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kilAwn mhlw 5 ] (1322-13)

Kalyaan, Fifth Mehl:

pRwnpiq dieAwl purK pRB sKy ] (1322-14, kilAwn, mhlw 5)

The Lord of the Breath of Life, the Merciful Primal Lord God, is my Friend.
grB join kil kwl jwl duK ibnwsnu hir rKy ]1] rhwa ] (1322-14, kilAwn,
mhlw 5)
The Lord saves us from the womb of reincarnation and the noose of death in
this Dark Age of
Kali Yuga; He takes away our pain. ||1||Pause||
nwm DwrI srin qyrI ] (1322-15, kilAwn, mhlw 5)
I enshrine the Naam, the Name of the Lord, within; I seek Your Sanctuary,
pRB dieAwl tyk myrI ]1] (1322-15, kilAwn, mhlw 5)
O Merciful Lord God, You are my only Support. ||1||
AnwQ dIn AwsvMq ] (1322-15, kilAwn, mhlw 5)
You are the only Hope of the helpless, the meek and the poor.
nwmu suAwmI mnih mMq ]2] (1322-15, kilAwn, mhlw 5)
Your Name, O my Lord and Master, is the Mantra of the mind. ||2||
quJ ibnw pRB ikCU n jwnU ] (1322-16, kilAwn, mhlw 5)
I know of nothing except You, God.
srb jug mih qum pCwnU ]3] (1322-16, kilAwn, mhlw 5)
Throughout all the ages, I realize You. ||3||
hir min bsy inis bwsro ] (1322-16, kilAwn, mhlw 5)
O Lord, You dwell in my mind night and day.
goibMd nwnk Awsro ]4]4]7] (1322-17, kilAwn, mhlw 5)
The Lord of the Universe is Nanak's only Support. ||4||4||7||
kilAwn mhlw 5 ] (1322-17)
Kalyaan, Fifth Mehl:
min qin jwpIAY Bgvwn ] (1322-17, kilAwn, mhlw 5)
Within my mind and body I meditate on the Lord God.
gur pUry supRsn Bey sdw sUK kilAwn ]1] rhwa ] (1322-18, kilAwn,
mhlw 5)
The Perfect Guru is pleased and satisfied; I am blessed with eternal peace
and happiness.
srb kwrj isiD Bey gwie gun gupwl ] (1322-18, kilAwn, mhlw 5)
All affairs are successfuly resolved, singing the Glorious Praises of the Lord of
the World.
imil swDsMgiq pRBU ismry nwiTAw duK kwl ]1] (1322-19, kilAwn,
mhlw 5)
Joining the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy, I dwell upon God, and
the pain of death
is taken away. ||1||

kir ikrpw pRB myirAw kra idnu rYin syv ] (1322-19, kilAwn, mhlw 5)
Please take pity on me, O my God, that I may serve You day and night.

pnw 1323
nwnk dws srxwgqI hir purK pUrn dyv ]2]5]8] (1323-1, kilAwn, mhlw 5)
Slave Nanak seeks the Sanctuary of the Lord, the Perfect, Divine Primal
Being. ||2||5||8||
kilAwnu mhlw 5 ] (1323-1)
Kalyaan, Fifth Mehl:
pRBu myrw AMqrjwmI jwxu ] (1323-1, kilAwn, mhlw 5)
My God is the Inner-knower, the Searcher of Hearts.
kir ikrpw pUrn prmysr inhclu scu sbdu nIswxu ]1] rhwa ] (1323-2,
kilAwn, mhlw 5)
Take pity on me, O Perfect Transcendent Lord; bless me with the True
Eternal Insignia of the
Shabad, the Word of God. ||1||Pause||
hir ibnu Awn n koe smrQu qyrI Aws qyrw min qwxu ] (1323-2,
kilAwn, mhlw 5)
O Lord, other than You, no one is all-powerful. You are the Hope and the
Strength of my
srb Gtw ky dwqy suAwmI dyih su pihrxu Kwxu ]1] (1323-3, kilAwn,
mhlw 5)
You are the Giver to the hearts of all beings, O Lord and Master. I eat and
wear whatever
You give me. ||1||
suriq miq cqurwe soBw }pu rMgu Dnu mwxu ] (1323-4, kilAwn,
mhlw 5)
Intuitive understanding, wisdom and cleverness, glory and beauty, pleasure,
wealth and

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