Application For Affiliation - 2014-15

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NAME AND ADDRESS OF THE COLLEGE Format of Application for Affiliation (Academic year 2 !"#!


CENTRE for AFF&L&AT&ON of &NST&T'T&ONS Anna 'ni(er)ity C*ennai + , 2$

[The college is requested to submit 2 hard copies of soft bound (spiral binding not to be used) duly filled-in application in A4 size indicating the page numbers in the content sheet along with a soft copy in a !"

S.No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. . &. *. .. 16. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 1 . 1&. 1*. 1.. 26. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 2 . 2&. 2*. 2.. 36. 31. College Trust / Society Principal Governing Council Planning and Monitoring Board i. !iscipline and "el#are co$$ittee ii. Co$plaints cu$ %edressal Co$$ittee 'inancial Sta(ility o# t)e Trust / Society +and ,rea re-uire$ents !etails on ,ccreditation status a/arded (y 0ational Board o# ,ccreditation and 1nclusion under Section 22#3 and 122B3 o# t)e 4GC ,ct5 1.5 78isting a##iliated courses ,dditional courses #or /)ic) provisional a##iliation soug)t #or 2614915 !etails o# students presently studying in all t)e years 'aculty : -uali#ication and e8perience 'aculty : re-uire$ents and availa(ility 0on9Teac)ing sta## +a(oratory Central Co$puting 'acility +i(rary Class roo$s !ra/ing ;alls <t)er (uilding space ;ostels P)ysical 7ducation Training and Place$ent Cell ,lu$ni ,ssociation <t)er a$enities %egisters and %ecords Certi#icates 1nspection #ee 7ndorse$ent o# t)e Principal !eclaration (y t)e Manage$ent ,nne8ure2s3 Details Page No.


Fo !at o" A##li$atio% see&i%g A""iliatio% "o t'e A$a(e!i$ Yea 20)*-)5
). College i. 0a$e o# t)e College +


,ddress o# t)e site as approved (y t)e ,1CT7

iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii i8.

1s t)e college #unctioning at t)e a(ove said9approved site= Telep)one 0u$(ers 'a8 0u$(ers 79$ail 1d "e(site address >ear o# esta(lis)$ent o# t)e college

+ + + + + +

Category o# t)e College + 2please tic? 2@3 t)e appropriate (o83

,i%o it-

No% ,i%o it,ala-ala!

.i%g/isti$ Tel/g/ So/ as't a C' istia%

Religio/s ,/sli! 2ai%

Ot'e s 0s#e$i"-1


T /st 3 So$ieti. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. 0a$e o# t)e Trust / Society ,ddress o# t)e registered o##ice %egistration 0u$(er !ate o# registration 0a$e o# t)e C)air$an / Secretary/ Correspondent Telep)one nu$(ers 9 <##ice %esidence vii. viii. i8. 'a8 nu$(ers Mo(ile nu$(ers 79$ail + + + + + + + + + +


P i%$i#al i. ii. iii. iv. 0a$e Auali#ication !ate o# Boining Telep)one nu$(ers : <##ice %esidence v. vi. vii. viii. 'a8 nu$(ers Mo(ile nu$(ers 79$ail %esidential address + + + + + + + + +


5o6e %i%g Co/%$il

Na!e Positio% 7/ali"i$atio% P ese%t # o"essio%al #ositio%3O$$/#atio% Tele#'o%e %/!8e s E-!ail A(( ess

Sl. No.

1 2 . . .

C)air$an Me$(ers Me$(er Secretary Pla%%i%g a%( ,o%ito i%g 9oa (

Positio% 0C'ai !a%3 ,e!8e 1


Sl. No.


Catego -


P ese%t # o"essio%al #ositio%3O$$/#atio%

Tele#'o%e %/!8e s


A(( ess

1 2

C)air$an Me$(er

Principal o# t)e college Senior #aculty $e$(er o# t)e college Senior #aculty $e$(er o# t)e college


Sl. No.


Positio% 0C'ai !a%3 ,e!8e 1

Catego -


P ese%t # o"essio%al #ositio%3O$$/#atio%

Tele#'o%e %/!8e s


A(( ess




Senior #aculty $e$(er #ro$ 4niversity/ot)er college 1ndustrial e8pert in t)e #ield o# engineering and tec)nology 1ndustrial e8pert in t)e #ield o# engineering and tec)nology ,rc)itect/Civil 7ngineer



6. i. Dis$i#li%e a%( :el"a e Co!!ittee

Sl. No.



Catego -

Tele#'o%e N/!8e s


A(( ess

1 2 3 4 5

C)air$an Me$(er Me$(er Me$(er Me$(er Me$(er

Senior ;ead o# t)e !epart$ent ;ead o# t)e !epart$ent ;ead o# t)e !epart$ent ;ead o# t)e !epart$ent "arden / !eputy "arden o# BoysC ;ostel "arden / !eputy "arden o# GirlsC ;ostel +ady #aculty $e$(er Student Counselor 2Sta##3

& *

Me$(er Convener


6. ii. Co!#lai%ts $/! Re( essal Co!!ittee

Sl. No.


Catego -

P o"essio%

Tele#'o%e %/!8e s


A(( ess

1 2 3.. Norms for composition:

Should be headed by a senior lady member 50% of the membership of the committee should be represented by ladies A third party either an NGO or an outside activist who is familiar with the issue of sexual harassment in work place


Fi%a%$ial Sta8ilit- o" t'e T /st 3 So$ieti. Sa6i%gs 9a%& 3 C/ e%t A$$o/%ts
Sa6i%gs 9a%& 3 C/ e%t a$$o/%t 9ala%$e a!o/%t at t'e 9ala%$e a!o/%t e%( o" last "i%a%$ial A$$o/%t %/!8e as o% (ate -ea 0Rs.1 0Rs.1

Sl. No.

9a%& Na!e

9 a%$'

Sl. No.

.o%g te ! (e#osits
9a%& 3 5o6t.3 5o6t. a## o6e( i%stit/tio% 9 a%$' A!o/%t 0Rs.1 Date o" !at/ it-

Sl. No.

Val/e o" .a%( a%( 8/il(i%g

S/ 6e- %/!8e .o$atio% E<te%t 0s=.!1 9/ilt /# a ea 0s=.!.1 5/i(eli%e 6al/e 0Rs.1 ,a &et 6al/e 0Rs.1

Sl. No.

C eate( >it' A!o/%t 0Rs.1 De#osite( i% t'e 8a%& 0%a!e1 9 a%$' I%st /!e%t No. a%( (ate Date o" e<#i -

,1CT7 4niversity State Govt. <t)ers Fi%a%$ial Sta8ilitTotal #inancial reserves ,nnual $aintenance and develop$ent e8penditure ?. .a%( A ea e=/i e!e%t i% A$ es+ No !s+ E%gi%ee i%g @ Te$'%olog<t)er t)an %ural Places %ural Places
E<te%t o" la%( ea !a &e( "o t'e $ollege 0a$ e1


A $'ite$t/ e 1.6 2.5

,a%age!e%t 6.5 1.6

2.5 16.6

Sl. No.

.o$atio% o" t'e $ollege 0,ega $it-3,et o $it-3 ot'e s1

Do$/!e%t %/!8e

Date o" egist atio%

E<te%t o" la%( De"i$ie%$S/ 6e- %/!8e e=/i e( 0 e"e A %o !s1



Details o% A$$ e(itatio% stat/s a>a (e( 8- Natio%al 9oa ( o" A$$ e(itatio% a%( I%$l/sio% /%(e Se$tio% 20"1 a%( )2091 o" t'e U5C A$tB )C56 2Proo# to (e enclosed3
A$$ e(itatio% Stat/s I%$l/sio% /%(e se$tio%s 20"1 a%( )2091 o" t'e U5C A$tB )C56 Se$tio% 20"1 .ette No. a%( (ate I%$l/(e( 3 Not I%$l/(e( .ette No. a%( (ateB i" i%$l/(e( Se$tio% )2091 I%$l/(e( 3 Not I%$l/(e( .ette No. a%( (ateB i" i%$l/(e(

Sl. No.

P og a!!e 3 Co/ ses

A$$ e(ite( 3 Not A$$ e(ite(

Pe io( o" a$$ e(itatio%B i" a$$ e(ite(



E<isti%g a""iliate( $o/ ses A. Details o" t'e e<isti%g $o/ ses
Nat/ e o" Yea o" a""iliatio% i%t o0Pe !a%e%t3 (/$tio% P o6isio%al1 Sa%$tio%e( i%ta&e "o t'e # e$e(i%g "o/ a$a(e!i$ -ea s o" t'e $o/ se
20)0-)) 20))-)2 20)2-)4 20)4-)*

Sl. No.

De#a t!e%t

Deg ee

Co/ ses

St/(e%ts a(!itte( i%$l/(i%g late al e%t - a%( t a%s"e as o% oll Fo/ t' -ea T'i ( Se$o%( -ea -ea Fi st -ea

9. Details o" Co/ ses "o >'i$' Closure 3 Variation i% i%ta&e 3 Continuation o" P o6isio%al A""iliatio% is so/g't "o t'e -ea 20)*-)5
Sl. No. Deg ee Co/ ses Sa%$tio%e( i%ta&e i% t'e a$a(e!i$ -ea 20)4-)* I%ta&e so/g't "o t'e a$a(e!i$ -ea 20)*-)5 Re!a &s D

State /)et)er Closure / %eduction or increase in 1nta?e / Continuation o# Provisional ,##iliation is soug)t #or t)e acade$ic year 2614915. Note !ncrease in intake of a course is sub"ect to the approval of Anna #niversity$ %hennai& 'or Architecture courses$ approval from the %ouncil of Architecture (%OA) should be obtained for the academic year concerned& 'or *&+& ,arine +n-ineerin-$ approval from the .irectorate General of Shippin- (.GS) should be obtained for the academic year concerned&



A((itio%al Co/ se0s1 "o >'i$' # o6isio%al a""iliatio% is so/g't "o t'e a$a(e!i$ -ea 20)*-)5

Sl. No.

Deg ee

Co/ se

I%ta&e so/g't

Note: /he re0uest for affiliation will be considered for the academic year 1023425 only for the above listed courses that satisfy the followin- conditions 2& Approved Syllabus and %urriculum should be available at the time of application& 1& Sub"ect to the approval of Anna #niversity$ %hennai&



Details o" st/(e%ts # ese%tl- st/(-i%g i% all t'e -ea s

Total St/(e%ts 9 5 T 9 N/!8e o" st/(e%ts - eligio% >ise Hi%(/s 5 ,/sli!s 9 5 C' istia%s 9 5 Ot'e s 9 5 9 SC 5 9 ST 5 N/!8e o" st/(e%ts E $o!!/%it- >ise Hi%(/s ,9C 9 5 9 9C 5 9 OC 5 ,/sli!s O9C 9 5 C' istia%s O9C 9 5 I%(ia% No. o" St/(e%ts Natio%alitNR I Fo eig %

Sl. No.

Co/ se

B 9 Boys5 G : Girls5 T : Total

)2 A.

Details o" st/(e%ts a(!itte( /%(e !i%o it- =/ota 0a##li$a8le "o ,i%o it- Stat/s College1
Total St/(e%ts Sl. No. Co/ se 9 5 T



)4. i.

Fa$/lt-9 =/ali"i$atio% a%( e<#e ie%$e 2%e#er 4GC %egulations5 2613 #or nor$s3 P i%$i#al A. 7/ali"i$atio%

7/ali"i$atio% P i%$i#al %a!e >it' $lass Co es#o%(i%g >it' sta!# siFe Date o" 8i t' o8tai%e( Date o" Goi%i%g s#e$ialiFatio% #'oto a%( age sta ti%g " o! t'e 'ig'est (eg ee

S$ale o" #a-

P ese%t 8asi$ Total Sig%at/ e #ae!ol/!e%ts


E<#e ie%$e
Positio% a%( -ea s o" e<#e ie%$e Tea$'i%g I%stit/tio% Positio% Yea s I%stit/tio% I%(/st Positio% Yea s

Note+ 5rincipal may be shown as a 5rofessor in the +n-ineerin- 6 /echnolo-y .epartment concerned&


ii. Details o" "a$/lt- o" E%gi%ee i%g @ Te$'%olog- De#a t!e%ts o""e i%g t'e $o/ se0s1
(5rovide information separately for each faculty member .epartment4wise startin- from 7O.)

De#a t!e%t A. 9. Na!e o" t'e 9.E. 3 9.Te$'. $o/ se+ Details o" t'e HOD a%( "a$/lt- a6aila8le "o t'e 9.E. 3 9.Te$'. Co/ se i% t'e De#a t!e%t a. 7/ali"i$atio%s

7/ali"i$atio% >it' $lass Date o" Na!e o" t'e "a$/ltDate o" Sl. o8tai%e( Co es#o%(i%g Goi%i%g t'e !e!8e >it' sta!#-siFe Desig%atio% 8i t' a%( No. sta ti%g " o! s#e$ialiFatio% # ese%t #'oto age t'e 'ig'est #ost (eg ee 1

S$ale o" #a-

P ese%t 8asi$ #a-

Total Sala -

Sig%at/ e o" t'e "a$/lt!e!8e


Sl. No. 1

E<#e ie%$e
P e6io/s e<#e ie%$e I%stit/tio% Tea$'i%g Positio% Yea s O ga%isatio% I%(/st Positio% Yea s

Na!e o" t'e "a$/lt!e!8e


D. Na!e o" t'e ,.E. 3 ,.Te$'. Co/ se+ E. Details o" t'e "a$/lt- e<$l/si6el- a6aila8le "o ea$' ,.E. 3 ,. Te$'. $o/ se a. 7/ali"i$atio%
7/ali"i$atio% >it' $lass Na!e o" t'e "a$/ltDate o" Date o" Sl. o8tai%e( Co es#o%(i%g !e!8e >it' sta!#- Desig%atio% 8i t' Goi%i%g t'e S$ale o" #aNo. sta ti%g " o! s#e$ialiFatio% siFe #'oto a%( age # ese%t #ost t'e 'ig'est (eg ee 1

P ese%t 8asi$ #a-

Total Sala -

Sig%at/ e o" t'e "a$/lt- !e!8e


8. E<#e ie%$e
Positio% a%( -ea s o" e<#e ie%$e I%stit/tio% Tea$'i%g Positio% Yea s O ga%isatio% I%(/st Positio% Yea s

Sl. No. 1 2F

Na!e o" t'e "a$/lt!e!8e


iii. S$ie%$e @ H/!a%ities a%( 5e%e al E%gi%ee i%g "a$/lt- 2'or supporting engineering and tec)nology courses3 A. Na!e o" t'e HOD o" ea$' (is$i#li%e Mat)e$atics + P)ysics + C)e$istry + 7nglis) + 2Provide t)e details in t)e #or$at given (elo/ at t)e appropriate place along /it) ot)er #aculty $e$(ers3 9. Details o" t'e "a$/lt- i%$l/(i%g 5e%e al E%gi%ee i%g "a$/lta. 7/ali"i$atio%
7/ali"i$atio% >it' $lass Na!e o" t'e "a$/ltDate o" Date o" Goi%i%g Sl. o8tai%e( Co es#o%(i%g P ese%t !e!8e >it' sta!#- Desig%atio% 8i t' t'e # ese%t S$ale o" #aNo. sta ti%g " o! s#e$ialiFatio% 8asi$ #asiFe #'oto a%( age #ost t'e 'ig'est (eg ee 1 2F

Total Sala -

Sig%at/ e o" t'e "a$/lt- !e!8e

8. E<#e ie%$e
Sl. No. 1 2F Na!e o" t'e "a$/lt!e!8e Positio% a%( -ea s o" e<#e ie%$e I%stit/tio% Tea$'i%g Positio% Yea s O ga%isatio% I%(/st Positio% Yea s


i6. ,.C.A. A. Details o" t'e HOD a%( "a$/lt-+

2Provide t)e details in t)e #or$at given (elo/ at t)e appropriate place along /it) ot)er #aculty $e$(ers3


P ese%t Total Sig%at/ e o" t'e 8asi$ #a- e!ol/!e%ts "a$/lt- !e!8e

7/ali"i$atio% >it' $lass Date o" Na!e o" t'e "a$/ltDate o" Sl. o8tai%e( Co es#o%(i%g Goi%i%g t'e !e!8e >it' sta!#- Desig%atio% 8i t' a%( S$ale o" #aNo. sta ti%g " o! s#e$ialiFatio% # ese%t siFe #'oto age t'e 'ig'est #ost (eg ee 1


Sl. No. 1 2F

E<#e ie%$e
Positio% a%( -ea s o" e<#e ie%$e I%stit/tio% Tea$'i%g Positio% Yea s O ga%isatio% I%(/st Positio% Yea s

Na!e o" t'e "a$/lt!e!8e


6. A.

,.9.A. Details o" t'e HOD a%( "a$/lta. 7/ali"i$atio%

Date o" 7/ali"i$atio% >it' Date o" Goi%i%g $lass o8tai%e( Co es#o%(i%g 8i t' a%( t'e sta ti%g " o! t'e s#e$ialiFatio% age # ese%t 'ig'est (eg ee #ost Sig%at/ e o" t'e "a$/lt!e!8e

Na!e o" t'e "a$/ltSl. No. !e!8e >it' sta!#siFe #'oto 1


S$ale o" #a-

P ese%t 8asi$ #a-

Total e!ol/!e%ts



E<#e ie%$e
Positio% a%( -ea s o" e<#e ie%$e I%stit/tio% Tea$'i%g Positio% Yea s O ga%isatio% I%(/st Positio% Yea s

Na!e o" t'e "a$/ltSl. No. !e!8e

1 2F


6i. A.

A $'ite$t/ e E P o6i(e i%"o !atio% se#a atel- "o ea$' $o/ se Details o" t'e HOD a%( "a$/lta. 7/ali"i$atio%

7/ali"i$atio% >it' $lass Date o" Na!e o" t'e "a$/ltDate o" Sl. o8tai%e( Co es#o%(i%g Goi%i%g t'e !e!8e >it' sta!#- Desig%atio% 8i t' a%( S$ale o" #aNo. sta ti%g " o! s#e$ialiFatio% # ese%t siFe #'oto age t'e 'ig'est #ost (eg ee 1 2F

P ese%t Total Sig%at/ e o" t'e 8asi$ #a- e!ol/!e%ts "a$/lt- !e!8e

Sl. No. 1 2F

E<#e ie%$e
Positio% a%( -ea s o" e<#e ie%$e I%stit/tio% Tea$'i%g Positio% Yea s O ga%isatio% I%(/st Positio% Yea s

Na!e o" t'e "a$/lt!e!8e


E. F.

Na!e o" t'e $o/ se+ ,. A $'. 3 ,. Pla% Details o" t'e "a$/lt- e<$l/si6el- a6aila8le "o t'e ,. A $'. 3 ,. Pla%. E Co/ se->ise a. 7/ali"i$atio%

7/ali"i$atio% >it' $lass Date o" Na!e o" t'e "a$/ltDate o" Sl. o8tai%e( Co es#o%(i%g Goi%i%g t'e P ese%t Total Sig%at/ e o" t'e !e!8e >it' sta!#- Desig%atio% 8i t' a%( S$ale o" #aNo. sta ti%g " o! s#e$ialiFatio% # ese%t 8asi$ #a- e!ol/!e%ts "a$/lt- !e!8e siFe #'oto age t'e 'ig'est #ost (eg ee 1


Sl. No.

E<#e ie%$e
Positio% a%( -ea s o" e<#e ie%$e I%stit/tio% Tea$'i%g Positio% Yea s O ga%isatio% I%(/st Positio% Yea s

Na!e o" t'e "a$/lt!e!8e



)*. Fa$/lt- E e=/i e!e%ts a%( a6aila8iliti. Co%soli(ate( (etails o" "a$/lt- "o S$ie%$e @ H/!a%ities 0"o s/##o ti%g E%gg. @ Te$'. Co/ ses1 Desig%atio% Pro#essor ,ssociate Pro#essor ,ssistant Pro#essor Grand Total 0A1 Total sanctioned inta?e #or t)e year 1023425 o# all t)e B.7. / B.Tec). Courses 0S)1 Total no. o# #aculty $e$(ers re-uired 0R1 H 0S)3)51 G !e#iciency H0)- A3R1 <)00I ii. Co%soli(ate( (etails o" "a$/lt- "o all t'e $o/ ses e<$e#t ,. E. 3 ,. Te$'.
Total Sa%$tio%e( St e%gt'I 0S1 P o"esso RD A) D 0A1 Asso. P o". RD A2 D 0A1 Asst. P o". RD A4 D 0A1 Total %o. o" "a$/lt!e!8e s a6aila8le 0T H A)J A2J A41



C'e!ist -


5e%. E%gg.


+ +

SSR )+ S3T

S.No. Deg ee

Co/ se0s1


I A$a(e!i$ -ea s to 8e $o%si(e e( "o t'e $al$/latio% o" total sa%$tio%e( i%ta&e 0S1 Co/ ses 9.E. 3 9.Te$'. 9.A $'. 3 9.I.D. 2616911 to 2612913 J 2 ti$es t)e sanctioned inta?e o# 2613914 SSR K Sta## D Student %atio ,.9.A. ,.C.A. 2612913 J 2 ti$es t)e sanctioned inta?e o# 2613914

,cade$ic years

2611912 to 2613914

2 ti$es t)e sanctioned inta?e o# 2613914

R K %e-uired5 A H ,vaila(le5 D H !e#iciency5

E To #ind R5 #or di##erent cadres and total sanctioned strengt)5 re#er ANNEKURE I #or all courses e8cept B.,rc). 'or B.,rc). e"e A%%e</ e II. 'or eligi(ility nor$s #or t)e #aculty5 U5C Reg/latio%sB 20)4



Co%soli(ate( (etails o" "a$/lt- "o ,.E. 3 ,.Te$'. Na!e o" t'e Co/ se0s1 7/ali"i$atio% P).!.

Sl. No.

Re=/i e( 1 2 3 1 2 3


De"i$ie%$- A

M.7. / M.Tec). Total P).!.


M.7. / M.Tec). Total


A e t ai%i%g a%( (e6elo#!e%t o##o t/%ities gi6e% to "a$/lt- !e!8e sL 1# so provide details. Is #e "o !a%$e a## aisal s-ste! "ollo>e( "o "a$/lt- !e!8e sL 1# so provide details.




No%-tea$'i%g sta""
'or nor$s re#er Statute Section 5.16 and %egulation % 11.4 and ,nne8ure . o# t)e Statutes and %egulation #or ,##iliation


Te$'%i$al sta""+ Provide t)e in#or$ation separately #or eac) !epart$ent. Na!e o" t'e De#a t!e%t+ Details o" t'e sta""
Na!e o" t'e sta"" Date o" Goi%i%g t'e # ese%t #ost Date o" S$ale 8i t' o" #a- 9asi$ a%( #aage

Sl. No.

.a8o ato -



P e6io/s e<#e ie%$e

Total e!ol/!e%ts

Sig%at/ e

1 2 .. ..


.i8 a - a%( P'-si$al E(/$atio% De#a t!e%t Details o" t'e sta""
Date o" Goi%i%g P e6io/s Desig%atio% 7/ali"i$atio% t'e e<#e ie%$e # ese%t #ost Date o" S$ale 8i t' 9asi$ o" #aa%( #aage

Sl. No. De#a t!e%t Na!e o" t'e sta""

Total e!ol/!e%ts

Sig%at/ e

1 2 F


,i%iste ial sta""


Details o" t'e sta""

Date o" Date Goi%i%g o" P e6io/s S$ale o" 9asi$ 7/ali"i$atio% t'e 8i t' e<#e ie%$e #a#a# ese%t a%( #ost age

Sl. Na!e o" t'e sta"" No.

Pla$e o" >o &


Total e!ol/!e%ts

Sig%at/ e

)6. i.

.a8o ato -+ P o6i(e De#a t!e%t->ise (etails se#a atel- as E%$los/ e S#a$e+ 0a$e o# t)e !epart$entD Norms !n respect of +n--& 8 /ech& courses the re0uired carpet area per laboratory shall be 99 s0&m and for workshop 300 s0&m& for a batch of 90 students& !n respect of *&Arch courses the re0uired area per laboratory shall be 99 s0&m$ studio 2:1 s0&m& and for model makincarpentry workshop 100 s0&m& for a batch of 30 students& !n respect of ,&%&A& course the re0uired area per laboratory shall be 99 s0&m for a batch of 90 students&

Sl. No.

Na!e o" t'e .a8o ato -

A ea o" t'e la8o ato - a6aila8le 0s=.!.1

De"i$ie%$- A



.a8o ato - E=/i#!e%ts 2Provide t)e in#or$ation in t)e #or$at given (elo/ #or eac) la(oratory course separately in respect o# all t)e se$esters concerned #or t)e 4G L PG courses3M Provide t)e list o# e-uip$ents as per t)e e8isting regulations until t)e revised list is provided #or ne/ regulations. 2%e#er re-uire$ents o# la(oratory e-uip$ents in Anna University, Chennai "e(site and select MA""iliatio%N icon #or re-uire$ents o# la(oratory e-uip$ents3M ,utono$ous colleges are to provide t)e list o# e-uip$ents according to t)e e8peri$ents to (e per#or$ed in t)eir respective la(oratory classes. !egree Course Se$ester %egulation 0a$e o# t)e +a(oratory Su(Nect + + + + +

+ist o# e-uip$ents re-uired #or a (atc) o# :0 students #or #&G& / 15 students #or 5&G&
Sl. No.
1 2 . . . .

Na!e o" t'e e=/i#!e%ts 3 so"t>a e

7/a%tit- e=/i e(

7/a%tit- a6aila8le

De"i$ie%$- A


);. i.

Ce%t al Co!#/ti%g Fa$ilitA ea A ea e=/i e( 0s=.!.1 156 A ea a6aila8le 0s=.!.1 De"i$ie%$- A


Te !i%als a%( .AN 3 :AN $o%%e$tio%s+ No !s "o %/!8e o" te !i%als+ B.7. / B. Tec). M.7. / M.Tec). B.,rc). M.B.,. M.C.,. Te !i%al+ St/(e%t 1D4 1D2 1D5 1D2 1D2 N/!8e o" te !i%als >it' P* # o$esso N/!8e o" te !i%als o% .AN 3 :AN 2,ll3 N/!8e o" P i%te s 20or$sD 16G o# t)e ter$inals re-uired3

%e-uired ,vaila(le !e#iciency

2%e#er nor$s given a(ove3



So"t>a es So"t>a e e=/i e( 1. Syste$ so#t/are : T)ree 2. 3. 1. 2. 3. . ,pplication so#t/are : 2T/enty3 . . 1.. 26. Na!e o" t'e so"t>a e a6aila8le De"i$ie%$- A



Net>o & $o%%e$ti6itBand/idt) 0u$(er o# nodes /it) 1nternet connection

+ +

Norms: *andwidth Number of !nternet services 'or colle-es offerin- only Architecture course *andwidth Number of !nternet services + + 2,bps 2 + + 2,bps 1

)?. i.

.i8 a A ea

A ea e=/i e( "o a% i%ta&e o" 2*0 st/(e%ts 0s=.!.1

P oGe$te( A ea 0s=.!.1

A ea a6aila8le 0s=.!.1

De"i$ie%$- 0A1

466 2156 #or colleges )aving only ,rc)itecture courses3 L 166 #or Manage$ent 1nstitution



9oo&s a%( 2o/ %als

a1 9oo&s

S$ie%$e @ H/!a%ities No. o" 6ol/!es 0,)1

E%gg. 3 Te$'.B A $'. @ Pla%.B ,a%age!e%t a%( Co!#/te a##li$atio%s No. o" titles 0T1 No. o" 6ol/!es a((e( "o t'e -ea 20)*-)5 0,41 Total %o. o" 6ol/!es 0,) J ,2 J ,41

No. o" 6ol/!es 0,21



%e#er U5C Reg/latio%sB 20)4


!e#iciency G


81 2o/ %als
No. o" Natio%al Go/ %als Sl. No. Deg ee Co/ se R 0Re"e %o !s1 A AD No. o" I%te %atio%al Go/ %als R 0Re"e %o !s1 A AD

1 2 . . Norms:
Te$'%olog- 2o/ %als Co/ ses Natio%al I%te %atio%al

Sl. No.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

B.7. / B.Tec). M.7. / M.Tec). ,rc). M.B.,. M.C.,. 9 5 15 1 5 15



Class Roo!s Norms for Class Room Capacity Area (sq.m 66 Capacity 60

Sl. No.

Class Roo!s a6aila8le i% t'e >'ole $ollege

A ea 0le%gt' < >i(t'1 i% s=/a e !et e N/!8e o" oo!s T-#e o" oo" 0RCC 3 as8estos1 Ca#a$it0"o $al$/latio%B e"e %o !s as gi6e% a8o6e1

1 2 . . . Total ii.
Sl. No.

S/!!a Re=/i e(



0u$(er o# Class roo$s re-uired #or t)e college K O 0o. o# !ivisions 8 !uration o# Course

0 K 0u$(er o# Courses


20. i.

D a>i%g Halls N/!8e o" ( a>i%g 'alls e=/i e( Norms:

0u$(er o# dra/ing )alls re-uired #or B.7. / B.Tec) courses K HTotal sanctioned inta?e #or t)e college / 246I 0u$(er o# studios re-uired #or B.,rc) course is 5. 0u$(er o# con#erence roo$s re-uired #or M.B.,. course is 3.
N/!8e o" ( a>i%g 'alls e=/i e( 0Total sa%$tio%e( i%ta&e "o t'e $ollege 3 2*01

Sl. No.

Co/ ses

N/!8e a6aila8le

De"i$ie%$- A

1 . ii. A ea o" t'e ( a>i%g 'all Norms: Co/ se 2&

Sl. No.

A ea e=/i e( "o ea$' ( a>i%g 'all 2:1 s0&m&

A ea o" t'e ( a>i%g 'all a6aila8le 0s=.!.1 De"i$ie%$A

*&+& 6 *&/ech& 6 *&Arch&

Co/ ses

A ea o" t'e ea$' ( a>i%g 'all e=/i e( 0s=.!.1

1 . Total


2). i.

Ot'e 8/il(i%g s#a$e A(!i%ist ati6e A ea

Sl. No.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. . &. *. .. 16. 11. 12. 13.

9/il(i%g s#a$e "o

Ca #et A ea e=/i e( 0s=.!1 I

A6aila8le 0s=.!.1

De"i$ie%$- A

Principal / !irector o##ice Board %oo$ <##ice all inclusive !epart$ent o##ices Ca(ins #or ;ead o# !epart$ents 'aculty %oo$s Central Stores Maintenance Security ;ouse?eeping Pantry #or sta## 78a$inations Control o##ice Place$ent o##ice

36 26 156 s / 366P 26 16 5 36 16 16 16 16 36 36

Tec)nical Ca$pus )aving one Progra$ P Tec)nical Ca$pus )aving $ore t)an one Progra$


A!e%ities Ca #et A ea 0s=.!.1 e=/i e( "o Te$'%i$al $a!#/s

Sl. No.

9/il(i%g s#a$e "o

O%e P og a! 0s=.!.1

,o e t'a% o%e P og a! 0s=.!.1

A6aila8le 0s=.!.1

De"i$ie%$- A

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. . &. *. .. 16. 11. 12.

Toilets 2+adies L Gents3 Boys Co$$on %oo$ Girls Co$$on %oo$ Ca#eteria Stationery Store L %eprograp)y 'irst ,id cu$ Sic? roo$ PrincipalCs -uarters Guest ;ouse Sports Clu( / Gy$nasiu$ ,uditoriu$ / ,$p)i T)eater Boys ;ostel Girls ;ostel

156s &5 &5 156 16 16 156 36 166 256 ,de-uate ,de-uate

356P 166 166 156 16 16 156 36 266 466 ,de-uate ,de-uate



Hostels !istance (et/een t)e location o# t)e college and t)e cityD Norms Single roo$ Triple seated roo$ %arpet Area (s0&m&) . 26


9o-s Hostel Norms 'or the first year students a maximum of three in a room and for others sin-le seated rooms should be provided& Total )ostel capacity re-uired #or (oys is 25G o# (oysC strengt) in t)e college i# t)e college is located /it)in 26 ?$s o# a large city Total )ostel capacity re-uired #or (oys is 56G o# (oysC strengt) in t)e college i# t)e college is situated in ot)er locations. ,cco$$odation #or 126 students is to (e considered as one )ostel unit.
Roo! $a#a$it- 0a1 0 e"e %o !s gi6e% a8o6e1 Ca#a$it- #e 9lo$& 0$1 H 0a1 < 081

Sl. No.

9lo$& Na!e 3 Ca #et a ea o" oo! 0s=.!.1 N/!8e N/!8e o" oo!s 081

1 2 . Total 9. S/!!a Total 'ostel $a#a$it- e=/i e( "o 8o-s 0 e"e %o !s gi6e% a8o6e1 Total 'ostel $a#a$it- a6aila8le "o 8o-s De"i$ie%$- A



5i ls Hostel 'or the first year students a maximum of three in a room and for others sin-le seated rooms to be provided& /otal hostel capacity re0uired for -irls is 50% of -irls; stren-th in the colle-e if the colle-e is located within 10 km of a lar-e city /otal hostel capacity re0uired for -irls is 200 % of -irls; stren-th in the colle-e if the colle-e is situated in other locations&



Roo! $a#a$it- 0a1 0 e"e %o !s gi6e% a8o6e1 N/!8e o" oo!s 081 Ca#a$it- #e 9lo$& 0$1 H 0a1 < 081

Sl. No. 9lo$& %/!8e Ca #et a ea o" oo! 0s=.!.1



S/!!a Total 'ostel $a#a$it- e=/i e( "o gi ls 0 e"e %o !s gi6e% a8o6e1 Total 'ostel $a#a$it- a6aila8le "o gi ls De"i$ie%$- A


Sl. No.


elate( 8/il(i%g a eas

Re=/i e( $a #et a ea 0s=.!.1 #e 'ostel /%it o" )20 st/(e%ts P oGe$te( a ea e=/i e( 0s=.!.1 A6aila8le $a #et a ea 0s=.!.1

Des$ i#tio% o" t'e a ea

De"i$ie%$- A

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Qitc)en and !ining ;all 1ndoor ga$es cu$ Co$$on )all Medical roo$ 2#or all )ostels3 Canteen "arden o##ice

266 156 56 56 1* ,dditional #our roo$s o# . s-.$. eac) /it)in t)e (loc?s 1* 22 nos.3 ,dditional #our roo$s o# . s-.$. eac) /it)in t)e (loc?s &5 56

. &. i6.

Guest roo$s Toilets

Details o" Tea$'e s Hostel 3 Resi(e%tial a$$o!!o(atio% a6aila8le 21t is desira(le to )ave a )ostel type acco$$odation #or 25G strengt) o# t)e teac)ers /it) t)e nor$s o# 36 s-.$. carpet area per teac)er inclusive o# an attac)ed toilet roo$.3


Sl. No.

P'-si$al E(/$atio%
Des$ i#tio% Details

Total area o# t)e play ground 1.

!etails o# t)e outdoor ga$es availa(le

2. 3. 4. 1.

!etails o# t)e 1ndoor ga$es availa(le

2. 3. 4. 1.

!etails o# gy$nasiu$ availa(le

2. 3. 4.

'und allotted to P)ysical 7ducation


2*. i.

T ai%i%g a%( Pla$e!e%t Cell Details o" t'e sta""

Sl. No.



De#a t!e%t


Fa$ilities a6aila8le
7/a%titA6aila8le 0Y3N1

Sl. No. Ite!

1 2 3 4 5 25.

Con#erence )all 1ntervie/ roo$ <;P +C! proNector ,udio visual #acilities Al/!%i Asso$iatio% 1s alu$ni association #unctioning in t)e college= >/0

26. i.

Ot'e a!e%ities Healt' Ce%t e

Na!e o" t'e sta"" Desig%atio% 7/ali"i$atio% S#e$ialiFatio% E<#e ie%$e

Sl. No.



Ot'e s
A6aila8le 0Y 3 N1

Sl. No. A!e%it-

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. . &. *. .. 16. 11. 12 13 14 15 1 1& 1*. 1.. 26 21

!rin?ing /ater #acility 7lectric Supply Generator 2$in. 25 QR,3 Se/age !isposal Telep)one #acility Re)icle par?ing stand "e(site Barrier #ree (uilt 7nviron$ent #or disa(le Sa#ety Provisions 2'ire and ot)ers3 General 1nsurance #or assets ,ll /eat)er approac) road 0otice Boards Pu(lic announce$ent Syste$ 7%P #or student : 1nstitution5 Parent interaction Transport #acilities #or sta## and students Ban? / 78tension counter #acility / Post CCTR Security +C! in class roo$s Group 1nsurance #or e$ployee Group 1nsurance #or students Sta## Auarters


Sl. No.

Registe s a%( Re$o (s

Na!e o" Registe 3 Re$o ( Is it !ai%tai%e(L 0Y 3 N1

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. . &. *. .. 16. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 1 . 1&. 1*. 1.. 26. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 2 . 2&. 2*. 2.. 36 31

!epart$ent /ise #aculty pro#ile !epart$ent /ise 0on9Teac)ing Sta## Pro#ile %egister o# attendance and assess$ent record 2course /ise3 ,ttendance #or teac)ing and non9teac)ing sta## ,dvertise$ent #or recruit$ent o# #aculty $e$(ers Minutes o# t)e $eeting o# Sta## Selection Co$$ittee ,ppoint$ent / o##er letters issued to #aculty $e$(ers Boining report o# sta## $e$(ers %ecord o# students 2course /ise3 ,cade$ic per#or$ance record o# students 2course /ise3 %ecord o# student proNects 24G5 PG L P)!3 %egister o# attendance and assess$ent record 2course /ise3 %ecord o# sc)olars)ips / #ello/s)ips / #inancial assistance #or students Boo? o# Trans#er certi#icate 2including counter#oils3 Copy o# %egulations5 curriculu$ and sylla(i 2course /ise3 %ecord o# %esearc) / Consultancy / 78tension activities 2!epart$ent /ise3 %ecord o# ,c)ieve$ents5 ,/ard and %ecognition 2!epart$ent /ise3 Master ti$e ta(le and ,cade$ic calendar ,ccession register #or li(rary Stoc? register #or e-uip$ent Stoc? register #or consu$a(le Stoc? register #or #urniture Stoc? register #or tools and plants Minutes o# t)e $eetings o# t)e Governing council o# t)e college Minutes o# t)e $eeting o# t)e Planning and Monitoring Board Minutes o# t)e $eetings o# t)e %egistered Society / Trust o# t)e college >ear9/ise audited state$ent o# accounts o# t)e college and also in t)e #or$at speci#ied (y t)e 4niversity Cas) (oo? o# t)e college ,c-uaintance register 'ee receipt (oo?s 2including counter#oils3 'unds position / (an? certi#icates / '!% copies to indicate #inancial sta(ility



Ce ti"i$ates

T)e o igi%als o# t)e #ollo/ing are to (e produced #or veri#ication at t)e ti$e o# inspection to t)e inspection co$$ittee $e$(ers 2$o#ies %ee( %ot 8e e%$lose( alo%g >it' a##li$atio% "o t'e e<isti%g a""iliate( $olleges1. T)e ne/ colleges s)ould su($it a copy o# t)e #ollo/ing docu$ents duly attested (y t)e c)air$an o# t)e trust along /it) t)e applicationD
Sl. No. 1.
2. 3. 4. 5. . &. *. .. 16. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 1 . 1&. 1*. 1.. 26.

Ce ti"i$ate

A6aila8le 0Y 3 N1

Rillage #ield $ap / 'ield $easure$ent (oo? s?etc) College site $ap / plan. 78isting (uilding plan. Building s?etc) Hdetails o# %oo$s5 +a(oratories5 Stores5 +i(rary etc. #or all t)e #loorsI Building plan proposed. 1rrevoca(le Trust %egistration !eed. !ocu$entary proo# #or o/ners)ip o# lands e8clusively ear$ar?ed #or t)e College. +egal opinion #ro$ not (elo/ t)e ran? o# t)e Govt. pleader on t)e o/ners)ip o# land and e8tent o# coverage. +and use Certi#icate #ro$ an appropriate aut)ority 2%!<3 and +and conversion certi#icate #ro$ t)e !irectorate o# To/n L Country planning. D Certi#icate under Section 3& 2B3 o# Ta$il 0adu +and %e#or$s 2+and #i8ation and Ceiling3 ,ct5 1. 1. D State Govern$ent per$ission #or starting t)e College. ,1CT7 approval #or t)e course2s3 2copy to (e enclosed3. !ocu$ents s)o/ing t)e #inancial via(ility o# t)e college Hdetails o# #inancial (udgeted revenue and e8penses state$ents 2Current year3I. Co$position o# t)e Governing council. Master Ti$e : Ta(le #or all courses and all sections /it) classroo$ arrange$ents. ,udited state$ent o# accounts o# t)e college #or t)e past t)ree years. Certi#icates #or #ire/(oiler/electrical sa#ety #ro$ co$petent aut)orities. Certi#icate #ro$ ;ealt) 1nspector. Certi#icate #ro$ P"! Superintendent 7ngineer #or t)e structural sta(ility o# t)e (uilding Building and e-uip$ent insurance certi#icate.

E T)e application #or a##iliation /ill (e considered /it)out preNudice to t)e rig)t o# t)e 4niversity re-uiring t)e production o# certi#icate under Section 3&B o# Ta$il 0adu +and %e#or$s 2+C3 ,ct 1. 1 and t)e per$ission o# t)e Govern$ent to esta(lis) t)e college su(Nect to t)e verdicts o# t)e ;onC(le ;ig) Court o# Madras H".,.M.P. 0o.5&46 o# 2662I.


2C. I%s#e$tio% 3 P o$essi%g "ee !etails o# 1nspection / Processing #ee re$ittedD 2T)e !.!. )as to (e enclosed /it) t)e application3
Sl. No. Co/ ses "o >'i$' a""iliatio% is so/g't "o t'e -ea 20)*-)5 I%s#e$tio% 3 P o$essi%g "ee #e $o/ se N/!8e o" $o/ se0s1 Total A!o/%t 0Rs1


,lready e8isting course /it) e8isting / reduction in inta?e

%s. 125566/9


,lready a##iliated course /it) increase in inta?e

%s. 255666/9


,dditional acade$ic course

%s. 255666/9


0a$e o# t)e Ban? L Branc)D SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS (/he .&.& to be drawn in favour of < !he "irector, Centre for Affiliation of #nstitutions, Anna University, Chennai $ %&& &'( ) paya*le at Chennai

40. 15

E%(o se!e%t o" t'e P i%$i#al T)iru. / T$t. SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS on (e)al# o# son t)e / daug)ter o#



2 colle+e


SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS )ere(y declare t)at t)e particulars #urnis)ed in t)e application are correct to t)e (est o# $y ?no/ledge.

P i%$i#al 20a$e in Capital +etters3

Seal PlaceD !ateD



4). 15

De$la atio% 8- t'e ,a%age!e%t T)iru. / T$t. SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS son / daug)ter o#

T)iru. SSSSSSSSSSSSSSS on (e)al# o# t)e trust5 viT.5 SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS )ere(y declare t)at t)e particulars #urnis)ed in t)e application are correct to t)e (est o# $y ?no/ledge. 0o progra$$e2s3 / course2s3 /ill (e started /it)out t)e prior approval o# t)e ,1CT7 and t)e grant o# a##iliation (y t)e Anna University, Chennai #or t)e acade$ic year concerned and all t)e original docu$ents related to t)e particulars given in t)e application /ill (e produced at t)e ti$e o# inspection and /)enever called #or.

C'ai !a% 3 Se$ eta 20a$e in Capital +etters3

Seal PlaceD !ateD


0Re"e Ite! )*0ii1 o" t'e A##li$atio% "o A""iliatio%1
FACU.TY RE7UIRE,ENT FOR A 5IVEN TOTA. SANCTIONED STREN5TH 0S1 FOR A.. ACADE,IC COURSES ,-C,.! /0R 1.ARC2. C0UR3,3 Total sa%$tio%e( st e%gt' 0S1 No. o" "a$/lt- !e!8e s e=/i e( 0R1 P o"esso Asso. P o". Asst. P o". Total

36 45 6 &5 .6 165 126 135 156 1 5 1*6 1.5 216 225 246 255 2&6 2*5 366 315 336 345 3 6 3&5 3.6 465 426 435 456 4 5 4*6 4.5 516

1/6 1/6 1/6 1/6 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3

1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5

2 2 2 3 4 5

4 4 4 5 & * . 16 11 12 13 14 15 1 1& 1* 1. 26 21 22 23 24 25 2 2& 2* 2. 36 31 32 33 34

& & &

& * . 16 16 11 12 13 12 13 14 15 1 1 1& 1* 1. 1* 1. 26 21 22 22 23 24


Total sa%$tio%e( st e%gt' 0S1

No. o" "a$/lt- !e!8e s e=/i e( 0R1 P o"esso Asso. P o". Asst. P o". Total

525 546 555 5&6 5*5 66 15 36 45 6 &5 .6 &65 &26 &35 &56 & 5 &*6 &.5 *16 *25 *46 *55 *&6 **5 .66 .15 .36 .45 . 6 .&5 ..6 1665

3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5

& & & & &

& * * * * * . . . . 16 16 16 16 16 11 11 11 11 12 12 12 12 12 13 13 13 13 14 14 14 14 14

25 24 25 2 2& 2* 2* 2. 36 31 36 31 32 33 34 34 35 3 3& 3 3& 3* 3. 46 46 41 42 43 42 43 44 45 4

35 3 3& 3* 3. 46 41 42 43 44 45 4 4& 4* 4. 56 51 52 53 54 55 5 5& 5* 5. 6 1 2 3 4 5 &


0Re"e Ite! )*0ii1 o" t'e A##li$atio% "o A""iliatio%1
FACU.TY RE7UIRE,ENT FOR A 5IVEN TOTA. SANCTIONED STREN5TH 0S1 FOR 9.ARCH. COURSES No. o" "a$/lt- !e!8e s e=/i e( 0R1 P o"esso Asso. P o". Asst. P o". Total

Total sa%$tio%e( st e%gt' 0S1

26 36 46 56 6 &6 *6 .6 166 116 126 136 146 156 1 6 1&6 1*6 1.6 266

1/6 1/6 1/6 1/6 1/6 1/6 1/6 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2

6/1 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 4 4 4

3 2 2 3 4 5

4 4 4 5 & * .

& * . 16 16 11 12 13 12 13 14

16 11 12 13 14 15 1 1& 1* 1. 26



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