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Rope (1948)-Alfred Hitchcock Rope (1948), was an American horror movie directed by Alfred Hitchcock.

The story started straight by the scene the two main character have murdered their friends and hiding in the apartment. And it continued the lines from the conversation they were having in the dinner party in the killers house while no one knows what happened before they come and finally a man found out and realize they were using his theory to kill people. As they already told the result to the audiences of someone been killed at the very beginning of the film. It was noticeable that it gives a really great background to make the story more in depth by the conversation and their acting with the people in the party. It is famous that they used a continued camera to the whole film. As the scene or camera by finishing to eight minutes and ready flaming. And by the time of the technology were really huge memories to
Figure 1"Rope poster"


Moreover, it is noticed the camera shots in this film were quite experimental. There were many wide and pan shot in the film because of the set up of the studio. Also in the classic old film, it used to have many still camera setting up in different position in the studio, while Rope was using a continued camera. Therefore, it should only use one camera in every eight minutes when the frames were full

Figure 2 Film shots- the killer was scared by questioning

Figure 3 The filming studio

On the other hand, It was also experimental on the sounds. There is a shot when the killer and the old lady go to open the door and welcome the guesses in. The camera follows the actors and close up to the door but suddenly there was a big glass crushing sounds between the acting which was totally not the relate to the shot. And the camera follows the actors back to the living room and the audiences can see someone gets hurt by the broken glass. It was interesting that a glass crushing sounds used to be a sound interrupt people in the scene while in here were more like a background environment for the acting. It gives an idea of there are different things happen behind the scene which create a realistic atmosphere to the audiences. Bibliography - Rope film review - Rope film review - Rope film review Figure
Figure 1"Rope poster"-- Figure 23 Film shots- the killer was scared by questioning- Figure 3 The filming studio

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