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An Annotated Bibliography in Pen Computing and Handwriting Character Recognition through 1990 services/biblio.html 70 captures
29 Feb 00 - 7 Dez 13





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1999 2000 2001

This is a preliminary posting of a bibliography on on-line character recognition (a.k.a. dynamic character recognition, a.k.a. pen computing) that I maintained through 1990/1991 while working in commercial development in pen computing. I am posting it on the WorldWide-Web in case it is of interest to anyone still in, or starting in the field. This compilation is copyright Jean Renard Ward, 1996. Permission is hereby given to cite or link to this list without restriction, provided that notice of this copyright is given, that the URL of this link be included, and also that you use my correct full name "Jean Renard Ward" in any such reference or link -- I've had to live a long time with this name, my parents picked it for me, and people getting it wrong is one of my pet peeves in life. I find the very early references to pen computing the most interesting: the earliest I have are two United States patents, in this list as [Goldberg14] and [Drew19]. Another interesting slant is all the claims of "near perfect" handwriting recognition algorithms in the earliest days of pen computing, such as [Simek67] and [Dimond57]. (And you believed Microsoft / Nestor / Apple / MicroPad / IBM / PenPoint / Rand Corporation / Linus / PenCept / CIC / Wacom / Slate / when they said that theyhad invented pen computing!) If you are currently in the pen-computing field technically, you might also find the early references to the "Viterbi" algorithm intersting. The informal annotations here were prepared while working on various papers: see [Ward88], for example. Thank you,

References through 1970 References through 1975 References through 1980 References through 1983 References through 1985 1/2


An Annotated Bibliography in Pen Computing and Handwriting Character Recognition through 1990

References through 1986 References through 1988 References through 1990 References not catalogued Here are some links to other on-line bibliographies and articles in this area:
Notes on the "unknown" history of Pen Computing (from a talk given to the Boston Computer Society in 1992) Schomaker's MIAMI group in the "Esprit" project includes a detailed taxonomy and another large set of references relating to pen computing. Andreas Hennig also has posted another bibliography relating to pen computing. Nottingham Trent University has a research group in this area. Gary Perlman set up an extensive on-line bibliography on human-computer interaction. Bill Buxton has been working on haptic user-interfaces at various institutions for a long time. The "Pen Report" has references to many of the commercial developments in one of the more recent pen-computing "crazes". It is listed as part of the AMUG Newton page, one of many usergroup pages on the Web. Search results from a computerized search of Computer Science Bibliographies can be found here. There are some original papers posted in odd places, such as this one by Scattolin Patrice.

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27.12.13 Annotated Bibliography in On-line Character Recognition and Pen Computing services/pens/biblio70.html 50 captures
17 Sep 00 - 29 Okt 13





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1999 2000 2001

The publication of this bibliography on the World-Wide-Web is a work in progress .... This compilation is copyright Jean Renard Ward, 1996, 1999.

[Alberga67] (*p) Alberga, C.N., "String similarity and misspellings", Communications of the A.C.M., Vol 10 No 5, May 1967, pp 302-313.
Context string correction, spelling correction: review of several algorithms, some of which turned out to be trash

[Anderson68] (*p) Anderson, Robert H., "Syntax-Directed Recognition of Hand-Printed Two-Dimensional Mathematics", in "Interactive Systems for Experimental Applied Mathematics", pp 436-459, Klever, M. and Reinfelds, J., editors, Academic Press, New York, 1968.
Refers to min/max extents, "typographical" centroid of characters User interface for mathematical symbol parsing, 2-D symbol parsing, sketch input

[Arkadev67] (*p) Arkadev, A.G. and Braverman, E.M., "Computers and Pattern Recognition", translated from Russian by W. Turski and J.D. Cowan, Thompson Book Company, Washington, D.C., 1967.
Papers on one character "invading the space" of another perceptrons

[Attneave54] Attneave, F., "Some informational aspects of visual perception", Psychology Review, Vol 61 No 3, 1954, pp 183-193.
Points of high curvature are dominant points in human pattern recognition

[Bakis68] (*p) Bakis, Raimo, Herbst, Noel M., and Nagy, George, "An Experimental Study of Machine Recognition of Hand-printed Numerals", IEEE Transactions on Systems Science and Cybernetics, Vol SSC-4 No 2, July 1968, pp 119-132.
Statistical adaptive classifier for handwriting: takes vectors of features, trains self to data base by finding best (lowest error confusion) weighting Data base collections: most are too small ("greenhouse data sets"), therefore low accuracy Formal training of user not acceptable for handwriting recognition 7000 and 30000 character collections from handwriting "back-room" forms not large enough Pre-processing of handwriting before recognition: scaling, shear normalization (tilt), Using too many feature measurements can lower performance, since the probability is higher that some features are of low effectiveness Gives actual/typical substitution errors from data collection on handwriting recognition

[Bernstein64] (*p) Bernstein, Morton I., "Computer recognition of on-line, hand-written 1/22

27.12.13 Annotated Bibliography in On-line Character Recognition and Pen Computing

characters", Memorandum RM-3753-ARPA, The RAND Corporation, Santa Monica, California 1964 .
Also position and size invariant (no punctuation): Mentions that he does nothing on stroke segmentation Eight-direction chain direction codes (rotationally invariant), with endpoints for rotationdependent added Features are eight-direction chain codes, quantized segment length, exhaustive table of types of sequences (like Penverter SME types?), followed by eight directions for end-point relative positions

[Bernstein67] Bernstein, M.I., "An On-Line System for Utilizing Hand-Printed Input Progress Report", System Development Corporation, Santa Monica, California, Report No NASA-CR-86108; TM/L/3052/001/00, 18 December 1967.
NTIS citation index Handwriting recognition user-interface

[Bernstein68a] *A Bernstein, M.I. and Howell, H.L, "Hand-Printed Input for On-Line Systems: Final Report for Phase I", System Development Corporation, TM(L)-3964/000/00, Santa Monica, California, April 1968. (abstract only)
Trainable recognition touch-display / electronic ink, by rear-projecting image onto digitizer tablet Suggests free-form (2-Dimensional) input, not text entry is most useful application Ellis69

[Bernstein68b] Bernstein, Morton I., and Howell, H.L., "Hand-Printed Input for On-Line Systems", System Development Corporation, TM-3937/000/00, Santa Monica, California, April 1968 (Abstract only).
Bernstein70 User interface: suggests handwriting best used for free-form/ two-dimensional input, not linear text

[Bernstein68c] Bernstein, Morton I. and Williams, T.G., "A two-dimensional programming system", IFIP Congress, Edinburgh, Scotland, August 5-10, 1968. pp C84-C89.
MillerGM69 on mathematical/flow-chart user interface parsing

[Bernstein68d] Bernstein, Morton I., "A Method for Recognition Handprinted Characters in Real Time", in Pattern Recognition, proceedings of IEEE Workshop on Pattern Recognition, L.N. Kanal, editor, Thompson Press, Washington, D.C., 1968, pp 109-113.
Smoothing, filtering, corner detection features, minima and maxima of character, types of component strokes (chain codes?) Handwriting tablet data rate: 2.5 msecs (400 points/sec.)

[Bernstein69] Bernstein, M.I., and Williams, T.G., " A Two-Dimensional Programming System", Proceedings 1968 IFIP Congress, North Holland Pub. Co, page 586, 1969. 2/22

27.12.13 Annotated Bibliography in On-line Character Recognition and Pen Computing

[Bernstein70] Bernstein, M.I., "Software for Interactive Graphics Input", in Computer Handling of Graphical Information, Richard D. Murray, Editros, 1970, SPSE press, pp 28-40.
Claims digitizing tablet invented by Dr. Herbert Teager of MIT around 1960, before Rand tablet Describes different tablet filter algorithms: square-window, diamond-window, circular-window, double-square, etc. Handwriting recognition with electronic ink on a RAND tablet/display combination, 1970.

[Blackwell67] Blackwell, F.W., "An On-Line Symbol Manipulation System", Proceedings of the 22nd National ACM Conference, Thompson Book Company, Washington, D.C., 1967, pp 203-209.

[Blackwell70] (*p) Blackwell, F.W. and Anderson, R.H., "An On-line Symbolic Mathematics System using Hand-Printed Two-Dimensional Notation", RAND Memorandum RM-6018-PR, 1970.
User-interface on handwriting and mathematics: parser, as well as recognition, can be extended by user (?) using Anderson68 Some user-interface questions on mathematics left open: how to show intermediate results; very large expressions

[Bledsoe59] Bledsoe, W.W. and Browning, J., "Pattern recognition and reading by machine", Proceedings of the East Joint Computer Conference, pp 225-232, December 1959.
Had spelling dictionary with probabilities of words

[Bledsoe66] Bledsoe, W.W. and Browning, J., "Pattern recognition and reading by machine", in Pattern Recognition, L. Uhr, editor, Wiley, New York, 1966, pp 301-306. [Bonner67] Bonner, R.E., United States Patent 3,344,399, "Segmentation Method and Apparatus", assigned to International Business Machines Corporation, New York, New York, September 26, 1967.
Uses eight-vector-direction chain codes

[BrownRM64] (*p) Brown, R.M., "Online Computer Recognition of Handprinted Characters", IEEE Transactions on Electronic Computers, Vol EC-13 No 12, December 1964, pp 750-752. alphanumeric and mathematic symbols, uses term "dynamic character recognition", stroke-direction recognition using zones [BrownCD70] (*p) Brown, Curtis Del, "A Real Time Handprinted Character Recognizer", M.S. Thesis, M.I.T, June, 1970 Mentions Graham as standard set of
handwriting styles (for Morse code) intended to avoid conflicts in form handwriting recognition using properties of curvature and chain codes reviews of Teiltelman "sequence" recognitizer, Groner at Rand corporation chain-code recognizer, Graham at Sylvania

[Calabi69] Calabi, L. and Hartnett, W.E., "A family of codes for the correction of 3/22

27.12.13 Annotated Bibliography in On-line Character Recognition and Pen Computing

substitution and synchronization errors, "IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, Vol IT-15 No 1, pp 102-106.
String correction, spelling correction distance

[Caldwell59] (*p) Caldwell, S.H., "The Sinotype - a machine for the composition of Chinese from a keyboard", Journal of the Franklin Institute, Vol 267 no 6, June 1959.
Crane77b cites this for Chinese Kanji input using one keyboard stroke per character stroke

[Casey66] Casey, R. and Nagy, G., "Recognition of printed Chinese characters", IEEE Transactions on Electronic Computers, Vol EC-15, February 1966, pp 91-101.

[ChengG68] Cheng, G. Ledley, R.S., Pollock, D. and Rosenfield, A., "Pictorial pattern recognition", Thompson Book Company, Washington D.C., 1968.

[Chodrow66] Chodrow, M.M., Bivona, W.A. and Walsh, G.M., "A Study of HandPrinted Character Recognition Techniques", Rome Air Development Center Technical Report No RADC-TR-65-444, February 1966.
Munson68 cites as showing handwriting recognition in 1965

[Clark70] Clark, D.W., Connell, David B., Dimeo, Michael P., Opitz, Bruck K., Sammon, John W. jr., and Sanders, Jon H., "Handprinted Character Recognition Techniques", NTIS Report AD 876 875, RADC Technical Report RADC-TR-70-206, October, 1970.
On-line handprinted/handwritten character recognition, constrained to Standard Character Format.

[Clemens65] Clemens, J.K., "Optical Character Recognition for Reading Machine Applications", Ph.D. thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1965.
Munson68 cites as showing handwriting recognition in 1965

[Clowes68] Clowes, M.B., "Transformational grammars and the organization of pictures", paper presented to the PISA Conference on Automatic Interpretation and Classification of Images, Pisa, Italy, August, 1968.

[Coleman67] Coleman, M.L., "Design for a text editor", Memo CCP 238, CarnegieMellon University, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, 1967.
Coleman69 user-interface on gestures / handwriting symbols

[Coleman69] Coleman, M.L., "Text editing on a graphic display device using handdrawn proofreader's symbols", from Pertinent Concepts in Computer Graphics: Proceedings of the 2nd University of Illinois Conference on Computer Graphics, Faiman, M. and Nievergelt, J., editors, University of Illinois Press, Urbana, Illinois, 4/22

27.12.13 Annotated Bibliography in On-line Character Recognition and Pen Computing

1969, pp 282-290. Also in M. Faiman and J. Nievergelt (Eds.), Pertinent Concepts in Computer Graphics
User interface: gesture/command symbols for proofreading/editing User-interface/gesture nine symbols for text: crossing out to erase, insert, transpose, move, remove spaces / close up, insert space, scroll up, scroll down, delete. Features for gestures / handwriting proofreading marks: closure, User -interface: text entry via voice, tolerate higher error rate on voice recognition if gestureeditor is convenient

[Damerau64] Damerau, F.J., "A technique for computer detection and correction of spelling errors", Communications of the A.C.M., Vol 7 No 3, March 1964, pp 171-176.
Context via a spelling dictionary

[Danna69] Danna, S.R., United States Patent 3,480,911, "Signature Identification Instrument", November 25, 1969, assigned to Conetta Manufacturing Co. Incorporated, Stamford, Connecticut.
Signature verification using force/pressure

[DavisMR64] Davis, M.R. and Ellis, T.O., "The RAND Tablet: A Man-Machine Graphical Communication Device", AFIPS Fall Joint Computer Conference #26, part 1, 1964, Spartan Books, Baltimore, Maryland, pp 325-331.
Early reference to RAND tablet: Gray code electronics User interface/ ergonomics: says separate tablet and display not a problem for user after a couple of minutes, even for signatures: even has advantage that hand does not obscure drawing User interface: earliest reference to electronic ink

[DayLF10] Day, L.F., "Alphabets Old and New", B.T. Batsford, Limited, London, 1910. [Deringer68] Deringer, D., "The Alphabet", Funk and Wagnalls, New York, 1968.
Background on historical variability of the written alphabet

[Deutsch67] Deutsch, P. and Lampson, B.W., "An Online Editor", Communications of the A.C.M., Vol 10 No 12, 1967, pp 793-799.
Coleman69 on gesture user-interface

[Devoe67] Devoe, D., "Alternatives to Handprinting in the Manual Entry of Data", IEEE Transactions on Human Factors in Electronics, Vol HFE-8 No 1, January 1967, pp 2132. [Devoe68] Devoe, Donald D., and Graham, Donald N., "Evaluation of Handprinted Character Recognition Techniques", Sylvania Electronics Systems Final Report No F6171-1; RADC-TR-68-103, May 1968 (Abstract only).
Goodale83 User interface for handwriting: visual feedback has no effect on writing style, but is essential for editing and correcting Handwriting recognition: user perception of adaptive versus constrained is about the same 5/22

27.12.13 Annotated Bibliography in On-line Character Recognition and Pen Computing

(adaptive itself is constraining?)

[Dewey23] Dewey, G., "Relative Frequency of English Speech Sounds", Harvard University Press, Cambridge Massachusetts, 1923.
on spelling/context correction

[Dimond57] Dimond, T.L., "Devices for reading handwritten characters", Proceedings of Eastern Joint Computer Conference, pp 232-237, December 1957. Stylator system
Early paper on handwriting character recognition: Stylator tablet

[Dimond58] Dimond, Tom .L., " Experimental device for reading handwritten numbers", Electronic Equipment, Vol 6 No 1, January 1958, pp 6-7. [Dimond63] Dimond, T.L., United States Patent 3,108,254, "Machine Reading of Handwritten Characters", October 22, 1963, assigned to Bell Telephone Laboratories, New York, New York.
Early patent on five-zone/sector recognition Constraints: user writes around two vertically-oriented dots

[Dixon65] Dixon, N.F., "Subliminal Perception: The Nature of a Controversy", McGrawHill, 1965.
Not sure on date: threshhold for recognition in humans will vary

[Doyle60] Doyle, W., "Recognition of sloppy, hand-printed characters", Proceedings of Western Joint Computer Conference, 1960, pp 133-142.
Genchi68 on early handwriting recognition

[Drew19] Drew, United States Patent 1,311,384, July 29, 1919.

on a handwriting terminal

[Dreyfuss59] Dreyfuss, H., "Anthropomorphic data - Adult Male seated at Console", publication source unknown.
Ergonomic figures for human reach, console/desk design

[Duda68] Duda, R.O. and Hart, P.E., "Experiments in the recognition of hand-printed text: part II -- context analysis", Proceedings of Fall Joint Computer Conference, 1968, Thompson Books, Washington, D.C., pp 1139-1149.
In Tappert's bibliography, FoleyJD82

[DunnRankin68] Dunn-Rankin, Peter, "The Similarity of Lower-Case Letters of the English Alphabet", Journal of Verbal Learning and Verbal Behavior, Vol 7, pp 990-995, 1968.
Human recognition performance on lower-case letters Critical features of letters

[Dydyk70] Dydyk, R.B., and Kalra, S.N., "Recognition of handprinting", Proceedings of 6/22

27.12.13 Annotated Bibliography in On-line Character Recognition and Pen Computing

2nd International Conference on Systems Science, January 1969, pp 333-336.

60% character recognition rate

[Earnest62] Earnest, L.D., "Machine recognition of cursive writing", in "Information Processing", C. Cherry, editor, Butterworths, London England, 1962, pp 462-466. [Eden61] Eden, Mark and Halle, M., "The characterization of cursive writing", Information Theory, C. Cherry, editor, Butterworth, London, 1961, pp 287-299.

[Eden62] Eden, Mark, "Handwriting and pattern recognition", IRE Transactions on Information Theory, Vol IT-8 No 2, pp 160-166, 1962.
Ehrich78 cites as saying: 33 basic stroke segments in cursive writing

[Eden64] Eden, Mark and Mermelstein, P., "Experiments on computer recognition of connected handwritten words", Information and Control, Vol 7., pp 255-270, 1964.
Yasuhara quotes his paper along with some Eden studies of cursive effects

[Eden68] Eden, Mark, "Other Pattern Recognition Problems and Some Generalizations", in "Recognizing Patterns", edited by Paul A. Kolers and Murray Eden, Massachusetts Institute of Technology Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts 1968, pp 196-225.
Any successful recognition machine will ultimately use principles derived from or relevant to the operation of living systems (implementation may differ) Predictive value of most theoretical models for character recognition is near zero Validation (testing) of theory has been very meager General theory of pattern recognition based on human recognition and processes, not statistical models Pragmatic pattern recognition (Murray Eden): depends on PURPOSE of classification Why statistical methods will not hack it Problems of sample bias and feature weighting in statistical/adaptive recognition

[EllisTO66] Ellis, T.O. and Sibley, W.L., "On the Development of Equitable Graphic I/O", The RAND Corporation, Report P-3415, Santa Monica, California, July 1966.
NTIS citation index User interface with handwriting

[EllisTO68a] Ellis, T.O., and Davis, M.R., United States Patent 3,399,401, "Digital computer and graphic input system", assigned to the United States of America, August 27, 1968.
Patent on putting a handwriting digitizer in front of a separate display in one system. Capacitive coupling digitizer tablet using wire grid Digitizing tablet with capacitively coupled stylus to X/Y grid, using Gray code encoding of position on on-line/dynamic handwriting recognition on annotation drawing/handwriting

[EllisTO68b] Ellis, T.O., and Sibley, W.L., "On the Problem of Directness in Computer 7/22

27.12.13 Annotated Bibliography in On-line Character Recognition and Pen Computing

Graphics", The RAND Corporation, Report P-3697, March 1968.


[EllisTO69a] Ellis, T.O., Heafner, J.F., and Sibley, W.L., "The GRAIL Project: An Experiment in Man-Machine Communications", The RAND Corporation, RM-5999ARPA, Santa Monica, California, September 1969.
Bernstein70 on user-interface for flow-chart symbols User-interface: un-highlight/dim commands not valid at the moment

[EllisTO69b] Ellis, T.O., Heafner, J.F., and Sibley, W.L., "The Grail Language and Operations", The RAND Corporation, RM-6001-ARPA, Santa Monica, California, September 1969.
Context sensitive (position) for manipulating on flowchart symbols vs. adding characters Handwriting user interface: multiple character erasure mark, caret gesture for insertion, writing on a "viewing window" Electronic ink user interface: has list of basic editing functions for handwriting (replacement, placement, insertion, deletion, erasure) Handwriting recognition for alphanumerics, flowchart parts, erase mark (zig-zag), special symbols Virtual buttons in a handwriting/sketch input user interface Mathematical expression, flow-chart, and text editing user interface with handwriting

[EllisTO69c] Ellis, T.O., Heafner, J.F., and Sibley, W.L., "The Grail System Implementation", The RAND Corporation, RM-6002-ARPA, Santa Monica, California, September 1969.
User interface for handwriting: display divided into different virtual areas Mathematical expression and text editing user interface with handwriting

[English67] English, W.K., Engelbart, D.C., and Berman, M.L., "Display Selection Techniques for Text Manipulation", Transactions of IEEE, Vol HFE-8, page 5-ff.
as the original "mouse", for a user-interface

[Feder65] Feder, J. and Freeman, H., "Segment fitting of curves in pattern analysis using chain correlation", NTIS report AD619525, March, 1965.
Davis,LS77 on segment fitting for shape recognition: feature is match along a segment

[Finger47] Finger, Frank W. and Spelt, David K., "The Illustration of the HorizontalVertical Illusion", Journal of Experimental Psychology, Vol 37, pp 243-250.
Cites earlier references for horizontal/vertical perception, back to 1912, 1893.

[Frank69] Frank, A.I., United States Patent 3,487,371, "Data Entry System", assigned to ScanData Corporation, Norristown, Pennsylvania, December 30, 1969.
Shows that final (throughput) error rate is 0%, if Patent on real-time display of DCR input (?) Real-time display makes DCR device self-teaching/adapting to train user immediate feedback 8/22

27.12.13 Annotated Bibliography in On-line Character Recognition and Pen Computing

[Freeman61] Freeman, H., "On the encoding of arbitrary geometric configurations", IRE Transactions on Electronic Computers, Vol EC-10, 1961, pp 260-268.
Segment matching, for recognition of figures by segments

[Freeman70] Freeman, H., "Boundary encoding and processing", in Picture Processing and Psychopictorics, B.S. Lipkin and A. Rosenfeld, editors, New York, Academic Press, 1970, pp 241-266.
Pavlidis80, Shu89

[Frishkopf61] Frishkopf, L.S. and Harmon, L.D., "Machine Reading of Cursive Script", Information Theory (symposium proceedings, London 1960). C. Cherry, Editor, Butterworth, London, 1961, pp 300-316.
Goodale83, Sayre73

[Frishkopf64] Frishkopf, L.S., United States Patent 3,133,266, "Automatic Recognition of Handwriting", assigned to Bell Telephone Laboratories, New York, New York, 1964.
Early script DCR recognition patent Script recognition on word basis, not letters, to get "context" X-ordinate is "general direction of writing" for script Cites disregard of position and size as a distinct advantage

[Funk70] Funk, H.L. and Kamble, S.F., United States Patent 3,500,323, "Handwritten Character Recognition Apparatus", March 10, 1970, assigned to IBM Corporation, Armonk, New York.
DCR with a mechanical pantograph tablet Six-zone/sector character recognition Cites real-time display for immediate feedback and correction

[Gaffney65] Gaffney, J.E. and Kusnick, A.A., United States Patent 3,199,078, "Character Identification Device", assigned to IBM Corporation, New York, New York.
Like BLRT chain codes without regard to position (!) for recognition Compare to SRI pen with BLRT chain codes "point touch" to indicate end-of-character for character segmentation (!)

[Garner54] Garner, W.R., "Context Effects and the Validity of Loudness Scales", Journal of Experimental Psychology, Vol 48 No 3, 1954, pp 218-224.
Background on context showing median and mean (goodness and reaction time) are same for judgments

[Genchi68] Genchi, Hiroshi, Mori, Ken-Ichi, Watanabe, Sadakazu, and Katsuragi, Sumio, "Recognition of Handwritten Numerical Characters for Automatic Letter Sorting", Proceedings of the IEEE, Vol 56 No 8, August 1968, pp 1292-1301.
Handwritten numeral recognition for postal codes: features are zones after height and width normalization (after segmentation): 95% correct per character, 0.1% wrong across three digits (similar to human) Gives frequency of writing variants / base forms / prototypes with and without model characters shown. 9/22

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Line-thinning, normalization of size: rejects touching characters Handwriting OCR: features are segment types, similar to chain codes, for scanned images

[Goldberg14] Goldberg, Hyman Eli, United States Patent 1,117,184, "Controller", November 17, 1914.
handwriting recognition Very early patent on handwriting recognition: conductive ink written on paper dots triggers adding certain weighted values for the dots Very early patent: happens to show constrained writing of numerals (around dot patterns), segmentation into what looks like chain codes

[Golshan70] Golshan, N. and Hsu, C.C., "A Recognition Algorithm for Handprinted Arabic Numerals", IEEE Transactions on Systems Science and Cybernetics, July 1970, pp 246-250.
Features are like seven-segment LCD display for numerics: 1970

[Graham70?] Graham, D.N., \"An Adaptive Character Recognition System\", Sylvania Applied Research Laboratory, Research Note Number 718
Cited in BrownCD70, simplified writing style for morse code training used

[Greanias63] Greanias, E., Meagher, P., Norman, R. and Essigner, P., "The recognition of handwritten numerals by contour analysis", IBM Journal of Research and Development, Vol 7 No 1, January 1963, pp 14-21.
O'Callaghan70, Groner66a

[Griffin67] Griffin, Eugene H. and Gunn, James W., United States Patent 3,305,832, "End of Character Detector", assigned to Sperry Rand Corporation, New York, New York, February 21, 1967.
on character segmentation on cursive script segmentation (Does OCR character segmentation) OCR scanning character segmentation (?)

[Groner66a] Groner, G.F., "Real-Time Recognition of Handprinted Memorandum RM-5016-ARPA, The Rand Corporation, October 1966.


Handwriting recognition on RAND tablet: curvature feature, corner detection, endpoints, height, width, center, aspect ratio, position relative to writing baseline (on screen) Segmentation in handwriting by X overlap, centers, spatial separation Performance: goes into details of 20 minutes user practice, information training: 82% to 92%, 81% to 93%, 90% to 96%, depending on user training/familiarity Shows actual confusion pairs: 7>, GC, 5S, +T, 0), 2Z, 1I, (-1CL, [-1CL, etc. User-interface for handwriting recognition/editing of FORTRAN coding forms Quick writing more distorted than usual training samples

[Groner66b] Groner, G.F., "Real-Time Recognition of Hand-printed Text", AFIPS Fall Joint Computer Conference #29, 1966, Spartan Books, Washington, D.C., pp 591601.
Mentions that subjective results of DCR are more important than statistics % correct 10/22

27.12.13 Annotated Bibliography in On-line Character Recognition and Pen Computing

[Groner67] Groner, G.F., Heafner, J.F., and Robinson, T.W., "On-line computer classification of handprinted Chinese characters as a translation aid", IEEE Transactions on Electronic Computers, Vol 16, December 1966/1967(?), pp 856-860.
Tappert's bibliography

[Groner68] Groner, G.F., "Real-Time Recognition of Handprinted Symbols", in Pattern Recognition, proceedings of IEEE Workshop on Pattern Recognition, L.N. Kanal, editor, Thompson Press, Washington, D.C., 1968, pp 103-108.
Description of GRAIL system (which see), user interface for handwriting recognition text input, erase gesture, special symbols

[GroverGF66] Grover, G.F., "Real-Time Recognition of Hand-Printed Text", Proceedings of the Fall Joint Computer Conference, 1966, p 591.
Bernstein70 on user-interface

[Hansell39] Hansell, United States Patent 2,143,875, January 17, 1939.

on a handwriting terminal

[Harmon62] Harmon, L.D. "Handwriting reader recognizes whole words", Electronics, Vol 35, August 1962, pp 29-31.
Tappert's bibliography on script handwriting recognition

[Harmon63] Harmon, L.D., United States Patent 3,111,646, "Method and Apparatus for Reading Cursive Script", November 19, 1963, assigned to Bell Telephone Laboratories, New York, New York.
Refers to same subject/inter-subject variation in writing/segmentation Patent on script recognition segmentation

[Harmon64a] Harmon, L.D., United States Patent 3,127,588, "Automatic Reading of Cursive Script", March 31, 1964, assigned to Bell Telephone Laboratories, New York, New York.
Word-at-a-time script recognition Patent on script recognition segmentation

[Harmon64b] Harmon, L.D., "Automatic reading of printing and script", presented to the American Association for the Advancement of Science, 29 December, 1964. [Harmon65] Harmon, L.D. and Sitar, E.J., United States Patent 3,188,609, "Method and apparatus for correcting errors in mutilated text", June, 1965.

[Helson65] Helson, H., "Adaptation Level Theory, an Experimental and Systematic Approach to Behavior", Harper and Row, New York, 1964.
User's perception changes to make data look "reasonable"

[Hilditch69] Hilditch, C.J., "Linear skeletons from square cupboards", Machine 11/22

27.12.13 Annotated Bibliography in On-line Character Recognition and Pen Computing

Intelligence, Vol 4, 1969, pp 403-420. [Hochberg53] Hochberg, J. and McAlister, E., "A quantitative approach to figural 'goodness'", Journal of Experimental Psychology, Vol 46, 1953, pp 361-364. [Hornbuckle67] Hornbuckle, G.D., "The Computer Graphics / User Interface", IEEE Transactions on Human Factors in Electronics, Vol HFE-8 No 1, March, 1967, pp 1722. [Hough62] Hough, P.V.C., United States Patent 3,069,654. [Hu62] Hu, M.K., "Visual Pattern Recognition by Moment Invariants", IRE Transactions on Information Theory, Vol IT-8, February 1962, pp 179-187.

[Hughes68] Hughes, G.F., "On the mean accuracy of statistical pattern recognizers", IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, Vol IT-14, 1968, pp 55-63.
Martin,GL90 on the accuracy of neural nets

[HuntWA37] Hunt, W.A. and Volkmann, J., "The Anchoring of an Affective Scale", American Journal of Psychology, Vol 49, 1937, pp 88-92.
As stimuli are varied as a group up or down a scale, human recognition boundaries shift to match Recognition variability in humans affected by grouping of stimuli

[HuntWA38] Hunt, W.A. and Flannery, J., "Variability in the Affective Judgement", American Journal of Psychology, Vol 51, 1938, pp 507-513.
Variability in the affective judgment (vs generative variability). Recognition variability in humans increases with more stimuli (noise?) due to decrease in separation/differences among samples Functional attributes experiments: response time in humans decreases parallel to "goodness" judgement (decrease in affective judgement variability)

[HuntWA41] Hunt, W.A., "Anchoring Effects in Judgement", American Journal of Psychology, Vol 54, 1941, pp 395-403.
Recognition variability in humans affected by grouping of stimuli Psychophysics of human recognition variability

[Irland64] Irland, E.A. and Morrison, C.G., United States Patent 3,142,039, "Real Time Reader for Hand-written Alpha Numeric Characters", assigned to Bell Telephone Laboratories, New York, New York.
Extension of Dimond63 patent for five-zone/sector recognition to letters Says "D" normally written clockwise, "O" counter-clockwise Constrained handwriting to write around two dots one above the other: no punctuation or lowercase recognition

[Ivaschentzo69] Ivaschentzo et al, "Inductive Transducers for Graphical Input Devices", 12/22

27.12.13 Annotated Bibliography in On-line Character Recognition and Pen Computing

Soviet Journal of Instrumentation and Control, August 1969, pp 22-25.

Old and obscure tablet digitizer technology reference

[Johnson56] Taylor, United States Patent 2,741,312, April 10, 1956.

on a handwriting terminal

[Kay69] Kay, A.C., "The Reactive Engine", Ph.D. Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1969.
on Dynabook

[Kinsler62] Kinsler, L.E. and Frey, A.R., "Fundamentals of Acoustics", 2nd Edition, page 503, John Wiley and Sons, Incorporated, New York, 1962.
Speed of sound in air changes 0.08% for 5 degrees C (sonic digitizer tablets)

[Knoll69] Knoll, A.L., "Experiments with characteristic loci for recognition of handprinted characters", IEEE Transactions on Computers, Vol 18, pp 366-372, 1969.
Choice of samples affects recognition performance results

[Krantz61] Krantz, D.L. and Campbell, D.T., "Separating Perceptual and Linguistic Effects in Context Shifts upon Absolute Judgement", Experimental Psychology, Vol 62 No 1, 1961, pp 35-42.
Human recognition variability: there are linguistic/semantic effects that change perception as well Human recognition variability: strongly affected by the most recent temporal stimuli

[Kucera67] Kucera, H. and Francis, W.N., "Computational analysis of present day American English", Brown University Press, Providence, Rhode Island, 1967.
as source of probability and statistics for context post-processing of English text

[Kuennapas66] (*p) Kuennapas, Teodor, " Visual Perception of Capital Letters: Multidimensional ratio scaling and multidimensional similarity", Scand. Journal of Psychology, Vol 7, 1966 pp 189-196
nine capital letters: I, J, L, F, E, U, O, S, A distinguished in human perceptual recognition by the characteristics of Rectangulairy, O/Roundness, and I Vertial Linearity

[Kuhl63] Kuhl, F., "Classification and Recognition of Hand-Printed Characters", IEEE International Convention Record, Part 4, 1963, pp 75-93.

[Levenshtein66] Levenshtein, A., "Binary codes capable of correcting deletions, insertions and reversals", Soviet Physics - Dolkady, Vol 10, 1966, pp 707-710.
Bozinovic82 about spelling correction context

[Licklider62] Licklider, J.C.R., and Clark, W.E., Communications", Proceedings of the SJCC, 1963, p 329.
Ellis69: Davis,MR64 cites for early handwriting user interface?




27.12.13 Annotated Bibliography in On-line Character Recognition and Pen Computing

[Lindgren65] Lindgren, N., "Machine recognition of human language: Part III--cursive script recognition", IEEE Spectrum, May 1965, pp 104-116.

[LiuJ69] Liu, J., "Read-Time Chinese Handwriting Recognition Machine", E.E. Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge Massachusetts, 1969.

[Long60] Long, E.R. and Henneman, R.H., "An Experimental Analysis of Set: Variables Influencing the Identification of Ambiguous, Visual Stimulus-Objects", American Journal of Psychology, Vol 73, 1960, pp 553-562.
Experiment on degraded/low-quality letter-patterns (dot-matrix characters): human recognition varies depending on what samples subjects were trained on Functional attributes experiments: tests of human character recognition using ambiguous stimuli

[Loomis60] (*p) Loomis, Herschel H. Jr., "Graphic Manipulation Techniques Using the Lincoln TX-2 Computer", Lincoln Laboratory, MIT, Cambridge Massachusetts Report 516-0017, November 11, 1960.
Davis,MR64 on handwriting user interface (?) User-interface (CAD) on TX-2 computer, using lightpen for sketching / drawing circuit diagrams: does not include character recognition, but suggests using character recognizer by H.P. Peterson

[Marill63] Marrill, T., Hartley, A.K., Evans, T.G., Bloom, B.H., Park, D.M., Hart, T.P., and Dorley, D.L., "CYCLOPS-1: A Second Generation Recognition System", AFIPS Conference Proceedings of the 1963 Fall Joint Computer Conference, Vol 24, pp 2733, 1963.
Rhyne86 gives this as a reference to an early digitizer tablet, like RAND tablet

[MartinWA67a] Martin, William Arthur, "Symbolic Mathematical Laboratory", Ph.D. Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts, Report No MAC-TR-36, January 1967.
Contains chapter on parsing two-dimensional mathematical expressions, perhaps with handwriting recognition input Points out that with handwriting user-interface, knowing when an input is complete is unclear (p 235)

[MartinWA67b] Martin, W.A., "A Fast Parsing Scheme for Hand-Printed Mathematical Expressions", Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Artificial Intelligence Project Memo No 145, Memorandum MAC-M-360, October 19, 1967.
User-interface for parsing mathematics: untested

[Masterson62] Masterson, J.L. and Hirsch, R.S., "Machine recognition of handwritten constrained Arabic numerals", IRE Transactions on Human Factors and Electronics, Vol 3, pp 62-65, September 1962.
99.79% character recognition rate 14/22

27.12.13 Annotated Bibliography in On-line Character Recognition and Pen Computing

[McElwain62] McElwain, C.K. and Evans, M.E., "The degarbler -- a program for correcting machine-read Morse code", Information and Control, Vol 5 No 4, December 1962, pp 368-384.
Peterson80: spelling dictionary

[Merryman70] (*p) Merryman, Coleman T. and Restle, Frank " Perceptual Displacement of a Test Mark Toward the Larger of Two Visual Objects", Journal of Experimental Psychology, 1970, Vol 84 No 2, pp 311-318 [Mermelstein64a] Mermelstein, P. and Eden, M., "A System for Automatic Recognition of Handwritten Words", AFIPS Conference Proceedings of the 1964 Fall Joint Computer Conference, Spartan Books, Vol 26, pp 333-342, 1964.
Rhyne86 cites this as early reference to a RAND-type tablet

[Mermelstein64b] Mermelstein, P. and Eden, M., "Experiments on computer recognition of connected handwritten words", Information and Control, Vol 7, 1964, pp 255-270.

[MillerGA51] Miller, G.A., Heise, G.A. and Lichten, W., "The intelligibility of speech as a function of the context of the test materials", Journal of Experimental Psychology, Vol 41, 1951, pp 329-335. [Mikes70] (*a) Mikes, George " The Land of the Rising Yen: Japan", Andre Deutsch, Publisher, Great Britain, 1970, Library of Congress Number 70-118214
Survey article of the quirks of Japanese Sillabic characters and language

[MillerGA56] (*p) Miller, G.A., "The Magical Number Seven, Plus or Minus Two: Some Limits on our Capacity for Processing Information", The Psychological Review, Vol 63 No 2, March 1956, pp 81-97.
Wonderful early article on human perception: distinctive features, context, limits of absolute judgements, combined features, multiple dimensions of features

[MillerGM69] (*p) Miller, G.M. "On-line recognition of hand-generated symbols", in Proceedings of Fall Joint Computer Conference, AFIPS, Vol 32, November 1969, pp 591-601.
Freeman code segments for handwriting recognition, 1969 Parsing strokes into segments, multiple-stroke characters: single-stroke characters a onestroke character can also be a component of a multiple-stroke character Stroke segmentation using enclosing rectangle, overlap User interface for two-dimensional form

[Minneman66] (*p) Minneman, Milton J., " Handwritten Character Recognition Employing Topology, Cross Correlation, and Decision Theory", IEE Trans. on Systems Science and Cybernetics, Vol SSC-2 No 2, December 1966, pp 86-96
Handprinting recongition off-line, OCR, claims 98.5% recognition accuracy, test data was 15/22

27.12.13 Annotated Bibliography in On-line Character Recognition and Pen Computing

writing samples of single-stroke digits

[Mori70] (*p) Mori, Ken-Ichi, Genchi, Hiroshi, Watanabe, Sadakazu, and Katsuragi, Sumio " Microprogram Controlled Pattern Processing in a Handwritten Mail ReaderSorter", Pattern Recognition, Pergamon Press, 1970, Vol 2 pp 175-185.
off-line handwriting recognition, digits only for postal/zip codes in Japan

[Munson68a] Munson, J.H., "Experiments in the recognition of hand-printed text: Part I---Character recognition", Proceedings of Fall Joint Computer Conference, Vol 33, Thompson Books, Washington, D.C., December 1968, pp 1125-1138.
Samples of Fortran characters on coding sheets, with extra constraints Forms data-entry: Fortran coding sheets

[Munson68b] (*p) Munson, John H., "The Recognition of Hand-printed Text", in Pattern Recognition, proceedings of IEEE Workshop on Pattern Recognition, L.N. Kanal, editor, Thompson Press, Washington, D.C., 1968, pp 115-140.
Cites handwriting recognition back to 1955. Handwriting recognition in context, FORTRAN coding sheets Features are concavities, contours, connected regions, spurs Says Clemens65 doesn't work

[Nagy68] (*p) Nagy, G., "State of the Art in Pattern Recognition", Proceedings of IEEE, Vol 56 No 5, May 1968, pp 836-862.
(hand-printed) data under actual working conditions likely to be much worse than test data

[Nagy68a] (*p) Nagy, G., " Classifcation Algorithms in Pattern Recognition", IEEE Transactions on Audio and Electroacoustics, Vol AU-16, No. 2, June 1968, pp 203-212
Comparison of different statistical algorithms, tested on a training set of OCR characters

[Nagy70] (*p) Nagy, G. and Tuong, N., "Normalization Techniques for Handprinted Numerals", CA.C.M., Vol 13 No 8, August 1970, pp 475-481.
Correction for optical distortion in OCR character scanning Rotational invariance loses distinction between 6 and 9 (critique of fully generalized pattern recognition?)

[Nassimbene65] Nassimbene, E.G., United States Patent 3,192,291, "Utensil for Writing and Simultaneously Recognizing the Written Symbols", assigned to IBM Corporation, New York, New York.
DCR recognition with a photo/optical/light-sensing tablet (!)

[Neill69] Neill, J., "Numeric script mail sorter", Proceedings of automatic pattern recognition, pp 49-65, May 1969.
85%-99.7% character recognition rate

[Neisser60] (*p) Neisser, Ulric and Weene, Paul, "A Note on Human Recognition of Hand-Printed Characters", Information and Control, Vol 3, pp 191-196, 1960.
Human recognition success rate is only 97% 16/22

27.12.13 Annotated Bibliography in On-line Character Recognition and Pen Computing

Study of human recognition testing using sign-in sheets (unconstrained characters) Gives human results for confusion-pairs in handwriting samples, "S-J" Has example of human difference between writer's intent and reader's perception for definition of correctness Strong recommended for any review of machine performance on handwritten chharacters

[NewmanEB52] Newman, E.B. and Gerstman, L.J., "A new method for analyzing printed English", Journal of Experimental Psychology, Vol 44, 1952, pp 114-125.
Suen79 on context statistics

[NewmanEB60] Newman, E.B. and Waugh, N.C., "The redundancy of texts in three languages", Information Control, Vol 3, 1960, pp 141-153.
Suen79 on context statistics

[NewmanWM68] (*p) Newman, W.M., "A Graphical Technique for Numerical Input", Computer Journal, Vol 11 No 1, May 1968, pp 63-71.
"Light Handle" user-interface recognizes clockwise/counter-clockwise spirals as "shaft turning" gestures to control numeric value

[Nugent66] Nugent, W.R. and Buckland, L.F., "Improved Text Editing using HandDrawn Commands and Data: A Technique for RAND tablet and CRT Display", Inforonics, Inc., First and Second Quarterly Progress Reports, Cambridge, Massachusetts, August-November 1966.
Bernstein70 on user interface for text editing with handwriting recognition

[Nugent67] Nugent, W.R. and Buckland, L.F., "MOSAIC - The Improved Editing of Scientific Text by Handdrawn Commands and Data: A Technique for RAND Tablet and CRT Display", Third Quarterly Report, Inforonics, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1967.
Coleman69 on gesture / handwriting user interface

[O'Callaghan68] O'Callaghan, J., "Pattern recognition using some principles of the organism - environment interaction", Ph.D. Thesis, A.N.U., Canberra, Australia, September 1968.
O'Callaghan70: early handwriting recognizer

[O'Callaghan70] (*p) O'Callaghan, J.F., "Problems in on-line character recognition", in "Picture Language Machines", S. Kaneff, editor, Academic Press, New York, 1970.
Broad review of thinking on handwriting recognition, 1970, discussion from a conference Contains long Q/A on O'Callaghan's handwriting recognition: segmentation, features, performance time, rotation/tilt: feature space (for binary comparison) is a broad hump, not a fine line. Mentions problem of mal-adaptation to bad data in trainable recognizer

[Orr68] Orr, N.W. and Hopkin, V.D., "The role of the touch display in air traffic control", The Controller, Vol 7, 1968, pp 7-9.
Beringer89 on electronic ink, integrated tablet/display 17/22

27.12.13 Annotated Bibliography in On-line Character Recognition and Pen Computing

[Patton69] Patton, Robert, "Graphic Data Tablets", The Electronic Engineer, November 1969, pp 50-5.
Cites Dr. Michael Pilla, Bell Labs Human Factors, on writing on separate tablet and display as not a problem.

[Postman45] Postman, Leo, and Miller, G.A, "Anchoring of Temporal Judgments", American Journal of Psychology, Vol 58, 1945, pp 43-53.
Absolute scale and absolute judgment doesn't exist: depends on context of human recognition / perception Cited on Kuklinski's Ph.D. thesis, how an anchor affects perception of graphical context

[Poulton65] Poulton, E.C., "Letter differentiation and rate of comprehension in reading", Journal of Applied Psychology, Vol 49, 1965, pp 358-362.
Suen86 cites as study of inherent (to humans) legibility of different writing styles

[Pratt42] Pratt, F., "Secret and Urgent", Blue Ribbon Books, Garden City, New York, 1942.
Fisher75: frequency of letters in English text

[Rankin65] Rankin, B. Kirk III, Sillars, Walter A., and Hsu, Robert W., "On the Pictorial Structure of Chinese Characters", National Bureau of Standards Technical Note 254, January 4, 1965. [Rankin67] Rankin, B. Kirk III, Siegel, Stephanie, McClelland, Ann, and Tan, James L., "A Grammar for Component Combination in Chinese Characters", National Bureau of Standards Technical Note 286, 1967. [Rankin70] Rankin, Kirk and Tan, James L., "Component Combination and FrameEmbedding in Chinese Character Grammars", National Bureau of Standards Technical Note 492, February 1970. [Rengger68] Rengger, R.E. and Parks, J.R., "A Survey of Handprinting", National Physical Laboratory, Ministry of Technology, Autonomics Division, March 1968.
Measure of skew angle from vertical of handprinted/handwritten characters Context: written "I" in middle of sentence usually done without serifs, but if alone, seriffed. Handwriting/handprinting: variability caused by incomplete closure, extra curves and crossovers, missaligned limbs Contains handwriting samples/data collection: 55 writers (hands) not enough to get all likely variability

[Robbins70] Robbins, M.F. and Beyer, J.D., "An Interactive Computer System Using Graphical Flowchart Input", Communications of the A.C.M., Vol 13 No 2, February 1970, pp 115-118.
User interface for flowchart definition using handwriting: no symbol recognition

[Roberts66] Roberts, L.G., "The Lincoln Wand", Fall Joint Computer Conference 1966, 18/22

27.12.13 Annotated Bibliography in On-line Character Recognition and Pen Computing

Spartan Books, Washington D.C., pp 223-228. [Sayre65] Sayre, Kenneth M., "Recognition: A Study in the Philosophy of Artificial Intelligence", Notre Dame, Indiana, University of Notre Dame Press, 1965.

[Shannon51] Shannon, C., "Prediction and entropy of printed English", Bell System Technical Journal, Vol 30, 1951, pp 50-64.
Suen79 on dictionary statistics

[Shaw70] Shaw, A.C., "Parsing of Graph-Representational Pictures", Journal of the A.C.M., Vol 17 No 3, July 1970, pp 453-481. [Simek67] (*p) Simek, J.G. and Tunis, C.J., "Hand-printing input device for computer systems", IEEE Spectrum, Vol 4, 1967, pp 72-81.
Claims handwriting is faster than typing (??) Reports over 98% accuracy with a specially-trained subject (the author)

[Sitar61] Sitar, E.J., "Machine recognition of cursive script: the use of context for error detection and correction", Bell Telephone Laboratories, Murray Hill, New Jersey, Memorandum for file, 12 September 1961. [SmithLB70] Smith, L.B., "A Survey of Interactive Graphical Systems Mathematics", Computer Surveys, Vol 2 No 4, December 1970, pp 261-297. for

[Spinrad65] Spinrad, R., "Machine recognition of hand-printing", Information and Control, Vol 8 No 2, 1965, pp 124-142.

[StevensME61] (*p) Stevens, M.E., "Automatic Character Recognition - A State-ofthe-Art Report", U.S. Department of Commerce, Washington, D.C., NBS Technical Note 112, May 1961.
hand-written numerals recognition using vector crossing technique : a standardized singlestroke numeric character style tables of frequency of occurence of upper-case and lower-case characters Very extensive bibliography as of 1961 Groner66a

[StevensSS58] (*p) Stevens, S.S. " Adaptation-level vs. the Relativity of Judgment", American Journal of Psychology, Vol LXXI No 4, December 1958. [Stotz63] Stotz, R., "Man-Machine Console Facilities for Computer-Aided Design", Proceedings of AFIPS 1963 Spring Joint Computer Conference.
Davis,MR64 on early handwriting user-interface?







27.12.13 Annotated Bibliography in On-line Character Recognition and Pen Computing

Communication System", Spring Joint Computer Conference 1963, Spartan Books, Baltimore, Maryland, pp 326-ff.
on stylus user-interface

[Sutherland66a] (*p) Sutherland, I.E., "Computer Inputs and Outputs", Scientific American, September 1966.
Overview article of Sutherland's "Sketchpad" system user-interface: describes the "interrupt" for I/O Describes Rand system, caret edit mark to edit handwritten text, graphical editing Refers to sketch-input for prettying up drawings (user interface) Refers Ellis66/Ellis69 user-interface for flowcharts and handwriting recognition (see "further reading" in issue?)

[Sutherland66b] Sutherland, I.E., "On-line Graphical Specification of Computer Procedures", MIT Lincoln Laboratories Technical Report 405, May 1966. [Taylor54] Taylor, United States Patent 2,672,605, March 16, 1954.
on a handwriting terminal

[Teitelman63] Teitelman, Warren, "New Methods for Real-Time Recognition of HandDrawn Characters", Report 1015, Bolt Beranek and Newman, Cambridge, Massachusetts, June 1963.

[Teitelman64] (*p) Teitelman, W., "Real-time recognition of hand-drawn characters", AFIPS Proceedings of Fall Joint Computer Conference, Vol 26, Spartan Books, Baltimore, Maryland, pp 559-575, October 1964.
Refers to putting constraints on recognition

[Teixeira68] Teixeira, J.K. and Sallen, R.P. "The Sylvania data tablet: a new approach to graphic data input", Proceedings of Spring Joint Computer Conference, pp 315-323, 1968.
Reference to early tablet, like RAND tablet, only transparent

[ThomasRB67] Thomas, R.B. and Kassler, M., "Character recognition in context", Information Control, Vol 10, pp 43-64, 1967.

[Tinker28] Tinker, M.A., "The relative legibility of the letters, the digits, and of certain mathematical signs", Journal of Generative Psychology, Vol 1, 1928, pp 472-494.
Engel73 cites this for early work on confusion/substitution errors in human recognition

[Tinker63] Tinker, M.A., "Legibility of print", Iowa, Iowa State University Press, 1963. [Tomita67] Tomita, Shingo, Noguchi, Shoichi, Oizumi, Juro, and Iwamoto, Kangi, "Recognition of Handwritten Katakana Characters", Electronics Communications of 20/22

27.12.13 Annotated Bibliography in On-line Character Recognition and Pen Computing

Japan, Vol 50, 1967, pp 174-183.

OCR of handwritten recognition, features are line segments, quantized direction (chain) codes, types of joins/intersections, connection matrices

[Uhr61] Uhr, L. and Vossler, C., "A pattern recognition system that generates, evaluates, and adjusts its own operators", Proceedings of World Joint Computer Conference, Vol 19, 1961, pp 555-570.
O'Callaghan70, adaptive recognition (neural nets?)

[VanderGon62] Van der Gon, J.J.D., et al, "A handwriting simulator", Physics of Medicine and Biology, Vol 6 No 3, January 1962, pp 407-414.
Ehrich78 on modelling handwriting motion

[Viterbi67] Viterbi, A.J., "Error bounds for convolutional codes and an asymptotically optimal decoding algorithm", IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, Vol IT-13, 1967, pp 260-269.
Cited everywhere for context correction

[Vossler64] Vossler, C.M. and Branston, N.M., "The use of context for correcting garbled English text", Proceedings of 19th ACM National Conference, Philadelphia, 1964, pp D2.4-1 to D2.4-13.

[Wever28] (*p) Wever, Ernest Glen and Zener, Karl Edward, " The Method of Absolute Judgment in Psychophysics", Psych Rev, Vol 35, 1928, pp 466-493
Differential sensitivity in judgements, rather than absolute

[WilliamsTG69] Williams, T.G., "On-Line Parsing of Hand-Printed Mathematical Expressions: Final Report for Phase II", NASA CR-1455, Washington, D.C., December 1969.
Bernstein70 on user interface for mathematical 2-D parsing

[WrightG52a] Wright, G.G.N., "The Writing of Arabic Numerals", Scottish Council for Research in Education Series No 33, pp 16-ff, University of London Press, London, 1952.
Segmentation and variation on the digit 2, similar to chain codes

[WrightG52] Wright, G.G.N., "The Writing of Arabic Numerals", Scottish Council for Research in Education Series No 33, University of London Press, London, 1952. [Zadeh65] Zadeh, L.A., "Fuzzy sets", Information and Control, Vol 8, 1965, pp 338353.
Biswas81 cites on fuzzy sets for recognition

[Zernike34] Zernick, F.,"(title)" Physica, Vol 1, 1934, p 689

on rotationally-invariant character recognition 21/22

27.12.13 Annotated Bibliography in On-line Character Recognition and Pen Computing

[Zobruk67] Zobruk, M.J. and Sze, T.W., "A method of recognition of hand drawn line patterns", Proceedings of 1st Princeton Conference on Information Sciences and Systems, 1967, pp 240-244. Main Reference Page


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[Abbs71] (*p) Abbs, J.H. and Sussman, H.M., "Neurophysiological Feature Detectors and Speech Perception: A Discussion of Theoretical Implications", Journal of Speech and Hearing Research, Vol 14, 1971, pp 23-36.
Cites that there are specific feature detection cells in human vision, and that there must be something similar for hearing: in any case, a good recognition system will be modelled on these feature extraction mechanisms Cites that vision has specific cells for horizontal and vertical lines

[Ahlgren71] Ahlgren, R.C., Ryan, H.F. and Swonger, C.W., "A character recognition application of an iterative procedure for feature selection", IEEE Transactions on Computers, Vol C-20, September 1971, pp 1067-1086.

[Aho75] Aho, A.V. and Corasick, M.J., "Efficient String Matching: An Aid to Bibliographic Search", Communications of A.C.M., Vol 18, pp 333-340, 1975.
String pattern matching

[Albano74] Albano, A., "Representation of digitized contours in terms of conic arcs and straight-line segments", Computer Graphics Image Processing, Vol 3, 1974, pp 23-33.
Constrained handwriting styles to make them readable by OCR

[ANSI72] (*p) ANSI, "Draft standard for ANSI74", with subset character sets [ANSI74] (*p) ANSI, "Character Set for Hand-Printing", American National Standards Institute, Incorporated, Standard X3.45, 1974.
Sketch recognition / world's first gesture recognition user-interface

[Applicon73] Applicon Incorporated, "Computerized Graphic Processing System: System User's Manual", Applicon Incorporated, September 1973. [ARRL73] ARRL, "Learning the International Morse Code", published by the American Radio Relay League, Newington, Connecticut, 1973. [Batchelor74] (*p) Batchelor, B.G., "Practical Approach to Pattern Classification", Plenum Press, London/New York, 1974. 1/20

27.12.13 Annotated Bibliography in On-line Character Recognition and Pen Computing

Contains examples of boundary theory decision surface diagrams, but doesn't discuss it that way Refers to human "teacher": perceptual/cognitive ambiguity about what is an "A" vs an "H" Decision surfaces in multi-dimensional feature analysis (pair-wise comparison?) Statistics: similarity, distance, and compactness of decision surface/classification Implies boundary theory vs category theory Accidentally shows European variants of hand-written "H" character

[BeckerPW72] Becker, Peter W. and Nielsen, K.A., "Pattern recognition using dynamic pictorial information", IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, July 1972, pp 434-437. [BeckerPW74] Becker, Peter W., "Recognition of Patterns Using the Frequencies of Occurrence of Binary Words", Springer Verlag, New York and Vienna, 2nd edition, 1974 (abstract only). [Bennet75] Bennet, J.R. and McDonald, J.S., "On the measurement of curvature in a quantized environment", IEEE Transactions on Computers, Vol C-24, 1975, pp 803820. [Bernstein71] Bernstein, Morton I., "Computer Input Output of Two-Dimensional Notations", Proceedings of Second Symposium on Symbolc and Algebraic Manipulation, Los Angeles, California, March 23-25, 1971.

[Bernstein75a] Bernstein, M.I., "Interactive Systems Research: Interim Report for the Period 16 September 1974 to 15 March, 1975", System Development Corporation, Santa Monica, California, Report No SDC-TM-5243/003/00, 15 May, 1975.
NTIS citation index Speech understanding system, describes acoustic-phonetic and lexical-mapping processes

[Bernstein75b] Bernstein, M.I., "Interactive Systems Research: Final Report to the Director, Advanced Research Projects Agency, for the Period 16 September 1974 to 15 September, 1975", System Development Corporation, Santa Monica, California, Report No SDC-TM-5243/004/00, 15 November, 1975.
NTIS citation index Speech understanding system, describes acoustic-phonetic and lexical-mapping processes

[Berthod74] (*p) Berthod, M. and Maroy, J.P., "Morphological Features and Sequential Information in Real-time", Proceedings of the 2nd International Joint Conference on Pattern Recognition, August 1974, pp 358-363.
Refers to Blesser, et al and functional attributes Mentions use of pressure (actually, force) and timing (!) in recognition

[Blesser72] (*p) Blesser, B., and Ozonoff, D., "A Model for the Radiologic Process", Radiology, Vol 103 No 3, pp 515-521, June, 1972. 2/20

27.12.13 Annotated Bibliography in On-line Character Recognition and Pen Computing

Barry's paper on perception in reading medical X-rays

[Blesser73a] (*p) Blesser, B., Shillman, R., Cox, C., Kuklinski, T., Ventura, J., and Eden, M., "Character Recognition Based on Phenomenological Attributes", Visible Language, Vol 7 No 3, 1983, pp 209-223.
Examples of attributes/features: functional closure, perceptual closure, physical closure

[Blesser73] Blesser, B., Shillman, R., Kuklinski, T., Cox, C., Eden, M. and Ventra, J., "A Theoretical Approach to Character Recognition Based on Phenomenological Attributes", Proceedings of the 1st International Joint Conference on Pattern Recognition, 1973, pp 33-40.
Published version of Shillman's Thesis

[Blesser74] Blesser, B., Shillman, R., Kuklinski, T., Cox, C., Eden, M., and Ventura, J., "A Theoretical Approach for Character Recognition Based on Phenomenological Attributes", International Journal of Man-Machine Studies, Vol 6, pp 701-714.
Character recognition based on ambiguously shaped characters or "difficult cases" of low quality Graphical context rules extracted via psychological experimentation Arguments for boundary-theory pair-wise comparison for recognition Contains chart of Shillman's ambiguously shaped characters

[Bouma71] Bouma, H., "Visual recognition of isolated lower case letters", Vision Research, Vol 11, 1971, pp 459-474.
Milloy78 cites this for confusion/substitution errors in human recognition for lower-case characters Bozinovic89 cites for human recognition by outline of word (as shown in WrightG52)

[Bremermann71] (*p) Bremermann, H.J., "What Mathematics Can and Cannot Do for Pattern Recognition", in "Zeichenerkennung durch biologische und technische Systeme", Proceedings of the 4th Congress of the Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer Kybernetik, Berlin, pp 31-44. Published by Springer-Verlag, New York, April 6-9, 1971.
Fundamental knowledge of the brain would greatly help on pattern recognition by machine Difficulties in pattern recognition are generally combinatorial Most theoretical papers on pattern recognition are quite worthless Problems like handwritten character recognition are not even well-defined Handwritten "A"s are not mathematically defined: just what people agree on Qualitative and formal-language "theorems" do not help solve pattern recognition problems Pattern recognition theorems (perceptron/neural-net) working without quantitative combinatorial analysis Adaptive systems may not converge on optimum performance: stick on local maxima Most papers give no reasons for choice of recognition features Most recognition systems fail on choice of features Features chosen must separate patterns in recognition Humans do not use mathematical features, like string probabilities Gives fundamental reasons why polynomial mathematical features will not work Cybernetic recognition (measure deformation from paradigm) vs fuzzy sets vs perceptrons, etc. 3/20

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Steepest descent, other gradient methods in statistical pattern recognition fail due to local minima Picture grammars (linguistic scene descriptions) useless if elements cannot be identified Creative imagination of researchers better than statistical recognition Examples of nature best design inspiration in recognition Many papers just an exercise in fashionable recognition techniques "mount Bayes is overpopulated" -- critique of statistical pattern recognition Feature extraction plays a role in visual cortex

[Bridle73] Bridle, J.S., "An efficient elastic-template method for detecting given words in running speech", British Acoustical Society Spring Meeting, April 1973, Chelsea College, London, Paper 73SHC3. [Burckhardt71] (*p) Burckhardt, Christof W., Levrat, Bernard, and Perrin, MarieChristine, "Character Recognition with Incremental Rate Encoding", Kybernetik, Vol 8 No 5, 1971, pp 204-206, Germany.
Handwriting recognition using acceleration chain codes as the feature (?)

[Caelli75] (*p) Caelli, Terrence M. and Finlay, David C., " Patter discrimination of Gaussian distributions of orientation and line length parameters", Perception and Psychophysics, 1975, Vol 16 No 3, pp 489-493 [Caskey72] (*p) Caskey, David L. and Coates, C.L., "Machine Recognition of Handprinted Characters", Electronics Research Center, University of Texas at Austin, Technical Report No 126, May 1, 1972.
Broad (1972) review of problems handwriting recognition must deal with: consistent performance (gross features only are used), etc. Has many pages of samples of the handwriting collection they used

[Caskey73] (*p) Caskey, D.L. and Coates, C.L. Jr, "Machine recognition of handprinted characters", Proceedings of the 1st International Joint Conference on Pattern Recognition, November 1973, pp 41-49.
Only write the ANSI standard characters: constraints

[Cataldo74] (*p) Cataldo, Massachusetts, 1974.






Many examples of calligraphy, hand-lettering, embellishments on basic hand-written letter forms, including stroke directions, hooks, etc.

[Chandrasekaran71] Chandrasekaran, B., "Independence of measurements and the mean recognition accuracy", IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, Vol IT-17, 1971, pp 452-456. Corrections in Vol IT-19, 1972.
Martin,GL90 on analysis of how well neural nets work

[ChangCY73] Chang, C.Y., "Dynamic programming as applied to feature subset selection in pattern recognition systems", IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and 4/20

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Cybernetics, Vol SMC-3, March 1973, pp 166-171. [Chow75] Chow, C., "Effect of Line Width on recognition of V's and Y's", S.B. Thesis, Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, August 1977, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts.
Massachusetts Institute of Technology undergrad Thesis on line width and functional attributes

[Context73] Context Corporation, "OCR in Word Processing - a guide for the word processing supervisor", 9 Ray Avenue, Burlington, Massachusetts 01803, 1973. [Cooper73] Cooper, Leon N., "A Possible Organization of Animal Memory and Learning", Collective Properties of Physical Systems, Nobel 24 (1973), pp 252-264. [Corballis75] Corballis, M.C. and Roldan, C.E., "Detection of symmetry as a function of angular orientation", Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, Vol 1, 1975, pp 221-230.
Angle (vertical vs horizontal) perception in humans?

[Cormack74] Cormack, Elizabeth O. and Robert H., "Stimulus configuration and line orientation in the horizontal-vertical illusion", Perception and Psychophysics, Vol 16 No 2, 1984, pp 208-212.
Context of adjacent lines in human perception of vertical and horizontal line length: human feature perception (many other references on this topic)

[Cox74] Cox, C., Blesser, B., Eden, M., "The Application of Type Font Analysis to Automatic Character Recognition", Proceedings of the 2nd International Joint Conference on Pattern Recognition, Lyngby, Denmark, Aug 13-15, 1974.
OCR: variability is two sources: type font, and scanner/ink effects OCR: most variability among characters describable in terms of stylistic consistency OCR: stated aim of pre-processing is to reduce variability recognizer must deal with OCR: adaptive recognition should analyze for stylistic consistency as a separate variable, and separate variability from recognition OCR: variability model is NOT same as picture grammar approach

[Crane75] Crane, H.D. and Savoie, R.E., United States Patent 3,930,229, "Handwriting System", December 30, 1975, assigned to Stanford Research Institute, Menlo Park, California.
SRI/Crane's accelerometer-pen character recognition Uses ULDR chain codes, similar to BLRT chain codes

[DayAM72] Day, A.M., Parks, J.R. and Pobgee, P.J., "On-line written input to computers", in "Machine Perception of Pictures and Patterns", The Institute of Physics, London, England, 1972, pp 233-240.
Claims 2% error rate (but 8.5% reject): feedback to users greatly improves handwriting recognition Handwriting recognition features are coding zones, sequence similar to chain codes, number 5/20

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and length of horizontal/vertical strokes Describes resistive-sheet digitizer tablet, one character big: user-interface for handwriting, onecharacter input

[Dertouzos71] Dertousoz, M.L., United States Patent 3,705,956, "Graphic Data Tablet", assigned to Computek, Incorporated, Cambridge, Massachusetts, December 12, 1972.
Early electromagnetic digitizer tablet patent, using Gray Code grid pattern encoding, using phase of induced voltage

[Duda72] Duda, R.O and Hart, P.E., "Use of the Hought transform to detect lines and curves in pictures", Graphics and Image Processing, Vol 15, pp 11-15, 1972.
for a statistical Bayesian classifier using binary features

[Ehrich75] Ehrich, Roger W. and Koehler, K.J., "Experiments in the Contextual Recognition of Cursive Script", IEEE Transactions on Computers, Vol C-24 No 2, February 1975, pp 182-194.
Contextual pre-processor for script using letter length, word context, stroke parsing: best character alternatives given to word-context recognizer (likelihood ratio) Due to scope of problem, one becomes mired in programming 1.3% error when training and test data were identical Word-wise recognition of hand-written script Refers to certain degenerated, trivial, toy recognition problems and their pointlessness Need for low-quality data in training a system Goshtasby88 cites for binary letter pairs (digrams) for spelling context, following by spelling dictionary look-up for what's left

[Elographics75] Hurst, G. and Colwell, W., United States Patent 3,911,215, "Discriminating Contact Sensor", October 7, 1975, assigned to Elographics, Incorporated, Oak Ridge, Tennessee. [Engel73] Engel, G.R., Dougherty, W.G., and Jones, G.B., "Correlation and Letter Recognition", Canadian Journal of Psychology, 1973, Vol 27 No 3, pp 317-326.
Mentions response bias in measuring human recognition errors Problems of matching recognition results of tests and predictions based on only one variable: human recognition is a correlation function of multiple variables Points out problems of weighting multiple variables/features

[Feng75] Feng, H.Y. and Pavlidis, T., "Decomposition of polygon into simpler components: Feature generation for syntactic pattern recognition", IEEE Transactions on Computers, Vol C-24, Jun 1975, pp 636-656.

[Fernald73] Fernald, Olaf H., United States Patent 3,761,877, "Optical graphic data tablet", September 25, 1973.
on annotation drawing/handwriting Optical digitizing tablet: stylus shines a light on a transparent glass plate, with a scanner 6/20

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[Fisher75] Fisher, Edward G., Riseman, Edward M., and Hanson, Allen R., "Feature Selection Using Non-redundant Thresholded Measures", preliminary manuscript, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, Massachusetts, 1975.
Pair-wise discrimination: guidelines for when to work harder on hard-to-separate classification pairs

[Fodor74] Fodor, J.A., Bever, T.G., and Garrett, M.F., "The Psychology of Language", McGraw-Hill, New York, 1974.
Adjustment of perception of stimulus to be what is "reasonable" We accept hypotheses about the identity of individual letters and words only if they yield a sensible interpretation of longer sequences like phrases and sentences

[FoleyD71] Foley, D., "The Probability of Error on the Design Set as a Function of the Sample Size and Feature Size", PhD dissertation, Syracuse University, June 1971.

[FoleyJD74] Foley, J.D. and Wallace, V.L. "The Art of Graphic Man-Machine Conversation", Proc. IEEE, April 1974, pp 462-471. [Forney73] Forney, G.E. Jr., "The Viterbi algorithm", Proceedings of the IEEE, Vol 61, 1973, pp 268-278. [Freedman74] Freedman, M.D., "Optical character recognition", IEEE Spectrum, Vol 11 No 3, March 1974, pp 44-52.

[Freeman74] Freeman, H. "Computer processing of line-drawing images", Computing Surveys, Vol 6, 1974, pp 57-97. [Fu74] Fu, K.S., "Syntactic Methods in Pattern Recognition", New York: Academic Press, 1974. [Fujisaki71] Fujisaki, H., Nagai, S. and Hidaka, N., "On-line recognition of hand-written numerals", Annual Report of the Engineering Research Institute, Faculty of Engineering, University of Tokyo, Japan, Vol 30, August 1971, pp 103-110.
Tappert's bibliography

[Goldstein74] Goldstein, Ira P., "Understanding Simple Picture Programs", Technical Report 294, Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1974.

[Goldstein75] Goldstein, Ira P., "Summary of MYCROFT: A System for Understanding Simple Picture Programs", Artificial Intelligence, Vol 6 No 3, 1975, pp 249-288. 7/20

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[Goodwin75] Goodwin, N.C., "Cursor Positioning on an Electronic Display Using Lightpen, Light-gun, or Keyboard for Three Basic Tasks", Human Factors, pp 289-295, Vol 17 No 3, 1975.
Study of positioning time with various cursor, pen, keyboard devices

[Granlund72] Granlund, G.H., "Fourier preprocessing for hand print character recognition", IEEE Transactions on Computers, Vol C-21, pp 195-201, 1972. [Granzotti73] Granzotti, A.N., United States Patent 3,758,717, "Free Hand Drawing Display System Utilizing Light Pen to Write and Erase Information", September 11, 1973, assigned to International Business Machines Corporation, Armonk, New York.
User-interface: Hardware patent on digitizer erasing on display with a light pen

[Grether73] Grether, C.B. and Stroh, R.W., "Subjective Evaluation of Differential Pulse-Code Modulation Using the Speech 'Goodness' Rating Scale", IEEE Transactions on Audio and Electroacoustics, Vol AU-21 No 3, June 1973, pp 179-184.
"goodness" scale for subjective evaluation of speech quality: relates to cognitive psychology experiments to extract functional attributes Method for subjective evaluation of cognitive/psychophysical perception/recognition, where theory is not adequately developed for quantitative prediction

[Gries71] Gries, D., "Compiler Construction for Digital Computers", Wiley & Sons, New York, 1971.
A standard reference on compiler /programming language design

[HallRE72] Hall, R.E. and Hulbert, L.N., United States Patent 3,676,848, "Machine Recognition of Symbols", July 11, 1972, assigned to Ferroxcube Corporation, Saugerties, New York.
Early patent on zone/region on-line character recognition

[Hanson73] Hanson, A.R. and Riseman, E.M., "System Design of an Integrated Pattern Recognition System", Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Pattern Recognition", Washington, D.C, October 30 - November 1, 1973 (abstract only). COINS Technical Report 73C-5, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, Massachusetts, June 1973.

[Hanson74] Hanson, A.R., Riseman, E.M., and Fisher, E., "Context in Word Recognition", COINS Technical Report 74C-6, August 1974.

[Harmon72] Harmon, L.D., "Automatic Recognition of Print and Script", Proceedings of the IEEE, Vol 60, 1972, pp 1165-1176. 8/20

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[Heinz72] Heinz, B., Paprottka, H., and Schulte-Derne, M., "Meine liebe Fibel: Schreiblehrgang", Verlag Ferdinand Kamp Bochum, 1972.
German/European writing style textbook

[Henckels71] Henckels, L.P., "A Parametric Method for Developing and Evaluating Hand-printed Character Recognition Algorithms", ScD Thesis, Department of Electrical Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, June 1971.
Massachusetts Institute of Technology Thesis on generating simulated/artificial variability in handwriting Find samples at the boundary of where recognition problems occur Says problems in recognition algorithms should be found systematically Says need 10,000 training samples to get feature space error down to 1% Says Neisser's figure for human recognition too poor for practical device(!) Says testing takes up most of the effort, but is treated too lightly Quotes "dominant factor factor in performance is care in printing"

[Henrichon75] Henrichon, E.G. and Bloom, H.J., United States Patent 3,930,231, "Method and System for Optical Character Recognition", December 30, 1975, assigned to Xicom Data Entry Corporation, Newton Upper Falls, Massachusetts.
Three methods of character recognition are matrix matching, Feature extraction, and curve tracing

[Herot74] Herot, Christopher F., "Using Context in Sketch Recognition", Master's Dissertation, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1974.

[Herrick74] Herrick, E.M., "A Taxonomy of Alphabets and Scripts", Visible Language, Vol VIII No 1, Winter 1974, pp 5-32. [HitachiI75] Hitachi, I., "Direct Input System for Handprinted Programs and Data", Central Research Laboratory of Hitachi, Ltd., Tokyo, Japan, 1975.

[Hlady75] Hlady, A.M., United States Patent 3,916,099, "Touch Sensitive Position Encoder using a Layered Sheet", October 28, 1975, assigned to Canadian Patent and Development Limited, Ottowa, Canada.
Digitizer using surface acoustic wave

[Holt74] Holt, Arthur W., "Algorithm for a Low Cost Hand Print Reader", Computer Design, February 1974, pp 85-89.
Simple OCR for handwriting recognition, using a single vertical line as a constraint, measuring closed/open loops and areas as features

[Hong74] Hong, J.P., "Pattern Recognition: Invariant Stochastic Feature Extraction and Statistical Classification", in JPL Space Programs Summary 37-58, Vol III, 1974. 9/20

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Features used by IBM OCR page reader Measurements on data (feature extraction) and classification algorithm closely tied to problem at hand

[Howells75] Howells, J.A., United States Patent 3,909,785, "Apparatus for Recognizing Hand Printed Characters", September 30, 1975, assigned to Amperex Electronics Corporation, Hicksville, New York.
Nine-zone/sector recognition

[Hussain72] Hussain, A.B.S., Toussaint, G.T., and Donaldson, R.W., "Results Obtained Using a Simple Character Recognition Procedure on Munson's Handprinted Data", IEEE Transactions on Computers, Vol 21, February 1972, pp 201-205.
Refers to Munson's data collection / test sample data base for handwriting.

[Iannou75] Iannou, J.T., United States Patent 3,873,770, "Digital Position Measurement System with Stylus Tilt Error Compensation", March 25, 1975, assigned to Bendix Corporation, Southfield, Michigan.
Tilt correction patent for tablet digitizer Tappert's patent list shows this as 3,875,770.

[IchikawaT74] Ichikawa, T. and Yoshida, Y., "Online Recognition of Handprinted Characters with Associative Read-Out of Patterns in Memory", Proceedings of 2nd International Joint Conference on Pattern Recognition, August, 1974, pp 206-207. [Iijima72] Iijima, Taizo and Mori, Kenichi, United States Patent 3,688,267, "Pattern Identification Systems Operating by the Multiple Similarity Method", assigned to Kogy Gijutsuin, a.i.a. "Agency of Industrial Science and Technology", and Tokyo Shibaura Electric Co., Limited, August 29, 1972.
From a old list of Polhemus patents Inner-product comparison (pixel map) OCR character recognition against standard reference patterns, RMS average of match scores compared to threshhold

[Iijima75] Iijima, Taizo and Mori, Kenichi, United States Patent 3,906,446, "Pattern Identification System", assigned to Taizo Iijima and Tokyo Shibaura Electric Co., Limited, Tokyo, Japan.
OCR of characters (handwritten?) using sums of squares of values for similarity: improvement over patent 3,688,267.

[IJCPR74] IJCPR Program, "Second International Joint Conference on Pattern Recognition", Lyngby, Denmark, August 1974. [Jans75] Jans, C.L., "An Investigation of U-V Discrimination", S.B. Thesis, Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, May 1975, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts.
U-V recognition: functional attributes Blesser's and Shillman's group at Massachusetts Institute of Technology 10/20

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[JohnsonS75] Johnson, S.C., "YACC: Yet Another Compiler Compiler", Computing Science Technical Report No 32, 1975, Bell Laboratories, Murray Hill NJ 07974.
UNIX documentation on YACC; regular-expression pattern matching

[JohnstonVS74] Johnston, V.S., and Chesney, G.L., "Electrophysiological Correlates of Meaning", Science, Vol 186, December 1974, pp 944-946.
Neuronal activity, evoked potentials in frontal lobe (but not visual cortex), matches human perception/recognition of recognizing ambiguous character shapes

[Julesz75] Julesz, B., "Experiments in the Visual Perception of Texture", Scientific American, April 1975, pp 34-43.
"It is well known from neuro-physiological studies that the visual" "systems of cats and monkeys incorporate cluster detectors in several" "stages of hierarchically increasing complexity, beginning at the retina" "of the eye and extending to the highest levels of the cerebral cortex." Why adaptive recognition is not human perception/cognition: multiple levels Perception (low-level, immediate) vs cognitive (high-level, takes time) Mentions cognitive/perceptual problem of reading alphabets

[Knowlton75a] Knowlton, K.C., "Virtual Pushbuttons as a Means of Person-Machine Interaction", Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Graphics, Pattern Recognition, and Data Structure, May 1975, pp 350-351. [Knowlton75b] Knowlton, K.C., United States Patent 3,879,722, "Interactive InputOutput Computer Terminal with Automatic Relabeling of Keyboard", assigned to Bell Laboratories, April 22, 1975.

[Kolers75] Kolers, Paul A. and Perkins, David N., "Spatial and Ordinal Components of Form Perception and Literacy", Cognitive Psychology, Vol 7, 1975, pp 228-267.
Graphical context on rotated text perception with human readers: relation to dyslexia.

[Korolev71] Korolev, E., "On automatic recognition of context", Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Linguistics, 1971.

[Krause73] Krause, P. and Bleichrodt, H., "Experiments on direct input and recognition of handwritten digits and handprinted letters with computers", Post Office Research Department, London, England, 9-16, March 1973.
97.1% character recognition rate

[Kuipers75] Kuipers, Jack, United States Patent 3,868,565 , "Object Tracking and Orientation Determination Means, System and Process", February 25, 1975.
Polhemus (?) patent on generating rotating fields to digitize position and angular position at same time (3-D tablet plus rotation, theta, phi, rho). (3,868,564 is a motor patent from the USSR) 11/20

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[Kuklinski73] (*p) Kuklinski, T., "Goodness-Time Experiments", internal report, Cognitive Information Processing Group, Research Laboratory of Electronics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139, May 18, 1973.
Cognitive experiments showing correlation between human rating of "goodness" of paired character shapes, and recognition time

[Kuklinski74] (*p) Kuklinski, T., draft manuscript, "Plasticity Effects in the Perception of Hand-printed Characters", Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts, February 20, 1974.
Graphical context affects perception of characters, not just semantic context

[Kuklinski75] Kuklinski, T., S.M. and E.E. Thesis, "Plasticity Effects in the Perception of Hand-printed Characters", Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1975.
Graphical context affects perception of characters, not just semantic context

[Labov72] Labov, W., "The Boundaries of Words and Their Meanings", Conference on New Ways to Analyzing Variation in English, Washington, D.C., October 28, 1972.
Variability/uncertainty a fundamental property of formal description Linguistics/perception/cognition as study of boundaries, not categories Justification of fundamental philosophy for our boundary-cognitive Analysis of functional attributes/features Feature analysis: not single property, but co-occurrence of large number of items

[LeeT75] Lee, T.K-Y., "The Phenomenon of Line Addition in Character Recognition", S.B. Thesis, Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts, May, 1975.
Y-V discrimination: functional attributes Barry's and Shillman's group at Massachusetts Institute of Technology

[Lesk75] Lesk, M.E., "Lex - A Lexical Analyzer Generator", Computing Science Technical Report No 39, 1975, Bell Laboratories, Murray Hill NJ 07974.
UNIX documentation on LEX: regular-expression pattern matching

[Lesser75] Lesser, Victor, Fennel, Richard, Erman, Lee and Reddy, Raj, "Organization of the Hearsay II Speech Understanding System", IEEE Transactions on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, Vol ASSP-23 No 1, pp 11-24, 1975.

[Lin74] (*p) Lin, W.C. and Scully, T.L., "Computer Identification of Constrained Handprinted Characters with a High Recognition Rate", IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Vol SMC-4, November 1974. [Manis71] Manis, M., "Context Effects in Communication -- Determinants of Verbal Output and Referential Decoding", in "Adaptation-Level Theory", New York: Academic 12/20

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Press, M.H. Appley, editor, 1971, pp 237-255.

Theory for perceptual interpretation, subjective impression for context Kuklinski has margin notes on psycho-physical (perception), judgmental, and linguistic context Refers to other work on semantic (language) context Page 239 - relates to inadvertent bias in testing recognition results, since judgment affected by the rest of the characters the subject looks at (or writes) Page 240 - Kuklinski's margin notes on all the forms of context bias

[MartinWA71] Martin, W.A., "Computer Input/Output of Mathematical Expressions", 2nd Symposium on Symbolic Algebraic Manipulation, A.C.M., March 23-25, 1971, Los Angeles, California, pp 78-ff.
for user-interface for mathematical input

[Meisel72] (*p) Meisel, W.S., "Computer-Oriented Approaches Recognition", Academic Press, New York/San Francisco/London, 1972.



Compares "abstract" issues of pattern recognition with heuristic/linguistic approach specific to problem area Feature selection by statistics "gives no insight into dependencies among features" Partial copy of paper on file Inter-set and intra-set feature distances an ill-defined concept "curse of dimensionality": how feature interact and overlap a hard problem Project features onto one dimension and you cannot tell how features inter-relate

[MillerLK72] (*p) Miller, Leon K., "Letter Recognition: Effects of interitem similarity and report requirements", Perception and Psychophysics, Vol 11 No 3, 1972, pp 252-256.
Human recognition/perception: human readers (non-Arabic, non-Hebrew, non-Chinese) perceive characters to the left of the fixation better than to the right

[MillerSW71] Miller, S.W., "Display Requirements for Future Man-Machine Systems", IEEE Transactions on Electronic Display, Vol ED-18 No 9, September 1971, pp 616-ff. [Moayer75] Moayer, B. and Fu, K.S., "A syntactic approach to fingerprint pattern recognition", Pattern Recognition, Vol 7, 1975, pp 1-23. [Narasimhan71] Narasimhan, R. and Reddy, V.S.N., "A Syntax-Aided Recognition Scheme for Handprinted English Letters", Pattern Recognition 3, pp 345-361, 1971.

[Naylor71] Naylor, W.C., "Some studies in the interactive design of character recognition systems", IEEE Transactions on Computing, Vol 20, September 1971, pp 1075-1086.
80.4% character recognition rate

[Negroponte73] Negroponte, N., "Recent Advances in Sketch Recognition", NCC 1973, AFIPS Press, pp 663-675. [Negroponte75] Negroponte, Nicholas, "Sketching: A Computational Paradigm for 13/20

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Personalized Searching", Working Paper, Architecture Machine Group, Department of Architecture, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1975.
Purcell77 Indexing by handwritten ink user-interface (?)

[Nemirovsky71] Nemirovsky, S.M., Sternberg, J., and Lieberman, G., United States Patent 3,618,019, "Signature Identification by Means of Pressure Patterns", November 2, 1971, assigned to Conversational Systems Corporation, New York, New York. [Neuhoff75] Neuhoff, D.L., "The Viterbi algorithm as an aid in text recognition", IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, Vol IT-21, 1975, pp 222-226. [NewmanWM73a] (*p) Newman, W.M. and Sproull, R.F., "The Ledeen Character Recognizer", in Principles of Interactive Computer Graphics, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1973, pp 575-582., Appendix VIII
The handwriting/gesture symbol recognition system used by Applicon: everyone used to copy it

[NewmanWM73b] Newman, W.M. and Sproull, R.F., "Principles of Interactive Computer Graphics", McGraw-Hill, New York, 1973. [OkaM74?] (*p) Oka, Masatomo and Yasuhara, Makoto, "Signature Verification Experiment Based on Nonlinear Time Alignment: A Feasibility Study", Research Manuscript, 1974 (date approximate), Nippon Electric Company, Tokyo Japan [Pavlidis74] Pavlidis, Theo and Horowitz, S.L., "Segmentation of Plane Curves", IEEE Transactions on Computers, Vol C-23 No 8, 1974, pp 860-870.
Best piece-wise fit of line segments to a polygon: split and merge segments to drive error below a threshhold Piece-wise line segment fit helps on feature extraction, data compaction, and noise filtering

[Pavlidis75] Pavlidis, Theo, and Ali, F., "Computer Recognition of Hand-written Numerals by Polygonal Approximations", IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Vol SMC-6, pp 610-614, 1975.
Chain codes - cite this one so Pavlidis gets his licks in

[Pobgee71] Pobgee, P.J. and Parks, J.R., "Applications of a Low Cost Graphical Input Tablet", IFIP 1971, North-Holland, Amsterdam, pp ??, (TA-4-169) [Powers73] Powers, V.Michael, "Pen Direction Sequences in Character Recognition", Pattern Recognition, Vol 5. pp 291-302, March 1973.
Describes character recognition based solely on chain codes / stroke direction

[Quarmby71] Quarmby, David J. and Rastall, John, "Experiments on Handwritten Numeral Classification", IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Vol SMC-1 No 4, October 1971, pp 331-338. 14/20

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Edge-defining algorithms for OCR of handprinting/handwriting, maximum likelihood statistical classifier

[Ramer72] Ramer, U., "An iterative procedure for the polygonal approximation of plane curves", Computer Graphics Image Processing, Vol 1, November, 1972, pp 244-256.

[Riseman71a] Riseman, E.M. and Ehrich, Roger W., "Experiments in the contextual recognition of cursive script", IEEE Transactions on Computers, Vol C-24, 1975, pp 182-194.
Goshtasby88 cites for binary letter pairs (digrams) for spelling context, following by spelling dictionary look-up for what's left

[Riseman71b] Riseman, E.M. and Ehrich, Roger W., "Contextual word recognition using binary digrams", IEEE Transactions on Computers, Vol C-20, April 1971, pp 397-403.
DosterW77 on a spelling dictionary: important point of diagram is only zero/non-zero value

[Riseman73a] Riseman, E.M. and Ehrich, Roger W., "Contextual word recognition using binary digrams", IEEE Transactions on Computers, Vol C-20, April 1971, pp 397-403.
Preliminary abstract of Fisher75

[Riseman73b] Riseman, E.M., Hanson, A.R. and Fisher, E.G., "Feature Selection Using Thresholded Measures", Proceedings of 1973 International Conference on Cybernetics and Society, Boston, Massachusetts, November 5-7, 1973. [Riseman74] Riseman, E.M., and Handson, A.R., "A contextual postprocessing system for error correction using binary N-grams", IEEE Transactions on Computers, Vol C23, 1974, pp 480-493.
DosterW77 on a spelling dictionary

[Rosenfeld71] Rosenfeld, A. and Thurston, M., "Edge and curve detection for digital scene analysis", IEEE Transactions on Computers, Vol C-20, May 1971, pp 562-569. [Rosenfeld72] Rosenfeld, A., Thurston, M., and Lee, Y.H. "Edge and curve detection: further experiments", IEEE Transactions on Computers, Vol C-21, July 1872, pp 677715. [Rosenfeld73] Rosenfeld, A. and Johnston, E., "Angle detection on digital curves", IEEE Transactions on Computers, Vol C-22, September 1973, pp 875-878. [Rosenfeld75] Rosenfeld, A. and Weszka, J.S., "An improved method of angle detection on digital curves", IEEE Transactions on Computers, Vol C-24, September 1975, pp 940-941. 15/20

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[RosenfieldJM73] Rosenfield, John M., Cranston, Fumiko E., and Cranston, Edwin A., "Japanese Language Calligraphy", in The Courtly Tradition in Japanese Art and Literature, Fogg Art Museum, Harvard University, 1973, pp 14-24.
Background history of Chinese/Japanese Kanji, Katakana, hiragana: educated Japanese cannot recognize Kana scripts

[Sayre73] (*p) Sayre, Kenneth M., "Machine Recognition of Handwritten Words: A Project Report", Pattern Recognition 5, pp 213-228, 1973.
79% handwriting recognition on 84 cursive script words (OCR) Does cursive script recognition as part of handwriting recognition (OCR) Statistical recognition (digrams) can make recognition worse: "fo" more frequent than "fa" in English, so ambiguous "far" would always be recognized wrong as "for" 90% per character gives 81% per pair, 72% per triplet, etc.: fix with context Used handwriting data samples from Bell Telephone Labs (OCR) Cites very early work by Harmon, internal Bell Telephone Labs reports

[Schlang74] (*p) Schlang, Arthur, United States Patent 3,784,982, "Electro-Optical Handwritten Character Reader", assigned to Isotec, Incorporated, Woodbury, New York, January 8, 1974.
on segmentation combined with character recognition OCR scanner for handwritten characters: hardware to detect inflection points, endpoints, substroke (horizontal and vertical segments) of strokes Describes two-level recognizer with (generic) first-level and detail-level feature analysis

[Shepard72] Shepard, Roger N., "Psychological Representation of Speech Sounds", in "Human Communication: A Unified View", Edward E. David, Jr. and Peter B. Denes, editors, McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1972, pp 67-ff.
Confusion data matrix on phoneme recognition/discrimination in speech recognition: degree of similarity, confusability, association, psychological "proximity": how to find out a distance metric for pattern recognition proximity analysis, signal-to-noise ratio in pattern space, multidimensional scaling

[Shillman74a] Shillman, R., Kuklinski, T.T., and Blesser, B.A., "Experimental Methodologies for Character Recognition Based on Phenomenological Attributes", Proceedings of the 2nd International Joint Conference on Pattern Recognition, Copenhagen, Denmark, August 13-15, 1974, pp 195-201. [Shillman74b] (*p) Shillman, R., Cox, C., Kuklinski, T., Ventura, J., Eden, M., and Blesser, B., "A Bibliography in Character Recognition: Techniques for Describing Characters", Visible Language, Vol VIII No 2, Spring 1974, pp 151-166.
General references on character recognition, especially cognitive psychology aspects Includes references on insight through study of character formation / generative variability Includes references on psychological descriptions of characters

[Shillman74c] Shillman, R.J., "Seeing is Deceiving: The Perceived Shortening of Thick Lines" unpublished manuscript, Cognitive Information Processing Group, Research 16/20

27.12.13 Annotated Bibliography in On-line Character Recognition and Pen Computing

Laboratory of Electronics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139, 1974. [Shillman74] Shillman, R., "Character Recognition Based on Phenomenological Attributes: Theory and Methods", PhD Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Department of Electrical Engineering, 1974.
Lists features that are not perceptually significant Shillman's Thesis: also published as Blesser73

[Simon72] Simon, J.C., Checroun, A. and Roch, C., "A Method of Comparing Two Patterns Independent of Possible Transformations and Small Distortions", Pattern Recognition, Vol 4, 1972, pp 73-81.
for template matching in feature space using minimum distance?

[Siy74] (*p) Siy, Pep, and Chen, C.S, " Fuzzy Logic for Handwritten Numeral Character Recognition", IEEE Trans. on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, November 1974, pp 570..575
Trainable system using subsets of curved line segments as the 'branch feature set'

[SmithEE74] (*p) Smith, E.E. and Spoehr, K.T., "The Perception of Printed English: a Theoretical Perspective", in "Human Information Processing", B.H. Kantowitz, editor, Lawrence Hillbaum Associates, Hillsdale NJ 1974, pp 231-275.
Template matching vs feature analysis is a continuum, not disjoint Cites several papers on low-level feature extraction in human perception Argument against dynamic matching: "theoretical and empirical reasons for feature extraction" Cites different recognition mechanism for handwritten and printed characters Cites no real consensus on actual features humans use in recognizing letters (which is why functional attribute tests tell you what features)

[Spanjersberg74] Spanjersberg, A.A., "Combinations of different systems for the recognition of Handwritten digits", Proceedings of the Second International Joint Conference on Pattern Recognition, August, 1974, pp 208-209.
97.8% character recognition rate

[Suen75] Suen, C.Y., "Handwriting Education - A Bibliography of Contemporary Publications", Visible Language, Vol IX No 2, Spring 1975, pp 145-158.
Refers to unpublished treatise on writing styles in North America

[Suenaga78] (*x) Suenaga, Yasuhito, " Automatic text editting using handwritten mark recognition", Proceedings of the 9th Conference on Image Science and Engineering, No 3-1, pp 63-66, Dec. 1978 (in japanese) Cited in Suenaga83 [Sutherland73] Sutherland, I.E., "Three-dimensional Data Proceedings of the IEEE, Vol 62 No 4, April 1974, pp 453-461. Input by Tablet",

[SutherlandNS73] (*p) Sutherland, N.S. " Object Recognition", Chapter 8 of "Handbook 17/20

27.12.13 Annotated Bibliography in On-line Character Recognition and Pen Computing

of Perception" Carterette and Firedman, ed., Academic Press, New York and London, 1983 [Szanser72] Szanser, A.J., "Elastic matching in automatic pattern recognition", in Machine Perception of Patterns and Pictures, Teddington, April 12-14, 1972, pp 328333.
DosterW77 on spelling dictionary

[Terai75] (*p) Terai, Hidekazu and Nakata, Kazuo, "Text Editing System using On-Line Real-Time Handwriting Character Recognition " Central Research Laboratory of Hitachi Ltd, Sept, 1975, Monograph, originally published as full paper for Journal of Information Procesing Society of Japan, Vol 15 No 6, June 1974
proof-reading symbol recognition, writing directly over the strokes of a character on a tablet character recognition input in a special area of the tablet

[Thompson75] Thompson, K. and Ritchie, D.M., "UNIX Programmer's Manual -- Sixth Edition", Bell Laboratories, Murray Hill, New Jersey, 1975.
General UNIX reference

[Tou72] Tou, Y.T. and Gonzales, G.C., "Recognition of Handwritten Characters by Topological Feature Extraction and Mulilevel Categorization", IEEE Transactions on Computers, Vol 21, pp 776-785, July 1972.

[Townsend71] Townsend, J.T., "Theoretical analysis of an alphabetic confusion matrix", Perception and Psychophysics, Vol 9, 1971, pp 40-50. [Ullman74] Ullman, J.R., "A use of continuity in character recognition", IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, 1974, pp 294-300.
Goshtasby88 cites on using edge directions for recognizing hand-printed character if the continuity information between characters is utilized (stroke hooks and continuation marks?)

[Waltz72] Waltz, D.L., "Generating Semantic Descriptions from Drawings of Scenes with Shadows", Ph.D. Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Department of Electrical Engineering, 1972.
Analysis of line-drawing images using combinatorial algorithms

[Weaver74] (*p) Weaver, Alfred C., "On-Line Character Recognition", Department of Computer Science, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Report No UIUCDCS-R74-660, August, 1974.
Thesis (?) on proposed low-cost handwriting recognition product? Voltage-gradient (resistive sheet) tablet Lists stroke directions for on-line characters

[Whetstone75] (*p) Whetsone, A. and Domyan, S., "Recognize hand-printed characters with a simple algorithm", Electronic Design, February 1, 1975. 18/20

27.12.13 Annotated Bibliography in On-line Character Recognition and Pen Computing

Summagraphics original design of tablet for character recognition, zone based, numerics of single-strokes and double-strokes

[Widrow73] Widrow, B., "The rubber mask technique, Parts I and II", Pattern Recognition, Volume 5, 1973, pp 175-211.
Burr81 cites for elastic matching on handwriting (?) recognition

[Winston72] Winston, P.H., "The Massachusetts Institute of Technology Robot", in "Machine Intelligence 7", edited by B. Meltzer and D. Michie, pp 431-463, Edinburgh University Press, Edinburgh, Scotland, 1982. [Woods73] (*p) Woods, Donald R. and Lyon, James M. "The INTERCAL Programming Language Reference Manual ", privately published technical report, 1973
The world's most bizarre, yet clearly defined, programming language (Geek humor)

[Xebec74] Xebec Systems, Incorporated, "Pattern recognition allows use of handwritten characters in data-entry system", IEEE Spectrum, new product section, Alphabec-70 handwriting recognizer, 566 Xavier Avenue, Sunnyvale, California 94086, October 1974, p 98.
Product announcement on SRI/Xebec handwriting character recognition using accelerometer pen stylus

[YamamotoS74] (*p) Yamamoto, Shinji and Nakata, Kazuo, United States Patent 3,829,831, "Pattern Recognizing System", August 13, 1974, assigned to Hitachi Limited.
32x32 and 8x8 pixel bit-map character recognizer for OCR of Chinese

[Yasuhara75] Yasuhara, M., "Experimental Studies of Handwriting Process", Report of the Research Laboratory of Communication Science, University of ElectroCommunications, Japan, Vol 25-2, (Science and Technology section), pp 233-254, March 1975.
Mathematical model for pen dynamics in script, but not print or stroke connection

[Yhap75] Yhap, E.F., "Keyboard Method for Composing Chinese Characters", IBM Journal of Research and Development, Vol 19 No 1, May 1975, pp 60-70. [Zadeh73] Zadeh, L.A., "Outline of a new approach to analysis of complex systems and decision processes", IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Vol SMC-3, pp 24-44, 1973.
Biswas81 cites on fuzzy sets for recognition

[Zadeh75a] Zadeh, L.A., Fu, K.S., Tanaka, K., and Shimura, M., "Fuzzy Sets and Their Application to Cognitive and Decision Process", London: Academic Press, 1975.
Biswas81 cites on fuzzy sets for recognition

[Zadeh75b] Zadeh, L.A., "The concept of a linguistic variable and its application to 19/20

27.12.13 Annotated Bibliography in On-line Character Recognition and Pen Computing

approximate reasoning -- I", Information Science, Vol 8 pp 199-249, 1975.

Tanaka82 on fuzzy sets

[Zahn74] Zahn, C., "An Algorithm for Noisy Template Matching", Proceedings of IFIP 74, 1974, pp 727-732. [ZimmermanR72] (*p) Zimmermann, R., " Dynamic description of character drawing and its use for on-line recognition of handwritten characters", (Dynamische Beschreibung von Zeichenschreibweise und ihre Ausnutzung zur Erkennung von Handschrifzeichen) (in German), Nachrichtentechnische Zeitschrift, Vol 20 No 12, December 1972, pp 542-544 zone and chain-code recognition based on Doctoral thesis,
T.U. Aachen 1972 describes use of direction information in recognition, light pen on display

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[Agui79a] (*p) Agui, Takeshi and Nagahashi, Hiroshi, "A Description Method of Handprinted Chinese Characters", IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, Vol PAMI-1 No 1, January 1979.
Chinese handwriting recognition: features are concatenate, crossing, near, relative location among partial patterns.

[Agui79b] (*p) Agui, Takeshi and Nagahashi, Hiroshi, "A Coding Method of Chinese Characters", IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, Vol PAMI-1 No 4, October, 1979.
Chain codes, production rules, block codes, to encode Chinese characters as chain-code strings for comparison

[Aho77] Aho, A.V. and Ullman, J.D., "Principles of Compiler Design", Addison-Wesley, Reading, Massachusetts 1977.
Compiler/programming language design

[Aldefeld80] *A Aldefeld, B., Levinson, S.E., and Szymanski, "A minimum-distance search technique and its application to automatic directory assistance", Bell Systems Technical Journal, Vol 59 No 8, pp 1343-1356, October 1980.
: best method of organizing spelling dictionary for context in character recognition (actual paper uses spoken spelled speech recognition of letters) Context raises 80% on letters to 98.6% on names, 71% to 97.2% on 18000 name entries

[Ali77] Ali, F. and Pavlidis, T., "Syntactic recognition of handwritten numerals", IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Vol SMC-7, 1977, pp 537-541. [Anderson76] *A Anderson, Robert H., "Intelligent Terminals: A Potential Solution to Complexity in User-Network Interfaces", Proceedings of ASIS Annual Meeting, San Francisco, California, October 4-9, 1976.
NTIS citation index

[Apsey78] (*p) Apsey, R., "Human Factors of Constrained Hand-print for OCR", IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Vol SMC-8 No 4, pp 292-296, April 1978.
Constraints on handwriting using various "pre-printing" guides: dots, boxes, shapes, lines 1/28

27.12.13 Annotated Bibliography in On-line Character Recognition and Pen Computing

[Arakawa78] (*p) Arakawa, K., Odata, K., and Masuda, T., "On-line recognition of hand-written characters -- Alphanumeric, hiragana, katakana, kanji", Proc. 4th IJCPR, Kyoto, Japan, November 7-10, 1978, pp 810-812. Published later as (Arakawa82) [Arazi78] (*p) Arazi, B. "Handwriting Identification by Means of Run-Length Measurements", IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Vol SMC-7 No 12, pp 878-ff, December 1977
off-line signature verification, study of vertical-line vs. horizontal-line run-length to do signature verification

[Armstrong79] (*p) Armstrong, William W. and Gecsei, Jan, " Adaptation Algorithms for Binary Tree Networks", IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Vol SMC-9 No 5, May 1979, pp 276-ff.
adaptive tree networks, heuristic responsibility, with specialized sub-trees

[Babcock77] (*p) Babcock, R.T., "Simulation Method of Feature Selection for Unconstrained Hand-printed Characters", M.S. Thesis, Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, June 1977, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts.
2-Z recognition: Blesser's and Shillman's group at Massachusetts Institute of Technology

[BakerJ80] (*p) Baker, Janet MacIver, Dialog Systems Inc. " Brief Status Summary for Automatic Speech Recognition at the start of the 80's ", SAE Technical Paper Series 800195, Soc. of Automotive Engineers, 400 Commonwealth Drive, Warrendale, Pennsylvania 15096 [Baecker79a] (*p) Baecker, Ronald, Buxton, William, and Reeves, William " Towards Facilitating Graphical Interation: Some Examples from Computer-Aided Musical Composition", Proc. of 6th Man-computer Communications Conference, Ottawa CA, May 29-30, 1979 [Baecker79b] (*p) Baecker, Ronald, "Digital Video Display System and Dynamic Graphics", Computer Graphics, Vol 13 No 2, August 1979 [Baecker80a] (*p) Baecker, R., "Towards an Effective Characterization of Graphical Interaction", in Methodology of Interaction, Guedj et al, editors, North-Holland Publishing Company, 1980, pp 127-ff.
User-interface: best user interface is device dependent, not device independent Broad list of abstract qualities (type of feedback, etc.) of good user interfaces Gesture-recognition for musical scores input

[Baecker80b] (*p) Baecker, Ronald, "Human-computer interactive systems: A State-ofthe-art review", in Processing of Visible Language 2, Kolers, Paul A., Wrolstad, Merald E., and Bouma, Herman, editors, Plenum Press, New York and London, 1980, pp 423443.
User-interface review: trainable handwriting character recognizers: recognizer must be accurate 2/28

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and rapid Gesture-recognition for musical scores input

[Barnard76] (*p) Barnard, P. and Wright, P., "The Effects of Spaced Character Formats on the Production and Legibility of Handwritten Names", Ergonomics, Vol 19 No 1, Jan 1976, pp 81-92.
(re box-less) wider character spacing makes stuff less readable Boxed input should match normal writing size (handwriting constraints)

[Barrow77] Barrow, H.G., Tenenbaum, J.M., Bolles, R.C., and Wolf, H.C., "Parametric correspondence and chamfer matching: Two new techniques for image processing", Proceedings of 5th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, August 1977, pp 659-663.

[Bartram78] Bartram, D.J., "Post-iconic visual storage: Chunking in the reproduction of briefly displayed visual patterns", Cognitive Psychology, Vol 10, 1978, pp 324-355.
Is this where Buxton got his "chunking" ideas?

[BeckerP77] *A Becker, Peter W., "Recognition of Patterns Using the Frequiencies of Occurrence of Binary Words", Springer Verlag, Wien and New York, second revised edition
first edition 1968, previously doctoral thesis

[Bernstein76] Bernstein, M.I., "Interactive Systems Research: Interim Report to the Director, Advanced Research Projects Agency, for the Period 16 September 1975 to 15 March", 1976, System Development Corporation, Santa Monica, California, Report No SDC-TM-5243/005/00, 15 April 1976.
NTIS citation index Speech understanding system

[Berthod79] (*p) Berthod, M. and Maroy, J.P., "Learning in Syntactic Recognition of Symbols Drawn on a Graphic Tablet", Computer Graphics and Image Processing, Vol 9, 1979, pp 166-182.
The main problem in handwriting recognition is wide range of variability Big practical problem of on-line character recognition (vs OCR) is large deformations in handwriting Statistical approaches: complex classifying scheme and meaningless features Problem of statistical recognition is features do not correspond to any visual entity Says on-line recognition should allow added new symbols (writable icons for commands) (?) Character recognition needs techniques adapted to characters, not perception of drawings in general Character recognition should use human-meaningful concepts "chain codes" of straight line, plus/minus curve, pen-lift, cusp Two-level chain code, decision tree like our BLRTs, nodes (but adaptive?) Gives a grammar of permissible sequences for a sort of chain code 3/28

27.12.13 Annotated Bibliography in On-line Character Recognition and Pen Computing

[Berthod80] Berthod, M. and Ahyan, S., "On line cursive script recognition: A structural approach with learning", Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Pattern Recognition, Miami Beach, Florida, December, 1980, pp 723-725.
Bozinovic89 cites this as doing adaptive/training handwriting recognition, but with syntax of letter formation and writing dynamics for strokes

[Bezdek77] Bezdek, J.C. and Castelaz, P., "Prototype classification and feature selection with fuzzy sets", IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Vol SMC-7 No 2, 1977, pp 87-92.

[Bjorklund77] Bjorklund, C.M., "Syntactic analysis and description of stroke-based shapes", Proceedings of IEEE Pattern Recognition and Image Processing Conference, Troy, New York, June 6-8, 1977, pp 198-202. [Blesser76] (*p) Blesser, B., Kuklinski, T.T., and Shillman, R.J., "Empirical Tests for Feature Selection Based on a Psychological Theory of Character Recognition", Pattern Recognition, Vol 8, pp 77-85, 1976.
How we pick functional attributes

[Boldridge77] Boldridge, A.G. and Freund, R.W., United States Patent 4,035,768, "Personal Identification Apparatus", assigned to Veripen Incorporated, New York, New York, July 12, 1977.
Signature verification using pressure (actually, tip force)

[Bolt80] (*p) Bolt, R.A., "'Put-That-There': Voice and Gesture at the Graphics Interface", SIGGRAPH '80 Proceedings, published as Computer Graphics, Vol 14 No 3, July 1980, pp 262-270.
User interface combining pointing and voice recognition

[Bouchard80] Bouchard, D.C. and Toussaint, G.T., "Heuristic search methods for efficient use of dictionary information in text recognition", School of Computer Science, McGill University, Technical Report SOCS 80.5, May, 1980.

[Bresenham77] (*p) Bresenham, J.E., "A Linear Algorithm for Incremental Digital Display of Circular Arcs", Communications of the A.C.M., Vol 20 No 2, February 1977, pp 100-106.
Circle-drawing algorithm on bit-mapped displays: cites algorithms for other curves

[Bridle79] Bridle, J.S. and Brown, M.D., "Connected word recognition using whole word templates", Proceedings of the Institute for Acoustics, 1979, pp 25-28. [Briem79] (*p) Briem, G.S.E., "Wanted: Handwriting That Fits Modern Pens", Visible Language, Vol XIII No 1, 1979, pp 50-62.
Background on handwriting variability effects from stylus design 4/28

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[BrownMK80a] Brown, M.K and Rabiner, Lawrence R., "An Adaptive, ordered, graph search technique for dynamic time warping for isolated word recognition", IEEE Transactions on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, Vol 30, 1982, pp 535-544. [BrownMK80] (*p) Brown, M.K. and Ganapathy, S., "Cursive Script Recognition", 5th International Conference on Character Recognition, 1980, pp 47-51.
Has a data-base intentionally with lots of variability

[Burke76] (*p) Burke, Barbara "Reading Writing", M.I.T. Reports on Research, Vol 4 No 3, November 1976
Report on work of Shillman, Blesser, and Kuklinski

[Burr79] Burr, D.J., "A technique for comparing curves", Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Pattern Recognition and Image Processing, Chicago, 1979, IEEE New York, pp 271-277. [Buxton79] Buxton, W. Sniderman, R. Reeves, W, Patel, S.., and Baecker, R., "The evolution of the SSP score editing tools", Computer Music Journal, Vol 3, 1979, pp 1425.
music-editing notation, single-stroke Canadian equivalent of ANSI74 hand-print standard to constrain handwriting for OCR

[Canada78] CSA, "Numeric Character Set for Hand-printing", Canadian Standards Association, Standard Z243.34.1-M1978, February 1978. [Carau78] (*p) Carau, F.P., "Easy-to-use, High-Resolution Digitizer Increases Operator Efficiency", Hewlett-Packard Journal, December 1978, pp 2-13.
Digitizer measuring X and Y sequentially in time causes line to bow

[Carvey76] Carvey, P.C., United States Patent 3,975,592, "Electrographic System", assigned to Applicon, Incorporated, Burlington, Massachusetts, August 17, 1976.
Digitizer using coarse, then fine scanning

[Cederberg78] Cederberg, R.L.T., "An iterative algorithm for angle detection on digital curves", Proceedings of 4th International Joint Conference on Pattern Recognition, Kyoto, Japan, Movember 7-10, 1978, pp 576-578. [ChangP76] (*p) Chang, P., "Efficient Keyboard Layouts for Inputting Chinese Characters", B.S. Thesis, Department of Electrical Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts May 1976.
117 confusions/ambiguous character in 10000 defined Chinese/Kanji even if every basic stroke has a unique keyboard stroke

[ChangS77] (*p) Chang, S. and Nagy, G., "Deposit-Slip-First Check Reading", IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, January 1977, pp 64-68.
Operations in OCR: bank can control deposit slip format, but not checks 5/28

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[Chao77] (*p) Chao, Yao-ming, " Recognition of handwriting Chinese Characters", 6.362 Student Paper, M.I.T., Fall 1977
direction codes / chain-codes, Chinese characters

[Chen77] (*p) Chen, C.H., "Statistical Pattern Recognition - Review and Outlook", Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Review, Vol 6 No 4, August, 1977, pp 7-8.
Feature extraction remains key problem in pattern recognition: features must be based on problem at hand Context aids statistical pattern recognition

[Chinnuswamy80] Chinnuswamy, P., "Recognition of handprinted Tamil characters", Pattern Recognition, Vol 12, 1980, pp 141-152.
Loy82 on Indian handwriting script (Tamil)

[Coffin78] Coffin, S., "Spatial frequency analysis of block letters does not predict experimental confusions", Perception and Psychophysics, Vol 23 No 1, 1978, pp 6974.
Human recognition of letters uses features, not mathematics: Fourier spatial frequency Refers to edge and line detection/recognition in human vision, then Position as something different from low-level features Criticizes studies of human recognition that had visual distraction

[Cooper76] Cooper, Leon N., and Elbaum, Charles, United States Patent 3,950,733, "Information Processing System", assigned to Nestor Associates, New York, New York, April 13, 1976.
Nestor Graphics patent

[Cooper77] Cooper, Leon N., and Elbaum, Charles, United States Patent 4,044,243, "Information Processing System", August 23, 1977, assigned to Nestor Associates, Stonington, Connecticut.
Nestor Graphics patent

[Cox76] Cox, C.H. III and Coueignoux, P., "Concise Letter/Type Font Description: Theory and Computer Implementation", Internal report, Massachusetts Institute of Technology Industrial Liaison Program, Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, November 20, 1976.
OCR variability based on thinned "skeletons", generatively similar to chain-codes Rules for line thinning, seraphs for typed characters

[Cox78] Cox, C., Blesser, B. and Eden, M., "Graphical Context of Printed Characters", Visible Language, Vol XII No 4, Autumn 1978, pp 428-447.
Generative variability: points out existence of "rules" for how to write, even if not conscious

[Crane77a] Crane, H.D., and Savoie, R.E., "An On-Line Data Entry System for HandPrinted Characters", IEEE Computer, pp 43-50, March 1977.
Uses ULDR chain codes, similar to BLRT chain codes 6/28

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[Crane77b] Crane, H.D., Ostrem, J.S., Wolf, D.E., and Wang, T.N.C., "A Technique for the Input of Handprinted Chinese Characters Based on Sequential Stroke Recognition", Proceedings of International Computer Symposium 1977, Taipei, Republic of China, Vol 1, pp 246-261.
Describe drag force, not acceleration, of SRI pen Kanji Chinese has Gaussian distribution of number of strokes, with 11 average 881 characters in basic Kanji defined by Japanese ministry of education Problem focuses on confusions, since did not have a large enough data base to get valid statistical results on recognition accuracy

[Crane77c] Crane, H.D, Wolf, D.E., and Ostrem, J.S., "The SRI pen system for automatic signature verification", Symposium Proceedings NBS Trends and Applications 1977, Gaithersburg, May 1977, pp 32-39.

[Crane79a] Crane, H.D. and Wolf, D.E., United States Patent 4,156,911, "Dynamic Re-creation of Signatures", assigned to Stanford Research Institute, Menlo Park, California, May 29, 1979.
Signature verification by human eyeball: patent on compressing signature to minimum data without losing detail Use of local extrema/chain codes to store written signatures with minimum memory

[Crane79] Crane, H.D. and Wolf, D.E., United States Patent 4,086,567, "Handwritten signature verification system", April 25, 1978, assigned to Stanford Research Institute, Menlo Park, California.
Signature verification by looking for landmarks (pen lifts) Hew Crane: compressed-data method of storing signatures for human reading

[Crane80] Crane, H.D. and Wolf, D.E., United States Patent 4,190,820, "Signal Train Verification System Using Landmarks", February 26, 1980, assigned to Stanford Research Institute, Menlo Park, California.
Elastic/rubbery matching of signature to segment into sections to be streatched or contracted for template matching Landmarks in signatures which are invariant features

[Crawshaw77] Crawshaw, Martin, and Ottaway, Mary, "A Contact-Pencil for Research on Writing", Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, Vol 29, 1977 pp 345-346.
Stylus using graphite/pencil lead to sense pen down/up.

[Dasarathy78] Dasarathy, B.V. and Kumar, K.P.B, "Chitra: cognitive handprinted inputtrained recursively analyzing system for recognition of alphanumeric characters", International Journal of Computing and Information Science, Vol 7, 1978, pp 253-282.

[DavisLS76] Davis, Larry S. and Rosenfeld, A., "Applications of relaxation labeling: Spring-loaded template matching", Proceedings of 3rd International Joint Conference 7/28

27.12.13 Annotated Bibliography in On-line Character Recognition and Pen Computing

on Pattern Recognition, 1976, pp 591-597.


[DavisLS77] Davis, Larry S., "Understanding shape: Angles and sizes", IEEE Transactions on Computers, Vol C-26, March 1977, pp 236-242. [DavisLS79] Davis, Larry S., "Shape Matching using Relaxation Techniques", IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, Vol PAMI-1 No 1, January 1979, pp 60-72.
Relaxation process for matching shapes (coastlines) by figures of merits on pairs of angles (segment matching) on template matching in feature space using minimum distance

[DIN77] Deutsches Institut fuer Normung e.V., "Schrift B fuer die maschinelle optische Zeichenerkennung", DIN 66 009, September, 1977.
German standard for OCR readable handwritten characters, similar to ANSI standard, but lists several as "not intended for OCR" (too hard to recognize?)

[Donahey76] Donahey, A.V., United States Patent 3,996,557, "Character Recognition System and Method", December 7, 1976, assigned to MI-squared Corporation, Columbus, Ohio.
Patent on on-line character recognition using conductive bar zones/region Says does script, but only for separate/discrete characters

[DosterW77] Doster, W., "Contextual postprocessing system for cooperation with a multiple-choice character recognition system", IEEE Transactions on Computers, Vol C-26, 1977, pp 1090-1101.
Spelling dictionary look-up for context correction: in separate character OCR (handwriting) Multiple-Choice Single Character Recognition System and Contextual Postprocessing System

[DosterW80] Doster, W. and Schuermann, J., "An application of the modified Viterbialgorithm used in text recognition", Proceedings of 5th International Conference on Pattern Recognition, 1980, pp 853-855.
In Tappert's bibliography

[Druse78] Druse, B. and Rao, C.V.K., "A matched filtering technique for corner detection", Proceedings of the 4th International Joint Conference on Pattern Recognition, Kyoto, Japan, November 7-10, 1978, pp 642-644. [Du80] Du, H.C. and Lee, R.C.T., "Symbolic Gray Code as a Multikey Hashing Function", IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, Vol PAMI2 No 1, pp 83-90, January 1980.
Very fast searching using keys (brute-force engineering)

[Duerr80] Duerr, B., Haettich, W., Troph, H., and Winkler, G., "A combination of statistical and syntactical pattern recognition applied to classification of unconstrained 8/28

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handwritten numerals", Pattern Recognition, Vol 12, 1980, pp 189-199. [Dumas77] Dumas, G., "A Dual Microprocessor Applications: The Alphabec-75 Data Capture System", in "Microcomputer Design and Applications", Academic Press, New York/San Francisco/London, 1977, pp 301-329.
Mentions user learning/adaptation/training times and success rate: some learned fast, some never did (!) Xebec/SRI/Crane original character recognition pen product

[Duvernoy79] Duvernoy, J. and Charraut, D., "Stability and stationarity of cursive handwriting", Pattern Recognition, Vol 11, 1979, pp 145-154.
In Tappert's bibliography Handwriting variability in cursive script

[EerNisse77] EerNisse, E.P., et al, "Piezoelectric Sensor Pen for Dynamic Signature Verification", Conference 1988 Int. Electron Devices Meeting, Washington, D.C., December 1977, pp 473-476. [EerNisse78] EerNisse, E.P., Land, C.E., and Snelling, J.B., United States Patent 4,078,226, "Input Apparatus for Dynamic Signature Verification Systems", assigned to the United States of America, March 7, 1978.
Signature verification stylus pen using piezoelectric force/pressure sensors to sense X and Y forces/acceleration

[Ehrich76] Ehrich, Roger W., "A Readily Computable Decision Rule with Variable Dimensionality", IEEE Transactions on Computers, May, 1976, pp 539-542.
Bayes and Meyman-Pearson statistical classifiers to select likelihood ratios Features statistically best are generally "specialists" in distinguishing that class

[Ehrich78] Ehrich, Roger W., "Handwriting Recognition", Encyclopedia of Computer Science, Vol 9, 1978, Belzer, Holzman and Kent, editors, Dekker, 1978, pp 180-198. [Elographics80] Gibson, W., Talmage, J., United States Patent 4,220,815, "Nonplanar Transparent Electrographic Sensor", September 2, 1980, assigned to Elographics, Incorporated, Oak Ridge, Tennessee. [Engdahl77] Engdahl, J., United States Patent 4,005,400, "Data Entry and Decoding System for Scripted Data", January 25, 1977, assigned to Societe Suisse pour l'Industrie Horologere Management Services S.A., Bienne, Switzerland.
Four-segment panel for character recognition

[Engelbrecht76] Engelbrecht, R.S., United States Patent 3,962,679, "Handwriting Identification Technique", June 8, 1976, assigned to RCA Corporation, New York, New York.
Signature verification using writing speed


27.12.13 Annotated Bibliography in On-line Character Recognition and Pen Computing

[Farag79] Farag, R.F.H., "Word-Level Recognition of Cursive Script", IEEE Transactions on Computers, Vol C-28 No 2, February 1979, pp 172-175.
Sketch recognition of whole script words vs a table/word dictionary for context Testing involved only a very small sample (ten words)

[Feucht77] Feucht, Dennis, "Pattern Recognition: Basic Implementations", Computer Design, December 1977, pp 57-68.



Overview of pattern recognition: decision functions, multicategory classifiers (type I: simple, type II: pair-wise, type III: extended to all classes), hyperplanes and weight vectors in feature space, minimum-distance classifiers Clustering techniques: maximin-distance, K-Means algorithms, general cluster-seeking algorithm. Learning-adaptive recognition: perceptron, absolute increment, multicategory perceptron.

[Fisher76] Fisher, E., "The use of context in character recognition", COINS Tehnical Report 76-12 (Ph.D. thesis, Computer and Information Sciences Department, University of Massachusetts, Amherst), 1976.
DosterW77 on spelling correction dictionary? Morse code recognition

[Foster80] Foster, D.H. and Mason, R.J., "Irrelevance of local position information in visual adaptation to random arrays of small geometric elements", Perception, Vol 9, 1980, pp 217-221.
(BLRT chain codes) relative position not as significant as local features in human recognition

[Fraser80] Fraser, A., "Comments on 'A Study of Man-Machine Interaction Problems in Character Recognition'", IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Vol SMC-10 No 9, September 1980, page 589.
Says Suen is full of it Says variability in writing styles is caused by deep, fundamental human individuality Points out "obvious" testing bias in Suen's paper A graphologist speaks out on graphonomics handwriting research Significant comment on dynamic character recognition by a graphologist "neat", constrained handwriting is not realistic

[Freeman77] Freeman, H., and Davis, L.S., "A Corner-Finding Algorithm for ChainCoded Curves", IEEE Transactions on Computers, Vol C-26, pp 297-303, March 1977.
Adds "corner" detection to chain codes Source of Barry's original "hi-curve" algorithm for corners?

[Freeman78a] Freeman, H., "Application of the generalized coding scheme to map data processing", Proceedings of IEEE Pattern Recognition and Image Processing Conference, Chicago, Illinois, May 31-June 2, 1978, pp 220-226. [Freeman78b] Freeman, H. and Saghri, A., "Generalized chain codes for planar curves", Proceedings of the 4th International Joint Conference on Pattern Recognition, 10/28

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Kyoto, Japan, November 7-10, 1978, pp 701-703. [Frey77] Frey, P.W., "Chess Skill in Man and Machine", Springer Verlag, New York, 1977.
Survey of artificial intelligence ideas in computer chess

[Fu77] Fu, K.S., "A Brief Review of Pattern Recognition", Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Review, Vol 6 No 4, August, 1977, pp 3-5.
Equivalence of decision-theoretic/statistical and syntactic pattern recognition

[Fu80] Fu, K.S., "Recent development in pattern recognition", IEEE Transactions on Computers, Vol C-29, October, 1980.

[Fujimoto76] Fujimoto, Y., Kadota, S., Hayashi, S., Yamamoto, M., Yajima, S. and Yasuda, M., "Recognition of Hand-printed Characters by Nonlinear elastic Matching", Proceedings of the 3rd International Joint Conference on Pattern Recognition, November 1976, pp 113-118.
Quotes Blesser, but says they never built an actual system Uses eight-direction vector/length chain codes for elastic matching Compare to Tappert's paper on elastic matching Goshtasby88 cites that this system used continuity (continuation marks and hooks between characters) to get 99.7% recognition accuracy

[Fujita76] Fujita, T., Nakanishi, M., and Miyata, K., "The recognition of Chinese characters (kanji) using time variation of peripheral belt patterns", Proceedings of 3rd International Joint Conference on Pattern Recognition, Coronado, California, November 1976, pp 119-121. [Gaertner80] Gaertner, K.P. and Holzhausen, K.P., "Controlling air traffic with a touch sensitive screen", Applied Ergonomics, Vol 11 No 1, 1980, p 17-22.
Beringer89: user-interface on electronic ink, integrated tablet/display A clamp-on mechanical digitizer Mechanical digitizer

[Geographics80] GeoGraphics, "GeoGraphics Drafting Board Digitizer", GEOGRAPHICS Incorporated, 1318 Alms Drive, Champaign Ill. 61820, 1986. [Gilmore79] Gilmore, G.C., Hersh, H., Caramazza, A. and Griffin, J., "Multidimensional letter similarity derived from recognition errors", Perception and Psychophysics, Vol 25, 1979, pp 425-431. [Gould78] Gould, J.D., "How experts dictate", Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, Vol 4, 1978, pp 648-661. [Greenberg77] Greenberg, M.E., "An investigation of handwritten numeral character 11/28

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recognition", M.S. Thesis, Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, August 1977, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts.
Throws out data from IEEE Database 1.2.4 as "poorly written"

[Groan78] Groan, F.C.A. and Verbeek, P.W., "Freeman-code probabilities of object boundary quantized contours", Computer Vision, Graphics, and Image Processing, Vol 7, 1978, pp 391-402. [Grossman78] Grossman, Robert, "Hybrid pressure/force transducers give robots a sense of touch", EDN, August 5, 1978, pp 29-31. [GroverDJ79] Grover, D.J., "Graphics Tablets - A Review", Displays, July 1979, pp 83-93, IPC Business Press, Great Britain.
Complete classification of methods of graphical/tablet interaction Broad overview of digitizer tablet technologies

[Guberman76a] Guberman, S. and Litvin, Y., "Implementation of an Algorithm for Recognition of Handwritten Letters", Institute of Applied Mathematics, Academy of Sciences, USSR, TR-22, Moscow USSR (in Russian), 1976.

[Guberman76b] Guberman, S. and Rozentsveig, V., "An Algorithm for Reading Handwritten Letters", (Automation and Remote Control), Vol 37, pp 751 ff.

[Haberman76] Haberman, W. and Fejfar, A., "Automatic Identification of Personnel through Speaker and Signature Verification -- System Description and Testing", Proceedings of Carnahan Conference on Crime Countermeasures, May 1976, pp 2330. [HallPAV80a] Hall, P.A.V. and Dowling, G.R., "Approximate string matching", Computing Surveys, Vol 12 no 4, December 1980, pp 381-402.
on context/spelling correction

[Hanaki76] Hanaki, Shin-Ichi, Temma, Tsutomu and Yoshida, Hiroshi, "An On-line Character Recognition Aimed at a Substitution for a Billing Machine Keyboard", Pattern Recognition, Vol 8, pp 63-71, January 1976.
User-interface: early (1976) Nippon Electric prototype Katakana/Hiragana/Romanji product for data-entry: features chosed by "human intuition" Describes what appears to be oversampling, resampling, noise filter on digitizing tablet (Telemail product) Resampling of handwritten tablet points to be minimum number of feature points for reconstruction/recognition: also used for data reduction/compression of line drawings Character segmentation by stroke time-out, writing in boxes, recognition result Shows shading pattern for boxes to write in 12/28

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98% recognition rate, using decision tree node Refers to handwriting character segmentation based on recognition result/plausibility

[Hanson76] Hanson, A.R., Riseman, E.M., and Fisher, E., "Context in Word Recognition", Pattern Recognition, Vol 8, 1976, pp 35-45.
Low character error rates can give high word error rates Use context on words to correct errors on single characters "many theoretical systems are impractical in application" Cites use of "clear text" in context: but many applications are not (data entry) Tri-gram statistical Markovian context probabilities, not linguistic grammar context Cites problems of small training sets (98 characters per class) High (context) correction rates introduce many substitution errors The number of substitution errors is about the same as reject recognition Context after the recognition is done, not before

[Hattich78] Hattich, W., Tropf, H., and Winkler, G., "Combination of statistical and syntactical pattern recognition -- Applied to classification of unconstrained handwritten numerals", Proceedings of Fourth International Conference on Pattern Recognition, Kyoto, Japan, November 7-10, 1978, pp 786-788. [Herbst76] Herbst, Noel M., and Morrissey, John H., United States Patent 3,983,535, "Verifier for Handwritten Signatures", assigned to IBM Corporation, September 28, 1976.
for acceleration on signature verification Signature verification using acceleration.

[Herbst77a] Herbst, N.M. and Morrissey, J.H., United States Patent 4,024,500, "Segmentation Mechanism for Cursive Script Character Recognition Systems", May 17, 1977, assigned to IBM Corporation, Armonk, New York.
Cursive character segmentation using sharp inflection points (zero velocity) Criticizes "retrospective" character segmentation in script, such as Harmon

[Herbst77b] Herbst, N.M., et al, "Signature Verification Based on Complete Accelerometry", IBM Technical Disclosure Bulletin, Vol 19 No 12, May 1977, pp 48274828.
Stylus for digitizer, no tablet: uses acceleration (chain codes? compare to SRI pen)

[Herbst78] Herbst, N.M. and Liu, C.H., United States Patent 4,128,829, "Signature Verification Method and Apparatus Utilizing both Acceleration and Pressure Characteristics", December 5, 1978, assigned to IBM Corporation Armonk, New York.
Signature verification: force/pressure and acceleration (Our BLRT chain codes): position features subject to most variability Separate X and Y acceleration for signature verification

[Herbst79a] Herbst, N.M., Liu, C.N., and Panissidi, H.A., United States Patent 4,142,175, "Pressure sensing device and transducer arrangement", February 27, 1979, assigned to IBM Corporation. 13/28

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for acceleration on signature verification

[Herbst79b] Herbst, Noel M., Liu, Chao N., and Panissidi, Hugo A., United States Patent 4,142,175, "Pressure Sensing Device and Transducer Arrangement", assigned to International Business Machines Corporation, Armonk, New York, February 27, 1979.
Signature verification: pressure/force sensing stylus, not sensitive to lateral force angle: combined with acceleration for signature verification

[Herot76] Herot, C.F., "Graphical Input through Machine Recognition of Sketches", Computer Graphics, Vol 10 No 2, Summer 1976, pp 97-102. [Himmel78] Himmel, David P., "Some Real-World Experiences with Handprinted Optical Character Recognition", IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Vol SMC-8 No 4, April 1978, pp 288-292.
How much effort it takes to train people to handwriting constraints (OCR) Shows samples of constrained writing people were actually trained to

[Hollerbach78] Hollerbach, J.M., "A Study of Motor Control Through Analysis and Synthesis of Handwriting", PhD Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, August, 1978. Also described in Visible Language, Vol XIII No 3, 1979, pp 252-264.
Study of stroke directions based on anatomy of muscles Points out elimination of clock-wise movement in fast writing

[Hong82] Hong, T.H., Shneier, M., Hartley, R. and Rosenfeld, A, "Using pyramids to detect good continuation", University of Maryland, Computer Science TR 1185, 1982. [Hosaka77] Hosaka, M. and Kimura, F., "An Interactive Geometrical Design System with Handwriting", Proceedings of the 6th IFIPS Congress, Roronto, August 1977, pp 167-171.
User-interface: handwritten sketches, sketch recognition, gesture input to do drawings Refers to measuring problems of tablet (and of "human behavior") (human factors / variability) Uses second-level fix-up on recognition if first pass is inconclusive Uses chain codes of inflection points, rotations, straight segments, etc.

[Hoshino77] Hoshino, Y., United States Patent 4,010,445, "Word recognition apparatus", March 1977.

[Hubel79] Hubel, D.H. and Wiesel, T.N., "Brain Mechanisms of Vision", Scientific American, No 241, 1979, pp 150-162.

[IchikawaT77] Ichikawa, Tadao, Sakamura, Ken, and Aiso, Hideo, "ARES - A memory, capable of associating stored information through relevancy estimation", Proceedings 14/28

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of 1977 National Computer Conference, pp 947-954.

Seven-direction chain codes/ segment lengths, with an additional approximate string matching function "Lee Distance" from error-correcting codes (in hardware)

[Impedovo76] Impedovo, S., Marangelli, B., and Plantamura, V.L., "Real-Time Recognition of Handwritten Numerals", IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Vol 6 No 2, February 1976, pp 145-148.
65% to 90% recognition, numerals only (!) Gives examples of handwriting variations: stroke directions

[Ito78] Ito, M.R. and Chui, T.L., "On-line Computer Recognition of Proposed Standard ANSI (USASI) Handprinted Characters", Pattern Recognition, Vol 10, 1978, pp 341349.
Claims 98.3% accuracy A non-training system (non-adaptive) It's not just tablet digitizer noise: unsteadiness in user's pen motion Eight-type chain code classifications Straight-line vs curvilinear stroke classes Tests use "intentional variability" in characters by authors Cites mis-recognition due to missing stroke segments (K-R, J-T) Delay in recognition same as time for user to look at screen: not a user-interface/human-factors problem Shows bizarre four-stroke "Z" Shows proposed ANSI hand-print standard included stroke directions, constrained writing styles

[Jarvis76] Jarvis, J.F., "Regular expressions as a feature selection language for pattern recognition", Proceedings of the 3rd International Joint Conference on Pattern Recognition, Coronado, California, November 1976, pp 189-192. [Jarvis77] Jarvis, J.F., "The line drawing editor: Schematic diagram editing using pattern recognition techniques", Computer Graphics Image Processing, Vol 6, 1977, p. 452-484.
Nagura83: user interface on editing drawings?

[Kanal77] Kanal, Laveen N., "Current Status, Problems and Prospects of Pattern Recognition", Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Review, Vol 6 No 4, August, 1977, pp 9-14.
Overview of pattern recognition: many theories, few products: term covers too many divergent problem areas. Pattern recognition overview: well-constrained problems, sustained efforts lead to successful performance. Realistic performance: "Identifying animals in a zoo is much different from hunting them in the forest." Overview: spatial/temporal/external context, feature extraction (most publicly undocumented: not published), experiment/training design, clustering, no standard data bases

[Kaplow80] Kaplow, R. and Molnar, M.K., United States Patent 4,202,041, 15/28

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"Dynamically variable keyboard system", assigned to Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1980.
Dynamically variable keyboard, using digitizer and simulated function keys/buttons User-interface where icons/keyboard labels on touch-screen force/pressure-sensitive digitizer change dynamically

[Kato80] Kato, O, Fujita, T., Niwa, M., Morishita, T., Fujii, N., Tanahashi, J., "Handwriting Input System for Japanese", Proceedings of IFIP 80, Tokyo, Japan, October 6-9, 1980, North-Holland publishers, pp 689-694.
Science Citation Index Features are stroke-relative position, then candidate selection, then personal training 98% recognition on Japanese Kanji/kana/numerics, after training

[Kay77a] Kay, A.C., "Microelectronics and the Personal Computer", Scientific American, September 1977, page 231.
The original user-interface paper: Dynabook (does NOT mention electronic ink or character recognition)

[Kay77] Kay, A.C. and Goldberg, A., "Personal Dynamic Media", IEEE Computer, Vol 10 No 3, March 1977 pp 31-41.
Dynabook did NOT have stylus or handwriting input The original "electronic ink" handwriting paper: Dynabook

[Kegel78] Kegel, A.G., Giles, J.K., and Ruder, A.H., "Observations on Selected Application of Optical Character Readers for Constrained Numeric Handprint", IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Vol SMC-8 No 4, April 1978, pp 282-285.
Most handwriting recognition OCR problems are over-printing, 0-vs-6 ambiguity How well human writers match constraints for various commercial OCR handwriting recognition products

[Kickert76] Kickert, Walter J.M. and Koppelaar, Henk, "Application of Fuzzy Set Theory to Syntactic Pattern Recognition of Handwritten Capitals", IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Vol 6 No 2, February 1976, pp 148-ff. [Kley78] Kley, "(title)" United States Patent 4,079,194
Lukis87 on digitizer tablets

[Knowlton77] Knowlton, K.C., "Computer Display Optically Superimposed on Input Devices", Bell System Technical Journal, Vol 56 No 3, March 1977, pp 367-384.
User-interface: project image on keyboard to change keys: refers to tablet input possibility

[Knowlton80] Knowlton, K., "Progressive Transmission of Grey-Scale and Binary Picture by Simple, Efficient, and Lossless Encoding Schemes", Proceedings of the IEEE, Vol 68 No 7, July 1980, pp 885-896.
Compression of images 16/28

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[Kuipers76] Kuipers, Jack, United States Patent 3,983,474, "Tracking and Determining Orientation of Object Using Coordinate Transformation Means, System and Process", assigned to Polhemus Navigation Sciences, Incorporated, Burlington, Vermont, September 28, 1976.
From a old list of Polhemus patents Patent on correction tables on stylus angle, orientation, position in a 3-D tablet digitizer

[Kuklinski77] Kuklinski, T., "Implementing a Functional Attribute Based Theory of Character Recognition", unpublished manuscript, Pencept, Incorporated, March 21, 1977.
Kuklinski voting algorithm for an imperfect decision tree based on pair-wise voting

[Kuklinski79] Kuklinski, T., PhD Thesis: "Graphical Context as an Aid to Character Recognition", Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1979. [Kwan79] Kwan, C.C., Pang, L., and Suen, C.Y., "A Comparative Study of some Recognition Algorithms in Character Recognition", Proceedings of International Conference on Cybernetics and Society, pp 530-535, October 1979, IEEE order number CH1424-1/79/0000-0530.
Boundless variability of hand-print

[Larsen77] Larsen, "Quadrant Check for Signature Verification", IBM Technical Disclosure Bulletin, Vol 20 No 4, September 1977, pp 1538-1539.
Accelerometer pen/stylus design (like SRI pen), produces chain codes

[Lew79] (*p) Lew, J.S., "Optimal Designs of Instrumented Pens for Signature Verification", IBM Technical Disclosure Bulletin, Vol 21 No 8, p. 3415, January 1979.
Variation on SRI (non-digitizer) pen: accelerometer pen stylus design

[Liljeuwall79] Liljeuwall, J. and Moss, D., United States Patent 4,139,837, "Information Entry System", assigned to Creative Ventures, Incorporated, Dayton, Ohio, 1979.
On-line character recognition on the face of a watch or calculator Simple on-line character recognition using zones/regions

[Lin78] (*p) Lin, W.C. and Pun, J.H., "Machine Recognition and Plotting of HandSketched Line Figures", IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Vol SMC-8 No 1, January 1978, pp 52-57.
Symbol recognition and graphical editing: "prettyizing" a sketch : shows recognition of singlestroke circuit-diagram symbols "recognition -- seems to be a problem at times since the user cannot have complete control over the input data when sketching on the tablet"

[Lin79] Lin, C.N., Herbst, N.M., and Anthony, N.J., "Automatic signature verification: System description and field test results", IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Vol 9, 1979, pp 35-38. 17/28

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[LiuCN79] Liu, C.N., Herbst, N.M., and Anthony, N.J., "Automatic Signature Verification: System Description and Field Test Results", IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Vol SMC-9 No 1, January 1979, pp 35-38.
Signature verification system from IBM using force/pressure and accelerometry Signatures: reference signature modified before storage to deal with variability Signature verification: 1.7% Type I (false rejection) and 0.4% Type II (false acceptance) for deliberate (expert) forgers, false acceptance rate of 0.02% for random (amateur) forgers Signature verification: 1% of users had too much variability for the system to work well: solution is administrative Signature hardware problems: baseline drift in force/pressure sensor, noise in force/pressure sensor, lack of reset, non-uniformity of ink cartridges

[MatsushitaT78] (*x) Matsushita, T. et al "Personal Computer-Aided Composition and Editing System", 3rd USA-Japan Computer Conference, 1978, 10/10-12/78
cited for text-editing of handwritten marks, graphical editing

[Maugh78] Maugh, Thomas H. II, "Holographic Filing: An Industry on the Verge of Birth", Science, Vol 201, August 4, 1978, pp 431-432.
on storing optical images, with signatures

[McDermott80] McDermott, J., "R1: An Expert in the Computer Systems Domain,", Proceedings of the First Annual National Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 1980, pp 269-271.
Expert A.I. system to configure orders for DEC VA computers

[Milloy78] (*p) Milloy, D.G., "Comment on recognition and confusion of the lower-case alphabet", Perception and Psychophysics, 1978, Vol 24 No 2, pp 190-191.
Substitution errors in human recognition of lower-case characters Criticizes defects in everybody's studies of lower-case character confusion matrices for human recognition

[Moayer76] Moayer, B. and Fu, K.S., "A tree system approach for fingerprint pattern recognition", IEEE Transactions on Computers, Vol C-25, 1976, pp 262-274. [MoriS80] Mori, S. and Suen, C.Y., "A Study of the Zero and Letter Oh Problem", Proceedings of 5th International Conference on Pattern Recognition", December 1980, pp 842-847. [Morrissey76] (*p) Morrissey, J.H., "Electronic Calculator Based on Character Recognition of Input from Stylus Acceleration Dynamics", IBM Technical Disclosure Bulletin, Vol 19 No 7, December 1976, pp 2816-2817.
Patent disclosure on user-interface of writing on an electronic calculator (using chaincodes/acceleration dynamics)

[Muth77] Muth, F.E. and Tharp, A.L., "Correcting human error in alphanumeric terminal input", Information Processing Management, Vol 13, 1977, pp 329-337. 18/28

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on context/spelling correction

[Myers80] Myers, C.S., Rabiner, Lawrence R., and Rosenberg, A.E., "Performance tradeoffs in dynamic time warping algorithms for isolated word recognition", IEEE Transactions on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, Vol ASSP-28, 1980, pp 622-635.

[Narasimhan80] (*p) Narasimhan, M.A., Devarajan, Venkat, and Rao, K.R., " Simulation of Alphanumeric Machine Print Recognition ", IEEE Trans. on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Vol SMC-10 No 5, May 1980, pp 270-275
Shows performance results in a confusion matrix for alphabet from OCR data, compare with Shillman, who uses a confusion matrix to show which features are distinguishing

[Naus76] (*p) Naus, M.J., and Shillman, R.J., "Why a Y Is Not a V: A New Look at the Distinctive Features of Letters", Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, Vol 2 No 3, 1986, pp 394-400.
Shillman article on functional attributes

[Niemann77] (*p) Niemann, Heinrich " Classification of Characters by Man and Machine", Pattern Recognition, Pergamon Press 1977, Vol 9, pp. 173-179.
Human performance on OCR recognition of handwritten characters compared with machine performance, under various noise conditions: machine works better on typed fonts, human on handwritten characters

[O'Brien79] O'Brien, M.T., "A Network Graphical Conferencing System", Rand Corporation, Stanta Monica, California, August 1979 (N-1250-DARPA).
Real-time freestyle user interface: a central blackboard conferencing / drawing communally, separate windows for each user for typing (words)

[Odaka79] (*p) Okada, Jazumi, and Masua, Isao, "Some Results on Stroke Order Free On-line Character Recognition", PRL Vol 79 No 29, pp 77-84 (in Japanese)
stroke-order indepence by grouping strokes which are close together (?)

[Odaka80] (*p) Okada, Jazumi, and Masua, Isao, " Online Recognition of Handwritten Characters by Approximating Each Stroke with Several Points", Trans. IECE, 1980, Vol 63-D, No 2, pp 153-160 (in Japanese)
See same-title paper in IEEE SMC, Nov/Dec 1982

[Okuda76] Okuda, T., Tanaka, E. and Kasai, T., "A method for the correction of garbled words based on the Levenshtein metric", IEEE Transactions on Computers, Vol C-25, February, 1976, pp 172-178.
DosterW77 on spelling dictionary?

[Pavlidis77a] Pavlidis, Theo, "Structural Pattern Recognition", Springer-Verlag, New York, 1977. 19/28

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Defines pattern recognition as "identification of the ideal which a given object is made after" Definition: classification theory vs boundary theory

[Pavlidis77b] Pavlidis, Theo, "Comments on Current Perspectives in Pattern Recognition", Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Review, Vol 6 No 4, August, 1977, pp 8-9.
Just because humans have good pattern recognition performance, and poor arithmetic, does not mean pattern recognition is easier than computer arithmetic

[Pavlidis77c] Pavlidis, Theo, "Polygonal approximations by Newton's method", IEEE Transactions on Computers, Vol C-26, 1977, pp 800-807. [Pavlidis80] Pavlidis, Theo, "Algorithms for shape analysis and waveforms", IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, Vol PARM-2, July 1980, pp 301-312.
Chain codes, corner detection, curvature, Fourier shape, shape analysis for OCR image recognition (segmented pictures)

[PepperW78] Pepper, William Jr., United States Patent 4,071,691, "Human-Machine Interface Apparatus", January 31, 1978, assigned to Peptek, Incorporated, Bethesda, Maryland.
Phase-detection digitizer

[Persoon77] Persoon, E. and Fu, K.S., "Shape discrimination using Fourier descriptors", IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, Vol 7, 1977, pp 171-179.
Taxt90: Pavlidis80 says 95% on IEEE handwriting recognition database

[Peterson80] Peterson, J.L., "Computer Programs for Detecting and Correcting Spelling Errors", Communications of the A.C.M., Vol 23 no 12, December 1980, pp 676-687.
on spelling context correction Has many reference on spelling correction, detection, best-match to strings, limits of lack of syntactic and/or semantic context

[Price79] Price, K. and Reddy, R., "Matching segments of images", IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, Vol PAMI-1, January, 1979, pp 110-116.

[Prugh80] Prugh, R.W. and Fadden, B.J., United States Patent 4,206,314, "Graphic Digitizer", June 3, 1980, assigned to GTCO Corporation, Rockville, Maryland.
Digitizer with grid as transmitter, loop as the receiver

[Purcell77] (*p) Purcell, Stephen C., "Understanding hand-printed Algebra for computer tutoring", Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Artificial Intelligence Laboratory Meo No 445, February 1977 (also available as S.M. Thesis). 20/28

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Context in parsing and recognizing mathematical expressions with on-line handwriting recognition "chalkboard languages" - two-dimensional doodles, writing, pictures Points out that overlap is inadequate as the only criterion for parsing/segmentation in handwriting (two-dimensional) Uses a lattice representation of possible stroke groupings/segmentations of characters, showing ambiguities of parsing (vs. of recognition) Features: local geometry (curvature, etc.) not enough: need global geometry (closure of endpoints on "U" vs. "O", etc.) Variability: greater when humans WRITE in context, vs one character at a time

[Rabiner78] Rabiner, Lawrence R., Rosenberg, A.E., and Levinson, S.E., "Considerations in dynamic time warping for discrete word recognition", IEEE Transactions on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, Vol ASSP-26, 1978, pp 575-582.

[Rabiner79] Rabiner, Lawrence R., and Wilpon, Jay G., "Speaker-Independent Isolated Word Recognition for a Moderate Size (54 Word) Vocabulary", IEEE Transactions on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, Vol ASSP-27 No 6, pp 583-587.
Discrete word speech recognizer using statistical clustering templates: a carefully-trained speaker-independent limited recognizer can work as well as casually-trained speakerdependent Speech recognition on a professionally trained actor with very human-clear diction was worse Clustering procedure for voice templates much better than casual enrollment Describes many enrollment/training methods for speaker-independent/dependent recognition system Training/enrollment data was "cleaned up" to remove breathing sounds, clicks, etc.

[Rabiner80] Rabiner, Lawrence R. and Schmidt, C.E., "Application of dynamic time warping to connected digit recognition", IEEE Transactions on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, Vol ASSP-28, 1980, pp 337-388.

[Radice80] Radice, P.F., United States Patent 4,234-868, "Personal Verification Device", November 18, 1980, assigned to Penwalt Corporation, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
Signature verification using force/pressure only "force/pressure only" tablet using piezoelectric or pyro-electric sheet or film

[Rosenfeld78] Rosenfeld, Azriel, "Survey: Picture Processing: 1977", (source not known) 1978.
Not sure of source: Check Kuklinski's thesis? Large bibliography on picture processing, filtering, edge detection, image compression, character recognition and other kinds of pattern recognition (fingerprint, face, etc.), machine vision 21/28

27.12.13 Annotated Bibliography in On-line Character Recognition and Pen Computing

[Rosenfeld80] Rosenfeld, A., "Picture processing: 1980", Computer Graphics and Image Processing, Vol 16, May, 1981.

[Sakoe76] Sakoe, Hiroaki, United States Patent 3,979,722, "Automatic Character Recognition Device Employing Dynamic Programming", September 7, 1976, assigned to Nippon Electric Co. Limited, Tokyo Japan.
Refers to "standard patterns" for template matching (which we is not) Eight-direction chain codes Uses dynamic matching of vector maxima/minima for DCR (BLRT chain codes) BLRT points are absolute, vary distances between for degree of match

[Sakoe78] (*p) Sakoe, Hiroaki and Chiba, S., "Dynamic programming algorithm optimization for spoken word recognition", IEEE Transactions on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, Vol ASSP-26, 1978, pp 43-49.

[Sakoe79] (*p) Sakoe, Hiroaki " Two-Level DP-Matching -- A Dynamic ProgrammingBased Pattern Matching Algorithm for Connected Word Recognition", IEEE Transactions on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, Vol ASSP-27, NO 6, 1979, pp 588-ff. [Seelbach80] Seelbach, H.E., United States Patent 4,184,147, "Input Device for Input of Alphanumeric Characters into a Computer", January 15, 1980.
Simple four-grid "character recognition" device: sequence of crossings

[Sethi77] Sethi, I.K. and Chatterjee, B., "Machine recognition of constrained handprinted Devanagari", Pattern Recognition, Vol 9, pp 69-75, 1977.

[Seuffert77] Seuffert, P., "An Application of Line and Character Recognition in Cartography", Proceedings of IEEE Conference on Pattern Recognition and Image Processing, pp 337-342, June 1977.

[Shillman76a] Shillman, R., "Automatic Recognition of Thick Stroke Characters", Quarterly Progress Report No 118, Appendix IX, Massachusetts Institute of Technology Research Laboratory of Electronics, July 1976.
How "legs" appear shorter as they get thicker

[Shillman76b] Shillman, R. and Naus, G., "The Distinctive Features of the Letters O and D", Quarterly Progress Report No 118, Appendix X, Massachusetts Institute of Technology Research Laboratory of Electronics, July 1976. [Shillman76] Shillman, R., Kuklinski, T. and Blesser, B., "Psychophysical Techniques for Investigating the Distinctive Features of Letters", International Journal of Man 22/28

27.12.13 Annotated Bibliography in On-line Character Recognition and Pen Computing

Machine Studies, Vol 8, pp 195-205, 1976.

Classical letter shapes do not occur frequently in hand-printing Shillman article on functional attributes

[Shillman77] Shillman, R.J. and Babcock, R.T., "Preliminary Steps in the Design of Optical Character Recognition Algorithms", unpublished manuscript, Cognitive Information Processing Group, Research Laboratory of Electronics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139, 1977.
Physical to functional rules (functional attributes) for 2 and Z at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (see Babcock) Example of 2-Z space, one space invading the other Good introductory example of physical to functional rules, SIZE=-1> how to pick the dominant feature for a character

[Shinghal79a] Shinghal, R. and Toussaint, G.T., "A bottom-up and top-down approach to using context in text recognition", International Journal of Man-Machine Studies, Vol 11, 1979, pp 201-212.
on spelling/dictionary context correction

[Shinghal79] Shinghal, R. and Toussaint, G.T., "Experiments in text recognition with modified Viterbi algorithm", IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, Vol PAMI-1, 1978, pp 184-192.
on spelling/dictionary context correction

[Shortliffe76] Shortliffe, E.H., "Computer-Based Medical Consultation: MYCIN", American Elsevier, New York, 1976.
Expert A.I. system to diagnose infectious blood diseases

[SIGGRAPH79] SigGraph, "General Methodology and the Proposed Core System", report of the Graphics Standards Planning Committee, in Computer Graphics (Proc. of SIGGRAPH 79), Vol 13 No 3, August 1979. [Simmons80] (*p) Simmons, Robert M., "An On-line Character Recognizer", Interface Age, March 1980, pp 110-114.
Very simple on-line handwriting character recognition program running on a 1980 Z-80 CP/M system effectively trims ends of stroke by looking for matching chaincode sequence within longer chaincode sequences Zone-based recognizer, using chain of codes for the zones visited: single-stroke characters?

[SMC78] (various authors), "Special section on hand-print OCR", IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Vol SMC-8 No 4, pp 279 ff, April 1978.
Special section on real-world application experience with hand-print OCR, vs laboratory results

[Snyder77] Snyder, "(title)" United States Patent 4,018,989

Lukis87 on digitizer tablets 23/28

27.12.13 Annotated Bibliography in On-line Character Recognition and Pen Computing

[Spanjersberg78] (*p) Spanjersberg, A.A., " Experiments with Automatic Input of Handwritten Numerical Data into a Large Administrative System", IEEE Trans. on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Vol SMC-8, No 4, April 1978, pp 286-288.
Shows various contraint methods on handwriting styles (boxes, zones, write around the dots, marked-sense card) to make handwriting more recognizable by machine, gives some performance results

[Spohrer80] (*p) Spohrer, James C., Brown, Peter F, Hochschild, Peter H., and Baker, James K., " Partial Traceback in Continuous Speech Recognition ", IEEE publication 0360-0913/80/000/0036
Verbex Corporation, formerly Dialog Systems Inc, Two Oak Park, Bedford MA 01730 use of context in continuous speech recognition

[Srihari76] Srihari, S. and Zack, G., "Document Image Analysis", Proceedings of 8th International Conference on Pattern Recognition, Paris, France, October 1986, pp 434-436.
on document skew alignment angle for OCR

[Stallings76] Stallings, W., "Approaches to Chinese Character Recognition", Pattern Recognition, Vol 8, 1976, pp 87-98. [Stockholm79] Stockholm, E., "Recognition of a writer as a function of his method of writing", Perception and Motor Skills, Vol 49, 1979, pp 483-488.
Teulings86a cites for invariant spatial features in handwriting, SIZE=-1> regardless of writing conditions for subject (blackboard, paper, etc.)

[Suen77a] Suen, C.Y., "Alphanumeric Hand-prints with Stroke Directions and Sequences", internal report for Pencept, Incorporated, 39 Green Street, Waltham, Massachusetts 02154, 1977.
Original collection of writing samples for PenVerter Partners (Pencept)

[Suen77b] Suen, C.Y. and Shillman, R.J., "Low Error Rate Optical Character Recognition of Unconstrained Hand-printed Letters Based on a Model of Human Perception", IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Vol 7 No 6, June, 1977, pp 491-495.
Suen support (with Shillman) use of psychologically base features Suen claims the computer did better recognition than human on U-V

[Suen79a] Suen, C.Y., "A Study on Man-Machine Interaction Problems in Character Recognition", IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Vol SMC-9 No 11, pp 732-737, November 1979.
Refers to "users do not follow models, but revert to usual writing" Ergonomics / user-interface problems in handwriting recognition

[Suen79b] Suen, C.Y., "n-Gram statistics for natural language understanding and text processing", IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence", Vol 24/28

27.12.13 Annotated Bibliography in On-line Character Recognition and Pen Computing

PAMI-1, 1979, pp 164-172.

for statistics on language (one million word samples) to use for context correction Contains several lists of English-language word frequency dictionaries

[Suen80a] Suen, C., "Computer Analysis of Handprinted Characters", Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Pattern Recognition, Miami Beach, Florida, December, 1980, pp 398-401.
Human recognition success rate is 7.6% substitution error. Examples of handwriting variability from 1500 student enrollment cards, with distribution frequency Constraints: examples of how humans give cursive, lower-case, etc. even when asked specifically to print styles Handwriting recognition by machine with better performance than humans requires understanding of how humans recognize characters Taxonomy of different approaches to handwriting recognition: template matching, correlation; distribution of points, moments, crossings, distances; transformations and series expansions; geometrical and topological features, syntactic and structural analysis Describes Suen's research on distinctive features (functional attributes) Lists of constraints typically tried to reduce handwriting variability

[Suen80] Suen, C., Berthold, M. and Mori, S., "Automatic Recognition of Hand-printed Characters - The State of the Art", Proceedings of the IEEE, pp 469-487, Vol 68 No 4, April 1980.
Survey of handwriting recognition

[Suenaga80] (*p) Suenega, Y. and Nagura, M., "A facsimile based manuscript layout and editing system by auxiliary mark recognition", Proceedings of 5th Int Conf on Pattern Recognition, Dec 1-4, 1980, pp 856-858. See also Nagura83, same paper [Tersoff89] Tersoff, Abraham I. " Man-Machine Considerations in Automatic Handprint Recognition", IEEE Trans. on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Vol SMC-8 No 4, April 1978, p 279 short review: reliable OCR for hand-print is nowhere in sight [Teulings79] Teulings, H.H.M., and Thomassen, A.J.W.M., "Computer-Aided Analysis of Handwriting Movements", Visible Language, Vol XIII No 3, 1979, pp 218-231.
Describes digitizer set up to study handwriting: was tablet any good?

[Thornburg80] (*p) Thornburg, David D., "A Low-Cost Alternative to Data Entry Keyboards", Recreational Computing, January 1980, pp 16-18.
PrestoDigitizer product: seven-zone handwriting feature recognition

[Thornton79] Thornton, R.W., "The Number Wheel: A Tablet Based Valuator for Three-dimensional Positioning", Proceedings of SIGGRAPH '79, published as Computer Graphics, Vol 13 No 2, August 1979, pp 102-107. [Toussaint77] Toussaint, G.T., "The Use of Context in Pattern Recognition", Proceedings of IEEE Computer Society Conference on Pattern Recognition and Image 25/28

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Processing, Renselear Polytechnic Institute, Troy, New York, June 6-8, 1977, pp 1-10.
Context lies not just in the data, but in the perceiver Syntactical vs statistical use of context Statistical context: huge number crunching to reduce unmanageable probability distribution Types of word-feature context: graphological, phonological, statistical, syntactic, semantic, pragmatic Markov statistical methods for very large context dictionaries Modified Viterbi algorithm (statistical context) not so hot Goshtasby88 cites for using spelling dictionary look-up for context correction

[Toussaint78a] Toussaint, G.T., "The use of context in pattern recognition", Pattern Recognition, Vol 10, 1978, pp 189-204.

[Toussaint78b] Toussaint, G.T. and Shinghal, R., "Cluster analysis of English Text", Proceedings of IEEE Conference on Pattern Recognition and Image Processing, Chicalo, IL, 1978, pp 164-172.
Hull,JJ83 on context dictionary

[Tversky77] Tversky, A., "Features of similarity", Psychological Review, Vol 84, 1977, pp 327-352.
on human recognition

[Ullman77] Ullman, J.R., "A binary n-gram technique for automatic correction of substitution, deletion, insertion and reversal error in words", Computer Journal, Vol 20, 1977, pp 141-147.
on spelling correction

[Viviani80] Viviani, P. and Terzuolo, V. "Space-time invariance in learned motor skills", in "Tutorials in motor behavior", Stelmach, G.E and Requin, J., editors, New York, North Holland, publishers, pp 525-533.
Schomaker86 cites that overlearned/over-trained writing strokes (signatures?) show great invariance in relative stroke timing

[Wallace76] Wallace, V.L., "The Semantics of Graphic Input Devices", "Proceedings of SIGGRAPH/SIGPLAN Conference on Graphics Languages, published as Computer Graphics, Vol 10 No 1, April 1976, pp 61-65. [Ward76] Ward, J.R., Nelson, G.E., Desch, S.H., and Kaplow, R., "Two New Strategies for Computer-Assisted Language Instruction (CALI)", Foreign Language Annals, Vol 9 No 1, February 76, pp 28-37.
CAI Computer-aided instruction, grammatical/syntax analysis of German sentences: Gordon Eugene Nelson, Jean Renard Ward, Robert Kaplow (see Kaplow patent for UI item)

[WhiteGM78] White, G.M., "Dynamic programming for the Viterbi algorithm, and low cost speech recognition", Proceedings of the 1978 IEEE International Conference on 26/28

27.12.13 Annotated Bibliography in On-line Character Recognition and Pen Computing

Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, pp 413-417.


[Wing78] Wing, A.M., "Response time in handwriting", in "Information processing in motor control and learning", New York: Academic Press, G.E. Stelmach, editor, 1978, pp 153-172.
Teulings86 cites this that up/down stroke pairs may be basic grapheme unit of writing

[Wing79] (*p) Wing, A.M., "Variability in Handwritten Characters", Visible Language, Vol XIII No 3, 1979, pp 283-298.
Confusable forms of script b-f, i-r Printing slower than script, but gets faster with practice People have same writing style on blackboard and on paper

[WrightS78] Wright, Jr., S.J., Anderson, P.T., and Grimes, R.S., United States Patent 4,070,649, "Multi-Modal Data Input/Output Apparatus and Method Compatible with Bio-Engineering Requirements", January 24, 1978.
Character recognition using a four segment panel, diagonally Reference similar to BLRT chain codes

[Yacyk78] (*p) Yacyk, J., "Man-Machine Considerations in Automatic Handprint Recognition", IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Vol SMC-8 No 4, pp 279-282, April 1978.
Constraints: User's tend to omit serifs from O and S in ANSI74 standard of constrained writing styles

[YamamotoK78] (*p) Yamamoto, K. and Mori, S., "Recognition of hand-printed characters by outermost point method", Proceedings of Fourth International Joint Conference on Pattern Recognition, Kyoto, Japan, November 7-10, 1978, pp 794-796. [YamamotoK80] Yamamoto, K. and Mori, S., "Recognition of Hand-printed Characters by an Outermost Point Method", Pattern Recognition, Vol 12., pp 229-236, March 1980.
Similar to BLRTs chain codes, but uses 16 directions, not 4 Refers to dis-ambiguation of Katakana and Roman characters

[Yasuhara76] (*p) Yasuhara, M., "On Distinctive Features in Character Recognition -Some Evidence from Reaction-time Measurements", Working Paper 102, Cognitive Information Processing Group, Research Laboratory of Electronics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139, August 15, 1976.
Mentions lack of consensus on what features to use in any given pattern recognition problem

[Yasuhara77] (*p) Yasuhara, M. and Oka, M., "Signature Verification Experiment Based on Nonlinear Time Alignment: A Feasibility Study", IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Vol SMC-7 No 3, pp 212-216, March 1977. 27/28

27.12.13 Annotated Bibliography in On-line Character Recognition and Pen Computing

[Yasuhara77a] (*p) Yasuhara, M. and Yasumoto, Yasuhiko, " Measurement of Handwriting Pressure - Pressure-Senstivie Pen", Annual Report of RLCS,
Avoid feature extraction in signatures by time-template matching

[Yasuhara78] (*p) Yasuhara, M. and Kuklinski, T., "Category boundary effect for grapheme perception", Perception and Psychophysics, Vol 23 No 2, 1978, pp 97-104.
Discrimination function peaks at the category boundary, just as speech does Boundary classification for character recognition Ted Kuklinski and Yasuhara: says say "physical attribute" and "functional attribute", since "feature" is used sloppily Shows ambiguity of feature "leg" along character trajectory, instead of character along feature trajectory Cultural bias: l vs r in speech by Japanese, and by Americans (extension to characters: European 7 vs F (?))

[Yoshida80] Yoshida, M. et al, "Recognition System for Design Chart Drawn on Section Paper", Proceedings of 5th International Joint Conference on Pattern Recognition, 1980, pp 127-130.
user-interface for prettying up drawings

[YouKC79] You, K.C. and Fu, K.S., "A syntactic approach to shape recognition using attributed grammars", IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Vol SMC-9, 1979. Main Reference Page


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The publication of this bibliography on the World-Wide-Web is a work in progress .... This compilation is copyright Jean Renard Ward, 1996, 1999. [ActaPsychologica83] (*a) Acta Psychologica, "Special issue on motor aspects of handwriting", Vol 54, 1983. [Agui81] Agui, T., Matsubara, K., and Nakajima, M., "Sequential Computer Processing of a Collection of Closed Curves and Its Application to Pattern Recognition", Transactions of the IECE of Japan, Vol E64, No 10, October 1981, pp 661-666 (abstract only).
Chain-code transformation, for matching similar curves

[Amin82] (*a) Amin, Adnan, and Masini, Gerald, "Machine recognition of cursive Arabic words", SPIE Vol 359, Applications of Digital Image Processing IV, 1982, pp 286-292.
Dictionary lookup for word-by-word handwriting recognition of Arabic Segmentation: some Arabic letters are discontinuous, so Arabic words are 1 to 7 strokes (not counting dots?) Handwriting spelling dictionary look up by number of strokes, number of dots, number of intersections in Arabic Input model: precursor to PHIGS and CGI, postcursor to SIGGRAPH CORE?

[ANSI81] ANSI, "ANSI X3H31 Status Report on the H31 Strawman Proposal on Input Functionality", Document X3H31/31-11R1, April 20, 1981. [Anson82] (*a) Anson, E., "The Device Model of Interaction", Computer Graphics, Vol 16 No 3, July 1982, pp 107-114.
Critique of CORE graphics standard, need for composite devices Refers to user-interface of simulating a keyboard /function buttons on a tablet

[Arakawa83] (*p) Arakawa, K. "On-line recognition of hand-written characters -Alphanumeric, hiragana, katakana, kanji" Recognition, Vol 16 No 1, pp 9-16, 1983. Published earlier as (Arakawa78)
Fourier coefficients of strokes as feature points For Roman alphabet, 29 single-stroke and 7 two-stroke character shapes For Hiragana alphabet, 10 single-stroke and 18 two-stroke character shapes, 13 3-stroke, 5 4stroke

[Badie82] (*p) Badie, K. and Shimura, M., "Machine Recognition of Roman Cursive 1/26

27.12.13 Annotated Bibliography in On-line Character Recognition and Pen Computing

Scripts", Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Pattern Recognition, pp 28-30, 1982.
Refers to similarity/variability of loop and arc in script handwriting Script recognition using clock-wise vs counter-clockwise loops and arcs Refers to corner(cusp)/loop transition in script writing

[Bahl81] (*p) Bahl, L.R. and Cocke, J., "Font-Independent Character Recognition by Cryptanalysis", IBM Technical Disclosure Bulletin, Vol 24 No 3, August 1981, pp. 15881589.
Cites Baum-Petree algorithm for decoding Font- and language-independent recognition by doing cryptanalysis on whatever categories and arbitrary recognition comes up with?

[Bahl83] (*p) Bahl, L.R., Jelinek, F., and Mercer, R.L., "A Maximum Likelihood Approach to Continuous Speech Recognition", IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, Vol PAMI-5 No 2, March 1983, pp 179-190.
Realistic testing: artificial tasks vs natural tasks (for a priori grammar for speech) Speech: acoustic/phonetic encoding vs communication theory model

[BarkerPG82] Barker, P.G., "Data base interaction using a hand print terminal", International Journal of Man-Machine Studies, Vol 17, 1982, pp 435-458.
DCR devices allows several novel kinds of user interactions / interfaces Says needs much higher resolution digitizer touch-pad than is available

[Biswas81] (*p) Biswas, Prasenjit and Majumdar, Arun K., "A Multistage Fuzzy Classifier for Recognition of Handprinted Characters", IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Vol SMC-11 No 12, December, 1981, pp 834-838.
Test results on 12 of the 35 Devanagari alphabet handwritten characters (all work done by hand: did not have a real computer?) Fuzzy set classifier for Devanagari (Indian) handwriting recognition Data collection: tested on the 70% "satisfactory" sample writing sheets (pairwise comparison?) syntactic method only applied to handwritten characters which were confusable

[Blesser83] (*p) Blesser, B., United States Patent 4,375,081, "Multistage Digital Filtering Utilizing Several Criteria", February 22, 1983, assigned to Pencept, Incorporated, Waltham, Massachusetts.
Low-pass digital filter for a tablet to pre-process handwritten character to eliminate wobble/digitization noise before recognition

[Bozinovic82] Bozinovic, R. and Srihari, S.N., "A string correction algorithm for cursive script recognition", IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, Vol 4, November 1982, pp 655-663.
Handwriting cursive script recognition using channel model of dictionary: allows for splitting, merging, and substitution (segment parsing errors) for context: probabilistic spelling corrector based on a distance metric for strings 2/26

27.12.13 Annotated Bibliography in On-line Character Recognition and Pen Computing

[Brody83] (*p) Brody, Herb " Machines that Read Move Up a Grad", Hight Technology, Feb 1983, pp 35-ff.
Review of commercial OCR products and applications (document sorting), including Kurzweil,

[BrownMK83] Brown, M.K. and Ganapathy, S., "Preprocessing Techniques for Cursive Script Word Recognition", Pattern Recognition, Vol 16 No 5, pp 447-458, 1983.
Much DCR/CSR research is commercial/proprietary, therefore not published DCR picking up as result of human factors in Man/Machine interface Wants writer (author) independent recognition Correct for real-world errors in input data collection

[BrownRM83] Brown, Robert M., and Cheng, C.F., "Optical Character Recognition for Automated Cartography: The Advanced Development Handprinted Symbol Recognition System", Naval Ocean Research and Development Activity, NSTL Station, Mississippi, Report No NORDA-TN-187, March 1983.
NTIS citation index

[Buckle81] (*p) Buckle, D. and Strand, T.D., United States Patent 4,262,281, "Processing of Information", assigned to Quest Automation Limited, Dorset, England, April 14, 1981.
Quest Automation / Datapad product patent on handwriting recognition

[Burr81] (*p) Burr, D.J., "Elastic matching of line drawings", IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, Vol PAMI-3, March, 1981, pp 708-713.
Handwritten sketch/character input recognition: refers to IEEE handwriting data base collection 1.2.4: (24x36 binary OCR) Like Greenberg77, throws out handwriting samples from IEEE Database 1.2.4 as "poorly written"

[Burr83] (*p) Burr, D.J., "Designing a Hand-writing Reader", IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, Vol PAMI-5 No 5, pp 554-559, September 1983.
Context by matching grouped letters into words using Unix "spell" separate "training dictionary" for each user: single-stroke characters, discrete characters

[Buxton82] (*p) Buxton, William " An Informal Study of Selection Positioning Tasks", Graphics Interface '82, pp 323-ff.
trainable, short-hand single-stroke symbols for graphical shapes

[Buxton83] Buxton, William, Fiune, Eugene, Hill, Ralph, Lee, Alison, and Woo, Carson, "Continuous hand-gesture driven input", Proceedings of Graphics Interface 83, page 191-195, 1983.
Digitizer stylus must be held vertical to get good results

[Buxton83a] (*p) Buxton, William " Lexical and Pragmatic Considerations of Input Structures", Computer Graphics, January 1983, pp 31-ff. 3/26

27.12.13 Annotated Bibliography in On-line Character Recognition and Pen Computing

[Buxton83b] (*p) Buxton, William " Towards a Comprehensive User Interface Management System ", Computer Graphics, Vol 17, No 3, July 1983 [CalComp83] CalComp, "CalComp 2000 Series Digitizer Operator's Manual", 50218-1, page 15, CalComp Incorporated, January 1983. [Carau81] Carau, F., Hetzel, H. and Tremblay, M., United States Patent 4,255,617, "Travelling Wave Digitizer", assigned to Hewlett-Packard Co, Palo Alto, California.
Digitizer measuring X and Y sequentially in time

[Carey83] Carey, Tom " User Differences in Interface Design", IEEE Computer, November 1982, pp 14-ff [Carroll82] Carroll, John M. " The Adventure of Getting to Know a Computer", IEEE Computer, November 1982 [Casey82] Casey, R.G. and Nagy, G., "Recursive Segmentation and Classification of Composite Character Patterns", Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Pattern Recognition, Munich, Germany, October 1982, pp 1023-1026.
Combine character segmentation with classification in adaptive decision tree Optical resolution good enough for recognition may be too low to segment characters (like cursive/connected vs discrete characters segmentation): some touching characters in OCR can only be segmented by recognizing component characters

[Casey83] (*p) Casey, R.G. and Nagy, G., " Decision Tree Design Using a Probabilistic Model", IEEE Trans. on Information Theory, Vol IT-30, No 1, January 1984, pp 93..99. [ComputerGW82] Computer Graphics World, "Digitizer Survey", July 1982, pp 66-69.
Vendor survey in 1982 for digitizing tablets, video scanner digitizers.

[Cooper81] Cooper, Leon N., and Elbaum, Charles, United States Patent 4,254,474, "Information Processing System using Threshhold Passive Modification", March 3, 1981, assigned to Nestor Associates, Stonington, Connecticut.
Nestor Graphics patent

[Cooper82a] Cooper, Leon N. and Elbaum, Charles, United States Patent 4,319,331, "Curve Follower", March 9, 1982, assigned to Nestor Graphics, Providence, Rhode Island.
Nestor Graphics patent Curve follower to turn OCR data into DCR character data

[Cooper82] (*p) Cooper, Leon N., Elbaum, Charles, and Reilly, Douglas L., United States Patent 4,326,259, "Self Organizing General Pattern Class Separator and Identifier", April 20, 1982, assigned to Nestor Graphics, Providence, Rhode Island., also European Patent Application 81300559.2 4/26

27.12.13 Annotated Bibliography in On-line Character Recognition and Pen Computing

Nestor Graphics patent

[Cordella83] Cordella, L.P. and Sanniti di Baja, G., "Structural description of silhouettes", Proceedings of the 3rd Scandinavian Conference on Image Analysis, Copenhagen, Denmark, 1983, pp 73-78.
about line-thinning and reconstruction

[Cox82] Cox, C.H. III, Coueignoux, P., Blesser, B., and Eden, M., "Skeletons: A Link Between Theoretical and Physical Letter Descriptions", Pattern Recognition, Vol 15 No 1, PP 11-22, 1982.
Barry's group: functional attribute (cognitive) vs synthetic (generative) Deal with embellishments separates from base pattern (in OCR)

[Crane82] Crane, H.D. and Wolf, D.E., United States Patent 4,344,135, "Dynamic Creation of Signatures", August 10, 1982, assigned to Stanford Research Institute, Menlo Park, California.
Hew Crane: amendment to Crane79: patent 4,156,911 (?) Human-reading for signature verification

[Crane83] Crane, H.D. and Ostrem, J.S., "Automatic Signature Verification Using a Three-Axis Force-Sensitive Pen", IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Vol SMC-13 No 3, May 1983, pp 329-337.
Writing pen with obstructed view

[CTS81] CTS Recognition, " Telepad product information", 13-14 Golden Square, London W1R 3AG, England, 1981.
Early Micropad-like British handwriting recognition product.

[Dooijes83] Dooijes, E.H., "Analysis of Handwriting Movements", Acta Psychologica, Vol 54, 1983, pp 99-114. [DosterW83a] Doster, W. and Oed, R., "Zur Bildanalyse bei der Handschriftlichen Direkteingabe", Proceedings of Mustererkennung 1983, October 11-13, 1983, Karlsruhe, West Germany.
Best description of AEG's segmentation/parsing algorithm for handwritten characters Blithely claims that rasterization of dynamic on-line character data would reduce this with OCR to the same problem (but the OCR segmentation problem is harder!)

[DosterW83b] Doster, W. and Schuermann, J., "A Step Towards Intelligent Document Input to Computers", Proceedings of the IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, June 19-23, 1983, Washington, D.C., pp 515-516.
Scan in documents with OCR, use on-line handwriting recognition user-interface to edit them

[Dunn81a] Dunn, K., "Choose Digitizer Technology and Features to Suit Applications", Computer Technology Review, Fall/Winter 1981, pp 171-175. 5/26

27.12.13 Annotated Bibliography in On-line Character Recognition and Pen Computing

Many limiting characteristics of digitizers (width of pencil line, etc.) List of what can be spec'ed for a digitizer (but not the trade-offs)

[Dunn81b] Dunn, K., "Understanding digitizer resolution and accuracy", Mini-Micro Systems, December 1981.
Differential linearity error is a digitizer's worst enemy Clumping and streatching of digitizer co-ordinates for X-vs-X non-linearity Digitizer accuracy vs digitizer stability General review of digitizer characteristics and proper specifications

[Elliot82] Elliott, B.J., United States Patent 4,345,239, "Apparatus for Determining Pen Acceleration", August 17, 1982, assigned to International Business Machines, Armonk, New York.
Capacitive sensor for measuring pen/stylus acceleration for signature verification

[Embley81] Embley, D.W. and Nagy, G., "Behavioral Aspects of Text Editors", A.C.M. Computing Surveys, Vol 13 No 1, March 1981, pp 33-70.
Cites gaps in human factors/engineering and cognitive psychology literature re text editing userinterface Cites "taste for federal funding" as reason some human factors studies have skipped various interests Users frequently will not use mouse in text editing: (we say "3-handed monkey" effect): threehanded monkey Tablet: pointing with light pen fatigueing, and not accurate enough

[Fairhurst82a] Fairhurst, M.C., "Image Characteristics as Assessment Criteria for an Electronic Writing Aid", Proceedings of International Conference on Man-Machine Systems, July 1982, pp 191-195.
Claims better test results for machine recognition than for human reader (!)

[Fairhurst82b] Fairhurst, M.C, and Maia, M.M., "An Approach to Machine Reading of Text with a Memory-based Character Recognition System", Colloquium Proceedings "Coding of Documentary Information", University of Kent, Canterbury, England, May 12, 1982.
Discusses pairwise discriminators to reduce memory requirements for OCR of typed text: Similar to Pencept?

[Filipski81] Filipski, Alan J., "Critical-point Representation of Hand-printed Numerals", Proceedings of International Conference on Cybernetics and Society, IEEE 0360/8913/81/0000-0198, 26-28 October, 1981, Atlanta, Georgia, pp 198-202.
96% correct on handprinted OCR recognition: skeletonizing, "critical point" strokes with initial and final slope features for 18 types of stroke segments. Admits to and spells out several weaknesses: 4 vs 9, patching OCR skeletonization breaks Handwritten OCR recognition: simple template matching works well if feature extraction is good Critical points for features and segmentation in OCR handwriting: points of high curvature, then Freeman chain codes Refers to Knoll Database of hand-printed numerals, 21x25 binary grid, IEEE Pattern recognition 6/26

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data base 1.2.2)

[FoleyJD81] Foley, J.D., Wallace, V. and Chan, P., "The Human Factors of Interaction Techniques", George Washington University, Institute for Information Science and Technology Technical Report GWU-IIST-81-03, Washington, D.C., 1981.
Precursor to FoleyJD84

[FoleyJD82] Foley, J.D. and VanDam, A., "Fundamentals of Interactive Computer Graphics", Addison-Wesly, Reading, Massachusetts, 1982.
Three-point calibration, general graphics reference

[Freyd83] Freyd, J.J., "Representing the dynamics of a static form", Memory and Cognition, Vol 11, 1983, pp 342-346.
Tappert's bibliography

[Fu81] Fu, K.S., "A survey on image segmentation", Pattern Recognition, Vol 13, 1981, pp 3-16.

[Fukushima83] Fukushima, K., Miyake, S., and Ito, T., "Numeral Character Recognition by the Algorithm of the Neocognitron", Transactions of the Institute of Electronic and Communications Engineers of Japan, Vol J66D No 2, February 1983, pp 206-213.
NTIS index: neural network for handwritten numerals recognition, using a scanner: learningwith-a-teacher better than learning-without-a-teacher (training set makes a difference, but what?)

[Gehani82] Gehahi, N., "The Potential of Forms in Office Automation", IEEE Transactions on Communication, Vol 30 No 1, January 1982.
Gives many reasons for using forms as fundamental office automation model (taken from Hekmatpour86) Use of forms eases transition from manual to office automation

[Geyer81] Geyer, L.H., and Gupta, S.M., "Recognition/confusion of dot matrix vs conventional font capital letters", Perception and Psychophysics, Vol 29, 1981, pp 280282.
Suen86 cites this on what matrix resolution needed for OCR on hand-print *$

[Glickman82] Glickman, David, Greanias, Evon C., Repass, James T., and Rosenbaum Walter S., United States Patent 4,342,085, "Stem Processing for Data Reduction in a Dictionary Storage File", assigned to International Business Machines Corporation, Armonk, New York, July 27, 1982.
Stem processing for data reduction in dictionary storage file storing word list file with prefix and suffix truncated so that only unique root element remains

[Goodale83] Goodale, T.S., Goyal, S., and Litvin, Y., "Designing a Text Editor with 7/26

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Graphic and Handwritten Input", Report TR 83-401.1, GTE Laboratories Incorporated, 40 Sylvan Road, Waltham, Massachusetts 02254, November 1983 (partial copy).
Gesture recognition for a text editor? Handwritten text input? Gesture-based user interface with handwriting recognition for editing text with electronic ink: first reference for prior art? Early reference to visual parallax on electronic ink with integrated tablet/display.

[Gould83] Gould, J., Conti, J., Tovanyecz, T., "Composing Letters with a Simulated Listening Typewriter", Communications of the A.C.M., pp 295-308, Vol 26 No 4, April 1983.
Simulation of "perfect" speech recognition, showing that there is indeed a user-interface problem in addition

[Greanias82] Greanias, E.C., United States Patent 4,365,235, "Chinese/Kanji On-line Recognition System", December 21, 1982, assigned to International Business Machines Corporation, Armonk, New York.
Chinese recognition by recognizing component strokes/radicals Refers to "spelling" of Chinese/Kanji: order strokes/radicals are written in Cites problem with sonic/acoustic digitizers: sensing point offset from writing point

[Greer83] Greer, K.L., and Green, D.W., "Context and Motor Control in Handwriting", Acta Psychologica, Vol 54, 1983, pp 205-215.
Digitizer specifies +-.015" on 0.001 resolution, but also +-.01 accuracy

[GTCO82] GTCO, "Digi-Pad 5 Family Data Sheet", DP5-L104-0782, GTCO Corporation, Rockville, Maryland, 1982. [Gu83] Gu, Y.X., Wang., Q.R., and Suen, C.Y., "Application of a Multilayer Decision Tree in Computer Recognition of Chinese Characters", IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, Vol PAMI-5 No 1, January 1983, pp 83-89.
Features for Chinese character recognition are Walsh coefficients, projected onto X and Y axes: character alignment (normalization), 99.5% accuracy on 3000 characters OCR on Chinese/Kanji characters Using a binary decision tree for pattern recognition of a large number of classes (Chinese characters OCR) Performance: noisy characters only: clean characters do not occur in real life

[Haber81] Haber, R.N. and Haber, L.R., "Visual components of the reading process", Visible Language, Vol XV No 2, 1981, pp 147-181.
Bozinovic cites for human recognition by outline of word (as shown in WrightG52)

[Hagita83] Hagita, N., Naito, S. and Masuda, I., "Handprinted Chinese Characters Recognition by Peripheral Direction Contributivity Feature", Transactions of IECE of Japan, Vol J66D No 10, October, 1973, pp 1185-1192 (in Japanese: abstract only)
OCR for Chinese using features of stroke structure, complexity, direction, connective relation, and relative location for 95.4% of block-style handprinted data 8/26

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[Hanaki81a] Hanaki, S. and Yamazaki, T., "On-line recognition of handprinted Kanji characters", Pattern Recognition, Vol 12, 1980, pp 421-429.
Tappert's bibliography -- Chinese recognition

[Hanaki81b] Hanaki, S., Temma, T., Yoshida, H., Arakawa, T., Suziki, M., Seki, T., and Kikuchi, Y., "Online Realtime Character Recognition System", Transactions of IECE of Japan, Vol E64 No 5, p 374, May 1981 (Abstract only).
Science Citation Index Handprinted recognition: feature is break into piecewise segments, compare with decision tree: 32 handwriting terminals on one computer (cluster)

[Hemenway82] Hemenway, K., "Psychological Issues in the Use of Icons in Command Menus", Proc. Human Factors in Computer Systems Conference, Washington, D.C., A.C.M., March 1982, pp 20-24. [Hollerbach81] Hollerbach, J.M., "An Oscillation Theory of Handwriting", Biological Cybernetics, Springer-Verlag, Vol 39, 1981, pp 139-156.
(see also Hollerbach78) Unclear fancier curve fitting to handwriting models gives any more insight Maximum writing speed/velocity is 25 mm/sec Acceleration peaks in handwriting not just a tablet/pen artifact Variation in slant in handwriting (vertical) is about 10 degrees Cusp/loop: substitution of clockwise vs counter-clockwise motion in handwriting Variability of corner shapes for single writer Says reduction in concentration on handwriting needed to think and write at same time

[Hopfield83] Hopfield, et al, "Unlearning Has a Stabilizing Effect in Collective Memories", Nature, Vol 304 pp 158-159, 1983. [Hosaka81] Hosaka, M. and Kimura, F., "Use of handwriting action in construction of models", in Scientific Information Systems in Japan, H. Inose, editor, 1981, pp 83-90.
Tappert's bibliography

[Hosaka82] Hosaka, M. and Kimura, F., "Using Handwriting Action to Construct Models of Engineering Objects", Computer, Vol 15 No 11, November 1872, pp 35-47.
User interface (fill in charts) for handwriting recognition input of engineering drawings (mechanical drafting, maps, NC control drawings) Features are passage through 3x3 template grid, then chord lengths and directions (cusp, stroke, rotation, straight): cusps turn into small loops, vice versa is a source of error

[Howbrook83] Howbrook, E., United States Patent 4,369,431, "Apparatus and Methods for Recognizing Handwritten Signs", January 18, 1983, assigned to National Research Development Corporation, London, England.
Signature recognition using first twelve initial segments, segmenting by zero velocity in Y Notes that a frequency cut-off of 20Hz is o.k. for signature signal

[Hsu82] Hsu, W.S., Takahashi, K., Ozawa, S., and Fujita, H., "Ordered stroke 9/26

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extraction method for printed Chinese character recognition", Transactions of IECE of Japan, Vol E65 No 2, February 1982, p. 140.
NTIS abstract: fix skeletonization/line-thinning breakdown at intersections by simulating writing motion in OCR

[Huh82] Huh, Y.K. and Beus, H.L., "On-line recognition of hand-printed Korean characters", Pattern Recognition, Vol 15, 1982, pp 445-453.
Tappert's bibliography

[Hull82a] Hull, Jonathan J. and Srihari, S.N., "Experiments in text recognition with binary n-gram and viterbi algorithms", IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, Vol PAMI-4, 1982, pp 520-530.
Viterbi and binary n-gram for context in optical character recognition: most efficient implementation: Viterbi algorithm is based on probabilities of confusion of pairs of characters

[Hull82b] Hull, Jonathan J. and Srihari, S.N., "Comparison of two contextual postprocessing algorithms for text recognition", Proceedings of 1982 IEEE Computer Society Conference on Pattern Recognition and Image Processing, 1982, pp 146-151 (abstract only).
NTIS abstract: looks very similar to Hull82a

[Hull83a] Hull, Jonathan J. and Srihari, S.N., "A computational approach to word shape recognition: Hypothesis generation and testing", Proceedings of IEEE-CS Conference on Computer Vision Pattern Recognition, June 1983, pp 156-161. [Hull83b] Hull, Jonathan J., Srihari, S.N., and Choudhari, R., "An integrated algorithm for text recognition: comparison with a cascaded algorithm", IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, Vol PAMI-5, 1983, pp 384-395.
Letter substitution errors on text recognition corrected by various means of context: combining bottom-up and top-down (syntactic and semantic) context works better than separately Context for spelling correction: goodness measure extended to probability that it is a corrupted form of another letter Context for spelling correction: letter probabilities: digrams/pairs and trigrams (bottom/up context) (may involve a false assumption about input language) Context for spelling correction: dictionary lookup (lexicon for top/down context) Many sources for spelling errors: typographical in original text, keying/writing errors, character recognition error

[Hulls83] Hulls, L. Robin, "On-Board Intelligence Increases Accuracy of Plotters and Digitizers", Computer Technology Review, Summer 1983, pp 129-133.
Numonics article on digitizers and stepper-motor plotters Digitizers: no point being more accurate than the application needs Digitizers: accuracy may be affected by pen angle/tilt Digitizers: two-phase coarse/fine position determination using two characteristics

[Ikeda81] Ikeda, K. et al, "On-line Recognition of Hand-Written Characters Utilizing Positional and Stroke Vector Sequences", Pattern Recognition, Vol 13 No 3, pp 191 10/26

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206, 1981.
Discrimination of similar characters: boundary recognition Uses different methods for characters of different number of strokes

[ImageData82] Image Data Products, information", Bristol, England, 1982.

"Image Data Tablet

System product

[Inforite82] Cadre Systems Limited, "Inforite Hand Character Recognition Terminal product information" Cadre Systems Limited, 1 Wilkinson Road, Cirencester, Glos., GL7 1YT, England.
Early British handwriting recognition product

[Ishii83] Ishii, K., "Generation of Distorted Characters and Its Applications", Denshi Tsushin Gakkai Ronbunshi, Vol 66-D No 11, November 1983, pp 1270-1277 (in Japanese), translated in Systems, Computers and Controls, Vol 14 No 6, 1983, pp 1927.
Cites problem of needing very large training samples to get all variations Claims "only samples of low quality can improve dictionary" (training) (vs. ambiguous?) Claims "recognition rate tells you nothing about how performance goes down with quality of characters" Shows artificial forms used in Japanese JIS hand-print standard Not enough to read good characters, but how well does it do on bad ones? Claims 98.5% recognition rate Use artificial variability instead of real handwritten data (!)

[Jain82] Jain, R. and Haynes, S., "Imprecision in Computer Vision", Computer, Vol 15 No 8, August 1982, pp 39-48.

[JohnsonEO81] Johnson, E.O. and Tosima, S., "Visual-Perception-Related Effects in Chinese-Japanese Written Characters", RCA Review, Vol 40, March 1981, pp 60-ff.
Partial copy only Human recognition features: visual groups of strokes in Chinese/Japanese characters consist of sub-groups of strokes, usually about four: visual group count corresponds to letter count in Western languages

[Kaleyeh83] Kaleyeh, J.M. and Landgrebe, D.A., "Predicting the Required Number of Training Samples", IEEE Transactions on Pat. Anal. and Mach. International, November 1983, pp 664-667. [Kamran83] Kamram, A. and Feldman, M.B., "Graphics Programming Independent of Interaction Techniques and Styles", Computer Graphics, Vol 17 No 1, January 1983, pp 58-66.
Describes GMU's Information Display Systems project (see Foley) Critique of CORE (and GKS) input device model, lack of extensibility

[Kato82] Kato, O., Iwase, H., Yoshida, M., and Tanahashi, J., "Interactive Handdrawn 11/26

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Diagram Input System", Proceedings of IEEE Computer Society Conference on Pattern Recognition and Image Processing, 14-17 June, 1982, Las Vegas, Nevada, pp544-549.
Interactive user-interface for handwriting recognition, sketching and sketching, using angle variation and stroke type (straight line, angled line, ellipse, circle, arc) for features Contains user interface for text entry to pretty up character spacing and alignment, fixing sketches (without recognition)

[KimJ83] Kim, J., "Baseline Drift Correction of Handwritten Text", IBM Technical Disclosure Bulletin, Vol 25 No 10, March 1983, pp 5111-5114.
See also Tappert papers Correct cursive script for baseline drift

[KimS81] Kim, S., "Inversions - a catalog of calligraphic cartwheels", BYTE Books, Peterborough, New Hampshire, 1981.
Very large catalog of reversible and ambiguous text to show variability of human recognition and perception Has informal but very interesting bibliography on variability of human recognition

[Knox82] Knox, Keith T., United States Patent 4,345,313, "Image Processing Method and Apparatus Having a Digitial Airbrush for Touch Up", assigned to assigned to Xerox Corporation, Stamford, Connecticut, August 17, 1982.
For brush-type user-interface in graphics drawing

[Krouse83] Krouse, John K., "Selecting a Graphic-Input Device for Cad/Cam", Machine Design, October 6, 1983, pp 74-80.
Voice/speech/tablet/mouse/joystick input overview, 1983

[Krumme82] Krumme, D.W., and Ackley, D.H., "A Practical Method for Code Generation Based on Exhaustive Search", Proceedings of SIGPLAN '82 Symposium on Compiler Construction, A.C.M. SIGPLAN Notices, Vol 17 No 6, June 1982.
Fortran compilers beat the heck out of "C" compilers for code efficiency

[Kruskal83] Kruskal, Joseph B., "An Overview of Sequence Comparison: Time Warps, String Edits, and Macromolecules", SIAM Review, Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, Vol 25 No 2, April 1983, pp 201-237.
Distance metric for differences in linear strings: Levenshtein distance: mutations in chromosones, UNIX "diff" files, string matching, minimal mutation distance etc. Clustering /boundary definition using relative difference (dyadic), not absolute position (monadic) Levenshtein distance easier to use than probabilistic/statistical estimate of how much change would be required Common sense: if your pattern recognition algorithm works better, it is better Describes boundary comparison using monadic variables/features (absolute value) vs dyadic (relative comparison only) Different approaches for dyadic comparison: common sense, adapt monadic variables, and Levenshtein relative distance 12/26

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[Kuklinski82] (*p) Kuklinski, T. and G. Babb, "Pattern Algorithm Permits Freehand Printed-Data Entry", Computer Technology Review, Winter 1982. [Kurtzberg82] (*p) Kurtzberg, J.M. and Tappert, C.C., "Segmentation Procedure for Handwritten Symbols and Words", IBM Technical Disclosure Bulletin, Vol 25 No 7B, December 1982, pp 3848-3852.
Mentions reduction of "dots" as a stroke type Makes disparaging remarks about "boxed" input for discrete recognition Discusses delayed strokes, "t"-crossings for discrete recognition

[Lai81] Lai, M.T.Y. and Suen, C.Y., "Automatic recognition of characters by Fourier descriptors and boundary line encodings", Pattern Recognition, Vol 14, 1981, pp 383393. [Landauer83] Landauer, T.K., Galotti, K.M. and Hartwell, S., "Natural Command Names and Initial Learning: A Study of Text-Editing Terms", Communications of A.C.M., Vol 26, July 1983, pp 495-503.
Rhyne86 cites this that for verbal command names, very poor agreement on informal name subjects give for text editing commands (mnemonicity for gestures?) "naturalness" in user-interface not helpful: for example, better if different names for options with similar semantics, but different syntax Human factors / user-interface: different methods of eliciting preferred command names get different results for same subject -- in particular, naive users make poor choices for command names

[LeeA83] Lee, A. and Lochovsky, F.H., "Enhancing the Usability of an Office Information System Through Direct Manipulation", Proceedings of the CHI 1983 Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, Boston, 1983, pp 130-134.
for gesture/handwriting user interface

[LeeB81] Lee, Bum C., Kim, Jung G. and Yi, Seung, K., "Improvement on Korean Character Recognition by Resolving Ambiguity Problem", Proceedings of International Conference on Cybernetics and Society, IEEE 0360/8913/81/0000-0193, 26-28 October, 1981, Atlanta, Georgia, pp 193-197.
Korean recognition: six types of Korean characters (first consonants, second consonants, vertical vowels, horizontal vowels) using syntactic recognition and 8-direction chain codes

[Lemone82] (*p) Lemone, Karen A. " Similarity Measures Between Strings Extended to Sets of Strings", IEEE Trans. on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, Vol PAMI-4, No 3, May 1982, pp 345-347
substrings of chain-codes

[Leroux81] (*p) Leroux, J., Miclet, L., Bonnet, A., Delarue, X. and Tormos, S., "Segments Detection in Binary Pictures for the Representation and the Syntactic Recognition of Hand Written Characters", Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Pattern Recognition, IEEE CH1801-0/82/0000/0692 1981, pp 692-695. 13/26

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Chain code string comparison in OCR for handwriting recognition?

[Litvin82a] Litvin, Y., "Segmentation of Handwritten Text by the Analysis of TwoElement Connectors", unpublished manuscript, G.T.E. Research Laboratory, Waltham Massachusetts, 1981. [Litvin82b] (*p) Litvin, Y., "Principles of evaluation for hand-printed and cursive text recognition methods", G.T.E. Technical Note 401.1, April 1982.
Mentions retrace removal (page 7) User interface: points out difference between errors understandable to user, and errors not ("qualitative errors")

[Litvin82c] Litvin, Y., "Two Implementations of Data Reduction in Graphics Input", unpublished manuscript, December 1982.

[Loy82] (*p) Loy, W.W. and Landau, I.D., "An On-Line Procedure for Recognition of Handprinted Alphanumeric Characters", IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, Vol PAMI-4 No 4, July 1982, pp 422-427.
Reduce handwritten characters to a polygon / Freeman chain codes, then compare syntactic feature vector, then statistics on segment lengths Serif/hook removal, preprocessing/smoothing, retrace collapsing on on-line character recognition Handwritten samples "only" constrained to one of 69 writing styles/shapes: 99% and 97%: 20Kbytes memory, 500 Ms on 8086 Asserts for on-line recognition that learning new shapes is more important than accuracy / recognition rate

[Matsuda83] (*p) Matsuda, Ryouchi, " Present Status and Future Trends of Japanese Language Information Processing Systems", Proc. of 1983 International Conference on Text Processing with a Large Character Set, Tokyo, Japan, October 17-19, 1983, pp 436-446
Survey of problems and technologies for processing Japanese Characters: standardized keyboards, speech recognition, handwriting recognition

[Mantas83] (*p) Mantas, J. and Heaton, A.G., "Handwritten character recognition by parallel labelling and shape analysis", Pattern Recognition Letters, Vol 1, July 1983, pp 465-468.
Refers to problem of encountering a shape system not trained to for adaptive recognition OCR of handwriting recognition using polygonal approximation (chain codes), fuzzy labelling: thinning, tail-removal, fuzzy sets.

[Marr82] Marr, D., "Vision: A computational investigation into the human representation and processing of visual information", San Franciso, Freeman Press, 1982. [Matsukawa83] (*p) Matsukawa, Junko " Naming and recognition of random shapes", Japanese Journal of Psychology, Vol 54 No 1, 1983, pp 62-66 (In Japanese) Humans 14/26

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recognize (recall? identify?) shapes better if the are recognizable as a familiar object

[Maurer82] (*p) Maurer, H.A., Rozenberg, G., and Welzl, E., "Using String Languages to Describe Picture Languages", Information and Control, Vol 54, 1982, pp 155-185.
Chain codes: something similar to BLRTs for describing images Partial copy of paper on file

[McDermott83] McDermott, Drew, " Contexts and Data Dependencies: A Synthesis", IEEE Trans. on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, Vol 5, No 3, May 1983, pp 237-246.
General paper on information dependencies

[Meads83] (*p) Meads, Jon A., "Defining the Ergonomic Buzzwords", Proceedings of the 1983 Annual conference of the A.C.M..
What is user-friendly? friendly to a beginner may be bad for expert

[Meguro82] (*a) Meguro, S. and Umeda, M. " Recognition of multi-font Chinese Characters", Trans. Inst. Electronic and Communications Engineers, Japanese Section, Vol E65, No 8, p 513, August 1982
Multi-font OCR off-line recognition

[Micropad82] (*p) " Micropad Product Information", Quest International, Americal Sales Office for Micropad Inc., LaGrange Illinois
handwriting-terminal using a digitizer with two conductive sheets, single-character character recognition also showed a GUI application picking from a diagram of replacements parts, plus character recognition Press release included, data-entry use in New Scotland Yard

[Moran81] Moran, T., "The Command Language Grammar: A Representation for the User Interface of Interactive Computer Systems", International Journal of ManMachine Studies, Vol 15, 1971, pp 3-50. [Morasso83] (*p) Morasso, P., Mussa Ivaldi, F.A., and Ruggiero, C., "How a Discontinuous Mechanism can Produce Continuous Patterns in Trajectory Formation and Handwriting", Acta Psychologica, Vol 54, 1983, pp 83-98.
Generative variability

[Mullin81] (*p) Mullin, James K., " Beliable Indexing Using Unreliable Recognition Devices", IEEE Trans on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, Vol PAMI-3, No 3, May 1981, pp 347-350
Indexing document automatically with OCR recognition by subsituting likely-confused characters to same pseudo-character , similar to the Soundex system by Davidson for similarsounding English names

[Murase83] (*p) Murase, H., Wakahara, T., and Umeda, M., "Online Recognition 15/26

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Algorithm for Hand-Sketched Flowchart by Candidate Lattice Method", Denshi Tsushin Gakkai Ronbunshi, Vol 65-D No 6, June 1983, pp 675-682 (in Japanese), translated in Systems, Computers and Controls, Vol 14 No 3, 1983, pp 37-46.
Claims 97.9% recognition rate on 120 samples (small sample size) Refers to segmentation errors in recognizing two-dimensional flowchart symbols Sketch recognition - flowcharts

[Myers81] Myers, C.S. and Rabiner, Lawrence R., "Connected digit recognition using a level building DTW algorithm", IEEE Transactions on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, Vol ASSP-29, 1981, pp 351-363.
Kruskal83 Dynamic time warping

[Nagura83] (*p) Nagura, Masakazu and Suenaga, Yasuhito, "A Facsimile-Based Graphics Editing System by Auxiliary Mark Recognition", IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, Vol PAMI-5 No 4, July 1983, pp 433-441.
See also Suenaga80, same paper Handwriting mark recognition, OFF-LINE scanned OCR user interface for graphics editing Mark-up OFF-LINE scanned handwriting recognition user interface for on-line changes to scanned line drawings Has many Japanese citations for OCR of handwritten drawing and character recognition

[Nagy82] (*p) Nagy, G., "Optical Character Recognition - Theory and Practice", in "Handbook of Statistics", Vol 2, Krishnaiah, P.R. and Kanal, L.N., editors, NorthHolland, 1974, pp 621-649.
Testing: substitution error rates for OCR in practice two to three orders of magnitude lower than reported in academic literature Optical digitizer resolution of 0.004" sufficient for typed text Human adaptation reasons for some handwriting recognition systems' success Cursive writing not as useful as speech, or discrete writing Most optical scanners for OCR barely have resolution adequate for recognizing ideal characters, much less real ones Optical scanning digitizer characteristics: geometric, photo-metric, control Optical scanning digitizer characteristics: cite for tablet digitizer as comparison Testing: cites work by Chow on statistical relation of substitution vs reject error rate Kahan87 cites this as saying Duda72 binary Bayesian statistical classifier is widely used in OCR Optical digitizer characteristics: no vendor willing to be pinned down on performance

[Nagy83a] (*p) Nagy, G., "Optical Scanning Digitizers", IEEE Computer, May 1983, pp 13-24.
Optical scanning digitizer characteristics: geometric linearity Optical scanning digitizer characteristics: stability/repeatibility Optical scanning digitizer characteristics: cite for tablet digitizer as comparison

[Nagy83] (*p) Nagy, G., "Candide's Practical Principles of Experimental Pattern Recognition", IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, Vol 16/26

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PAMI-5 No 2, March 1983, pp 199-200.

Tongue-in-check list of how researchers fudge pattern recognition statistics/results to bias them in their favor

[Nakajima81] Nakajima, K., Kida, H., and Arakawa, H., "Handprinted Character Recognition Techniques on Commercial-Based Facsimile Input", Electrical Communications Laboratories Technical Journal, Vol 30 No 9, 1981, pp 2361-2372 (in Japanese) (abstract only).
Handwritten numerals and katakana recognition, coping with facsimile distortions and variability

[Nakamura83] (*p) Nakamura, Y., United States Patent 4,389,634, "Character Reading Apparatus", June 21, 1983, assigned to Tokyo Shibaura Denki Kabushiki Kaisha, Kawasaki, Japan, and Tokyo Electric Company, Limited, Tokyo, Japan.
Hand-held scanner for character recognition

[NEC82] (*p) NEC: "Terminal that accepts handwriting lets the uninitiated use computer", Electronics Magazine, June 30, 1982, p 76.
NEC handwriting terminal product for personal PCs, low-cost

[NEC83] (*p) NEC, "NEC 2100",Electronics Magazine, June 16, 1983, page 32.
NEC 2100 kanji and hiragana symbols ...product NEC handwriting terminal product , high-end version of personal PC product

[Newbower81] (*p) Newbower, R.S., Cooper, J.B., Edmondson, J.E. and Maier, W. Reynolds, "Graphics-tablet for Data Entry in Computer-assisted Anesthesia Recordkeeping", ?? Conference Proceedings, IEEE 0195-4210/81/0000/0139, 1981, pp 139142.
User-interface application: special symbols and markings with handwriting recognition for anesthesia record keeping User-interface: shows forms with combinations of writing, handwriting recognition, drawing, check-off menu areas, etc.

[Nihei83] (*a) Nihei, Y., "Developmental Change in Covert Principles for the Organization of Strokes in Drawing and Handwriting", Acta Psychologica, Vol 54, 1983, pp 221-232.
Change in writing styles as kids grow up

[NTT81] (*p) NTT, "NTT 1900: System reads kanji characters into word processors", Electronics Magazine, June 16, 1981, page 64.
NTT 1900 kanji and hiragana symbols product "Aesop" on-line handwriting recognition, Nippon Telephone and Telegraph See also list in CIC folder on NTT

[NTT82] NTT: "System edits handwritten copy, finishes sketches", Electronics Magazine, June 30, 1982, pp 73-74.
(Date may be wrong) sketch/scribble/gesture input and editing system Mechanical digitizer 17/26

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[Numonics82] Numonics, "DigiBit Product Description", Numonics Incorporated, 418 Pierce Street, Lansdale PA 19446, 1982. [Odaka81] Odaka, K., United States Patent 4,284,975, "On-line Pattern Recognition System for Hand-written Characters", August 18, 1981, assigned to Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Public Corporation, Tokyo, Japan.
NTT character recognition patent Use of "feature points" in character recognition vs octants, etc.

[Odaka81a] (*p) Odaka, Kazumi, Wakahara, Toru, and Hashimoto, Shin'ichiro, "Online Handwritten Character Recognizer - An Application to Japanese Word Processor" EC Vol 81 No 20, pp 33-44 (in Japanese) [Odaka82a] (*p) Odaka, K. and Masuda, I., United States Patent 4,317,109, "Pattern Recognition System for Hand-written Characters Operating on an On-Line Real-Time Basis", February 23, 1982, assigned to Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Public Corporation, Tokyo, Japan.
NTT character recognition patent Patent on stroke-order independent recognition for Kanji/Chinese Feature points for Kanji/Kana are lengths of segments

[Odaka82b] (*p) Odaka, Kzaumi, Arakawa, Hiroki and Masuda, Isao, "On-line Recognition of Handwritten Characters by Approximating Each Stroke with Several Points", IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Vol SMC-12 No 6, November 1982, pp 898-903.
See 1980 paper of same title in Japanese Better than 99.8% correct recognition on Chinese/Kanji, hiragana, katakana, and alphanumerics/Romanji. Three to six feature points on each stroke for on-line handwriting recognition: points just resampled to a minimum distance? end-points of (Chinese) straight strokes only?

[Odaka83] Odaka, K., Wakahara, T., Masuda, I., and Hashimoto, S., "Stroke Order Free Online Character Recognition Algorithm and Its Application", Electronic Communications Laboratory Technical Journal, Vol 32 No 10, 1983, pp 2145-2158 (in Japanese).
Japanese handwriting recognition: features are inter-stroke distance pairs: claims 99.5% accuracy on 2057 Kanji Refers to AESOP user-interface for handwriting text/script editing

[Ogawa81] Ogawa, H. and Taniguchi, K., "Stroke resolution and segmentation of character string based on relaxation techniques", Transactions of IECE Japan, Vol PRL80-5, 1981. [OkaR83] Oka, R., "Studies on Recognition of Handwritten Chinese-Japanese Characters by Using Cellular Features", Research of the Electrotechnical Laboratories, 18/26

27.12.13 Annotated Bibliography in On-line Character Recognition and Pen Computing

Report No 834 1-109, September 1973 (in Japanese)

Cellular automoton for character recognition (?)

[Okamoto83] Okamoto, N., Nakamura, O., and Minami, T., "Character Segmentation for Mixed-Mode Communication", Proceedings of IFIP 9th World Computer Congress, 19-23 September, 1983, Paris France, pp 681-685.
Character and word segmentation in OCR documents using overlapping rectangles

[Okamura83] Okamura, K., Morita, K., Kanaoka, T., Okada, T., and Tomita, S., "Syntactic Pattern Recognition for Handwritten Katakana Characters by a Bottom-up Parser", Transactions of the Institute of Electronics and Communications Engineers of Japan, Vol J66D No 2, February 1983, pp 222-223.
NTIS abstract only: Katakana Japanese handwriting recognition

[Pavlidis82a] Pavlidis, Theo, "An asynchronous thinning algorithm", Computer Graphics Image Processing, Vol 20, 1982, pp 133-157.
Arcelli85 cites as general reference on line thinning, and its applications

[Pavlidis82] Pavlidis, Theo, "Algorithms for Graphics and Image Processing", Berlin, West Germany: Springer-Verlag, 1982.
Arcelli85 cites chapter 9 as general reference on line thinning, and its applications

[Pavlidis83] Pavlidis, Theo, "Effects of Distortions on the Recognition Rate of a Structural OCR System", Proceedings of Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition '83, Washington, D.C., June 1983, pp 303-309.
3-point calibration on digitizer tablets

[Pencept83] Pencept, "Pencept Penpad (TM) Manual", Pencept, Incorporated, 39 Green Street, Waltham, Massachusetts 02154, 1984. [Pencept83a] (*p) Pencept, "Pencept Penpad (TM) 200 Product Literature ", Pencept, Incorporated, 39 Green Street, Waltham, Massachusetts 02154, 1984.
handwriting-input terminal product

[Pick83] Pick, H.L., and Teulings, H.L., "Geometric Transformations of Handwriting", Acta Psychologica, Vol 54, 1983, pp 327-340. [Plamondon83] (*p) Plamondon, R. and Brault, J-J., "A System for Signature Analysis and Verification Based on an Accelerometer Pen", Proceedings of International Carnahan Conference on Security Technology, Zurich, Switzerland October 4-6, 1983, pp 157-163.
Uses tilt angle in signature verification

[Quest82] Quest Automation Limited, "Micropad User's Guide", Quest House, Princes Road, Ferndown, Dorset BH22 9HQ, United Kingdom.
Micropad dynamic on-line character recognition product 19/26

27.12.13 Annotated Bibliography in On-line Character Recognition and Pen Computing

[Quest83] Quest Automation Limited, "Q-Sign Terminal product literature", 10 Whittle Road, Wimborne, Dorset BH21 7SD, United Kingdom. Tel: 0202 891518, 1983.
Quest Automation: Micropad signature verification product

[Rabb82] (*p) Rabb, Gerald R. and Kuklinski, Theodore T., "Pattern Algorithm Permits Freehand Printed-Data Entry" Computer Technology Review, Winter 1982
Shows basic features of first Pencept product: single-stroke and multi-stroke forms, boxed input

[Ray81] Ray, A.K. and Chatterjee, B., "An Algorithm for the Recognition of Constrained Handwritten English Numerical Characters", Journal of the Institute of Electronics and Telecommunications Engineers of India, Vol 27 No 9, September 1981, pp 297-299.
NTIS abstract: OCR on handwriting recognition of numerals: features are true endpoints, true group points, and true cross points

[Rediffusion82] (*p) Rediffusion Computers Limited, "WRITAWAY product literature", Kelvin Way, Crawley, Sussex RH10 2LY, England, 1982.
Micropad-like handwriting recognition product from England, using two resistive sheets and an air separator on the tablet.

[Rocheleau81] Rocheleau, R.T., United States Patent 4,242,843, "Coarse Position Digitizer", January 6, 1981, assigned to Summagraphics Corporation, Fairfield, Connecticut.
Digitizer with loop as the transmitter, grid as the receiver

[Reilly81] (*p) Reilly, Douglas L., Cooper, Leon N., and Elbau, Charles, " A Neural Model for Category Learning" Research Manuscript, date approximate [Romein81] Romein, J.J., United States Patent 4,246,439, "Acoustic Writing Combination, Comprising a Stylus with an Associated Writing Tablet", January 20, 1981, assigned to US Philips Corporation, New York, New York.
Acoustic digitizer design Accuracy: pencil lines are 0.005", Ink is 0.01" wide, visual acuity is 0.0005" max

[SAC82] SAC, "Digitizer Terminology and Comparability", Science Accessories Corporation, 1982, Southport, Connecticut. [Saghri81] (*p) Saghri, J.A. and Freeman, H., "Analysis of the precision of generalized chain codes for the representation of planar curves", IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, Vol PAMI-3, September 1981, pp 533-539.
Line-segment approximation shows average quantization error a function of grid size, not angle resolution: gives formula for grid size vs matching accuracy

[Sakoe82] (*p) Sakoe, Hiroaki, "A Generalized Two-Level DP-Matching Algorithm for Continuous Speech Recognition", Transactions of the I.E.C.E. of Japan, Vol E65 No 11, November, 1982, pp 649-656. 20/26

27.12.13 Annotated Bibliography in On-line Character Recognition and Pen Computing

Dynamic programming, time-skipping, dynamic time warping, for speech (author has also published on handwriting character recognition)

[Samet81] (*p) Samet, Hanan " An Algorithm for Converting Rasters to Quadtrees", IEEE Trans. on Pattern Analysys and Machine Intelligence, Vol PAMI-3, No 1, January 1981, pp 93-ff [Salter83] (*p) Salter, L., "Variability of Japanese Characters", internal report, Pencept, Incorporated, 39 Green Street, Waltham, Massachusetts 02154, September 1983. [SatoT82] (*p) Sato, T. and Toja, A., "Recognition and Understanding of Hand-drawn diagrams", Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Pattern Recognition, pp 674-677, 1982.
Cleaning up graphical drawings using low-level symbol recognition

[SatoY82] (*a) Sato, Yuichi and Nakamura, Taichi, "Predictive Encoding Method for Handwriting Signals", Transactions of the IECE of Japan, Vol E 65 No 2, February 1982, p. 133 (abstract only).
30 Hz sampling of handwriting on a tablet, DPCM/PCM coders to send handwriting at 200-300 bits/second, 100-500 bit buffer: tablet performance/handwriting signal extraction/frequency response

[Schaeken82] Schaeken, B. and Verschueren, W., "A Recognition System for Handwritten Numerals", Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Pattern Recognition, Munich, Germany, October 19-22, 1982.
NTIS: Supervised learning on statistical recognizer

[Shillman81] Shillman, R.J., "Dynamic Character Recognition: An Emerging Technology", invited paper, Proceedings of COMPCON 81, 22nd IEEE Computer Society International Conference, IEEE Catalog No 81-CH1626-1, February 23-26, 1981.
Handwriting input overview paper by Bob Shillman Gives more recent address for Micropad Limited, Image Data Products Limited, handwriting commercial vendors

[Shinghal82] Shinghal, R. and Suen, C.Y., "A Method for Selecting Constrained HandPrinted Character Shapes for Machine Recognition", IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, Vol PAMI-4 No 1, pp 74-78.
Shows lots of collected base forms (with Suen)

[Shinghal83] Shinghal, R., "A hybrid algorithm for contextual text recognition", Pattern Recognition, Vol 16, 1983, pp 261-267.
Context via Markov method, plus a dictionary, better than predictor-corrector method on spelling/dictionary context correction


27.12.13 Annotated Bibliography in On-line Character Recognition and Pen Computing

[Shneiderman83] Shneiderman, B., "Direct Manipulation: A Step Beyond Programming Languages", IEEE Computer, Vol 16 No 8, pp 57-69, August 1983.
Refers to IBM direct-manipulation office desktop user interface "Pictureworld" (like Microsoft's "Bob"?), with file cabinets, mailboxes, notebooks, phone messages Direct manipulation: look under this for gesture/command symbols user interface

[Shoukry83] Shoukry, Amin and Amin, Adnan, "Topological and statistical analysis of line drawings", Pattern Recognition Letters, Vol 1, July 1983, pp 365-374.
On-line handwriting recognition using two-dimensional graph (chain codes) using slope/angle of lines, intersections, labyrinthology, for features

[Siddiqui83] Siddiqui, K.J. and Shinghal, R., "Using Contextual Postprocessing to Improve Machine Recognition of Text", IEEE International Symposium on Information Theoory, 26-30 September, 1983, St. Jovite, Quebec.
71% on Munsun's OCR handwriting data set, improved to 86% with Viterbi context algorithm

[SmithAR81] (p) Smith, A. Richard and Erman, Lee D., "Noah -- A Bottom-Up Word Hypothesizer for Large-Vocabulary Speech Understanding Systems", IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, Vol PAMI-3 No 1, January 1981, pp 41-51.
Context: using low-level speech context, hypothesizes word for higher-level context analysis Context to resolve co-articulation on continuous speech recognition Cites experiments to determine human use of context in speech On speech recognition, discusses possible biases and justifications for them in training and test data collection

[Snowberry83] Snowberry, K. et al, "Computer Display Menus", Ergonomics, Vol 26 No 7, 1983, pp 699-712. [Srihari82] (*p) Srihari, Sargur N. and Bozinovic, Radmilo, "A String Correction Algorithm for Cursive Script Recognition", Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Pattern Recognition, IEEE CH1801-0/82/0000/0232 1981, pp 232-234.
Not sure about conference name Spelling dictionary string correction, using a posteriori computation after recognition is done

[Srihari83] (*p) Srihari, S.N., Hull, J.J., and Choudhari, R., "Integrating diverse knowledge sources in text recognition", A.C.M. Transactions on Office Information Systems, Vol 1 no 1, 1983, pp 68-87.
Context from bottom-up (probability from previous letter sequence), channel (probability of "A" corrupting to "B"), and top-down (lexicon). Spelling correction for substitution errors: same as Hull83a

[Stentiford83] (*p) Stentiford, Frederick W.M. and Mortimer, R.G., "Some New Heuristics for Thinning Binary Handprinted Characters for OCR", IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Vol SMC-13 No 1, January/February 1983, pp 81-84.
Line-thinning for handwritten data 22/26

27.12.13 Annotated Bibliography in On-line Character Recognition and Pen Computing

Skeletonization/thinning: side effects are spurious projection, necking, tail generation, noise holes, with heuristics to fix them.

[StewartTJ81] (*p) Stewart, Theodor J. " An Interactive Approach to Multiple Criteria Decisionmaking Based on Statistical Inference", IEEE Trans. on Sytems, Man, and Cybernetics, Vol SMC-11, No 11, November 1981, pp 733-ff.
feature selection

[Stonham82] Stonham, "Networks of Memory Elements -- A Processor for Industrial Automation", Digital Systems for Industrial Automation, Issue No 1 pp 2-3, 1982.
for pattern recognition on human faces in connection with Wizard/Wisard adaptive image classifier

[Suen82] Suen, C.Y. and Shinghal, R., "A Method for Selecting Constrained HandPrinted Character Shapes for Machine Recognition", IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, Vol Pami-4 No 1, January 1982, pp 74-78.
Describes Suen's data base of 174 types of sample characters

[Suen83] Suen, C.Y., "Handwriting Generation, Perception, and Recognition", Acta Psychologica, Vol 54, 1983, pp 295-312.
Describes printing, script, and manuscript styles and their legibility to humans Says writing speed for printing increases with practice Digitizer spec is for 3/8" proximity sensing range

[Summagraphics82] Summagraphics, "Summagrid User's Guide", Summagraphics Corporation, 1982, Fairfield, Connecticut, 1982.



[TanakaHa82] Tanaka, Hatsukazu, Hirakawa, Yutaka, and Kaneku, Seiko, "Recognition of Distorted Patterns Using the Viterbi Algorithm", IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, Vol PAMI-4 No 1, January 1982, pp 18-25.
Viterbi algorithm plus a trellis of partial patterns, to do recognition of whole from context of parts

[TanakaHi82] Tanaka, Hideo, Uejima, Satoru, and Asai, Kiyoji, "Linear Regression Analysis with Fuzzy Model", IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Vol SMC-12 No 6, November 1982, pp 903-907. [Tanner83] (*p) Tanner, Peter, P. and Buxton, William A.S., "Some Issues in Future User Interface Management System (UIMS) Development", Technical Report, University of Ontario, to appear in "User Interface Management Systems", Pfaff, G. (Ed.), 1984, Springer-Verlag, Berlin [Tappert82] Tappert, C.C., "Cursive Script Recognition by Elastic Matching", IBM Journal of Research and Development, Vol 26 No 6, November 1982, pp 765-771.
Does not do well with loops vs cusps Refers to hook effects due to weak tablets as a big problem Combines letters in connected script to match whole words (context) 23/26

27.12.13 Annotated Bibliography in On-line Character Recognition and Pen Computing

[Taylor83] Taylor, I. and Taylor, M.M., "The Psychology of Reading", New York: Academic Press, 1983, pp 183-193.
Bozinovic89 cites for human recognition by outline of word (as shown in WrightG52)

[ThomasJJ83] Thomas, James J. and Hamlin, Griffith, "Workshop summary: Graphical Input Interaction Technique", printed in Computer Graphics, Vol 5, January 1983, pp 279-304.
Workshop report on graphical input interaction user interfaces

[Todd81] Todd, Robert, United States Patent 4,259,661, "Apparatus and Method for Recognized a Pattern", assigned to Burroughs Corporation, March 31, 1981.
OCR hardware: recognition via template comparison

[Torok82] Torok, G.P. and White, A.B., United States Patent 4,317,956, "Remote Chalk-board automatic Cursor", assigned to Bell Telephone Laboratories, Incorporated, Murray Hill, New Jersey, March 2, 1982.
Digitizer tablet patent on automatic cursor, mark erasure (recognition strokes removed in electronic ink user-interface)

[Tsichritzis82] Tsichritzis, D., "Form Management", Communications of A.C.M., Vol 25 No 7, July 1982, pp 453-478.
Quoted in Hakmatpour86 (missing from this list?) Deals with forms in office management, says flow of forms is important Mentions non-paper "forms" for voice Refers to operations on forms: automatic calculation, etc.

[Tsuruoka83] Tsuruoka, S., Kimura, F., Yoshimura, M., Yokoi, S., and Miyake, Y., "Thinning Algorithms for Digital Pictures and Their Application to Handprinted Characters Recognition", Transactions of IECE of Japan, Vol J66D No 5, May 1973, pp 525-532 (in Japanese: abstract only)

[Turba81] Turba, T.N., "Checking for spelling and typographical errors in computerbased text", in Proceedings of A.C.M. SIGPLAN SIOGA Symposium on Text Manipulation", Portland, Oregon, June 1981, pp 51-60.
on spelling/context correction

[Voiers83] Voiers, W.D., "Evaluating Processed Speech using the Diagnostic Rhyme Test", Speech Technology, January/February 1983, pp 30-39.
Speech: how contextual factors are controlled in test protocols affects recognition results% Speech: recognition failures completely explained by a limited set of underlying phonemic (human recognition) features

[Wakahara83] Wakahara, T. and Umeda, M., "Stroke-number and Stroke-order Free On-line Character Recognition by Selective Stroke Linkage Method", Proceedings of ICTP '83, Tokyo, October 17-19, 1983, pp 157-162. 24/26

27.12.13 Annotated Bibliography in On-line Character Recognition and Pen Computing

Combinatorial solution to stroke connection and stroke order variations Break strokes into equal-length pieces, then match them as a feature

[Wang83] Wang, C. Sun, H., Yada, S., and Rosenfeld, A., "Some experiments in relaxation image matching using corner features", Pattern Recognition, Vol 16, 1983, pp 167-182.
on context for line thinning using chain codes

[Watanabe83] (*p) Watanabe, Y., Gyoba, J., and Maruyama, K., "Reaction time and eye movements in the recognition task of hand-written Katakana-letters", Japanese Journal of Psychology, Vol 54 No 1, pp 58-61, 1983 (in Japanese).
Uses eye fixation to determine what features are cognitively important Repeats and continues Blesser et al's early work from Massachusetts Institute of Technology

[Watari83] (*p) Watari, Masao, Sakoe, Hiroaki, Chiba, Seibi, Ishizuka, Hisao, Kawakami, Yuichi, and Iwate, Toshiki " A DP-Matching LSI for Speech Recognition", NEC Research and Development, No 70, pp 71-78, July 1983 [WhiteJM83] (*a) White, J.M., and Rohrer, G.D., "Image Thresholding for Optical Character Recognition and Other Applications Requiring Character Image Extraction", IBM Journal of Research and Development, Vol 27 No 4, pp 400-411, July 1983.
Handwriting recognition using nonlinear adaptive procedure: threshholding of scanned OCR images Pre-processing to clean up OCR scanner images of carbon copy forms, bank checks, smudges, scenic backgrounds, etc.

[Whitfield83] Whitfield, D., Ball, R.G. and Bird, J.M., "Some comparisons of on-display and off-display touch input devices for interaction with computer generated displays", Ergonomics, Vol 26, 1983, pp 1033-1053.
Beringer89, electronic ink hardware?

[Willis83] (*p) Willis, Richard " Big Blue goes Japanese", BYTE Magazine, November 1983, pp 144-ff.
Has pictures of the complexity of keyboards for Japanese and Chinese characters

[Wing83] (*p) Wing, A.M., Nimmo-Smith, M.I., and Eldridge, M.A., "The Consistency of Cursive Letter Formation as a Function of Position in the Word", Acta Psychologica, Vol 54, 1983, pp 197-204.
Allograph (variant) selection based on preceeding context character

[Witkin83] Witkin, A. P., "Scale-space filtering", Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 1983, pp 1019-1022. [Wu82] Wu, Li-De, " On the Chain Code of a Line", IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, Vol PAMI-4, No 3, May 1982. 25/26

27.12.13 Annotated Bibliography in On-line Character Recognition and Pen Computing

[Yadweb81] Yadweb, Laura, Herot, Christopher, and Rosenberg, "The Automated Desk", Sigsmall Newsletter, Vol 7 No 2, October 1981, pp 102-108.
Shneiderman83 cites for direct-manipulation desktop user interface

[YamamotoE81] (*p) Yamamoto, E., Fujii, N., Fujita, T., Ito, C., and Tanahashi, J., "Handwritten Kanji Character Recognition Using the Features Extracted from Multiple Standpoints", ?? Conference Proceedings, IEEE CH-1595-8/81/0000/0131, 1981. [YamamotoK83] (*a) Yamamoto, K., "Studies on the Recognition of Handprinted Characters by Structural Analysis Methods", Research Electrotechnical Laboratory, Report No 831 1-114, February 1973 (in Japanese).
Outermost point method for Romanji, numeral, Katakana

[Yamasaki82] (*a) Yamasake, T., Inokuchi, S., and Sakurai, Y., "Training System for Handwritten Chinese Characters Using On-Line Character Recognition Techniques", Transactions of IECE of Japan, Vol E65 No 10, p 602, October 1982 (Abstract only).
Science Citation Index Well-writing: teaching users how to write Chinese, not recognize Chinese handwriting

[Yhap81] (*p) Yhap, E.F. and Greanias, E.C., "An On-Line Chinese Character Recognition System", IBM Journal of Research and Development, Vol 25 No 3, May 1981, pp 187-195.
National differences/variability in writing styles (Japanese, Chinese, Korean) Claimed 97.8% accuracy by excluding 5% of data as "poorly written" Stroke order, stroke connection variations in Chinese The 214 standard Chinese radicals "too many": some are rare Recognition diagram: signal filter, segment and direction, stroke Classification, alphabet/element recognition, composite ideograph output Contrast: features of primitive "stroke element" recognition vs chain code segments

[Yoshida82] (*p) Yoshida, K., and Sakoe, H., "Online Handwritten Character Recognition for a Personal Computer System", IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics, Vol CE-28 No 3, pp 202-209, August 1982.
System connects strokes of "normal" to make "running" forms (variability?), feature is angle sequence (chain codes?) Claims 99.5% accuracy

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[Ahmed84] Ahmed, P. and Suen, C.Y., "Edge classification and extraction of shape features", Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Pattern Recognition, 1984, pp 593-596.

[Aleksander84] (*p) Aleksander, I., Stohnam, T.J., and Wilkie, B.A., United States Patent 4,490,847, "Recognition Apparatus", December 25, 1984, assigned to National Research Development Corporation, London, England.
Video image recognition, based on learning (neural) networks

[ANSI84] ANSI, "Draft Proposed American National Standard Graphical Kernal System", American National Standards Institute, Incorporated, X3.123-198x, 1984. [Arcelli85] (*p) Arcelli, C. and Sanniti di Baja, G., "A Width-Independent Fast Thinning Algorithm", IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence", Vol PAMI-7 No 4, July 1985, pp 463-474.
Skeletonization/line-thinning with a method to "recover" the original outline by building the skeleton back up Line thinning by topology-preserving removal operations

[Autodesk84] Autodesk, "AutoCAD 2 (tm) Drafting Package User Guide", #106-006, Autodesk Incorporated, 2320 Marinship Way, Sausalito CA 94965, 1984. [Baird84] (*p) Baird, H.S., "Model-based Image Matching Using Location", PhD Thesis, Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Princeton University, October 1984.
Pattern matching by a template in feature-space, looking for minimum distances of feature points in a multi-dimensional vector. Mathematical pattern-matching thesis, without any examples of any specific patterns it was tried on!

[BarkerPG84] Barker, P.G., Najah, M. and Roper, J.S., "User Experiences with a MICROPAD", Journal of Microcomputer Applications, Vol 7, 1984, pp 19-39.


27.12.13 Annotated Bibliography in On-line Character Recognition and Pen Computing

[BarkerPG85a] Barker, P.G. and Janah, M., "Implementing pictorial interfaces using a high-resolution digitizer", International Journal of Man-Machine Studies, Vol 23, 1985, pp 153-173.
User interface picking menus from parts of pictures -- happened to use a Micropad digitizer, not really handwriting recognition

[BarkerPG85b] Barker, P.G. and Janah, M., "Pictorial interfaces to data bases", International Journal of Man-Machine Studies, Vol 23, 1985, pp 423-442.
User -interface using menus on picture parts, not lists, pick-boxes from a Micropad terminal

[BeckerJ84] (*p) Becker, Joseph D., "Multilingual Word Processing", Scientific American, Vol 251 No 1, July 1984, pp 96-107.
Character/word order, user-interface design for multiple language word processing (Arabic/Hebrew/English/Roman/Chinese) Korean is written in syllable clusters, Hebrew right-to-left, Arabic right-to-left with words diagonally, Mongolian vertically

[BeckerJ85] (*p) Becker, Joseph D., "Typing Chinese, Japanese, and Korean ", IEEE Computer, January 1985 [Belaid84] (*p) Belaid, A. and Haton, J., "A Syntactic Approach for Handwritten Mathematical Formula Recognition", IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, Vol PAMI-6 No 1, January 1984, pp 105-111.
Refers to ambiguity of nominally straight vs curved lines Mentions P/D, T/+ ambiguity Investigate high-level context and ambiguity in mathematical formulas Refers to min/max extents, centroid of characters Says some irresolvable "confusion" ambiguity solved by user interaction User interface for 2-D mathematical symbol input: handwritten sketch input

[Berkin84] (*p) Berkin, G.M., and Negin, Michael, United States Patent 4,441,205, "Pattern Recognition System", April 3, 1984, assigned to Kulicke and Soffa Industries, Incorporated, Horsham, Pennsylvania.
Alignment pattern recognition for video scanning of integrated circuits, small parts

[Blesser84] Blesser, B., "Comments on Variability due to Pen-Artifacts", internal report, Pencept, Incorporated September, 1984. [Boies85] (*p) Boies, Stephen J., Gould, John D., Levy, Stephen, Richards, John T., Schoonard, Jim, " The 1984 Olympic Message System -- a Case Study in System Design",IBM Research Division Report RC 11138 (#50065), 5/2/85, 53 pages [Boivie84a] (*p) Boivie, Richard H., United States Patent 4,453,217, "Directory look-up method and apparatus", assigned to AT&T Bell Laboratories, Murray Hill, New Jersey, June 5, 1984.
Spelling correction by recursive division of the dictionary: skip one character at a time: 2/24

27.12.13 Annotated Bibliography in On-line Character Recognition and Pen Computing

interesting Dictionary searching method

[Boivie84b] Boivie, R.H., United States Patent 4,000,000 (?), "Machine character recognition method", June 5, 1984, assigned to AT&T Bell Laboratories, Murray Hill, New Jersey.
on pattern matching of chain-code strings Thinning handwritten characters and comparing with dictionary for recognition.

[Boivie85] (*p) Boivie, R.H., United States Patent 4,525,860, "Character Recognition Arrangement", June 25, 1985, assigned to AT&T Bell Laboratories, Murray Hill, New Jersey.
Described curve tracer/follower for OCR of handwritten characters OCR using line thinning, then simulated chain codes generated by a curve tracer/follower: claims to be font-independent / handwriting recognition "standard spelling": coded sequence of chain codes Refers to two approaches for character recognition: theoretic (or discriminant) versus syntactic (or structural) pattern recognition approach: dislikes both Sub-patterns (features) of a handwritten character can only be recognized in the (graphical) context of the entire character pattern

[Bono85a] (*p) Bono, Peter R., "A Survey of Graphics Standards and Their Role in Information Interchange", IEEE Computer, Vol 18 No 10, October 1985, pp 63-75.
User-interface management system (UIMS) and graphics standards

[Bono85b] (*p) Bono, Peter R., "Software Standards: Which Ones Are Here to Stay?", S. Klein Computer Graphics Review, Inaugural Issue, 1985. [Bozinovic84] (*p) Bozinovic, R. and Srihari, S.N., "Knowledge-based Cursive Script Interpretation", Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Pattern Recognition, Montreal, 1984, pp 774-776.
Cites own poor performance if did not exclude "hill and dale" sloppy writing, crowded writing Assumes a premise that people use script, not printing, in normal writing

[Brault84] (*p) Brault, J.J. and Plamondon, R., "Histogram Classifier for Characterization of Handwritten Signature Dynamic", Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Pattern Recognition, Montreal, 1984, pp 619-622.
Signature verification: small sample size: 243 signatures of 50 people Signature verification: test protocol had no forgery attempts (!)

[Brocklehurst85] Brocklehurst, E., "Computer methods of signature verification", Journal of Forensic Science, Vol 30, 1985, pp 445-457. [Brogardh84] (*p) Brogardh, Torgny, United States Patent 4,475,240, "Device for Simultaneous Creation and Detection of Markings", October 2, 1984, assigned to ASEA Aktiebolag, Vasteras, Sweden.
Digitizer tablet using a light-sensitive optical sensor to detect markings as they are 3/24

27.12.13 Annotated Bibliography in On-line Character Recognition and Pen Computing


[Brogardh85] Brogardh, Torgny, United States Patent 4,531,230, "Optical Digitizer/Position Measuring Device", July 23, 1985, assigned to ASEA Aktiebolag, Vasteras, Sweden.
Fiber-optic digitizer using a grid of an optically-sensible pattern

[Brooks85] (*p) Brooks, C.P. and Newell, A.F., "Computer Transcription of Handwritten Shorthand as an Aid for the Deaf -- a Feasibility Study", International Journal of Man-Machine Studies, Vol 23, 1985, pp 45-60.
Character recognition for shorthand DCR for shorthand much more complex than was thought 1/4 to 1/2 of words in spoken conversation unintelligible out of context Hooks, loops, circles are "real" features in shorthand Refers to endpoint trimming on digitizer strokes "invariant" base form, and numerous real written forms for one writer Hard to write vertical curved strokes reliably

[BrownE85] (*p) Brown, E, Buxton, W., and Murtagh, K, " Windows on Tablets as a Means of Achieving Virtual Input Devices", Draft paper, Computer Systems Research Institute, Univ. of Toronto, Jan 23, 1985 [BrownG85] (*p) Brown, G.P., et al, "Program Visualization: Graphical Support for Software Development", IEEE Computer, Vol 18 No 8, August 1985, pp 27-35.
Interactive graphical input and display interface languages for programming Digitizer using separately mounted Lexan sheet (with shift in position?)

[BrownMK83] (*p) Brown, M.K. and Ganapathy, G, "Preprocessing Techniques for Cursive Script Word Recognition", Pattern Recognition, Vol 16 No 5, 1983, pp 447-458
adaptive/trainable recognition, suggests "closed loop" verification (feedback to user) is helpful

[BuxtonW85] (*p) Buxton, William " Notes on Chord Keyboards", Computer Systems Research Institute, Univ. of toronto, Toronto Ontario CA M5S 1A4
mentions WriteHander chord keyboard from NewO Corporation

[BuxtonW85a] (*p) Buxton, William " Issues and Techniques in Touch-Sensitive Tablet Input ", SIGGRAPH 85, San Francisco Jly 22-26, Vold 19 No 3, 1985, ACM 0-89791166-0/85/007/0215 [BuxtonW85b] Buxton, W., Sniderman, R., Reeves, W., Patel, S. and Baecker, R. " The evoluation of the SSSP score-editing tools ", In Foundations of Computer Musc, C. Roads and J. Strawn, Eds, MIT Press, Cambridge, Mass 1985, ch 22, pp 387-22
gestures/marks for editing musical scores

[CalComp85] CalComp, "CalComp 2500 Series Digitizer Operator's Manual User's Guide", CalComp Incorporated 50293-1, 1985. 4/24

27.12.13 Annotated Bibliography in On-line Character Recognition and Pen Computing

[Carnes84] Carnes, W.R., United States Patent 4,443,436, "Signature Verification System", February 21, 1984.
From patent data base

[Carpenter85] (*p) Carpenter, G.A. and Grossberg, S., "Neural Dynamics of Category Learning and Recognition: Attention, Memory Consolidation, and Amnesia", in "Brain Structure, Learning, and Memory", Davis, J., Newburgh, R., and Wegmen, E. editors, AAAS Symposium Series, 1985.
Adaptive: refers to "as recognition categories stabilize" in learning

[CarrDR85] Carr, D.R., Fox, P.F., and Parks, J.R., United States Patent 4,485,644, "Apparatus for Signature Verification", January 22, 1985, assigned to Quest Automation Public Limited Company, Great Britain.
From patent data base Handwriting product: Micropad/Datapad

[CarrTH84] Carr, T.H., Brown, T.L., Brown, J.S., and McDonald, J.L., "Handwriting of connected discourse: Speed-accuracy tradeoffs in a skilled performance", Proceedings of Psychonomic Society, November, 1984.
: was in Tappert's group 1986 Rhyne86 cites this that mental set affects legibility of handwriting (variability)

[Casey84] Casey, R.G. and Nagy, G., "Decision Tree Design Using a Probabilistic Model", IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, Vol IT-30 No 1, January 1984, pp 93-99.
Applications: single-font OCR system had to replace five keypunch operators at prices of 1975 Parallelism vs serial: decision tree is best technique for speed/cost tradeoffs in character recognition Paradigm: iterative optimization of decision tree by designer vs automatic construction of decision tree (designer specifies features to use) Decision trees in OCR: for small trees, need very uniform styles and pixel data (is not that obvious?) Estimated versus actual performance: adding more OCR pixels does not help much since they are not significant features (size of character/resolution) Testing: reports real results on trading reject for substitution errors

[Chainer85a] (*p) Chainer, T.J., and Worthington, T.K., United States Patent 4,553,258, "Segmentation Algorithm for Signature Verification", November 12, 1985, assigned to International Business Machines, Armonk, New York.
Finds pen lift/down stroke start/end via A.C. coupling to a force/pressure gauge

[Chainer85b] (*p) Chainer, T.J., Gundersen, S.C., and Worthington, T.K., United States Patent 4,553,259, "Semi-Independent Shifting Technique for Signature Verification", November 12, 1985, assigned to International Business Machines, Armonk, New York.
Force/pressure and acceleration information on signature verification correlating data by 5/24

27.12.13 Annotated Bibliography in On-line Character Recognition and Pen Computing

shifting it

[Chainer85c] (*p) Chainer, T.J., Scranton, R.A. and Worthington, T.K., United States Patent 4,513,437, "Data Input Pen for Signature Verification", April 23, 1985, assigned to International Business Machines, Armonk, New York.
Better force/pressure-sensitive (piezo-electric sensor) pen stylus than Herbst 4,142,175 Digitizer stylus pen with force/pressure and acceleration sensitivity for signature verification.

[Chainer85d] (*p) Chainer, T.J. and Worthington, T.K., United States Patent 4,562,592, "Shifting Technique for Signature Verification", December 31, 1985, assigned to International Business Machines, Armonk, New York.
Shifting (to reduce correlation computation) of segments of signatures for acceleration and force/pressure data for signature verification

[Cheung85] Cheung, Y.S. and Leung, C.H., "Chain-code transform for Chinese character recognition", Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics", Tucson, Arizona, 1985, pp 42-45.
Japanese/Kanji/Katakana product from Hew Crane and James Dao

[CIC84] CIC, "Handwriter (TM) Product Literature", CIC Japan Incorporated, Suite 918, Shuwa Kioicho TBR Building, 5-7 Kojimachi, Chiyoda-Ku, Tokyo 102, Japan, 1984.
Forms data entry from CIC Handwriter product

[CIC85a] CIC, "Handwriter (R) focus:ABC (TM) Accounting Package", Communication Intelligence Corporation, 800 El Camino Real, Menlo Park, CA 94025, 1985.
Spreadsheet from CIC Handwriter product

[CIC85b] CIC, "Handwriter (R) Lotus 1-2-3 interface Kit", Communication Intelligence Corporation, 800 El Camino Real, Menlo Park, CA 94025, 1985.
Word-processing from CIC Handwriter product

[CIC85c] CIC, "Handwriter (R) WordStar (R) interface Kit", Communication Intelligence Corporation, 800 El Camino Real, Menlo Park, CA 94025, 1985.
The ASCII writing product Hew Crane said does not exist

[CIC85] CIC, "Handwriter (R) GrafText (TM) System Model GT-5000", Communication Intelligence Corporation, 800 El Camino Real, Menlo Park, CA 94025, June 1985. [CItoh85] CItoh Corp, "CI-Handwriter Fit-In-1 product information"1985. (OEM version of CIC Handwriter product).
Japanese handwriting character recognition product

[Comerford84] Comerford, Richard, "Pointing-device innovations user/machine interface", Electronics Design News, July 26, 1984, pp 54-66.
Review of digitizer/tablet/joystick/mouse/touchscreen/trackball vendors, 1984



27.12.13 Annotated Bibliography in On-line Character Recognition and Pen Computing

[Convis85] Convis, D.B., Grim, P.J., and Reed, M.A., United States Patent 4,550,438, "Retro-stroke Compression and Image Generation of Script and Graphic Data Employing an Information Processing System", October 29, 1985, assigned to IBM Corporation, Armonk, New York.
Uses local-maxima chain codes for image compression of script

[Crane85a] Crane, H.D., Ostrem, J.S., and Edberg, P.K., United States Patent 4,531,231, "Method for Distinguishing between Complex Character Sets", July 23, 1985, assigned to Communication Intelligence Corporation, Menlo Park, California.
Attempt to patent our "area" definition on Penpad 320: Kanji (Chinese) in one area, Kana/Roman in another (Katakana/Hirogana Japanese) Kanji/Kana by top half / full height of character box (similar to upper/lower case)

[Crane85b] Crane, H.D., and Ostrem, J.S., United States Patent 4,561,105, "Complex Pattern Recognition Method and System", December 24, 1985, assigned to Communication Intelligence Corporation, Menlo Park, California.
Chines/Kanji character recognition using stroke shape and curvature Distance metrics between strokes for handwriting recognition

[Davies85] Davies, K., "Continuous Speech Recognition", Probe Research Seminar: The Coming of Age of Voice Recognition, San Francisco California, 1985.
: member of IBM Yorktown Hts. staff (with Tappert) Adaptive recognition dies trying to get complete set of samples

[DosterW84a] Doster, W. and Oed, R., "Textbearbeitung auf Personal-Computern mit handschriftlicher Direkteingabe", presentation at Arbeitstagung der Fachgruppe Interaktive Systems der Gesellschaft fuer Informatik, March 1984, in Zurich, Switzerland. Reprinted in PC-Praxis. Author's address: AEG Aktiengesellschaft, Research Center Ulm, Sedanstrasse 10, D-7900 Ulm, West Germany.
Points out their variability model cannot be statistically verified Describes AEG's general DCR work-station, including driver design

[DosterW84b] Doster, W. and Oed, R., "Word Processing with On-line Script Recognition", IEEE Micro, October 1984, pp 36-43.
AEG's word-processing user interface for handwriting recognition input Describes word processing (for handwriting user interface) as two phased: text creation, and text editing.

[DosterW84c] Doster, W., "Das papierlose Buero: Lesemaschine fuer Handschriften", Funkschau (West Germany), Vol 25, 1984, pp 61-63.
General article on AEG's handwriting recognition system for forms data entry and word processing in an electronic automated office

[DosterW85a] Doster, W., "Pattern Recognition Techniques as a Stimulus for Advanced Text Processing", PROTEXT II: Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Text Processing Systems, October 23-35, Dublin, Ireland, pp 155-161. 7/24

27.12.13 Annotated Bibliography in On-line Character Recognition and Pen Computing

Says putting in multiple variants a deficiency of non-adaptive Says "user-definable" special gesture symbols (for WordStar word processor) better for command, but his examples are of modified standard characters Points out that non-adaptive systems are user-adaptive, and results are the same "perfect" mutual enrollment

[DosterW85b] Doster, W. and Schuermann, J., "Bildanalyse von Textdokumenten und Handschriftliche Direkteingabe - Zwei Verfahren Auch fuer BTX-Anwendungen", Informatik Fachberichte 92, Springer-Verlag, New York, 1985, pp 247-265.
Two research projects at AEG on the automated electronic office: automatic document analysis for O.C.R. images of text and pictures, and on-line handwriting recognition

[Downton83] Downton, A.C., Baker, R.G., Lewis, S.M., and Cooper, P.J., " Readability measurements of Palantype transcription for the Deaf", International Journal of Man-Machine Studies, Vol. 19, pp 575-594, 1983 [Downton84] Downton, A.C. and Brooks, C.P., "Automated machine shorthand transcription in commercial applications", Proceedings of INTERACT '84, IFIP Working Group 6.3, London, United Kingdom, September 4-7, 1984, pp 151-156.
Need whole conference proceedings: user interface with handwriting editing.

[Dye84] Dye, R., Newell, A.F., and Arnott, J.L., "An adaptive editor for shorthand transcription systems", Proceedings of INTERACT '84, IFIP Working Group 6.3, London, United Kingdom, September 4-7, 1984, pp 157-162.
Need whole conference proceedings: user interface with handwriting editing.

[Ewing85] Ewing, J., Mehrabanzad, S., Sheck, S., Ostroff, D. and Shneiderman, B., "An Experimental Comparison of a Mouse and Arrow-Jump Keys for an Interactive Encyclopedia", to appear in International Journal of Man-Machine Studies, September, 1985. Author's address: Department of Computer Science, University of Maryland, College Park, Maryland 20742.
Pre-publication version only User-interface on pointing methods: applies to mouse emulation on a tablet?

[Flurry85] Flurry, G.A., "Electronic Handwriting Facility", IBM Technical Disclosure Bulletin, Vol 27 No 9, February 1985, pp 5364-5366.
Description of IBM's handwriting work-station?

[FoleyJD84] Foley, J.D., Wallace, V.L., and Chan, P., "The Human Factors of Computer Graphics Interaction Techniques", IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, Vol 4 No 11, November 1984.
The granddaddy of all user-interface papers for interactive graphics

[FormsAutomation85] Forms magazine, "One-step data entry system links forms with computers", forms automation product review, April, 1985, pp 34-41. Published by National business Forms Association, 443 East Monroe Avenue, Alexandria VA 22301. 8/24

27.12.13 Annotated Bibliography in On-line Character Recognition and Pen Computing

Description of DataPad/ AnnoGraphics / Portable Computer handwriting recognition product.

[Fox84] Fox, A.S., Kim, J. and Tappert, C.C., "Segmenter for Known Number of Characters", IBM Technical Disclosure Bulletin, Vol 27 No 7A, December 1984, pp 3691-3693.
Segmentation when writing prototypes, because number of shapes is known

[Gaines84] Gaines, B.R., McKellar, I.D., Dinger, W.P., and Fast, S.R., "Some Experience in the Real-time Processing of Handwriting", Proceedings of the 7th International Pattern Recognition Conference, Montreal, 1984, pp 630-632.
Says natural user-interface is speech and handwriting together Says tablet digitizers with 1000x1000 resolution and 1% linearity good enough for handwriting (!) Say peak handwriting speed/velocity is 50 inches/second (?), normal is 2.5"/sec Says "skilled" user gets 97%-100%, "unskilled" only 70% recognition success

[Genter85] Genter, R.E., "Guidelines for C Program Development", Internal report, Intermetrics, Incorporated, Cambridge, Massachusetts, September 1985.
Programming/coding style

[Gharachorloo85] Gharachorloo, N., United States Patent 4,495,646, "On-line Character Recognition Using Closed-Loop Detector", January 22, 1985.
Tablet-free stylus using mechanical design to detect rough stylus direction of motion Claims handwriting recognition using mechanical sensing of chain codes

[Glenn84] Glenn, W.E., United States Patent 4,488,000, "Apparatus for Determining Position and Writing Pressure", December 11, 1984, assigned to New York Institute of Technology, Old Westbury, New York.
Force/pressure-sensitive digitizer tablet using acoustic sound waves in a sheet

[Gould84] Gould, J.D. and Alfaro, L., "Revising Documents with Text Editors, Handwriting-Recognition Systems, and Speech-Recognition Systems", Human Factors, Vol 26 No 4, August 1984, pp 391-406.
Applications: text editing much faster with handwriting than with keyboard, even though same number of characters input User-interface: differences in external feedback greatly affect operational speed User-interface: time spent inputting a command much less than think time (and typing adds to effective think time) User-interface: electronic ink would eliminate spatial displacement within written copy and screen copy Speech simulation of handwriting editing, but no standard proof-editing marks Speech: no visual feedback a minus on speech recognition test Speech: USERs make more errors in speech than with writing or typing Martin89 cites as saying most of time in producing a letter is think time, so user-interface of speech recognition or typing not that great a difference

[Graham84] Graham, Martin, United States Patent 4,475,235, "Signature Verification 9/24

27.12.13 Annotated Bibliography in On-line Character Recognition and Pen Computing

Sensor", October 2, 1984, assigned to Rolm Corporation, Santa Clara, California.

Capacitive plate digitizer tablet

[GSS84] GSS, "GSS-Drivers User's Guide", Second Edition, Graphic Software Systems, Incorporated, March 1984. [Hayamizu84] Hayamizu, S. and Oka, R., "Experimental Studies on the ConnectedWords Recognition using Continuous dynamic Programming", Denshi Tsushin Gakkai Ronbunshi, Vol 67-D No 6, June 1984, pp 677-684 (in Japanese), translated in Systems, Computers and Controls, Vol 15 No 4, 1984, pp 80-88.
Speech recognition: performance goes down with vocabulary size (everybody should show performance with increasing vocabulary size) Recognition errors are confusion (substitution), missing, and "ghost word"

[Higgins84] Higgins, C.A. and Whitrow, R., "On-line Cursive Script Recognition", Proceedings of Interact '84, 1st IFIPS Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, September 1984, pp 140-144.
Unlikely that "unconstrained" can be done, since humans find stuff illegible Segmentation at turning points, not Y-maxima/minima Features must have enough variety to be effective, but not be too sensitive Extra feature tests ("optional") for specific characters Context - "higher shape templates" for combined shapes Refers to including new shapes on the fly for mis-recognition Training is "manual: results in inaccurate feature values for templates" (?) From incorrect weighting, best word match does not always come out on top

[Hitachi84] Hitachi, Limited: "Humanication product literature" (in Japanese), 1984.

Hitachi Kanji/Chinese handwriting recognition product

[House84] House, United States Patent 4,444,998, "(title)"

Lukis87 on digitizer tablets

[Huang85] Huang, J.K., "The input and output of Chinese and Japanese characters", IEEE Computer, Vol 18, January 1985, pp 18-24.
50,000 total Chinese characters: three-corner code method TCCM for encoding and indexing for keyboard input

[Hulls85] Hulls, L.R., United States Patent 4,552,991, "Absolute Position Coordinate Determining Device employing a Single Phase Difference Measurement to Determine Cursor Position", assigned to Numonics Corporation, Lansdale Pennsylvania, November 12, 1985.
Phase-shifting tablet digitizer

[IBM85] Anonymous, "Multi-Segment System for Recognizing Cursive Writing", IBM Technical Disclosure Bulletin, Vol 17 No 11, April 1985, pp 6735-6739.
Segmentation algorithm for script (Tappert?) for run-on and script handwriting 10/24

27.12.13 Annotated Bibliography in On-line Character Recognition and Pen Computing

[IchikawaS84] Ichikawa, S. and Gyoba, J., "Methodological Problems on Pattern Psychophysics", (Japanese journal), Vol 27 No 2, 1984, pp 132-157.
Not sure of English name of Japanese journal Similar to functional attributes, describes general problem of figuring out human recognition mechanisms for multiple features

[Ikeuchi84] Ikeuchi, K., "A Model of Character Recognition by Humans", Proceedings of the 7th International Pattern Recognition Conference, Montreal, 1974, pp 521-524.
Three stages of human recognition: feature extractor, naming, decision Human features: straight line, turned line, end point, curved line

[Jelinek85] Jelinek, F., "The Development of an Experimental Discrete Dictation Recognizer", Proceedings of IEEE, Vol 73 No 11, November 1985, pp 1616-1624.
Speech: gives results of (huge) number of samples needed to get statistically useful vocabulary coverage Speech: interface problem for word processing is not a trivial one Speech: editing (pointing) with pencil FUNDAMENTALLY better user interface Speech: for editing, best interface will include digitizer and handwritten character recognition for editing marks (mode separation? ref. Buxton "tension") Speech: an adaptive system that does worse with non-native speakers of English (!) (Features are biased? Not really a general adaptive system?) Adaptive speech: cites user who did worse when analyzing own pronunciation (ref: problems of user understanding enrollment problems)

[KADesign85] KA Design group, "business plan", March 1, 1985.

Puck/pointer: proposed mouse-like tablet product using a small joystick. Contains patent references to Victor B. Kley, 4,435,616, Graphical Data Entry Apparatus, resistive sheet tablet digitizer

[Kahan85] Kahan, S., "Problems in recognizing hand-printed characters", M.S. Thesis, Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, University of California at Berkeley, February 1985. [Kai-tungHuang85] Kai-tung Huang, J., "The Input and Output of Chinese and Japanese Characters", IEEE Computer, Vol 18 No 1, January, 1985, pp 18 - 24.
Chinese and Japanese Kanji input via keyboard

[Karat84] Karat, J., McDonald, J., and Anderson, M., "A comparison of selection techniques: touch panel, mouse, and keyboard", Tecnical report No TR-51.0166, IBM Corporation, Entry Systems Division, Austin, Texas, 1984.
Mack89, user-interface on integrated tablet/display

[KimJ84] Kim, J. and Tappert, C.C., "Handwriting Recognition Accuracy versus Tablet Resolution and Sampling Rate", IEEE 7th International Conference on Pattern Recognition, 1984, Montreal Canada, pp 917-918.
A "nothing" paper: recognition goes down with worse tablet resolution 11/24

27.12.13 Annotated Bibliography in On-line Character Recognition and Pen Computing

[Konneker84] Konneker, L.K., "A Graphic Interaction Technique Which Uses Gestures", IEEE Proceedings of First International Conference on Office Automation, page 51-55, 1984.
Rhyne86 cites this as an interesting handwriting input system "C" code is not necessarily portable

[Krieger85] Krieger, Mark, "Writing Portable UNIX Software", talk given at the 1985 UNIFORUM conference in Dallas, Texas by Mark Krieger, January, 1985. Speaker's address: UniPress Software Incorporated, Suite 312, 2025 Lincoln Highway, Edison NJ 08817. [Kuklinski84] (*p) Kuklinski, T., "Components of Hand-Print Style Variability", Proceedings of the IEEE 7th International Conference on Pattern Recognition, pp 924926, 1984. [Kuklinski85] (*p) Kuklinski, T., "A Case for Digitizer Tablets", Computer Graphics World, May, 1985, pp 45-52. [Kushnir85] Kushnir, M., Abe, K., and Matsumoto, K., "Recognition of Handprinted Hebrew Characters using Features Selected in the Hough Transform Space", Pattern Recognition, Vol 18 No 2, 1985, pp 103-114.
Features are stroke direction, concavities, endpoints, intersections, etc. Says high dimensionality of feature space means template matching takes up lots of memory and compute time Handwriting recognition requires new strategies beyond printed recognition Accuracy test uses larger training set than test set Statistics fail by grouping similar characters, which must be solved by heuristics (!) Issues of test samples versus training samples Source of errors is similar characters: boundary?

[Lamarche84] Lamarche, F. and Plamondon, R., "Segmentation and Feature Extraction of Handwritten Signature Patterns", Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Pattern Recognition, 1984, pp 756-759.
Refers to time-axis distortion (variability) in signatures

[Lamb84] Lamb, M.R. and Buckley, V., "New techniques for gesture-based dialogue", Proceedings of INTERACT '84, IFIP Working Group 6.3, London, United Kingdom, September 4-7, 1984, pp 135-138.
Need whole conference proceedings: user interface with handwriting editing.

[Leedham84] Leedham, C.G., Downton, A.C., Brooks, C.P. and Newell, A.F., "On-line acquisition of Pitman's handwritten shorthand as a means of rapid data entry", Proceedings of INTERACT '84, IFIP Working Group 6.3, London, United Kingdom, September 4-7, 1984, pp 145-150.
Need whole conference proceedings: user interface with handwriting editing. 12/24

27.12.13 Annotated Bibliography in On-line Character Recognition and Pen Computing

[Linus84] (*p) Linus Technologies, "Business Plan for TechBook Limited Partnership", 5265 Port Royal Road, PO Box 1322, Springfield, Virginia, 22151, February 1984.
Original business plan for Linus portable handwriting product: also describes gesture-based user interface

[Loken-Dim85] Loken-Kim, K.H., "Artificial Intelligence Techniques and their Application to the Correction of Automatic Speech Recognition Input", Proceedings of Voice I/O Systems Applications Conference, September 10-12, 1985, San Francisco, pp 425441.
Speech: context correction requires use of linguistic and extra-linguistic knowledge Speech: high recognition rate is not enough: user interface is important Speech: substitution (modal) recognition errors more severe than rejection Speech: sequential restrictions in language are called syntax

[Lukis85] (*p) Lukis, L.J. and Duhig, G.P., United States Patent 4,493,104, "Character Recognition Device", January 8, 1985, assigned to Moore Business Forms, Incorporated, Grand Island, New York.
Pressure-sensitive resistive-sheet digitizer Moore Business Forms DCR patent

[Mandler85] (*p) Mandler, Egerhard, Oed, Richard, and Doster, Wolfgang, "Experiments in On-Line Script Recognition", Proceedings of 4th Scandinavian Conference on Image Analysis, Norwegian Institute of Technology, Trondheim, Norway, June 17-20, 1985.
Gives many European writing variation styles for "A": features are pathlength and arc; segmentation into single characters without context, not limited to alphanumeric characters,

[Meads85a] Meads, Jon A. "Report on the SIGCHI Workshop on Planning for User Interface Standards", Jon Meads and Associates, 2516 NE 19, Portland, OR 87212, 1985. [Meads85b] Meads, Jon A. "Friendly or Frivolous?", Datamation, April 1, 1985, pp 96100.
User-interface user-friendly: users do NOT plan ahead: Fitt's Law says a mouse may be userfriendly, but not a mouse and a keyboard

[Meisel85] (*p) Meisel, W.S., "Empirical Artificial Intelligence in Speech Recognition", Proceedings of the 1st Annual Artificial Intelligence and Advanced Computer Technology Conference, Long Beach, California, April 30 - May 2, 1985, pp 182-187.
Empirical artificial intelligence: cross between statistical and knowledge-based expert systems analysis Qualitative vs quantitative data/information AI research community has ignored empirical knowledge in expert systems AI: extracting intelligence from empirical evidence vs from human experts AI expert systems: possible flawed assumption is that humans can accurately tell you what they know 13/24

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Curse of dimensionality: your data may just not happen to show a particular feature or interaction among features Sample size vs number of features can be treated formally EAI: using expert knowledge to uncover structures, and using data to verify structures (is not this just normal scientific method?) Reducing "intrinsic dimensionality" of data and features Need off-line (expert?) development of recognition code/tables/features, because too complex to be done in real-time or on-line Human opinion/context has a large role in recognizing/labeling a speech sound Collect speech data for testing from real-world business correspondence and memos linguistic context rules applied to speech recognition

[Minsky84] Minsky, M.R. " Manipulating simulated objects with real-world gestures using a force and position sensitive screen", Computer Graphics Vol 18 No3, July 1984, pp 195-203. [MoriS84] (*p) Mori, S., Yamamoto, K., and Yasuda, M., "Research on Machine Recognition of Hand-printed Characters", IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, Vol PAMI-6 No 4, July 1984, pp 386-405.
It's important to know how well DCR system works on low-quality data Recognition of hiragana (small character set) about as difficult as Kanji (large character set) General review of Kanji character recognition Gives figures for total Kanji characters in use in Japan, and in China Mentions earliest commercial Kanji recognition products, ten current Cites a very large data-base collection, which "scope is not sufficient" Cites Blesser Mentions fundamental differences of human vs machine recognition (p 403) Variations unlimited: must be limited for practicality and academic work

[Morita85] (*p) Morita, M., "Japanese Text Input System", IEEE Computer, Vol 18 No 5, 1985, pp 29-35.
special designs for keyboard input for Kanji/Chinese

[Murase85] (*p) Murase, H., Wakahara, T., and Umeda, M., "Online Writing-Box Free Character String Recognition by Candidate Character Lattice Method", Transactions of the Institute of Electronics Communications Engineers of Japan, Vol J68-D, pp 765772, April 1985. (in Japanese).
Segmenting strokes into characters using varying spacing: box-less input

[Murtagh84] (*a) Murtagh, F. and Raftery, A.E., "Fitting Straight Lines to Point Patterns", Pattern Recognition, Vol 17 NO 5, May 1984, pp 479-483.
Feature: finding straight lines in OCR patterns (skeletons?)

[Nagayama85] (*p) Nagayama, T., Shibuya, J., and Kawakita, T., "Pen-Touch-Type Electro-Magnetic Transparent Touch Panel", Society for Information Display 1985 Digest of Technical Papers, May 1985,pp 32-35.
Transparent digitizer table over LCD with DCR 14/24

27.12.13 Annotated Bibliography in On-line Character Recognition and Pen Computing

[Nagy84] (*p) Nagy, G. and Seth, S., "Hierarchical Image Representation with Application to Optically Scanned Documents", Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Pattern Recognition, Montreal, 1984.
Tiling/windows applied for format of written/printed documents

[Nagy85] (*p) Nagy, G., "Image Database", Image and Vision Computing, Vol 3 No 3, August 1985, pp 111-117.
User-interface aspects of image data bases not given much attention

[Naito84] (*a) Naito, S. and Masuda, T., "Chinese Character Recognition Based on Personal Handwriting Characteristics", Transactions of IECE of Japan, Vol J67D No 4, April 1984, pp 480-487 (Abstract only).
Science Citation Index Difference in handwriting variations/variability between writers 50% greater than for one writer (?) Claims 96.9% successful recognition when trained to writer, 67.7% for general use without training, for 3256 Kanji categories.

[Nandhakumar85] (*p) Nandhakumar, N. and Aggarwal, J.K., "The Artificial Intelligence Approach to Pattern Recognition -- A Perspective and an Overview", Pattern Recognition, Vol 18 No 6, pp 383-389, 1985.
Overview of DCR in the context of artificial intelligence

[NationalOA84] (*p) National OA: "Panaword RL-W450 / FW-500 product literature" (in Japanese), 1984.
National OA 1984 Kanji/Chinese product

[NEC84] NEC: "CR-100 product literature", (in Japanese), 1984.

Nippon Electric Company 1984 Japanese/Kanji/Chinese on-line handwriting product

[Nouh84] (*p) Nouh, Adnan, Sultan, Abobakr, and Tolba, Roshdi, "On Feature Extraction and Selection for Arabic Character Recognition", Arab Gulf Journal of Scientific Research, Vol 2 No 1, 1984, pp 329-347.
Density features for Arabic handwriting recognition: position-by-position matching between characters: Freeman codes as divergence criteria Tilt: 0.01" to 20 degrees, 0.08" between 20 and 40 degrees

[Numonics85] Numonics, "Numonics #2200 Pad with Low Profile and High Resolution", Numonics Incorporated, 418 Pierce Street, Lansdale PA 19446, 1985. [OedR84] (*p) Oed, R. and Doster, W., "The Intelligent Graphics Tablet - More Than a Mouse", Proceedings of Advances in Microprocessor Peripherals, Journees d'Electronique et de Microtechnique, Lausanne, Switzerland, October 8-11, 1984, pp 183-190.
Shows handwriting user-interface with control/editing area much like Penpad or C.I.C. Handwriter 15/24

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Shows diagram for stroke/character segmentation/parsing using overlapping rectangular extents User interface for handwriting into existing applications using keyboard buffer

[OedR85] (*p) Oed, R. and Doster, W., "On-line Script Recognition - A User-friendly Man-Machine Interface", Proceedings of the COMPINT 85 Conference on ComputerAided Technologies, IEEE Catalog No 85CH2136-0, pp 741-743.
Shows diagram for stroke/character segmentation/parsing using surrounding rectangles Makes claim that user-definable trainable/adaptable gesture-symbol recognition simplifies user interface, but this is bullshit: semantics of symbol must still be defined, and mnemonicity and non-ambiguity (to recognizer) of a gesture is an open question

[OKI84] (*p) OKI Corporation, "SR 220 / SR 230 Online product information", OKI Corporation, 1984.
Japanese handwriting character recognition product

[OlsenDR84] (*p) Olsen, Dan. R. Jr., Buxton, William, Ehrich, Roger, Kasik, David J., Rhyne, James R., and Siberg, John "A Context for User Interface Management", IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, December 1984, pp 33..41 [Omron84] (*p) Omron Corporation, "Handwriting product information", Omron Corporation, 1984.
Japanese handwriting character recognition product

[Parnell84] Parnell, United States Patent 4,473,717, "(title)"

Lukis87 on digitizer tablets

[Pavlidis85] Pavlidis, J., and Van Wyk, C.J., "An Automatic Beautifier for Drawings and Illustrations", A.C.M. Computer Graphics, Vol 19 No 3, July 1985, pp 225-234.
Gesture/graphics input heuristics: cite so Pavlidis gets his licks in Another spread-sheet for the Penpad

[Pencept84a] Pencept, "Penpack (TM) Multiplan (TM) User's Guide", Pencept, Incorporated, 39 Green Street, Waltham, Massachusetts 02154, 1984.
Another word processor for the Penpad

[Pencept84b] Pencept, "Penpack (TM) IBM (R) Personal Editor User's Guide", Pencept, Incorporated, 39 Green Street, Waltham, Massachusetts 02154, 1984.
Forms data entry for the Penpad

[Pencept84c] Pencept, "Penware (TM) Penform (TM) User's Guide", Pencept, Incorporated, 39 Green Street, Waltham, Massachusetts 02154, 1984.
Pencept character set

[Pencept84] Pencept, "Penpad (R) 320 Technical Data", Pencept, Incorporated, 39 Green Street, Waltham, Massachusetts 02154, 1984.
Pencad 16/24

27.12.13 Annotated Bibliography in On-line Character Recognition and Pen Computing

[Pencept85] Pencept, "Pencad (TM) Penpad (R) Interface for Freelance (R)", Pencept, Incorporated, 39 Green Street, Waltham, Massachusetts 02154, 1985. [Pencept85a] Pencept, "Pencad Penpad Interface for CAD and Graphics, Version 3.4 (R)", Pencept, Incorporated, 39 Green Street, Waltham, Massachusetts 02154, 1985.
shows recognition macros / gestures

[Photron85] Photron Limited, "OSCON Digitizer technical information: SQ-3100 and SQ-4000MKII", Photron Limited, 1985. [Plamondon85] (*p) Plamondon, R. and Lamarche, F., "Modelization of Handwriting: A System Approach", in "Graphonomics: Contemporary Research in Handwriting", Proceedings of the 1986 Graphonomics Conference, Hong Kong, July 8-12, 1985, Henry S.R. Kao, Gerard P. van Galen and Rumjahn Hoosain, editors, North-Holland, publishers, 1986.
Analog filter on digitizer output gives "improved accuracy" (!!??!!) Tablet digitizer jitter noise is +- 0.002 inch (?)

[Pobgee85] Pobgee, United States Patent 3,885,097

Lukis87 on digitizer tablets 3D electromagnetic digitizer (do not work on metallic objects) 0.032" resolution

[Polhemus84] Polhemus, "3-Space Digitizer Technical Bulletin", 1984, Polhemus Navigation Sciences Division of McDonnel-Douglass Electronics Co., Colchester, Vermont. [Poole84] Poole, L., "A Tour of the Mac Desktop", MacWorld, Vol 1 No 1, 1984, pp 16-21. [PortableComputer85] Portable Computer Products Company, "Data Pad product announcement", April 1985. 10801 West Main Street, Suite 600, Fairfax VA 22030, 703-352-8116 (see also Annographics). Mark Spikell, founder. [Prentice85] Prentice, T., "Methods for testing digitizer performance", Internal Report, Pencept, Incorporated, 1985. [Raeder85] Raeder, G., "A Survey of Current Graphical Programming Techniques", IEEE Computer, August 1985, pp 11-25. [Richards85] (*p) Richards, Joh, T, Boies, Stephen J., Gould, John D. " Rapid Prototyping and System Development: Examination of an Interface Toolkit for Voice and Telephony Applications ",IBM Research Division Report RC 11433 (#51395), 10/8/85, 9 pages [Rosson84] (*p) Rosson, M.B., "Characterizing Freeform Editing Behavior", IBM Research Report RC 10550 (Log #47200) 5/23/84, IBM T.J. Watson Research 17/24

27.12.13 Annotated Bibliography in On-line Character Recognition and Pen Computing

Center, PO Box 218, Yorktown Heights, NY 10598.

Boies said 75% of interactive user time is commands, not input: she says 25% Common mistake is mis-typing command names "direct manipulation" and gesture-input

[Rouse85] (*p) Rouse, Nancy E., " Manual Digitizers for CAD", Machine Design, June 20, 1985
lists all major digitizer tablet companies of the day, and their technologies (sonic, magetic, magneto-strictive, etc.) 2-D: Altek, CalComp, Elographics, CTCO, Hitachi, Houston Instrument, Kurta, Numonics, Science Accessories Corp (SAC), Scriptel, Summagraphhics; 3-D: Micro Control Systems, Polhemus Navigation Sciences, Science Accessories Corp

[Rubin85] (*p) Rubin, R.V., Golin, E.J., and Reiss, S.P. "ThinkPad: a Graphical System for Programming by Demonstration", IEEE Software, Vol 2 No 2, pp 73-79.
Interactive graphical interface language for programming Acoustic 3-D tablet

[SAC84] SAC, "GP-8-3D Grafbar Technical Corporation, 1984, Southport, Connecticut.




[Sakai84] (*p) Sakai, T., Odaka, K., and Toida, T., "Several Approaches to Development of On-line Handwritten Character Input Equipment", Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Pattern Recognition, 1984, pp 1052-1054.
Boxed input: command-mode characters straddle boxes New text-editing method for keyboard emulation: uses multiple lines "category 1" characters: complete ambiguous due to sampling resolution

[Sakoe84] (*p) Sakoe, Hiroaki, United States Patent 4,479,236, "Pattern Matching Device Operable with Signals of a Compressed Dynamic Range", October 23, 1984, assigned to Nippon Electric Company, Tokyo, Japan.
Iterative approximation to distance function between two patterns

[Satoh85] (*p) Satoh, K., Ooka, A., and Wada, Y., United States Patent 4,542,526, "Character Recognition Apparatus", September 17, 1985, assigned to Sumitomo Electric Industries, Osaka, Japan.
Handwriting character recognition using length and slope of line segments, classification to standard strokes Uses 8-direction chain codes for directions of entire stroke segments. Uses distance between strokes to segment strokes into characters

[Schaeken84] Schaeken, B., Verschueren, W., Rene de Cotret, Y. and Hermanne, A., "A Hierarchical System for Handwritten Numeral Recognition", Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Pattern Recognition, 1984, Montreal Canada, pp 10041007.
Says recognition success % available, but does not give it (!) Handwriting recognition product 18/24

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[ScriptWriter85] (*p) Data Entry Systems, "ScriptWriter Technical Information", Data Entry Systems, 6767 Madison Pike, Suite 195, Huntsville, Alabama 35806, 1985. [Shakunaga84] Shakunaga, T, Kaneko, H., and Yodogawa, E., "Automatic Writer Recognition by Line-based Spectral Resolution of 2nd Order Statistics", Transactions of IECE of Japan, Vol J67D No 7, July 1984, pp 776-783 (in Japanese: English abstract only).
Science Citation Index Like signature verification, but regular text handwriting: identification vs. verification, with 5.2% reject, 0.0034% false acceptance

[Sharp84] (*p) Sharp Corporation, 1984.






Japanese handwriting character recognition product

[Shneiderman85] Shneiderman, B., "Human-Computer Interaction Research at the University of Maryland", unpublished manuscript, October, 1985. Author's address: Department of Computer Science, Human-Computer Interaction Laboratory, University of Maryland, College Park, Maryland 20742.
User-interface studies on menu structure: globally visible menu helps User-interface: arrow keys for pointing vs mouse User-interface: manuals are better than on-line help (why?) User-interface: user preference for touch-screen pointing tablet/display

[Shridhar84a] Shridhar, M. and Badreldin, A., "A tree classification algorithm for handwritten character recognition", Proceedings of the 7th International Joint Conference on Pattern Recognition, 1984, pp 615-618.
Kerrick88 cites as reference on sequential, heirarchical, and tree-based methods for character recognition

[Shridhar84b] Shridhar, M. and Badreldin, A., "High accuracy character recognition algorithm using Fourier and topological descriptors", Pattern Recognition, Vol 17, 1984, pp 515-524.
98% accuracy on handwriting recognition of numerics: Fourier on outlines confuses 2 & 5, 6 & 9, sometimes 4 & 7 due to rotational invariance, so topological analysis must follow.

[Swan85] Swan, K., "Pragmatics of Programming Voice Recognition Technologies", Proceedings of Voice I/O Systems Conference, San Francisco California, 1985.
Adaptive recognition: "trying to retraining an already overtrained behavior, such as speech, is not recommended" Training/adaptive: users are unlikely to become expert users if they become discouraged naive users Speech: human factors gap: most system designers and users weak in human factors/user interface issues Speech: system must be readily interfaceable to external host applications Speech: user do not want any "control knobs" on their user interface Speech: features for good interface design never all on one product 19/24

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Speech: user interface system designer cannot differentiate between user and machine error Speech: products ignore transducer (microphone) problems, even though critical Speech: writing custom software for applications kills the product Speech: software must be transportable between programmers, not computers Speech: buffering problems cause system to lose second word even though product works fine Speech: speech equivalent of "graphical doodling"

[Sziklai84] Sziklai, G.C., United States Patent 4,454,610, "Methods and Apparatus for the Automatic Classification of Patterns", Jue 12, 1984, assigned to Transaction Sciences Corporation, New Orleans, Louisiana.
How to find the signature and courtesy amount on a check using a grey-scale image Signature verification via OCR scanning

[Tappert84a] Tappert, C.C., "Dehooking Procedure for Handwriting on a Tablet", IBM Technical Disclosure Bulletin, Vol 27 No 5, October 1984, pp 2995-2998.
Hook removal: hooks are a problem of the tablet

[Tappert84b] Tappert, C.C., "Delayed Stroke Processor for Handwriting Recognition", IBM Technical Disclosure Bulletin, Vol 26 No 12, May 1984, pp 6616-6619.
Delayed strokes: aligns dots only with cusps, crosses on down side of cusp Refers to character cut points in cursive character segmentation

[Tappert84] Tappert, C.C., "Adaptive On-line Handwriting Recognition", Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Pattern Recognition, 1984, Montreal Canada, pp 1004-1007.
Refers to context by "alphabet selection" Mentions U/V ambiguity for single writer (see also Jans75) Mentions A/H, h/n, a/u ambiguity as problem of dynamic matching algorithm (!) Ambiguity of 1,l,I, and upper/lower C,K,O,P,S,V,W,X,Y,Z Mentions "new variations" even for single user (!) Mentions sloppy and ambiguous writing as separate cases Mentions "alphabet selection" like our shift boxes Discrete vs continuous writing, but testing was different (biased) Mentions problems with his hook removal algorithm Claims 94% recognition success, 98% if restricted subset, with three familiar writers Says dictionary lookup would give 100% recognition (!) Mentions segmentation for case where text is known (but when is that real?) Testing found several omitted variants from a "good" system

[Tappert85b] Tappert, C.C., "An Adaptive System for Handwriting Recognition", IBM Research Report RC 11175 (Log #50249) 5/21/85, 1985, IBM T.J. Watson Research Center, PO Box 218, Yorktown Heights, NY 10598 (to appear in Acta Psychologica).
Implies need for big data base: "vast variation, need larger quantities" Refers to intra-writer variability Claims at most four strokes in an English (Latin) letter Mentions characters (C,c, 1,I,J, etc.) only distinguishable by context Mentions need to accommodate new variations: "small sample of data" 20/24

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Baseline drift, more writing time means more prototypes

[Tappert85] Tappert, C.C. et al, "Handwriting Recognition on Transparent Tablet over Flat Display", IBM Research Report RC 11856 (Log #52695) 3/3/86, 1986, IBM T.J. Watson Research Center, PO Box 218, Yorktown Heights, NY 10598. (To appear in 1986 Society for Information Display International Symposium Digest of Technical Papers).
Essential to success of character recognition is a natural human interface Character recognition has biggest performance demands on digitizer tablets Refers to commercially available handwriting recognizers, but not by name Mentions some performance problems of commercially available tablets Refers to minimum tablet tick resolution for character recognition Mentions many tablet performance problems, "natural" writing speed

[Tarnopolsky84] Tarnopolsky, United States Patent 3,793,469, "(title)"

Lukis87 on digitizer tablets

[ThomasJC85] Thomas, John C., "Human Factors in IBM", IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center, Report RC 11267 (#50753), July 15, 1985. [VanDamm84] Van Damm, A., "Scientific American", Introduction to special issue on computer technology, September 1984.
Apple MACINTOSH user-interface is really neat

[VanRaamsdonk84] (*p) Van Raamsdonk, Cornelis, United States Patent 4,475,239, "Apparatus for Text Editing and Processing", October 2, 1984, assigned to Olympia Werke AG, Wilhelmshaven, West Germany.
Patent on user-interface for doing word processing with handwriting recognition, handwriting annotation input

[Verschueren84] Verschueren, W., Schaeken, B., Rene de Cotret, Y., and Hermanne, A., "Structure Recognition of Handwritten Numerals", Proceedings of IEEE 7th International Conference on Pattern Recognition, Montreal, Canada, July 30-August 2, 1984, pp 760-762.
Cites 6-0 ambiguity for single writer Says 79% accuracy, "then improved", but does not say how much Kerrick88 cites as example system using both locally and globally computed features

[Wakahara84a] Wakahara, T. and Umeda, M., "On-line Cursive Script Recognition using Stroke Linkage Rules", Proceedings of IEEE 7th International Conference on Pattern Recognition, Montreal, Canada, July 30-August 2, 1984, pp 1065-1068. [Wakahara84b] Wakahara, T., Odaka, K., and Umeda, M., "Electro-Luminescent Display Superposed by Transparent Electromagnetic Coupling Tablet and Its Application to Script Input Japanese Word Processor", (in Japanese), 1984.
Integrated DCR tablet and display, electronic ink 21/24

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Display parallax corrected by user-selectable offset in electronic ink

[Waltz85] Waltz, D.L. and Pollack, J.B., "Massively parallel parsing", Cognitive Science, Vol 9, 1985, pp 51-74.

[WangPSP85] Wang, P.S.P., United States Patent 4,521,909, "Dual Level Pattern Recognition System", June 4, 1985, assigned to Wang Laboratories, Inc., Lowell, Massachusetts.
Two-level character recognition: a first cut may or may not work, but a second pass sorts out characters left ambiguous by the first pass Template matching with learning for new patterns Two-level template matching using a coarse digitizing grid, then a fine grid for what's left: only advantage is shorter comparison time

[Ward85b] (*p) Ward, J. and Blesser, B., "Implications of Using Interactive Hand-print Character Recognition for Computer Input", Proceedings of the 1985 COMPINT Trends and Applications in Computer Graphics Conference, May 1985, IEEE Catalog No 85CH2148-5. [Ward85c] Ward, J., "UNIX as a development tool for a non-UNIX microprocessor", CommUNIXations, August/September 1985, Vol V No 5, pp 26-30. [Ward85d] Ward, J., United States Patent 4,534,060, "Method and Apparatus for Removing Noise at the Ends of a Stroke", August 6, 1985, assigned to Pencept, Incorporated, Waltham, Massachusetts.
Eliminate wobbles at ends of strokes for pre-processing handwritten characters

[Ward85e] (*p) Ward, J. and Nilssen, A., United States Patent 4,562,304, "Apparatus and Method for Emulating Computer Keyboard Input with a Hand-print Terminal", assigned to Pencept, Incorporated, Waltham, Massachusetts, December 31, 1985.
Our keyboard emulation patent that blocks ANYBODY from doing on-line character recognition with standard keyboard input

[Ward85f] (*p) Ward, Jean Renard, CommUNIXactions, August/September 1985




engineering article on hardware/firmware development effort for the PenPad 300 product

[Ward85] Ward, J. and Blesser, B., "Interactive Recognition of Hand-printed Characters for Computer Input", IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, September 1985, pp 24-37. [Watanabe85] (*p) Watanabe, Y., Gyoba, J., Hirata, T., and Maruyama, K., "A Psychological Approach to the Human Recognition of Ambiguous Characters", Journal of the Institute of TV Engineers of Japan, Vol 39 No 6, pp 509-515, 1985 (in Japanese). 22/24

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Mentions different "correct" labels for readers and writers of characters Doing same stuff as early Shillman/Blesser work, but for Japanese Refers to "confoundable Katakana" characters "Hayashi's Quantification, model II"

[Werth85a] (*p) Werth, L.J. and Paulson, L.G., United States Patent 4,541,115, "Pattern Processing System", September 10, 1985, assigned to Pattern Processing Technologies, Minneapolis, Minnesota.
Visual image inspection pattern matching using address loop correlation between images: recognition part of a trainable system Visual pattern image recognition: responds to time-varying images (patterns over time: claims application to speech recognition as well)

[Werth85] (*p) Werth, L.J. and Paulson, L.G., United States Patent 4,504,970, "Training Controller for Pattern Processing System", March 12, 1985, assigned to Pattern Processing Technologies, Minneapolis, Minnesota.
Visual image inspection pattern matching using address loop correlation between images: trainable system

[Weyer85] Weyer, S.A. and Borning, A.H., "A prototype electronic encyclopedia", ACM Transactions on Office Information Systems", Vol 3 No 1, 1985, pp 63-88.

[Whetton85] Whetton, Cris, quoted in "A.C.M. Software Engineering Notes", Vol 5 No 10, pp 9-10, regarding an incident where published curves for a control system were transcribed from photocopies, October, 1985.
Xerox-copy error, for tablets, optical scanners

[Wong85] (*p) Wong, K.H. and Fallsize, F., "Dynamic Programming in the Recognition of Connected Handwritten Script", Proceedings of IEEE Conference on Artificial Intelligence Applications, 1985, pp 666-670.
Tests limited to only one writer Script recognition: complains about segmentation mismatches Context: says storing templates for all possible words not practical

[WuWT84] Wu, W.T., "Heuristic Approach to Chinese-Character Search", Kybernetics (Great Britain), Vol 13 No 1, 1984, pp 39-42 (abstract only). [Yankelovich85] Yankelovich, H., Meyrowitz, N., and van Dam, A., "Reading and writing the electronic book", IEEE Computer, Vol 18 No 10, pp 15-30, 1985.

[Ye84] (*p) Ye, P.J., Hugli, H., and Pellandini, F., "Techniques for On-line Chinese Character Recognition with Reduced Writing Constraints", Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Pattern Recognition, Montreal, 1984, pp 1043-1045.
On Chinese, 99% accuracy if use stroke order/sequence, 92% if do not Test protocol: says extrapolation from 500 to 2500 Chinese characters straightforward 23/24

27.12.13 Annotated Bibliography in On-line Character Recognition and Pen Computing

[YouZ84] You, Z. and Jain, A.K., "Performance evaluation of shape matching via chord length distribution", Computer Vision and Graphical Information Processing, Vol 29, 1984, pp 185-198.

[Zhang84] (*p) Zhang, T.Y and Suen, C.Y., "A Fast Parallel Algorithm for Thinning Digital Patterns", Communications of the A.C.M., Vol 27 No 3, March 1984, pp 236239.
Skeletonization/thinning based on opposing corners and boundaries along diagonals, preserving endpoints and pixel connectivity

[Zue85] (*p) Zue, V.W., "The Use of Speech Knowledge in Automatic Speech Recognition", Proceedings of IEEE, Vol 73 No 11, November 1985, pp 1602-1614.
General-purpose pattern recognition not extensible to read world of multiple speakers, large vocabulary, continuous speech Phonetically-based approaches abandoned for adaptive recognition because no one could deal with phoneme detection well General-purpose pattern recognition appeals because it is simple, but it does not scale up to real problems Variability in speech due to co-articulation of phonemes Human reading of spectrograms: speech segmentation BETTER on nonsense words than on regular text (!) Knowledge of allophonic variations HELPFUL for phonetic decoding Use known properties of human auditory system to reduce irrelevant acoustic variabilities Much recognition to be learned from studying human decoding of speech signal Synthesis (artificial generative variability) methods no help on analysis/recognition Stressed syllables are "islands of reliability" in speech segmentation Recognition dichotomy of template matching vs feature extraction not absolute Template matching works well on small, distinct set, but not extensible to real world Speech signal is a special kind of signal Ignorance: correctly defining what you do not know is critical: tells you what to work on to make the best progress Ignorance: admit what you do not know, then do something about it

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The publication of this bibliography on the World-Wide-Web is a work in progress .... This compilation is copyright Jean Renard Ward, 1996, 1999.

[Abe86] Abe, K., Azumatani, Y., Mukouda, M., and Suzuki, S., "Discrimination of Symbols, Lines, and Characters in Flowchart Recognition", Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Pattern Recognition, Paris, October 1986, pp 1071-1074.
Fundamental problem is separating/segmentation (flowchart) symbols drawn small size from characters Problem of broken lines and curves messes up flowchart/character recognition Sketch recognition

[Ahmed86] Ahmed, P., "Computer recognition of totally unconstrained handwritten ZIP codes", Ph.D. Thesis, Department of Computer Science, Concordia University, Montreal, Canada, 1986. [AEGTelefunken86] (*p) Richard Oed, Eberhard Mandler, Wolfgang Doster and Juergen Schuerman, "Personal correspondence ", September 1986.
Independent group working on prototype on-line recognition product

[Amin86] Amin, A. and Masini, G., "Machine Recognition of Multi-font Printed Arabic Texts", Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Pattern Recognition, Paris, October 1986, pp 392-395.
Arabic: 95% segmentation, 85% recognition on 100 Arabic words Commercial product by Doctor Mark Spikell

[AnnoGraphics86] AnnoGraphics, "Datapad (TM) Portable Hand-print Character Recognition Data Entry System", AnnoGraphics, Incorporated, 10720 Kelley Driver, Fairfax, VA 22030, 1986, Mark Spikell, founder. [AnnoGraphics86a] (*p) Spikell, Mark, " Personal correspondence ", AnnoGraphics / DataPad, 1986 [Aoki86] Aoki, K. and Yamaya, Y., "Recognizer with Learning Mechanism for Handwritten Script English Words", Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Pattern Recognition, Paris, October 1986, pp 690-692.
85.4% with three writers (but says "real" performance would be much better)

[Averbuch86] (*p) Averbuch, A., et al, "An IBM-PC Based Large-Vocabulary Isolated 1/18

27.12.13 Annotated Bibliography in On-line Character Recognition and Pen Computing

Utterance Speech Recognizer", IBM Research Report RC 11663 (Log #53271) 1/28/86, IBM T.J. Watson Research Center, PO Box 218, Yorktown Heights, NY 10598.
Speech: a gigantic data-base of 27 million words in correspondence was still not enough for coverage Enrollment: in 27 million words of correspondence, several days of week and months of year missing from 5000 most frequent and had to be added by hand Other authors: Bahl, L., Bakis, R., Brown, P., Cole, A., Dagget, G. Other authors: Das, S., Davies, K., DeGennaro, S., de Sourza, P. Other authors: Epstein, E., Fraleigh, D., Jelinek, F., Katz, S., Lewis, B. Other authors: Mercer, R., Nada, A., Nahamoo, D., Picheny, M., Shichman, G. Other authors: Spinelli, P.

[Babaguchi86] Babaguchi, N., Tsukamoto, M., and Aibara, T., "Knowledge Aided Character Segmentation from Handwritten Document Image", Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Pattern Recognition, Paris, October 1986, pp 573-575.
Complete character segmentation (in OCR) not possible only with general knowledge Specific knowledge of characters will help segmentation (i.e. segmentation not generalpurpose-method solvable as humans do it?)

[Bahl86] (*p) Bahl, L.R., "Speech Recognition - An IBM Research Project", unpublished manuscript, December 1986. Author's address: Continuous Speech Recognition Group, IBM T.J. Watson Research Center, Yorktown Heights, NY 10598.
Speech: enrollment of 1000 sentences, testing on only 50 sentences

[Baird86a] (*p) Baird, H.S., "Accurate Skew Estimation and the Top-Down Analysis of Document Images", unpublished manuscript, December 12, 1986, submitted to 1987 IEEE/CS 1st International Conference on Computer Vision, London. Author's address: AT&T Bell Laboratories, 2C-557, 600 Mountain Avenue, Murray Hill, NJ 07974.
Automatic rotation/scaling/skew-angle correction using "minimum energy" in OCR preprocessing Published version

[Baird86] Baird, H.S., Kahan, S., and Pavlidis, Theo, "Components of an Omnifont Page Reader", Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Pattern Recognition, Paris, October 1986, pp 344-348.
Accidental merging/splitting of characters known to be a severe problem in optical character recognition Production of multi-font OCR recognition an engineering technology problem, not science

[Bao-chang86] Bao-chang, P., "Floating Mask Method for Extracting Hand-printed Character Features", Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Pattern Recognition, Paris, October 1986, pp 324-326.
Chinese OCR: 99.93% accuracy, 200,000 samples of 51 characters by 90 persons Testing: uses very small subset of Chinese, thereby avoiding the problem of large character set

[BarkerPG86] (*p) Barker, P.G., Najah, M., and Manji, K.A., "Pictorial communication 2/18

27.12.13 Annotated Bibliography in On-line Character Recognition and Pen Computing

with Computers", manuscript in preparation, October, 1986. Interactive Systems Research Group, Department of Computer Science, Teesside Polytechnic, County Cleveland, United Kingdom. [Bin86] Bin, L. and Shuxiang, Z., "A New Approach to Recognition of Both Handwritten and Multi-font Printed Chinese Characters", Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Pattern Recognition, Paris, October 1986, pp 641-643.
Model for Chinese education from psychologists (cognitive?), educators, linguists The better a method fits a (cognitive) model, the better the recognition algorithm is

[Blesser86a] (*p) Blesser, B., United States Patent 4,577,057, "Digitizing Tablet System Having Stylus Tilt Correction", assigned to Pencept, Incorporated, Waltham, Massachusetts, March 18, 1986.
Two-coil digitizer tablet stylus/pen for tilt measurement and/or error correction

[Blesser86b] (*p) Blesser, B., United States Patent 4,582,955, "Digitizing Tablet System Including a Tablet Having a Grid Structure Made of Two Orthogonal Sets of Parallel Uniformly Sized and Spaced U Shaped Loops of Conductive Material", assigned to Pencept, Incorporated, Waltham, Massachusetts, April 15, 1986.
Digitizer tablet geometry to minimize stray signal pick-up

[Blesser86] Blesser, B., and Ward, J., "Human Factors Affecting the Problem of Machine Recognition of Hand-printed Text", Vol III Proceedings of the 7th Annual Computer Graphics Conference, National Computer Graphics Association, May 11-15 1986, pp 498-514.
Paper shows all the variations of "G"s: actual presentation did "A"s We give many examples of combinatorial explosion of handwritten character variability from base forms

[Brault86] (*p) Brault, J.J. and Plamondon, R., "Coupling Visual and Dynamic Features to Study Handwritten Signatures", Proceedings of Graphics Interface/Vision Interface 86, Vancouver, B.C. 26-30 May 1986.
Shows defective tablet line, but thinks it's just digitizer noise

[Bono86] (*p) Bono, Peter R., "Support for Character Recognition Devices by the Graphics Standards", presentation to PHIGS graphics-standards committee, May 23, 1986
Presentation on behalf of several on-line pen computing companies to the ANSI graphics standards committees

[Burr86] Burr, D.J., "A Neural Network Digit Recognizer", Proceedings of the 1986 International conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Atlanta, Georgia, 1986, pp 1621-1625.

[Buxton86] Buxton, W., "Chunking and Phrasing and the Design of Human-Computer 3/18

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Dialogues", Proceedings of IFIP World Computer Congress, Dublin Ireland, September 1-5, 1986.
Gesture input / sketch recognition in graphical user interfaces

[Buxton86a] (*p) Buxton, William, and Meyers, Brad A." A Study in Two-Handed Input", to appear in 1986 Conference on Computers and Human Interaction, CHI'86, Boston April 12-17, 1986 [Buxton86b] (*p) Buxton, William " There's More to Interaction than Meets the Eye ", in User Centered System Design: New Perspectives on Human-Computer Interaction, Norman, Donald A. and Draper, Stephen W, Eds, Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Hillsdale NJ and London, 1986 [Carpenter86] (*p) Carpenter, G.A. and Grossberg, S., "A Massively Parallel Architecture for a Self-organizing Neural Pattern Recognition Machine", manuscript in preparation, Authors' address: Center for Adaptive Systems, Department of Mathematics, Boston University, Boston, Massachusetts 02215.
Adaptive: give example of "simple" 5x5 characters, but patterns Do not match human patterns (random bits)

[Casey86] Casey, R.G., "Text OCR by Solving a Cryptogram", Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Pattern Recognition, Paris, October 1986, pp 349-351.
Adaptive recognition using clear-text and "unknown" type-font text for a cryptogram: but is cleartext always known?

[Chunbiao86] Chunbiao, G. and Guorong, X., "Automatic Recognition of Printed Chinese Characters by Four Corner Codes", Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Pattern Recognition, Paris, October 1986, pp 1013-1015.
6763 Kanji/Chinese characters in minimal Chinese standard (3000 common): much more than Japanese standard (1493) Chain codes/segments: Chinese/Kanji characters in only nine kinds of primitive segments

[Cohen86] Cohen, M. and Grossberg, S., "Neural dynamics of speech and language coding: developmental programs, perceptual grouping, and competition for short-term memory", Human Neurobiology, 1986, Vol 5, pp 1-22.
According to Daniel Bullock's letter from BU in 1986, Cohen did handwriting recognition in 1970. Theoretical adaptive work: "random growth" of human brain

[Cooper86] Cooper, Leon N., Elbaum, Charles, Reilly, Douglas L., and Scofield, Christopher L., United States Patent 4,216,524, "Pattern class separation and identification system", assigned to Nestor, Incorporated, Providence, Rhode Island, 1986. [Cordella86] Cordella, L.P. and Marcelli, A., "Normalization and Decomposition of Thin Lines Representing Handprinted Characters", Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Pattern Recognition, Paris, October 1986, pp 723-725. 4/18

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Decomposing characters into segments (curves, arcs) that are invariant with respect to handwriting variability (compare to chain-code segments) Structural analysis beats the pants off of statistical / adaptive methods Cites Suen/Shillman paper on U-V discrimination Recognition by grammar/syntax of (chain-code) segments

[Crane86] Crane, H.D., and Ostrem, J.S., United States Patent 4,573,196, "Confusion Grouping of Strokes in Pattern Recognition Method and System", February 25, 1986, assigned to Communication Intelligence Corporation, Menlo Park, California.
Confusion matrix for Chinese/Kanji character recognition, using distance and curvature metrics

[Currit86] Currit, P.A., Dyer, M., and Mills, H.D., "Certifying the Reliability of Software", IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, Vol SE-12 No 1, January 1986, pp 3-14.
The accepted approach to software development is to specify and design a product -- and then to test selectively with cases perceived to be typical of those requirements. Frequently the result is a product which works well against inputs to be tested but which is unreliable in unexpected circumstances Testability of software: software-engineering regressions tests Statistical testing of software can predict reliability: however, it cannot tell you about the existence, severity, or number of remaining errors Sonic tablet digitizer: 0.1mm accuracy over 1.0 meter square active area (but then says +-2.0mm after all calibration!) Sonic tablet digitizer: local drafts throw off same as 1 degree C temperature Sonic tablet digitizer: calibrate to correct for air speed vs temperature

[deBruyne86] de Bruyne, P., "Compact Large-Area Graphic Digitizer for Personal Computers", IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, Vol 6 No 12, December, 1986, pp 49-53. [Derouault86] Derouault, A. and Merialdo, B., "Natural Language Modeling for Phoneme-to-Text Transcription", IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence", Vol 8 No 6, November 1986, pp 742-749.
Statistical modelling and grammatical rules combined for context in French natural language

[DosterW86a] Doster, W., "Designing a Document Analysis System", tutorial at 8th International Conference on Pattern Recognition, Paris, France, 27-31 October, 1986. [DosterW86] Doster, W., "private letter of May, 1986", AEG Aktiengesellschaft, Forschungsinstitut Ulm, Sedanstrasse 10, D-7900 Ulm, West Germany.
Doster also has a DCR (instead of OCR) character data base

[Firdman86] Firdman, H.E., "Components of AI Systems", AI Expert, Vol 1 No 1, 1986, pp 81-85.

General comments on what an AI system "is" DCR as Artificial intelligence: "domain specific: rules of thumb extracted from experts" 5/18

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[FoleyJD86] Foley, J. et al, "Managing the Design of User-Computer Interfaces", Report available from Computer Graphics Consultants, Incorporated, 616 G Street SW, Washington DC 20024, 1986.
Jim Foley's consulting report on user interface subsystems

[Fu86] Fu, K.S., "A Step Towards Unification of Syntactic and Statistical Pattern Recognition", IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, Vol 8 No 3, May 1986, pp 398-404. Previously published in Vol 5 No 2, March, 1983.
Could also be listed as Fu83: was re-printed in same journal Attributed grammar, control diagram, semantics, statistical pattern recognition, syntactic pattern recognition, syntax-semantics tradeoff Sub-patterns, substructure (primitives) of pattern as features There is yet no systematic method to select appropriate syntactic and semantic complexities (features) for a specific pattern recognition problem Gives examples of distorted hand-written "E"s, and a possible tree/heirarchical representation of the structure for recognition

[Guanxiong86] Guanxiong, Z. and Hongyuan, W., "Angle Coding and it's Application in Pattern Recognition", Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Pattern Recognition, Paris, October 1986, pp 1001-1003.
Chain-codes: eight-direction angle codes (Freeman codes)

[Hase86] Hase, M., Suzuki, G., and Hisayasu, I., "A Method for Extracting Marked Regions from Document Images", Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Pattern Recognition, Paris, October 1986, pp 780-782.
Separating graphics and text characters from an image

[Hekmatpour86] Hekmatpour, S. and Ince, D.C., "Forms as a Language Facility", A.C.M. SIGPLAN Notices, Vol 21 No 9, September 1986, pp 43-48.
Quotes Gehani82 Proposes forms as so important to deserve own data type in a language

[Hidai86a] Hidai, Y., Ooi, K., and Nakamura, Y., "Stroke Re-ordering Algorithm for On-line Hand-written Character Recognition", Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Pattern Recognition, Paris, October 1986, pp 934-936.
BLRT/chain-code: segments at eight discrete slants

[Hidai86b] Hidai, Y., Ooi, K., Nakamura, Y., and Kurosawa, Y., European Patent 177319, "Hand-written characters segmenting system", April 9, 1986, assigned to Toshiba.
Hand-written characters segmenting system has tablet determining boundary between characters according to stroke duration (inter-stroke timeout) and coordinates data (height from tablet)

[Holbaek-Hanssen86] Holbaek-Hanseen, Erik, Braten, Knut, and Taxt, Torfinn, "A General Software System for Supervised Statistical Classification of Symbols", 6/18

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Proceedings of ICPR International Conference on Pattern Recognition, Paris, October 27-31, 1986, pp 144-149.
Handwriting character recognition using grid lengths of chain code skeletons, boundary tracing, "auxiliary features"

[Hongo86] Hongo, Yasuo and Nitta, Yoshio, United States Patent 4,628,533, "Pattern Recognition Apparatus", December 9, 1986, assigned to Fuji Electric Company, Limited, Kanagawa, Japan.
Character recognition by pixel matching on OCR

[Hull86a] Hull, Jonathan J., "Hypothesis generation in a computational model for visual word recognition", IEEE Expert, 1986, pp 63-70.
for context

[Hull86] Hull, Jonathan J., "The Use of Global Context in Text Recognition", Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Pattern Recognition, Paris, October 1986, pp 1218-1220.
Context via "nearest neighbor" words from a dictionary Cognitive: OCR recognize words by overall outline of vertical bars, etc., not actual individual letters Cites Shillman on use of human cognitive psychology, but this time it's on word-level recognition

[Hulls86] Hulls, L.R., United States Patent 4,570,033, "Polyphase Digitizer", assigned to Numonics Corporation, Lansdale Pennsylvania, February 11, 1986.
Phase-shifting tablet digitizer, using three-terminal grid winding

[Hutchins86] Hutchins, E., Hollan, J. and Norman, D.A., "Direct Manipulation Interfaces", in User-Centered System Design, D.A. Norman and S. Draper, editors, Erlbaum Associates, Hillsdale, New Jersey, 1986, pp 87-124. [ICSA86] ICSA, "CRS (Character Recognition System) software product description", Intelligent Computer Systems and Applications, Inc., Box 1555, Station H, Montreal Quebec H3G 2N5 Canada, 1986.
Ching Suen's commercial company to sell OCR character recognition software.

[Jandrell86] Jandrell, L.H.M., United States Patent 4,575,580, "Data Input Device with a Circuit Responsive to Stylus Up/Down Position", assigned to Astec International, Limited, Kowloon, Hong Kong.
Resistive sheet tablet using a force/pressure-sensitive conductive sheet Gives fix for wild-points at starts and ends of strokes from up/down contact resistance on resistive sheet tablets

[Jelinek86a] Jelinek, F., "Markov Source Modeling of Text Generation", unpublished manuscript, December 1986. Author's address: Continuous Speech Recognition Group, IBM T.J. Watson Research Center, Yorktown Heights, NY 10598.
Speech: probabilistic language models for vocabulary context 7/18

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Cites need for billions of samples to get statistically reasonable vocabulary probabilities

[Jelinek86] Jelinek, F., "Self-Organized Language Modeling for Speech Recognition", unpublished manuscript, December 1986. Author's address: Continuous Speech Recognition Group, IBM T.J. Watson Research Center, Yorktown Heights, NY 10598.
Speech recognition: has large data-bases of business correspondence for vocabulary

[Jorgensen86] Jorgensen, C. and Matheus, C., "Catching Knowledge in Neural Nets", AI Expert, December 1986, pp 31-38.
General overview of neural networks, perceptrons, adelines, etc. "credit assignment problem" in perceptrons and adaptive recognition Neural nets making a comeback: future still not proven

[Kable86] Kable, R.G., United States Patent 4,600,807, "Electrographic Apparatus", assigned to Scriptel Corporation, Columbus, Ohio, July 15, 1986.
Scriptel patent on resistive-sheet, capacitive-coupling digitizer tablet Mentions correction matrix for entire surface of a digitizer tablet

[Kao86] Kao, H.S.R., Van Galen, G.P., and Hoosain, R., "Graphonomics: Contemporary Research in Handwriting", North-Holland Publishers, Amsterdam-New York-Oxford-Toronto, 1986, Number 37 of "Advances in Psychology", Stelmach, G.E. and Vroon, P.A., editors. [Kasturi86] Kasturi, R., Shih, C., and Fletcher, L.A., "An Approach for Automatic Recognition of Graphics", Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Pattern Recognition, Paris, October 1986, pp 877-879.
Separating graphics and text characters from an image

[Kondo86] Kondo, S. and Attachoo, B., "Model of Handwriting Process and its Analysis", Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Pattern Recognition, Paris, October 1986, pp 562-565.
Features: distortions of end points on strokes do not affect human classification of handwriting, of middles of strokes does affect recognition Stroke structure (order) very important in handwriting process, and therefore should be important in character recognition Big problem in handwriting recognition is finding/extracting features not subject to handwriting distortion Since set of all characters is not clear cut, any definition based on "invariant" features of a class is likely to be contradictory Simulate handwritten characters: problem is finding out what base forms are that you should vary on

[Kurosawa86] Kurosawa, Y. and Asada, H., "Attributed String Matching with Statistical Constraints for Character Recognition", Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Pattern Recognition, Paris, October 1986, pp 1063-1067.
Chain code: use primitive segments and to string matching Exhaustive depth-first search of syntactic string for primitive segments 8/18

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Katakana and alphanumeric characters with BLRT-like primitive segments Combinatorial explosion of production rules Combination of primitive-segment syntactic matching and statistical constraints BLRT-chain codes give multiple-matches (3 or so), so second, ad-hoc comparison analysis for each possible pair of characters

[Lam86] Lam, S.W. and Baird, H.S., "Performance Testing of Mixed-font, Variablesize Character Recognizers", Computing Science Technical Report No. 126, AT&T Bell Laboratories, Murray Hill, New Jersey, November 6, 1986.
Gives statistics for size of test set to justify recognition performance claims of a given percent with a justifiable confidence level To claim 99.5% recognition accuracy with 95% confidence, need 1500 samples To claim recognition accuracy improved from 99% to 99.5% with 95% confidence, need 5000 samples Refers to clustering and partitioning algorithms for feature selection for Bayesian statistics OCR static recognition system was tested without ligatures, without several "special" characters 99.5%+ performance requires very large, carefully-designed tests Test performance of 99.5% was with common cases omitted, and some confusions forgiven For OCR, scanner digitizer performance is critical OCR scanner/digitizer: has short term fluctuations in sensitivity (re-scanning? was there internal averaging?) Testing/training done only with high-quality data, not low-quality For OCR digitizer scanners, scanning performance is not uniform or repeatable page-to-page OCR tested and trained only on data of good quality, but question was raised Resolution: 24 pixels not enough data accuracy for OCR OCR at 200 dots/inch resolution started to fail at 12 point type size Refers to tools to collect automatically a very large (168,000) character test set data base

[Laube86] Laube, M., "Audiographic Terminal", ITT Electrical Communication, Vol 60 No 1, 1986, pp 45-50.
Says maximum frequency of handwriting is 15 Hz, therefore 40 points/second digitizing rate (don't believe it!) Describes resistive-sheet tablet for handwriting Described force/pressure-sensitive tablet (!!) Handwriting/voice/display terminal, like Interspec

[Leedham86] (*p) Leedham, C.G. and Downton, A.C., "On-line recognition of Pitman's handwritten shorthand -- an evaluation of potential", International Journal of ManMachine Studies, Vol 24, 1986, pp 375-393.
9 degree variation in angle of nominal vertical and horizontal strokes Short and long strokes overlap in length Textbook writing (shorthand) is NOT the most recognizable to humans Human recognition: textbook shorthand is 93.5%, student is 97.5%, expert is 48% For small writing, hooks and loops are as big as many of the strokes Unconstrained shorthand input Intended straight strokes consistently tend to be curved Has gall to say "recognition would be better if writing were neater" Ignored strokes if too close to preceeding stroke 9/18

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Stroke length variability is 20% in length Says strokes were "lost" (thrown out) if not classified as "legal" Did not deal with overdrawn/intentionally retraced strokes Says recognition would get better with user practice (human factors/user interface) "no amount of post-processing (context?) will fix segmentation and stroke classification errors" Test protocol intentionally slow to get better quality data Test protocol defeated linguistic context, resulting in users having to concentrate more Refers to need for better (non-simplified) recognition algorithms Cites ergonomic problems of tablet styli Cites "writer's unfamiliarity with the system and capabilities" as performance factor

[Litvin86] Litvin, Y., "Private letter of August 4, 1986"Author's address: Skylight Software, 2 Charles Street, Bedford, Massachusetts 01730.
DCR not deterministic: there is no formal criteria for correctness (not true: he misunderstood "deterministic")

[LuH86] Lu, H.E. and Wang, P.S.P., "A Comment on 'A Fast Parallel Algorithm for Thinning Digitial Patterns'", Communications of the A.C.M., Vol 29 No 3, pp 239-242.
Skeletonization/line-thinning, special notes on endpoints NOT to be deleted

[Ma86] Ma, Y.L., Jang, S.Y., and Ma, C., "Pattern Recognition by Circular Layer Code Approach", Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Pattern Recognition, Paris, October 1986, pp 783-785.
Chinese OCR, 97.5% on 4 characters tested with 20 samples each (!!!)

[Maamari86] Maamari, F. and Plamondon, R., "Extraction of the Analog Pentip Position, Velocity and Acceleration Signals from a Digitizer", Neuronal and Motor Aspects of Handwriting, North-Holland Publishers, J.S.R. Kau, Editor, 1985.
Analog filter on digitizer output gives "improved accuracy" (!!??!!) Low-pass filtering on tablet digitizer lets you get "better" time resolution (?)

[MaedaY86] Maeda, Y., Yoda, F., Matsuura, K., and Nambu, H., "Character Segmentation in Japanese Hand-written Document Images", Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Pattern Recognition, Paris, October 1986, pp 768-772. [Maier86] Maier, M., "Separating Characters in Scripted Documents", Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Pattern Recognition, Paris, October 1986, pp 1056-1058.
AI artificial intelligence was seen as panacea

[Makkuni87] Makkuni, R, "A gestural representation of the process of composing Chinese temples", IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, Vol 7 No 12, December 1987, pp 45-61. [Mandler86] Mandler, E., "conversation of September, 1986", AEG Aktiengesellschaft, Forschungsinstitut Ulm, Sedanstrasse 10, D-7900 Ulm, West Germany.
One-stroke "T" more common in Europe 10/18

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[Mangione86b] Mangione, P.A., "SSI's Phonetic Engine (TM)", Speech Technology Magazine, Mar/April 1986.
Speech Systems phonetic feature speech recognition

[Mangione86c] Mangione, P.A., "Phonetic Recognition - The Basic Building Block", Speech Technology Magazine, April/May 1986.
Speech Systems phonetic feature speech recognition

[Mangione86] Mangione, P.A., "What about the user?", Proceedings of Speech Tech '86, April 28-30 1986, New York, New York, pp 154-156.
Marketing V.P. did paper on Speech Systems' phonetic speech input product

[Mantas86a] Mantas, J., "An overview of character recognition methodologies", Pattern Recognition, Vol 19, 1986, pp 425-430. [Mantas86] Mantas, J., "A Fuzzy Decision Operator in Recognising Greek Hand-drawn Characters", Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Pattern Recognition, Paris, October 1986, pp 753-755.
Pattern recognition is not just pattern classification, but also design of recognition systems Statistical versus syntactic/linguistic pattern recognition (does not like statistical) Statistical/Bayesian recognition cannot be done for handwriting because a priori probabilities cannot be calculated for every feature

[Meisel86] (*p) Meisel, W.S., "Implications of Large Vocabulary Recognition", Proceedings of Speech Tech '86, April 28-30, 1986, New York, New York.
Speech Systems speech recognition using phonetics (sloppy cursive): co-articulated speech, vs isolated, connected, continuous Speech: storing multiple-word (multiple-char) segments as special "words" (BLRTs/variability): phoneme detection reduces variability to a set of rules at phoneme level Ambiguity: groups of words (chars) vs single words: "there are four" vs "therefore" Dictionary look-up/search: speed and accuracy of recognition unrelated to Size of dictionary, but only to complexity of syntax Adaptive vs user-independent: controversy over "speaker-independence" Adaptive: must begin at a usable level even so, otherwise bad human-factors (frustration) Adaptive: correction for content, not for error (user wants a different word) Adaptive: separate enrollment session a bad user-interface idea for "normal" speakers Penalty for speaker-independence too high (frustration) Variability: phoneme speech system can extrapolate/predict words after adaptive samples Trade-off between accuracy and constraints on user in speech: What if user uses bad English?

[Morasso86] (*p) Morasso, P., "Understanding Cursive Script as a Trajectory Formation Paradigm", in "Graphonomics: Contemporary Research in Handwriting", Elsevier Science Publishers B.V. (North-Holland), 1986, pp 137-167.
Hand gestures and handwriting: study of movements Measures curvature profile, not just velocity profile, of handwriting motion Claims no handwriting information at frequency above 10 Hz, shows peak at 5 Hz and D.C. (but 11/18

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his samples are mostly loop motion, not fast block printing) Shows plots of low-pass frequency filtering on handwriting data at 10 Hz and below Intends to collect lots of allograph handwriting samples to build a future recognizer for cursive script

[Murase86] (*p) Murase, H., and Wakahara, T., "Online Hand-Sketched Figure Recognition", Pattern Recognition, Vol 19 No 2, pp 147-160, 1986.
Sketch context: must be valid connections to other flowchart symbols 97.2% accuracy: test protocol was only 20 people, nine symbols, four times each Mentions lots of user-interface work on on-line sketch recognition For "standardized" sketch symbols, high variability (no regularity) in stroke order Says stroke order variable, but end/connection points are always the same Refers to stroke connection variability for "sketched" symbols

[Nagy86b] Nagy, G.R., Seth, S., Einspahr, K., and Meyer, T., "Efficient Algorithms to Decode Substitution Ciphers with Application to OCR", Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Pattern Recognition, Paris, October 1986, pp 352-355.
Adaptive recognition using clear-text and "unknown" type-font text for a cryptogram: but is cleartext always known?

[Nagy86] (*p) Nagy, G., Seth, S., and Stoddard, S.D., "Document Analysis with an Expert System", in "Pattern Recognition in Practice", Gelsema, E.S. and Kanal, L.N., editors, Elsevier Science Publishers B.V. (North-Holland), 1986.
Tiling/windows applied for format of written/printed documents

[Nakagawa86] Nakagawa, M., Aizawa, T., Komoda, C., Ideda, Y., and Takahashi, N., "Syntactic Pattern Recognition with Stochastic Dissimilarity in Japanese On-line Input Systems (JOLIS)-1/1.5", Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Pattern Recognition, Paris, October 1986, pp 1059-1061.
Chain-code: Japanese recognition by classifying strokes into primitive strokes Chain-code: eight stroke directions/segments Chain-codes: extension to elastic matching

[Nakagawa86a] (*p) Nakagawa, Masaki, Manabe, Toshihiko, Aoki, Katsuo, Ikeda, Yuji, and Takahashi, Nobumasa " On-line Handwritten Character Recognition as a Japanese Input Methods", Proceedings of ???, pp 191-196
on-line handwriting recognition system for Japanes, JOLIS-1: chain codes (8-directional), 29 primitive strokes types by dictionary look-up

[OedR86a] Oed, R., "telephone conversation of July 17, 1986", AEG Aktiengesellschaft, Forschungsinstitut Ulm, Sedanstrasse 10, D-7900 Ulm, West Germany.
You get different writing forms after the first 3-4 lines out of 20

[OedR86b] Oed, R., "conversation of September, 1986", AEG Aktiengesellschaft, Forschungsinstitut Ulm, Sedanstrasse 10, D-7900 Ulm, West Germany.
Gesture/symbols are modified characters: slash-M, "DF" 12/18

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[Ogozalek86] Ogozalek, V.Z. and Van Praag, J., "Comparison of elderly and younger users on keyboard and voice input computer-based composition tasks", in Human Factors in Computing Systems, Proceedings of CHI 83 Conference, 1983, Boston.
Martin89 cites as saying speech recognition and typing just as fast a user-interface for typing documents

[Orita86] Orita, M., Kanasaki, M., Toda, Y., Mishima, T., Suzuki, M., Onuma, C., and Takatoo, M., "Image extraction using density distribution characteristics", European Patent 198481, October 22, 1986, assigned to Hitachi, Limited, Tokyo, Japan.
OCR scanner preprocessing to extract character images from background clutter

[Pavlidis86a] Pavlidis, Theo, "A vectorizer and feature extractor for document recognition", Computer Vision, Graphics, Image Processing, Vol 35, 1986. [Pavlidis86] Pavlidis, Theo, "A Critical Survey of Image Analysis Methods", Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Pattern Recognition, Paris, October 1986, pp 502-511.
Image processing / recognition design requires many methods, not just one theoretical basis A digitizer tablet good enough for writing input

[Pencept86] Pencept, "Penpad Penpad 300 (TM) Digitizing Tablet Product Information", Pencept, Incorporated, 39 Green Street, Waltham, Massachusetts 02154, 1986. [Pencept86a] (*p) Pencept, "PENWARE (tm) Pendraw (tm) II User's Guide", Pencept, Incorporated, 39 Green Street, Waltham, Massachusetts 02154, 1986. [Pencept86b] (*p) Pencept, "Penpad 300 User's Guide", Pencept, Incorporated, 39 Green Street, Waltham, Massachusetts 02154, 1986. [Pencept86c] (*p) Pencept, "Penpad 320 User's Guide", Pencept, Incorporated, 39 Green Street, Waltham, Massachusetts 02154, 1986.
shows single-stroke and multiple-stroke characters shapes in one set

[Pencept86d] (*p) Pencept, " Writing Samples", Pencept, Incorporated, 39 Green Street, Waltham, Massachusetts 02154, 1986.
Collections of unconstrained, natural writing samples taken from hotel receipts, university bulletin board notes, bills of sale, and cross-word puzzles from the magazines in waiting rooms and airlines from various North American and European cities, showing true variability effects

[Peterson86] Peterson, J.L., "A note on undetected typing errors", Communications of the A.C.M., Vol 29, 1986, pp 633-637.
on spelling context correction

[Pickering86] Pickering, J., "Touch-sensitive screens: the technologies and their applications", International Journal of Man-Machine Studies, Vol 25, 1986, pp 249-269. 13/18

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Mack89 on tablet technology:

[Plamondon86a] (*p) Plamondon, R. and Baron, R., "On-line Recognition of Handprint Schematic Pseudocode for Automatic Fortran Code Generation", Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Pattern Recognition, October 27-31, 1986, Paris, pp 741-744.
Graphical program editing user-interface using DCR

[Plamondon86] (*p) Plamondon, R. and Baron, R., "A dedicated microcomputer for handwritten interaction with a software tool: system prototyping", Journal of Microcomputer Applications, Vol 9, 1986, pp 51-60.
On-line character recognition for graphical software tool User-interface goal: must interface to application without changing application Too much feedback distracts the user from the writing task

[Postl86] Postl, W., "Detection of Linear Oblique Structures and Skew Scan in Digitizer Documents", Proceedings of 8th International Conference on Pattern Recognition, Paris, France October 1986, pp 687-689.
What a nice thing our recognition macros are for a user-interface

[RadioElectronics86] (*p) Radio Electronics "Equipment Report - Pencept Penpad 320", Radio Electronics, January 1987, pp 22 ff [Rhyne86] Rhyne, J.R. and Wolf, C.G., "Gestural Interfaces for Information Processing Applications", IBM Research Report RC 12179 (Log #54544) 9/2/86, 1986, IBM T.J. Watson Research Center, PO Box 218, Yorktown Heights, NY 10598.
Description of IBM's early informal study on what editing marks subjects use on spreadsheets Report on IBM's prototype gesture/handwriting Lotus interface Early description of IBM's electronic ink hardware tablet and display Refers to "gesture language" for the qualitatively similar set of symbol marks and operations subjects use to edit spreadsheets Refers to gesture language, combining gesture (pointing) and menu selection, gesture (command) and handwriting (data) Accuracy of recognition has great effect on user interface (need to confirm, not just correct) Recognition errors/accuracy: user assumes his or her writing was correct, so errors and means to correct must be very obvious For a small gesture symbol set, intra-user variability was found to be small For a small gesture symbol set, inter-user variability was usually three or so "qualitatively similar" (ambiguous/confusable) symbols IBM had no answer on reconciling small display character size with larger handwritten character size for electronic ink User interface for electronic ink: enlarge area of interest, let user write handwritten characters normal size on enlarged image Optical/visual parallax, also ranging parallax (pen tilt) Pen tilt error of 0.06" tablet digitizer accuracy led to pointing errors and slow user interaction rate effects on user interface Handwriting substantially worse on slick glass surface than on paper for electronic ink, much 14/18

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lower recognition accuracy User interface problems for handwriting are big: no obvious ideas on how to solve

[Rothfjell86] Rothfjell, Rolf E., United States Patent 4,581,482, "Method and Device for Signature Verification", April 8, 1986, assigned to Esselte Security Systems AB, Stockholm, Sweden.
Signature verification using a constrained writing form to get alignment points for segmentation (!)

[Sabourin86] Sabourin, R. and Plamondon, R., "Preprocessing of Handwritten Signatures from Image Gradient Analysis", Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Pattern Recognition, October 27-31, 1986, Paris, pp 576-579.
Static (OCR) signature verification Signature verification: test protocol included no forgery attempts

[Scheifler86] Scheifler, Robert W. and Gettys, Jim, "The X Window System", Internal Report, Laboratory for Computer Science, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts, October 1986.
Description of the X-Window graphical user interface system

[Schomaker86] Schomaker, L.R.B. and Thomassen, A.J.W.M., "On the Use and Limitation of Averaging Handwriting Signals", in in "Graphonomics: Contemporary Research in Handwriting", Elsevier Science Publishers B.V. (North-Holland), 1986, pp 225-238.
Low-pass average filter on data, but with anchored endpoints where velocity is zero Describes anchoring inflection (zero velocity) points on handwritten characters as similar to dynamic time warping for speech recognition Time-normalization of cursive handwriting Force/pressure sensitive pen used in handwriting research Capacitive coupling, resistive-sheet digitizer tablet

[Scriptel86] Scriptel "SPC-Series Technical Report", Scriptel Corporation, 4145 Arlingate Plaza, Columbus, OH 43228, May, 1986. [Searby86] Searby, A.D. and Bowman, D.W., United States Patent 4,580,007, "Stylus Devices Responsive to Pressure Changes for Use in Videographic and Like Apparatus", April 1, 1986, assigned to Quantel, Limited, Surrey, England.
Force/pressure-sensitive digitizer stylus with improved life and performance

[Shridhar86] Shridhar, Am. and Badreldin, A., "Recognition of Isolated and Simply Connected Handwritten Numerals", Pattern Recognition, Vol 19 No 1, pp 1-12, 1986.
Refers to stroke connection within and between characters

[Signify86] Signify Inc., "Sign-On product information", 9005 Red Branch Road, Columbia Maryland 21045, 1986 (see also ATI).
Signature verification product: now called ASI/Autosig Systems Inc.. 15/18

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[Srinivasan86] Srinivasan, S., Palaniswamy, K., and Natarajan, A.E., "Machine Recognition of the Indian Language Characters Using a Tree-structure Based On Primitives", Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Pattern Recognition, Paris, October 1986, pp 726-728. [Suen86] Suen, C.Y., "Human Recognition of Handprinted Characters and Distance Measurements", in "Graphonomics: Contemporary Research in Handwriting", Elsevier Science Publishers B.V. (North-Holland), 1986, pp 213-224.
Needed 29x39 resolution to get decent handwriting recognition Simple (not serious) recognizer algorithm using pixel template matching, then entropy, information content, and nearest neighbor distances: did not correlate to human recognition Human use multiple distance measurements (multiple features) to recognize characters Says entropy, hamming distance, linear and cross correlation, centre of gravity, Mahalonobis distance of template matching were all poor distance functions

[Suydam86] Suydam, W.E., "Approaches to Software Testing Embroiled in Debate", Computer Design, Vol 25 No 21, November 15, 1986, pp 49-55.
Long, informal review article on software testing and reliability David Parnas: Only actual use will bring out the mistakes (not testing) Parnas: need for regression testing Parnas: problem of classical testing is unweighted likelihood of failure Parnas: testing must consider seriousness of different types of failure Parnas: testing must differentiate between important errors and insignificant errors Parnas: (Titanic effect) software design implements a mental model of real world: must test the model AI testing: people think it's different from software testing: it is not AI testing: when mechanical engineering was a new as AI, had not invented the right angle yet Dijkstra: testing shows presence of bugs, not absence Testing: must distinguish between active failure (real bug) vs passive (design omission) Testing: only field testing finds "real" errors Testing: unanticipated data can seriously screw a program

[Tagushi86] Tagushi, Y., and Yamanami, T., United States Patent 4,617,515, "Position Detecting Apparatus", October 14, 1986, assigned to Wacom Company, Limited, Japan.
Cordless stylus digitizer tablet with magnets under the grid of wire loops

[TanakaT86] Tanaka, Toshinori, and Kobayashi, Shunsuke, "Entry of Data and Command for an LCD by Direct Touch: An Integrated LCD Panel", SID 86 Digest of Technical Papers, Society for Information Display, 1986, pp 318-320.
Touch-entry-device integrated tablet/display using crystal deformation force/pressure in LCD pixel cells: pixels degrade, but refreshing fixes them from touch

[Tappert86] (*p) Tappert, C.C., Fox, A.S., Kim, J., Levy, S.E., and Zimmerman, L.L., "Handwriting recognition on transparent tablet over flat display", Society for Information Display Digest of Technical Papers, Vol XVII, pp 308-312, May 1986.
Rhyne86 cites this on visual parallax for electronic ink: 0.06" lateral shift causes subject's 16/18

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[Teulings86a] Teulings, H., Thomassen, A.J.W.M., van Galen, G.P., "Invariants in Handwriting: The Information Contained in a Motor Program", in "Graphonomics: Contemporary Research in Handwriting", Elsevier Science Publishers B.V. (NorthHolland), 1986, pp 305-315.
Spatial characteristics are more invariant in handwriting than time or force characteristics (? for signature verification?) But because handwriting is "efficient", time characteristics in handwriting are invariant on trained sequences, like signature verification

[Teulings86] Teulings, H., Mullins, P.A., and Stelmach, G.E., "The Elementary Units of Programming Handwriting", in "Graphonomics: Contemporary Research in Handwriting", Elsevier Science Publishers B.V. (North-Holland), 1986, pp 21-32.
Handwriting data low-pass filtered from 16 Hz to 48 Hz frequency There is no one, single grapheme unit of handwriting: units depend on what the subject is writing

[Tognazzini86] Tognazzini, Bruce, "You Had To Be There", report on User Interface Reference Model workshop at SIGCHI '86 conference, SIGCHI Bulletin, Vol 18 No 2, October 1986, pp 21-24.
Uses example of "graphical ambiguity/context" in recognition when discussing user-interface issues

[Treisman86] Treisman, A., "Feature and Objects in Visual Processing", Scientific American, November 1986, pp 114B-125.
Visual recognition consists of low-level features (automatic), then identification Low-level perception is lines, spots, edges, locations, orientation Properties/features conjoined only at higher level of human recognition (context): "distractors" delay human recognition

[VanGalen86] Van Galen, G.P., Meulenbroek, R.G.J., Hylkema, H., "On the Simultaneous Processing of Words, Letters and Strokes in Handwriting: Evidence for a Mixed Linear and Parallel Model", in "Graphonomics: Contemporary Research in Handwriting", Elsevier Science Publishers B.V. (North-Holland), 1986, pp 5-20.
Parsed characters in script handwriting into character segments at velocity zeros (sharp corners) Gives maximum velocity of handwriting in cursive script as 11 cm/sec Alternated turning direction vs continuous loops has big impact on handwriting velocity (of course, silly!) Beginnings of words written at slower speed

[Wakahara86] Wakahara, Toru, "personal correspondence", July 28, 1986. [Ward86] (*p) Ward, J., United States Patent 4,608,658, "Method and Apparatus for Removing Noise at the Ends of a Stroke Caused by Retracing", August 26, 1986, assigned to Pencept, Incorporated, Waltham, Massachusetts. 17/18

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Re-trace elimination to pre-process handwritten character shapes before recognition

[Watanabe86] Watanabe, Y., "letter to J.Ward", Author's address: Terebijon Gakkaishi, Hachinohe Institute of Technology, Department of Engineering, Hachinohe, Japan, 25 November, 1986.
Mentions co-work between Watanabe and Jiro Gyoba Interchange of looping and cusping is seen frequently in writing Japanese Kanji characters written to OCR standard are LESS human-recognizable than "sloppy" writing At 300-500 msec/stroke, writing time for Kanji Japanese slower than Roman Constraints: Japanese have characters they can read, but do not know how to write Japanese writers do not conform to formal writing constraints in practice

[Wolf86] (*p) Wolf, C.G., "Can People Use Gesture Commands?", SIGCHI Bulletin, Vol 18 No 2, pp 73-74.
Gesture input - user interface

[WuL86] Wu, L. and Weng, F., "Chain Code for a Line Segment and Formal Language", Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Pattern Recognition, Paris, October 1986, pp 1124-1127.
Some properties of chain codes (straight line theorem) very hard to test

[YamamotoK86a] Yamamoto, K., Yamada, H., Saito, T. and Sakaga, I., "Recognition of Handprinted Characters in the First Level of JIS Chinese Characters", Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Pattern Recognition, Paris, October 1986, pp 570-572.
Relaxation method with 98.6% success on Kanji/Chinese characters Testing with ETL-8 and ETL-9 "standard" Chinese writing samples in Japan ETL-9 standard Kanji Chinese samples is 600000 samples of 3036 characters

[YamamotoK86b] (*p) Yamamoto, K. and Saito, T., United States Patent 4,566,124, "Pattern Reading System", January 21, 1986, assigned to Agency of Industrial Science and Technology, Ministry of International Trade and Industry, Tokyo, Japan.
Handwriting character recognition by tracing contours, local extrema/outermost points, chain codes Template matching on direction chain codes, polygonal approximation to pattern for OCR handwriting recognition

[Yau86] Yau, S. S. and Tsai, J.J.-P., "A Survey of Software Design Techniques", IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, Vol SE-12 No 6, June 1986, pp 713-721.
General survey article on software engineering

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[AEG87] (*p) AEG Aktiengesellschaft, "Polyform: The Future Data Entry Workstation", product literature, AEG Information Systems, Postfach 2154, D-7750 Konstanz, West Germany, 1987.
AEG's OCR product for typed and handwritten character recognition

[Anatex87] (*p) Anatex, "Personal Writer Product Description", available from Anatex S.A., Xavier Maury, President, 18 Rue Troyen, F-75017 Paris, France, 1987 (see also "Personal Writer").
Adaptive handwriting recognition product from Anatex, France In training procedure, if certain characters too similar (e, l, m n), tells user to change writing style

[Asbo87] (*p) Asbo, E.L., and Tichenor, H., United States Patent 4,646,351, "Method and Apparatus for Dynamic Signature Verification", February 24, 1987, assigned to Visa International Service Association, San Mateo, California.
Signature verification using tip force (a.k.a. pressure), and length and angle of segments

[Baird87] (*p) Baird, H.S., "Feature Identification for Hybrid Structural/Statistical Pattern Classification", unpublished report, 24-Feb-1987. Author's address: AT&T Bell Laboratories, 2C-557, Murray Hill, NJ 07974.
Reports on OCR system (with Pavlidis) Training speed "very slow" on a statistical OCR recognition system Adaptive recognition: including "unrecognizable" characters (too small) aided training on normal size OCR Adaptive recognition: very large-scale trials necessary to determine actual performance Statistical recognition: in practice, "hand-crafted" (cognitive/functional) rules will always be needed as well Good 99%+ OCR results, but only for "excellent quality" input

[Baptista88] Baptista, G. and Kulkarni, K.M., "A High Accuracy Algorithm for Recognition of Handwritten Numerals", Pattern Recognition, Vol 21 No 4, 1988, pp 287-291.
Multi-layered system syntactic and deterministic (feature table driven) approach to handwritten O.C.R. numeral recognition based on human visual cortex Criticizes syntactic character recognition: says it is unwieldy, and cannot be used in a trainable 1/21

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system Diagram with heirarchy of human visual processing, from cells to brain stem to relations O.C.R. using noise removal, thinning, internal segmentation (like chain-codes)

[BarkerBA88] Barker, B.A., Hernandez, I.H., and Machart, B.H., United States Patent 4,723,209, "Integrated multiple data editor", February 2, 1988, assigned to IBM Corporation.
abstracts Integrated multiple data editor uses super-block structure of objects sets and flow attributes for text object sets

[Blatt88] Blatt, Louis, "Character Recognition and Added Value", internal memorandum, Wang Laboratories, September 27, 1988.
Review of user-interface human-factors ergonomics advantages/disadvantages in a portable handwriting recognition product: just a rehash of Wolf87 on gestures User interface: ease of learning may be more important than ease of use

[Blesser87a] (*p) Blesser, B., and Prentice, T., United States Patent 4,644,102, "Digitizing Tablet System", February 17, 1987, assigned to Pencept, Incorporated, Waltham, Massachusetts.
Pencept digitizer patent

[Blesser87] (*p) Blesser, B., United States Patent 4,638,119, "Position Indicating Apparatus for Use in a Digitizing Tablet System", January 20, 1987, assigned to Pencept, Incorporated, Waltham, Massachusetts.
Pencept digitizer/tablet patent: two-coil pen stylus, side button, force (a.k.a. pressure) transducer

[Bokser88a] (*p) Bokser, Mindy R., United States Patent 4,773,099, "Known Reference Data Processing Apparatus", September 20, 1988 1988, assigned to The Palantir Corporation, Santa Clara, California.
Pattern recognition (for characters) using a set of "ringed zones" in feature space to define boundary space and confidence probability Contains interesting diagram for a discussion of one character overlapping/invading the feature space boundary of another.

[Bokser88b] (*p) Bokser, Mindy R., United States Patent 4,754,489, "Means for Resolving Ambiguities in Text Based Upon Character Context", June 28, 1988, assigned to The Palantir Corporation, Santa Clara, California.
Context in character recognition similar to di-grams, tri-grams, n-grams: aggregate probability score of all character matched against a dictionary of words

[Booth87] Booth, D.S., Bryden, M.P., Cowan, W.B., Morgan, M.F., and Plante, B.L., "On the Parameters of Human Visual Performance: an Investigation of the Benefits of Antialiasing", unpublished manuscript, 1987. Authors' address: Computer Graphics Laboratory, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario Canada N2L 3G1.
Quotes Allen Newell: engineering understanding in user-interfaces and human factors more 2/21

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important than psychological mechanisms

[Brault87] (*p) Brault, Jean-Jules and Plamondon, Rejean, "Handwritten Curve Partitioning Based on Geometric and Sequential Information", Proceedings of the Third International Symposium on Handwriting and Computer Applications, Ecole Polytechnique de Montreal, Canada, 1987, pp 50-52.
Segmentation of handwriting using local extrema / points of high curvature

[BTG87] (*p) British Technology Group, "Handwriting encoder and software for automatic signature verification" and "Handwriting encoder may provide the access key for future systems users", Report CR 129827, 101 Newington Causeway, London SE1 6BU, 1987.
Combined pen and bar code reader invented by Colin Hilton, inventor: British Technology Group advisor: Dr. John Parks Handwriting input/recognition system available for license from England

[Buxton87a] Buxton, W., "Research Frontiers and Unsolved Problems", in Readings in Human-Computer Interaction: a Multidisciplinary Approach, Chapter 14, 1987.
Gesture and character recognition: shorthand gesture user-interface for music.

[Buxton87b] Buxton, William and Kurtenbach, Gordon, "Editing by Contiguous Gesture: A Toy Test Bed", Computer Systems Research Institute, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario Canada M5S 1A4, 1987.
Suggested symbols for gesture recognition operations

[Chiao-Yueh88] (*p) Chiao-Yueh, Lin, United States Patent 4,758,979, "Method and Means for Automatically Coding and Inputting Chinese Characters in Digital Computers", July 19, 1988.
Kanji/Chinese character recognition using a special digitizer stylus Gesture-like handwriting user interface for AutoCAD from CIC

[CIC88a] (*p) CIC, "Handwriter (R) Proficient (R) AutoCAD Enhancer User's Guide / Proficient Series Software Drivers for AutoCAD, Synthesis, NC Programmer, etc.", Communication Intelligence Corporation, 333 Ravenswood Avenue PN 257, Menlo Park, CA 94025, 1988.
Gesture-like handwriting user interface for office automation and data entry from CIC

[CIC88b] (*p) CIC, "Handwriter (R) WRITE-ON (R) Series Software Drivers for Microsoft Windows, WordPerfect, Pagemaker, etc.", Communication Intelligence Corporation, 333 Ravenswood Avenue PN 257, Menlo Park, CA 94025, 1988.
Gesture-like handwriting forms data entry from CIC Tap different control areas to shift from upper to lower, etc.

[CIC88c] CIC, "Handwriter (R) Customization tools: FormManager (TM), FormMapper (TM), etc.", Communication Intelligence Corporation, 333 Ravenswood Avenue PN 257, Menlo Park, CA 94025, 1988. 3/21

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Signature verification software from CIC

[CIC88d] CIC, "Handwriter (R) On-line Dynamic Signature Verification (TM)", Communication Intelligence Corporation, 333 Ravenswood Avenue PN 257, Menlo Park, CA 94025, 1988. [CIC88e] (*p) CIC, "Handwriter (R) Data Entry System, Layout Design System (TM) Manual Version 1.1, May 1988(TM)", Communication Intelligence Corporation, 333 Ravenswood Avenue PN 257, Menlo Park, CA 94025, 1988.
Forms-design package for handwriting, using handwriting: separate writing areas for upper and lower case, numerics, etc.

[CIC88f] (*p) CIC, "Handwriter (R) Data Entry System User's Guide(TM)", Communication Intelligence Corporation, 333 Ravenswood Avenue PN 257, Menlo Park, CA 94025, 1988.
Shows recognition macros / gestures, special shape for erase (inverted U): features copied from PenPad product

[CLCS88] Chinese Language Computer Society, "Proceedings of 1988 International Conference on Computer Processing of Chinese and Oriental Languages", August 29 September 1, 1988, Toronto, Canada.
Handwritten and speech Chinese, Japanese/Kanji recognition

[Compucon87] Compucon Services Corporation, "letter from Bruce D. Holenstein to Jean Ward", 83 Main Street, Newton, New Jersey 07860, June 23, 1987.
Letter from Compucon looking for somebody to buy their character recognition software: does OCR only: they don't admit it doesn't do handwriting

[Cooper88] Cooper, Leon N., Elbaum, Charles, Reilly, Douglas L., and Scofield, Christopher L., United States Patent 4,760,604, "Parallel, Multi-Unit, Adaptive, Nonlinear Pattern Class Separator and Identifier", July 26, 1988, assigned to Nestor, Incorporated, Providence, Rhode Island.
Sort of a neural-net recognizer for patterns not linearly recognizable

[Crane88] Crane, H.D. and Ostrem, J.S., United States Patent 4,718,102, "Process and Apparatus Involving Pattern Recognition", January 5, 1988, assigned to Communication Intelligence Corporation, Menlo Park, California.
Loosely-worded patent on a first pass recognition for handwriting (Kanji), then a second pass for disambiguation Described basic strokes, then a word/stroke dictionary for Kanji/Chinese recognition Contains review of commercial work in Kanji/Chinese recognition

[DataEntry88] Data Entry Systems, "product information", 1988: see ScriptWriter. [Dilella87] Dilella, Antonio, United States Patent 4,680,803, "Method and Apparatus for Isolating Image Data for Character Recognition", assigned to NCR Corporation, 4/21

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Dayton, Ohio, July 14, 1987.

Separates hand-written characters on checks prior to recognition: segmentation by looking at joins, feedback from recognizer

[Dunkley88] Dunkley, Rowland A. and Pugsley, Peter C., United States Patent 4,752,965, "Sign Verification", June 21, 1988, assigned to The De La Rue Company, PLC, London, England.
Portable signature verification system using a force/pressure-sensitive pad/tablet

[El-Sheikh88] El-Sheikh, T.S. and Guindi, R.M., "Computer Recognition of Arabic Cursive Scripts", Pattern Recognition, Vol 21 No 4, 1988, pp 293-302.
O.C.R. system for Arabic script from typewritten (but cursive, like handwriting) characters Uses Fourier descriptors for characters, topological classifier for dots, stress marks

[Etherington87] Etherington, H.J.C., Joslin, P.C., and Dunkley, R.A.G., United States Patent 4,680,801, "Sign Verification", July 14, 1987, assigned to The De La Rue Company PLC, England.
Signature verification

[Feldman88] Feldman, Jerome A., Fanty, Mark A., Goddard, Nigel H., and Lynne, Kenton J., "Computing with Structured Connectionist Networks", Communications of the A.C.M., Vol 31 No 2, February 1988, pp 170-187.
Overview article on neural networks: asserts merging connectionist/relaxation/adaptation AI/pattern-recognition with algorithms+data structures/inference/representation would be good, but it's just speculation

[Filliman87] Filliman, Mark D., and Granzow, Robert H., United States Patent 4,656,662, "Personal Identification Method and Apparatus", April 7, 1987, assigned to NCR Corporation, Dayton, Ohio.
A patent on the idea of doing signature verification (of any means) using a lightpen and a display

[Fox87] Fox, A.S., and Tappert, A.S., "On-line External Word Segmentation for Handwriting Recognition", unpublished manuscript, authors' address: Computer Sciences Department, IBM T.J.Watson Research Center, PO Box 704, Yorktown Heights, NY 10598, 1987.
Asserts external segmentation (separate from recognition) is faster, more interactive Cites 0.5% segmentation error, but with six very careful writers Cites that sophisticated segmentation can be done using extra information from having boxes Asserts delayed strokes (t, i crossings and dots) always done at end of each word

[Fox88a] Fox, A.S., Greanias, E.C., Kim, J., and Tappert, C.C., United States Patent 4,727,588, "System for Automatic Adjustment and Editing of Handwritten Text Image", February 23, 1988, assigned to International Business Machines Corporation, Armonk, New York.
Scribble-editor: user interface for text-editing/word-processing of handwritten annotation 5/21

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Automatic editing and adjustment system for handwritten text images using processing algorithm to identify groups and to smooth random fluctuations in handwritten information

[Fox88b] Fox, A.S., Kim, J., and Tappert, C.C., "Reco machine interfaces", IBM Research Report RC14053, September 1988.
Tappert89, describing IBM's handwriting recognition

[Fukunaga87] Fukunaga, Y., Kuzunuki, S., Shojima, H., Yokoyama, T., Koga, K., Hirasawa, K., and Kawada, S., United States Patent 4,641,354, "Apparatus for Recognizing and Displaying Handwritten Characters and Figures", assigned to Hitachi, Limited, Tokyo, Japan, February 3, 1987.
User-interface: ink erasure for electronic ink and handwriting recognition Patent on electronic ink where handwritten strokes are erased automatically as the strokes for a character are recognized and the ASCII result is displayed instead

[Gallant88] Gallant, Stephen I., "Connectionist Expert Systems", Communications of the A.C.M., Vol 31 No 2, February 1988, pp 152-169.
Connectionist / neural network overview Chinese input system using bar-coded "digitizer" and radical identification Chinese input with over 6000 characters (not Kanji/Japanese)

[Gerb87] Gerb Elektronik, "CHI-EASY Product Description" (in German and Chinese), Gerb Elektronik Berlin, Roedernallee 174-176, 1000 Berlin 51, West Germany, 1987. [Goshtasby88] Goshtasby, A. and Ehrich, Roger W., "Contextual Word Recognition Using Probabilistic Relaxation Labeling", Pattern Recognition, Vol 21 No 5, 1988, pp 455-462.
Spelling context correction after recognition: does not use confidence figure from recognition about how good a character is, or what else came close Post-processing spelling context correction: examples show incorrect correction Spelling context correction using probabilities of letter pairs Describes relaxation process for spelling context correction by factoring in the merit figure for each character's % confidence level

[Gould87a] Gould, J.D. and Salaun, J., "Behavioral Experiments on Handmarkings", Proceedings of CHI+GI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems and Graphics Interface, Toronto, April 5-9, 1987, pp 175-181.
Sloppy IBM study of what gestures/symbols are most "natural" for user interfaces

[Gould87b] Gould, J.D. and Salaun, J., "Behavioral Experiments on Handmarkings", A.C.M. Transactions on Office Information Systems, Vol 5 No 4, October 1987, pp 358-377.
Sloppy IBM study of what gestures/symbols are most "natural" for user interfaces User interface / gesture recognition: "natural" symbols are circles for groupings, arrows for operators and target position User interface / gesture recognition: design of the actual user interface will actually determine whether gesture symbols are useful, not the use of gestures per se 6/21

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"natural" user-interface study of gesture symbols for text editing / word processing, picture editing

[Gould87c] Gould, J.D., Alfaro, L., Finn, R., Haupt, B., Minuto, A., and Salaun, J., "Why reading was slower from CRT displays than from paper", Proceedings of the 1987 CHI+GI Conference: Human Factors in Computing Systems and Graphics, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, 1987.
Graphic user-interface hardware: what makes a display easy to read

[Graphonomics87] International Graphonomics Society, "Membership directory", March 1987, c/o Department of Experimental Psychology, University of Nijmegen, PO Box 9104, 6500 HE Nijmegen, The Netherlands.
Index of researchers in handwriting analysis, signature verification, and character recognition

[Greanias87] Greanias, E.C., J.J., Verrier, G.F., and Donaldson, R.L., United States Patent 4,686,332, "Combined finger touch and stylus detection system", August 11, 1987, assigned to International Business Machines Corporation, Armonk, New York.
Patent abstracts Integrated tablet/display patent for data processing

[Greanias88] Greanias, E.C., Schroeder, K.F., and Ruffino, L.V., United States Patent 4,764,885, "Minimum parallax stylus detection", August 16, 1988, assigned to International Business Machines Corporation, Armonk, New York.
Patent abstracts Parallax minimalization for display device / tablet - enables operator to focus attention on displayed location of cursor instead of stylus location

[Gundersen88a] Gundersen, Steven C., United States Patent 4,736,445, "Measure of Distinguishibility for Signature Verification", April 5, 1988, assigned to International Business Machines Corporation, Armonk, New York. [Gundersen88b] Gundersen, Steven C. and Worthington, Thomas K., United States Patent 4,789,934, "Signature Verification Algorithm", December 6, 1988, assigned to International Business Machines Corporation, Armonk, New York.
Signature verification using spatial domain, then successively acceleration in frequency domain and force/pressure profile for a coherence score

[HallAD88a] Hall, Anthony D., Cunningham, James B., Roache, Richard P., and Cox, Julie W., "Factors Affecting Performance Using Touch-entry Systems: Tactual Recognition Fields and System Accuracy", Journal of Applied Psychology, Vol 73 No 4, 1988, pp 711-720.
Study of minimal acceptable optical parallax, angle, size of target on touchscreens/electronicink tablet: how much to offset the cursor

[HallAD88b] Hall, A.D., Cunningham, J.B., Roache, R.P. and Cox, J.W., "Factors affecting performance using touch-entry systems: tactual recognition fields and 7/21

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resolution characteristics", Technical Report No TR-29.0787, IBM Corporation, Research Triangle Park, North Carolina, 1988.
Beringer89: integrated tablet/display hardware for user-interface?

[HCI87] Advance Program, "Second International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction", Honolulu, Hawaii, August, 1987. [Hernandez87a] Hernandez, I., Baeker, B.A., Himelstein, C.S. and Machart, B.H., United States Patent 4,674,043, "Business chart arm editing method", June 16, 1987, assigned to IBM Corporation, Armonk, New York.
Patent abstracts Busines chart arm editing method updating predefined data to reflect result of editing action

[Hernandez87b] Hernandez, Irene H., Himelstein, Carol S., and Wang, John S., United States Patent 4,686,522, "Method of Editing Graphic Objects in an Interactive Draw Graphic System Using Implicit Editing Actions", August 11, 1987, assigned to IBM Corporation, Armonk, New York.
User-interface on graphics drawing/editing: one button to pull up a menu, a second button to select: mode of action persists until stopped User-interface: editing in handwriting/graphics is to modify (several steps in a row), not correct (one step) as in text editing

[Herrndobler87] Herrndobler, I. and Machalitzky, C., "Schreiben Schreiblehrgang", Paul List Verlag, Munich, West Germany, 1987.



German handwriting textbook to show national variation in handwriting styles (for script)

[Himelstein87a] Himelstein, Carol Sue and Wang, John Shihyan, European Patent 220461, "Perspective projection", May 6, 1987, assigned to IBM Corporation.
User interface in 3-dimensional drawing: computer computes the 3rd depth dimension by user specifying a vanishing point

[Himelstein87b] Himelstein, C.S. and Wang, J.S., United States Patent 4,683,468, "Editing method for interactive drawing", July 28, 1987, assigned to IBM Corporation.
User interface for sketch input: match pointing position to vertices and endpoints of objects: editing sub-objects within objects Identify objects by endpoints of writing motion

[Himelstein87c] Himelstein, C.S. and Wang, J.S., United States Patent 4,686,522, "Editing method for interactive drawing", August 11, 1987, assigned to IBM Corporation.
Patent abstracts

[Holt87] Holt, C.M., Stewart, A., Clint, M., and Perrott, R.H., "An Improved Parallel Thinning Algorithm", Communications of the A.C.M., Vol 30 No 2, February, 1987, pp 156-160.
Skeletonization/line-thinning on OCR, using 8 compass directions 8/21

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Line thinning with special provision for stair-case elimination

[Huang87] Huang, J.S. and Chung, M.-L., "Separating Similar Complex Chinese Character by Walsh Transform", Pattern Recognition, Vol 20 No 4, pp 425-428, 1987.
O.C.R. for typed Chinese characters, first separation is by zoned template matching method, then by Walsh transform Says 5401 Chinese characters commonly used

[Ishino88] Ishino, Hiroaki, United States Patent 4,751,743, "Optical Character Reader", June 14, 1988, assigned to Sumitomo Electric Industries, Limited, Osaka, Japan.
Detecting edge of form and proper paper alignment for a hand-held optical scanner for OCR

[Kahan87] Kahan, S., Pavlidis, Theo, and Baird, H.S., "On the Recognition of Printed Characters of Any Font and Size", IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, Vol PAMI-9 No 2, March 1987, pp 274-288.
Confusion cases disambiguated through contour analysis on OCR Ligatures / merged characters broken and re-classified, then layout and linguistic context processing Many OCR systems fail accuracy if document is slightly tilted Error rate for manual typing / Human OCR is about 3 per page Practical OCR performance must be 99.9% accuracy, no substitution errors, just rejection Robustness is more important than accuracy (?) Lists many different kinds of character blobs/joins for OCR Linguistic context by certain very simple context heuristics, not grammar and punctuation rules Use UNIX spell dictionary for context manipulation in OCR Use of spelling dictionary does not help much correcting mis-recognition errors Test of OCR system, but omitted small punctuation, disconnected characters, ligatures, and special characters: confusable errors not counted (!) Bayesian classifier assumes statistically independent features, which is not really true Performance of current OCR recognition system are glaring engineering problems, not science Need more theory of human reading ability and automatic design (?) of recognition classifiers For OCR, ligatures are usually accidental serif joins or double-o joins

[Kankaanpaa87] Kankaanpaa, A., "FIDS - A Flat-Panel Interactive Display System", Laboratory of Information Processing Science, Helsinki University of Technology, 02150 Espoo 15, Finland, February 1987: IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, Vol 8 No 3, March 1988, pp 71-82.
Electronic ink paper sent to me for review User interface: electronic ink with gesture/special symbols for editing word-processing text with handwriting Discusses "orthogonality" of gesture/command handwriting recognition symbols

[Kaplan88] Kaplan, Samuel J., King, Jonathan J., and Sagalowicz, Daniel, United States Patent 4,783,752, "Knowledge based processor for application programs using conventional data processing capabilities", November 8, 1988, assigned to Teknowledge, Incorporated, Palo Alto, California. 9/21

27.12.13 Annotated Bibliography in On-line Character Recognition and Pen Computing

Interface between artificial intelligence rule-based symbolic reasoning software and applications programs

[Kashioka88] Kashioka, S., Shima, Y., Miyatake, T., and Ejiri, M., United States Patent 4,783,831, "Method for Producing a Standard Pattern for Pattern Matching", November 8, 1988, assigned to Hitachi, Limited, Tokyo, Japan.
Used for machine vision, locating parts

[Kerrick88] Kerrick, D.D. and Bovik, A.C., "Microprocessor-based Recognition of Handprinted Characters from a Tablet Input", Pattern Recognition, Vol 21 No 5, 1988, pp -525-537.
D.C.R. system in 32Kbytes of combined RAM/ROM: features are endpoints, corners, joins, angle, curvature, aspect ratio, relative positions D.C.R. system: three levels: low-level features and binary decision tree, binary tree for absence of features, high-level evaluation specific to remaining candidate characters D.C.R. system: retrace only allowed for certain lower-case characters: a, g, h, m, n, q, r, u, y Corner extraction using Freeman77 Stroke/character segmentation using possible fitting of strokes into a recognized character (bad idea: I can created lots of exception cases!) This is NOT a robust system! There are too many ways to fool it -- and the authors don't cite much existing work, either! Uses HPR (Handprint Recognition) instead of D.C.R. or On-line character recognition Word segmentation based on overlap of 40% or more

[KimJ87] Kim, J., "Gesture Recognition by Feature Analysis", IBM Research Report RC 12472 (Log #56035) 1/28/87, IBM T.J. Watson Research Center, PO Box 704, Yorktown Heights, NY 10598.
It takes more time to write a gesture than a character Asserts character recognition methods will not work for gestures Could not deal with "vocabulary explosion" by including rotational, inversion variants for gestures Recognizing all variants of a letter takes too much time and space (!) Gesture variation effects: non-linear scaling, rotation, mirror-image inversion, reverse direction Usually, a gesture by itself does not make much sense: compound phrases only Gesture recognition (at IBM) using twelve-direction chain codes

[KimJ88] Kim, J., "On-line gesture recognition by feature analysis", Proceedings of Vision '88 Interfaces, June 1988, pp 51-55. [Kimpan87] Kimpan, C., Itoh, A., and Kawanishi, K., "Fine classification of printed Thai character recognition using the Karhunen-Loe`ve expansion", IEE Proceedings, Vol 134 Pt E No 5, September 1987, pp 257-264.
Handwriting recognition for Thai: features are Karhuen-Loe`ve with maximum eigenvalue Features for Thai: Freeman chain codes, concavities and convexities, similar arc pairs: not conclusive results: 100% on training set, "lower" on test data (but not given) Cites other work on Korean, Arabic, Thai handwriting recognition 10/21

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[Kinoshita88] Kinoshita, Akiyoshi, United States Patent 4,724,423, "Character Input System", February 9, 1988.
Simple zone-type handwriting character recognition reading the strokes on the calculator keyboard

[Kobayashi88] Kobayashi, K., Sakurai, A., and Sato, G., United States Patent 4,757,551, "Character Recognition Method and System Capable of Recognizing Slant Characters", July 12, 1988, assigned to Ricoh Company, Limited, Tokyo, Japan.
Translating scanner input into direction codes: line-thinning. Recognition by histogram of contour direction/chain codes on OCR handwritten numbers. Asserts that slant/tilt varies among handwriting by different people, but consistent for one user

[Kondo87] Kondo, Shozo, "Some Considerations on Stroke-Structure of Characters Using a Model of Handwriting Process", Proceedings of the Third International Symposium on Handwriting and Computer Applications, Ecole Polytechnique de Montreal, Canada, 1987, pp 72-73. [Kuzunuki87] (*p) Kuzunuki, S., Shojima, H., Yokoyama, T., Fukunaga, Y., and Hirasawa, K., United States Patent 4,680,804, "Method for Designating a Recognition Mode in a Hand-Written Character/Graphic Recognizer", August 14, 1987, assigned to Hitachi, Limited, Tokyo, Japan.
Projections of strokes on to X and Y axes for recognition: mode setting: strokes larger than a certain size are annotation, not characters. Simple size context to distinguish characters and drawing marks

[Kwok88] Kwok, P.C.K., "A Thinning Algorithm by Contour Generation", Communications of the A.C.M., Vol 31 No 11, November 1988, pp 1314-1324.
Skeletonization/line-thinning with grey-scale information

[LeeS88a] Lee, Seongwhan, and Kim, Jin H., "Automatic verification of seal imprints using attributed stroke graph matching", Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Processing of Chinese and Oriental Languages, 1988, pp 66-70.

[LeeS88b] Lee, Seongwhan, and Kim, Jin H., "Recognising hand-drawn symbols in engineering drawings, "Artificial Intelligence in Engineering: Robotics and Processes", Computational Mechanics, Southampton, 1988, pp 179-200.

[Leung87] (*p) Leung, C.H., Cheung, Y.S., and Wong, Y.L., "A Knowledge-Based Stroke-Matching Method for Chinese Character Recognition", IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetic, Vol SMC-17 No 6, November 1987, pp 993-1003.
Relaxation method for distance from feature-space template with reduced computational load for Chinese recognition Minimum-distance template matching in feature space Trained/adaptive system, but with specific knowledge of writing Chinese characters, too 11/21

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Tested on 240 Chinese characters only, notes that extension to 4000 will add problematically to compute time User training sample collection (for only 240 Chinese characters!) is admitted to be tedious

[Linus87] (*p) Linus Technologies, " LINUS (tm) Write-Top User's Guide", Linus Technologies Inc, 1889 Preston White Dr., Reston, VA 22091
Shows writing/editing with handwriting recognition on a single surface display/tablet digitizer

[Linus88] (*p) Linus Technologies, "Linus plans tiered Write-Top channel strategy", product announcement for Write-Top handwriting recognition product, Computer and Software News, June 13, 1988.
Product announcement, portable handwriting recognition product for Linus Technologies

[LuP87] Lu, P.-Y., "professional resume", for work in on-line handwriting recognition
Resume for former employee of Communications Intelligence Corporation

[Lukis87] (*p) Lukis, L.J., United States Patent 4,679,241, "Method and Apparatus for Correcting X-Y Position Measurements", July 7, 1987, assigned to Moore Business Forms, Incorporated, Grand Island, New York.
Resistive-sheet digitizer tablet with correction table calibration Several references to British patents for portable handwriting recognition dynabook: diagrams show Moore Business Forms handwriting product (portable)

[Maarse87] Maarse, F.J., Janssen, H.J.J., and Dexel, F., "A special pen for an XYtablet", preliminary manuscript, University of Nijmegen, Department of Experimental Psychology, Montessorilaan 3, PO Box 9104, 6500 HE Nijmegen, The Netherlands, 1987.
Measuring pen stylus tilt angle using peak levels of signal picked up in electromagnetic tablet

[Machart88] (*p) Machart, Beverly H., and Wang, John S. United States Patent 4,757,549, "Freehand Drawing Containing Invisible Lines", July 12, 1988, assigned to International Business Machines Corporation, Armonk, New York.
Stroke segmentation in sketch recognition: group strokes together in a signature, or any freehand writing or scribble, if they are close enough together Compares stroke starting and ending positions with previous storage ending to detect termination of a signature

[MaedaK87] (*p) Maeda, Kenichi, and Nitta, Tsuneo, United States Patent 4,651,289, "Pattern Recognition Apparatus and Method for Making Same", March 17, 1987, assigned to Toky Shibaura Denki Kabushiki Kaisha, Kawasaki, Japan.
After training, a speech/handwriting recognition system stores deltas from previously learning patterns on misrecognition, not entire pattern Reduce memory size for pattern dictionary by storing deltas from originals, not whole patterns

[Malzbender87] Malzbender, T., "Permuted Trace Ordering Allows Low-Cost, HighResolution Graphics Input", Hewlette-Packard Journal, June 1987, pp 4-7.
Description of Hewlett-Packard's digitizer electrostatic tablet circuitry 12/21

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[McCaskill88] McCaskill, R.A., Wang, J.S., and Repass, J.T., United States Patent 4,739,314, "Printed document processing", April 19, 1988, assigned to IBM Corporation.
Patent abstracts User-interface: specifying measurements of printed document objects by pointing to them

[Mishima88] (*p) Mishima, T., Kanasaki, M., Takatoo, M., and Ota, H., "Half-tone image recognition", European Patent 287995, October 26, 1988, assigned to Hitachi, Limited, Tokyo, Japan.
Image processing: recognize halftone texture in a scanned image, to do OCR character recognition without binarization, so that contrast/brightness does not affect recognition

[Mochinaga88] (*p) Mochinaga, N., Moto, T., and Ogata, Y., United States Patent 4,751,741, "Pen-type Character Recognition Apparatus", June 14, 1988, assigned to Casio Computer Company, Limited, Tokyo, Japan.
Pen stylus which measures lateral pressure/force using strain gauges for handwriting recognition, instead of an X/Y digitizer : used for handwriting recognition / character recognition

[Morishita87] (*p) Morishita, T., Ooura, M., and Ishii, Y., "A Kanji Recognition Method Detecting Incorrectness in Writing", Proceedings 1987 International Conference on Computer Processing of Chinese and Oriental Languages", pp 67-74.
Claims 99.7% recognition of Kanji characters "with errors", 99.9% for "correctly written" Chinese characters, used to check for correct writing style in Japanese, "Standard Writing" by the Japanese Council on the National Language

[Nadler87] (*a) Nadler, Morton, "private communication", August, 1987.

This fellow was in handwriting character recognition in the 1960's , on ANSI handprint-standard committee as GE representative NADLer Inc., Blacksburg VA (circa 1986)

[Nestor87] NestorWriter Product Description: available from Nestor Incorporated, One Richmond Square, Providence RI 02906. "Computing with Neural Networks", High Technology, Vol 7 No 5, May 1987, pp 28-29.
References to Nestor's work on handwriting product

[Numonics88] (*p) Numonics Incorporated/Terminal Display Systems Limited, "MAX Multi-Axis Input Digitizer" and "ZedPEN product literature", Terminal Display Systems, Lower Philips Road, Blackburn England BB1 5TH, 1988.
5-axis digitizer (X,Y, theta/phi/rho), plus force/pressure sensor, plus "flick" accelerometer sensor

[Numonics88a] Information"




#2200 Digitizer

Pad Technical

[Ooi87] Ooi, K., Hidai, K., Kurosawa, Y., and Nakamura, Y., United States Patent 4,685,142, "Method and Device for Handwritten Letter Recognition", August 4, 1987, assigned to Kabushiki Kaisha Toshiba, Kawasaki, Japan. 13/21

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Kanji/Japanese recognition using standard strokes, in a standard stroke order Attempt to remove stroke-order properties from Kanji recognition using a heirarchical dictionary of standard strokes, and matching as you go

[Orita87a] Orita, M., Kobayashi, Y., and Kuboo, Y., United States Patent 4,658,429, "Tree-structure recognition dictionary preparation system", April 14, , 1987, assigned to Hitachi, Limited, Tokyo, Japan.
Order tree nodes in a recognition dictionary of templates, so features with the most power are highest in the tree

[Orita87b] Orita, M., Mishima, T., and Kobayashi, Y., United States Patent 4,682,365, "System and Method for Preparing a Recognition Dictionary", July 21, 1987, assigned to Hitachi, Limited, Tokyo, Japan.
Heirarchical tree-structure for pattern recognition decision tree: method to minimize search time by organizing tree (for Kanji recognition) Cites prior art (1975) on tree-structured pattern recognition dictionaries for Kanji/Japanese recognition

[Pearson87] Pearson, G. and Weiser, M., "Exploratory Evaluations of Two Versions of a Foot-Operated Cursor-Positioning Device in a Target-Selection Task", poster paper, CHI+GI 87 Conference, Boston, Massachusetts, April 1987. Authors' address: Heterogeneous Systems Lab, University of Maryland, College Park, Maryland.
Foot-operated pointing device, similar to mouse

[Phillips87] Phillips, M., "Several simple tests can help you choose the correct digitizer", Computer Technology Review, Vol VII No 1, January 1987. [Platshon88] Platshon, Mark, "Acoustic touch technology adds a new input dimension", Computer Design, March 15, 1988, pp 89-93.
Technical description of Elographics digitizer technology, surface acoustic wave (SAW) SAW technology for force/pressure-sensitive "Z" on touch tablet digitizer

[Pobgee88a] (*a) Pobgee, P.J., "Prototype System for Interactive Input of Cursive Information", National Physical Laboratory, Teddington (England), Division of Information Technology and Computing, Report No NPL-DITC-125/88, 1988 (abstract only).
NTIS citation index: refers to pointing and handwriting recognition combined in a GUI application User interface and editing and graphics manipulation for handwriting recognition

[Pobgee88b] Pobgee, P.J., "EPT, a Dynamic Tutorial for Introducing New Users to Electronic Paper", National Physical Laboratory, Teddington (England), Division of Information Technology and Computing, Report No NPL-DITC-134/88, 1988 (abstract only).
NTIS citation index Integrated tablet and display with sample handwriting applications 14/21

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[Potter88] Potter, R., Weldon, L., and Shneiderman, B., "Improving the accuracy of touch screens: An experimental evaluation of three strategies", Proceedings of CHI conference, Washington, D.C., May 15-19, 1988. Published by the Association for Computing Machinery, New York, 1988, pp 27-32.
Mack89 digitizer user-interface hacks

[Reilly87] Reilly, Douglas, L., Scofield, Christopher, Elbaum, Charles, and Cooper, Leon, N., "Learning System Architectures Composed of Multiple Learning Modules", Proceedings of IEEE First Annual International Conference on Neural Networks, June, 1987, Vol II, pp 495-503.
Training time is shorter if you train one module to each shape class, rather than many modules to share training, in a Nestor neural network.

[Reilly88] Reilly, Douglas L, Scofield, Christopher, Gouin, Philip R., Rimey, Raymond, Collins, Edward A., and Ghosh, Sushmito, "An Application of a Multiple Neural Network Learning System to Industrial Part Inspection", to be presented at ISA/88, Houston, Texas.
Nestor recognition paper on industrial vision parts inspection

[Rhyne87] Rhyne, J., "Dialogue Management for Gestural Interfaces", Computer Graphics, Vol 21 No 2, April 1987, pp 137-142. Also IBM Research Report RC 12244, 1986.
Temporal grouping/segmentation of written gestures more important than the temporal sequence

[Saba87] (*p) SABA, " Handscan product literature", Saba Technologies, Incorporated, 9300 S.W. Gemini Driver, Beaverton, Oregon, 97005, June 1987.
Produce literature on hand-held OCR input scanner Acoustic/sonic 2-D tablet

[SAC87] SAC, "GP-7 Grafbar Mark II Operator's Manual", Science Accessories Corporation, 1987, 970 King s Highway West, Southport, Connecticut 06490. [Satoh88] (*p) Satoh, Koji, United State States Patent 4,783,835, "Method of Character Recognition", November 8, 1988, assigned to Sumitomo Electric Industries, Limited, Osaka Japan.
Typed character recognition in a hand-held scanner using rightside and left-side profiles/chain codes, in addition to line features

[Schoonard87] (*p) Schoonard, J.W., Gould, J.D., Bieber, M., and Fusca, A., "A Behavior Study of a Computer Hand Print Recognition System", IBM Research Report RC 12484 (Log #56157) 2/6/87, 1987, IBM T.J. Watson Research Center, PO Box 218, Yorktown Heights, NY 10598.
Compared human recognition accuracy, both by original writer and by another subject, with IBM's machine recognition In adaptive system, adding poorly-formed (atypical) prototypes from handwriting to system is a 15/21

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problem, as accuracy goes down In adaptive system, accuracy goes down as prototypes are added beyond a certain point (so why add them? when to add them?) Handwriting interaction tested for four tasks: copy, compose, spreadsheet, delayed copy/transcription Human recognition accuracy measured as 88.5% to 96.1%, average 93.2% Writing speed for hand-printing is 0.99 characters/second 90 to 111.2 prototypes in adaptive system for individual subject's handwriting Subjects consistently tended to underestimate recognition accuracy of IBM system, because errors in words and inability to correct were so annoying 96% recognition accuracy "not good enough" for commercial use of on-line character recognition

[Scott87] Scott, Walter C., United States Patent 4,701,960, "Signature Verification", October 20, 1987, assigned to Texas Instruments Incorporated, Dallas, Texas.
Signature verification using matches at local extrema points(?) and something like elastic matching

[Sekita88] Sekita, I., Toraichi, K., Mori, R., Yamamoto, K, and Yamada, H, "Feature extraction of hand-written Japanese characters by spline functions for relaxation", Pattern Recognition, Vol 21 No 1, January 1988, pp 9-17.
for line thinning with context by chain codes

[Semiotics87] Semiotics Design, "handwriting recognition product outline", 2980 Salem Drive, Santa Clara, California 95051, 1987.
Carol Anne Ogdin , formerly Mr. Ogdin Lists of sentences using all 26 letters of alphabet in various combinations, for collecting writing samples Sample list of sentences using all 26 letters of the alphabet -- source unknown

[Shojima87] Shojima, H., Kuzunuki, J. S., and Hirasawa, K., United States Patent 4,653,107, "On-line pattern recognition for hand-written shapes", March 24, 1987, assigned to Hitachi, Limited, Tokyo, Japan.
Re-order strokes, feature is quantized curvature, try deleting endsegments or combining sequential strokes On-line handwriting recognition using a dictionary of templates: used in a document preparation user-interface?

[Shojima88] Shojima, H., Mifune, T., Mori, J. and Kuzunuki, S., United States Patent 4,718,103, "Method and Apparatus for On-line Recognizing Handwritten Patterns", January 5, 1988, assigned to Hitachi, Limited, Tokyo, Japan.
Cites DP Matching Process to Character Recognition of Nikkei Electronics, 1983. Angular vector chain code sequences: matching successive angle differences for line segments in handwriting character recognition Unanticipated/intermittent input/event causes software system error

[SIGSOFT87a] SIGSOFT, "Anti-Skid Brakes", quoted from October 1986 issue of 16/21

27.12.13 Annotated Bibliography in On-line Character Recognition and Pen Computing

Road and Track, A.C.M. SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes, Vol 12 No 1, page 10, January, 1987.
Unanticipated/intermittent input/event causes software system error

[SIGSOFT87b] SIGSOFT, "Cause of the Mysterious Bay Area Rapid Transit Power Outage Identified", quoted from July 8, 1987 San Francisco Chronicle, A.C.M. SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes, Vol 12 No 4, page 4, January, 1987.
Unanticipated/intermittent input/event causes software system error

[SIGSOFT87c] SIGSOFT, "Actual Stock Price Fails Sanity Check", contributed by Mark Brader, A.C.M. SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes, Vol 12 No 4, page 4, October 1987.
Unanticipated/intermittent input/event causes software system error

[SIGSOFT87] SIGSOFT, "BBC Documentary Filming Causes Library of Congress Computer Crashes", contributed by Howard C. Berkowitz, A.C.M. SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes, Vol 12 No 4, page 15, October 1987.
Unanticipated/intermittent user input/event causes software system error

[SIGSOFT88] SIGSOFT, "Runaway mouse problem in popular commercial WP program", contributed by Steven Jones, A.C.M. SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes, Vol 13 No 4, page 9, October 1988. [Sinha88] (*p) Sinha, R.M.K. and Prasada, B., "Visual Text Recognition Through Contextual Processing", Pattern Recognition, Vol 21 No 5, 1988, pp 463-479.
Spelling context dictionary where words outside the dictionary are handled with a Viterbi algorithm A priori context (i.e. statistical values for letter pair digrams) vs a posteriori context (checking results against a spelling dictionary) Contains quick overview of everybody's work on spelling or statistical probability context correction Transient dictionary for context: words not in regular Uses weighted confusion matrix of touching/rejected characters for context correction (segmentation) Refers to ambiguous upper/lower-case confusion pairs, other than the obvious In OCR, attempt to fix touching characters by a separate segmentation algorithm on rejected characters common "omitted" words can be used to correct the rest dictionary may occur frequently in document, so most

[Sklarew88a] Sklarew, Ralph, United States Patent 4,732,621, "Handwritten keyboard-less entry computer system", assigned to Linus Technologies, 1988.
Patent on transparent digitizer over display for handwriting input, with character recognition

[Sklarew88b] Sklarew, Ralph, European Patent 254561, "Handwritten keyboard-less entry computer system", Janrary 27, 1988, assigned to Linus Technologies, inc.
Broad patent on Linus' keyboardless computer product, using handwriting recognition Gives many example screens for Linus/Grid's user interface, showing


27.12.13 Annotated Bibliography in On-line Character Recognition and Pen Computing

windows/rectangles for handwriting entry Gives figures for handwriting digitizer tablet performance: 0.015"/0.005", 150 points/second Linus/Grid user-interface on editing functions/symbols, appear similar to gesture-based user interface

[Skylight88] (*p) Skylight Software, Incorporated, "Handprints 2.0 product information", 323 Andover Street, Wilmington, Massachusetts 01887.
Yuri Litvin's small on-line handwriting recognition software product: runs in 13Kbytes (!)

[SmithRW87] Smith, R.W., "Computer processing of line images: A survey", Pattern Recognition, Vol 20, 1987, pp 7-15.

[SpeechSystems87] (*p) Speech Systems, Incorporated, "Phonetic Engine (R) product description", 18356 Oxnard Street, Tarzana, California 91356, 1987.
Product literature on phonetic speech recognition system with large dictionary Phonetic Decoder (TM), Phonetic Profiler (TM), DS100 application development system,

[Suen88] Suen, C.Y. (chair), "Future Challenges in Handwriting and Computer Applications", panel discussion, 3rd International Symposium on Handwriting and Computer Applications, Montreal, May 29, 1987. Panelists: R. Plamondon, C. Tappert, A.J.W.M. Thomassen, J.R. Ward, K. Yamamoto. Summary published January 18, 1988, Prof. Ching Y Suen, Concordia University, Montreal, Canada.
We will say why most handwriting character recognition is fraudulent Summagraphics' low-cost charge-ratio digitizer tablet

[Summagraphics87] Summagraphics, "Digitizer technology paves the way for portable systems", Computer Design, April 1, 1987, page 9. [Tamura88] Tamura, S. and Kawasaki, S., "Recognition of Sign Language Motion Images", Pattern Recognition, Vol 21 No 4, 1988, pp 343-353.
Cheremes - like phonemes or graphemes, but for (hand) sign language, like American Standard sign language

[Tanner87] Tanner, P.P., "Multi-Thread Input", Computer Graphics, Vol 21 No 2, April 1987, pp 142-145.
User interface discussion of having multiple input devices / multiple streams of input: relates to problem of handwriting combining both position AND command/text input, as in gesture recognition?

[Tappert88] Tappert, Charles C., United States Patent 4,731,857, "Recognition System for Run-on Handwritten Characters", March 15, 1988, assigned to International Business Machines Corporation, Armonk, New York.
Character stroke segmentation/parsing using an iterative approach to find the best aggregate recognition score for the whole line, or for whole word Recognition method for run-on handwriting repeating receiving, examining and gradings steps until all strokes have been processed and recognized 18/21

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[TransImage87] TransImage Corporation, "Transimage 1000", hand-held OCR dataentry system for IBM PC XT/AT product announcement, 910 Benicia Avenue, Sunnyvale, California 94086, 1987. [Tsuda88] Tsuda, I., Shimizu, H., and Hibino, K., United States Patent 4,760,603, "Method and Apparatus of Recognition", July 26, 1988, assigned to Research Development Corporation of Japan, Tokyo, Japan.
Strange patent on recognition by looking at oscillation frequencies of hypothetical components streatched between segments of the outline image

[Tsugei87] (*p) Tsugei, Shinji and Iguchi, Shigeki, United States Patent 4,656,317, "Handwritten Character Input Device", April 7, 1987, assigned to Sharp Kabushiki Kaisha, Osaka, Japan.
Handwriting recognition for processing billing receipts on-line: patent on any kind of forms input?

[Unknown87] Kabel, Robert, United States Patent 4,650,926, assigned to Scriptel Corporation. [Wada87] Wada, Y., Kobayashi, Y., and Mitsuta, T., European Patent 218246, "Graphic data design method", April 15, 1984, assigned to Hitachi, Limited, Tokyo, Japan.
User interface patent on design rule checking (?) drawing constraints on CAD input (?)

[WangA87] Wang, A., Ho S., and Mainemer, C.I., United States Patent 4,638,118, "Writing Pad", January 20, 1987, assigned to Wang Laboratories, Inc., Lowell, Massachusetts.
Dr. An Wang's digitizer: force/pressure-sensitive digitizer using very thin contact lines, as for LCD's Force/pressure-sensitive digitizer using coarse, then fine position sensing of X/Y grid

[WangPSP88] Wang, P.S.P., "Knowledge Pattern Representation of Chinese Characters", International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence, Vol 2 No 1, 1988, pp 161-179.
Not really about a Chinese/Kanji recognition system, but that Chinese characters are complicated (lots of strokes) because they are like English words (lots of strokes from lots of characters)

[Ward87a] Ward, J., "Design Criteria for and Electronic Tablet Technology with Acceptable Performance for Handwriting Capture and Analysis", Proceedings of the Third International Symposium on Handwriting and Computer Applications, Montreal, Canada, July 20-23, 1987, pp 178-180. [Ward87b] Ward, J., "Issues in the validity of testing protocols and criteria for on-line recognition of handwritten text", Proceedings of the Third International Symposium on Handwriting and Computer Applications, Montreal, Canada, July 20-23, 1987, pp 67 19/21

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70. [Ward87c] (*p) Ward, J. and Phillips, M., "Digitizer Technology: Performance Characteristics and the Effects on the User Interface", IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, April 1987, pp 31-44. [Ward87d] Ward, J. (organizer): "Issues Limiting the Acceptance of User Interfaces Using Gesture Input and Handwriting Character Recognition", panel discussion, Proceedings of CHI+GI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems and Graphics Interface, Toronto, April 5-9, 1987, pp 155-158.
Most work on handwriting character recognition is fraudulent

[Ward87e] Ward, J., "Combinatorial Aspects of Variability in Handprinted Text", Proceedings of the Third International Symposium on Handwriting and Computer Applications, Montreal, Canada, July 20-23, 1987, pp 60-63. [Ward88] (*p) Ward, J. and Kuklinski, T., "A Model for Variability Effects in Handprinting, with Implications for the Design of On-line Character Recognition Systems", IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Vol 18 No 3, May 1988, pp 438-450. [Williford88] (*p) Williford, John D., United States Patent 4,724,542, "Automatic Reference Adaptation During Dynamic Signature Verification", February 9, 1988, assigned to International Business Machines Corporation, Armonk, New York.
Continuous adaptive signature verification recognition: samples are updated automatically over time

[Wolf87a] (*p) Wolf, Catherine G. and Morrel-Samuels, Palmer, "The Use of Handdrawn Gestures for Text-editing", International Journal of Man-Machine Studies, Vol 27 No 1, July 1987, pp 91-102, also available as IBM Report RC 12523.
Paper and pencil study of gesture user-interface for editing (proofreader's marks) for user consistency, choice of symbols

[Wolf87b] (*p) Wolf, Cathy G., "A comparative Evaluation of Gesture and Conventional Interfaces", IBM Research Division Human Factors research report RC13187 (#58999), October 9, 1987.
on gesture user interface, single stroke gesture for spreadsheets, with text and pointing recognition

[Wolf88] Wolf, Catherine G., "A Comparative Study of Gestural and Keyboard Interfaces", Proceedings of the Human Factors Society 32nd Annual Meeting, 1988, pp 273-276.
Gesture user interface on spreadsheets: 72% faster than keyboard alone, preferred by users, using electronic ink integrated tablet/display: shows "preferred" gesture symbols

[Yamakawa87] (*p) Yamakawa, Tadashi, United States Patent 4,672,677, "Character 20/21

27.12.13 Annotated Bibliography in On-line Character Recognition and Pen Computing

and Figure Processing Apparatus", June 9, 1987, assigned to Canon Kabushiki Kaisha, Tokyo, Japan.
User-interface combination of handwriting recognition, and simulated touch-button areas on tablet for Chinese/Kanji word processing Discloses showing a menu of multiple candidate character to select from when the on-line recognizer for handwritten character isn't sure.

[Yoshida88] (*p) Yoshida, K., Shimizu, H., and Watari, Massao, United States Patent 4,764,972, "Continuous Characters Recognition System", August 16, 1988, assigned to NEC Corporation, Tokyo, Japan.
On-line character recognition using inter-stroke handwriting strokes Refers to changes in separate handwritten character variations depending on inter-stroke motion (hooks, continuation marks, etc.) Refers to partially-connected (script-like) writing as continuous writing (don't stop between characters)

[Zimmerman87] Zimmerman, T.G., et al, "A hand gesture interface device", Proceedings of the ACM CHI + GI '87 Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems and Graphics Interface, Toronto, Canada, April 5-9, 1987. Association for Computing Machinery, New York, 1987, pp 189-196. Main Reference Page


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The publication of this bibliography on the World-Wide-Web is a work in progress .... This compilation is copyright Jean Renard Ward, 1996, 1999.

[Abramovitz89] *A Abramovitz, R.G., Anderson Jr., R.L., Busse, F.L., Celarier, S.A., Poublan, J-Y. H., and Shorthill, L.R., United States Patent 4,809,351, "Optical Character Reader", February 28, 1989, assigned to SABA Technologies, Incorporated, Beaverton, Oregon.
Hardware design of a hand-held scanner for optical (typed) character recognition

[AccessDevelopment90] Access Development Corporation, "FormLink product literature", July, 1990. Address: 2000 Commonwealth Avenue, Auburndale, Massachusetts, 02166, 617-332-7200.
Forms package, stylus-keyboard electronic-paper user interface, suitable for adding handwriting recognition

[ActiveBook89] (*p) Active Book Ltd., Cambridge England, "Masterstroke: the notebook computer", London Times, September 7, 1989, p 34.
Portable touch-screen/handwriting product, with character recognition Active Book: Dr. Herman Hauser, founder: Olivetti financing

[Adolf89] (*p) Adolf, Jurine, "A Expert System for the Selection of Input Devices", Proceedings of Human Factors Society 33rd Annual Meeting, October 16-20, 1989, Denver Colorado, pp 335-339.
Says on-line recognition inferior to almost all other user-interfaces for text input (comparision with Linus)

[AdvancedProducts89] (*p) Advanced Products and Technologies, "Voice Computer product announcement", IEEE Computer, September 1989, p 98.
Portable voice (!) recognition and output computer product

[Agilis89a] (*p) Agilis Corporation, "product information on the Agilis System (TM) of Handheld Workstations", June 12, 1989. 1101 San Antonio Road, Mountain View, California 94043-1008.
Portable touch-screen/handwriting product, but no character recognition or electronic ink userinterface: radio net, Unix/OS-2/DOS

[Agilis89b] BYTE, "Agilis Hand-Held Workstations: Computing Power in the Field", BYTE Magazine, Augist 1989, pp 91-94. 1/25

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[Atari90] (*p) Atari Corporation, "Portfolio hand-held personal computer", Sunnyvale, California, 94089-1302, 1990. [Autosig90] (*p) Autosig Systems Inc., "Sign/on product information", 1990, PO Box 16050, Irving Texas 75016, 214-258-8033.
Formerly Signify / Sign-on: signature verification product

[BarkerBA89] (*p) Barker, Barbara A., Hernandez, Irene H., and Machart, Beverly H., United States Patent 4,815,029, "In-line dynamic editing of text or graphics", March 21, 1989, assigned to IBM Corporation.
User interface combining free-hand drawing, graphical editing, similar to "Polite" product system by Sheldon Borkin and John Prager, or Xerox Star and Apple MacIntosh with generic functions valid for all types of objects On-line dynamic editing of text or graphics in computer document executing actions on userselected attributes based on internal knowledge of object type rather than by explicit commands

[BarkerPG89] Barker, P.G. and Manji, K.A., "Pictorial dialogue methods", International Journal of Man-Machine Studies, Vol 31 No 3, pp 323-347, September 1989.
User-interface for electronic books: multi-media pointing a la hypertext with pictures

[Baum89] Baru, E. and Haussler, D., "What size net gives valid generalization", in Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems, D.S. Touretzky, editor, Morgan Kaufman, 1989.

[Beringer89] (*p) Beringer, Dennis B. and Bowman, Mary James, "Operator Behavioral Biases using High-resolution Touch Input Devices", Proceedings of Human Factors Society 33rd Annual Meeting, October 16-20, 1989, Denver Colorado, pp 320-322.
Nothing study of visual parallax and targetting error in integrated tablet/display: 3/4mm error on their hardware at 17 degrees viewing angle: software offset only good for one user in one position, so they suggest letting the user just get used to visual parallax

[Blatt89a] (*p) Blatt, Louis A., "Human Factors Support of Gesture Recognition", internal report June 16, 1989, Wang Laboratories, 1 Industrial Avenue, Lowell, Massachusetts 01851.
Internal Wang report on variations in chain code writing sequences for handwritten alphabetic characters

[Blatt89] (*p) Blatt, Louis A., "Spreadsheet Gesture Set", internal report February 2, 1989, Wang Laboratories, 1 Industrial Avenue, Lowell, Massachusetts 01851.
Internal Wang report on what editing marks subjects used informally on spreadsheets

[Blatt90] (*p) Blatt, Louis A., and Schell, Alan, "Gesture Set Economics for Text and Spreadsheet Editors", unpublished manuscript, March 3, 1990, Wang Laboratories, 1 Industrial Avenue, Lowell, Massachusetts 01851. 2/25

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Gesture recognition study, resulted in proofreader's marks

[Bozinovic89] Bozinovic, R.M. and Srihari, S.N., "Off-Line Cursive Script Word Recognition", IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence", Vol 11 No 1, January 1989, pp 68-83.
Off-line (vs on line) cursive handwriting recognition Multi-level analysis of handwriting: points, contours, features, letters, and words Reference-line finding on handwriting, letter segmentation based on local minima or low vertical profiles Topological relationships of contours on handwriting for recognition Lists of features used for cursive handwriting recognition Chain encoding for off-line handwriting cursive script recognition Statistical and syntactic context rules for cursive handwritten words Testing done with two subjects told to do fully-connected script, and to maintain reasonable legibility Said 77% accuracy on whole words with context was good test results (!) Testing of off-line cursive script, but used data taken from tablet digitizer, so no scanning/pixel/gray problems Well-known tenet of pattern recognition practice that for problems with large feature space dimensionality, the sizes of the training and testing sets should be roughly the same Well-known tenet of pattern recognition practice that training and testing sets should not be the same to avoid overly optimistic results

[BrownNR89] Brown, Norman R. and Vosburgh, Ann Marie, "Evaluating the Accuracy of a Large-Vocabulary Speech Recognition System", Proceedings of Human Factors Society 33rd Annual Meeting, October 16-20, 1989, Denver Colorado, pp 296-300.
% performance: simple recognition error (how many wrong): adjusted recognition error (how many wrong after removing errors system "not expected" to get right) out of vocabulary words Context can ADD errors %: "drag-along" errors where a "correction" due to context screws up subsequent inputs User interface and recognition %: a (speech) recognition system need very good / easy correction mechanisms for user to correct recognition errors

[Byrne89] Byrne, Jani Gabriel, "Competitive Evalution in Industry: Some Comments", Proceedings of Human Factors Society 33rd Annual Meeting, October 16-20, 1989, Denver Colorado, pp 423-425.
Notes on comparing competitive commercial user interfaces

[CalComp90] (*p) CalComp, "CalComp 2300 Series DrawingBoard Digitizers ", CalComp Incorporated, 1990. [Canon89] (*p) Canon "Ai Note IN-3000 product announcement", CanonVoice, February, 1989 (in Japanese).
Small, portable notebook-style handwriting input/recognition (PDA) product from Canon

[Carpenter89] Carpenter, Gail and Grossberg, approach", Boston University press release, 1989.

Stephen, "Hierarchical neural


27.12.13 Annotated Bibliography in On-line Character Recognition and Pen Computing

[ChengF89] (*p) Cheng, F., Hsu, W., and Chen, C., "Fuzzy Approach to Solve the Recognition Problem of Handwritten Chinese Characters", Pattern Recognition, Vol 22 No 2, pp 133-141, 1989.
Fuzzy set recognition applied to Chinese characters Most troublesome problem in Chinese handwriting is great variation among hand-prints *$ Assumptions about statistical probability density in handwriting recognition are highly dubious It is impractical to deal with variations in handwriting with probability densities A similarity measure between strokes in Chinese character based on angle feature, not length Stroke length not a reliable feature in Chinese characters 96% recognition rate on 881 Chinese characters (160 variations each), once rejects are removed

[CIS89] CIS: "Geometry Ball product information", CIS Group, Postfach 10 01 80, D4060 Viersen 1, West Germany, 1989.
Six-degree of freedom 3-D pointing mouse device.

[Clark89] (*a) Clark, D.M., United States Patent 4,805,225, "Pattern Recognition Method and Apparatus", February 14, 1989, assigned to The Research Foundation of the State University of New York, Albany, New York.
Hierarchical network recognizer, similar to neural nets, to determine the presence of a feature (but how are features weighted?) Cites work on connectionist models for neural nets Press announcement of IBM's electronic ink handwriting recognition product

[ComputerS89] Computer Shopper, "Paper-like Interface -- IBM researchers are exploring a way to use computers in which people simply write on a flat surface", Computer Shopper, June 1989, page 169. [Danis89] Danis, Catalina M., "Developing Successful Speakers for an Automatic Speech Recognition System", Proceedings of Human Factors Society 33rd Annual Meeting, October 16-20, 1989, Denver Colorado, pp 301-304.
Training users to adapt to a particular speech recognition: Problems are too clear at end of words, too mushy at start of words, no word separation, speak too fast Data base /testing: very important to try realistic conditions: realistic conditions include the fact that users adapt to the system

[Datakech90] DataKech, Incorporated, "Scriptwriter product information", 15331 Manor Village Lane, Rockville, Maryland 20853. [Datapro89] Datapro Research, Manufacturing Information Systems Data Collection report #450, "Handwriting Recognition Systems", January 1989.
Datapro report on Linus Write-Top and Data Entry Systems ScriptWriter handwriting recognition products.

[DavisE89] Davis, Elliot, United States Patent 4,802,231, "Pattern Recognition Error Reduction System", January 31, 1989. 4/25

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Patent abstract only Error reduction by matching patterns against additional templates of patterns otherwise mismatched.

[Denker89] Denker, J.S., Gardner, W.R., Graf, H.P, Henderson, D., Howard, R.E., Hubbard, W., Jackel, L.D., Baird, H.S., and Guyon I., "Neural network recognizer for Hand-written zip code digits", In Advances in neural information processing systems I, D.S. Touretzky, editor. Morgan Kaufman, 1989.

[DFM89a] DFM Business Systems Inc., "DBF unveils 3.5-pound hand-held PC", Travelite 286 Product announcement, Info World, September 11, 1989, vol 11 no 37. [DFM89] DFM Business Systems Inc., "Hand-held CPU for health care uses infraredlink", Travelite 286 Product announcement, Network World, Oct 30, 1989, v6 no 43. [Dragon90] Dragon Systems, "DragonDictate product announcement", Newton, Massachusetts, March 1990.
Commercial voice/speech recognition product

[Drumm89] Drumm, Donald E., United States Patent 4,808,980, "Electronic Light Pointer for a Projection Monitor", February 28, 1989, assigned to Wang Laboratories, Lowell, Massachusetts.
Patent on wall-mounted light pen for projection TVs, displays

[Dynabook89] (*p) Dynabook Technologies, "product literature and press release", October 1989. PC/Computing, October 1989.
Rumored portable touchscreen product: handwriting recognition?

[Evergreen90] Evergreen Technologies, "Gestures product announcement", Jeffrey Siegel, Fox Chapel Center, Suite 401, 19751 Frederick Road, Germantown, Maryland 20874, personal correspondence, March 12, 1990.
Handwriting (adaptive?) character recognition product, gesture interfaces?

[Exos90] EXOS, Inc., "Dexterous Hand Master exoskeleton product information", August 1990. 8 Blanchard Road, Burlington, MA 01803, 617-229-2075.
Data-glove, mechanical version, n-dimensional pointing device including Polhemus 3-D digitizer

[Faggin89] Faggin, Federico, and Lynch, Gary S., United States Patent 4,802,103, "Brain Learning and Recognition Emulation Circuitry and Method of Recognizing Events", January 31, 1989, assigned to Synaptics, Incorporated, San Jose, California.
Neural net patent Successive stages of recognition threshholds set for neural nets learning Includes neural net feature to resolve mis-recognized patterns confused with a pattern already learned Press announcement and description of IBM prototype signature verification system 5/25

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[FederalCW89] FCW "Smart signatures at FED: Net Prototype uses Biometrics, Smart Cards", Federal Computer Week, May 22, 1989, page1. [Fellows89] Fellows, Gerald, L. and Freivalds, Andris, "The use of force sensing resistors in ergonomic tool design", Proceedings of Human Factors Society 33rd Annual Meeting, October 16-20, 1989, Denver Colorado, pp 713-717.
Pressure/force sensors for hand-tools (drills, hammers, etc.): also stylus?

[Francik89] Francik, Ellen and Akagi, Kenichi, "Designing a computer pencil and tablet for handwriting", Proceedings of Human Factors Society 33rd Annual Meeting, October 16-20, 1989, Denver Colorado, pp 445-449.
Design of Freestyle tablet and stylus: taper, length, comparison of human factors of tablets Gives samples of types of writing for tablet and stylus design

[Fujiwara89] Fujiwara, A., Takenouchi, M., and Shimizu, M., United States Patent 4,813,078, "Character Recognition Apparatus", March 14, 1989, assigned to Matsushita Electric Industrial Company, Limited, Kadoma, Japan.
Optical character recognition for typed Kana using direction codes / chain codes of outer perimeter to compare best matches of lengths of segments

[Furukoori89] Furukoori, H., United States Patent 4,817,173, "Image Contour Detecting Apparatus", March 28, 1989, assigned to Kabushiki Kaisha Meidensha, Tokyo, Japan.
Patent abstract Curve tracing

[Gaver89] Gaver, W.W., "The SonicFinder: An interface that uses auditory icons", Human-Computer Interaction, Vol 4 No 1, 1989, pp 67-94. [Geiser89] Geiser, Georg, "Handprinted Data Entry with a Touch-Sensitive Numeric Keypad", Proceedings of Human Factors Society 33rd Annual Meeting, October 1620, 1989, Denver Colorado, pp 305-308.
Handwriting character recognition using a calculator's 5x5 (3x3 plus spaces between) keypad (similar to some Japanese calculator products): instead of double keying for alphabetics on a small calculator Claims "very low" error rate: unknown %: shows number of variants NOT combinatorial

[Go90] Go Corporation, Foster City, California, "Go Corp. Gets IBM's Backing For 'Tablet PC'", PC Week, April 9, 1990, page 1.
Go Corp. principals: Robert Carr (Aston-Tate), Jerry Kaplan (Lotus), Daniel Lewin (Next). Portable handwriting recognition product

[Gonzalez89] Gonzalez, Rafael C. and Jerrera, Juan A., United States Patent 4,817,166, "Apparatus for Reading a License Plate", March 28, 1989, assigned to Perceptics Corporation, Knoxville, Tennessee.
Features on license plates are edges, contours, height, width, topline and baseline, structural 6/25

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analysis, templates once the state (and therefor font) are known.

[Goolsbey89] Goolsbey, Michael A., Jones, Eugene R., Micka, William F., and Robinson, Thomas, S., United States Patent 4,817,186, "Locating Individual Images in a Field for Recognition or the Like", March 28, 1989, assigned to International Business Machines, Armonk, New York.
Hardware to segment separate typed (handwritten?) characters for OCR recognition

[Graphonomics89] International Graphonomics Society, "Membership directory", April 1989, c/o Department of Experimental Psychology, University of Nijmegen, PO Box 9104, 6500 HE Nijmegen, The Netherlands.
Index of researchers in handwriting analysis, signature verification, and character recognition

[Greenstein89] Greenstetin, Joel S. and Baijal, Anish, "An Investigation of Techniques for Occasional Numeric Data Entry", Proceedings of Human Factors Society 33rd Annual Meeting, October 16-20, 1989, Denver Colorado, pp 310-314.
User-interface review of numeric keypad with mouse, multiple menus, sliders, clickers, simultaneous menus. Reference to Quest Automation in 1970's as earlier product

[GridPad89] Computergram International, "Grid's GridPad handheld takes handprint data entry", Computergram International, October 2, 1989, no 1275.
BYTE magazine gives award to GridPad product: compare 1985 aware to PenPad.

[GridPad89a] (*p) Grid Systems, " Getting Started with GRiDForm", Grid Systems Corporation, September 1989 [GridPad89b] (*p) Grid Systems, " GRiDPAD Program Development Manual ", Grid Systems Corporation, September 1989 [GridPad90a] BYTE, "The BYTE awards (important products and technologies)", Byte magazine, January 1990, vol 15 no1, p. 285. -- GRiD System's GRiDPad, Lotus Magellan, Zenith MinisPort, Poqet PC, etc. [GridPad90] Grid Corporation, "GridPAD PadBase+ Training Course", course description, April 11, 1990, provided by Rober Artusy, R2Z Incorporated, 39120 Argonaut Way, Suite 319, Fremont, California 94538.
GridPAD user-interface with stylus, training Correspondence includes list of features to be used for punctuation marks, handwriting prototype base forms and shapes

[Grossberg89] Grossberg, Steven and Mingolla, Ennio, United States Patent 4,803,736, "Neural Networks for Machine Vision", February 7, 1989, assigned to The Trustees of Boston University, Boston, Massachusetts.
Patent abstract only Boundary/edge/curve contour, feature contour, and object recognition in machine vision 7/25

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[Guo89] Guo, Z. and Hall, R.W., "Parallel Thinning with Two-Subiteration Algorithms", Communications of the A.C.M., Vol 32 No 3, March, 1989, pp 359-373.
Skeletonization/line-thinning connectedness using four compass directions, which preserves line

[HallRW89] Hall, R.W., "Fast Parallel Thinning Algorithms: Parallel Speed and Connectivity Preservation", Communications of the A.C.M., Vol 32 No 1, January 1989, pp 123-131.
Robert M Harlick is editor for many CA.C.M. OCR line-thinning articles OCR handwriting line thinning algorithm which does NOT eliminate diagonal lines

[Harnad89] Harnad, S., "The symbol grounding problem", CNLS Conference on Emergent Computation, Los Alamos, May 1989.

[Hayashi89] Hayashi, Y., Sakata, M., Nakao, T., Ohno, T. and Ohhashi, S., "Alphanumeric character recognition using a connectionist model with the pocket algorithm", (abstract only), Proceedings of International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, Washington, D.C., June 18-22, 1989, Vol II p. 606.
OCR for a single font using neural networks

[Horowitz89] Horowitz, Steven L., United States Patent 4,803,230, "Method and Apparatus for Generating Size and Orientation Invariant Shape Features", January 31, 1989, assigned to GTX Corporation, Phoenix, Arizona.
Patent abstract Character recognition, OCR, statistical decision tree. OCR using features of six bounding rectangles at different angles, translated to direction (chain?) codes OCR using Fourier transforms, autocorrelations, moments, centroid of largest hole and center of character

[Hsieh90] Hsieh, A.-J., Kunk, S.-J., Shiau, S.-L., Kao, M.-C., and Chen, J.-W., "An Experimental System for Stroke-number Free On-line Chinese Character Recognition", in Frontiers in Handwriting Recognition, C.Y. Suen, editor, Proceedings of the Conference on Frontiers in Handwriting Recognition, Concordia University, Montreal Canada, April 2-3, 1990, pp 73-86.
Taiwanese efforts on both OCR and on-line Chinese character recognition: 5401 characters x 23 people x 10 samples each OCR, 5401 x 23 people (mixed) on-line data base collection. Later came by to visit Wang: part of five-year project, 9 people OCR, 5 on-line, first year is "find out everything there is to know"

[Hudson90] Hudson, Henry T. and Newell, G., " Integrating gesture and snapping into a user interface toolkit", in in UIST'90 (1990), ACM, pp 112-122 [Hull90] Hull, Jonathan J., Commike, A., and Ho, T.-K., "Multiple Algorithms for Handwritten Character Recognition", in Frontiers in Handwriting Recognition, C.Y. 8/25

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Suen, editor, Proceedings of the Conference on Frontiers in Handwriting Recognition, Concordia University, Montreal Canada, April 2-3, 1990, pp 117-130.
OCR for handwritten Zip codes, address blocks Description of IBM signature verification system at Federal Reserve

[IBM89a] Federal Computer Week, "Smart Signatures at Fed", Federal Computer Week, May 22, 1989, Page 1. [IBM89b] IBM Corp. Research Division, press release, "IBM Writing Interface May Replace Typing", spokesperson Gerald Present, September 1989, 914-945-3884.
Description of IBM's "paperlike interface" user interface

[IMCS90] International Machine Control Systems, "MousePen product literature", January 1990. 1332 Vendels Circle, Paso Robles, California 93446. 1-805-239-8976.
Stylus-shaped mouse with mechanical trackball: substitute for a tablet?

[Impedovo90] Impedovo, S., Castellano, M., Pirlo, G., and Dimauro, G., "An Off-line Writer Identification System Based on a Syntactic Approach", in Frontiers in Handwriting Recognition, C.Y. Suen, editor, Proceedings of the Conference on Frontiers in Handwriting Recognition, Concordia University, Montreal Canada, April 2-3, 1990, pp 53-64.
Like signature verification, but using regular hand printing (a nothing paper, looks like they had to change horses from adaptive handwriting recognition in mid-stream)

[IndustrialEE89] Industrial Electronic Engineers, Inc., "Pixie Graphic LCD Switch keyboard product literature", 1989, 7740 Lemona Ave, Van Nuys, CA 91409, 818-7870311.
User-interface item: keys with individual graphic LCD displays in the key top for relabeling the keys

[IshikawaY90] Ishikawa, Y., and Kakajima, K., "A Real Time Connected Word Recognition System", 10th International Conference on Pattern Recognition, Atlantic City, New Jersey, June 16-21, 1990.
Note on Chinese character recognition product internal to Wang

[ITRI89] ITRI, "Chinese Character Recognition", Wang Laboratories internal memorandum on discussions with Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI) in Taiwan, June 20, 1989. [Jackel89] Jackel, L.D. "VLSI Technology and Neural Network Chips", Tutorial Notes No 8, International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, Washington D.C., June 1822, 1989.
Contains examples of neural nets for handwritten numerals recognition in O.C.R.

[JohnsonJ89] Johnson, J., Roberts, T.L., Verplank, W., Smith, D.C., Irby, C.H., Beard, M., and Mackey, K., "The Xerox Star: A Restrospective", IEEE Computer, Vol 9/25

27.12.13 Annotated Bibliography in On-line Character Recognition and Pen Computing

22 No 9, September, 1989, pp 11-28.

User-interface description of the development of the Xerox Star desktop paradigm, now called ViewPoint (originally on Alto computer) Xerox Star original desktop direct-manipulation user-interface intended only for casual users Desktop metaphor for user interface is intended for office applications an publishing, not software developments (tools based) Direct-manipulation desktop user interface (no processing on files per se) is orthogonal to toolsbased user interface (UNIX/SunView Windows: any file can be operated on by any tool, even if not sensical) Clean user-interface lies more in Xerox Star details, not in features Mouse pointing input must be handled at low-level by system to prevent jerkiness, jumps, dead time as the system degrades: these (mouse or tablet or whatever) are eye-hand co-ordination devices One-button mouse (or tablet stylus) vs. two-button: fewer button confusion errors, but more increased selection errors Overlapped-windows cause users to spend time adjusting windows so they don't overlap: just use tiled windows to begin with (if the display is 17" large) Xerox Star: cites user-interface work by many others using graphical/sketch input, Xerox View Point

[JohnstonJP89] Johnston, J.P. and Russell, D.L., United States Patent 4,814,760, "Information Display and Entry Device", March 21, 1989, assigned to Wang Laboratories, Lowell, Massachusetts.
Patent on integrated tablet and display for a dynabook/electronic-ink?

[Jones89] Jones, D., Hapeshi, K., and Frankish, C., "Design guidelines for speech recognition interfaces", Applied Ergonomics, Vol 20 No 1, March 1989, pp 47-52.
Syntax (context) has profound effects on speech variability, so design user-interface to minimize effects Very important to collect samples (speech) in context for training: phonetic, semantic, and personal stress context affect variability Issues of user-interface design for task-specific, limited speech recognition

[Jourjine89] Jourjine, A.N., United States Patent 4,809,193, "Microprocessor Assemblies Forming Adaptive Neural Networks", February 28, 1989.
Cellular automaton for neural nets.

[Katsurada89] Katsurada, Morihiro, United States Patent 4,811,412, "Method of a System for Analyzing Characters", March 7, 1989, assigned to Shapr Kabushiki Kaisha, Osaka, Japan.
Segment/parse character from right and left, see if they match, if they don't, try templates

[Kensington89] Kensington Microware, Turbo "Mouse trackball product literature", 1989. 251 Park Avenue South, New York, New York 10010.
Mouse/digitizer trackball replacement products

[Khotanzad90] Khotanzad, Alireza and Hong, Yaw Hua, "Rotation invariant image 10/25

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recognition using features selected via a systematic method", Pattern Recognition, Vol 23 No 10, October 1990, pp 1089-1102.
Character recognition using rotation-invariant features - Zernike moments (what about "E" and "W"?) Rotation-invariant OCR: 84% on numeric handprinted characters, 16,550 samples, 99% on "clean" alphabetics Numeric handprinting OCR samples from Recognition Equipment, Inc. Claims 84% correct recognition rate is very effective

[Kinnucan89] Kinnucan, P., "The Versatility of Graphics Tablets", Computer Graphics Review, Vol 4 No 7, July 1989, pp 44-52.
Simple-minded review article on digitizer technologies

[Knight89] Knight, Leland, W. and Retter, Dale, "Datahand: Design, Potential Performance, and Improvements in the Computer Keyboard and Mouse", Proceedings of Human Factors Society 33rd Annual Meeting, October 16-20, 1989, Denver Colorado, pp 450-454.
Two handed mouse/keyboard user-interface combination, using the "Datahand" product

[Koezuka89] Koezuka, T., Tsukahara, H., Nakashima, M., United States Patent 4,805,224, "Pattern Matching Method and Apparatus", February 14, 1989, assigned to Fujitsu, Limited, Kawasaki, Japan.
Video pattern matching recognition using two-dimensional extracted image from frame buffer

[Kreifeldt89] Kreifeldt, J.G., Levine, S.L., and Iyengar, C., "Reduced Keyboard Designs using Disambiguation", Proceedings of Human Factors Society 33rd Annual Meeting, October 16-20, 1989, Denver Colorado, pp 441-444.
Stenotype-type user interface keyboard design: one key per finger, multiple characters per key

[Krzyzak90] Krzyzak, A., Dai, W., and Suen, C.Y., "Unconstrained Handwritten Character Classification Using Modified Backpropagation Model", in Frontiers in Handwriting Recognition, C.Y. Suen, editor, Proceedings of the Conference on Frontiers in Handwriting Recognition, Concordia University, Montreal Canada, April 2-3, 1990, pp 155-166. [Kuan89] Kuan, C-C.L. and Srihari, S.N., "Analysis of handwritten text images using run-length based algorithms", IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Recognition, to appear, 1989.

[Kulp90] Kulp, James and John, "telephone conversation", April 1990. SuperScript Incorporated, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 617-876-0787.
Working on a portable handwriting recognition product (with forms) John says they are a Symbolics spin-off: CD-ROM portable box for manuals. Did their own elastic matching: not super happy with it (using lots of context helps)


27.12.13 Annotated Bibliography in On-line Character Recognition and Pen Computing

[Kurosawa89] (*p) Kurosawa, Y., European Patent 335696, "Pattern recognition apparatus with two-part reference storage", assigned to Toshiba.
Two-level OCR recognition using contours for one level, then detailed features for final resolution Performs choice of matching pattern from among number of candidate standards preselected using partial characteristic data. Describes tablet template, side-menu touch buttons for tablet (user-interface) Kurta's cordless stylus/pen for a digitizing tablet

[Kurta89] (*p) Kurta, "Kurta IS/ONE, IS/ADB, and IS/TWO product description", Kurta Corporation, 3007 East Chambers Road, Phoenix, Arizona 85040
shows static templates GUI for picking commands in various applications

[Kurtenbach91] Kurtenbach, G. and Buxton, W., "GEdit: A test bed for editing by continuous gestures", ACM SIGCHI Bulletin, Vol 23, 1991, pp 23-26. [Kuzunuki89] (*p) Kuzunuki, Soshiro, Shojima, Hiroshi, Miura, Masaki, Mori, Junko, and Mifune, Toshimi, United States Patent 4,860,372, "Real Time Handwritten Character Input System", August 22, 1989, assigned to Hitachi, Limited, Tokyo, Japan.
User interface on keyboard emulation with handwriting input: Ward85 was cited as prior art (check US Patent category 382,13). Handwriting user interface: use a Times-square circular buffer for writing in, because written character are bigger than typed font

[LeCun90] Le Cun, Y. et al, "Constrained Neural Network for Unconstrained Handwritten Digit Recognition", in Frontiers in Handwriting Recognition, C.Y. Suen, editor, Proceedings of the Conference on Frontiers in Handwriting Recognition, Concordia University, Montreal Canada, April 2-3, 1990, pp 145-154.
In his notes, claimed neural nets can learn feature on their own: actually, his net structure, pixel resolution, etc. determined the class of features. OCR of handwritten zip codes: segmentation, "bad" samples already done. Other authors: Boxer, B., Denker, J.S., Henderson, D., Howard, R.E., Hubbard, W., Jackel, L.D., and Baird, H.S.

[LeeS89] Lee, Seongwhan, and Kim, Jin H., "Unconstrained Seal Imprint Verification using Attributed Stroke Graph Matching", Pattern Recognition, Vol 22 No 6, 1989, pp 653-664.
Like signature verification, but for the stamps/seals used in oriental/Chinese countries Spatial distributions of stroke skeletons: recognition independent of size/scale/magnification

[Legault90] Legault, R., Suen, C.Y., and Nadal, C., "Classification of Confusing Handwritten Numerals by Human Subjects", in Frontiers in Handwriting Recognition, C.Y. Suen, editor, Proceedings of the Conference on Frontiers in Handwriting Recognition, Concordia University, Montreal Canada, April 2-3, 1990, pp 181-194.
Similar to Shillman functional attribute experiments, using old zip-code samples Contains some hypothesis on distinguishing features for handwritten numerals and human recognition 12/25

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[Li89a] (*p) Li, H.F., Pao, Derek, and Jayakumar, R., "Improvements and Systolic Implementation of the Hough Transformation for Straight Line Segments", Pattern Recognition, Vol 22 No 6, 1989, pp 697-706.
Add contiguity check to Hough transform to find straight line features in a binary image: handles overlapping lines, short lines.

[Li89b] (*p) Li, H.F., Jayakumar, R., and Youssef, M., "Parallel algorithms for recognizing handwritten characters using shape features", Pattern Recognition, Vol 22 No 6, 1989, pp 641-652.
Static/OCR handwriting recognition: features are local shape, start and end points, edge types, and join relations in contours (digits only!) OCR for handwritten digits: 120 samples per digit Handwriting OCR: twelve relations for contours: compare to combinatorial explosion in Ward88? chain codes via systolic array

[Lien89] (*a) Lien, Yih-Liang L., United States Patent 4,817,187, "Apparatus and Method for Vectorization of Incoming Scanned Image Data", March 28, 1989, assigned to GTX Corporation, Phoenix, Arizona.
Patent abstract only. Curve-tracing, curve-follower, scanner algorithm for detecting lines

[Litvin89] (*p) Litvin, Y. and Kuklinski, T., "Recognitive Sciences Provides Cost Effective OCR Solutions for OEM's", company profile, Recognitive Sciences, 323 Andover Street, Wilmington, Massachusetts 01887, 1989.
Report on work by Kuklinski and Litvin at Recognitive : see also RecognitiveSciences89 Sciences.

[Logitech89] Logitech Corporation, "LogiMouse C7 Technical Reference Manual", Logitech Corporation, 1989. [LuS90] Lu, S.W. and Suen, C.Y., "Heirarchical Attributed Graph Representation and Recognition of Handwritten Chinese Characters", in Frontiers in Handwriting Recognition, C.Y. Suen, editor, Proceedings of the Conference on Frontiers in Handwriting Recognition, Concordia University, Montreal Canada, April 2-3, 1990, pp 87-100.
Chinese/Kanji OCR

[Mack89] Mack, Robert, and Lang, Kathy, "A Benchmark Comparison of Mouse and Touch Interface Techniques for an Intelligent Workstation Windowing Environment", Proceedings of Human Factors Society 33rd Annual Meeting, October 16-20, 1989, Denver Colorado, pp 325-329.
Stylus faster than keyboard for pointing (this is news?)

[Mahach89] (*p) Mahach, Karen Renee, "A Comparison of Computer Input Devices", Linus Pen, Mouse, Cursor Keys, and Keyboard", Proceedings of Human Factors Society 33rd Annual Meeting, October 16-20, 1989, Denver Colorado, pp 330-334.. 13/25

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Linus electronic ink tablet/display had low accuracy: typing faster than writing: points out that a handwriting user-interface is not really just handwriting, but a lot of menu-picking for data entry, which needs to be studied Looks like a good researcher to contact on electronic ink studies

[Marshall89] Marshall, William W. and McWhortor, William F., United States Patent 4,817,176, "Method and Apparatus for Pattern Recognition", March 28, 1989, assigned to William F. McWhortor, Fountain Hills, Arizona.
Patent abstract Character recognition from OCR using Fourier transforms, returning confidence percentage goodness based on second-best match.

[MartinGL89] Martin, Gale L., "The utility of speech input in user-computer interfaces", International Journal of Man-Machine Studies, Vol 30 No 4, April 1989, pp 355-376.
Points out that user-interface questions for speech recognition are hard to answer, because so many interaction modalities are involved Points out indirectly (for Votan) that the "perfect" recognition of 100% went down over time after training. Grand review of speech recognition in user-interfaces Speech recognition is faster than typing, and it has the advantage of being an additional channel of input besides the hands For a simplified set of commands, speech recognition and mouse clicks equally efficient Report by group at MCC Microelectronics and Computer Technology Corporation on their handwriting/speech recognition system (MAGIC) Cites a large number of studies that show speech recognition is not as good as keyboard input (!!), although this paper says speech is better

[MartinGL90a] Martin, Gale L., Leow, Wee Kheng, and Pittman, James A. "Function Complexity Effects on Backpropagation Learning", MCC Technical Report ACT-HI062-90, Microelectronics and Computer Technology Corporation, Human Interface Laboratory, 3500 West Balcones Center Drive, Austin, Texas 78758, January 1990.
Neural network report on on-line handwriting recognition Data collection of 8,600 upper-case letters from (from NCR for digits) 110 people on an integrated tablet/display, 200 points/second 1000 points/inch Training sets of 500,2500,6261 sample from different people States one needs tens of thousands of samples of handwriting data base to train a system, more than an adaptable neural net Neural nets need to be designed to detect human features, otherwise not much good

[MartinGL90b] Martin, Gale L., and Pittman, James A., "Recognizing Hand-Printed Letters and Digits Using Backpropagation Learning", MCC Non-confidential report, to appear in Advances in Neural Information Processings, D.S. Touretzky, editor, Morgan Kaufman, 1990.
Cites NCR corporation data-base of hand-printed on-line character shape collection 8,600 on-line handwriting samples from 110 people, 200 points/second at 1000 points/inch: images converted to blurred 15x24 greyscale image for static character recognition Training set of 500 to 6,300 samples, 18 people, separate from test data: human handwriting 14/25

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recognition error rate was 3.4% (compare Neisser60) Gives table of exact trade-offs between reject rate and error rate on handwriting recognition, for digits and letters separately Estimate of number of training samples needed for adaptive recognizer Credits at MCC/NCR to Dave Rumelhart, Joyce Conner, Janet Kilgore, and Kay Bauer for collection

[MCC90] MCC Microelectronics and Computer Technology Corporation, "Interactive Tablets", description of work in progress, CHI '90 Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, Seattle Washington, April 2-3, 1990. Available from Tom Parish, MCC, PO Box 200195, Austin Texas 78720, 512-343-0978.
General description of neural net character recognition, user-interface for handwriting at MCC MCC staff on handwriting/gesture user interface: Tom Parish (general), Jim Pittman and David Chapman (hardware), Gale Martin (recognition), Kent Wittenburg (interpretation), Bill Gooch (Prototypes) Working on mathematical expression user-interface stroke segmentation

[Meeks90] (*p) Meeks, M.L., and Kuklinski, T.T., "Measurement of Dynamic Digitizer Performance", to be published in Computer Processing of Handwriting, Leedham and Plamandon, editors, World Scientific, Singapore, 1990.
Report on tablet characteristics and instrumentation for measuring handwriting Describes test bed for calibrating tablet digitizers with an X/Y table

[Microslate89] Microslate "press release", Microslate, 1989.

Rumored touchscreen portable product: handwriting recognition?

[Microsoft90] (*p) Microsoft Corporation, announcement of "Windows/H" product development, PC Week "Specer F. Katt" column, April 16 1990., p. 182
Microsoft (Lloyd Frink and Marlin Eller) on Windows/H PenWindows user-interface for handwriting recognition: using "Anfa" or "Infa" company elastic matching for development

[Microtouch90] " ScreenWrite Touch Screen Performance Specifications",

Digitizer touch-screen, show calibration tablet for adjusting for regional position errors

[MingJ90] Ming, Ji, "The Statistical Information Formulation for Noisy Speech Recognition", 10th International Conference on Pattern Recognition, Atlantic City, New Jersey, June 16-21, 1990. [Mira89] (*p) Mira Imaging, Inc., "Hyperspace (tm) product literature", 1989. 969 Logan Avenue, Salt Lake City, Utah, 84105.
3-D digitizer software: works with Science Accessories, IsoTrak (Polhemus), Cyberware laser scanner, Topcon.

[Momenta89] Momenta Inc, "press release", Milpitas California, October 19, 1989.
Rumored handwriting recognition portable product

[Momenta90] (*p) Display Momenta Corporation, "What's New in Laptops and Pen 15/25

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Computing", Bill Lempesis of Dataquest, Flat Panel Display News, Vol 1 No 3, May/June 1990.
Rumors of Go Corporation, Grid, Momenta: contains a propaganda blurb from Momenta on "four waves of personal computing user-interfaces", leading up to verbal/voice recognition.

[MoriY89] Mori, Y. and Yokosawa, K., "Neural networks that learn to discriminate similar kanji characters", in Advances in neural information processing systems I, D.S. Touretzky, editor, Morgan Kaufman, 1989.

[Myers90] Myers, B.A., Guise, D., Dannenberg, R.B., Zanden, B.V., Kosbie, D., Pervin, E., Mickish, A. and Marchal, P. " Comprehensive support for graphical, highlyinteractive user interfaces: The Garnet user interface development environment", IEEE Computer, Vol 23 No 11, Nov. 1990 [Nagasawa89] (*a) Nagasawa, H., Ito, K., Horii, S., and Tanoshima, K., United States Patent 4,799,271, "Optical Character Reader Apparatus", January 17, 1989, assigned to Oki Electric Company, Limited, Tokyo, Japan.
Patent abstract only OCR character recognition matching entire words against a dictionary

[Nakamura89] (*p) Nakamura, Y., Ooi, K., and Yura, K. United States Patent 4,866,646, "Hand-held data input apparatus", September 12, 1989, assigned to Toshiba.
Patent on external handwriting recognition product with integrated tablet/display to attach to keyboard port, and voice output User-interface for electronic ink, editing documents Recognizes handwritten character data input through force/pressure sensitive tablet and sequentially stores result of character data

[Nakatani89] (*a) Nakatani, Munehiro, United States Patent 4,817,174, "Image Processing Apparatus", March 28, 1989, assigned to Minolta Camera Kabushiki Kaisha, Osaka, Japan.
Patent abstract only Edge contour/curve detection for machine vision: for focusing cameras?

[NCR90] NCR Corporation, press release, "Workstation Sales Systems to be Bought from NCR", May 15, 1990.
Press-release on NCR signature capture / handwriting electronic ink system

[Negroponte89] (*p) Negroponte, Nicholas, "A Personal Perspective: An Iconoclastic View Beyond the Desktop Metaphor", International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, Vol 1 No 1, 1989, pp 109-113.
User-interface: a desktop is NOT complete human communication: hand gestures, winks, tone of voice, context of the situation, etc.


27.12.13 Annotated Bibliography in On-line Character Recognition and Pen Computing

[Neurogen89] (*p) CAP International, Inc., "Neurogen, Inc.: Reading Numbers with Neural Networks", Market Report, October 2, 1989. Principals: Kupfersmith. One Longwater Circle, Norwell, Massachusetts, 02061, 617-982-9500.
Neurogen claims 99% correct OCR recognition on handwritten numerals, but with 30% rejection rate Report on Neurogen, other handwriting OCR recognition companies for numerals : Nestor, Hect-Nielson Neurocomputer, Siemens, REI/ Recognition Equipment Incorporated, ScanOptics, Elsag (Italy), Recognitive Sciences, Calera, Datacopy Accutext, Caere OmniPage, Calera TrueScan

[Nielsen90] Nielsen, Jakob, "Traditional Dialogue Design Applied to Modern User Interfaces", Communications of the Association for Computing Machinery, Vol 33 No 10, October 1990, pp 109-118.
Review of Freestyle, other pen and non-pen UIs: shows postage stamp feature of Freestyle for documents Says scrolling of text is bad in UI design

[Nolan89] (*p) Nolan, Peter R., "Designing Screen Icons: Ranking and Matching Studies", Proceedings of Human Factors Society 33rd Annual Meeting, October 16-20, 1989, Denver Colorado, pp 380-384.
Suggested icons for user-interface: symmetric confusions, "confusion matrix" of preferred selections

[Nunez89] (*a) Nunez, Linda Mensinger, "professional resume" for work in on-line handwriting recognition, 1989.
Resume for former employee of Nestor, Incorporated , worked on Japanese on-line handwriting recognition in 1987

[ON90] ON Technology Inc. "press release", April 24, 1990, Peter B. Miller to start handwriting recognition-base systems software company for Slate computers. [Ooi89] Ooi, K., Sasaki, H., and Ariyoshi, S., European Patent 335233 (number incorrect?), "Character recognition system", July 26, 1989, assigned to Toshiba (abstract only.
From patent abstracts Includes device for obtaining coincidence between recognition character candidates and character patterns stored in dictionary memory

[Ossner90] Ossner, J., "Transnational symbols: The rule of pictograms and models in the learning process", in "Designing User Interfaces for International Use", J. Nielsen, Ed., Elsevier Science Publishing, Amsterdam, 1990, pp 11-38. [Ovonic89] Ovonic Imaging Systems OIS, Inc., "E-Z image" and "OIS Telepad" product literature, 1989. 1896 Barrett Street, Troy, MI 48084, 313-362-3140.
Clear digitizer tablet, resistive sheet: electronic ink with integrated LCD display


27.12.13 Annotated Bibliography in On-line Character Recognition and Pen Computing

[PentlandA90] Pentland, A. and Kuo, J., "The Artist at the Interface", 10th International Conference on Pattern Recognition, Atlantic City, New Jersey, June 16-21, 1990. [PeppersNA89a] Peppers, N.A., Young, J.R., Pierce, G.A., Nishi, H., and Katsuki, K., United States Patent 4,809,344, "Apparatus for Preprocessing of Character Recognition", February 28, 1989, assigned to Nippon Sheet Glass Company, Limited, Osaka, Japan.
Segmentation in OCR scanner input for paragraphs, words picture, and individual letters, also doing character normalization.

[PeppersNA89b] Peppers, N.A., Young, J.R., Nishi, H., and Katsuki, K., United States Patent 4,817,169, "Page Segmentor", March 28, 1989, assigned to Nippon Sheet Glass Company, Limited, Osaka, Japan (abstract only).
Segmenting a document image into parts "with a single feature" as pre-processing before pattern recognition

[PersonalWriter89] (*p) Personal Writer, Inc., "Personal Writer 10SL/15SL product literature and User Manual", 1900 Avenue of the Stars, Suite 2870, Los Angeles, California 90067 (see also Anatex). 1989.
Previously called Anatex (which see) Adaptive handwriting recognition product, using a spelling dictionary

[PetersonS90] Peterson, Scott, "patent application" for Simulated Input Device User Interface, Wang Laboratories.
Patent description for Wang/Guide SID independent simulated device user-interface, application

[Plamondon89] (*p) Plamondon, R. and Lorette, G., "Automatic signature verification and writer identification -- the state of the art", Pattern Recognition, Vol 22 No 2, March 1989, pp 107-132.
Review of all current commercial and research signature verification systems -- specifically EXCLUDES patents

[Plamondon90] Plamondon, R. and Yergeau, P., "A System for the Analysis and Synthesis of Handwriting", in Frontiers in Handwriting Recognition, C.Y. Suen, editor, Proceedings of the Conference on Frontiers in Handwriting Recognition, Concordia University, Montreal Canada, April 2-3, 1990, pp 167-180. [Poqet89] Poqet Computer Corporation "press release", October 2, 1989.
Rumored portable touchscreen product: no character recognition

[Quam89] Quam, David L., Williams, George B., Agnew, Jeffery R., and Browne, Patricia C., "An Experimental Determination of Human Hand Accuracy with a DataGlove", Proceedings of Human Factors Society 33rd Annual Meeting, October 1620, 1989, Denver Colorado, pp 315-319.
Pointing accuracy with human hand, but open loop (no coupling to a tablet digitizer/display 18/25

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tracking crosshair, for example).

[RecognitiveSciences89] (*p) Recognitive Sciences, "Recognitive Sciences Provides Cost Effective OCR Solutions for OEMs", company profile, 1989. Principals: Ted Kuklinski and Yuri Litvin. 323 Andover Street, Wilmington, Massachusetts, 01887.
Kuklinski's and Yuri's O.C.R for handwritten and embossed characters

[Sabourin89] Sabourin, Robert and Plamondon, Re'jean, "Segmentation of Handwritten Signature Images: A Structural Approach", unpublished manuscript, July 26, 1989. Laboratoire Scribens, Ecole de technologie Supe'rieure, De'partement de Production Automatise'e, Montre'al, Quebec, Canada.
Reviewed for PAMI and Henry Baird: extraction of signatures from scanned documents prior to verification

[Sabourin90] (*a) Sabourin, Robert and Plamondon, Rejean, "Progress in the Field of Automatic Handwritten Signature Verification Systems Using Gray-Level Images", in Frontiers in Handwriting Recognition, C.Y. Suen, editor, Proceedings of the Conference on Frontiers in Handwriting Recognition, Concordia University, Montreal Canada, April 2-3, 1990, pp 1-12.
Signature verification with OCR: can tell photocopies from originals

[SatoK89] Sato, Koji, Kurakake, Masahiro, and Fujiwaki, Kazuo, United States Patent 4,797,940, "Optical Character Reader", January 10, 1989,assigned to Sumitomo Electric Industries, Osaka, Japan (abstract only).
Hand-held OCR scanner which can read one line at a time, with hardware to segment into separate characters

[ScanOptics90] Scan-Optics, Inc., "Easyreader 1720 OCR product", press release, February 1, 1990. [Scenario89a] Scenario, Inc. and Visible Systems Corp., "Easy Touch/Touch Translator" structured UI design tool, PC Week, Dec 4, 1989, vol 6 no 48, p 73.
Touch-screen user-interface design tool: Pen-base UI

[Scenario89] Scenario Inc, "Dynabook product announcement", October 1989, Boston, Massachusetts.
Touch-screen portable (sort of) CD-ROM product: no handwriting recognition yet.

[Shu89] Shu, Joseph Shou-Pyng, "One-pixel-wide Recognition, Vol 22 No 6, 1989, pp 665-673.

Edge Detection",


Edge detection/skeletonization/line-thinning using a 3x3 pixel filter, similar to Sobel edge detector filters, Robert 2x2 edge detectors, combined with heuristic (minimum-cost) search Edge-streak encoding, similar to chain codes for edges

[Signaware89] Signaware Corp., "software description", 1989, 300 South Duncan Avenue, Suite 273, Clearwater, Florida 34615, 813-461-4211. 19/25

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Internal Wang memo on signature verification vendors: one in Florida, one in Ireland

[Simon90] (*p) Simon, J.C. and Baret, O., "Handwriting Recognition as an Application of Regularities and Singularities in Line Pictures", in Frontiers in Handwriting Recognition, C.Y. Suen, editor, Proceedings of the Conference on Frontiers in Handwriting Recognition, Concordia University, Montreal Canada, April 2-3, 1990, pp 23-38. [Sklarew90] Sklarew, Ralph, "patent application data", U.S. Patent application on handwriting recognition user-interface.
Patent description of prior art for Linus product, Grid patent on user interfaces

[Small90] (*p) Small, Charles H., "Inexpensive software reads printed material", Electronic Design News, January 18, 1990, pp 77-86.
Review of OCR scanner companies: Caere Corporation, Inovatic, Olduvai Corporation, Xerox Imaging Systems.

[Sony90] Sony Corporation, "hand-held computer press release", March, 1990.

Hand-held slate computer product from Sony Corporation.

[Spitz89] (*p) Spitz, Gabriel, "The Preferred Pen Activation Force for the Low Resolution Freestyle Tablet", internal report 14 July, 1989, Wang Laboratories, 1 Industrial Avenue, Lowell, Massachusetts 01851.
Internal Wang report on stylus pen force/pressure for handwriting force

[Spitz90] Spitz, Gabriel, Akagi, Kenichi, "Stylus Button Location", internal report 3 January, 1990, Wang Laboratories, 1 Industrial Avenue, Lowell, Massachusetts 01851.
Internal Wang report on barrel-switch/side-button on digitizer tablet stylus

[Srihari90] Srihari, S.N., "Reading Unconstrained Handwriting with Bounded Context", in Frontiers in Handwriting Recognition, C.Y. Suen, editor, Proceedings of the Conference on Frontiers in Handwriting Recognition, Concordia University, Montreal Canada, April 2-3, 1990, pp 109-116.
Overview of some recognition context problems: project was OCR for handwritten Zip codes, address blocks

[Stentiford89] (*a) Stentiford, Frederick W.M., United States Patent 4,817,171, "Pattern Recognition System", March 28, 1989, assigned to British Telecommunications public limited company, Great Britain.
Patent abstract OCR

[Stringa90] Stringa, L., "A Structural Approach to Automatic Primitive Extraction in Hand-printed Character Recognition", in Frontiers in Handwriting Recognition, C.Y. Suen, editor, Proceedings of the Conference on Frontiers in Handwriting Recognition, 20/25

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Concordia University, Montreal Canada, April 2-3, 1990, pp 65-72. [Suen90] Suen, C.Y., Nadal, C., Mai, T.A., Legault, R. and Lam, L., "Recognition of Totally Unconstrained Handwritten Numerals Based on the Concept of Multiple Experts", in Frontiers in Handwriting Recognition, C.Y. Suen, editor, Proceedings of the Conference on Frontiers in Handwriting Recognition, Concordia University, Montreal Canada, April 2-3, 1990, pp 131-144. [Suzuki90] Suzuki, T. and Mori, S., "A Thinning Method Based on Cell Structure", in Frontiers in Handwriting Recognition, C.Y. Suen, editor, Proceedings of the Conference on Frontiers in Handwriting Recognition, Concordia University, Montreal Canada, April 2-3, 1990, pp 39-52.
Line-thinning / skeletonization

[Takahashi91] Takahashi, Toimoichi, and Kishino, Fumio, "Hand Gesture Coding Based on Experiments Using a Hand Gesture Interface Device", SIGCHI Bulletin, Vol 23 No 2, April 1991, pp 67-74.
DataGlove product used to read hand alphabet gestures for Japanese Kana

[Tappert89] Tappert, Charles C. and Jeanty, H.H., "A Study of Several AccuracyImprovement Methods for a Handwriting Recognition System", IBM Research Report, IBM T.J. Watson Research Center, P.O. Box 704, Yorktown Heights, NY 10598, November 1989.
Most promising feature algorithm for improving recognition over elastic matching is pairwise comparison (but NOT tuned by hand!) Features (beyond elastic matching) are heights of endpoints, relative stroke positions (min and max extents), line extension, relative width, etc. Most handwriting recognition error for other systems was transducer/stylus % error, user error (user wrote "wrong")! Cites on study that handwriting on integrated tablet/display (electronic ink) sloppier than on separate tablet, much sloppier than on paper

[Tappert90a] Tappert, C.C., Suen, C.Y., and Wakahara, T., "On-line Handwriting Recognition - a Survey", manuscript in preparation, to appear in IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence: C.C. Tappert, IBM T.J. Watson Research Center, Yorktown Heights, N.Y 10598.
Historical development of elastic matching for script, discrete handwriting character recognition Commercial handwriting input systems listed

[Tappert90b] Tappert, Charles C. "Rationale for Adaptive Online Handwriting Recognition", in Frontiers in Handwriting Recognition, C.Y. Suen, editor, Proceedings of the Conference on Frontiers in Handwriting Recognition, Concordia University, Montreal Canada, April 2-3, 1990, pp 13-22. [Taxt89] Taxt, Torfinn, Flynn, Patrick J., and Jain, Anil K., "Segmentation of Document Images", IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, Vol 11 No 21/25

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12, December 1989, pp 1322-1329.

Statistical classifier to separate text and background images on documents Document segmentation using contextual Bayes, Besag's, relaxation, Owen and Switzer, versus Haslett's classifiers: which is best varies

[Taxt90] Taxt, Torfinn, Olafsdottir, Jorunn B., and Daehlen, Morten, "Recognition of Handwritten Symbols", accepts for Journal of Pattern Recognition, 1990.
O.C.R. on handwriting with 98.6% and 97.7% accuracy O.C.R. of handwritten map symbols, using several edge detection, spline curve fits, Fourier expansion, and statistical classification (lower-case alphanumerics) O.C.R. of handwritten lower-case alphanumeric using circular graphs

[Teh89] Teh, Cho-Huak and Chin, Roland T., "On the Detection of Dominant Points on Digitial Curves", IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, Vol 11 No 8, August 1989, pp 859-872.
Scale-space filtering (size-dependent) of small features in machine vision Keywords: chain code, curve tracing, polygonal approximation, tangential deflection Points of high curvature are dominant features for pattern recognition Lots of references on chain codes and curve tracing for machine vision

[Termiflex89] Termiflex Corporation, "TouchGraf Keyless Keypad: the Next Generation of Flexible Terminals", 316 Daniel Webster Highway, Merrimack, NH 03054, March 1989.
Handwriting capture terminal product, separate digitizer

[Teulings90a] Teulings, H.-L., "Handwriting movement control - Research into different levels of the motor system", Doctoral Thesis, Nigmeegs Instituut voor Cognitieonderzoek en Informatietechnologie, Nijmegen, 1990. [Teulings90] Teulings, H.-L. and Schomaker, L.R.B., "A Handwriting Recognition System Based on the Properties and Architectures of the Human Motor System", in Frontiers in Handwriting Recognition, C.Y. Suen, editor, Proceedings of the Conference on Frontiers in Handwriting Recognition, Concordia University, Montreal Canada, April 2-3, 1990, pp 195-ff. [Toshiba89] (*p) Toshiba America Information Systems, Inc., "Toshiba PenPC product information", November 3, 1989, 714-455-1707.
Pre-announced portable handwriting recognition product: kludged together from Linus, other parts?

[Unser89] Unser, Michael and Eden, Murray, "Mutliresolution Feature Extraction and Selection for Texture Segmentation", IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, Vol 11 No 7, July 1989, pp 717-728.
Segmentation of textured images for machine vision: refers to Fisher's multiple linear discriminants and Karhunen-Loe`ve transform


27.12.13 Annotated Bibliography in On-line Character Recognition and Pen Computing

[VanLeeuwen89] Van Leeuwen, H.C., "A development tool for linguistic rules", Computer Speech and Language, Vol 3 No 1, January 1989, pp 83-104.
Phonology, grapheme-to-phoneme conversion rules for text-to-speech

[Vosburgh89] Vosburgh, A.M. and Brown, N.R., "Following the bouncing ball: An evaluation of a self-pacing enrollment interface for a large-vocabulary speech recognition system", Research Report RC-64372, IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center, Yorktown Heights, New York, 1989.
Brown,NR89 on user interface / enrollment for adaptive recognition

[Wacom89] Wacom, Inc., "Super Digitizer product information", West 115 Century Road, Paramus NJ 07562, August 1989.
Product literature on Wacom force/pressure-sensitive pen stylus and cordless pen stylus tablet Product literature describing Wacom cordless pen stylus using resonating coil in tablet digitizer 1986 CIC memo lists a katakana and Roman and kanji system under development

[WakimotoK90] Wakimoto, K., Shima, M., Tanaka, S., and Maeda, A., "An Intelligent User Interface to an Image Database Using a Figure Interpreation Method", 10th International Conference on Pattern Recognition, Atlantic City, New Jersey, June 1621, 1990. [Wang89] Wang, "The Wang Freestyle System" product literature
pen electronic-ink and voice annotation, no character recognition

[WangJS89] Wang, J.S., United States Patent 4,829,470, "Electronic text-graphic editing system", May 9, 1989, assigned to IBM Corporation.
Text-graphic editing system includes mixed object editor which flows text around into irregularly shaped objects on page (for a mark-up language, like runoff for text composition in documents)

[WangPSP89] Wang, P.S.P. and Zhang, Y.Y., "A Fast and Flexible Thinning Algorithm", IEEE Transactions on Computers, Vol 38 No 5, May 1989, pp 741-745.
Compares and shows results of different skeletonization/thinning algorithms for character and arbitrary shapes

[Ward90] Ward, Jean Renard, "One View of On-going Problems in Handwriting Character Recognition", in Frontiers in Handwriting Recognition, C.Y. Suen, editor, Proceedings of the Conference on Frontiers in Handwriting Recognition, Concordia University, Montreal Canada, April 2-3, 1990, pp 101-108. [Ward91] Ward, Jean Renard, "Pen-Based Products", correspondence in "ACM Forum", Communications of the Association for Computing Machinery, Vol 34 No 12, December 1991, pp 18-19.
Reply to Larry Press that Linus was not the first pen computing company

[Ware89a] (*p) Ware, Colin and Baxter, Curtis, "BAT Brushes: On the Uses of Six Position and Orientation Parameters in a Paint Program", Proceedings of 1989 CHI 23/25

27.12.13 Annotated Bibliography in On-line Character Recognition and Pen Computing

conference, 1989, pp 155-160.

User-interface on simulating a brush with a stylus using stylus rotation angle, x/y/z digitizer tablet

[Ware89b] Ware, Colin and Jessome, D, "Using the Bat: A Six-Dimensional Mouse for Object Placement", to appear in IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, November 1989.

[Weideman89] Weideman, W.E., Manry, M.T. and Yau, H.C., "A comparison of nearest neighbor classifier and a neural network for numeric handprint character recognition", IEEE International Conference on Neural Networks, Washington, D.S., 1989.

[Wolf89] Wolf, Cathy G., Rhyne, J.R., and Ellozy, H.A., "The paper-like interface", in "Designing and Using Human-Computer Interfaces and Knowledge-Based Systems", G. Salvendy and M.J. Smith, Eds., Elsevier Science Publishers, Amsterdam, 1989, pp 494-501. [Yamada89] (*p) Yamada, K., Kami, H., Tsukumo, J., and Temma, T., "Handwritten Numeral Recognition by Multi-layered Neural Network with Improved Learning Algorithm", Proceedings of International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, Washington, D.C., June 18-22, 1989, Vol II pp 259-266.
OCR for handwritten numerals using neural network Gives samples of low-quality, but real-world handwriting test data for numerics for OCR

[Yamaguchi89] *A Yamaguchi, Mikio and Sato, Koji, United States Patent 4,817,185, "Optical Character Reader", March 28, 1989, assigned to Samitomo Electric Industries, Limited, Osaka, Japan.
Patent abstract only Hand-held scanner for reading price tags

[Yoshimura91] Yoshimura, I. and Yoshimura, M., "Off-Line Writer Verification Using Ordinary Characters as the Object", Pattern Recognition, Vol 24 No 9, September 1991, pp 909-915.
Writer (not just signature) recognition in Japanese Kanji writing: OCR skeletonization based: claims 99.5% accuracy: uses arcs and angles/vectors

[Yu90] Yu, Shiaw-Shian and Tsai, Wen-Hsiang, "A new thinning algorithm for grayscale images by the relaxation technique", Pattern Recognition, Vol 23 No 10, October 1990 pp 1067-1077.
Uses chain codes context to preserve line straightness in line thinning: for sketch recognition? Straightness of lines very important in Chinese/Kanji character recognition

[Zhuang89] Zhuang, X., Haralick, R.M., and Joo, H., "A Simplex-Like Algorithm for the 24/25

27.12.13 Annotated Bibliography in On-line Character Recognition and Pen Computing

Relaxation Labeling Process", IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, Vol 11 No 12, December, 1989, pp 1316-1321. Main Reference Page


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The publication of this bibliography on the World-Wide-Web is a work in progress .... This compilation is copyright Jean Renard Ward, 1996, 1999.

[Aleksander84a] *A Aleksandr, I. and Albrow, R.C., "Adaptive logic circuits", (publisher unknown), pp 65-71.
Source unknown: check for reference in Aleksander84

[Apte93] Apte, A. and Kimura, T.D., "A Comparison Sutidy of the Pen and the Mouse in Editing Graphic Diagrams", Proc IEEE 1993 Symposium on Visual Languages, 1993, Bergen, Norway, pp 352-357
Citrin86 sites for single-stroke graphical editing gestures

[Brown??] Brown, United States Patent 4,491,960, "(title)"

on OCR of handwriting?

[Castleberry??] Castleberry, United States Patent 4,520,357, "(title)"

Sklarew cites as electroscopic tablet/display integrated device

[Citrin96] (*p) Citrin, Wayne and Gross, Mark D., "Distributed Architecture for PenBased Input and Diagram Recognition", Research Report, Dept. Of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Univ. of Colorado, Boulder CO USA,
PDA-based diagram editor with single-stroek gestures Co-operative drawing surface (whiteboard system using Apple Newtons)

[ClarkeJ97] (*p) Clarke, J. " Shorthand for the Palmpilot?", posting to newsgroup alt.comp.sys.palmtops.pilot, 09/13/1997, available at
Review of Gregg and Pitman shorthand, and the fact that all experienced practitioners use special single-stroke forms for common words, phrases, pages of text

[DunnRankin7X] Dunn-Rankin, Peter, "The Visual Characteristics of Words", Scientific American, 196?.
Word recognition in humans (graphical word context)

[Ehrich??] Ehrich, Roger W., "A Contextual Post-Processor for Cursive Script Recognition - Summary". (reference not known) [GoldbergD91] Goldberg, D. and Goodman, A., " Stylus User Interfaces for 1/5

27.12.13 Annotated Bibliography in On-line Character Recognition and Pen Computing

Manipulating Text" Proceedings of the Fourth ACM SIGGRAPH Symposium on User Interface Technology (UIST'91), 127 - 135 Cited by Bill Buxton [GoldbergD93] Goldberg, D. and Richardson, C. "Touch typing with a stylus" SIGGRAPH Video Review 88, New York: ACM., 1993. [Jourjine89] Jourjine, Alexander, United States Patent 4,809,193, "Microprocessor assemblies forming adaptive neural network" (no date) [Jourjine90] Jourjine, Alexander, United States Patent 4,967,369, "Variable capacity transmission medium" [Jourjine91] Jourjine, Alexander, United States Patent 4,996,648 "Neural network using random binary code" [Jourjine93] Jourjine, Alexander, United States Patent 5,224,066, " Method and apparatus for parallel implementation of neural networks"
Alex Jourjine had a very interesting user-independent cursive handwriting recognizer, without use of a vocabulary dictionary

[Karnaugh??] Karnaugh, M., Kurtzberg, J.M., and Tappert, C.C., "Improved Parameter Set for Adaptive Symbol Recognition". (reference not known) [Kuipers??] Polhemus, United States Patent 4,017,858.
From a old list of Polhemus patents

[Kundu??] Kundu, Amlan, He, Yang, and Bahl, Paramvir, "Recognition of Handwritten Words: First and Second Order Hidden Markov Model Based Approach". (reference not known) [Kurtzberg??] Kurtzberg, J.M., "Feature Analysis for Symbol Recognition by Elastic Matching". (reference not known) [Lerner??] (*p) Understanding speech proves tough task for machines " (reference not known, date uncertain: 80s?) [Lettera??] Lettera, C., Masera, L., Paoli, C. and Proinelli, R., "Use of a Dictionary in Conjunction with a Handwritten Text Recognizer". (reference not known) [Lipscomb91] Lipscomb, James S, "A Trainable Gesture Recognizer", Pattern Recognition, Vol 24 No 9, September 1991, pp 895 to 907.
Angle filtering and multi-scale/step gesture recognition Angle filtering very non-invariant recognition, so funny scaling was required Copy/move using gesture recognition without separate vector part of move: just two circles and arc between as one stroke Gestures have semantic effect (they do something), are single, so a recognition speed delay 2/5

27.12.13 Annotated Bibliography in On-line Character Recognition and Pen Computing

less critical than with handwriting character recognition

[Mandler??] Mandler, Eberhard, "Advanced Preprocessing Technique for On-Line Script Recognition of Nonconnected Symbols". (reference not known) [Nakata??] (*p) Nakata, K., Nakano, Y., and Uchikura, Y, "Recognition of Chinese Characters", pp 45-52, journal ?? OCR by projecting in X and in Y direction for histogram [OkaM7X] Oka, Masatomo and Yasuhara, Makoto, "Signature Verification Experiment based on Nonlinear Time Alignment: A Feasibility Study", unpublished manuscript, 197?.
Dynamic time-warping / non-linear time alignment via dynamic programming for signature verification

[Pavesic??] Pavesic, Nokola and Gyergyek, Ludvik, "Recognition of Writer of Handwritten Texts". (reference not known) [PenComputing96?] (*p) Pen Computing magazine, " Handwriting Recognition", 1996(?), Review of Unistroke
recognition, PDA products and technology (HWX), mentions UNIPEN / JOT electronic-ink format

[PepperW??a] Pepper, William Jr., United States Patent 4,129,747. [PepperW??b] Pepper, William Jr., United States Patent 4,198,539. [PepperW??c] Pepper, William Jr., United States Patent 4,293,734. [PepperW??d] Pepper, William Jr., United States Patent 4,302,011. [PepperW??e] Pepper, William Jr., United States Patent 4,353,522. [PepperW??f] Pepper, William Jr., United States Patent 4,371,746. [PepperW??g] Pepper, William Jr., United States Patent 4,430,917. [Polhemus??] Polhemus, United States Patent 3,686,378.
From a old list of Polhemus patents

[Rubincam??] Rubincam, United States Patent 4,159,417.

on a portable electronic book, with user interface (no computer)

[Rubine91] (*p) Rubine, D., "Specifying gestures by example", ACM SIGGRAPH '91 Proceedings, Computer Graphics Vol 25 No 4, 1991, pp 328-337. trainable, singlestroke gestures, single-stroke X and delete symbols, using hotspots, etc.

[Rubine91a] Rubine, D., "The Automatic Recognition of Gestures", PhD Thesis, 3/5

27.12.13 Annotated Bibliography in On-line Character Recognition and Pen Computing

Carnegie Mellon University, 1991. [Rubine91b] Rubine, D., " Integrating gesture recognition and direct manipulation", Proc. of the summer '91 USENIX Technical Conference, 1991 [Sejnowski???] Sejnowski, Terrence, J. and Rosenberg, Charles R., "NETtalk: A Parallel Network that Learns to Read Aloud". (reference not known) [Sejnowski??] Sejnowski, Terrance and Rosenberg, Charles, "Parallel Networks that Learn to Pronounce English Text". (reference not known) [ShawJC??] Shaw, J.C., Newell, A., Simon, H.A., and Ellis, T.O., "A Command Structure for Complex Information Processing", RAND Corporation, Santa Monica, California, Report No P-1277; PB-164 088 (abstract only).
NTIS citation index Mathematical expression parsing user-interface? Obscured tip on SRI pen SRI dynamic pen design: see Crane75.

[Srihari??] Srihari, Sargur N. and Bozinovic, Radmilo, "Use of Knowledge in the Visual Interpretation of Cursive Script". (reference not known) [Tappert?????] Tappert, C.C. "A Divide-and-Conquer Cursive Script Recognizer". (reference not known) [Tappert????] Tappert, C.C. and Das, Subratta K., "Memory and Time Improvements in a Dynamic Programming Algorithm for Matching Speech Patterns". (reference not known) [Tappert???] Tappert, C.C., and Kurtzberg, J.M., "Elastic Matching for Handwritten Symbol Recognition". (reference not known) [Tappert??] Tappert, C.C., "Speed, Accuracy, Flexibility Trade-Offs in On-Line Character Recognition". (reference not known) [Unknown??a] (Unknown), United States Patent 3,713,100, "(title)",
on segmentation combined with character recognition

[Unknown??b] (Unknown), United States Patent 3,621,720, "(title)",

Herbst76 on signature verification using force vs. time

[Unknown??c] (Unknown), United States Patent 3,113,461 "(title)",

Herbst76 on signature verification using force vs. time

[Unknown??d] (Unknown), United States Patent 3,699,517, "(title)",

Herbst76 on signature verification using force, velocity, pen lifts, correlations AMONG them, 4/5

27.12.13 Annotated Bibliography in On-line Character Recognition and Pen Computing

[WangPSP8?] Wang, P.S.P., "A New Approach for Chinese Handwriting Recognition", International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence, Vol ? No ?, pp 373-379.
On-line (D.C.R.) recognition with very little system training/learning for Chinese Chinese recognition using stroke angles in 22.5 degree ranges

[Whitrow??] Whitrow, R. and Higgins, C., "The Application of n-grams for Script Recognition". (reference not known) [ZhaoR93] Zhao, R, " Increment Recognition in Gesture-Based and Syntax-Directed Diagram Editors" Proceedings of INTERCHI, April 1993, Amsterdam, pp 95-11. Main Reference Page


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