Continuity 1401 X

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The concept of continuity

A function f is continuous at a point x = c if the graph of f has no gap, break, split, holes, jumps, or a missing point for f(x) at the point x = c. In addition, a function f is continuous at a point x = c if you can move along the graph of f through the point (c, f(c)) with a pencil without lifting the pencil from the paper. If a function f is continuous at a point x = c, then the lim f(x) must exists and its value must x c e ual f(c). A function f is continuous at a point x = c if all of the following conditions are fulfilled+ *. f(c ) is defined (this is means that the value of f(c) is not missing or undefined). %. lim f(x) exists, x c undefined),

(this is means that the value of lim f(x) is not missing or x c

,. lim f(x) - f(c) (this is means that the limit, lim f(x), exists and its value is e ual x c x c to f(c))

!or a function to be continuous at the point x = c, the function must have a value at x = c (which is f(c)) and the lim f(x) must have a value which is the same as the value of the function at x = x c c. In general, a function is said to be continuous on the interval " a, b# if it is continuous at each point in the interval. It is important to understand what it means to say that lim f(x) exists. x c

lim f(x) exists if the following all of the following statements are true.
x c

lim *. x f(x) is definite and has a value. c lim %. x f(x) is definite and has a value. c + lim lim ,. x f(x) - x f(x). c c +

$%&&' (ichael Aryee


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A function f is discontinuous at a point x = c if one of the following conditions are fulfilled+ *. f(c ) is not defined at c, %. lim f(x) does not exist, or x c ,. lim f(x) x c


(this is the case where the limit,

lim f(x),
x c

exists but not e ual to f(c))

A function is said to be discontinuous at x = c, if a hole, gap, or break occurs in the graph at x = c, meaning the function violates one of the three items above.

Points of discontinuity
When a function is not defined at certain values, these values are certainly the points of discontinuity of the function. /ecause division by 0ero is not allowed in mathematics, any number or numbers that when substituted into the function causes the denominator to be 0ero, thus making the function undefined, represent points of discontinuity. 1e usually concentrate only on either the domain of the function or the endpoints of the interval making the domain. 2here are two main categories of discontinuity+ removable and non-removable. 3on4removable usually occurs where the graph has a break in it. 5ome people refer to this kind of discontinuity as jump discontinuity.

o A non-removable discontinuity is the situation where we are unable to find a value for lim f(x) (that is, lim f(x) is not defined at c).
x c x c

o A removable discontinuity is the situation where *. 1e are able to find a value for lim f(x), in this case lim f(x) exists, but we x c x c are unable to find a value for f(c), or %. 1e are able to get values for both lim f(x) and f(c), however, their values do x c not match, that is, lim f(x) x c


The criterion for deciding whether a function is removable or irremovable is based on whether the limit of the function at the point in question exists or does not exist.
$%&&' (ichael Aryee

E ample of discontinuitycontinuity

)age %

6iven the graph of f(x) shown below determine if f(x) is continuous at

a) x=& and b) x=*.

a) at x=& !eft-hand !imit

x &

"i#ht-hand !imit
x & +

lim f(x) - &

lim f(x) - &

T$o-sided !imit !rom 7eft4hand and 8ight hand we conclude that+

%alue of &unction At x= &, f(&) - *

lim f(x) - &

x &

'onclusion: 5ince the limit at the point and the function value at that point are not e ual, the function isn9t continuous at that point. 2he function is discontinuous at x - &. 2hat is, lim f(x) x & f(&). 2his type of discontinuity is called removable since the limit exists. It is called removable discontinuity because we can make the discontinuity to disappear by changing the value of f at the point in uestion. 2hat is, we can change the value of f(c) to resolve the problem. :n a graph, a removable discontinuity can be identified by a hole punched in the graph. b) at x= * !eft-hand !imit
x *

"i#ht-hand !imit
x *+

lim f(x) - *

lim f(x) - &

T$o-sided !imit !rom 7eft4hand and 8ight hand we conclude that+

%alue of &unction At x= *, f(*) - *

lim f(x) - (oes Not

x *

E ist 'onclusion: 5ince the limit at the point and the function value at that point are not e ual, the function isn9t continuous at that point. 2he function is discontinuous at x - *. 2hat is, lim f(x) x & f(&). 2his type of discontinuity is non-removable since the limit does not exist.

Another e ample of discontinuity

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;etermine whether the given function is continuous.

f(x) -

, x, %x + ,,

x * x >*

2he domain of this function is all real numbers. 2his is just one function, but it has different description in different parts of the domain. :ur task is to look for points of discontinuity. 2hese points may represent a value for which the definition of the function changes (in this particular case at x - *) or values that causes the denominator to be 0ero). 1e call such values suspicious points. Always check for continuity at these suspicious points. In this problem x - * is a suspicious point, and we must check for continuity at this point.

!eft-hand !imit
x *

"i#ht-hand !imit
x *+

lim f(x) - lim x *


lim f(x)

x *+


T$o-sided !imit !rom 7eft4hand and 8ight hand we conclude that+

%alue of &unction At x= *, f(*) - ,(*) - ,


%x , -'

lim f(x) - (oes Not

x &

E ist

'onclusion: 5ince the limit at the point and the function value at that point are not e ual, the function isn9t continuous at that point. 2he function is discontinuous at x - *. 2hat is, lim f(x) x & exist.

f(*). 2his type of discontinuity is non4removable since the limit does not

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An e ample of a continuous function

;etermine whether the given function is continuous.

f(x) -

, x, % x + *,

x * x >*

2he domain of this function is all real numbers. 2his is just one function, but it has different description in different parts of the domain. :ur task is to look for points of discontinuity. 2hese points may represent a value for which the definition of the function changes (in this particular case at x - *) or values that causes the denominator to be 0ero). 1e call such values suspicious points. Always check for continuity at these suspicious points. In this problem x - * is a suspicious point, and we must check for continuity at this point.

!eft-hand !imit
x *

"i#ht-hand !imit
x *+

lim f(x) - lim x *


lim f(x)

x *+


T$o-sided !imit !rom 7eft4hand and 8ight hand we conclude that+

%alue of &unction At x= *, f(*) - ,(*) - ,


%x * -,

lim f(x) - ,
x *

'onclusion: 5ince the limit at the point and the function value at that point are e ual, the function is continuous at that point. 2he function is continuous at x - *. 2hat is, lim f(x) - f(*). x *

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An e ample of a continuous function

5tate whether the function is continuous at all points. 6ive the points of discontinuity, if any.

x % + ,x *& , x % 7et f(x) - x % =, x= %

In this problem x - % is a suspicious point, and we must check for continuity at this point. 2he domain of this function is all real numbers.

!eft-hand !imit

"i#ht-hand !imit

T$o-sided !imit !rom 7eft4hand and 8ight hand we conclude that+

%alue of &unction At x= %, f(%) - =

x %

lim f(x)

x %


5ame as 7eft4hand limit+

x % +

x % + , x *& x %

lim f(x) - =

lim f(x) - =
x %

( x %)( x + ') ( x %)

lim - x %

lim - x (x > ') - = %

'onclusion: 5ince the limit at the point x - % and the function value at that point are e ual, the function is continuous at that point. 2he function is continuous at x - %. 2hat is, lim f(x) - f(%). x %

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Another e ample of a continuous function

1here is the function f(x) - @ x A % @ continuousB )olution:

2he given function is the same as f(x) -

x %, ( x %),

x% x<%

2he domain of this function is x (all real numbers). 2his is just one function, but has different description in different parts of the domain. :ur task is to look for points of discontinuity. 2hese points may represent a value for which the definition of the function changes (in this particular case at x - %).

!eft-hand !imit
x %

"i#ht-hand !imit
x % +

lim f(x) -

x %

lim 4

lim f(x) - lim + (x4

x %

T$o-sided !imit !rom 7eft4hand and 8ight hand we conclude that+

%alue of &unction At x= %, f(%) - (%4%) - &

(x4%) -&

%) -&

lim f(x) - &

x %

'onclusion: 5ince the limit at the point x - % and the function value at that point are e ual, the function is continuous at that point. 2he function is continuous at x - %. 2hat is, lim f(x) - f(%). x %

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Problem * Csing the three steps mentioned above, state whether the given function is continuous at all points. 6ive the points of discontinuity, if any.


x % + ,x + % , x ! 7et f(x) - x+ % *, x = !


x% < , x % 7et f(x) - x % <, x= %


x% x ? , x % 7et f(x) - x + % ,, x = %


* , x % 7et f(x) - x % x= % <,

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x % + x *% , x , 7et f(x) - x , =, x= ,


x % + %x , , x* 7et f(x) - x * <, x=*

Problem + ;etermine whether the given function is continuous or discontinuous at the point indicated. If the function is discontinuous, state whether or not it is removable or non4removable. a) f(x) x% x % , c - %. x %

b) f(x) - x% > =x A *D, c - ,.

c) f(x) -

x +* , c - 4* x % * * , c - 4, x E

d) f(x) - <x A *, c - 4<.

e) f(x) -

f) f(x) -

x+% , c - ,. x x ?

Problem , ;etermine whether the given function is continuous. a) f(x) -

,x <, ,x ?,

% x? ? < x *&

b) f(x) -

x, * x,

x& x>&

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% x, f(x) - , x,

x * x >*


x % + *, f(x) - * % x,

x& x>&


* + , x, f(x) - % x + *,

* x , ,< x '

*+ x% , f) f(x) - < x,

x <* x *

Problem ;etermine whether the given function is continuousB a) f(x) x % * x *

b) f(x) -

x * x *

c) f(x) - @ x 4 ' @

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d) f(x) - @ x > % @

Problem . !or what value of a is the following function continuousB


x % + %, f0 / 1 ax, ax % *, f0 / 1 ax + *,

x% x<%


x >, x,

Problem 2 Cse the given graph of f(x) to answer Fxercises ,.*4,.<.

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lim f ( x) a/ Fvaluate x * f ( x) b/ Fvaluate lim x f ( x) c/ Fvaluate xlim % d/ !or what values of x is f(x) discontinuousB

3uestion *


3uestion +

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3uestion -

3uestion .
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3uestion 2

3uestion ;

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3uestion =

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3uestion *6

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