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The Metamorphosis Abuja



January 6th 19th 2014


#AY $ % Mo&'a( )a&uar( *, +,$PRAYER OF T.AN/SGI0ING Psalm 100; Exodus 34:5&6; Psalm 147: 12-14 Make a joyful noise to the LORD, all you lands! Serve the LORD with gladness; Come efore !is "resen#e with singing$ %now that the LORD is &od; 't is !e who has made us, and not we ourselves; (e are !is "eo"le and the shee" of !is "asture$ )nter into !is gates with thanksgiving, *nd into !is #ourts with "raise$ +e thankful to !im, and less !is name$ ,or the LORD is good; !is mer#y is everlasting, and !is truth endures to all generations$ Psalm 100 Let us raise a prayer o t!a"#s$i%i"$ a"d express our deep appre&iatio" to t!e Lord or t!e li e o e%ery mem'er o (etamorp!osis )!ur&!; our me"* +ome"* yout!s a"d &!ildre", -!e Lord !as 'ee" $ood, Let us t!a"# t!e Lord or 'ei"$ our .oy* our !elp* our !ealer* our s!ield* our deli%erer* our pro%ider* our prote&tio" a"d de e"der* our li e a"d /e !as 'e&ome our sal%atio", 0e +a"t to t!a"# 1od or /is &o%e"a"t +it! us i" (etamorp!osis )!ur&!, /e !as 'ee" ait! ul to us a"d mem'ers o our amilies; /e !as #ept to /is +ords a"d promises* /e !as s!o+" /imsel (i$!ty i" our midst a"d o" our 'e!al , Let us t!a"# /im or /is: )o%e"a"t o di%i"e Lo%e )o%e"a"t o di%i"e 2ait! ul"ess )o%e"a"t o Li e a"d (er&y )o%e"a"t o di%i"e 3lessi"$ a"d 4"&rease )o%e"a"t o di%i"e /ealt! a"d /eali"$ )o%e"a"t o 2ertility a"d 5eprodu&ti%e )apa&ity )o%e"a"t o di%i"e Prese"&e a"d 6'se"&e o 2ear,

0e +a"t to t!a"# t!e 6lmi$!ty a"d our 1ra&ious 2at!er or &alli"$ us /is o+", /e &alls us so"s; /e !as made us +ort!y to sta"d i" 5eprese"tatio" o /im i" t!e eart! at t!is e"d time* e"!a"&i"$ our ar&!ite&ture so t!at +e &a" 'e a&&urately positio"ed i" /im, 4" /is mer&y a"d 7o%erei$"ty* /e &!ose us a"d &alled us /is so"s* i" /is deli$!t /e &alled us out to part"er +it! /im to 'ri"$ /is pla"s a"d purpose i" t!e eart! to a ul ilme"t, 0!at a 2ait! ul 1od +e !a%e8 0e +a"t to t!a"# 1od or /is $ra&e* a%our* &o"ti"uous do+"load o spiritual resour&es a"d ope" !ea%e" i"to our li%es , /e !as i"deed 'ee" ait! ul* mer&i ul a"d $ra&ious to us,


0e +a"t to t!a"# 1od i" ad%a"&e or t!e ul ilme"t a"d ta"$i'le ma"i estatio" o all t!e $ood t!i"$s /e !as pla""ed or us i" t!is year 2014, 1od !as pla""ed somet!i"$ 'etter or us8 7o 'y ait! +e lay !old o t!ese t!i"$s i" 9esus "ame, -,or ' know the thoughts that ' think towards you, says the LORD, thoughts of "ea#e and not of evil, to give you a future and a ho"e.$ -!a"# you Lord or e"!a"&i"$ my li e8 4 say :E7 to my ide"tity i" )!rist, :E7 to my status* ri$!ts a"d i"!erita"&es as 4 .our"ey +it! my 'ret!re" i"to more o you Lord, 4 !a%e ait! t!at +e +ill i"is! all your purposes8 4 de&lare t!at my ait! is stro"$* t!at my li e is &ore, 4 !a%e t!e po+er o part"ers!ip t!e spirit o t!e so%erei$" Lord is upo" me, 4 t!a"# :ou 2at!er, 4 t!a"# :ou 9esus, 4 t!a"# :ou pre&ious /oly 7pirit; a"d 4 say :E7,

#AY + % Tues'a( )a&uar( 1, +,$PRAYER OF REPENTANCE2 A"IGNING O!R .EART AN# SETTING O!R 3I"" TO #O T.E 3I"" OF GO# Psalm 24:3-5; 44 )!ro"i&les 6:1;-21; 7:14; 4 9o!" 1:<-; -(ho may as#end into the hill of the LORD/ Or who may stand in !is holy "la#e/ !e who has #lean hands and a "ure heart$ (ho has not lifted his soul to an idol$ 0or sworn de#eitfully$ !e shall re#eive lessing from the LORD, and righteousness from the &od of his salvation.$ Psalm 24:3-5 0e &ome 'e ore t!e t!ro"e o $ra&e 'e&ause o t!e s!ed 'lood o 9esus )!rist a"d +e repe"t o all +ro"$ doi"$ =si" ul lust* immorality i" +ords* t!ou$!ts a"d deeds>, 0e repe"t o e%ery +ro"$ !eart positio"i"$ =u"- or$i%e"ess* 'itter"ess* lyi"$* stu''or""ess* ault i"di"$* diso'edie"&e* pride* a"d a"$er>* +ro"$ me"talities =sel &o"s&ious"ess* u"$odly ima$i"atio"s* sel -&e"tred"ess* sel ri$!teous"ess>* +e as# our mer&i ul a"d $ra&ious Lord to pur$e us rom e%ery si" "ature a"d si" !a'its t!at rustrates our desires to li%e pure a"d !oly li%es, 0e repe"t rom allo+i"$ t!e les! to di&tate to us* de i"e our li e-style a"d i$"ori"$ t!e prompti"$s o t!e 7pirit, 0e &ast o e%ery &a"al desire t!at is alie" to t!e Lord?s sta"dard a"d %alues o t!e #i"$dom o 1od t!at +e !a%e su's&ri'ed to, 0e repe"t o all orms o &ompromise; i" our relatio"s!ips* +or# pla&e* 'usi"esses a"d asso&iates, 0e em'ra&e t!e mi"d o )!rist e%e" as +e destroy all &ar"al mi"ded"ess, 0e de"ou"&e e%ery &ompromise +it! t!e alse i""er ma"* +e em'ra&e a"d a&ti%ate t!e true i""er ma" to su'due a"d o%er po+er t!e alse i""er ma", 0e spea# a"d de&lare ri$!teous"ess* purity* !oli"ess* a&&ura&y* o%er t!e atmosp!ere o our li%es* +e are "ot de i"ed 'y t!e les!* +e are "ot +!o t!e les! says +e are* +e are 1od?s so"s a"d tra"slated rom t!e #i"$dom o dar#"ess i"to t!e #i"$dom o /is dear 7o", 0e repe"t o all u" ait! ul"ess i" ste+ardi"$ 1od?s resour&es put at our disposal to mature us a"d to 'uild ot!ers,


0e 'oldly de&lare t!e ul ilme"t o e%ery purpose o 1od as +e .our"ey to+ards t!em, 0e de&lare /is +ill 'e do"e o" eart! as it is do"e i" !ea%e", 0e pray t!at 1od?s purposes +ill lo+ seamlessly t!rou$! our li%es* our amilies a"d our &ommu"ity, 0e pray t!at e%eryt!i"$ +e do i" (etamorp!osis )!ur&! +ill 'e truly a"d irmly sy"&!ro"ised* +it!out a"y demar&atio"* +it! 1od?s !eart a"d i"te"t, 0e pray t!at 1od +ill per e&t t!e stru&tures o (etamorp!osis )!ur&!* so t!at e%ery i"itiati%e i" 1od?s !eart a&&urately lo+s i"to a&ti%e a"d po+er ul impleme"tatio", % Matthe4 *256$, Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven!

#AY 7 % 3e'&es'a( )a&uar( 8, +,$PERSONA" TRANSFORMATION AN# C.RIST6"I/ENESS 1alatia"s 5:22-26; )olossia"s 3:12-15; Psalm 51:10&11 -+ut the fruit of the S"irit is love, joy, "ea#e, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self1#ontrol$ *gainst su#h there is no law$ *nd those who are Christ2s have #ru#ified the flesh with its "assions and desires$ 'f we live in the S"irit, let us also walk in the S"irit$ Let us not e#ome #on#eited, "rovoking one another, envying one another.$ 1alatia"s 5:22-26 3e pra( i& tota9 Christ6"i:e&ess throu;h2 6 &omplete yieldi"$ o oursel%es to t!e Lord* /is +ill a"d /is purposes i" t!is "e+ era, -otal su'missio" to t!e so%erei$"ty* "ature* &!ara&ter a"d +ays o )!rist, Putti"$ o u" ruit ul"ess a"d putti"$ o" t!e &o""e&tio" as a 'ra"&! to t!e %i"e tree, Putti"$ o t!e i" lue"&e o dar#"ess a"d putti"$ o" t!e po+er o li$!t, Putti"$ o dou't a"d +e put o" ait!, Putti"$ o dou'le mi"ded"ess a"d putti"$ o" t!e !ope t!at ma#es "ot as!amed, Putti"$ o slot! ul"ess a"d putti"$ o" er%e"&y o t!e spirit, Putti"$ o spiritual 'li"d"ess a"d putti"$ o" si$!t o t!e !ar%est, Putti"$ o t!e old +i"e s#i" a"d putti"$ o" t!e "e+ +i"e s#i" or t!e "e+ era, Putti"$ o pu i"$ up o #"o+led$e a"d putti"$ o" &!ildli#e"ess a"d !umility, Putti"$ o sel - o&us a"d putti"$ o" deat! to sel , Let us re"ou"&e a"d de"ou"&e e%ery +ei$!t a"d e%ery si" t!at easily 'eset us t!at +ill dis@uali y us rom steppi"$ i"to e%ery "e+ t!i"$ t!e Lord is doi"$ i" t!e Eart!,


Let us pray t!at +e deta&! oursel%es rom e%ery &ompete"&y o t!e past t!at +ill dis@uali y us rom tou&!i"$ 1od i" t!is "e+ era, 0e pray or stre"$t! to lay !old o" eter"al reality o t!e #i"$dom a"d "ot 'e pulled do+" 'y eart!ly &!alle"$es* distra&tio"s a"d limitatio"s o mortality,

#AY - % Thurs'a( )a&uar( 5, +,$PRAYER OF 3ARFARE2 REA/ING E0ERY YO/E OF T.E ENEMY SEE/ING TO INF"!ENCE !S & MEM ERS OF O!R FAMI"IES Psalm 1<: 1-3* 2<-42; 46:1-7; Ae&!aria! ;:<, -' will love 3ou, O LORD, my strength$ 4he LORD is my ro#k and my fortress and my deliverer, My &od, my strength, in whom ' will trust; My shield and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold$ ' will #all u"on the LORD, who is worthy to e "raised; So shall ' e saved from my enemies.$ Psalm 1<:1-3, -+ut ' will defend my house against marauding for#es$ 0ever again will an o""ressor overrun my "eo"le, for now ' am kee"ing wat#hB Ae&!, ;:< - C4D 0e +a"t to t!a"# t!e Lord or /is a'idi"$ prese"&e +it! us* our amily mem'ers a"d our &ommu"ity, -!e Lord /imsel 'uilt t!e ed$e a"d +alls o prote&tio" rou"d a'out us a"d /e is +at&!i"$ o%er us, 0e +a"t to li t up our %oi&e i" stro"$ prayer a"d i"ter&essio" or oursel%es a"d mem'ers o our amilies 'rea#i"$ e%ery perso"al a"d amily 'o"da$es* 'urde"* di i&ulties* oppressio" a"d yo#e i" our li%es; t!e yo#e o si"* si&#"esses* diseases* deat!* stru$$les* la&#* po%erty* ailure* di%or&e, 0e o%er&ome 7ata" a"d all !is +or#s 'y t!e 'lood o 9esus a"d 'y t!e +ords o our testimo"y, 0e +a"t to pray a"d lay t!e axe o 1od upo" t!e root o e%ery tree "ot 'eari"$ $ood ruits i" our li%es, Let us pray t!at t!e po+er o 1od +ill 'e released i"to our li%es to 'rea# a"d s!atter e%ery i"ter"al 'o"da$es i" us; -!e 'o"da$es o t!e mi"d our t!i"#i"$* t!ou$!ts* reaso"i"$* per&eptio"* passio"* rumi"atio"* li e pri"&iples a"d p!ilosop!ies o t!e +orld t!at !as o%er t!e years s!aped us i" &ertai" +ays, 0e put o t!e old ma"* old "ature* t!e 6dami& a"d eart!ly impri"ts o" our mi"ds, 0e sta"d i" .ud$eme"t a$ai"st e%ery to"$ue a"d %oi&e t!at rises up a$ai"st us a"d mem'ers o our amilies i" t!is seaso" a"d de&lare t!at e%ery &urse is re%ersed a"d "eutralised 'y 1od?s 'lessi"$s o%er our li%es, -!e plotti"$ a"d pla"s o t!e e"emy see#i"$ to i" lue"&e a"d a li&t us i" +!i&!e%er +ay are rustrated a"d s!attered i" 9esus "ame, =4saia! 44:25&26,> Let us &ommit oursel%es a"d mem'ers o our amilies i"to t!e !a"ds o 1od as +e .our"ey i"to t!is year a"d 'eyo"d t!at t!e Lord +ill &o"ti"ue to 'e our re u$e* our stre"$t!* our s!ield* our ortress* our stro"$!old a"d our sal%atio", 0e +ill !a%e "o ear* "o e%il +ill 'e all us "eit!er s!all a"y pla$ue &ome "ear our d+elli"$ or 1od +ill $i%e /is a"$els &!ar$e o%er us,


Let us pray or ait!* &oura$e a"d 'old"ess to &arry out 1od?s &omma"ds a"d desire i" t!is seaso", Let us &ome a$ai"st a"y orm o i"timidatio" i"ter"al or exter"al.ebre4s $$21 0e also +a"t to t!a"# 1od or /is assured Part"ers!ip* Proximity a"d Prote&tio" +it! us i" t!is "e+ era, Let us pray or &o"%i&tio"* i""er o&us* +isdom* #"o+led$e a"d u"dersta"di"$ o 'ei"$ 1od?s part"er i" t!is Ce+ Era i" exe&uti"$ .ud$me"t a$ai"st all systems o t!e eart!, Matthe4 *2$,< )eremiah +=27,67+< )oe9 72$*6$1

#AY = % Fri'a( )a&uar( $,, +,$PRAYER FOR A"" MEM ERS OF METAMORP.OSIS C.!RC. Ep!esia"s 1:17 & 1<; 2:6; 44 )ori"t! 5:17; 6&t 17:2<; -4hat the &od of our Lord 5esus Christ, the ,ather of glory, may give to you the s"irit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of !im, the eyes of your understanding eing enlightened; that you may know what the ho"e of !is #alling is, what are the ri#hes of the glory of !is inheritan#e in the saints. Ep!, 1:17&1<, 0e +a"t to pray or all t!e pre&ious sai"ts i" -() t!at t!e +ord o 1od +e are re&ei%i"$ i" t!is "e+ era +ill mix +it! ait! i" our !earts, -!at t!e +ord +ill produ&e a"d 'ri"$ ort! $ood ruit i"side o our li%es* our relatio"s!ips* our !omes* amilies a"d marria$es, Let us pray t!at our li%es +ill 'e ully pleasi"$ u"to t!e Lord, Let us pray t!at +e +ill re&ei%e t!e $ra&e a"d dili$e"&e to $i%e 1od t!e ree !a"ds to +or# i" us a"d t!rou$! us, Let us pray t!at /e +ill ma#e us 'e&ome t!at +!i&! /e +a"ts us to 'e, 0e +ill 'e a true represe"tatio" o )!rist !ere o" eart! as /is seed remai"s i" us ore%er, Let us pray or all our mem'ers t!at 1od +ill i"d us ready a"d raise us up i" t!is "e+ day as /is e"d time army* a po+er ul tool i" /is !a"d to ul il /is +ill a"d purpose or t!e e"d-time,

Let us pray or i"&reasi"$ spiritual mome"tum* si$!t* +isdom* $ra&e* stre"$t!* &apa&ity* !elp a"d t!e a"oi"ti"$ o t!e Lord i" our li%es to 'uild su&&ess ully a"d a&&ordi"$ to t!e 'luepri"t o !ea%e", -!at +e +ill all 'uild our li%es* marria$es* amilies a"d our &ommu"ity =-()> a&&ordi"$ t!e aut!e"ti& #i"$dom patter"s o !ea%e" deli%ered to us, Pray or all our mem'ers t!rou$!out t!is prayer a"d arou"d a"d esta'lis!me"t +it! 1od a"d deep !u"$er or t!e $ra&e* i""er stre"$t! a"d ait! to ully parti&ipate asti"$ period* 'elie%i"$ 1od t!at it +ill mar# positi%e tur" or us; ait!* perso"al $ro+t!* maturity* &loser relatio"s!ip or t!e t!i"$s o 1od,


Let us pray or i"&reased lo%e or 1od* re%elatio"al lo%e or mem'ers o t!e &ommu"ity a"d lo%e or t!e 3ody o )!rist, Pray or i"&reased u"&tio"al o"e"ess* u"ity a"d !armo"y amo"$ our 'ret!re", Let us pray or &o"ti"uous !eari"$ o t!e %oi&e o t!e /oly 7pirit a"d da"&i"$ to /is r!yt!ms or our li%es daily, 0e +a"t t!e po+er a"d t!e prese"&e o t!e Lord per%adi"$ t!e atmosp!ere o our li%es a"d &o"ditio"i"$ t!e reality o our a&ti%ities a"d out&omes irrespe&ti%e o t!e exter"al e"%iro"me"t, 1od is our pre%aili"$ po+er i" t!is "e+ seaso"8

#AY * % Satur'a( )a&uar( $$, +,$PRAYER FOR O!R FAMI"IES, MARRAIGES AN# RE"ATIONS.IPS 1e" 21:1-2; 1e" 24:40; 1:2<; Pro%, 22:6; (al, 2:15, 0e +a"t to o er t!a"#s$i%i"$ to our 1od +!o !as 'ee" ait! ul a"d $ra&ious to all amilies* marria$es a"d relatio"s!ips represe"ted i" -( ), /e !as 'ee" t!e orti ied stru&ture o our !ome; /e !as 'ei"$ our solid ou"datio" a"d a $reat 'e$i""i"$ +!i&! +e !a%e 'uilt our marria$es o", 0e +a"t to pray or pea&e a"d lo%e o 1od* o"e"ess a"d tra"spare"&y to &o"ti"ue to rei$" i" our !omes a"d amily; more ope""ess o !eart 'et+ee" !us'a"d a"d +i e* &lose ali$"me"t o t!eir spirit i" all aspe&ts o t!eir li%es to+ards 1od as t!ey loo# u"to 9esus )!rist t!e aut!or a"d i"is!er o our ait!, -!ere +ill 'e restoratio" o true marital stru&tures ordai"ed 'y 1od* t!at t!e 7pirit o 1od +ill up!old a"d !elp us esta'lis! $odly amily li e a&&ordi"$ to t!e ri$!t spiritual pri"&iples, 0e +a"t to pray a$ai"st e%ery t!ou$!ts* a&tio"* respo"ses a"d mi"dsets t!at usually stimulate &!ai"s o rea&tio"s a"d pro&esses t!at e%e"tually lead to di%or&e i" marria$es i" 9esus "ame, Pray stro"$ly a$ai"st e%ery pla" o t!e e"emy to 'ri"$ di%isio" a"d u"rest i" e%ery !ome, 0e +a"t to pray or t!e ull"ess o 1od?s 'lessi"$s o%er our marria$es +!i&! 1od !ad de&lared rom t!e 'e$i""i"$ i" 1e", 1:2< to 'e ruit ul* multiply* ill t!e eart! a"d !a%e domi"io", Let us pray t!at all our married &ouples 'elie%i"$ 1od or t!e ruit o t!e +om' t!at t!ey +ill !a%e a %isitatio" o t!e Lord i" a mi$!ty +ay t!is %ery year; t!e ruit o t!e +om' s!all 'e t!eir re+ard i" 9esus "ame = t!at all +ill .ud$e /im to 'e ait! ul,>

0e +a"t to pray a"d .oi" our ait! +it! our sisters a"d 'rot!ers trusti"$ 1od or relatio"s!ips a"d marria$es; t!at li#e 4saa& t!ey +ill i"d a ma"E +oma" a ter 1od?s o+" !eart a"d as t!ey +ait a"d see# 1od* t!ey +ill 'e stre"$t!e"ed 'y t!e Lord, -!at t!ey +ill "ot yield to amily* &ultural or so&ietal pressures?* rat!er t!ey +ill allo+ t!e 7o%erei$" Lord to $uide t!em all t!e +ay,


Let us pray or t!ose t!at are already e"$a$ed i" a relatio"s!ip* t!at t!ey +ill #eep t!e sta"dards o 1od?s purity a"d !oli"ess, -!at t!ey +ill 'e $o%er"ed 'y t!e +ord o 1od a"d e%ery resour&e t!ey +ill "eed to pla" or marria$e =+isdom* $ra&e* !elp* a"d i"a"&es> +ill 'e made a%aila'le 'y 1od, 0e +a"t to pray or all our pare"ts* $uardia"s* tea&!ers a"d exte"ded amily mem'ers t!at 1od +ill stre"$t!e" t!em spiritually* me"tally a"d p!ysi&ally* $i%e to t!em t!e +isdom* $ra&e* !elp* a%our a"d t!e po+er o o"e"ess to raise $odly &!ildre", Pray or t!e tra"s er o #i"$dom %alues a"d patter"s to our &!ildre"; let us t!a"# 1od or t!e #"itti"$ o our !eart to$et!er, Pray or all our pare"ts to ta#e up t!eir &orre&t ste+ards!ip positio"s* a"d pro%ide $uida"&e a"d leaders!ip to our "ext $e"eratio" o leaders, Let us ma#e stro"$ uttera"&es or t!e deli%era"&e o t!e sai"ts impriso"ed 'y alse reli$ious systems* i" !ouses o 'o"da$e a"d spiritually dry pla&es t!at t!ere +ill 'e a massi%e exodus o t!ese people t!at t!ey may &ome i"to t!e trut! a"d t!e li$!t o 1od?s +ord, Pray t!at 1od +ill truly ma#e us sa"&tuary* a pla&e o rest* a pla&e o &ou"sel a"d re"e+al or t!ose +!o +ill temporarily termi"ate t!eir trust* a pla&e o ello+s!ip or t!ose +!o are alo"e* a"d a pla&e o a&&epta"&e or t!ose leei"$ pla&es o i$"ora"&e, % .osea $$276-< )eremiah 7$2$+

#AY 1 % Su&'a( )a&uar( $+, +,$PRAYER FOR O!R CORPORATE /ING#OM A#0ANCE & INITIATI0ES 4saia! 2:2; Psalm <4:5-7; Ep!esia"s 1:15-1<; 1 )ori"t!ia"s 13: 4- <, 0ow it shall #ome to "ass in the latter days that the mountain of the LORD6S house Shall e esta lished on the to" of the mountains, *nd shall e e7alted a ove the hills; *nd all nations shall flow to it$ Many "eo"le shall #ome and say, -Come, and let us go u" to the mountain of the LORD, 4o the house of the &od of 5a#o ; !e will tea#h us !is (ays, *nd we shall walk in !is "aths$ ,or out of 8ion shall go forth the law, *nd the word of the LORD from 5erusalem$ 4saia! 2:2 0e +a"t to pray or all mem'ers o (etamorp!osis )!ur&! t!at i" t!is seaso" t!e Lord +ill $i%e to us t!e spirit o +isdom a"d re%elatio" i" t!e #"o+led$e o /im t!at +e may #"o+ /im 'etter; a"d or t!e eyes o our u"dersta"di"$ to 'e $i%e" li$!t as +e &orporately +at&!* liste" a"d i"tera&t +it! t!e 0ord o 1od to us i" t!is "e+ Era,

0e +a"t pray or all mem'ers o (etamorp!osis )!ur&! to u"dersta"d a"d re&ei%e i" t!eir !earts t!e 'urde" o )!rist or t!e 'ody o )!rist, -!at +e +ill t!i"# a"d allo+ t!e /oly 7pirit to use us i" e"$a$i"$ t!e 'ody o )!rist i" t!is seaso" t!rou$! a !eart o lo%e* &ompassio"* tolera"&e a"d patie"&e, Let us also pray or a pure a"d stead ast !eart i" t!is "e+ era to part"er +it! 1od i" exe&uti"$ /is purposes i" t!e eart!,


Let us pray a"d 'elie%e 1od t!at t!e totality o our li%es =)!ara&ter* attitudes* respo"ses a"d a&tio"s> +ill 'e i" per e&t !armo"y +it! t!e expe&tatio"s o /ea%e" )oh& $,27,, $-25> /armo"yEF"e"ess $uara"tees our sa ety as +e mo%e a$ai"st u"see" or&es i" t!is Ce+ Era, Let us pray t!at t!e /oly 7pirit +ill ma#e us o"e .ust as t!ey =2at!er* 7o" a"d /oly 7pirit> are F"e* let us pray t!at t!ere +ill 'e !armo"iGatio" i" our relatio"s!ip +it! o"e a"d a"ot!er a"d t!e +!ole 'ody o )!rist, 6s 1od is spea#i"$ a"d dema"di"$ !armo"y* let us pray t!at i" our i"di%idual li%es +e +ill !a%e !armo"y =7pirit soul a"d 'ody> a"d o" a &orporate le%el i" 9esus "ame,

#AY 8 % Mo&'a( )a&uar( $7 , +,$PRAYER FOR O!R C.I"#REN, TEENAGERS AN# YO!T.S Psalm ;2:12-14; 4saia! 54:13-17; Ha"iel 1: 17-20; Pro%er's 4: 7 *ll your #hildren shall e taught y the LORD, *nd great shall e the "ea#e of your #hildren$ 'n righteousness you shall e esta lished; 3ou shall e far from o""ression, for you shall not fear; *nd from terror, for it shall not #ome near you , 4saia! 54:13&14 Let us pray or all our &!ildre"* tee"a$ers a"d yout! t!at t!e li$!t* $lory* 'eauty a"d radia"&e o t!e Lord +ill s!i"e o" t!em a"d t!eir a&&omplis!me"ts s!all 'e outsta"di"$ i" t!eir $e"eratio" a"d amo"$ t!eir peers, Let us pray t!at our &!ildre" +ill 'e tau$!t 'y t!e Lord a"d $reat s!all 'e t!eir pea&e* t!ey s!all 'e ar rom Fppressio" a"d terror or it s!all "ot &ome "ear t!em, 0e de&lare t!at our &!ildre" s!all louris! li#e a palm tree; t!ey s!all $ro+ li#e a &edar i" Le'a"o" 'e&ause t!ey are pla"ted i" t!e !ouse o t!e Lord* t!ey s!all louris! i" t!e &ourts o our 1od* t!ey s!all still 'ear ruit i" t!eir old a$e, Pray or all our &!ildre"* tee"a$ers a"d yout! t!at t!e Lord /imsel +ill tea&! a"d "urture t!em a ter t!e order o Ha"iel, -!ey s!all 'e disti"$uis!ed amo"$ t!eir peers i" all t!eir lear"i"$ a"d t!e (i$!ty !a"d o t!e Lord +ill rest upo" t!em, Let us also pray or i"&rease i" +isdom* #"o+led$e* u"dersta"di"$* si$!t* &reati%e t!i"#i"$* rete"ti%e memory* +o"der ul re&all* !i$! i"telli$e"t @uotie"t* ex&elle"&e a"d a%our +it! 1od a"d ma", Let us pray or all our &!ildre"* tee"a$ers a"d yout!s t!at t!e deposit rom 1od +ill i"d $ood soil i" t!eir !earts a"d t!ey +ill 'e&ome t!e per e&ted seed or t!e "ext !ar%est; t!eir $ro+t! a"d de%elopme"t i" t!e t!i"$s o 1od +ill 'e&ome rapid a"d ast tra&#ed i" 9esus "ame, Pray a$ai"st e%ery distra&tio"s a"d pla"s o t!e e"emy to s!i t t!eir o&us a"d $aGe a+ay rom 1od; t!e lo%e o 1od +ill &o"ti"ue to $ro+ i" t!eir !earts a"d t!ey s!all d+ell i" t!e !ouse o t!e Lord ore%er a"d e%er, 6me"8 Let us pray or all our &!ildre"* tee"a$ers a"d yout!s t!at t!e Lord +ill 'e t!eir s!ield a"d prote&tio"* t!ey +ill e".oy pea&e a"d di%i"e !ealt! all t!e day o t!eir li%es, Co


si&#"ess* diseases* i" irmities or pla$ue s!all &ome "ear t!em* "o disaster or !arm s!all 'e all t!em* or t!e Lord +ill &o"ti"ue to $i%e /is a"$els &!ar$e o%er t!em, Let us pray or our &!ildre"* tee"a$ers a"d yout! t!at t!ey +ill respo"d a&&urately to t!e &all rom 1od to mai"tai" t!e i"te$rity o our &ore stru&tures 'y li%i"$ pristi"e li%es a"d to li%e t!eir li%es ully pleasi"$ t!e Lord,

#AY 5 % Tues'a( )a&uar( $7, +,$PRAYER FOR ST!#ENTS, PROFESSIONA" & !SINESS PEOP"E Exodus 35: 30-35; Heut, <:1<; Ha"iel 1:<-20; 1e" 3;:2-5; 4saia! 4<:17; Pro%er' 4:7, 4hus say the LORD, your Redeemer, the !oly One of 'srael; - ' am the LORD your &od$ (ho tea#hes you to "rofit, (ho leads you y the way you should go$ 4saia! 4<:17 *nd Moses said to the #hildren of 'srael, -See, the LORD has #alled y name +e9alel the son of :ri, the son of !ur, of the tri e of 5udah; -and !e has filled him with the S"irit of &od, in wisdom and understanding, in knowledge and all manner of workmanshi", Exodus 35:30&31 -' am the vine, you are the ran#hes$ !e who a ides in Me, and ' in him, ear mu#h fruit; for without Me you #an do nothing, 9o!" 15:5, -'f you a ide in Me, and my words a ide in you, you will ask what you desire, and it shall e done for you$ 9o!" 15:7 6s 1od is e"!a"&i"$ our li%es* +e +a"t to pray a"d trust 1od to raise ma"y amo"$st us a"d &reate "e+ opportu"ities or our people i" t!eir o i&es a"d +or# pla&es* i" t!eir 'usi"ess terrai"s to ta#e up positio"s a"d a&&urately represe"t )!rist i" 3a'ylo", Pray t!at our pro essio"als a"d 'usi"ess people +ill 'e ri$!tly positio"ed i" t!e di ere"t se&tors o our "atio" a"d outside Ci$eria a"d t!ey +ill e e&ti%ely part"er +it! 1od to 'ri"$ t!e eter"al purposes o t!e Lord to pass i" t!e eart!, 0e +a"t to pray a"d de&lare o%er our stude"ts* pro essio"als a"d 'usi"ess people t!at it is a "e+ Era* a "e+ day a"d seaso" or t!em, Let us pray t!at t!e Lord +ill i"deed e"!a"&e t!eir +isdom* &reati%ity* &ompete"&e* u"i@ue"ess a"d s#ills t!at li#e 3aGalel t!ey +ill 'e illed +it! t!e spirit o 0isdom* I"o+led$e a"d J"dersta"di"$, Let us also pray a"d 'elie%e t!at 1od +ill !elp t!em* $ra"t t!em a%our a"d opportu"ities to a&@uire more a"d u"usual s#ills* de%elop more pote"tials* a%our a"d opportu"ity to express t!e +isdom a"d si$!t o 1od i" e%ery situatio"* expressi"$ )!rist i" all dime"sio", Let us pray or our stude"ts* pro essio"als a"d 3usi"ess people t!at li#e Ha"iel* t!ey +ill &o"ti"ue to depe"d a"d yield to t!e !elp o t!e /oly 7pirit a"d "ot 'e de i"ed or polluted 'y t!eir e"%iro"me"t, 5at!er t!ey +ill remai" o&used a"d u"de iled* pulli"$ do+" resour&es a"d $ra&e rom !ea%e" daily a"d "ot pulli"$ up eart!ly +isdom a"d resour&es, Let us 'elie%e 1od or ope" doors or all our 3usi"ess people a"d pro essio"al a"d trust /im or t!e a'ility* po+er to $et +ealt!* "ot a&&ordi"$ to t!e sta"dard or t!e

10 | P a g e

+ays o t!is +orld 'ut 'y ollo+i"$ /is #i"$dom pri"&iples, Pray t!at t!e Lord +ill 'rea# e%ery orm o rustratio" a"d t!at 3a'ylo" +ill yield its 'est to our pro essio"als a"d 'usi"ess people* a"d li#e 9osep! t!ey +ill &o"ti"ue to i"d a%our +it! t!eir &lie"ts* part"ers a"d employers, Let us pray or all our stude"ts or i"&reased +isdom* #"o+led$e* u"dersta"di"$* si$!t* &reati%e t!i"#i"$* rete"ti%e memory* +o"der ul a"d amaGi"$ a'ility to re&all t!i"$s* !i$! i"telli$e"t @uotie"t* ex&elle"&e a"d a%our +it! 1od a"d ma",

#AY $, % 3e'&es'a( )a&uar( $-, +,$PRAYER FOR O!R O!TREAC.ES PRAYER FOR #YNAMIC E0ANGE"ISM % 6&t 1:<; 4saia! 45:1&2; 4sa 11:2* (att ;:37&3<, 0e +a"t to pray a"d 'elie%e 1od or t!e out+or#i"$ o t!e po+er o t!e /oly 7pirit i" t!e !eart o all our mem'ers or 1od to ill us +it! $e"ui"e lo%e a"d 'urde" or t!e souls yet to 'e sa%ed a"d t!e 'ody o )!rist, 0e +a"t to pray or t!e leaders!ip t!at t!ey +ould re&ei%e di%i"e i"si$!t a"d strate$i& desi$" or e e&ti%e a"d sustai"a'le pro$rams or our outrea&!, 6"d or i"&reased stre"$t!* ait!* +isdom a"d si$!t to a&&urately dis&er" t!e seaso" a"d reap t!e !ar%est or our Lord a"d (aster 0e +a"t to pray t!at t!e Lord +ill $o 'e ore us i"to t!is year; /e +ill dire&t our !eart a"d mi"ds, -!at /e +ill order our steps a"d our pat!+ays as +e $o i"to t!e streets, -!at t!e Lord +ill a"oi"t our mout!s a"d !a"ds* $ra"t us $ra&e* +isdom* po+er a"d 'old"ess to 'e /is %oi&e* 'rea#i"$ all po+ers o dar#"ess a"d oppressio" o%er t!e people as +e mi"ister )!rist a"d /is sal%atio" to t!em, PRAYER FOR T.E CITY OF A !)A % Psalm 107:1-<; 4saia! 61:1- 4; 4saia! 62:2-4 0e +a"t to t!a"# 1od or all t!at /e is doi"$ i" t!e &ity o 6'u.a, /is (er&ies* 1ra&e* )ompassio" a"d (i$!ty !a"ds t!at are stret&!ed out i"to all t!e )!ur&! a"d so&iety to 'ri"$ restoratio"* tra"s ormatio" a"d &!a"$e, 0e +a"t to pray or t!e $lory a"d 'eauty o t!e Lord to s!i"e upo" t!e &ity o 6'u.a t!is year a"d 'eyo"d, -!at t!ere +ill 'e a release o me" a"d +ome"* &!ildre"* tee"a$ers a"d yout!s rom all 'o"da$es to ser%e /im a"d &ome to t!e sa%i"$ #"o+led$e o )!rist, 0e pray o%er all t!e lo&al assem'lies* pastors a"d mi"isters t!at t!e Lord +ill release upo" us all "e+ ire* di%i"e li e* $ra&e* a"oi"ti"$ a"d stre"$t! to &olla'orate +it! 1od to 'ri"$ total restoratio" o t!e $lory o t!e Lord to t!e &ity o 6'u.a, 0e pray or t!e !eali"$ !a"ds o t!e Lord to 'e stret&!ed out to !eal e%ery 'ro#e" !eart* e%ery +eary mi"d a"d e%ery ee'le #"ee i" t!e )!ur&!es o 6'u.a, 0e pray t!at t!ere +ill 'e a release o t!e li e a"d po+er o t!e Lord (ost /i$! o%er all t!e sai"ts, 0e 'elie%e 1od to tur" arou"d t!e prese"t spiritual atmosp!ere o t!e &!ur&!es i" 6'u.a a"d &ause t!ere to 'e a release o !ea%e"?s resour&es* po+er a"d i" lue"&e i" t!e la"d, 0e +a"t to pray or a" a$$ressi%e a"d or&e ul s!a#i"$ o t!e spiritual ou"datio"s o t!e 3a'ylo" system =system o t!e +orld> so t!at its !olds o" t!e !earts o our 'rot!ers 'e released* a"d t!ey &a" &ome out to express t!emsel%es i" t!e #i"$dom o 1od, 0e trust 1od or t!e &apa&ity* sy"&!ro"i&ity* o"e"ess* a$reeme"t* po+er*

11 | P a g e

s+i t"ess* speed a"d e i&ie"&y +it! !ea%e" to s!a#e t!e systems a"d to &ause t!e produ&ti%ity o t!e Lord to &ome ort! out o t!e system, % Re?> +$2+1< Re?> $82$6+< 0e +a$e +ar a$ai"st e%ery s!roud o i$"ora"&e a"d dar#"ess t!at !as pre%e"ted t!e 'ody o )!rist i" 6'u.a rom &omi"$ i"to t!e ull"ess o li e i" )!rist,

#AY $$ % Thurs'a( )a&uar( $*, +,$PRAYER FOR PASTOR RIC.AR # AN# PASTOR F!NMI Psalm 121; Ep!esia"s 1:17&1<; 3:14-21; -,or this reason ' ow my knees to the ,ather of our Lord 5esus Christ, from whom the whole family in heaven and earth is named, that !e would grant you a##ording to the ri#hes of !is glory, to e strengthened with might through !is S"irit in the inner man, that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith; that you, eing rooted and grounded in love, may e a le to #om"rehend with all the saints what is the width and length and de"th and height ; to know the love of Christ whi#h "asses knowledge; that you may e filled with all the fullness of &od$. Ep!, 3:14-1;, 0e +a"t to li t up our !a"ds a"d our !earts i" t!a"#s$i%i"$ to 1od or t!e li e o our leaders!ip; or /is ait! ul"ess a"d mer&ies* /is stre"$t! a"d $ood !ealt!* /is $ra&e a"d a%our* /is s!ield a"d prote&tio" o%er t!eir li%es a"d amily, 0e +a"t to t!a"# 1od or usi"$ t!em to ste+ard us a"d to 'ri"$ us to a pla&e o massi%e mo%eme"t i" t!e t!i"$s o t!e spirit, Let us pray i"to t!e atmosp!ere o t!eir li%es: ait!* !ope* &o" ide"&e* 'old"ess* re lexi%e o'edie"&e* maturity a"d t!orou$!"ess* !oli"ess* purity* &o"siste"&y* stead ast"ess* ele%ated si$!t o t!e uture o t!is &ommu"ity* deat! to sel , Let us pray or t!e spirit o +isdom a"d re%elatio" i" t!e #"o+led$e o 1od* t!at t!eir eyes o u"dersta"di"$ +ill 'e $i%e" li$!t, Pray or i"&reased ait!* lo%e* !elp o t!e /oly 7pirit* prote&tio"* se&urity* re"e+ed i"tima&y +it! 1od* stre"$t!* ri$!teous"ess* a"d o'edie"&e as t!ey 'uild t!eir amily* 'usi"esses a"d t!e li%es o t!e sai"ts i" t!e &ommu"ity, Let us pray t!at t!ey +ill 'e $i%e" +isdom a"d $ra&e to ma"a$e* &are a"d ste+ard all t!e spiritual a"d !uma" resour&es &ommitted i"to t!eir !a"ds,

#AY $+ % Fri'a( )a&uar( $1, +,$PRAYER FOR SECON#ARY "EA#ERS AN# T.E 3OR/ FORCE PRAYER FOR SECON#ARY "EA#ERS AN# 3OR/ FORCE 9o!" 15:4; 9o!" 15:12&13; 9o!" 17:11; 4saia! 33:6; 2Pet, 3:< 0e +a"t to li t up all t!e -() 7e&o"dary leaders 'e ore t!e Lord a"d as# or res!"ess o t!e /oly 7pirit upo" t!em a"d a "e+ le%el o &ommitme"t a"d ait! ul"ess to t!eir ser%i&e i" t!is "e+ era, Pray t!at 1od +ill tea&! t!em t!e K3eauty o 7er%i&eB 9o!" 2:17,

12 | P a g e

0e +a"t to pray t!at our leaders +ill 'e i"&reasi"$ly a+are o t!eir produ&ti%ity as t!eir !earts are a&&urately .oi"ed +it! t!at o t!e 7e"ior Pastor, Let us also pray or "e+ sur$e o @uest a"d desire to #"o+ a"d do all t!at t!e Lord !as pla&ed i" t!e !eart o Pastor 5i&!ard* a"d or t!e Lord to &o"ti"ue to ma#e our !earts o"e +it! t!at o Pastor 5i&!ard !a%i"$ a&&urate si$!t o 1od a"d /is $ra&e upo" Pastor 5i&!ard?s li e,

Let us pray or t!at t!e Lord +ill re%eal /imsel i" t!e !eart o all our leaders i" a res! +ay* impa&ts +isdom a"d #"o+led$e t!at e"sures sta'ility a"d 'ala"&e i" e%ery area o t!eir li e; amily* 9o'* 3usi"ess* 6&ademi&s, Let us also pray or more deat! to sel * sel $o%er"me"t* dis&ipli"e a"d !elp a"d more o t!e /oly 7pirit i"side o t!eir li%es, -!at t!ey +ill $i%e t!emsel%es more to prayer a"d study or t!e edi yi"$ o t!e sai"ts i" -(),

Let us pray or &o"ti"uous $ro+t!* maturity a"d de%elopme"t i"side o t!eir spiritual li%es* a"d t!at t!eir .our"ey i"to )!rist +ill 'e %alidated 'y t!eir total depe"de"&y o" 1od, Let us also pray t!at t!ey +ill 'e more sa&ri i&ial i" t!e 'uildi"$ o our &ommu"ity, -!ey +ill +illi"$ly $i%e t!emsel%es; t!eir time* prese"&e* e"er$y* s#ill* !umility* &ompete"&e* i"a"&e* $ra&e a"d a'ilities or t!e ad%a"&eme"t o t!e &ommu"ity,

Let us pray or 1od 'irt!ed &are a"d lo%e or t!e sai"ts i"side o t!eir !earts; &arryi"$ t!e mem'ers o t!e &ommu"ity &o"ti"uously 'e ore 1od i" prayer a"d suppli&atio" a"d release to t!em t!e $ra&e to &o"siste"tly model )!rist 'e ore t!e sai"ts a"d li%i"$ exemplary li e, Let us pray t!at t!ey +ill all &ome more i"to o"e"ess* u"ity* lo%e a"d !armo"y +it! 1od a"d sai"ts o -(), Let us pray or i"&reased o"e"ess* !eart .oi"i"$* ait!* +isdom* u"ity* lo%e a"d team spirit i"side o all t!e teams i" -() t!at ea&! mem'er +ill 'e$i" to see t!emsel%es as a &ore upo" +!i&! t!e $ro+t! a"d de%elopme"t o t!e &ommu"ity a"d t!e ad%a"&eme"t o 1od?s purposes i" -()* Ci$eria* a"d 6 ri&a +ill pi%ot,

PRAYER FOR TMC 3OR/ FORCE % Psalm 133; Psalm 24:1-6

0e +a"t to pray or e%ery team mem'er to possess a 'eauti ul a"d pure !eart i" t!eir ser%i&e u"to t!e Lord, 0e +a"t 1od to tea&! us t!e 'eauty o ser%i&e* sa&ri i&e* deat! to sel * &ommitme"t* sel less"ess* ait! ul"ess* a%aila'ility* lo%e* a"d team spirit, Let us as# t!e Lord to ill all -() +or# or&e +it! /is 7pirit i" a "e+ +ay* t!at ea&! mem'er +ill $i%e t!emsel%es +illi"$ a"d u"&o"ditio"ally, 0e +a"t to pray t!at 1od +ill $i%e us more u"dersta"di"$ a"d re%elatio"al #"o+led$e o /is di%i"e lo%e or t!e +!ole 3ody o )!rist i" t!is "e+ era as +e desire to s!are t!e a'u"da"&e o +!at +e !a%e re&ei%ed rom 1od +it! t!e +!ole 3ody o )!rist, % )oh& +$2$=6$1< $ Cori&thia&s $7 Let us pray or 1od?s a%our to rest mi$!tily upo" us as +e &o"ti"ue o" t!is .our"ey i" )!rist, Let us pray t!at +e +ill all &ome to a positio" o o'edie"&e a"d total su'missio" to t!e Lord i" e%eryt!i"$ so t!at /is lo%e &a" lo+ reely* u"stoppa'le i"to

13 | P a g e

t!e 3ody o )!rist, Pray or t!e po+er o LPer e&ted F'edie"&e? i"side o all t!e sai"ts i" -(), % Isaiah +=21> Let us pray or si$!t a"d a&&ura&y i" our a&tio"s as +e desire to o'ey 1od, -!at +e +ill meet 1od?s expe&tatio"s a"d +ill respo"d a&&urately a"d respo"si'ly part"er +it! /im, 0e pray t!at e%ery limitatio" a"d ri$idity o time +ill 'e ta#e" a+ay* as +e part"er +it! 1od to a&!ie%e /is purpose o" eart!, % )oshua 72$-6$*< )oh& -27=< Matthe4 $72+-67,, 756-$, -7>

#AY $7 % Satur'a( )a&uar( $8, +,$7

PRAYER FOR NIGERIA AN# AFRICA Let us rise up to$et!er i" ait! a"d 'e$i" to ma#e &ou"ter de&rees a$ai"st all pre%aili"$ de%ils a"d demo"s* amiliar spirits a"d a"&ie"t &urses* a"&estral po+ers t!at !as 'ee" lo"$ at +or# o%er Ci$eria a"d t!e &o"ti"e"t o 6 ri&a* +!i&! !a%e su'.e&ted t!e &o"ti"e"t to 'ad leaders!ip* &orrupt pra&ti&es* #illi"$s* +i&#ed"ess a"d all #i"ds o e%il* 'a&#+ard"ess* dar#"ess* po%erty* s!ame a"d dis$ra&e* u"derde%elopme"t a"d pe"ury, 0e raise &ou"ter de&rees a"d 'rea# t!e yo#e o po%erty a"d la&# i" Ci$eria a"d 6 ri&a Mpo%erty o t!e mi"dN a"d +e de&ree a'u"da"&e a"d ruit ul"ess, 0e raise &ou"ter de&rees a"d 'rea# t!e yo#e a"d 'urde" o 'ad leaders!ip o%er Ci$eria a"d 6 ri&a a"d +e 'e$i" to de&lare $ood $o%er"a"&e* $ood leaders!ip a"d "e+"ess, 0e raise a &ou"ter de&ree a"d 'rea# t!e yo#e o &urses a"d +or#s o a"&estral po+ers o%er Ci$eria a"d 6 ri&a a"d +e de&ree t!e 'lessi"$s o !ea%e" a"d deli%era"&e, 0e raise a &ou"ter de&ree a"d 'rea# t!e yo#e o &o"ti"uous +ar* reli$ious a"d et!"i& %iole"&e a"d #illi"$s i" Ci$eria a"d 6 ri&a a"d +e de&ree t!e e%erlasti"$ pea&e a"d lo%e o 1od a"d lo%e or ot!ers to 'e$i" to rei$" i" t!e !eart o all Ci$eria"s a"d 6 ri&a"s, Let us pray a"d 'elie%e 1od to raise out o Ci$eria a"d 6 ri&a e%e" i" Hiaspora our Ha"iels a"d /eGe#ia!s* our Peters a"d t!e 9o!"s +!o +ill !eal our L&ripple"ess? a"d lead 6 ri&a to ul il !er prop!eti& desti"y i" 1od, Let us pray t!at 1od +ill &ause +i"d o a%our a"d mer&y rom !ea%e" to 'lo+ o%er Ci$eria a"d 6 ri&a i" 2014 a"d 'eyo"d,

#AY $- % Su&'a( )a&uar( $5, +,$-

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PRAYER OF T.AN/SGI0ING & FI""ING T.E ATMOSP.ERE OF O!R "IFE 3IT. PO3ERF!" #ECREES 0e o er praise to 1od or re%eali"$ /imsel as 9e!o%a!* t!e &o%e"a"t #eepi"$ 1od e%e" as +e po+er ully de&ree a"d rea irm /is )o%e"a"ts +it! us i" (etamorp!osis )!ur&!* o%er our li%es* mem'ers o our amilies a"d lo%ed o"es, 9eremia! 33:1;-21; Psalm <;:34 %6My #ovenant ' will not reak, 0or alter the word that has gone out of My li"s2

-!e )o%e"a"t o /is Lo%e: #eutero&om( 125< Psa9m 7*21< 5$2$-!e )o%e"a"t o /is 2ait! ul"ess: II Timoth( +2$7 -!e )o%e"a"t o /is Li e a"d (er&y: "ame&tatio&s 72++6+7 -!e )o%e"a"t o Hi%i"e 3lessi"$ a"d 4"&rease: Psa9m 8-2+-, +8 -!e &o%e"a"t o 2ertility a"d 5eprodu&ti%e )apa&ity: E@o'us +72+-< II /i&;s +2+$6++ -!e )o%e"a"t o Hi%i"e /ealt! a"d /eali"$ -!e )o%e"a"t o /is Hi%i"e Prese"&e a"d 6'se"&e o 2ear: Psa9m +12$, #eutero&om( 7$2*< II Timoth( $21

PO3ERF!" #ECREES2 He&ree a"d ill t!e atmosp!ere o your li e i" 2014 +it! di%i"e /E6L-/ He&ree a"d ill t!e atmosp!ere o your li e i" 2014 +it! di%i"e P5F-E)-4FC He&ree a"d ill t!e atmosp!ere o your li e i" 2014 +it! di%i"e 26DFJ5 He&ree a"d ill t!e atmosp!ere o your li e i" 2014 +it! di%i"e ELED6-4FC He&ree a"d ill t!e atmosp!ere o your li e i" 2014 +it! di%i"e 35E6I-/5FJ1/ He&ree a"d ill t!e atmosp!ere o your li e i" 2014 +it! di%i"e P5F(F-4FC He&ree a"d ill t!e atmosp!ere o your li e i" 2014 +it! di%i"e 0E6L-/ He&ree a"d ill t!e atmosp!ere o your li e i" 2014 +it! di%i"e 047HF( He&ree a"d ill t!e atmosp!ere o your li e i" 2014 +it! di%i"e PF0E5 He&ree a"d ill t!e atmosp!ere o your li e i" 2014 +it! di%i"e 9F: He&ree a"d ill t!e atmosp!ere o your li e i" 2014 +it! di%i"e PE6)E

-!a"#s$i%i"$* +ors!ip* !o"our a"d praise to our 1od a"d our Ii"$ or all a"s+ered prayers a"d a&&elerated ma"i estatio" o all t!at +e !a%e re@uested o /im,

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