Punjab Economic Opportunities Programme (PEOP) First Annual Review July 25-29, 2011 Aide Memoire

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Punjab Economic Opportunities Programme (PEOP) First Annual Review July 25 2!

" 2#$$ Ai%e &emoire $ 'ntro%uction

1.1 The Programme: The Government of the Punjab (GoPb) and DFID are contributing 2 mi!!ion and "# mi!!ion re$%ective!& for im%!ementing the mi!!ion Punjab 'conomic (%%ortunitie$ Programme (P'(P) over ) &ear$ (*anuar& 2#11+December, 2#1"). The objective i$ to %rovide mar-et ba$ed $-i!!$ to 2 #,### %oor ()#. /omen and 1#. margina!i0ed) and im%rove the economic %!ight of 1 #,### $ma!! !ive$toc- and dair& farmer$ through intervention$ aimed at im%roving the 1ua!it& and 1uantit& of !ive$toc- &ie!d$, and better !in-age$ /ith mar-et$. P'(P i$ focu$ing on four of the to% ten %oore$t di$trict$ of the Punjab name!&: 2ha/a!%ur, 2ha/a!nagar, 3u0affargarh, and 4odhran. 1.2 The Programme aim$ to accom%!i$h it$ objective$ through t/o major com%onent$ i.e. the Punjab 5-i!!$ Deve!o%ment Fund (P5DF) (2 mi!!ion) and the !ive$toc- and dair& com%onent (2 mi!!ion) being im%!emented b& a Programme Im%!ementation Team (PIT) /or-ing under the 4ive$toc- and Dair& Deve!o%ment De%artment (46DDD) of the GoPb. The P!anning and Deve!o%ment De%artment (P6DD), GoPb i$ the foca! coordinating agenc& for P'(P. DFID i$ a!$o %roviding mi!!ion a$ Technica! 7oo%eration (T7) for %rogramme eva!uation ba$ed on a 8andomi0ed 7ontro! Tria! 9%%roach (87T) methodo!og&, %ro %oor re$earch to guide %o!icie$ and regu!ation$ governing the $-i!!$ and !ive$toc- $ector, %ro+%oor %i!ot %roject$ and $trengthening the ca%acitie$ of the im%!ementing agencie$ to de!iver the %rogramme. P!ea$e refer to 9nne: 1 for P'(P im%!ementing and governance $tructure$. 1." 2rief Programme 5tatu$: The !og frame time!ine$ (according to /hich the Programme $hou!d be mid/a& to/ard$ de!ivering it$ 2 nd mi!e$tone$ %!anned for 2#11 and 2#12) im%!ie$ a de!a& in Programme im%!ementation. ;o/ever, actua! im%!ementation of the Programme commenced on!& mid 2#1# on/ard$ once the ':change of 4etter$ bet/een the GoPb and DFID /a$ $igned in *u!&, 2#1#. The P7 1 /a$ a%%roved a$ !ate a$ in Dec, 2#1#. 2et/een mid 2#1# and *u!& 2#11 con$iderab!e %rogre$$ ha$ been made /hich inc!ude$ the t/o im%!ementing agencie$ of the P'(P i.e. the P()F an% t*e P'+ being made o%erationa!, though P5DF i$ ahead of the PIT in it$ !eve! of %re%aredne$$ to de!iver the P'(P a$ ha$ been di$cu$$ed in more detai! in their re$%ective $ection$ further be!o/. The ro!e of the +, ha$ been re%rogrammed in the /a-e of the deci$ion to engage a ne/ T7 management agenc& (T739) in$tead of 7ro/n 9gent$, and in the mean/hi!e the P'(P com%onent$ becoming o%erationa! and their $%ecific need$. Fo!!o/ing agreement /ith the GoPb to %rovide interim +, support to the com%onent$ mo$t notab!& PIT, hiring %roce$$ i$ under/a& to engage $%ecia!i0ed T7 re1uired b& PIT to initiate it$ activitie$ and the P5DF to bui!d on the o%%ortunit& to %!a& a $trategic ro!e in $ha%ing the $-i!!$ %o!ic& in Punjab and

bui!d it$ monitoring $&$tem. <nder an 9ccountab!e Grant 9greement of .= mi!!ion the 7entre for 'conomic 8e$earch Pa-i$tan 1 (7'8P) ha$ been contracted for a $et of baseline surveys an% a -inal evaluation o- t*e Programme -ollowing t*e Ran%omi.e% ,ontrol +rials (R,+) approac*/ The hou$eho!d $urve& i$ e:%ected to commence $oon after 'id b& mid+ 5e%tember, 2#11. DFID ha$ %isburse% mi!!ion over 2#1#>11 and the GoPb ha$ honoured it$ commitment to %rovide matc*ing grant b& di$bur$ing a tota! of 8$ ? # mi!!ion (@.=A mi!!ion). Be:t grant from the GoPb i$ e:%ected in *anuar&, 2#12. T/o 5teering 7ommittee meeting$ have been he!d to date. 2 Objectives" +eam an% Approac* o- t*e Annual Review 2.1 The 9nnua! 8evie/ (98) covered the fo!!o/ing objective$:

a. 8evie/ the 1ua!it& and a%%ro%riatene$$ of the %rogramme de$ign in addition to the financia! (inc!uding effectivene$$ of mechani$m$ for time!& financia! tran$fer$ to the im%!ementing com%onent$), admini$trative, management and coordination %roce$$e$ and arrangement$ that have been e$tab!i$hed to ma-e the Punjab 'conomic (%%ortunitie$ Programme (P'(P) com%onent$ o%erationa!, enab!e them to initiate activitie$, and accom%!i$h the !og frame target$ and va!ue for mone& of the re$ource$ a!!ocated for P'(P. For thi$ %ur%o$e the com%onent$ of the %rogramme /i!! inc!ude the: i. Punjab 5-i!!$ Deve!o%ment Fund ii. 4ive$toc- Im%!ementation Team and iii. Technica! a$$i$tance to $u%%ort P'(P. b. In %articu!ar eva!uate the $trength of the financia! $&$tem$ and ma-e recommendation$ regarding the %rocurement $trateg&>%rocedure$ that need to be ado%ted b& the im%!ementing %artner$ for va!ue for mone&, tran$%arenc& and accountabi!it&. c. 9$$e$$ the re!evance and effectivene$$ of the $u%%ort to the im%!ementing %artner$ being %rovided b& the %rogramme $%on$or$ name!&: DFID, and the P!anning and Deve!o%ment De%artment of the GoPb and the 4ive$toc- and Deve!o%ment De%artment of the GoPb. d. 'va!uate the re!evance and effectivene$$ of the governance $tructure$ and mechani$m$ in %!ace and being e$tab!i$hed for im%!ementing the com%onent$ of P'(P. e. 8ecommend im%rovement$ in the !ogframe in order to enab!e the %rogramme to achieve intended outcome$ and out%ut$ /ithin the a!!ocated time and re$ource$. .

7'8P ha$ been e$tab!i$hed a$ a not+for+%rofit re$earch ba$ed organi0ation that focu$e$ on i$$ue$ of $ocio+economic deve!o%ment and %o!ic& re!evance for Pa-i$tan. 7'8P com%ri$e$ of a grou% of !eading Pa-i$tani economi$t$ current!& ba$ed in /e!! e$tab!i$hed univer$itie$ and re$earch out+fit$ $uch a$ ;arvard, <niver$it& 7o!!ege 4ondon, the Internationa! Gro/th 7entre and the 4ahore <niver$it& of 3anagement 5cience$ (4<35).

f. ':amine the P7 1 of P'(P and identif& i) a!! the change$ to the document that need to be incor%orated a$ the P'(P im%!ementation mechani$m$ have evo!ved in re$%on$e to /hat i$ re1uired for effective im%!ementation rather than /hat /a$ envi$ioned in the P7 1, and ii) a!! modification$ that need to be made in order to enhance the $%ace and remove !imitation$, if an&, on %rogramme im%!ementation and it$ %otentia! $co%e. g. Pro%o$e ho/ the monitoring and eva!uation mechani$m for P'(P com%onent$ can be $trengthened. h. 8ecommend ho/ !ong, if at a!!, P'(P $hou!d enhance the $co%e of it$ activitie$ to other di$trict$ of 5outh Punjab and the $&$tem$ and activitie$ that need to %recede e:%an$ion. 2.2 The 98 team /a$ !ead b& Fatimah 9f0a!, Private 5ector Deve!o%ment 9dvi$er and !ead advi$er for P'(P, other %artici%ant$ from DFID inc!uded Ca1a$+u!+;a$an, Private and Financia! 5ector Deve!o%ment 9dvi$er, Fatima Ba1vi, 5ocia! Deve!o%ment 9dvi$er, 9-h!a1 9hmed, Programme 3anager P'(P and Bavin Dah!, Private 5ector Deve!o%ment 9dvi$er from DFID Be%a! /ho %rovided a third %art& objective vie/ on both the $-i!!$ and the 46D com%onent$. 5arah 5aeed, 9dvi$er 5-i!!$ 5trateg& for P'(P, %rovided revie/ $u%%ort acro$$ the range of the Programme. 5o!ve 9griPa- a con$u!tanc& in the agricu!ture and !ive$toc- $ector %rovided third %art& objective vie/ on the 46D intervention$ being %!anned b& the Programme. The GoPb re%re$entative$ inc!uded Dr. 3ahmood Dha!id Eamar, 7hief 8egiona! P!anning P6DD and Dr. Ifthi-ar, De%ut& 5ecretar& Technica! and foca! %oint for P'(P at the 46DDD. P!ea$e $ee 9nne: 1, 5chedu!e of the 98. 0 +*e (1ills ,omponent2 Punjab (1ills )evelopment Fun% (P()F)

".1 In (ctober, 2#1# the Fund /a$ incor%orated a$ a not+for+%rofit com%an& under the 7om%anie$ (rdinance, 1?A). 9$ %er regu!ation$, the fir$t meeting of the 2oard of Director$ (2oD) /a$ he!d on the $ame da&. 2et/een then and *u!&, 2#11 the 2oard ha$ been %roactive!& invo!ved in A event$ of the Fund, inc!uding 2oard meeting$, and 1 con$u!tative forum he!d in 2ha/a!%ur and 2 in 4ahore, the %ur%o$e of /hich /a$ to a$$e$$ the demand for $-i!!$ and ho/ be$t to ma-e it avai!ab!e in the di$trict$. The 2oard ha$ decided to meet fre1uent!& unti! the FundF$ o%erationa! detai!$ are more $ett!ed. 7o!!ective!& the 2oard bring$ a rich re$ource of %rivate $ector cor%orate, ban-ing, $-i!!$, academic, %o!itica! and $ocia! deve!o%ment e:%erience. = of the 11 2oard member$ are from the %rivate $ector, the remaining being e:+officio member$ re%re$enting the GoPb. The 2oard i$ chaired b& 9$ad <mar, /ho i$ /e!! recogni0ed for !eading the 'ngro 7or%oration2 and i$ a!$o 7hairman of the Pa-i$tan 2u$ine$$ 7ounci! and ha$ been active!& attending a!! event$ of the Fund$ to date. Recommen%ation2 i) In order to retain the intere$t and engagement of an effective %rivate $ector 2oard over the !ong run, 2oardF$ autonom& to ma-e %o!ic& and bu$ine$$

The !arge$t nationa! cong!omerate /ith inve$tment$ in diver$e economic $ector$.


deci$ion$ regarding a!! a$%ect$ of the Fund need to be $trengthened /hi!$t the 5teering 7ommittee continue$ to %rovide a$$i$tance for inter+governmenta! re!ation$hi%$ and $trategic vi$ion to the 2oard. 9mendment$ in the the 9rtic!e$ of 9$$ociation of P5DF and change$ in the P7 1 to be made according!&. ii) 'nhancement of the 2oard /ith the addition of t/o ne/ %rivate $ector board member$ to be inc!uded in the revi$ed P7 1 to further enhance the gender and /or-force deve!o%ment e:%erti$e in the 2oard. ".2 Cor-ing from a broad out!ine of the Fund, the 2oard ha$ been in$trumenta! in $ha%ing the P5DF bu$ine$$ mode!. The core function of the Fund ha$ been confined to de$igning $-i!!$ %roduct$>$cheme$ (both on the $u%%!& and demand $ide), $o!iciting e:%re$$ion$ of intere$t>re1ue$t for %ro%o$a!$, $crutini0ing the re1ue$t$ and di$bur$ing grant$. 2u$ine$$ function$ $uch a$ monitoring and eva!uation, and $ocia! mobi!i0ation in addition to o%erationa! $ervice$ are being out$ourced. The$e change$ have dramatica!!& reduced the number of tota! %ermanent $taff to 1A /hich i$ 1>" of /hat /a$ envi$ioned in the P7 1 and removed the nece$$it& of having di$trict office$ a!$o envi$ioned in the P7 1. The$e o%erationa! co$t $aving$ have mobi!i0ed more fund$ for %rogrammatic activitie$, /hi!e the 2oard ha$ the f!e:ibi!it& to $et u% di$trict office$ $hou!d bu$ine$$ intere$t$ demand $o in future. Recommen%ation2 8evi$ed $taff $tructure, a$$ociated co$t $aving$ and brea-do/n of the P5DF budget in the P7 1 need to be modified according!&. "." ;ead office i$ functiona! in 2ha/a!%ur. 9!! $taff have been hired on a com%etitive o%en merit ba$i$, @1. of /ho be!ong to 5outh Punjab. ;uman 8e$ource and Financia! $&$tem$ /i!! be %re%ared b& the 7F( /ho joined in *u!& 2#11. PP89 ru!e$ /ith $ome modification have been ado%ted for %rocurement of good$ and $ervice$ and P6DDF$ 7on$u!tant 5e!ection Guide!ine$ have been ado%ted /ith $ome modification$ for %rocurement of %rogrammatic $ervice$ and efficient financia! management %ractice$ are being fo!!o/ed in com%!iance /ith the regu!ation$. ".) 5ince ba$e!ine data i$ not &et avai!ab!e /hich can fi!! information ga%$ %ertaining to $-i!!$, the 2oard ha$ been cautiou$ and ha$ a%%roved on!& 2 %roduct$ unti! no/ for training ,A## %eo%!e, (1=## /omen). ") '(I$ /ere received for the 5-i!!>Gocation Training in 3ode! Gi!!age$ of Di$trict 3u0affargarh of /hich = have been $hort!i$ted and invited to $ubmit %ro%o$a!$, /hi!e over 11# '(I$ have been received to de!iver the 5-i!!$ for 'm%!o&abi!it& $cheme. 9!! feature$ of the t/o $cheme$ are $imi!ar other than that the former i$ focu$ed on mode! vi!!age$ and re1uire$ training ## %eo%!e /hi!e the !atter re1uire$ training ,"## %eo%!e acro$$ the four di$trict$. The onu$ of identif&ing $-i!!$ !ie$ /ith the $-i!! %rovider$ /ho /i!! get e:tra credit for demon$trating demand ba$ed training. ;o/ever, at thi$ $tage the Fund i$ not ma-ing an& re1uirement$ of the $-i!! %rovider$ to get an& %ercentage of their trainee$ em%!o&ed. The bar ha$ been $et !o/, a$ the %ur%o$e of the$e $cheme$ i$ a$ much to !earn about a ne/ mar-et b& doing than to %rovide training. The training co$t i$ budgeted at 8$. "#,### %er trainee. 9fter the 7'8P $urve& re$u!t$, and %ractica! e:%erience of the !aunched $cheme$, the 2oard /i!! have better e$timate$ of co$t$ %er trainee and /ant$ to revi$e the

tota! number of %eo%!e that the Fund can $-i!!. The current figure of 2 #,### " i$ con$idered ver& high given co$t e$timate$ of other fund$ ) and even training %rovider$ in Pa-i$tan. Recommen%ations2 i) 7'8P Pha$e 1, ba$e!ine data for hou$eho!d$ i$ not e:%ected unti! (ctober, and the data from the 'm%!o&er$ and 5-i!! Provider$ $urve& i$ not e:%ected unti! even !ater in *anuar&, 2#12. ;o/ever, the recommendation$ of the di$trict !eve! $-i!!$ forum$ organi0ed b& the Fund have generated idea$ and im%!& enthu$ia$tic $u%%ort of the !oca! 7hamber$ of 7ommerce and Indu$trie$ /hich can %rovide va!uab!e information from the em%!o&er$F %er$%ective. Thi$ $u%%ort and information $hou!d be uti!i0ed for de$igning additiona! $cheme$>%roduct$ that the Fund can offer, /ith $%ecia! focu$ on deve!o%ing the !oca! $-i!! %rovider$F ca%acitie$, rather than /aiting unti! the fu!! re$u!t$ of the 7'8P $urve&$ are avai!ab!e / ". The 8evie/ 3i$$ion had detai!ed di$cu$$ion$ /ith P5DF on de$ign, focu$ and monitoring of $-i!!$ re!ated inve$tment$ and fo!!o/ing /a$ agreed: i) Given the $!o/ gro/th in the econom& and the !ac- of robu$t va!ue chain$ in the four di$trict$, the Fund $hou!d focu$ on combining entre%reneuria!>$ma!! bu$ine$$ management training /ith $-i!! training in order to im%rove $e!f+em%!o&ment o%%ortunitie$ for trainee$. The Fund $hou!d a!$o e:%!ore $-i!! deve!o%ment o%%ortunitie$ in the more dominant $ector$ in the di$trict$ i.e. agricu!ture, manufacturing, and $ervice$. '1ua!!&, the Fund and the !ive$toc- and dair& com%onent of the P'(P can co!!aborate for %rovi$ion of 46D re!ated training through the Fund. Thi$ /i!! create $&nergie$ /ithin the P'(P com%onent$ and a$$i$t both the com%onent$ to meet their goa!$ dra/ing on each otherF$ $trength$/ ii) 9$ the Fund revi$it$ the tota! number of %eo%!e to be trained, it $hou!d a!$o con$ider the fea$ibi!it& of inc!uding indicator$ $uch a$: :. of trainee$ to be em%!o&ed /ithin : month$ of conc!uding their training and . increa$e in income$. The inc!u$ion of the$e indicator$ /i!! more accurate!& ref!ect the mar-et orientation that the Fund i$ tr&ing to %romote and %u$h the cha!!enge frontier for the Fund. 9t the mid+term revie/ the !og frame $hou!d be revi$ed -ee%ing the 7'8P data in %er$%ective. iii) The cautiou$ a%%roach of the 2oard regarding %rovi$ion of direct $ub$idie$ (ca$h handout$ a$ $ti%end$ or $cho!ar$hi%$) i$ being endor$ed, %articu!ar!& given the e:i$ting evidence that $ti%end$ can di$tort $-i!!$ mar-et, $hift focu$ of $tudent$ from training to mone&, di!ute the o/ner$hi% of the $tudent$ in bui!ding hi$>her %rofe$$iona! career and create de%endenc& $&ndrome. iv) 'vidence of $ucce$$fu! %rivate $-i!! %rovi$ion indicate$ that charging a fee for training %!a&$ a %ivota! ro!e in attracting $eriou$ $tudent$ and va!ue for the education being im%arted. For %oor $tudent$ /ho
" )

8evi$ed figure to be u%dated in the 8e$u!t$ Frame/or-. The 'm%!o&ment and 5-i!!$ Fund in Be%a! ha$ a %er trainee co$t of 2 # (o%erationa! and %rogrammatic co$t$ inc!uded). The Fund i$ %roviding indirect subsidies to the trainee$ a$ the& are not re1uired to %a& an& fee and are not contributing direct!& to cover an& co$t$ of the training other than the o%%ortunit& co$t of !eaving /or- that the& ma& have been engaged in for the $a-e of getting trained.

genuine!& cannot %a&, $%on$or$hi%$ are arranged. During the mid+term revie/ the FundF$ %o!ic& to/ard$ indirect and direct $ub$idie$ need$ to be verified in !ight of 7'8P hou$eho!d ba$e!ine data. ".@ The Fund ha$ deve!o%ed high vi$ibi!it& in the di$trict$ and the $-i!!$ $ector. 2oth of the FundF$ $cheme$ /ere adverti$ed in a!! the major 'ng!i$h and <rdu ne/$%a%er$. Through con$u!tation$ /ith a /ide arra& of !oca! and nationa! $-i!! %!a&er$ the Fund ha$ been ver& $ucce$$fu! in creating a/arene$$ about it$ mandate and ro!e in the di$trict$ and ha$ $timu!ated the !oca! mar-et %!a&er$ to thin- about forming innovative a!!iance$ for 1ua!if&ing for grant $u%%ort from the Fund@. '1ua!!&, bu$ine$$e$ ba$ed in Darachi and 4ahore $ourcing %roduct$ from the di$trict$, have become intere$ted in u$ing the FundF$ %!atform to enhance the 1ua!it& of $-i!!ed /or-force. The Fund ha$ $et u% it$ /eb$ite and i$ a!$o %!anning to initiate a %eriodic mu!ti%ur%o$e ne/$!etter for circu!ation among a cro$$ $ection of %otentia! %artner$ and mar-et %!a&er$. It /a$ $ugge$ted that: i) The Fund $hou!d deve!o% a coherent communication$ $trateg& that ma%$ out a!! the $ta-eho!der$, and $hort and !ong term objective$ that the Fund /ant$ to achieve again$t them. Thi$ /i!! a!!o/ the Fund to better %!an, carr& out and %roject the fu!! im%act of it$ activitie$ in the di$trict$ and the $-i!!$ $ector on the /ho!e. For e:am%!e, the intere$t of the more e$tab!i$hed $-i!! %rovider$ and Darachi and 4ahore ba$ed entre%reneur$ in 1ua!if&ing for FundF$ $u%%ort auger$ /e!! for rever$ing the !o/ $ocia! $tatu$ of vocationa! $-i!!$ in the di$trict$. Thi$ o%%ortunit& can be uti!i0ed to deve!o% targeted me$$age$ and cam%aign$ that fu!!& ca%ita!i0e on the momentum being created b& the Fund. DFID /i!! %rovide a $am%!e communication$ $trateg& to the Fund. ii) The Fund $hou!d a!$o conduct road $ho/$ in Darachi and 4ahore targeting mu!tinationa! firm$, in order to fami!iari0e them /ith the FundF$ a%%roach and objective$ and %otentia!!& mobi!i0e funding $u%%ort. DFID /i!! %rovide a !i$t of <D ba$ed com%anie$ in Pa-i$tan and $o!icit the a$$i$tance of the De%ut& ;igh 7ommi$$ioner in Darachi. ".= The bu$ine$$ mode! of P5DF re%re$ent$ a %aradigm $hift in ho/ %ub!ic and deve!o%ment a$$i$tance i$ t&%ica!!& inve$ted in the $-i!!$ $ector. In$tead of direct!& training and bui!ding the ca%acitie$ of a fe/ %ub!ic $ector $ervice %rovider$, the FundF$ $u%%ort for a!! $-i!! %rovider$ i$ contingent u%on fu!fi!!ing com%etitive out%ut ba$ed criteria. '1ua!!&, on demand $ide, financia! $u%%ort (voucher$, $cho!ar$hi%$ or $ti%end$) to $tudent$ /i!! be %rovided on!& on the bac- of ba$e!ine data that he!%$ de$ign $u%%ort in$trument$, if re1uired, /hich are carefu!!& targeted and he!% create genuine demand for $-i!!$ rather than attraction for financia! $ub$idie$. 2& bui!ding on the momentum being created, the FundF$ mode! ha$ $trong $u$tainabi!it& %ro$%ect$, of becoming a one+$to% /indo/ through /hich a!! %ub!ic, deve!o%ment and %rivate $ector funding $u%%ort to the $-i!!$ $ector i$ funne!!ed in Punjab. During the revie/, it /a$ noted that the GoPb a$ /e!! a$ the federa! government have, over the &ear$,

5-i!! %rovider$ are e:%!oring %artner$hi%$ a!ong for e:am%!e, the fo!!o/ing !ine$: !oca! %ub!ic+ %rivate $-i!! %rovider$ %artner$hi%H !arge $-i!! %rovider$ in big citie$ and !oca! $-i!! %rovider$H !oca! %o!&tech in$titute$ and !oca! BG($ for reaching far f!ung and rura! area$.

ta-en $evera! inve$tment and %o!ic& initiative$ for $-i!! deve!o%ment. Chi!$t Punjab 5-i!! Deve!o%ment Fund i$ being %i!oted a$ Pub!ic Private Partner$hi% mode! for deve!o%ing %rivate mar-et for $-i!! %rovider$, it was agreed with the Government of the Punjab that steps will be taken for firming up a clear policy for skill provision in the province for addressing the prevailing confusion over multiplicity of institutions. It was further agreed that all relevant stakeholders will be taken on board in the policy making process on this subject. The %o!ic& ma& a!$o addre$$ the i$$ue of e!imination of conf!ict of intere$t ari$ing from the dua! ro!e of T'GT9 a$ $-i!! %rovider and an e:amination agenc&. The P5DF ma& contribute %roactive!& in $ha%ing the %o!ic& and regu!ator& environment governing the $-i!!$ $ector in the Punjab. T7 $u%%ort from DFID ma& a!$o further $trengthen the re$ource ca%acit& of the Fund to underta-e thi$ /or-. During the mid+term revie/, the FundF$ %o$ition to e:%and to other di$trict$ of the Punjab $hou!d be verified and adju$tment$ $hou!d be modified according!&. For e:am%!e, the $-i!! $cheme$ that are current!& being %i!oted cou!d be fine tuned and ro!!ed out to other di$trict$ of the Punjab. ".A The ab$ence of accredited com%etencie$ re1uired for variou$ trade$, and the re$u!tant im%!ication$ of thi$ ga% on the curricu!a, teacher$ training, te$ting and certification create$ 1ua!it& re!ated cha!!enge$ for the $-i!! %rovider$ that the Fund $u%%ort$. 3oreover, the $u%%!& orientation of $-i!! %rovider$ and over!a%%ing mandate$ of %ub!ic organi0ation$ o%erating in the $-i!!$ $ector create$ additiona! cha!!enge$ for the Fund. Recommen%ation2 There are donor$ $uch a$ the Cor!d 2an-, GII, '<, the Dutch, 9D2 and IF9D /ith %otentia! or current inve$tment$ in the $-i!!$ $ector /ith /hom co!!aboration and coordination i$ e$$entia! for addre$$ing the e:i$ting ga%$ in the $-i!!$ $ector, for avoiding du%!icit& of re$ource$ and en$uring $&nergie$. In addition, DFID /i!! initiate a donor coordination forum for $-i!!$ /ith active engagement of the Fund and invo!ving and !everaging 2riti$h 7ounci!F$ engagement /ith %ub!ic $ector $-i!! %rovider$ $uch a$ the B9GT'7 and T'GT9 Punjab. 3 Programme 'mplementation +eam (P'+) )evelopment 4ivestoc1 an% )airy

).1 9n 9dvi$er 46D + P'(P /a$ a%%ointed in December 2#1# for e:%editing ma-ing the PIT o%erationa! and for %roviding $u%%ort to the 46DDD. Five con$u!tative /or-$ho%$ one at %rovincia! !eve! and four in each of P'(P di$trict$ /ere organi0ed. 8ecommendation$ of the /or-$ho%$ have been u$ed to identif& intervention$ needed from the !oca! $ta-eho!der$ %er$%ective. Cith the 9dvi$erF$ $u%%ort the Team 4eader PIT /a$ $e!ected through o%en com%etition and he too- office in 3a&, 2#11. 5e!ection of the remaining $taff fo!!o/ing o%en merit $e!ection %roce$$ /a$ !ead b& PIT Team 4eader. ;o/ever, the $taffF$ a%%ointment ha$ been de!a&ed a$ one of the government a%%!icant$ for a PIT %o$ition fi!ed a !ega! $uit again$t the hiring %roce$$. During the 98, the 98 Team !earnt that fina!!&, the %er$on ha$ agreed to /ithdra/ hi$ ca$e, fo!!o/ing inten$e out of court effort$ of the 46DDD and PIT Team 4eader. In the mean/hi!e, 46DDD ha$ de%uted it$ $taff to $u%%ort PIT. 9%%ointment !etter$ /i!! be $ent out in 9ugu$t for the PIT

$taff. Three technica! $taff e:%ected to be affected b& GovernmentF$ notification barring government em%!o&ee$ to be hired on %rivate $ector $a!arie$ /hen /or-ing on %roject$, ma& dec!ine, in /hich ca$e other $hort!i$ted candidate$ /i!! be a%%roached. 3ean/hi!e, office of the PIT in 2ha/a!%ur became o%erationa! in 9ugu$t, 2#11. Gehic!e$ a%%roved b& the 9u$terit& 7ommittee have been reduced b& the 7hief 3ini$terF$ office ba$ed on the 5ummar& $ent to it. <nti! the vehic!e$ are %urcha$ed, the 46DDD i$ %roviding $u%%ort. The account of the PIT ha$ become o%erationa! in 2ha/a!%ur /ith 2.2 mi!!ion e1uiva!ent in Pa- 8u%ee$. ).2 PIT in conjunction /ith 7'8P ha$ identified three ear!& intervention$ /hich are i) Deve!o%ment of ",### !ad& !ive$toc- /or-er$ ii) e$tab!i$hment of )# mi!- chi!!ing>co!!ection centre$ and iii) 2ui!ding a team of 2## veterinar& a$$i$tant$. The %roject de$ign$ of the$e intervention$ are in variou$ $tage$ of %re%aration and /i!! be fina!i0ed /ith $u%%ort of the interim T7 that i$ e:%ected to become avai!ab!e b& 5e%tember, 2#11. 9dditiona!!&, the T7 $u%%ort /i!! bui!d on the e:i$ting /or- underta-en b& the 46DDD to rationa!i0e %o!ic& and regu!ator& regime$ for the 46D $ector, in %articu!ar tho$e that can a$$i$t in achieving the P'(P objective$ and he!% $tructure PPP tran$action$ /hich are critica! for P'(PF$ im%!ementation. )." The 46D com%onent of the P'(P i$ /orth 2 mi!!ion im%!&ing a &ear!& budget of 1. @ mi!!ion %er di$trict /hich e:ceed$ the e:i$ting &ear!& budget of the 46DDD %er di$trict. In addition, the $ca!e of activitie$ %!anned in the !ogframe are e:ten$ive given that the Programme aim$ to addre$$ a!! the ga%$ from farm to mar-et$ in a ho!i$tic manner. 3oreover, given the $co%e of /or- c!arit& i$ needed on the dair& v$. meat focu$ of the %rogramme. The Programme envi$ion$ de!ivering activitie$ through %ub!ic+%rivate %artner$hi%, ho/ever, ca%acit& and number of %!a&er$ in the %rivate $ector and %ub!ic $ector have !imited ca%acit& for de!ivering an 46D %rogramme of thi$ $ca!e. 7ontracting a number of agencie$ for de!ivering the Programme ha$ tran$action and monitoring co$t im%!ication$ for PIT $taff or for even a monitoring and eva!uation firm in ca$e thi$ function i$ out$ourced a$ i$ being %!anned b& P5DF=. The technica! ca%acit& of the PIT /ith regard to 46D i$$ue$ can on!& be rea!i0ed if it i$ com%!emented /ith management ca%acit& for $etting u% %rocurement, %roject de$ign, im%!ementation %!anning+trac-ing and monitoring $&$tem$. Thi$ i$ a $eriou$ $hortfa!! in ca%acit& and i$ %!anned to be met through T7 $u%%ort. ;iring of an e:%erienced Procurement 5%ecia!i$t, and a Project De$ign and Im%!ementation 5%ecia!i$t i$ under/a& at DFID for %roviding T7 $u%%ort unti! a T7 management agenc& i$ a%%ointed fo!!o/ing ('*< ru!e$. Recommen%ations2 i) (nce the PIT i$ e1ui%%ed /ith T9 $u%%ort and a com%rehen$ive /or- %!anning e:erci$e ha$ been conducted, a mid+term revie/ in (Februar&, 2#12) $hou!d he!% determine the rea!i$tic target$>$%ending ca%acit& of thi$ com%onent and %otentia! for e:%an$ion to other di$trict$ and the e:ten$ion in it$ duration. 7'8P hou$eho!d $urve& data /i!! be mo$t va!uab!e in refining the /or- %!an. ii) In

In the P7 1 8$.",1#2,")",)## (a%%ro:imate!& 22 mi!!ion) ha$ been budgeted for 46D %rogramme activitie$, /hich come$ out to 8$.1?",A?@,)@" %er di$trict>&ear over ) &ear$. Thi$ mean$ that PIT /i!! be ma-ing a!mo$t 1) contract$ %er annum>di$trict over ) &ear$, if /e a$$ume each contract to be on the average of 8$.1)#,###,### (1##,###).

%re%aring individua! %roject$ that co!!ective!& !ead to accom%!i$hing the !og frame and budgetar& target$ the $u$tainabi!it& of the intervention$ be&ond the !ife of the Programme $hou!d be of -e& im%ortance. iii) PIT /i!! coordinate /ith P5DF in order to contract !atter for 46D re!evant $-i!! training. iv) Cor%!anning e:erci$e $hou!d a!$o he!% determine if enhancement of the e:i$ting ca%ita! e:%enditure !imit of 1#. for the com%onent and . for $ub%roject$ i$ ju$tifiab!e or not. v) The rationa!e and va!ue of a!! the additiona! %roject$ (ca!!ed innovative %roject$) being %ro%o$ed b& the PIT $hou!d emerge out of the /or- %!anning e:erci$e. The& do not need to be inc!uded in the P7 1. vi) The 4ive$toc- Deve!o%ment 7ommittee and the Di$trict 7oordination 7ommittee$ (to be notified b& the D7($) being con$tituted for overa!! governance and faci!itation in the fie!d re$%ective!& $hou!d be ref!ected in the P7+1.vii) %roject document$ /ith !og frame$ and budget$ need to be deve!o%ed for the three %roject$ being %!anned b& 46DDD (covering in$ta!!ation of )# mi!- chi!!er$, training of 2## Geterinar& 9$$i$tant$ and ",### 4ad& ':ten$ion /or-er$) before the& are ta-en to the 4D7 for a%%rova! and '(I$ f!oated for them. viii) In !ight of the mid+term revie/ modification$ /i!! be made in the P71 and !og frame /here nece$$ar& ).) 9$ in the $-i!!$ $ector, there are other donor$ /ith var&ing !eve!$ of %otentia! and e:i$ting inve$tment$ in the 46D $ector. 3o$t notab!& IF9D, <59ID, and 7ID9. Donor coordination i$ e$$entia! in order to avoid over!a% of thematic area$ and geogra%hic $%read. Recommen%ation2 DFID to initiate a donor$ grou%$ on 46D /ith active %artici%ation of the 46DDD. 5 5en%er an% (ocial 'nclusion

.1 There ha$ been $%ecific targeting of /omen and other vu!nerab!e grou%$ in the P5DF com%onent. In each of the t/o $-i!!$ %roduct$ !aunched $o far there are gender di$aggregated target$ and the $-i!!$ %rovider$ /i!! be $e!ected ba$ed on $core$ for inc!u$ion of /omen e$%ecia!!& from rura! area$. Thi$ i$ an im%ortant a$%ect in the targeting $trateg& to en$ure /omen are reached. The mode! that the $-i!!$ %rovider$ /i!! u$e i$ a con$ortium mode! of technica!>vocationa! in$titute %artnering /ith BG($ to en$ure that $ocia! mobi!i$ation i$ ta-ing %!ace to engage /ith the %oore$t and mo$t vu!nerab!e. .2 2a$ed on the 8evie/ 3i$$ionF$ detai!ed di$cu$$ion$ /ith im%!ementing %artner$ and revie/ of the Programme document$, the fo!!o/ing i$ being $ugge$ted for im%roved $ocia! inc!u$ion and gender targeting: i) P()F2 a) The im%!ementation $trateg& need$ to im%rove on it$ targeting of other e:c!uded grou%$ $uch a$ re!igiou$ minoritie$>hou$eho!d$ /ith di$abi!itie$ and %oore$t among the %oor, b) P5DF /i!! need to %!a& an active ro!e in en$uring that thi$ targeting i$ ta-ing %!ace and active!& engage /ith the third+%art& monitoring entit& to en$ure that feedbac->im%rovement$ are being incor%orated a$ and /hen ne/ %roduct$ are being !aunched and for cour$e correction$. ii) 46)7P'+2 The im%!ementation $trateg& for the initia! %roject$ i.e. Training of Trainer$ for /omen on veterinar& $tudie$>!ive$toc-

management fo!!o/ed u% b& training of about ",### /omen a$ !ive$toc- e:ten$ion /or-er$ re1uire$ more engagement among the $ta-eho!der$ to arrive at a common under$tanding and agreement on targeting the more %oor among the %oor /omen and other e:c!uded grou%$. a) 9 gender+mar-et ma%%ing of !ive$toc->dair& $ector $hou!d be conducted to guide a c!ear targeting $trateg&. b) 8egu!ar and %roactive monitoring i$ e$$entia! to a$$e$$ %rogre$$ and identif& change$ that need to be made. iii) ,ERP2 2a$e!ine 1ue$tionnaire$ revie/ed are ver& com%rehen$iveH the& inc!ude gender di$aggregated data inc!uding -e& 1ue$tion$ on %attern$ of e:%enditure b& /omen and !oo-ing at gender %o/er re!ation$H thi$ /i!! be the -e& %iece of /or- for en$uring gender re$u!t$ in P'(P and beneficia! for other %rogramme$ a!$o. (ne a$%ect that i$ mi$$ing from the fema!e hou$eho!d $urve& are 1ue$tion$ re!ated to !and ho!ding$ and hou$ing in 5ection " ;ou$eho!d 9$$et$ and 7on$um%tion (/hich have been e:%!icit!& defined in the ma!e hou$eho!d $urve&). It i$ im%ortant to inc!ude the$e in the fema!e hou$eho!d $urve& $ince the& are -e& indicator$ to mea$ure (di$) em%o/erment for /omen. iv) +*e 4og-rame i$ the guiding document for monitoring gender di$aggregated re$u!t$ and im%act. The overa!! target beneficiar& figure$ in the %roject document $%ecif& gender di$aggregated target$. ;o/ever, the& need to be e:%!icit!& ref!ected in the !ogframe indicator$. There i$ a $%ecific indicator at %ur%o$e !eve! /hich focu$e$ on targeting /omen and margina!i$ed grou%$. 9t the mid+term revie/" it i$ recommended that indicator$ of (ut%ut$, 2, ", ) are gender di$aggregated i.e. for both the $-i!!$ and !ive$toc- and dair& com%onent$. It i$ a!$o %ro%o$ed to incor%orate at+!ea$t 1 or 2 indicator$ re!ated to $ocia! deve!o%ment>hou$eho!d econom& im%rovement ba$ed on the 7'8P ba$e!ine indicator$ at both %ur%o$e and out%ut !eve!$. 8 5overnance o- t*e PEOP @.1 2oth the P5DF and the PIT enjo& robu$t governance $tructure$ /hich inc!ude re%re$entative$ from the academia, technica! e:%ert$, %rivate $ector, %o!itician$, $ocia! deve!o%ment $ector and the government. Chi!e the P5DF 2oard /a$ envi$ioned in the origina! Programme de$ign, a $imi!ar governance bod& for the PIT i.e. the 4ive$toc- Deve!o%ment 7ommittee (4D7) /a$ conceived and con$tituted in the !a$t one &ear to $trengthen PITF$ $trategic %o!ic& direction and accountabi!it&. (vera!! $trategic direction and conformit& of the Programme com%onent$ to the Programme objective$ i$ en$ured b& a Programme 5teering 7ommittee that ha$ met t/ice over the !a$t one &ear. 5trong governance mechani$m$ are ma-ing heav& demand$ on the im%!ementing unit$ to de!iver effective!&.

Programme ,oor%ination :nit


=.1 <nti! no/ the P!anning and Deve!o%ment De%artment of the GoPb and the P'(P team at DFID have been joint!& a$$i$ting in %roviding effective faci!itative and coordination $u%%ort to the Fund. Beverthe!e$$, a$ the Programme im%!ementation %ic-$ momentum, coordination function$ /i!! re1uire a $ma!! dedicated unit. Through con$u!tation /ith Punjab 5-i!!$ Deve!o%ment Fund and the 4ive$toc- Im%!ementation Team, the P6D De%artment ha$ noted that the Programme 7oordination <nit (P7<) i$ not re1uired to be fu!!& $taffed a$ %rovided in P7 I and can actua!!& de!iver through a $-e!eton $etu% com%ri$ing: i) De%ut& Programme 7oordinator (7oordination and 3onitoring)H ii) 9$$i$tant Programme 7oordinator (9ccount$)H iii) 2+ " admini$trative $taff =.2 Recommen%ation2 The P6D De%artment /i!! immediate!& $tart the hiring %roce$$ for the$e %o$ition$ and the $taff /i!! be hou$ed in the P6D De%artment. 9!$o, the Project Im%!ementation 5%ecia!i$t engaged under P'(P T9 /i!! %rovide monitoring $u%%ort to the P7<. =." P7 I %rovided for a heavi!& $taffed (2" %o$ition$) P7< /ith management co$t$ to the tune of 8$ 12?.? mi!!ion (8$ A1.@? mi!!ion for (%erationa! 7o$t and 8$ )A.2@ mi!!ion Pa& and 9!!o/ance$). Recommen%ation2 The ne/ $taffing detai!$ a!ong /ith revi$ed co$t$ (near!& 8$ 2# mi!!ion) /i!! be incor%orated in the revi$ed P7+I. =.) DFID /i!! !ead the donor coordination mechani$m$ for $-i!!$ and the 46D com%onent /ith active $u%%ort of the P5DF and the 46DDD. P6DD /i!! ca!! a meeting of the IF9D and DFID to coordinate for coordinating their re$%ective %rogramme$ in 5outh Punjab. A ,entre -or Economic Researc* Pa1istan (,ERP)

A.1 98 team member from DFID Be%a! e:%re$$ed $trong concern$ about heav& re!iance on the 7'8P $urve&$ a$ the ba$i$ for initiating activitie$. There /a$ $ce%tici$m about ho/ much the 7'8P re$earch can te!! u$ about the demand for different $-i!!$ training from hou$eho!d$ (;;). ;;$ c!o$er to indu$tria! centre$ or mar-et$ ma& be ab!e to mention their %referred area$ for $-i!!$ training but rura! ;; are un!i-e!& to do $o. Recommen%ations2 i) the -e& ri$- to the %rogramme can be the de$ire to get a!! the information before im%!ementing the %rogramme and getting ever&thing right. The im%!ementing %artner$ $hou!d be o%en to !earning from doing and acce%ting that $ome intervention$ /i!! fai!. P5DF and 46DDD $hou!d re!& on gathering information> a$$e$$ing mar-et /hi!e a!$o im%!ementing the training. The 7'8P hou$eho!d data i$ un!i-e!& to %rovide the mar-et information on demand of $-i!!$ training. ;ence, thi$ /i!! have to be co!!ected through $hort !ocation $%ecific $urve&$ b& training %rovider$ and the enter%ri$e $urve& b& 7'8P. P5DF ha$ $ufficient information (through the '(I) from the training %rovider$ to ro!! out training. Gathering information on demand for training /i!! have to be a regu!ar and


%eriodic activit& of P5DF. ii) 7'8P team, ma& con$ider decrea$ing the $i0e of the hou$eho!d $am%!e $i0e for Pha$e II. ! )ecisions Regar%ing (tatus o- Pilot Projects an% t*e Establis*ment o- an ,entre -or 'nclusive 5rowt* (,'5)" Pro Poor Researc* to s*ape Policy an% Regulatory )evelopments in t*e (1ills an% 4ivestoc1 an% )airy )evelopment (ectors ?.1 Identification of theme$, de$ign and im%!ementation moda!itie$ of the %i!ot %roject$ /i!! be managed b& the T7 management agenc& e:%ected to be hired in 9%ri!, 2#12. ?.2 Given the co$t$, time and the !imited incrementa! va!ue of e$tab!i$hing a ne/ re$earch organi0ation (7IG), area$ for %ro+%oor re$earch and the %i!ot %roject$ /i!! be e$tab!i$hed through con$u!tation$ /ith the di$trict admini$tration$, thin- tan-$, !eading re$earch out+fit$ and academician$. 'vidence from 7'8P hou$eho!d $urve& e:%ected b& end of (ctober, 2#11 /i!! further he!% to triangu!ate -e& i$$ue$ for further re$earch and %i!ot %roject$. 4eading economi$t$>%o!ic& ma-er$ /i!! be engaged for re$earch /ith fie!d $u%%ort %rovided b& !oca! univer$itie$ $o that !atterF$ ca%acit& in re$earch and ana!&$i$ i$ enhanced. $# P, $ Revision" Ris1 Assessment an% Project E;tension

1#.1 During the mid+term revie/ of the Programme (Feb, 2#12) forma! revi$ion$ of the P7 1 and the 4og Frame /i!! be made. 3ean/hi!e, a!! modification$ made $o far and %ro%o$ed bet/een no/ and Februar&, 2#11 /i!! be maintained at the P6DD. 3id+term revie/ /i!! a!$o he!% decide the a%%ro%riate e:ten$ion %eriod re1uired for the Programme and it$ e:%an$ion to other di$trict$. 1#.2 DFID ha$ initiated a Fiduciar& 8i$- 9$$e$$ment of the Programme that /i!! cover the P5DF, PIT and 7'8P. 9 ri$- matri: and mitigation mea$ure$ /i!! be agreed /ith the GoPb. +'nd+


Annex 1 Punjab 'conomic (%%ortunitie$ Programme (P'(P)

Programme Steering Committee Gov. of Punjab
Key Governance structures Implementing/coordi nating units Sponsors/facilitators

<25 million

Pa- 8$ '1uiva!ent of <25 million

Technica! 9$$i$tance (T9) mi!!ion J 2a$e!ine and 87T (b& 7'8P)

Programme 7oordination <nit (P,:)

<25 million ( #. GoPunj 6 #. DFID) Board of Directors Punjab (1ills )evelopment Fun% 9 not+for+%rofit 5ection )2 com%an& /ith an ind%endent 2oard

<25 million ( #. GoPunj 6 #. DFID)

Livestock Development ommittee 4ivestoc1 6 )airy )evelopment )epartment o- 5ov o- Punjab Programme 'mplementation +eam (P'+)

J 9dvi$or& $u%%ort for $-i!!$ and 46D J Povert& focu$ed re$earch for %ro %oor %o!icie$ and regu!ation$ J 7a%acit& bui!ding and in$titutiona! $trengthening for P5DF and 46D

+ &arginali.e% -armers an% non -armer women an% men

+ (uppliers o- s1ills" livestoc1 an% %airy services an% -acilities


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