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Jennifer L. Armstrong
The !thor retins "o#$right
I get &etter from him 'o!t e(er$ si) months.
M$ s!'"ons"io!s #re#res me for the e(ent '$ "!sing me to h(e m*or !rges to
"he"+ the mi&'o) t,i"e -$. sometimes e(en three times. I &so thin+ &ot 'o!t him
for the month &e-ing !# to the &etter. J!st the !s!& st!ff // fntsies 'o!t "hn"e
en"o!nters ,ith him e(en tho!gh he0s 'o!t 1122 mi&es ,$.
The &etter. ,hen it rri(es. is s(ore-. I -on0t te&& Wi&son 'o!t it &tho!gh he
&,$s "omments tht I seem -istnt.
I !s!&&$ smi&e n- s$. 3It0s moon or's. Right no, the moon is &igne- ,ith J!#iter
n- it "retes n !r of #e"e in m$ &ife.3 I h(e no i-e ,hether it is e(en #ossi'&e for
the moon to &ign ,ith J!#iter. '!t. of "o!rse. neither -oes Wi&son. He *!st &oo+s t me
&i+e I0m "r4$ n- s+s me if I ,nt to go to the Beer 5nteen 'efore or fter the mo(ie.
3After.3 I s$. I fee& -r!n+ &re-$ n- 'eer ,o!&- sen- me into nother so&r
B!t Wi&son hs to h(e his 'eer so ,e #!&& into the #r+ing &ot of the Beer 5nteen
,hi"h mens ,e0&& miss the se(en o0"&o"+ sho,. so ,e0&& h(e to hng o!t here ti&& the nine
o0"&o"+ one. n- '$ tht time Wi&son ,i&& h(e #!t ,$ three 'eers. I ,i&& &inger o(er one.
n- the ,ho&e e)#erien"e ,i&& h(e "ost !s fo!r -o&&rs. The mo(ie ,i&& then set Wi&son
'"+ nother t,o -o&&rs. We&"ome to Est Te)s. The &n- of -o&&r 'eer n- -o&&r
6i- I mention tht I thin+ Wi&son n- I re going to get mrrie-7 E(er$one e&se
thin+s so. so I g!ess $o! might s ,e&& too.
The Beer 5nteen is &,$s "ro,-e- on St!r-$ night. It0s one of those #&"es
tht "n0t -e"i-e ,hether it ,nts to 'e "o!ntr$/n-/,estern 'r or to#/82 hngo!t so it
"om'ines -r+. ,oo-en 'ooths ,ith "hrome/trimme- "hirs n- t'&es9 #osters of 6,ight
:o+m ,ith #osters of ;%. The m!si" is &so mi) // &o(e '&&-s. -n"e hits. 'it of
f!n+. &ots of hert n- so!&. B!t && the men ,er "o,'o$ 'oots n- && the ,omen h(e
hir n- f"e tht h(e t+en t &est n ho!r n- h&f to "hie(e.
3Ho&- the t'&e. Jessie.3 s$s Wi&son. 3An- or-er !s some 'eers. I gott go.3 He
he-s in the -ire"tion of the men0s room.
We 'oth *!st t!rne- t,ent$/one. Before tht && 'eer ,s "ons!me- in the '"+ of
Wi&son0s #i"+/!#. #r+e- on some si-e ro-. It ,s #in. tho!gh. 'e"!se ,e &,$s h-
to 'ring t,ent$/one $er o&- &ong to '!$ the 'eer so I ne(er h- Wi&son to m$se&f.
Sin"e it ,s !s!&&$ Wi&son0s o&-er 'rother. Johnn$ R$. the$ *!st t&+e- 'o!t s#orts n-
the tr!"+ n- ,h$ their fther "o!&-n0t get off their "se. B!t no, Johnn$ R$0s mo(e- to
6&&s or e&se I thin+ he ,o!&- sti&& "ome o!t ,ith !s e(en tho!gh ,e "n get o!r o,n
Before Wi&son ret!rns. I #!&& the &etter o!t of m$ #!rse *!st to &oo+ t it // *!st to see
tht s"r,&e- ret!rn --ress. tht --ress tht &,$s seems to 'e "hnging. &tho!gh one
thing remins "onstnt. The "it$ is &,$s Mimi.
Wi&son is s,ggering -o,n the is&e 'et,een the t'&es to ret!rn to o!r 'ooth. I
&,$s insist ,e sit in 'ooth 'e"!se I fee& sfer // &ess e)#ose- in "se fight 're+s
o!t. Of "o!rse I "n0t te&& Wi&son this 'e"!se then he ,o!&- thin+ tht if I "o!&- thin+ of
this. then other #eo#&e "o!&- n- no, the$0re &oo+ing t him n- thin+ing. ,ht "hi"+en
for sitting in 'ooth. Tht0s m$ Wi&son.
3He$ $0&&=3 Wi&son grins greeting to gro!# of #eo#&e tht ,e !se- to go to high
s"hoo& ,ith.
Wi&son s&i-es into the 'ooth n- f"es me.
36i-0* or-er the 'eer73
3She -i-n0t "ome $et.3 I s$ g&n"ing "ross the room t the o(er/,or+e- ,itress.
3Oh for "r$ing o!t &o!-.3 s$s Wi&son s if it0s m$ f!&t.
I &oo+ t m$ ,t"h. 3We h(e t,o ,ho&e ho!rs 'efore the mo(ie. It0s not &i+e ,e0re
on s"he-!&e.3
3I *!st ,nt -rin+. tht0s &&.3 s$s Wi&son tr$ing to m+e e$e "ont"t ,ith the
As g!$s go. Wi&son isn0t '-. He0s goo-/&oo+ing // -r+ 'ro,n hir tht f&&s
sens!o!s&$ in his f"e. f"e tht0s ni"e/&oo+ing 'e"!se it hs no f&,s. n- ,e&&/
#ro#ortione- 'o-$ from ,or+ing o!t. As fr s I +no,. Wi&son hs ne(er "hete- on me.
he -ri(es his o,n #i"+/!#. n- he #&ns to t+e o(er his --0s "ontr"ting "om#n$ some
Brenn!s ,s goo-/&oo+ing 'e"!se his fet!res ,ere so -efine- n- his grin ,s
irresisti'&e. His hir ,s &ight 'ro,n. '&on- in the s!mmer. He ,s shorter thn Wi&son
,ho0s 'o!t he- t&&er thn me. Brenn!s h- no "&er "reer m'itions '!t he h- n
energ$ tht m-e $o! fee& tht if $o! ,ere the ,omn ,ho stoo- 'ehin- him. some-$
$o!0- en- !# sh+ing hn-s ,ith the >resi-ent. The on&$ thing is. Brenn!s isn0t here
n$more n- Wi&son is.
3So I0(e 'een thin+ing.3 Wi&son is s$ing. 3It ,o!&-n0t "ost m!"h n- I ,nt to -o
something now. I -on0t +no, if I "o!&- stn- ,or+ing ,ith m$ ---$ !nti& I "n t+e
I resist the !rge to s$ 3Wht73 'e"!se I +no, I0&& #i"+ !# on the thre- of this
"on(erstion if I *!st hng in there.
3Ho, ?'o!t s"hoo&73 I s$. At o!r ge. it0s stn-r- @!estion.
Wi&son snorts s the ,itress rri(es t the e-ge of o!r t'&e.
3T,o 5oors.3 s$s Wi&son 're&$ &oo+ing t her. 3S"hoo&. Jessie= I0m so si"+ of
s"hoo&= Besi-es. it0s not gonn -o me n$ goo-. M$ --0s t!ght me && I nee- to +no,
'o!t the '!siness.3
3So $o!0re thin+ing of -oing some *o's $o!rse&f73
3E)"t&$. H(enAt $o! 'een &istening to me7 Sm&&er *o's so I0- nee- &ess
e@!i#ment. I0(e &re-$ got the tr!"+. At the most I0- nee- "o!#&e of tho!sn- to get
3M$'e $o! "n go to 'n+.3 I s$. 3The tr!"+ "o!&- 'e $o!r "o&&ter&.3
3I0(e tho!ght 'o!t tht. I0(e &so tho!ght it might *!st 'e esier to get m$ ---$ to
&en- me the mone$ e)"e#t I -!nno if he0- go for the i-e of me strting !# m$ o,n
"ontr"ting '!siness...3
3Wh$ -on0t $o! *!st s+ him if $o! "n t+e o(er some of the sm&&er *o's...73
3I -!nno.3 Wi&son thin+s 'o!t this. 3I g!ess I "o!&-. Tht0s not '- i-e. I
men. e(ent!&&$ I gott t+e o(er the ,ho&e "om#n$ so he sho!&- &et me h(e 'it of it
3He0s gott gi(e $o! "hn"e...3
The 5oors rri(e n- Wi&son t+es g!&#. So mn$ of the g!$s ro!n- here h(e
nmes &i+e Bi&&$ R$ n- Bo''$ Lee. Wi&son ,s Wi&son0s mother0s mi-en nme //
&i'erte- ,omn of her time ,ho -i-n0t ,nt her nme to -ie o!t sin"e she ,s n on&$
"hi&-. >ro''&$ one of the 'iggest resons Brenn!s ne(er fit in t Long(ie, High ,s his
nme. Brenn!s ,s some n"ient 5e&ti" ,rrior ,ho ,on some 'tt&e. I -!nno the -eti&s.
Brenn!s -i-. of "o!rse.
3I0m gonn t&+ to him.3 Wi&son hs -e"i-e-. 3He can't s$ no. I0m his son. for
"r$ing o!t &o!-.3
3Ho,0s Johnn$ R$73 I s+.
3I -!nno.3 s$s Wi&son. His min- is on his f!t!re '!siness #ro#os& s he s,igs his
'eer. 3We gott #hone "&& &st ,ee+.3
3Is he seein0 n$one73
3Wh$ -o $o! "re73
3J!st m+ing "on(erstion.3 One of the #ro'&ems ,ith Wi&son is he *!st s$s ,ht
he thin+s. I 'e&ie(e it is "!stomr$ in some #rts of this "o!ntr$ to thin+ one thing n- s$
nother. or t &est to trns&te $o!r tho!ghts into more t"tf!& ,or-s. A "o!#&e of
tho!sn- -o&&rs is && it ,o!&- t+e to tem#t me to go n- fin- one of those #&"es. '!t I0m
Wi&son ,(es for nother 'eer.
3I re&&$ thin+ this is gonn ,or+.3 s$s Wi&son. 3It ,o!&- "ost me nothing n- it
,o!&- get me ,$ from m$ ---$. I &i+e him t home. '!t he0s 'str- to ,or+ for. If I
t+e #iss for more thn t,o min!tes he0s s"reming t me to sto# s&"+ing off.3
How ironic. I thin+. I go to the 'throom for more thn t,o min!tes n- ,hen I get
'"+ Wi&son s+s me if I fe&& in.
I strighten m$ -enim shirt n- e)mine the thin "hin of go&- on m$ right ,rist.
3Wh""h &oo+in0 t73 s+s Wi&son.
3The 'r"e&et $o! g(e me.3 I g&n"e !# t him n- grin.
3Tht0s nothing. ''$.3 Wi&son &!ghs. 3When I get m$ '!siness going. $o!0re
gonn get tons of ni"e things. Wer tht ne"+&"e I 'o!ght $o! to "h!r"h tomorro,. I &i+e
the ,$ it &oo+s on $o!.3
One of Brenn!s0s regrets is tht he "nAt fin- ,omn to #&$ Bonn$ to his 5&$-e.
A #rtner in "rime. The tho!ght of &ife of ro''er$ "!&minting in fin& ft& shoot/o!t
is ,i&-&$ romnti" to him.
Jessie Bn+s // gir& he h- met the $er he h- st$e- ,ith his !nt in Long(ie,.
Te)s // h- h- &ot of the @!&ifi"tions. She h- n e-ge to her. #otenti& e-ge
n$ho,. B!t if she h- ro''e- n$ 'n+s. it ,o!&- h(e 'een for the &o(e of him. not for
the &o(e of the -nger. so he h- ne(er #ro#ose- the i-e to her.
Brenn!s -oesnAt +no, ,h$ he +ee#s ,riting to her. ThereAs sense of !nreso&(e
,hen he thin+s 'o!t his $er in Long(ie, // something tht sti&& nee-s to 'e sett&e-. '!t
he hs no i-e ,ht it ,s. He "ontin!es to ,rite her ,ith the sense tht m$'e heAs
s(ing her from some gret -nger. He&&. n$thing "o!&- h##en to someone in tht #rt
of the "o!ntr$ ,here #r"ti"&&$ e(er$ g!$ hs g!n r"+ in the '"+ of his tr!"+ n- there
re more sh-$ forests n- em#t$ fie&-s thn he h- "re- to e)#&ore in his 'rief so*o!rn in
est Te)s. B!t tht isnAt it re&&$. Jessie "n t+e "re of herse&f. M$'e itAs g!i&t tht he
"o!&- h(e s(e- her from &ife of me-io"rit$ '!t h- "hosen inste- to &e(e her 'ehin-.
Brenn!s &oo+s ro!n- his sm&& one/room '"he&or #rtment // one ,&& "o(ere-
entire&$ ,ith 'oo+s. mn$ on 5e&ti" histor$. A#rt from his 'oo+s. his f!rnishings "onsist
of sim#&e B!h!s "hir. te&e(ision on s@!re ,hite t'&e. sm&& ,hite refrigertor.
"offee/m+er on the fri-ge. n- f!ton mttress ,ith ,hite "omforter. Most of his
mone$ goes to,r-s rent for the #rtment tht he h- "hosen for its Art 6e"o e)terior.
Not ,nting to s#en- nother S!n-$ fternoon insi-e. Brenn!s -e"i-es to go o!t
n- s#&!rge on Mimi ,ee+en- ##er n- "offee.
The &etters I get from Brenn!s re errti" // s"r,&e- tho!ghts. frnti" i-es // ne(er
one of those &etters ,here the #erson te&&s $o! ,ht he -i- sin"e he &st ,rote. B!t
Brenn!s ,s ne(er one for t&+ing 'o!t ,ht he -i-. He &i+e- to t&+ 'o!t ,ht he0-
tho!ght // the so&!tion to the Mi-/Est "risis tht h- str!"+ him -!ring 5&"!&!s. the
fesi'i&it$ of E&(is sti&& 'eing &i(e tht h- "ome to him in Ameri"n Lit. the ne"essit$ of
not engging in n!"&er -isrmment tht h- o""!rre- to him ,hi&e r!nning &#s in >.E.
After Brenn!s &eft. it too+ me ,hi&e to get '"+ into the e(er$-$ t&+ of most
#eo#&e // ,ht mo(ies $o!0- seen. ho, the -$0s going. ,ho0s seeing so/n-/so n- ,ho0s
'ro+en !# ,ith ,hoe(er. E(en ,ith &"oho&. most #eo#&e -on0t seem to h(e n$ ideas.
Oh e(er$'o-$ hs o#inions. '!t e(en if the$ h(e s!'stnti& f"ts to '"+ them !#. their
o#inions re #rosi". Brenn!s ,s the t$#e of g!$ to te&& 5hristin tht he 'e&ie(e-
M!hmm- ,s the tr!e #ro#het n- M!s&im tht he 'e&ie(e- 5hrist ,s the tr!e
#ro#het. *!st to get things going. He ,s t his 'est ,hen #eo#&e ,ere on the -efensi(e.
Tht0s ho, ,e met. Brenn!s ,s in the "feteri gi(ing m$ frien-. Jennie. hr-
time 'e"!se she h- si- in n Eng&ish Lit "&ss -is"!ssion 'o!t Sh+es#ere tht
Sh+es#ere m!st h(e "ons"io!s&$ 'een tr$ing to re"or- the h!mn "on-ition.
3:o! -on0t re&&$ 'e&ie(e tht. -o $o!73 he s+e- *!st s I "me to *oin her for &!n"h.
He h- t+en set "ross from her ,ith no tho!ght tht someone e&se might 'e meeting
3We&&. $eh.3 she si-.
3:o! m+e him so!n- &i+e some gret rtist.3 si- Brenn!s.
As I st -o,n 'esi-e Brenn!s. ,ho I0- ne(er t&+e- to 'efore. Jennie g(e me
#ine- &oo+. It ,sn0t "ommon in o!r s"hoo& to "h&&enge #eo#&e on their "omments in
"&ss n- &iterr$ -is"!ssions ,ere !nher- of.
3Sh+es#ere ,s n rtist.3 si- Jennie. so!n-ing s if she ,ere @!oting te"her.
3Sh+es#ere ,s n entertiner.3 si- Brenn!s. 3There0s -ifferen"e.3
Jennie *!st stre- t him. I ,on-ere- if I sho!&- #!&& o!t m$ t!n fish sn-,i"h
n- strt eting it or ,it !nti& the "on"&!sion of this -i&og!e.
Brenn!s g&n"e- t me n- "ontin!e- t&+ing.
3Sh+es#ere -i-n0t ,rite to re"or- the h!mn "on-ition. he ,rote to entertin. He
,rote 'o!t &o(e n- hte n- ,r 'e"!se tht0s ,ht #eo#&e ,nt to see. Sometimes he
h-n0t e(en finishe- ,riting his &st "t ,hen his first "t ,s "t!&&$ 'eing #erforme- so
it ,sn0t s if he ,s &'oring o(er e(er$ ,or-.3
3I -i-n0t +no, tht.3 I si- sin"e Jennie -i-n0t seem to 'e res#on-ing. I -e"i-e- it
,o!&-n0t 'e in##ro#rite to strt m$ &!n"h so I too+ 'ite of m$ sn-,i"h.
Brenn!s fo"!se- on me.
3:eh.3 he si-. 36on0t get me ,rong. The g!$ ,s geni!s. B!t I *!st -on0t thin+
,e sho!&- go ro!n- thin+ing tht geni!ses sit && -$ in tin$ -r+ room #on-ering 'o!t
,ht ,or-s to !se to -es"ri'e the h!mn "on-ition. The$ go o!t. The$ &i(e. The$ ,rite
'o!t it.3
I smi&e- n- no--e-. I0- seen this g!$ ro!n- n- &,$s tho!ght he ,s "!te '!t
I0- ne(er m-e n$ #&ns to "t!&&$ meet him.
3M$ nme0s Jessie.3 I si-.
3Brenn!s.3 he si- ho&-ing o!t his hn-. I h- to #!t -o,n m$ sn-,i"h to sh+e
it. I thin+ tht moment "onstit!te- the first offi"i& hn-sh+e insi-e the ,&&s of
Long(ie, High.
3Brenn!s.3 I re#ete-.
3He ,s 5e&ti" ,rrior.3 si- Brenn!s stn-ing !# n- grinning -o,n t me. 3I0&&
te&& $o! 'o!t him sometime.3
3OE.3 I si- s I &oo+e- !# t him. Tht ,s the moment I fe&& in &o(e ,ith him. I
,s "#t!re- in tht grin. Tht ,s the moment I re&i4e- there ,s h!ge ,or&- o!tsi-e
of Long(ie,. Te)s n- tht Brenn!s ,o!&- 'e the one to gi(e me m$ first tste of it.
Wi&son ,s &,$s ro!n-. We0- strte- o!t in +in-ergrten together n- then for
the ne)t e&e(en $ers I thin+ there ,ere on&$ three $ers ,here ,e -i-n0t h(e the sme
homeroom. Sin"e Wi&son ,s one of the first g!$s to get #i"+/!# tr!"+. he ,s !s!&&$
"rting ro!n- tr!"+&o- of !s to && the foot'&& gmes. Brenn!s ne(er ,ent to sing&e
foot'&& gme his entire $er in Long(ie,. so e(en ,hen I ,s in &o(e ,ith Brenn!s. I ,s
getting #i"+e- !# '$ Wi&son in the tr!"+ for the #re/gme #e# r&&ies.
3So ,ho0s tht g!$ $o! n- Jennie ,ere t&+ing to73 he s+e- me tht night ,hen
,e ,ere he-ing o!t to the gme. Sin"e he h- #i"+e- me !# first I h- the #ri(i&ege-
set !# in the "'.
3Wht g!$73 I s+e- e(en tho!gh Jennie n- I h- on&$ t&+e- to one g!$ tht -$.
3The one t &!n"h.3 si- Wi&son.
3Oh. him.3 I si-. 3His nme0s Brenn!s.3
3:eh. it0s 5e&ti" ,rrior nme.3
3Wht the he&& is 5e&ti" ,rrior73
I sighe-.
3It0s in the histor$ 'oo+s.3 I si-. 3The$ ,ere ,rriors.3
Wi&son t!rne- to stre t me. ignoring the ro- for so&i- fi(e se"on-s. ,hi"h is
something $o! "n -o in the Est Te)s '"+ ro-s sin"e $o! "n -ri(e for mi&es n-
ne(er see nother (ehi"&e.
3:eh...3 he si-. 3Go on.3
3The$ ,ere nom-i".3 I si-. 3I thin+ the$ en-e- !# in Eng&n-. No. Ire&n-.3 I 'it
m$ &i# s I tho!ght 'o!t this. 3Eng&n- is the Ang&o/S)ons.3
3Whte(er.3 si- Wi&son. no, tire- of this to#i". 3:o! ,nn #i"+ !# Ste,ie first.
or Bo''$ Joe73 He s+e- me sin"e I0m the one ,ho0s going to h(e m$ thigh s@!ishe- !#
ginst ,hoe(er it is on"e he gets into the "'.
3Ste,ie.3 I si-. Ste,ie0s thinner.
Wi&son t+es &eft t the for+ in the ro-.
3Two roads diverged in a wood, and I, I took the one less traveled by.3 I si-. We
h- -is"!sse- the #oem in Eng&ish.
3This one isn0t the one &ess tr(e&e- '$.3 si- Wi&son. 3The$0re 'o!t the sme.3
3Tht0s it e)"t&$.3 I si- e)"ite-&$. 3Tht0s ,ht the #oem0s 'o!t= Though as for
that the passing there had worn them really about the same...3
3:o! get e)"ite- o(er the ,eir-est things.3 si- Wi&son s ,e t!rne- off the -irt
ro- onto Ste,ie0s gr(e& -ri(e,$.
I g!ess there re ,orse #&"es to gro, !# thn Est Te)s. Bng&-esh "omes to
min-. I men. t &est ,e h(e #(e- high,$s n- &ots of forests n- 'ig gro"er$ stores.
'!t s fr s "om#ring Long(ie, C2%12 to Be(er&$ Hi&&s F2%12. ,e&&. $o! get the i-e.
It0s too r!r& to fee& &i+e n$thing signifi"nt is h##ening. The g# 'et,een the &ife of the
(erge Long(ie, "iti4en n- &ife on te&e(ision is &i+e "om#ring ,ter '!ff&os to
Simese +ittens.
The most #o#!&r teenge "ti(it$ is getting -r!n+. !s!&&$ some,here in the ,oo-s
or in the mi--&e of some'o-$0s fie&-.
When Brenn!s got -r!n+ his e$es ,o!&- g&itter &i+e "r4e- #oet. He n- I ,o!&-
go o!t ,ith si)/#"+ sto&en from his !nt0s 'sement n- t+e it to fie&- ,here ,e0-
-rin+ ti&& ,e ,ere '!44e- n- then &oo+ !# t the strs n- he ,o!&- #oint o!t && the
"onste&&tions. He "o!&- h(e 'een m+ing them !#. Eno,ing Brenn!s. he #ro''&$ ,s.
Brenn!s h- more f!n m+ing !# stor$ n- seeing if he "o!&- get ,$ ,ith it thn
-44&ing #eo#&e ,ith his (st +no,&e-ge of &itert!re n- histor$. It for"e- me to s#en-
&ot of time in the Long(ie, High &i'rr$ "he"+ing !# on the "onste&&tions n- the histor$
of the 5e&ts n- the &ife of Sh+es#ere so tht if I e(er ,nte- to re#et n$thing. I
,o!&-n0t &oo+ &i+e n i-iot if it t!rne- o!t to 'e nother one of his in(entions.
Gor Wi&son. Long(ie, "ontins e(er$thing he nee-s to m+e h##$ &ife n- if
things e(er get 'oring. he m+es ,ee+en- tri# to 6&&s to (isit Johnn$ R$. Before
Brenn!s. I tho!ght I ,s h##$ in Est Te)s.

3He$ Jessie.3 Brenn!s too+ the set 'esi-e me in the "f.
He remembered my name ,s m$ first tho!ght.
3So...3 he si- "on(erstion&&$.
Jennie ,s &te n- I ,s ho#ing she0- st$ &te.
3So...3 I si-.
3So. ho, "ome ,e -on0t h(e n$ "&sses together73 he s+e- s he #!&&e- +iser
ro&& sn-,i"h ,r##e- in #&sti" ,r# o!t of his +n#s"+ n- strte- to o#en it.
M$ min- ,ent '&n+. Ho, ,s I to +no,7 We && too+. more or &ess. the sme
"&sses sin"e no one re&&$ s#e"i&i4es in n$thing in high s"hoo&.
3B- &!"+. I g!ess.3 I si-.
3It0s those -mn "om#!ters.3 si- Brenn!s t+ing h!ge 'ite o!t of his sn-,i"h
n- sti&& mnging to t&+ ,ith his mo!th f!&&. 3H(e $o! noti"e- tht there0s some #eo#&e
$o! ne(er see n- others $o!0re in the sme "&sses ,ith for $ers in ro,73
3:eh.3 I si-. thin+ing of Wi&son.
3The$ -on0t gi(e f&i# 'o!t ,hether or not ,e meet ne, #eo#&e n- h(e ,i-e/
'se of frien-s. Inste- ,e meet the sme #eo#&e o(er n- o(er gin. en- !# ,ith on&$
fe, frien-s. n- ne(er +no, && tht ,e misse- o!t on.3
3Isn0t 'etter to h(e one or t,o "&ose frien-s thn to h(e ,ho&e gro!# of
"@!intn"es73 I s+e-. I "o!&- see Jennie getting into &ine to '!$ hm'!rger. The
&ine ,s &ong.
3She&&e$ si- tht he ,s ne(er #rt of tht gret se"t tht 'e&ie(e- $o! sho!&- h(e
*!st one frien- or mistress n- "ommen- the rest of the #eo#&e in the ,or&-. tho!gh the$
'e ,ise n- fir. into "o&- o'&i(ion.3
It too+ me moment to re&i4e he ,s t&+ing 'o!t the #oet.
3Wh$ not73 I s+e- to st&& for time in or-er to #!&& m$ tho!ghts on the s!'*e"t
together. if I h- n$.
3Be"!se the ,or&- is 'ro- high,$ n- the #erson ,ith on&$ one frien- hs the
-reriest n- the &ongest *o!rne$.3
Brenn!s -i-n0t &oo+ t me s he s#o+e. He ,s s"nning the room &i+e gener&
s!r(e$ing the mess h&&.
3E.M. Gorster ,rote his no(e&. The !ongest "ourney. 'se- on tht #oem.3 Brenn!s
"ontin!e-. 3His "hr"ter. Ri"+ie. 'e&ie(e- in She&&e$0s #hi&oso#h$ !nti& he fe&& in &o(e
n- tho!ght tht his mistress ,s s!ffi"ient for h##iness. He t!rne- o!t to 'e ,rong.3
3Tht0s too '-.3 I si-. M$ he- ,s s#inning. I ,sn0t !# to this. If he h- "ome
o(er. st -o,n. n- s+e- me if I0- seen n$ goo- mo(ies &te&$. I ,o!&- h(e 'een '&e to
hn-&e it.
Brenn!s ,s &oo+ing t me. I @!i"+&$ g&n"e- t Jennie ,ho ,s sti&& ,iting for
her hm'!rger. I thin+ he ,nte- me to s$ something.
3I thin+ it0s hr- to meet #eo#&e.3 I si-.
Brenn!s &!ghe- n- t!rne- '"+ to the ,i-e room. '!st&ing ,ith #eo#&e.
3It might not 'e s hr- s $o! thin+. An- I -on0t thin+ She&&e$ ,nts !s to go o!t
n- meet everyone. He *!st -oesn0t ,nt !s to &imit o!rse&(es to fe, #eo#&e. Loo+ t
them.3 He #ointe- to the "ro,-s tht fi&&e- the "feteri. Girst #erio- &!n"h ,s &,$s
the most "ro,-e- ,ith e(er$ t'&e fi&&e-. "hirs s"r##ing. g!$s $e&&ing. gir&s &!ghing.
3Most #eo#&e sit t the sme t'&e ,ith the sme #eo#&e e(er$ &!n"h #erio-. One tho!sn-
#eo#&e go to this s"hoo& n- o(er their high s"hoo& "reer the$ ,i&& hng/o!t ,ith t,o
"&ose frien-s n- m$'e meet. 'o!t se(en more #eo#&e.3
They'd be doing well. I tho!ght. I h- Jennie n- #rt from tht. Wi&son ,s m$
on&$ ""ess to so"i& &ife.
3An- then ,ht0s e(en more m4ing is if the$ go onto !ni(ersit$. there0&& 'e t,ent$
tho!sn- #eo#&e there n- the$0&& #ro''&$ mintin the sme n!m'ers. T,o frien-s.
Se(en "@!intn"es. Then the$0&& gr-!te into ,or&- of three 'i&&ion #eo#&e n-
-es#ite the f"t tht there re more #eo#&e thn the$ "o!&- e(er meet in &ifetime. the$0&&
sti"+ ,ith their ,ife. their -rin+ing '!--$. n- the se(en or so g!$s the$ +no, t ,or+.3
36o $o! thin+ #eo#&e sho!&- meet more #eo#&e73 I s+e-. Jennie ,s t the "sh
#$ing for her '!rger.
Brenn!s sighe-.
3I0m not s$ing n$thing. I0m *!st t&+ing.3
Then it hit me. It ,sn0t so m!"h tht he ,nte- to r!n on 'o!t ho, st!#i-
e(er$'o-$ ,s for not meeting #eo#&e. he ,nte- to h(e -is"!ssion. A -is"!ssion
'o!t ,hether it0s 'etter to h(e one "&ose frien- or ,hether $o! sho!&- +no, &ot of
#eo#&e. M$'e it "o!&- h(e &e- to -is"!ssion 'o!t &o(e. ,hether it0s 'etter to &o(e n-
tr!st *!st one #erson n- #!t && $o!r ho#e on him or her... Jennie ,s "oming n-
Brenn!s ,s three/@!rters of the ,$ thro!gh his sn-,i"h n- &oo+e- &i+e he -i-n0t
inten- to &inger on"e he finishe-.
3B!t &o(e "hnges $o!. -oesn0t it73 I si- s!--en&$.
3Wht73 si- Brenn!s. He h-n0t 'een e)#e"ting fo&&o,/!#.
I too+ -ee# 'reth.
3Lo(e m+es $o! ,nt to 'e&ie(e tht one #erson is eno!gh. Tht one #erson
"ontins the !ni(erse insi-e of them.3
3Tht0s it.3 si- Brenn!s. &oo+ing t me. 3Tht0s it e)"t&$.3
Jennie st -o,n "ross from me n- g(e me grin // one of those +no,ing grins
tht if Brenn!s h- 'een ,t"hing her. he ,o!&- h(e imme-ite&$ !n-erstoo-. Gor
moment I resente- Jennie. I ,ishe- I -i-n0t h(e n$ frien-s. or tht I ,s &i+e Brenn!s.
,here I -i-n0t h(e set ro!tine of meeting someone for &!n"h e(er$-$.
Brenn!s no--e- t Jennie '!t '$ not "hnging his #osition or the e)#ression on his
f"e. m-e it "&er ,e ,ere h(ing -is"!ssion n- it ,o!&- not "hnge 'e"!se of her
rri(&. I0(e ne(er 'een more im#resse- ,ith someone in m$ &ife.
3So &o(e is n i&&!sion73 I si-.
3:o! men tr#73 he s+e-. 3Lo(e is ,ht &!res $o! onto the 'ro- high,$
'e&ie(ing tht one #erson is s!ffi"ient73
He -i-n0t h(e && the ns,ers= He re&&$ ,nte- to -is"!ss this=
3Then ,ht is it73 I s+e-. 3Lo(e. I men. I men. I ,nt to 'e&ie(e in &o(e. Tht
it0s g!i-e of some sort. Tht it means something.3
3B!t ,ht re the en- res!&ts73 s+e- Brenn!s. He ,s sti&& o""sion&&$ g&n"ing
ro!n- the room. #!t he h- #!t -o,n his sn-,i"h n- ,s string -o,n t m$ tr$ s if
he ,ere thin+ing more serio!s&$ 'o!t the to#i". 3:o! f&& in &o(e. $o! &i(e in tri&er. the
g!$ gets -r!n+ n- 'ets !# his ,ife. The ,ife on&$ hs one or t,o frien-s n- sm&&
&ife so she -oesn0t ,nt to &e(e him...3
3:eh. tht h##ens.3 I sighe-. 3The si"+ #rt is e(er$'o-$ gets into re&tionshi#
,ith high ho#es.3
3:eh. it0s &i+e $o! si-. the$ thin+ the ,ho&e !ni(erse is insi-e tht one #erson.3
Brenn!s &oo+e- !# from the t'&e n- grinne- t me.
3B!t there re&&$ isn0t !ni(erse insi-e of n$'o-$.3 I si-. 3The ,or&- is o!tsi-e of
e(er$ sing&e one of !s.3
3B!t ,e sti&& +ee# on 'e&ie(ing tht ,e0re going to fin- someone ,ith e(er$thing
,e0(e e(er ,nte-. -on0t ,e73
I sighe- gin.
3:eh.3 An- I ,s &oo+ing t him. I ,s &oo+ing t e(er$thing I0(e e(er ,nte- s
he #i"+e- !# ,ht ,s &eft of his sn-,i"h n- stoo- !#.
3Ni"e t&+ing to $o!.3 he si- 'efore t!rning n- *oining the "ro,-s #!shing
thro!gh the is&es to,r-s the e)its.
3He0s too -ee#.3 si- Jennie. 3I men. tht g!$ is on nother #&net.3
3I thin+ e(er$thing he si- m-e sense.3 I #!she- m$ sn-,i"h ,$. I "o!&-n0t et
I h- Eng&ish Lit tht fternoon.
We -is"!sse-. or re&&$. the te"her -is"!sse-. the "on"e#t of *!sti"e in The
#erchant of $enice. I &istene-. Gor the first time I &istene- ,ith -esire to "t!&&$
!n-erstn-. If the to#i" of *!sti"e e(er "me !# ,ith Brenn!s. I ,nte- to 'e '&e to
"ontri'!te something. The pound of flesh which I demand of him is dearly bought, %tis
mine, and I will have it. I "o!&- her m$se&f -rmti"&&$ @!oting tht tho!gh I ,sn0t
e)"t&$ s!re ,ht #oint I0- 'e m+ing. I g!ess I0- rg!e in f(or of mer"$. The &uality of
mercy is not strained, it droppeth as the gentle rain from heaven upon the place beneath'
it is twice blessed( it blesseth him that gives and him that takes.
M$'e ,e0- get into -is"!ssion 'o!t the ,or&- in gener& n- ho, ,f!& it is n-
then I "o!&- s$ How far that little candle throws his beams )o shines a good deed in a
naughty world.
Of "o!rse. e(er$thing ,o!&- 'e o!t of "onte)t 'e"!se I h- #rett$ m!"h f&&en
s&ee# ,hen ,e h- re- the #&$ o!t &o!- -!ring "&ss so I on&$ h- (g!e i-e ,ht
the #&ot ,ht ,s && 'o!t.
E. M. Gorster. Brenn!s h- si-. I0- h(e to &oo+ him !#.
3No one "res 'o!t i-es n$more.3 si- Brenn!s to his !nt tht night. The$ ,ere
in sm&& +it"hen finishing !# -inner of (e& #rmigin n- #st. 3Inste-
e(er$'o-$0s got stor$ to te&&.3
3:o!0re not +i--ing.3 si- his !nt si##ing her fter -inner "offee. Brenn!s0s !nt
,s the most interesting ,omn he h- met. 3If $o! s+ #eo#&e ,h$ the$ thin+ r"ism sti&&
e)ists in the so!th. the$ -on0t gi(e $o! n n&$sis of the sit!tion. the$ te&& $o! stor$ of
ho, their "o!sin Bi&&$ Bo' ,s 'eten !# '$ '&"+ g!$.3
3The min!te $o! get 'str"t. #eo#&e get ner(o!s. It0s &i+e the &, of gr(it$ hs
s!--en&$ h&te- n- the$0re r#i-&$ rising. in -nger of h!rt&ing to,r-s the !n+no,n of
o!ter s#"e. so the$ te&& &itt&e -o,n/to/erth stor$ to get '"+ to fmi&ir gro!n-.3
3It0s fer.3 gree- his !nt. 3Ger of 'eing ,rong. Of 'eing "!ght not +no,ing
Gor Brenn!s. +no,&e-ge ,s #o,er. I-es ,ere re&. I-es "ontro&&e- the ,or&-.
Not tr-e em'rgoes. not g!ns. not n!"&er ,e#ons. I-es. Be"!se 'ehin- e(er$ mn
tht he&- g!n. there ,s n i-e tht h- 'ro!ght him to the #oint ,here he ,o!&- 'e
,i&&ing to shoot nother mn.
Brenn!s ,s &so se(enteen $ers o&- ,ith no &i@!i- ssets n- so i-es ,ere && he
h-. His #rents. ,ho &i(e- in Mi"hign. h- *!st fi&e- for 'n+r!#t"$ n- sent their on&$
son -o,n to the mother0s o&-er sister ,ho h- n e)tr 'e-room in her sm&& '!ng&o,.
3I met gir& to-$ ,ho "t!&&$ might h(e #otenti&.3 si- Brenn!s getting !# to
#o!r himse&f nother m!g of "offee. 3I strte- t&+ing n- she -i-n0t fre+ o!t. She
"t!&&$ m-e goo- #oint 'o!t ho, ,e e)#e"t the #erson ,e &o(e to "ontin the entire
3:o! t&+e- 'o!t &o(e. eh73 si- his !nt. His !nt n- his mother h- 'een 'orn
in Regin. Ss+t"he,n. Brenn!s0s mother h- mrrie- n Ameri"n. Brenn!s0s !nt h-
ne(er mrrie- n- h- 'een &!re- to Te)s fe, $ers er&ier '$ the ho#e of r!gge- &ife
mong the "o,'o$s n- rn"hers. ;nfort!nte&$ no one h- to&- her tht && the rnges
,ere in ,est Te)s. not est Te)s. She ,s "onsi-ering mo(e to A&s+ ,here the men
##rent&$ o!tn!m'ere- the ,omn ten to one. 3Tht0s hr- one 'e"!se someone
&,$s ,nts to te&& the stor$ of their re&tionshi#.3
3She +e#t it stri"t&$ to theor$.3 si- Brenn!s sitting -o,n gin. 3Whi"h is the on&$
,$ to -is"!ss &o(e. Lo(e is the !&timte "on"e#t 'e"!se it0s so e&!si(e.3
3Lo(e. s ,e +no, it. is either "&ose&$ &in+e- ,ith &!st or hte. We ,nt someone
re&&$ '-&$ n- ,hen ,e "n0t h(e them. ,e hte them.3
3I thin+ re& &o(e "t!&&$ -oes h##en. '!t it !s!&&$ on&$ &sts for "o!#&e of
min!tes n- then it *!st 'e"omes g&orifie- memor$.3 si- Brenn!s t+ing si# of "offee.
He h- &o(e- in his short &ifetime n- he h- fe&t its *o$s n- gonies. His fe,
e)#erien"es h- "on(in"e- him tht it ,s fr more stisf$ing to 'e in "ontro& of his
Brenn!s0s !nt ,t"he- him. He ,s o'(io!s&$ sti&& thin+ing n- she -i-n0t
interr!#t his tho!ght #ro"ess ,ith n$ "omment. She n- her #re"o"io!s ne#he, ne(er
t&+e- *!st for the s+e of m+ing s!re their *,s sti&& ,or+e-. The$ e)"hnge- i-es. It
,s the t$#e of re&tionshi# she h- -reme- 'o!t in her !ni(ersit$ -$s ,hen she h-
,nte- to -is"!ss the ,eightier mtters of &ife. Inste-. -es#ite the so"i& !#he(&s of the
si)ties. her fe&&o, Ss+t"h,nites h- 'een "ontent to -is"!ss their "reer #&ns.
mortgge rtes. n- f!t!re n!m'er of "hi&-ren. Their #&ns h- #i- off. Most of her
fe&&o, !ni(ersit$/gr-!tes h- ste-$ *o's. homes tht ,ere #i- for. n- the o'&igtor$
%.8 "hi&-ren. An- she sti&& h- her i-es. An- *o' s hostess t the Hot Biscuit to #$
the rent.
3>eo#&e "t &i+e fee&ings mtter.3 si- Brenn!s s!--en&$. 3>eo#&e "t &i+e if the$
fee& something for nother h!mn 'eing it m!st 'e re&. Wht the$ -on0t re&i4e is the
most im#ortnt thing is to know someone. If $o! re&&$ +no, the #erson. then $o!r
fee&ings for him or her mtter. >ositi(e or negti(e. the$ mtter.3
Brenn!s0s !nt stoo- !# n- #o!re- herse&f nother "!# of "offee.
3An- to thin+ tht #eo#&e h(e "t!&&$ gone into mrriges. #&e-ging to s#en- the
rest of their &i(es together. 'se- on *!st their fee&ings.3 she si-. ;n&i+e mn$ of her
fe&&o, !ni(ersit$ gr-!tes. she h- ne(er gone thro!gh mess$ -i(or"e.
3Tht is not going to h##en to me.3 si- Brenn!s.
The$ -i-n0t h(e The !ongest "ourney in o!r &i'rr$ so I #i"+e- o!t one of the other
'oo+s '$ E. M. Gorster. *here +ngels ,ear to Tread. I &i+e- the so!n- of tht.
I ,s stn-ing there in one of the is&es #er!sing the G se"tion n- thin+ing ho, it0s
-ifferent ,or&- in the &i'rr$. So mn$ 'oo+s= I0- ne(er tho!ght 'o!t "oming to get
one for f!n. I men. not for "&ss. The #eo#&e ,ho s#ent &ot of time in o!r &i'rr$ ,ere
the t$#es ,ho en-e- !# 'e"oming -o"tors n- &,$ers in 6&&s '!t ,ere "om#&ete ner-s
for their fo!r $ers in high s"hoo&.
Tht0s ,hen I s, Brenn!s "ome in thro!gh the g&ss -oors.
It ,s *!st &i+e the mo(ies. I "o!&- see him "&er&$ thro!gh the 'oo+s on the she&f
n- m$ first im#!&se ,s to r!n. R!n ,here. I -i- not +no,. To him7 A,$ from him7
As it ,s. I *!st stoo- there n- ,t"he- s he -!m#e- his +n#s"+ -o,n on t'&e n-
strte- ,&+ing to,r-s the mg4ines. in the o##osite -ire"tion of the 'oo+she&(es.
I h- no i-e ,ht I sho!&- -o. He h- gr''e- some mg4ines n- ,s ret!rning
to his t'&e. &re-$ f&i##ing thro!gh them. Thn+f!&&$ he h-n0t e(en g&n"e- t the 'oo+
she&(es sin"e if I "o!&- see him. he "o!&- #ro''&$ see me.
I &oo+e- -o,n t the 'oo+ in m$ hn- n- +ne, I "o!&-n0t &et him see me "he"+ing
it o!t. The "onne"tion 'et,een the 'oo+ n- o!r &!n"htime "on(erstion ,o!&- *!st 'e
too o'(io!s. I st!"+ it in m$ #!rse. thn+f!& tht o!r &i'rr$ hs ne(er gotten ro!n- to
inst&&ing se"!rit$ s$stem. I fig!re o!r #rin"i#&e fe&t fe, missing 'oo+s ,sn0t ,orth
the #ri"e of se"!rit$ s$stem. Besi-es. the thri&& of ste&ing 'oo+ might en"o!rge
#eo#&e to re-.
Before I &et m$se&f thin+ 'o!t it. I ,&+e- @!i"+&$ -o,n the is&e n- to,r-s
Brenn!s0s t'&e.
3He$=3 I si-.
He &oo+e- !#.
3Oh hi. Jessie.3 He smi&e-.
I *!st stoo- there &i+e n i-iot.
3Sit -o,n.3 he si-. ,(ing to the "hir "ross from him.
I st.
3Wh""h re-in073 I s+e-.
He he&- !# the mg4ine. Time.
3I &i+e to +ee# 'rest.3 he si- grinning.
3We&&. it0s &,$s ni"e to 'e 'rest.3 I si-. smi&ing '"+.
3Soooo.3 he si-. 3:o! here to "he"+ o!t 'oo+73
3;h. $eh.3 I si-. 3:o! +no,. *!st &oo+in0 ro!n-.3
Brenn!s no--e-.
3It0s n OE &i'rr$.3 he si-. 3Of "o!rse. the 5e&ti" se"tion is some,ht
3Oh $eh.3 I si-. remem'ering something. 3So te&& me 'o!t this 5e&ti" ,rrior
3Oh right.3 Brenn!s #!t -o,n his Time. He on&$ s&ight&$ shifte- his #osition in his
set '!t it ,s if he h- sett&e- '"+ n- ,s going to s#in me $rn.
3We&&. he ,s the &e-er '"+ ,hen Rome &i(e- in terror of the 5e&ts. The stor$ of
Brenn!s goes '"+ to time ,hen the 5e&ts -e"i-e- to mo(e from the A-riti" Se -o,n
to,r-s It&$ sin"e the ,ether ,s getting too hot. ;nfort!nte&$. the &n- the$ ,nte-
,s inh'ite- '$ the 5&!sins ,ho ,eren0t ,i&&ing to gi(e it !#. Inste- of *!st 'tt&ing it
o!t. the 5&!sins "&&e- on Rome for he&# ,ho then sent -e&egtion of m'ss-ors. one
of ,hom +i&&e- 5e&ti" &e-er. The 5e&ts ,ere f!rio!s sin"e ""or-ing to the interntion&
&, of the time. tht t$#e of interferen"e ,sn0t #ermitte-. When Rome ref!se- to t+e the
5e&t0s "om#&int serio!s&$. it ,s -e"i-e- tht the$ ,o!&- mr"h on Rome n- t+e the
Brenn!s #!se- -rmti"&&$.
3The Romns "me !# ,ith 'tt&e #&n. The$ ,o!&- &e(e reser(e of troo#s ner
hi&& to tt"+ them from 'ehin- -!ring the height of the 'tt&e. B!t Brenn!s. the 5e&ti"
&e-er. g!essing this might h##en. *!st ,ent stright for the hi&&. ignoring the rest of the
troo#s ,ho ,ere so t+en '$ s!r#rise tht "hos 'ro+e o!t n- the$ f&e- '"+ to Rome. so
s"re- tht the$ forgot to "&ose the "it$ gtes.3
I smi&e- t the (is!& #i"t!re. Brenn!s grinne- '"+.
3The 5e&ts tho!ght it ,s tr# t first n- ##ro"he- the "it$ "!tio!s&$.
e)#e"ting some sort of "o!nter/tt"+. B!t the streets ,ere -eserte-. E(er$one h- f&e-
to the 5#ito& n- ,ere hi-ing. e(er$one e)"e#t the senior #tri"ins. the o&- men of the
"it$ ,ho ,ere o!t sitting in their togs. ,iting for -eth. At first the 5e&ts tho!ght the$
,ere go-s. One of the ,rriors re"he- o!t n- #!&&e- t one of the o&- men0s 'er-s. *!st
to see if the$ ,ere h!mn. The o&- mn res#on-e- '$ ,h"+ing the ,rrior on the he-.
The 5e&ti" ,e of the men ,s -estro$e- n- the ,rriors ,ent "r4$. +i&&ing the men n-
s"+ing the "it$ of Rome.3
3Re&&$73 I si-. This ,s m4ing. We0- ne(er &erne- this in o!r Western
5i(i&i4tion "&ss.
Brenn!s no--e-.
3The 5#ito&. ,here e(er$one ,s hi-ing. ,sn0t s es$ to t+e sin"e it ,s on
stee# hi&&. Mn$ 5e&ts ,ere +i&&e- tr$ing to storm it '!t the Romns "o!&-n0t ,it in there
fore(er. The$ gree- to #$ the 5e&ts tho!sn- #o!n-s of go&- to m+e them go ,$.
5tt&e n- go&- ,ere the t,o things the 5e&ts (&!e- sin"e the$ ,ere es$ to trns#ort.
An$ho,. ,hen it "me time to ,eigh the go&-. the Romns "t!&&$ ""!se- the 5e&ts of
'&n"ing the s"&es in their f(or. Brenn!s then "s!&&$ thre, his s,or- -o,n on the
s"&e tht ,s -etermining ho, m!"h go&- the Romns ,o!&- #$ n- -e"&re- $ae victis.
Woe to the -efete-=3
Brenn!s smi&e- to "on"&!-e his stor$.
3Wo,. I ,on-er ho, m!"h his s,or- ,eighe-73 I si-. It ,s the on&$ semi/
inte&&igent thing I "o!&- thin+ to s$.
3>ro''&$ @!ite 'it.3 Brenn!s shifte- in his set. 3There ,s se"on- Brenn!s
&ter on '!t !nfort!nte&$ he &ost 'tt&e ,ith the Romns in sno,storm n- +i&&e-
I ,s &te for "&ss. '!t I -i-n0t "re. I h- *!st h- the most interesting histor$
&esson of m$ &ife.
I ,s tem#te- to te&& Jennie ho, I fe&t 'o!t Brenn!s // 'o!t ho, e"h en"o!nter
so fr h- m-e me fee& so &i(e. I "o!&- h(e t&+e- 'o!t him e(er$ moment of the -$
from the min!te I fe&& in &o(e ,ith him. B!t I +ne, the on&$ reson gir&s -o tht is to
"on(in"e themse&(es tht the$ h(e something so&i-. It0s. &i+e. if the$ -on0t t&+ 'o!t the
re&tionshi#. it m$ not e)ist // it m$ t!rn o!t to 'e -rem m-e of ,hi#/"rem. I +ne,
Brenn!s ,sn0t the t$#e of g!$ ,ho0- ,nt to 'e t&+e- 'o!t // -id you see the way he
looked at me? So inste- I t&+e- 'o!t *here +ngels ,ear to Tread.
3It0s m4ing. Jennie.3 I si-. 3It0s 'o!t this Eng&ish ,i-o, ,ho goes to It&$ n-
mrries n It&in g!$ nme- Gino ,ho0s ten $ers $o!nger thn her.3
3So. &i+e. -oes she s#e+ It&in73 s+e- Jennie 'iting into her hm'!rger.
3No.3 I si-. g&n"ing ro!n- the "ro,-e- &!n"hroom. I "o!&-n0t see Brenn!s.
3So ho, -o the$ t&+73
3We&& he s#e+s 'it of Eng&ish n- she s#e+s 'it of It&in. '!t most&$ I thin+
she0s *!st in it for his &oo+s n- he0s in it for the mone$. So n$,$. her in/&,s get &&
36o the$ s#e+ Eng&ish73 s+e- Jennie -i##ing fren"h fr$ in +et"h!#.
3I men. her in/&,s '"+ in Eng&n-. The fmi&$ of her h!s'n- ,ho0s -e-.3
3So ,h-- the$ "re73
3We&& this is E-,r-in Eng&n-. :o! +no,. these things ,ere im#ortnt then. :o!
"o!&-n0t *!st 'e n Eng&ish ,omn n- then go mrr$ some It&in ,ho ,s *!st the son of
3.dwardian Eng&n-7 :o! men this is one of those o&-/fshione- no(e&s73
3:eh. '!t it0s re&&$ interesting. The "hr"ters seem re&&$ re&.3
Jennie &oo+e- 'ore-.
3Tht g!$ is so "!te o(er there.3
Sin"e Jennie ne(er #oints. I t!rne- to f"e "ro,- of 'o!t fi(e h!n-re-
#otenti&&$ "!te g!$s.
3Whi"h one73
3Boots. tight *ens. #&i- shirt.3
She h- *!st nrro,e- it -o,n to fo!r h!n-re- n- fift$.
3Re- n- '&!e #&i-73
3Oh "0mon Jessie. :o! +no, the one I men. The Lo!isin g!$.3
3Oh= The !ouisiana g!$.3 I sett&e- '"+ in m$ hr- #&sti" "hir. Jennie n- I h-
h- this -is"!ssion 'efore. It +i&&s me ho, Jennie n- I "n h(e the sme -is"!ssions
o(er n- o(er gin // ,or- for ,or-. I ,on-er if she noti"es. I ,ish she0- t &est
#ref"e the ,ho&e thing ,ith I know we've had this conversation about fifty times before,
3I met him.3 she si-.
We&& this ,s ne, e&ement to the "on(erstion.
3No ,$.3 I si-. 3Ho,73
36rin+ing fo!ntin. He ,s 'ehin- me n- I -i-n0t +no, it. I t!rne- ro!n-.
'!m#e- into him. n- si- sorr$. His nme is Bi&&$.3
3He to&- $o! his nme is Bi&&$73
3No. Lin- to&- me his nme ,s Bi&&$. He si-. that's /0. in his re&&$ -ee# (oi"e.
He0s got tht se)$ -r,&. I ner&$ -ie-.3
I -i-n0t #oint o!t tht '!m#ing into g!$. #o&ogi4ing. n- h(ing the #o&og$
""e#te- -i-n0t re&&$ "onstit!te meeting someone.
3Ho, mn$ #eo#&e -o $o! thin+ &i+e him73 s+e- Jennie ,ho h-n0t t+en her
e$es off him. 3He &,$s sits ,ith g!$s so I -on0t thin+ he0s seein0 n$one. I +no, Lin-
thin+s he0s "!te. '!t she0s got 'o$frien-.3
3It0s &,$s the ones ,ho $o! thin+ no one &i+es tht t!rn o!t to h(e 'o!t fift$
,omen ,ho && thin+ the$0re the on&$ ones ,ho &i+e him.3
3Thn+s Jessie. Oh. there0s $o!r mn.3
3Who73 I si- t,isting ro!n-.
3Tht Brenn!s g!$. He0s ,eir-.3
3Where73 M$ (oi"e h- s!--en&$ 'e"ome frnti".
35&m -o,n= O(er there '$ the 5o+e m"hine.3
There he ,s. 6ro##ing his @!rters into the m"hine n- #ressing -o,n on the
5o+e &ogo.
3:o! &i+e him. or somethin073
3Oh no.3 I si- @!i"+&$. 3I ,s *!st strt&e-...3 I &et m$ (oi"e -rift off n- #i"+e- !#
m$ ,ter 'ott&e.
3He0s "oming o(er here=3 si- Jennie.
3He is=3 I &most "ho+e- on m$ ,ter.
Jennie &oo+e- &i+e she ,s 'o!t to #ss o!t s her f"e -ro##e- onto the t'&e.
3He0s ,&+ing right 'ehin- $o!.3 she ,his#ere- "ross the t'&e. 3He0s gone right
Ver$ "ref!&&$ I t,iste- m$ he- *!st in time to see Bi&&$. the Lo!isin g!$. #ssing
o!r t'&e.
I sighe- n- trie- not to fee& si"+.
3Goo- fternoon. &-ies.3 Brenn!s0s (oi"e "me from the set 'esi-e me.
I *!m#e-. He grinne-.
35n I *oin $o!73 he s+e-. "ref!&&$ #&"ing his 5o+e in front of him n- #!&&ing
o!t sn-,i"h from his +n#s"+.
3I thin+ $o! &re-$ h(e.3 I si- s he st -o,n 'esi-e me. +no,ing tht m$
#&es!re ,s #ro''&$ r-iting from m$ f"e &i+e &ser 'em.
3So. $o! g!$s h(e &i(e- here && $o!r &ife73
3;h. $eh.3 I si-. No, tht her -rem mn h- #sse- right '$ her. Jennie0s
,ho&e !r ,s one of f!ti&it$ n- ho#e&essness. She stre- t her hm'!rger s if it ,s
the most -isg!sting thing she0- e(er seen.
3Are $o! OE73 s+e- Brenn!s. I ,s *e&o!s tht he0- noti"e- her.
3No.3 she si-. 3Life s!"+s.3 He ,s strnger to her. She ,sn0t going to "onfi-e
in him her resons for hting &ife. '!t she ,sn0t going to #reten- e(er$thing ,s OE.
3Life -oes s!"+.3 gree- Brenn!s. 3We0- 'e i-iots not to see tht ,e &i(e in n
's!r- ,or&-. 5m!s si- tht the most f!n-ment& @!estion mn "n s+ himse&f is
sho!&- I +i&& m$se&f73
3:eh.3 si- Jennie. sho,ing s m!"h interest in the #hi&oso#h$ of 5m!s s she
h- in E-,r-in Eng&n-.
36es#ite the f"t tht h##iness is e&!si(e n- the ,or&- is f!&& of miser$ n-
-es#ir. 5m!s fe&t tht the ns,er ,s no. ,e sho!&- not +i&& o!rse&(es. The on&$ ,$
,e "n fight ginst the 's!r-it$ n- trge-$ of &ife is to f"e it. Tht0s ,ht "n gi(e &ife
mening n- (&!e.3
3Re&&$73 I si-. #!tting -o,n m$ sn-,i"h.
Brenn!s no--e- n- 'egn to !n,r# his sn-,i"h.
3A""or-ing to 5m!s. ,e h(e t,o 'si" nee-s. ;n-erstn-ing n- so"i& "ont"t.
Ho,e(er. the ,or&- ,e &i(e in -oesn0t &,$s #ro(i-e these nee-s. A &ot of #eo#&e !se
ho#e s '!ffer 4one to #re(ent themse&(es from "t!&&$ seeing this tho!gh.3
3Tht is 'so&!te&$ terrif$ing.3 I si-. I h- sto##e- eting &together.
3:eh. ,e&&. it0s one ,$ of &oo+ing t the ,or&-.3 si- Brenn!s t+ing 'ite o!t of
his sn-,i"h. 3So $o! have &i(e- here && $o!r &ife73
3;h. $eh.3
3So ,ht -o $o! +no, 'o!t the O'ser(tor$73 he s+e-.
3The /bservatory73 I si-. He h-n0t sh(e- this morning. There ,s s&ight
gro,th on his "hin n- !##er &i#.
3:eh. $o! +no,. E$mn. Te)s...3
3:eh. I +no, the O'ser(tor$. I men. e(er$one +no,s 'o!t the O'ser(tor$.3
How often did he shave? I ,on-ere-.
3OE. so ,ht -o $o! +no, 'o!t it73
3We&&. I0(e on&$ seen it on"e.3 I #!se- in m$ e)mintion of his f"e to gi(e this
mtter some tho!ght. 3It0s right on the e-ge of E$mn. It0s mssi(e. White. It #e+s in
the "entre.3
I gest!re- ,ith m$ hn-s to in-i"te the gener& sh#e of the '!i&-ing !n-er
3A "the-r& to s"ien"e73 s+e- Brenn!s.
3:eh.3 I si-. 3Tht +in- of -es"ri'es it.3
3E)"!se me.3 si- Jennie #i"+ing !# her tr$.
3S!re.3 I si- tr$ing to smi&e t her. After &&. I -on0t ,nt to &ose her. Who ,o!&- I
hng o!t ,ith7
Jennie he-e- for one of the mn$ #&sti" gr'ge "ontiners to -!m# the remins
of her tr$ n- I +ne, tht she ,o!&- then #ro"ee- to the 'throom to s#en- the remin-er
of &!n"h ##&$ing more m+e/!# in n effort to 'e 'e!tif!& for her ne)t en"o!nter ,ith
3;mm. I thin+ there0s s!##ose- to 'e &ot more 'ehin- it.3 I "ontin!e- t&+ing
'e"!se I ,nte- to m+e the most of this time &one. 3B!t $o! "n0t see n$thing.3
3It0s !n-ergro!n-.3 interr!#te- Brenn!s. 3An DC +i&ometer &ong t!nne&. It0s one
+i&ometer &onger thn the S!#er"on-!"ting S!#er 5o&&i-er ,s going to 'e.3
3Oh.3 I si-. +in- of -is##ointe-. 3:o! +no, && 'o!t it.3
3No.3 he si- #!tting -o,n his sn-,i"h. 3I -on0t. I -on0t +no, ho, to get insi-e.3
3We&&. I -on0t thin+ n$one "n get insi-e.3 I &!ghe-. 3It0s *!st for s"ientists. It0s
not &i+e m!se!m. or something.3
36o $o! +no, ,ht the$0re -oing in there73 si- Brenn!s t!rning to,r-s me s if
he ,s 'o!t to im#rt gret ,is-om. 3The$ re ,or+ing on grn- !nifie- theor$. A
12T. The$ re tr$ing to -is"o(er the theor$ of everything.3
3No ,$.3 I si- *!st string t him.
3The$0re &oo+ing for n !n-er&$ing #rin"i#&e of #h$si"s.3 he "ontin!e-. 3:o! +no,
ho, e&e"tri"it$ n- mgnetism !se- to 'e se#rte fie&-s of st!-$73
I no--e-. I h- no "&!e.
3We&&. then Mi"he& Gr-$ "me &ong n- #ro(e- tht the !n-er&$ing for"e for
'oth fie&-s is the sme. Hen"e. no, $o! h(e e&e"tromgnetism. So some #h$si"ists fee&
tht && the se#rte fie&-s "n 'e &in+e- together if $o! *!st fin- tht one !n-er&$ing
#rin"i#&e. Not tht the S!#er"on-!"ting S!#er 5o&&i-er or this #ro*e"t h(e the 'i&it$ to
#ro(e s!"h theor$ sin"e $o! ,o!&- nee- n ""e&ertor ,ith the energ$ to tr"e "ir"&e
one tri&&ion +i&ometers...3 His (oi"e -rifte-. 3B!t n$ho,. the gretest -(n"es tht ,e
,i&& m+e in this &ifetime ,i&& 'e -one t the O'ser(tor$.3 He s#o+e s if he ,s #rt of
the tem of s"ientists ssigne- to this #ro*e"t. 3Some of the gretest min-s of s"ien"e re
,or+ing in tht '!i&-ing. So $o! "n see ,h$ ,e h(e to get in there.3
I -i-n0t see. '!t I ,s too thri&&e- ,ith the !se of the ,or- we to "re ,hether or not
the i-e m-e n$ sense.
3We&&.3 I si-. 3I -o +no, tht the O'ser(tor$ is not its offi"i& nme. It0s re&&$
the !ancet 3enter of )tudies in 4hysics. or something &i+e tht.3
3The O'ser(tor$ m+es it so!n- &i+es Ef+0s "st&e.3 si- Brenn!s #i"+ing !# his
sn-,i"h gin n- t!rning '"+ to s!r(e$ the "feteri. 3Tht0s e)"t&$ ,ht it is. An
in""essi'&e #&"e tht gi(es most #eo#&e the "ree#s.3
3Ho, -i- $o! +no,73 I s+e-. I -i-n0t +no, 'o!t Ef+0s "st&e. '!t I +ne, tht
most #eo#&e in E$mn trete- the #eo#&e ,ho ,or+e- t the O'ser(tor$ s if the$
mn!f"t!re- to)i" n!"&er ,ste n- so&- it to sm&& ne!roti" "o!ntries ,ho ,nte- to
-estro$ the ;nite- Sttes ,ith germ ,rfre.
3M$ !nt. So te&& me more. Who0s Ln"et73
3;mm. I thin+ he0s the g!$ ,ho f!n-e- it.3
3A'o!t H1% 'i&&ion. I her-.3
3:eh. something in the 'i&&ions.3
3The SS5 ,o!&- h(e "ost H11 'i&&ion.3 si- Brenn!s. 3So ,ho is this g!$.
I smi&e-.
3I0(e her- he &oo+s &i+e J"+ Ni"ho&son. M$ mother ,nts to meet him. She loves
J"+ Ni"ho&son.3
3I0- &i+e to meet him too.3 si- Brenn!s. He ,s string intent&$ t me. 3Listen.
Jessie. We0re going to meet him. OE73
3OE.3 I si- gree'&$.
3An- most im#ortnt&$. ,e0re going to get insi-e tht O'ser(tor$.3 he si-. He
t!rne- '"+ to 'sent/min-e-&$ stre t the "ro,-s. He ,s -ee# in tho!ght.
3S!re.3 I si-.
3It goes ,itho!t s$ing tht this is *!st 'et,een the t,o of !s.3 he si- t+ing the
&st 'ite of his sn-,i"h n- fin& g!&# of his 5o+e.
3Oh. $eh.3 I si-. 36efinite&$.3
Brenn!s -i-n0t te&& his !nt 'o!t his #&ns to "he"+ o!t the O'ser(tor$. She ,o!&-
h(e fe&t mor& o'&igtion s his entr!ste- g!r-in to o'*e"t e(en tho!gh she ,o!&-
h(e se"ret&$ ,nte- to +no, ,ht it ,s &i+e insi-e. So inste-. he ,o!&- te&& her 'o!t
it fter,r-s.
The -$ ,s si&ent in tht ,$ tht m+es $o! fee& s if $o!0re &i(ing in s"ien"e
fi"tion mo(ie. The ir ,s sti&&. the s!n ,s s!ffo"ting.
M$ mother ,s st!rting her f"e ,ith Oi& of O&$ in n ttem#t to !se it !#. M$
mother -oesnAt &i+e h&f/em#t$ "ontiners sitting ro!n- for $ers on the 'throom
"o!ntrer. I h- 'o!ght m$ mother the Oi& of O&$ for her 'irth-$ in the ho#e tht it might
i- her in fin-ing h!s'n- !n-er the ge of fift$.
M$ fther ,s It&in. 5oman. m$ mother &i+e- to s$. s if I ,s the 'str- "hi&-
in some no'&e &inege. She ,s high s"hoo& senior. he ,s "onstr!"tion ,or+er. An-
it ,sn0t &i+e he ,s "t!&&$ in Long(ie, to -o n$ "onstr!"tion. He *!st h##ene- to 'e
#ssing thro!gh on his ,$ to 5&iforni. M$ mother ,s not e(en s!re e)"t&$ ,here he
,s from. tho!gh she +ne, his #rents ,ere origin&&$ from Mi&n. His nme ,s
Gi!se##e. ,hi"h is the It&in e@!i(&ent of Joe. An$ho,. tht0s ,h$ m$ mother nme-
me Jessie. Be"!se it +in- of so!n-e- &i+e Gi!se##e. Goo- o&- Gi!se##e ne(er e(en
+ne, he h- +i- sin"e he on&$ st$e- in Long(ie, for three -$s. A ,ee+en- to 'e
e)"t. B!t I h(e this theor$ tht if I e(er got into "r n- strte- -ri(ing ,est to,r-s
5&iforni. I0- meet &ot of #eo#&e m$ ge ,ith -r+ e$es n- sing&e mothers.
3Ms"r.3 I si-.
3Ms"r73 si- m$ mother in"re-!&o!s&$. 3No one noti"es ms"r= It0s tin$
'&"+ &ine on #rt of $o!r f"e no one &oo+s t=3
3Tht0s e$e/&iner.3 I si-. 3Ms"r m+es $o!r e$e/&shes &oo+ f!&&er.3
3Who nee-s f!&&er e$e/&shes7 I men. for "r$ing o!t &o!-. Jessie= ,uller eye6
:o!0- h(e to +no, m$ mother to re&i4e ,h$ this "on"e#t is so &!-i"ro!s to her.
M$ mother remin-s me of 5ro&ine A''ott in *here +ngels ,ear to Tread. the (er$ #ro#er
Eng&ish gir& ,ho ,ent to It&$. fe&& in &o(e ,ith the erth$ It&in. Gino 5re&&. "me '"+
home ,hen he mrrie- nother ,omn. n- si- 3A&& the ,on-erf!& things re o(er.3 M$
mother ne(er &o(e- gin fter m$ fther &eft.
3We&& t &est #!t some &i#sti"+ on.3 I si- hn-ing her m$ t!'e of r!'$ re- &i#sti"+.
3On&$ 'e"!se m$ &i#s re -r$.3 si- m$ mother gr''ing the t!'e.
3This st!ff "osts eighteen -o&&rs t!'e. m.3 I si-. 3It0s Ln"Ime.3
M$ mother &oo+s sho"+e-.
3Then ,h$ -on0t $o! *!st gi(e me some 5h#sti"+73
She g&n"es t her ,t"h.
3I0m going to 'e &te.3 she si- thro,ing some fi&es into her I )upport #y !ocal
!ibrary 'oo+ 'g. M$ mother ,s n ""o!ntnt ,ho ,or+e- ,ith sm&& firm in T$&er.
'o!t n ho!r0s -ri(e from here. She !se- the time in the "r to &ern foreign &ng!ges.
She0- mstere- It&in n- S#nish. No, she ,s onto Gren"h. The ironi" thing ,s m$
mother h- no #&ns to tr(e& o!tsi-e of the ;.S.A. A&& of o!r ("tions h- in(o&(e-
-ri(ing some,here to &oo+ t something // the Grn- 5n$on. Nigr G&&s. Mo!nt
R!shmore. the ge$sers in :e&&o,stone >r+. the A&mo. Strnge&$. ,e h- (oi-e-
3Ho, mn$ more S!n-$ fternoons re $o! going to h(e to ,or+73 I s+e-.
3>ro''&$ fo!r.3 she si- s she he-e- -o,n the sm&& h&&,$ of o!r tri&er.
Another month of t) seson. The &st ,ee+ ,o!&- 'e the ,orst. She0- 'e in the offi"e
eighteen ho!rs -$.
Wi&son &,$s too+ me to "h!r"h S!n-$ mornings. When he ,s ten he g(e his
hert to Jes!s n- he n- I got '#ti4e- ,hen ,e ,ere thirteen. ThereAs n "ti(e $o!th
gro!# t the "h!r"h ,e go to '!t Wi&son s$s the$Are '!n"h of ,im#s ,ho *!st "&&
themse&(es 5hristins 'e"!se the$ thin+ the$Are 'etter thn e(er$one e&se.
I ,s tem#te- to s+ m$ mother if she "o!&- -ro# me off t the m&&. e)"e#t tht I
-i-n0t ,nt to s#en- eight ho!rs in m&& tht too+ fort$/fi(e min!tes to -o !# "om#&ete&$.
Norm&&$ IA- 'e t Wi&sonAs ho!se for S!n-$ -inner '!t to-$ he h- to finish !# n
Eng&ish Lit ##er -!e on Mon-$.
3Be goo-.3 she si- +issing me on the "hee+ 'efore -is##ering o!t the -oor.
I ,&+e- s&o,&$ '"+ to o!r mo-est &i(ing room ,hi"h ,s in the (er$ "enter of the
tri&er. The -oor of tri&er is !s!&&$ in the &i(ing room. '!t for some reson. o!rs ,s on
the en- in the +it"hen. I h- finishe- *here +ngels ,ear to Tread n- I -i-n0t h(e n$
home,or+. W&+ing to the (i-eo store -i-n0t ##e& to me. I &$ -o,n on the "o!"h s the
#hone rng. Stret"hing o!t m$ rm. I "o!&- *!st 're&$ re"h it.
3Hi.3 It ,s one/s$&&'&e ,or-. '!t it ,s s#o+en ,ith the ss!rn"e of mn
,ho is ,e&& re"ei(e- in && "ir"&es. Imme-ite&$ I fe&t the nee- to "&er m$ throt.
3Oh. he&&o.3 I si- tr$ing to so!n- "s!&. s if it ,ere no 'ig -e& tht Brenn!s
sho!&- 'e "&&ing me on S!n-$ fternoon.
3I ho#e I -i-n0t ,+e $o!.3
3Oh no. m$ mom *!st &eft to go to ,or+.3 I si-.
3No ,$.3 si- Brenn!s so!n-ing mi&-&$ s!r#rise-. 3So -i- m$ !nt. Ho, mn$
#eo#&e -o $o! +no, ,ho h(e #rents or g!r-ins ,ho h(e to ,or+ on S!n-$73
3;mmmm.3 I tho!ght 'o!t this. 3No one I g!ess. M$ mom0s *!st ,or+ing 'e"!se
it0s t) seson. She0s n ""o!ntnt.3
3Re&&$73 Brenn!s so!n-e- (g!e&$ im#resse-. 3So ,ht -oes $o!r -- -o73
There ,s #!se.
3I -on0t +no,.3 I si-.
3Wht. he &eft $o! g!$s73 Brenn!s0s "s!& tone m-e it so es$ to t&+. If ,e0-
'een t&+ing 'o!t mo(ies ,e0- h(e 'een more intense.
3No. I ne(er +ne, him. He ,s n It&in "onstr!"tion ,or+er.3
3Those It&ins.3 si- Brenn!s. so!n-ing s if he ,ere &re-$ f!&& informe- on the
h'its of trnsient "onstr!"tion ,or+ers.
3:eh. re&&$.3 I si-.
3Goes '"+ to the Romn Em#ire.3 si- Brenn!s. 3Viri&e so&-iers "on@!ering the
3Tht0s f!nn$.3 I si-. 3M$ mother &,$s refers to him s Romn.3
3We0re && ffe"te- '$ o!r roots.3 he si-. 3:o!r fther ,s #ro''&$ the s#irit!&. if
not. &iter&. n"estor of one of those Romn so&-iers tht ,s sent o!t to s!'-!e the 5e&ts
of Lon-ini!m. He$=3 Brenn!s h- *!st tho!ght of something. 3I ,on-er if o!r
n"estors +ne, e"h other7 M$'e one of the 5e&ti" ,rriors in m$ tri'e 'tt&e- it o!t
,ith one of $o!r Romn so&-iers.3
3Or.3 I s!ggeste-. 3m$'e one of the 5e&ti" mi-ens "!ght the e$e of the Romn
so&-ier n- he (o,e- to ne(er fight her #eo#&e.3
3Tht ,o!&- 'e &i+e 7orma. the o#er. B$ Be&&ini. It0s the stor$ of 6r!i-0s
-!ghter ,ho f&&s in &o(e ,ith Romn so&-ier.3
3No ,$.3 I si-.
3We0(e got to get together n- t&+ 'o!t getting into the O'ser(tor$.3 si-
Brenn!s. so!n-ing s if he ,ere getting -o,n to '!siness. 3I0m going to go to the &i'rr$
to-$ n- -o some reser"h on it. 6o $o! ,nt to get together tonight73
3S!re.3 I si-.
3OE. I0&& #i"+ $o! !# ro!n- se(en. 6oes $o!r mother "re if $o! st$ o!t &te73
3Oh no.3 I si-. A"t!&&$. m$ mother fre+e- o!t if I st$e- o!t fter ten on
3s"hoo& night.3 &i+e ,e ,ere in some sort of 120s mo(ie ,here && the +i-s h- "!rfe,s.
B!t m$ mom ,o!&- 'e ,or+ing.
Brenn!s got the -ire"tions for m$ ho!se n- then h!ng !#. I g&n"e- t m$ ,t"h.
Gi(e ho!rs to ,it. I &most in-!&ge- in s#e"!&ting tht he m!st re&&$ &i+e me if he
,nte- to 'e s!re I "o!&- go o!t ,ith him tht e(ening 'efore he got on ,ith his -$. B!t
it0s 'een m$ e)#erien"e tht s#e"!&tion m$ 'e entertining '!t it0s !s!&&$ !se&ess.
Jennie h- &i+e- g!$ nme- Ee(in o!r so#homore $er n- h- s#ent the $er m+ing
!# theories s to ,h$ he "o!&-n0t "ommit to 'eing her 'o$frien-. She ,o!&- e)#&in them
o(er &!n"h.
3He0s ,orrie- 'o!t his &ge'r "&ss. He0s &,$s -oing home,or+ for it. He
+no,s he -oesn0t h(e the time to see n$one.3
3He hs hr- time -mitting his fee&ings. He "n0t e)#ress himse&f. He fee&s it.
'!t sometimes he -oesn0t e(en +no, it.3
3Ee&&$ thin+s he0s fri- of "ommitment. $o! +no,. he t+es re&tionshi#s serio!s&$
so he hs to gi(e it &ot of tho!ght 'efore "ommitting.3
I fo!n- o!t h&f,$ thro!gh the $er it ,s 'e"!se he &i+e- gir& nme- Mrie. I
ne(er to&- her n- to this -$ Jennie referre- to o!r so#homore $er s 3the $er Ee(in
&i+e- me.3 It terrifie- me ho, frgi&e the h!mn #s$"he is tht it nee-s to 'e "onstnt&$
ress!re-. e(en t the e)#ense of tr!th. O!r histor$ te"her h- t&+e- 'o!t re(isionist
histor$. ,here #eo#&e re,rite histor$ to s!it the #resent. >eo#&e ,ho h- 'een -efete- in
,r re,rote it to seem &i+e the$ h- #&nne- it && &ong.
It &so terrifie- me tht o!r memories ,eren0t s"re-. We "o!&-n0t e(en tr!st o!r
o,n 'rin. I h- mentione- this to m$ mother ,ho h- re#&ie-. 3:o! "n h(e mgi" or
$o! "n h(e honest$. If there0s mgi" n- m$ster$. he0s #ro''&$ seeing someone e&se.3
3I -on0t !n-erstn- re&tionshi#s.3 I h- si- 'r!#t&$.
3:o! h(e to get o!tsi-e the r!&es of re&tionshi#s to !n-erstn- &o(e.3 she h- si-.
3If there0s &o(e. there0s no nee- to -efine it.3
3So *!st 'eing '&e to "&& g!$ $o!r 'o$frien- isn0t eno!gh73 I h- s+e-. This
,s -estro$ing && of m$ #re(io!s&$/he&- 'e&iefs 'o!t &o(e.
3There re no r!&es.3 m$ mother h- si-. 3When it "omes to &o(e. there0s no "o!rt
of ##e& tht $o! "n go to n- s$ that's not fair n- e)#e"t n$thing to 'e -one 'o!t it.
:o!0&& get s$m#th$ from $o!r frien-s. '!t tht0s 'o!t it.3
Tht0s ,hen I +ne, she h- no -isi&&!sionments 'o!t her re&tionshi# ,ith m$
The fternoon #sse- s&o,&$ '!t e(ent!&&$ I ,s ,ith Brenn!s.
3It0s 'e"!se ,e h(e these !nf!&fi&&e- &ongings tht ,e +no, there0s more to &ife
thn this.3 si- Brenn!s. 35.S. Le,is. :o! +no,. ,e0re h!ngr$ n- there0s foo-. We0re
tire- n- there0s s&ee#. B!t then there0s this other in-efin'&e fee&ing tht there0s no
f!&fi&&ment for. :o! +no, tht fee&ing $o! get ,hen $o! fin- ne, 'oo+ or $o! meet
ne, #erson n- $o! thin+ this is IT. this is ,ht I0(e 'een &oo+ing for.
I no--e- em#hti"&&$.
3B!t then it ne(er is.3 Brenn!s ,ent on. 3Tht initi& e)"itement f-es n- $o!
re&i4e tht those fee&ings re *!st g&im#ses into the -esires of $o!r so!&.3
Brenn!s &ene- '"+. s&o,&$ t first. then &ost his '&n"e n- fe&& right '"+ onto
the !nmo,e- grss. We ,ere in fie&-. Brenn!s h- 'orro,e- his !nt0s "r n- si)/
#"+ from her 'sement n- ,e h- -ri(en -o,n one of the '"+ ro-s !nti& ,e "me to
fie&- tht seeme- s!it'&$ -istnt from n$ ho!se. n- hen"e. n$ o,ner.
3:o! +no,. I0(e &,$s ,nte- to go to T!r+e$.3 Brenn!s si-. I -i-n0t "re tht
Brenn!s h-n0t mentione- the O'ser(tor$. He *!st seeme- to ,nt to t&+.
3...I *!st fee& &i+e if I "o!&- ,&+ ro!n- && of those r!ins I0- "onne"t ,ith
something. Some #rt of m$ #st.3 He tho!ght 'o!t this. 3A"t!&&$. I -on0t +no, if the
5e&ts -i- m!"h sett&ing in T!r+e$. >ro''&$ not.3 He t!rne- to me. 3The$ strte- ro!n-
the B&"+ Se n- mo(e- est n- -i-n0t sett&e m!"h. B!t n$ho,. I0(e seen #i"t!res of
E#hes!s n- it &oo+s so "oo&. To "t!&&$ ,&+ mong the r!ins of n n"ient "it$.3 He st
!# stright.
His i-es ,eren0t "oming o!t smooth&$. #rt&$ 'e"!se he ,s on his ,$ to 'eing
-r!n+. B!t I ,s &erning more from him thn n$ te"her I0- e(er h-. A&& m$ &ife I0-
'een in #&$#en. t+ing the ti-'its #eo#&e h- fe- me. No,. here ,s someone ,ho h-
&ifte- me o!t of m$ #&$#en n- ,s sho,ing me ho, to ,&+. I "o!&- fee& m$se&f
ment&&$ f&&ing. '!t I &so +ne, the on&$ thing to -o ,s get '"+ !# n- tr$ gin.
3I h- #oint tho!gh.3 si- Brenn!s. 3Wht ,s m$ #oint7 Oh $eh. B!t I +no,
tht0s not the ns,er. Going to T!r+e$ isn0t going to fi&& the (oi- or n$thing. It0- 'e ni"e
if there ,s >romise- Ln- for e"h one of !s. A #erson& Me"" tht if ,e "o!&- *!st
m+e it to. e(er$thing ,o!&- fee& right...3
He fe&& '"+ onto the grss n- stre- !# t the strs.
3I fee& &i+e Arth!r 6ent g!r-ing his home from the '!&&-o4ers.3 si- Brenn!s.
3Arth!r 6ent. :o! +no, The Hitchhiker's 1uide to the 1ala8y.9
3I -on0t +no, tht one.3 I si- ro&&ing o(er onto m$ stom"h to &oo+ t him. There
,s no #oint in "ting &i+e I0- &,$s 'een -e(ote- fn of The Hitchhiker's 1uide to the
1ala8y. Brenn!s ,o!&- h(e &ost && res#e"t for me if he e(er "!ght me f+ing it.
3It0s 'o!t this Eng&ish g!$. Arth!r 6ent. ,hose ho!se is going to 'e '!&&-o4e- to
m+e ,$ for '$#ss so he &ies in front of the '!&&-o4er. Then his frien-. Gor- >refe"t.
"omes &ong n- te&&s him tht he0s not re&&$ from Is&ington '!t from #&net "&&e-
Bet&ge!se n- tht the ,or&- is 'o!t to 'e -emo&ishe- in t,e&(e min!tes to m+e ,$
for n interg&"ti" free,$.3
3So then ,ht h##ens73
3Oh. the$ hit"h ri-e ,ith the Vo&gon -estr!"tion f&eet n- Arth!r 6ent en-s !#
tr(e&ing ro!n- the g&)$ in his 'thro'e. It0s hi&rio!s.3
3Wh$ -o $o! re- so m!"h73
It ,o!&- h(e 'een -!m' @!estion e)"e#t tht I sin"ere&$ ,nte- to +no,.
Brenn!s -i-n0t hesitte.
3Be"!se I0(e fo!n- the S#irit of Life in 'oo+s. Li+e Anse&& in The !ongest
"ourney. Some #eo#&e fin- it in #eo#&e or their *o'. or ,hte(er. 6i- $o! e(er see
3M$ !nt o,ns it. An$ho,. there0s this &ine. *e read to know we're not alone.
Mn.3 He stoo- !#. 3I gott t+e ,hi4.3
I ,t"he- him -is##er into the sh-o,s. he-ing into the tot& -r+ness of the
ner'$ trees.
He ret!rne- min!te &ter. In the m!r+$ sh-o,s I thin+ I "t!&&$ s, him -oing
!# his f&$. Most g!$s in Te)s t+e #iss in the ,oo-s n- "ome '"+ -oing !# their f&$
n- it -oesn0t men thing. B!t ,ith Brenn!s it seeme- intimte n- '&!nt t the sme
3I *!st h- tho!ght.3 he si- ,hi&e he ,s sti&& fe, feet ,$. 3The !ongest
"ourney. Ri"+ie h- &ife fig!re- o!t in theor$ '!t "o!&-n0t "onne"t ,ith the "ommon mn.
The #ro'&em ,sn0t ,ith Ri"+ie0s theor$ of &ife. the #ro'&em ,s most #eo#&e -on0t h(e
&ife fig!re- o!t n- so the$ &i(e it the ,$ the$ ,nt it to 'e. Not the ,$ it is. The ,$
the$ ,nt it to 'e.3
Brenn!s h- "o&&#se- onto the gro!n- n- ,s &$ing on his '"+.
I intern&&$ (o,e- to someho, re- The !ongest "ourney if I h- to -ri(e to 6&&s
to get ho&- of it. IA- h(e to "he"+ o!t one of those on&ine 'oo+stores.
Brenn!s ,s &ost in tho!ght for fe, se"on-s. I ,on-ere- if he e(er ,rote his
i-es -o,n.
3B!t ,e0(e got to t&+ 'o!t the O'ser(tor$.3 It ,s his '!siness (oi"e. 3I0(e 'een
re-ing 'o!t it && -$.3 He ro&&e- o(er onto his si-e to f"e me. 3High se"!rit$. A&&
em#&o$ees re "ref!&&$ s"reene-. Ver$ fe, (isitors. Ln"et hs ne(er "t!&&$ 'een seen.
his nme *!st ##ere- on the initi& "he"+ to '!i&- the thing n- it0s o#erte- '$ one
5hr&es 6. N$&or. ,ho '$ the ,$. has 'een seen. 5hr&es 6. N$&or is #rominent
s"ientist ,ho0s t!ght t se(er& !ni(ersities n- is ,e&& +no,n in the fie&- of #h$si"s. He
#!'&ishe- 'oo+ 'o!t G;T...3
3G!t73 I s+e-.
3The grn- !nifie- theor$.3 re#&ie- Brenn!s. 3:o! +no,. sim#&e !n-er&$ing
#rin"i#&e of #h$si"s...3
3Right. right.3 It ,s "oming '"+ to me.
36r. N$&or is not the t$#e of mn to 'e&ie(e in -rmti" 're+thro!ghs n- s$s so
in his &e"t!res. He -oes #!'&i" &e"t!res. '$ the ,$. He 'e&ie(es tht "om#i&ing -t is
s&o, #ro"ess n- tht the G;T theor$ ,i&& on&$ 'e #ro(en '$ ste-$. "onsistent ,or+. I
thin+ he0s hi-ing something.3
3Wh$73 I s+e-.
3Be"!se. s"ientists !s!&&$ t&+ 'ig.3 Brenn!s s#o+e s if he fre@!ent&$ h!ng o!t
,ith s"ientists. 3When the$ !n-erstte ,ht the$0re -oing. $o! +no, the$0(e fo!n-
something n- -on0t ,nt n$one e&se mo(ing in on their territor$.3
3Wht s#e"ifi"&&$ re the$ -oing73 I s+e- s&o,&$.
3Vrio!s e)#eriments re going on.3 si- Brenn!s. 3One thing the$0re ,or+ing on
is &in+ing e&e"tro/,e+ for"es ,ith strong n!"&er for"es. A"t!&&$. tht0s && I re&&$ +no,.
I ,s in the s"ien"e se"tion n- en-e- !# s#en-ing most of the fternoon re-ing 'oo+
"&&e- Basic )cientific ,acts .very 3iti:en of 4lanet .arth )hould 0now. 6i- $o! +no,
tht the erth is D.222 mi&es in -imeter73
3No.3 I si-.
3Wht -oes tmos#here "ontin73 s+e- Brenn!s. s if @!i44ing me for test. In
the sh-o,$ fie&-. ,ith on&$ h&f moon to i&&!minte !s. Brenn!s ,s gorgeo!s. His
fet!res ,ere -efine-. his e$es intense s he stre- !# t the strs. his hir f&&ing s&ight&$
for,r- in his f"e.
3I -on0t +no,.3 I si- g!&#ing.
3O)$gen. "r'on -io)i-e. n- ,ter.3
No, it ,s m$ t!rn to f&& onto m$ '"+ n- stre t the strs. Strs // g&ittering
-imon-s. t,in+&ing &ights. 'right r$s of ho#e to ,ish $o!r -rems on.
3Wht re strs73 I s+e-.
Brenn!s g&n"e- !#.
3Se&f/&!mino!s o'*e"ts tht r-ite -!e to n intern& energ$ so!r"e.3
36o $o! thin+ the$0re ,orth ,ishing on73
3We&&. the one $o!0re ,ishing on might h(e 'een -e- for tho!sn- $ers n- it0s
*!st t+en this &ong for the &ight to get to erth.3
3Not m!"h to hng -rem on. Ho, 'o!t -imon-s7 Wht re the$ m-e of73
3The '&"+. soot$. st!ff73
35hr"o&7 :eh. tht0s one form of "r'on.3
3If the ,or&- ,ere going to 'e n&$4e- n- e)#&ine- to $o!. ,o!&- $o! rther
h(e it -one '$ #oets or #h$si"ists73 I s+e- s!--en&$.
3Tht0s goo- one.3 si- Brenn!s. 3I -on0t +no,. G"ts. Or...theories. or i-es. or
-rems. or ho#es... I -!nno.3 Sti&& &$ing on his '"+ he "rosse- one &eg o(er onto the +nee
of his other &eg. 3I re- s#ee"h '$ 6r. N$&or to-$ ,here he s$s. nothing is more
im#ortnt in the ser"h for tr!th thn f"ts. I men. I *!st &et &ife h##en. n&$4ing it fter
e(ents h(e #sse- n- "oming to the "on"&!sion tht ,hen e(er$thing0s o(er. && $o! "n
re&&$ s$ is. this is ,ht h##ene-. B!t 6r. N$&or. on the other hn-. -rems of theor$
of everything. I thin+ m$'e he0s more of Romnti" thn n$ of !s.3
3Mi"hign. Is tht stte or "it$73 s+e- Jennie t &!n"h the ne)t -$. I h- to
te&& her I ,ent o!t ,ith him. '!t to "o(er !# o!r "on(erstion. I *!st g(e her fe, f"ts
'o!t him tht he h- re(e&e- on the -ri(e home.
3Oh for "r$ing o!t &o!-. Mi"hign )tate.3 I si-. 3Thin+ 'o!t the !ni(ersit$.3
Jennie shr!gge-.
3I -on0t #&n to go there. Where in Mi"hign then73
3I -!nno. I -i-n0t s+.3
3Mr. H!nt m-e him re- his "riti"& ess$ in front of the "&ss to-$.3
3No ,$=3
3Wht ,s it 'o!t73
3So"i& "ommentr$ in Batman.3
3:o! +no,. Batman. the mo(ie. The first t,o mo(ies. He t&+e- 'o!t the Jo+er
'eing re#resse- n- something 'o!t 5t,omn n- #o,er feminism. I -i-n0t "t"h it
3I0(e gott s+ him 'o!t tht.3
3He t&+e- 'o!t the -r+ si-e of Btmn too. :o! +no,. the g!$ -resses in '&"+
n- #r"ti"&&$ &i(es in "(e. Oh. I remem'er something e&se. Wht h##ene- to Vi"+i
3I -!nno7 Wht73
3Tht0s ,ht he s+e-.3
3I0&& -efinite&$ s+ him 'o!t it.3
Then I tho!ght. if I s+ 'o!t his ess$. he0- +no, I ,s t&+ing to Jennie n- tht
,e t&+e- 'o!t him. I -e"i-e- not to s+. I0- *!st ,or+ Batman into the "on(erstion.
Then I -e"i-e- I ,s 'eing st!#i-.
3He0s so "!te.3
3I +no,.3 I si-. thin+ing 'o!t the ,$ he smi&e-. M$ mother ,o!&- s$ Brenn!s
h- J"+ Ni"ho&son smi&e // the +in- tht m+es $o! f&& in &o(e ,ith g!$ e(en if $o!
h(e nothing in "ommon. I fig!re- I ,s #ro''&$ "on"ei(e- 'e"!se of smi&e.
B!t Jennie ,s string t Bi&&$ so I +ne, ,e ,ere off the to#i" of Brenn!s.
;ou look fine.
I didn't ask.
The ,or-s re r!nning thro!gh his he-. He n- 5rrie h- seen Batman 'o!t si)
times '"+ in Mi"hign n- fter tht their f(orite ro!tine ,s she0- s$. 3:o! &oo+ fine.3
to ,hi"h he0- re#&$. 3I -i-n0t s+.3
In the mo(ie J"+ Ni"ho&son h- !se- the &ine to #!t Jerr$ H&& in her #&"e. '!t the
,$ Brenn!s n- 5rrie -i- it. it 'ro!ght o!t the mo)ie in 'oth of them. Brenn!s ,o!&-
h(e &i+e- to h(e seen the Jo+er !# ginst 5rrie. She h- ,$ of m+ing g!$ fee&
&i+e "r#. '!t h##$ "r#. h##$ *!st to 'e ,ith her.
A -$ -oesnAt go '$ ,hen he -oesn0t thin+ 'o!t her. He ,on-ers if this is going to
"ontin!e && his &ife.
Gro,ing o&- -oesn0t seem re& to Brenn!s n$more.
5rrie h- m-e him fee& &i+e gro,ing o&- together ,o!&- 'e the most f!n thing in
the ,or&- // the$0- '!$ ho!se on some -ere&i"t 'e"h. fi&& it ,ith 'oo+s '$ Ent n-
Hege&. 'e"ome geni!ses together. m$'e h(e ''$ '$ ""i-ent. t+e !# "r-/#&$ing.
h(e #eo#&e o(er for -inner. gro, o&- n- !g&$. retire n- get go(ernment #ensions n-
then t+e #"+ge- to!rs && o(er the ;.S.
No, Brenn!s *!st ,nts to #!&& Jmes 6en n- '&o, !# in "r t t,ent$/fo!r.
If she h- -ie- he "o!&- h(e "&ime- her s his o,n. He "o!&- h(e &i(e- his &ife
in her memor$. ne(er &o(e- gin. n- 'een fine.
B!t to fin- so!&/mte n- then &ose her *!st 'e"!se she -oesn0t thin+ the
"onne"tion is im#ortnt... Li+e so!&/mtes re e)#en-'&e or something.
3On&$ "onne"t.3 he h- si- to her. 3E.M. Gorster. Tht0s ,ht it0s && 'o!t.3
He sho!&- h(e +no,n 'etter thn to @!ote her f(orite !thor to her.
3E)"t&$.3 she h- si-. 3B!t to *!st "onne"t ,ith one #erson is to t+e the &ongest
An- in tht moment he h- re&i4e- his mist+e n- +ne, he h- 'een s#re- the
-isi&&!sionment tht fo&&o,s &o(e. Ne(er gin. Tht ,s the &st time he0- m+e tht
mist+e. He on&$ ,ishe- tht he0- 'een the one to te&& her he -i-n0t ,nt to t+e the
&ongest *o!rne$.
So he thn+e- her n- &eft. B!t he0- &eft ,hen he sti&& &o(e- her n- so there h-
'een no "hn"e for "&os!re.
He "ontin!es to stre o!t of the 'e-room ,in-o, t the Mimi street.
J!st ,hen $o! tho!ght $o!r 'o-$ hs 'e"ome im#er(io!s to emotions $o!r ner(es
e)#&o-e into ting&ing terror ,orse thn -$ of g!44&ing es#ressos. ,orse thn *!st
'o!t 'eing hit '$ "r. A h!ge mess of emotions is im#ossi'&e to reso&(e. Brenn!s
"n0t -e"i-e ,hi"h is ,orse // to 'e o!t of to!"h ,ith $o!r fee&ings or to 'e "ons!me- '$
;ou look fine.
I didn't ask.
Jennie0s fmi&$ h- t &est %2 "ere& 'o)es in their "!#'or-. It0s not tht the$
,ere && -ifferent. it0s *!st tht the$ ,o!&- et 'o!t se(en eighths of the 'o) then &e(e the
"r!m'&$ remins of the &st eighth for #osterit$.
M$ mother n- I h- one 'o) of 5orn G&+es n- ner&$ f!&& 'o) of M!es&i) tht
m$ mother h- 'o!ght on ,him 'o!t $er go.
Jennie s&i- o#en the "!#'or- -oor n- s!r(e$e- the #i&es of "ere& 'o)es. She
"&ose- the "!#'or-.
3:o! ,nn h(e some tost73 she s+e-. 3I -on0t thin+ n$one0s gone gro"er$
3S!re.3 I si-.
3I0(e got n i-e.3 si- Jennie #i"+ing !# the &of of Won-er're- on the "o!nter.
3A -o!'&e/-te.3 She st!"+ t,o #ie"es of ,hite 're- into the toster n- o#ene- the
fri-ge -oor to tr$ to fin- some *m.
3With ,ho73 I s+e-. M$ min- ,s f!44$. I h-n0t seen Brenn!s && -$ n- I ,s
,on-ering if m$'e I sho!&- 'e t home ,iting for his "&&. I "o!&-n0t e(en #hone him
sin"e he h-n0t gi(en me his !nt0s n!m'er n- I -on0t +no, her &st nme to &oo+ it !#. I
*!st re&i4e-. I -i-n0t e(en +no, his &st nme.
3With who? Bi&&$. tht0s ,ho.3
3:o! n- Bi&&$ n- ,ho e&se73 I s+e-. Ho, ,o!&- I s+ him ,ht his &st nme
,s7 6i- he +no, mine7 He m!st sin"e he0- #hone- me.
3Tht g!$ Brenn!s.3 si- Jennie. The tost #o##e- !# n- she st!"+ t,o more
s&i"es in.
I *!st stre- t her.
350mon. :o! "o!&- s+ him o!t.3 Jennie s#re- some '!tter on the tost fo&&o,e-
'$ &$er of '!m'&e'err$ *m. Jennie0s mother &i+e- to e)#eriment ,ith *m f&(o!rs.
The$0re the on&$ fmi&$ I +ne, ,ho -i-n0t h(e str,'err$ *m in their fri-ge.
3B!t ,h$7 Wh$ re ,e going on -o!'&e/-te73
3So I "n "s!&&$ s+ Bi&&$ o!t.3 Jennie #tient&$ e)#&ine- s she 'ro!ght the
#&te of tost o(er so ,e "o!&- get strte- on the first 't"h. 3I "n0t *!st s+ him o!t. him
n- me. I0(e gott 'e '&e to go. He$ Bi&&$= Me n- m$ frien-s re going to see mo(ie
St!r-$ night. :o! ,nn "ome73
3So ,e0- go see mo(ie.3 I tho!ght 'o!t this. I ,s strting to fee& ting&$ n-
3Whte(er.3 si- Jennie. 3We "o!&- go -n"ing. :o! +no,. ,hte(er.3
3This St!r-$ night.3
It ,s Th!rs-$. Wo!&- I e(en see Brenn!s tomorro, t s"hoo&7
36o $o! +no, Brenn!s0s &st nme73 I s+e- 'r!#t&$.
3:eh. I thin+ it0s O0Leer$. or something &i+e tht.3
35n I see $o!r #hone 'oo+7 No. forget it.3 I ,s string t the ,&& ,ith #ie"e
of tost in m$ hn-. I h- *!st remem'ere- tht Brenn!s h- si- tht his !nt ,s his
mother's sister. so there0s no ,$ the$0- h(e the sme &st nme.
3We&&. -o $o! ,nn -o it73 s+e- Jennie s the tost #o##e- !#. She stoo- n-
,ent o(er to the toster to m+e the se"on- 't"h.
3:eh. if I see Brenn!s tomorro, I0&& s+ him.3 I si-. 3B!t I0(e got to s+ him
'efore $o! s+ Bi&&$ 'e"!se I "n0t #hone him sin"e I -on0t h(e his n!m'er.3
3OE.3 Jennie seeme- h##$ ,ith this.
I. ho,e(er. ,s too ner(o!s to et m!"h of m$ tost.
3It0s not eno!gh to *!st t&+. $o! h(e to t+e "tion.3 Brenn!s ,s s$ing to his
31entleman's +greement.3 si- his !nt.
3A 1F8C mo(ie tht ,on se(er& Os"r0s. Gregor$ >e"+ #reten-s to 'e Je, in
or-er to e)#erien"e nti/Semitism first/hn- n- -is"o(ers ho, it0s the ni"e #eo#&e ,ho
s$ the$0re not nti/Semiti" '!t ,ho ne(er t+e "tion ,ho "t!&&$ &&o, it to "ontin!e.3
3B!t S"hin-&er ne(er si- he ,s not nti/Semiti".3 si- Brenn!s. 3An- his "tion
,s se&f/ser(ing. B!t he ,s hero nonethe&ess. There0s tree #&nte- in Isre& for him.3
The$ ,ere -is"!ssing )chindler's !ist.
3So i-eo&og$ -oesn0t mtter73 s+e- Brenn!s0s !nt. 3It ,sn0t ,ht moti(te- him
tht mttere-73 Her (oi"e ,s "h&&enging.
3He mnifeste- n i-eo&og$.3 si- Brenn!s. 3He lived n i-eo&og$.3
3B!t he stoo- for '!siness n- his #hi&oso#h$ ,s ,r is goo- for '!siness. It h-
nothing to -o ,ith 'eing ginst the "on"entrtion "m#s or the tretment of Je,s. It ,s
"on(enient to em#&o$ Je,s sin"e their ,ges ,ere &o,er.3
3He &i(e- his i-eo&og$ first n- then 'sor'e- it.3 insiste- Brenn!s. 3B$ the en- of
the mo(ie he ,s ginst nti/Semitism 'e"!se of his e)#erien"es. His fee&ings n-
tho!ghts fo&&o,e- his "tions inste- of the other ,$ ro!n-. If he h- 'een #ro/Je,ish
n- h- strte- !# '!siness s sfe h(en for Je,s he ,o!&-n0t h(e 'een s s!""essf!&
s he ,s. He ,s '!sinessmn ,ho 'e"me #ro/Je,ish. inste- of #ro/Je, ,ho
'e"me '!sinessmn.3
When the$ h- first rente- the mo(ie the$ h- h- simi&r -is"!ssion n- Brenn!s
h- t+en the o##osite si-e. He h- rg!e- tht S"hin-&er0s moti(tions ,ere ,rong n-
so the res!&t ,s in"onse@!enti&. Brenn!s0s !nt h- t+en the M"hi(e&&in ##ro"h
tht the en- *!stifies the mens n- tht the on&$ signifi"nt f"t ,s tht S"hin-&er h-
s(e- o(er 1122 Je,s.
Norm&&$ she too+ #&es!re in in-o"trinting #eo#&e ,ith her o,n o#inions n-
then fe, ,ee+s &ter ,hen the$ 'ro!ght them into the "on(erstion s their o,n. rg!ing
them to the gro!n-. B!t Brenn!s h- ten-en"$ to s,it"h his o,n rg!ment h&f/,$
thro!gh the -is"!ssion. th!s ren-ering her strteg$ im#otent. She h- re- some,here
tht N#o&eon &so &i+e- s,it"hing his #&ns in the mi--&e of 'tt&e.
3So ,hi"h is 'etter.3 she s+e-. 3n i-eo&og$ ,itho!t "tion or "tion ,itho!t n
3Let0s &oo+ t this ho&isti"&&$.3 si- Brenn!s. His tone of (oi"e &ightene-.
3S"hin-&er s(e- ner&$ 1%22 Je,s. S"hin-&er ,s '!sinessmn ,ho +ne, he "o!&-
#rofit '$ the ,r. The t,o m!st 'e &in+e- together someho,. The Je,s ,o!&- h(e si-
tht Go- !se- S"hin-&er for their 'enefit. In tht "se. S"hin-&er0s i-eo&og$ is
in"onse@!enti&. '!t his "tions ren0t. 3apisce73
33apisce.3 si- his !nt stn-ing !#. 3I &i+e the ho&isti" ##ro"h to things.3
Regr-&ess of m$ -(i"e. Jennie h- gone he- n- s+e- Bi&&$ o!t for St!r-$
night. It ,s &!n"htime n- Brenn!s ,sn0t in the room. I too+ #&es!re in tht no,
Jennie ,s &oo+ing ner(o!s.
3We&& $o! "o!&- &,$s s+ Wi&son.3 she si-.
Tht0s #ro''&$ ,ht ,o!&- h##en. I tho!ght s I &oo+e- ro!n- the "ro,-e-
"feteri for g&im#se of Brenn!s0s to!s&e- -!st$ 'ro,n hir. It ,s too '- 'e"!se I
,s #s$"he- !# to s+ him.
3There0s Wi&son.3 si- Jennie *!m#ing !#. 3I0&& s+ him for $o!.3
She h!rrie- to,r-s the gro!# of g!$s. && ,ering #&i- shirts. tight/"!t *ens. n-
"o,'o$ 'oots. tht h- *!st entere- the -oors. As she ,s t+ing Wi&son si-e. Brenn!s
##ere- right 'ehin- them. Jennie "on"&!-e- her e)"hnge ,ith Wi&son n- grinning t
me. 'egn to m+e her ,$ '"+ to me ,ith Brenn!s in her ,+e. She h- no i-e he ,s
right 'ehin- her. I sighe- n- trie- not to "r$.
3He "n "ome=3 she nno!n"e- &o!-&$ s she st '"+ -o,n.
3Goo- fternoon. &-ies.3 si- Brenn!s. #reten-ing to -off ht. He +e#t on going.
Jennie0s e$es ,i-ene-.
3Where -i- he "ome from73 she s+e-.
3He ,s right 'ehin- $o!.3 I si- @!iet&$.
3Oh.3 she si-. There ,s #!se. 3We&& Wi&son ,i&& 'e &ot of f!n. I thin+ he0&&
get &ong 'etter ,ith Bi&&$. :o! +no,...3
3:e#.3 I si- n- tht ,s tht.
Bi&&$ n- Wi&son ,ere t&+ing engines. I -on0t e(en ,nt to tr$ to re#ro-!"e their
"on(erstion e)"e#t to s$ tht Bi&&$0s si-e of it too+ n e)tr "hrm ,ith his e)treme&$
se)$ Lo!isin ""ent. Te)ns -r,& too. '!t Bi&&$0s -r,& ,s smooth n- -ee#. In
--ition to the se-!"ti(e (oi"e. he ,s "!te. Wi&son ,s goo-/&oo+ing in shr# ,$. '!t
Bi&&$ ,s *!st #&in ni"e/&oo+ing. Bro,n hir. 'ro,n e$es. 'ro-/sho!&-ers. I "o!&- te&&
Jennie ,s 'o!t re-$ to '!i&- n &tr n- strt m+ing s"rifi"es to her ne, go-. E(en
the f"t tht the$ h- e)"&!-e- !s from their "on(erstion for the #st 81 min!tes -i-n0t
'other her.
I si##e- m$ 'eer n- tho!ght 'o!t Brenn!s. Jennie ,s right. He n- Bi&&$
,o!&- h(e mi)e- &i+e... I trie- to thin+ of goo- simi&e. Oi& n- ,ter ,s too "ommon.
Li+e :n+ies n- So!therners7 We&& the$ ,ere :n+ee n- So!therner so tht
,o!&-n0t 'e simi&e. Grits n- m!str-7 Tht ,o!&- 'e -isg!sting "om'intion. '!t it
would mi).
If Brenn!s ,ere here. ho,e(er. he ,o!&- h(e t&+e- to me n- Jennie ,o!&- h(e
t&+e- to Bi&&$. Wo!&-n0t Jennie h(e #referre- tht7 I g&n"e- "ross t Jennie ,ho
seeme- thri&&e- *!st to 'e '&e to &isten to her mn s#e+.
After 81 min!tes I ,s -$ing to m+e "ontri'!tion e(en if I h- no i-e ,ht the$
,ere t&+ing 'o!t.
I g&n"e- t m$ ,t"h.
3We0re gonn 'e &te for the mo(ie.3 I si-.
Brenn!s "&&e- me the ne)t -$. Wi&son n- I h- &re-$ got '"+ from "h!r"h '!t
this ,ee+ he n- his 6- h- *o' to finish !# in the fternoon. B!t he ,s going to #i"+
me !# &ter for his MomAs S!n-$ -inner.
3Jessie7 I *!st her- on the r-io there0s &e"t!re '$ 6r. N$&or. o#en to the #!'&i".
in T$&er tomorro,.3 he si- ,itho!t 'othering ,ith the #re&iminr$. Hi, this is..... How are
you doing?
3Oh. goo-.3 I si-. r!nning m$ fingers thro!gh m$ hir. 3;h...3
3We0&& h(e to go.3 "ontin!e- Brenn!s. 3He0&& 'e -is"!ssing some of the &test
s"ientifi" 're+thro!ghs. He -i-n0t s$ s#e"ifi"&&$ ,hether or not the$0re the &test
s"ientifi" 're+thro!ghs t the O'ser(tor$ n- I ,o!&-n0t e)#e"t him to gi(e ,$ && of
their se"rets in #!'&i" &e"t!re. '!t I sti&& thin+ ,e sho!&- go. I fig!re the 'est thing to -o
is tr$ to meet him fter,r-s n- then *!st t+e it from there.3
3OE.3 I si-.
3Ti"+ets re ten '!"+s. I0&& get them. We0&& t+e m$ !nt0s "r. We "n meet t
s"hoo& n- *!st t+e the fternoon off.3
3OE.3 I si-.
3I0m going to "&& 'o!t the ti"+ets no,.3 si- Brenn!s. 3If $o! -on0t her from me.
ss!me I got them n- ,e0&& meet t &!n"h tomorro,.3
3OE.3 I si-.
3Gret.3 si- Brenn!s n- h!ng !#.
Sti&& ho&-ing onto the #hone. I st n- stre- t the ,&& fe, min!tes fter hnging
M$ he- ,s s,i(e&ing ro!n- the "feteri. Someho, I h- mnge- to not te&&
Jennie 'o!t m$ #&ns. >rt of the -iffi"!&t$ ,s tht she "o!&-n0t sto# t&+ing 'o!t
Bi&&$. When he h- -ro##e- her off St!r-$ night he h- s+e- her o!t. I misse- most of
the *!i"$ -eti&s -!e to m$ frnti" s"nning.
3Are $o! &oo+in0 for something73 s+e- Jennie.
3:eh.3 I si- "s!&&$. 3Brenn!s is s!##ose- to meet me here.3
3Wh$ -i-n0t $o! tell me=3 she #r"ti"&&$ shrie+e-. Instnt&$ I fe&t g!i&t$. She -i-n0t
e(en +no, ,h$ he ,s s!##ose- to meet me n- she imme-ite&$ "om#rehen-e- the
#ossi'&e signifi"n"e.
I ,s s(e- from tr$ing to e)#&in '$ Brenn!s0s ##ern"e t the -oor,$. He
o'(io!s&$ +ne, tht Jennie n- I "hose the sme t'&e e(er$-$ 'e"!se he sim#&$ m-e
e$e "ont"t ,ith me n- gest!re- ,ith his he- for me to *oin him.
3We&&. I gott go.3 I si-.
3Goo- &!"+.3 she si- grinning.
I fe&t '- &e(ing her &one !nti& I t!rne- ro!n- to see her getting !# n- m+ing
her ,$ to *oin Bi&&$0s t'&e.
3He$.3 si- Brenn!s 'rief&$. We ,ere "&er&$ on mission s ,e mr"he- -o,n the
h&&,$ to,r- n e)it. No time for i-&e "hit/"ht.
We e)ite- into the #r+ing &ot. Brenn!s0s !nt0s "r ,s '!rg!n-$ O&-smo'i&e.
"ir" the 1FD20s. &rge n- #&!sh on the insi-e. tho!gh s&ight&$ r!sting on the o!tsi-e.
Brenn!s got in first. hit '!tton n- the -oors !n&o"+e-. I got into the front set.
3H(e $o! re- + Brief History of Time73 s+e- Brenn!s s ,e #!&&e- o!t of the
#r+ing &ot.
3No.3 I si-.
3I thin+ ,e sho!&- !se it s strting #oint.3 si- Brenn!s g&n"ing t his rer(ie,
mirror. We h- #i"+e- !# s#ee- n- ,ere g&i-ing &ong the high,$.
3To s!m !#. the &,s of #h$si"s sho!&- 'e '&e to #ro-!"e sing&e mthemti"&
mo-e& to e)#&in the !ni(erse. It0s the G;T theor$ gin. An$ho,. $o! might ,nt to
re- it sometime if for no other reson thn it0s "&ssi".3
He so!n-e- #om#o!s. Tht hit me hr-. Brenn!s ,s #om#o!s. #troni4ing
E(er$ on"e in ,hi&e Go- gi(es $o! n e#i#hn$. moment of insight ,hen $o!
see &ife the ,$ it re&&$ is. not the ,$ $o! ,nt it to 'e. At tht moment I re&i4e- I ,s
*!st Brenn!s0s #rotegJ. not his gir&frien-. nor ,o!&- I e(er 'e. He &i+e- me 'e"!se he
"o!&- sho, off his inte&&e"t n- I ,s n ##re"iti(e !-ien"e. I -i-n0t "ontr-i"t n- I
-i-n0t ,&+ ,$. He -i-n0t "re ,hether I !n-erstoo- or not. n- he "ertin&$ -i-n0t "re
to !n-erstn- me.
B!t here I ,s -ri(ing in "r to T$&er ,ith g!$ ,ho ,s e)"iting n- goo-/
&oo+ing n- e(er$thing tht I tho!ght I ,nte-. I tho!ght I ,s in &o(e ,ith him. '!t if I
h- *!st gone to the &e"t!re n- "ome home n- not &et m$se&f thin+ 'o!t him n$more. I
,o!&- h(e soon forgotten him n- he ,o!&-n0t h(e 'e"ome #rt of m$ so!&.
The moment #sse-.
3O!r #rimr$ gen- is to meet 6r. N$&or.3 Brenn!s ""e&erte- n- #sse- the
"r in front of !s. 3I0(e re- eno!gh to 'e '&e to #ss for >h$si"s m*or. I0&& *!st s$ I go
to ;. of T. :o!0&& 'e m$ gir&frien-.3
I &oo+e- -o,n t m$ &#.
3Wht -o $o! ,nt to m*or in73 He g&n"e- t me.
3;h. *o!rn&ism.3 It ,s the first thing tht "me into m$ he-.
3Goo- i-e. M$'e ,e "n e(en s$ $o!0re -oing stor$ 'o!t him or the
O'ser(tor$ or ,hte(er.3 He too+ -ee# 'reth. 3I thin+ tht 'o!t "o(ers it.3 He
re"he- for,r- n- s,it"he- on the r-io. After -oing some sttion s!rfing. he
"on"&!-e- ,ith tr$ing to 'ring in some hr- ro"+ from 6&&s.
3There0s nothing more irritting thn r-io sttion tht -oesn0t "ome in "&er.3
Brenn!s sighe- n- s,it"he- off the r-io. 3One thing I re&&$ miss re the r-io sttions
in Mi"hign. I -on0t thin+ ,e h(e "o!ntr$ sttion in the ,ho&e stte. There might 'e
some 56s in the g&o(e -e#rtment.3
I o#ene- the g&o(e -e#rtment. se&e"te- 'ttere- 4et )hop Boys 56. n- st!"+ it
in the #&$er.
3...Wht is es#e"i&&$ -rmti" 'o!t s!#ers$mmetr$ is tht if it is -(n"e- into
f!rther -imensions its #o,er "n 'e in"rese-...3
We ,ere t the T$&er Women0s B!i&-ing n- 6r. N$&or ,s -is"!ssing the
rmifi"tions of s!#ers$mmetr$. I h-n0t e(en #i"+e- !# ,ht s!#ers$mmetr$ ,s.
M$'e this ,s something e(er$'o-$ ,s s!##ose- to +no,.
I &oo+e- ro!n- the room. Most of the #eo#&e ,ere o&-er men n- ,omn in s!its
n- e)#ensi(e -resses. 'oth se)es -is#&$ing some serio!s&$ e)#ensi(e *e,e&r$ on their
#ersonges. 6r. N$&or0s theme seeme- to 'e tht &ot of e)"iting things ,ere h##ening
t the O'ser(tor$ K&tho!gh he -i-n0t s#e"ifi"&&$ s$ ,htL n- tht in or-er for e)"iting
things to "ontin!e to h##en. the$ nee-e- s!##ort. Ginn"i& s!##ort. I ss!me- Ktho!gh
he -i-n0t s#e"ifi"&&$ s$ ,ht +in-L. He ,s o'(io!s&$ t&+ing to the right #eo#&e.
G!rthermore. the$ "t!&&$ seeme- to 'e fo&&o,ing ,ht he ,s s$ing. 5&er&$ the$ ,ere
s ,e&& re- s Brenn!s.
I "ons!&te- the #ie"e of (ni&& ,hite ##er I h- 'een hn-e- ,hen ,e "me in.
After the &e"t!re '$ 6r. N$&or there ,o!&- 'e 're+ n- refreshments ,o!&- 'e ser(e-.
Then ,e ,o!&- ret!rn for @!estion/n-/ns,er session.
I ,on-ere- ,ht the refreshments ,o!&- 'e. 5offee n- te. for s!re. 5oo+ies.
m$'e. Or m$'e "heese n- "r"+ers. No. #ro''&$ not. 5heese n- "r"+ers ,ent ,ith
,ine. M$'e "+e. 5heese"+e. A s&i"e of "heese"+e e"h. Tht0- 'e ni"e. Ho#ef!&&$
not fr!it. Gr!it ,s OE '!t I ,nte- something more...I "o!&-n0t thin+ of ,or-.
3ivili:ed? Afternoon te. I ,nte- fternoon te. This roomf!& of ,e&&/-resse- o&-er
#eo#&e m-e me ,nt to h(e n fternoon te of sn-,i"hes n- "+es n- 'is"!its...
3Tr$ to thin+ of some goo- @!estions.3 Brenn!s ,his#ere- to me.
3Wht73 I ,s strt&e- o!t of m$ fnts$ of si&(er ser(ing #&tters n- -e&i"te
"hin "!#s.
3Gor this.3 Brenn!s st''e- t his ##er.
He ,nte- me to thin+ of @!estion for the @!estion/n-/ ns,er session7= I -i-n0t
e(en +no, ,ht the &e"t!re ,s 'o!t=
3We h(e to m+e n im#ression on him.3 ,his#ere- Brenn!s 'efore ret!rning his
ttention to the s#e+er.
:eh. I0- m+e n im#ression on him. && right. -r. 7aylor, what e8actly is
supersymmetry? It ,o!&- #ro''&$ 'e &i+e s+ing geogr#h$ te"her ,here 5hin ,s.
I trie- to thin+ of @!estion. -r. 7aylor, what are your hopes for the
/bservatory...? ;mmm. -r. 7aylor, you said in your lecture that supersymmetry could
be e8tended into other dimensions. *hat dimensions e8actly would those be? I sighe-.
*hat's it like inside the /bservatory, -r. 7aylor? -oes #r. !ancet really look like "ack
7icholson? We&&. if ,orse "me to ,orse. it ,o!&- m+e n im#ression. B!t the @!estion
is. ,ht ,o!&- Brenn!s thin+7
This ,s o(er,he&ming. No mtter ho, goo- the te n- "oo+ies n- "+e ,ere
going to 'e. the$0- 'e r!ine- '$ the stress of tr$ing to thin+ of goo- @!estion. I trie-
to thin+ '"+ to m$ freshmn $er s"ien"e "&ss. A&& I "o!&- remem'er ,s "!tting o#en
frog. I s@!irme- in m$ "hir t the memor$.
3Thn+ $o! for $o!r ttention.3 si- 6r. N$&or. 3I ho#e to meet s mn$ of $o! s
I "n -!ring the 're+ n- &oo+ for,r- to $o!r @!estions.3
As the room ##&!-e-. he ,s &e- o!t of the room '$ ,e&&/-resse-. ,e&& m-e/!#
mtron ,ho h- "&er&$ orgni4e- the fternoon.
We fo&&o,e- the "ro,- -o,n some stirs to ,here the te n- "offee ,s set !# in
the &o,er room. There ,ere &so t,o 'ig #&tes of "ho"o&te "hi# "oo+ies.
3A&& ,e nee- is some *!i"e n- ,e0re '"+ in +in-ergrten.3 si- Brenn!s t+ing
three "oo+ies n- ##er "!# of "offee.
3:o! h- "oo+ies in +in-ergrten73 I si-. ste##ing for,r- to &et &rge &-$ in
tent/&i+e si&+ -ress #ss 'ehin- me. 3:o!0re &!"+$. We &,$s h- fr!it. We !se- to fight
o(er the gr#es.3 I too+ si# of te n- "ref!& 'ite of m$ "oo+ie.
3I -on0t thin+ no,0s goo- time to meet him.3 si- Brenn!s &oo+ing o(er t 6r.
N$&or ,ho ,s s!rro!n-e- '$ T$&er so"i&ites. 3We0&& m+e n im#ression on him ,ith
o!r @!estions n- then ,e0&& tr$ to meet him fter,r-s. Wht0s $o!r @!estion73
3;mm. I ,s thin+ing 'o!t s+ing him 'o!t the O'ser(tor$. I men. the
Ln"et...3 M$ min- ,ent '&n+ n- I "o!&-n0t remem'er the O'ser(tor$0s re& nme.
3Gorget 'o!t the O'ser(tor$.3 si- Brenn!s. 3We -on0t ,nt him to thin+ ,e0re
intereste- in the O'ser(tor$. We ,nt him to thin+ ,e0re intereste- in #h$si"s.3 He h-
&o,ere- his (oi"e so s not to 'e her- '$ the "ro,- s!rro!n-ing !s.
3OE.3 I si- gree'&$. 3Then m$'e I0&& s+ something 'o!t s!#ers$mmetr$.3
3OE.3 si- Brenn!s. 3I0m going to s+ him 'o!t the "!rrent #r-igm in #rti"&e
#h$si"s. I re- n rti"&e 'o!t ho, it0s shifting.3
3So!n-s goo-.3 I si-.
Brenn!s g&n"e- t his ,t"h.
3I0m missing Geogr#h$.3 he si-. 3I &o(e the fee&ing of missing something.3
3I0m missing S#nish.3 I si-. &oo+ing -o,n t m$ o,n ,t"h. I didn't &i+e the
fee&ing of missing something. es#e"i&&$ S#nish. I0- 'een t+ing it for three $ers n- I
"o!&- 're&$ s+ m$ ,$ to the 'throom in S#nish. Gor me. e(er$ "&ss ,s "r!"i& if I
,ere going to #ss && of the (o"'!&r$ @!i44es.
Brenn!s ,s string t 6r. N$&or ,ho ,s t&+ing to t&&. o&-er gent&emn in
gr$ s!it. Grom the smi&e on 6r. N$&or0s f"e. I #res!me- the mn ,s #&e-ging
-ontion to the O'ser(tor$. It seeme- strnge tht 6r. N$&or ,o!&- nee- to tr(e&
ro!n- #romoting the O'ser(tor$ n- so&i"iting mone$. H- Ln"et s#ent && of his
mone$ in the initi& "onstr!"tion of the '!i&-ing n- the S!#er 5o&&i-er7 When mn h-
'i&&ions. $o!0- thin+ he0- &so h(e in(estments ,here he "o!&- *!st r!n the O'ser(tor$
off of the interest. or something. Of "o!rse. if && the mone$ h- 'een !se- to '!i&- the
O'ser(tor$ there0- 'e no "#it&. n- hen"e. no interest. I ,on-ere- ho, m!"h it "ost to
r!n the O'ser(tor$ e"h -$.
3Let0s go '"+ insi-e.3 si- Brenn!s. 3I ,nt to get 'etter sets.3
3B!t the sets re && t+en.3 I si- s ,e strte- mo(ing thro!gh the "ro,- to,r-s
the e)it.
3:eh. '!t the$0re not reser(e-.3 si- Brenn!s. 3If no one0s &eft n$thing on the
set. it0s o!rs.3
Re&!"tnt&$. I fo&&o,e- him. There ,s no -o!'t in m$ min- tht '$ mo(ing
for,r- ,e ,ere going to en- !# offen-ing t,o (er$ ri"h Te)ns.
Brenn!s fo!n- !s t,o sets in the se"on- ro,. Most #eo#&e h- &eft their #rogrm
on their "hirs so ,e ,ere &!"+$ to fin- t,o em#t$ sets. I -e"i-e- I ,o!&- *!st sit n-
stre stright he- n- if there ,s n$ "onfronttion. Brenn!s "o!&- hn-&e it.
As it t!rne- o!t. there ,s no "onfronttion. M$'e the #eo#&e ,ent home. Or
m$'e the$ *!st -i-n0t "re ,here the$ st. 6es#ite m$ string stright he-. I "o!&- see
tht the o&-er &-$ 'esi-e me g(e !s strnge &oo+. '!t then -e"i-e- to ignore !s. On"e
gin. 6r. N$&or ##ere- t the front of the room.
3OE.3 he si- "on(erstion&&$. 3I0(e en*o$e- meeting mn$ of $o! -!ring the
're+ n- $o!0(e s+e- me some (er$ interesting @!estions. so I0m going to strt ,ith
Besi-e me. I "o!&- fee& Brenn!s0s irrittion.
Gor the ne)t h&f n ho!r 6r. N$&or -is"!sse- some "!rrent theories of #h$si"s.
,ht other "o!ntries h- 'een -oing ,ith regr-s to G;T. n- f!rther tho!ghts on
s!#ers$mmetr$. I ,s re&ie(e-. I "o!&- &,$s te&& Brenn!s tht m$ @!estion h- 'een
Brenn!s0s hn- ,s one of the first ones !# ,hen 6r. N$&or s+e-. 3An$ more
@!estions73 6r. N$&or. ho,e(er. "hose gre$/hire- gent&emn in the '"+ ro,. The
mn s+e- @!estion 'o!t '&"+ ho&es. 6r. N$&or g(e fifteen min!te ns,er. When
he "on"&!-e-. se(er& hn-s ,ent !#. 6r. N$&or "&&e- on ,omn ,ith string of
#er&s -o,n to her n(e&. She s+e- ,hether time tr(e& ,o!&- fit into the Grn- ;nifie-
I "o!&- h(e s+e- tht @!estion I tho!ght. B!t it ,s o'(io!s '$ no, tht 6r.
N$&or ,s on&$ t+ing @!estions from the ri"h #eo#&e. Brenn!s -i-n0t h(e "hn"e.
e(en if he s+e- the most inte&&igent @!estion of the -$.
6r. N$&or e)#&ine- tht -es#ite the #hi&oso#hi"& im#&i"tions of time tr(e&. the
"!s&it$ f"tor of. for e)m#&e. meeting $o!r grn-fther. getting into -!e& ,ith him.
+i&&ing him n- of "o!rse. then o'&iterting $o!r o,n 'irth. tht $es. time tr(e& ,s
#ossi'&e. One #ossi'i&it$ ,s tr(e&ing thro!gh ,ormho&es. ter in s#"e/time ,hi"h
,o!&- "rete 'ri-ge tht ,o!&- "onne"t -ifferent #oints in time.
3Of "o!rse tht0s stri"t&$ h$#otheti"&.3 he "on"&!-e-.
Brenn!s0s hn- ,ent !#. 6r. N$&or g&n"e- t him then s!r(e$e- the room. No
other hn-s ,ere !#. Then n o&-er &-$ in the mi--&e ,ering ,ht &oo+e- &i+e 5hne&
s!it. #!t !# her hn-.
3:es m0m73
Brenn!s m-e noise of irrittion ,hi"h 6r. N$&or ignore-.
The ,omn s+e- ,ht the Grn- ;nifie- Theor$ ,o!&- &oo+ &i+e. Wo!&- it 'e
sing&e &ine sttement e)#&ining e(er$thing7
3It ,o!&- 'e r!&es n- e@!tions. m0m.3 si- 6r. N$&or. 3R!&es n- e@!tions to
e)#&in everything.3
6r. N$&or -e"i-e- tht tht ,o!&- 'e goo- note to en- on.
3I ,nt to thn+ $o! fo&+s for "oming o!t. I0(e ##re"ite- h(ing the "hn"e to
t&+ to $o! n- to ns,er $o!r fine @!estions. If $o! ,nt n$more informtion 'o!t
,ht ,e0re -oing t the !ancet 3entre of )tudies in 4hysics. I0&& 'e right !# here t the
I ss!me- Brenn!s ,o!&- 'e one of the first !# there sin"e ,e ,ere on&$ in the
se"on- ro,. When ,e re"he- the is&e. ho,e(er. he m-e shr# &eft t!rn n- he-e-
for the -oor.
He -i-n0t s#e+ !nti& ,e ,ere in the "r. '"+ing o!t of o!r #r+ing s#"e.
3Wht n i-iot=3 he si-. 3Wht fre+ing i-iot= -id you see the ,$ he s!"+e- !#
to those ri"h...3 Brenn!s h- to s!--en&$ s&m hr- on the 'r+es not to rer en-
Mer"e-es tht h- *!st ro!n-e- the "orner he-ing to,r-s the e)it of the #r+ing &ot. He
g(e it the finger s it "ontin!e- on its ,$. '!t thn+f!&&$ the "o!#&e in it -i-n0t &oo+
3An- those @!estions= The$ ,ere so &me= The$ ,ere 'o!t s stim!&ting s some
"ons"ien"e/rising &e"t!re on some &ong/-is"!sse-. ,orn/o!t to#i" &i+e se)ism or r"ism...
Time tr(e&= There re h!n-re-s of 'oo+s on time tr(e&=3
It ,s mi&-&$ interesting to me tht Brenn!s "onsi-ere- se)ism n- r"ism to 'e
o!t-te- to#i"s. Tht ,s :n+ee for $o!.
I tho!ght it0- 'e "oo& if ,e h!ng o!t in T$&er for ,hi&e. The m&& ,s #rett$ -e"ent
n- there ,s &itt&e -e&i "ross from it tht $o! "o!&- &most #reten- $o! ,ere in Ne,
:or+. B!t Brenn!s h- &re-$ hit the &oo# n- ,s on the stright ro- tht ,o!&- t+e
!s home. The on&$ thing ,e0- #ss ,o!&- 'e "o!#&e of nti@!e stores n- 6ir$
I +e#t @!iet. ,iting for Brenn!s0s nger to -rin o!t 'it. Soon the ir strte- to
seem more 'reth'&e.
3Wnn sto# off some,here73 I s+e-.
3Where73 he s+e- fter #!se. s if he h- h- to trns&te m$ @!estion into his
o,n nti(e &ng!ge.
3I -!nno. 6ir$ M!een73
Another sm&& #!se.
3I men. if $o!0re in h!rr$. or something. ,e -on0t h(e to...3
3It0s *!st I h(e some home,or+. '!t ,e "n sto# off for -rin+.3
He0- s+i# n fternoon of s"hoo&. '!t h!rr$ home to -o some home,or+.
The ,$ I remem'er it. tht sto# t 6ir$ M!een ,s nothing to r!sh home n-
,rite 'o!t in m$ -ir$. I -on0t thin+ ,e ,ere "om#&ete&$ si&ent. I men. ,e m!st h(e
t&+e- 'o!t something. >ro''&$ the !niforms of the 6M em#&o$ees. the "rs in the
#r+ing &ot. the gro!# of #eo#&e sitting in the "orner. I -!nno. An$ho,. it ,s t tht #oint
tht I reso&(e- tht I0- re- more. thin+ more. t&+ more. n- -o n$thing to m+e s!re tht
Brenn!s ,o!&- &,$s &i+e 'eing ,ith me.
3T,o *o's for no,.3 Wi&son is s$ing. 3Three. if I -o goo- ,ith these t,o ""o!nts.
The$0re reg!&r "!stomers. not *!st one/time *o' so I0&& 'e m+ing reg!&r mone$.3
Wi&son0s fther. s it t!rne- o!t. -i-n0t min- t!rning o(er some of his "!stomers to
Wi&son. At fift$/fi(e. he &i+es the tho!ght of esing into semi/retirement n- I thin+ tht
'$ the time he0s si)t$. Wi&son0&& 'e r!nning the entire "om#n$.
We0re t the 6i@!iri 6ri(e/Thr!. -ri(e/in 'r ,here $o! sit in $o!r "r n- the
,itresses 'ring $o! $o!r -rin+s. Tht this s$stem so '&tnt&$ en"o!rges -rin+ing n-
-ri(ing hsn0t seeme- to o""!r to n$one. &tho!gh the #o&i"e &o(e "r!ising '$ the 6i@!iri
6ri(e/Thr!. fo&&o,ing n- sto##ing "rs tht re o'(io!s&$ 'eing -ri(en '$ "rs tht -i-n0t
h(e -esignte- -ri(er.
36o $o! +no, ,ht tht mens73 s$s Wi&son. His rm goes ro!n- m$ sho!&-er.
3It mens ,e "n get together offi"i&&$. I men. $o! +no,...3
I sit n- thin+ 'o!t this. He mens engge-. I h(e to s$ something.
3:eh.3 I s$.
Wi&son seems "ontent ,ith this res#onse n- &ens '"+ in the -ri(er0s set. J!st
then o!r -rin+s "ome. Remo(ing his rm from m$ sho!&-er. Wi&son re"hes into his tight
'"+ #o"+et for his ,&&et n- #$s the ,itress.
I -on0t +no, ho, to te&& him tht I might ,nt to go to s"hoo&. tht m$'e I "o!&-
st!-$ S"ien"e. n- Histor$. n- Litert!reN I ,nt to +no, everything. I ,nt to
!n-erstn- the &,s of #h$si"s. I ,nt to 'e '&e to @!ote 6nte. I ,nt to &ern 'o!t the
Eg$#tins n- their #$rmi-s. One $er ,ith Brenn!s ,sn0t eno!gh. I nee- &ifetime
&i+e tht.

3B!t it -oesn0t m+e sense.3 I si- o(er mi&+sh+e. It ,s o!r se"on- tri# to 6ir$
M!een n- m!"h more s!""essf!& thn o!r first. 3If #erson tr(e&s '"+ in time. the$
"o!&- meet their mother or fther. An- ,ht if the$. s$. #re(ent their fther from meeting
their mother '$. oh. I -on0t +no,. t$ing him !# n- #!tting him in "&oset the -$ he0s
s!##ose- to meet her. So then $o!0- ne(er 'e 'orn. e)"e#t there $o! re...3
3B!t tht0s #hi&oso#hi"& rg!ment.3 si- Brenn!s t+ing s#oonf!& of his hot
f!-ge s!n-e n- inserting it into his o#en mo!th. He sto##e- s#e+ing for moment.
3B!t the &,s of #h$si"s s$ time tr(e& is #ossi'&e.3
3B!t ,e "o!&- go '"+ n- "hnge histor$.3 I #roteste-.
3B!t tht0s ss!ming ,e0re !tonomo!s in-i(i-!&s n- tht histor$ is "hnge'&e.3
si- Brenn!s ,(ing his s#oon t me. 3A "&ssi"& #h$si"ist ,o!&- s$ tht no mtter ho,
hr- $o! tr$. $o! ,o!&-n0t 'e '&e to "hnge histor$. $o!0- *!st 'e 'sor'e- into it. Li+e.
if $o! &o"+e- $o!r fther in the "&oset. he0- es"#e. meet $o!r mother. te&& her this stor$
'o!t 'eing tie- !# n- she0- thin+ he ,s hero for es"#ing. So $o!0- *!st 'e"ome #rt
of their stor$ of the -$ the$ met.3
3B!t tht0s *!st one theor$. right73
3Oh $eh.3 Brenn!s too+ nother h!ge s#oonf!& of i"e/"rem. 3An- ,e0- #ro''&$
ne(er +no, ti&& someone "t!&&$ -i- go tht fr '"+ in time. I thin+ so fr the$0(e on&$
gone '"+ '$ "o!#&e of se"on-s.3
We ,ere s!##ose- to 'e together to t&+ 'o!t getting into the O'ser(tor$. '!t s
!s!&. it ,s t+ing !s ,hi&e to get ro!n- to it.
3I ,t"he- Howards .nd &st night.3 I si- fter #!se. In &ie! of re-ing the
'oo+s. I h- -e"i-e- to ,t"h && the mo(ies tht ,ere 'se- on E.M. Gorster0s no(e&s. It
,s @!i"+er. for one thing.
3Re&&$73 si- Brenn!s &oo+ing intereste-. 3I thin+ tht0s the gretest 'oo+ of &&
3I thin+ ,ht ,s re&&$ interesting...3 I ,s (ent!ring forth ,ith &iterr$ o#inion.
3...,s the st!-$ 'et,een the t,o sisters. He&en ,s #ssionte n- -e-i"te-. '!t it ,s
Mrgret ,ho ,s the 'ri-ge 'et,een the S"h&ege&s n- the Wi&"o)es.3
3:o!0re so right=3 Brenn!s "t!&&$ &oo+e- im#resse-. tho!gh it ,s more &i+e
te"her 'eing e)"ite- '$ n st!te st!-ent thn mn 'eing "hrme- '$ ,omn.
3Mrgret +ne, tht Eng&n- h- 'een '!i&t '$ men &i+e Mr. Wi&"o) n- tht her rtisti"
"ir"&e o,e- them res#e"t for tht.3
3An- He&en "o!&-n0t see it tht ,$ n- "o!&- on&$ fight ginst it...3
3I thin+ it0s 'e"!se she ,s s#inster.3 interr!#te- Brenn!s. 3E. M. Gorster0s
no(e&s &,$s h(e these s#insters. Li+e. + 4assage to India...3
I no--e-. Tht h- 'een the night 'efore &st.
3A-e& M!este- is reser(e- on the s!rf"e. '!t !n-erneth she0s #ssionte n-
3J!st &i+e He&en...=3 It ,s m$ t!rn to interr!#t. 3He&en0s the one ,ith the &o(er=3
3An- He&en0s "hi&- is the one to inherit Ho,r-s En-...3
3S#insters.3 I si- thin+ing o!t &o!-. 3Ho, ?'o!t *here +ngels ,ear to Tread73
3Oh yeah.3 si- Brenn!s. He h- sto##e- eting his s!n-e. 3Hrriet n- her in&i-
'o). The$ ,ere in It&$. for "r$ing o!t &o!-. n- && she ,s "on"erne- 'o!t ,s getting
her in&i- 'o) '"+. the one she h- lent. not borrowed, lent.3
3B!t 5ro&ine A''ot ,s s#inster too.3 I si-. h##$ to 'e -is"!ssing the one
'oo+ I had re-. 3An- she ,s nother one of the #ssionte ones. :o! +no,. she ,o!&-
h(e gi(en herse&f 'o-$ n- so!&. s she si-. to Gino...3
3It ,s something 'o!t the "!&t!re.3 si- Brenn!s &ening for,r-. 3With A-e&
M!este- the$ ,ere in n eroti" "!&t!re. In-i. Then ,ith 5ro&ine A''ott the$ ,ere in
It&$. The "!&t!re 'ro!ght o!t tht eroti" si-e of them tht the$ h- s!##resse- in Eng&n-.
Tht ,s &so 'ro!ght o!t in + 5oom *ith + $iew. the eroti"ness of It&$. I men.3
3:eh.3 I si-. thin+ing of ho, the stor$ h- en-e- ,ith hone$moon s"ene in
Brenn!s shoo+ his he-.
3The g!$ ,s m4ing.3 No, he ,s t&+ing 'o!t E.M. Gorster. 3He tot&&$
!n-erstoo- #eo#&e n- re&tionshi#s. An- life. He understood &ife. for && of its tri(i&
moments n- && of its s!'&ime moments.3
Brenn!s the Eng&ish te"her.
Another #!se. I fig!re- on"e I got the hng of this inte&&e"t!& -is"!ssion thing I0-
'e '&e to he&# !s ,ith o!r trnsitions from one to#i" to the ne)t. B!t for no, I *!st si-.
3So. 're+ing into the O'ser(tor$ is sti&& on73
Brenn!s0s he- *er+e- ro!n- to see if n$one h- her-. Li+e I0- 'e tht st!#i-.
We ,ere sitting in "orner n- the 'ooth 'ehin- !s ,s em#t$.3
3Shhh.3 he si-. 3:eh. I0(e got #&n.3
I ,s ho#ing for some 'n+ ro''er$/t$#e strteg$ ,here ,e0- #!&& !# in the mi--&e
of the night in n !nmr+e- (n -resse- he-/to/toe in '&"+ n- !se ro#e to "&im' onto
the roof.
B!t Brenn!s0s i-e ,s to m+e frien-s ,ith the g!$ ,ho ,or+e- for the (en-ing
m"hine "om#n$ tht s!##&ie- the O'ser(tor$ n- then "on(in"e him to &et !s *oin him
on -e&i(er$.
3I s#ent $ester-$ #r+e- o!tsi-e of the O'ser(tor$.3 si- Brenn!s. 3The g!$
"me t 'o!t fo!r n- too+ three tri#s into the #&"e. The$ m!st go thro!gh &ot of foo-
in there. An$ho,. fter tht I fo&&o,e- him. The nme of the "om#n$ is Bi&&$ 6ee0s
Sn"+s. Of "o!rse. tht ,s ,ritten on the (n. I -i-n0t nee- to fo&&o, him to fin- tht
o!t. An$ho,. ,hen he ,ent '"+ to T$&er to the he-@!rters. or ,hte(er $o! ,nt to
"&& it. I fo&&o,e- him insi-e n- s+e- him if he h- -ro##e- #ir of s!ng&sses in the
#r+ing &ot n- he&- o!t m$ #ir. He h- si- no. '!t thn+s for s+ing. I intro-!"e-
This is something on&$ Brenn!s "o!&- get ,$ ,ith. I tho!ght. Intro-!"ing
himse&f s if tht ,ere norm& #ro"e-!re ,hen g!$ m$ h(e -ro##e- #ir of
3Ho, o&- is he73 I s+e-.
3A'o!t t,ent$/fi(e. He0s got tht hi"+ &oo+ 'o!t him. No offense to $o!r #eo#&e.3
3None t+en.3 I si-.
3An$ho,. I si- it ,s ni"e meeting him. see $ ro!n-. So no, it0s $o!r t!rn.
:o!0(e got to m+e "ont"t ,ith him.3
3#e?3 I si-. 3Wh$ me7 Wh$ "n0t $o! *!st go '"+73
3I -on0t see tht ,or+ing.3 si- Brenn!s. 3I thin+ $o! sho!&- meet him. n- then
someho, I0&& '!m# into $o! g!$s n- it0&& && seem &i+e mssi(e "oin"i-en"e tht ,e &&
+no, e"h other. It0&& bond !s n- he0&& 'e o!r frien- for &ife.3
I sighe-.
3Wht0s his nme73 I s+e-.
35n0t te&& $o!.3 si- Brenn!s grinning. 3:o!0(e got to fin- o!t for $o!rse&f
other,ise $o! might s&i# n- gi(e it ,$ tht $o! &re-$ +no, him.3
3Then ho, m I going to meet him73 I s+e-.
3We0&& fo&&o, him on his ro!te sometime.3 si- Brenn!s. 3I fig!re he strts t 'o!t
nine. He "o!&-nAt 'e n$ er&ier sin"e &ot of those offi"es tht h(e (en-ing m"hines
-onAt re&&$ get going !nti& nine. Ho#ef!&&$ he0&& m+e some sto# ,here it0&& 'e "on(enient
for $o! to "s!&&$ meet him.3
It ,s ,eir- #&n. '!t #resente- '$ Brenn!s there ,ere no other &ternti(es.
3Oh. '$ the ,$.3 I si- "s!&&$. 3A "o!#&e of m$ frien-s re going to 6&&s this
,ee+en-. :o! ,nn "ome &ong73
This h- 'een Jennie0s i-e. Another gret ,$ for getting herse&f together ,ith
Bi&&$. tho!gh of "o!rse she h- s!ggeste- it s if it ,ere for the so&e #!r#ose of 'ettering
m$ re&tionshi# ,ith Brenn!s. The i-e ,s ,e0- go -n"ing St!r-$ night n- te&& o!r
#rent0s ,e ,ere st$ing t someone0s #&"e so ,e -i-n0t h(e to 'e home !nti& S!n-$.
The on&$ @!estion ,s ,hose #&"e. So fr Jennie0s 'est i-e h- 'een o!r gr-e eight
Gmi&$ St!-ies te"her sin"e ,e +ne, she0- mo(e- to 6&&s. Of "o!rse. ,e h- no
intention of "t!&&$ st$ing there. We "o!&- s&ee# in fie&-. if ,e s&e#t. for && Jennie
I e)#&ine- && this to Brenn!s. e)"e#t for the #rt of Jennie ,nting to 'e ,ith
Bi&&$ n- me ,nting to 'e ,ith him.
3S!re.3 si- Brenn!s. 3I0- &i+e to see 6&&s.3
3:o! h(en0t seen it73 I s+e-. s!r#rise-.
3On&$ the ir#ort.3 si- Brenn!s.
3:o!0&& &o(e it.3 I si-. 3It0s ten times 'etter thn T$&er.3
Wi&son. Jennie. n- Bi&&$ ,ere ,iting for !s in the #r+ing &ot of the 6ir$
I *!st stre- t Jennie s she got o!t of the tr!"+ n- I got o!t of Brenn!s0s "r.
3We h- to 'ring him.3 she hisse- to me. 3Bi&&$ "o!&-n0t get his --0s "r.3
I sighe- n- *!st ho#e- it ,o!&- && ,or+. Wi&son ,sn0t the t$#e of g!$ ,ho &i+e-
to 'e the o-- one o!t.
Ho##ing o!t of his tr!"+. Wi&son strte- he-ing for Brenn!s0s si-e of the "r. This
,o!&- 'e their first en"o!nter. I "&im'e- '"+ into the #ssenger0s set ,hi&e Brenn!s
ro&&e- -o,n his ,in-o,.
3Hi.3 si- Brenn!s.
3Hi.3 -r,&e- Wi&son. 3:o! m!st 'e Brenn!s.3
3Tht0s right.3 si- Brenn!s. I -ete"te- s&ight -r,&. Either he ,s m+ing f!n of
Wi&son or he h- *!st #i"+e- it !#.
3;h. this is Wi&son.3 I si-. I h-. of "o!rse. ne(er mentione- Wi&son to Brenn!s.
3Hi Wi&son.3 Brenn!s grinne-.
Wi&son &oo+e- mi&-&$ nno$e- tht he nee-e- n intro-!"tion.
3So ,e0re going to 6&&s.3 si- Brenn!s "on(erstion&&$.
3:eh.3 si- Wi&son. 3:0&& fo&&o, me.3 He t!rne- n- ,&+e- '"+ to,r-s his
tr!"+ ,here Jennie n- Bi&&$ ,ere ,iting.
3Whe,.3 si- Brenn!s. strting !# his engine. 3That's re&ief. I ,s fri- he ,s
gonn ,nn fo&&o, me.3 This time the ""ent ,s o'(io!s.
3I *!st &o(e- them 'e"!se the$ s$m'o&i4e- "hos.3 Brenn!s ,s s$ing. It ,s
t,o ho!r -ri(e. t &est t the s#ee- Wi&son ,s going. I0m s!re he ,s "ons"io!s&$ or
s!'"ons"io!s&$ #ro(ing his mnhoo- '$ his s#ee-. B!t Brenn!s seeme- to 'e h(ing no
#ro'&em +ee#ing !# n- -is"!ssing his theories of &ife t the sme time.
3The Romns trie- to mintin or-er n- the 5e&ts #ro(e- to them tht the ,or&- is
essenti&&$ -isor-er&$. I men. the$ ,ere &iter&&$ the 'r'rins t the -oor. #ro(ing ho,
sh+$ "i(i&i4tion re&&$ is. An- in mn$ ,$s the 5e&ts ,ere more "ons"io!s of *!sti"e
thn the Romns. The$ ,o!&- go to ,r o(er 'ro+en tret$. The 5e&ts 'e&ie(e- tht &&
things 'e&onge- to the 'r(e n- tht #hi&oso#h$ sti&& gets $o! '$ to-$. A&& those se&f/
he&# 'oo+s...3 Brenn!s shoo+ his he-. 3:o! "n 'et the 5e&ts ,o!&- h(e &!ghe- their
he-s off. The$ h- &ife fig!re- o!t && right.3
I smi&e-. Insi-e I ,s #etrifie-. M$ min- h- gone '&n+. It ,s &i+e. this ,s m$
'ig o##ort!nit$. me n- Brenn!s &one in "r for "o!#&e of ho!rs n- m$ min- ,s
empty. I ,s frnti"&&$ tr$ing to remem'er some of the r!&es 'o!t m+ing "on(erstion
tht I h- re- in n rti"&e in 1lamour. '!t nothing ,s "oming '"+ to me e)"e#t. s+
him 'o!t himse&f. An- someho, Brenn!s0s into)i"ting #resen"e m-e tht r!&e seem
+in- of st!#i-.
3So.3 si- Brenn!s. 3Wht re ,e "t!&&$ -oing tonight73
3We&&.3 I si-. 3We0&& #ro''&$ get some -inner n- then go -n"ing. Jennie
#ro''&$ hs rest!rnt n- "&!' #i"+e- o!t n- Wi&son ,i&& #ro''&$ s$ he +no,s
'etter #&"e. so ,e0&& en- !# going to the #&"e tht Wi&son ,nts...3 I ,s e)mining m$
hn-s on m$ &# s I s#o+e.
3So. ,ht0s the -e& ,ith him73 s+e- Brenn!s. 3Is he. &i+e. one of the Big G!$s. or
3Not re&&$.3 I si-. I fe&t !n"omfort'&e -is"!ssing Wi&son. &i+e m$'e I ,s
""i-ent&&$ &e+ing o!t some emotion. It ,s hr- *!st tr$ing to so!n- nt!r&. 3I men.
he0s not on the foot'&& tem. or n$thing. He0s *!st one of those g!$s e(er$'o-$ &i+es.
He0s got tr!"+.3
3He0s "oo&.3 si- Brenn!s. 3Tht0s ,ht $o! men. right7 He0s "oo&.3
3We&&. $eh. I g!ess so.3 I0- ne(er tho!ght 'o!t this 'efore. 3We&&. in ,$.3
3B$ Est Te)s stn-r-s. heAs "oo&.3 si- Brenn!s. I +ne, he ,sn0t s$ing tht he
tho!ght Wi&son ,s "oo&. he ,s *!st -is"!ssing someone ,ho re&&$ ment nothing to
3:eh.3 I si-. 3He0s #rett$ es$/going.3
3B!t $o! si- ,e0&& en- !# going to the #&"e he ,nts to go to.3
3We&&. he0s guy.3 I si- tr$ing to e)#&in "on"e#t tht h- #re(io!s&$ ne(er 'een
n&$4e- in m$ &ife. 3Li+e...3 I #!se- to thin+. 3Jennie #&nne- this thing so she0&& h(e
n i-e of ,ht she ,nts to -o. B!t Wi&son is o#inionte- n- &,$s thin+s he hs
'etter i-e. es#e"i&&$ 'etter thn Jennie. An- Bi&&$ ,on0t s$ n$thing ?"os he ,s
in(ite- &ong '$ Jennie. so he ,on0t ,nt to go ginst her. '!t t the sme time he might
'e greeing ,ith Wi&son...3
3Wht 'o!t !s73 s+e- Brenn!s. 3Wht ,i&& ,e -o73
3We&&...3 I si-. 3I -on0t re&&$ "re ,here ,e go.3
Brenn!s no--e-.
3Me too.3 he si-.
I smi&e- o!t the ,in-o,.
I -i-n0t min- ,hen he s,it"he- on the r-io. M$ 'rin ,s fee&ing strine- n- I
fig!re- if I "me !# ,ith n$ 'ri&&int "on(erstion& items. I "o!&- s(e them for the ri-e
3It0s gret It&in #&"e.3 Jennie ,s s$ing. We h- #r+e- o!r "rs on one of
the streets in 6ee# E&&!m n- s ,e got o!t of o!r (ehi"&es Jennie ,s te&&ing !s 'o!t
the rest!rnt she h- in min-.
3Italian?3 si- Wi&son. 3I -on0t ,nn *!st et #st=3
3We&& it0s not *!st #st.3 si- Jennie. 3It0s "hi"+en n- 'eef n- s&-...3
3I -on0t ,nt to go to no It&in rest!rnt ,hen there re so mn$ gret #&"es
ro!n- here.3 si- Wi&son.
Bi&&$ ,s e)mining the 'o!ti@!e ,in-o,s tht ,e ,ere #ssing '$ s Brenn!s n-
I fo&&o,e- 'ehin- them.
3Wht -o $o! ,nn go to73 s+e- Jennie. irritte-. 3Some st!#i- ste+ #&"e73
3:eh=3 si- Wi&son s if she h- *!st s!ggeste- ste+ #&"e s n o#tion. 3There0s
gret one *!st ro!n- the "orner here.3
We ,ere he-ing for the hert of 6ee# E&&!m ,here most of the rest!rnts.
night"&!'s n- g&&eries re &o"te-.
3He$ Bi&&$.3 si- Wi&son. 3:o! ,nt ste+. h!h73
3;h. $eh. s!re.3 si- Bi&&$. 3Whte(er.3 He "ontin!e- to est'&ish his ne!tr&it$
'$ s,i(e&ing his he- ro!n- to e)mine && the tren-$ sho#s e(en tho!gh he0- #ro''&$
'een here h!n-re- times.
3We "n get ste+ n$,here.3 si- Jennie. Irrittion h- t!rne- to nger. 3We0(e
"ome && the ,$ to 6&&s...3
3We&& I in0t "omin0 && the ,$ to 6&&s for #st.3 si- Wi&son n- tht ,s fin&.
Wi&son h- est'&ishe- his #osition s &e-er of o!r &itt&e gro!# n- it ,s !# to
Jennie to ,ith-r,. As she ,s tr$ing to im#ress Bi&&$ she trnsforme- instntneo!s&$.
s if ste+ rest!rnt h- 'een her "hoi"e n- she ,s #&ese- tht e(er$one &i+e- it.
We ,ere &e- -o,n @!iet si-e street ,$ from the "enter of 6ee# E&&!m to &rge
rest!rnt on "orner tht seeme- to 'e the on&$ &egitimte '!siness on the '&o"+. A&& the
other '!i&-ings &oo+e- -irt$ n- 'n-one-. Most of 6ee# E&&!m !se- to 'e &i+e this.
in-!stri& n- s"r$. '!t the "it$ "&ene- it !# n- no, it0s one of the 'est #&"es to go t
3Where -i- $o! her 'o!t this #&"e73 I s+e-. The neon sign 'o(e the -oor
i-entifie- this est'&ishment s 5aymond's.
3Johnn$ R$.3 si- Wi&son enth!sisti"&&$. 3He &i+es to "ome here fter gme.3
3Bs+et'&&.3 I e)#&ine- to Brenn!s ,ho no--e-.
We entere- -r+. smo+$. n- (er$ nois$ room. Most of the t'&es ,ere f!&& n-
the rtio of men to ,omen ,s 'o!t three to one. There ,s 'r in one "orner ,ith the
te&e(ision t!rne- onto s#orts "hnne&. I h- fee&ing the men! ,o!&- #ro''&$ *!st h(e
three items. ,e&& -one. me-i!m. n- rre.
A hostess ,ith ,i&ting '&on-e hir n- in-ifferent e$es sete- !s t ro!n- t'&e in
the mi--&e of the rest!rnt.
Jennie trie- to smi&e #&esnt&$. Wi&son &oo+e- #&ese- ,ith himse&f. Bi&&$.
Brenn!s. n- I && "ontin!e- to &oo+ non"h&nt.
3Beer && ro!n-.3 si- Wi&son to the ,itress ,ho h- ##ere- ,hen ,e h- t+en
o!r sets.
35n I see some I.6.73
3M+e tht 5o+e.3 si- Wi&son ,ith n ttit!-e of Hey I tried.
3Sme.3 I si-. I ,s sete- 'et,een Wi&son n- Brenn!s n- Jennie ,s sete-
'et,een Brenn!s n- Bi&&$.
3Ginger &e.3 si- Brenn!s. Wi&son g(e him &oo+.
36iet 5o+e.3 si- Jennie.
35o+e.3 si- Bi&&$.
We o#ene- o!r men!s n- s!re eno!gh. the min fre ,s ste+ n- the s#e"i&t$
,s the T,e&(e In"her ,hi"h if $o! finishe-. $o! got t/shirt ,ith I'm a 5aymond's
Twelve Incher on it. I ,s re&ie(e- tht the$ &so h- hm'!rger on the men!.
When the ,itress ret!rne-. Wi&son n- Bi&&$ or-ere- the T,e&(e In"hers. Jennie
n- I or-ere- hm'!rgers. n- Brenn!s or-ere- Ste+ Teri$+i.
3So.3 si- Brenn!s "on(erstion&&$. 3It ,o!&- 'e t,e&(e in"hes "ross. I
Wi&son *!st &oo+e- t him.
3The ste+.3 e)#&ine- Brenn!s.
3:eh.3 si- Wi&son.
3Ho, thi"+ ,o!&- it 'e73 s+e- Brenn!s.
3I -!nno. "o!#&e in"hes.3
Brenn!s no--e- s if he h- s!s#e"te- this.
3:o! e(er eten it 'efore73 s+e- Brenn!s.
3Johnn$ R$ -oes it && the time.3 si- Wi&son. His tone signifie-. end6of6
3I her Sn-$ n- Bo''$ re together.3 si- Jennie. 3The$ m+e "!te "o!#&e.3
I +ne, this to#i" ,s more thn *!st si&en"e/fi&&er. She ,nte- the to#i" of
re&tionshi#s to "ome !# sin"e in some ,$ this ,s s!##ose- to 'ring her "&oser to Bi&&$.
3:eh.3 I si- he&#f!&&$. 3The$0re together && the time.3
3Are the$ in &o(e73 s+e- Brenn!s.
3Of "o!rse the$ re.3 si- Jennie s if she0- ne(er her- more st!#i- @!estion in
her &ife.
3A &ot of g!$s *!st get into re&tionshi# 'e"!se it0s "on(enient.3 si- Brenn!s.
3:o! +no,. someone to -o things ,ith n- $o! -on0t h(e to go to the effort of fin-ing
Jennie g&re- t him s if he h- *!st nno!n"e- he en*o$e- #i"+ing his nose in
I fe&t it ,s m$ -!t$ to s#e+ seeing s Wi&son &oo+e- m!se- n- Bi&&$ &oo+e-
3Re&&$73 I si-. 3So $o! fig!re e(er$'o-$ in re&tionshi# m$ not 'e in &o(e73
3Tht0s right.3 -r,&e- Brenn!s. 3Re&tionshi#s re 'o!t "on(enien"e n- &o(e
isn0t &,$s "on(enient. It "n h##en t the ,rong time. in the ,rong #&"e. n- m$'e
e(en ,ith the ,rong #erson.3
3Is it sti&& &o(e then73 I s+e-. No,. more thn Jennie. I h- (este- interest in
this "on(erstion.
3I0&& te&& $o! ,ht &o(e is.3 si- Brenn!s. t+ing si# of his ginger &e. 3Lo(e is
,hen the "hn"e of s#en-ing the rest of $o!r &ife in rt/infeste- #rison "e&& ,ith tht
#erson ,o!&- m+e $o! fee& &i+e the &!"+iest #erson &i(e.3
3So ,ht is re&tionshi# then73 s+e- Jennie so!n-ing in"re-i'&$ irritte-.
3A re&tionshi#.3 e)#&ine- Brenn!s #tient&$. 3is 'o!t h(ing someone to -o
things ,ith.3
3Then &o(e -oesn0t h##en s often.3 I m!se-.
3He&&.3 si- Brenn!s. 3M$'e it on&$ h##ens on"e in &ifetime n- tht0s $o!r
tste of eternit$. So ,hen it -oes h##en. 'o, -o,n n- ,orshi# 'e"!se tht m$ 'e
$o!r one g&im#se of Go-.3
I ,s tremen-o!s&$ re&ie(e- tht the foo- rri(e- then sin"e I "n0t imgine ho,
Wi&son might h(e res#on-e- to Brenn!s0s theor$.
Jennie -e"i-e- tht the to#i" of &o(e n- re&tionshi#s ,s !nsfe n- -re, o!r
ttention to the 's+et'&& gme #&$ing on the te&e(ision s"reen. The men 'ro+e o!t into
-is"!ssion. Most s!r#rising to me. Brenn!s &so #rti"i#te- in the 's+et'&& -is"!ssion
,ith Wi&son n- Bi&&$. seeming to +no, && of the tems n- && of the im#ortnt #&$ers.
Jennie ,s (isi'&$ re&ie(e-.
3Let0s not go -n"ing.3 Brenn!s ,his#ere- to me. 3I ,nt to go see ,here Eenne-$
,s shot.3
We ,ere ,&+ing '"+ to the "r. fo&&o,ing Wi&son n- Bi&&$ ,ho ,ere #ro!-&$
ho&-ing o!t their I'm a 5aymond's Twelve Incher t/shirts n- Jennie ,ho ,s #ro!-&$
-miring them.
3I thin+ the$ && ,nt to go -n"ing...3 I #roteste-.
3Not them=3 hisse- Brenn!s. 3;s= We0&& meet them &ter.3
3OE.3 I si-. I ,s @!ite #&ese- tht he ,nte- to 're+ ,$ from the gro!#.
3;h. g!$s=3 I "&&e- o!t. The$ t!rne- ro!n-.
3Brenn!s n- I re going to. !h. go see ,here Eenne-$ ,s shot n- ,e0&& meet $o!
3*hat?3 si- Wi&son. 3B!t it0s -r+= :o!0re not going to see n$thing=3
3Tht0s OE.3 I si-.
We h- rri(e- t the "r n- Brenn!s ,s !n&o"+ing m$ si-e.
3:o! *!st te&& !s ,here ,e "n meet $o!.3 si- Brenn!s. 3Either tht or ,e "n
m+e o!r ,$ '"+ to Long(ie, o!rse&(es.3
3:o! "n0t go home ti& morning.3 Jennie s!--en&$ '!rst o!t. 3We0re s!##ose- to 'e
st$ing o(er t o!r Gmi&$ St!-ies te"her0s #&"e n- if Jessie goes '"+ er&$...3
3We ,on0t go '"+ tonight.3 Brenn!s ss!re- her.
3We0re going to 6is"o Bo'0s.3 si- Wi&son res!ming his ro&e s "ommn-er.
3B!t I tho!ght ,e0- go to Sn 6omingo.3 #roteste- Jennie.
3It0s on 5&remo!nt A(en!e.3 si- Wi&son ignoring her. 3Jessie +no,s the ,$
'e"!se I too+ her there on"e.3
I +ne, tht &st "omment ,s -ig t Brenn!s.
3Meet !s t 'o!t one.3 "&&e- o!t Wi&son s he res!me- ,&+ing to,r-s his tr!"+.
3No, ho, -o ,e get to E&m Street73 s+e- Brenn!s ,hen ,e ,ere 'oth insi-e the
3;h. I0m not re&&$ s!re...3
I &so ,sn0t one h!n-re- #er"ent s!re tht I "o!&- get !s to 5&remo!nt A(en!e '!t
I +ne, Brenn!s ,o!&-n0t "re if ,e "o!&-n0t meet !# ,ith the rest of them.
3I0&& s+ t gs sttion.3 -e"i-e- Brenn!s. s he strte- the engine.
We #!&&e- into the first o#en gs sttion. Whi&e Brenn!s ,ent in to s+. I trie- to
fig!re o!t ,here ,e ,ere. B!t Wi&son ,s right. It ,s -r+ n- I -i-n0t re"ogni4e
n$thing. Grom the '!i&-ings ,e might h(e 'een he-ing into the '!siness -istri"t so
tht t &est ment ,e ,ere #ro''&$ "&ose to the 'oo+ -e#ositor$. or ,hte(er it ,s. The
tr!th ,s. && the times I h- "ome to 6&&s I h- ne(er seen ,here Eenne-$ ,s shot
e(en tho!gh I0- seen && the mo(ies 'o!t it.
3We0re re&&$ "&ose.3 Brenn!s ret!rne- n- s&i- '"+ into his set. He hn-e- me
'ott&e of &emon/f&(ore- >errier. 3In "se ,e get thirst$.3
3Tht ste+ teri$+i m!st h(e 'een s#i"$.3 I si-.
3It ,s.3 gree- Brenn!s. He h- #!&&e- o!t of the gs sttion n- t!rne- right.
3Let0s see. I thin+ ,e t!rn right t these &ights n- then fo&&o, the ro-... We0re &oo+ing for
Min. :eh. this is it. No, ,e go &eft n- go...3 He g&n"e- -o,n t his hn- ,here he
h- ##rent&$ ,ritten -o,n some 'rief -ire"tions. 3Nine sto#&ights.3 He &oo+e- '"+ !#
t the ro-. 3Tht g!$ in there m!st get &ot of #eo#&e s+ing ho, to get to ,here
Eenne-$ ,s shot 'e"!se he +ne, e)"t&$ ho, to get there.3
The ro-s ,ere @!iet. A&& the "tion ,s on the #erimeters of the "it$ or -o,n the
si-e streets in the &itt&e o!t/of/the/,$ rest!rnts n- night"&!'s. B!t the hert of the "it$
,s sti&&.
We "me to re- &ight. Brenn!s sto##e- &ong eno!gh to m+e s!re no one ,s
"oming 'efore going thro!gh it. I thin+ I gs#e-. When I s$ the ro-s ,ere @!iet. I
-i-n0t men deserted. Brenn!s grinne- t me.
3Sorr$.3 he si-.
3It0s OE.3 I si-. An- tht ,s tht.
3OE. this is Mr+et.3 si- Brenn!s &oo+ing -o,n t his hn-. 3Sho!&- 'e "oming
!#.3 Brenn!s m-e @!i"+ &ne "hnge. 3Sho!&- 'e *!st !# here.3
3Ho!ston= Here it is=3 Witho!t 'othering to #!t on his f&i"+er. Brenn!s m-e
@!i"+ right t!rn.
He ,s s"nning the s"ene.
3He$. I thin+ this is the #rt of the ro- Eenne-$ ,s "oming &ong...=3 His he-
,s t,isting s he &oo+e- ro!n-. 3Wht0s tht street "oming !# "&&e-73
3;m. I -on0t +no,.3 I si-. &oo+ing ro!n- m$se&f. I h- no i-e. Wh$ h-n0t I #i-
more ttention ,hen I ,t"he- ",07
3Wh$ -on0t the$ h(e n$ street signs73 -emn-e- Brenn!s. &ening for,r- in n
ttem#t to see 'etter.
I h- fee&ing this ,ho&e e)"!rsion ,s going to m+e me fee& &i+e "om#&ete
3It0s E&m=3 si- Brenn!s "t"hing g&im#se of sign s ,e shot thro!gh green
&ight. 3Of "o!rse= E&m ,s the one he ,s shot on.3 he e)#&ine- to me.
I no--e-. This ,s ne,s to me.
We m-e n i&&eg& ;/t!rn n- Brenn!s #!t his f&i"+er on to t!rn right.
I &oo+e- ro!n-. It -i- &oo+ (g!e&$ fmi&ir. We h- t!rne- onto E&m.
3There it is=3 Brenn!s #r"ti"&&$ s"reme- s he #ointe- n- ""e&erte- t the
sme time. 3There it is= The grassy knoll=3
We h- "ome to for+ in the ro- ,ith tring!&r #&ot of grss in the mi--&e.
Brenn!s "ontin!e- to the right of the tr"t sin"e. s I re&i4e- &ter. the &eft ,s for the
on"oming trffi".
3This is the s#ot=3 No, Brenn!s ,s $e&&ing. 3THI) is the s#ot ,here he ,s
We "o!&-n0t sto# 'e"!se there ,ere "rs 'ehin- !s. Brenn!s0s he- ,s s,i(e&ing.
3Where0s the Boo+ 6e#ositor$73 B!t ,e h- shot thro!gh the !n-er#ss n- Brenn!s ,s
for"e- to m+e n i&&eg& ;/t!rn t the first sto# &ight ,e "me to.
3We0&& #r+ the "r n- &oo+ ro!n-.3 he si- s ,e ret!rne- to the s"ene of the
ssssintion. this time ##ro"hing it from the other si-e of the grss$ +no&&.
We fo!n- #r+ing meter 'o!t '&o"+ ,$ n- ,&+e- '"+ to the grss$ +no&&.
3Let0s see no,.3 si- Brenn!s. s"nning. 3Tht0s the on&$ '!i&-ing it "o!&- 'e.3 He
S!re eno!gh. ,hen ,e h- "rosse- the ro- o(er to the 'ro,n 'ri"+ '!i&-ing there
,s &itt&e #&@!e informing !s tht the Boo+ 6e#ositor$ ,here Lee Hr(e$ Os,&- h-
&&ege-&$ shot >resi-ent Eenne-$ ,s on the si)th f&oor of this '!i&-ing. There ,s
m!se!m there no,.
3Too '- it0s not o#en.3 si- Brenn!s. 3B!t &et0s go &oo+ t the grss. No. Wit.
Let0s "he"+ o!t the mon!ment first.3
We ,n-ere- '"+ "ross the ro- to Min n- Mr+et n-. &ong ,ith some
J#nese to!rists. e)mine- the mon!ment ere"te- in hono!r of John G. Eenne-$. 6es#ite
it 'eing so &te. the mon!ment ,s ,e&&/&it n- there ,ere eno!gh #eo#&e ro!n- it to
m+e me fee& &i+e ,e ,eren0t too ,eir- for "oming so &te.
Brenn!s strte- he-ing '"+ for the grss ,ith me tr$ing to +ee# !#.
3No, ho, -i- tht go73 Brenn!s h- rri(e- '"+ t the ssssintion sight 'efore
me n- ,s s!r(e$ing e(er$thing s if he ,ere the G.B.I. gent res#onsi'&e for the "se.
3The other g!nmn ,s s!##ose- to 'e some,here ro!n- here...3
3;m. I thin+ tht ,s the theor$.3 I si-. 'iting m$ &i#. B&st= Wh$ h-n0t I #i-
more ttention to tht mo(ie7=
3>ro''&$ o(er there.3 nno!n"e- Brenn!s #ointing "ross the ro-. 3It ,s
s!##ose- to 'e 'o(e the grss$ +no&&. >eo#&e ,ere stn-ing && ro!n- here.3 He &oo+e-
ro!n-. 3It0s @!ite sh-e- on this si-e tho!gh. A mn "o!&- stn- right here ,itho!t
n$one #$ing ttention to him.3 Brenn!s &oo+e- &i+e he ,s #&nning nother
ssssintion. 3B!t then I0m s!re there0(e 'een some "hnges here sin"e 1FB<.3 he
Brenn!s s!r(e$e- e(er$thing one more time.
3OE.3 Brenn!s ,s stisfie-. He "o&&#se- -o,n onto the grss. He h- 'een
ho&-ing the >errier the ,ho&e time. 3Let0s -rin+.3
We #sse- the >errier '"+ n- forth &i+e t,o '!ms ,ith ,his+e$ 'ott&e.
3>oor J"+ie.3 I si-. It ,s the on&$ thing I "o!&- thin+ of.
3:eh re&&$. eh7 I g!ess the hr- #rt ,o!&- 'e the f!ner&.3 Brenn!s fe&& '"+
onto the grss.
3Not 're+ing -o,n n- st!ff.3 I gree-.
3B!t then. he was s&ee#ing ,ith Mri&$n.3
3B!t J"+ie re&&$ &o(e- him. I her- some,here.3
3He&&. the ,ho&e "o!ntr$ &o(e- him.3 He hn-e- me the >errier to finish off.
3Let0s &e(e messge in it.3 I si- ,hen I h- t+en the &st g!&#.
3Wht. in the 'ott&e $o! men73
3:eh.3 I si-. 3:o! +no,. ,e ,ere here. or something &i+e tht.3
3:o! got some ##er73
3:eh.3 I si- o#ening !# m$ #!rse. 3>en too. He$= IA(e e(en got Oi#&o" 'g
,ith n o&- "oo+ie in it.3 I o#ene- the 'g n- tosse- the "oo+ie o!t onto the grss. PWe
"o!&- #!t it in here to +ee# it from getting ,et.Q
3OE.3 si- Brenn!s. He seeme- to &i+e the i-e 'e"!se he st !#. 3Wht0&& ,e
3I -!nno. An$thing.3
3Something 'o!t JGE73
3S!re.3 I si-. 3J!st messge. An$thing. I +no,. *!st ,rite ,ht $o!0re thin+ing.3
3OE.3 si- Brenn!s t+ing the #en n- ##er from me. He tho!ght for min!te
then s"ri''&e- some ,or-s. Before hn-ing it to me he fo&-e- it. I too+ it from him n-
hesitte- for moment. I ,nte- to +no, ,ht he0- ,ritten '!t there ,s no ,$ I "o!&-
!nfo&- it ,ith him sitting right 'esi-e me. H- he honest&$ ,ritten ,ht he ,s thin+ing
n- tht0s ,h$ he -i-n0t ,nt me to see it7
I @!i"+&$ s"r,&e- fe, ,or-s 'efore h!rrie-&$ ro&&ing !# the #ie"e of ##er.
#!tting it in the Oi#&o" 'g n- st!ffing it into the >errier 'ott&e.
3We0(e got to '!r$ it someho, so it -oesn0t *!st get thro,n o!t.3 si- Brenn!s.
3This is "it$ #ro#ert$ n- the$ #ro''&$ sen- someone ro!n- to "&en !# fter the
With m$ ho!se +e$s I 'egn to -ig ho&e in the firm gro!n-. Gin&&$ the ho&e
&oo+e- 'ig eno!gh for the 'ott&e. When I trie- it. ho,e(er. the ne"+ ,s sti&& #ointing o!t.
3Oh. *!st &e(e it there.3 si- Brenn!s stn-ing !#. 3Someone ,i&& fin- it
Re&!"tnt&$ I stoo- !#. It ,s "r4$. '!t I0- ,nte- someho, to sti"+ it in m$ #!rse
*!st to see ,ht Brenn!s h- ,ritten.
350mon.3 si- Brenn!s. 3We sti&& h(e time to go -n"ing.3
I stoo- !# n- g&n"e- t m$ ,t"h. It ,s on&$ ten o0"&o"+.
3I -on0t +no, ho, to get to 5&remo!nt.3 I si-.
3:o! "n s+ t gs sttion.3 si- Brenn!s grinning. 3It0s the 'est ,$ to get
3He$=3 s"ree"he- Jennie.
Wi&son. Bi&&$ n- Jennie h- mnge- to sei4e t'&e in room "ro,-e- ,ith
'o-ies "onstnt&$ mo(ing to "@!ire 'eer. foo-. n- f!n. The -n"e f&oor ,s s "ro,-e-
s ref!gee trin o!t of ,r/torn "o!ntr$. The t'&e ,s on&$ for t,o n- Wi&son h-
#!&&e- !# n e)tr "hir for himse&f.
3Listen.3 $e&&e- Jennie. to 'e her-. 3:o! g!$s ho&- the t'&e= Bi&&$ n- I ,nt to
It ,s "&er Jennie ,s -$ing to get Bi&&$ onto tht -n"e f&oor. Brenn!s n- I
too+ o(er the "hirs.
3I0m getting 'eer.3 si- Wi&son getting !# n- #!shing thro!gh the "ro,-. There
,ere no ,itresses t 6is"o Bo'0s so $o! h- to or-er $o!r foo- t "o!nter n- get $o!r
'eer t the 'r. Wi&son m!st h(e 'een "o!nting on the -im &ights to get ,$ ,ith
or-ering 'eer.
A "on(erstion ,s o!t of the @!estion ,ith the noise &e(e& so Brenn!s n- I *!st st
there. &istene- to the m!si". n- ,ite- for Wi&son to get '"+ so ,e "o!&- go n- or-er
some foo-. E)"e#t tht Wi&son -i-n0t "ome '"+ n- I fin&&$ s, him on the -n"e f&oor
,ith some gir& ,ith short "!r&$ 'ro,n hir ,ho &oo+e- 'o!t t,ent$/fi(e. ,hi"h ,o!&-
e)#&in ho, he got the 'eer 'ott&e he ,s ho&-ing in his hn-.
I sighe- n- #ointe- him o!t to Brenn!s.
3I0&& *!st go get some foo-.3 Brenn!s sho!te-. stn-ing !#. 3Wht -o $o! ,nt73
3Whte(er.3 I $e&&e-. It ,s f!nn$ ho, the night ir h- m-e !s h!ngr$.
Brenn!s merge- ,ith the "ro,- n- I ,ite-.
Grom the -n"e f&oor I "o!&- see Wi&son ,t"hing Brenn!s0s "o!rse thro!gh the
"ro,-. Tht he might 'e *e&o!s ne(er o""!rre- to me t the time. A&& I "o!&- see ,s tht
his f"e he&- "ontem#t.
Brenn!s ret!rne- ,ith t,o hm'!rgers. fries. n- 5o+e. A#rt from "hi"+en ,ings.
I thin+ tht0s && $o! "o!&- get t 6is"o Bo'0s. The '!rgers ,ere those h!ge +in-s tht
fter $o! finish them. $o! fee& so si"+ of met $o! *!st ,nt to et fr!it for the ne)t ,ee+.
We -i-n0t tr$ to "on(erse s ,e te // it0s hr- to s"rem n- s,&&o, t the sme
Wi#ing his f"e ,ith n#+in n- &ening '"+ in his "hir. Brenn!s s!r(e$e- the
3This $o!r t$#e of #&"e73 he $e&&e-.
I &!ghe- s I #!she- ,$ m$ #&sti" 's+et of foo-.
3NO=3 I $e&&e- '"+.
He grinne-.
3The$ seem to &i+e it.3 he si- -ire"ting his th!m' t the -n"e f&oor tho!gh I thin+
he ,s s#e"ifi"&&$ thin+ing 'o!t Jennie. Bi&&$. n- Wi&son.
I &ene- for,r- so I ,o!&-n0t h(e to $e&& so &o!-.
3Wi&son &i+es it.3 I si-. 3B!t Jennie *!st &i+es 'eing ,ith Bi&&$.3
Brenn!s no--e- s if he0- fig!re- that o!t &ong time go.
3Let0s -n"e.3 he si- 'r!#t&$.
3B!t ,ht 'o!t the t'&e...73
3S"re, the t'&e.3 he si- stn-ing !#. 3There ,i&& 'e other t'&es.3 This &st
"omment ,s -e&i(ere- s if it ,ere n n"ient 5hinese #ro(er'.
We -n"e- the night ,$. It0s m4ing ho, time "n -is##er ,hen $o!0re on
-n"e f&oor n- the m!si" is #!&sting thro!gh $o!r 'o-$. 6is"o Bo'0s "&ose- t t,o n-
o!r gng ,s mong the &st to &e(e.
Brenn!s h- 'een right 'o!t the t'&e. I -on0t thin+ n$ of !s h- ret!rne- to it.
Wi&son m!st h(e 'een mo(ing ro!n- the #&"e &ot tht e(ening sin"e I s, him ,ith
@!ite fe, -ifferent gir&s thro!gho!t the e(ening.
3I in0t s&ee#in0 in no fie&-.3 Wi&son nno!n"e- s ,e ,&+e- thro!gh the em#t$ing
#r+ing &ot.
PWht 'o!t Johnn$ R$As7Q I s+e-.
PGorget it.Q si- Wi&son. He so!n-e- ti"+e-/off. It honest&$ ne(er o""!rre- to me
t the time tht he ,s irritte- '$ the #resen"e of Brenn!s. Or more s#e"ifi"&&$. '$ the
f"t tht I ,s ,ith Brenn!s tht night. PHeAs (isiting 6- n- Mom this ,ee+en-.Q
PThtAs ironi".Q I si-.
3We&& ,ht re ,e gonn -o73 -emn-e- Jennie. 3We "n0t go home.3
3An &&/night -iner.3 s!ggeste- Brenn!s. He so!n-e- s if he h- 'een ,iting &&
his &ife to h(e the o##ort!nit$ to m+e tht s!ggestion.
3I -on0t thin+ so.3 m!ttere- Wi&son.
3No. tht0s goo- i-e=3 si- Jennie. 3I -on0t +no, if ,e "n fin- -iner. '!t
there0s #ro''&$ -on!t sho# or something. :o! +no,. the %8/ho!r +in-.3
I ,s -e- tire-. '!t "!# of "offee ,o!&- ,+e me !#. I +ne,.
3OE.3 sighe- Wi&son. 3:0&& fo&&o, me.3
We got into o!r res#e"ti(e (ehi"&es n- too+ to the @!iet streets of 6&&s.
E(ent!&&$ ,e "me "ross 6enn$0s tht -(ertise- in neon &ights tht it ne(er "&ose-.
We #r+e- n- ,ent insi-e. There ,ere "o!#&e of 'ro+en/-o,n o&- men sitting t
the "o!nter. '!t #rt from them. ,e ,ere the on&$ #trons. A tire-/&oo+ing hostess sete-
!s n- g(e !s o!r men!s fter t+ing o!r or-er of "offee && ro!n-.
3He&&.3 si- Wi&son &oo+ing t the men!. I -on0t thin+ he si- it for n$ #rti"!&r
reson. We ,ere && #rett$ '!she- n- I m$se&f ,s fin-ing it -iffi"!&t *!st thin+ing 'o!t
form!&ting "oherent senten"e.
B!t the "offee "me n- ,e && re(i(e- 'it. 6es#ite the fi&&ing hm'!rger. '$ no,
I ,s str(ing. I h- '!rne- &ot of "&ories on the -n"e f&oor. E)"e#t for Jennie. ,ho
*!st or-ere- fries. ,e && or-ere- f!&& -inners. Wi&son ,ent for "hi&i n- fries. Bi&&$ for
rost t!r+e$. Brenn!s n- I for (e& #rmigin. It m-e me thin+ of Howards .nd n-
ho, Leonr- Bst h- gone ,&+ing && night on&$ to re&i4e tht he sti&& ,nte- his three
me&s s if it ,ere -$time.
Wi&son. Bi&&$ n- Jennie gossi#e- 'o!t #eo#&e t s"hoo& ,hi&e Brenn!s n- I
&istene-. Grom the ttention Brenn!s ,s #$ing them. I thin+ he ,s en*o$ing hering &&
this -irt on #eo#&e tht he norm&&$ ,o!&-n0t 'e '&e to fin- o!t.
The foo- "me @!i"+&$.
Wi&son n- Bi&&$ ,ere en*o$ing their me&s. '!t Brenn!s n- I e)"hnge- &oo+s
fter o!r first 'ite. The (e& ,s to!gh. the tomto s!"e too tng$ n- the "heese too
3Oh ,e&&.3 si- Brenn!s &most to himse&f. 3Wht -i- I e)#e"t7 There re *!st
some #&"es $o! -on0t go to fin- "ertin foo-s. :o! -on0t go to Eng&n- for goo- "!# of
"offee. :o! -on0t go to Enss for fresh s&mon. An- $o! "ertin&$ -on0t go to Est Te)s
for n$thing tht might 'e "onsi-ere- gourmet.3
I tho!ght this "omment ,o!&- irritte Wi&son '!t inste- he &oo+e- !# from his "hi&i
n- &!ghe-.
3:o! gott or-er the right things.3 he si- #ointing t his 'o,&.
3Be"ome "onnoisse!r of the not/so/fine/things. $o! men73 s+e- Brenn!s.
3Whte(er.3 Wi&son shr!gge-. sti"+ing "o!#&e of fries in his mo!th.
3Sin"e I0(e "ome here I0(e 'een e)#erimenting ,ith the 'o)e- m"roni n-
"heeses.3 si- Brenn!s #!tting -o,n his for+. 3I0(e trie- && the 'rn-s rnging from Erft
to generi".3
3I &i+e Erft m$se&f.3 si- Jennie. 3Tho!gh it0s more e)#ensi(e.3
3It is.3 gree- Brenn!s. 3The generi" 'rn-s. of ,hi"h there re se(er& +in-s
-e#en-ing on the store. isn0t "t!&&$ && tht '-. '!t Erft 6inner is -efinite&$ "heesier.3
35osts 'o!t CF7 tho!gh.3 si- Jennie. 3An- m$ mom &,$s gets the < for FF7
3I0m sti&& &oo+ing for the 'est instnt "offee.3 I si-. 3We -on0t h(e "offee/m+er.
"n $o! 'e&ie(e it73
Wi&son shr!gge- &i+e this -i-n0t sho"+ him.
3Neither -o ,e.3 he si-. 3On&$ Johnn$ R$ -rin+s it t home. He gets tht
M),e&& Ho!se st!ff n- seems to &i+e it.3
3We get Tster0s 5hoi"e.3 I si-. 3B!t tht0s ?"os m$ mom &i+es those -s.3
Brenn!s ,s #ro--ing his (e& ,ith for+.
3I sho!&- h(e got s&-.3 he si-.
3I -on0t &i+e the s&-s here.3 si- Jennie.
35eally?3 Wi&son &oo+e- t her &i+e he ,s sho"+e- ,hi"h #!44&e- her for
moment !nti& she re&i4e- he ,s *!st 'eing si&&$. She hit him in the rm.
3E(er$thin0 OE73 The ,itress m-e her o'&igtor$ ##ern"e then -is##ere-.
3Wh$ -o the$ &,$s s+ $o! if e(er$thin0s OE ,hen $o! got foo- in $o!r mo!th73
s+e- Bi&&$ ,ith foo- in his mo!th.
3The$ time it.3 si- Jennie. 3So $o! "n0t "om#&in 'o!t n$thing.3
The t'&e fe&& @!iet ,hi"h ,s not s!r#rising "onsi-ering it ,s #st three in the
morning n- ,e ,ere && 'et. Brenn!s mnge- to get the ,itress0s ttention for nother
ro!n- of "offee. B$ fo!r oA"&o"+ Wi&son ,s getting rest&ess. We h- &ong finishe- o!r
foo- n- ,ere on o!r thir- ro!n- of "offee.
3I in0t gonn sit in 6enn$0s && night.3 si- Wi&son shifting ro!n- in his "hir.
Jennie &oo+e- t her ,t"h.
3We0- get home t si). si)/thirt$. if ,e &eft no,.3 she si-. 3It0s gott 'e &ter thn
3OE.3 sighe- Wi&son. 3We0&& go sit in -!m' fie&-.3 He stoo- !# n- ,e &&
fo&&o,e- him to the "sh register.
O!t in the #r+ing &ot ,e ,ere on"e gin fo&&o,ing Wi&son ,ho "&ime- he h-
nt!r& 'i&it$ to -is"o(er em#t$ fie&-s. He ,rne- !s tht ,e0- h(e to 'e t &est n ho!r
o!tsi-e 6&&s. tho!gh. 'efore ,e sto##e- sin"e ,e h- to 'e ,e&& est'&ishe- in the
"o!ntr$ to fin- @!iet #&"e.
S!re eno!gh. the first -irt ro- he t!rne- off onto &e- to fie&- tht h- no signs of
&ife // no -*oining &it ho!se. no #r+e- "rs. no 'r+ing -og in the -istn"e.
Le(ing o!r (ehi"&es on the -irt ro-. ,e got o!t. ho##e- the fen"e. n- he-e-
more for the mi--&e so tht *!st in "se n$one h##ene- to #ss '$. the$ ,o!&-n0t her
o!r (oi"es. When Wi&son ,s stisfie- tht ,e h- ,&+e- fr eno!gh ,e && st -o,n in
"ir"&e. In-in st$&e.
3Let0s h(e nose/#i"+ing "ontest.3 si- Wi&son. 3>erson ,ho0s gets the most on
their finger ,ins.3
3OE=3 si- Bi&&$.
3Tht0s disgusting= si- Jennie. 3:o! g!$s re so -isg!sting=3
3Are $o! in73 Wi&son s+e- her.
37o3 Jennie &oo+e- &i+e she ,s 'o!t to stn- !# n- ,&+ home. 3Wh$ re
$o! g!$s so -isg!sting7=3
3It0s the -i"hotom$ 'et,een #erfe"tion n- im#erfe"tion.3 e)#&ine- Brenn!s. 3We
str!gg&e for #erfe"tion ,hi&e en*o$ing the im#erfe"tions.3 He t!rne- to Jennie. 3Li+e te&&
me $o! -on0t get +i"+ o!t of sti"+ing tht M/ti# in $o!r er n- seeing ,ht "omes o!t.
The more the 'etter.3
3:o!0re si"+.3 si- Jennie.
I &!ghe-. I "o!&-n0t he&# it.
3It0s &i+e s@!ee4ing 4it.3 I s!ggeste-. 3:o! +no,. seeing the ,hite st!ff #o# o!t.3
3Gretest thing in the ,or&-.3 gree- Wi&son.
3:o! g!$s re so -isg!sting.3 si- Jennie.
3Wht0s tht73 si- Wi&son s!--en&$.
3Wht73 si- Jennie *er+ing her he- ro!n-.
3I her- noise.3 Wi&son so!n-e- so -e- serio!s tht I +ne, he ,s tr$ing to get
!s going. H- he re&&$ 'een "on"erne- he ,o!&- h(e 'een more "s!&.
3Where73 -emn-e- Jennie tr$ing to &oo+ into the -r+ness.
3O(er there.3 si- Wi&son ,(ing his hn- in gener& -ire"tion.
3We&& ,h--$ thin+ it ,s73 Jennie ,s "t!&&$ "on"erne-. She sho!&- +no,
'etter. M$ e$es ,ere getting !se- to the -r+ n- I "o!&- see tht e(en Bi&&$ ,s tr$ing
not to &et smi&e &e+ o!t.
3I -!nno.3 si- Wi&son. 3B!t I ,s re-in0 in the ##er the other -$ tht there0s
m- -og on the &oose. Bites $ in the &eg n- #rett$ soon $o! go "r4$. fomin0 t the
mo!th n- st!ff...3
3Oh for "r$ing o!t &o!-...3 Jennie re&i4e- Wi&son ,s 'eing 'it too
3Wht -o $o! -o ,hen $o!0re re&&$ fri-.3 s+e- Brenn!s 'r!#t&$. He h-
stret"he- o!t on the gro!n- so tht on&$ his he- ,s sti&& #rt of the "ir"&e.
3I ,hist&e h##$ t!ne.3 si- Wi&son sr"sti"&&$.
3No. re&&$.3 si- Brenn!s.
3I ignore it !nti& it goes ,$.3 si- Wi&son.
3Wht 'o!t $o!73 Brenn!s t,iste- his he- to &oo+ !# t Jennie.
3I -!nno.3 she si-. 3Whte(er. R!n. I g!ess.3
3Wht 'o!t $o!. Bi&&$73 It ,s the first time Brenn!s -ire"te- @!estion t Bi&&$.
3I get o!t m$ g!n.3 -r,&e- Bi&&$. smi&ing in the -r+ness.
I sighe-. I ho#e- he ,o!&-n0t s+ me 'e"!se I -i-n0t +no,.
3I *!st ,ish I ,eren0t fri-.3 I si-. 3I hte 'eing fri-. I thin+ I0- *!st tr$ not to
'e fri-.3
No one s+e- Brenn!s ,ht he -i-. '!t t tht #oint I ,s so tire- I "o!&- 're&$
st$ ,+e. So I stret"he- o!t on the grss 'esi-e Brenn!s. I ,s -rifting in n- o!t of
"ons"io!sness. Grom ,ht I "o!&- gther. Jennie. Wi&son n- Bi&&$ +e#t t&+ing.
The ne)t thing I +ne, Jennie ,s sh+ing me ,+e. The fie&- ,s no, s 'right
s -$ n- m$ ,ho&e 'o-$ ,s -m# ,ith -e,. It ,s nine o0"&o"+ n- time to go home.
Mimi is gret "it$. thin+s Brenn!s. It hs its @!ot of "oo& "fJs. ,i&- night"&!'s.
,eir- #eo#&e // e(er$thing $o!0- ,nt in "it$. E(en 'e"h. Not tht he ,s 'e"h
#erson e)"t&$. '!t then. if $o! ,ere 'e"h #erson $o! !s!&&$ en-e- !# in 5&iforni.
Wh$ he h- "hosen to go so!thest fter gr-!tion. he sti&& ,sn0t s!re. It ,s
more mtter of r!&ing o!t && the other #ossi'i&ities. He h- no -esire to go north
'e"!se he0- &re-$ 'een there. Going ,est ,o!&- h(e 'een n o'(io!s "hoi"e if on&$
for the reson tht Go West so!n-e- so ##e&ing. So he h- gone est. An- he h-
-e"i-e- to #!t off ##&$ing to ;ni(ersit$ in the ho#e tht something 'etter ,o!&- "ome
&ong. As to ,ht. he h- no i-e. He *!st +ne, tht going to !ni(ersit$ ,s the o'(io!s
thing to -o fter high s"hoo&. therefore he ,o!&- not go to !ni(ersit$.
His #rent0s h- t+en this ,e&&. The$ -i-n0t ,nt the --ition& finn"i& '!r-en of
his t!ition.
To-$ s he is stro&&ing to ,or+ // high s"hoo& -i#&om h- -efinite&$ nrro,e-
his *o' o##ort!nities n- the res!&t is tht he is -ish,shing t one of the mn$ tren-$
rest!rnts '$ the 'e"h // he g&n"es -o,n n- sees >errier 'ott&e &$ing '$ gr'ge
"ontiner. Wh$ ,o!&- someone 'e stn-ing '$ gr'ge "ontiner '!t o#t to #!t their
'ott&e on the gro!n-7 >eo#&e re st!#i-.
In n$ "se. the 'ott&e remin-s him of one of his fe, nights in 6&&s. The messge
in the 'ott&e. He0- &,$s ,on-ere- ,ht she0- ,ritten.
Mn itAs hot= With the '"+ of his hn- Brenn!s ,i#es the s,et thtAs r!nning
-o,n his forehe-. He "n hr-&$ ,it to sti"+ his rms into sin+f!& of hot '!''&$ ,ter
for the ne)t eight ho!rs. His !nt hs mo(e- to A&s+. HeAs serio!s&$ thin+ing 'o!t
*oining her.
3Oh he$=3 Brenn!s &oo+e- !# from his 7ewsweek.
3Hi.3 I si-. I st -o,n "ross from him. We smi&e- t e"h other.
I h- 'een #ssing '$ the &i'rr$ n- seen him n- -e"i-e- to go in e(en tho!gh I
,s s!##ose- to 'e on m$ ,$ to S#nish.
3So.3 I si-.
3So.3 he grinne-.
3I ho#e $o! h- n OE time...3
3I h- gret time.3 His grin 'ro-ene-.
3Wi&son isn0t the esiest #erson... n- I men. Jennie n- Bi&&$ re +in- of...3
3I h- f!n.3 He &ene- for,r- n- his hn- to!"he- mine for moment.
3Goo-.3 I si-. I +no, I '&!she-.
3Wh""h re-in073 I s+e-. no--ing to,r-s his mg4ine.
He g&n"e- -o,n t the #ge he ,s re-ing s if to "onfirm ,ht he ,s 'o!t to
3An rti"&e 'o!t stronomers &oo+ing for other #&netr$ s$stems.3
3Tht "n0t 'e es$.3 I si-. 3I men. there0re 'i&&ions of strs in o!r g&)$. ho, -o
the$ te&& ,ht0s one of o!r strs n- ,ht0s nother g&)$73
3The$ h(e their ,$s. I g!ess.3 Brenn!s shr!gge-.
He ,s "ting strnge. more s!'-!e-. &i-/'"+. He ,s *!st &ening '"+. &oo+ing
t me n- smi&ing. I "n0t -es"ri'e it. Ein- of S!n-$ morning fee&ing // &i+e ,e ,ere
h(ing &ong n- &4$ 'r!n"h together.
3He$. -i- $ +no, mo&e"!&e of 6NA hs 'o!t s mn$ toms s there re strs in
o!r g&)$73
3No ,$.3 si- Brenn!s grinning. I "o!&-n0t te&& ,hether he ,s im#resse- or *!st
'eing f&irttio!s. Tht0s ,ht it ,s. I re&i4e-. Brenn!s ,s flirting. He ,sn0t &e"t!ring
or #hi&oso#hi4ing or s#e"!&ting. he ,s f&irting.
3Sooooo.3 I si-. &ening for,r-. 'iting m$ &i#. n- smi&ing. M$ min- h- gone
"om#&ete&$ '&n+.
3Sooooo.3 he si-. sti&& grinning.
3So here ,e re.3 I si-.
3So here ,e re.3 he gree-. 3In Long(ie,. Te)s.3
36i- $o! e(er thin+ $o!0- en- !# in Long(ie,. Te)s73 I s+e-.
3Ne(er. He$=3 A tho!ght h- hit Brenn!s. 3Remin- me to te&& $o! 'o!t this ne,
theor$ I h(e. I tho!ght of it ,hen ,e ,ere t&+ing in 6&&s. $o! +no, ,here Eenne-$
,s shot.3
3Wht is it73 I s+e-.
3Oh. *!st theor$ 'o!t ,ho ,s 'ehin- it. It0s so o'(io!s I -on0t +no, ,h$
n$one hsn0t "ome !# ,ith it 'efore.3
3Who73 I s+e-.
3I "n0t te&& $o! !nti& I re- !# on it 'it more.3
3OE.3 I si- gree'&$.
There ,s &ength$ #!se.
3Soooo. ,hen -o 're+ into the O'ser(tor$73 I s+e-.
3We0&& go tomorro,.3 si- Brenn!s.
Brenn!s ,o!&- h(e #i"+e- me !# t m$ #&"e '!t I -i-n0t ,nt m$ mother s+ing
me ,h$ I ,sn0t going to s"hoo& t the reg!&r time so ,e gree- to meet in the s"hoo&
#r+ing &ot t nine.
3OE.3 I si- ,hen ,e ,ere -ri(ing on the t,o/&ne high,$ to T$&er. I0- 'een
thin+ing &ot &te&$ n- I fe&t I nee-e- some "&rifi"tion. 3Let me get this stright. I
-on0t re&&$ get this theor$ of e(er$thing thing. I men. ,here -oes it "ome from7 I men.
,h$ -on0t ,e +no, it &re-$7 Isn0t it something re&&$ sim#&e...3
3The reson $o! -on0t get it.3 interr!#te- Brenn!s. 3is 'e"!se ,e re on&$ in the
fo!rth -imension. Gr(it$. n!"&er for"es. e&e"tromgnetism. the$ ,o!&- && 'e !nifie- in
h$#ers#"e ,hi"h is ten -imension& !ni(erse. There0s &so t&+ of t,ent$/si)
-imension& !ni(erse.3
3Oh.3 I si-.
3It0s "&&e- the s!#erstring theor$.3 si- Brenn!s.
I -e"i-e- tht ,s eno!gh 'o!t ,ht I -i-n0t +no,.
3We&&. I0(e 'een '!s$ re-ing W&t Whitmn.3 I si- non"h&nt&$.
3I so!n- m$ 'r'ri" $,# o(er the roofs of the ,or&-.3 re#&ie- Brenn!s #ssing n
e&-er&$ &-$ in n o(ersi4e- n($ '&!e E& 6or-o.
Thn+f!&&$ I0- re- )ong of #yself.
3Gor e(er$ tom 'e&onging to me s goo- 'e&ongs to $o!.3 I ns,ere-. Gor some
reson tht &ine h- st!"+ ,ith me.
3In theor$ n$ho,.3 si- Brenn!s #ssing nother "r. this time mi--&e/ge-
'!sinessmn. 3He$. "o!&- $o! "he"+ the g&o(e -e#rtment7 I thin+ I0(e got Byrds 56 in
I h-n0t e(en her- of the Byrds. I #!&&e- o!t the 56. st!"+ it in the #&$er. n- then
e)mine- the "o(er. One of those B20s gro!#s. ;n&ess it ,s F20s gro!# tr$ing to &oo+
B20s. Tht ,s #ossi'&e. I #!t the "o(er '"+ in the g&o(e -e#rtment.
3Wh$ re g&o(e -e#rtments "&&e- g&o(e -e#rtments73 I s+e-.
3Be"!se #eo#&e #!t their g&o(es in there.3 si- Brenn!s. He ,s "on"entrting on
""e&erting n- #ssing $et nother "r. This time it ,s mn in his t,enties in '&"+
5or(ette ,ho g&n"e- t !s s ,e ,ere #ssing n- &oo+e- ti"+e-. He ,s going ,e&&
o(er the s#ee- &imit n- Brenn!s h- the #e--&e &most -o,n to the f&oor *!st to +ee#
e(en ,ith him. The mn ste##e- on the gs. A'o!t mi&e -o,n the ro-. nother "r ,s
"oming to,r-s !s.
3There0s nother "r "oming.3 I si- &ight&$.
Brenn!s0s re#&$ ,s to ste# && the ,$ -o,n on the gs. We ,ere r!nning #r&&e&
,ith the 5or(ette. The 5or(ette ,s not going to gi(e.
3There0s nother "r "oming.3 I si- gin. this time more -etermine-.
3I "n see it.3 si- Brenn!s so!n-ing irritte-.
The 5or(ette ste##e- on the gs n- s!rge- he- gi(ing Brenn!s the "hn"e to
#!&& in 'ehin- him.
Brenn!s "!rse- s he m-e the &ne "hnge.
The on"oming "r ,hi44e- '$ !s. its t,o fem&e o""!#nts gi(ing !s horrifie-
3We&&.3 I si- fter #!se.
3I hte this stte.3 si- Brenn!s.
3I0(e &so 'een re-ing S$&(i >th.3 I -e"i-e- to s$ n- #!se-. gi(ing Brenn!s
"hn"e to @!ote her. He -i-n0t.
3M!shrooms.3 I re"ite-. 3B&n-/mnnere-. s+ing &itt&e or nothing. So mn$ of !s=
So mn$ of !s=3
3She +i&&e- herse&f. $o! +no,.3 si- Brenn!s. He ,s string stright he- t the
5or(ette tht ,s r#i-&$ &e(ing !s in the -!st of n Est Te)n high,$.
3Re&&$.3 I si- n- -e"i-e- not to t&+ !nti& ,e got to T$&er.
We #r+e- in sm&& #&4 "ross the ro- from Bi&&$ 6ee0s Sn"+s. There ,ere
"o!#&e of the Sn"+ (ns 'esi-e the '!i&-ing '!t ,itho!t n$ sign of -ri(ers.
3So. ,ht re $o! going to -o fter high s"hoo&73 I s+e-.
3I h(e no i-e. I hte && the "hoi"es ,e h(e.3 re#&ie- Brenn!s. 3We h(e ,$
too mn$ "hoi"es. 6o!g 5o!#&n-. $o! +no,. 1eneration <. n- o#tion #r&$sis ,hen
,e0re f"e- ,ith so mn$ "hoi"es tht ,e *!st free4e n- en- !# "hoosing nothing. I &i+e
the theor$ in Is" Asimo(0s ,oundation // ,it !nti& the "risis #oint ,hen there0s on&$ one
#ossi'&e "hoi"e to m+e.3
Brenn!s g&n"e- t his ,t"h.
I &oo+e- -o,n t m$ ,rist. FR1C. Either he ,o!&- "ome in the ne)t fe, min!tes or
,e ,o!&- 'e sitting here for ,hi&e.
3So. !m. ,ht -o $o! thin+ $o!r one #ossi'&e "hoi"e is going to 'e73 I s+e-.
3I -!nno.3 si- Brenn!s. 3I0m *!st going to gr-!te n- then -o ,hte(er... There
he is= I +ne, this ,o!&- ,or+.3
A r!st$ 'ro,n s#orts "r h- #!&&e- into the #r+ing &ot of Bi&&$ 6ee0s n- short.
thin mn ,ith -r+ hir ,ho &oo+e- in his er&$ t,enties got o!t n- ,ent insi-e the
Brenn!s stret"he- his rms o(er his he- n- grone- ,ith the e)ertion.
3No, ,e *!st sit here !nti& he strts his ro!te.3 he si- in the mi--&e of his stret"h.
3I &i+e the ,omen in E.M. Gorster0s no(e&s.3 I si- 'r!#t&$. I ,s thin+ing of o!r
#re(io!s -is"!ssion in 6ir$ M!een. 3I thin+ Mrgret S"h&ege& is the 'est of && his
,omen. I men. I thin+ she re#resente- something...3
I #!se- to thin+.
3Wht73 s+e- Brenn!s. With n$ other g!$ tht ,o!&- h(e 'een short for. 3Wht
the he&& re $o! t&+ing 'o!t73 Gor Brenn!s it ,s. 3Wht -i- she re#resent73
3A '&en-.3 I re#&ie-. 3A '&en- of t,o t$#es of #eo#&e. Those ,ho &i(e to +no, n-
those ,ho &i(e to #ossess. Mrgret S"h&ege& +ne, tht '$ mrr$ing Henr$ Wi&"o) she
,s '&en-ing those t,o ,or&-s together.3
3B!t ,sn0t she se&&ing her so!&73 s+e- Brenn!s. He -i-n0t re&&$ 'e&ie(e tht. he
,s *!st testing me.
3No 'e"!se she +ne, tht the ,or&- h-n0t 'een '!i&t '$ S"h&ege&0s. '!t '$
Wi&"o)es. An- she +ne, tht to f!n"tion in this ,or&-. one m!st 'e Wi&"o). When
He&en ,s "om#&ining tht "onsi-ering && of the interesting #eo#&e the$ h- met on their
tr(e&s. it ,s too '- tht it ,s the Wi&"o)es the$ +e#t '!m#ing into. Mrgret re#&ie-.
'!t interesting #eo#&e "n0t fin- !s ho!ses. When she nee-e- to fin- ne, home it ,s
Henr$ Wi&"o) ,ho he&#e- her. not one of her rtisti" frien-s.3
3She0s the on&$ '&n"e- ,omn.3 gree- Brenn!s. 3Oh &oo+=3 The thin $o!ng
mn ,s &o-ing his (n ,ith 'o)es of. no -o!'t. #otto "hi#s. s!gr/"o(ere- -o!ghn!ts.
"ho"o&te 'rs. Other -ri(ers h- rri(e- in their (rio!s (ehi"&es n- ,ere simi&r&$
&o-ing their (ns.
3E(er$one e&se ,s mi)t!re of intense n- "ontro&&e-.3 I "ontin!e-. I ,s not
going to &et this to#i" go !nti& I h- "om#&ete&$ im#resse- Brenn!s ,ith m$ 'i&it$ to h(e
&iterr$ -is"!ssion.
3The$ ,ere re#resse-.3 si- Brenn!s t+ing his e$es off the men n- their (ns n-
&oo+ing t me. I thin+ he ,s getting into it to.
3A-e& M!este-.3 I si-. 3+ 4assage to India. Li+e ,e ,ere s$ing. n e)oti"
"o!ntr$ tht ,+ens in her && of her eroti" -esires. Of "o!rse her British fin"J seems
too tme fter she re&i4es the -e#ths of her fee&ings. Her !nf!&fi&ment. She0s e)#ose- to
her -esires on&$ to h(e them remin !nstisfie-.3
I +ne, I so!n-e- +in- of h4$. B!t the im#ortnt thing ,s I ,s fin&&$ &erning
to &et m$ i-es f&o,.
3It0s her fin"J0s mother...3
3Mrs. Moore.3 I interr!#te-. 3An- her fin"J is Ronn$.3
3An$ho,. it0s Mrs. Moore ,ho isn0t frightene- '$ In-i0s e)oti"ness.3 si- Brenn!s.
3Right. B!t she0s o&-. so the se)!& -esire isn0t strong for"e n- &so. she0s
e)#erien"e- so she "n ""e#t this ne, "o!ntr$ tht is so -ifferent from Eng&n- n- ,or+
it into her #hi&oso#h$ of &ife ,itho!t !#setting && of her #re(io!s he&- i-es.3
3Tr!e.3 si- Brenn!s.
3It0s seems &i+e E.M. Gorster &i+e- to t+e his "onser(ti(e "hr"ters n- sti"+ them
in &!sh. e)oti" en(ironment to see ho, the$0- res#on-.3 I si-. I ,s &o(ing this n-
thn+f!&&$ it t+es &ong time to &o- Bi&&$ 6ee Sn"+ (n.
3It&$.3 si- Brenn!s. instnt&$ !n-erstn-ing ,here I ,s going. Of "o!rse ,e0-
h- this "on(erstion 'efore ,hi"h he&#e-. I g!ess && #eo#&e. e(en the most "reti(e.
h(e the sme "on(erstions o(er gin.
3Of && his ,omen. on&$ Hrriet Herrington in *here +ngels ,ear to Tread is
!nffe"te- '$ It&$.3
3:eh.3 si- Brenn!s #!sing to re"&&. 3She0s the one ,ho +ee#s s+ing 'o!t her
in&i- 'o).3
3Tht I lent. not g(e. lent.3 I si-. imitting J!-$ 6(is0s #rim Eng&ish ""ent. I
h- seen the mo(ie s ,e&& s re- the 'oo+. 35ro&ine A''ott. ho,e(er. ,o!&- h(e
gi(en herse&f 'o-$ n- so!& to the It&in.3
PSo. ,h$ -i- Gorster -o tht7 I men. ,ht ,s his #oint7Q
3I -!nno.Q I si-. tho!ghtf!&&$. PB!t there re &,$s those "!&t!r& -ifferen"es.
None of Gorster0s "hr"ters "o!&- "ross them. A-e& M!este- "n0t h(e her In-in n-
5ro&ine A''ott "n0t h(e her It&in. Li&i in *here +ngels ,ear to Tread #ro(e- tht.
Her It&in h!s'n- ,sn0t ,i&&ing to "on"e-e to her Eng&ish ,$s. The on&$ romn"e tht
,or+s in It&$ is in + 5oom with + $iew ,here L!"$ Hone$"h!r"h n- George Emerson
meet. '!t the$ ,ere 'oth Eng&ish=3
3An- the$ h- to go '"+ to Eng&n- 'efore the$ "o!&- get together.3 Brenn!s
--e-. 3I thin+ he0s -one.3 Brenn!s ,s &oo+ing "ross the ro- to ,here the thin -r+
mn ,s &ifting n em#t$ hn-/tr!"+ into the '"+ of the (n.
I &ene- '"+ in the set. refreshe- from o!r e)"hnge. Gin&&$ ,e ,ere getting
some,here. 5orre"tion. fin&&$ I ,s getting some,here. Brenn!s ,s &re-$ there.
As the Bi&&$ 6ee -ri(er "&im'e- into his (n. Brenn!s "s!&&$ t!rne- the +e$ in the
ignition. M!iet&$ the engine res#on-e-. Li+e in the mo(ies. Engines either ror to &ife or
#!rr &i+e "t. -e#en-ing on the sit!tion. When the Bi&&$ 6ee -ri(er #!&&e- o!t onto the
ro- Brenn!s &et nother "r go '$ 'efore fo&&o,ing.
I ,s str!"+ s!--en&$ '$ the retr-tion of the sit!tion. I h- re- Nn"$ 6re,
n- the Hr-$ Bo$s gro,ing !# n- this *!st seeme- &i+e "hees$ gme ,e ,ere #&$ing
// something tht ,or+s in 'oo+s '!t isn0t something $o! -o in re& &ife. B!t I -i-n0t ,nt
to s+ Brenn!s if he0- e(er re- the Hr-$ Bo$s sin"e it might so!n- offensi(e.
B!t then gin. ,ht if I &!ghe- s I s+e- it. :o! +no,. 3Oh. h h h. h(e $o!
e(er re- the Hr-$ Bo$s7 This is +in- of something the$ ,o!&- -o. Oh h h h=3
As I ,s ,or+ing thro!gh this in m$ min-. Brenn!s ,s fi--&ing ,ith the r-io.
T$&er isn0t e)"t&$ "om#"t "it$ so ,e0- 'e -ri(ing ro!n- for @!ite ,hi&e.
Gin&&$ Brenn!s fo!n- sttion he &i+e-. "&ssi" ro"+ inste- of "o!ntr$.
3)tart me up.3 h!mme- Brenn!s t##ing his fingers on the steering ,hee& s his
he- mo(e- to the m!si".
I stre- o!t the ,in-o, t the #ssing s"ener$ // "r -e&ershi#s. '!rger *oints. the
o""sion& &i@!or store. gs sttions. 'ri-& sho#.
The song en-e- n- n -(ertisement for motor oi& "me on. Brenn!s 'egn
fi--&ing ,ith r-io -i& gin.
3SAVE6= S(e-. 'rother= I te&& $o!. -o $o! 5OM>REHEN6 ,ht tht mens7
The so!& tht sinneth sh&& -ie= 6o $o! ,nt to B;RN in he&&/fire for && eternit$73
Brenn!s ro&&e- his e$es.
PThereAs some neo/#gnism for $o!.Q he si-. P6i- $o! +no, tht the Bi'&e
-oesnAt s$ ,e h(e n etern& so!&7 Tht g!$ *!st si- it. The so!& tht sins dies n- ,e
&& sin. The etern& so!& is #gn "on"e#t intro-!"e- into the "h!r"h '$ o##ressi(e
&e-ers ,ho ,nte- the #eo#&e to &i(e in terror of 'eing thro,n into he&&/fire for && of
eternit$ if the$ -i-nAt -o e(er$thing the #riests si-. ThereAs &+e of fire in the Bi'&e. '!t
,itho!t n etern& so!& #erson ,o!&- *!st '!rn !# n- tht ,o!&- 'e the en- of them.
:o! -onAt go to "h!r"h. -o $o!7Q
P;h. $eh. I -o.Q
Brenn!s sighe-.
PI g!ess $o! h(e to if $o! &i(e ro!n- here. B!t -i- $o! +no, tht 5hristms n-
Ester re #gn ho&i-$s tht ,ere "e&e'rte- &ong 'efore 5hrist ,s 'orn7 5hristms
,s "e&e'rtion of the ret!rning s!n n- ,s in hono!r of some go-As 'irth-$. Ester
,s #gn ferti&it$ "e&e'rtion. E(en S!n-$ ,snAt +e#t '$ the er&$ "h!r"h. The$ met
on St!r-$s 'e"!se the fo!rth "ommn-ment si- to rest on the se(enth -$. I men.
re&&$. if $o! go to the (erge "h!r"h in Ameri" to-$. $o! might s ,e&& 'e going to the
tem#&e of Mithrs or Astrte. Whi"h mens. $o! might s ,e&& 'e ,orshi##ing Stn.Q
There ,s &ong #!se.
PI t+e it thtAs ,h$ $o!Are not 5hristin.Q I fin&&$ si-.
Brenn!s shr!gge-.
PI -onAt "re m!"h for "h!r"h.Q
Brenn!s s,it"he- the r-io off ,hi"h ,s sti&& #&$ing the #re"her.
3I te&& $o! this -$ $o! sh&& not see he&& if $o! gi(e $o!r so!& to the LOR6=3
Ass!ming -r,&. Brenn!s #i"+e- !# ,here the #re"her &eft off. 3I te&& $o! 'rother. ALL
h(e sinne- n- "ome short of the g&or$ of o!r Lor- n- S(ior Jes!s 5hrist= B!t he "me
to RE6EEM !s= He "me in his INGINITE LOVE to SAVE o!r so!&s= :O;R so!&.
'rother= 6o not 'e "on-emne- to the fier$ torments of he&&= 6o not 'e &i+e the ri"h mn
'egging L4r!s for tin$ -ro# of ,ter to "oo& his '!rning tong!e= RE6EEM the time=
A""e#t the Lor-= A""e#t Jes!s 5hrist s $o!r >ERSONAL Lor- n- S(ior= An- he ,i&&
'ring $o!r RI5HES= S>IRIT;AL ri"hes to fi&& $o!r hert n- stisf$ $o!r e(er$ &onging=
:o! nee- ne(er 'e &one&$ gin on"e $o!0(e m-e tht "ommitment to HIM=3
I ,snAt too #&ese-. M$ mother h- ne(er t+en me to "h!r"h '!t someho,
Wi&sonAs fmi&$ h- gotten it into their he-s tht I ,s s#irit!& or#hn n- h- 'een
t+ing me to "h!r"h sin"e I ,s ten. Not h(ing fther. the i-e of Go- the Gther h-
'een re&&$ "omforting for me.
I -i-nAt +no, n$thing 'o!t ,ht Brenn!s h- si-. '!t I -i- +no, tht ,itho!t
the &o(e tht Jes!s t&+e- 'o!t. ,e ,ere && -oome- 'e"!se #eo#&e re se&fish n- -onAt
"re if the$ r!in someone e&seAs &ife. Loo+ t m$ o,n fther. A ,ee+en- f&ing n- he
-oesnAt e(en &oo+ '"+.
3No, ,ht is the #ri"e of s#irit!& ri"hes. 'rethren7 HALG of $o!r in"ome.
'rethren7 Gort$/#er"ent of && $o! ern7 Thirt$ #er"ent7 T,ent$/fi(e7 No sir= The Lor-
on&$ re@!ires ten #er"ent= 5n $o! #!t #ri"e on #e"e of min-7 6oes Go- ,nt $o! to
>A: to 'e h##$7 No sir= He ,nts GREEWILL offering. gi(en from the hert. so tht
this WOR6 might 'e #re"he- !nto && the ntions= An- I m tht INSTR;MENT tht
Go- hs "hosen to #re"h HIS ,or-= So $0&& sen- me $o!r mone$ n- I0&& sen- $o!
re"ei#t tht0s TAS 6E6;5TIBLE= B&ess $0&&=3
The Bi&&$ 6ee (n ,s sti&& he- of !s. '&!e #i"+/!# tr!"+ 'et,een him n- !s.
3Won-er ,hen he0s going to m+e his first sto#73 si- Brenn!s in reg!&r (oi"e.
3Oh goo-.3
The (n ,s m+ing &eft t!rn into the #r+ing &ot of 'n+. We m-e right into
the #r+ing &ot of 6ir$ M!een. The -ri(er got o!t n- ,ent to the '"+ of the (n. O!t
"me the hn-/tr!"+ ,hi"h ,s &o-e- ,ith 'o)es n- then ro&&e- ro!n- the '"+ of the
'n+. #res!m'&$ to some si-e -oor.
3Not re&&$ goo- "hn"e for $o! to meet him.3 si- Brenn!s. He #!&&e- ,&&et
from his '"+ #o"+et. 3Go '!$ !s some i"e/"rem "ones.3
I s!##ose the i-e ,s he0- st$ in the "r in "se ,e h- to m+e @!i"+ get,$.
An imge of me *!m#ing thro!gh the o#en #ssenger -oor of the "r s it ,s -ri(ing #st
me ,hi&e tr$ing to '&n"e t,o i"e/"rem "ones f&she- thro!gh m$ min-.
I too+ the fi(e -o&&r 'i&& Brenn!s hn-e- me n- ,ent insi-e the sm&& 6ir$
A $o!ng ,omn ,ith 'right '&on- hir tese- in n ttem#t to mintin it0s #erm
,s 'ehin- the "o!nter st!ffing n#+ins into si&(er 'o).
3Hi.3 I si-.
3Hi.3 she si- &oo+ing !#.
3;m.3 I g&n"e- !# t the men! 'or-. 3T,o (ni&&/-i# i"e/"rem "ones.3
3Is tht $o!r 'o$frien- o!t there73 she s+e- &oo+ing thro!gh the g&ss t Brenn!s
,ho ,s string t the Bi&&$ 6ee (n.
3;h. $eh.3 I si-.
3He0s "!te.3 she si- s she re"he- into the 'o) for t,o "ones. 3He remin-s me of
m$ "t.3
3Re&&$73 I si-.
3:eh.3 she si- t!rning to,r-s the i"e/"rem m"hine. 3He0s re&&$ "!te. Ein- of
ginger/"o&ore-. NOT ornge. I g!ess +in- of -irt$/'&on-.3
3Wht0s his nme73 I s+e-.
3Simon.3 she si- s she "ote- the "ones in "ho"o&te. 3He nee-s &ot of ttention
tho!gh. It0s &i+e. he0s &,$s ,+ing me !# t 8R<2 in the morning to m+e me &et him
o!tsi-e. B!t. it0s &i+e. ,e0(e got this !n-erstn-ing.3 She #!t the "ones into one of those
"r-'or- "rriers n- I hn-e- her the fi(e -o&&r 'i&&.
3It0s re&&$ im#ortnt to 'on- ,ith $o!r "t.3 she si- ringing !# the or-er n-
hn-ing me '"+ m$ "hnge.
I no--e- s I st!"+ the mone$ in m$ #o"+et n- #i"+e- !# the "r-'or- "rrier.
3See $.3 I si-.
3:eh.3 she si-. ret!rning to her n#+ins.
I ste##e- o!t into the 'right s!nshine.
36i- $o! +no, it0s re&&$ im#ortnt to 'on- ,ith $o!r "t73 I si- s I got into the
3No.3 si- Brenn!s. 3Where0- $o! her tht73
3The gir& 'ehin- the "o!nter.3 I si- hn-ing Brenn!s his "one n- then re"hing
into m$ #o"+et for the "hnge.
Brenn!s g&n"e- t the ,in-o, n- ,s -istr"te- '$ the #osters.
3I &o(e the s#e"i&s here.3 he si-. 3On&$ in Est Te)s "o!&- $o! get s!n-e 'ig
eno!gh to s+i on for FF "ents.3 He too+ &i"+ of his "one n- g&n"e- '"+ t the Bi&&$
6ee tr!"+.3
3;h/oh.3 he si- s the -ri(er "me o!t ,ith his em#t$ hn- tr!"+. He too+ nother
gint &i"+ of his "one n- strte- !# the engine.
The -ri(er "&im'e- into his set n- ,s '"+ing o!t of his s#ot. Brenn!s
mintine- his #osition !nti& the g!$ ,s '"+ on the ro- n- then ,e res!me- the
"omfort'&e #osition of one "r 'et,een !s n- the (n.
3So. te&& me 'o!t $o!rse&f.3 si- Brenn!s "on(erstion&&$. 3Gther7 Mother7
Brothers7 Sisters73
3We&&...3 I too+ -ee# 'reth. 3J!st mother. "t!&&$. M$ fther ,s n It&in
"onstr!"tion ,or+er...3
3Tht0s right=3 si- Brenn!s. 3I remem'er $o! te&&ing me. The It&in= :o! +no,.
in mn$ ,$s I -mire the It&ins0 #rim& sim#&i"it$. if $o!0&& &&o, me to !se s!"h n
e)#ression. The$ h(e re&igion n- fmi&$ n- tht0s eno!gh for them. None of tht
Ang&o/Irish sense of -is#&"ement. No nee- to m+e s#irit!& #i&grimge to the -esert.
for e)m#&e. to fin- some sort of mnifesttion of the 'so&!te. The$ et. the$ -rin+. the$
&o(e. the$ hte. n- in -oing so. the$ live. The 5e&ts ,ere tht ,$ on"e '!t some,here
&ong the &ine ,e 'e"me "om#&i"te-. Too intros#e"ti(e m$'e.3
There ,s #!se. I ,on-ere- if I sho!&- "ontin!e te&&ing him 'o!t m$se&f.
3So. $o! ne(er her from him73 s+e- Brenn!s.
3Her from him7 I h(en0t e(en met him. I -on0t e(en +no, if m$ mother +no,s
his nme. I men. his &st nme. His first nme ,s Gi!se##e n- tht0s ,h$ she nme-
me Jessie. :o! +no,. the$ +in- so!n- &i+e.3
3:o!0re trgi" fig!re. Jessie.3 si- Brenn!s. 3I -on0t men. $o!0re #itif!& or
n$thing. I *!st men tht $o! "o!&- 'e heroine from some Gothi" no(e&.3
Whi&e I ,s -e"i-ing ,hether to s$ thn+ $o! or ,hether to s+ ,ht Gothi"
no(e& ,s. the Bi&&$ 6ee tr!"+ m-e t!rn into gs sttion.
3This is o!r "hn"e=3 si- Brenn!s. 3I0&& #!&& !# right 'esi-e him n- $o! get o!t to
fi&& !# the tn+. Then &oo+ o(er n- smi&e t him. He0&& #ro''&$ smi&e '"+ n- then he0&&
&oo+ insi-e the "r to see if $o!0re &one n- he0&& see me n- he0&& re"ogni4e me n- I0&& get
o!t to s$ hi n- it0&& && seem &i+e gret "oin"i-en"e=3
I -i-n0t 'other to te&& him tht in this #rt of the "o!ntr$ if g!$ smi&es t $o!r gir&.
$o!0re not s!##ose- to get o!t n- s$ hi. $o!0re s!##ose- to get o!t of $o!r "r n- 'sh
his f"e in. I sighe- intern&&$ n- ,s grtef!& tht Wi&son h- t!ght me ho, to fi&& !#
his tr!"+ on"e.
Brenn!s #!&&e- !# 'esi-e the Bi&&$ 6ee tr!"+ n- I got o!t. sti&& ho&-ing m$ i"e
"rem "one. n- ,ent ro!n- to the '"+ of the "r. Whi&e re"hing for the gs no44&e I
"s!&&$ g&n"e- t the g!$ fi&&ing !# his (n. B!t he +ne, the r!&es of the "o!ntr$. He
,sn0t going to m+e e$e "ont"t ,ith n$one n- ,s string 'sentmin-e-&$ t his gs
tn+ ,hi&e he fi&&e- it !#.
I inserte- the no44&e into Brenn!s0s gs tn+ n- &o!-&$ "&ere- m$ throt. The
Bi&&$ 6ee (n -ri(er g&n"e- !#. I smi&e-.
36r$ throt.3 I si- "s!&&$. He ,s short n- s"r,n$ n- I -i-n0t ,nt him to
thin+ I &i+e- him. 3M!st 'e -!st.3
He no--e- n- g&n"e- t the -ri(er0s set of the "r I ,s fi&&ing !#. Brenn!s ,s
3He$= Hi=3 Brenn!s &e#e- o!t of the "r. 3Remem'er me73
The g!$ &oo+e- ner(o!s.
3Lo!ie. right73 Brenn!s *!m#e- o(er the is&n- to sh+e Lo!ie0s free hn-. I
-e"i-e- tht ,e0- h- eno!gh gs. es#e"i&&$ sin"e ,e0- strte- the -$ ,ith f!&& tn+
n$ho,. n- #!&&e- o!t the no44&e.
3Ho, re $o!7=3 Brenn!s ,s "ting s if he0- *!st fo!n- his 'est frien- from gr-e
3OE. I g!ess.3 si- the g!$. At this #oint he seeme- to re&i4e tht Brenn!s ,sn0t
going to #!n"h him. '!t he ,s sti&& !ns!re of Brenn!s0s moti(es.
3So.3 si- Brenn!s "on(erstion&&$. 3Wht h(e $o! 'een -oing73
3;h. ,or+in0 most&$.3
3:eh=3 si- Brenn!s g&n"ing t the Bi&&$ 6ee (n s Lo!ie #!&&e- the gs no44&e
o!t of his tn+. 3I h(e always ,nte- to t+e ri-e in one of those things=3
3I men. ,ht0s it &i+e to m+e -e&i(eries73 Brenn!s s+e-. s if he ,ere Hr-
5o#$ re#orter getting the &o, -o,n.
3;h. it0s re&&$ nothin0 s#e"i&...3
Lo!ie t!rne- n- strte- ,&+ing to,r-s the gs tten-nt in the &itt&e g&ss 'o).
Brenn!s "ontin!e- t&+ing &ong si-e of him. n- I ne(er "t!&&$ her- ,ht ,s si- '!t
,hen the$ "me '"+ Brenn!s #r+e- his "r in the f!rthest "orner of the gs sttion n-
,e 'oth got 'or- the Bi&&$ 6ee tr!"+ to *oin Lo!ie on his -e&i(eries.
3Mom. I ,nt to go to !ni(ersit$.3 I s$. I0m sitting on the "o!"h f&i##ing thro!gh
some "o!rse se&e"tion g!i-es tht I #i"+e- !# &st $er in m$ g!i-n"e "o!nse&or0s offi"e
n- ne(er 'othere- to ret!rn. I m in &!st. "om#&ete &!st. )tudies in +ncient +ssyria.
4ostmodern !iterature. 3eltic #igration 4atterns. 3ontemporary 4hilosophical
Thought. )tudies in 7ihilism.
3Wht ,s tht73 M$ mother "me o!t of her 'e-room to,e& -r$ing her hir.
5!ght !# re-ing the -es"ri#tion !n-er *ar in 3eltic )ociety
I forget to ns,er.
3So ,hen -o $o! get ring73
3Wht73 I &oo+ !#.
3The ring.3 s$s m$ mother sitting -o,n on the "o!"h. 3When is he gonn gi(e $
the ring73
3Oh. Wi&son.3 I s$ 'iting m$ &i# n- "&osing the "t&og!e. 3I -!nno.3
3Wh""h &oo+in0 t73 s+s m$ mother no--ing to,r-s the "t&og!e.
3;mm.3 I g&n"e -o,n t the 'ttere- "t&og!e. 3I thin+ I ,nt to go to
3Re&&$73 M$ mother &ens for,r- n- -r#es her ,et to,e& o(er the '"+ of
"hir. 3Wh$73
3Oh. $o! +no,. *!st to &ern...3
3Wht ,o!&- $o! m*or in73 M$ mother is sti&& &ening for,r-.
3Oh. m$'e histor$. m$'e &itert!re...3
3Litert!re73 M$ mother sits '"+. 3Wh$ not ""o!nting or '!siness7 Something
3We&&. I0m not re&&$...3 I #!se tr$ing to thin+. 3...Interested in '!siness or
""o!nting. I ,nt to re- 'o!t n"ient histor$ n- st!ff n- +no, 'o!t #h$si"s n- &&
the &,s n- re- &itert!re n- && tht.3
3I -on0t get it.3 s$s m$ mother &oo+ing nno$e-. 3Wht -oes Wi&son thin+ 'o!t
3Oh. I h(en0t si- n$thing to him.3
3We&&. -o $o! thin+ he0s going to #$ for this73 -emn-s m$ mother. 3:o!0&& h(e
*!st eno!gh mone$ to '!$ $o!rse&f &itt&e #&"e '!t I -on0t thin+ he0s going to ,nt $o! to
'e goin0 off to s"hoo&. An- ,here0re $o! thin+in0 of going7 T$&er73
I &oo+ -o,n t the "t&og!e. This one h##ens to 'e for R-"&iffe.
3I -!nno.3
M$ mother re"hes for,r- n- t+es the "t&og!e from m$ &#.
I *!st &oo+ t her.
3Jessie.3 M$ mother &ens for,r-. 3:o! -on0t re&i4e ho, &!"+$ $o! re= A&& the
e-!"tion in the ,or&- ,o!&-n0t h(e m-e me h##$= I ,o!&- h(e gi(en n$thing to
h(e h!s'n-.3
I -on0t +no, ,ht to s$.
3M$'e I -on0t "re if I0m h##$.3 I s!--en&$ thin+ n- ,itho!t e(en re&i4ing. s$
o!t &o!-.
3Jessie.3 M$ mother tries gin. this time her ,or-s "ome o!t s&o,er s she tries to
form!&te n effe"ti(e rg!ment. 3Wh$ -o $o! nee- to +no, && this st!ff7 I0(e m-e
more mone$ '$ t+in0 n ""o!nting "o!rse thn $o! ,o!&- +no,in0 'o!t some '!n"h of
o&- #eo#&e ,ho -ie- &ong time go.3
3Tht0s not re&&$ the #oint...3 I strt to s$ !nti& I re&i4e the f!ti&it$ of tr$ing to
e)#&in ,hen I0m not e(en s!re ,ht the #oint is.
3J!st thin+ 'o!t it.3 s$s m$ mother. 3Wi&son0s goo- g!$. :o!0&& h(e goo-

3;nstisfie- -esire is the gte,$ to the infinite.3
Brenn!s h- "on(in"e- Lo!ie to sto# off for si)/#"+ n- ,hi&e Lo!ie re&!"tnt&$
-rn+ 'eer. Brenn!s n- I ,ere ,or+ing o!r ,$ thro!gh the other fi(e. It ,s so!r"e
of tremen-o!s fs"intion for Brenn!s tht $o! "nnot 'e rreste- in Te)s *!st 'e"!se
$o! h(e n o#en "n of 'eer in $o!r "r. The "o# hs to "t!&&$ see $o! -rin+ing it
'efore he "n -o n$thing. He h- her- tht some,here n- I ,sn0t e(en s!re if it ,s
tr!e. Of "o!rse. seeing s ,e ,ere minors s!rro!n-e- '$ o#en 'eer "ns. it ,o!&-n0t 'e
strong "se for !s.
35. S. Le,is t&+e- 'o!t it.3 "ontin!e- Brenn!s t+ing s,ig. 3:o! +no,.
'e"!se ,e fee& these -esires tht "n0t 'e stisfie-. ,e +no, there0s got to 'e more to &ife
thn this. tho!gh m$'e not ne"essri&$ in this &ife.3
Brenn!s &ene- '"+ ginst the (n ,&&. He h- g&&nt&$ &et me h(e the front
set ,hi&e he re"&ine- 'et,een 'o)es of #otto "hi#s in the '"+ of the (n.
3Li+e $o! thin+. there0s t &est ten -imensions n- ,e on&$ &i(e in the thir-.
s#ti&&$ s#e+ing. B!t &i+e. n$ sort of 'eing tht &i(e- in the fo!rth -imension. *!st one
ste# higher thn !s. ,o!&- h(e the 'i&it$ to ,&+ thro!gh ,&&s n- ##er n- -is##er
t ,i&&. I men. thin+ 'o!t it. There0s more to &ife thn ,ht ,e see ,ith o!r thir-
-imension e$es.3 Brenn!s too+ h!ge g!&#. finishe- off his 'eer n- re"he- for the fin&
3I -on0t re&&$ get it.3 si- Lo!ie. 3Li+e. re $o! t&+in0 'o!t ghosts. or ,ht73
3I0m t&+in0 #h$si"s.3 re#&ie- Brenn!s. 3We !n-erstn- the fo!rth -imension in
terms of time. '!t not in terms of s#"e. S#ti&&$. ,e &i(e in the thir- -imension.3
When Lo!ie -i-n0t res#on- Brenn!s "ontin!e-.
3:o! might see something tht &oo+s &i+e ghost in tht it ,&+s thro!gh ,&& n-
then -is##ers && together. '!t it might *!st 'e someone &i(ing in the fo!rth -imension.3
3Are $o! s$in0 there0re #eo#&e &i(in0 in some fo!rth -imension73 s+e- Lo!ie.
3I -!nno.3 si- Brenn!s t+ing s,ig of 'eer. 3I re&&$ -on0t +no,. M$'e from
nother #&net. Or m$'e nge&s.3
3We&&. if there re ten -imensions.3 I si-. 3Where re the other si)73
3We&&.3 si- Brenn!s. 3One theor$ is tht 'efore the Big Bng there ,s ten/
-imension& !ni(erse &tho!gh it ,s e)#&osi(e n- s#&it into t,o !ni(erses. one ,ith fo!r
-imensions. nme&$ o!rs. n- one ,ith si). O!r !ni(erse e)#n-e- ,hi&e the one ,ith si)
-imensions "ontr"te- !nti& it ,s ner&$ in(isi'&e. It sti&& e)ists. We *!st "n0t fin- it. So
essenti&&$. the Big Bng n- o!r e)#n-ing !ni(erse ,s the res!&t of the s#&it 'et,een
s#"e n- time.3
There ,s #!se.
3:0&& seen )peed73 s+e- Lo!ie 'r!#t&$. 3It0s n ,esome mo(ie. J!st rente- it
&st night. Got tht Billy and Ted's .8cellent +dventure g!$ in it.3
3Eenn! Ree(es.3 I si- #o&ite&$.
3:0&& &i+e him73 s+e- Lo!ie. 3I s, him in tht s!rfer mo(ie ,ith the -irty
-ancing g!$.3
3>tri"+ S,$4e.3 I si-. 34oint Break.3
3:eh. tht0s the one.3 si- Lo!ie. m+ing &eft t!rn into "r -e&ershi# tht
#res!m'&$ h- sn"+ m"hine in its offi"e. 3I0- s!re &i+e to tr$ 'it of s!rfin0 some
Lo!ie #r+e- the (n in front of the -e&ershi#. ho##e- o!t of the -ri(erAs set n-
,ent ro!n- '"+ to &o- his hn- tr!"+ ,ith 'o)es.
3Ho, o&- -o $o! thin+ he is73 s+e- Brenn!s ,hen he h- -is##ere- thro!gh the
g&ss -oors of the offi"e ,ith his &o-.
3Oh. I -!nno. t,ent$/three.3 I si-.
3I thin+ he might 'e o&-er.3 si- Brenn!s.
We st -rin+ing o!r 'eer !nti& Lo!ie ret!rne-.
3Ho, o&- re $o!73 s+e- Brenn!s ,hen Lo!ie "&im'e- '"+ into his set.
3T,ent$/si). Wh$73 si- Lo!ie #!tting the (n into re(erse n- #!&&ing o!t of the
3T,ent$/si)=3 si- Brenn!s. 36i- $o! +no, Einstein ,s t,ent$/si) ,hen he
-is"o(ere- tht E e@!&s M5 s@!re-7 A&e)n-er the Gret ,s t,ent$/si) ,hen he
"on@!ere- Asi. Who -o $o! thin+ hs h- more of n im#"t on the ,or&-73 Brenn!s
,on-ere- o!t &o!-. 3I men. Einstein0s -is"o(eries &e- to the h$-rogen 'om' n-
A&e)n-er0s "on@!ests res!&te- in the s#re- of He&&eni4tion. He&&eni4tion ffe"te- the
Romn Em#ire ,hi"h &ter m-e the s#re- of 5hristinit$ #ossi'&e.3
3Hmmm. tht0s hr-.3 I si- ,hen it ,s o'(io!s Lo!ie ,sn0t e(en going to to!"h
tht one. I thin+ Lo!ie h- resigne- himse&f to the i-e tht he h- *!st #i"+e- !# t,o
&iens from o!ter s#"e n- ,s ho#ing tht if he trete- !s ni"e ,e0- go home t the en-
of his ro!te.
3It is.3 gree- Brenn!s.
3Li+e. -on0t t+e this the ,rong ,$ or n$thin0.3 si- Lo!ie. 3'!t re $o! t,o some
sort of religious #eo#&e. or something73
3We re on #!rs!it for tr!th. if tht0s ,ht $o! men.3 re#&ie- Brenn!s.
3B!t. I men. re $o! 5hristin73 Lo!ie ,s s#e+ing s&o,&$ s if e"h ,or- ,s
se#rte !nit. 3... or re $o! one of those 7ew +ge #eo#&e...3
3Tr!th.3 si- Brenn!s. 3We see+ tr!th 'e"!se tr!th is ne(er the #ro'&em. It0s the
inter#rettion of tr!th tht #resents #ro'&ems. ItAs f!nn$. Jessie n- I to!"he- !#on this in
the "r er&ier. T+e 5hristinit$. sin"e $o! mentione- it. #ossi'&$ one of the most
m&igne- s$stems of 'e&ief -es#ite. or more &i+e&$ #ro''&$ s res!&t of. o!r Western
"!&t!re 'eing '!i&t on its tenets. It0s *!-ge- '$ its ##& "orr!#tions. its mor& restri"tions.
its 'i&it$ to #ro(o+e ,rs n- rre&$ '$ its tr!ths. B!t if Go- "t!&&$ mnifeste- himse&f
s mn tht is 'ig. A!tomti"&&$. the theists. the B!--hist ,nn'es. the nt!re/
,orshi##ers ,o!&- h(e to ree(&!te their thin+ing. If Go- re&&$ ,&+e- on this erth. is
it ne"essr$ to fin- the mening of &ife in tree/,orshi#73
3So $o!0re s$ing $o!0re 5hristin73 si- Lo!ie.
3I0m s$ing e(er$ tr!th is mis!n-erstoo-.3 re#&ie- Brenn!s.
3:o! -o 'e&ie(e in && tht tho!/sh&&/not/+i&& n- && tht73 s+e- Lo!ie. 3O!r
&,s re #oor re#resenttion of 5hrist0s te"hings.3 si- Brenn!s. 3We enfor"e the &,.
tho! sh&t not m!r-er. not 'e"!se m!r-er is mor&&$ ,rong. '!t 'e"!se ,e -on0t ,nt to
'e +i&&e-. We -on0t ste& 'e"!se ,e -on0t ,nt to 'e sto&en from. Se&f/interest. not
'rother&$ &o(e. &ies t the "ore of o!r &,s. No. the tr!ths of J!-eo/5hristinit$ h(e on&$
'een sh&&o,&$ s+imme-.3 si- Brenn!s s I stre- o!t the ,in-o, t the #ssing "r
3We&& tht0s goo-.3 si- Lo!ie. M$ on&$ e)#&ntion for this in"ongr!o!s remr+ is
tht he ,s re&ie(e- tht Brenn!s seeme- to ""e#t the Ten 5ommn-ments.
3The horror. the horror.3 ,his#ere- Brenn!s.
3Wht73 s+e- Lo!ie.
Brenn!s -i-n0t re#&$. Lo!ie #!t on his f&i"+er n- ,e t!rne- into the #r+ing &ot the
I ,s too '!s$ #!44&ing o(er Brenn!s0s ,or-s to 'e mo(e- '$ the grn-e!r of the
O'ser(tor$ n- to h(e n$ fer 'o!t ,ht ,e ,ere going to -o no, tht ,e ,ere here.
It ,s $ers &ter 'efore I #i"+e- !# Jose#h 5onr-0s Heart of -arkness n- "me
"ross those ,or-s. the horror, the horror n- -es#erte&$ trie- to re"&& in ,ht "onte)t
Brenn!s h- m!rm!re- tht -$ing sttement. When I remem'ere- tht he h- mentione-
the ,or-s. 'rother&$ &o(e. I ,s "hi&&e- '$ the re&i4tion of ,ht Brenn!s h- 'een
s$ing. E!rt4. the mn in Heart of -arkness ,ho h- !ttere- those fin& ,or-s. h- 'een
,orshi##e- s ,hite go- in '&"+ Afri". :et s"r# of ##er. footnote. mong his
#ossessions h- re(e&e- his tr!e fee&ing. .8terminate all the brutes
:et I !n-erstoo- E!rt40s fin"Je. o'&i(io!s to e(er$thing e)"e#t tht she &o(e-
!ni(ers& geni!s. -esiring on&$ to tres!re e(er$ sigh n- e(er$ ,or- tht he !ttere-.
3No, $0&& *!st st$ here ,hi&e I -e&i(er this st!ff.3 si- Lo!ie s he #!&&e- into
s#ot n- sh!t -o,n the tr!"+.
3Oh ,e "n he&#.3 si- Brenn!s &e#ing o!t the si-e -oor ,hi"h he h- 'een s&i-ing
3;h. I -on0t thin+...3
B!t Brenn!s &re-$ h- the hn- tr!"+ o!t n- ,s &o-ing it.
3>otto "hi#s73 s+e- Brenn!s. #!&&ing o!t 'o). 3M & M0s7 5ho"o&te "hi#
I o#ene- m$ -oor n- stoo- on the #(ement. s@!inting into the s!n.
3Loo+=3 Lo!ie ,s f"ing Brenn!s n- I "o!&- te&& it ,s sho,-o,n time.
3Ho, mn$ &o-s -o $o! !s!&&$ t+e into this #&"e73 Brenn!s @!i"+&$ s+e-.
3We&&. t,o.3
3OE. so Jessie n- I "n s(e $o! &o-.3 si- Brenn!s hn-ing me 'o) of #otto
"hi#s. ,hi"h I re&!"tnt&$ too+.
Lo!ie sighe-.
3OE. '!t $o!0- 'etter not -o n$thing...3
3Li+e ,ht73 s+e- Brenn!s so!n-ing gen!ine&$ #!44&e-.
3We&&. &i+e n$thing tht might "ost me m$ *o'.3
Lo!ie #!&&e- some more 'o)es o!t of the '"+ of the tr!"+. Brenn!s #i&e- nother
'o) of #otto "hi#s in m$ rms. Thn+f!&&$ the$ ,ere &ight.
3As soon s ,e get in there. fo&&o, me.3 he ,his#ere-.
I no--e- 'ehin- m$ 'o)es. I h- fig!re- tht Brenn!s ,o!&-n0t 'e "ontent *!st
seeing the sn"+ m"hines.
Lo!ie h- t+en o(er fi&&ing the hn- tr!"+ n- ,s '&n"ing it ginst himse&f s
he sh!t the '"+ -oors of the (n. Brenn!s ,s &o-e- -o,n ,ith three 'o)es of otme&
"hi# "oo+ies ,hi"h I imgine- ,ere &ot he(ier thn #otto "hi#s. We fo&&o,e- Lo!ie s
,e he-e- for si-e -oor.
6es#ite the "ir"!mstn"es I ,s e)"ite-. No one I +ne, h- e(er 'een in the
O'ser(tor$ n- if I s, J"+ Ni"ho&son *!st "s!&&$ ,&+ing -o,n h&&,$. ,e&& he$. I
,s #&nning on in(iting him home for -inner.
Lo!ie rng '!44er '$ the !no'tr!si(e ,hite -oor. The -oor s&i- o#en n- ,e
entere- into &itt&e ,hite room. A mn 'ehin- -es+ in se"!rit$ o!tfit *!st stre- t !s.
I -on0t thin+ tht there ,s n$thing that !n!s!& 'o!t !s. I *!st thin+ he ,s one of those
t$#es ,ho stres.
3Bi&&$ 6ee.3 si- Lo!ie.
3Three of $o!73 s+e- the mn.
3S!mmer st!-ents.3 re#&ie- Lo!ie. Brenn!s m!st h(e 'een sen-ing him ment&
(i'es to "ome !# ,ith n ns,er.
3Ain0t it &itt&e er&$ for s!mmer73
3The$0re "o&&ege st!-ents.3
3Gret *o'.3 the g!r- sneere- t !s. This "oming from g!$ ,ho s#en-s his -$ in
&itt&e ,hite room.
3Thn+ $o!.3 si- Brenn!s "o!rteo!s&$.
The g!r- #resse- something !n-erneth his -es+ n- -oor s&i- o#en. We ,ere in
the O'ser(tor$= It o""!rre- to me tht m$'e fter this ,s && o(er I0- sen- n
non$mo!s &etter to the O'ser(tor$ ,rning them 'o!t their &"+ of se"!rit$. #rti"!&r&$
,ith moron g!r-ing the -oor.
We ,ere in h&&,$. The ,&&s ,ere "rem$ 'eige n- &tho!gh the h&&,$ ,s
-e(oi- of n$ +in- of f!rnit!re or sign of &ife. it -i-n0t seem steri&e. it seeme- #rofession&.
I re&i4e- it ,s the -oor,$s tht g(e the h&&,$ its gr"e. Inste- of $o!r 'si"
re"tng!&r. the$ ,ere r"he-. The -oors ,ere m-e of #o&ishe- "herr$/,oo-. I0-
&,$s tho!ght the O'ser(tor$0s "o&o!r s"heme ,o!&- h(e in"&!-e- si&(er "hrome.
3The stff room is *!st !# here.3 si- Lo!ie s ,e mr"he- -o,n the h&&.
On&$ Lo!ie "o!&- h(e "&&e- the room ,e entere- stff room. I ,o!&- h(e
"&&e- it &o!nge. or sitting room. The si) s"ttere- "hirs n- the &ong "o!"h ,ere &&
m-e of '&"+ &ether. One ,&& ,s &ine- ,ith ,oo-en 'oo+"se fi&&e- ,ith e&egnt
&ether/'o!n- (o&!mes. There ,s sm&& sin+ n- "o!nter in the "orner. 'oth -one in
mr'&e finish. In nother "orner. on "herr$/,oo- en- t'&e. ,s "offee/m+er n-
"o&&e"tion of "hin m!gs. The "hrome n- g&ss sn"+ m"hine !# ginst nother ,&&
&oo+e- o!t of #&"e. '!t #res!m'&$. e(en the so#histi"te- s"ientists of the O'ser(tor$
&i+e- to h(e sn"+ on their "offee 're+.
3Wh$ isn0t n$one here73 s+e- Brenn!s s he -ro##e- the 'o)es onto the f&oor. I
imme-ite&$ #!t m$ &o- -o,n on one of the "hirs.
35ref!&=3 si- Lo!ie &oo+ing -o,n ,ith "on"ern t the "oo+ies.
3Sorr$.3 si- Brenn!s g&n"ing t his ,t"h. 3I men. it0s t,e&(e o0"&o"+. :o!0-
thin+ there0- 'e someone here.3
3I thin+ &ot of them go o!t to &!n"h.3 si- Lo!ie s he !n&o"+e- the front -oor of
the sn"+ m"hine. 3It0s !s!&&$ #rett$ -eserte- ,hen I0m here.3
Tht0s && Brenn!s nee-e-. He0- gr''e- m$ hn- n- ,e ,ere h&f,$ to the -oor.
3Where0re $o! goin073 s+e- Lo!ie. strt&e-.
Brenn!s -i-n0t ns,er.
Lo!ie ,s torn. The sn"+ m"hine ,s ,i-e o#en. 'o)es ,ere s"ttere-
e(er$,here. '!t Brenn!s ,s no, f&$ing -o,n the h&& -rgging me &ong. Lo!ie -e"i-e-
to fo&&o,. I -on0t +no, ,hether it ,s to s(e his *o' K&tho!gh he "o!&-n0t h(e e)#e"te-
to get &ot of ""o&-es for &e(ing the sn"+ m"hine o#enL.
Brenn!s h- &et go of m$ hn- in or-er to tr$ -oor hn-&es. J!st in time. M$ hn-
h- 'een 'o!t to 're+ s,et.
3Wht"h -oin073 At &est Lo!ie h- the #resen"e of min- to hiss inste- of $e&&.
Brenn!s #!t his fingers to his &i#s. He h- gi(en !# on && of these si-e -oors n-
,s he-ing stright for the s&i-ing -oors t the en- of the h&&. I trie- to imitte his
#!r#osef!& stri-e. The -oors s&i- o#en *!st s ,e re"he- them. '!t not for !s. A mn in
,hite shirt. tie. n- -r+ s&"+s ,s on the other si-e. He too ,s mo(ing ,ith #!r#ose.
He n- Brenn!s e)"hnge- g&n"es. thn+f!&&$ s#ring Lo!ie n- I from s"r!tin$. O!r
threesome m-e it thro!gh the -oor *!st s it sh!t ,hi"h m-e me re&i4e tht the -oors
,eren0t !tomti". We h- gotten in 'e"!se tht mn h- 'een "oming o!t. As ,e h-
'een ,&+ing to,r-s the -oors I h- ,on-ere- ,ht the &itt&e '&"+ 'o) 'esi-e them h-
'een n- of "o!rse. I +ne, no,. It ,s for ""ess "r-s.
We ,ere in "&ssroom/si4e room "o(ere- in gint #i"t!res of str s$stems.
A&tho!gh the room ,s #inte- "rem. the #osters m-e it fee& &i+e night. The f!rnit!re in
the room "onsiste- of se(er& ro,s of -es+s && f"ing gignti" s"reen. We ,ere t the
'"+ of the room. There ,s mn ,or+ing t one of the -es+s. It &oo+e- &i+e he ,s
sorting s&i-es. He -i-n0t t!rn to see ,ho entere- the room. s if he ,s !se- to #eo#&e
#ssing thro!gh.
Brenn!s #!se- on&$ for se"on- 'efore "ontin!ing for,r- to,r- some smo+e-
g&ss -oors. I &i+e- the &oo+ of those -oors. There ,s no &itt&e '&"+ 'o) 'esi-e them.
Brenn!s #!she- his ,$ thro!gh the -oor. #!sing on&$ nnose"on- to m+e s!re I
"!ght it.
We ,ere in room not !n&i+e the one ,e h- *!st #sse- thro!gh e)"e#t tht
inste- of -es+s. this room h- "o!nter. The "o!nter rn ro!n- the room. s@!re
sh#e-. e)"e#t for tin$ o#ening t the front of the room so tht someone "o!&- enter into
the mi--&e if he -esire-. The ,&&s in this room ,ere 're '!t the "o!nter ,s "o(ere-
,ith ##ers n- #hotos. s if the #eo#&e ,or+ing here h- *!st t+en @!i"+ 're+ n-
,o!&- 'e "oming '"+ soon.
Brenn!s ,s &re-$ going thro!gh the #hotos. Lo!ie ,s #r&$4e- ,ith fer. I
-i-n0t +no, ,ht to -o.
3These && seem to 'e of the sme thing.3 si- Brenn!s.
3Wht is it73 I s+e- *oining him to &oo+ -o,n t one of the #hotos.
3It0s &i+e str rotting ro!n- something e)"e#t $o! "n0t see ,ht it0s "ir"&ing.3
I #i"+e- !# "o!#&e of the #hotos. I "o!&- te&& ,ht he ment. The str tht these
#eo#&e ,ere "hrting h- 'een "ir"&e- in e"h #hoto. or e&se the #i"t!res ,o!&- h(e 'een
mening&ess shots of the night s+$. The str ##ere- to 'e mo(ing ro!n- some gint
re e)"e#t tht it ,s *!st '&"+ #&ot in the s+$.
3There0s on&$ one thing it "n 'e=3 si- Brenn!s ho&-ing one of the #hotos o!t fe,
feet ,$ from his f"e. 3It &oo+s &i+e '&"+ ho&e=3
3No ,$=3 I si-.
3B!t ,h$ "hrt str rotting ro!n- '&"+ ho&e73 s+e- Brenn!s. 3Not tht it hs
to 'e rotting...3 He h- #i"+e- !# some of the other #hotos n- ,s "om#ring them. 3It
m$ *!st 'e -ifferent ng&es of the sme shot...3
3I -on0t get it.3 I si-.
3M$'e ,e sho!&- go.3 si- Lo!ie s!--en&$.
3This "o!&- 'e 'ig.3 si- Brenn!s. He ,s string t the #hotos.
3Wit se"on-=3 I si- s!--en&$. 3Wit se"on-= This thing ,s '!i&t to re#&"e
tht S!#er 5o&&i-er. ,sn0t it7 Tht #&"e tht ,s s!##ose- to fig!re o!t the theor$ of
3We&&. "t!&&$. it ,o!&-n0t h(e h- the energ$...3 Brenn!s sto##e- ,hen he h-
the sme tho!ght s me. I -on0t +no, ho, I s!--en&$ h- this f&sh of insight. We on&$
t&+e- 'o!t '&"+ ho&es on"e '"+ in freshmn s"ien"e. 3M$'e the$0re e)mining ,$s
to !se the energy from the '&"+ ho&e to ""e&erte e(er$thing in or-er to fig!re o!t
3I -on0t get it.3 si- Lo!ie &oo+ing ner(o!s&$ t the g&ss -oors.
Brenn!s ,s h##$ to e)#&in.
3The i-e ,ith the S!#er"on-!"ting S!#er 5o&&i-er is to h(e t,o #rotons insi-e of
this &ong t!nne&. one tr(e&ing "&o"+,ise. the other "o!nter/"&o"+,ise. When the$0(e
"hie(e- s#ee- s "&ose s #ossi'&e to the s#ee- of &ight. the s"ientists ,o!&- "!se them
to "o&&i-e. The energ$ generte- ,o!&- 'e tremen-o!s9 it ,o!&- 'e &i+e sim!&ting the
Big Bng. The -e'ris of the "o&&ision ,o!&- ho#ef!&&$ re(e& "&!e to the !&timte form
of mtter. $o! +no,. the sm&&est #ossi'&e #rti"&e. et".. et".3
Lo!ie &oo+e- s if he sti&& -i-n0t get it.
3Let0s get o!t of here.3 he si-.
3See. the t!nne& ,o!&- h(e to 'e s!rro!n-e- '$ mgnets in or-er to 'en- the
#roton n- nti#roton.3 "ontin!e- Brenn!s. string &onging&$ t #o&ishe- ,oo- -oor in
the "orner of the room. It h- '&"+ 'o) '$ it. 3A mgneti" fie&-...3 He strte- ,&+ing
to,r-s the -oor. When he re"he- it. he trie- the hn-&e. It -i-n0t e(en t!rn. Brenn!s
3Oh ,e&&.3 Brenn!s t!rne- ,$.
3B!t I thin+ JessieAs right.3 He ,s e)mining #hoto. 3I re- n rti"&e 'o!t
mes!ring the energ$ in "osmi" r$s. '!t it &so t&+e- 'o!t mes!ring the energ$ in
'&"+ ho&es. S!##ose-&$ in the mi--&e of the Mi&+$ W$ g&)$ there re mi&&ions of
them. The i-e ,s tht it sho!&- 'e -one ,ith n or'iting s#"e"rft. This str m!st 'e
n or'iting s#"e"rft=3 Brenn!s ,s thin+ing o!t &o!-. 3B!t $o! -on0t nee-
S!#er"on-!"ting S!#er 5o&&i-er to -o tht. I men. to mes!re the energ$ of '&"+ ho&es
is se#rte #ro*e"t && together.3
3M$'e this ,s ne(er s!'stit!te for the S!#er 5o&&i-er.3 I si- e)"ite-&$. 3I
men. in the sense tht it sim!&te- S!#er 5o&&i-er. I men. it0s sti&& &oo+ing for theor$
of e(er$thing. n- &&...3 I trie- to thin+. 3There ,ere &,$s *!st so mn$ r!mors.3 I
"on"&!-e-. 3No one +ne, n$thing for s!re.3
3>ro''&$ r!mors strte- '$ the O'ser(tor$.3 si- Brenn!s. 3Or. t &est.
en"o!rge- '$ it.3
Brenn!s ,s #"ing '"+ n- forth. On"e gin. I fe&t si&&$. Li+e ,e ,ere Nn"$
6re, n- Ne- Ni"+erson. The 3ase of the /bservatory.
3In the f!t!re the$ might 'e '&e to hrness the #o,er of '&"+ ho&es. I men. there
re mi&&ions of them so it0s n infinite #o,er so!r"e. B!t these things re -ngero!s.
The$0&& s!"+ in n$thing n- e(er$thing. If it e(er got o!t of "ontro& n- ##ro"he- the
erth it ,o!&- '!rro, to the "enter of it n- Go- on&$ +no,s ,ht ,o!&- h##en to this
3I0m &e(ing.3 si- Lo!ie. This h- nothing to -o ,ith o!r -is"!ssion n-
e(er$thing to -o ,ith the fer of 'eing "!ght.
3I ,on-er ,ht0s 'ehin- tht -oor73 si- Brenn!s. g&n"ing '"+ t the "orner. 3I
thin+ ,e "n sfe&$ ss!me there ,s ne(er "o&&i-er here. '!t the @!estion is. ,ht is
here7 6i- the$ '!i&- s#"e"rft to or'it this thing n- then someho, sen- it !#
3B!t ,h$ isn0t the go(ernment in on this73 I s+e-. 3I men. ,h$ is this #ri(te
3We&&. for && ,e +no,. m$'e the go(ernment is in on it. Or m$'e ,hoe(er
f!n-e- this #ro*e"t -oesn0t tr!st the go(ernment fter the$ "n"e&&e- the S!#er 5o&&i-er.
Or m$'e some #h$si"ists *!st ,nt to get *!m# on e(er$'o-$ e&se n- go -o,n in
histor$ s the men ,ho -is"o(ere- the theor$ of e(er$thing.3
3Let0s get o!t of here.3 si- Lo!ie. He h-n0t mo(e- sin"e his thret to &e(e. He
,s too '!s$ string ##rehensi(e&$ t the s&i-ing -oors s if ,iting for the g!r-s n-
the Germn she#her-s to s!--en&$ "ome '!rsting in. g!ns #ointe-.
3OE.3 si- Brenn!s. fo&-ing one of the #hotos n- sti"+ing it into his '"+ #o"+et.
Thn+f!&&$ Lo!ie -i-n0t see this.
We e)ite- the room n- #sse- @!i"+&$ thro!gh the ne)t one ,itho!t the s"ientist
t!rning ro!n-. Gort!nte&$ $o! -i-n0t nee- n ""ess "r- to e)it the -oors. The h&& ,s
sti&& em#t$. We h- on&$ 'een gone from the &o!nge for 'o!t ten min!tes. if tht.
Brenn!s he&#e- Lo!ie fi&& the sn"+ m"hine n- the$ ,ere -one in fi(e min!tes. If
n$one h- "ome into the &o!nge n- seen the o#en sn"+ m"hine. the$ m!st h(e
ss!me- tht the Bi&&$ 6ee 'o$ ,s *!st in the *ohn. not tht I0- seen n$ ,shroom
f"i&ities in o!r 'rief (isit.
We reemerge- in the h&& ,ith &ot of em#t$ 'o)es on the hn- tr!"+ n- he-e-
'"+ to,r-s the room ,e h- entere- thro!gh.
3Too+ $o!r time.3 si- the se"!rit$ g!r- g&ring t !s.
3I "o!&-n0t resist some of tht $!mm$ go!rmet "offee.3 si- Brenn!s.
3Gg.3 si- the se"!rit$ g!r-.
Brenn!s ,in+e- t him s ,e e)ite-.
Lo!ie ner&$ finte- s ,e ste##e- o!t into the 'right s!n.
3I h(e ne(er 'een so s"re- in m$ &ife.3 he si- to himse&f.
3Of tht &itt&e g!$73 si- Brenn!s. 3I "o!&- h(e +i"+e- his teeth in 'efore he e(en
stoo- !#.3
Lo!ie sighe-.
3I0m t+in0 $o! '"+ to $o!r "r n- I -on0t ,nn e(er see $o! gin.3 si- Lo!ie s
st!"+ the hn- tr!"+ n- em#t$ 'o)es '"+ into the (n.
3Ohhhh.3 Brenn!s so!n-e- gen!ine&$ remorsef!&. 350mon Lo!ie= 6on0t t&+ tht
,$= He$ Jessie. -o $o! h(e #en n- ##er73
I got into the front of the (n n- re"he- for m$ #!rse ,hi"h I h- st!"+ !n-er the
set. Thn+f!&&$ I h- #en n- n o&- re"ei#t.
Brenn!s s"ri''&e- his n!m'er on it n- hn-e- it to Lo!ie 'efore he "&im'e- in the
si-e -oor.
3:o! "&& me if $o! e(er nee- n$thing.3 he si-. PI o,e $o! 'ig time.Q
Lo!ie sighe- n- st!"+ the #ie"e of ##er in his #o"+et. We -ro(e '"+ to the gs
sttion in si&en"e.
Lo!ie "&&e- t,o -$s &ter. Brenn!s n- I h- seen e"h other t &!n"h the -$
fter the O'ser(tor$ 're+/in '!t he h-n0t *oine- me n- Jennie.
3L-ies.3 he h- si- s he #sse-. no--ing.
I smi&e-. We h- no form& greement not to te&& n$one of o!r (isit 'e"!se I
+ne, it ,ent ,itho!t s$ing. So here I ,s &istening to Jennie t&+ing 'o!t her -te
,ith Bi&&$. tri# to 6ir$ M!een. &i+e this ,s s!##ose- to 'e the most thri&&ing thing in
the ,or&-. Oh the stories I "o!&- te&&...
Brenn!s "&&e- me the ne)t e(ening n- si- he ,s on his ,$ o(er to #i"+ me !#.
Lo!ie nee-e- to t&+ to !s. I to&- m$ mother Brenn!s ,s he&#ing me ,ith n Eng&ish
##er. ,hi"h ,s tr!e eno!gh sin"e Brenn!s h- 'een in-ire"t&$ he&#ing me ,ith && of m$
Eng&ish ##ers sin"e I met him.
Brenn!s h- gr''e- si)/#"+ from his !nt0s "!#'or- sin"e ,e ,ere meeting
Lo!ie in fie&- -o,n one of the mn$ -irt ro-s in Te)s.
Brenn!s #r+e- the "r !n-er tree. ,e ho##e- fen"e. n- strte- ,&+ing
thro!gh the fie&-. I h(e no i-e ho, he n- Lo!ie h- -e"i-e- on this #rti"!&r fie&-
n- ho, the$ h- 'oth fo!n- it. I men. fie&-s re !s!&&$ #i"+e- s#ontneo!s&$. :o!
-ri(e !# ,ith $o!r frien-s n- 1%/#"+ n- s$. 3This &oo+s &i+e goo- one.3
B!t s!re eno!gh. Lo!ie ,s in the mi--&e of it ,iting for !s. We ,ere sti&& fe,
feet ,$ ,hen he strte- t&+ing.
3Listen g!$s. The$ +no, someone 'ro+e into tht room. M$ 'oss to&- me this
morning. As+e- me if I +ne, n$thing 'o!t it...3
Brenn!s st -o,n on the grss n- o#ene- one of the 'eers. Then. s if he h- *!st
remem'ere- his mnners. offere- one to Lo!ie. Lo!ie too+ one. No mn. no mtter ho,
-(erse the "ir"!mstn"es. t!rns -o,n 'eer. I he&#e- m$se&f n- *oine- Brenn!s on the
grss ,ho ,s '$ this time &$ing on his '"+ string !# t the first strs of the e(ening.
3The$0re gonn tr"+ 0em -o,n=3 si- Lo!ie 'et,een g!&#s. 3The$0re gonn tr"+
us -o,n= The$ h(en0t "&&e- the #o&i"e. '!t...3
3Wht=3 Brenn!s st stright !# s#i&&ing h&f his 'eer on his shirt. 3The$ h(en0t
"&&e- the #o&i"e73
3No.3 si- Lo!ie so!n-ing nno$e- s he shifte- his #osition. He ,s sti&& stn-ing
n- I -on0t thin+ he ##re"ite- this seeming&$ irre&e(nt tngent in the "on(erstion. 3M$
'oss si- he her- the g!$ s$ tht no one. !n-er n$ "ir"!mstn"e. ,s to "&& the #o&i"e.
:o! +no,. if m$ 'oss fo!n- o!t it ,s me. for e)m#&e. he ,s *!st to "ont"t the
3Tht is m4ing.3 si- Brenn!s res!ming his #osition on the gro!n-. 3The$ re&&$
do h(e something to hi-e.3
3:eh. '!t the$0re in(estigtin0.3 insiste- Lo!ie. 3The$0re #ro''&$ -!stin0 for
finger#rints= We &eft finger#rints && o(er tht #&"e=3
3The$Are not "&&ing the #o&i"e so ,ht goo- re finger#rints going to -o them if
the$ h(e no #o&i"e re"or-s to mt"h them ,ith73 Brenn!s s#o+e s&o,&$ s if to moron.
3Besi-es the f"t tht none of o!r finger#rints re on re"or-. n$ho,.3
3Listen $o!...3 Lo!ie stoo- in front of Brenn!s0s hori4ont& 'o-$. 3I0m not gonn0
'e h!&e- off to *i& 'e"!se some &itt&e t,er# ,nte- to see insi-e the O'ser(tor$= I m
gonn t!rn $o! in m$se&f=3
3:o! i-iot=3 si- Brenn!s sitting !#. 3The$0&& ne(er fin- !s= An- e(en if the$ -o.
the$ ren0t the #o&i"e= The$ -on0t ,nt the #o&i"e in(o&(e- so the$0&& ne(er t!rn !s in= A&&
,e h(e to -o is #&$ -!m'. "t &i+e ,e -i-n0t see n$thing. n- the$ &et !s go= Wht0re
$o! fri- of7 Tht the$0re gonn tie !s !# n- thro, !s in the -!ngeon7 Sen- !s !# in
their s#"e"rft73
Lo!ie gr''e- Brenn!s '$ the shirt n- *er+e- him to his feet.
3:o!0re goin0 -o,n. '!--$.3
Lo!ie s&mme- fist into Brenn!s f"e.
I thin+ I s"reme-.
Brenn!s res#on-e- instnt&$ n- ,ith s(ge f!r$. It ,s im#ossi'&e to te&& in the
in"resing -r+ness ,hose fist ,s "onne"ting ,ith ,hose f"e. '!t I -istin"t&$ remem'er
their t,o 'o-ies "rshing into the tr!n+ of tree n- 'oth of them #&!nging to the gro!n-
on&$ to res!me the "om't.
I ,s "om#&ete&$ he&#&ess. B!t I -on0t thin+ Brenn!s ,o!&- h(e ,nte- me to
interfere n$,$.
After fe, min!tes of ro&&ing ro!n- on the gro!n-. Brenn!s remo(e- himse&f
from the entng&ement. Lo!ie ,s &$ing on the gro!n-. sti&& "ons"io!s '!t not too +een on
3The #ro'&em ,ith g!$ &i+e tht.3 si- Brenn!s t+ing -ee# 'reth. 3is tht he
thin+s he "n "ontro& "hos.3
He "ro!"he- -o,n.
3We re not te&&ing n$'o-$ 'o!t o!r (isit to the O'ser(tor$.3 he si- to Lo!ie.
Brenn!s strte- ,&+ing to,r-s the fen"e. I fo&&o,e-. We "&im'e- into the "r
n- -ro(e &ong the -irt ro- in si&en"e. It ,s #it"h '&"+. I +ne, the rising s!n ,o!&-
re(e& Brenn!s0s f"e to 'e '&oo-$ n- 'r!ise-. I ,ishe- I0- h- the #resen"e of min- to
gr' those three remining 'eers. I fe&t &i+e I nee-e- one.
I -i-n0t see Brenn!s for the ne)t three -$s. I fig!re- he -i-n0t ,nt to m+e
#!'&i" ##ern"e ,ith his f"e mess. A&tho!gh 'r!ise- f"e "n 'e so!r"e of #ri-e
to mn$ men ro!n- here Kes#e"i&&$ if the other g!$ &oo+s ,orseL. I +ne, it ,s
something Brenn!s ,o!&-n0t ,nt to h(e to e)#&in to n$'o-$.
He fin&&$ #hone- me.
3Oh. he$=3 I si-. 3Ho, re $o!73
3:eh. I0m fine.3 he si-. o'(io!s&$ not ,nting to -,e&& on the #re&iminries.
3Listen. I0(e s#ent the &st fe, -$s in the ;ni(ersit$ of Te)s &i'rr$ &oo+ing t e(er$
sing&e one of their stronom$ 'oo+s. Girst of &&. I fo!n- this interesting one tht ,s
t&+ing 'o!t the f!t!re of stronom$ n- it si- tht in fe, $ers ,e sho!&- h(e erth/
'se- instr!ments tht ,i&& 'e more effe"ti(e thn the H!''&e s#"e "rft. We&&. I thin+ the
O'ser(tor$ hs "hie(e- tht.3
3Re&&$73 I si-. Tht so!n-e- im#ressi(e eno!gh.
3B!t here0s the 'ig thing. Jessie.3
3;h h!h73
3A'o!t tht #hoto I +e#t. remem'er73
3Of "o!rse.3
3We&&. there ,s nothing tht sho,e- tht #rti"!&r str formtion ,ith tht '&"+
ho&e in the mi--&e. &tho!gh I fo!n- #&ent$ of #i"t!res tht mt"h the str s$stem. Tht
str. Jessie...3
3;h h!h.3 I si-.
3We&&. it ,sn0t str.3
3It ,s s#"eshi#. h!h73 I si-. It ,s so goo- to her his (oi"e gin.
3It0s not s#"eshi#.3 si- Brenn!s.
3So ,ht0s &eft73 I s+e-. 3Wht is it73
3It0s erth.3
There ,s -rmti" #!se. S!--en&$ I ,s fri-.
3Wht -oes tht men73 I si- tr$ing not to &et the terror re"h m$ 'rin.
3I h(e no fre+in0 i-e.3

It0s f!nn$ ho, -es#ite the thret of erth 'eing s!"+e- into '&"+ ho&e. $er &ter
I0m sti&& f&i##ing thro!gh !ni(ersit$ "t&og!e.
I0(e re- && the "o!rse -es"ri#tions. no, I0m string t the t!ition fees. HB22
"&ss. #&!s H12 *!st to ##&$. An- I -on0t e(en ,nt to thin+ 'o!t the "ost of renting n
#rtment n- s!##orting m$se&f.
If on&$ I0- st!-ie- &itt&e hr-er the &st fe, $ers I might h(e gotten s"ho&rshi#.
or something...
As m$ min- ,n-ers I en- !# thin+ing 'o!t ,ht I &,$s en- !# thin+ing
'o!t...tht &st -$ I s, Brenn!s.
Gr-!tion is s!##ose- to 'e the 'iggest -$ of $o!r &ife '!t I sti&& thin+ 'o!t it s
the &st -$ I s, Brenn!s. There ,s the "# n- go,n thing. the #hotos. the #rents. the
refreshments. the stremers. '!t && tht f-es ,hen I thin+ of me n- him stn-ing there
'$ the ,&& of o!r s"hoo& -rin+ing non/&"oho&i" "hm#gne n- him "s!&&$ s$ing. 3I
thin+ I0m going to he- est. M$ !nt0s gi(ing me her "r ?"os she0s getting ne, one.3
3Wi&& ,e ,rite73 I s+e-. I0m fri- m$ -es#ertion ,s #ro''&$ s"r,&e- && o(er
m$ f"e n- oo4ing thro!gh m$ e(er$ ,or-.
3S!re.3 he si-. s if. of "o!rse ,e0- ,rite. tht ,sn0t n iss!e.
3So. !h. ,hen -o $o! thin+ I0&& see $o! gin73 I s+e-. It ,sn0t e(en &i+e ,e ,ere
'o$frien- n- gir&frien-. I s!##ose tht ,ho&e time ,e ,ere *!st frien-s.
He shr!gge-.
3I honest&$ -on0t thin+ I0&& 'e "oming '"+ here.3 he si-. 3B!t ,hen I fin- #&"e.
I0&& sen- $o! &etter n- $o! "n "ome n- (isit me sometime.3
It ,sn0t &i+e he0- sen- for me n- I0- "ome o!t n- *oin him. I0- visit him. An-
then I0- "ome home.
Then he0- h!gge- me.
3It0s "t!&&$ 'een gret $er.3 he si- s ,e "me o!t of the h!g. 3Thn+s &ot.3
His (oi"e ,s sin"ere. B!t I -i-n0t ,nt sin"erit$. I ,nte- #ssion. I ,nte- ters from
him. He&&. I "o!&- fee& m$ o,n ters "oming.
3No #ro'&em.3 I mnge- to s$.
I g!ess t tht #oint his !nt "me !# n- then I "&&e- m$ mother o(er n- she hit it
off ,ith Brenn!s0s !nt. The iron$ ,s the$ "t!&&$ 'e"me frien-s n- met for &!n"h
"o!#&e of times 'efore Brenn!s0s !nt mo(e- to A&s+. Brenn!s n- I *!st stoo- there.
not ,+,r-&$ '!t sort of t &oss. n- &et them t&+. Then ,e -rifte- #rt n- m$ mom
n- I ,ere in(ite- to go o!t to -inner ,ith Wi&son n- Jennie n- Bi&&$0s fmi&ies n- I
ne(er s, Brenn!s gin. His !nt to&- m$ mother tht he h- gone home tht night.
#"+e- !# the "r. n- t+en off to G&ori-.
It h- &,$s m4e- me ho, Brenn!s h- -ro##e- the ,ho&e O'ser(tor$ thing
on"e he tho!ght he h- fig!re- o!t ,ht ,s going on there. It ,s s if he0- &ost interest.
&tho!gh ho, n$one "o!&- &ose interest in erth rotting ro!n- '&"+ ho&e. I -on0t
+no,. I "ertin&$ -i-n0t. B!t ,ht "o!&- I -o7 I "o!&-n0t te&& n$one sin"e ,ht ,e h-
-one ,s i&&eg& n- e(en if I -i- te&& n$one ,ht I +ne,. ,ht "o!&- the$ -o7 M+e the
'&"+ ho&e go ,$7 Whether the '&"+ ho&e ,s mere&$ 'eing monitore- '$ the
O'ser(tor$. or ,hether the$ ,ere someho, tr$ing to t# its #o,ers. I s!##ose I0&& ne(er
The #hone rings n- I #!t -o,n the "t&og!e.
3Oh. he$ s,eetie.3 I s$. I &,$s +no, it0s Wi&son sin"e he ne(er i-entifies
3I got some free time. I0&& #i"+ $o! !# n- ,e0&& go to Long(ie, n- "he"+ o!t the
It0s f!nn$ 'e"!se Jennie n- Bi&&$ h(e 'een going o!t fore(er n- he sti&& hsn0t
'o!ght her sing&e #ie"e of *e,e&r$. She is so *e&o!s of me.
I &oo+ -o,n t the "t&og!e. sti&& o#en to the t!ition fees.
3S!re.3 I s$.
If it ,eren0t for Brenn!s I ,o!&- sti&& thin+ tht strs re for ,ishing on. B!t fter
him te&&ing me one night s ,e ,ere &oo+ing !# t them tht the$ ,ere the res!&t of
h$-rogen gs "om#resse- '$ gr(it$. I *!st -on0t ,nt to tt"h n$ of m$ -rems to them.
The s!n is str. he e)#&ine- n- then #ro"ee-e- to o!t&ine the histor$ of s!"h str //
h$-rogen r!ns o!t n- strts to '!rn he&i!m res!&ting in re- gint. ,hen he&i!m r!ns o!t
gr(it$ 'egins to "r!sh the str #ro-!"ing ,hite -,rf. "ontin!ing to "r!sh !nti& $o!
h(e s!#erno(. n- then e(ent!&&$ -e- str. ne!tron.
A '&"+ ho&e. he to&- me. is the fin& res!&t of -$ing str s gr(it$ s!"+s && ner'$
&ight into it.
In fi(e 'i&&ion $ers. gi(e or t+e fe,. ,hen the s!n re"hes its re- gint stge. the
erth ,i&& 'e "ons!me- '$ the s!n.
I -on0t +no, ,ht h##ene- to the '&"+ ho&e. The O'ser(tor$ is sti&& f!n"tioning
s it &,$s -i- n- there h(e 'een no ne,s f&shes s$ing erth is 'o!t to 'e &ost to n
##ro"hing '&"+ ho&e. KTho!gh I s!##ose '&"+ ho&e ,o!&-n0t ##ro"h !s &i+e some
+i&&er shr+. We0- s!--en&$ 'e #!&&e- o!t of o!r or'it n- s!"+e- into it. I g!ess t tht
#oint ,e0- 'e 'e$on- ne,s f&shes.L Li(ing ,ith #rgmti" g!$ &i+e Wi&son hs &most
m-e the '&"+ ho&e thret seem &i+e gme Brenn!s in(ente- to m+e &ife in Est Te)s
&itt&e 'it more e)"iting.
I *!st finishe- re-ing no(e& 'o!t gir& '"+ in the 1D220s ,ho ,nte- more thn
n$thing to 'e e-!"te-. e)"e#t tht her fmi&$ n- her fin"J ,ere "om#&ete&$ ginst it.
So she s(es !# her mone$ n- goes off to 5hi"go n- enro&&s in "o&&ege. She0s (er$
h##$. She0s e-!"te-. She0s liberated.
I0m sitting here. -rin+ing "!# of "offee. &oo+ing o!t the ,in-o, of mine n-
Wi&son0s tri&er. Sho!&- s!"h &i'ert$ "ost "o!#&e of tho!sn-s of -o&&rs $er7 Sho!&-
the re,r- of e-!"tion 'e #ie"e of ##er t the en- of fo!r $ers7 An- ,s this gir&
re&&$ h##$7 I -on0t +no,.
The more I thin+ 'o!t Brenn!s. the more I re&i4e he ,s &i'erte- in-i(i-!&
&ong 'efore n$ !ni(ersit$ got ho&- of him. The more I re- on m$ o,n. the more I h(e
to "ome to terms ,ith Brenn!s0s "ontr-i"tions s ,e&& s the "ontr-i"tions of o!r
re&tionshi#. He &i'erte- me '$ ens&(ing me. M$'e Brenn!s ,o!&- h(e '&me- m$
sit!tion on the So!th ,hi"h sti&& hs ten-en"$ to -is"o!rge their ,omen from #!rs!ing
higher e-!"tion. B!t it ,o!&- h(e 'een n "-emi" iss!e for him. not something tht
,o!&- nger him. Brenn!s ,sn0t fighting n$ 'tt&es on m$ 'eh&f. Brenn!s ,sn0t m$
s(ior. In f"t. *!st the o##osite // he &most m-e me "om#&ete&$ !se&ess for n$one e&se.
An- $et I "n0t hte him 'e"!se to 'e '&e to &o(e is the gretest strength I h(e //
t+e tht from me n- I m #itif!& "ret!re.
It0s 'een o(er $er sin"e he &st ,rote. After I ,rote '"+ I ne(er her- from him.
I0&& ne(er t+e tht tri# to Mimi I !se- to -rem 'o!t so if I e(er see him gin. it0&& h(e
to 'e some,here 'et,een Long(ie, n- Mimi.
Wis-om hs ,$ of s"reming in the streets n- ,e h(e ,$ of sti"+ing in
er#&!gs n- going he- n- -oing ,ht ,e ,nt n$ho,. e)"e#t tht there0s ne(er
time ,hen ,e -on0t regret ignoring ,is-om. I ,ishe- I0- *!st he&- onto m$ memories n-
ne(er 'othere- sen-ing him those &ong &etters. A #ost"r- t the most ,o!&- h(e 'een
'etter. An- the more I sent. the more I h- to "ontin!e. To sto# ,o!&- h(e 'een to
"+no,&e-ge m$ &"+ of ,is-om.
So no, I0m &eft tr$ing to trns&te m$ memories into something I "n &i(e ,ith.
some sort of res#e"t'&e (i"tor$. B!t the tr!th is. he &eft n- he -i-n0t t+e me ,ith him.
An- he ne(er "me '"+.
Life is !nstisf$ing. I men. &ife hurts. M$'e tht0s ,h$ #eo#&e &i+e to re- so
m!"h. to tr$ to fin- ,or&- tht is stisf$ing n- to forget their o,n #in for ,hi&e. B!t
the #ro'&em isn0t ,ith fi"tion or ,ith re&it$. The #ro'&em is ,hen $o! mi) the t,o. Li+e
,hen $o! t+e re& #erson n- imgine him in n !nre& sit!tion. Tht0s ,hen &ife strts
to s!"+ 'e"!se $o!r o,n &ife fee&s so in-e@!te. Tht0s ,hen #eo#&e strt to get
-e#resse-. So I tr$ not to &et m$se&f fntsi4e 'o!t ,ht it ,o!&- 'e &i+e to meet Brenn!s
Wi&son ,or+s ,ith his -- n- 'rings home ste-$ #$"he"+.
I ,or+ #rt/time in their offi"e. With the rest of m$ time I0(e t+en !# gr-ening o!r sm&&
#&ot of &n-. Jennie n- I h(e *oine- Womn0s 5&!' in T$&er tht gets together e(er$
month. An- of "o!rse. I re- &ot. I0(e *!st -is"o(ere- Simone -e Be!(oir. I0m re-ing
The )econd )e8. After this I0m going to strt on The #andarins 'e"!se I0(e her- it0s
re&&$ goo-. I0(e fo!n- gret 'oo+store in Long(ie, tht ,i&& or-er n$thing for me
tht0s sti&& in #rint. The o&-er &-$ ,ho ,or+s there &o(es to t&+ 'o!t &itert!re.

3Loo+=3 si- Shron M"5ormi"+ to her h!s'n-. Jett. She #ointe-. 5mo!f&ge-
'$ grss. some green g&ss g&ittere- in the 'right s!n.
3It0s *!st #rt of 'ott&e. hone$.3 -r,&e- Jett. His ,ife h-n0t sto##e- s$ing
3Loo+=3 sin"e the$ h- rri(e- in 6&&s three -$s go. The$ h- fin&&$ gotten ro!n- to
"he"+ing o!t the s#ot ,here Eenne-$ ,s shot. The$ ,ere from Shre(e#ort. Lo!isin
t+ing 'e&te- hone$moon n- he ,s 'eginning to regret the$ h-n0t *!st gone fishing
sin"e his ,ife "o!&-n0t (er$ ,e&& s$ 3Loo+=3 to e(er$ fish the$ "!ght.
3:es. I +no,.3 she si- im#tient&$. 3B!t it0s not *!st #ie"e. It seems to 'e ,ho&e
'ott&e '!rie-. An- &oo+= I thin+ thereAs something in it=3 She "ro!"he- -o,n n- ,ith
her fingers 'egn to -ig ro!n- the 'ott&e to#. 'eing "ref!& not to "!se too m!"h -mge
to her mni"!re. The -irt ,s &oose n- it ,snAt &ong 'efore the 'ott&e ,s in her hn-.
3I to&- $o! there0s something in it=3 She stoo- !# to sho, him.
3Wht is it73 Jett &ene- for,r- to e)mine the 'ott&e.
3It0s messge= In 'g13 His ,ife ,s "&er&$ the more e)"ite- of the t,o.
3We&&.3 sighe- Jett. 3O#en it !# n- see ,ht it is.3 It ,s s if he ,s resigning
himse&f to the ine(it'&e.
Shron M"5ormi"+ @!i"+&$ re&i4e- tht her fingers ,ere too &rge n- the 'ott&e
too &ong to retrie(e the messge '$ hn-. She sete- herse&f -o,n on the grss n- 'egn
#!&&ing o!t items from her #!rse.
3Hone$=3 #roteste- Jett. "ro!"hing -o,n to #i"+ !# the tr(e&erAs "he"+s from the
grss. Shron ignore- him. She h- fo!n- ,ht she ,s &oo+ing for. A ni& fi&e.
Ver$ "ref!&&$ she inserte- the ni& fi&e n- 'egn to -r, the 'g !# to the ne"+ of
the 'ott&e. ;nfort!nte&$. the im#ossi'i&it$ of the sit!tion ,s o'(io!s. The ##er h-
!nro&&e- in the 'g n- there ,s no ,$ tht it ,s going to m+e it thro!gh s!"h
nrro, o#ening.
3Here hone$.3 Jett too+ the 'ott&e from his ,ife n- stoo- !#. He ,&+e- o(er to
tree n- smshe- the 'ott&e ginst the tree.
3Hone$=3 si- Shron. 3No, there0&& 'e g&ss e(er$,here= Some #oor &itt&e "hi&-
might "!t his foot...3
3Hone$. ho, mn$ #oor &itt&e "hi&-ren #&$ 'refoot on the grss$ +no&& ,here
Eenne-$ ,s shot73
He h- #oint. n- 'esi-es the #ie"e of ##er in the 'g &$ mong the shr-s of
grss. Shron M"5ormi"+ "ref!&&$ o#ene- the 'g n- #!&&e- o!t the #ie"e of ##er.
3Wh$ isn0t this strnge=3 she si-. 3Something on 'oth si-es. 6ifferent hn-,riting
Jett too+ the #ie"e of ##er from his ,ife. On one si-e. someone h- s"ri''&e-.
3J"+ie #&nne- the ,ho&e thing.3 On the other si-e. s"r,&e- in sm&&er ,riting. 3I &o(e
3Ah. isn0t tht s,eet.3 si- Shron.
3Wht. tht J"+ie #&nne- the ,ho&e thing73 Her h!s'n- t!rne- to stre t her.
3No. si&&$. The ?I &o(e $o!.03
3J"+ie #&nne- the ,ho&e thing.3 m!se- Jett hn-ing the note '"+ to his ,ife s
he stre- off into the -istn"e. 36o $o! thin+ it mens J"+ie Eenne-$7 It0s gott. No,
there0s tho!ght. No one e(er tho!ght she -i- it. He$. hone$=3 He t!rne- to his ,ife.
3M$'e this is messge &eft '$ tht se"on- g!nmn= Ho&- onto tht note= It m$ 'e
im#ortnt= I ,on-er if I "o!&- se&& the i-e to tht O&i(er Stone g!$...3
His ,ife st!"+ the note in her #!rse. too+ his rm n- the$ he-e- '"+ to,r-s the
Boo+ 6e#ositor$.

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