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1029/2010GL042659, 2010

Downward Arctic Oscillation signal associated with moderate

weak stratospheric polar vortex and the cold December 2009
Lin Wang1 and Wen Chen1
Received 28 January 2010; revised 8 April 2010; accepted 12 April 2010; published 11 May 2010.

[1] The climatic anomalies and related mechanism for [4] In December 2009, frequent severe cold weather
the cold December 2009 in Northern Hemisphere are attacked many areas of mid‐latitude Northern Hemisphere
analyzed preliminarily. It is revealed that both anomalously with record‐breaking blizzards, snow storms, and low tem-
low monthly mean temperature and more extreme cold peratures. Since these areas coincided with the large popu-
days occurred over many areas of mid‐latitude Northern lations (e.g., USA, Europe and China), it caused extensive
Hemisphere in this December. This cold condition can be damage to the traffic, agriculture and fishery. For example,
accounted for by the extreme negative Arctic Oscillation in northern China, the direct economic losses caused by one
(AO) at surface level, which is the lowest one for the disastrous snow storm reached up to 7 billion RMB. The
past 31 years. It is shown that the negative surface AO in reason for this cold month is therefore a hot topic for not
December is closely associated with the downward only the meteorologists, but also the public. In this work, we
propagating anomalies from the stratosphere, implying will show that this anomalous cold December in the Northern
the involvement of stratospheric processes in this cold Hemisphere is closely associated with the downward propa-
month. Since the preceding stratospheric signal is not as gation of AO anomalies from the stratosphere.
strong as those reported in previous studies, it suggests
that some relatively weaker stratospheric anomalies can 2. Data and Methods
also propagate downward and influence the troposphere.
Citation: Wang, L., and W. Chen (2010), Downward Arctic [5] Daily and monthly mean NCEP/NCAR reanalysis
Oscillation signal associated with moderate weak stratospheric data with 2.5° latitude by 2.5° longitude resolution [Kalnay
polar vortex and the cold December 2009, Geophys. Res. Lett., et al., 1996] are used in this study. The monthly mean AO
37, L09707, doi:10.1029/2010GL042659. index at 1000 hPa is downloaded from http://www.cpc.ncep. In this study, we focus on the Decembers from
1979 to 2009. All the anomalies are calculated from their
1. Introduction departures from 1979–2009 means. In addition to the
[2] The Arctic Oscillation (AO) is the dominant mode in monthly mean values, the number of cold days is also used
Northern Hemisphere winter on the interannual timescale, to indicate the climate extremes, where the cold days are
which extends from surface to the stratosphere with its defined as days with an 850‐hPa temperature below its
positive (negative) phase representing poleward (equator- 10th percentile [Kolstad et al., 2010]. A quantity a is further
ward) shift of the mid‐latitude westerly winds [Thompson defined as the fractional change in the number of cold days
and Wallace, 1998]. It serves as one of the most impor- with respect to its climatology. If a = 1.5, cold days are
tant factors that influence the wintertime surface air tem- 50 percent more than normal. As a diagnostic tool, the
perature fluctuations over both the northern Eurasian quasi‐geostrophic Eliassen‐Palm flux (EP flux) [Andrews et
continent and North America [Thompson and Wallace, al., 1987] is used to indicate the stationary wave activities.
2001]. In addition, its impact can extend to East Asia, mod- By expanding the monthly mean geopotential height field
ulating the frequency of cold surges [Jeong and Ho, 2005] into their zonal Fourier harmonics, the sum of zonal wave-
and the intensity of the East Asian winter monsoon [Chen numbers 1–3 is used to represent the stationary planetary
et al., 2005; Gong et al., 2001]. waves [Wang et al., 2009].
[3] In recent years, many studies suggest that certain
extreme stratospheric anomalies associated with AO (e.g., 3. Results
major warming) can propagate downward and influence the
[6] Figure 1a shows the 850‐hPa temperature anomalies
tropospheric weather regimes, which may be used to
in December 2009. It is clear that the northern part of
improve the tropospheric extended‐range weather forecast
Eurasian continent experienced extremely severe cold con-
[Baldwin and Dunkerton, 2001; Baldwin et al., 2003]. For
example, Jeong et al. [2006] indicate that the cold surge ditions, with the anomalous cooling exceeding −6°C around
60°N, 80°E. This cold anomaly extends westward to most of
occurrence over East Asia is associated with stratospheric
Europe and southeastward to large areas over East Asia. The
precursors. The stratospheric weak polar vortex events are
strong cooling also occurred over middle North America,
also found to be followed by more cold days in the Northern
North Pacific and North Atlantic with the temperature
Hemisphere [Kolstad et al., 2010].
anomaly exceeding −4°C around 50°N, 100°W. If the tem-
perature in the Eurasian cold core area (50°E–110°E, 55°N–
Center for Monsoon System research, Institute of Atmospheric 70°N) is calculated for each year, it can be found that this
Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China.
December is the coldest one since at least 1979 (Figure 2a).
Copyright 2010 by the American Geophysical Union. The area‐averaged monthly mean temperature reaches
0094‐8276/10/2010GL042659 −20.4°C. In contrast with the anomalous cooling over

L09707 1 of 5

Oscillation [Wang et al., 2007]. The most interesting point is

that although the SLP field exhibits positive AO pattern, the
weak stratospheric polar vortex at 50‐hPa suggests strong
negative AO in the stratosphere (Figure 3a). This feature can
also be seen clearly in the zonal‐mean zonal wind anoma-
lies, where a westerly/easterly wind dipole straddles around
40°N in the troposphere (Figure 3c). A comparison between
November and December conditions seems to imply that the
negative AO signal at the surface in December may be from
the stratosphere in November.
[9] In order to check the associated atmospheric pro-
Figure 1. (a) The monthly mean 850‐hPa temperature cesses, we examined the stationary planetary wave activities
anomalies in December 2009. (b) The number of cold days in the two months. Previous studies have shown that in the
in December 2009 divided by its climatology for each grid zonal mean sense planetary waves propagate upward from
point, that is, a for December 2009. Contour intervals are the lower boundary over midlatitudes and split into two
2°C in Figure 1a and 1 in Figure 1b, respectively. branches in the upper troposphere, with one branch propa-
gating along the polar waveguide [Dickinson, 1968] into the
stratosphere and the other going equatorward along the low‐
northern mid‐high latitudes, strong warming (exceeding latitude waveguide [Huang and Gambo, 1983] in the tro-
6°C) occurred over the North Pole region with two centers posphere (see Wang et al. [2009] for more descriptions). In
being located around Greenland and Bering Strait, respec- November the stationary planetary wave propagation along
tively. The distribution of a for December 2009 suggests that the polar waveguide into the stratosphere is anomalously
the areas with cold anomalies in the Northern Hemisphere strong (Figure 3c). The anomalous convergence of EP flux
are generally collocated with more cold days (Figure 1b).
The area‐averaged number of cold days in the Eurasian cold
core area is also the highest (10.1 days) for the past 31 years
(Figure 2b). In the extreme sense, the number of cold days is
4.8 times more than its climatology to the east of Ural region
(Figure 1b). Since a represents the extent to which extreme
low temperature events occur [Kolstad et al., 2010], these
results suggest that the December in 2009 is characterized by
not only lower monthly mean temperature but also more
extreme cold events.
[7] The temperature anomalies shown in Figure 1a are
quite similar to those associated with negative AO
[Thompson and Wallace, 1998], implying a possible influ-
ence from AO. The associated sea level pressure (SLP) and
50‐hPa geopotential height anomalies (Figures 3d and 3e)
show that the geopotential height is anomalously high in the
polar region and low in the midlatitudes, with the zero lines
being located around 50°N at both levels. This result sug-
gests a robust negative AO structure from surface to the
lower stratosphere, which features easterly (westerly) wind
anomalies north (south) of ∼40°N (Figure 3f). We further
checked the December mean AO index since 1979. Figure 2c
shows that the index in 2009 is the lowest one (−3.41) during
the last 31 years. The area‐averaged 850‐hPa temperature and
number of cold days in the Eurasian cold core area are then
used as indices, and their relationship with AO index are
examined. For the past 31 years, the correlation coefficients
are 0.49 and −0.46, both exceeding 99% confidence level.
This result suggests that a large portion of the cold December
in 2009 is associated with the extreme negative AO.
[8] One important question is where this extreme AO
signal comes from. So we examined the circulation
anomalies one month before. In November 2009 the SLP
anomaly is negative around North Pole and British Isles and
positive in the midlatitudes over Asia‐North Pacific region
and around Kara Sea (Figure 3b), which roughly projects
onto the positive AO pattern, with the AO index being 0.46. Figure 2. The area‐mean (50°–110°E, 55°N–70°N)
In contrast to the traditional AO pattern, the mid‐latitude (a) 850 hPa temperature and (b) number of cold days in
positive center over North Pacific is stronger than that over December for the period 1979–2009. (c) The normalized
North Atlantic (Figure 3b), resembling the North Pacific December mean AO index for the period 1979–2009.

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[10] Since the monthly mean plots cannot distinguish

individual downward propagating events, the daily evolu-
tion of temperature anomalies in the North Pole region
(north of 70°N) is further shown in Figure 4a. In November
there are two periods of warming in the polar stratosphere
around November 5 and 15, respectively. Following each
warming, positive temperature anomalies gradually propa-
gate downward and reach the troposphere in about 15 days.
After the second warming, the polar stratosphere tends to
recover to its normal condition. However, the recovery
process was disturbed by anomalous upward propagating
planetary waves around November 28 (not shown), which
interrupts the second downward propagating process on one
hand and leads to the third warming at ∼10 hPa around
December 6 on the other hand. The positive anomalies of
the third warming then propagate downward into the tro-
posphere and reach the surface (Figure 4a). Although the
third warming seems to be simultaneous near surface and
above 20 hPa around December 6, a check of JRA25
reanalysis dataset which has higher pressure top indicates
that the related signal can be found in the upper stratosphere
around December 1 (Figure 4b), suggesting a lead in the
stratosphere. Among the three events, the first one is mainly
confined to November and the latter two are more closely
associated with the surface polar warming in December. In
addition to the temperature signals over polar‐cap region,
these downward propagation processes can also be seen in
other zonal‐mean variables (e.g., Figure 4b or geopotential
height). Therefore, this result confirms the speculation that
the surface negative AO in December 2009 is closely
associated with the downward propagation of AO signal
from the stratosphere.

Figure 3. The anomalies of (a) 50‐hPa geopotential 4. Summary and Discussions

height, (b) SLP, and (c) zonal‐mean zonal wind (contour), [11] This study provides a preliminary analysis on the
EP flux (vector), and EP flux convergence (shaded) for sta- cold December 2009. It reveals that this December is
tionary planetary waves in November 2009. (d–f) Same as characterized by not only anomalously low monthly mean
Figures 3a–3c, but for December 2009. Contour intervals temperature, but also more extreme cold days over Europe,
are 50 gpm in Figures 3a and 3d, 3 hPa in Figures 3b and northern Eurasian continent, East Asia and North America.
3e, and 2 ms−1 in Figures 3c and 3f. Shading intervals are To the east of Ural region, the monthly mean temperature is
2 ms−1 day−1 in Figures 3c and 3f, with red (blue) indicating the lowest and the number of cold days is the greatest for the
positive (negative). EP fluxes are scaled by the inverse of period 1979–2009. Most of these cold conditions can be
the air density and with the unit m2 s−2. attributed to the extreme negative AO near surface in
December, which accounts for about 25% of the historical
total variance. Moreover, it is interesting to find that the
around 75°N helps to decelerate the polar night jet and negative AO at the surface in December is closely asso-
induce negative AO in the lower stratosphere. In December, ciated with the downward propagation of AO signal from
the equatorward wave propagation along the low‐latitude the stratosphere, which implies a possible influence of the
waveguide is significantly weakened in the troposphere stratosphere on this cold December. Therefore, the role of
(Figure 3f). In addition, there exists anomalous downward stratosphere and related dynamical processes should be
EP flux around 50°N from the stratosphere to the tropo- taken into account when more in‐depth and detailed
sphere. These lead to EP flux convergence (divergence) analyses are performed.
around 60°N (30°N) and decelerate (accelerate) the westerly [12] One question that needs to be addressed is what
wind there, which induces robust negative AO in December caused the preceding stratospheric warming before its
(Figure 3f). Christiansen [2001] found that the downward downward propagation. Previous studies suggested that the
propagation of AO signal from the stratosphere is usually stratospheric warming may be caused by upward propa-
accompanied with preceding upward and then downward gating atmospheric waves excited by thermal or orographic
EP flux anomalies. Therefore, the anomalous wave activities forcing [Andrews et al., 1987], and that major stratospheric
in the two months imply that the extreme negative AO in warming is likely preceded by the tropospheric blocking
December is quite possibly associated with some downward [Martius et al., 2009]. In this case, we noticed that before
propagating processes from the stratosphere. the warmings there are positive sea surface temperature
(SST) anomalies over North Pacific and North Atlantic. In
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Figure 4. The daily evolution of (a) air temperature anomalies in the North Pole region (north of 70°N) and (b) the zonal
mean zonal wind anomalies at 60°N for the period November 15 to December 31, 2009. Contour interval is 1°C in Figure
4a and 3 ms−1 in Figure 4b. Figure 4b is based on JRA25 reanalysis dataset. The period mean of the displayed period is
subtracted in advance to remove variations longer than 45 days in Figure 4b.

addition, strong positive geopotential height anomalies were coefficients between Niño3.4 index and the area‐averaged
observed around Alaska at 500‐hPa level which indicates 850‐hPa temperature/number of cold days in the Eurasian
strong blocking in that region. Therefore, it implies that the cold core area for the past 31 Decembers. Although the
anomalous SST and associated blocking over North Pacific correlation coefficients (0.32 and −0.36) both exceed 90%
may play some critical roles in this case. confidence level, the variance explained by El Niño (∼12%)
[13] Another interesting point is that in previous studies, is much lower than that by AO (∼25%), suggesting a rela-
the downward propagation is usually documented for tively less important role played by El Niño. Nevertheless,
extreme strong stratospheric anomalies such as major we notice that several years with low temperature or a
warming or strong vortex intensification [e.g., Baldwin and higher number of cold days in the Eurasian cold core area
Dunkerton, 2001; Limpasuvan et al., 2005]. However, the are featured with El Niño events (Figures 2a and 2b),
warmings in this case even do not meet the criteria for minor implying that the overlapping with El Niño may also be
warming defined by World Meteorological Organization important. The related discussions are beyond the limitation
(not shown). It suggests that in addition to extreme strong of this short manuscript, but it may be necessary to inves-
events, some weaker stratospheric anomalies can also tigate this problem in the future.
propagate downward and influence the troposphere. A
simple comparison between this case with several other
major warming cases, however, does not indicate significant [15] Acknowledgments. We would like to thank the two anonymous
reviewers and editor Paul Williams for their encouragement and construc-
difference in their downward propagating processes. Nev- tive suggestions which helped to improve the quality of the paper signifi-
ertheless, we have a feeling that the dynamical processes cantly. The first author would like to thank Dr. Kunihiko Kodera for
occurred between November 28 and December 8 are vital useful discussions and the help with Figure 4b. This work is supported
jointly by the National Basic Research Program of China (2010CB428603)
for this case, in which the involvement of transient eddies and the National Natural Science Foundation of China (40905026 and
may also be important. Therefore, further study is needed on 40775035).
this direction.
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