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1. Name of the student(s)

: Mr. B. Mahadevan, Final Year CSE, National Engineering College, K.R. Nagar, Kovil atti, !amilnadu " #$%&'(. Mr. S. Manikandan, Final Year CSE, National Engineering College, K.R. Nagar, Kovil atti, !amilnadu " #$%&'(. Mr. A. Bharathan, Final Year CSE, National Engineering College, K.R. Nagar, Kovil atti, !amilnadu " #$%&'(. ) Mr. J. Muhilan, Final Year CSE, National Engineering College, K.R. Nagar, Kovil atti, !amilnadu " #$%&'(.

*ne email id

: mahadevaarathri !mail."#m

$. Name of the +uide ,esignation

: Mr. $. M#haideen Pit"hai, : -sso.iate /rofessor, ,e t. of Com uter S.ien.e and Engineering,

0nstitutional -ddress

: National Engineering College, K.R.Nagar, Kovil atti, !amilnadu 1 #$%&'(.

/hone No (. /ro5e.t title 3. Se.tor in 6hi.h 7our ro5e.t /ro osal is .onsidered &. /ro5e.t ,etails: *.+, -ntr#du"ti#n

: '23%## ('4$( : Devel#%ment #& a Smart Se"urit' S'(tem &#r Preventin! ATM related )raud Tran(a"ti#n(.

: Engineering ) !e.hnolog7

From an.ient da7s on6ards ever7 transa.tion revolves around mone7. !herefore a se.ured and orta8le 6a7 of setting u for transa.tion is most e9 e.ted 87 the ersons 6ho have involved in that. -!: .ards then .ame into e9isten.e. - erson .an have man7 a..ounts in man7 8an;s and ea.h 8an; offers an -!: .ard for their .ustomers so that a..ess .an 8e done for the a..ount remotel7. 0n the e9isting setu , the transa.tions are 8an; s e.ifi. than user s e.ifi. i.e. a arti.ular -!: .ard .an 8e o erated to a single a..ount asso.iated 6ith it. !o im rove the orta8ilit7 and ma;e the transa.tions more user s e.ifi. a novel frame6or; is re<uired. So that a erson .an o erate different set of a..ounts held 87 him 6ith a uni<ue .ard 6hi.h .an a.t as a master for all of his .ards. ,es ite of the advan.ed se.urit7 oli.ies 8eing follo6ed in ma;ing of -!: .ards, a du li.ate is easil7 made 6ith the hel of advan.ed s;imming te.hnologies. !his ma;es the entire thing o8solete. !herefore a ne6 setu is re<uired 6hi.h is more se.ured than the se.urit7 oli.ies that 6ere follo6ed in the e9isting setu .

*.., O/0e"tive !he o85e.tive of this ro osal is to design a se.urit7 devi.e that .an 8e in.or orated in the -!: ma.hine. !he devi.e itself is rovided 6ith a se.urit7 algorithm in order to deliver a se.ured and user s e.ifi. transa.tion. 0t over.omes the dra68a.; of the e9isting s7stem as the earlier s7stem is rone to -!: fraudulent. 0n this regard, the fun.tionalities of the -!: .ards .an 8e integrated 6ith a hone=s S0: .ard. !herefore the arti.ular S0: .ard .an a.t as a master to the entire set of .ards of his a..ount. !his in.reases the se.urit7 as 6ell as the orta8ilit7 of the transa.tion 8eing made. *.1, Meth#d#l#!' For an7 6ithdra6al a user has to rea.h the -!: .enter and the -!: ma.hine has to 8e designed 6ith >luetooth radio that .an a.t as a 8ridge 8et6een the hone and the -!: ma.hine. !he user .an run an a li.ation from the hone and 6ill esta8lish a .onne.tion 6ith the -!: ma.hine. !he a li.ation 6ill send a ?ni<ue 0, asso.iated 6ith the S0: .ard to the Server along 6ith the ass6ord entered 87 the user (a s e.ial ass6ord rovided to the user es e.iall7 for this s7stem). -fter the .redentials are verified, a session 6ill 8e esta8lished 8et6een the user and the >an; as su.h as in the e9isting s7stem. !hen the user 6ill follo6 the usual ro.eedings in the -!: ma.hine from entering the -!: /0N to the Re.e tion of Cash. *n.e the transa.tion is done, the session 6ill 8e terminated and the user 6ill have to .onne.t again to ma;e another transa.tion. Sin.e the .ard reading me.hanism has 8een avoided, the du li.ation of .ard 87 s;imming methodolog7 6ill 8e redu.ed to a greater e9tent. !he advantage of this devi.e is that it has an arduino ro.essor asso.iated 6ith the >luetooth radio so that the rogrammer .an follo6 his o6n se.urit7 algorithm to revent 6ireless ha.;s. !herefore it offers a .om lete se.urit7 a.;age to revent -!: frauds.

!he follo6ing diagram des.ri8es the 6or; flo6 of the entire s7stem.
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/ass6ord -!:




Session esta8lishment after verifi.ation ro.ess

0nitial Conne.tion /ro.ess


S/EC0-@@Y ,ES0+NE, >@?E!**!B

-// ,> BLOC$ D-A3RAM

>-NK ,>


C*NNEC!0N+ !* -!: !BR*?+B >@?E!**!B


,ECRY/!0*N *F !BE /-SSD*R, -! SEC?R0!Y ,EA0CE

0f /-SSD*R,


is .orre.t


-!: /R*CEE,0N+S

SESS0*N !ER:0N-!0*N


*.7, 5#rk Plan8 !he follo6ing tas;s have 8een identified for the e9e.ution of 6or; Ta(k -D T+ T. T1 T7 T* T; De("ri%ti#n Surve7 regarding the usage of -rduino ?no R( /ro.essor and >luetooth radio in -!: /rotot7 e design of the Se.urit7 ,evi.e for the ro osed s7stem ,evelo ment of the ne.essar7 .ode (Client and Server .oding in se and /B/) ,e lo7ment of the develo ed .ode 0m lementation of the designed s7stem in the real time s.enario /re aration of the final ro5e.t re ort TOTAL Timeline 9in m#nth(, :.* + +.* +.* + :.* ;

*.*, Bud!et

S.n#. +



=uantit' 1 $

C#(t 9in R(., 3,4&'C" (,&''C"

-rduino ?no R( Em8edded Serves as the .ore of ;it im lementation >luetooth Serial !rans.eiver for -rduino ?no R( /ro.essor Re.hargea8le >atter7 Ne.essar7 Ca8les For the ur ose of data transfer over >luetooth /rovides Ne.essar7 /o6er >ridge the .onne.tions TOTAL COST

1 7

&''C" $&'C" >,:::?@

;. An' Other Detail(8


Need &#r thi( %r#0e"t %r#%#(al8 *n :a7 $'1(, Federal /rose.utors of Ne6 Yor; announ.ed that around 3& millions of ?S ,ollars 6ere ro88ed in a 8an; heist around $4 .ountries in the 6orld on a single stret.h. !his has 8een re.orded as ever great -!: heists and it is noted that s;imming te.hnolog7 6as used. Sin.e there 6ere no e9isting s7stems to avoid s;imming te.hnolog7, it is ro osed to design a lo6 .ost devi.e that 6or;s on >luetooth that re.eives 0, and ass6ord from the user 6hi.h in turn .reates a session for the 6ithdra6al if and onl7 if the .redentials are valid. !his the s;imming strategies as the rogrammer .an follo6 hisCher o6n se.urit7 algorithms in the devi.e. 4. Bas a similar ro5e.t has 8een .arried out 0n 7our .ollegeCelse6here. 0f so furnish details *f the revious ro5e.ts and highlight the im rovements Suggested in the resent one : Nil

CERT-)-CATE !his is to .ertif7 that Mr. B. Mahadevan 9Re! N#8 >;.+:+:7:7.,, Mr. J. Muhilan 9Re! N#8 >;.+:+:7:*:,, Mr. S. Manikandan 9Re! N#8 >;.+:+:7:71, A Mr. A. Bharathan 9Re! N#8 >;.+:+:7:+7, are the 8onafide final 7ear students of ?.+. Engineering .ourses of our .ollege and it is also .ertified that t6o .o ies of utiliEation .ertifi.ate and final re ort along 6ith Seminar a er 6ill 8e sent to the after .om letion of the ro5e.t 87 the end of - ril $'13.

Signature of the +uide

Signature of the B*,

Signature of the /rin.i al or Bead of the 0nstitution

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