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When he discovered that e - mail was called McKinsey Global, in 1971.

American p rogrammer Rajmond Tomlinson has reportedly sent word " QWERTYUIOP " as the first network e - mail . The first is merged their computers to their mailbox using " @" symbol . In 1977. Tomlinson method for sending e - mails worked on networked computers th at used the same software , but many people have begun to use the Advanced Rerea rch Project Network ( ARPA ) of the U.S. Department of Defense network , to conn ect to the external network . 1981st American Standard Code ( ( ASCII ) - adopted a coding scheme in which the ASCII codes represent letters , punctuation and symbols for digitally storing a nd sharing data . In 1985. Government officials , military personnel , students and academics are the most frequent users of e-mail in the mid -80s of the last century . 1991st ISPs provide wide access to the Internet , but with quite limited possibi lities for use , until Tim Berners - Li 1991st was not created by the World Wide Web . 1998th The word " spam " has been added to the Oxford dictionary after growth of internet ( and spam ) mid 90s 1991st Astronauts Sanon Lusid the universe through computer he crew of STS - 43rd This is ould like to have you with us and Si James Adamson sent the first e - mail from Machintos Portable " Hello Earth! Greetings from t the first AppleLink the universe . Discover , we w here ... hasta la vista, baby , we'll be back ! "

1993rd IDM and BellSouth sold the first functional mobile PDA . His price was $ 900 , and served as the telephone, calculator , fax machine, a device for e - ma il and pager . 1997th Microsoft bought Hotmail for about 400 million dollars . 2003rd RIM 850 and 857 are the first smartfoniiz BlackBerry market . It was a re volutionary mobile platform that is most concentrated in the e - mail . 2004th U.S. President George W. Bush signed the legislation Controlling the Assa ult of Non - Solicited Pornography and Marketing Act of 2003 , which were critic ized because they lacked action against spammers . 2008th President Barack Obama became the first president to use mobile e - mail and who admitted his addiction to Black Berry . Despite the risks to security , and still uses it in his office . 2011th The investigation found that the worst password " 123456 " . On the list of worst passwords is " password " . Other noteworthy are : " QWERTY " and " mon key " . For the password " 123456 " was found and that was the most commonly use d password hacker attacks during the 2012th year . 2012th In the world there are more than three billion e - mail accounts, and abo ut 294 billion messages are sent every day . They are about 78 % is plain spam .

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