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National symbols of England

National symbols are defined as the symbols or icons of a national community (such as England), used to represent that community in a way that unites its people. England enjoys many national symbols, which are used extensively in political, social, cultural and even religious spheres, to represent this diverse land. These include: The Flag The flag of England is represented by a red cross on a white background. This is known as St Georges Cross and has its origins in the Crusades (12th and 13th centuries), when soldiers were identified by this red-coloured cross on their white tunics. The Royal Banner of England This banner is also known as the Banner of the Royal Arms, amongst its other names. It is the official English banner of arms and represents the sovereignty of the rulers of England (as opposed to loyalty to the country itself). It comprises three horizontally positioned gold lions, which face the observer. Each has a blue tongue and blue claws and is set against a deep red background. The Royal Arms of England With much the same design as the Royal Banner, this is a coat of arms that is used in representation of the country as well as of its monarchs. National Flower The Rose England is usually represented by a red rose, but other colours can and have also been used. National Drink Tea Tea has been linked to England for centuries. Although these herbal infusions come in a variety of flavours and makes, the favoured norm remains Ceylon and red bush teas.

Work keeps us from three great evils:boredom, vice and need

The process of working is a certain key to reach a successful future. It is a large path that is able to lead us to a great future. When people happen to have too much free time they are more likely to get involved into some bad actions. Doing nothing, or wasting time we get bored. It seems to be a normal result but this leads to the appearance of different kind of vices. The most frequent vice for teenagers is the use of the computer and the internet as a whole. It happen in the childhood even, when a child is not engaged in a certain activity he is looking for trouble and them some kind of activities become a vice. Need is another bad evil that happens as a consequence of the absence of work, because when people dont work they have no possibilities to satisfy their needs. And when a person works he can easily fulfill his needs and desires. I think we should be well-organized in order not to waste our precious time, because as we know time is money and it can satisfy our needs.

One is rich when she/he has friends

True friendship is a plant of slow growth, and must undergo and withstand the shocks of adversity, before it is entitled to the appellation. In all that talking with the teen-agers from all over the world, the most frequent thing is friendship. Friendship is a human characteristic, fact visible even by

Aristotle (even before Epicurus), who presumed that nobody can live without friends, even if he/she has all the fortunes in the whole world.
Friends are like diamonds, precious and rare. Friends might come and go in your life, they might make you laugh and cry, but most importantly of all they love you for who you are. It doesn't matter what a person looks like or what kind of clothes they wear, but it's what's on the inside that counts. A good friend is someone you have meaningful commonalities with. Maybe you believe in the same cause, you have similar core values, or you are passionate about the same things. Since your friends are people you connect with at a deep level and people who accept you as you are, hanging out with them couldnt be anything other than fun. True friends help each other out. Eve n more significant, they know that they can count on each other for support, whether its a piece of advice, a few words of encouragement, a small loan or a hand to move the furniture. Grasping the importance of friendship is the first essential step not only towards making friends, but also towards building an overall better life, in which you are happier, more driven and more successful as an individual.

How students spend their free time

we college students have much leisure time,so we can take part in some activities.because of different tastes,some students like sports and others like literatures.students who like sports want to exercise and become a strong man or woman,and others who like literatures hope to learn more about society.whatever we like,we always absorb much useful knowledge. some students think studying is a pleasure thing.they don't take a dislike to study,however they find some interesting things when they study.when a student don't have a aim, he will not like to study.on the contrary,some who have aims and they think future is luciferous.different attitudes towards the studying create different trsults. different chances absorb different benefits.the students who like sports become stronger and stronger.the students who like literatures can know more and more. others who take studying as a pleasure of mind want to tsudy.

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