1 Entry: Lee Changho (Mr. Lee) (C - Ex19815613)

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Lee Changho (Mr.

Lee) (C_ex19815613)

1st entry
4.Education : M.S. Transportation Engineering : The Ohio State Univ. USA (Dec. 2008 !.Other Training : " #n"house instructor training $or Overseas capacit% &ui'ding progra( ()E*+ 20,0 " -e. *onstruction Method (/overn(ent Training *enter+ 2004 0.1anguage and Degree o$ 2ro$icienc% : " Eng'ish : Advanced (3eading+ 4riting+ Spea5ing 6.Me(&ership o$ 2ro$essiona' Societies : " Me(&er+ )orean Societ% o$ Transportation " 1icense ()orea : 3egistered *ivi' Engineer 3egistered *onstruction Materia' Engineer 3egistered *onstruction Sa$et% Engineer 8.*ountries o$ 4or5 E7perience : " 8ietna(+ Tur5e%+ #ndonesia+ Morocco+ and )orea

2nd entry
9.4or5 E7perience : :: Senior Manager+ Overseas 2ro;ect Div.+ )orea E7press.a% *o. (-ov. ,998<2resent+ ,! %rs :: 2rovided consu'ting services in 2ro;ect Manage(ent *onsu'ting+ Technica' Audit+ Operation = Maintenance Technica' Assistance+ and Design revie. as a >igh.a% specia'ist in other countries. :4or5ed in c'ose co''a&oration .ith ODA Agenc% ()O#*A+ )"E?#M @an5 and /overn(ent o$$icers o$ other countries $or the #nternationa' consu'ting pro;ects. A " #ndonesia: 2ro;ect Manage(ent *onsu'ting $or Su(atra To'' road Beasi&i'it% stud% (Oct. 20,2"present+ )O#*A "8iet -a(: Dau /ia%"2han Thiet 222 2ro;ect (Can.20,D"present+ MOT "8iet -a(: Technica' Audit on 3oad -et.or5 #(prove(ent 2ro;ect (Aug. 20,0"Mar. 20,2+ 4or'd @an5 " Tur5e%: O=M Technica' Assistant $or #stan&u' Strait Undersea Tunne' @OT 2ro;ect (Cu'%. 20,0"Can. 20,,+ ATAS " 8iet -a(: Detai'ed Engineering Design revie. $or >anoi">aiphong E7press.a% (Be&. 2009ECune 2009+ 8#D#B# " Morocco: 3eco((endation $or #TS $or ADM (Can. 20,D+ ADM " U.S.A : M.S+ Transportation+ Ohio State Univ. (2006 E 2008+ OSU : 3esearch: @ene$it"*ost ana'%sis to co(pare di$$erent (oda' in )orea

3nd entry
:2er$or(ed Supervision o$ Beasi&i'it% Stud%F@asic Design+ *onstruction Manage(ent+ and Operation = Maintenance in )orea " )orea: Maintenance part 1eader at Dang;in Maintenance o$$ice (Dec. 2009 ECun. 20,0+ )E* " )orea: Supervisor $or 2re'i(inar% design $or /eo;e"Tong%oung E7press.a% (Can. 2000 EDec. 2000+ )E* " )orea: Supervisor $or Beasi&i'it% Stud% $or Geo;u"Man;ong E7press.a% (Can. 200!EDec. 200!+ )E* : Suggestion: *onsideration o$ User"@ene$it during 4ee5ends " )orea: *onstruction Manager $or Donghae E7pres.a% (Can. 200DEDec. 2004+ )E*

: 3eceived a priHe $or the (erit $ro( the Minister o$ 1and+ #n$rastructure+ and Transport a$$airs " )orea: *onstruction and Maintenance Assistant Manager+ Seohae /rand @ridge (-ov. ,998EDec. 2002+ )E* : 3eceived a priHe $or the (erit $ro( the 2resident o$ )E* ::Engineer+ Sa(sung Engineering = *onstruction. (March ,998< -ove(&er ,998 2rovided engineering service $or E7press.a% &roadening pro;ect as a civi' Engineer in Sa(sung E=* " )orea: @roadening o$ Goungdong E7press.a% (Mar.E-ov. ,998+ Sa(sung ::)no.'edge sharing " #nstructor+ Beasi&i'it% Stud% process o$ )orea $or Boreign civi' o$$icers (2 ti(es+ 20,,E 20,D " #nstructor+ E7press.a% Maintenance o$ )orea $or Boreign civi' o$$icers (,0 ti(es+ 20,0E20,D ::*on$erence+ 4or5 Shop " Tunne' sa$et% con$erence (20,0+ )orea " )orea"#ndonesia 3oad con$erence (20,2+ )orea

4th entry
,0. 4or5ing 2'an : :*oordinating the .or5shops and con$erences according to MOU " 4or5shops on 3oad Sa$et%+ Technica' Training 2rogra(s+ and #nternationa' Training Se(inars $or 1atin A(erican 3oad *oncessionaires (1atin A(erican countr% :2articipating in )no.'edge sharingFresearch activities " 3oad (aster p'anF$easi&i'it% stud%+ 3oad sa$et%+ and #TS s%ste( using (% 5no.'edge and e7pertise in transportation engineering in )orea and Boreign *ountries :*ooperating .ith #-EFTS2 sta$$s and recipient countries $or pro;ect preparation+ supervision and i(p'e(entation :Deve'oping *oordination 2rogra( .ith )orea ODA Agenc% ()O#*A+ )"E?#M @an5 and #D@ $or 1atin A(erican *ountries. " *oordination 2rogra(s such as Tra$$ic Ca( 3eso'ution using #TS &ased on e7periences o$ .or5ing .ith )orea ODA Agenc%.

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