Robot Finalreport

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Robotic Landmine Detector Final Report

ECE 290 Fall 2004

Team 9:
Nicholas Young Chengkai Hsiao Keron Henry Ryan Singh

!ro"# Ra$eev %ansal

&e'ar()en( o" Elec(rical and Co)'u(er Engineering

Table of Content
Executive Summary pa!e " Statement of #eed pa!e" $ro%ect Specs&Tec'nical Specs pa!e (

$reliminary Desi!npa!e ()* Final Desi!n pa!e * C'assis pa!e + ,otors pa!e +)-

.atteries pa!e / ,ar0 1rea pa!e 9 Landmine&,etal Detector pa!e 9)23 ,icrocontroller pa!e 23)2"

Testin! pa!e 2( Timeline pa!e 2( .ud!et pa!e 2* Conclusion pa!e 2* Data S'eet pa!e 2+

Reference pa!e 2-

Ro+o(ic ,and)ine &e(ec(or !ro$ec(

Executive Summary
-his 'ro$ec( involves designing and cons(ruc(ing a ro+o(ic vehicle (ha( .ill scan a 'rede(er)ined area and de(ec( any land)ines (ha( )igh( +e 'resen(# -he 'ri)ary areas +eing searched .ill +e sandy and rough (errain/like environ)en(# 0'on de(ec(ing a land)ine (he ro+o( .ill )ark (he loca(ion .here (he land)ine is de(ec(ed# -his ro+o( .ill +e au(ono)ously naviga(ed +y (he use o" a !1C )icrocon(roller# -.o in(ernal &C 2o(ors .ill drive (he ro+o(# Each )o(or .ill connec( (o a .heel cou'led .i(h ano(her (o "acili(a(e )o(ion# -he ro+o(3s elec(rical sys(e) .ill con(rol (he ro+o( (o s(o' u'on de(ec(ion o" a )ine and )ark (he loca(ion .here (he )ine .as de(ec(ed# -he sys(e) .ill (hen ena+le (he ro+o( (o con(inue scanning (he area un(il ano(her )ine is de(ec(ed and (he rou(ine con(inues#

Statement of #eed
,and)ines are e""icien( .ea'on used +y a''ro4i)a(ely 45 coun(ries (hroughou( (he .orld# 6ver *00 co)'anies are s(ill 'roducing land)ines# -hese .ea'ons have a li"es'an (ha( is "ar +eyond )os( o" (he con"lic( (hey are de'loyed "or# -here"ore7 (hese .ea'ons .ill (y'ically end u' killing nu)erous civilians a"(er (he con"lic( (han soldiers# 1( is es(i)a(ed (ha( 80 'eo'le are killed or in$ured +y land)ines everyday (hroughou( (he .orld# Anyone .ho "alls vic(i) (o a land)ine .ill only have a 90: chance o" survival and even i" an individual does survive7 (hey .ill su""er grea( 'ersonal and long/(er) in$uries# -he de(ec(ion and re)oval o" land)ines 'osses a "or)ida+le challenge (o (he .orld7 and (here e4is(s a need "or a device (ha( can "ind )ines +e"ore (hey clai) ano(her vic(i)# &ue (o (he .ides'read usage o" land)ines7 (here are )any diverse environ)en(s (ha( a de(ec(ion device .ould have (o +e a+le (o .ork in# Also7 due (he )any di""eren( varia(ions and de'(h o" )ines7 (he device used (o de(ec( (hese )ines .ould have (o +e 'recise and +e a+le (o 'ene(ra(e various diverse environ)en(s# ;

$ro%ect Description&Components
$ro%ect Specifications
-he elec(rical engineering de'ar()en( o" (he 0niversi(y o" Connec(icu( re<uires (he design o" an o'era(ional 'ro(o(y'e o" a ro+o(ic land)ine de(ec(or# -he land)ine de(ec(or .ill "ind land)ines (ha( are cons(ruc(ed o" )e(al# %y .here (he land)ine is7 a (rained 'ro"essional can disar) and re)ove (he )ine "ro) (he ground# -he land)ine de(ec(or .ill o'era(e in a sandy environ)en( (ha( is charac(eri=ed as +eing rela(ively "la(# -he ro+o( )us( have an in(ernal )o(or (o "acili(a(e )o(ion cou'led .i(h ei(her .heels or a (rack and (hese )o(ors .ill +e con(rolled +y (he )icrocon(roller# 1( is also necessary "or (he ro+o( (o have an elec(rical sys(e) (ha( .ill s(o' (he ro+o( .hen a )ine is "ound#

-echnical S'eci"ica(ions
,oca(ion -e)'era(ure range S(orage -e)' >i+ra(ions 2ois(ure &ura+ili(y ?eigh( Cos( re<uire)en( Area covered &eser( (errain and sandy environ)en( ;0/ **0F /90 /*90 F ?i(hs(and +eing dro''ed "ro) *#9 "( Can .i(hs(and +eing .e( on (he e4(erior +u( no( (o (he in(erior )echanics and circui(ry -rans'or(ed .i(h )ini)al roughness ?i(hs(and +eing carried +y 2 heal(h individual ?i(hin (he ECE de'ar()en( 29 )e(er s<uared in less (han * hour7 due (o +a((ery li"e

System 4vervie5 $reliminary Desi!n

6riginally (he (ea) decided on having a ro+o(ic vehicle (ha( .ill consis( o" (racks# ?e .an(ed (o i)'le)en( (racks +ecause o" (he sandy (errain (he vehicle .ill +e

o'era(ed in# A"(er doing research and (rying (o loca(e (racks .e did no( co)e u' .i(h (oo )any o'(ions# 2os( individuals using (racks "or (heir ro+o(s (oday cons(ruc( (he) "ro) ru++er and .ires7 .hich is (i)e consu)ing# ?e .an(ed (o "ocus )os( o" our research and design on 'rogra))ing (he )icrocon(roller and (he )e(al de(ec(or and no( (he (racks# -hrough so)e research .e "ound (ha( i" .e use .heels (ha( are +ig enough (ha( (hey .ill naviga(e (hrough sandy environ)en( .i(h no 'ro+le)s7 so .e decided (o use 4 large (ires ins(ead o" (he (racks# Also (he original )icrocon(roller (ha( .as going (o +e used .as (he !1C*@F584 used in ECE 2@@ and 'rogra))ed using asse)+ly language# Ho.ever7 nei(her o" (he )e)+ers o" (he grou' is co)"or(a+le 'rogra))ing using asse)+ly language so .e decided (o look a( so)e o(her o'(ions# A"(er doing so)e research .e "ound (he 66!ic )icrocon(roller7 .hich is 'rogra))a+le in C7 Aava7 or %asic and sounded like a )ore o''or(une o'(ion# -his )icrocon(roller also has an 1B6 vol(age regula(or7 .hich .ould +e convenien( "or our design# Ano(her change (ha( .e )ade (o (he design .as using a re)o(e# ?e .ere going (o use a re)o(e con(roller +ecause o" our )ini)al e4'erience .i(h 'rogra))ing (he !1C*@F5847 +u( a"(er changing (o (he 66!ic .e can eli)ina(e (he re)o(e con(rol and )ake (he ro+o( co)'le(ely au(ono)ous#

Final Desi!n
-he land)ine de(ec(or consis(s o" "ive )a$or su+sec(ions including vehicle chassis7 +a((eries7 )o(ors7 )e(al de(ec(or circui(ry7 and a !1C 2icrocon(roller# .loc0 Dia!ram

24> *900 )AHr Ni2H %a((ery !ack

1C;2! Cear 2o(ors

!ain( valve

Cold!1C 11 !1 2e(al &e(ec(or 66!1C 11 2icrocon(roller

-he +ody o" (he ro+o( .ill +e cons(ruc(ed .i(h acrylic )a(erial# -he di)ensions are *4D 4 *5D# ?e chose (his )a(erial +ecause i( is easy (o .ork .i(h and ligh(.eigh(7 .hich is .ha( .e .an( +ecause .e are o'era(ing in sandy environ)en(# ?e also had (he choice o" using !le4iglas +u( o(hers e4'erience .i(h !le4iglas is (ha( i( is very di""icul( (o .ork .i(h and i( sha((ers i" no( drilled 'ro'erly# ?e could have also used alu)inu) +u( (ha( )igh( in(er"ere .i(h (he )e(al de(ec(or circui(ry and .e did no( .an( (o (ake (he risk# -he .heels (ha( .e are using are ;#9 inch in dia)e(er7 .hich is +ig enough (o (raverse (hrough sand and rough (errain# -hese .heels also co)e .i(h a .heel encoder (o "acili(a(e naviga(ion#

,otors -he )o(ors .ill +e used (o 'hysically naviga(e our ro+o( around +y driving "our .heels# ?e have decided (o use (.o )o(ors .here each )o(or .ould ' one .heel cou'led .i(h ano(her# ?hen .e .ere e4'loring o'(ions in regards (o .ha( kind o" )o(or .ill +e used7 .e (hough( (ha( ei(her &C )o(ors or s(e''er )o(ors .ould )ake (he +es( choices# -his .as due (o (he "ac( (ha( (he ro+o( .ill +e carrying all o" i(s ' on +oard in (he "or) o" +a((eries# -here"ore7 i( .ould +e illogical (o choose a )o(or (ha( does no( use &C7 i" an AC )o(or .ere chosen7 (hen (he )o(or .ould re<uire an e4(ra circui( (o change "ro) &C (o AC# (ha( &C )o(ors and s(e''er )o(ors .ould 'rovide (he +es( o'(ions7 .e (hen looked a( each (y'e o" )o(ors charac(eris(ics o" o'era(ion# 6+viously7 .i(hin (he general (i(le o" &C )o(ors (here e4is(s a .ide varie(y o" su+se(s +u( (he chie" (y'es @

consis( o" 'er)anen( )agne(s and "ield coil# 1n general7 &C )o(ors are charac(eri=ed +y 'ossessing high (or<ue "ro) s(ands(ill and are easily con(rolled +y varying (he a''lied vol(age# A &C )o(or .i(h a 'er)anen( )agne( see)s like a +e((er choice due (o (he "ac( (ha( i( is ligh(er (han a &C )o(or .i(h a "ield coil# -he s(e''er )o(or also 'rovides )any advan(ages7 such as i(s 'recise s'eed con(rol7 and a large a)oun( o" (or<ue# -he only disadvan(age is (ha( i( re<uires a s.i(ching circui(# ?i(h (hese ideas in )ind7 .e ca)e (o (he conclusion (ha( a &C )o(or .i(h a 'er)anen( )agne( .ould 'rovide (he +es( resul(s# -his .as due (o (he "ac( (ha( .e .ill no( need (he 'recision o" a s(e''er )o(or and +y using a &C )o(or .i(h a 'er)anen( )agne( .e .ill ge( ade<ua(e enough (or<ue "or our ro+o(# Also7 i)'le)en(ing our design .i(h &C )o(ors as a''ose (o s(e''er )o(ors avoids o(her circui(s (o +e +uil(7 (hus kee'ing our design si)'le# -he &C )o(ors .e .ill use "or our design are (he 24>&C *90/R!2 1C;2! Cear 2o(or sho.n +elo.#

Fi! 3 67"3$ 7ear ,otor

7rap' 2 Tor8ue & Current Curves for 67"3$ 7ear ,otor 92 lb is :(*" !rams; -he chassis o" our ro+o( .ill .eigh( a+ou( 2 l+ and in addi(ion .i(h (he o(her 'ar(s o" our design (he overall .eigh( o" (he ro+o( .ill +e close (o (he ideal o'era(ion charac(eris(ics o" (hese &C )o(ors# %y o'era(ing (he 1C;2! Cear 2o(or a( (he curren( (ha( +es( correla(es .i(h (he .eigh( o" (he ro+o( .e .ill achieve (he (or<ue and s'eed (ha( .e desired "ro) (hese )o(ors# .atteries -here are a .ide varie(y o" +a((eries (o choose "ro)# -o narro. our search7 .e .an(ed a +a((ery (ha( .ould +e rechargea+le due (o (he "ac( (ha( .e .ill +e 'er"or)ing e4(ensive (es(ing on (he ro+o( and i( .ill +e cos(ly (o re'lace +a((eries a"(er ever run# Also7 ano(her +ene"i( (o using rechargea+le +a((eries is (he "ac( (ha( (hey are )ore econo)ical (han o(her +a((eries in (he long run# -he (.o )os( co))on rechargea+le +a((eries are Nickel/cad)iu) ENiCadF or Nickel/)e(al Hydride ENi2HF# Nickel/ Cad)iu) +a((eries .ere "ound (o have )e)ory 'ro+le)s# 1" you consis(en(ly (o''ed o"" a NiCad +a((ery .hen i( .as only 'ar(ially discharged7 (he +a((ery .ould <uickly lose i(s "ull original ca'aci(y# %ecause o" (his )e)ory issue .e decided (o use (he Ni2H +a((ery 'ack "or use in our design# ?e .ill use a 24> *900 )AHr Ni2H %a((ery !ack as sho.n +elo.#

Fi! " 3(< 2*== m1>r #i,> .attery $ac0 -he +a((eries are arranged in a 24*0 array o" AA +a((eries in(erconnec(ed +y soldered s(ri's and covered .i(h !>C .ra''ing# -hese +a((eries are convenien( due (o (heir co)'ac( 'ackaging7 reducing (he hassle o" recharging individual +a((eries# ,ar0 1rea -he 'ain( 'or(ion o" our design .ill +e used as (he )eans (o )ark (he s'o( o" (he )ine# -o do (his7 .e .ill use a 'las(ic line connec(ed a( one end (o a s)all con(ainer o" 'ain( and a( (he o(her end 'laced in (he )iddle o" (he )e(al de(ec(ors coil# ?hen )e(al is de(ec(ed7 and (he user kno.s a+ou( .here (he )e(al is7 he or she .ill "li' a s.i(ch in order (o allo. 'ain( (o dri' ou( on (o (he sand# !ain( .ill dri' ou( +ecause .e .ill allo. air (o "lo. in(o (he 'ain( con(ainer and gravi(y .ill (hen +e a+le (o dra. (he 'ain( ou(# Landmine&,etal Detection Al(hough no( all land)ines are )ade o" )e(al7 (hose (ha( have )e(al casing or have su+s(an(ial )e(allic con(en( are a)ong (he 'revalen( in )os( )ine"ields# -he de(ec(ion o" land)ines )ade o" )a(erials o(her (han )e(allic re<uires )any (y'es o" sensors and de(ec(ion (echnologies such as (her)al7 che)ical7 or ground 'ene(ra(ing radar i)aging# -hey 'ose a grea( deal o" co)'le4i(y "or land)ine de(ec(ion# Ho.ever7 )e(al/ cased land)ines can +e de(ec(ed <ui(e readily .i(h a )e(al de(ec(or# Non/)e(allic cased )ines such as 'las(ic )ines con(ain varying degrees o" )e(al# 1( is s(ill 'ossi+le (o +e de(ec(a+le i" (he "use is )ade o" )e(al7 +u( i" only (he de(ona(ing (u+e and "iring 'in

E.eighing a''ro4i)a(ely 0#@ g in an 2*47 and even lessG0#;9 gra)sGin a !2A;F are )e(al7 i( .ould +e di""icul( (o de(ec(# 1ncreasing (he sensi(ivi(y o" (he )e(al de(ec(or )ay allo. us (o de(ec( (he "iring 'in .hen ad$us(ed a''ro'ria(ely# Ho.ever7 (his .ould cause (he sensor (o 'ick u' undesired s)all )e(al o+$ec(s7 .hich in (urn resul(s in a high "alse alar) ra(e# Never(heless7 )e(al de(ec(ors re)ain (he )os( .idely used (ool in (he de(ec(ion o" land)ines# -here"ore7 due (o (he li)i(a(ions o" various "ac(ors including our +udge( and (o 'reven( over/co)'le4i(y o" our 'ro$ec(7 .e have decided (o )ake our ro+o(ic land)ine de(ec(or (o +e one (ha( "inds )e(allic land)ines ra(her (han (hose (ha( are )ade o" any o(her )a(erials#

Fi! ( 7arrett $6 ,etal Detector -here are various )e(hods and (echnologies used "or )e(al de(ec(ion# -hree o" (he )os( used are very lo. "re<uency E>,FF7 +ea( "re<uency oscilla(ion E%F6F7 'ulse/ induc(ion E!1F# >,F )e(al de(ec(or is (he )os( co))only used )e(al de(ec(or# 1( relies on 'hase shi"(ing (o de(ec( )e(al# 6+$ec(s .i(h high induc(ance have larger 'hase shi"( +u( are slo. (o reac( (o curren( change7 .hile (hose .i(h high resis(ance have s)aller 'hase shi"( and are "as(er (o reac(# >,F uses (his 'ro'er(y (o discri)ina(e )os( )e(als (ha( vary +o(h in induc(ance and resis(ance# -he )os( +asic .ay (o de(ec( )e(al is (o use %F6# %F6 has coils (ha( are connec(ed (o an oscilla(or (ha( genera(es 'ulses in (he kiloher(= range# -he )agne(ic "ield caused +y (he curren( " (hrough (he coil crea(es %/"ield in (he o+$ec( and (hen in(er"eres .i(h (he "re<uency o" (he oscilla(or# -his devia(ion in


"re<uency allo.s %F6 )e(al de(ec(or (o de(er)ine (he o+$ec( is )e(allic# Ho.ever7 %F6 does no( have (he sa)e level o" con(rol in (er)s o" sensi(ivi(y +ased on i(s "unc(ionali(y# !1 )e(al de(ec(ors7 unlike >,F3s7 use a single coil (o +o(h (rans)i( elec(ro)agne(ic 'ulse and receive any de(ec(ed induced eddy curren( +y (he 'ulse in (he underground )e(al o+$ec(s# -his (echnology is .idely used +y ho++yis(s as coin de(ec(ors on (he +each and is co))ercially availa+le# A"(er researching and co)'aring (hese (hree (y'es o" )e(hods7 .e have "ound (he !1 sensors are +e((er in areas (ha( have highly conduc(ive )a(erials in (he soil and (he general environ)en(# -he 'ulse/e)i((ed signals can 'ene(ra(e dee'er and cover larger areas in less (i)e .i(hou( )issing dee'ly +uried o+$ec(s# -he "ac( (ha( (his (y'e o" )e(al de(ec(or is availa+le co))ercial "acili(a(ed our decision (o go .i(h (he !1 )e(al de(ec(or#

Fi! * 7old$ic " $6 ,etal Detector Circuit -he )e(al de(ec(or o" choice .as (he Cold!ic ; !ulse 1nduc(ion 2e(al &e(ec(or# ?e have selec(ed (his 'ar(icular )e(al de(ec( circui( +ecause o" i( is easy (o +uild and )uch )ore ine4'ensive (han (o 'urchase a "ully "unc(ional )e(al de(ec(or such as (he Carre(( !1 )e(al de(ec(or seen in EFig 4F# ?i(h (he Cold!ic ; !1 )e(al de(ec(or7 .e are a+le (o ad$us( (he sensi(ivi(y o" (he de(ec(or (o sui( our 'ur'ose o" land)ine de(ec(ion# ?e .ill also have (he "le4i+ili(y o" )aking our o.n sha"( and search coil (ha( .ould +e a''ro'ria(e "or our ro+o(# -he sugges(ed coil consis(s o" 28 -urns o" 0#9)) ena)eled single s(rand co''er .ire .i(h a dia)e(er o" *90))# E8#@ inchesF# -he reco))ended )e(hod o" .inding (he coil is *# &ra. a *90 )) dia)e(er circle on a 'iece o" .ood or +oard#


2# Knock in a s)all nail every ;0)) around (he circu)"erence o" (he circle# -he nails should slan( ou( o" (he circle +y a "e. degrees# ;# ?ind e4ac(ly 28 (urns around (he nails7 "lush .i(h (he +oard# ,eave HB/ *0c) long "lying leads "or soldering (o a( (he s(ar( and "inish o" (he .inding# 4# !ull ou( every o(her nail# 9# 0sing (.ine and a needle7 Ise.3 a s'iral o" (.ine around (he coil7 (igh(ly grou'ing (he .indings (oge(her# Fas(en (he ends +y kno((ing# @# Re)ove (he re)aining nails# 8# Add ano(her (igh( s'iral o" (.ine and secure (he "lying leads in 'lace# ?e .ill +e e4'eri)en(ing and ad$us(ing (he sensi(ivi(y o" our )e(al de(ec(or e4(ensively as soon as .e receive (he 'ar(s# Central Controls&,icrocontroller -he +rain o" our ro+o( .ill +e (he !1C )icrocon(roller# -he !1C .ill +e (he cen(ral con(rol "or (he )e(al de(ec(or and (he )o(ors# -he &C )o(ors7 'ain( valve and (he )e(al de(ec(or .ill +e in(er"aced .i(h (he !1CJ .hen (he ro+o( is in )o(ion and a )ine is de(ec(ed (he !1C .ill 'ro)'( (he )o(ors (o s(o'# -he 'ain( valve .ill (hen o'en7 )arking (ha( s'o( as a ha=ard area "or a 'o(en(ial )ine# A"(er )arking (ha( loca(ion7 (he ro+o( .ill (urn le"( or righ( de'ending on curren( 'osi(ionJ i( .ill (hen con(inue (o scan (he area# -hese "unc(ions .ill +e carried ou( +y )eans o" (he !1C )icrocon(roller# -he !1C (ha( .e chose "or (he design is (he 66!ic 117 .hich can +e seen +elo.#


Fi! + 44$6C 66 ,icrocontroller -his )icrocon(roller .as chosen "or several reasons# 6ne reason is +ecause o" i(s o+$ec(/ orien(ed language# -his !1C can +e 'rogra))ed in C7 or Aava7 and since one )e)+er o" (he grou' is a CSE )a$or and (he o(her )e)+ers are "a)iliar .i(h C i( .as an o+vious choice# -his "a)iliari(y .i(h (he C co)'iler .ill allo. us (o 'rogra) (he !1C <uickly us )ore (i)e "or (es(ing (he individual co)'onen(s and associa(ed 'rogra)s# Ano(her 'rac(ical reason "or using (his !1C is (ha( (he 6+$ec(s .i(hin (he 66!ic can +e connec(ed (oge(her (o crea(e a >ir(ual Circui(# -his vir(ual circui( o'era(es in (he +ackground as your 'rogra) (ends (o o(her (asks# -he 'rogra)s can even +e Even(/ &riven +y (ying 'rogra))ed 'rocedures in(o (he vir(ual circui(s (o (rigger in(erru'(s# Any !1C .here (he in(erru'(s can +e easily con(rolled .ould +e ideal "or ro+o(ics 'ro$ec(s# -he 66!ic 11 o+$ec( orien(ed )icrocon(roller is (he 'ri)ary 2C0 o" our design# -he 66!ic .ill con(rol (he !?2 con(rolling (he )o(ors and (he valve (o )ark (he loca(ion o" (he )ineJ i( .ill (ake (he in'u(s "ro) (he )e(al de(ec(or circui(ry#


FIG 7. Schematic of OOPic II Input/Output ports Testin! Each co)'onen( o" (he ro+o( .ill +e (es(ed individually# -he )e(al de(ec(or circui(ry .ill have (o +e (.eaked (o sui( .ha( .e are (rying (o acco)'lish# ?e .an( (he de(ec(or (o 'ene(ra(e (he ground as "ar as i( could7 +u( a( (he sa)e (i)e .e .an( (o eli)ina(e any s)all )e(al o+$ec(s (ha( )igh( no( +e a land)ine# -he ro+o( chassis i(sel" +e asse)+led and (es(ed in sandy environ)en( (o )ake sure (ha( (ha( .heels are su""icien( enough "or searching (he 'a(h# -he )icrocon(roller .here .e 'redic( .e .ill +e s'ending (he )os( (i)e .ill +e 'rogra))ed and in(er"aced .i(h (he )o(ors and (he )e(al de(ec(or circui(ry# Timeline
Fall 2004 Winter Break Sept Octo er !o"em er #ecem er $anuar% W& W' W2 W& W4 W' W2 W& W4 W' W2 W& W4 W' W2 Research (etal #etector Sensors )emote *ontrol +ocomotion Bo,% Design (etal #etector )emote *ontrol +ocomotion Bo,% Ordering Parts Testing Implementation Written Report Pro-ect Statement Pro-ect Specs Pro-ect Proposal Final )eport Weekl% )eport Sche,ule


*omplete, *urrentl% .orkin/ on

Estimated .ud!et

1crylic T5o 3(<DC 29= R$, 67"3$ 7ear ,otor ,otor >ousin! @'eels and 1xils @'eel encoder 44$ic 66 5& Cables .atteries >ard5are ,etal Detector Searc' Coils ,iscellaneous

?-= ?(* ?+= ?(= ?"= ?-= ?+= ?3= ?-= ?2= ?*= T4T1L A ?*3*

Conclusion -he +asic 'ro$ec( re<uires (he asse)+ly o" a device (o hel' "acili(a(e (he re)oval o" land)ines in a sandy environ)en(# -he area searched .ill +e 29 )e(ers s<uared in a''ro4i)a(ely 49 )inu(es or less# ?e +elieve (ha( (he device .ill +e a+le (o search a larger area +u( .e are going (o (es( (he ro+o( in an ac(ual si(e +e"ore .e )odi"y our s'eci"ica(ions in (his 'ar(icular area# Fu(ure .ork could +e done in (rying (o "igure


ou( a .ay in .hich (his ro+o( could hel' (o "ind land)ines (ha( consis( o" no )e(al# None(heless7 (his device .ill +e a signi"ican( s(ar( "or any "u(ure develo')en(s#

D1T1 S>EET DC ,otors

24VDC 5kgf-cm !" RP# $ear #otor

!o +oa, Spee, rpm 22& !o +oa, *urrent m3 7450m3

)e,uction )ate, )atio 0or1ue k/f2cm '427 5.0

)ate, Spee, rpm '60

)ate, *urrent m3 7600m3


44$ic Specs

!rogra))ing Connec(or# Connec(s (o (he !CKs !rin(er !or(# E9 !insF ! Connec(or# Connec(s (o any ' su''ly o" @/*9 >ol(s &C# E2 !insF 1B6 Connec(or# !rovides connec(ion (o all 1B6# E40 !insF 2e)ory Socke(s# 2 Socke(s "or 'rogra) and da(a EE!R62# E5 !insF Ne(.ork Connec(ors# 2 Connec(ors "or 12C ne(.ork ca+les# E9 !insF !ro(o(y'ing Area 8@ !ro(o holes H ;4 signal L 24 ' connec(ions 2echanical layou(# 2 inches M ;/*B2 inches 4 9B5 inch#



555 t'ebots'op com

66!ic 11 and Ca+les L Chassis

555 allproducts com

24>&C *90 R!2 1C;2! Cear 2o(or



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