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HOMONYM: One of two or more words having the same sound and often the same spelling but

different meanings. Examples: quail (cower), and quail (bird) fair (appearance), fair (county fair), and fair (reasonable). HOMOPHONE: One of two or more words pronounced the same but different in meaning, origin, and sometimes spelling. Examples: cite, sight, and site sea and see your and you!re bow and bough. HOMOGRAPH: One of two or more words spelled alike but different in origin, meaning, and sometimes pronunciation. Examples: bow of a ship, a bow and arrow, and a bow (deference"manners). HE ERONYM: One of two or more words that are spelled the same but that differ in pronunciation and meaning. Examples: bass (voice) and bass (fish) polish (shine) and #olish (from #oland) tear (rip) and tear (from eye). !"MMARY #HAR HOMONYM $OR%! SOUND same sound same O$ different spelling fair (county fair) fair (reasonable) pear (fruit) pair (couple) HOMOGRAPH $OR%! SPELLING same O$ different sound same spelling lie (untruth) lie (lie down) tear (in the eye) tear (rip) HOMOPHONE $OR%! t&pe of homon&m same sound different spelling pear (fruit) pair (couple) cell, sell

HE ERONYM $OR%! t&pe of homograph different sound same spelling tear (in the eye) tear (rip)

acts"ax ad"add aisle"isle"%!ll all"awl assistance"assis tants

bail"bale base"bass be"bee beach"beech berth"birth bite"byte blew"blue

chord"cord cite"sight"site clause"claws clic&"clique close"clothes"clo'e coal"cole

draft"draught dual"duel earn"urn ewe"you"yew eye"% faint"feint fair"fare groan"grown guessed"guest

hoarse"horse hole"whole holey"holy"wh olly hoes"hose hold"holed hostel"hostile hour"our

idle"idol illicit"elicit in"inn insight"incite instance"instants intense"intents


&nap"nap &nead"&need"n colonel"&ernel eed &night"night &nit"nit &not"not

laid"lade lain"lane lay"lei leach"leech lead"led lea&"lee&

mail"male main"mane")aine mai'e"ma'e mall"maul manner"manor

nay"neigh none"nun oar"or"ore ode"owed oh"owe one"won overdo"overdue overseas"overse es

pail"pale pain"pane pair"pare"pear palate"palette"p allet passed"past

rac&"wrac& rain"reign"rein rote"wrote rough"ruff rung"wrung rye"wry

sail"sale scene"seen scull"s&ull sea"see seam"seem seas"sees"sei'e

tac&s"tax tail"tale taught"taut tea"tee team"teem tear"tier

vain"vane"vein vale"veil vary"very vial"vile vice"vise

wade"weighed wail"whale waist"waste wait"weight waive"wave want"wont

yo&e"yol& yore"your"you!r e you!ll"*ule

+omonyms, +omographs, and +omophones Homon&ms' ,ords that have the same spelling and same pronunciation, but different meanings. %irections' -hoose (a) or (b) Example: % hope you are not lying _(a)_ to me. (a) telling a lie )y boo&s are lying _(b)_ on the table. (b) being in a hori'ontal position 1. .he &ids are going to watch /// .0 tonight. (a) small cloc& worn on the wrist ,hat time is it1 % have to set my watch////. (b) loo& at 2. ,hich page ///// is the homewor& on1 (a) one sheet of paper #lease page /////the doctor if you need help. (b) to call someone on an electronic pager 3. 2et3s play /// soccer after school. (a) participate in a sport .he author wrote a new play ///. (b) theater piece 4. Ouch4 .he mosquito bit /// me4 (a) a tiny amount %3ll have a little bit /// of sugar in my tea. (b) past tense of bite 5. )y rabbits are in a pen /// outside. (a) a writing instrument which uses in& #lease sign this form with a blac& pen ___. (b) an enclosed area Homographs' ,ords that have the same spelling, but different pronunciations and meanings. %irections' -hoose (a) or (b) Example: .he wind _(a)_ is blowing hard. (a) moving air (rhymes with pinned) % have to wind _(b)_ my cloc&. (b) turn the stem (rhymes with find) 1. .he singer made a low b w /// to the audience. (a) decorative ribbon (rhymes with s ) )aria placed a red b w /// on the birthday gift. (b) bend at the waist (rhymes with h w) 2. 5ll the students are p!esent /// today. (a) here (rhymes with pleasant) .he boss will p!esent /// the award at 67:77. (b) give (rhymes with !esent) 3. #lease cl se /// the door. (a) near (rhymes with d se) .he boy sat cl se /// to his uncle. (b) shut (rhymes with t es) 4. .he rope was w "nd /// around his an&les. (a) tied around (rhymes with p "nd) .he soldier received a w "nd /// in the battle. (b) an in(ury (rhymes with # n) 5. % don3t &now if % will li$e /// or die. (a) to have life (rhymes with gi$e) 2ast night % saw the band play li$e /// in concert. (b) in real time performance (rhymes with hi$e) Homophones' ,ords that have the same pronunciation, but different spelling and different meanings. %irections' -hoose the correct word. Example: #lease try not to/////////////////////// (waste, waist) paper. 1. -an % go /////////////////////// the party (t , t , tw )1

2. .his is my favorite/////////////////////// (pa!e, pai!, pea!) of (eans. 3. % ///////////////////////(sent, scent, cent) a letter to my aunt in 0ietnam. 4. .he children got ///////////////////////(b !ed, b a!d) during the lecture. 5. )r. and )rs. $odrigue' li&e to wor& in/////////////////////// (the!e, they%!e, thei!) garden. 6. 5lec is going to/////////////////////// (wea!, wa!e) his wor& boots today. 7. 8o you thin& it is going to ///////////////////////(!ein, !ain, !eign) this afternoon1 8. % saw a restaurant (ust off the/////////////////////// (! de, ! ad) about a mile bac&. 9. 8avid3s brother is in a ///////////////////////(band, banned) which plays $ussian music. 10. 9uana wants her soc&s because her/////////////////////// (t ws, t es) are cold. +eteronym are the words which are spelled the same way but pronunciation is different. 2oo& at the given meanings in the two bloc&es and find the +E.E$O:*) for them.
5 .he ;7th part of an hour 5 harvesting machine 5n in(ury to the body <eing near in time, space, effect, or degree 5 stringed musical instrument One who is sic&ly or disabled 5n inherent characteristic 5 heavy, comparatively soft, malleable, metal 5 meal laid such that guests may serve themselves 5 specific plan or design =arbage 5 natural movement of air >omething material that may be perceived by the senses 5 flexible strip of wood used for shooting arrows 5gricultural yields e.g. vegetables and fruits. ?luid in the eye .he control unit of a mechanical or electronic system 5n explanation offered as (ustification Existing or occurring at this time or now .o regard with forgiveness or indulgence .o bring, offer, or give ( 0ery, very small .o become one unite #ast and past participle of wind .o shut 5 type of fish <eing without foundation or force in fact, truth, or law .o ascribe .o guide on a way especially by going in advance .o stri&e against or push repeatedly .o display outwardly esp. to an audience .o deny .o coil .o oppose .o bend or incline .o bring into existence .o rip apart .o alleviate or lessen grief

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