffness of a column which we can apply to the upper column and the lower column. (Refer Slide Time: "5: 2$

,n appro'imate e'pression for the torsional stiffness of the trans(erse beam, C t is )i(en below. Ct is e8ual to 5 times 1c times 7 di(ided by I* times, within bracket, ! minus 7* di(ided by l*. :ere, 7 is the e8ui(alent polar moment of inertia of trans(erse beam, 7 * is the dimension of the column in the trans(erse direction, l* is the width of the e8ui(alent frame. (Refer Slide Time: "5:0*$

%or a rectan)ular section the e'pression of 7 is )i(en below. 4ote that 7 is the 8uantity, which is analo)ues to the polar moment of inertia for a circular section. %or a rectan)ular section such a 8uantity is difficult to define e'actly and an appro'imate e'pression is )i(en as follows. 7 is e8ual to the summation of, within the bracket, ! minus .;" times ' di(ided by y times ' cube times y di(ided by ". The summation is taken o(er the component rectan)les of a compound section which we shall come later& but let us first understand what is ' and y. :ere, ' and y are the smaller and lar)er dimensions of the trans(erse beam for a particular rectan)le. The e'pression of 7 is a lower bound estimate, that is, the calculated (alue is always lower than the actual moment of inertia of the trans(erse beam. ,)ain as I said, this is an appro'imate e'pression of a 8uantity which is e8ui(alent to the polar moment of inertia for a circular section.

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When we ha(e a compound section, we make a summation o(er the indi(idual rectan)les to find out the (alue of 7. The splittin) of the compound section into component rectan)les should be such so as to ma'imi.e the (alue of 7. ,s I said that 7 is anyhow lower bound& that means, the actual (alue cannot be lower than the (alue calculated based on the indi(idual rectan)les. :ence, we can di(ide a compound section in such a way that we can )et the ma'imum (alue of 7, which anyhow will be lower than the true (alue. %or the followin) two cases of splittin), select the lar)er (alue of 7. Thus, if we ha(e an / shaped trans(erse beam then we can either split it into two rectan)les as shown on the left or we can split into two rectan)les which is on the ri)ht. 4ow for each rectan)le, we ha(e to identify ' and y which are the smaller and lar)er dimensions, respecti(ely& place those (alues in the e'pression, take the summation and calculate the (alue of 7. <nce we ha(e )ot the (alue of 7 for both the schemes of splittin), we pick up the (alue which is hi)her. Thus, once we calculate 7 and the other )eometric properties we can find out the trans(erse beam stiffness, the torsion stiffness, which is denoted as Ct.

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If there is a beam in the column strip in the spannin) direction, then Ct is replaced by Ct times Isb di(ided by Is. :ere, Is is the moment of inertia of slab without the pro-ectin) portion of the beam as shown in the shaded area in fi)ure a. That is, in this fi)ure whate(er has been shaded in the cross-section of the slab beam member without the pro-ectin) beam is considered to calculate Is and Ise is the moment of inertia of slab considerin) it as a T-section& shaded area in fi)ure b and I sb considers the full crosssection of the slab beam member. Thus, if there are beams in between the column lines which may be present in a two-way slab with deflectin) beams, in that case we reduce C t to consider the fle'ibility of the beam also and it is chan)ed proportionately.

(Refer Slide Time: 66:""$

Third, we are definin) the slab beam members. The (ariation of the fle'ural moment of inertia of a slab beam member is considered as follows. The (alue of the moment of inertia is constant, say e8ual to I!, in the prismatic portion& that is, in between the faces of the columns or column capitals or drop panels. It is also constant, with a different (alue in the re)ion of a drop panel. , slab beam member is the hori.ontal member& its fle'ural stiffness is different in the span as compared to the (alues in the drop panel. (Refer Slide Time: 60:**$

What (alues to be picked up is recommended by the code. Since the moment of inertia (aries in the re)ion from the face of the column or column capital to the center line of the column, it is appro'imated to a constant (alue e8ual to the followin). I* di(ided ! minus 7*, di(ided by l* the whole s8uared. :ere, I* is the (alue at the face of the column or column capital. (Refer Slide Time: 60:00$

/et us understand the recommendation by the help of a sketch. The top fi)ure is the ele(ation of an e8ui(alent frame at a particular flow le(el within a bay and we see that the fle'ural moment of inertia is (aryin) alon) the span of the slab beam member. In the middle re)ion, it is constant to a (alue of I!& near the drop panels it has a (alue of I* and from the face of the column capital to the center line of the column it (aries. The code says that in this re)ion from the phase of the column capital to the center of the column, we can consider fle'ural moment of inertia e8ual to I * di(ided by ! minus 7* by l* whole s8uared. Thus, for this particular case, you ha(e " (alues of the moment of inertia for the slab beam member: I!, I* and finally, a (alue which is from the face of the column capital to the center line of the column.

(Refer Slide Time: 6#:!5$

The fourth point is the arran)ement of li(e load. Since the factored li(e load W u,,// may not occur uniformly in all the spans in a floor, a distribution is considered to )enerate the ma'imum (alues of the ne)ati(e and positi(e moments at the critical section. When we are applyin) the )ra(ity load, we ha(e to be careful that if the li(e load should be placed uniformly or not. The dead load can be placed as is )i(en for the member section but the li(e load may not be uniform throu)hout the span and for the different spans in the e8ui(alent frame.

(Refer Slide Time: 62: 0$

The coded recommendation is, if the distribution of W u,// is known, then the load is applied accordin)ly. If the distribution is not known, then a pattern loadin) is considered based on the (alue of Wu,// with respect to that of the factored dead load W u,?l. The load case with Wu, // on all the spans should be also analy.ed. (Refer Slide Time: 62:"#$

/et us understand this with the help of a sketch. %or the li(e load to be less than three 8uarters of the dead load, which is the case for most of the buildin)s, the possible (ariation in Wu, // in the different spans is ne)lected. Thus, the li(e load can be applied uniformly only if the li(e load is less than three 8uarters of the dead load. In this sketch, you see that the li(e load has been applied uniformly in all the spans and we are the member with that loadin) scheme. (Refer Slide Time: 65:!2$

If the li(e load e'ceeds three 8uarters of the dead load, that means, the li(e load is substantially hi)h then, for ma'imum moment of @u plus in a span three 8uarters of Wu,// is applied on the span and alternate spans. %or e'ample, if the ma'imum (alue of @u plus in span +7 of the frame below is to be determined, then three fourth of W u,,// is placed in spans +7 and ?1. That means, if we are lookin) for the mid-span moment of +7, we shall place the li(e load in +7 and alternate span like ?1. The (alue of the li(e load is three fourth of the li(e load comin) in the tributary width, which is W u,,// times l*. %or ma'imum (alue of @u minus near the support, three fourth Wu, // is applied on the ad-acent spans only. %or e'ample, if the ma'imum (alue of @ u minus near support + is to be determined, then three fourth Wu, // in placed in spans ,+ and +7. Thus, if you are lookin) for the ne)ati(e moment at the support, we place the li(e load only on the

ad-acent spans. Thus, we ha(e placed the li(e loads in ,+ and +7 only& this may )i(e a critical (alue of the ne)ati(e moment at +. We also ha(e to analy.e the case where the li(e load is uniformly placed in all the spans. That is, from this load conditions we find out the ma'imum (alues of the positi(e moments in the span and the ne)ati(e moments in the support and these ma'imum (alues are called en(elope (alues from which we desi)n our slab. (Refer Slide Time: 0!:" $

The fifth consideration is the definin) the critical section near a support. The critical section is determined as follows. ,t an interior support, it is the face of support which is the column or column capital if any, but not further than .!#0 l ! from the center line of the column. %or an e'terior support, it is at a distance from the face of column not )reater than half the pro-ection of the column capital, if any.

(Refer Slide Time: 0*:"6$

4e't, we understand the distribution of moments in the two strips, column strips and middle strips. In absence of ri)orous analysis, say, finite element analysis, the procedure for reinforced concrete slabs may be used to distribute the moments @ u plus and @u minus to the column strip and middle strip. ,7I "!2- * does not recommend the procedure to be used for prestressed slabs. Thus, we can use this procedure of distributin) the moments with caution. It is preferred that we do a more (i)orous analysis to find out the moments in the column strip and the middle strip.

(Refer Slide Time: 0*:00$

The first is that the distribution of @u minus and interior support is as follows. %or the column strip, it is #0B of @u minus& for the middle strip on the two sides, total moment is *0B of the @u minus. Remember that @u minus @S is the total ne)ati(e moment in the two middle strips in the * sides. (Refer Slide Time: 0":06$

%or distribution of @u minus at e'terior support, if the width of the column or wall support is less than three 8uarters of l*, then @u minus 7S is the total moment at the support which is @u minus and the moment in the middle strip is . If the width of the column of wall support is )reater than three fourth l*, then @u minus is uniformly distributed alon) the width l*. Thus, dependin) on the width of the column with respect to the width of the e8ui(alent frame, we decide upon whether the full ne)ati(e moment should come to the e'terior column or not. (Refer Slide Time: 06: 2$

Third is a distribution of @u plus at mid-span. The column strip )ets ; B of the positi(e moment and the middle strip )ets 6 B of the positi(e moment. ,)ain, note that for the middle strip, the @u plus @S, represents the total positi(e moment in the two middle strip at the two sides.

(Refer Slide Time: 06:""$

The total moments in middle strip which is @ u minus @S and @u plus @S are distributed to the parts of the two middle strips at the two sides of the e8ui(alent frame, proportional to their widths. The combined middle strips from two ad-acent e8ui(alent frames, is desi)ned for the sum of the moments assi)ned to its parts. That means, for one particular e8ui(alent frame the (alue that we ha(e )ot for the middle strip, we distribute that in the two portions of the middle strips at the two sides. <nce we ha(e distributed for each middle strip, we combine the two (alues from one e8ui(alent frame and the ad-acent e8ui(alent frames, to )et the total moment in that particular middle strip.

(Refer Slide Time: 00:*!$

Thus, in todayDs lecture, we ha(e introduced the two-way slabs. We said that a nonrectan)ular slab is always desi)ned as a two-way slab and a rectan)ular slab, if it is supported on all the four sides then it is desi)ned as a two-way slab dependin) on len)thto-breadth ratio. If the len)th-to-breadth ratio is less than * then we desi)n a rectan)ular slab as a two-way slab which spans in both the direction. There can be different types of two-way slabs. The first is the flat plate, which does not ha(e any beams or drop panels or column capitals. The second type is the flat slabs which do not ha(e any beam but it can ha(e drop panel or column capital and the third type is the two-way slab with beams, where beams are runnin) in between the column lines. The flat plates can ha(e beams at the ed)es which are called spandrel beams. The desi)n of two-way slabs can be done by two methods. %or flat slabs and flat plates, the method is )i(en in section "! of IS: 60;-* . This method is also applicable for two way slabs with beams that can deflect and there is a second method which is for the two-way slab whose beams are stiff enou)h and their deflection can be ne)lected. That method is )i(en in ,nne' ? of IS: 60;. In this module, we discussed the section "! of IS: 60; which is the one used con(entionally for flat plates and flat slabs. 4ow, a)ain in that section there are two methods )i(en. <ne is the simplified method which is called direct desi)n method. This is not suitable for prestressed slabs. The second method, which is the

e8ui(alent frame method and is based on computer analysis, is recommended for twoway prestressed slabs. In the e8ui(alent frame method, first we define the e8ui(alent frames in each ortho)onal direction. ,n e8ui(alent frame is a slice of a buildin) alon) a column line whose width spans between the central lines of the two ad-acent bases. Within an e8ui(alent frame we define a column strip and two middle strips at the sides. <nce an e8ui(alent frame is defined, we analy.e the frame for )ra(ity loads and lateral loads if any and find out the moments in the critical sections, the positi(e moment in the span and the ne)ati(e moment in the support. <nce these critical moments are known, then we distribute that moment alon) the width of the e8ui(alent frame from which we calculate the moment per unit width of the slab. <nce we know this (alue, we can desi)n the prestressin) tendon -ust the way as we ha(e done for one-way slab. In our ne't lecture, we shall mo(e on to the desi)n for shear of two-way slabs. Thank you.

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