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Fiber Characterization Report

Presented to: XYZ Telecom

27 April 2010


Fiberdyne Labs, Inc. Fiber Characterization Final Report

This report details the XYZ Telecom fiber plant, which affords the testing done on April 26th 2010. The span links: - 80 State St Albany, NY to Hoags Corner - Hoags Corner to W Lebanon This report includes the results of the following tests: Bi-directional OTDR (Optical Time Domain Reflectometer) Bi-directional Loss (Power meter and Light Source) Optical Return Loss (ORL) Polarization Mode Dispersion (PMD) Chromatic Dispersion Note: These test results represent a single point in time. Any changes made to the network or any component of the network tested could result in changes in the characteristics of the network as shown in the following results. Summary Bi-directional OTDR results show some artifacts that exceeds the 0.3 dB splice loss threshold. These losses will not inhibit transmission on the network, but the final results will be determined by XYZ Telecom engineers. See the attached. Bi-directional power loss values are within the calculated loss budget and are acceptable for transmission. All spans pass the minimum ORL values of 27 dB. The Hoags Corner to W Lebanon span passed PMD testing for transmission at 40 Gigabits per second without dispersion effects. Both spans passed PMD testing for transmission at 10 gigabits per second without dispersion effects. The Chromatic Dispersion numbers of the fiber routes support the successful passing of 40 Gigabits per second on each wavelength channel without dispersion effects. However, the limit for 40 GB/s is 65ps/nm; therefore the routes pass for 40 GB/s but will require compensation.

Exceptions 80 State to Hoags Corner (9 Patch Panels): While testing for ORL, Fiberdyne Techs encountered high reflectance values at a pass-through located 25.7 Km from the 80 State St location on fiber 1. The fiber was cleaned and documented results reflect the ORL values obtained. There are 2 macro bends on fiber 1 located at 17.86 Km and 23.66 Km from the 80 State St location. These do not inhibit transmission; however, Fiberdyne recommends remediation of these events during a scheduled maintenance window to ensure network stability. Hoags Corner to West Lebanon: 6 fibers were tested and 3 of them had a macro bend located 2.8 Km from West Lebanon. The lowest loss fibers were fibers 43 and 45. Per the customers request, Fiberdyne has documented these fibers for transmission. Power Loss Definition Bi-directional Loss readings The bi-directional loss readings (commonly called span loss or link loss) provides a loss reading that includes the attenuation associated with the fiber, any artifacts within the fiber and the end connectors terminated on the fiber. The span loss readings are taken using the proper referencing techniques as described in FOTP-171 / EIA-455-171 Attenuation by Substitution Measurement for short length Multimode graded index and Singlemode optical fiber cable assemblies. Interpretation Power Loss Bi-directional power loss values are within the calculated loss budget and are acceptable for transmission. Optical Return Loss (ORL) Definition ORL The ORL value measures the total light reflected back to the transmitter caused by the system components of the fiber under test and can degrade the performance by affecting the stability of the laser, which in turn can create bit errors. In addition, since it is a loss, it provides an indication of the amount of light that does not reach the opposite end as intended and ultimately determines the fiber plant efficiency. The ORL readings are taken using the proper referencing techniques as described in FOTP-107 / TIA/EIA455-107A Return Loss for Fiber optic components. Specifications - ORL Vendor and Telecordia specifications regarding Optical Return Loss are as follows: Telcordia Minimum >27dB Equipment Manufacturer Minimum >27dB Optimum desired >30dB Interpretation ORL All fibers tested passed ORL testing based on a threshold of greater than 27 dB.

Optical Time Domain Reflectometer (OTDR) (Event and splice measurement) The Optical Time Domain Reflectometer (commonly called an OTDR) provides a trace that plots signal strength (dB) versus distance, allowing artifacts such as connectors and fusion splices as well as other discontinuities on the fiber to be identified as a loss and distance for network documentation. Events of this nature typically have an immediate effect on the performance of the network. This is a broad test and overview that must be performed to assure compliance with the basic attenuation, loss budgets, and overall link performance. The OTDR event and splice measurement readings are taken using the proper referencing techniques as described in FOTP-59 / TIA/EIA-455-8 Measurement of Fiber Point Discontinuities Using an OTDR and FOTP-8 TIA/EIA Specifications - OTDR (Event and splice measurement) Splicing (field) Connectors Reflection Attenuation not to exceed 0.3 dB per splice not to exceed 0.5 dB per mated connector pair less than 35 dB 0.25 dB/Km at 1550 nm (clean fiber)

Interpretation OTDR (Event and splice measurement) Bi-directional OTDR results show some artifacts that exceed the 0.3 dB splice loss threshold. These losses will not inhibit transmission. Polarization Mode Dispersion (PMD) Definition - PMD PMD is caused by different polarizations of the light pulse traveling along the fiber at slightly different speeds due to imperfections of size and material properties along the length of the fiber. This causes the light pulses or waveforms to spread out or broaden causing possible bit error rate of the transmission signal. The higher the bandwidth, the shorter the pulse and the increase of importance of testing prior to network turn up. The PMD readings are taken using the techniques as described in TIA-455-124 FOTP124 Polarization-mode Dispersion Measurement for Single-mode Optical Fibers by Interferometry Method. Specifications PMD Bit Rate (Gb/s) 2.5 10 Max PMD (ps) 40 10 PMD Coefficient <2.0 <0.5

Interpretation PMD



The Hoags Corner to W Lebanon span passed PMD testing for transmission at 40 Gigabits per second without dispersion effects. Both spans passed PMD testing for transmission at 10 gigabits per second without dispersion effects.

Chromatic Dispersion (CD) Results Definition Chromatic Dispersion Chromatic Dispersion is the broadening or spreading of a pulse of light due to the nonzero spectral width of a transmission signal. The effects of chromatic dispersion can limit the network transmission rate or the length of fiber a signal can be transmitted before requiring re-generation. Proper CD measurements will allow for CD compensation. The CD readings are taken using the proper referencing techniques as described in FOTP175 / TIA-455-175-B Measurement Methods and Test Procedures-Chromatic Dispersion. Specifications Chromatic Dispersion Bit Rate (Gb/s) 2.5 10 40 Interpretation CD The Chromatic Dispersion numbers of the fiber routes support the successful passing of 40 Gigabits per second on each wavelength channel without dispersion effects. However, the limit for 40 GB/s is 65ps/nm; therefore the routes pass for 40 GB/s but will require compensation. Max CD (ps/nm) 16640 1040 65

Results Data
Dist. Site A 80 State St Rack & Row 201.03 (Km) 47.75 1550 Port Loss (dB) 1 2 Hoags Corner 1625 Loss (dB) ORL (dB) PMD (ps) PMD Coe. CD slope @1550 1550 Loss (dB) 13.02 13.00 1625 Loss (dB) ORL (dB) Port 61 62 W Lebanon Rack & Row SONET 3 Site B Hoags Corner

13.11 14.68 28.06 13.16 14.98 28.96

3.249 0.4701 0.056759 2.853 0.4129 0.056728

14.89 29.74 14.97 31.73

B 00


43 45

2.32 2.58

2.81 3.13

31.06 31.01

0.138 0.0405 0.065334 0.112 0.0329 0.057657

2.26 2.53

2.82 3.21

28.10 28.25

19 21

B 06

PMD Value is in Pico-seconds of delay. PMD Coefficient is Pico-seconds divided by the square root of the kilometer.

80 State St to Hoags Corner (1550nm) Ports 1 & 61

80 State St to Hoags Corner (1550nm) Ports 2 & 62

80 State St to Hoags Corner (1625nm) Ports 1 & 61

80 State St to Hoags Corner (1625nm) Ports 2 & 62

Chromatic Dispersion 80 State St to Hoags Corner Ports 1 & 61

Chromatic Dispersion 80 State St to Hoags Corner Ports 2 & 62

POLARIZATION MODE DISPERSION 80 State St to Hoags Corner Ports 1 & 61

POLARIZATION MODE DISPERSION 80 State St to Hoags Corner Ports 2 & 62

Hoags Corners to W Lebanon (1550nm) Ports 43 & 19

Hoags Corners to W Lebanon (1550nm) Ports 45 & 21

Hoags Corners to W Lebanon (1625nm) Ports 43 & 19

Hoags Corners to W Lebanon (1625nm) Ports 45 & 21

Chromatic Dispersion Hoags Corners to W Lebanon Ports 43 & 19

Chromatic Dispersion Hoags Corners to W Lebanon Ports 45 & 21

POLARIZATION MODE DISPERSION Hoags Corners to W Lebanon Ports 43 & 19

POLARIZATION MODE DISPERSION Hoags Corners to W Lebanon Ports 45 & 21

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