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Module6: Bodies of Revolution

Lecture 29: Slender Body Theory (Contd.)

NPTEL IIT Kharagpur: Prof. K.P. Sinhamahapatra, Dept. of Aerospace Engineering


(1 M
Boundary conditions

2 2 1 1 2 ) x2 + r 2 + r r + r 2 x2 = 0
dx 2 x 1 u2 u 2 (0) = body U + u body U + u (0)

2D flow,

u (0 ) ~ 2 U

For a body of revolution, aligned in cylindrical coordinates, the component of velocity w is automatically tangent to the surface. Hence, only the boundary condition in the meridian plane is to be considered. In the meridian plane the body contour is r = R ( x ) . The exact condition is

dR = dx U + u R
Approximation similar to 2D or planar case is not applicable Consider longitudinal section of either 2D/planar body or a body of revolution and radial velocity near the surface

NPTEL IIT Kharagpur: Prof. K.P. Sinhamahapatra, Dept. of Aerospace Engineering

x2 =

2D/planar Body of revolution

x2 = 0

r =0

NPTEL IIT Kharagpur: Prof. K.P. Sinhamahapatra, Dept. of Aerospace Engineering

This velocity field may be obtained by a suitable source distribution on x 2 = 0 or r = 0 . In 2D/planer flow, the velocity near the axis is nearly the same as at the boundary. In axially symmetric flow the radial velocity at the axis must be infinite if it is to be finite on the boundary. Using power series expansion, for 2D case

u1 ( x1 , x 2 ) = U + u ( x1 ,0) + a1 x 2 + a 2 x 2 + ...

u 2 (x1 , x2 ) = u 2 ( x1 ,0) + b1 x2 + b2 x2 + ...


Only the first term is retained for approximate boundary condition. Power series expansion is not possible in the axially symmetric case since velocity gradients near the axis are singular; because of the term other terms

1 ( r ) . However, this term must be of the same order as the r r

1 u ( r ) ~ r r x
u ( r ) ~ r r x
( r ) ~ 0 r
1 r


r 0 r = a0 ( x )

Hence, near the axis is of the order of

a0 + a1 + a2 r + ... r

The correct form for an approximate boundary condition on the axis in case of an elongated body is

dR r ( r )0 = dx U + u R U

NPTEL IIT Kharagpur: Prof. K.P. Sinhamahapatra, Dept. of Aerospace Engineering

Using irrotationality,

u = r x
a0 + ... + a1 r

log r + a1 r + ... u = a0
The pressure coefficient

Cp =

2 M 2

( 1) 2 2 2 w 1 2 2u u M 1 + + + 1 2 2 2 u 2 u U U

For small perturbation, using series expansion, to second order

2 u 2 + w2 2 u + + 2 1 M C p = 2 2 U U U

For 2-D case, it is possible to neglect all but the first term in the first order theory. But for elongated axi-symmetric body, the radial component is of different order form , near the axis, as shown above. Since is very large near r = 0 , the pressure coefficient for axially symmetric case to the first order accuracy is

u Cp = 2 U U

NPTEL IIT Kharagpur: Prof. K.P. Sinhamahapatra, Dept. of Aerospace Engineering

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