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Viewing the imported design First, get to know the Toolbar Widgets.

. The Toolbar is the row of widgets directly under the Menus. To see what each widget is, slowly move the cursor over each widget to display their labels. For example, the folder widget on the far left side is the esign !mport form. "lick this widget with the left mouse button #$M%& and the esign !mport form opens. 'ther useful widgets are (ooming, redrawing, traversing the design hierarchy, undoing, redoing, and the esign %rowser. )ow, (oom out by clicking #$M%& the Zoom Out widget #magnify glass with minus sign& in the Toolbar #or enter the Shift * z+keys&. The single large pink colored ob,ect on the left side of the core area is the top+level module from the imported -erilog netlist, and the . green+grayish colored ob,ects on the right side are all the blocks #hard macros& in the design. The core area appears in the esign isplay /rea after a design is imported and the si(e core area can be change by using the Floorplan +0 Specify Floorplan form. The !' pads are located outside of the core area. "lick #$M%& on the pink colored top+level module, TMF1!)2T, and this selects the module. Then note the blue color connection flylines and white color highlighted blocks. The blue flylines display the number of connections between the selected module and other instance such as other modules and blocks. The blocks are highlighted white because they are child instances of TMF1!)2T. )ow, click #$M%& the Hierarchy Down widget in the Toolbar or enter the G+key #ungroup&. )ote that there are five submodules displayed. There is a total of thirteen submodules under TMF1!)2T and of the thirteen, five are large enough to display. The same information can be also viewed in the esign %rowser. To display all thirteen submodules, change the value of Min. Floorplan Module Size to 3 in the Display page of the Design +0 Preference form. )ote that any submodule containing at least one block, these submodules will always display no matter what level of the hierarchy. To traverse further down the hierarchy of a submodule, choose TMF1!)2T4T 251"'671!)2T, and this done selecting the submodule #$M%& and entering the G+key. To traverse back up the hierarchy, click the Hierarchy Up widget in the Toolbar or enter the g+key #group&. Floorplanning a submodule information /t times there is a need to preplace submodules in the floorplan rather than the top+level module. !n the above exercise, it demonstrates graphically how to traverse down a module8s hierarchy so the submodule can be displayed and then floorplanned #guided into the core area&.
General Usage, Clock Tree Synthesis, Placement, Route, Extract RC, timing analysis, and In-Place O timi!ation" #$%&&' Page #( )or Encounter *ersion SOC+"%&

)ow double click #$M%& on one of the block8s to view the block8s properties and values. These properties and values are displayed in the /ttribute -iewer window. 6emember that each floorplan ob,ect has properties and these properties can be changed in the /ttribute 7ditor form. The /ttribute 7ditor can also be opened by using the q+key after selecting the ob,ect, or clicking the middle mouse button #MM%& after selecting the ob,ect. Block orientation information When a block is selected 4 highlighted, the flylines are displayed to each pin of the block instead to the center of the block. This feature helps in determining the proper orientation of a block. For example,

it helps with route congestion and timing when most of the block pins face the center of the chip or ad,acent block pins of face each other. Using the Design Browser There are 9 ways to open the Design rowser form. 3& Menus + !ools +0 Design rowser or 9& Toolbar Widgets + #:th widget from the right& !n the esign %rowser form, note the statistics for the DTMF_INST module. )ow, click on #*& sign next to Modules to expand down to the next level of hierarchy, and so on. ;ou can traverse down the hierarchy until either the leaf cell or a block is reached. ;ou can do the same to the plus sign #*& in front of Terms8 to view the <: terminals. !f you want to find or highlight a net name, notice the stepper button, !nstance. To find a net, ,ust enter the net name and change the stepper selection to "et or a =CR0 will also work. This exercise is done later.
General Usage, Clock Tree Synthesis, Placement, Route, Extract RC, timing analysis, and In-Place O timi!ation" #$%&&' Page #, )or Encounter *ersion SOC+"%&

5. Learning Floorplanning "hanging the core, !', or die si(e is done with the 2pecify Floorplan form. Specifying die si e + >se the Specify Floorplan form to set the core box, !' box, and die box si(es. Make the following entries? Form Floorplan +0 Specify Floorplan >se the default setting for #ore Size $y? %spect &atio. >nder the section of #ore Margins $y? #ore to 'O oundary, make the following entries? !nter "ore to $eft? 100 !nter "ore to 6ight? 100 !nter "ore to Top? 100 !nter "ore to %ottom? 100 "lick the /pply button. This moves the !' pads 3@@ Microns from the outside edge of the core box and this sets the !' box. )ow the die box si(e is set by the height of the !' pad instances. To modify the core8s aspect ratio of height4width #A4W&, change the 3.@ default value to 0.5 and click the /pply button. )ow the core shape has been changed to a width that is twice the dimension of the height. Make sure to change the core aspect ratio to 3.@ since will need this in the next exercise.
General Usage, Clock Tree Synthesis, Placement, Route, Extract RC, timing analysis, and In-Place O timi!ation" #$%&&' Page #+ )or Encounter *ersion SOC+"%&

#earning floorplan widgets$tools + Bet to know the floorplan Tool Widgets. These are the row of widgets under the Toolbar Widgets. !dentify each widget by slowly moving the cursor over each widget to display their labels. )ote that some labels display a letter in parentheses #&. The letter represents the binding key. Mo%ing ob&ects "lick #$M%& on the Mo(e)&esize)&eshape *&+ Tool Widget so you can start moving the module guide into the core area. Moving is done by a two+step clicking #$M%& on the module guide. The 3st click #and then release& starts the move of the module and as the module is dragged, a ghost and flylines display. /t this point you can (oom+in or out, or pan the design. The 9nd click ends the move. The Mo(e)&esize)&eshape widget is used to reshape a module guide, say to a rectangular shape. To reshape a module guide and to keep the area constant, go to the Design +0

Preference form and click on the Display tab. 2elect the Maintain %rea option in the o, Stretch &estriction section. /lso, use the Mo(e)&esize)&eshape widget to move a block into the core ar

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