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RESOLUTION 0033-1314

A Resolution Requesting the University Review n! Re"ognition #o$$ittee %RR#&' through the O((i"e o( Stu!ent A(( irs-Stu!ent A"tivities n! Le !ershi) *evelo)$ent %OSA-SA#*E+&' to In"lu!e the Su,$ission o( n Org ni- tion.s #h rter s Require$ent (or /e r-En! Ev lu tion (or the #urrent S"hool /e r n! (or Re-registr tion (or the Su""ee!ing S"hool /e rs WHEREAS, stated in Article III, Section I, of the 2005 XU-CSG Constitution, the XUCSG shall be the highest seat of student governance of Xavier University. Its officers shall represent its constituents in all university bodies and other association, both within and outside of the ca pus, which directly affect the students! welfare and interests." WHEREAS, sti ulated in Article III, Section 5 of the 2005 XU-CSG Constitution, ! the XU-CSG, in e#ercise of its powers and $urisdiction, shall foster transparency in all underta%ings at all levels of governance and encourage participation a ong its constituents"# WHEREAS, in order for XU CSG to e$ercise its dut% stated in Article III, Section 5, of said constitution, there is a need for all XU reco&ni'ed student or&ani'ations to su()it a co % of their e$istin& or&ani'ation*s charter to XU-CSG*s +ffice of the ,ice -resident" WHEREAS, +SA-SAC.E, is in char&e of ro/idin& students 0ith 1ualit% ro&ra)s, ser/ices, and leadershi o ortunities that shall enrich their classroo) e$ erience and non-acade)ic endea/ors throu&h o/erseein& the reco&nition and )ana&e)ent of the different reco&ni'ed student or&ani'ations in the uni/ersit%" WHEREAS, the Uni/ersit% RRC is a s ecial co))ittee for)ed (% the Uni/ersit% -resident that )onitors the rocess of re/ie0in& current or&ani'ations and a licantor&ani'ations 0ho 0ish to (e reco&ni'ed" WHEREAS, last 23 4une 2025, the 20 th .irectorate assed Resolution 0026-2527, & 'esolution 'e(uiring &ll 'ecogni)ed Student *rgani)ations of Xavier University&teneo de Cagayan to Create and+or Sub it a Copy of ,heir *rgani)ation!s Charter to the XU-CSG *ffice of the -ice .resident, effecti/e until the 28th of 9o/e)(er 2025, 5 o*cloc: -;"

Office of the Vice-President | Xavier University Central Student Government Directorate

WHEREAS, last 25 9o/e)(er 2025, the 20th.irectorate assed Resolution 0023-2527, & 'esolution /#tending the 0eadline of Co pliance for the 'esolution 11232425, effecti/e until < .ece)(er 2025, 5 o*cloc: -;" WHEREAS, a si&nificant nu)(er of reco&ni'ed student or&ani'ation did not co) l% 0ith the a(o/e)entioned resolutions assed (% the 20th .irectorate" WHEREAS, the CSG ,ice -resident, ;r Harold 4ohn ; =a(orte, issued ;e)orandu) 003-2527 last 3 .ece)(er 2025 sti ulatin& the decision of the .irectorate )ade last 8 .ece)(er 2025 to dela% the clearance sli s for final e$a)inations of the residents of student or&ani'ations that did not co) l% 0ith the resolutions" WHEREAS, u on consultation last 3 4anuar% 2027, +SA-SAC.E, Head ;s Richel -etalcurin asserted the difficult% and ris: in dela%in& clearance s:i s of the student leaders (ecause of the ossi(ilit% of recei/in& arent co) laints" >o a/oid this, ;s -etalcurin su&&ested that charters 0ill (e art of the re1uire)ents for the or&ani'ations* %ear-end e/aluation this school %ear and of the rere&istration for the succeedin& %ears" WHERE?+RE, the 20th .irectorate sees the ro osal )ade (% the +SA-SAC.E, Head as a (etter alternati/e" WHERE?+RE, as art of the %ear-end re1uire)ents of e/er% or&ani'ation that still did not co) l% 0ith the resolution, charters 0ill (e included as one of the re1uire)ents" WHERE?+RE, su()ission of or&ani'ation*s charter 0ill also (e a re1uire)ent for rere&istration rocess of the or&ani'ation, startin& ne$t school %ear, to )onitor u datin& and re/isin& of their charters" >HERE?+RE @E I> RES+=,E. that the 20th .irectorate re1uests the Uni/ersit% Re/ie0 and Reco&nition Co))ittee, throu&h the +ffice of Student Acti/ities and .e/elo )ent, to include the su()ission of an or&ani'ation*s charter as a re1uire)ent for the %ear-end e/aluation of the current school %ear and to (e Included as a re1uire)ent for re-re&istration for the succeedin& school %ears" .one this 20th da% of 4anuar%, 2027 at =o%ola Conference Roo) of the ;a&is Student Co) le$, Xa/ier Uni/ersit% - Ateneo de Ca&a%an, Ca&a%an de +ro Cit%, (% the 20th .irectorate in session asse)(led"

Office of the Vice-President | Xavier University Central Student Government Directorate

0ESSA 12 1ETAL#ORIN3 CI,SC .resident 0irector of 'ules and 'egulations

*A4N #2 A#E5E*O3 &/C* Convener

6&bsent during the session 66.resent during the session yet he+she re$ected the passage of the resolution

Office of the Vice-President | Xavier University Central Student Government Directorate

7.resent during the session yet he+she abstained fro

voting the passage of the resolution

Office of the Vice-President | Xavier University Central Student Government Directorate

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