Section 4.2 Particular Specifications - RC089

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B+G + 1 Villa Plot No. RC088, RC089 & RC095, The Villa,



Section 4: Contract Technical Information

%ectio# &.'( Ci)il & *+P Partic!lar %,eci-icatio#.


%/T+ %+RV/C+% 0N T+*P1R0R2 31R4% a. It is assumed to obtain free of charge a suitable area for mobilisation adjacent to or on the site for the temporary site offices, facilities and material lay-down area during the whole construction period. b. It is considered that the site shall be free from any obstruction temporary ! permanent structures" prior to the site mobili#ation wor$s. c. The temporary site facilities considered comprise of installation of containerised office, sanitary facilities, and storage container including the site hoarding and project signboard complete with the necessary temporary power and water supply installations.


+0RT531R4% 0N G+N+R06 %/T+ 31R4% a. %rayland has allowed for wor$ing space in e&ca'ation (uantity and has considered the e&ca'ated material for bac$filling. %or additional (uantity re(uired imported fill material considered. b. Contra 4)* T!C Termite protection or e(ui'alent ha'e been considered appro'ed material by +ubai ,unicipality" and applied to underside of all foundations and around the building area.


C1NCR+T+ 0N R+/N81RC+*+NT a. b. c. d. e. Substructure Concrete shall be -rade C./!0*, using S1C, without ,icrosilica. Superstructure Concrete shall be -rade C4*!0*, using 23C, without ,icrosilica. 3lain concrete for blinding and protection screed shall be C0*!0*, using S1C, without ,icrosilica. 1einforcement bars shall be 4igh Tensile +eformed 5ars conforming to 5S 4446 -rade 7*, Tur$ish !Saudi! 8mirates origin, non- 8po&y Coated. -rade slab reinforcement shall be 90/0 mesh, non-epo&y coated.


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B+G + 1 Villa Plot No. RC088, RC089 & RC095, The Villa,



Section 4: Contract Technical Information

a. b.

8&ternal :all, 0/*mm thic$ Thermal insulated bloc$. Internal walls of 0**mm!;/*mm!;**mm thic$ shall be non-load bearing 4ollow Concrete 5loc$s, normal weight <./=!mm0", 23C, as per 9ST, C 6* or 5S 7*<. fi&ed with sand!cement mortar and grout. .**mm and ./*mm thic$ walls, if any are considered composite bloc$wall from 0**!;/*!;**mm thic$ normal weight hollow bloc$s.


d. %i&ing accessories metal ties, anchors and joint reinforcement" shall be hot dipped gal'ani#ed as per 9ST, 9 ;/., Class 5-0 or 5S <06. e. +amp proof Course +3C" ha'e been considered applied only to first layer of bloc$ walls between reinforced concrete slab - to e&ternal bloc$ walls and to internal!perimeter walls of wet areas only. &.'.5 T5+R*06 0N *1/%T;R+ PR1T+CT/1N < R118/NG %2%T+* a. b. c. d. e. *0 layers of appro'ed S5S waterproof membrane to the basement !water tan$ base and wall. *0 coats of 5itumen emulsion paint to the hori#ontal and 'ertical faces of isolated footing concrete surface below ground". 3olyethylene sheet ;***g shall be laid below blinding concrete. :aterproofing to wet areas and balcony shall be single component polyurethane waterproofing membrane applied to achie'e a thic$ness of ;-;./mm. 1oof waterproofing system comprising of: >ight weight foam concrete laid to slope </mm thic$ness 5ituminous concrete cold primer 2ne layer of 4mm th$ torch applied waterproofing membrane including s$irting. 8&truded polystyrene rigid insulation board /*mm th$. +ensity .0$g!m? =on-wo'en polypropylene mesh as a separation layer 1oof surface co'ered with .**&.**&.*mm white cement tiles for wal$way and the balance areas with gra'el 21 1oof Combo System by appro'ed specialist sub-contractor


*+T06 31R4% The metal wor$s include the supply and fi&ing of the following items: Cast 9luminium 1ailings to balcony ,ild Steel Cat ladder from -round floor to 1oof" 11R% 0N 3/N 13%


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B+G + 1 Villa Plot No. RC088, RC089 & RC095, The Villa,



Section 4: Contract Technical Information

9luminium +oors ! :indows 9luminium 3rofile- Thermally bro$en from 9l 4ammad 9luminium 8&trusion or -ulf 8&trusions or 8(ui'alent 9luminium surface finish- 3olyester 3owder Coated %inish white" -la#ing- +ouble gla#ed unit 7mm @;0mm air space @ 7mm" without -eorgian bars :ood +oors %rame and architra'e- Solid red meranti wood Shutter- ,+%, 4ollow core, solid red meranti wood lipping %inish- .*A gloss painted white &.'.8 8/N/%5+% Internal B e&ternal finishes shall be as per the finishes schedule refer to Section 4Contract Technical Information, Sub-section 4.." The paint internal B e&ternal" shall be as gi'en below from Cotun or similar or e(ui'alent: Internal paint system D :all and Ceiling e&cluding Eitchen": ; & 3F9 primer 0 & Stucco 0 & %enomastic 8mulsion ,att Internal paint system D :all Eitchen: ; & 3F9 primer 0 & Stucco 0 & %enomastic 8namel -loss!,att 8&ternal paint system D 8&ternal faGade other than cornice!bands": ; & 9crylic primer ; & Te&ture coat 0 & 9crylic top coat 8&ternal paint system D 8&ternal faGade cornice!bands: ; & 9crylic primer 0 & 9crylic top coat smooth" &.'.9 8/TT/NG%

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B+G + 1 Villa Plot No. RC088, RC089 & RC095, The Villa,



Section 4: Contract Technical Information

The following fittings shall be fabricated and installed: Eitchen B 3antry Cabinets 5ase and wall units- Carcass in :hite ,elamine ,oisture 1esistant ,+%, Shutters in ,+% with .*A gloss white lac(uer finishH Counter top- -ranite! marble as per appro'ed sample. =ote: 3ro'isional sum of +hs. ;*,***!- is allowed in the Contract amount for the supply of Eitchen :hite goods. Closets B :ardrobes 5ase and wall units- Carcass in :hite ,elamine ,oisture 1esistant ,+%, Shutters in ,+% with painted white .*A gloss finishH blum hinges and standard hanging rods pro'ided. Fanity Counter Fanity unit with appro'ed marble!granite top and below open wall mounted timber shelf &.'.10 &.'.10.1 *+P +6+CTR/C06 %2%T+*% 9ll electrical cabling and distribution wor$s will be in accordance with +8:9 regulations. :iring will be drawn through 3FC conduits installed through slabs!walls, etc.,. +8:9 supplies power to the main meter panel installed outside. 3ower is distributed to 'arious +5s 'ia armoured cables. Suitable earthling system will be pro'ided as per +8:9 guidelines. &.'.10.' 0/R C1N /T/1N/NG & V+NT/60T/1N %2%T+*% -enerally, these would accord with best international practice and incorporate latest e(uipment, techni(ues and strategies as appropriate and economically 'iable to achie'e the highest standards practicable. Cooling loads would be calculated to maintain temperatures for each area as recommended by the 9merican Society of 4eating, 1efrigeration B 9ir Conditioning 8ngineers IS9" D 9S4198 ! Chartered Institute of 5uilding Ser'ices 8ngineers IE" D CI5S8H typically 04JC db. 9ssociated humidity le'els would fluctuate about the nominal /* A r.h. design point, depending on occupancy and ambient conditions. 8&ternal ambient conditions for normal cooling applications would comply with +ubai ,unicipality regulations, those for 'entilation purposes would be based on the pea$ enthalpy condition pre'ailing during operating hours. 9ir would be con'eyed through sheet metal duct wor$ constructed in accordance with
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B+G + 1 Villa Plot No. RC088, RC089 & RC095, The Villa,



Section 4: Contract Technical Information

+:!;4.K4 IE" ! S,9C=9 IS9" standards applicable. +ucted split units would be used as appropriate for the capacity ! duty re(uirements for all areas e&cept for ser'ant room and guest bedroom where decorati'e split units are used. -enerally ducted split units will be located abo'e suspended ceiling with ducted supply to each space. 9coustic treatment appropriate for each circumstance would be applied 'ia lining materials and ! or purpose attenuators as necessary to ensure noise le'els in each space are within recommended limits. Toilet and $itchen e&tract is achie'ed with inline ducted e&tract fans installed abo'e ceilings and discharge air to outside 'ia e&ternal wall ! roof. &.'.10.7 R0/N0G+ /N%T0660T/1N% These would conform to +ubai ,unicipality regulations using 3FC-u materials and fittings according to manufacturersL recommendations. Inderground drainage pipes comply to 5S 477* and abo'e ground pipes comply to 5S ;.06. The drain from 'illa will be connected to the e&ternal sewerage networ$. :ater Storage tan$ will be located underground and water will be pumped to 'arious outlets 'ia booster pumps. 3iping will be u3FC class M8N for cold water and 331 for hot water. Ceiling mounted heaters will be pro'ided for hot water. &.'.10.7 %*0TV < /%5 %2%T+* Containment will be pro'ided to 'arious TF points for future installation of satellite +IS4 on roof. 8ach TF point will be pro'ided with a dual 1C4/ outlet which can be connected to O+uL set top bo& as well as to internet for smart TFs. &.'.10.& %TR;CT;R+ C0B6/NG %2%T+*

C9T7 Cabling will be done to 'arious 1C4/ +ata outlets as per O+uL guidelines which includes patch panel and ;0I enclosure. The ser'ice pro'ider O+uL will bring main incomer fiber optic cable to the 'illa. 9ll other Oacti'eL communication e(uipments are to be borne by the Client. &.'.10.5 0; /1 /NT+RC1* %2%T+* The main calling unit will be installed outside at the entrance. Two nos. recei'ing phones will be installed inside the 'illa one each in ground and first floor.

&.'.11 +>T+RN06 31R4% 0N 0NC/660R2 B;/6 /NG

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B+G + 1 Villa Plot No. RC088, RC089 & RC095, The Villa,



Section 4: Contract Technical Information

Compound wall shall be constructed and finished front, side and rear" as per the drawings. Interloc$ pa'ing shall be pro'ided only to the front area of the 'illa.

&.'.1' +>C6;%/1N% a. 9ny wor$s outside the plot limit b. 1emo'al and!or relocation of e&isting acti'e underground and!or abo'eground ser'ices i.e. drainage pipes, water supply pipes, electrical cables, etc.", structures etc., c. 3lastering and wall cladding abo'e false ceiling d. Ceiling plaster abo'e false ceiling e. %%B8 wor$s f. Constructing ! fit-out of moc$ up and supply of spare materials upon completion

g. 4eat soa$ for glass h. %ire rating for aluminium and glass wor$s i. j. 9ny hard landscape around the 'illa, boundary wall gates and complete soft landscape B irrigation including pumps". S,9TF !+IS4 9ntenna system only containment allowed"

$. >ighting control, +imming, 4ome automation system l. +rainage water recycling system

m. 9cti'e components for structural cabling ! telecom system wiring and conduits has been allowed" n. CCTF system

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