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AcceleratedSAP - Business Blueprint

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ASAP Business Blueprint Project IRIS

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Financial Team "#$ C%T !siness l!eprint

Finance Team May 25, 2000




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'ignat!re C!stomer

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AcceleratedSAP - Business Blueprint

Table of Contents
A. Organization............................................................................................................................................................10 1. Cross-application/central organizational units................................................................................................10 1.1. Client..............................................................................................................................................................10 1.2. Company........................................................................................................................................................10 1.3. Company Co e...............................................................................................................................................11 1.!. Business Area.................................................................................................................................................13 1.". #unctional Area..............................................................................................................................................1" 1.$. #inancial %anagement Area..........................................................................................................................1$ 1.&. Controlling Area............................................................................................................................................1& 1.'. Pro(it Center...................................................................................................................................................1' 1.). Plant...............................................................................................................................................................20 2. Procurement........................................................................................................................................................22 2.1. Purc*asing +roup...........................................................................................................................................22 2.2. Purc*asing ,rgani-ation................................................................................................................................23 3. Sales and Distribution.........................................................................................................................................2 3.1. Sales Area......................................................................................................................................................2& 3.2. Sales organi-ation..........................................................................................................................................2& !. Pro"ect management...........................................................................................................................................2# !.1. .BS /lement Applicant................................................................................................................................31 !.2. Person Responsi0le (or .BS /lement...........................................................................................................32 $. %inancial Accounting..........................................................................................................................................32 ".1. C*art o( Accounts..........................................................................................................................................32 . &reasur'...............................................................................................................................................................3$ $.1. 1reasury.........................................................................................................................................................3" (. )nterprise Controlling........................................................................................................................................3 &.1. 2imensions.....................................................................................................................................................3$ &.2. Currencies 3Consoli ation4............................................................................................................................3$ #. Asset Accounting.................................................................................................................................................3 '.1. 2epreciation area...........................................................................................................................................3& '.2. C*art o( 2epreciation.....................................................................................................................................3' '.3. Asset class......................................................................................................................................................3' B. General settings.......................................................................................................................................................39 1. Currencies............................................................................................................................................................3* 2. +nits o, measurement.........................................................................................................................................!0 C. Master data..............................................................................................................................................................40 1. -eneral master records......................................................................................................................................!0 1.1. %aterial %aster..............................................................................................................................................!0 1.2. Ser5ice %aster................................................................................................................................................!$ 1.3. Customer %aster Recor ...............................................................................................................................!' 1.!. 6en or %aster Recor ..................................................................................................................................."2 1.". Ban78Ban7 2irectory 1R8#I..........................................................................................................................."' 1.$. 1a9es..............................................................................................................................................................$1 2. Procurement........................................................................................................................................................ 1 2.1. Buyer..............................................................................................................................................................$1 /var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_3/205399238.doc 2 o( $'!

AcceleratedSAP - Business Blueprint

2.2. Purc*asing in(o recor ...................................................................................................................................$2 2.3. Con itions......................................................................................................................................................$3 2.!. Source :ist.....................................................................................................................................................$$ 2.". %o el Ser5ice Speci(ications.........................................................................................................................$' 2.$. %essage Con itions.......................................................................................................................................$) 2.&. 2eli5ery A ress............................................................................................................................................&0 2.'. Release Strategy ;it* Classi(ication..............................................................................................................&2 2.). 6en or /5aluation.........................................................................................................................................&3 3. Sales and Distribution.........................................................................................................................................($ 3.1. ,utput.............................................................................................................................................................&" !. Pro"ect management...........................................................................................................................................($ !.1. Stan ar structures.........................................................................................................................................&" !.1.1. Stan ar .BS.........................................................................................................................................&$ !.2. +eneral...........................................................................................................................................................&& !.2.1. PS te9t.....................................................................................................................................................&& !.3. Project structure.............................................................................................................................................&' !.3.1. Responsi0le Cost Center.........................................................................................................................&' !.3.2. Re<uesting Cost Center...........................................................................................................................&' $. %inancial Accounting..........................................................................................................................................(* ".1. +8: Account...................................................................................................................................................&) ".2. :e ger............................................................................................................................................................'2 ".2.1. Special Purpose :e ger...........................................................................................................................'3 ".3. #un s %anagement........................................................................................................................................'$ ".3.1. #un s Center...........................................................................................................................................') ".3.2. Commitment Item...................................................................................................................................)1 ".3.3. #un ........................................................................................................................................................)! . .e/enue and cost controlling.............................................................................................................................** $.1. ,5er*ea Cost Controlling............................................................................................................................)) $.1.1. Cost /lement...........................................................................................................................................)) $.1.1.1. Primary Cost /lement....................................................................................................................101 $.1.1.2. Secon ary Cost /lement................................................................................................................102 $.1.1.3. Cost /lement +roup.......................................................................................................................103 $.1.2. Cost Center............................................................................................................................................103 $.1.2.1. Cost Center.....................................................................................................................................10" $.1.2.2. Stan ar =ierarc*y (or Cost Centers.............................................................................................10" $.1.2.3. Cost Center +roup.........................................................................................................................10$ $.2. Pro(it Center Accounting.............................................................................................................................10$ $.2.1. Assignment o( Pro(it Centers to %aster 2ata.......................................................................................10$ (. Asset Accounting...............................................................................................................................................10# D. Business Processes................................................................................................................................................112 1. Procurement......................................................................................................................................................112 1.1. Procurement o( %aterials an /9ternal Ser5ices.........................................................................................113 1.1.1. Purc*ase Re<uisition.............................................................................................................................113 Purc*ase Re<uisition Processing...................................................................................................113 Purc*ase Re<uisition Assignment..................................................................................................11$ Release Purc*ase Re<uisition........................................................................................................11' 1.1.2. Purc*asing.............................................................................................................................................120 Purc*ase ,r er Processing> 6en or ?n7no;n..............................................................................120 Purc*ase ,r er Processing.............................................................................................................12! Contract Release ,r er..................................................................................................................12' 1.1.2.!. Release o( Purc*ase ,r ers............................................................................................................130 1.1.2.". 1ransmission o( Purc*ase ,r ers..................................................................................................131 1.1.2.$. 2eli5ery an Ac7no;le gment /9pe iter.....................................................................................13! 1.1.2.&. Processing o( S*ipping @oti(ications8Con(irmations....................................................................13$ /var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_3/205399238.doc 3 o( $'!

AcceleratedSAP - Business Blueprint

1.1.2.'. 1ransmission o( S*ipping @oti(ications........................................................................................13' 1.1.3. +oo s Receipt.......................................................................................................................................13) +oo s Receipt Processing..............................................................................................................13) +oo s Receipt Processing ;it* Re(erence....................................................................................1!1 1.1.!. In5oice 6eri(ication..............................................................................................................................1!! 1.1.!.1. In5oice Processing ;it* Re(erence................................................................................................1!" 1.1.!.2. In5oice ,5er5ie;...........................................................................................................................1!' 1.1.!.3. In5oice Release..............................................................................................................................1"0 1.2. Internal Procurement A @ot in scope............................................................................................................1"3 1.2.1. Purc*ase Re<uisition AInternal Procurement A not in scope.................................................................1"3 Purc*ase Re<uisition Processing...................................................................................................1"3 Purc*ase Re<uisition Assignment..................................................................................................1"" Release Purc*ase Re<uisition........................................................................................................1"& 1.2.2. Purc*asingAInternal Procurement A not in scope..................................................................................1"' Purc*ase ,r er Processing.............................................................................................................1"' Release o( Purc*ase ,r ers............................................................................................................1$2 1ransmission o( Purc*ase ,r ers..................................................................................................1$! 1.2.3. +oo s ReceiptAInternal Procurement A not in scope............................................................................1$$ +oo s Receipt Processing..............................................................................................................1$& 1.3. Source A ministration.................................................................................................................................1$) 1.3.1. R#B8Buotation......................................................................................................................................1$) Processing o( Re<uests (or Buotations..........................................................................................1$) Release o( R#Bs.............................................................................................................................1&1 1ransmission o( R#Bs...................................................................................................................1&3 1.3.1.!. 6en or Buotation Processing........................................................................................................1&" 1.3.1.". 1ransmission o( Rejections............................................................................................................1&& 1.3.2. ,utline Purc*ase Agreements...............................................................................................................1&' Contract Processing........................................................................................................................1&' Release o( ,utline Agreements......................................................................................................1'0 1ransmission o( Contracts.............................................................................................................1'2 1.!. Return 2eli5eries.........................................................................................................................................1'! 1.!.1. ,ut0oun S*ipments.............................................................................................................................1'! 1.!.1.1. 1ransportation Planning an Processing........................................................................................1'! 1.!.1.2. #reig*t Cost In5oicing an Settlement...........................................................................................1'& 1.!.1.3. %essage 1ransmission (or 1ransport 2ocuments..........................................................................1') 1.!.2. In5oice 6eri(ication..............................................................................................................................1)1 1.!.2.1. In5oice Re5ersal.............................................................................................................................1)1 1.!.2.2. %anual Clearing.............................................................................................................................1)2 1.!.3. S*ipping................................................................................................................................................1)3 1.!.3.1. %essage 1ransmission (or 2eli5eries............................................................................................1)3 2. Sales and Distribution.......................................................................................................................................1*$ 2.1. Sales ,r er Processing 3Stan ar 4...............................................................................................................1)" 2.1.1. Sales ,r er............................................................................................................................................1)" Sales ,r er Processing...................................................................................................................1)" 2.1.2. Billing....................................................................................................................................................1)& Processing Billing 2ocuments.......................................................................................................1)& Billing 2ocument Cancellation......................................................................................................1)) 2.2. Sales ,r er Processing> %a7e8Assem0ly 1o ,r er...............................................................................200 2.2.1. Customer ,utline Agreement...............................................................................................................200 6alue Contract Processing.............................................................................................................200 2.3. C+rant Billing..............................................................................................................................................201 2.3.1. Cost Reim0ursa0le Billing....................................................................................................................203 2.3.2. Sc*e ule Billing....................................................................................................................................20& 2.3.3. Item Billing...........................................................................................................................................20) 2.3.!. :,C 2ra; o;n....................................................................................................................................211 3. Pro"ect 0anagement 1......................................................................................................................................21! 3.1. Initiation.......................................................................................................................................................220 /var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_3/205399238.doc ! o( $'!

AcceleratedSAP - Business Blueprint

3.1.1. Internal Project Initiation......................................................................................................................222 Prepare Business Case (or Project.................................................................................................22& Project Appro5al............................................................................................................................230 3.2. Planning.......................................................................................................................................................231 3.2.1. Structure................................................................................................................................................232 Project Structuring.........................................................................................................................23' 3.2.2. Re5enue Planning.................................................................................................................................2!' Re5enue Planning in .or7 Brea7 o;n Structure.........................................................................2"1 3.2.3. Cost Planning........................................................................................................................................2"! Cost Planning in .or7 Brea7 o;n Structure................................................................................2"& 3.2.!. Planning 2ates......................................................................................................................................2$) 3.2.!.1. %anual .BS 2ate Planning..........................................................................................................2&1 3.3. /9ecution.....................................................................................................................................................2&! 3.3.1. Project Release......................................................................................................................................2&! Project Release...............................................................................................................................2&& 3.3.2. Billing 3see S2 section4........................................................................................................................2'1 Billing Re<uest Processing............................................................................................................2'2 ResourceDRelate Billing...............................................................................................................2'! 3.3.3. Perio D/n Closing...............................................................................................................................2'" Actual ,5er*ea Costing...............................................................................................................2)1 Actual Settlement...........................................................................................................................2)' 3.3.!. Reporting Project Results......................................................................................................................300 3.3.!.1. Reporting Project Results...............................................................................................................30! 3.!. Closing.........................................................................................................................................................30$ 3.!.1. Preparation (or Project Closing.............................................................................................................30) 3.!.1.1. #inal Settlement.............................................................................................................................311 3.!.2. Project Completion...............................................................................................................................312 3.!.2.1. Set Project Close Status...............................................................................................................313 !. %inancial Accounting........................................................................................................................................31$ !.1. Basic Settings...............................................................................................................................................31" !.1.1. #iscal Eear an Posting Perio s............................................................................................................31" !.1.2. 2ocument..............................................................................................................................................31& !.1.3. 1a9 on Sales8Purc*ases in SAP System................................................................................................323 !.1.!. Posting =elp..........................................................................................................................................32! !.1.". .it**ol ing 1a9...................................................................................................................................32$ !.1.$. Sc*e ule %anager.................................................................................................................................32' !.2. +eneral :e ger Processing..........................................................................................................................32) !.2.1. Postings in +8:......................................................................................................................................32) !.2.1.1. Par7 +8: Account 2ocument.........................................................................................................32) !.2.1.2. +8: Account Posting......................................................................................................................331 !.2.1.3. Recurring /ntry..............................................................................................................................333 !.2.1.!. 2ocument Re5ersal........................................................................................................................33" !.2.1.". %ass Re5ersal................................................................................................................................33$ !.2.1.$. Accrual82e(erral Posting................................................................................................................33' !.2.1.&. Clearing..........................................................................................................................................33) !.2.2. +eneral :e ger Account Analysis........................................................................................................3!1 !.2.2.1. +eneral :e ger :ine item Analysis...............................................................................................3!3 !.2.3. Closing ,perations................................................................................................................................3!3 !.2.3.1. Reclassi(ication Recei5a0les8Paya0les..........................................................................................3!! !.2.3.2. Pro(it an :oss A justment............................................................................................................3!! !.2.3.3. #inancial Statement Creation.........................................................................................................3!" !.2.3.!. Perio ic Reports.............................................................................................................................3!$ !.2.3.". Carry #or;ar +8: Balances.........................................................................................................3!& !.3. Accounts Paya0le Processing.......................................................................................................................3!) !.3.1. 6en or 2o;n Payments.......................................................................................................................3!) !.3.1.1. 6en or 2o;n Payment Re<uest....................................................................................................3!) !.3.1.2. 6en or 2o;n Payment..................................................................................................................3"1 /var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_3/205399238.doc " o( $'!

AcceleratedSAP - Business Blueprint

!.3.1.3. 6en or 2o;n Payment Clearing...................................................................................................3"2 !.3.2. In5oices an Cre it %emos..................................................................................................................3"! !.3.2.1. 6en or 2ocument Par7ing.............................................................................................................3"" !.3.2.2. Par7e 2ocument Posting [6en ors].............................................................................................3"& !.3.2.3. In5oice Receipt..............................................................................................................................3") !.3.2.!. 6en or Cre it %emo.....................................................................................................................3$2 !.3.2.". 2ocument Re5ersal........................................................................................................................3$! !.3.2.$. %ass Re5ersal................................................................................................................................3$" !.3.2.&. Recurring /ntry..............................................................................................................................3$& !.3.2.'. Internal 1rans(er Posting................................................................................................................3$) !.3.2.). Internal 1rans(er Posting ;it* Clearing.........................................................................................3&0 !.3.3. 6en or Account Analysis.....................................................................................................................3&2 !.3.3.1. 6en or :ine Item Analysis............................................................................................................3&2 !.3.3.2. Balance Analysis............................................................................................................................3&3 !.3.3.3. 6en or Account /5aluations.........................................................................................................3&" !.3.!. 6en or Payments..................................................................................................................................3&$ !.3.!.1. 6en or Payment Re<uest...............................................................................................................3&) !.3.!.2. Release (or Payment.......................................................................................................................3'0 !.3.!.3. %anual ,utgoing Payments...........................................................................................................3'2 !.3.!.!. Automatic ,utgoing Payments......................................................................................................3'! !.3.". Account Clearing [AP]..........................................................................................................................3'' !.3.".1. %anual Clearing.............................................................................................................................3'' !.3.".2. Automatic Clearing........................................................................................................................3') !.3.$. Correspon ence ;it* 6en ors..............................................................................................................3)1 !.3.$.1. Correspon ence ;it* 6en ors.......................................................................................................3)1 !.!. Accounts Recei5a0le Processing.................................................................................................................3)3 !.!.1. In5oices an Cre it %emos..................................................................................................................3)3 !.!.1.1. Customer 2ocument Par7ing.........................................................................................................3)3 !.!.1.2. Par7e 2ocument Posting [Customers].........................................................................................3)" !.!.1.3. ,utgoing In5oice............................................................................................................................3)& !.!.1.!. Customer Cre it %emo..................................................................................................................3)) !.!.1.". 2ocument Re5ersal........................................................................................................................!01 !.!.1.$. %ass Re5ersal................................................................................................................................!03 !.!.1.&. Recurring /ntry..............................................................................................................................!0! !.!.1.'. Internal 1rans(er Posting................................................................................................................!0$ !.!.1.). Internal 1rans(er Posting ;it* Clearing.........................................................................................!0' !.!.2. Account Analysis [A8R]........................................................................................................................!0) !.!.2.1. Customer :ine Item Analysis........................................................................................................!0) !.!.2.2. Balance Analysis............................................................................................................................!11 !.!.2.3. Customer Account /5aluations......................................................................................................!12 !.!.3. Customer Payments...............................................................................................................................!13 !.!.3.1. Payment A 5ice @ote Processing..................................................................................................!1! !.!.3.2. Customer Payment Re<uest...........................................................................................................!1" !.!.3.3. Release (or Payment.......................................................................................................................!1$ !.!.3.!. %anual Incoming Payments...........................................................................................................!1$ !.!.3.". Automatic Incoming Payments......................................................................................................!1& !.!.3.$. Payment Car Settlement...............................................................................................................!1' !.!.!. Account Clearing [AR].........................................................................................................................!1) !.!.!.1. %anual Clearing.............................................................................................................................!1) !.!.!.2. Automatic Clearing........................................................................................................................!21 !.!.". 2unning @otice.....................................................................................................................................!22 !.!.".1. Automatic 2unning........................................................................................................................!23 !.!.$. Correspon ence ;it* Customers..........................................................................................................!2$ !.!.$.1. Correspon ence ;it* Customers...................................................................................................!2$ !.". Ban7 Accounting..........................................................................................................................................!2' !.".1. Incomings..............................................................................................................................................!2' !.".1.1. Cas* Fournal...................................................................................................................................!2' !.".1.2. /lectronic Ban7 Statement.............................................................................................................!33 /var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_3/205399238.doc $ o( $'!

AcceleratedSAP - Business Blueprint

!.".1.3. %anual Account Statement............................................................................................................!3) !.".1.!. C*ec7 2eposit 1ransaction............................................................................................................!!2 !.".1.". Cas*e C*ec7s...............................................................................................................................!!" !.".1.$. :oc70o9 3?SA4..............................................................................................................................!!& !.".2. ,utgoings..............................................................................................................................................!"0 !.".2.1. Payment ;it* Payment Re<uests...................................................................................................!"2 !.".2.2. Cas* Fournal...................................................................................................................................!"3 !.".3. C*ec7 %anagement...............................................................................................................................!"! !.".3.1. %anage C*ec7 Balance..................................................................................................................!"! !.".!. Account Balance Interest Calculation...................................................................................................!"! !.".!.1. Account Balance Interest Calculation............................................................................................!"! !.$. Special Purpose :e ger................................................................................................................................!"$ !.$.1. Prepare :e ger......................................................................................................................................!"$ !.$.1.1. Set ?p :e ger................................................................................................................................!"$ !.$.2. 1a0le %aintenance................................................................................................................................!"& !.$.2.1. 1a0le 2e(inition an Installation...................................................................................................!"& !.$.3. Actual Posting.......................................................................................................................................!"' !.$.3.1. 2irect 2ata /ntry...........................................................................................................................!") !.$.3.2. Integration Inter(ace.......................................................................................................................!$0 !.$.3.3. 2ata 1rans(er..................................................................................................................................!$2 !.$.!. Perio ic Processing...............................................................................................................................!$2 !.$.!.1. Rollup.............................................................................................................................................!$2 !.$.!.2. Balance Carrie #or;ar [S: D Special :e ger]............................................................................!$3 !.$.". /5aluations............................................................................................................................................!$" !.$.".1. Special Purpose :e ger /5aluations..............................................................................................!$" !.$.$. 1ools......................................................................................................................................................!$$ !.$.$.1. %aintain Sets86aria0les.................................................................................................................!$$ !.&. #un s %anagement......................................................................................................................................!$' !.&.1. / it Basic Settings................................................................................................................................!&" !.&.1.1. Assigning Cost /lement.................................................................................................................!&" !.&.1.2. Preparing Re5enues Increasing t*e Bu get...................................................................................!&' !.&.1.3. Assigning .BS /lement...............................................................................................................!'1 !.&.1.!. Assigning Cost Center...................................................................................................................!'3 !.&.2. Bu get Planning....................................................................................................................................!'$ !.&.2.1. Copy C, Plan (or #% Bu get.......................................................................................................!)2 !.&.2.2. Bu get Structure Processing..........................................................................................................!)3 !.&.2.3. / iting Commitment Item +roup..................................................................................................!)& !.&.2.!. Bu get 6ersion Processing............................................................................................................"01 !.&.2.". Automatic Bu get Processing........................................................................................................"0! !.&.2.$. ,riginal Bu get Processing 3Bottom ?p t*roug* Rollup4............................................................."0! !.&.2.&. ,riginal Bu get Processing 31op 2o;n8Bottom ?p4...................................................................."0' !.&.2.'. Bu get Release 31op 2o;n8Bottom ?p4......................................................................................."0) !.&.2.). Bu get Release 3Bottom ?p ?sing Rollup4..................................................................................."0) !.&.2.10. Bu get Supplement 31op 2o;n8Bottom ?p4.............................................................................."12 !.&.2.11. Bu get Supplement 3Bottom ?p t*roug* Rollup4......................................................................."13 !.&.2.12. Bu get 1rans(er............................................................................................................................"1& !.&.2.13. Bu get Return 3,ut;ar 0y Rollup4............................................................................................"21 !.&.2.1!. Bu get Return*in Bu get Structure8,ut;ar 4...................................................................."2" !.&.2.1". / it Bu get 2ocument................................................................................................................."2$ !.&.3. Bu get /9ecution.................................................................................................................................."2' !.&.3.1. #un s Reser5ation.........................................................................................................................."3$ !.&.3.2. #un s PreDcommitment.................................................................................................................."3) !.&.3.3. #un s Commitment........................................................................................................................"!2 !.&.3.!. %anual Commitment %ass %aintenance8Closing in #%.............................................................."!" !.&.3.". Bu get Increase.............................................................................................................................."!' !.&.!. In(ormation System [#un s %anagement]...........................................................................................""2 !.&.!.1. Reports .........................................................................................................................................""! !.&.". #iscal Eear C*ange ,perations [#un s %anagement].........................................................................""& /var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_3/205399238.doc & o( $'!

AcceleratedSAP - Business Blueprint

!.&.".1. Preparing #iscal Eear C*ange ,perations....................................................................................."") !.&.".2. ,pen Commitment 2ocument Selection......................................................................................."") !.&.".3. 2e(ine 1rans(er Rules...................................................................................................................."$3 !.&.".!. Commitments 2ocuments Carry (or;ar ......................................................................................"$! !.&.".". Reset Commitments Carrie #or;ar ............................................................................................"$! !.&.".$. #un Balance Carry (or;ar .........................................................................................................."$! !.&.".&. 2etermining Bu get Carry (or;ar ..............................................................................................."$" $. .e/enue and cost controlling...........................................................................................................................$ * ".1. Pro(it an Cost Planning.............................................................................................................................."$) ".1.1. Cost an Acti5ity Planning..................................................................................................................."$) ".1.1.1. Copy Plan (rom Pre5ious Eear to Cost Center Planning..............................................................."&1 ".1.1.2. Copy Actual 2ata to Cost Center Plan..........................................................................................."&! ".1.1.3. Re e(inition o( Plan 6ersion.........................................................................................................."&' ".1.1.!. 1rans(er o( Personnel Costs..........................................................................................................."'0 ".1.1.". Primary Cost Planning 3#ull Costs4..............................................................................................."'2 ".1.1.$. Primary Cost Planning 3Prop.8#i9e 4............................................................................................."'" ".1.1.&. Secon ary Cost Planning 3#ull Costs4..........................................................................................."'& ".1.1.'. Secon ary Cost Planning 3Prop.8#i9e 4.........................................................................................")0 ".1.1.). Resource Planning..........................................................................................................................")3 ".1.1.10. Perio ic Reposting o( Plan 2ata..................................................................................................")" ".1.1.11. Plan Cost 2istri0ution..................................................................................................................")' . Asset Accounting...............................................................................................................................................$** $.1. =an ling #i9e Assets.................................................................................................................................$0" $.1.1. Asset %aintenance................................................................................................................................$0& $.1.1.1. Creation o( %aster Recor (or 1angi0le Assets.............................................................................$0' $.1.1.2. Creation o( +roup Asset................................................................................................................$0' $.1.1.3. Asset %aster Recor C*ange.........................................................................................................$0) $.1.1.!. %ass C*anges................................................................................................................................$0) $.1.2. Receipts.................................................................................................................................................$10 $.1.2.1. Processing o( Asset Ac<uisition....................................................................................................$10 $.1.2.2. Su0se<uent Ac<uisition..................................................................................................................$13 $.1.3. 2epreciation..........................................................................................................................................$13 $.1.3.1. Reser5es Carry (or;ar .................................................................................................................$1" $.1.3.2. 2epreciation Processing.................................................................................................................$1$ $.1.3.3. %anual 2epreciation Planning.......................................................................................................$1& $.1.3.!. 2epreciation Posting......................................................................................................................$1& $.1.!. Business 1ransactions...........................................................................................................................$1' $.1.!.1. Settlement o( Asset un er Construction.........................................................................................$1' $.1.!.2. PostDcapitali-ation..........................................................................................................................$1) $.1.!.3. .riteDup.........................................................................................................................................$1) $.1.!.!. Reposting.......................................................................................................................................$20 $.1.". +roup Re<uirements.............................................................................................................................$20 $.1.".1. Processing o( Asset Ac<uisition....................................................................................................$20 $.1.$. Retirements...........................................................................................................................................$22 $.1.$.1. Retirement......................................................................................................................................$22 $.1.$.2. %ass Retirement............................................................................................................................$22 $.1.&. Closing ,perations [Asset Accounting]...............................................................................................$23 $.1.&.1. %ultiple 6aluations........................................................................................................................$2" $.1.&.2. Preparations (or EearD/n Closing in Asset %anagement............................................................$2$ $.1.&.3. %ass C*anges................................................................................................................................$2$ $.1.&.!. 2epreciation posting......................................................................................................................$2& $.1.&.". Carry ,ut EearD/n Closing in Asset %anagement......................................................................$2& $.1.&.$. Perio ic Reports.............................................................................................................................$2' $.2. =an ling o( :ease Assets...........................................................................................................................$2) $.2.1. Asset %aintenance................................................................................................................................$2) $.2.1.1. Asset %aster Recor C*ange.........................................................................................................$2) $.2.1.2. %ass C*anges................................................................................................................................$30 /var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_3/205399238.doc ' o( $'!

AcceleratedSAP - Business Blueprint

$.2.2. Receipts.................................................................................................................................................$30 $.2.2.1. Ac<uisition o( :ease Asset..........................................................................................................$30 $.2.3. 2epreciation..........................................................................................................................................$31 $.2.3.1. 2epreciation Processing.................................................................................................................$31 $.2.3.2. 2epreciation Posting......................................................................................................................$32 $.2.!. Business 1ransactions...........................................................................................................................$32 $.2.!.1. 1rans(er :ease Asset....................................................................................................................$32 $.2.!.2. C*ange in a :easing Agreement....................................................................................................$33 $.2.!.3. :ease Payment...............................................................................................................................$3! $.2.". Retirements...........................................................................................................................................$3! $.2.".1. Retirement o( :ease Asset...........................................................................................................$3! $.2.$. Closing ,perations................................................................................................................................$3! $.2.$.1. %ultiple 6aluations........................................................................................................................$3" $.2.$.2. Preparations (or EearD/n Closing in Asset %anagement............................................................$3" $.2.$.3. %ass C*anges................................................................................................................................$3$ $.2.$.!. 2epreciation Posting......................................................................................................................$3$ $.2.$.". Carry ,ut EearD/n Closing in Asset %anagement......................................................................$3& $.2.$.$. Perio ic Reports.............................................................................................................................$3& $.3. 2irect Capitali-ation....................................................................................................................................$3' $.3.1. Procurement an capitali-ation.............................................................................................................$!0 $.3.1.1. Creation o( %aster Recor (or 1angi0le Assets.............................................................................$!0 $.3.1.2. Processing o( Asset Ac<uisition....................................................................................................$!1 (. &ra/el 0anagement.......................................................................................................................................... !! &.1. 1ra5el /9penses...........................................................................................................................................$!! &.1.1. Presettings (or 1ra5el /9penses............................................................................................................$!! &.1.2. ProcessDoriente <uestions (or 1ra5el /9penses...................................................................................$!' &.1.3. /ntry o( a tra5el re<uest........................................................................................................................$"& &.1.3.1. /nter per iems 8 (lat rates (or tra5el re<uest.................................................................................$") &.1.!. Appro5al o( tra5el re<uest.....................................................................................................................$$0 &.1.!.1. C*ec7 (or tra5el re<uest [stan ar ]................................................................................................$$0 &.1.!.2. @oti(ication o( rejection o( tra5el re<uest [stan ar ].....................................................................$$2 &.1.!.3. @oti(ication o( appro5al o( tra5el re<uest [stan ar ].....................................................................$$3 &.1.!.!. @oti(ication o( nee to correct tra5el re<uest [stan ar ]...............................................................$$3 &.1.". A 5ance payment..................................................................................................................................$$! &.1.".1. 1rip a 5ance payment8transmission [stan ar ].............................................................................$$! &.1.$. /ntry o( trip (acts..................................................................................................................................$$& &.1.$.1. /ntry o( trip (acts 3inclu ing per iems8(lat rates an e9penses4...................................................$$& &.1.$.2. Supplement trip (acts [stan ar ]....................................................................................................$&0 &.1.$.3. Correction o( trip (acts [stan ar ]..................................................................................................$&0 &.1.&. Appro5al o( trip (acts............................................................................................................................$&1 &.1.&.1. C*ec7 (or trip (acts [stan ar ].......................................................................................................$&1 &.1.&.2. @oti(ication o( rejection o( trip (acts [stan ar ]............................................................................$&! &.1.&.3. @oti(ication o( appro5al o( trip (acts [stan ar ]............................................................................$&! &.1.&.!. @oti(ication o( nee to correct trip (acts [stan ar ].......................................................................$&! &.1.'. 1ra5el /9penses....................................................................................................................................$&" &.1.'.1. Per(ormance o( 1ra5el /9penses [stan ar ]..................................................................................$&" &.1.'.2. 1ransmission o( 1ra5el /9pense results [stan ar ].......................................................................$&$ &.1.'.3. Creation8transmission o( 1ra5el /9penses statement [stan ar ]...................................................$'1 &.1.). Cancellation..........................................................................................................................................$'2 &.1.).1. Cancellation o( 1ra5el /9penses reim0ursement [stan ar ].........................................................$'2


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AcceleratedSAP - Business Blueprint

$/ (rgani0ation
1/ Cross2application)central organi0ational !nits
1/1/ Client
C% Template: 1. General Explanation All entities within the niversit! o" #ennessee s!stem will $tili%e one prod$ctive client . 2. &amin' (onvention 1) *E+ 2) #,# 3) -.*



"!estions: /0 1) *o !o$ want to str$ct$re the compan! into one or more separate le'al entities1

A0 #he niversit! o" #ennessee operates $nder one Emplo!er 2denti"ication &$m3er and p$3lishes one set o" "inancial statements as a component $nit o" the ,tate o" #ennessee. 4, +ent$res is a related entit! 3$t has its own set o" "inancial statements that will not 3e consolidated with the niversit! "inancial statements. *$e to the c$rrent streamlinin' e""orts there ma! 3e additional related entities in the "$t$re5 3$t the! are not expected to 3e consolidated within ./3. #he niversit! will have one compan! code. /0 2) *o !o$ have "orei'n companies1

A0 &o /0 3) 6hich companies are 'oin' to wor7 with which chart o" acco$nt1

A0 8ne operational chart o" acco$nt will 3e $tili%ed 3eca$se one compan! code will represent the le'al acco$ntin' view o" the or'ani%ation. A sin'le compan! code can onl! 3e assi'ned to one chart o" acco$nts. #he niversit! expendit$re acco$nts need to map on a man! to one 3asis to the #ennessee 4i'her Ed$cation (ommission 9#4E() chart o" acco$nts. /0 :) 2n which c$rrencies are the transactions posted in the companies1 , dollars. 10 o( $'!

A0 All transactions will 3e posted in


AcceleratedSAP - Business Blueprint


5) Are all companies mana'ed in ;2 compan! codes5 and is ;2 inte'ration $sed1

A0 <es C% Template: 1. General Explanation #he niversit! o" #ennessee will have a sin'le compan! created in ./3. 2. &amin' (onvention #he niversit! o" #ennessee c$rrentl! has onl! one compan!. #his compan! will 3e = #=. 3. *e"inition o" 8r'ani%ational nits A compan! is an or'ani%ational $nit in Acco$ntin' that represents a 3$siness or'ani%ation accordin' to the re>$irements o" commercial law in a partic$lar co$ntr!. 2n the ./3 s!stem5 consolidation "$nctions in "inancial acco$ntin' are 3ased on companies. A compan! can comprise one or more compan! codes. :. Assi'nment o" 8r'ani%ational nits All compan! codes "or a compan! m$st wor7 with the same operational chart o" acco$nts and "iscal !ear. #he compan! code = #= will 3e assi'ned to compan! = #=. 5. (han'es to Existin' 8r'ani%ation &one ?. ,pecial (onsiderations Altho$'h the niversit! c$rrentl! has onl! one compan! code5 we need to ma7e s$re that we do not con"i'$re the s!stem to prohi3it the creation and inte'ration o" additional compan! codes in the "$t$re. @. -roAect ,peci"ic (2 ,ection &/A


Company Code

"!estions: /0 1) 6hich le'al entities 9compan! codes) will !o$ have and in which co$ntries1


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A0 #here will 3e onl! one le'al entit! i.e. #he niversit! o" #ennessee. 9-lease see (ompan! a3ove). /0 2) 6hat are the le'al reportin' re>$irements that these companies have to compl! with1

A0 #he niversit! o" #ennessee m$st report to all its constit$ents $nder the ,tandards iss$ed 3! the Government Acco$ntin' ,tandards Board 9GA,B). #hese standards are c$rrentl! 3ein' $pdated and new statements 3: and 35 have to 3e implemented 3! ;< 2002. ;inancial acco$ntin' in"ormation is also incl$ded in the 2nte'rated -ostCsecondar! Ed$cation *ata ,!stem 92-E*) ,$rve!. /0 3) 6hich companies are re>$ired to $se a stat$tor! chart o" acco$nts "or reportin' p$rposes1 A0 # is re>$ired to report to the ,tate o" #ennessee accordin' to the #ennessee 4i'her Ed$cation (ommission 9#4E() (hart. #he onl! stat$tor! chart o" acco$nts is the #4E( chart o" acco$nts. /0 :) *o all companies $se the same operatin' chart o" acco$nts1

A0 <es /0 10) ;or which enterprise entities that are not independent le'al entities do !o$ re>$ire s$3 led'ers 9acco$nts pa!a3le led'er5 acco$nts receiva3le led'er5 asset acco$ntin' and so on)1 ;or example5 "ixed assets per strate'ic 3$siness $nit. A0 &one C% Template: 1. General Explanation A compan! code is the smallest or'ani%ational $nit "or which a complete sel"Ccontained set o" acco$nts can 3e drawn $p "or p$rposes o" external reportin'. niversit! o" #ennessee c$rrentl! operates as a sin'le le'al entit! and will have a sin'le compan! code in ./3. #his will not prohi3it additional compan! codes to 3e added in the "$t$re. 2. &amin' (onvention #he niversit! o" #ennessee c$rrentl! has onl! one compan! code. #his compan! code will 3e = #=. 3. *e"inition o" 8r'ani%ational nits A compan! code is the smallest or'ani%ational $nit "or which a complete sel"Ccontained set o" acco$nts can 3e drawn $p "or p$rposes o" external reportin'. :. Assi'nment o" 8r'ani%ational nits ($rrentl!5 niversit! o" #ennessee operates as a sin'le le'al entit! and will have a sin'le 12 o( $'!


AcceleratedSAP - Business Blueprint

compan! code. #his compan! code will 3e assi'ned to the compan! = #= and controllin' area = #=. 5. (han'es to Existin' 8r'ani%ation #he niversit! o" #ennessee c$rrentl! operates as a sin'le le'al entit! and will contin$e to operate in this manner $sin' a sin'le compan! code. ?. ,pecial (onsiderations &one noted at this time @. -roAect ,peci"ic (2 ,ection &/A


!siness $rea

"!estions: /0 1) ;or which enterprise entities do !o$ wish to create individ$al internal 3alance sheets and/or pro"it and loss statements or other internal reports1 -lease provide details o" !o$r reportin' re>$irements. A0 #he niversit! re>$ires "$ll internal 3alance sheets "or each o" its 21 3$d'etin' entities 3! "$nd 'ro$ps. -lease see list o" entities. #he "$nd 'ro$ps are0 11 9($rrent nrestricted) 13 9A$xiliar! nrestricted) 1? 94ospital nrestricted) 21 9($rrent .estricted) 23 9A$xiliar! .estricted) 2? 94ospital .estricted) 30 9Endowment) :0 9Di"e 2ncome) :5 9Ann$it!) 51 9 nexpended -lant ;$nds) 52 9-lant ;$nds "or .etirement o" 2nde3tedness) 53 9-lant ;$nds "or .enewal and .eplacement) 5: 92nvested in -lant ;$nds) ?0 9Doans) 90 9A'enc! ;$nds) -lease see (ode ,$pport "or a list o" 3$d'etin' entities. the n$m3er o" entities ma! 3e red$ced. nder the c$rrent streamlinin' plan

/0 2) Are there entities within !o$r enterprise that are not independent le'al entities5 3$t that !o$ treat as independent le'al entities1 A0 &o.


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AcceleratedSAP - Business Blueprint

/0 :) *oes the or'ani%ation have to prod$ce se'mented "inancial statements "or p$3lic reportin' 9e.'. ;A,C1: in the ,)1 A0 <es5 however5 the niversit! is a 'overnmental entit!. .ather than ;A, 1:5 the niversit! has a re>$irement to report at the "$nd 'ro$p level and 3! 3$d'et entit!/camp$s. C% Template: 1. General Explanation B$siness areas are $nits5 within an instit$tion5 "or which a 3alance sheet and income statement can 3e prod$ced. 2n hi'her ed$cation5 3$siness areas are t!picall! $sed to represent "$nd 'ro$ps s$ch as ($rrent nrestricted5 ($rrent .estricted5 etc. "or which 3alance sheets and income statements are re>$ired. 2n addition to 3alance sheets 3! "$nd 'ro$ps5 the niversit! o" #ennessee re>$ires a separate internal 3alance sheet and income statement "or each 3$d'et entit! s$ch as Enoxville5 Fartin5 (hattanoo'a5 etc. #he niversit! will have 3$siness areas that represent a $ni>$e com3ination o" ;$nd Gro$p and B$d'et Entit!. All existin' "$nd 'ro$ps and 3$d'et entities will 3e set $p as 3$siness areas. ;or asset and lia3ilit! entries5 these 3$siness areas will 3e entered 3! $sers. ;or reven$e and expendit$re entries5 these 3$siness areas will 3e a$tomaticall! de"a$lted "rom cost centers and 6B, Elements. 2. &amin' (onvention #he namin' convention "or the 3$siness area G the "irst two characters represent the ;$nd Gro$p and the third and "orth characters represent the B$d'et Entit!. ;or example5 3$siness area 1301 is ($rrent nrestricted A$xiliar! ;$nds 913) "or Enoxville 901). 3. *e"inition o" 8r'ani%ational nits A 3$siness area is an or'ani%ational $nit within acco$ntin' that represents a separate area o" operations or responsi3ilities in a 3$siness or'ani%ation. 2n hi'her ed$cation5 3$siness areas are t!picall! $sed to represent "$nd 'ro$ps s$ch as ($rrent nrestricted5 ($rrent .estricted5 etc. "or which 3alance sheets and income statements are re>$ired. :. Assi'nment o" 8r'ani%ational nits <o$ can assi'n all 3alance sheet items5 s$ch as "ixed assets5 receiva3les and pa!a3les5 as well as the entire -HD statement directl! to 3$siness areas. <o$ can onl! assi'n 3an7s5 e>$it!5 and taxes man$all! to 3$siness areas i" !o$ do this indirectl!. 6e will $se the split led'er to assi'n 3$siness areas across these t!pes o" acco$nts. 5. (han'es to Existin' 8r'ani%ation &one ?. ,pecial (onsiderations 6e will need to $se the split led'er "or 3alance sheets 3! 3$siness areas @. -roAect ,peci"ic (2 ,ection /var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_3/205399238.doc 1! o( $'!

AcceleratedSAP - Business Blueprint



F!nctional $rea

"!estions: /0 1) *o !o$ need to str$ct$re the pro"it and loss statement accordin' to "$nctional areas 9cost o" sales acco$ntin') s$ch as prod$ction5 sales5 mar7etin'1 A0 <es /0 2) 6hich "$nctional areas do !o$ $se "or !o$r renderin' o" acco$nts1

A0 #he niversit! str$ct$res its -HD statement accordin' to the "ollowin' "$nctional areas esta3lished 3! &A( B80 01 2nstr$ction 02 .esearch 03 -$3lic ,ervice 0: Academic ,$pport 05 ,t$dent ,ervices 0? 2nstit$tional ,$pport 0@ 8peration and Faintenance o" -lant 08 ,cholarships and ;ellowships 09 A$xiliar! Enterprises 10 4ospitals 11 ,ta"" Bene"its 12 8ther Expendit$re ;$nctions 13 ,ervice (enters /0 3) 4ow do !o$ determine "$nctional areas1 ;or example5 do !o$ derive them "rom the cost centers1 A0 ;$nctional areas are determined 3! cost center or 6B, element. C% Template: 1. General Explanation #he ;$nctional Area is an or'ani%ational $nit in Acco$ntin' that classi"ies the expendit$res o" an or'ani%ation 3! "$nction. #he niversit! will $se "$nctional areas to ena3le reportin' 3! "$nction. #hese "$nctional areas will 3e de"a$lted "rom cost centers and 6B, Elements. 2. &amin' (onvention #he namin' convention "or the "$nctional area0 *$e to the "act that ./3 does not recommend master data 3e'in with a %ero5 the "irst character o" the "$nctional area is =1=5 the second and third characters are the niversit! o" #ennesseeIs ;$nction (ode and the "orth character is a =0=. ;or example5 "$nctional area 1020 is .esearch 9;$nction (ode 20).


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AcceleratedSAP - Business Blueprint

3. *e"inition o" 8r'ani%ational nits #he ;$nctional Area is an or'ani%ational $nit in Acco$ntin' that classi"ies the expendit$res o" an or'ani%ation 3! "$nction. #he ;$nctional Area is a :Ccharacter "ield derived 3! expendit$re postin's to cost centers and 6B, elements. :. Assi'nment o" 8r'ani%ational nits #he "$nctional area is assi'ned to the cost center master record. 6hen postin' to a 6B, element5 the "$nctional area will need to 3e derived 3! a s$3stit$tion r$le 3ased on the 6B, master data record. 5. (han'es to Existin' 8r'ani%ation &one ?. ,pecial (onsiderations ;$nctional areas will need to 3e derived 3! (8 o3Aects s$ch as cost centers and 6B, elements. 6e will need to con"i'$re a s$3stit$tion r$le or $ser exit "or this "$nctionalit!. @. -roAect ,peci"ic (2 ,ection &/A


Financial Management $rea

"!estions: /0 1) 6hich "inancial mana'ement 9;F) areas do !o$ want to $se1

A0 #he niversit! has a sin'le $ni"ied 3$d'et and onl! one compan! code. As s$ch5 onl! one ;inancial Fana'ement Area is necessar!. /0 2) *o !o$ re>$ire "inancial eval$ations "or individ$al compan! codes or across several compan! codes1 A0 ;inancial eval$ations are needed onl! "or one compan! code. /0 A0 /0 3) 6hich leadin' c$rrenc! sho$ld 3e $sed "or "inancial eval$ations1 nited ,tates *ollar 9 ,*) :) At which intervals do !o$ eval$ate planned and act$al val$es 9months5 wee7s5 etc.)1

A0 As needed on a real time 3asis


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AcceleratedSAP - Business Blueprint


Controlling $rea

"!estions: /0 1) Are !o$ $sin' one centrali%ed controllin' s!stem or do !o$ "ollow a decentrali%ed approach with several independent controllin' s!stems1 A0 #he niversit! o" #ennessee will 3e $tili%in' one controllin' area. #he controllin' area represents a closed s!stem "or cost acco$ntin' p$rposes. ;or example5 internal cost allocations cannot occ$r o$tside o" a sin'le controllin' area. Additionall!5 a controllin' area can $se onl! one operational chart o" acco$nts. /0 2) -rovided that compan! codes $se the same chart o" acco$nts and "iscal !ear variant5 which compan! code9s) do !o$ want to assi'n to !o$r controllin' area9s)1 A0 8ne compan! code will 3e implemented and will 3e assi'ned to the controllin' area. /0 :) 8nl! i" !o$ intend to $se pro"it centers0 ,ho$ld !o$r or'ani%ation 3elon' to one pro"it center 'ro$pin' even i" !o$ intend to $se m$ltiple controllin' areas1 A0 8ne -ro"it (enter 'ro$pin' will exist within the niversit! o" #ennesseeIs enterprise controllin' area. /0 5) 2" !o$ wish to have $ni"ied (ontrollin'5 which c$rrenc! or c$rrencies are !o$ plannin' to $se1 A0 8nl! one c$rrenc! will 3e maintained in the ,A- ./3 s!stem0 , dollars. /0 A0 /0 ?) 8n which c$rrencies sho$ld !o$r (ontrollin' 3e 3ased1 , *ollars @) 6hich companies are 'oin' to wor7 with which chart o" acco$nt1

A0 8ne operational chart o" acco$nt will 3e $tili%ed 3eca$se one compan! code will represent the le'al acco$ntin' view o" the or'ani%ation. A sin'le compan! code can onl! 3e assi'ned to one chart o" acco$nts. #he niversit! expendit$re acco$nts need to map on a man!CtoCone 3asis to the #ennessee 4i'her Ed$cation (ommission 9#4E() chart o" acco$nts. C% Template: 1. General Explanation A (ontrollin' Area is the or'ani%ational $nit within an instit$tion5 $sed to represent a closed s!stem "or cost acco$ntin' p$rposes. A controllin' area ma! incl$de one or more compan! codes that m$st $se the same operative chart o" acco$nts as the controllin' area. #he niversit! o" #ennessee will $se onl! one (ontrollin' Area G J #K. (ompan! (ode # will 3e assi'ned to (ontrollin' Area #


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AcceleratedSAP - Business Blueprint

2. &amin' (onvention #he niversit! o" #ennessee will have a sin'le controllin' area. #he controllin' area will 3e = #=. 3. *e"inition o" 8r'ani%ational nits A controllin' area is an or'ani%ational $nit within a compan!5 $sed to represent a closed s!stem "or cost acco$ntin' p$rposes. A controllin' area ma! incl$de sin'le or m$ltiple compan! codes that ma! $se di""erent c$rrencies. #hese compan! codes m$st $se the same chart o" acco$nts. :. Assi'nment o" 8r'ani%ational nits #he niversit! o" #ennessee will have a sin'le controllin' area = #= and will 3e assi'ned to the chart o" acco$nts = #=. (ompan! code = #= will 3e assi'ned to controllin' area = #=. 5. (han'es to Existin' 8r'ani%ation &one ?. ,pecial (onsiderations 8ne controllin' area with one compan! code assi'nment @. -roAect ,peci"ic (2 ,ection &/A


6rofit Center

"!estions: /0 1) 6hich criteria do !o$ $se "or dividin' !o$r or'ani%ation into internal areas o" responsi3ilit!1 A0 #he criteria are so$rce o" "$ndin'5 services o""ered5 location5 and discipline. /0 2) *o !o$ want to str$ct$re !o$r pro"it center acco$ntin' $sin' the costCo"Csales method 9reven$e min$s costCo"Csales)5 or $sin' period acco$ntin' 9all reven$es min$s all costs inc$rred in the period L/C inventor! chan'es)1 A0 -eriod acco$ntin' /0 3) (an !o$ ma7e $ni>$e pro"it center assi'nments "or the "ollowin' master data0 material/plant5 cost center5 sales order item 9validation/s$3stit$tion)5 -,- elements5 cost o3Aects5 internal orders1


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AcceleratedSAP - Business Blueprint

A0 (ost centers and 6B, elements can 3e assi'ned to $ni>$e pro"it centers. 2n addition5 pro"it centers ma! 3e re>$ired "or income5 plant5 and endowment acco$nts 3! entit!. /0 :) Besides the =tr$e= pro"it centers are !o$ $sin' an! other pro"it centers that render services "or vario$s other pro"it centers1 A0 Administrative and s$pport departments render services to other departments. /0 5) 2n case !o$ need alternative internal views on !o$r compan!Ms pro"its not covered !et within the pro"it center standard hierarch! please speci"! additional 'ro$ps/hierarchies "or them. 98r'ani%ation ,tr$ct$re) A0 #he standard hierarch! will 3e 3$ilt accordin' to the "$ndin' hierarch!. Alternative str$ct$res will 3e 3$ilt accordin' to location5 discipline5 and services o""ered. /0 @) Are the -ro"it (enters 9e.'. in re'ional classi"ication) onl! char'ed "rom certain compan! codes1 A0 All -ro"it (enters are char'ed "rom one compan! code5 /0 8) *o !o$ want (onsolidation 9E(C(,) to 3e 3ased on -ro"it (enter Acco$ntin' 9mana'ementCoriented consolidation)1 A0 6e do not do (onsolidation. C% Template: 1. General Explanation A -ro"it (enter is an or'ani%ational $nit5 within which costs and reven$e can 3e anal!%ed. (osts and reven$es posted to cost centers and 6B, Elements can 3e a$tomaticall! posted to pro"it centers. A standard pro"it center hierarch! is re>$ired and is $sed 3! drillC down reports5 and m$ltiple alternative pro"it center hierarchies can 3e created "or $se with drillCdown reports. #he niversit! will $se -ro"it (enters to represent its reportin' or'ani%ation $nits in ./3 so that reports can 3e created across cost centers and 6B, element 3! or'ani%ational $nit. #he pro"it center n$m3er will 3e 3ased on the department n$m3er. 2. &amin' (onvention #he pro"it center n$m3er will 3e 3ased on the department n$m3er preceded 3! =D=. ;or example5 department 011002:01 will 3e mapped to pro"it center D011002:01. 3. *e"inition o" 8r'ani%ational nits A -ro"it (enter is an or'ani%ational $nit5 within which costs and reven$e can 3e anal!%ed. (osts and reven$es posted to cost centers and 6B, Elements can 3e a$tomaticall! posted to pro"it centers. A standard pro"it center hierarch! is re>$ired and is $sed 3! drillC down reports5 and m$ltiple alternative pro"it center hierarchies can 3e created "or $se with drillCdown reports. /var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_3/205399238.doc 1) o( $'!

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:. Assi'nment o" 8r'ani%ational nits -ro"it (enters will 3e assi'ned to cost center and 6B, element master records. #here"ore5 costs and reven$es posted to cost centers and 6B, elements are a$tomaticall! posted to pro"it centers. -ro"it (enters can also 3e entered man$all! on several t!pes o" transactions.

5. (han'es to Existin' 8r'ani%ation -ro"it (enters will 3e maintained centrall! within the (ontrollerIs 8""ice. ?. ,pecial (onsiderations #here ma! 3e a desire "or -ro"it (enters to 3e set $p at the -rincipal 2nvesti'ator 9-2) level to report pro"it/loss on all proAects associated with a -2. @. -roAect ,peci"ic (2 ,ection &/A



"!estions: /0 1) Are all plants in the same co$ntr!1 Dist the plants and co$ntries.

A0 All plants are in the nited ,tates. #here will 3e onl! one plant0 #he niversit! o" #ennessee 9 #). /0 2) 6ill ne'ative ,toc7s 3e allowed in an! plants1 2" !es5 speci"! the plants.

A0 &o. /0 3) *o !o$ need special plants "or !o$r maintenance wor7 apart "rom the common lo'istics plants1 A0 <es /0 ?) 8$tline all "acilities/locations that create5 distri3$te5 or store inventor!.

A0 ,ome possi3ilities are0 8;;2(E , --D2E,CE&8N #E,#2&G -.8(E,, ,E.+CE&8N -4<,2(AD -DA&#C(E&#.AD , FEA#, -.8(E,,2&G DAB B88E,C2&*E-E&*E&# ,# *< #EDE-48&E ,E.+2(E, -4<,2(AD -DA&#C(4A##A&88GA /var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_3/205399238.doc 20 o( $'!

AcceleratedSAP - Business Blueprint

G.A-42( ,E.+2(E,C(4A## FA2D ,E.+2(E, 8;;2(E ,#8.E, -.2&#2&GCFA.#2& -4<,2(AD -DA&#CFA.#2& F8#8. -88D 6A.E48 ,E *E&#AD 8-E.A#8.<C(4, 8;;2(E , --D2E,C(4, GE&E.AD ,#8.E,C # FEF-42, -4<,2(AD -DA&#C # FEF-42, AG.2( D# .E EN# -.2&# ,48-48#8G.A-4< (E&#E. -.2&#2&GCE&8N+2DDE # -.E,, B88E, F8#8. -88D -4A.FA(< &2+ B88E H , --D<CE&8N A#4D *E-# (8&(E,,28&,CE&8N #C(D B ,8 +E&2.,CE&8N+2DDE B88E,#8.EC #,2 B88E,#8.EC(4A##A&88GA (8&(E,,28&, (4A## B88E,#8.ECFA.#2& (8F- #E. ,#8.E FA.#2& B88E,#8.EC # FEF-42, &E#68.E ,E.+2(E, /0 8) At which level sho$ld the 3alances 3e assi'ned to the or'ani%ational $nits1

A0 At the plant level C% Template: 1. General Explanation #he camp$ses o" # will 3e de"ined as plants in ,A- ./3. #he p$rchasin' activities will 3e per"ormed at the camp$s/plant level. 2. &amin' (onvention #he codes representin' the camp$ses will 3e the plant codes in ,A- ./3. 3. *e"inition o" 8r'ani%ational nits -lant code E0 -lant code 40 -lant code (0 -lant code F0 -lant code #0 Enoxville Femphis (hattanoo'a Fartin #$llahoma

:. Assi'nment o" 8r'ani%ational nits


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AcceleratedSAP - Business Blueprint

All the camp$ses/plants will 3e assi'ned to a sin'le compan! code J #K. 5. (han'es to Existin' 8r'ani%ation &/A ?. ,pecial (onsiderations &/A @. -roAect ,peci"ic (2 ,ection &/A

2/ 6roc!rement
2/1/ 6!rchasing 7ro!p
"!estions: /0 1) ,hall p$rchasin' 'ro$ps represent individ$al 3$!ers or 'ro$ps o" 3$!ers1 2" 'ro$ps o" 3$!ers5 provide a list o" 'ro$ps. A0 -$rchasin' 'ro$ps will mainl! represent individ$al 3$!ers. 4owever5 the s!stem m$st 3e con"i'$red to accommodate 'ro$ps as well as individ$al 3$!ers. . /0 2) -rovide a list o" 3$!er names.

A0 (hattanoo'a0 .o3ert Fa!es C *irector Farcene 6eddin'ton C -$rchasin' A'ent 6illiam FadewellC B$!er 4ealth ,cience (enter 9Femphis)0 ,teve .owland C *irector +ictor (r$tch"ield C Asst *irector Oo Ann ($mmin's C -$rchasin' A'ent 2ne% ,tan"ill C -$rchasin' A'ent An'ela -atric7 C B$!er Enoxville0 Ooseph ;ornes C Exec$tive *irector *an Alexander C Assoc Exec *ir Oerr! 6ade C Assoc Exec *ir Forris 6ilson C Assistant *irector #helma 4ilton C Fana'er *avid Far7s C ,r. -$rchasin' A'ent Disa -ate C B$!er Fartin0 &anc! Bacon G *irector 6anda Gri""in C B$!er /var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_3/205399238.doc 22 o( $'!

AcceleratedSAP - Business Blueprint

#$llahoma0 6ilma Eane C Fana'er #his list is s$3Aect to chan'e 3ased on movement o" personnel and identi"ication o" additional nonCtraditional 3$!ers not c$rrentl! associated with p$rchasin' departments. C% Template: 1. General Explanation A p$rchasin' 'ro$p represents either a B$!er or B$!er Gro$p o" an! p$rchasin' department in ,A- ./3. A p$rchasin' 'ro$p I999I will 3e de"ined and descri3ed as InonCassi'nedI. #he assi'nment o" a p$rchasin' 'ro$p will 3e accomplished at the -$rchasin' department level 3ased on inp$t "$rnished at the camp$s locations. 2. &amin' (onvention #he namin' convention "or p$rchasin' 'ro$ps is0 #he plant code will 3e part o" p$rchasin' 'ro$p code0 #he "irst letter identi"!in' the plant code "ollowed 3! a 2Cdi'it n$m3er0 E010 *avid Far7s 9B$!er in Enoxville). 3. *e"inition o" 8r'ani%ational nits A list o" all identi"ied B$!ers has 3een provided "or each camp$s. Each 3$!er at each camp$s will 3e created as a p$rchasin' 'ro$p within ./3. :. Assi'nment o" 8r'ani%ational nits Each 3$!er will 3e associated/lin7ed with his plant code. ,ee a3ove. 5. (han'es to Existin' 8r'ani%ation

o" creatin' the 3$!er code $sin' the initials or name 9intelli'ent lo'ic) o" the 3$!er5 the 3$!erIs code will 3e de"ined in ,A- ./3 as an alphan$meric code as speci"ied in the namin' convention listed a3ove. ?. ,pecial (onsiderations &/A @. -roAect ,peci"ic (2 section &/A


6!rchasing (rgani0ation


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"!estions: /0 1) 6hich p$rchasin' departments exist in !o$r enterprise1

A0 #here are esta3lished p$rchasin' departments on the camp$ses that ma7e $p the niversit!P i.e.5 Enoxville5 (hattanoo'a5 4ealth ,cience (enter5 Fartin5 and the ,pace 2nstit$te at #$llahoma. /0 2) 2" there is more than one department that handles all p$rchasin'5 speci"! which department9s) ne'otiates pricin' terms and conditions with !o$r s$ppliers. A0 <es5 m$ltiple departments can ne'otiate terms and conditions. #he departments listed a3ove in n$m3er 1 and 3elow in n$m3er 3. /0 3) *o !o$ have departments o$tside !o$r p$rchasin' department5 which handle p$rchasin'1 2" so5 list these departments and what the! p$rchase. A0 <es. ,$3Ccontracts "rom other niversities on research contracts are monitored/iss$ed 3! the #reas$rerMs 8""ice. (ontracts "or personal services are initiated 3! departments and are iss$ed and maintained at the #reas$rerMs 8""ice. (onstr$ction and capital proAects are handled 3! the ;acilit! -lannin' department. ,ome departments have 3een dele'ated a$thorit! and iss$e p$rchase order witho$t assistance or oversi'ht "rom the -$rchasin' department. #hese are0 1) the Enoxville Di3rar! "or 3oo7s5 p$3lications5 and items $ni>$e to the Di3rar!P and 2) the Enoxville Boo7store "or reCsale items. 2n 'eneral5 all departments have dele'ated a$thorit! to ma7e p$rchases $p to Q25000 witho$t approval or oversi'ht "rom the -$rchasin' department. /0 :) 4ow do the departments share the tas7 o" proc$rin' the 'oods and services re>$ired 3! the or'ani%ation1 A0 *epartments s$3mit approved re>$isitions to p$rchasin' "or processin'. -$rchasin' departments ta7e the necessar! actions 9i.e.5 .e>$est "or /$otes5 (ontract research5 etc.) to t$rn the re>$isitions into p$rchase orders. *epartments receive prod$cts. *isp$tes are handled Aointl! 3! the -$rchasin' department and the ori'inatin' department. *epartments receive invoices and "orward them to Acco$nts -a!a3le "or processin' and pa!ment. /0 5) 6here do !o$ proc$re materials/services in !o$r enterprise1

A0 -roc$rement is handled 3! several means0 (entral p$rchasin' departments as o$tlined a3ove. *epartments have proc$rement a$thorit! o" $p to Q25000 witho$t 3iddin' or 'oin' thro$'h the -$rchasin' department. A separate contractin' "$nction has 3een esta3lished $nder polic! statement 130 "or contracted services. #he Enoxville Di3rar! has proc$rement a$thorit! "or p$rchases o" ac>$isitionsP i.e.5 3oo7s5 periodicals5 etc. #he Enoxville Boo7store does its own p$rchases "or resale items. #he ;acilities -lannin' section is responsi3le "or proc$rement o" capital items s$ch as 3$ildin's5 maAor renovations5 etc. -$rchases $nder Q25000 can 3e handled directl! 3! the departments witho$t 'oin' thro$'h a -$rchasin' department.


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?) 6hich materials/services do !o$ proc$re1

A0 All materials5 s$pplies5 e>$ipment5 and services that the niversit! ma! re>$ire. /0 @) ;or which enterprise entities do !o$ proc$re materials/services1 Dist these materials/services. A0 ;or the /0 niversit! o" #ennessee

8) *o !o$ have corporate and locali%ed p$rchasin' "$nctions1

A0 #he p$rchasin' or'ani%ation at each camp$s cond$cts p$rchasin' "$nctions "or p$rchases over Q25000. #he departments place orders "or items $nder Q25000. /0 9) *o !o$ ne'otiate vendor pricin' at a corporate or local level1

A0 ($rrentl!5 prices are ne'otiated at each camp$s5 independent o" each other. &o mechanism is in place "or contract ne'otiations "or p$rchases across camp$ses. /0 10) 6here do !o$ proc$re materials/services in !o$r enterprise centrall!1

A0 ($rrentl!5 there is no "ormal central proc$rement "or all camp$ses across the s!stem /0 11) 6hich materials/services do !o$ proc$re centrall!1

A0 ,ee n$m3er 10 a3ove /0 12) ;or which enterprise areas do !o$ proc$re materials/external services centrall!1 Dist these materials/services. A0 #he niversit! does not proc$re centrall!. /0 13) 6here do !o$ ne'otiate centrall! a'reed contracts "or the p$rchase o" materials/services in !o$r enterprise1 A0 Each camp$s ne'otiates their own contractsP however5 the contracts ne'otiated at one camp$s ma! 3e $sed 3! other camp$ses. /0 1:) ;or which materials/external services do !o$ ne'otiate "ramewor7 contracts1

A0 &$mero$s5 too man! to list in this doc$ment. A list o" contract items can 3e "$rnished. /0 15) 6hich enterprise entities can release orders a'ainst these contracts1

A0 #hro$'h the $se o" 3lan7et p$rchase order5 camp$s departments and the -$rchasin' department can iss$e orders a'ainst contracts.


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AcceleratedSAP - Business Blueprint

/0 1?) *o !o$ want to have proc$rement in partic$lar enterprise areas/3$siness areas or prod$ct 'ro$ps separated1 A0 &/A C% Template: 1. General Explanation A central p$rchasin' or'ani%ation identi"ied as J #K will 3e esta3lished. Each camp$s will 3e identi"ied as a plant 9e.'.5 E "or Enoxville5 4 "or Femphis5 etc.). -$rchasin' activities will contin$e to ta7e place at the plant level. 2. &amin' (onvention -$rchasin' 8r'ani%ation will 3e de"ined as = #=. 3. *e"inition o" 8r'ani%ational nits 8ne p$rchasin' or'ani%ation as indicated a3ove in n$m3er 2. :. Assi'nment o" 8r'ani%ational nits #he p$rchasin' or'ani%ation J #K will 3e assi'ned to the camp$ses/plants indicated a3ove. 5. (han'es to Existin' 8r'ani%ation #he a3ilit! to centrali%e contracts in order to levera'e the 3$!in' power o" the niversit! will 3e availa3le. .eports5 in"ormation sharin'5 and real time processin' will 3e another enhancements to the present or'ani%ation. ?. ,pecial (onsiderations &/A @. -roAect ,peci"ic (2 section &/A

,/ 'ales and Distrib!tion

C% Template: 1. General Explanation #he invoicin' activit! at the niversit! o" #ennessee is done 3! the 3illin' o""ice on each camp$s. #hese activities sho$ld 3e separated as s$ch.


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AcceleratedSAP - Business Blueprint

3. *e"inition o" 8r'ani%ational nits ,ales 8r'ani%ation0 #his wo$ld 3e J #K and correspond to #Is compan! code. *istri3$tion (hannel0 #here wo$ld 3e one distri3$tion channel set $p "or #. 2t wo$ld 3e J01K. *ivision0 #here wo$ld 3e one division "or each camp$s 3illin' o""ice5 correspondin' to the 3$d'et entit! code that is $sed to 3$ild the 3$siness areaP "or example5 01 wo$ld 3e Enoxville5 02 wo$ld 3e the ,pace 2nstit$te5 and 0: wo$ld 3e (hattanoo'a.


'ales $rea

"!estions: /0 1) *o !o$ need to 7eep the sales activities o" partic$lar enterprise areas/3$siness areas or prod$ct 'ro$ps completel! separate1 A0 ($rrentl! # distin'$ishes 3illin's 3etween camp$ses. #his is s$3Aect to chan'e. #here is tal7 that some camp$ses will 3e consolidated with others. /0 :) 4ow is 3illin' handled on each camp$s1 2s it centrali%ed "or #5 centrali%ed "or each camp$s or somethin' else1 A0 ;or the most part5 all 3illin' is handled 3! the 3illin' o""ice on each camp$s. ,ome 3illin' is done 3! departments5 speci"icall! "or research tests per"ormed 9primaril! at the Femphis camp$s). /0 5) 4ow do !o$ distin'$ish which proAects 3elon' to which camp$s1

A0 ($rrentl! this is distin'$ished 3! proAect n$m3er. ,ponsors can 3e shared 3etween camp$ses so !o$ cannot tell 3! sponsor.


'ales organi0ation

"!estions: /0 1) 6ho is responsi3le "or salesCrelated components in the material and c$stomer master data1 A0 #he person who sets $p the contract. ($rrentl! that is done in the (amp$s B$siness 8""ice or (ontrollerIs 8""ice. /0 2) 2s a c$stomer assi'ned to one sales $nit or can he 3e addressed 3! several sales $nits1 A0 ($stomers can 3e addressed on all camp$ses.


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AcceleratedSAP - Business Blueprint

3/ 6ro8ect management
"!estions: /0 1) 6ill !o$ 3e $sin' the -, mod$le1 92" !es5 consider the -, or'ani%ational re>$irements in the overall desi'n o" the or'ani%ation.) A0 <es. -, will 3e $sed "or acco$ntin' o" restricted acco$nts. #his incl$des 'rants and contracts5 'i"ts5 endowments5 a'enc! and loan "$nds. 2n addition5 plant "$nds will 3e acco$nted "or in -,. 2n addition to 'rants and contracts5 other restricted acco$nts s$ch as loans5 a'enc! "$nds5 'i"ts and endowments5 ann$it! and li"e income. ;$ndin' ma! 3e "rom 'i"ts5 pro'ram reven$es5 and trans"erred excess "$nds5 endowment income5 etc. Di"e income 94iliah) is a tr$st with a special cla$se that esta3lishes an endowment at the time o" the contri3$torIs death. Di"e "$nds do not 'o thro$'h the preCaward s!stem 9no E proposal n$m3er). -lant "$nds 9+erna) are 3ro7en down "or "$t$re plant expendit$res o" constr$ction or renewal. ,o$rces o" "$nds are 3onded inde3tedness5 excess operatin' "$nds5 state appropriations5 and 'i"ts. &ot . and B acco$nts. -lant "$nds do not 'o thro$'h the preCaward s!stem 9no E proposal n$m3er). -a!o$t principle and interest. 2n the "$t$re we wo$ld want to $se 6B, elements to collect reven$e5 expense5 and assets 9then settle these costs to the asset each month). ($rrentl! the "ollowin' acco$nts exist to mana'e plant "$nds0 -lant .enewal C E acco$nt is "or cash set aside "or "$t$re maintenance -lant 2nvested C F acco$nts are the assets -lant nexpended C O acco$nts are (onstr$ction in -rocess char'es -lant .82 C E acco$nts are "or cash set aside "or de3t 9this is a l$mp o" de3t "or man! proAects which the! ma! not want to 3rea7 o$t in the "$t$re.) Doan "$nds 911) have dis3$rsements5 collections5 interest5 and some writeCo""s. #hese are c$rrentl! * acco$nts. Doan "$nds do not 'o thro$'h the preCaward s!stem 9no E proposal n$m3er). Gi"ts are normall! perpet$al acco$nts that collect 'i"t "$nds that ma! or ma! not re>$ire "inancial reportin' or 3illin'. Gi"ts need to 3e distin'$ished "rom the Grants H (ontracts "or "inancial reportin'. #hese are c$rrentl! . H B acco$nts. Gi"t "$nds do not 'o thro$'h the preC award s!stem 9no E proposal n$m3er). Gi"ts "$nded 3! endowments 9; acco$nts)0 -eriodic income to the acco$nt comes "rom the interest distri3$tion o" endowment investments 9a >$arterl! 3$siness process). Gi"ts "$nded 3! o$tside so$rces0 An!one can 'ive Q105000 or Q10 a month that the niversit! can spend as a 'i"t5 or set $p an endowment and invest the principle. Acco$nt set$p is done 3! *evelopment 8""ice at the camp$s level. Appropriations 9,$%an #hompson) (enters o" Excellence receive "$ndin' "rom state appropriations. #hese do not 'o thro$'h preCaward s!stem. (ost sharin' a$tomatic trans"er. E acco$nt 9cost center acco$nt) is lin7ed to allocation. (hairs o" Excellence receive "$ndin' "rom endowments held 3! the ,tate. &ot in preCaward s!stem. Endowments are ; acco$nts that are permanent restricted "$nds to hold principle amo$nts. 2" the amo$nt is less than Q1550005 it is not an endowment. 2nterest 'ets distri3$ted to di""erent "$nds 9B acco$nts) so there ma! not 3e a 101 relationship 3etween ; and B acco$nts. #his ma! 3e a (8 allocation or Ao$rnal entr! in ./3. 4ow does ; acco$nt "it into 6B, str$ct$re11 A special endowment t!pe is (hairs o" Excellence receive "$ndin' "rom two so$rces 9state appropriation and private 'i"ts). /var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_3/205399238.doc 2' o( $'!

AcceleratedSAP - Business Blueprint

A'enc! "$nds 9Gail and +erna) incl$de lead tr$sts where the principal remains with the donor5 contractor retaina'e 9on the vendor side)5 individ$als $nder'oin' transplant operations 9deposits)5 *epartment o" #ransportation passCthro$'h "$nds where # is the "iscal a'ent5 athletic to$rnaments5 and "raternities. 8n the #reas$rerIs report 9appendix N2) there are approximatel! @5 active a'enc! "$nds. Fan! a'enc! "$nds are still open and need to 3e closed as part o" clean $p. GailIs a'enc! "$nds 9a3o$t 10 active acco$nts a !ear) have similar re>$irements to the 'rants H contracts except "or "inancial reportin' 9listed as separate "$nds 3eca$se mone! reall! 3elon's to a'enc! 'ro$p). A reportin' re>$irement is to separate a'enc! "$nds "rom niversit! "$nds 3eca$se these "$nds are not # expenses 9 # acts as the 3an7). +ernaIs "$nds ma! have di""erent re>$irements. #hese are c$rrentl! & 9expense) H - 93alance) acco$nts. GailIs a'enc! "$nds *8 'o thro$'h the preCaward s!stem 9E proposal n$m3er). (!ndieIs a'enc! "$nds 9a3o$t 30 active acco$nts a !ear) act as a 3an7 holdin' acco$nt. Fonies and interest are held and provided 3ac7 to the a'encies. ;$nds are trans"erred o$t o" the retaina'e portion o" the amo$nt owed to contractors. Fone! is distri3$ted to the a'enc! "$nd "rom an expended plant "$nd each month. #he niversit! needs to 3e a3le to report the 3alance in the "$nd o" the principle mone! pl$s the interest earned min$s an! withdraws to date. &o 3illin'P ma! need to settle "rom one "$nd to anotherP no cost plannin'P and no indirect costs. 9($rrentl! - is the 3alance and & is the expense. Alwa!s a 101 relationship.) #hese a'enc! "$nds do not 'o thro$'h the preCaward s!stem. 4iliahIs a'enc! "$nds n$m3er a3o$t 10 active acco$nts a !ear. #ransplant a'enc! "$nds mi'ht 3e mana'ed 3! Femphis 9a3o$t 10 active acco$nts a !ear). Gi"ts5 a'enc! "$nds5 and 'rants H contracts ma! want to have a lower level o" detail "or the 6B, str$ct$re 9Devel 3s). (omments0 helpR /0 2) *o !o$r proAects sometimes span m$ltiple compan! codes1

A0 &o. 8ne compan! code will 3e $sed. /0 5) #he o3Aect class is $sed "or reconciliation p$rposes. 6hich o3Aect classes are relevant "or !o$r proAects1 A0 &one /0 ?) #he 3$siness area on a 6B, element m$st 3e associated with the compan! code on the 6B, element. *o !o$r proAects/6B, elements span m$ltiple 3$siness areas1 A0 <es 3$t we have onl! one compan! code. /0 @) -roAects cannot span more than one controllin' area. *escri3e !o$r acco$ntin' "or interCcompan! entries. A0 8nl! one controllin' area will 3e $sed. /0 8) *o !o$ want to trac7 speci"ic c$rrencies on !o$r proAect other than the controllin' area and compan! code c$rrenc!1 A0 &o


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AcceleratedSAP - Business Blueprint

/0 9) 2t is onl! possi3le to re"erence one pro"it center on a 6B, element. *o !o$ have reportin' re>$irements "or pro"it center acco$ntin' that will impact !o$r proAect str$ct$re1 A0 ,ponsored proAects and a'enc! "$nds0 #hese proAects ma! 3e mana'ed 3! (oC-2s who reside in di""erent pro"it centers 9colle'es/departments) there"ore the 6B, elements will 3e 3ro7en down to the -2 responsi3ilit! level. (enters/(hairs0 ,ame as GH( #here sho$ld onl! 3e one pro"it center "or all o" the other 6B, str$ct$res. C% Template: 1. General Explanation -, will 3e $sed "or primaril! the acco$ntin' o" restricted acco$nts. #his incl$des 'rants and contracts5 'i"ts5 endowments5 a'enc!5 plant5 appropriation/chairs/centers5 li"e income5 and loan "$nds. 2n addition5 proAects can 3e created "or other proAect acco$ntin' p$rposes i" necessar!. 2. &amin' (onvention -roAect de"initions and 6B, elements will 3e named the same wa! the! are c$rrentl! in #Is le'ac! acco$nt s!stem C 3! acco$nt n$m3er. #he 3alance acco$nt will 3e the proAect de"inition and the D1 6B, and the rev/exp acco$nts will 3e the D2. 3. *e"inition o" 8r'ani%ational nits

-roAects are tas7s with special characteristics0 #he! are 'enerall! complex5 $ni>$e5 and involve a hi'h de'ree o" ris7. #he! have precise 'oals that are a'reed on 3! the niversit! and the orderin' part!. #he! are limited in d$ration and are cost and capacit! intensive. #he! are s$3Aect to certain >$alit! re>$irements. #he! are mostl! o" strate'ic importance "or the compan! carr!in' them o$t.

9or: rea:do+n 'tr!ct!re

8ne o" the "irst steps in proAect plannin' is to 3rea7 down the wor7 into tas7s and set $p a hierarch!. #he criteria !o$ $se to classi"! and divide tas7s var! dependin' on the t!pe and complexit! o" the proAect. 2n the -roAect ,!stem5 !o$ can plan the or'ani%ation o" the wor7 and people in !o$r proAect with the +or: brea:do+n str!ct!re ;9 '</ A wor7 3rea7down str$ct$re 96B,) is a model o" the wor7 to 3e per"ormed in a proAect or'ani%ed in a hierarchical str$ct$re. #he 6B, is an important tool that helps !o$ 7eep an overview o" the proAect0 2t "orms the 3asis "or or'ani%ation and coordination in the proAect. 2t shows the amo$nt o" wor75 the time re>$ired5 and the costs involved in the proAect. #he wor7 3rea7down str$ct$re is the operative 3asis "or the "$rther steps in proAect plannin'5 "or example5 cost plannin'5 sched$lin'5 capacit! plannin' as well as proAect controllin'.


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AcceleratedSAP - Business Blueprint

9 ' =lements
#he individ$al elements represent activities within the wor7 3rea7down str$ct$re. #he elements are called +or: brea:do+n str!ct!re elements ;9 ' elements< in the -roAect ,!stem. :. Assi'nment o" 8r'ani%ational nits .estricted "$nds led'er acco$nts 9.5 B5 *5 E5 45 O5 &5 -5 ;5 H G) at the niversit! o" #ennessee will 3e created as proAects in -, and tied to a matchin' "$nd in ;F. nrestricted "$nds led'er acco$nts 9A5 E5 2) will 3e mana'ed in (8. 5. (han'es to Existin' 8r'ani%ation #he maintenance o" the proAects 9previo$sl! acco$nts) in ./3 will still remain 3e handled 3! the (ontrollerIs 8""ice and the (amp$s B$siness 8""ices 9as approved 3! the (ontrollerMs 8""ice). ?. ,pecial (onsiderations &one @. -roAect ,peci"ic (2 ,ection ,tandard proAect 9templates) will 3e $tili%ed to simpl! the proAect creation process.


9 ' =lement $pplicant

"!estions: /0 1) *o !o$ assi'n a person to !o$r 6B, element other than the proAect mana'er1 92" !es5 consider $sin' the applicant to trac7 assi'nments s$ch as proAect sponsor5 proAect administrator or proAect acco$ntant.) A0 #o de"ine the proAect t!pe we ma! want to $se0 Grants H (ontracts5 Endowments5 Doans5 A'enc! ;$nds5 Gi"ts5 Endowments5 -lant ;$nds5 Ann$ities5 and Di"e 2ncome. 6e do not need to assi'n a priorit! to proAects 3$t co$ld $se that "ield in another wa!. ,ee c$rrent Grant *ata Base listin' "or other "ields that are important to trac7. ,ponsored proAects and a'enc! "$nds0 2n o$r c$rrent s!stem5 the -25 responsi3le person 9$s$all! dept head)5 and (ontrollerIs 8""ice or (amp$s B$siness 8""ice acco$ntant are assi'ned to each proAect. # wo$ld also li7e to assi'n the departmental 3oo77eeper and preC award administrator to each proAect. (enters/(hairs0 &eeds will 3e covered 3! the 'rant data3ase listin'. -lant "$nds0 #he proAect mana'er "or most plant "$nd proAects is the *irector o" ;acilities -lannin'. 8ther smaller5 less complex proAects co$ld 3e handled 3! administrators5 the 2# dept. etc. Doans0 Doans do not 3elon' to an individ$al 3$t to a camp$s. #he B$rsar "or each camp$s wo$ld 3e the responsi3le person "or a loan "$nd. /var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_3/205399238.doc 31 o( $'!

AcceleratedSAP - Business Blueprint

Endowments/Di"e 2ncome0 #hese are mana'ed 3! the #reas$rerIs 8""ice investment 'ro$p. #he "$nds 3elon' to the overall niversit!. #he #reas$rer wo$ld 3e the responsi3le person "or each "$nd.


6erson Responsible for 9 ' =lement

"!estions: /0 1) *o !o$ assi'n responsi3le people 9proAect mana'ers) to !o$r 6B, elements1 92" !es5 $se the =.esponsi3le person= "ield. 2" !o$ $se this "ield in the proAect de"inition5 the 6B, elements inherit the val$e entered there.) A0 ,ponsored proAects and a'enc! "$nds0 #he o""icial responsi3le person9s) are $s$all! the -rincipal 2nvesti'ator 9proAect mana'er) and the *epartment 4ead or *ean. 6e wo$ld also li7e to assi'n the departmental 3oo77eeper5 (ontrollerIs 8""ice or (amp$s B$siness 8""ice acco$ntant5 and preCaward administrator to each proAect 96B, element). (enters/(hairs0 ,ame as sponsored proAect and a'enc! "$nds. -lant "$nds0 #he responsi3le person wo$ld 3e the same person who has expendit$re a$thorit! on the proAect 9see a3ove). Doans0 Doans do not 3elon' to an individ$al 3$t to a camp$s. #he B$rsar "or each camp$s wo$ld 3e the responsi3le person "or a loan "$nd. Endowments/Di"e 2ncome0 Endowments/Di"e 2ncome 9; and G) acco$nts do not 3elon' to an individ$al 3$t to the overall niversit!. #he #reas$rer wo$ld 3e the responsi3le person "or each o" these acco$nts. #he related expendit$re acco$nts 9. and B) are associated with camp$ses5 and colle'es or departments. #h$s5 the responsi3le person "or the expendit$re acco$nts wo$ld 3e the dean or department head.

5/ Financial $cco!nting
5/1/ Chart of $cco!nts

"!estions: /0 1) 6hich companies $se the same chart o" acco$nts1

A0 niversit! o" #ennessee will $se one chart o" acco$nts "or all entities. 6e c$rrentl! have one compan! code. 2" compan! codes were added5 the! wo$ld $se the same chart o" acco$nts. /0 2) 4ow man! nat$ral acco$nts will each chart o" acco$nts contain 9estimated)1

A0 Approximatel! 500 /0 3) 6hat is the doc$ment n$m3erin' lo'ic1

A0 Assets will 3e 100000 thro$'h 199999 /var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_3/205399238.doc 32 o( $'!

AcceleratedSAP - Business Blueprint

Dia3ilities will 3e 200000 thro$'h 299999 ;$nd Balance will 3e 300000 thro$'h 399999 Expendit$res will 3e :00000 thro$'h :99999 .even$es will 3e @00000 thro$'h @99999 /0 :) *escri3e how the acco$nt n$m3er is set $p 9"or example0 department5 nat$ral acco$nt). A0 All six characters will represent a nat$ral acco$nt. 8ther attri3$tes will 3e handled in 3$siness area5 cost center5 proAects5 etc. /0 5) 6ill the chart o" acco$nts need to 3e approved1 2" so5 3! whom1 niversit!.

A0 #he (hart o" Acco$nts will need to 3e approved 3! the (ontroller "or the /0 A0 /0

?) 6hich maintenance lan'$a'e sho$ld 3e $sed "or each chart o" acco$nts1 niversit! o" #ennessee chart o" acco$nts will 3e maintained in En'lish. @) 6hich additional lan'$a'es do !o$ wish to $se "or !o$r charts o" acco$nts1

A0 &one /0 8) -lease provide !o$r c$rrent (hart o" Acco$nts.

A0 #he niversit! o" #ennessee (hart o" Acco$nts is $nder contraction 3! Bill #hompson and (ontroller .on Faples. An al'orithm "or c$rrent expense o3Aect has 3een developed. A ro$'h dra"t o" income acco$nts is 3ein' reviewed. 8$r c$rrent asset acco$nts are 3ein' reviewed. #Is led'er activities are 3ein' reviewed to 3e mer'ed into the appropriate place. C% Template: 1. General Explanation #he (hart o" Acco$nts is a list o" all G/D acco$nts $sed 3! one or several compan! codes. #he niversit! o" #ennessee plans "or all camp$ses and $nits re"erred to as =3$d'et entities= to $se the same chart o" acco$nts. ($rrentl!5 # plans to have onl! one compan! code "or the entire $niversit!5 and =3$d'et entities= will 3e represented 3! 3$siness areas. ;or each G/D acco$nt5 the chart o" acco$nts contains the acco$nt n$m3er5 acco$nt name5 and the in"ormation that controls how an acco$nt "$nctions and how a G/D acco$nt is created in a compan! code. #he niversit! o" #ennessee will $se the (hart o" Acco$nts "or external "inancial reportin'. #he chart will 3e derived "rom #Ms three distinct ta3les "or transaction codes. Additional chart records will 3e derived "rom attri3$tes incl$ded in le'ac! income acco$nt 9./3 e>$ivalent to cost center) master records. #he activit! transaction code ta3le "or expendit$res is a =nat$ral acco$nt= and can 3e "o$nd in (ode ,$pport 15@ in the le'ac! s!stem. #he led'er activit! transaction codes are allowed onl! "or and also re>$ired on "$nd 3alance acco$nts at the transaction level. #he! relate to income5 expense5 and "$nd trans"ers and will 3e mer'ed into the appropriate section o" #Is ./3 chart. #hese codes /var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_3/205399238.doc 33 o( $'!

AcceleratedSAP - Business Blueprint

can 3e "o$nd at (ode ,$pport 1@1. #he niversit! reports income 3ased on two attri3$tes incl$ded on the =le'ac! acco$nt= 9./3 cost center). #he attri3$tes are re"erred to as the maAor and minor so$rce o" "$nds and are dictated 3! &A( B8. #he translation/validation "or maAor and minor so$rce o" "$nds can 3e "o$nd at (ode ,$pport 1?1 and 1?2 respectivel!. Additional reportin' detail 3elow the General -$rpose ;inancial ,tatement 9G-;,) level is provided 3! the reven$e code that is a transaction activit! code 9chart acco$nt). #he translation/validation "or this code can 3e "o$nd at (ode ,$pport 1?3. #he niversit! c$rrentl! permits departments to $se $nassi'ned codes "reel! on income transactions. ,ince an $nassi'ned code does not exist in (ode ,$pport5 there is no text translation/validation. #his latter "$nctionalit! will not 3e s$pported in the niversit!Is ./3 (hart o" Acco$nts and a di""erent method will need to 3e $sed. ;or possi3le alternatives see =.even$e and cost controllin'=. 2. &amin' (onvention #he niversit! o" #ennessee will have one chart at this time named = #=. 3. *e"inition o" 8r'ani%ational nits #he acco$nt 'ro$ps within the niversit! o" #ennessee chart o" acco$nts will 3e as "ollows0 Assets will 3e 100000 thro$'h 199999 Dia3ilities will 3e 200000 thro$'h 299999 ;$nd Balance will 3e 300000 thro$'h 399999 Expendit$res will 3e :00000 thro$'h :99999 .even$es will 3e @00000 thro$'h @99999 #he #ennessee 4i'her Ed$cation (ommission (hart 9#4E() o" acco$nts to which # maps Expendit$re o3Aects ma! 3e provided 3! the ./3 "$nctionalit! 7now as =(o$ntr! (hart=. :. Assi'nment o" 8r'ani%ational nits .e"er to >$estion n$m3er 1 General Explanation. 5. (han'es to Existin' 8r'ani%ation #he maintenance o" the (hart o" Acco$nts $nder ./3 will still remain within the (ontrollerIs 8""ice. ?. ,pecial (onsiderations #he niversit!Is le'ac! chart is "ra'mented into three ta3les and =cost center= attri3$tes "or income 9see General Explanation "or details). #he niversit! will have to test the impact o" mer'in' the le'ac! e>$ivalent chart ta3les and attri3$tes into a sin'le ta3le on external and internal reportin'. #he niversit! c$rrentl! permits departments to $se $nassi'ned codes "reel! on income transactions. ,ince an $nassi'ned code does not exist in (ode ,$pport5 there is no text translation/validation. #his latter "$nctionalit! will not 3e s$pported in the niversit!Is ./3 chart o" Acco$nts and a di""erent method will need to 3e $sed. ;or possi3le alternatives see =.even$e and cost controllin'=.


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AcceleratedSAP - Business Blueprint

#he niversit! c$rrentl! permits departments to add two additional di'its to expense o3Aects "or there own p$rposes. #his is similar to $ser reven$e code and we will need to determine a method to accommodate this need. #he niversit! will need to determine i" the proposed ./3 chart will compl! with the re>$irements o" GA,B statements 335 3:5 and 35. @. -roAect ,peci"ic (2 ,ection &A

4/ Treas!ry
4/1/ Treas!ry
"!estions: /0 1) Are 3an7 statements a$tomated5 or man$all! processed

A0 ,ee Ban7 Acco$ntin' section. /0 2) 4ow is li>$idit! mana'ed1

A0 ,ee Ban7 Acco$ntin' section. /0 3) 4ow are cash in"lows and o$t"lows mana'ed1

A0 ,ee Ban7 Acco$ntin' section. /0 :) Are loc73oxes $tili%ed1

A0 ,ee Ban7 Acco$ntin' section. /0 5) Are chec7s deposited man$all!5 or electronicall!1

A0 ,ee Ban7 Acco$ntin' section. /0 ?) 2s a 3ill o" exchan'e $tili%ed as a "orm o" shortCterm "inancin'1 A 3ill o" exchan'e is an instr$ment $sed "or "inancin'. A c$stomer pa!s an invoice $sin' a 3ill o" exchan'e transaction and is there"ore a3le to extend his or her pa!ment period. <o$ can then disco$nt this 3ill o" exchan'e and "actor it to another part!. A0 ,ee Ban7 Acco$ntin' section.


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AcceleratedSAP - Business Blueprint

5/ =nterprise Controlling
5/1/ Dimensions
"!estions: /0 1) 6hich consolidation t!pes do !o$ want to set1

A0 S T (ompan! (onsolidation SNT B$siness Area (onsolidation SNT -ro"it (enter (onsolidation S T ,omethin' else /0 2) *e"ine the dimensions that !o$ want in the s!stem.

A0 &/A


C!rrencies ;Consolidation<

"!estions: /0 A0 1) 2n which c$rrencies do !o$ want to the reports 'enerated1 , dollars

./ $sset $cco!nting
"!estions: /0 1) ;or which o" !o$r le'al entities will !o$ 3e implementin' ;2CAA1

A0 E>$ipment0 one B$ildin's0 one Dand0 one C% Template: 1. General Explanation 8r'ani%ation $nits in Asset Acco$ntin' are the (hart o" *epreciation5 *epreciation Area5 and Asset (lasses 9with acco$nt determination). 2. &amin' (onvention ,ee n$m3er 3 3elow 3. *e"inition o" 8r'ani%ational nits *epreciation Area0 Boo7 *epreciation Area


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AcceleratedSAP - Business Blueprint

(hart o" *epreciation0 # 9copied "rom the standard , (hart o" *epreciation) Asset (lasses0 Asset (lass 10 Dand 9not deprecia3le) Asset (lass 20 Dand 2mprovements 91? !ears) Asset (lass 30 B$ildin's 910 to 80 !ears) Asset (lass :0 Assets $nder (onstr$ction 9A$() "or B$ildin' 9not deprecia3le) Asset (lass 50 Asset $nder (onstr$ction 9A$() "or E>$ipment 9not deprecia3le) Asset (lass ?0 ,ensitive E>$ipment 9100U depreciation immediatel!) Asset (lass @0 2n"rastr$ct$re 95C50 !ears) Asset (lass 80 E>$ipment 95L !ears) Asset (lass 90 A'ric$lt$ral Fachiner! 91) Asset (lass 100 +ehicles 9:C12 !ears) Asset (lass 110 Di3rar! 4oldin's 9not deprecia3le) Asset (lass 120 ,o"tware 9amorti%ation) Asset (lass 130 (omp$ters H -eripherals Asset (lass 1:0 6or7s o" Art H 4istorical #reas$res 9not deprecia3le) Asset (lass 150 Divestoc7 9not deprecia3le) Asset (lass 1?0 Government 8wned -ropert! 9not deprecia3le) Asset (lass 1@0 Deased E>$ipment :. Assi'nment o" 8r'ani%ational nits 8r'ani%ational $nits a3ove will 3e attached to the compan! code. 5. (han'es to Existin' 8r'ani%ation &/A # controllin' area and the #


Depreciation area

"!estions: /0 1) 2s there a distinction necessar! 3etween 3oo7 depreciation 9"or external 3alance sheet) and tax val$es 9"or a tax 3alance sheet)1 A0 &o /0 2) *o !o$ re>$ire additional parallel val$ations "or !o$r assets5 e.'. "or consolidated val$ation5 "or cost acco$ntin' p$rposes5 or "or stat$tor! reasons1 2" so5 please speci"! A0 E>$ipment5 B$ildin's5 and 2n"rastr$ct$re0 Boo75 tax5 and ;HA can 3e the same. /0 5) *o !o$ need to record depreciation "or p$rposes other than 3oo7 depreciation1 Acco$ntin' depreciation1 ,pecial reserves "or special depreciation1 A0 E>$ipment0 sin' 3oo7 depreciation "or the ;HA rate proposal. B$ildin's0 -lan to $se 3oo7 depreciation Dand0 &/A


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AcceleratedSAP - Business Blueprint

/0 ?) *o !o$ want the val$es "or these other viewpoints to 3e derived "rom the 3oo7 depreciation area or another depreciation area 9"or example5 the cost acco$ntin' depreciation area can 3e derived "rom indexed 3oo7 depreciation val$es)1 A0 E>$ipment0 #he val$es m$st 3e the same. B$ildin's0 #he val$es m$st 3e the same.


Chart of Depreciation

"!estions: /0 1) 2n which co$ntries do !o$ mana'e "ixed assets1

A0 8nl! ,A /0 2) Are there an! stat$tor! asset val$ation re>$irements that wo$ld involve parallel val$ation in !o$r "inancial acco$ntin'1 A0 All Assets0 &o


$sset class

"!estions: /0 1) *escri3e how !o$r "ixed assets are str$ct$red in the 3alance sheet1

A0 Assets are cate'ori%ed in the "ollowin' areas0 land5 3$ildin's5 improvement 9other than 3$ildin')5 e>$ipment5 li3rar! holdin's5 livestoc7. /0 2) 4ow do !o$ classi"! !o$r "ixed assets at the moment1 4ow do !o$ intend to classi"! !o$r assets in the "$t$re1 A0 Asset (lass 10 Dand 9not deprecia3le) Asset (lass 20 Dand 2mprovements 91? !ears) Asset (lass 30 B$ildin's 910 to 80 !ears) Asset (lass :0 Assets $nder (onstr$ction 9A$() "or B$ildin' 9not deprecia3le) Asset (lass 50 Asset $nder (onstr$ction 9A$() "or E>$ipment 9not deprecia3le) Asset (lass ?0 ,ensitive E>$ipment 9100U depreciation immediatel!) Asset (lass @0 2n"rastr$ct$re 95C50 !ears) Asset (lass 80 E>$ipment 95L !ears) Asset (lass 90 A'ric$lt$ral Fachiner! 91) Asset (lass 100 +ehicles 9:C12 !ears) Asset (lass 110 Di3rar! 4oldin's 9not deprecia3le) Asset (lass 120 ,o"tware 9amorti%ation) Asset (lass 130 (omp$ters H -eripherals Asset (lass 1:0 6or7s o" Art H 4istorical #reas$res 9not deprecia3le) Asset (lass 150 Divestoc7 9not deprecia3le) Asset (lass 1?0 Government 8wned -ropert! 9not deprecia3le) Asset (lass 1@0 Deased E>$ipment /0 3) 6ill !o$ mana'e "inancial assets in the asset acco$ntin' s!stem1 3' o( $'!


AcceleratedSAP - Business Blueprint

A0 E>$ipment0 <es B$ildin's0 <es Dand0 <es 2n"rastr$ct$re0 <es /0 :) *o !o$ mana'e low val$e assets 9D+As) as "ixed assets5 or do !o$ post them directl! to an expense acco$nt1 A0 6e will have sensitive e>$ipment items that will 3e expensed 3eca$se the! are $nder the dollar threshold "or capitali%ation. 4owever5 we will have to trac7 them in ./3. Examples o" expensed sensitive e>$ipment are items less than Q55000 involvin' comp$ters5 cameras5 '$ns5 canoes5 and other items that are li7el! to 3e lost or stolen. #he val$e o" the asset m$st 3e capt$red on the asset master record "or reportin'. #he depreciation method will 3e 100U depreciation "or the ,ensitive Assets Asset (lass so at the end o" the "irst period the asset will 3e "$ll! depreciated. /0 5) -lease list5 or provide a list o" the asset t!pes that !o$ intend to mana'e in the Asset Acco$ntin' s!stem 9e.'. Dand5 B$ildin's5 2ntan'i3les5 etc). A0 ,ee asset t!pes answered a3ove. /0 ?) ;or each asset cate'or! 9asset class)5 list the de"a$lt depreciation method and the period o" depreciation !o$ wo$ld li7e to $se. A0 E>$ipment0 ,trai'ht line is re>$ired C $se"$l li"e 3! asset class. ,ee answer 2 a3ove. B$ildin's0 ,trai'ht line is re>$ired C $se"$l li"e 3! asset class. ,ee answer 2 a3ove. Dand0 &/ A 2n"rastr$ct$re0 1

/ 7eneral settings
1/ C!rrencies
C% Template: 1. .e>$irements/Expectations #he niversit! o" #ennessee will post all transactions in , *ollars. #here"ore5 we will not have a c$rrent need "or exchan'e rate calc$lations or maintenance. 2. General Explanations All doc$ments within ./3 will 3e posted in , *ollars. 3. ,!stem (on"i'$ration (onsiderations


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AcceleratedSAP - Business Blueprint

,* will 3e the onl! c$rrenc! posted in compan! #. :. ,pecial (onsiderations &one noted at this time 5. -roAect ,peci"ic (2 ,ection &/A

2/ >nits of meas!rement
C% Template: 1. .e>$irements/Expectations #he a3ilit! to $se an! $nit o" meas$re that wo$ld 3e applica3le to proc$rements o" vario$s t!pes o" materials. 2. General Explanations

3. ,!stem (on"i'$ration (onsiderations Addition o" the #Cspeci"ic $nits o" meas$res identi"ied 3! the vario$s p$rchasin' activities across the niversit!. :. ,pecial (onsiderations #he $se o" alternative $nits o" meas$re witho$t a material master. 5. -roAect ,peci"ic (2 ,ection &/A

C/ Master data
1/ 7eneral master records
1/1/ Material Master
"!estions: /0 1) 6hich departments/or'ani%ational $nits are responsi3le "or maintainin' the material data1 /var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_3/205399238.doc !0 o( $'!

AcceleratedSAP - Business Blueprint

A0 Faterial Faster will not maintained. /0 2) 2s master data common across all departments 9common master data)1

A0 &o material master data will 3e maintained in the s!stem. /0 3) 6hat is the de"a$lt sales $nit in sales processin' and what are alternative sales $nits1

A0 &/A /0 :) 6hich t!pes o" materials do !o$ distin'$ish 3etween 9examples5 accr$als5 >$antit! str$ct$res)1 A0 ($rrentl! do not distin'$ish 3etween material t!pes. /0 5) 4ow do these t!pes di""er re'ardin' 3$siness processes 9stoc7 mana'ement5 proc$rement5 sales5 and so on)5 data maintained5 and persons responsi3le1 A0 Faterial Faster will not 3e maintained. /0 ?) *o !o$ 'ro$p similar prod$cts to'ether 9"or example5 in divisions or material 'ro$ps)1

A0 &o /0 @) *o !o$ maintain additional stat$ses "or !o$r materials 9s$ch as sales stat$s)1

A0 &o /0 8) 2" !o$ have m$ltiple plants5 is !o$r material normall! s$pplied 3! a speci"ic plant1

A0 &o /0 9) *o !o$ maintain additional t!pes o" 'ro$pin' "or other processes 9"or example5 re3ate5 statistics5 commission or pricin')1 A0 &o /0 10) 2s the creation o" a m$ltiClevel hierarch! necessar! "or materials 9prod$ct hierarch!)1

A0 <es /0 11) *o !o$ record a minim$m deliver! >$antit! on !o$r materials1 2" so5 what happens d$rin' sales order processin' i" a violation occ$rs1 A0 &o and do not 3elieve that this wo$ld 3e applica3le


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AcceleratedSAP - Business Blueprint


12) Are there materials that m$st 3e shipped in certain m$ltiples 9deliver! $nits)1

A0 &o /0 13) *o !o$ record in"ormation on competitor prod$cts 9sales s$pport)1

A0 &o /0 1:) (an a material have di""erent val$es in one plant1 6hat are the criteria "or the di""erent val$es1 A0 *o not share in"ormation across plants at this timeP however5 this condition co$ld 3e possi3le 9i.e.5 shippin' char'es co$ld di""er "rom one location to another). /0 15) *o !o$ maintain materialCspeci"ic technical terms o" deliver!1

A0 &o /0 1?) Are the technical deliver! terms stored online5 and will !o$ print these terms with each p$rchase order1 A0 &o /0 1@) *o !o$ re>$ire !o$r vendors to provide >$alit! certi"icates 9certi"icates o" con"ormance or certi"icates o" anal!sis) either prior to or with material shipments1 *escri3e the t!pes o" certi"icates !o$ re>$ire. A0 <es5 occasionall! we doP "or example5 certi"ication "or coal speci"ications 9i.e.5 s$l"$r content5 chemical anal!sis5 pharmace$tical prod$cts. etc.). /0 18) *o !o$ re>$ire !o$r vendors to provide samples "or approval prior to act$al deliver!1 -lease descri3e. A0 2n some cases !esP i.e.5 printin'5 items "or testin'5 etc. /0 19) *o !o$ 3loc7 a vendor invoice "or pa!ment $ntil the >$alit! inspection has 3een s$ccess"$ll! completed1 A0 &ot "ormall!. As no "ormal or s!stematic method o" receivin' has 3een implemented at the niversit!5 vendor pa!ment is $s$all! withheld $ntil acceptance 3! department as 3ein' accepta3le >$antit! and >$alit!. /0 20) 6ill !o$ process rec$rrin' inspections "or materials1 9&ote0 #his is onl! possi3le "or 3atchCmana'ed materials). -lease provide an example. A0 &o /0 21) *o !o$ want to maintain a so$rce list "or the material t!pes !o$ will proc$re1


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AcceleratedSAP - Business Blueprint

A0 <es /0 22) *o !o$ val$e !o$r materials $sin' a standard price5 a movin' avera'e price5 or di""erent val$ation methods "or di""erent materials1 A0 &o standard val$ation $sed at this time /0 23) Each material m$st 3elon' to exactl! one material 'ro$p. 6hich material 'ro$ps do !o$ need to or'ani%e !o$r materials1 A0 Faterial 'ro$ps have 3een disc$ssed. #he niversit! mi'ht potentiall! $se &2-G codes. /0 2:) 6ill !o$ need to r$n F.-1

A0 &o /0 25) 4ow man! di""erent G/D acco$nts do !o$ need "or inventor!1

A0 2nventor! not in scope at this point. /0 2?) 6ill !o$ maintain speci"ication data "or !o$r ha%ardo$s s$3stances1

A0 ($rrentl! we do notP however5 this ma! 3e necessar!. #he niversit! pro3a3l! will have to wor7 with health and sa"et! o""icials. /0 2@) Are separate material master records 9perhaps with a separate material t!pe or n$m3erin' s!stem) $sed in the development and en'ineerin'/desi'n processes1 4ow and when are the! converted to operational material n$m3er and t!pe)1 A0 &o /0 28) *o !o$ $se other s!stems 9s$ch as service mana'ement or costin') that need material master records "rom ./3 and there"ore a permanent inter"ace1 A0 &ot at this time /0 29) *escri3e the str$ct$re and n$m3erin' s!stem "or material n$m3ers 9internal/external5 speci"ic to material t!pe5 other criteria). A0 &o central str$ct$re or n$m3erin' s!stem is in place. /0 30) 6hich material t!pes do !o$ $se 9please enhance)0 ;E.#5 4ADB5 .845 EFA#5 4A6A5 ;F425 etc.1 A0 &/A /0 31) *o !o$ maintain m$ltilin'$al descriptions "or materials1 6hich lan'$a'es are relevant1 4ow and when are the! translated1 /var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_3/205399238.doc !3 o( $'!

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A0 &o /0 32) 6hat t!pes o" texts do !o$ maintain "or !o$r materials1

A0 &one at this time /0 33) -lease descri3e the process "or creatin' and addin' to material data. 2ncl$de release proced$re/stat$s5 important se>$ences5 a$tomatic noti"ications 9wor7"low)5 responsi3ilities5 a$thori%ations5 involved s!stems5 and so on. A0 ;ormal process not in place /0 3:) *escri3e the chan'e process "or materials.

A0 &o process in place /0 35) 6hich crossCplant and plantCspeci"ic material stat$ses are necessar!1

A0 As inventories are not in scope5 none needed at this time. /0 3?) *o !o$ need to c$stomi%e the appearance o" or add data "ields to the material master record 9additional "ields5 c$stomi%ed material master5 "ield selection5 and c$stomerC speci"ic "ield chec7s)1 A0 Faterial master will not 3e maintained. /0 3@) *o !o$ $se classi"ication "or !o$r material masters1 ;or what reasons 9storin' addition in"ormation5 search "$nctionalit!5 or variant con"i'$ration)1 A0 &o material master maintained. /0 38) *o !o$ classi"! standardi%ed parts 3! loadin' *2& classes and characteristic data records1 A0 &o /0 39) *o !o$ have di""erent val$ation techni>$es 9"or example5 standard vers$s movin' avera'e)1 2" so5 please explain which. A0 &o /0 :0) *o !o$ have inventor! val$ed in di""erent c$rrencies at the same "acilit!1

A0 &o /0 :1) Are !o$r materials taxa3le1


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A0 &o /0 :2) ;or a material is there a main deliver! location "or a sales department1

A0 &/A /0 :3) -F/(,0 *o !o$ need a material master especiall! "or plant maintenance / c$stomer service with red$ced in"ormation 9A$st 3asic data and classi"ication data)1 A0 -F not in scope. /0 ::) -F/(,0 *oes !o$r maintenance and service e>$ipment incl$de maAor components that !o$ want to deal with individ$all! to compile separate histories1 2" so5 descri3e these components. A0 -F not in scope. C% Template: 1. .e>$irements/Expectations (onsideration was 'iven to the creation o" master material records. At this point in time5 a material master is not in scope. All p$rchases are considered cons$ma3le material that is expensed $pon receipt. Given that no c$rrent proc$rement data exist "or the n$m3er o" p$rchases 3ein' madeP that inventor! is o$t o" the initial scope and no =stoc7= items will 3e esta3lishedP the amo$nt o" time and e""ort that wo$ld 3e needed to capt$re a material master with $ncertain data5 when it has not 3een determined that it wo$ld ever 3e $sed 9th$s esta3lishin' records that wo$ld not 'enerate activit! 3$t wo$ld have to 3e maintained and re>$ire stora'e space in ./3)5 the decision was made to not esta3lish a material master in the initial phase o" implementation o" ./3. 2" inventor! is implemented in a "$t$re phase5 a material master will 3e needed at that time. A"ter the niversit! 'oes live with ./35 we will have 3etter 7nowled'e o" o$r proc$rement pattern p$rchases and a material master co$ld 3e created on an asCneeded 3asis. 2. General Explanations &/A 3. &amin'/&$m3erin' (onventions &/A :. ,pecial 8r'ani%ational (onsiderations &/A 5. (han'es to Existin' 8r'ani%ation #he concept o" material master records represents a maAor chan'e to the # or'ani%ation. ($rrentl! no material master data is maintained at #. #here"ore no /var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_3/205399238.doc !" o( $'!

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individ$al is c$rrentl! assi'ned to material master maintenance. 2t is advisa3le that a centrali%ed 'ro$p o" reso$rces will maintain the master records in the "$t$re. #he $sers in the -$rchasin' department will not have a$thori%ation to maintain the master data. ?. *escription o" 2mprovements &/A @. *escription o" ;$nctional *e"icits &/A 8. Approaches to (overin' ;$nctional *e"icits &/A 9. &otes on ;$rther 2mprovements &/A 10. ,!stem (on"i'$ration (onsiderations &/A 11. A$thori%ation and ser .oles &/A 12. -roAect ,peci"ic (2 ,ection &/A


'er*ice Master

"!estions: /0 1) 2s it necessar! "or !o$ to proc$re services "rom external s$ppliers1 2" so5 do !o$ want to str$ct$re and mana'e these services1 6hat 7ind o" services do !o$ proc$re1 A0 <es. Oanitorial5 personal services5 etc. Also5 per polic! statement 1305 external services are proc$red. C% Template: 1. .e>$irements/Expectations ,ervice masters0 *$e to the low vol$me o" activities5 p$rchases o" services will 3e /var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_3/205399238.doc !$ o( $'!

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accomplished thro$'h external service a'reements witho$t a service catalo'. ,ervice master records will not 3e implemented. 2. General Explanations ,ervice master5 d$e to the low vol$me o" activities5 will 3e accomplished thro$'h external service a'reements witho$t a service catalo'. Accordin'l!5 a service master will not 3e necessar! as a means o" esta3lishin' the service. #he esta3lishment or description o" the service will 3e done directl! on the external service a'reement with services 3ein' entered at the a'reement level. #his will eliminate the maintenance o" the service catalo'. 3. &amin'/&$m3erin' (onventions &/A :. ,pecial 8r'ani%ational (onsiderations &/A 5. (han'es to Existin' 8r'ani%ation &/A ?. *escription o" 2mprovements &/A @. *escription o" ;$nctional *e"icits &/A 8. Approaches to (overin' ;$nctional *e"icits &/A 9. &otes on ;$rther 2mprovements &/A 10. ,!stem (on"i'$ration (onsiderations &/A 11. A$thori%ation and ser .oles &/A


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12. -roAect ,peci"ic (2 ,ection &/A


C!stomer Master Record

"!estions: /0 1) 6hich t!pes o" 3$siness partners do !o$ have1 ;or example5 sole proprietor5 le'al person5 emplo!ees5 "orei'n5 other1 A0 #Is c$stomers "or sponsored proAects incl$de sole proprietors5 le'al persons5 and "orei'n. #Is main c$stomers are 'overnmental a'encies. # divides its c$stomers into "o$r cate'ories as re>$ired "or "inancial reportin'0 "ederal 'overnment a'encies5 state 'overnment a'encies5 local 'overnment a'encies5 and private companies or persons. A lar'e portion o" the sponsored awards is act$all! s$3contracts "rom a primar! ;ederal "$ndin' so$rce5 thro$'h another "$ndin' so$rce5 and then to #. # calls these awards ;ederal "lowC thro$'h "$nds5 and the! will 3e classi"ied as ;ederal. /0 2) 4ow man! active c$stomers do !o$ intend to trans"er to !o$r ./3 ,!stem1

A0 Approximatel! 500 C 1000. ($rrentl!5 the 'rant data3ase 9a s$3sidiar! s!stem to #Is c$rrent G/D) ho$ses part o" the c$stomer in"ormation. #he c$stomers are arran'ed 3! 5Cdi'it alphan$meric a'enc! code. #he code is si'ht reco'ni%a3le "or so$rce classi"ication. ;or example5 the ,tate o" #& *epartment o" #ransportation is a'enc! code :0101. #he "irst two di'its si'ni"! a so$rce classi"ication o" ,tate 'overnment a'enc!. #he remainin' three di'its are randoml! assi'ned. /0 3) 6hich department9s) are responsi3le "or the maintenance o" c$stomer data1

A0 #he c$rrent # s!stem has c$stomer attri3$tes in two places C 91) on the proAect G/D as attri3$tes5 and 92) on the 'rant data3ase as attri3$tes. #he c$stomer master data in ./3 will 3e esta3lished and maintained centrall! 3! the (ontrollerIs 8""ice. ,ince the (amp$s B$siness 8""ices5 in addition to the (ontrollerIs 8""ice5 will 3e $sin' the c$stomer master data and will 3e settin' $p proAect str$ct$res5 the! m$st have access to view the c$stomer master data. /0 :) 2" more than one department5 descri3e the responsi3ilities o" each1

A0 #he c$rrent # s!stem has c$stomer attri3$tes in two places C 91) on the proAect G/D as attri3$tes5 and 92) on the 'rant data3ase as attri3$tes. #he c$stomer master data in ./3 will 3e esta3lished and maintained centrall! 3! the (ontrollerIs 8""ice. ,ince the (amp$s B$siness 8""ices5 in addition to the (ontrollerIs 8""ice5 will 3e $sin' the c$stomer master data and will 3e settin' $p proAect str$ct$res5 the! m$st have access to view the c$stomer master data. /0 5) *escri3e !o$r partner "$nctions in detail.


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A0 # has several sponsors that mi'ht also have another 3$siness relationship with the niversit!. ;or example5 #CBattelle is the le'al entit! that mana'es the 8a7 .id'e &ational Da35 a *epartment o" Ener'! "acilit!. 2t is #Is lar'est sponsor. # also p$rchases research services "rom #CBattelle5 which ma7es them a vendor to the niversit!. /0 ?) 6hich partner "$nctions are $sed "or the di""erent sales doc$ments1

A0 Darr!5 2 donIt $nderstand this >$estion. /0 @) *o !o$r c$stomers have m$ltiple shipCtos and pa!ers1

A0 <es /0 8) *o !o$ maintain sales prospects1

A0 &o /0 9) *o !o$ have oneCtime c$stomers1

A0 &o /0 10) *o !o$ have vendors who are also c$stomers1

A0 <es /0 11) *escri3e the str$ct$re o" !o$r c$rrent c$stomer n$m3erin' scheme.

A0 ($rrentl!5 the 'rant data3ase 9a s$3sidiar! s!stem to #Is c$rrent G/D) ho$ses part o" the c$stomer in"ormation. #he c$stomers are arran'ed 3! 5Cdi'it alphan$meric a'enc! code. #he code is si'ht reco'ni%a3le "or so$rce classi"ication. ;or example5 the ,tate o" #& *epartment o" #ransportation is a'enc! code :0101. #he "irst two di'its si'ni"! a so$rce classi"ication o" ,tate 'overnment a'enc!. #he remainin' three di'its are randoml! assi'ned. /0 12) *o !o$ assi'n c$stomers to ind$str! sectors1

A0 #Is main c$stomers are 'overnmental a'encies. # divides its c$stomers into "o$r cate'ories as re>$ired "or "inancial reportin'0 "ederal 'overnment a'encies5 state 'overnment a'encies5 local 'overnment a'encies5 and private companies or persons. A lar'e portion o" the sponsored awards is act$all! s$3contracts "rom a primar! ;ederal "$ndin' so$rce5 thro$'h another "$ndin' so$rce5 and then to #. # calls these awards ;ederal "lowC thro$'h "$nds5 and the! will 3e classi"ied as ;ederal. 6e also classi"! A/. 3! # camp$s0 Enoxville5 Femphis5 (hattanoo'a5 etc. /0 13) *o !o$ want to record an! speci"ic mar7etin' in"ormation 9"or example5 &ielsen 2*s5 c$stomer classi"ication)1 A0 &o


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1:) *o !o$ 'ro$p c$stomers accordin' to an! o" the "ollowin' criteria1

A0 S T Geo'raphical location S T -ro"ita3ilit! se'ment S T ($stomer Gro$p S T ,ales o""ice S T ,ales Gro$p SNT 8thers S T &o 'ro$pin' /0 15) 6ill !o$ record contactCperson in"ormation on !o$r c$stomers1

A0 <es /0 1?) *oes !o$r c$stomer allow !o$ to com3ine di""erent sales orders into one deliver!1

A0 &o /0 1@) *oes !o$r c$stomer allow partial deliveries1

A0 &/A /0 18) 2" !o$ have m$ltiple plants5 is !o$r c$stomer normall! s$pplied 3! a speci"ic plant1

A0 &o /0 19) *e"ine !o$r c$stomer deliver! priorit! levels and explain the assi'nment process.

A0 &/A /0 20) Are there special shippin' conditions "or !o$r c$stomer1

A0 &/A /0 21) *o !o$ record "orei'n trade c$stomers who are placed on an export control list to possi3l! den! deliveries to them1 A0 &o /0 22) *o !o$ $se c$stomerCspeci"ic calendars and/or 'oods receivin' ho$rs1

A0 &/A /0 23) 6hat are !o$r terms o" pa!ment "or !o$r c$stomers1 nwritten expectation is =d$e $pon receipt=.

A0 &o terms.


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2:) Are there an! disco$nts lin7ed to terms o" pa!ment5 s$ch as cash disco$nts1

A0 &o. /0 25) *o !o$ have sales doc$ments in "orei'n c$rrencies1 *escri3e how the exchan'e rate is calc$lated. A0 &o. /0 2?) 6hat 7ind o" pa!ments do !o$ 'et "rom !o$r c$stomer1

A0 S T Bar SNT (redit card SNT (hec7 S T *own pa!ment SNT Electronic ;$nds #rans"er 9E;#) S T 8thers /0 2@) Are reminders sent1 4ow lon' is the waitin' period1

A0 <es. 6hen a partic$lar invoice is 90 da!s old 9"rom the date the invoice was mailed)5 the invoice is eli'i3le "or #Is =90Cda! collection letter=. A di""erent 9and more severe) reminder is 'enerated at 120 da!s and a'ain at 150 da!s. /0 28) 6hat 2ncoterms will !o$r c$stomers $se 9"or example5 ;8B5 "ree domicile)1

A0 &/A /0 29) 6hat texts do !o$ maintain at a c$stomer level1

A0 # wo$ld li7e to maintain 'eneral c$stomer collection in"ormation5 s$ch as slow pa!in'5 etc. /0 30) 6hich texts are $sed "or the di""erent sales doc$ments 9"or sales5 shippin'5 3illin')1

A0 &/A C all sales doc$ments comin' "rom ,* are invoices. #he di""erent t!pes o" invoices are maintained in ,*. #his ma! chan'e in the "$t$re. # ma! decide to $se A/. "or 'eneral receiva3les5 too. At that time5 # ma! need to have di""erent t!pes o" sales doc$ments. #his is not in scope now. /0 31) *escri3e an! other in"ormation relevant to c$stomers.

A0 #Is c$rrent A/. s!stem is arran'ed 91) 3! c$stomer5 92) 3! camp$s5 and 93) 3! proAect n$m3er. # wo$ld li7e to see A/. in"ormation at the proAect level 3eca$se speci"ic collection pro3lems occ$r at this level. ;or example5 # has man! c$rrent proAects with &av!. 4owever5 there ma! 3e a technical pro3lem with proAect B0199123: that has ca$sed &av! to stop pa!in' invoices. #his is not a 'eneral &av! collection pro3lem5 3$t is speci"ic to this &av! proAect. # wo$ld li7e to 7eep collection notes at the proAect level also.


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32) *o !o$ $se the same str$ct$re o" c$stomer master records in all departments1

A0 <es /0 33) *o !o$ ever need to 3loc7 a c$stomer "or sales processin'1 2" so5 descri3e the process in detail. A0 &o. An! c$stomer 3loc7in' is accomplished at the preCaward level. 2" a c$stomer has had a 3ad de3t with # in the past5 the preCaward o""ice sho$ld not allow award doc$ments to 3e si'ned that le'all! commit the niversit! to per"orm "$t$re wor7. /0 3:) 4ow will !o$ determine/select a c$stomer "or processin' 9match code)1

A0 SNT B! name SNT B! c$stomer n$m3er S T B! postal code S T B! telephone n$m3er SNT B! search term SNT 8thers /0 35) *o !o$ maintain c$stomer data in an external s!stem1

A0 <es C% Template: 1. .e>$irements/Expectations # re>$ires an A/. s!stem "or sponsored proAects onl! at this time. A/. and collection notes sho$ld 3e maintained and a'ed 3! c$stomer5 camp$s5 proAect5 and invoice n$m3er. # wo$ld li7e to access A/. "or reports5 >$eries5 and searches. ($stomer master records are maintained centrall!5 3$t viewed and $sed 3! all camp$ses. # wo$ld li7e an a$tomated d$nnin' s!stem to replace existin' "$nctionalit!. 2nvoices will post to A/. thro$'h ,* 9"rom camp$ses) and man$all! "or departmental 3illin's.


Vendor Master Record

"!estions: /0 1) 6hat t!pes o" vendors do !o$ have 9domestic5 "orei'n5 pa!ment address5 etc.)1

A0 +endor *B 95 di'it L alpha character)0 All -8Is are written a'ainst +endor *BP vendors can also 3e $sed "or nonC-8 transactionsP =.= C .e'$lar 9rec$rrin')P (lassi"ications0 Finorit!C owned5 womanCowned5 small 3$siness5 lar'e 3$siness 9vendors mar7s one o" these cate'ories when 3id application in sent in). -a!ee *B 99 di'it C sometimes starts with =#=)0 sed "or nonC-8 transactionsP #xxxxxxxxC temporar! n$m3er intended to 3e $sed one time 9see V1)P ,ocial ,ec$rit! n$m3ersC$sed "or emplo!ee travel reim3$rsement and "or 1099 reporta3le vendorsP ;ederal 2* n$m3ers C "or 1099 reporta3le vendors


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+endor #!pes0 *omestic 93oth data3ases) 9incl$din' tr$st remittances)P ;orei'n 93oth data3ases)P ,t$dents 9-a!ee *B)P -atients 9-a!ee *B)P Emplo!ees 9-a!ee *B)P #emporaries 9-a!ee *B) WW&8#E0 #here are d$plicates within and 3etween the two data3ases. 8$r c$rrent de"inition o" a oneCtime vendor is a vendor that is expected to 3e $sed onl! one time. 4owever5 c$rrentl! it is not eas! to determine i" a vendor is a =tr$e= oneCtime vendor. 6hile there are some =tr$e= oneCtime vendors5 the -a!ee *B has 3ecome a wa! to assi'n a vendor n$m3er >$ic7l!. 2n the c$rrent -a!ee *B5 a vendor ma! 3e assi'ned a temporar! n$m3er 9even i" it is alread! there with a real n$m3er)5 and the temporar! n$m3er can then 3e $sed man! times. -rovide sample o" each *B vendor master record "or each t!pe and classi"ication o" vendor 3! :/21/00. /0 2) 4ow man! active vendors do !o$ want to trans"er to ./31

A0 #B* a"ter clean$p o" c$rrent data3ases. 2n meetin' on :/19/005 determined the wa!s that the clean$p will 3e handled. ($rrent sit$ation0 -a!ee *B0 approximatel! 2135000 9incl$des one time/temporar! vendors) +endor *B0 approximatel! @05000 Contract DB:??#(TBD); may not have to convert; used for ALL contracts for routing (for tracking o!en" #$% and com!&eted); on fi&e forever' Contracts (i&& )e added to the %urchasing system; *endor master records (i&& )e re+uired to faci&itate these contract agreements' 6ill not convert5 as it does not contain vendor master dateCt!pe in"ormation. /0 3) 4ow do !o$ want vendor n$m3ers assi'ned in the ./3 ,!stem1 &ame !o$r criteria "or man$al and a$tomatic n$m3er assi'nment. *escri3e the "ormat o" man$all! assi'ned vendor n$m3ers. A0 S T Alwa!s a$tomaticall! "rom the ./3 ,!stem S T Alwa!s man$all! "rom the $ser SNT A$tomatic or man$al (omments0 ;or the most part5 vendor master n$m3ers can 3e internall! assi'ned. ($rrentl!5 1099Crelated vendors $se externall! assi'ned +endor 2*s 9i.e.5 ,,& or #axC2*). 2n ,A- ./35 these 1099 vendors sho$ld "ollow the recommended internal vendor n$m3erin' convention and $tili%e the tax re"erence "ields as well as the 6ithholdin' tax "ields to or'ani%e 1099 H/or 10:2 vendor data. /0 :) *o !o$ have plants that s$ppl! materials or services to other plants in other compan! codes1 A0 <es0 -$rchasin' departments5 ;acilit! Fana'ement5 -h!sical -lant5 Boo7store5 #elephone ,ervices5 etc. ,$mmar!0 An! department can s$ppl! materials and services to an! other department. #rans"er vo$chers are $sed "or these transactions. *epartments with lar'e vol$mes $se the electronic #+ s!stem and others $se the paper #+. Generall!5 trans"er vo$chers m$st 3e approved 3! the Xsendin'M department and the Xreceivin'M department prior to processin'.


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(8&;2G .A#28& &8#E,0 Altho$'h this re>$irement o$tlines the need to trans"er materials and services "rom one department to another5 it "alls o$tside o" ./3Is traditional interC compan!5 interplant materials/services trans"er movements. #o 3$ild this process in the new s!stem5 either a man$al Ao$rnal vo$cher proced$re will need to 3e "orm$lated or an a$tomated internal p$rchasin' proced$re will need to 3e con"i'$red to "acilitate these internal 3$siness transaction processes. A Ao$rnal entr! with a speci"ic doc$ment t!pe will 3e $sed "or these internal trans"er vo$chers. /0 ?) *o !o$ want to re"lect the or'ani%ational str$ct$re o" !o$r vendors in the ./3 ,!stem1

A0 &860 &o ./30 <es #he $se o" +endor Acco$nt Gro$ps co$ld 3e $sed to 3$ild the or'ani%ation str$ct$re "or all # vendors. #his approach is more "lexi3le 3$t provides limited control. Another approach is to $se ./3Is +endor -artner relationshipsP this approach is less "lexi3le 3$t provides more control over the vendor master data. Fore in"ormation is needed "rom -$rchasin' and Acco$nts -a!a3le to determine which approach is 3est s$ited "or the niv. o" #ennessee. /0 @) 2s it necessar! "or !o$ to maintain di""erent p$rchasin' vendor master data "or di""erent plants1 A0 &ow0 -ossi3l!. ($rrentl! some departments have p$rchasin' a$thorit! "or certain activities and are5 there"ore5 exempt "rom re>$irements to 'o thro$'h p$rchasin' "or those t!pe items. #hese departments are Enoxville H (hattanoo'a Di3rar! 9"or 3oo7s onl!)5 Enoxville Boo7store 93oo7s and resale items)5 Femphis Fedical nit 9medical s$pplies) and Enoxville #C(l$3 9resale items). ,ome o" these departments have their own external p$rchasin' s!stems to mana'e this process separate "rom the niversit! s!stem. #hese are the Enoxville 9also $ses -roc$rement (ard "or maAorit! o" these items) and (hattanoo'a Di3raries5 the Enoxville Boo7store 9.a!tex ,o"tware -ac7a'e)5 and the Femphis Fedical nit 9Fedi#ech). 6e need to determine i" these will contin$e to 3e handled externall! or i" the! will 3e incorporated into ./3. #he Enoxville Boo7store 7e!s their invoices into .a!tex and s$3mits them electronicall! to the chec7Cwritin' "ile. 4owever5 chec7s "or all s!stems are written 3! the #reas$rerIs 8""ice5 Acco$nts -a!a3le section. 9Are the vendors that are paid c$rrentl! incl$ded in the -a!ee *BP i.e. part o" the 2135000 vendors1 2" not5 the! will need to 3e incl$ded into ,A- ./3 i" chec7s will contin$e to 3e written "rom the new s!stem.) (8&;2G .A#28& &8#E,0 #!picall! 9and ideall!)5 there will onl! 3e one vendor master "ile. -lant speci"ic in"ormation can 3e incorporated in an! individ$al vendor master record. 6hen necessar!5 this sho$ld 3e the approach to "ollow to meet the needs o" niversit! o" #ennessee. /0 8) 6hen wor7in' with !o$r s$ppliers5 do !o$ deal with people with di""erent roles1 2" !es5 indicate the appropriate roles. A0 SNT 8rder recipient SNT Goods s$pplier SNT 2nvoicin' part! SNT -a!ment recipient SNT 8ther5 please speci"!


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AcceleratedSAP - Business Blueprint


9) *o !o$ emplo! di""erent pa!ment terms 3! "acilit!1

A0 &o /0 10) Are there an! vendorCspeci"ic instr$ctions or in"ormation that !o$ want to incl$de in p$rchasin' doc$ments1 A0 <es /0 11) *o !o$r vendors o""er disco$nts "or prompt pa!ment 9"or example5 1U cash disco$nt within 10 da!s)1 -rovide a list o" the pa!ment terms !o$ re>$ire. A0 <es5 2/10/net 30 and net 30 are most commonP 1/10/net 30P 2/10/prox5 etc. Fost p$rchase orders state that invoices are to 3e paid within 30 da!s o" receipt o" materials. 6hen there are no terms 'iven5 the invoice m$st 3e paid within :5 da!s o" date o" invoice or the date 'oods or services were received5 whichever is later. #he -rompt -a! Act o" 1985 allows vendors to char'e delin>$ent acco$nts at 1.5U per month on the o$tstandin' 3alance. &ormall!5 the vendor 3ills the niversit! "or the interest d$e. ,ee polic! C ,ection 0?05 -art 025 V*. # Goal0 90U o" invoices and travel to 3e paid within :5 da!s /0 12) *o !o$ speci"! "orei'nCtradeCspeci"ic in"ormation in !o$r p$rchasin' doc$ments 9s$ch as (2; or ;8B)1 A0 <es /0 13) *o !o$ have vendors with several/di""erent orderin' addresses5 pa!ees5 carriers5 and so on1 2" so5 what do these depend on 9assortment5 s$ppl! re'ion)1 A0 <es0 camp$s location 9e.'. vendor 3ranches close to that camp$s)5 "actorin' pa!ments "or speci"ic vendors vs. directl! to vendor5 remittances to speci"ic pa!ee "or 3an7r$pts or liens5 prod$ct t!pe5 pa! to =,tate #reas$rer= C 3$t speci"ic department address has to 3e $sed. /0 1:) *o !o$ need to maintain de"a$lt data "or the article master 9s$ch as planned deliver! time5 p$rchasin' 'ro$p) at vendor level1 A0 &o C% Template: 1. .e>$irements/Expectations A/- will 3e responsi3le "or creatin' all vendors. 4owever5 -$rchasin' will inp$t the -$rchasin' view section o" the record. A3ilit! to identi"! vendor terms and disco$nts 9incl$din' credit memo terms) A3ilit! to maintain di""erent contacts 9i.e.5 invoicin' part!5 pa!ment5 recipient5 'oods s$pplier) and addresses 9local 3ranches5 remit to addresses) with vendors 9$se the vendor partner relationship) A3ilit! to incl$de vendor speci"ic in"ormation on p$rchasin' doc$ments where re>$ired "" o( $'!


AcceleratedSAP - Business Blueprint

A3ilit! to maintain one vendor data3ase "or 3oth A/- vendors and -$rchasin' vendors witho$t d$plication ;acilitate 1099 reportin' A3ilit! to set $p vendor t!pes s$ch as emplo!ees5 st$dents5 patients5 oneCtime vendors5 domestic and "orei'n +endor n$m3ers sho$ld 3e assi'ned internall! 3! s!stem A3ilit! to search vendors 3! ,,& and "ederal id n$m3er A3ilit! to c$t chec7s "or vendors not in vendor *B 9i.e. #E Boo7store vendors C .a!tex) 91 8neCtime vendor1) A3ilit! to maintain vendor classi"ications 9i.e.5 minorit!5 small 3$siness5 womanC owned5 lar'e 3$siness) A3ilit! to maintain de"a$lt data "or master record at vendor level wo$ld 3e hi'hl! desira3le5 3$t will not 3e reali%ed in the initial ='oClive= since no material master records will 3e set $p.

2. General Explanations +endor Faster data consists o" three parts0 1) General *ata which is the 3asic vendor acco$nt in"ormationP 2) -$rchasin' *ata which is the speci"ic vendor p$rchasin' data that is $ni>$e to the vendor or $ni>$e to the vendor and to a speci"ic # plantP and 3) Acco$ntin' 9(ompan! (ode) *ata which is the acco$ntin' in"ormation that A/- $ses to pa! the vendor. #he +endor master records will 3e cate'ori%ed into speci"ic acco$ntin' 'ro$ps in order to control the activit! and "ield records that can 3e $sed "or a speci"ic vendor. ;$rthermore5 lar'e vendors who have m$ltiple orderin'/shippin' and remit to addresses can 3e partnered to'ether in a hierarchical "ashion so as to aid in the 3$!in' and pa!in' processes associated with those vendors. ($rrentl!5 there are vario$s n$m3ers o" +endor Faster "iles $sed thro$'ho$t the niversit! o" #ennessee. #wo o" the primac! vendor data3ases are the +endor *B 9$sed 3! -$rchasin') and the -a!ee *B 9$sed 3! Acco$nts -a!a3le). /$ite a 3it o" anal!sis and review will need to ta7e place prior to con"i'$rin' the ,A- ./3 s!stem. #he -a!ee *B is extremel! lar'e 92135000) recordsP this is a 'ood si'n that there are o3solete5 red$ndant5 and/or inacc$rate vendor master records that need to 3e removed or reCedited prior to 3ein' copied into ,A- ./3. ;$rthermore5 some data str$ct$re and operational processes need to 3e "orm$lated as part o" an! on'oin' vendor maintenance processes. 3. &amin'/&$m3erin' (onventions ;or the most part5 vendor master n$m3ers can 3e internall! assi'ned. ($rrentl!5 1099C related vendors 9-a!ee *B) $se externall! assi'ned vendor 2*s 9i.e.5 ,,& or #axC2*). #he +endor *B 9p$rchasin' vendors) $se internall! assi'ned vendor 2ds. 2n ,A- ./35 these 1099 vendors sho$ld "ollow the recommended internal vendor n$m3erin' convention and $tili%e the tax re"erence "ields as well as the 6ithholdin' tax "ields to or'ani%e 1099 vendor data. :. ,pecial 8r'ani%ational (onsiderations (entral ownership o" the +endor master data will 3e in Acco$nts -a!a3le. #he -$rchasin' *epartment will 3e responsi3le "or creatin' and chan'in' the -$rchasin' data. 8r'ani%ational processes need to 3e p$3lished which controls the creation and on'oin' maintenance o" the ,A- ./3 +endor Faster ;ile. 5. (han'es to Existin' 8r'ani%ation /var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_3/205399238.doc "$ o( $'!

AcceleratedSAP - Business Blueprint

($rrentl!5 +endor *B is maintained 3! -$rchasin' and the -a!ee *B is maintained 3! A/-. -$rchasin' can onl! $pdate the -$rchasin' data while A/- can $pdate the -$rchasin' address and the A/- address. 2n the -a!ee *B5 an! camp$s 3$siness o""ice can add a vendor 3$t onl! the #reas$rerIs 8""ice A/- 8""ice can $pdate this in"ormation. Goin' "orward5 there will 3e onl! one central *B. Acco$nts -a!a3le will create vendors centrall! and -$rchasin' will maintain the -$rchasin' data. ?. *escription o" 2mprovements Broader "$nctionalit! o" the +endor master desi'n and con"i'$ration allows the niversit! o" #ennessee to 3etter or'ani%e and maintain the +endor master data3ase. ,in'le vendor *B will allow "or red$ction or elimination o" d$plicate vendor n$m3ers. #he =8neC#ime +endor ;$nctionalit!= will red$ce the n$m3er o" vendors in the *B since tr$e oneCtime vendors will 3e set $p $nder a sin'le oneCtime vendor acco$nt.

@. *escription o" ;$nctional *e"icits &one 8. Approaches to (overin' ;$nctional *e"icits &/A 9. &otes on ;$rther 2mprovements &one apparent at this time 10. ,!stem (on"i'$ration (onsiderations &eed to "orm$late the +endor acco$nt 'ro$ps in order to 3est mana'e the master data $sa'e. &eed to determine i" +endor -artner .elationships is a $se"$l approach to the vendor maintenance schema. &eed to wor7 with the 4$man .eso$rces H Faterials Fana'ement teams to ens$re that all components o" the +endor Faster data have 3een ade>$atel! de"ined. 11. A$thori%ation and ser .oles *ispla! "$nctionalit! "or $sers on department level 9except the views "or emplo!ee vendors and an! other sensitive or con"idential vendor in"ormation) to incl$de oneCtime vendors set $p "or travel p$rposes. (reate and chan'e a$thori%ation "or the Acco$nts -a!a3le department. (reate/chan'e/displa! -$rchasin' data "or the -$rchasin' department. 12. -roAect ,peci"ic (2 ,ection &/A


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AcceleratedSAP - Business Blueprint


an:) an: Directory TR)F%

"!estions: /0 1) *o !o$ want to create the 3an7 director! 9address and control data "or 3an7s and post o""ice 3an7s) man$all! or cop! it a$tomaticall!1 A0 Fan$all!. /0 2) 6hich 3an7s and 3an7 acco$nts will !o$ 3e $sin' "or incomin' and o$t'oin' pa!ments1 A0 All o$t'oin' pa!ments 9except pett! cash) will 3e "rom ;irst #ennessee Ban7 acco$nts. #he ;#B acco$nts incl$de the "ollowin'0 -a!roll 900C00002?) *is3$rsement 902?0851) ,t$dent .e"$nd C Fartin 91000@9:98) ,t$dent .e"$nd C (hattanoo'a 91000@9:8?) ,t$dent .e"$nd C Femphis 91000@950:) ,t$dent .e"$nd C Enoxville 910032@3:@) ;ed wires and A(4 de3its are paid "rom the General Acco$nt 900C00015). 2ncomin' "$nds are received in the vario$s depositor! 3an7 acco$nts across #ennessee. ,ee also Ban7 Acco$ntin' /$estionnaires. /0 A0 3) 2n what c$rrencies are these acco$nts denominated1 , *ollars.

/0 :) Are certain pa!ments handled 3! more than one 3an7 9correspondent 3an7s/intermediar! 3an7s)1 A0 &o C% Template: 1. .e>$irements/Expectations #here are 3 primar! acco$nts0 -a!roll5 *is3$rsement and General "or ;ed 6ires and A(4 *e3its # has a primar! 3an7in' relationship with ;irst #ennessee Ban7. # has 1 primary depository acco!nt where the! initiall! deposit Enoxville "$nds. #he primar! depositor! acco$nt is their cash mana'ement acco$nt. # invests 3ased on the 3alance in that acco$nt. 8ther 3an7 acco$nts are swept into this acco$nt. 6ires 'o o$t o" that acco$nt and o$r A(4 'oes in and o$t. &o chec7s are written "rom this acco$nt. 6or7in' capital investment p$rchases/sales are "rom this acco$nt.

Besides the primar! depositor! acco$nt at Enoxville5 there are , other 1 T? depository acco!nts at di""erent locations 9(oo7eville5 Femphis5 and (hattanoo'a).


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AcceleratedSAP - Business Blueprint

# has 1 main disb!rsements acco!nt "rom which onl! chec7s 9*+s and B+s) are written. #here is 1 payroll acco!nt5 which is YBA5 where # moves mone! to cover pa!roll pa!ments "rom the primar! depositor! acco$nt. #here is 1 primary in*estment acco!nt. #his represents cash that 1st #& investment mana'ers have availa3le to them to invest "or the niversit!. #here are 3 other @ $ acco!nts "or 3atch vo$chers 9B+s) "or which chec7s are written to st$dents 3! the camp$s B$rsars at Enoxville5 (hattanoo'a5 Fartin5 and Femphis. #here is one depositor! acco$nt per location o" 3an7. All depositor! acco$nts concentrate to 1st #&5 3$t a minim$m 3alance is le"t in these acco$nts. niversit! personnel "rom the vario$s camp$ses call #im Fapes and in"orm him the amo$nt o" dail! activit!5 and then #im trans"ers the appropriate amo$nt. Am,o$th Ban7 9Enoxville5 &ashville) C 2 locations &ational Ban7 o" (ommerce G 1 location (it! ,tate 9Fartin) G 1 location we donIt download an! chec7s "rom this acco$nt. nion -lanters 9(hattanoo'a5 Fartin) C 2 locations ,$n#r$st 9(hattanoo'a) st 1 ;armers H Ferchants &ational 9(ol$m3ia) C1 location Ban(orp ,o$th 9Oac7son5 Filan) C 2 locations Greene (o$nt! 9Greenville) Ban7 o" America 9Greenville5 &ashville5 Dewis3$r') C 3 locations ($m3erland (o$nt! 9(rossville) G 1 location ;irst nion &ational Ban7 9,prin'"ield) ;irst ,tate 9(ovin'ton) G 1 location ;irst &ational 9#$llahoma) A' Extension (o$nt! 9A'enc! "$nds 9cash) 3ein' held across #& G &ot act$all! a 3an75 onl! a compilation o" cashCholdin's.) # has *irect deposit responsi3ilities with n$mero$s 3an7s. 2. General Explanations 2n the ./3 s!stem5 3an7 master data is stored centrall! in the 3an7 director!. #he 3an7 director! contains the 3an7 master data. 8ne sets $p 3an7 master data in ./3 to store 3an7 address data and control data5 there3! eliminatin' repetitio$s data entr!. Each 3an7 2* is $ni>$e within a compan! code. ;or each 3an75 enter the 3an7 co$ntr!5 and either the 3an7 n$m3er or an appropriate co$ntr!Cspeci"ic 7e!. #he s!stem $ses this in"ormation to identi"! the correct 3an7 master data. 6hen one de"ines details "or the pa!ment pro'ram 9this necessitates enterin' the 3an7 master data "or !o$r 3an7 details) one needs enter onl! the 3an7 2*. 2n addition to the 3an7 details5 one m$st also de"ine the 3an7 acco$nts that one has at oneIs 3an7. 8ne de"ines these $nder an acco$nt 2* that is $ni>$e per compan! code and ho$se 3an7. #his acco$nt 2* can incorporate attri3$tes o" the 3an7 acco$nt. 8ne will $se this 2* to 3e a3le to re"er to oneIs 3an7 acco$nt 3oth when enterin' speci"ications "or the pa!ment pro'ram5 and in G/D acco$nt master records. #he acco$nt data one enters comprises the acco$nt n$m3er at oneIs 3an75 the c$rrenc! in which the acco$nt is mana'ed5 and an! additional co$ntr!Cspeci"ic data. 3. &amin'/&$m3erin' (onventions 8ne de"ines the 3an7 details per compan! code 3! enterin' a threeCcharacter code "or each 3an7. 8ne can enter a "iveCcharacter alphan$meric 7e! as a 3an7 2*.


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AcceleratedSAP - Business Blueprint

:. ,pecial 8r'ani%ational (onsiderations #he #reas$rerMs 8""ice m$st have ownership o" (ash Fana'ement to maintain all 3an7in' activities. 5. (han'es to Existin' 8r'ani%ation &one ?. *escription o" 2mprovements 8ne creates a ho$se 3an7 3! assi'nin' a code where one stores 3an7 n$m3er and other details. 6hen re"erencin' a partic$lar 3an7 acco$nt5 one speci"ies the ho$se 3an7 witho$t havin' to 7e! in acco$nt details. 2mprovements0 ;aster postin'/spreadin' interest earnin's. Easier reconciliation and o$tC o"C3alance trac7in'. @. *escription o" ;$nctional *e"icits &one 8. Approaches to (overin' ;$nctional *e"icits &/A 9. &otes on ;$rther 2mprovements &one are apparent at this time 10. ,!stem (on"i'$ration (onsiderations 2n the ./3 s!stem5 each ho$se 3an7 is represented 3! a 3an7 2*. Ever! acco$nt at a ho$se 3an7 is represented 3! an acco$nt 2*. 2n the ./3 s!stem5 one $ses the 3an7 2* and the acco$nt 2* to speci"! 3an7 details. #hese speci"ications are $sed5 "or example5 "or a$tomatic pa!ment transactions to determine the 3an7 details "or pa!ment. &eed to develop appropriate dis3$rsement acco$nts "or chec7s as well as A(4 withdrawal. &eed to set$p $p pa!ment compan! code so that it maximi%es cash disco$nt ta7en. 11. A$thori%ation and ser .oles 8nl! the #reas$rerMs 8""ice can set $p new 3an7 master data there"ore 7eepin' this process centrali%ed. #he set o" new 3an7 acco$nt s$3 led'er sho$ld 3e 3etween the #reas$rerMs 8""ice and the (ontrollerIs 8""ice. 12. -roAect ,peci"ic (2 ,ection &/A /var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_3/205399238.doc $0 o( $'!

AcceleratedSAP - Business Blueprint



"!estions: /0 1) 6ill !o$ $se an external #ax -ac7a'e to determine the appropriate tax A$risdiction and/or tax rates to appl! to p$rchasin' doc$ments and/or vendor invoices1 2" !es5 name the external pac7a'e. A0 &o. /0 2) 6ill the tax A$risdiction codes 3e loaded into ./31

A0 &o C% Template: 1. .e>$irements/Expectations F$st create one tax exempt tax code

2/ 6roc!rement
2/1/ !yer
C% Template: 1. .e>$irements/Expectations A3ilit! to represent 3$!er or 3$!er 'ro$p in ,A- ./3 2. General Explanations #he 3$!er will 3e represented 3! a code 9plant code L 2Cdi'it n$m3er). #he report o" p$rchases per 3$!er can 3e eval$ated. 3. &amin'/&$m3erin' (onventions #he 3$!er or 3$!er 'ro$p will 3e de"ined 3! a 3Cdi'it n$m3er0 the "irst di'it representin' the camp$s5 "ollowed 3! a 2Cdi'it n$m3er. ;or example5 3$!er *avid Far7s in Enoxville co$ld 3e E01. A p$rchasin' 'ro$p 999 9$nassi'ned) will 3e de"ined "or settin' $p re>$isitions at the department level. #hose $nassi'ned re>$isitions will 3e assi'ned at the -$rchasin' department. :. ,pecial 8r'ani%ational (onsiderations &/A


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AcceleratedSAP - Business Blueprint

5. (han'es to Existin' 8r'ani%ation &/A ?. *escription o" 2mprovements &/A @. *escription o" ;$nctional *e"icits &/A 8. Approaches to (overin' ;$nctional *e"icits &/A 9. &otes on ;$rther 2mprovements &/A 10. ,!stem (on"i'$ration (onsiderations &/A 11. A$thori%ation and ser .oles 8nl! a$thori%ed personnel will maintain p$rchasin' 'ro$ps and 3$!ers. 12. -roAect ,peci"ic (2 ,ection &/A


6!rchasing info record

C% Template: 1. .e>$irements/Expectations 2n"o record will 3e $sed to lin7 material 'ro$p and vendor to'ether. 2. General Explanations 6hen creatin' a re>$isition or p$rchase order and the vendor on the re>$isition/ -8 is part o" an in"o record5 all the in"o 9s$ch as prices and conditions o" the in"o record) can 3e inp$tted in the .e>$isition/-8.


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AcceleratedSAP - Business Blueprint

3. &amin'/&$m3erin' (onventions An internal n$m3er ran'e will 3e assi'ned to the in"o recordP i.e.5 an! time an in"o record is created there will 3e an internal n$m3er assi'ned to that in"o record. :. ,pecial 8r'ani%ational (onsiderations &/A 5. (han'es to Existin' 8r'ani%ation &/A ?. *escription o" 2mprovements 6hen creatin' a re>$isition or -8 with vendors/material 'ro$ps "or which an in"o record exists5 the s!stem will propose the vendor as so$rce. 8ther in"o5 s$ch price and conditions5 will 3e copied into the re>$isition or -8. @. *escription o" ;$nctional *e"icits &/A 8. Approaches to (overin' ;$nctional *e"icits &/A 9. &otes on ;$rther 2mprovements &/A 10. ,!stem (on"i'$ration (onsiderations &/A 11. A$thori%ation and ser .oles 8nl! desi'nated personnel will maintain in"o records. 12. -roAect ,peci"ic (2 ,ection &/A





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AcceleratedSAP - Business Blueprint

/0 1) 6hich price components do !o$ $se in p$rchasin' doc$ments 9e.'. 'ross price5 s$rchar'es5 disco$nts5 "rei'ht5 d$t!5 import)1 A0 nit price5 'ross price5 disco$nts5 "rei'ht5 escalation provision5 tradeCin5 credit5 tax5 disco$nt pa!ment terms5 ;8B5 s$rchar'e5 re3ate str$ct$re5 import d$ties5 li>$idated dama'es5 etc. /0 2) *o prices depend on the >$antit! ordered 9e.'. >$antit! disco$nts or price scales)1 2" so5 speci"! price components5 >$antit!5 and other "actors. A0 <es. #here co$ld 3e price 3rea7s 3ased on >$antit! levels5 or 3ased on time "rames5 or other "actors. /0 3) #o which date does the price determination process relate 9e.'. deliver! date5 -8 date5 other)1 A0 -rice is determined 3! the p$rchase order or contract$al a'reement. *ate is not a "actor. /0 :) 2s pricin' in"ormation "rom other s!stems to 3e $sed "or price comp$tation p$rposes in ./31 A0 &o /0 5) *o !o$ man$all! chan'e the price at header level "or the entire p$rchasin' doc$ment1 A0 &o /0 ?) *o !o$ allow chan'es to the 'ross price that is a$tomaticall! determined 3! the ./3 ,!stem1 A0 <es5 it is possi3le /0 @) *oes the vendorIs price incl$de val$eCadded tax1

A0 &o /0 8) 2s it possi3le to chan'e pricin' conditions a"ter a -8 has 3een created1

A0 <es5 with the appropriate a$thorit! and approval /0 9) ,peci"icall! "or Bra%il indexation0 6hich indexes and "orms are necessar!1

A0 &/A C% Template: 1. .e>$irements/Expectations


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AcceleratedSAP - Business Blueprint

A3ilit! to maintain terms and conditions5 3ase price5 disco$nts and s$rchar'es in ,A./3. 2. General Explanations #he niversit! incorporates terms and conditions into re>$ests "or >$otes 9.;/) and p$rchase orders 9-8). #he conditions re"lect re'$lator! re>$irements o" the niversit! with re'ard to terms o" a p$rchase. #he! also represent the niversit!Is 3$siness practices in p$rchasin' 'oods and services. #hese conditions m$st reside in ./3 "or incl$sion into the 3od! o" .;/s and -$rchase orders. #he s!stem m$st 3e a3le to electronicall! assi'n these conditions into p$rchasin' doc$ments 'enerated in ./3. 3. &amin'/&$m3erin' (onventions ./3 3ase price5 disco$nt5 and s$rchar'e codes will 3e adopted. ./3 to s$pport the re>$irements "or terms and conditions into the 3od! o" p$rchase doc$ments. :. ,pecial 8r'ani%ational (onsiderations &/A 5. (han'es to Existin' 8r'ani%ation &/A ?. *escription o" 2mprovements &/A @. *escription o" ;$nctional *e"icits &/A 8. Approaches to (overin' ;$nctional *e"icits &/A 9. &otes on ;$rther 2mprovements &/A 10. ,!stem (on"i'$ration (onsiderations &/A 11. A$thori%ation and ser .oles 8nl! desi'nated personnel will maintain conditions. /var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_3/205399238.doc $" o( $'!

AcceleratedSAP - Business Blueprint

12. -roAect ,peci"ic (2 ,ection &/A


'o!rce Bist

"!estions: /0 1) 6ill !o$ maintain speci"ic vendor hierarchies1

A0 &o /0 2) *o !o$ want to maintain a list o" approved vendors1 #his means that i" a material is s$3Aect to a so$rce list re>$irement5 it can onl! 3e proc$red "rom the vendors incl$ded on the so$rce list. A0 &o /0 3) *o !o$ need a so$rce list "or0 91) all materials 92) all materials o" a plant 93) certain materials onl!1 -lease explain. A0 &eed a so$rce list "or all materials and services proc$red /0 :) 2s there a "ixed vendor "or some materials1 91) &o. 91) <es5 in certain plants 9speci"!) 92) <es5 across the entire enterprise 93) <es5 ever!where except in certain plants 9speci"!). A0 Accordin' to o$r contracts5 there co$ld 3e a "ixed vendor "or a partic$lar material/service at each plant level. /0 5) *o some vendors cover certain 'eo'raphic re'ions1 91) &o. 92) <es. 6arnin' i" vendor does not cover relevant re'ion. 93) <es. -revent iss$e o" -8s in latter case. A0 <es5 3ased on vendorIs contract$al a'reement with s$ppliers. ,ome vendors will onl! sell to certain camp$ses with re'ards to territorial a'reements. /0 ?) ,ho$ld it 3e possi3le to "or p$rchase orders to 3e created a$tomaticall! in the co$rse o" material re>$irements plannin' 9F.-)1 A0 <es /0 @) ,ho$ld it 3e possi3le to "or sched$lin' a'reement sched$le lines to 3e created a$tomaticall! in the co$rse o" material re>$irements plannin' 9F.-)1 A0 S T<es S T&o &/A. #he niversit! is not implementin' F.-.

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AcceleratedSAP - Business Blueprint

1. .e>$irements/Expectations #he a3ilit! to identi"! contract vendors "or conversion o" re>$isition to p$rchase orders a'ainst esta3lished contracts. Also the a3ilit! to 'enerate a 3idders list "or so$rces to incl$de in .;/s that in t$rn will 3e sent to potential 3idders "or >$ote responses. 2. General Explanations ,o$rce o" s$ppl! identi"ication can 3e s$pported 3! $se o" in"o records and contracts that will reside in ./3. ;or .;/s the classi"ication s!stem $sin' class t!pe 010 will 3e $sed "or maintainin' &2G- 'ro$pin' codes and vendors. 3. &amin'/&$m3erin' (onventions &/A :. ,pecial 8r'ani%ational (onsiderations &/A

5. (han'es to Existin' 8r'ani%ation &/A ?. *escription o" 2mprovements &/A @. *escription o" ;$nctional *e"icits &/A 8. Approaches to (overin' ;$nctional *e"icits &/A 9. &otes on ;$rther 2mprovements &/A 10. ,!stem (on"i'$ration (onsiderations

11. A$thori%ation and ser .oles /var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_3/205399238.doc $& o( $'!

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8nl! a$thori%ed personnel will maintain so$rces o" s$ppl!. 12. -roAect ,peci"ic (2 ,ection &/A


Model 'er*ice 'pecifications

C% Template: 1. .e>$irements/Expectations Fodel service speci"ication can 3e maintained. 2. General Explanations Fodel speci"ication will 3e de"ined and assi'ned to the re>$isition and -8 with the same speci"ication. 3. &amin'/&$m3erin' (onventions A text identi"!in' the model service speci"ication :. ,pecial 8r'ani%ational (onsiderations &/A 5. (han'es to Existin' 8r'ani%ation &/A ?. *escription o" 2mprovements A3ilit! to maintain lon' text to detail the services speci"ication @. *escription o" ;$nctional *e"icits &/A 8. Approaches to (overin' ;$nctional *e"icits &/A 9. &otes on ;$rther 2mprovements &/A /var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_3/205399238.doc $' o( $'!

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10. ,!stem (on"i'$ration (onsiderations &/A 11. A$thori%ation and ser .oles 8nl! a$thori%ed personnel will maintain model speci"ications. 12. -roAect ,peci"ic (2 ,ection &/A


Message Conditions

C% Template: 1. .e>$irements/Expectations A3ilit! to displa! an! t!pe o" messa'e 9error5 warnin'5 etc.) 2. General Explanations Accordin' to which criteria the s!stem will iss$e an error5 a warnin'5 or no a$thori%ation. 3. &amin'/&$m3erin' (onventions #hree t!pes o" messa'e0 error5 warnin'5 no a$thori%ation. :. ,pecial 8r'ani%ational (onsiderations &/A 5. (han'es to Existin' 8r'ani%ation &/A ?. *escription o" 2mprovements &/A @. *escription o" ;$nctional *e"icits &/A 8. Approaches to (overin' ;$nctional *e"icits /var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_3/205399238.doc $) o( $'!

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&/A 9. &otes on ;$rther 2mprovements &/A 10. ,!stem (on"i'$ration (onsiderations &/A 11. A$thori%ation and ser .oles 8nl! a$thori%ed personnel will maintain messa'e conditions. 12. -roAect ,peci"ic (2 ,ection &/A


Deli*ery $ddress

"!estions: /0 1) Are there addresses5 over and a3ove the plant address9es) that will 3e $sed repeatedl! on p$rchasin' doc$ments1 2" !es5 provide a list o" those needed. A0 <es. Each department co$ld potentiall! 3e a deliver! address or contain m$ltiple deliver! addresses. 2n"ormation on "ile is located in o$r le'ac! s!stem in ship to/invoice section. #his list is not complete and we will have to have the "lexi3ilit! to add ship to addresses at all times. /0 2) *o an! stora'e locations have an address that varies "rom the assi'ned plant1 2" !es5 provide a list o" the additional speci"ic stora'e location addresses. A0 <es. ,tora'e locations wo$ld 3e the same as or similar to department addresses5 as listed a3ove. C% Template: 1. .e>$irements/Expectations *eliver! address is shown on the -$rchase 8rder. #his address sho$ld 3e a3le to show the recipient5 the location5 department5 and camp$s within the niversit! o" #ennessee s!stem. 2. General Explanations 2t is conceiva3le that $p to "o$r processes co$ld 3e esta3lished "or *eliver! Address0


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AcceleratedSAP - Business Blueprint

1. ,ettin' $p stora'e locations "or potential deliver! points 2. Allowin' the re>$estor to esta3lish a personal pro"ile that will enter de"a$lt deliver! in"ormation into the p$rchase re>$isition. #he de"a$lt in"ormation is also chan'ea3le as necessar!. 3. sin' ./3 :.? "$nctionalit! o" esta3lishin' shippin' addresses in lo'istics/p$rchasin' master data. :. Fan$al inp$t o" address when creatin' re>$isition 3. &amin'/&$m3erin' (onventions niversit! o" #ennessee department code will 3ecome stora'e location code i" proced$re 1 "rom a3ove is selected. 8therwise no loadin' o" department codes is re>$ired sho$ld proced$re 25 35 or : 3e selected. 2" proced$re 1 is chosen5 ever! deliver! point will 3e represented in ,A- ./3 3! a oneCcharacter plant code 9camp$s) "ollowed 3! 3Cdi'it codes representin' the department. :. ,pecial 8r'ani%ational (onsiderations Doadin' o" in"ormation is a consideration as well as the amo$nt o" departments that ma! not 3e an act$al stora'e location once inventor! mana'ement is implemented. 5. (han'es to Existin' 8r'ani%ation &/A ?. *escription o" 2mprovements &/A @. *escription o" ;$nctional *e"icits &/A 8. Approaches to (overin' ;$nctional *e"icits &/A 9. &otes on ;$rther 2mprovements

10. ,!stem (on"i'$ration (onsiderations &/A 11. A$thori%ation and ser .oles #he B$!er or B$!er Fana'er/,$pervisor will 3e a$thori%ed to create deliver! addresses.


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AcceleratedSAP - Business Blueprint

12. -roAect ,peci"ic (2 ,ection &/A


Release 'trategy +ith Classification

"!estions: /0 1) 6ill an! p$rchasin' doc$ments 3e s$3Aect to approval in ./31 2" !es5 descri3e the criteria that will 3e needed to determine the appropriate approval polic! "or p$rchase re>$isitions5 .;/s5 p$rchase orders5 contracts5 and sched$lin' a'reements. A0 <es. .e>$isitions are approved at the department level and approval will depend on the approval process "or acco$nts to 3e char'ed. At this point5 it is 3elieved that the department head or individ$al with appropriate acco$nt a$thorit! will release re>$isitions 9re'ardless o" the dollar amo$nt). C% Template: 1. .e>$irements/Expectations .e>$isitions are approved at the department level 3ased on the acco$nts to 3e char'ed. 2. General Explanations #he approval process "or re>$isitions will 3e at the department 9e.'. (ost (enter) level. An initiator and desi'nated s$3stit$te will 3e a3le to create re>$isitions. 8nce a re>$isition is created5 an approval o""icial will release the re>$isition to -$rchasin' "or processin'. #his is considered a oneCstep approval process $sin' release strate'!. -$rchasin' departments will also $tili%e release strate'ies. .elease strate'ies 3ased on an assi'nment o" a dollar level interval to 3$!ers will 3e in place "or the .;/ and -8 release "$nctions. 3. &amin'/&$m3erin' (onventions Alphan$meric codin' 9two di'its a15 a25 etc.) :. ,pecial 8r'ani%ational (onsiderations &/A 5. (han'es to Existin' 8r'ani%ation &/A ?. *escription o" 2mprovements Electronic approvals and a$dit trail.


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@. *escription o" ;$nctional *e"icits &/A 8. Approaches to (overin' ;$nctional *e"icits &/A 9. &otes on ;$rther 2mprovements &/A 10. ,!stem (on"i'$ration (onsiderations &$m3er o" release strate'ies 11. A$thori%ation and ser .oles 8nl! desi'nated personnel will maintain the classi"ication "or release strate'!. 12. -roAect ,peci"ic (2 ,ection &/A


Vendor =*al!ation

"!estions: /0 1) 4ow do !o$ eval$ate vendors in !o$r le'ac! s!stem1

A0 6e do not c$rrentl! eval$ate vendors in the le'ac! s!stem 9Enoxville has a standCalone s!stem "or vendor eval$ation5 3$t is incomplete). /0 2) 6hich criteria do !o$ $se to eval$ate !o$r vendors1

A0 ,peci"ic criteria have not 3een esta3lished 9no "orm$la). (ons$ltants will provide # with sample criteria. /0 3) 4ow do !o$ rate the scores "or these criteria1 2" the criteria are not wei'hted e>$all!5 indicate the individ$al wei'htin's. A0 &o criteria esta3lished C% Template: 1. .e>$irements/Expectations


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sho$ld 3e eval$ated accordin' to >$alit!5 deliver! time. (omplaints are recorded 3! the $ser with the vendor eval$ation transaction. (riteria are maintained within c$stomi%in'. 2. General Explanations 6hile the a3ilit! to eval$ate a vendor is desira3le5 the a3ilit! to eval$ate a vendor will 3e restricted as the $se o" the 'oods receipt will 3e limited and p$rchases $nder Q25000 are not s$3Aect to processin' in ./3. 3. &amin'/&$m3erin' (onventions &/A :. ,pecial 8r'ani%ational (onsiderations &/A 5. (han'es to Existin' 8r'ani%ation &/A ?. *escription o" 2mprovements &/A @. *escription o" ;$nctional *e"icits &/A 8. Approaches to (overin' ;$nctional *e"icits &/A 9. &otes on ;$rther 2mprovements &/A 10. ,!stem (on"i'$ration (onsiderations &/A 11. A$thori%ation and ser .oles 8nl! a$thori%ed personnel will per"orm vendor eval$ation. 12. -roAect ,peci"ic (2 ,ection /var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_3/205399238.doc &! o( $'!

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,/ 'ales and Distrib!tion

,/1/ (!tp!t
"!estions: /0 1) 6hat master data "ields do !o$ $se to determine what o$tp$t to send1

A0 ,peci"ic to proAects and 3ased on 3illin' t!pe. ,ee speci"ic sections "or more in"o. /0 2) 6hat t!pe o" o$tp$t do !o$ send 9e.'. -aper5 ;ax5 E*25 2nternet)1

A0 -aper invoices are sent /0 3) 6hen is o$tp$t sent1

A0 At invoice 'enerationP a"ter monthCend close. /0 :) (ollect print o$t 9samples) o" the re>$ired doc$ments/messa'es 9e.'. order con"irmation5 pic7 list5 pac7in' list5 invoice). A0 #he niversit! has collected ten sample invoice "orms. /0 10) 4ow are 3illin' doc$ments to 3e transmitted1

A0 SNT -aper S T #elephone S T ;ax S T ECmail S T E*2

3/ 6ro8ect management
C% Template: 1. .e>$irements/Expectations ,ee -roAect Fana'ement ,tr$ct$re (2#s $nder B$siness -rocess .


'tandard str!ct!res



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AcceleratedSAP - Business Blueprint

/0 1) As some proAect data 9s$ch as settlement r$les) do not "eat$re in standard str$ct$res5 consider $sin' operative str$ct$res as a 3etter template. A0 8E5 we will. 2t will depend on the complexit! and re>$ired de"a$lts that # needs. #he process "or cop!in' a standard and operative are 3asicall! the same. /0 2) As standard proAect str$ct$res are not a$thori%ations o3Aects5 !o$ cannot chec7 who is allowed to cop! them. (onsider $sin' operative str$ct$res as a 3etter template1 A0 8E5 we will ta7e this into consideration.

"!estions: /0

'tandard 9 '

1) *o !o$ want to $se existin' proAect str$ct$res as templates "or "$t$re proAects1

A0 ,ponsored proAects and a'encies0 <es. 6e will $se the cop! "$nction to ma7e it eas! to create proAects with standard characteristics s$ch as the 7inds 3elow. 8ther .estricted0 &o standard templates will 3e made at this timeP rather5 the cop! "$nction will 3e $tili%ed. Doans0 6e pro3a3l! co$ld $se a standard template per camp$s "or private loans. -lant "$nds0 (an $se standard templates "or most all o" o$r proAects since we need to collect the same data on all o" them. Endowments/Di"e 2ncome0 6e can $se a 'ro$p o" standard templates "or most o" o$r proAects. /0 2) *o !o$ have proAects that are variations o" standard proAects1

A0 <es. Fan! proAects have $ni>$e characteristics so we will li7el! create several standard proAects to meet this need. 4ere is an overview o" proAect characteristics0 ,ponsored proAects0 8ne IBI and one I.I 9this is the most common scenario) ,ome m$ltiple proAects 9one IBI and several I.Is) ;or proAect mana'ement p$rposes 9dividin' wor7 responsi3ilities) 6or7 done in m$ltiple 3$d'et entities F$ltiple -2s ;$ndin' "rom m$ltiple sponsors External sponsors and internal cost centers 9cost sharin' settlements) 8ther .estricted0 ($rrent restricted and endowments are t!pical with a oneCtoCone relationship o" one restricted acco$nt and one 3alance acco$nt. Endowments0 Endowment acco$nts m$st have an acco$nt to mana'e the principal 9; acco$nt)5 separate 'eneral led'er acco$nts "or stoc7s5 3onds5 and other assets which are pooled and which are individ$all! invested5 and 6B, proAects "or the expendit$res/distri3$ted income. /var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_3/205399238.doc &$ o( $'!

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#here are "$ndin' relationships "or endowments where we need to report $ses 3! separate camp$ses "or one endowment that "$nds several camp$ses. ,ome endowments "$nd m$ltiple . acco$nts5 and this m$st 3e capt$red in ./3. 9&ote0 #his will pro3a3l! res$lt in two separate proAect 'ro$pin's. 8ne proAect "or each set o" ; acco$nts and a proAect "or each . expendit$re acco$nt.) #he ( ;o$ndation in (hattanoo'a has individ$al awards that can 3e $sed to "$nd several pro"essorships across colle'es and departments.

#r$sts0 #r$st str$ct$res are 'enerall! standardi%ed and have limited t!pes o" activit! 3ein' posted to them. (enters/(hairs0 (hairs o" Excellence are special 'ro$ps o" proAects that receive ,tate and other "$ndin'. Ann$al reportin' o" $se o" ,tate "$ndin' is re>$ired. 6e m$st 3rea7 down o$r ($rrent ;$nd .estricted proAects 9acco$nts) 3! "$nction 3oth in o$r present s!stem and in ./3. ,ome chan'es 9where we wish to split proAects into more detail) ma! need to 3e implemented at the 3e'innin' o" a "iscal !ear Doans0 Exist onl! at Enoxville5 (hattanoo'a5 Fartin and Femphis. 6e have privatel! sponsored loan "$nds5 instit$tional loan "$nds5 and ;ederal loan "$nds. 6ithin ;ederal we have -er7ins5 &$rsin' and 4ealth -ro"essions. -lant "$nds0 4ave "ew o" the acco$nt attri3$tes 9"$nction5 colle'e5 dept5 etc.) that are associated with other # acco$nts.


6' teAt

"!estions: /0 1) *o !o$ want to record 'eneral in"ormation on !o$r proAects1 92" !es5 consider $sin' the -, text "eat$re). A0 ,ponsored proAects and a'encies0 <es. 6e want to $se the text "eat$re. Examples o" in"ormation incl$de special "inancial cla$ses incl$ded in the a'reement5 rationale and plans "or proAect str$ct$re5 expected "$t$re awards5 etc. Gi"ts0 <es. #ext co$ld 3e $sed "or 'eneral 'i"t restriction in"ormation or special re>$irements. (enters/(hairs0 <es5 we wo$ld $se this. A'reement restrictions "or 8ther .estrict Acco$nts 9other than GH() can 3e s$mmari%ed as well. Doans0 6e co$ld $se this "$nctionalit! "or matchin' instr$ctions or special restriction notes. -lant0 #his "eat$re can 3e $sed to additional in"ormation s$ch as proAect description5 ,B(V5 etc. Endowments/Di"e 2ncome0 6e want to $se the -, text in"ormation to descri3e the donor a'reements and to descri3e the p$rpose5 restrictions o" activit! and earnin's $sa'e5 and "$nction. /var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_3/205399238.doc && o( $'!

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/0 2) -, #ext allows !o$ to $se 'eneral o""ice "$nctions 9"or example5 to mail this in"ormation). *o !o$ need to share this in"ormation with other people involved in the proAects1 A0 ,ponsored proAects and a'encies0 <es. 6e wo$ld li7e this "eat$re. 6e need to share this in"ormation with other interested parties incl$din' the departmental 3oo77eeper. Gi"ts0 <es5 same as sponsored proAects. (enters/(hairs0 <es


6ro8ect str!ct!re
Responsible Cost Center

"!estions: /0 1) *o !o$ have departments that are responsi3le "or each 6B, element1 92" !es5 consider $sin' the responsi3le cost center "ield since it can also 3e $sed as a hierarch! in the in"ormation s!stem) A0 ,ponsored proAects and a'encies0 F$ltiple -rincipal 2nvesti'ators ma! wor7 on the same proAect. #hese -2s ma! 3e "rom di""erent departments or camp$ses. Each -2Is department ma! want to 7eep trac7 o" their -2Is portion o" the wor7. Gi"ts0 ,ame as a3ove. (enters/(hairs0 ,ame as GH( Doans0 B$rsarIs 8""ice is responsi3le "or the Doan 6B, elements. -lant0 Fost proAects are mana'ed solel! 3! ;acilities -lannin'. -ossi3l! wo$ld want to desi'nate a camp$s person to administer a proAect. Endowments/Di"e 2ncome0 #he investment proAects 9; and G acco$nts) are mana'ed 3! the #reas$rerIs 8""ice investment 'ro$p. #he related . and B acco$nts have assi'ned colle'e and departments.


ReC!esting Cost Center

/0 1) Are there departments that can re>$est or 'enerate re>$irements "or a proAect/6B, element1 92" !es5 !o$ can $se the re>$estin' cost center "ield 3eca$se it can 3e $sed as hierarch! in the in"ormation s!stem.) A0 ,ponsored proAects and a'encies0 6B, elements are re>$ested 3! the academic departments on each camp$s. #hese re>$ests can either "low thro$'h the camp$sI preC award o""ice to the (amp$s B$siness 8""ice 91) via the award doc$ment5 or 92) via an advanced acco$nt re>$est "orm. -roAects will 3e set $p at each (amp$s B$siness 8""ice or at the (ontrollerIs 8""ice. #he (ontrollerIs 8""ice approves all proAects 3e"ore postin' o" expendit$res is allowed. /var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_3/205399238.doc &' o( $'!

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Gi"ts0 ,ame as a3ove5 except the so$rces o" re>$ests are either the camp$s development o""ice or the academic department. Doans0 #he camp$s B$rsars will 3e responsi3le "or re>$estin' or settin' $p the acco$nts. -lant0 ;acilities -lannin'5 in coordination with the -lant ;$nd Fana'er5 will 'enerate the re>$irements "or the proAect. 2tIs possi3le that the individ$al camp$ses mi'ht want to 'enerate a report detailin' their proAects. Endowments/Di"e 2ncome0 Acco$nts are set $p 3! the #reas$rerIs 8""ice 2nvestment 'ro$p 3ased on in"ormation sent 3! the *evelopment 8""ice.

5/ Financial $cco!nting
5/1/ 7)B $cco!nt

"!estions: /0 1) 6hat proced$re do !o$ $se when !o$ need to create new acco$nt n$m3ers1

A0 2n o$r le'ac! s!stem5 a G/D acco$nt is represented 3! o3Aect codes5 led'er activit! codes5 reven$e codes5 maAor/minor so$rce o" "$nds5 and 3alance sheet t!pes 9ADB t!pes). &ew items are added to compl! with GAA-5 re'$lator!5 and internal polic! chan'es. An!one at a camp$s or the #reas$rerIs 8""ice ma! 3e the "irst to reco'ni%e a need. 8nce a need or re>$irement is identi"ied5 (ontrollerIs 8""ice sta"" holds disc$ssions with the impacted parties or a representative s$ch as a 3$siness o""icer. ;or most items5 this is s$""icient review. 4owever5 some chan'es s$ch as a chan'e in the capitali%ation threshold ma! re>$ire disc$ssions with a state o""icial and/or o$r co'ni%ant a'enc! representative. #he speci"ic data val$es "or the impacted ta3le9s) are speci"ied 3! an! o" the (hart ,ection sta"" mem3ers within the (ontrollerIs 8""ice. #he responsi3le =chart= sta"" mem3er sends eC mail with ta3le name9s) and data val$es to *ata3ase Administration to $pdate the =(ode ,$pport= ta3le9s). /0 2) (an !o$ de"ine 'ro$ps o" 'eneral led'er acco$nts that re>$ire similar in"ormation in the master record1 A0 2n o$r le'ac! s!stem5 a G/D acco$nt is represented 3! o3Aect codes5 led'er activit! codes5 reven$e codes5 maAor/minor so$rce o" "$nds5 and 3alance sheet t!pes 9ADB t!pes). #hese are each ta3les in #Is =(ode ,$pport= data area. #he! =are= in separate ta3les to serve as ='ro$ps o" 'eneral led'er acco$nts that re>$ire similar in"ormation=. Each ta3le contains "ields that co$ld incl$de a "orei'n 7e! to a related ta3le. #he 'ro$ps 3! ta3le and related ta3les are dia'rammed 3elow0 EN-E&*2# .E, C nat$ral acco$nts *etail_83Aect_.e"0 15@CCZ -rimar!_83Aect_.e"0 153 CCZ B$d'et_(ata'or!_.e"0 158 [CCCCCCCCCCCCCCZ #4E(_83Aect_.e"0 15? [CCCCCCCCCCCCCCZ ,$mmar!_Devel_.e"0 1?9 2&(8FE 94i'h level C re>$ired C derived "rom &A( B8) Finor_,o$rce_o"_;$nds_.e"0 1?2 CCZ FaAor_,o$rce_o"_;$nds_.e"0 1?1 2&(8FE 9*etail $sed "or select areas C especiall! a$xiliaries C internall! derived) /var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_3/205399238.doc &) o( $'!

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.even$e_(odes_.e"0 1?3 BADA&(E ,4EE# #<-E, ADB_#!pes_.e"0 1@0 DE*GE. A(#2+2#< (8*E, represent expense5 income5 receipts5 trans"ers5 etc. in "$nd 'ro$ps where the De'ac! s!stem has onl! maintained 3alance sheet acco$nts0 D8A& ; &*,5 E&*86FE&# ; &*,5 D2;E 2&(8FE ; &*,5 .E# 2&*E# H .E&6D H .E-DF# ;*,5 .E&E6AD A&* .E-DA(EFE&# ; &*,5 2&+E,#E* 2& -DA&# ; &*,. Ded'er_activit!_.e"0 1@1 #here ma! 3e additional "ields associated with each recordin' n$m3er 9 ni>$e 7e! which represents costCcenter5 proAects5 etc. in the De'ac! s!stem C #Is le'ac! meanin' o" the word =acco$nt=). /0 3) 4ow man! retained earnin's acco$nts do !o$ have1

A0 #he niversit! maintains tho$sands o" "$nd 3alance acco$nts as re>$ired. 4owever5 within ./35 we will have either a sin'le .etained Earnin's acco$nt or two .etained Earnin's acco$nts 9-ermanent .estricted H nrestricted) to compl! with GA,B 35. /0 :) ;or which 'eneral led'er acco$nts do !o$ wish to displa! line items1

A0 6e need to provide a$ditors detail lines "or all transactions posted to the s!stem. 2" some acco$nts serve as s$mmaries "or detail acco$nts5 it ma! 3e s$""icient to provide transaction detail "rom the detailCoriented acco$nts. /0 5) 6hich acco$nts do !o$ wish to mana'e on an open item 3asis 9"or example5 3an7 acco$nts)1 A0 #he niversit! will ver! li7el! $se open item mana'ement in a "ew areas. #hese areas co$ld incl$de cash5 A/.5 A/-5 assets5 inventor!. *$e to st$dent and other nonC./3 inter"aced s!stems5 there ma! 3e a need "or example to have an A/. acco$nt which is notCopen item sa! "or a st$dent s!stem5 and a need to have an A/. acco$nt maintained on an open item 3asis sa! "or a 'rant and contract 3illin' s!stem. #his can onl! 3e decided a"ter a care"$l review o" le'ac! acco$nts. /0 ?) 6hich acco$nts do !o$ wish to maintain in "orei'n c$rrenc! 9"or example5 3an7 acco$nts)1 A0 &one5 all acco$nts will 3e maintained in , *ollars. /0 @) *escri3e an! special re>$irements when postin' to partic$lar 'eneral led'er acco$nts 9"or example5 expense acco$nts re>$ire an associated cost center). A0 All expense acco$nt postin's will re>$ire a 3$siness area and a cost center or a 6B, element. #he 3$siness area determines which o" the two will 3e re>$ired. /0 8) 6hat criteria do !o$ $se to search "or G/D acco$nts1

A0 Acco$nt n$m3er5 acco$nt 'ro$p5 acco$nt name5 related acco$nts 9lin7ed acco$nts). /var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_3/205399238.doc '0 o( $'!

AcceleratedSAP - Business Blueprint

C% Template: 1. .e>$irements/Expectations 6e re>$ire 'eneral led'er acco$nts that are niversit!Cde"ined that as a 3e'innin' replicate o$r c$rrent expendit$re o3Aect codes5 maAor and minor reven$e codes5 led'er activit! codes and some o" o$r c$rrent ADB t!pe o" acco$nts and de"ine other acco$nts as needed. ,ee lists maintained 3! Bill #hompson. 6e re>$ire that these codes 3e validated d$rin' data entr!. 6e re>$ire the a3ilit! to 'ro$p these codes into niversit!C de"ined 3$d'et cate'ories. 6e re>$ire that the text$al translations "or these codes print on reports and displa! on onCline screens. #hese codes m$st 3e "lexi3le eno$'h to allow the niversit! to complete standard "inancial reportin' $nder GAA- as well as "$l"ill end $ser mana'ement in"ormation needs. 6e expect to add additional G/D codes that will replace o$r c$rrent $ser reven$e codes and $ser o3Aect codes that do not appear to 3e s$pported in ./3. 2. General Explanations #he General Ded'er Acco$nts 9G/D Acco$nts) are the str$ct$res that classi"! de3it and credit val$es "or acco$ntin' transactions in the ;2 mod$le and "orm the 3asis "or creatin' the 3alance sheets and income statements. #here are "ive t!pes o" General Ded'er Acco$nts in ./30 assets5 lia3ilities5 "$nd 3alances5 reven$es and expendit$res. Asset5 Dia3ilit! and ;$nd Balance G/D Acco$nts can 3e $sed5 in com3ination with 3$siness areas to create internal 3alance sheets 3! 3$siness area. .even$e and Expendit$re G/D Acco$nts represent the hi'hest level at which reven$es or expendit$res are recorded 3! the instit$tion. #he! can 3e $sed in com3ination with 3$siness areas and "$nctional areas to create income statements 3! "$nction and 3$siness area. .even$e and expendit$re can also 3e "$rther 3ro7en down in the (ontrollin' mod$le. 3. &amin'/&$m3erin' (onventions Asset acco$nts will "all in the ran'e o" 100000 to 199999. Dia3ilit! acco$nts will "all in the ran'e o" 200000 to 299999. ;$nd 3alance acco$nts will "all in the ran'e o" 300000 to 399999. Expendit$re acco$nts will "all in the ran'e o" :00000 to :99999. .even$e acco$nts will "all in the ran'e o" @00000 to @99999. :. ,pecial 8r'ani%ational (onsiderations #he G/D acco$nt master data will 3e a centrali%ed process mana'ed 3! the (ontrollerIs 8""ice. 5. (han'es to Existin' 8r'ani%ation &one expected. #he G/D acco$nt is the e>$ivalent o" the le'ac! o3Aect code. ?. *escription o" 2mprovements


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&/A @. *escription o" ;$nctional *e"icits ./3 does not have the a3ilit! o" o$r c$rrent s!stem to have $ser de"ined expense or income codes that are a s$""ix o" the primar! acco$nt. All codes in ./3 m$st 3e de"ined and validated. 8. Approaches to (overin' ;$nctional *e"icits (reate more G/D acco$nts to map to previo$s $ser codes. 9. &otes on ;$rther 2mprovements &one noted at this time 10. ,!stem (on"i'$ration (onsiderations ;ield stat$s 'ro$ps will need to 3e 3ased on attri3$te re>$irements. &eed to determine attri3$tes on acco$nts s$ch as line item displa!5 open item mana'ement5 etc. 11. A$thori%ation and ser .oles All end $sers will have the a3ilit! to displa! G/D acco$nts5 however5 create/chan'e will 3e a central "$nction within the (ontrollerMs 8""ice. A$thori%ations will 3e set at the transaction level. 12. -roAect ,peci"ic (2 ,ection &/A



"!estions: /0 1) *o !o$ have to report in accordance with cost o" sales acco$ntin'1

A0 #he niversities General -$rpose "inancial statements where the entire niversit! is 3ein' reported on5 wo$ld not li7el! report on a cost o" sales 3asis. 4owever5 there ma! 3e a$xiliaries where reportin' on them separatel!5 cost o" sales ma! 3e appropriate. #here is a need to report expendit$res 3! "$nction 9e.'. 2nstr$ction5 .esearch5 -$3lic ,ervice5 etc.) as noted in the or'ani%ation str$ct$re doc$ment. /0 2) *o !o$ have special stat$tor! acco$ntin' re>$irements that are not covered in other ./3 applications1 Example0 ($rrenc! translation o" a "orei'n s$3sidiar!5 di""erent "iscal !ear ends to the international tradin' partner.


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AcceleratedSAP - Business Blueprint

A0 #here are a "ew pec$liarities dictated 3! p$3lic $niversit! acco$ntin'. # is a p$3lic $niversit! c$rrentl! reportin' $nder the A2(-A colle'e '$ide model 19@3 as rati"ied 3! GA,B 15 9modi"ications noted in GA,B 15). 2t is m! $nderstandin' that maintainin' cash 3alances 3! "$nd and "$nd 'ro$p re>$ires special led'er acco$ntin'. .e'ardin' di""erin' "iscal !ears5 #Is AG camp$s reports an entire operation on the "ederal "iscal !ear 98ct C ,ep) whereas the niversit!Is "iscal !ear r$ns O$l! C O$ne. As a component $nit o" the ,tate o" #ennessee5 the niversit! is re>$ired to report to the #ennessee 4i'her Ed$cation (ommission 9#4E() $sin' #4E( expendit$re o3Aect codes. #his ma! 3e a candidate "or (o$ntr! chart i" more loosel! de"ined to 3e 'overnin' 3od! chart o" acco$nts. As a recipient o" "ederal "inancial aid5 the niversit! is re>$ired to provide a report on the cash 3asis "or receipts and expendit$res "or "ederal 'rants and contracts 3! catalo' o" "ederal domestic assistance code $nder sin'le a$dit re>$irements. As a recipient/handler o" "ederal st$dent aid5 the niversit! m$st provide the ;ederal *epartment o" Ed$cation an 2-E*s report 9all encompassin') and ;2,A9speci"ic to "ederal st$dent aid). #he niversit!Is overhead rate 9"acilities and administrative cost) is 3ased on comprehensive "inancial reports that ma! re>$ire special castin'. #hese rates are =ne'otiated= with the $niversities co'ni%ant a'enc! that has a$thorit! to dictate the methods o" appl!in' overhead and can dictate the depreciation methods allowa3le "or the niversit!. #hese are some special stat$tor! acco$ntin' re>$irements identi"ied at this time. /0 A0 C% Template: 1. .e>$irements/Expectations #he niversit! re>$ires replication o" its c$rrent monthl! reportin' capa3ilit! with led'ers "or all acco$nts5 monthl! #reas$rerIs .eport and on line acco$nt in>$ir!. 6e expect to have man! more mana'ement reports that are $nde"ined at this time. #he standard monthl! reports at the cost center level incl$de0 a monthl! led'er 93e'innin' 3alance5 activit!5 endin' 3alance) an o$tstandin' p$rchase list a "inancial s$mmar! 3! G/D acco$nt code an o$tstandin' enc$m3rance list a mana'ement report similar to the led'er5 which incl$des proAected expendit$res 3) 4ave !o$ de"ined the necessar! domains and data elements in the ABA- *ictionar!1


'pecial 6!rpose Bedger

/0 1) 6hat re>$irements "or "inancial acco$ntin' are not met 3! the standard 'eneral led'er1 A0 #he niversit! re>$ires 3alance sheet reportin' 3! ;$nd Gro$p and B$d'et Entit!. Balance sheet reportin' 3! individ$al "$nd is considered desira3le. ,ince postin's to acco$nts receiva3le5 acco$nts pa!a3le and cash acco$nts are not assi'ned to "$nd or "$nd 'ro$p in the standard 'eneral led'er5 this re>$irement cannot 3e met in the standard 'eneral led'er. /0 2) 6hat element9s) do !o$ c$rrentl! create 3alance sheets 3!1


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AcceleratedSAP - Business Blueprint

A0 Balance sheets are c$rrentl! created 3! "$nd 'ro$p and 3$d'et entit! 9B$siness Area) and are considered desira3le 3! individ$al "$nd 9;F ;$nd). /0 3) 6hat is the c$rrent process "or creatin' 3alance sheets 3! these elements1

A0 1. 6hen postin's are made to the 'eneral led'er5 all postin's identi"! an acco$nt. Attri3$tes in the acco$nt master allow the postin's to 3e associated with "$nd 'ro$ps and 3$d'et entities 9e.'. c$rrent $nrestricted "$nd 'ro$p at Enoxville). 2. 2ndivid$al "$nd cash is maintained in an attri3$te in the master data o" the "$nd 3alance acco$nt related to the posted acco$nt. #he postin' pro'ram $pdates the val$e o" cash in this attri3$te. #his "i'$re is $sed "or reportin' and/or preparin' Ao$rnal entries to the "$nd 'ro$p and entit!. 3. Another pro'ram in the postin' process adds all the $pdates a""ectin' cash "or 3alance acco$nts within the "$nd 'ro$p and entit! and ma7es a Ao$rnal entr! to the cash acco$nt "or the "$nd 'ro$p and 3$d'et entit!. :. 2ncome "rom shortCterm investments is distri3$ted to certain acco$nts 3ased on the avera'e endCo"Cmonth cash 3alance over the >$arter. 2n ;< 1999 approximatel! Q5 million was distri3$ted in this manner to vario$s acco$nts. Acco$nts5 which have received s$ch income in the past5 incl$de loan "$nds5 some restricted "$nds5 athletic department "$nds5 $nexpended plant "$nds5 revolvin' acco$nts and a'enc! "$nds. /0 :) 6hat is the process "or codin' postin's that do not $s$all! carr! these elements1

A0 2ndivid$al restricted "$nds have one or more related asset5 lia3ilit! and "$nd 3alance acco$nts5 which are identi"ied 3! nineCdi'it acco$nt n$m3ers. #he c$rrent $nrestricted "$nd 'ro$p has one set o" s$ch acco$nts "or each "$nd 'ro$p and entit!. All postin's to receiva3les and pa!a3les acco$nts carr! the 3alance sheet acco$nt n$m3er "or the relevant receiva3le or pa!a3le acco$nt. Ever! entr! to reven$e and expendit$re acco$nts that is not o""set 3! a receiva3le or pa!a3le5 is o""set 3! a correspondin' increase or red$ction in the cash 3alance "ield in the related cash acco$nt and a postin' carr!in' the acco$nt n$m3er "or the related cash 3alance sheet acco$nt. C% Template: 1. .e>$irements/Expectations .e>$irements0 1. A3ilit! to a$tomaticall! split asset5 receiva3les5 pa!a3les and cash reconciliation acco$nt postin's 3! ;F ;$nd and B$siness Area. 2. A3ilit! to 3alance interC3$siness area and interC"$nd transactions thro$'h clearin' acco$nts. 3. A3ilit! to create 3alance sheet reports 3! B$siness Area and ;F ;$nd. Attachments0 S\\ #E_A4#2\*E-#,\ #,A-\,A-A*F2&\2ss$es\@2;&.;$nd Gro$p .eportin'.docT 2. General Explanations 1. Balance sheets data can 3e posted 3! B$siness area and ;$nd $sin' the special p$rpose led'er. 2. All postin's made in ;2 and (8 can 3e posted in ,-D. -ostin's made directl! in ;F cannot 3e posted to ,-D. 2. Altho$'h certain acco$nt postin's in ;2 9receiva3les5 pa!a3les and cash) do not carr! an assi'nment to 3$siness area and "$nd5 this acco$nt assi'nment can 3e created /var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_3/205399238.doc '! o( $'!

AcceleratedSAP - Business Blueprint

$sin' the splitCprocessor availa3le in :.?B. 3. Balance sheets 3! B$siness Area and ;$nd can 3e created in ,pecial -$rpose Ded'er .eportin'. :. <earCend carr! "orward can 3e carried o$t 3! (ompan! (ode5 B$siness Area and ;$nd in ,-D. 3. &amin'/&$m3erin' (onventions &o new master data is 3ein' created in the special p$rpose led'er so all n$m3erin' "or master data elements in the special p$rpose led'er is covered $nder the so$rce mod$les. :. ,pecial 8r'ani%ational (onsiderations (reation o" 3$siness area 3alance sheets reports will 3e a camp$s 3$siness o""ice role. 4owever5 creation o" 3alance sheets 3! "$nd ma! 3e decentrali%ed to departmental $sers. 5. (han'es to Existin' 8r'ani%ation &one ?. *escription o" 2mprovements 1. ($rrentl! 3alance sheets are onl! created at the ;$nd Gro$p and B$d'et Entit! Devel. #he special p$rpose led'er allows creation o" 3alance sheets 3! individ$al "$nd. 2. ($rrentl! 3alance sheet reports are printed once a month and mailed to (amp$s B$siness 8""ices. ,pecial -$rpose Ded'er reports will 3e availa3le online. @. *escription o" ;$nctional *e"icits 1. #here is no standard "$nctionalit! to create 3alancin' 9o""set) entries "or interC"$nd postin's made in (ontrollin'. 2. ,tandard .eport -ainter/.eport writer reports do not contain a$thori%ation chec7s "or 3$siness area or "$nd. 8. Approaches to (overin' ;$nctional *e"icits 1. An ABA- pro'ram will 3e developed to read (8 postin's in the ,pecial -$rpose Ded'er and create ;2 doc$ments to 3alance them 3! ;$nd. #his pro'ram can 3e r$n on demand5 3$t m$st 3e r$n at least monthl! to post the 3alancin' entries. 2. #wo approaches are possi3le to cover the a$thori%ations de"icit0 2.1. (reate set 3ased a$thori%ation 'ro$ps and chec7 the a$thori%ation 'ro$p o3Aect 2.2. (op! 'enerated report writer pro'ram and incl$de an a$thori%ations chec7. #he most appropriate approach will 3e selected 3! the ABA- team. 9. &otes on ;$rther 2mprovements /var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_3/205399238.doc '" o( $'!

AcceleratedSAP - Business Blueprint

2" "$t$re releases allow onCline 3alancin' o" (8 postin's the ABA- pro'ram can 3e eliminated. 10. ,!stem (on"i'$ration (onsiderations #he split processor will 3e con"i'$red to split 3! "$nd and not 3! 3$siness area. ,ince each "$nd is assi'ned to a 3$siness area5 this allows 3$siness area 3alance sheets to 3e created 3! s$mmari%ation in reportin'. 11. A$thori%ation and ser .oles (reation o" 3$siness area 3alance sheets reports will 3e a camp$s 3$siness o""ice role. 4owever5 creation o" 3alance sheets 3! "$nd ma! 3e decentrali%ed to departmental $sers.


F!nds Management

"!estions: /0 1) *escri3e the relationship 3etween the ;inancial Acco$ntin' "iscal !ear and the ;$nds Fana'ement "iscal !ear 9B$d'et !ear/ 3$d'et periods) A0 # "inancial "iscal !ear is "rom O$l! 1 C O$ne 30. ;or A$'$stC Fa!5 each postin' period is 7ept open "or three da!s into the next month. O$ne closes approximatel! on O$l! 15. AdA$stin' period closes approximatel! A$'$st 15. O$l! closes approximatel! A$'$st 21. # 3$d'et "iscal !ear is the same as the "inancial "iscal !ear. Generall!5 3$d'et preparation starts ? months prior to when the 3$d'et !ear will 3e'in5 altho$'h in Enoxville5 some departments/colle'es start plannin' in &ovem3er. ;ormal 3$d'et hearin's start the "irst o" ;e3r$ar! and 'o thro$'h midCApril5 when the B$d'et (ommittee 9at the +ice (hancellor level) wor7s o$t the "inal proposal "or the camp$s. #he Board o" #r$stees votes on the "inal 3$d'et in O$ne. Each !ear the s!stem presents three "ormal 3$d'ets to the # Board o" #r$stees "or approval 3ased on O$l! 9-roposed)5 8cto3er 9.evised)5 and April 9-ro3a3le) in"ormation. #imeta3les/calendars can var! 3! camp$s. *eadlines 'iven 3! niversit!C6ide Administration are standard across camp$ses. /0 2) -rovide more details on the n$m3er o" 3$d'et periods5 special adA$stment periods and description o" what is accomplished/processed in these special periods. A0 #here are 12 months o" 3$d'et periods and 1 adA$stin' period. 8nl! trans"ers5 Ao$rnals5 and some 3$d'et adA$stments are in the adA$stin' period5 3$t no p$rchase orders5 chec7s5 and cash receipts. /0 3) Are there special 3$d'etar! str$ct$res to cover interim periods / special periods 9e.'. i" 3$d'et has not 3een approved in time0 provisional 3$d'ets)1 4ow are these str$ct$res related to the 3$d'et str$ct$res o" the adopted 3$d'et1 A0 &/A


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AcceleratedSAP - Business Blueprint

/0 :) -lease provide detail in"ormation on le'al re>$irements within the 3$d'et mana'ement sector 9;inancial re'$lations5 internal r$les5 etc.) A0 #he 3$d'et o" #he niversit! o" #ennessee is the approved "ormal plan "or "inancin' the academic and s$pport pro'rams "or the "iscal !ear 3e'innin' O$l! 1 o" each !ear. #he 3$d'et is prepared prior to the 3e'innin' o" each "iscal !ear and is approved 3! the -resident and the Board o" #r$stees in advance o" its implementation. #he #ennessee 4i'her Ed$cation (ommission and the ,tate *epartment o" ;inance and Administration also review and approve the niversit!Is 3$d'et. /0 5) *escri3e the c$rrent 3$d'et or'ani%ational str$ct$re 93$d'et/master data hierarch!) and the c$rrent nomenclat$re/scale. (reate a list o" the or'ani%ational $nits that are responsi3le "or the 3$d'et 9exec$tion). A0 DE+ED0 ENAF-DE +AD E0 #he niversit! o" #ennessee # 2 B$d'et Entit! Enoxville 901) 2 +ice (hancellor +ice (hancellor o" Academics 922) 2 (olle'e/*ivision En'ineerin' 90113) 2 *epartment (hemical En'ineerin' 90113020) 2 Acco$nt Fc(l$n' F$se$m 9E01100?) 2 B$d'et (ate'or! 8peratin' H Fisc. 95) 2 83Aect ,$pplies 939) .e"er to (ode ,$pport Boo7. A list o" acco$nts will show the or'ani%ational $nit that is responsi3le "or the 3$d'et via attri3$tes in each acco$nt. ,ome o" the maAor attri3$tes "or an acco$nt are0 ;$nd Gro$p Exp. ;$nction Acco$nt #!pe B$d'et Entit! (olle'e *epartment FaA. 8r'. nit +ice (hancellor ;$ndin' ,o$rce ,o$rce o" ;$nds 9reven$e) /0 ?) Are there an! le'al re>$irements "or nomenclat$re /str$ct$re o" the master data1

A0 &o5 there are not. /0 @) 2s it possi3le to cate'ori%e the t!pes o" expendit$re1 (reate a list o" expendit$re t!pes/cate'ories and descri3e how these relate to the exec$tion level. A0 <es. #he t!pes o" expendit$re are cate'ori%ed 3! o3Aect codes.


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AcceleratedSAP - Business Blueprint

B$d'et is done at a 2Cdi'it level called primar! o3Aect code. Also5 within the primar! codes are attri3$tes called 3$d'et cate'or!5 #4E( code5 and s$mmar! 3$d'et cate'or!. .e"er to (ode ,$pport Boo7 C .e".153 e.'. (ode 110 Admin. H -ro"essional ,alaries B$d'et exec$tion is done at a 3Cdi'it level called detail o3Aect codes. .e"er to (ode ,$pport Boo7 C .e".15@ e.'. (ode 1110 ,alaries #he primar! and detail o3Aect codes roll $p to a 3$d'et cate'or!. .e"er to (ode ,$pport Boo7 C .e".158 e.'. (ode 10 -ro"essional ,alaries 20 ,$mmer ,chool 30 (lerical and ,$pportin' ,alaries :0 Biwee7l! 6a'es 50 8peratin' and Fisc. ?0 E>$ipment and (apital 8$tla! #he 3$d'et cate'ories roll $p to a s$mmar! 3$d'et cate'or! level. .e"er to (ode ,$pport Boo7 C .e".1?9 e.'. (ode 10 -ersonnel 20 8peratin' 30 (apital 8$tla! :0 -lant ;$nds /0 8) *escri3e the chan'es that ma! 3e made to the 3$d'et str$ct$re 9master data) within a !ear. A0 .eor'ani%ation is anticipated. (han'es to the master data ma! 3e re>$ired 3! the mer'er or separation o" departments. /0 9) *escri3e the chan'es that ma! 3e made to the 3$d'et str$ct$re 9master data) over a period o" !ears. A0 .eor'ani%ation is anticipated. (han'es to the master data ma! 3e ca$sed 3! mer'er or separation o" departments. 83Aect codes are added or chan'ed "rom time to time. /0 10) *escri3e the >$antit! and timin' o" chan'es o" the 3$d'et str$ct$re

A0 (han'es in the str$ct$re need to 3e made at "iscal !ear 3o$ndaries. Additions ma! 3e made an! time. /0 11) *escri3e which in"ormation o3Aects 9master data) have to remain online in the s!stem5 and "or how lon'. A0 Acco$nts 9e.'.5 E01100?) remain in the s!stem "or 10 !ears a"ter the last activit!. (odes that s$pport acco$nt attri3$tes 9"$nd 'ro$p5 "$nction5 department5 etc.) remain in the s!stem "orever5 even old translations "or c$rrent codes5 so that a report o" 1998 data wo$ld $se the translations that were $sed in 1998. /0 12) -rovide an overview o" the vol$me o" master data 9;F).

A0 55000 "or nrestricted ;$nds /var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_3/205399238.doc '' o( $'!

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2@5000 "or .estricted ;$nds #otal o" 325000 /0 13) Explain which le'ac! data 9historical data) needs to 3e trans"erred "rom the previo$s s!stem to ;$nds Fana'ement 9level o" detail5 n$m3er o" !ears5 etc.). A0 &/A


F!nds Center

/0 1) 2s there an! special nomenclat$re "or the namin' 9or'ani%ation) o" the "$nds center1 *escri3e the existin' 9planned) str$ct$re. A0 B$d'et Entit! 9incl$din' attri3$te called FaAor 8r'ani%ational nit) +ice (hancellor Area (olle'e or *ivision *epartment /0 2) Generate a list o" all in"ormation to 3e stored at "$nds center level 9list o" "ields5 short description5 and properties o" "ields). A0 B$d'et entit! is a 2Cdi'it code that identi"ies a $niversit! or'ani%ational $nit that is independentl! "$nded 9.e". (ode ,$pport Boo7 C .e". 152 9e.'. 01C Enoxville). #here is a 1Cdi'it attri3$te attached to each 3$d'et entit! called maAor or'ani%ational $nit 9.e". (ode ,$pport Boo7 C .e". 150) 9e.'. E C Enoxville). (olle'e/*ivision is a :Cdi'it code de"ined "or "inancial reportin' p$rposes where the "irst two di'its re"er to the 3$d'et entit!. 9.e". (ode ,$pport Boo7 C .e". 15:) and the next two di'its identi"! the maAor division within 3$d'et entit!. 9e.'. 0101 C General Admin.) *epartment is a @Cdi'it code de"ined "or reportin' p$rposes within a colle'e or division where the "irst "o$r di'its re"er to the reportin' colle'e or division 9.e". (ode ,$pport Boo7 C .e". 155). #he next three di'its identi"! the department within the colle'e/division 9e.'. 0101010 C 8""ice o" (hancellor C Enoxville). +iceC(hancellor Area is a 2Cdi'it code that represents a reportin' area within a $niversit! maAor or'ani%ational $nit 9.e". (odes ,$pport Boo7 C .e". 180) 9e.'. 33 C -rovost H ,r +( Acad A"" ,$pport). .esponsi3le -erson contains the name o" the person responsi3le "or the 3$d'et o" the acco$nt. /0 3) 6hich in"ormation co$ld 3e chan'ed "or a "$nds center1 (reate a list o" all "ields/"ield contents. A0 *escription E""ective date C% Template:


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1. .e>$irements/Expectations 1) ;$nds (enters will 3e approximatel! o$r c$rrent *epartments and will 3e responsi3le "or 3$d'ets. 2) ;$nds (enters sho$ld 3e or'ani%ed into hierarchies o" *epartmentZ(olle'eZ+ice (hancellor AreaZB$d'et Entit!. 3) ;$nds (enters at an! level in the hierarch! can 3e responsi3le "or ;$nds. ;or example5 centrall! held =2= acco$nts/;$nds can 3e at a hi'her or'ani%ational level. :) ;or the "irst !ear at least5 ;$nd (enters and -ro"it (enters will 3e related one to one. 5) A ;$nds (enter ma! 3e responsi3le "or m$ltiple ;$nds. 2. General Explanations ;$nds (enter hierarchies sho$ld 3e de"ined to descri3e the 'eneral approval path "or 3$d'etin'5 3oth 8ri'inal B$d'ets and s$3se>$ent chan'es. #he act$al approval path "or a partic$lar 3$d'et chan'e depends on whether it is "or salar! or operatin'P and whether it is within one "$nd 9acco$nt) or 3etween "$nds. A "$nd center is the or'ani%ational $nit responsi3le "or preparin' and monitorin' the 3$d'et "or one or more "$nds. ;$nd centers are or'ani%ed into a hierarch! alon' which the 3$d'et "lows. ,ince the 3$d'et "lows alon' the "$nd center hierarch!5 no alternative hierarchies are allowed "or approvals 93$t co$ld exist "or reportin'). ;$nds (enter hierarchies also will 3e $sed as the de"a$lt or'ani%ation o" reports. ;$nds (enter also a""ects who does what tas7s in 3$d'etin' 9preparation o" the doc$ments5 initiatin' chan'es5 approvals5 etc) As !o$ 'o $p in the ;$nds (enter hierarch!5 !o$ 'et access a$thorit! to all the lower ;$nds (enters. 6hen a new ;$nds (enter is set $p5 a new -ro"it (enter m$st 3e set $p5 either a$tomaticall! 3! the s!stem or man$all! inp$t. 3. &amin'/&$m3erin' (onventions ;$nds (enter n$m3ers will 3e 3ased on *epartment n$m3ers5 which re"lect the reportin' or'ani%ation hierarch! o" B$d'et Entit!](olle'e or *ivision]*epartment. ;or example5 *epartment 011002: will have the n$m3er 011002:. +ice (hancellor Area will &8# "i'$re in the namin' convention5 altho$'h it will 3e in the reportin' hierarch!. 6here there is a need "or s$3Cdepartment5 an extra 2Cdi'it n$m3er will 3e added to the "$nds center 9e.'. 011002:01). :. ,pecial 8r'ani%ational (onsiderations A colle'e or division that needs a new ;$nds (enter will "ill o$t the ;$nds (enter Basic *ata screen and "orward it to the appropriate +ice (hancellor "or approval. 2" approved5 it is "orwarded to the camp$s 3$siness o""ice "or review and then to the (ontrollerIs 8""ice "or activation. 2" -ro"it (enter is not created a$tomaticall! "rom entr! o" a new ;$nd (enter5 then -ro"it (enter entr! will 3e an extra step. 2n ori'inal 3$d'et5 revisions5 exec$tion5 etc. the processes sho$ld have the same steps as in the past.


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5. (han'es to Existin' 8r'ani%ation ;$nds (enters will not chan'e the existin' or'ani%ational str$ct$re. ;$nds (enter entr! will 3e analo'o$s to the "orm that has 3een $sed to re>$est new acco$nts. ?. *escription o" 2mprovements ;$nds (enters will 3e "$nctionall! e>$ivalent to what # is doin' now. @. *escription o" ;$nctional *e"icits &one apparent at this time 8. Approaches to (overin' ;$nctional *e"icits &/A 9. &otes on ;$rther 2mprovements 2n a "$t$re phase5 # ma! ta7e advanta'e o" the 'reater "lexi3ilit! o" ;$nds (enter 'ro$pin's "or reportin'. #he "act that ;$nds (enters are separate elements "rom -ro"it (enters s$''ests that in some circ$mstances5 3$d'et control and oversi'ht co$ld 3e at a hi'her level than and not as detailed as spendin'. 10. ,!stem (on"i'$ration (onsiderations ;F Area m$st 3e de"ined in the 2FG when a ;$nds (enter is created. 11. A$thori%ation and ser .oles #he ;$nds (enter hierarch! sho$ld de"ine accessCCthat is5 someone who has a partic$lar access to a hi'hClevel ;$nds (enter sho$ld have the same access to all the ;$nds (enters =$nder= it. 12. -roAect ,peci"ic (2 ,ection &/A


Commitment %tem

/0 1) 2s there an! special nomenclat$re "or the namin' 9or'ani%ation) o" the commitment item1 *escri3e the existin' 9planned) str$ct$re.


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A0 #he le'ac! primar! o3Aect codes will 3e $sed as a startin' point "or expense commitment items. #hese are #Is 2Cdi'it codes that are $sed to classi"! the nat$re o" costs inc$rred. #he 3$d'et resides at this level. #here are attri3$tes de"ined "or each primar! code. 9.e". (ode ,$pport Boo7 C .e". 153)0 1. B$d'et (ate'or! 9.e". (ode ,$pport Boo7 C .e". 158) 2. #4E( Expendit$re 83Aect 9.e". (ode ,$pport Boo7 C .e". 15?) 3. ,$mmar! Devel B$d'et (ate'or! 9.e". (ode ,$pport Boo7 C .e". 1?9) Expendit$re is recorded at a 3Cdi'it level called the detail o3Aect code5 $sed to classi"! in more detail than the primar! o3Aect codes. 9.e". (odes ,$pport Boo7 C .e". 15@) http0//www.$tenn.ed$/$wa/to/co/'eneral/o3Ade".htm .even$es codes are 2Cdi'it o3Aects $sed to classi"! the ori'in o" reven$e "or an acco$nt. 9.e". (odes ,$pport Boo7 C .e". 1?3) http0//www.$tenn.ed$/$wa/to/co/'eneral/$serrev.htm /0 2) Dist the in"ormation to 3e stored at commitment item level 9list o" "ields5 short description5 and properties o" "ields). A0 2denti"ier 9the o3Aect code itsel") Attri3$tes 9"or primar! codes) *escription E""ective date /0 3) 6hich in"ormation is possi3l! chan'ed "or a commitment item1 Generate a list o" all "ields/"ield content. A0 *escription E""ective date (han'e mappin'/hierarch! 9attri3$tes) C% Template: 1. .e>$irements/Expectations (ommitment 2tems will 3e all the G/D acco$nts de"ined in ;25 so that we can $se the sec$rit! and reportin' "eat$res o" ;F0 1) (ommitment 2tems "or expense ;$nds will 3e the c$rrent primar! 92Cdi'it) o3Aect codes where 3$d'ets will 3e entered5 pl$s 3Cdi'it o3Aect codes to record enc$m3rances and expendit$res. 2) .even$e commitment items will 3e the same as the G/D reven$e acco$nts0 c$rrent maAor/minor so$rces o" "$nds pl$s the income and trans"ers in activit! codes pl$s the doc$mented $ser reven$e codes 9in the a$xiliaries) pl$s new codes to record recoveries on expense acco$nts. 3) ;$nd Balance commitment items will 3e the same as the G/D "$nd 3alance acco$nts. :) Asset and lia3ilit! commitment items will relate to one or more G/D acco$nts. (ommitment 2tems will 3e related to o3Aect code (ost Elements and .even$e Elements in (8. 2. General Explanations


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(ommitment 2tems will 3e $sed to record0 3$d'et and expenses at the primar! o3Aect code level "or all $nrestricted and restricted expense "$nds 3$d'et and income "or all $nrestricted and restricted reven$e "$nds act$al de3its and credits "or asset and lia3ilit! "$nds (ommitment items represent 3$d'et and "$nd acco$ntin' classi"ications o" G/D Acco$nts and cost elements in the ;$nds Fana'ement Fod$le. #he! are th$s $sed to re"lect the t!pe o" reven$es and expendit$res 3ein' 3$d'eted and also to detail 3alances "or each "$nd in ;F. 3. &amin'/&$m3erin' (onventions 2Cdi'it o3Aect level "or 3$d'ets0 11 C Admin. H -ro". ,alaries 39 C ,$pplies will 3ecome the :11000 and :390005 as de"ined in ;2 "or the (hart o" Acco$nts. 3Cdi'it o3Aect level "or expendit$res0 112 C Extra ,ervice o" Admin. H -ro". ,alaries 392 C (omp$ter ,o"tware ,$pplies will 3ecome the :11200 and :392005 as de"ined in ;2 "or the (hart o" Acco$nts. A recover! o3Aect code will 3ecome5 "or example0 @39200 C 9@ "or reven$e5 392 "or (omp$ter ,o"tware ,$pplies) 2n addition5 all "$nd 3alance G/D acco$nts will 3e mapped to ;F on a oneC"orCone 3asis and assets and lia3ilities G/D acco$nts will 3e mapped to (ommitment 2tems on a man!C toCone 3asis. :. ,pecial 8r'ani%ational (onsiderations #he (ontrollerIs 8""ice will maintain (ommitment 2tem master records. 83Aects "or (ommitment 2tems "or expense ;$nds are rolled $p into certain 3$d'et cate'ories. #his hi'her level in the commitment hierarch! m$st 3e de"ined when the 3$d'et and expense o3Aects are created. 5. (han'es to Existin' 8r'ani%ation (ommitment items will not chan'e the existin' or'ani%ational str$ct$re. ?. *escription o" 2mprovements (ommitment item will "$l"ill what the niversit! is c$rrentl! $sin' as o3Aect codes5 reven$e codes5 and led'er activit! codes. @. *escription o" ;$nctional *e"icits &one are apparent at this time5 with the possi3le exception o" recoveries. .ecoveries show as a ne'ative 3$d'et in an expendit$re o3Aect code. 8. Approaches to (overin' ;$nctional *e"icits /var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_3/205399238.doc )3 o( $'!

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.even$e commitment items will 3e de"ined "or expense recoveries. 9. &otes on ;$rther 2mprovements

10. ,!stem (on"i'$ration (onsiderations ;F Area m$st 3e de"ined in the 2FG when a commitment item is created. 11. A$thori%ation and ser .oles # does not need a$thori%ation at the (ommitment 2tem level. #here are certain (ommitment 2tems that cannot 3e $sed 3! certain t!pes o" ;$nds. (ommitment 2tem hierarchies ma! 3e $sed to relate a 3$d'eted amo$nt5 sa! "or s$pplies5 to the =3rea7o$t= (ommitment 2tems $sed to record enc$m3rance or expense. Also a hierarch! can 3e $se "or reportin' p$rposes5 "or example5 to a''re'ate 3$d'ets or costs into ,ta"" and 8peratin'. 12. -roAect ,peci"ic (2 ,ection &/A



/0 1) Generate a list o" "$nds ori'ins 9"$nds5 "$nds "rom secondar! so$rces). Are these "$nds "rom secondar! so$rces 3$d'eted and assi'ned separatel!1 ,ho$ld these "$nds 3e displa!ed separatel! "or 3$d'etin' and exec$tion1 A0 nrestricted expense 9=E=) and $nrestricted income 9=2=) acco$nts are o$r re'$lar "$nds. #he! are individ$all! 3$d'eted5 assi'ned5 exec$ted5 displa!ed5 etc. .estricted expense "$nds 9=.= acco$nts) also are 3$d'eted5 assi'ned5 and otherwise $sed separatel!. 4owever5 restricted income "$nds 9=(= acco$nts) are not 3$d'eted at all in the s!stem. #he! reco'ni%e reven$e at the postin' o" the expense. #here are additional secondar! so$rces that are called Doan ;$nds5 Endowment ;$nds5 Di"e 2ncome ;$nds5 -lant ;$nds5 and A'enc! ;$nds. A "$ll list o" acco$nts can 3e "o$nd at http0//acct3al.dii.$t7.ed$ /0 2) -rovide an overview o" the di""erent "$nd t!pes 9"or example5 special reven$e5 donations5 etc.). A0 ($rrent nrestricted ;$nds ($rrent .estricted ;$nds Doan ;$nds Endowment ;$nds Ann$it! ;$nds 9a s$3set o" Endowment ;$nds) /var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_3/205399238.doc )! o( $'!

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Di"e 2ncome ;$nds nexpended -lant ;$nds .etirement o" 2nde3tedness -lant ;$nds .enewal and .eplacement -lant ;$nds 2nvestment in -lant ;$nds A'enc! ;$nds http0//acct3al.dii.$t7.ed$/"$nd'rp.htm /0 3) -rovide a list and a short description o" !o$r 3$d'et so$rces.

A0 #$ition and ;ees ;ederal Appropriations ,tate Appropriations Docal Appropriations ;ederal Grants and (ontracts ,tate Grants and (ontracts Docal Grants and (ontracts -rivate Grants and (ontracts -rivate Gi"ts Endowment 2ncome ,ales and ,ervices Ed$cation ,ales and ,ervices A$xiliar! ,ales and ,ervices 4ospital 8ther ,o$rces .e". (ode ,$pport Boo7 C .e". 1?1 /0 :) *o !o$ receive 'rants1 2" so5 provide detailed in"ormation 9 ,A).

A0 <es. .estricted c$rrent "$nds are externall! restricted and ma! 3e $sed onl! in accordance with the p$rpose esta3lished 3! their so$rce. #he! are reported as reven$es and expendit$res when expended "or c$rrent operatin' p$rposes. A restricted "$nd is one o" these t!pes0 ;ederal Grants and (ontracts ,tate Grants and (ontracts Docal Grants and (ontracts -rivate Grants and (ontracts /0 5) 2" !o$ mana'e di""erent "$nds 9'rants)0 *escri3e the characteristics/special "eat$res/;F re>$irements "or the "$nd 9li"etime5 reportin' periods5 special "eat$res with re'ard to 3$d'et and 3$d'et exec$tion). A0 Di"etimes var! accordin' to the Grants/(ontracts terms. .eportin' periods can var! accordin' to di""erent "iscal !ears. ,ome t!pes o" expendit$res can 3e prohi3ited 3! the terms o" the 'rant. 8verhead is char'ed to 'rants/contracts. B$d'et control totals are at the proAect level and sometimes at the o3Aect code levels. /0 ?) 2s it possi3le to 'ro$p the $sed "$nds 9"rom secondar! so$rces)1 2" so5 descri3e the 'ro$ps and the "$nds 3elon'in' to them. A0 <es. ($rrent restricted "$nds are0 Ed$cational and General ;$nds C 121 /var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_3/205399238.doc )" o( $'!

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A$xiliar! ;$nds C 123 4ospital ;$nds C 12? Doan ;$nds C 200 Endowment ;$nds C 300 Di"e 2ncome ;$nds C :00 -lant ;$nds0 nexpended C 510 .etirement o" 2nde3tedness H .enewal C 520 2nvested in -lant C 530 A'enc! ;$nds C 900 2n addition5 the! ma! 3e 'ro$ped accordin' to several schemes o" location in the or'ani%ation0 3$d'et entit!Z colle'eZ department or F8 Z+ice (hancellor5 or 3! "$nction5 3! a'enc!5 or a variet! o" other attri3$tes. /0 @) *o !o$ have special "$nds "or internal services1 4ow do !o$ distri3$te the accr$ed expenses to other "$nds1 A0 <es5 service centers reC3ill char'es. Expenses are distri3$ted thro$'h a reC3ill o3Aect code 9G/D acco$nt)5 a 3Cdi'it o3Aect endin' in =9=. /0 8) *o !o$ have to prod$ce "inancial statements 3! "$nds5 "$nd 'ro$ps5 or "$nd t!pes1 -rovide an overview o" those "$nds. 9 ,A) A0 #he niversit! prod$ces a sin'le "inancial statement 3ro7en o$t 3! ;$nd Gro$p5 3$d'et entit!5 etc. /0 9) Are 3$d'et/act$al reports prod$ced "or "$nds/"$nd 'ro$ps/"$nd t!pe levels1 -rovide an overview. A0 <es5 the =B$d'et and Expendit$re .eport= 9led'er)5 the =General ;$nds/.estricted B$d'et Anal!sis=5 and the =8""ice o" the #reas$rer Fonthl! .eport.= /0 10) 2s there an! special nomenclat$re 9or'ani%ation) "or the name o" the "$nd1 *escri3e the existin' 9planned) str$ct$re. A0 #he niversit! re"ers to their "$nds as =acco$nts=. Beca$se the internal str$ct$re o" the recordin' acco$nt n$m3er pla!s no role in the reportin' and anal!sis processin'5 reportin' or'ani%ation attri3$tes have 3een assi'ned to each acco$nt n$m3er to "$l"ill this "$nction. #he reportin' or'ani%ation attri3$tes incl$de0 "ield example val$e ;$nd E B$d'et Entit! 12 (olle'e 10 *epartment 15 ,$3 department 01 9optional) /0 11) Dist the in"ormation to 3e stored at application o" "$nds/"$nds level 9list o" "ields5 short description5 and properties o" "ields). A0 ;ields at the ;$nd 9acco$nt) level incl$de0 ;$nd /var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_3/205399238.doc )$ o( $'!

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B$d'et Entit! (olle'e *epartment ,$3 department ;$nction &ame .esponsi3le -erson .elated Acco$nts5 etc. /0 12) 6hich in"ormation co$ld 3e chan'ed "or a "$nd1 (reate a list o" all "ields/"ield contents. A0 &ame Docation in the or'ani%ation End date /0 13) ,A onl!0 *o !o$ have endowment "$nds1 2" so5 please provide detailed in"ormation. A0 <es5 Endowment ;$nds are s$3Aect to the restrictions o" 'i"t instr$ments re>$irin' in perpet$it! that the principal 3e invested and onl! the income 3e $sed. Altho$'h >$asiC endowment "$nds have 3een esta3lished 3! the 'overnin' 3oard "or the same p$rpose as endowment "$nds5 an! portion o" >$asiCendowment "$nds ma! 3e expended. ,ince these "$nds are internall! desi'nated5 the 'overnin' 3oard retains the ri'ht to alter or amend s$ch desi'nation. /0 1:) ,A onl!0 *o !o$ have 'rants1 2" so5 please provide detailed in"ormation.

A0 #his is the same >$estion as V: in this same section. C% Template: 1. .e>$irements/Expectations 1) Ever! c$rrent acco$nt 9E0101015 ;1222123:5 20@0100015 etc.) will 3ecome a separate ;$nd5 except possi3l! A... and B... "$nd 3alance acco$nts5 which ma! not 3e 3ro$'ht over. Each will 7eep its same name5 responsi3le person5 place in the or'ani%ation5 etc. 2) A ;$nd representin' a c$rrent expense or reven$e acco$nt will 3e related one to one to a (ost (enter or 6B, Element. Asset and lia3ilit! ;$nds will &8# have (ost (enters or 6B, Elements. 3) All ;$nds will 3e in a sin'le ;$nds Fana'ement Area5 J #K. :) Expense and reven$e acco$nts/;$nds will have 3$d'etsP other t!pes will not. 5) Ever! ;$nd will 3e assi'ned to a ;$nds (enter 9*epartment). ,ome ;$nds5 especiall! reven$e ;$nds5 can 3e assi'ned to hi'hClevel ;$nd (enters5 those representin' *ean/*irector5 +ice (hancellor5 or B$d'et Entit! levels. ?) Ever! ;$nd will $se (ommitment 2tems5 even reven$e5 asset5 and lia3ilit! ;$nds. 2. General Explanations ;$nds will 3e $sed li7e we $se 'eneral led'er acco$nts in the old s!stem5 to record 3$d'ets5 expenses5 reven$es5 de3its5 and credits. A "$nd represents the lowest level o" /var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_3/205399238.doc )& o( $'!

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"$ndin' re>$irin' a 3$d'et. #he "$nd master incl$des an application o" "$nd and a so$rce o" "$nds. B$d'et r$les can 3e speci"ied separatel! "or each "$nd. 3. &amin'/&$m3erin' (onventions ;$nds will have the same n$m3ers as the companion (ost (enter or 6B, Element. ,evenCcharacter n$m3ers will 3e the same as in the le'ac! s!stemP nineCcharacter n$m3ers will 3ecome tenCcharacter n$m3ers. -lease see the (ost (enter (2 "or details. #hose ;$nds that do not have (ost (enters or 6B, Elements 9assets and lia3ilities) still will 7eep the same nineCcharacters 3ecome tenCcharacters acco$nt n$m3ers as in the le'ac! s!stem. :. ,pecial 8r'ani%ational (onsiderations A colle'e or division that needs a new ;$nds (enter will "ill o$t the ;$nds (enter Basic *ata screen and "orward it to the appropriate +ice (hancellor "or approval. 2" approved5 it is "orwarded to the camp$s 3$siness o""ice "or review and then to the (ontrollerIs 8""ice "or activation. 2" (ost (enter and 6B, Element in acco$ntin' are not created a$tomaticall! "rom entr! o" a new ;$nd5 then their entr! will 3e extra steps. 2n 8ri'inal B$d'et5 revisions5 exec$tion5 etc. the processes sho$ld have the same steps as in the past. 5. (han'es to Existin' 8r'ani%ation ;$nds will not chan'e the existin' or'ani%ation str$ct$reP the! are 3ein' desi'ned to mirror it. -roced$res "or re>$estin' new ;$nds are e>$ivalent to the paper path now in place. ?. *escription o" 2mprovements ;$nds seems "$nctionall! e>$ivalent to what # is doin' now. @. *escription o" ;$nctional *e"icits #here is a need to store another master data called ;$nction. ($rrent release o" ./3 does not have a "ield to meet this re>$irement5 so we ma! $se (lassi"ication in ;F on the ;$nd master record. 8. Approaches to (overin' ;$nctional *e"icits #here is a need to store another master data called ;$nction. ($rrent release o" ./3 does not have a "ield to meet this re>$irement5 so we ma! $se (lassi"ication in ;F on the ;$nd master record. 9. &otes on ;$rther 2mprovements #he one to one relationship o" ;$nd to (ost (enters and 6B, elements ma! chan'e to /var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_3/205399238.doc )' o( $'!

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m$ltiple to one ;$nd5 as needed. #his means m$ltiple acco$nts 9(ost (enters or 6B, Elements) co$ld 3e spendin' o$t o" one consolidated 3$d'et. 10. ,!stem (on"i'$ration (onsiderations ;F Area and B$d'et pro"ile m$st 3e de"ined in the 2FG when a ;$nd is created. 11. A$thori%ation and ser .oles #here will 3e access at the ;$nd level "or -rincipal 2nvesti'ators 9-2s)5 .esponsi3le -ersons5 and their desi'nees. 2n addition5 access to a s$perior ;$nd implies access to all =mem3er= ;$nds. 12. -roAect ,peci"ic (2 ,ection &/A

4/ Re*en!e and cost controlling

C% Template: 1. .e>$irements/Expectations #he niversit! char'es overhead re"erred to 3! its re'$lator! name5 =;acilities and Administrative Expense=5 to proAects. #his ;HA overhead is incl$ded on the 3ills sent to the proAect sponsors and is char'ed 3! a variet! o" methods. All methods appl! a percenta'e rate to an expense 3ase. #he expense 3ase is a s$mmation o" all or a s$3set o" ori'inal expense items char'ed to the proAect. #he 3ases s$pport 3! the le'ac! s!stem are listed 3elow0 01 02 03 0: 05 0? 0@ 08 ,ADA.2E, A&* 6AGE, #8#AD *2.E(# (8,# 8-E.A#28&AD (8,#, D F- , F 2&,#2# #28&AD 8#4E. FE#48*, F8*2;2E* #8#AD *2.E(# (8,#, #8#AD ADD86ABDE *2.E(# (8,#,

(*erhead Cost Controlling

Cost =lement

2n order to calc$late the 3ase expenses5 cost elements are incl$ded or excl$ded "rom the s$mmation. #he ei'ht methods a3ove have prede"ined cost elements to 3e incl$ded or excl$ded and these cost elements are coded in the pro'ram itsel" 9in other words there is not a ta3le with these val$es). 2n addition5 there are "o$r acco$nt 96B,) attri3$tes5 2 "or primar! and 2 "or detail cost elements which can 3e excl$ded "rom the 3ase in addition to those excl$ded 3! the pro'ram. #he 2 detail cost elements can 3e "illed with primar! to 'et a total o" : primar! and no detail additions to excl$sions.


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#here is an attri3$te on each 6B, that declares the percenta'e rate to appl! to the 3ase. #his is o"ten the rate set 3! the cost rate a'reement ne'otiated on a camp$sC3!Ccamp$s 3asis. 6hen the speci"ic contract does not have s$""icient "$ndin' to pa! the overhead5 the overhead ma! 3e red$ced 3! $sin' an overhead cost sharin' percenta'e. #his amo$nts to a partial or complete reversal o" the ori'inal overhead amo$nt5 3$t is posted $sin' a di""erent cost element than the overhead so 3oth amo$nts can 3e reported on. 2n the le'ac! s!stem5 the overhead has 3een shown as a red$ction o" "$nd 3alance with the credit side 3ein' recorded as income in the $nrestricted 'eneral "$nd "or the camp$s. 8verhead has 3een comp$ted and posted monthl! as part o" period closin' in the le'ac! s!stem. 2. General Explanations .even$e elements are $sed to classi"! reven$es in (ontrollin'. #he! are lin7ed to reven$e G/D acco$nts on a oneC"orCone 3asis and have the same n$m3er and description. E.'. .even$e Element @01010 #$ition and ;ees .esident represents G/D Acco$nt @01010 #$ition and ;ees .esident in (8. -rimar! (ost Elements represent expendit$re G/D Acco$nts in (8. #he! are lin7ed to Expendit$re G/D acco$nts on a oneC"orCone 3asis and have the same n$m3er and description. E.'. (ost Element :39100 8peratin' ,$pplies represents G/D Acco$nt :39100 8peratin' ,$pplies in (8. ,econdar! cost elements are $sed "or internal allocations within a controllin' area s$ch as overhead. #hese cost elements are not directl! lin7ed to an Expendit$re G/D acco$nt. Ded'er Activit! (odes "or 010 ;acilities and Admin (osts and similar internall! allocation costs will 3e mapped to secondar! cost elements. 3. &amin'/&$m3erin' (onventions .even$e elements are lin7ed to reven$e G/D acco$nts on a oneC"orCone 3asis and have the same n$m3er and description. E.'. .even$e Element @01010 #$ition and ;ees .esident represents G/D Acco$nt @01010 #$ition and ;ees .esident in (8. -rimar! (ost Elements are lin7ed to Expendit$re G/D acco$nts on a oneC"orCone 3asis and have the same n$m3er and description. E.'. (ost Element :39100 8peratin' ,$pplies represents G/D Acco$nt :39100 8peratin' ,$pplies in (8. ,econdar! cost elements are $sed "or internal allocations within a controllin' area s$ch as overhead. #hese cost elements are not directl! lin7ed to an Expendit$re G/D acco$nt. ,econdar! cost elements will 3e set $p in the ran'e 500000 to 599999 9e.'. 501000 C ;acilities and Admin (osts). :. ,pecial 8r'ani%ational (onsiderations #he creation and maintenance o" cost/reven$e elements and cost/reven$e element 'ro$ps will 3e a central process within the (ontrollerMs 8""ice. 5. (han'es to Existin' 8r'ani%ation &one


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?. *escription o" 2mprovements &one @. *escription o" ;$nctional *e"icits ./3 does not per"orm the same "$nction we re>$ire "or ; H A postin'. 6e are wor7in' on a sol$tion. 8. Approaches to (overin' ;$nctional *e"icits &/A 9. &otes on ;$rther 2mprovements &/A 10. ,!stem (on"i'$ration (onsiderations &/A 11. A$thori%ation and ser .oles End $sers will have displa! access to cost elements. #he create/chan'e process will 3e a centrali%ed "$nction within the (ontrollerMs 8""ice. #his a$thori%ation will 3e transaction 3ased. 12. -roAect ,peci"ic (2 ,ection &/A 4/1/1/1/ "!estions: /0 1) *e"ine primar! cost elements 3ased on the de"inition o" the chart o" acco$nt. 6rimary Cost =lement

A0 #Is cost elements will re"lect o$r -HD acco$nts in the chart o" acco$nts. 8$r expense acco$nts will e>$ate to primar! cost elements and o$r reven$e acco$nts will e>$ate to reven$e cost elements. /0 2) .eserve a n$m3er ran'e in the chart o" acco$nts "or the de"inition o" (8Cspeci"ic acco$nts/primar! cost elements0 which additional primar! cost elements do !o$ need 9s$ch as "or accr$als)1 A0 8$r primar! cost elements will 3e the same n$m3er as the correspondin' G/D acco$nt. -rimar! cost element will "all in the ran'e :00000 C :99999. .even$e cost elements will "all in the ran'e @00000C@99999. &ote0 the le'ac! s!stem allowed $sers to attach a twoCdi'it s$""ix to detail elements 9codes) that served witho$t validation/translation. 2t is anticipated


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that this "$nctionalit! will have to 3e provided in a di""erent str$ct$re in order not to cl$tter the (hart o" acco$nts. C% Template: 1. .e>$irements/Expectations #he niversit! re>$ires that we create primar! cost elements that at a minim$m replicate o$r c$rrent expendit$re o3Aect codes. 6e expect to add additional cost elements to 3etter descri3e the wa! we spend o$r mone!. 2. General Explanations (ost elements are $sed to classi"! costs in (8 accordin' to o3Aect o" expendit$re. -rimar! (ost Elements represent expendit$re G/D Acco$nts in (8. #he! are lin7ed to Expendit$re G/D acco$nts on a oneC"orCone 3asis and have the same n$m3er and description. E.'. (ost Element :39100 8peratin' ,$pplies represents G/D Acco$nt :39100 8peratin' ,$pplies in (8. -rimar! cost elements will 3e set $p "or all expendit$re G/D Acco$nts. -rimar! cost elements can 3e created a$tomaticall! 3ased on the associated expendit$re acco$nt. 3. &amin'/&$m3erin' (onventions -rimar! cost elements will have the same n$m3erin' as the associated G/D acco$nt. ;or example5 (ost Element :39100 8peratin' ,$pplies represents G/D Acco$nt :39100 8peratin' ,$pplies. 4/1/1/2/ "!estions: /0 1) *e"ine secondar! cost elements "or plannin'5 allocation and reportin' p$rposes. 'econdary Cost =lement

A0 # char'es overhead 9"acilities and administrative cost) to 'rants and contracts. # maintains 3oth a code "or char'in' overhead and waivin' 9costCsharin') overhead. #his allows the niversit! to trac7 'ross 9"$ll! applica3le)5 waived 9costCshared)5 and net overhead. .ates are speci"ic to camp$s and m$st 3e ne'otiated with the co'ni%ant a'enc!. #here are 10 rate a'reements. Entities 015 025 0:5 055 0@5 105 115 125 135 and 18. C% Template: 1. .e>$irements/Expectations #he niversit! re>$ires that ; H A costs 3e allocated to each restricted acco$nt as appropriate 3ased on the correct 3ase and ; H A percenta'e. 2. General Explanations ,econdar! cost elements are $sed "or internal allocations within a controllin' area s$ch as overhead. #hese cost elements are not directl! lin7ed to an Expendit$re G/D acco$nt.


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3. &amin'/&$m3erin' (onventions Ded'er Activit! (odes "or 010 ;acilities and Admin (osts and similar internall! allocation costs will 3e mapped to secondar! cost elements. ,econdar! cost elements will 3e set $p in the ran'e 500000 to 599999 9e.'. 501000 C ;acilities and Admin (osts). 4/1/1/,/ "!estions: /0 1) *e"ine cost element 'ro$ps "or plannin'5 allocation5 and reportin' p$rposes. Cost =lement 7ro!p

A0 (ost elements 9De'ac! s!stem o3Aect codes) are 'ro$ped in levels or a hierarch!. *etail elements 9codes C (ode s$pport re" 15@) map to "ewer primar! elements 9codes C (ode s$pport re" 153). -rimar! elements 9codes) map to six 3$d'et cate'ories 9(ode s$pport .e" 158) 6arnin'5 the 3$d'et cate'or! mappin' is chan'in' "or ;<2001. #here is also an alternative mappin' to a s$mmar! cate'or! 9(ode s$pport re" 1?9). &ote0 the le'ac! s!stem allowed $sers to attach a twoCdi'it s$""ix to detail elements 9codes) that served witho$t validation/translation. 2t is anticipated that this "$nctionalit! will have to 3e provided in a di""erent str$ct$re in order not to cl$tter the (hart o" acco$nts. C% Template: 1. .e>$irements/Expectations #he niversit! re>$ires that cost elements 3e 'ro$ped into a hierarch! similar to o$r c$rrent 2Cdi'it o3Aect code. Also the cost elements need to 3e 'ro$ped into the ? levels o" 3$d'et cate'ories which are chan'in' O$l! 152000. 4/1/2/ C% Template: 1. .e>$irements/Expectations #he niversit! re>$ires the a3ilit! to set $p cost centers in con"ormit! with GAA- "or colle'es and $niversities. A cost center relates to o$r c$rrent acco$nt that associates with a B$d'et Entit!5 (olle'e and *epartment. #he cost center needs to s$pport a list o" attri3$tes that we will provide. #he niversit! re>$ires o$r c$rrent a3ilit! to collect expendit$res and reven$es 3! acco$nt. #he niversit! expects to $se cost centers "or all c$rrent expendit$re 9E) and income 92) acco$nts. #he niversit! re>$ires the c$rrent hierarch! that incl$des department5 colle'e5 vice chancellor code5 and 3$d'et entit!. 6e also expect to create alternative hierarchies to re"lect their chan'in' or'ani%ation. 2. General Explanations A (ost (enter is a $nit within a controllin' area that represents a reven$e and cost collector "or permanent activities. A cost center can 3e lin7ed to a compan! code5 a 3$siness area5 a "$nctional area5 a "$nd5 a "$nd center and a pro"it center allowin' all these codes to 3e a$tomaticall! de"a$lted when a $ser enters a cost center in a doc$ment. (osts and reven$es posted to a cost center can th$s 3e a$tomaticall! posted to the compan! code5 3$siness area5 "$nd5 "$nd center and pro"it center lin7ed to the cost /var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_3/205399238.doc 103 o( $'! Cost Center

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center. A standard hierarch! o" cost centers is re>$ired "or the controllin' area and is $sed 3! drillCdown reports. 2n addition (ost (enters ma! optionall! 3elon' to additional alternative hierarchies that can also 3e $sed 3! drillCdown reports. #he niversit! will $se (ost (enters to represent its c$rrent $nrestricted income and expendit$re acco$nts 92 and E acco$nts) in ./3. #he standard cost center hierarch! will 3e $sed to represent the or'ani%ational 'ro$pin's to show ;$nd Gro$p ZB$d'et Entit! Z;$nction Z (olle'e or *ivision Z *epartmentZ (ost (enter 9@ di'it) Z (ost (enter 910 di'it). An alternative hierarch! will 3e created to represent the ,tate Appropriation hierarch!. 3. &amin'/&$m3erin' (onventions #he niversit! will $se (ost (enters to represent its c$rrent $nrestricted income and expendit$re acco$nts 92 and E acco$nts) in ./3. All E acco$nts with sevenCdi'it n$m3ers will 3e represented 3! cost centers with the same sevenCdi'it n$m3er. All 2 and E acco$nts with nineCdi'it n$m3ers will 3e represented 3! cost centers with tenCdi'it n$m3ers. #he tenCdi'it n$m3er will 3e created 3! addin' a %ero in the ei'hth position in the tenCdi'it n$m3er. E.'. Acco$nt E01102:01 will 3e represented 3! cost center E01102:001. :. ,pecial 8r'ani%ational (onsiderations #he creation and maintenance o" cost centers and cost center hierarchies will 3e a central process within the (ontrollerMs 8""ice. 5. (han'es to Existin' 8r'ani%ation ./3 cost centers can 3e 3oth income and expense. 6e expect o$r E and 2 acco$nts to map directl! to cost centers in ./3. ?. *escription o" 2mprovements &one noted at this time @. *escription o" ;$nctional *e"icits &one noted at this time 8. Approaches to (overin' ;$nctional *e"icits &/A 9. &otes on ;$rther 2mprovements &/A


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10. ,!stem (on"i'$ration (onsiderations ;$nctional areas need to 3e pop$lated within the cost center master record. 11. A$thori%ation and ser .oles End $sers will 3e a3le to displa! cost centers. #he create/chan'e "$nction will 3e centrali%ed at "irst at the (ontrollerMs 8""ice and (B8 level. #he a$thori%ation will 3e transaction 3ased. 12. -roAect ,peci"ic (2 ,ection &/A 4/1/2/1/ "!estions: /0 1) *e"ine cost centers as the lowest level in !o$r or'ani%ational str$ct$re at which !o$ hold one person responsi3le "or the expenses inc$rred 9chec7 whether !o$ have covered the whole or'ani%ation). A0 *epartments are the lowest level o" o$r or'ani%ation that one person is responsi3le "or the expenses inc$rred. C% Template: 1. .e>$irements/Expectations Cost Center

2. General Explanations A (ost (enter is a $nit within a controllin' area that represents a reven$e and cost collector "or permanent activities. A cost center can 3e lin7ed to a compan! code5 a 3$siness area5 a "$nctional area5 a "$nd5 a "$nd center and a pro"it center allowin' all these codes to 3e a$tomaticall! de"a$lted when a $ser enters a cost center in a doc$ment. (osts and reven$es posted to a cost center can th$s 3e a$tomaticall! posted to the compan! code5 3$siness area5 "$nd5 "$nd center and pro"it center lin7ed to the cost center. 3. &amin'/&$m3erin' (onventions #he niversit! will $se (ost (enters to represent its c$rrent $nrestricted income and expendit$re acco$nts 92 and E acco$nts) in ./3. All E acco$nts with sevenCdi'it n$m3ers will 3e represented 3! cost centers with the same sevenCdi'it n$m3er. All 2 and E acco$nts with nineCdi'it n$m3ers will 3e represented 3! cost centers with tenCdi'it n$m3ers. #he tenCdi'it n$m3er will 3e created 3! addin' a %ero in the ei'hth position in the tenCdi'it n$m3er. E.'. Acco$nt E01102:01 will 3e represented 3! cost center E01102:001. 4/1/2/2/ 'tandard Dierarchy for Cost Centers 10" o( $'!


AcceleratedSAP - Business Blueprint

"!estions: /0 1) #a7e !o$r corporate or'ani%ational str$ct$re and 3$ild a hierarch! accordin' to levels o" responsi3ilities5 with cost centers as the lowest level. A0 =#he standard cost center hierarch will 3e $sed to represent the or'ani%ational 'ro$pin's to show ;$nd Gro$pZ3$d'et Entit!Z;$nctionZ(olle'e or *ivisionZ*epartmentZ(ost (enter 9@ di'it) Z (ost (enter 910 di'it). An Alternative hierarch! will 3e created to represent the ,tate Appropriation hierarch!.= ,ee =Enterprise ,tr$ct$re and Faster *ata= doc$ment. C% Template: 1. .e>$irements/Expectations

2. General Explanations A standard hierarch! o" cost centers is re>$ired "or the controllin' area and is $sed 3! drillCdown reports. 2n addition (ost (enters ma! optionall! 3elon' to additional alternative hierarchies that can also 3e $sed 3! drillCdown reports. 4/1/2/,/ "!estions: /0 1) Besides the standard hierarch!5 do !o$ need other alternative str$ct$re 9'ro$ps) o" cost centers 9"or plannin'5 allocation5 and reportin' p$rposes)1 A0 =An Alternative hierarch! will 3e created to represent the ,tate Appropriation hierarch!=5 disc$ssed in =Enterprise ,tr$ct$re and Faster *ata. 8ther alternative hierarch!Is will var! 3! 3$siness area 9camp$s) and will incl$de viceCchancellor and dean/director. Cost Center 7ro!p


6rofit Center $cco!nting

$ssignment of 6rofit Centers to Master Data

C% Template: 1. .e>$irements/Expectations #he niversit! re>$ires the a3ilit! to create departments that have associated E acco$nts and associated . acco$nts. #hese happen at the department level c$rrentl!. 6e expect to 3e a3le to 'ro$p all o" a departmentIs acco$nts in a report. #he niversit! re>$ires the c$rrent hierarch! that incl$des department5 colle'e5 vice chancellor code5 and 3$d'et entit!. 6e also expect to create alternative hierarchies to re"lect their chan'in' or'ani%ation. 2. General Explanations A -ro"it (enter is an or'ani%ational $nit in ./35 within which costs and reven$e can 3e anal!%ed. (osts and reven$es posted to cost centers and 6B, Elements can 3e /var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_3/205399238.doc 10$ o( $'!

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a$tomaticall! posted to pro"it centers. A standard pro"it center hierarch! is re>$ired and is $sed 3! drillCdown reports5 and m$ltiple alternative pro"it center hierarchies can 3e created to 3e $sed 3! drillCdown reports. #he niversit! will $se -ro"it (enters to represent its reportin' or'ani%ation $nits in ./3 so that reports can 3e created across cost centers and 6B, element 3! or'ani%ational $nit. #he standard pro"it center hierarch! will 3e $sed to represent the reportin' or'ani%ational 'ro$pin's to show B$d'et Entit! Z(olle'e or *ivision Z *epartment. 3. &amin'/&$m3erin' (onventions #he pro"it center n$m3er will 3e 3ased on the department n$m3er. ;or example5 department 011002:01 will 3e mapped to pro"it center D011002:01. :. ,pecial 8r'ani%ational (onsiderations #he creation and assi'nment o" pro"it centers to co o3Aects will 3e a centrali%ed "$nction within the (ontrollerMs 8""ice. 5. (han'es to Existin' 8r'ani%ation &one ?. *escription o" 2mprovements 6e ma! 3e a3le to $se this "$nctionalit! to create reven$e and expendit$re statements "or o$r a$xiliaries and sel"Cs$pportin' departments. @. *escription o" ;$nctional *e"icits &one noted at this time 8. Approaches to (overin' ;$nctional *e"icits &/A 9. &otes on ;$rther 2mprovements &/A 10. ,!stem (on"i'$ration (onsiderations -ro"it centers will 3e assi'ned to 6B, elements and cost centers "or #. 11. A$thori%ation and ser .oles /var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_3/205399238.doc 10& o( $'!

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End $sers will 3e a3le to displa! pro"it center master data. #he create/chan'e "$nction will 3e centrali%ed in the (ontrollerMs 8""ice. 12. -roAect ,peci"ic (2 ,ection &/A

5/ $sset $cco!nting
"!estions: /0 1) 4ow man! "ixed assets and how man! assets $nder constr$ction do !o$ c$rrentl! have1 A0 E>$ipment0 # has a3o$t 1005000 active assets 9e>$ipment onl!) in the A,:00 s!stem worth approximatel! 2 3illion ,* 'ro$ped into @0 G/D acco$nts. 9#hese acco$nts will 3e consolidated 3! "iscal !earCend 0?/30/2000 down to the individ$al 3$d'et entit! level.) #hese will need to 3e depreciated d$e to new GA,B re>$irements. #here is a new polic! to de"ine an asset at Q55000 instead o" Q15000. #his co$ld decrease the n$m3er o" assets 3$t there is another polic! to trac7 Isensitive e>$ipmentM that are items s$ch as cameras val$ed "rom Q1000 C Q:999. *$e to the 2 policies and asset clean $p 9which needs to occ$r prior to conversion to ./3) the total n$m3er o" assets to 3e p$t into AF are estimated to 3e 805000. B$ildin's0 #here are approximatel! 1500 entries in the "acilities data3ase val$ed at Q15098593252?2 'ro$ped into 29 G/D acco$nts. #here are approximatel! 500 maAor 3$ildin's. #here are approximatel! 100 assets $nder constr$ction mostl! "or improvements all "$nded "rom plant "$nds. Dand0 #here are approximatel! 1030 individ$al land records recorded on 3 x 5 cards. #hese records are 'ro$ped 3! 2? acco$nt n$m3ers and 28 #& and other co$nties val$ed at Q3@59515133. 2n addition there are 22@ more land cards associated with other "$nd 'ro$ps val$ed at Q@?958:9. #hese records are adA$sted once per !ear at !earCend on o$r "inancial statements 2n"rastr$ct$re0 6e have 1 n$m3ers o" in"rastr$ct$re 9we have a lot o" wor7 to do in this area). #he val$e c$rrentl! on o$r 3oo7s is 2mprovements other than 3$ildin's at Q 82589?5:13 'ro$ped into 2: G/D acco$nts. Di3rar! holdin's0 6e adA$st li3rar! holdin's once per !ear 3ased on inventor! amo$nts received "rom each li3rar!. #hese holdin's incl$de 3oo7s and all other media. #he val$e at ?/30/99 was Q2:955::5291 'ro$ped into ? G/D acco$nts. Divestoc70 6e have one G/D acco$nt "or livestoc7. 6e adA$st this acco$nt once per !ear 3ased on inventor! records received "rom the 2nstit$te o" A'ric$lt$re. At ?/30/ 99 the val$e was Q1588:5@?:. /0 2) 6hich or'ani%ational $nits do !o$ mana'e in the asset master record1

A0 E>$ipment0 #here will onl! 3e one controllin' area and one compan! code. B$siness area and cost center will need to 3e mapped.


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AcceleratedSAP - Business Blueprint

All other assets0 #here will 3e one controllin' area and one compan! code. B$siness area will need to 3e mapped. /0 3) *o !o$ want asset master record n$m3erin' to 3e internall! or externall! assi'ned1

A0 E>$ipment0 ($rrentl! e>$ipment is also 'iven an internall! assi'ned5 se>$ential n$m3er that acts li7e the asset master record. ./3 will internall! assi'n the n$m3er startin' "rom the last # se>$ential n$m3er. Externall! assi'ned ta' n$m3ers are 'iven as inventor! n$m3ers and will 3e capt$red as a "ield on the asset record. # wants to 3e a3le to search "rom the ta' n$m3er in case someone remotel! calls in "or in"o on an asset with ta' n$m3er 123.... B$ildin's0 An externall! assi'ned 3$ildin' n$m3er is 'iven 9as an inventor! n$m3er). An internall! assi'ned5 se>$ential n$m3er is 'iven to a "ield that acts li7e the asset master record. Dand0 6e will pro3a3l! want an external n$m3er. 2n"rastr$ct$re0 6e will pro3a3l! want an external n$m3er. Di3rar! holdin's and livestoc70 &o individ$al inventories will 3e maintained in . 3. /0 :) *o !o$ see a 3$siness need to $se 3oth internal and external n$m3er assi'nment5 dependin' on the asset class1 2" so5 please speci"!. A0 E>$ipment0 2nternall! assi'ned n$m3er and $se an existin' "ield "or the e>$ipment ta' n$m3er. B$ildin's0 2nternall! assi'ned n$m3er and $se an existin' "ield "or the 3$ildin' n$m3er. Dand and 2n"rastr$ct$re0 ,ame as 3$ildin's. Di3rar! and livestoc70 &/A /0 5) 2" !o$ $se external n$m3er assi'nment5 do !o$ want to allow the assi'nment o" alphan$meric n$m3ers1 A0 &o /0 ?) *o !o$ want to represent asset components $sin' asset s$3Cn$m3ers1 2" so5 "or what p$rposes do !o$ plan to $se asset s$3Cn$m3ers1 A0 E>$ipment0 # will $se s$3 assets to compartmentali%e an asset into a n$m3er o" smaller items as well as to distin'$ish "ed +s # "$ndin' so$rces. ,$3 asset n$m3ers will 3e an extension o" the parent asset n$m3er. B$ildin's0 6e ma! want to $se asset s$3Cn$m3ers "or items s$ch as roo"s5 and other improvements that ma! have a di""erent $se"$l li"e. 2n addition5 we have to send in reports o" assets in constr$ction 3! so$rce o" "$nds. #h$s5 we ma! want to set $p s$3Cassets 3! "$ndin' so$rce. ($rrentl! we do not 3rea7 down assets into s$3Cn$m3ers. 2n"rastr$ct$re0 ,ame as 3$ildin's Dand5 li3rar! and livestoc70 &o.


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AcceleratedSAP - Business Blueprint

/0 @) Are cost centers 93$siness areas) to 3e de"ined in the asset master record on a timeC dependent 3asis1 A0 E>$ipment0 #his ma! 3e $sed "or assets which are ori'inall! owned 3! one department 3$t a"ter a period o" time ma! 3e owned 3! another. #his "$nctionalit! will 3e availa3le i" this is a desired re>$irement. All other assets0 6e need 3$siness area onl!. /0 8) *o !o$ see a 3$siness need to create m$ltiple similar asset master records in one step1 A0 E>$ipment0 <es C "or a "leet o" cars or one lot o" assets s$ch as 50 comp$ters. B$ildin's0 -ossi3l!. 4owever5 the vol$me is not that lar'e to 3e critical. 2n"rastr$ct$re0 possi3l! Dand0 possi3le 3$t $nli7el! Di3rar! and livestoc70 &o /0 9) *o !o$ have assets that re>$ire increased depreciation d$e to m$ltiple shi"t $se1

A0 &o /0 10) 2n !o$r enterprise5 is there a re>$irement to sh$t down an asset 9discontin$e depreciation) "or a period o" time1 A0 B$ildin's0 #his ma! 3e needed i" the 3$ildin' is $nder maAor improvement and o$t o" service. A sh$t down "la' can 3e on the asset so it is not depreciated d$rin' the r$n. E>$ipment0 nli7el!

8ther assets0 no /0 11) 4ow do !o$ archive !o$r asset master records at the present time1

A0 E>$ipment H B$ildin's0 ($rrentl! no archivin' is done. 6e 7eep all e>$ipment in o$r present s!stem so that we ma! 'o 3ac7 and see the histor! 3ehind it. ;or instance5 an item mi'ht have 3een p$rchased 10 !ears a'o that was over the threshold "or e>$ipment and th$s was 'iven a # ta' n$m3er. 4owever5 c$rrentl! it wo$ld 3e $nder the threshold and removed "rom the ann$al e>$ipment inventor! listin'5 3$t no one removed the ta' n$m3er. 6e still want to 3e a3le to trac7 the item when someone calls and wants to 7now i" this ta''ed item is still considered e>$ipment. 8ther assets0 &/A in c$rrent s!stem. /0 12) 4ow lon' do !o$ intend to contin$e to mana'e assets5 which are no lon'er on hand ph!sicall!5 in the s!stem1


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A0 E>$ipment and B$ildin's0 8$r state record retention law re>$ires @ !ears o" data a"ter a$dit. ./3 will allow !o$ to store assets in the s!stem "orever5 however i" there is %ero net 3oo7 val$e and/or asset is retired !o$ can determine i" no activit! a"ter x !ears then it will archive when archival processin' is r$n. *ata3ase space 9processin' time) vs. $se o" data will need to 3e de"ined later and mana'ed in conA$nction with the other mod$les. C% Template: 1. .e>$irements/Expectations #he master record contains in"ormation a3o$t the "ixed asset. #he "ollowin' "ield 'ro$ps exist0 General in"ormation 9description5 >$antit!5 etc.) Acco$nt assi'nment -ostin' in"ormation 9"or example5 capitali%ation date) #imeCdependent assi'nments 9"or example5 cost center) 2n"ormation on real estate Deasin' conditions 2n"ormation on the ori'ins o" the asset -h!sical inventor! data ser "ields/eval$ation 'ro$ps 9c$rrentl! # hasnIt identi"ied needs "or these "ields 3$t d$rin' mappin' and con"i'$ration this ma! 3e needed "or additional in"ormation) *epreciation 7e!s 2n addition5 !o$ can create lon' texts "or the individ$al "ield 'ro$ps 3elon'in' to the 'eneral data part o" the asset master record. <o$ can simpli"! the creation o" lon' texts 3! $sin' "reel! de"ina3le lon' text templates. <o$ de"ine these templates in ;2CAA ($stomi%in' $nder Define &ong te,t tem!&ates' # will need lon' text "or detail descriptive in"ormation on the Dand assets. *epreciation 7e!s $sed 3! # will 3e 0000 "or nonCdeprecia3le assets and D2&, "or deprecia3le assets. 2. General Explanations (reation o" the asset master record will 3e done 3! the (amp$s B$siness 8""ices and the (ontrollerIs 8""ice. sers whom are creatin' p$rchase re>$isitions "or assets will create the asset master record and record the asset n$m3er in the acco$nt assi'nments in the p$rchase re>$isition. #his will tri''er the asset to 3e a$tomaticall! capitali%ed $pon 'oods receipt. 6hen creatin' the asset master record the $ser will enter onl! the 3asic data and a"ter the asset is received the record will need to 3e $pdated with additional in"ormation. #he asset master record is the onl! master data created in asset mana'ement. #he asset master record will contain master data "rom other mod$les s$ch as the cost center5 6B, element5 and 3$siness area. ,creen la!o$ts need to 3e con"i'$red "or each asset class. #he screen la!o$t determines what "ields the $ser sees when creatin' an asset master record.


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3. &amin'/&$m3erin' (onventions # will let ./3 assi'n the n$m3er to the Asset master record. #he asset n$m3er ran'e and len'th needs to 3e determined. ,$''est $sin' at least a ?C di'it asset n$m3er. :. ,pecial 8r'ani%ational (onsiderations #Is le'ac! s!stems se>$entiall! n$m3er the asset records. pon data conversion how will this data 3e retained in ./35 is it relevant to # to 7eep this n$m3erin'1 #here are several "ields availa3le that this in"ormation can 3e converted into i" desired. Dand records are all man$al so # will need to create an $pload spreadsheet that can 3e $sed 3! the 3asis team to load the assets. E>$ipment and B$ildin' s!stems are a$tomated so #Is 2# "ol7s can o3tain "lat "iles "or conversion. 5. (han'es to Existin' 8r'ani%ation #he most si'ni"icant chan'e "or # is that the asset record will 3e created prior to the asset 3ein' p$rchased. #his means that the $ser will not have all the asset master record in"ormation at time o" creation. #he $ser will need to maintain the asset master record a"ter 'oods receipt to complete in"ormation s$ch as #a' &$m3er5 ,erial &$m3er5 2nventor! &$m3er5 Docation (ode5 etc. @. *escription o" ;$nctional *e"icits &one apparent at this time 8. Approaches to (overin' ;$nctional *e"icits &/A at this time 10. ,!stem (on"i'$ration (onsiderations


!siness 6rocesses
"!estions: /0 1) 4ow does material move 3etween plants1

1/ 6roc!rement

A0 2n 'eneral5 material is not shared 3etween plants. 4owever5 i" this were to ta7e place5 it wo$ld 3e internal doc$mentation to incl$de prod$ct and dollar trans"er doc$mentations.


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6roc!rement of Materials and =Aternal 'er*ices

6!rchase ReC!isition
6!rchase ReC!isition 6rocessing

1/1/1/1/ "!estions:

/0 1) 4ow are p$rchase re>$isitions created in the case o" stoc7 material5 material "or direct cons$mption5 external services1 A0 SNT Fan$all! S T F.S T ,ales order S T .eplenishment SNT ,tore order SNT 8$tside ./3 /0 2) 6ill !o$ $se a p$rchase re>$isition to tri''er creation o" "or a contract or sched$lin' a'reement 98$tline A'reement .e>$est)1 A0 <es5 in most cases5 3$t p$rchasin' departments will also have the a3ilit! to create an o$tline a'reement witho$t a re>$isition. /0 3) 4ow man! da!s does it ta7e5 t!picall!5 3e"ore a p$rchase re>$isition 3ecomes demand in a p$rchasin' doc$ment 'iven to a s$pplier1 -lease indicate processin' time per plant. A0 2t depends. .e>$isitions are 'enerall! 'enerated "or re>$irements over Q25000. B! niversit! polic!5 i" the items9s) to 3e p$rchased are not sole so$rce or are not contract so$rces5 the re>$irements have to 3e placed "or p$3lic 3id "or a prescri3ed time period. #he time periods listed 3elow are ass$me to 3e "rom the time the re>$isition is received in the p$rchasin' department and does not incl$de the time it ta7es to 'enerate the re>$isition and 'ain the re>$ired approvals 3! the re>$isitionin' department. 2" the re>$irement "orwarded to p$rchasin' is a sole so$rce p$rchase5 approvals have to 3e 'ained 3e"ore the re>$isition can 3e processed. #he approval process co$ld ta7e two or more 3$siness da!s dependin' on the approval o""icialMs presence. 2n additions5 the 3$!er m$st contact the sole so$rce vendor "or price and condition veri"ications. Ass$min' that approval is 'ranted in a timel! "ashion and prices and conditions are accepta3le to the niversit!5 the process "or a sole so$rce re>$isition to 3e t$rned into a p$rchase order and read! "or mailin' or "axin' to the s$pplier co$ld 3e approximatel! $p to "ive 3$siness da!s. .e>$isitions received "or contract items can 'enerall! 3e t$rned into p$rchase orders in three 3$siness da!s or less that are then mailed or "axed to the s$pplier. .e>$isitions that re>$ire 3iddin' depend on the estimated val$e o" the re>$isition. ;or a re>$isition with an estimated val$e o" less than Q1050005 in"ormal 3id proced$res co$ld 3e $tili%ed which co$ld ta7e "rom one da! $p to two wee7s dependin' on the "ormalit! o" the .;/ 3id doc$ment. 8nce the 3ids are received and ta3$lated5 the 3ids are "orwarded to the department via camp$s mail or "ax "or review and approval. 8nce p$rchasin' has approval to proceed "rom the department5 the p$rchase order is prepared and mailed or "axed to the s$pplier. #he time process to create the -8 co$ld var! "rom two 3$siness da!s to three


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3$siness wee7s dependin' on the complexit! o" the 3id process and the review and approval process at the department. ;or a re>$isition in excess o" Q1050005 "ormal 3id proced$res are $tili%ed. #he 3id period "or "ormal 3ids at a minim$m is $s$all! two 3$siness wee7s and can ta7e as lon' as six 3$siness wee7s C or lon'er5 dependin' on the complexit! o" the 3id re>$irements and necessar! meetin's d$rin' the 3id process i.e.5 3idders con"erences5 site inspections etc. 8n the closin' date o" the .;/5 the 3ids are s$3Aect to a p$3lic openin'. 8nce the 3ids received are ta3$lated and reviewed5 the 3ids are "orwarded to the department "or review and approval. 8nce the -$rchasin' department to proceed receives approval5 the p$rchase order can 3e created and mailed or "axed to the s$ccess"$l 3idder. #he time period "rom receipt o" re>$isition $ntil creation o" a p$rchase is $s$all! a minim$m o" three 3$siness wee7s and co$ld 3e considera3l! lon'er5 dependin' on the complexit! and dollar val$e o" the re>$isition. /0 :) 6ill p$rchase re>$isitions 'enerated via material/article re>$irements plannin' 3e man$all! postCprocessed1 A0 &o C% Template: 1. .e>$irements/Expectations #rans"ormation o" c$rrent re>$isitionin' process 9paper 3ased or 3! phone) into a paperless5 "$ll!C./3 s$pported process with that a3ilit! to transmit re>$irements "orm departments to the -$rchasin' department via electronic methods. 2. General Explanations A re>$isitioner at the department level will create a p$rchase re>$isition in the ./3 s!stem. 8nce created5 an approval o""icial will review the re>$isition and approve the re>$isition in ./3 i" desired. pon approval5 the p$rchase re>$isition will 3e released to p$rchasin' "or processin'. A possi3le limitation to the niversit! co$ld 3e the ina3ilit! o" ./3 to have a re>$isition printed which ma! con"lict with or'ani%ational re>$irements "or archival. 3. Explanations o" ;$nctions and Events #he re>$isition will 3e created and approved an!time in ,A- ./3. Based on department approval5 the p$rchase order is released to p$rchasin' "or processin'. 2t is expected that the department will 3e a3le to electronicall! attach doc$ments to the re>$isitions5 i.e. data "iles that are created in word processin' and spread sheet applications5 alon' with data scanned into data "iles "rom an! so$rce s$ch as paper5 internet5 etc. #he -$rchasin' *epartment will review released re>$isitions on a re'$lar 3asis and convert the re>$isitions into a p$rchase order in ./3 a"ter the appropriate p$rchasin' proced$res have 3een "ollowed. . :. B$siness Fodel .e>$irement o" less than Q25 000 have the option o" not 3ein' processed in ./3 and co$ld 3e p$rchased thro$'h the $se o" a -roc$rement (ard or other nonCp$rchase order methods. All nonCcontract re>$irements over Q25000 will re>$ire a re>$isition that will 3e 'enerated in ./3 and approved 3! the appropriate department approval o""icial "or /var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_3/205399238.doc 11! o( $'!

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processin' in the -$rchasin' *epartment. 5. ,pecial 8r'ani%ational (onsiderations A"ter the creation o" the re>$isition it will 3e the responsi3ilit! o" the Approval o""icial at the *epartment level to review the re>$isition at re'$lar intervals 9*epartment 2nternal -roced$re) and to approve the re>$isition. -otential proced$res that co$ld 3e $sed "or noti"ication o" approval 3! the initiator co$ld 3e 3! phone call5 "ax5 or eCmail or wor7"low. Also5 the re>$isition will not 3e printed. #his co$ld con"lict with or'ani%ational archival/retention polic! statements. ?. (han'es to Existin' 8r'ani%ation &o "$ndamental chan'es to the existin' or'ani%ation0 #he or'ani%ation $nits0 *epartment and -$rchasin' will per"orm the process as it is toda! except that the re>$isitionin' and approval process will 3e electronic. 4owever5 witho$t wor7"low5 the departments and p$rchasin' departments will have to esta3lish a method o" monitorin' re>$isitions that have 3een created. #here is no standard a$tomatic noti"ication in ./3 that a re>$isition has 3een created and methods s$ch as eCmail5 phone5 and periodic searches in ./3 will have to 3e esta3lished in processin' re>$isitions. @. *escription o" 2mprovements #he re>$isition and approval process will 3e "$ll! electronic and paper "ree. #he c$rrent approval process is man$al. 8. *escription o" ;$nctional *e"icits &one is apparent at that point 9. Approaches to (overin' ;$nctional *e"icits &/A 10. &otes on ;$rther 2mprovements 6or7"low 11. ,!stem (on"i'$ration (onsiderations 2" a release strate'! is to 3e $sed5 a release strate'! has to 3e de"ined in the con"i'$ration to re>$ire re>$isition to 3e s$3Aect to approval. Approval points have to 3e at a mana'ea3le n$m3er. 12. A$thori%ation and ser .oles 8nl! a$thori%ed personnel will 3e a3le to create re>$isitions that will 3e in t$rn approved 3! the a$thori%ed approval o""icial "or release to the -$rchasin' *epartment. 8nce a re>$isition is assi'ned to a 3$!er in p$rchasin'5 the 3$!er can per"orm appropriate chan'es i" necessar!5 "or example5 so$rce and description. #he 3$!er sho$ld not have /var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_3/205399238.doc 11" o( $'!

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the a$thorit! to amend an! related "$ndin' or acco$ntin' activities. 13. -roAect ,peci"ic (2 ,ection &/A 1/1/1/2/ "!estions: /0 1) 8n the 3asis o" which criteria are p$rchase re>$isitions assi'ned to a so$rce o" s$ppl!1 A0 Fain criteria are to chec7 "or contracts. 2" contract is availa3le5 contract so$rce is assi'ned. 2" no contract is availa3le applica3le 3idders "or commodit! or service are esta3lished and 3ids ta7en. ,o$rces will 3e 3id. /0 2) 8n the 3asis o" which criteria are p$rchase re>$isitions 'ro$ped to'ether1 6!rchase ReC!isition $ssignment

A0 2n 'eneral5 p$rchase re>$isitions are not 'ro$ped to'ether. B$t i" $sed it wo$ld 3e 'ro$ped 3! commodit!5 service or vendor /0 3) 6hat s$pport 9e.'. price sim$lation) does the 3$!er need in order to assi'n the p$rchase re>$isition1 A0 -revio$s histor!5 7nowled'e o" applica3le contracts5 material 'ro$ps5 departmentIs recommendation5 and estimates. /0 :) Are p$rchase re>$isitions converted into re>$ests "or >$otations1

A0 <es /0 5) 6hich so$rces o" s$ppl! will !o$ $se "or p$rchase re>$isitions1 Are these so$rces o" s$ppl! internal and/or external to !o$r compan!1 A0 -revio$s p$rchases5 3idders list maintained at the p$rchasin' department5 3$!er 7nowled'e and experience C all are internal so$rces. External so$rces incl$de so$rcin' doc$mentation s$ch as #homas re'isters5 (atalo's B$!erIs G$ides vendor "$rnished in"ormation and the internet5 state and $niversit! contracts. C% Template: 1. .e>$irements/Expectations 2n 'eneral5 a 3$!er will assi'n the "inal so$rce o" s$ppl! to the re>$isition. 2" re>$isitioned items are on contracts5 so$rcin' will 3e 3ased on contract and the contract vendor will 3e assi'ned as a so$rce o" s$ppl! whenever possi3le and practical. 6hen items are not on contract5 a so$rce o" s$ppl! will 3e 'enerated $sin' other FF in"o records. 2. General Explanations /var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_3/205399238.doc 11$ o( $'!

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re>$isitioned item is on contract5 the so$rce o" s$ppl! sho$ld 3e the contract vendor whenever possi3le and practical. 2" the re>$isitioned item is on man! contracts5 ./3 will provide a list o" potential contract so$rces "or the 3$!er to choose "rom. 2" no contract exists5 ./3 will assist the 3$!er in the "orm$lation o" a 3idder list 3ased on vendor in"o record 9that indicates that the same or similar item has 3een previo$sl! p$rchased) or 3ased on &2G- codes. 9A vendor pro"ile $sin' classi"ication s!stem will 3e setC$p and lin7 &2G- codes to vendors.) #he B$!er will choose the appropriate 3idders "rom the list "or incl$sion into a .;/. 3. Explanations o" ;$nctions and Events *epartment creates re>$isition. An appropriate o""icial approves the re>$isition. 8nce the re>$isition is approved5 the p$rchasin' department can per"orm all the "ollowC$p "$nctions and ens$re that the re>$isition is processed in accordance with the niversit!Is proc$rement policies. :. B$siness Fodel -$rchasin' department ma! assi'n contract vendor as the so$rce o" the re>$isition i" contract9s) exists "or the re>$isitioned item. 2" no contract exists 3$t a vendor in"o record exists "or that re>$isitionin' item5 the in"o record so$rce co$ld 3e $sed as a so$rce "or a 3idder list. 2" no contract and no vendor in"o record exist5 thro$'h 3$!er research the so$rce "or 3iddin' will 3e identi"ied and a 3idders list will 3e man$all! created. 5. ,pecial 8r'ani%ational (onsiderations &o special or'ani%ation consideration at that point. ?. (han'es to Existin' 8r'ani%ation &o chan'es to the existin' or'ani%ation0 #he or'ani%ation $nits0 *epartment and -$rchasin' will per"orm the process as it is toda! except that the proc$rement process will 3e electronic and as paper "ree as possi3le within the polic! o" the niversit!. @. *escription o" 2mprovements ,!stem proposal o" so$rces o" s$ppl!5 i" so$rces o" s$ppl! exist. 8. *escription o" ;$nctional *e"icits &/A 9. Approaches to (overin' ;$nctional *e"icits &/A 10. &otes on ;$rther 2mprovements /var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_3/205399238.doc 11& o( $'!

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&/A 11. ,!stem (on"i'$ration (onsiderations &o s!stem con"i'$ration re>$ired. 8nl! master data maintenance s$ch vendor master records5 contracts will have to 3e per"ormed. 12. A$thori%ation and ser .oles 8nl! a$thori%ed personnel will 3e a3le to assi'n so$rce o" s$ppl!. 13. -roAect ,peci"ic (2 ,ection &/A 1/1/1/,/ "!estions: /0 1) ,ho$ld re>$isitions 3e s$3Aect to approval 3! someone 9or possi3l! several people) 3e"ore the re>$isition can 3e processed into an .;/ and/or p$rchase order1 A0 <es. B$d'et a$thorit! and acco$nt responsi3ilit! reside at the re>$isitionin' level5 in the c$rrent or'ani%ation5 the re>$isitionin' department m$st 'ain approval 3e"ore a re>$isition can 3e processed into a .;/ and p$rchase order. /0 2) Are the p$rchase re>$isitions s$3Aect to a release strate'!1 2" so5 which criteria appl!1 Release 6!rchase ReC!isition

A0 #here is no standard "or release o" a re>$isition across the niversit! at this time. #he release strate'! is dependent on the departmentMs internal proced$res. /0 3) 4ow is the person responsi3le "or releasin' the p$rchase re>$isition to 3e noti"ied1

A0 SNT +ia wor7"low SNT 8ther proced$re SNT Approver re'$larl! chec7s ./3 SNT B! telephone SNT B! eCmail C% Template: 1. .e>$irements/Expectations A3ilit! to electronicall! approve re>$isitions via wor7"low "or release to p$rchasin' departments. 2. General Explanations 8nce a re>$isition has 3een created5 the re>$isition will 3e approved 3! an approval /var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_3/205399238.doc 11' o( $'!

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o""icial thro$'h the $se o" a$thori%ation. Approval re>$irements across camp$ses will 3e standardi%ed to the extent possi3le. 3. Explanations o" ;$nctions and Events .e>$isition is created 3! *epartment and electronicall! approved at the department. Approval o""icial will release the re>$isition to the -$rchasin' *epartment. :. B$siness Fodel .e>$isition creationCCCZ .e>$isition release to p$rchasin' "or processin' 3! approval o""icial CCCZ (onversion o" p$rchase re>$isition into p$rchase order. &oti"ications will 3e done via phone or eCmail. 2" in place5 the approval o""icial will 3e noti"ied via wor7"low. 5. ,pecial 8r'ani%ational (onsiderations Approval o""icials will 3e re>$ired on a re'$lar 3asis 9proced$res sho$ld 3e esta3lished) to chec7 the re>$isitions awaitin' approval. 2n case a re>$isition is declined 3! the approver5 the re>$isitioner has to 3e noti"ied 3! mail or phone. ,A-Fail ma! 3e $sed. 2" a re>$isition has 3een approved 3! the department o""icial 3$t is reAected 3! -$rchasin'5 -$rchasin' will have to noti"! the $ser department 3! mail or phone. ,A-Fail ma! 3e $sed. Alternativel! the $ser in the department ma! chec7 the stat$s o" the re>$isition. 2" the department chan'es a re>$isition a"ter it was released a new approval process ma! 3e re>$ired d$e to the t!pe o" chan'es. -$rchasin' department has to monitor re>$isitions to adopt chan'ed re>$irements. 2" wor7"low is implemented5 the processes listed a3ove will 3e s$3Aect to chan'e. ?. (han'es to Existin' 8r'ani%ation &o chan'e at that point. @. *escription o" 2mprovements Electronic .e>$isitionin'. .elease o" .e>$isition will 3e electronic. 8. *escription o" ;$nctional *e"icits &/A 9. Approaches to (overin' ;$nctional *e"icits &/A 10. &otes on ;$rther 2mprovements &/A 11. ,!stem (on"i'$ration (onsiderations /var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_3/205399238.doc 11) o( $'!

AcceleratedSAP - Business Blueprint

,tandardi%ed .elease strate'! will 3e setC$p "or all the camp$ses. 12. A$thori%ation and ser .oles 8nl! department o""icials with a$thori%ation can approve re>$isition electronicall!. 13. -roAect ,peci"ic (2 ,ection &/A

1/1/2/1/ "!estions: /0

6!rchase (rder 6rocessing: Vendor >n:no+n

1) 4ow will p$rchase orders 3e created in !o$r s!stem1

A0 SNT Fan$all! SNT ;rom p$rchase re>$isitions 9man$al or a$tomatic) S T ;rom store order S T ;rom replenishment S T ;rom allocation ta3le S T ;rom loadC3$ildin' r$n S T ;rom ,A- .etail ,tore SNT ;or stoc7 material SNT ;or cons$ma3le material SNT ;or external services /0 2) *o !o$ want the s!stem to chec7 whether the p$rchase price is within a prede"ined tolerance in !o$r s!stem5 compared with the material val$ation price1 A0 &o5 9&ot at this time) B$t a"ter the acc$m$lation o" data it wo$ld 3e o" a considera3le advanta'e to compare prices o" previo$s p$rchase o" the same or similar materials. /0 3) *escri3e how the so$rce o" s$ppl! is determined "or man$all! created p$rchase re>$isitionsR A0 #he so$rce o" s$ppl! is thro$'h 3$!er research that consist o"0 B$!er 7nowled'e 3ased on experienceP review o" previo$s p$rchase ordersP ind$strial so$rcesP stand alone5 non le'ac! s!stem 3id list 9&2G- (odes)P ind$strial so$rces C #homas re'isters5 catalo's and 3$!erIs '$ides5 ind$strial literat$re on previo$s p$rchasesP and 7nowled'e o" internal niversit! and ,ate contracts /0 :) ,peci"! the cons$mption cate'ories "or which !o$ will proc$re external services and material directl!0 Asset5 cost center5 prod$ction order5 proAect5 sales order5 other 9please speci"!). A0 -roAect5 Asset5 (ost (enter5 9,ales 8rder C &ot ,/* ,ales 8rders)


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5) 4ow do !o$ transmit p$rchase orders to !o$r vendors1

A0 SNT via mail SNT via "ax S T 3! E*2 SNT other /0 ?) *o !o$ order material in a $nit o" meas$re that di""ers "rom the one $sed "or stoc7 7eepin' p$rposes1 A0 <es /0 @) *o !o$ pa! "or material in a di""erent $nit o" meas$re than the one that is shown in the -8/and or $sed "or stoc7 p$t awa!1 A0 <es /0 8) 2s it necessar! to trac7 certi"icates o" ori'in and/or c$stoms re"erence n$m3ers "or materials prod$ced in "orei'n co$ntries1 A0 <es /0 9) 6ill !o$ 3e p$rchasin' material imported "rom "orei'n vendors1

A0 <es /0 10) Are p$rchasin' in"o records to 3e $pdated a$tomaticall! with ever! p$rchase order1

A0 <es /0 11) *o !o$ wish to anal!%e/eval$ate p$rchase transactions accordin' to the reasons "or orderin'1 A0 <es /0 12) *o !o$ plan and enter "rei'ht costs in the -81 2" !es5 descri3e the 3asis o" the costs. Also indicate i" an! t!pes o" costs can 3e determined a$tomaticall! 9"or example5 "rei'ht costs per piece5 per $nit o" wei'ht5 as a percenta'e o" the val$e). A0 <es. Basis o" cost is "rei'ht >$ote/3id "rom 3idder/vendor. /0 13) *o !o$ want to prevent $sers "rom chan'in' the acco$nt assi'nment o" items in p$rchasin' doc$ments "or which the! have no a$thori%ations1 2" so5 "or which p$rchasin' doc$ments1 A0 SNT -$rchase re>$isitions SNT -$rchase orders SNT (ontracts SNT ,ched$lin' a'reements


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/0 1:) *o !o$ sometimes order stoc7 material directl! "or a cost center or another cons$mption cate'or!1 A0 <es /0 15) *o !o$ have to declare !o$r orderin' activities to the a$thorities1 2" so5 descri3e.

A0 <es5 reports are 'enerated "or the ,tate o" #ennessee "or sole so$rce5 other than low 3id5 onl! 3id received5 and emer'enc! nonC3idda3le. .eports are also 'enerated "or p$r'e reports5 pa!ment to vendors "or printin' services 9printin' a$thori%ation n$m3ers)5 con"irmin' orders over Q250005 p$rchase orders Q505000 and over "or capital assets5 p$rchase orders chan'e report/amendments5 p$rchases to small/minorit!/women owned vendors5 a$dit trails5 and p$rchase orders over Q105000 3ased on other than low 3id or onl! 3id received. .eport samples will 3e s$pplied 3! each camp$s. /0 1?) *o !o$ allow over deliveries1 2" so5 speci"! the percenta'e variance "or the individ$al materials/material t!pes. 2" !es5 what percenta'e wo$ld !o$ allow1 ,ho$ld this de"a$lt percenta'e threshold var! "or di""erent locations1 A0 <es5 "or printin' and other items that are processed in a 3atch process $p to 5U to 10U over the p$rchase order stated >$antit!. 2" other than 3atch processes5 tolerance is %ero 90). Faterial Gro$p tolerances will 3e s$pplied 3! each camp$s. #o 3e revisited /0 1@) 8n the occasion that a vendor sent !o$ less than the >$antit! ordered5 wo$ld !o$ ever want this short"all to 3e considered an $nder deliver!5 with no "$rther deliveries expected1 -lease list the val$es "or each material/material 'ro$p. A0 <es /0 18) (an the materials !o$ p$rchase 3e s$3Aect to di""erent tax t!pes1 9;or example5 3ased $pon the material p$rchased5 3ased $pon the plant "or which the material is p$rchased5 etc)1 A0 #he niversit! is a taxCexempt entit!5 however we pa! some ;ederal Excise #axes5 and other taxes as well. As lon' as materials/services are delivered in the state o" #ennessee5 no taxes are inc$rred. -er o$r existin' 3id conditions5 the vendor/3idder is responsi3le "or all taxes associated with the p$rchase order and m$st acco$nt "or an! taxes in their 3id. #here have 3een sit$ations where the niversit! is responsi3le "or taxes "or prod$cts delivered to niversit! personnel residin' o$tCo"Cstate. /0 19) *o !o$r -8s iss$ed to vendors contain speci"ic transport or pac7in' instr$ctions1 2s vendorsI compliance with the transport and pac7in' instr$ctions when the 'oods are received1 A0 2n 'eneral5 no. 4owever5 there co$ld 3e sit$ations that speci"ic instr$ctions co$ld 3e incl$ded in the p$rchase order or re>$est "or >$otation doc$ment. /0 20) 2s it to 3e possi3le "or p$rchase orders to 3e 'enerated a$tomaticall! "ollowin' a 'oods receipt1 ,peci"! the criteria "or this. A0 &o /var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_3/205399238.doc 122 o( $'!

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C% Template: 1. .e>$irements/Expectations -$rchase order and contract release order will 3e created in ,A- ./3. ./3 will s$''est a so$rce o" s$ppl! i" no so$rce is desi'nated.

2. General Explanations 8nce the re>$isition is released to p$rchasin'5 the a$thori%ed p$rchasin' department personnel will convert the re>$isition into a p$rchase order $sin' the appropriate proc$rement methods. 2" the vendor is $n7nown5 ./3 will assist in so$rcin' the re>$isition. sin' this ./3 "$nctionalit!5 an a$thori%ed individ$al will 3e a3le to so$rce a -$rchase order. #he so$rcin' "$nctionalit! exist that will s$''est a so$rce o" s$ppl! 3ased on contract so$rces maintained in the s!stem5 in"o records5 and an! other FF in"o records. 3. Explanations o" ;$nctions and Events -$rchase .e>$isition "or re>$irements over Q 2000 will 3e created and approved at the department level. A"ter the re>$isition is released 3! approval o""icial5 the p$rchasin' mana'er assi'ns the re>$isition to the appropriate 3$!er. 2" the so$rce is $n7nown5 the 3$!er will $tili%e the so$rce "$nctionalit! o" ./3. #he 3$!er than "ollows all o" the appropriate proc$rement "$nctions to convert the re>$isition into a -8. pon release o" the -85 the 3$!er will also have the a3ilit! to per"orm chan'es /modi"ications o" p$rchase orders i" necessar!. B$!er will 3e a3le to expedite orders and 'enerate stat$s in"ormation i" necessar!. :. B$siness Fodel #he -$rchasin' *epartment will convert released re>$isitions into -$rchase 8rders. A p$rchasin' o""icial will approve the p$rchase order .2" elected 3! the departmentP a 'oods receipt 3! the department will 3e per"ormed. #he department will receive and enter the invoice. 5. ,pecial 8r'ani%ational (onsiderations &/A ?. (han'es to Existin' 8r'ani%ation Electronic approval o" -8. @. *escription o" 2mprovements ;rom man$al approval to electronic approval o" p$rchase order 9paper "ree process). 8. *escription o" ;$nctional *e"icits


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&/A 9. Approaches to (overin' ;$nctional *e"icits &/A 10. &otes on ;$rther 2mprovements &oti"ication o" approval o""icials "or p$rchase orders via wor7"low co$ld 3e implemented at a later date. 11. ,!stem (on"i'$ration (onsiderations &$m3er o" approval levels "or p$rchase orders. 12. A$thori%ation and ser .oles A$thori%ed p$rchasin' personnel will have the a$thorit! to $tili%e the so$rcin' "$nction and to create and release p$rchase orders. 13. -roAect ,peci"ic (2 ,ection &/A 1/1/2/2/ "!estions: /0 1) 4ow will p$rchase orders 3e created in !o$r s!stem1 6!rchase (rder 6rocessing

A0 SNT Fan$all! SNT ;rom p$rchase re>$isitions 9man$al or a$tomatic) S T ;rom store order S T ;rom replenishment S T ;rom allocation ta3le S T ;rom loadC3$ildin' r$n S T ;rom ,A- .etail ,tore SNT ;or stoc7 material SNT ;or cons$ma3le material SNT ;or external services /0 2) *o !o$ want the s!stem to chec7 whether the p$rchase price is within a prede"ined tolerance in !o$r s!stem5 compared with the material val$ation price1 A0 same as -8 processin' vendor $n7nown /0 3) *escri3e how the so$rce o" s$ppl! is determined "or man$all! created p$rchase re>$isitionsR A0 same as -8 processin' vendor $n7nown /var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_3/205399238.doc 12! o( $'!

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/0 :) ,peci"! the cons$mption cate'ories "or which !o$ will proc$re external services and material directl!0 Asset5 cost center5 prod$ction order5 proAect5 sales order5 other 9please speci"!). A0 same as -8 processin' vendor $n7nown /0 5) 6hich t!pes o" p$rchase order will !o$ $se1

A0 SNT ,tandard S T (onsi'nment S T ,$3contractin' S T ,toc7 trans"er /0 ?) 4ow do !o$ transmit p$rchase orders to !o$r vendors1

A0 SNT via mail SNT via "ax S T B! E*2 SNT 8ther /0 @) *o !o$ order material in a $nit o" meas$re that di""ers "rom the one $sed "or stoc7 7eepin' p$rposes1 A0 <es /0 8) *o !o$ pa! "or material in a di""erent $nit o" meas$re than the one that is shown in the -8/and or $sed "or stoc7 p$t awa!1 A0 <es /0 9) 2s it necessar! to trac7 certi"icates o" ori'in and/or c$stoms re"erence n$m3ers "or materials prod$ced in "orei'n co$ntries1 A0 same as -8 processin' vendor $n7nown /0 10) 6ill !o$ 3e p$rchasin' material imported "rom "orei'n vendors1

A0 <es /0 11) Are p$rchasin' in"o records to 3e $pdated a$tomaticall! with ever! p$rchase order1

A0 <es /0 12) *o !o$ wish to anal!%e/eval$ate p$rchase transactions accordin' to the reasons "or orderin'1 A0 <es


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/0 13) *o !o$ plan and enter "rei'ht costs in the -81 2" !es5 descri3e the 3asis o" the costs. Also indicate i" an! t!pes o" costs can 3e determined a$tomaticall! 9"or example5 "rei'ht costs per piece5 per $nit o" wei'ht5 as a percenta'e o" the val$e). A0 same as -8 processin' vendor $n7nown /0 1:) *o !o$ want to prevent $sers "rom chan'in' the acco$nt assi'nment o" items in p$rchasin' doc$ments "or which the! have no a$thori%ations1 2" so5 "or which p$rchasin' doc$ments1 A0 SNT -$rchase re>$isitions SNT -$rchase orders SNT (ontracts SNT ,ched$lin' a'reements /0 15) *o !o$ sometimes order stoc7 material directl! "or a cost center or another cons$mption cate'or!1 A0 <es /0 1?) *o !o$ have to declare !o$r orderin' activities to the a$thorities1 2" so5 descri3e.

A0 <es. #here are activities s$ch as sole so$rce5 other than low 3id at prescri3ed dollar amo$nts5 emer'enc! p$rchase with not 3ids ta7en that are re>$ired 3! the state. /0 1@) *o !o$ allow over deliveries1 2" so5 speci"! the percenta'e variance "or the individ$al materials/material t!pes. A0 ,ame as vendor $n7nown ,ee >$estion 1?. /0 18) 8n the occasion that a vendor sent !o$ less than the >$antit! ordered5 wo$ld !o$ ever want this short"all to 3e considered an $nder deliver!5 with no "$rther deliveries expected1 -lease list the val$es "or each material/material 'ro$p. A0 <es5 dependin' on the department re>$irements and desires. /0 19) (an the materials !o$ p$rchase 3e s$3Aect to di""erent tax t!pes1 9;or example5 3ased $pon the material p$rchased5 3ased $pon the plant "or which the material is p$rchased5 etc)1 A0 same as -8 processin' vendor $n7nown /0 20) *o !o$r -8s iss$ed to vendors contain speci"ic transport or pac7in' instr$ctions1 2s vendorsI compliance with the transport and pac7in' instr$ctions when the 'oods are received1 A0 same as -8 processin' vendor $n7nown


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/0 21) 2s it to 3e possi3le "or p$rchase orders to 3e 'enerated a$tomaticall! "ollowin' a 'oods receipt1 ,peci"! the criteria "or this. A0 &o C% Template: 1. .e>$irements/Expectations # will have man! options "or p$rchasin' 'oods and services. #he partic$lar p$rchasin' proced$re to $tili%e will depend on "actors s$ch as0 the dollar amo$nt0 i" the re>$irement is "$rnished 3! a contract so$rceP and the t!pe o" items and services 3ein' p$rchased. 2t is expected that p$rchase orders will 3e a3le to 3e processed 3!0 assi'nin' a so$rce directl! a'ainst a contractP 3! ta7in' 3ids and so$rcin' the p$rchase order a'ainst the most "avora3le 3id receivedP directl! convertin' the re>$isition into a p$rchase order with no other actions ta7en i.e.0 sole so$rce re>$irements. 8nce created5 it is expected that the -8 will0 conve! all o" the niversit!Ms re>$irementsP 3e a3le to have electronic doc$ment attached to the p$rchase orderP that the p$rchase order will contain standard p$rchase order terms and conditions c$rrentl! $sed and iss$ed 3! the niversit! with each -$rchase 8rder. 2. General Explanations -$rchase order "or nonCcontract p$rchases and "or personal service contracts will 3e per"ormed in ,A- ./3 $sin' esta3lished proced$res s$ch as re>$est "or >$otes5 sole so$rce5 etc. ;or contract so$rces two methods will 3e $tili%ed5 either p$rchases a'ainst a 3lan7et order esta3lished a'ainst a contract or a direct p$rchase order released a'ainst a contract will 3e $tili%ed within ,A- ./3. ;or items $nder Q25000 C p$rchases will 3e made with proc$rement cards or other nonCp$rchase order methods that will not $tili%e ./3 "$nctionalit!. 2" ;iscal -olic! section 130 personal services contracts are incl$ded5 the! will 3e processed $sin' either p$rchase order or service contract "$nctionalit!. 3. Explanations o" ;$nctions and Events .eleased re>$isitions will 3e assi'ned to the 3$!ers in the -$rchasin' department. B$!ers will assi'n a so$rce i" necessar! and convert re>$isition into p$rchase order a"ter "ollowin' esta3lished p$rchasin' proced$res. 2n case o" a sole so$rce p$rchase the 3$!er will doc$ment the A$sti"ication "or a nonC competitive p$rchase order. 9#ransaction 8F;: CZ ;ield ,election CZ FE21& CZ Administrative *ata5 2tem CZ .eason "or orderin' ^Z activate "ield "or inp$t) -$rchase order will 3e released dependin' on the release strate'! de"ined within each p$rchasin' department. :. B$siness Fodel

5. ,pecial 8r'ani%ational (onsiderations &$m3er o" approval levels ?. (han'es to Existin' 8r'ani%ation /var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_3/205399238.doc 12& o( $'!

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Electronic approval vers$s c$rrent approval @. *escription o" 2mprovements -aper "ree approval process0 the approval o""icial has to exec$te a transaction to release the p$rchase order. 8. *escription o" ;$nctional *e"icits #he p$rchase order "orm 9printed -8) will need editin' within ,A-,cript to meet client la!o$t and content re>$irements. 9. Approaches to (overin' ;$nctional *e"icits *esi'n p$rchase order la!o$t and content and create ,A-,cript wor7 order. 10. &otes on ;$rther 2mprovements &/A 11. ,!stem (on"i'$ration (onsiderations &$m3er o" approval levels 12. A$thori%ation and ser .oles #he appropriate desi'nated personnel will have the a$thorit! to create and release p$rchase orders dependin' on release strate'! and t!pe o" proc$rement processin' proced$re to 3e $sed. 13. -roAect ,peci"ic (2 ,ection &/A 1/1/2/,/ "!estions: /0 1) 6ill contract release orders 3e created in ./3 man$all!5 with re"erence to p$rchase re>$isitions5 and/or a$tomaticall! 9"or more details5 re"er to the ,o$rce Administration ,cenario)1 A0 <es C% Template: 1. .e>$irements/Expectations Contract Release (rder


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A3ilit! to iss$e release orders a'ainst a contract. 2. General Explanations A p$rchase order 9release order) will 3e a3le to 3e created with re"erence to a contract. 3. Explanations o" ;$nctions and Events A$thori%ed personnel will have the a3ilit! to iss$e a release p$rchase order in re"erencin' a contract. #he department will per"orm a 'oods receipt i" elected. :. B$siness Fodel 2ss$e a -8 in re"erence to a contract5 receive 'oods i" the "$nction is elected 3! the department5 departments and A- receive and enter invoice dependin' on the t!pe o" proc$rement methods $sed. Acco$nt -a!a3le pa!s the invoice 5. ,pecial 8r'ani%ational (onsiderations *i""erent Devel o" contracts0 # wide contract5 contracts at camp$s and departmental level ?. (han'es to Existin' 8r'ani%ation A3ilit! "or a camp$s to iss$e contract release orders "or a contract that has 3een esta3lished # wide. @. *escription o" 2mprovements *epartments will 3e a3le to ma7e direct release orders a'ainst contracts witho$t 'oin' thro$'h p$rchasin'. 8. *escription o" ;$nctional *e"icits &/A 9. Approaches to (overin' ;$nctional *e"icits &/A 10. &otes on ;$rther 2mprovements &/A 11. ,!stem (on"i'$ration (onsiderations &/A


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12. A$thori%ation and ser .oles 8nl! a$thori%ed personnel will release p$rchase orders a'ainst contracts. 13. -roAect ,peci"ic (2 ,ection &/A 1/1/2/3/ "!estions: /0 1) Are p$rchase doc$ments to 3e approved 3! someone 3e"ore 3ein' iss$ed to vendors1 *escri3e the approval proced$re.... A0 <es5 c$rrentl! p$rchase orders $p to Q105000 are approved 3! 3$!ers5 orders 3etween Q105000 and Q155000 are approved 3! 3$!er s$pervisors. 8rders in excess o" Q155000 are si'ned 3! the 3$siness services/p$rchasin' director. /0 2) 4ow is the person responsi3le "or approval to 3e noti"ied1 C Approver chec7s ./3 re'$larl!5 3! phone5 3! eCmail5 3! wor7"low5 other. A0 2n phase one5 the approver will have to chec7 ./3 re'$larl! or 3e noti"ied 3! phone or eC mail. As ./3 'rows it is anticipated noti"ication will 3e thro$'h wor7"low. /0 3) 6ill !o$ $se an electronic si'nat$re to release p$rchasin' doc$ments1 Release of 6!rchase (rders

A0 <es C% Template: 1. .e>$irements/Expectations #he a3ilit! to release p$rchase doc$ment to s$ppliers. A release strate'! shall exist "or all p$rchase doc$ments 3ased on a preset approval process. 2. General Explanations -$rchase orders will 3e released 3ased on a de"ined release strate'!. 3. Explanations o" ;$nctions and Events #he p$rchase orders will 3e released accordin' to de"ined dollar intervals detailed 3elow0 1.&onCExempt B$ter 2.-$rchasin' A'ent in #rainin' 3.-$rchasin' A'ent :.Associate/Assistant *irector 5.*irector Q0 C 25000 Q0 C 55000 Q0 C 205000 Q0 C 505000 nlimited


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#he individ$al camp$ses will determine the dollar level o" approval "or their 3$!ers. :. B$siness Fodel All p$rchase orders within ,A- ./3 co$ld 3e s$3Aect to one or man! release levels dependin' on the val$e o" the p$rchase order. 5. ,pecial 8r'ani%ational (onsiderations &/A ?. (han'es to Existin' 8r'ani%ation Electronic approval o" p$rchase order in the ./3 s!stem. @. *escription o" 2mprovements Fonitorin' o" p$rchase order approval stat$s 3! re>$estors. -aper "ree approval process. 8. *escription o" ;$nctional *e"icits &/A 9. Approaches to (overin' ;$nctional *e"icits &/A 10. &otes on ;$rther 2mprovements 6or7"low sho$ld 3e a later enhance to the a3ove process. 11. ,!stem (on"i'$ration (onsiderations Devel or n$m3er o" release levels. 12. A$thori%ation and ser .oles 8nl! a$thori%ed personnel will have the a3ilit! to release p$rchase orders. 13. -roAect ,peci"ic (2 ,ection &/A 1/1/2/5/ "!estions: /var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_3/205399238.doc 131 o( $'! Transmission of 6!rchase (rders

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1) 4ow will !o$ transmit !o$r p$rchasin' doc$ments to !o$r vendors1

A0 S T 8ther5 please descri3e SNT B! telephone SNT B! eCmail SNT B! "ax S T B! E*2 S T B! post 9in written "orm) /0 2) 4ow are sched$lin' a'reement releases to 3e transmitted1

A0 SNT -aper SNT #elephone SNT ;ax S T ECmail S T E*2 /0 3) *o !o$ wish to adopt vendorsI own nomenclat$re "or characteristics 9color codes etc.) on !o$r order "orm1 A0 #o the extent possi3le5 !es 9e.'.5 vendor material n$m3er in details per line in -8 and in contract). /0 :) 4ow are p$rchase orders to 3e transmitted1

A0 SNT -aper SNT #elephone SNT ;ax SNT ECmail S T E*2 /0 5) 4ow lon' a"ter orderin' and 3e"ore the time o" deliver! sho$ld a shippin' noti"ication have 3een received1 A0 #wo to #hree 3$siness da!s. /0 ?) 4ow do !o$r vendors transmit shippin' noti"ications1

A0 SNT -aper SNT #elephone SNT ;ax S T ECmail S T E*2 /0 @) 6hat in"ormation does the shippin' noti"ication contain1 niversit!.

A0 +aries 3! vendor C no esta3lished criteria "or in"ormation esta3lished 3! the /0 8) Are there di""erences per vendor and/or site1 2" so5 which1


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A0 &o esta3lished standard criteria C% Template: 1. .e>$irements/Expectations A3ilit! to iss$e a -8 to a vendor via a "ax5 eCmail5 phone etc. 2. General Explanations At # the p$rchase order will 3e transmitted to the vendor via mail/"ax/phone 3. Explanations o" ;$nctions and Events -$rchase orders will 3e transmitted to vendor 3ased on the vendorIs pre"erred comm$nication method. 2" a p$rchase order or contract is chan'ed there will 3e no a$tomatic print o$t or "ax transmission o" the chan'ed p$rchase order / contract. #he print o$t or "ax transmission have to 3e tri''ered man$all! 3! the $ser in order to avoid transmission o" nonCrelevant chan'es to the vendor. :. B$siness Fodel A"ter the p$rchase is created and approved5 it will 3e iss$ed to the vendor via "ax/mail. 5. ,pecial 8r'ani%ational (onsiderations 4ardware availa3ilit! or so"tware s$ch as ;ax capa3ilit!. ?. (han'es to Existin' 8r'ani%ation &/A @. *escription o" 2mprovements #ransmission o" -8 via "ax "rom ,A- ./3. #his is with the $nderstandin' that the vendor has the capa3ilit! to receive "ax. 8. *escription o" ;$nctional *e"icits &/A 9. Approaches to (overin' ;$nctional *e"icits &/A 10. &otes on ;$rther 2mprovements 2n the initial roll o$t5 p$rchase orders will 3e transmitted via phone5 "ax5 eCmail5 or mail. 2n /var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_3/205399238.doc 133 o( $'!

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the "$t$re5 the a3ilit! to transmit p$rchase order via the 2nternet will 3e necessar!. 11. ,!stem (on"i'$ration (onsiderations &/A 12. A$thori%ation and ser .oles ;or release orders a'ainst contracts5 a$thori%ed department $sers and a$thori%ed p$rchasin' $sers will transmit release orders. ;or speci"ic p$rchase orders 'enerated a'ainst re>$isitions "orwarded 3! departments5 onl! a$thori%ed p$rchasin' personnel will transmit the p$rchase orders. 13. -roAect ,peci"ic (2 ,ection &/A 1/1/2/4/ "!estions: /0 1) 4ow man! da!s a"ter the d$e deliver! date will !o$ send messa'es to !o$r vendors $r'in' deliver! o" the overd$e 'oods1 A0 #wo 3$siness da! as a tar'eted standard de"a$lt and i" determined to 3e necessar! 3! the 3$!er. /0 2) ,ho$ld this deadline monitorin' var! "or di""erent materials or articles1 2" so5 please explain. A0 #here sho$ld 3e a de'ree o" "lexi3ilit! that wo$ld allow a 3$!er to determine an appropriate time period. /0 3) 6ill !o$ send o$t reminders re'ardin' o$tstandin' vendor con"irmations i" the d$e date is exceeded1 A0 <es /0 :) 6hich 7inds o" p$rchasin' doc$ment do !o$ want to send to vendors1 1) #he complete p$rchasin' doc$ment 2) 2n"ormation re chan'es 3) .eminders 9prior to d$e date :) r'in' letters/expediters 9a"ter d$e date) 5) ,ched$lin' a'reement deliver! sched$les. A0 All p$rchase doc$ments5 3! "ax5 mail etc. /0 5) 6ill !o$ send $r'in' messa'es 9expediters) to !o$r vendors in the case o" overd$e deliveries1 2" so5 how man! da!s a"ter the d$e date will !o$ do this1 A0 #wo 3$siness da!s i" messa'e option is chosen 3! 3$!er. /0 ?) 4ow are reminders and $r'in' letters 9expediters) to 3e sent to !o$r vendors1 13! o( $'! Deli*ery and $c:no+ledgment =Apediter


AcceleratedSAP - Business Blueprint

A0 SNT B! post SNT B! "ax S T B! E*2 SNT B! eCmail S T 8ther5 please descri3e C% Template: 1. .e>$irements/Expectations A3ilit! to print a$tomaticall! reminders at the prede"ined intervals "or overd$e deliver! i" re>$ired 3! a$thori%ed $sers. 2. General Explanations -$rchase 8rder ;ollowC p #he s!stem chec7s the reminder periods that have 3een speci"ied and C i" necessar! C a$tomaticall! prints reminders "or expediters at the prede"ined intervals. 2t also provides an $pCtoCdate stat$s o" all p$rchase re>$isitions5 >$otations5 and p$rchase orders. #his process wo$ld 3e considered optional and an! de"a$lts wo$ld 3e to not have this t!pe o" transaction a$tomaticall! created. 3. Explanations o" ;$nctions and Events A"ter the d$e date "or the deliver! o" ordered 'oods5 an $r'in' letter 9a"ter that d$e date dependin' on the setC$p interval "or $r'in' letters) can 3e sent to vendor. :. B$siness Fodel ,ee a3ove 5. ,pecial 8r'ani%ational (onsiderations #he appropriate in"rastr$ct$re is in place. ?. (han'es to Existin' 8r'ani%ation &/A @. *escription o" 2mprovements A3ilit! to monitor overd$e -8Is 8. *escription o" ;$nctional *e"icits &/A 9. Approaches to (overin' ;$nctional *e"icits /var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_3/205399238.doc 13" o( $'!

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&/A 10. &otes on ;$rther 2mprovements &/A 11. ,!stem (on"i'$ration (onsiderations &/A 12. A$thori%ation and ser .oles A$thori%ed personnel will 3e a3le to iss$e letters o" reminders to the vendors. 13. -roAect ,peci"ic (2 ,ection &/A 1/1/2/5/ "!estions: /0 1) 6ill !o$ process shippin' noti"ications with the ./3 ,!stem1 6rocessing of 'hipping ?otifications)Confirmations

A0 <es /0 2) 8nce !o$ have iss$ed a p$rchasin' doc$ment to a vendor5 do !o$ want to trac7 =con"irmations= !o$r vendor ma! ret$rn to !o$ re'ardin' the order1 A0 <es5 order ac7nowled'ement w/con"irmation and shippin' noti"ications5 i" re>$ired 3! 3$!er. /0 3) 6hat do !o$ do i" the order ac7nowled'ment contains >$antit! and/or deliver! date variances "rom the p$rchase order or a previo$s ac7nowled'ment1 A0 (ontact the vendor directl! "or reconciliation. /0 :) 6hich t!pe o" vendor con"irmation do !o$ need and at which time intervals1 6hich events sho$ld tri''er a con"irmation1 A0 -$rchase 8rder and shippin' con"irmation. -.8. con"irmation $pon vendor receipt and shippin' con"irmation two 3$siness da!s prior to shippin'. C% Template: 1. .e>$irements/Expectations A3ilit! to receive order con"irmation and shippin' noti"ication. /var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_3/205399238.doc 13$ o( $'!

AcceleratedSAP - Business Blueprint

2. General Explanations +endor (on"irmations at # will incl$de0 8rder ac7nowled'ments0 #he vendor receives the p$rchase order and can deliver the ordered/amended >$antit!. ,hippin' noti"ication0 the vendor sends shippin' noti"ication prior to the deliver! o" the ordered 'oods. #his "$nctionalit! sho$ld 3e considered optional and an! de"a$lts sho$ld 3e to not create this transaction a$tomaticall!. 3. Explanations o" ;$nctions and Events -$rchase 8rder and shippin' con"irmation. -.8. con"irmation $pon vendor receipt and shippin' con"irmation two 3$siness da!s prior to shippin'. :. B$siness Fodel +endor receives order. ,hipper iss$es advanced noti"ication o" shippin' 2 da!s prior to shipment. # receives noti"ication5 enters in"ormation to ./3 s!stem and monitors deliver! a'ainst noti"ication. 5. ,pecial 8r'ani%ational (onsiderations *epartment process the shippin' noti"ication ?. (han'es to Existin' 8r'ani%ation &/A @. *escription o" 2mprovements Better monitorin' o" o$tstandin' deliveries. 8. *escription o" ;$nctional *e"icits &/A 9. Approaches to (overin' ;$nctional *e"icits &/A 10. &otes on ;$rther 2mprovements &/A 11. ,!stem (on"i'$ration (onsiderations &/A /var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_3/205399238.doc 13& o( $'!

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12. A$thori%ation and ser .oles ,hippin' noti"ication0 #he orderin' department personnel will 3e the appropriate personnel to contact with re'ards to notices o" shipment. 2" the department cannot 3e contacted5 noti"ication will 3e "orwarded to the appropriate 3$!er in the -$rchasin' *epartment. 13. -roAect ,peci"ic (2 ,ection &/A 1/1/2/./ "!estions: /0 1) 6hich department or person is to 3e in"ormed o" the shippin' noti"ications1 Transmission of 'hipping ?otifications

A0 #he orderin' department5 the individ$al to contact will 3e part o" the order. C% Template: 1. .e>$irements/Expectations .eceivin' o" shippin' noti"ication per "ax/phone. 2. General Explanations #he vendor noti"ies # department per "ax/phone prior to deliver!. #his "$nction sho$ld 3e at the niversit! a$thori%ed $ser level and sho$ld 3e optional and $sed on a caseCperC case method. 3. Explanations o" ;$nctions and Events A n$m3er o" da!s 9"or example 2) prior to the deliver!5 the department will 3e receivin' a shippin' noti"ication. :. B$siness Fodel +endor receives -8. 2ss$es shippin' noti"ication a "ew da!s prior to shipment. 5. ,pecial 8r'ani%ational (onsiderations &/A ?. (han'es to Existin' 8r'ani%ation A3ilit! to r$n a report to monitor the overd$e deliveries "or -8Is "or which Goods receipt will 3e per"ormed. /var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_3/205399238.doc 13' o( $'!

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@. *escription o" 2mprovements Fonitorin' the overd$e deliveries "or -8Is "or which Goods receipt will 3e per"ormed. 8. *escription o" ;$nctional *e"icits &/A 9. Approaches to (overin' ;$nctional *e"icits &/A 10. &otes on ;$rther 2mprovements &/A 11. ,!stem (on"i'$ration (onsiderations &/A 12. A$thori%ation and ser .oles A$thori%ed $sers will 3e a$thori%ed to enter shipment in"ormation s$3mitted 3! the vendor into ./3. 13. -roAect ,peci"ic (2 ,ection &/A

1/1/,/1/ "!estions:

7oods Receipt
7oods Receipt 6rocessing

/0 1) #he material stoc7 3alances shown in !o$r le'ac! s!stem are to 3e trans"erred to the ./3 ,!stem. 6ill the stoc7s 3e val$ated at the prices speci"ied in the ./31 A0 At this point5 inventories are not in scopeP however5 when inventories are incorporated into o$r scope5 the in"ormation wo$ld 3e mi'rated. /0 2) 2" !o$ do not $se the ./3 -$rchasin' "$nctionalit!5 descri3e the process o" receivin' 'oods "rom a vendor. A0 Goods are shipped directl! to the address indicated on the p$rchase order. #he deliver! is $s$all! to a department where the 'ood is received. &o "ormal receivin' report is iss$ed and no acco$ntin' actions ta7e place at this point.


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AcceleratedSAP - Business Blueprint

/0 3) 2" !o$ do not $se prod$ction orders o" the ./3 ,!stem5 descri3e the process o" receivin' 'oods "rom prod$ction. A0 &/A. # is not prod$cin' materials neither with ./3 mod$le -- 9-rod$ction -lannin') nor o$tside the ./3 s!stem. /0 :) ,ho$ld the person who posts a 'oods receipt 3e a3le to $se a di""erent acco$nt assi'nment than the one speci"ied via the a$tomatic acco$nt determination process1 A0 <es C% Template: 1. .e>$irements/Expectations #he a3ilit! to 'enerate a 'oods receipt i" elected 3! the department. #he 'oods receipt process will not 3e mandator! and will onl! 3e $tili%ed on a per p$rchase order 3asis. 2. General Explanations #he 'oods receipt is per"ormed when "ormal receipt o" 'oods and is elected 3! department. 3. Explanations o" ;$nctions and Events #he -$rchasin' department will indicate in the -8 whether a 'oods receipt is re>$ired 3! department. 2" elected 3! the department5 the department will per"orm the 'oods receipt in ,A- ./3. :. B$siness Fodel ,tandard -rocess in ,A- ./30 #he -$rchasin' department will iss$e the -8 to the vendor in ,A- ./3. 2" elected5 the *epartment will receive and per"orm the Goods .eceipt in ,A- ./3. 5. ,pecial 8r'ani%ational (onsiderations 2t is anticipated that 'oods receipt will 3e limited. ;ormali%ed receipt o" 'oods will 3e a new "$nction "or the niversit! and trainin' and chan'e mana'ement iss$es will have to 3e addressed. Also5 care will have to 3e ta7en to assi'n 'oods receipt roles to other than re>$isitioners "or internal control p$rposes 9separation o" d$ties) when possi3le. ?. (han'es to Existin' 8r'ani%ation -er"orm Goods .eceipt "or cons$ma3les 3! the *epartment @. *escription o" 2mprovements Addin' a level o" control and trac7in' capa3ilit! in the proc$rement process /var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_3/205399238.doc 1!0 o( $'!

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8. *escription o" ;$nctional *e"icits &/A 9. Approaches to (overin' ;$nctional *e"icits &/A 10. &otes on ;$rther 2mprovements #he Goods .eceipt wo$ld help to identi"! discrepancies 3etween >$antit! ordered and >$antit! delivered5 3! the vendor eval$ation. 11. ,!stem (on"i'$ration (onsiderations #he de"a$lt settin' "or 'oods receipt "la' will 3e =&8=. B! exception5 the 3$!er will have the a3ilit! to man$all! "la' the =<E,= settin' o" the 'oods receipt . 12. A$thori%ation and ser .oles A$thori%ed personnel will per"orm these "$nctions. 13. -roAect ,peci"ic (2 ,ection &/A 1/1/,/2/ "!estions: /0 1) *escri3e the process "or receivin' 'oods with re"erence to a p$rchase order. 7oods Receipt 6rocessing +ith Reference

A0 6hen the p$rchase order is processed5 a cop! is "orwarded to the department. 8nce 'oods are received5 the department will match the 'oods received to the p$rchase order. 2" all is acco$nta3le5 the department will re"erence the p$rchase order on the invoice and send the approved invoice "or pa!ment. /0 2) &ame the stora'e locations to which vendors deliver the 'oods.

A0 Goods are $s$all! delivered to the department that orders the prod$cts. #he stora'e location is $s$all! the department. /0 3) 4ow do !o$ in"orm the -$rchasin' *epartment that 'oods have 3een received1

A0 ($rrentl!5 there is no direct in"ormation "$rnished to the p$rchasin' department when 'oods are received.


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/0 :) *o !o$ receive >$antities less than the ordered >$antit!1 2" !es5 is the p$rchase order considered complete then or do !o$ receive the missin' >$antities later1 A0 &ot $s$all!5 3$t this does happen "rom time to time and partial pa!ments can 3e made "or >$antities less than the ordered >$antit!. #he order5 however5 is not considered complete. #he orderin' department $s$all! contacts the vendor directl! a3o$t ma7in' $p the remainin' items. #here have 3een sit$ations where the vendor did not deliver all prod$cts and did not ma7e $p the di""erence. #his sit$ation allows "or the p$rchase order to remain open "or an inde"inite period witho$t an! noti"ication to the p$rchasin' department. #he o$tstandin' 3alance m$st $ltimatel! 3e closed o$t or cancelled to p$r'e the order "rom the s!stem. /0 5) *o !o$ ph!sicall! store the 'oods !o$ have received into =stoc7 in >$alit! inspection= at a di""erent location than those posted to normal stoc71 A0 &o /0 ?) *o !o$ allow ever! material to 3e stored at all stora'e locations1 -lease descri3eR

A0 &o. &o stoc7 material and no inventor! are maintained c$rrentl!. 8$t o" scope. /0 @) *o !o$ $se a $nit o" meas$re "or the pricin' o" the 'oods other than the $nit !o$ order in1 2" !es5 !o$ can de"ine the variances in c$stomi%in'. A0 <es /0 8) *o the materials !o$ receive have to 3e stored "or a certain time 3e"ore the! can 3e $sed or do the! have an expiration date that !o$ want to 7eep in the s!stem1 A0 2t depends. As inventories are not in scope at this time >$estion is not applica3le. 4owever5 there are inventories aro$nd the camp$s that have time sensitive properties s$ch as pharmace$ticals etc. /0 9) *o !o$ re"$se to accept deliveries i" the vendor has not complied with the shippin' instr$ctions1 9(an 3e $sed to eval$ate vendors.) A0 &o /0 10) 6hich doc$ments are 'enerated with the 'oods receipt1

A0 S T Goods receipt slip S T Bar code stic7er S T 8ther SNT &one /0 11) 6hich doc$ments are 'enerated in connection with a 'oods receipt1

A0 &one /0 12) 2" a 'oods receipt >$antit! is assi'ned to a 'oods iss$e5 do !o$ want the person who enters the 'oods receipt to receive a correspondin' messa'e1 /var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_3/205399238.doc 1!2 o( $'!

AcceleratedSAP - Business Blueprint

A0 <es /0 13) 6ill !o$ inspect the material/article at the time o" 'oods receipt1 2" so5 do !o$ enter the 'oods receipt and the inspection res$lt or do !o$ onl! enter the 'oods receipt a"ter the inspection has 3een carried o$t1 A0 <es /0 1:) 2" !o$ are $sin' 3atch mana'ement5 how is the 3atch n$m3er determined at the time o" 'oods receipt1 A0 Batch mana'ement not $sed at this time /0 15) *o !o$ classi"! the 3atches at the time o" 'oods receipt1 -lease speci"! the criteria.

A0 &ot applica3le /0 1?) 2s the a$tomatic acco$nt determination process de"ined 3! ;inancial Acco$ntin'1 2" not5 who is responsi3le within Do'istics1 A0 *o not 7now the answer to this >$estion /0 1@) *o !o$ wish to print o$t the material doc$ment as evidence o" a 'oods movement1 6hich in"ormation sho$ld 3e incl$ded in the printo$t1 A0 2" in scope5 <es C% Template: 1. .e>$irements/Expectations A3ilit! to per"orm a Goods .eceipt in re"erence to a p$rchase order or release order. 2" Goods .eceipt is per"ormed5 it will onl! 3e accomplished in re"erence to p$rchase order. 2. General Explanations 6hen elected5 the 'oods receipt is per"ormed when "ormal receipt o" 'oods is re>$ired. 3. Explanations o" ;$nctions and Events #he +endor will send an invoice to the department or acco$nts pa!a3le 3ased on the proc$rement t!pe. 6hen release orders or p$rchase orders are $sed5 'oods receipts ma! 3e per"ormed 3! the department and acco$nts pa!a3le will process the invoice 3ased on a threeCwa! match. #he match is 2nvoice with receivin' doc$ment and p$rchase order. :. B$siness Fodel


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,tandard -rocess in ,A- ./30 #he -$rchasin' department will iss$e the -8 to the vendor in ,A- ./3. #he *epartment will receive and per"orm the Goods .eceipt in ,A./3. 5. ,pecial 8r'ani%ational (onsiderations Goods receipt is done at the department level. ;ormali%ed receipt o" 'oods will 3e a new "$nction "or the niversit! and trainin' and chan'e mana'ement iss$es will have to 3e addressed. Also5 care will have to 3e ta7en to assi'n 'oods receipt roles to other than re>$isitioners "or internal control p$rposes 9separation o" d$ties) when possi3le. ?. (han'es to Existin' 8r'ani%ation -er"orm Goods .eceipt at the *epartment level. @. *escription o" 2mprovements Addin' a level o" control and trac7in' capa3ilit! in the proc$rement process 8. *escription o" ;$nctional *e"icits &/A 9. Approaches to (overin' ;$nctional *e"icits &/A 10. &otes on ;$rther 2mprovements #he Goods .eceipt will help to identi"! discrepancies 3etween >$antit! ordered and >$antit! delivered5 3! the vendor eval$ation. 11. ,!stem (on"i'$ration (onsiderations #he de"a$lt settin' "or 'oods receipt "la' will 3e =&8=. B! exception5 the 3$!er will have the a3ilit! to man$all! "la' the =<E,= settin' o" the 'oods receipt . 12. A$thori%ation and ser .oles A$thori%ed personnel will per"orm these "$nctions. 13. -roAect ,peci"ic (2 ,ection &/A

C% Template:

%n*oice Verification


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AcceleratedSAP - Business Blueprint

1. .e>$irements/Expectations

2. General Explanations

1/1/3/1/ "!estions:

%n*oice 6rocessing +ith Reference

/0 1) *o !o$ red$ce the amo$nt o" !o$r vendorsI invoices a$tomaticall! in the event o" variances1 A0 A$tomaticall! C &o5 however5 we do have occasion to red$ce the invoice "or nonCreceipt o" items or char'es not allowed "or in the p$rchase order 9i.e. shippin'5 handlin'5 taxes5 etc). /0 2) &ame the t!pes o" tax that mi'ht appear on a vendorIs invoice. niversit! is tax exempt.

A0 &o tax sho$ld appear5 as the

(8&;2G .A#28& &8#E0 #ax (ode 20 9,ales tax exempt) sho$ld 3e con"i'$red/activated so that it can 3e $sed "or all re>$ired tax "ields. *isc$ssions sho$ld ta7e place with niv. o" #ennessee tax controllers to ens$re that no reportin' o" tax exemption or possi3le tax sel"Cassessment is re>$ired. /0 3) Dist the t!pes o" tax that are 'enerall! applica3le and sho$ld there"ore 3e a$tomaticall! s$''ested in the standard s!stem when an invoice is entered. A0 #he niversit! is a taxCexempt entit! "or personal propert!/p$rchasesP other taxes mi'ht 3e applica3le i.e. ;ederal excises taxes5 s$rchar'es etc. /0 ?) 4ow do !o$ treat $nplanned deliver! costs incl$ded in an invoice1

A0 8n an exception 3asis. 2" other than the cost acco$nted "or in the -85 p$rchasin' approves an! overa'es5 or writes a chan'e order to incl$de re>$irements not ori'inall! ordered i" previo$sl! approved 3! orderin' department. /0 @) *o !o$ sometimes have to chan'e the acco$nt assi'nment "or a certain p$rchase order at the time o" invoice veri"ication1 A0 <es (8&;2G .A#28& &8#E0 ;or sec$rit! pro"ile p$rposes5 will the acco$nt assi'nment chan'e to ta7e place at invoice veri"ication 3e per"ormed 3! someone in Acco$nts -a!a3le 9onl!)5 -$rchasin' 9onl!)5 the department 9onl!)5 or 3! an! o" the a3ove1 /0 8) ,ho$ld down pa!ments also 3e cleared1

A0 ($rrentl!5 no allowance "or pre pa!ment o" 'oods


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/0 9) 6hich other messa'es do !o$ want to send to !o$r vendors or to people within !o$r or'ani%ation with respect to the invoice receipt1 A0 &ot 7nown at this time /0 10) 2s a 'oods receipt alwa!s necessar! "or invoice veri"ication p$rposes1 2" so5 do !o$ allow reversal o" the 'oods iss$e a"ter the invoice has 3een posted1 A0 &o /0 11) 2s the a$tomatic acco$nt determination process onl! de"ined 3! ;inancial Acco$ntin'1 2" not5 who is responsi3le within Do'istics1 A0 &/A /0 12) *o !o$ wish to noti"! -$rchasin' i" the invoice price exceeds the p$rchase order price1 A0 <es /0 1:) *o !o$ $se tax A$risdiction codes1 ,peci"! the codes $sed.

A0 &o /0 15) 6ill !o$ have invoices with mass amo$nts o" data "or which no item chec7 is re>$ired1 A0 &o /0 1?) *o !o$ receive invoices relatin' to transactions that are not administered in the s!stem1 A0 <es C% Template: 1. .e>$irements/Expectations A3ilit! to process an! t!pe o" invoice in re"erencin' to a p$rchase order A3ilit! to have line item chec7 on 2 wa! match A3ilit! to noti"! -$rchasin' i" invoice price is o$tside tolerance &eed a3ilit! to chan'e acco$nt assi'nment in invoice veri"ication 9cost center/o3Aect code5 6B, element5 etc) &eed a3ilit! to handle retaina'e C two t!pes0 # holds the mone! and the 3an7 holds the mone! A3ilit! to process electronic invoicin' 9E*2) "or 3lan7et p$rchase orders A3ilit! to set tolerance "or di""erent t!pes o" -8 p$rchases *isco$nts sho$ld 3e applied to $nderl!in' expense acco$nt/cost center -ost disco$nts at time o" invoice postin' ,!stem sho$ld reAect invoices with $nplanned "rei'ht 1!$ o( $'!


AcceleratedSAP - Business Blueprint

Allow "or 0U tolerance amo$nt "or invoices a'ainst a p$rchase order C allow -$rchasin' to amend the p$rchase order

2. General Explanations 2nvoice entr! will 3e a shared responsi3ilit! o" Acco$nts -a!a3le and the re>$estin' departments. .esponsi3ilit! "or each 'ro$p is o$tlined in the B$siness Fodel section. -.8,0 6or7load will 3e distri3$ted thro$'ho$t the or'ani%ation. (8&,0 ,ec$rit! pro"ile maintenance will increase and access restrictions to transactional data co$ld 3e compromisedP End ser trainin' "or Acco$nts -a!a3le and 2nvoice +eri"ication will 'o 3e!ond the $s$al s!stem participants 9i.e.5 Acco$nts -a!a3le5 ;inancial Acco$ntin') in order to incl$de the vario$s department personnel who will also 3e responsi3le "or invoice entr!CCre>$ires additional proAect time and mone!. 3. Explanations o" ;$nctions and Events -8 is iss$ed 3! the -$rchasin' department. #he *epartment will receive and enter the invoice in re"erence to a -8. ;or items p$rchased w/o -8 s$ch as -Ccard or nonC-8 -$rchases invoice will 3e received and approved and processed 3! the department witho$t p$rchasin' participation. ,ee 3$siness model 3elow "or additional in"ormation. :. B$siness Fodel 62card p!rchases0 2nvoice receipt and entr! completed 3! Acco$nt -a!a3le reconciliation accomplished 3! departments. ?on26( p!rchases: 2nvoice receipt and entr! completed 3! *epartment. 6!rchases !sing Contract) lan:et order0 2nvoice receipt and entr! done 3! Acco$nt -a!a3le i" a consolidated invoice has 3een ne'otiated and the department will reconcile invoice. 2" the process does not incl$de a consolidated invoice5 the *epartment will receive and enter the invoice "or pa!ment. 6!rchases !sing release against a contract: #he department will receive and process the invoice. ?ormal 6(0 2nvoice receipt and entr! done 3! *epartment 6( for ser*ices: ;or "ormal section 130 contracts5 2nvoice receipt at department and entr! o" invoice completed 3! Acco$nt -a!a3le. ;or other than "ormal contacts5 invoice is entered 3! the *epartment. 5. ,pecial 8r'ani%ational (onsiderations Broad Acco$nts -a!a3le 9invoice veri"ication) trainin' initiative is necessar! in order to incorporate all 7e! personnel at the departments and at Acco$nts -a!a3le. ?. (han'es to Existin' 8r'ani%ation &/A "or p$rchasin'. 4owever5 the role o" Acco$nts -a!a3le personnel co$ld chan'e. @. *escription o" 2mprovements #he elimination o" m$ltiple oversi'ht and approval o" invoices. 8nce the material is received the invoice is re"erenced to the material receipt and -8 on those activities with /var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_3/205399238.doc 1!& o( $'!

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receipts. F$ltiple entr! o" line items in several s!stems or screens is not re>$ired. 8n those p$rchases witho$t 'oods receipts the invoice will re"erence the -8 and the line item9s) witho$t reentr!. 8. *escription o" ;$nctional *e"icits &onCre"erencin' invoice approval strate'! needs to 3e developed at a department level. 9. Approaches to (overin' ;$nctional *e"icits se o" 2nvoice .elease strate'ies/capa3ilities. tili%e -$rchase 8rder release strate'ies to con"orm/direct invoice veri"ication approval. 10. &otes on ;$rther 2mprovements 2nventor! Fana'ement is o$tside o" this proAect phaseP as a res$lt5 Goods .eceipt is not an essential process "or this phase. ;$t$re improvements "or invoice veri"ication co$ld occ$r when Goods .eceipt and Goods .eceiptC3ased 2nvoice +eri"ication are incl$ded in the proAectIs scope. ;$rther5 Eval$ated .eceipt ,ettlement 9E.,) co$ld 3e incorporated later into the s!stem in order to a$tomaticall! process interplant material and service trans"er transactions. 11. ,!stem (on"i'$ration (onsiderations ,!stem con"i'$ration considerations have 3een incorporated in the vario$s individ$al >$estion and answer notes. 12. A$thori%ation and ser .oles ;or proc$rement activities involvin' "ormal p$rchase orders created in ./35 the orderin' department will 3e responsi3le "or processin' the invoice via Do'istics 2nvoice +eri"ication. ;or invoices 'enerated a'ainst 3lan7et orders esta3lished with consolidated 3illin'5 Acco$nts -a!a3le will process invoices. 2n instances where discrepancies arise with re'ards to prices5 >$antities5 etc5 the -$rchasin' *epartment will research discrepancies and ma7e necessar! corrections to the p$rchase order. 13. -roAect ,peci"ic (2 ,ection &/A 1/1/3/2/ "!estions: /0 A0 1) 6ho is responsi3le "or processin' incorrect invoices in !o$r "irm1 s$all! it is the orderin' department. -$rchasin' will assist $pon re>$est. %n*oice (*er*ie+

/0 2) *escri3e the in"ormation "low 3etween -$rchasin' and 2nvoice +eri"ication when an error occ$rs1 /var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_3/205399238.doc 1!' o( $'!

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A0 2" the department reconciles/veri"ies the invoice5 -$rchasin' will $s$all! not 3e involved in the in"ormation "low 3$t co$ld amend the p$rchase order 3ased on re>$est o" the orderin' department. C% Template: 1. .e>$irements/Expectations 2nvoice discrepanc! resol$tion and entr! will 3e at the *epartment level or Acco$nts -a!a3le. -$rchasin' will amend p$rchase order as re>$ested and approved 3! department

2. General Explanations 2nvoice veri"ication will 3e a shared responsi3ilit! o" Acco$nts -a!a3le and the individ$al departments. .esponsi3ilit! "or resolvin' vendor invoice pro3lems is handled 3! the part! that enco$nters the speci"ic pro3lem. +endors who see7 resol$tion to invoice iss$es m$st determine the appropriate part! to contact in order to do soP this co$ld p$t a strain on #Is lon'Cterm vendor relationships. -.8,0 Both Acco$nts -a!a3le and the departments are e>$all! empowered to resolve invoice pro3lems. (8&,0 +endor c$stomer service ma! 3ecome an inconvenience to 3oth the vendors and to # $nless an appropriate invoice resol$tion process is in place and ade>$ate to s$pport the needs o" the vendor c$stomer calls. 3. Explanations o" ;$nctions and Events 2nvoice discrepanc! resol$tion and entr! will 3e at the department level "or Dow +ol$me/4i'h +al$e 9-8) and low vol$me/low val$e 9non pCcard). 8ther activities involvin' hi'h vol$me/low val$e 9-Ccard5 3lan7et order/contract) will 3e done thro$'h Acco$nts -a!a3le. :. B$siness Fodel ;or proc$rement cards5 central orders s$ch as 3lan7et orders a'ainst contracts with consolidated 3illin'5 processin' will 3e 3! Acco$nts -a!a3le. 8n those activities re>$irin' individ$al p$rchase orders 9low vol$me / hi'h val$e) and nonCp$rchase orders other than proc$rement cards5 the processin' will 3e 3! the department. ;or p$rchase orders releases a'ainst contracts5 the department will process the invoice. -lease see 3$siness model listed in 2nvoice -rocessin' "or additional in"ormation. 5. ,pecial 8r'ani%ational (onsiderations An appropriate +endor/,$pplier ($stomer ,ervice plan needs to 3e developed that 3est meets the needs o" # and its s$ppliers. Broad Acco$nts -a!a3le 9invoice veri"ication) $ser trainin' is needed to ens$re that all 7e! personnel at department level and A- personnel is trained with the new s!stem. ?. (han'es to Existin' 8r'ani%ation


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&o impact on p$rchasin'. #here co$ld 3e impact on the role o" Acco$nts -a!a3le. @. *escription o" 2mprovements &/A 8. *escription o" ;$nctional *e"icits &/A 9. Approaches to (overin' ;$nctional *e"icits &/A 10. &otes on ;$rther 2mprovements &/A 11. ,!stem (on"i'$ration (onsiderations (on"i'$ration o" tolerance variances can control the appropriate resol$tion re>$irements "or invoices that re"erence a -8. 12. A$thori%ation and ser .oles #he department5 Acco$nts -a!a3le5 and -$rchasin' will share this role dependin' on the circ$mstances descri3ed in item V12 o" previo$s (2#. 2" re>$ired and necessar!5 p$rchasin' departments will assist in an! resol$tion o" invoice discrepancies. 13. -roAect ,peci"ic (2 ,ection &/A 1/1/3/,/ "!estions: /0 1) 6hich invoice 3loc7in' reasons will !o$ $se1 %n*oice Release

A0 SNT -rice variance SNT /$antit! variance S T ,tochastical 3loc7 SNT /$alit! reasons /0 2) *o !o$ want to 3loc7 invoices "or late deliver! o" 'oods1 2" so5 3loc7 the invoice when the n$m3er o" da!s late times the val$e o" the late items is 'reater than N. ,peci"! a val$e "or N. A0 &o /var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_3/205399238.doc 1"0 o( $'!

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/0 3) 2nvoices can 3e entered in the s!stem 3$t ma! 3e a$tomaticall! 3loc7ed d$e to variances. ,peci"! the maxim$m >$antit! and price variances that are allowed. A0 0U as a de"a$lt variance. /0 :) *o !o$ want to 3loc7 invoice items whose val$e exceeds a certain amo$nt1 6hat is the threshold val$e "or invoice items 1) with re"erence to a p$rchase order 2) witho$t re"erence to a p$rchase order1 A0 &o /0 5) 6ho is to 3e noti"ied in the event o" variances 3etween the p$rchase order price and the invoice price1 4ow is this person to 3e noti"ied1 A0 -$rchasin' departments and/or department approval a$thorit!. &oti"ied 3! eCmail and hard cop!. /0 ?) *o !o$ wish to 3loc7 invoices randoml! 9stochasticall!) or onl! i" a certain val$e is exceeded1 A0 &either /0 @) 6ho 9e.'. 3$!er5 acco$nts pa!a3le cler7) chec7s 3loc7ed invoices and releases them "or pa!ment1 4ow is this person to 3e noti"ied1 A0 #his sho$ld 3e a "$nction o" A-. C% Template: 1. .e>$irements/Expectations A3ilit! to 3loc7 invoices d$e to price variance5 >$antit! variances5 and >$alit! variances A3ilit! to allow -$rchasin' to set -.8. tolerance at 0U 3$t also override on a case 3! case 3asis Allow A/- to release invoices 3loc7ed d$e to price variance5 >$antit! variances5 stochastical5 and >$alit! reasons. A3ilit! to noti"! -$rchasin' i" invoice 3loc7ed 3eca$se o" price and >$antit! variance

2. General Explanations 2nvoices that are 3loc7ed can 3e released 3! processin' this transaction whenever the invoice is read! to 3e paid. 3. Explanations o" ;$nctions and Events 2nvoices can 3e 3loc7ed man$all! or a$tomaticall! 3ased on conditions associated with p$rchase orders or 'oods receipts. 8nce it is determined that an invoice is read! to 3e /var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_3/205399238.doc 1"1 o( $'!

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released "or pa!ment5 this transaction will per"orm the necessar! process. :. B$siness Fodel At time o" invoice receipt the invoice entered into the s!stem will note variances 9price5 >$antit!)P this excl$des 3lan7et orders. ,ho$ld no variance exist5 the s!stem will post the invoice witho$t 3loc7in'. 4owever5 sho$ld variances a3ove the tolerances exist the s!stem will re>$ire an a$thori%ation "rom the 3$!er. 5. ,pecial 8r'ani%ational (onsiderations Broad Acco$nts -a!a3le 9invoice veri"ication) trainin' initiative is necessar! in order to incorporate all 7e! personnel at department level and A/- personnel who will 3e responsi3le "or invoice release proced$res. ?. (han'es to Existin' 8r'ani%ation &/A @. *escription o" 2mprovements &/A 8. *escription o" ;$nctional *e"icits ;$rther re>$irements anal!sis needs to ta7e place to match the capa3ilities o" ,A- ./3Is 2nvoice .elease to the 3$siness r$les/policies that # will impose. 9. Approaches to (overin' ;$nctional *e"icits &/A 10. &otes on ;$rther 2mprovements &/A 11. ,!stem (on"i'$ration (onsiderations 2nvoice tolerance shall 3e standard thro$'ho$t the . o" #ennessee s!stem at 0U. 2nvoice .elease ,trate'ies will need to 3e developed and con"i'$red "or all $ser pro"ile 'ro$ps/departments that will handle invoice entr! H invoice approval/release. 12. A$thori%ation and ser .oles A$thori%ation o" invoice processin' will 3e at the department level with Acco$nts -a!a3le havin' a$thori%ation to process "or all departments. 13. -roAect ,peci"ic (2 ,ection /var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_3/205399238.doc 1"2 o( $'!

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%nternal 6roc!rement E ?ot in scope

C% Template: 1. .e>$irements/Expectations

2. General Explanations

3. Explanations o" ;$nctions and Events

C% Template:

6!rchase ReC!isition E%nternal 6roc!rement E not in scope

1. .e>$irements/Expectations

2. General Explanations

1/2/1/1/ "!estions:

6!rchase ReC!isition 6rocessing

/0 1) 4ow are p$rchase re>$isitions created in the case o" stoc7 material5 material "or direct cons$mption5 external services1 A0 S T Fan$all! S T F.S T ,ales order S T .eplenishment S T ,tore order S T 8$tside ./3 /0 2) 6ill !o$ $se a p$rchase re>$isition to tri''er creation o" "or a contract or sched$lin' a'reement 98$tline A'reement .e>$est)1 A0 ,ponsored proAects and a'enc! "$nds0 &o Gi"ts0 &o


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/0 3) 4ow man! da!s does it ta7e5 t!picall!5 3e"ore a p$rchase re>$isition 3ecomes demand in a p$rchasin' doc$ment 'iven to a s$pplier1 -lease indicate processin' time per plant. A0 /0 :) 6ill p$rchase re>$isitions 'enerated via material/article re>$irements plannin' 3e man$all! postCprocessed1 A0 S T<es S T&o 5) 6ill !o$ man$all! create p$rchase re>$isitions1 S T<es S T&o

/0 A0

C% Template: 1. .e>$irements/Expectations General Ded'er trans"ers will 3e made to handle internal proc$rement. 2. General Explanations &/A 3. Explanations o" ;$nctions and Events ,ee a3ove :. B$siness Fodel ,ee a3ove 5. ,pecial 8r'ani%ational (onsiderations &/A ?. (han'es to Existin' 8r'ani%ation &/A @. *escription o" 2mprovements &/A 8. *escription o" ;$nctional *e"icits /var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_3/205399238.doc 1"! o( $'!

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&/A 9. Approaches to (overin' ;$nctional *e"icits &/A 10. &otes on ;$rther 2mprovements &/A 11. ,!stem (on"i'$ration (onsiderations &/A 12. A$thori%ation and ser .oles &/A 13. -roAect ,peci"ic (2 ,ection &/A 1/2/1/2/ "!estions: /0 1) 8n the 3asis o" which criteria are p$rchase re>$isitions assi'ned to a so$rce o" s$ppl!1 A0 /0 A0 /0 3) 6hat s$pport 9e.'. price sim$lation) does the 3$!er need in order to assi'n the p$rchase re>$isition1 A0 /0 A0 :) Are p$rchase re>$isitions converted into re>$ests "or >$otations1 S T<es S T&o 2) 8n the 3asis o" which criteria are p$rchase re>$isitions 'ro$ped to'ether1 6!rchase ReC!isition $ssignment

/0 5) 6hich so$rces o" s$ppl! will !o$ $se "or p$rchase re>$isitions1 Are these so$rces o" s$ppl! internal and/or external to !o$r compan!1 /var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_3/205399238.doc 1"" o( $'!

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A0 C% Template: 1. .e>$irements/Expectations General Ded'er trans"er will 3e done "or internal order. 2. General Explanations &/A 3. Explanations o" ;$nctions and Events &/A :. B$siness Fodel &/A 5. ,pecial 8r'ani%ational (onsiderations &/A ?. (han'es to Existin' 8r'ani%ation &/A @. *escription o" 2mprovements &/A 8. *escription o" ;$nctional *e"icits &/A 9. Approaches to (overin' ;$nctional *e"icits &/A 10. &otes on ;$rther 2mprovements &/A 11. ,!stem (on"i'$ration (onsiderations


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&/A 12. A$thori%ation and ser .oles &/A 13. -roAect ,peci"ic (2 ,ection &/A 1/2/1/,/ "!estions: /0 1) ,ho$ld re>$isitions 3e s$3Aect to approval 3! someone 9or possi3l! several people) 3e"ore the re>$isition can 3e processed into an .;/ and/or p$rchase order1 A0 /0 A0 /0 3) 4ow is the person responsi3le "or releasin' the p$rchase re>$isition to 3e noti"ied1 2) Are the p$rchase re>$isitions s$3Aect to a release strate'!1 2" so5 which criteria appl!1 Release 6!rchase ReC!isition

A0 S T +ia wor7"low S T 8ther proced$re S T Approver re'$larl! chec7s ./3 S T B! telephone S T B! eCmail C% Template: 1. .e>$irements/Expectations &/A 2. General Explanations &/A 3. Explanations o" ;$nctions and Events &/A :. B$siness Fodel &/A


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5. ,pecial 8r'ani%ational (onsiderations &/A ?. (han'es to Existin' 8r'ani%ation &/A @. *escription o" 2mprovements &/A 8. *escription o" ;$nctional *e"icits &/A 9. Approaches to (overin' ;$nctional *e"icits &/A 10. &otes on ;$rther 2mprovements &/A 11. ,!stem (on"i'$ration (onsiderations &/A 12. A$thori%ation and ser .oles &/A 13. -roAect ,peci"ic (2 ,ection &/A

1/2/2/1/ "!estions: /0

6!rchasingE%nternal 6roc!rement E not in scope

6!rchase (rder 6rocessing

1) 4ow will p$rchase orders 3e created in !o$r s!stem1

A0 S T Fan$all! S T ;rom p$rchase re>$isitions 9man$al or a$tomatic) S T ;rom store order /var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_3/205399238.doc 1"' o( $'!

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S T ;rom replenishment S T ;rom allocation ta3le S T ;rom loadC3$ildin' r$n S T ;rom ,A- .etail ,tore S T ;or stoc7 material S T ;or cons$ma3le material S T ;or external services /0 2) *o !o$ want the s!stem to chec7 whether the p$rchase price is within a prede"ined tolerance in !o$r s!stem5 compared with the material val$ation price1 A0 /0 3) *escri3e how the so$rce o" s$ppl! is determined "or man$all! created p$rchase re>$isitionsR A0 /0 :) ,peci"! the cons$mption cate'ories "or which !o$ will proc$re external services and material directl!0 Asset5 cost center5 prod$ction order5 proAect5 sales order5 other 9please speci"!). A0 /0 5) 6hich t!pes o" p$rchase order will !o$ $se1

A0 S T ,tandard S T (onsi'nment S T ,$3contractin' S T ,toc7 trans"er /0 ?) 4ow do !o$ transmit p$rchase orders to !o$r vendors1

A0 S T via mail S T via "ax S T B! E*2 S T 8ther /0 @) *o !o$ order material in a $nit o" meas$re that di""ers "rom the one $sed "or stoc77eepin' p$rposes1 A0 S T<es S T&o

/0 8) *o !o$ pa! "or material in a di""erent $nit o" meas$re than the one that is shown in the -8/and or $sed "or stoc7 p$tawa!1 A0 S T<es S T&o


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/0 9) 2s it necessar! to trac7 certi"icates o" ori'in and/or c$stoms re"erence n$m3ers "or materials prod$ced in "orei'n co$ntries1 A0 /0 A0 10) 6ill !o$ 3e p$rchasin' material imported "rom "orei'n vendors 1 S T<es S T&o 11) Are p$rchasin' in"o records to 3e $pdated a$tomaticall! with ever! p$rchase order1 S T<es S T&o

/0 A0

/0 12) *o !o$ wish to anal!%e/eval$ate p$rchase transactions accordin' to the reasons "or orderin'1 A0 S T<es S T&o

/0 13) *o !o$ plan and enter "rei'ht costs in the -81 2" !es5 descri3e the 3asis o" the costs. Also indicate i" an! t!pes o" costs can 3e determined a$tomaticall! 9"or example5 "rei'ht costs per piece5 per $nit o" wei'ht5 as a percenta'e o" the val$e). A0 /0 1:) *o !o$ want to prevent $sers "rom chan'in' the acco$nt assi'nment o" items in p$rchasin' doc$ments "or which the! have no a$thori%ations1 2" so5 "or which p$rchasin' doc$ments1 A0 S T -$rchase re>$isitions S T -$rchase orders S T (ontracts S T ,ched$lin' a'reements /0 15) *o !o$ sometimes order stoc7 material directl! "or a cost center or another cons$mption cate'or!1 A0 S T<es S T&o 1?) *o !o$ have to declare !o$r orderin' activities to the a$thorities1 2" so5 descri3e.

/0 A0

/0 1@) *o !o$ allow over deliveries1 2" so5 speci"! the percenta'e variance "or the individ$al materials/material t!pes. A0 /var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_3/205399238.doc 1$0 o( $'!

AcceleratedSAP - Business Blueprint

/0 18) 8n the occasion that a vendor sent !o$ less than the >$antit! ordered5 wo$ld !o$ ever want this short"all to 3e considered an $nder deliver!5 with no "$rther deliveries expected1 -lease list the val$es "or each material/material 'ro$p. A0 /0 19) (an the materials !o$ p$rchase 3e s$3Aect to di""erent tax t!pes1 9;or example5 3ased $pon the material p$rchased5 3ased $pon the plant "or which the material is p$rchased5 etc)1 A0 /0 A0 /0 21) 2s it to 3e possi3le "or p$rchase orders to 3e 'enerated a$tomaticall! "ollowin' a 'oods receipt1 ,peci"! the criteria "or this. A0 C% Template: 1. .e>$irements/Expectations General Ded'er trans"ers will 3e made "or internal # orders. 2. General Explanations &/A 3. Explanations o" ;$nctions and Events &/A :. B$siness Fodel &/A 5. ,pecial 8r'ani%ational (onsiderations &/A ?. (han'es to Existin' 8r'ani%ation &/A 20) *o !o$r -8s iss$ed to vendors contain speci"ic transport or pac7in' instr$ctions1


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@. *escription o" 2mprovements &/A 8. *escription o" ;$nctional *e"icits &/A 9. Approaches to (overin' ;$nctional *e"icits &/A 10. &otes on ;$rther 2mprovements &/A 11. ,!stem (on"i'$ration (onsiderations &/A 12. A$thori%ation and ser .oles &/A 13. -roAect ,peci"ic (2 ,ection &/A 1/2/2/2/ "!estions: /0 1) Are p$rchase doc$ments to 3e approved 3! someone 3e"ore 3ein' iss$ed to vendors1 *escri3e the approval proced$re.... A0 /0 2) 4ow is the person responsi3le "or approval to 3e noti"ied1 C Approver chec7s ./3 re'$larl!5 3! phone5 3! eCmail5 3! wor7"low5 other. A0 /0 A0 3) 6ill !o$ $se an electronic si'nat$re to release p$rchasin' doc$ments1 S T<es S T&o Release of 6!rchase (rders


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C% Template: 1. .e>$irements/Expectations General Ded'er trans"ers will made "or internal orders 9see .on FaplesC ;2). 2. General Explanations &/A 3. Explanations o" ;$nctions and Events &/A :. B$siness Fodel &/A 5. ,pecial 8r'ani%ational (onsiderations &/A ?. (han'es to Existin' 8r'ani%ation &/A @. *escription o" 2mprovements &/A 8. *escription o" ;$nctional *e"icits &/A 9. Approaches to (overin' ;$nctional *e"icits &/A 10. &otes on ;$rther 2mprovements &/A 11. ,!stem (on"i'$ration (onsiderations &/A 12. A$thori%ation and ser .oles /var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_3/205399238.doc 1$3 o( $'!

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&/A 13. -roAect ,peci"ic (2 ,ection &/A 1/2/2/,/ "!estions: /0 1) 4ow will !o$ transmit !o$r p$rchasin' doc$ments to !o$r vendors1 Transmission of 6!rchase (rders

A0 S T 8ther5 please descri3e S T B! telephone S T B! eCmail S T B! "ax S T B! E*2 S T B! post 9in written "orm) /0 2) 4ow are sched$lin' a'reement releases to 3e transmitted1

A0 S T -aper S T #elephone S T ;ax S T ECmail S T E*2 /0 3) *o !o$ wish to adopt vendorsI own nomenclat$re "or characteristics 9color codes etc.) on !o$r order "orm1 A0 /0 :) 4ow are p$rchase orders to 3e transmitted1

A0 S T -aper S T #elephone S T ;ax S T ECmail S T E*2 /0 5) 4ow lon' a"ter orderin' and 3e"ore the time o" deliver! sho$ld a shippin' noti"ication have 3een received1 A0 /0 ?) 4ow do !o$r vendors transmit shippin' noti"ications1

A0 S T -aper S T #elephone S T ;ax /var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_3/205399238.doc 1$! o( $'!

AcceleratedSAP - Business Blueprint

S T ECmail S T E*2 /0 A0 /0 A0 C% Template: 1. .e>$irements/Expectations General Ded'er trans"ers will 3e made "or internal orders. 2. General Explanations &/A 3. Explanations o" ;$nctions and Events &/A :. B$siness Fodel &/A 5. ,pecial 8r'ani%ational (onsiderations &/A ?. (han'es to Existin' 8r'ani%ation &/A @. *escription o" 2mprovements &/A 8. *escription o" ;$nctional *e"icits &/A 9. Approaches to (overin' ;$nctional *e"icits 8) Are there di""erences per vendor and/or site1 2" so5 which1 @) 6hat in"ormation does the shippin' noti"ication contain1


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&/A 10. &otes on ;$rther 2mprovements &/A 11. ,!stem (on"i'$ration (onsiderations &/A 12. A$thori%ation and ser .oles &/A 13. -roAect ,peci"ic (2 ,ection &/A

C% Template:

7oods ReceiptE%nternal 6roc!rement E not in scope

1. .e>$irements/Expectations

2. General Explanations

3. Explanations o" ;$nctions and Events

:. B$siness Fodel

5. ,pecial 8r'ani%ational (onsiderations

?. (han'es to Existin' 8r'ani%ation

@. *escription o" 2mprovements

8. *escription o" ;$nctional *e"icits


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9. Approaches to (overin' ;$nctional *e"icits

10. &otes on ;$rther 2mprovements

11. ,!stem (on"i'$ration (onsiderations

12. A$thori%ation and ser .oles

13. -roAect ,peci"ic (2 ,ection

1/2/,/1/ "!estions:

7oods Receipt 6rocessing

/0 1) #he material stoc7 3alances shown in !o$r le'ac! s!stem are to 3e trans"erred to the ./3 ,!stem. 6ill the stoc7s 3e val$ated at the prices speci"ied in ./31 A0 /0 2) 2" !o$ do not $se the ./3 -$rchasin' "$nctionalit!5 descri3e the process o" receivin' 'oods "rom a vendor. A0 /0 3) 2" !o$ do not $se prod$ction orders o" the ./3 ,!stem5 descri3e the process o" receivin' 'oods "rom prod$ction. A0 /0 :) ,ho$ld the person who posts a 'oods receipt 3e a3le to $se a di""erent acco$nt assi'nment than the one speci"ied via the a$tomatic acco$nt determination process1 assi'nment1 A0 C% Template: 1. .e>$irements/Expectations General Ded'er trans"ers will 3e made "or internal orders. 2. General Explanations &/A /var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_3/205399238.doc 1$& o( $'!

AcceleratedSAP - Business Blueprint

3. Explanations o" ;$nctions and Events &/A :. B$siness Fodel &/A 5. ,pecial 8r'ani%ational (onsiderations &/A ?. (han'es to Existin' 8r'ani%ation &/A @. *escription o" 2mprovements &/A 8. *escription o" ;$nctional *e"icits &/A 9. Approaches to (overin' ;$nctional *e"icits &/A 10. &otes on ;$rther 2mprovements &/A 11. ,!stem (on"i'$ration (onsiderations &/A 12. A$thori%ation and ser .oles &/A 13. -roAect ,peci"ic (2 ,ection &/A


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'o!rce $dministration

C% Template: 1. .e>$irements/Expectations

2. General Explanations

1/,/1/1/ "!estions:

6rocessing of ReC!ests for "!otations

/0 1) *o !o$ 'enerall! re>$est several vendors to s$3mit prices5 terms and conditions in the "orm o" a tender/3id/>$otation1 A0 <es /0 2) *o !o$ want to assi'n a collective n$m3er to the di""erent >$otations s$3mitted 3! several vendors1 A0 <es /0 3) (an an article 3e proc$red "rom several vendors1 2" so5 is this the r$le or an exception1 98r speci"! percenta'e.) A0 <es5 nonCcontract re>$irements over Q25000 are 3id and accordin' to the res$lts5 the same material co$ld 3e p$rchase "rom m$ltiple 3idders. /0 :) *o !o$ carr! o$t re>$irements plannin' "or str$ct$red articles 9e.'. preCpac75 displa!)1

A0 &o /0 5) 4ow do !o$ determine the re>$irement >$antities at header level in the case o" str$ct$red articles1 A0 &o. &o re>$irement plannin'. &ot considered at this point o" time. /0 ?) *o !o$ excl$de articles "rom re>$irements plannin'1 2" so5 which 9e.'. import5 seasonal5 promotion5 etc.)1 A0 &o. &o re>$irement plannin'. &ot considered at this point o" time. C% Template: 1. .e>$irements/Expectations /var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_3/205399238.doc 1$) o( $'!

AcceleratedSAP - Business Blueprint

A3ilit! to iss$e a solicitation to m$ltiple vendors and 'ro$p 3! collective n$m3er. sin' reportin' "$nctionalit! it m$st 3e possi3le to create a 3idders list "or incl$sion into a .;/. .esponse to the solicitation m$st a3le to 3e converted into a p$rchase order a"ter havin' 3een reviewed 3! m$ltiple $sers. Attachments as prepared 3! the re>$isitioner have to 3e attacha3le to the .;/. #he .;/ m$st 3e a3le to access and incorporate niversit! 3id conditions that will 3ecome part o" the .;/ and "orwarded to 3idder as part o" the .;/. An! 3ids received will 3e loaded into ./3 "or electronic eval$ation. As part o" the eval$ation "$nction/"orm5 the reason "or award m$st 3e doc$mented. #he reason "or award m$st 3e a3le to 3e maintained in ./3 and 3e readil! availa3le "or $se in reportin'. 2. General Explanations A re>$est "or >$otation 9.;/) is an invitation extended to a vendor 3! a p$rchasin' or'ani%ation to s$3mit a >$otation 93id) "or the s$ppl! o" materials or per"ormance o" services. # will s$3mit .;/ to vendors $sin' ,A- ./3 "$nctionalit!. #he responses o" the vendors will 3e entered in the s!stem in "orm o" >$otes. #he >$otes will 3e eval$ated electronicall! accordin' to criteria s$ch as prices. As part o" the .;/5 the reason "or award will also 3e maintained in ./3. 3. Explanations o" ;$nctions and Events 2n 'eneral5 .;/s will 3e processed "or nonCcontract items that are in excess o" Q25000 and can 3e 'enerated 3ased on re>$isitions received 3! departments or 3! re>$irements identi"ied 3! the -$rchasin' department. *$rin' the .;/ process5 the 3$!er will0 assi'n 3idders that are provided within the ./3 in"ormation records to the .;/P assi'n 3id conditions that are maintained in ./3 that will serve as the 3asis o" the condition o" p$rchaseP cond$ct research and ins$re the acc$rac! o" the speci"icationsP receive and eval$ate 3idsP doc$ment the reasons o" award within ./3. #he .;/ will 3e reviewed and approved on a preCde"ined release strate'! and released. 8nce released5 the .;/ is transmitted 3! mail or "ax. :. B$siness Fodel An or'ani%ation will 3e a3le to iss$e a .;/ to m$ltiple potential s$ppliers5 the s$ppliers will s$3mit >$otes5 the >$otes will 3e eval$ated5 and the selected >$ote will 3e converted into a p$rchase order. 5. ,pecial 8r'ani%ational (onsiderations &/A ?. (han'es to Existin' 8r'ani%ation &/A @. *escription o" 2mprovements (entral so$rce lists and ta3$lation or eval$ation o" respondees. 8. *escription o" ;$nctional *e"icits /var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_3/205399238.doc 1&0 o( $'!

AcceleratedSAP - Business Blueprint

&/A 9. Approaches to (overin' ;$nctional *e"icits &/A 10. &otes on ;$rther 2mprovements &/A 11. ,!stem (on"i'$ration (onsiderations Bidders lists shall 3e determined "rom in"o records that will identi"! vendors 3! plant and material 'ro$p. &2G- codes will 3e another so$rce determination within the vendor master. #hese codes will 3e recorded within classi"ication within ,A- ./3. 12. A$thori%ation and ser .oles 8nl! a$thori%ed personnel will per"orm this "$nction. 13. -roAect ,peci"ic (2 ,ection &/A 1/,/1/2/ "!estions: /0 1) Are p$rchase doc$ments to 3e approved 3! someone 3e"ore 3ein' iss$ed to vendors1 *escri3e the approval proced$re.... A0 <es. -8s $p to Q105000 approved 3! 3$!er. -8s "rom Q105000 to Q155000 approved 3! 3$!er s$pervisor. -8s over Q155000 approved 3! p$rchasin' director. ,ame proced$re is in place "or .;/ "orm$lation and s$3mission. /0 2) 4ow is the person responsi3le "or approval to 3e noti"ied1 C Approver chec7s ./3 re'$larl!5 3! phone5 3! eCmail5 3! wor7"low5 other. A0 Approver will have to chec7 ./3 re'$larl! 3! phone5 eCmail5 etc.5 and in the "$t$re5 thro$'h wor7"low. /0 3) 6ill !o$ $se an electronic si'nat$re to release p$rchasin' doc$ments1 Release of RF"s

A0 <es /0 :) 2n a$tomatic load 3$ildin'5 are 9promotion) p$rchase orders to 3e consolidated in addition to re>$isitions1


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A0 &o C% Template: 1. .e>$irements/Expectations A3ilit! to re>$ire approvals "or .;/ and to review .;/ prior to release. 2. General Explanations At # release strate'! will 3e setC$p "or .;/. #he criteria "or -8 release will 3e the same "or .;/. 3. Explanations o" ;$nctions and Events .;/s will 3e approved 3ased on the 3elow levels o" release0 1.&on Exempt B$!er Q0C 25000 2.-$rchasin' A'ent in #rainin' 0C 55000 3.-$rchasin' A'ent 0 C205000 :.Associate/Assistant *irector 0 C 505000. 5.*irector nlimited &oti"ication will ta7e place o$tside o" ,A- ./3 via phone or ECFail. B$siness proced$res will need to 3e esta3lished when approvers are to 3e noti"ied on the stat$s "or orders waitin' "or their approval. (amp$ses will determine individ$all! the dollar level ran'e at which a .;/ has to 3e reviewed prior to 3ein' iss$ed. :. B$siness Fodel .;/ is created 3! -$rchasin'. .eview and approval 3! p$rchasin' mana'er5 i" applica3le. .;/ is sent to the vendor per "ax or mail. 5. ,pecial 8r'ani%ational (onsiderations &/A ?. (han'es to Existin' 8r'ani%ation &/A @. *escription o" 2mprovements &/A 8. *escription o" ;$nctional *e"icits &/A /var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_3/205399238.doc 1&2 o( $'!

AcceleratedSAP - Business Blueprint

9. Approaches to (overin' ;$nctional *e"icits &/A 10. &otes on ;$rther 2mprovements &/A 11. ,!stem (on"i'$ration (onsiderations &/A 12. A$thori%ation and ser .oles A$thori%ed personnel will release .;/s. 13. -roAect ,peci"ic (2 ,ection &/A 1/,/1/,/ "!estions: /0 1) 4ow will !o$ transmit !o$r p$rchasin' doc$ments to !o$r vendors1 Transmission of RF"s

A0 S T 8ther5 please descri3e SNT B! telephone SNT B! eCmail SNT B! "ax S T B! E*2 SNT B! post 9in written "orm) /0 2) 6ill !o$ send reAection letters to $ns$ccess"$l 3idders1 2ndicate how s$ch letters are to 3e transmitted to the vendor. A0 S T B! post 9in written "orm) S T B! "ax S T B! E*2 S T B! eCmail S T 8ther 9please speci"!) C% Template: 1. .e>$irements/Expectations A3ilit! to transmit via mail or "ax


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2. General Explanations #he .;/ doc$ment will 3e sent to vendor per "ax/mail. 3. Explanations o" ;$nctions and Events A"ter the .;/ is reviewed and approved 3! approval o""icial5 the .;/ is sent to the vendors. :. B$siness Fodel .;/s are 'enerated 3! -$rchasin' 3ased on the re>$irements transmitted via a re>$isition "rom departments or re>$irements identi"ied 3! p$rchasin'. #he 3$!er ta7es the appropriate steps to so$rce5 assi'n conditions and ins$re acc$rac! o" speci"ications in the creation o" the .;/. 8nce the .;/ is prepared5 it will "low thro$'h the appropriate release "$nctions and created. #ransmission will 3e in accordance with the vendor transmission pre"erence recorded in the vendor record. 5. ,pecial 8r'ani%ational (onsiderations &/A ?. (han'es to Existin' 8r'ani%ation &/A @. *escription o" 2mprovements Electronic approval vers$s man$al .;/ 8. *escription o" ;$nctional *e"icits &/A 9. Approaches to (overin' ;$nctional *e"icits &/A 10. &otes on ;$rther 2mprovements &/A 11. ,!stem (on"i'$ration (onsiderations &/A 12. A$thori%ation and ser .oles


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A$thori%ed personnel will transmit the .;/. 13. -roAect ,peci"ic (2 ,ection &/A 1/,/1/3/ "!estions: /0 1) *o !o$ wish to have the s!stem a$tomaticall! anal!%e/eval$ate >$otations s$3mitted 3! vendors1 A0 <es /0 2) 4ow do !o$ receive the >$otations1 Vendor "!otation 6rocessing

A0 S T 8ther5 please descri3e SNT B! telephone SNT B! eCmail SNT B! "ax S T B! E*2 SNT B! post 9in written "orm) /0 3) Are the >$otations s$3mitted 3! vendors to 3e a$tomaticall! compared 3! the s!stem1 A0 <es C% Template: 1. .e>$irements/Expectations A3ilit! to enter >$ote received "rom vendor and convert into -8. 2. General Explanations A >$otation is an o""er 3! a vendor to a p$rchasin' or'ani%ation re'ardin' the s$ppl! o" materials or per"ormance o" services s$3Aect to speci"ied conditions. #he vendor responses 9>$otes) will 3e entered and eval$ated electronicall!. 3. Explanations o" ;$nctions and Events -$rchasin' will receive and enter the >$otes sent 3! vendors. -$rchasin' will per"orm a price comparison to determine the vendor with the 3est price. #he .;/ will 3e reviewed 3! the ori'inal re>$ester alon' with -$rchasin' to determine the appropriate award. #he 3asis o" award will 3e doc$mented. #he 3asis o" award will have to 3e recorded and maintained in ./3. 8nce the award is determined the .;/ can 3e converted into a p$rchase order or into a contract. A si'nat$re sheet to protocol attendance d$rin' 3id openin' will not 3e covered within ./3.


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#he statement o" award is maintained within ./3 and will have to 3e part o" the eval$ation ta3$lation. #he statement o" award will 3e 3ased on a reason "ield that is maintained with the >$otation. :. B$siness Fodel (reation o" .;/ will 3e 3! -$rchasin'. .;/ will 3e reviewed and approved 3! -$rchasin' Fana'er i" applica3le. .;/ will 3e sent to vendors. /$otes will 3e sent to the -$rchasin' department. -$rchasin' *epartment alon' with ori'inal re>$ester will determine the award. (onversion o" the .;/ into -8 3! -$rchasin' *epartment. 5. ,pecial 8r'ani%ational (onsiderations &/A ?. (han'es to Existin' 8r'ani%ation &/A @. *escription o" 2mprovements Electronic Approval o" .;/ and electronic price comparison. 8. *escription o" ;$nctional *e"icits &/A 9. Approaches to (overin' ;$nctional *e"icits &/A 10. &otes on ;$rther 2mprovements &/A 11. ,!stem (on"i'$ration (onsiderations &/A 12. A$thori%ation and ser .oles A$thori%ed personnel will per"orm this "$nction. 13. -roAect ,peci"ic (2 ,ection &/A


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1/,/1/5/ "!estions: /0

Transmission of Re8ections

1) 4ow will !o$ transmit !o$r p$rchasin' doc$ments to !o$r vendors1

A0 S T 8ther5 please descri3e SNT B! telephone SNT B! eCmail SNT B! "ax SNT B! E*2 SNT B! post 9in written "orm) /0 2) 6ill !o$ send reAection letters to $ns$ccess"$l 3idders1 2ndicate how s$ch letters are to 3e transmitted to the vendor. A0 S T B! post 9in written "orm) S T B! "ax S T B! E*2 S T B! eCmail S T 8ther 9please speci"!) C% Template: 1. .e>$irements/Expectations &o re>$irements to send reAection noti"ication to the vendors 93idders) 2. General Explanations &/A 3. Explanations o" ;$nctions and Events &/A :. B$siness Fodel &/A 5. ,pecial 8r'ani%ational (onsiderations &/A ?. (han'es to Existin' 8r'ani%ation &/A @. *escription o" 2mprovements


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&/A 8. *escription o" ;$nctional *e"icits &/A 9. Approaches to (overin' ;$nctional *e"icits &/A 10. &otes on ;$rther 2mprovements &/A 11. ,!stem (on"i'$ration (onsiderations &/A 12. A$thori%ation and ser .oles &/A 13. -roAect ,peci"ic (2 ,ection &/A

1/,/2/1/ "!estions:

(!tline 6!rchase $greements

Contract 6rocessing

/0 1) 6ill !o$ $se contracts in ./31 2" so5 what will !o$ $se contracts "or 9e.'. stoc7 materials5 cons$ma3le materials5 external services)1 A0 <es5 cons$ma3le materials5 external services5 no s$3stit$te/sole so$rce re>$irements. /0 2) 6hich t!pes o" contract do !o$ need 9e.'. val$e contracts5 >$antit! contracts)1

A0 +al$e and >$antit!. /0 3) Are the contracts to 3e valid "or0 C more than one plant C more than one compan! code1 A0 <es5 more than one plant 3$t not more than one compan!. /0 :) *o !o$ also allow a cons$mption acco$nt in the case o" contracts "or stoc7 materials1


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AcceleratedSAP - Business Blueprint

A0 &o C% Template: 1. .e>$irements/Expectations A3ilit! to create val$e and >$antit! contracts "or cons$ma3le materials and external services. 2. General Explanations 2n ,A- ./35 a contract is a t!pe o" o$tline p$rchase a'reement a'ainst which release orders 9releases) can 3e iss$ed "or materials or services on an as needed 3asis over an a'reed to period o" time. At # 3lan7et orders com3ined with val$e contracts "$nctionalit! will 3e $sed. 3. Explanations o" ;$nctions and Events (reation o" contracts can 3e 3ased on re>$irements 'enerated 3! *epartments or re>$irements identi"ied 3! the p$rchasin' department 3ased on research. ;or material s$3Aect to competition5 .;/s are 'enerated 3! 3$!ers and "orwarded to the appropriate so$rces. pon receipt o" 3ids5 the 3ids are eval$ated and the most "avora3le 3id is selected. #he 3id selected is converted into a contract. #here will 3e two options in orderin' a'ainst contracts. Either a 3lan7et order will 3e esta3lished a'ainst a contract and departments will order 9ver3all!) or "ormal release orders will 3e 'enerated and will 'o thro$'h the appropriate 'oods receipt and invoice veri"ication processes i" elected. ;or material s$3Aect to nonCcompetition5 the appropriate approval process will 3e initiated and $pon approval5 either a .;/ will 3e "orwarded to the speci"ic vendor5 or ver3al ne'otiations 3etween the niversit! and the vendor will 3e cond$cted. 2n the event that a .;/ is 'enerated5 the 3id will 3e converted into a contract and the orderin' proced$res as o$tlined a3ove will 3e $tili%ed. 2" no .;/ is created and a re>$isition does exist5 the re>$isition will 3e converted into a contract. 2" no re>$isition or .;/ is created5 the contract will 3e created witho$t re"erence to a .;/. ;or material that is availa3le "rom so$rces o$tside o" the niversit! s!stem s$ch as ,tate o" #ennessee contracts5 the niversit! ma! esta3lish contracts with ,tate o" #ennessee contract vendors witho$t competition and 3ased on the prices and conditions o" the state contract. #he "$nction o" creatin' contracts will 3e per"ormed 3! p$rchasin' department personnel. :. B$siness Fodel (ontracts can 3e created "or speci"ic camp$ses or created "or the entire niversit! s!stem. #he camp$s will coordinate with each other in the esta3lishment o" contracts. 5. ,pecial 8r'ani%ational (onsiderations (ontracts "or personal services will 3e iss$ed 3! #reas$rerMs 8""ice. ?. (han'es to Existin' 8r'ani%ation /var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_3/205399238.doc 1&) o( $'!

AcceleratedSAP - Business Blueprint

&/A @. *escription o" 2mprovements (ontract maintenance in one place. 8. *escription o" ;$nctional *e"icits &/A 9. Approaches to (overin' ;$nctional *e"icits &/A 10. &otes on ;$rther 2mprovements &/A 11. ,!stem (on"i'$ration (onsiderations &/A 12. A$thori%ation and ser .oles A$thori%ed personnel will iss$e contracts. 13. -roAect ,peci"ic (2 ,ection &/A 1/,/2/2/ "!estions: /0 1) Are p$rchase doc$ments to 3e approved 3! someone 3e"ore 3ein' iss$ed to vendors1 *escri3e the approval proced$re.... A0 #he approval process wo$ld 3e the same as with the -8 approval process. /0 2) 4ow is the person responsi3le "or approval to 3e noti"ied1 C Approver chec7s ./3 re'$larl!5 3! phone5 3! eCmail5 3! wor7"low5 other. A0 B! telephone5 eCmail5 personal noti"ication5 wor7"low i" availa3le. /0 3) 6ill !o$ $se an electronic si'nat$re to release p$rchasin' doc$ments1 Release of (!tline $greements

A0 <es /var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_3/205399238.doc 1'0 o( $'!

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C% Template: 1. .e>$irements/Expectations A3ilit! to do 3lan7et orders with re"erencin' to the o$tline a'reement and to create release p$rchase orders a'ainst o$tline a'reements. 2. General Explanations #he p$rchase order a'ainst contract is called a release order in ,A- ./3. 3. Explanations o" ;$nctions and Events #he release strate'! will 3e the same as -$rchase 8rders and .;/s. :. B$siness Fodel #he o$tline a'reement will 3e esta3lished 3! the p$rchasin' department. (ontracts can 3e created with re"erence. ;ramewor7 orders 9*oc. t!pe ;8) will re"erence the o$tline a'reement in most cases 3$t no 'oods receipt will 3e re>$ired. 4owever5 some instances ma! have release orders 9doc. t!pe &B) re"erencin' the 8$tline A'reement and co$ld re>$ire 'oods receipt. ;$nds availa3ilit! will not occ$r at the time o" ;ramewor7 8rder creation 3$t will occ$r at the time o" .elease 8rder creation. 5. ,pecial 8r'ani%ational (onsiderations &/A ?. (han'es to Existin' 8r'ani%ation &/A @. *escription o" 2mprovements &/A 8. *escription o" ;$nctional *e"icits &/A 9. Approaches to (overin' ;$nctional *e"icits &/A 10. &otes on ;$rther 2mprovements &/A /var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_3/205399238.doc 1'1 o( $'!

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11. ,!stem (on"i'$ration (onsiderations &/A 12. A$thori%ation and ser .oles 8nl! a$thori%ed p$rchasin' department personnel will release o$tline a'reements.

13. -roAect ,peci"ic (2 ,ection &/A 1/,/2/,/ "!estions: /0 1) 6hich departments/or'ani%ational $nits are responsi3le "or maintainin' the material data1 A0 Faterial Faster not maintained /0 2) 2s master data common across all departments 9common master data)1 Transmission of Contracts

A0 &o material master data maintained in s!stem /0 :) 4ow do !o$ wish to transmit !o$r contracts to !o$r vendors1

A0 SNT -aper S T #elephone SNT ;ax S T ECmail S T E*2 /0 5) Are there di""erences per vendor and/or site1 2" so5 which1

A0 -otentiall!. As it is anticipated that n$mero$s a'reements with m$ltiple so$rces wo$ld 3e esta3lished5 there will 3e di""erences in transmission. #ransmission to 3e in accordance with vendorCpre"erred method esta3lished in in"o records. C% Template: 1. .e>$irements/Expectations A3ilit! to transmit contracts 9o$tline a'reements) via mail5 or "ax. 2. General Explanations


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#he release order doc$ment will 3e transmitted to the vendor via mail or "ax. 3. Explanations o" ;$nctions and Events 8nce the contract is created it will 3e transmitted to the contract vendor. :. B$siness Fodel #ransmission o" the contract 9o$tline a'reement) will 3e via mail or "ax. 5. ,pecial 8r'ani%ational (onsiderations &/A ?. (han'es to Existin' 8r'ani%ation &/A @. *escription o" 2mprovements &/A 8. *escription o" ;$nctional *e"icits &/A 9. Approaches to (overin' ;$nctional *e"icits &/A 10. &otes on ;$rther 2mprovements &/A 11. ,!stem (on"i'$ration (onsiderations &/A 12. A$thori%ation and ser .oles 8nl! a$thori%ed p$rchasin' department personnel will transmit contracts. 13. -roAect ,peci"ic (2 ,ection &/A


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Ret!rn Deli*eries

C% Template: 1. .e>$irements/Expectations

2. General Explanations

C% Template:

(!tbo!nd 'hipments

1. .e>$irements/Expectations

2. General Explanations

1/3/1/1/ "!estions: /0

Transportation 6lanning and 6rocessing

1) *o !o$ plan transportation !o$rsel"1

A0 &o. +endor has to pic7 $p material. *epartment o3tains ret$rn a$thori%ation and contacts vendor "or pic7 $p on his 3ehal" and his cost. /0 2) *o !o$ $se an! thirdCpart! transportation s!stems1

A0 &o /0 3) *escri3e !o$r transportation handlin' in detail.

A0 &/A 3eca$se vendor ta7es care o" transportation "or ret$rn deliver!. /0 :) 6hat carriers do !o$ $se to transport 'oods1

A0 &/A /0 5) 4ow do !o$ select !o$r carriers1

A0 &/A /0 ?) 4ow do !o$ create shipments1

A0 &/A /var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_3/205399238.doc 1'! o( $'!

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@) *o !o$ have 2ndivid$al and/or (ollective ,hipments1

A0 &/A /0 8) *o !o$ $se one mode o" transport per ro$te or a com3ination o" modes per ro$te5 e.'. road5 rail5 sea1 A0 &/A /0 9) *o !o$ need le' determination1

A0 &/A /0 10) Dist all doc$ments re>$ired to complete the transportation process.

A0 &/A /0 11) *o !o$ record the pro'ress o" the shipment1

A0 &/A /0 12) 2" so5 which ones1

A0 &/A /0 13) 2s "rei'ht char'ed to the c$stomers or is it a3sor3ed 3! the compan!1

A0 &/A /0 1:) *o !o$ need to 3e a3le to enter !o$r act$al transportation data at a later point in time 9"or example5 time ta7en5 distance traveled)1 A0 &/A /0 15) 4ow do !o$ determine shipment costs 9"or example5 7ilometers5 vol$me)1

A0 &/A /0 1?) 4ow do !o$ carr! o$t settlement acco$ntin' with the external carrier1

A0 &/A /0 1@) *o !o$ char'e stores "or the costs o" $sin' !o$r own vehicles1

A0 &/A


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18) *o !o$ handle several deliveries "or di""erent shipCto parties in one sin'le shipment1

A0 &/A /0 19) Accordin' to which criteria do !o$ 'ro$p deliveries "or one shipment1

A0 &/A /0 20) *o !o$ have !o$r own vehicles or do !o$ $se external carriers1

A0 &/A /0 21) 6hat do !o$ $se as a 3asis "or sched$lin' !o$r vehicles or the vehicles o" !o$r external carrier1 A0 &/A /0 22) 4ow do !o$ respond to capacit! constraints1 *escri3e the contract$al conditions.

A0 &/A /0 23) 6hat in"ormation do these doc$ments contain1

A0 &/A C% Template: 1. .e>$irements/Expectations #ransportation is the responsi3ilit! o" the vendor. 2. General Explanations &/A 3. Explanations o" ;$nctions and Events &/A :. B$siness Fodel &/A 5. ,pecial 8r'ani%ational (onsiderations &/A


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?. (han'es to Existin' 8r'ani%ation &/A @. *escription o" 2mprovements &/A 8. *escription o" ;$nctional *e"icits &/A 9. Approaches to (overin' ;$nctional *e"icits &/A 10. &otes on ;$rther 2mprovements &/A 11. ,!stem (on"i'$ration (onsiderations &/A 12. A$thori%ation and ser .oles &/A 13. -roAect ,peci"ic (2 ,ection &/A 1/3/1/2/ "!estions: /0 1) 2s "rei'ht char'ed to the c$stomer or does the compan! a3sor3 the cost1 Freight Cost %n*oicing and 'ettlement

A0 +endor has to ta7e char'es "or ret$rn deliver!. /0 2) 4ow do !o$ calc$late !o$r "rei'ht costs 9"rei'ht pricin' proced$re)1

A0 &/A /0 3) Are !o$ $sin' m$ltiCdimensional scales "or "rei'ht calc$lation1

A0 &/A /var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_3/205399238.doc 1'& o( $'!

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:) 4ow do !o$ post !o$r "rei'ht costs to acco$ntin'1

A0 &/A /0 5) *o !o$ veri"! invoices "or !o$r "orwardin' a'ents1 2" so5 which r$les do !o$ $se1

A0 &/A C% Template: 1. .e>$irements/Expectations +endor has to ta7e char'es "or ret$rn deliver!. 2. General Explanations &/A 3. Explanations o" ;$nctions and Events &/A :. B$siness Fodel &/A 5. ,pecial 8r'ani%ational (onsiderations &/A ?. (han'es to Existin' 8r'ani%ation &/A @. *escription o" 2mprovements &/A 8. *escription o" ;$nctional *e"icits &/A 9. Approaches to (overin' ;$nctional *e"icits &/A


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10. &otes on ;$rther 2mprovements &/A 11. ,!stem (on"i'$ration (onsiderations &/A 12. A$thori%ation and ser .oles &/A 13. -roAect ,peci"ic (2 ,ection &/A 1/3/1/,/ "!estions: /0 1) *o !o$ re>$ire shipment doc$ments "or ph!sicall! transportin' the merchandise1 2" so5 what "orm o" doc$ment 9e.'. paper5 E*2)1 A0 An! vendor provided doc$ment. &o speci"ic # doc$mentation is prepared to 'o with ret$rn deliver!. /0 2) 6hat in"ormation do these doc$ments contain1 Message Transmission for Transport Doc!ments

A0 As prepared 3! vendor /0 3) 4ow are shippin' doc$ments to 3e transmitted1

A0 S T -aper SNT #elephone SNT ;ax SNT ECmail S T E*2 C% Template: 1. .e>$irements/Expectations An! vendor provided doc$ment and .et$rn a$thori%ation "orm to 'o with the ret$rn shipment. 2. General Explanations &/A


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3. Explanations o" ;$nctions and Events &/A :. B$siness Fodel A"ter o3tainin' the ret$rn a$thori%ation "rom vendor5 a ret$rn a$thori%ation "orm "rom the department accompanied the 'oods to the vendor. 5. ,pecial 8r'ani%ational (onsiderations &/A ?. (han'es to Existin' 8r'ani%ation &/A @. *escription o" 2mprovements &/A 8. *escription o" ;$nctional *e"icits &/A 9. Approaches to (overin' ;$nctional *e"icits &/A 10. &otes on ;$rther 2mprovements &/A 11. ,!stem (on"i'$ration (onsiderations &/A 12. A$thori%ation and ser .oles #he orderin' department with the assistance o" the p$rchasin' department i" necessar! will transmit messa'es. ;or all .et$rns d$e to >$alit! iss$e or nonCper"ormance the department will noti"! -$rchasin' 3$t ma! $se mail o$tside o" ./3 to do so. 13. -roAect ,peci"ic (2 ,ection &/A


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1/3/2/1/ C% Template:

%n*oice Verification
%n*oice Re*ersal

1. .e>$irements/Expectations A3ilit! to 'enerate a credit memo "or ret$rned item a"ter invoice pa!ment. A reversal shall ta7e place prior to invoice pa!ment. REWORD/REDO

2. General Explanations .everse 2nvoice prior to completin' pa!ment release process within ./3. 3. Explanations o" ;$nctions and Events 2n the case that the invoice is not paid the invoice doc$ment is reversed "or the ret$rned items. :. B$siness Fodel #he invoice is received and entered "or item5 which is "or an item that is later determined to 3e ret$rned. At the point it is ret$rned the invoice is reversed witho$t pa!ment. ,ho$ld pa!ment occ$r5 a credit memo wo$ld 3e entered "or the ret$rned items. 5. ,pecial 8r'ani%ational (onsiderations &/A ?. (han'es to Existin' 8r'ani%ation &/A @. *escription o" 2mprovements &/A 8. *escription o" ;$nctional *e"icits &/A 9. Approaches to (overin' ;$nctional *e"icits &/A


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10. &otes on ;$rther 2mprovements &/A 11. ,!stem (on"i'$ration (onsiderations &/A 12. A$thori%ation and ser .oles Acco$nt -a!a3le and in some case *epartment will 3e a3le to process invoice 9reverse) 13. -roAect ,peci"ic (2 ,ection &/A 1/3/2/2/ C% Template: 1. .e>$irements/Expectations A3ilit! to do man$al and a$tomatic clearin' o" invoices. 2. General Explanations &/A 3. Explanations o" ;$nctions and Events 2n the case o" expedited pa!ments a man$al clearin' o" invoices ma! occ$r. ;or standard invoice clearin' an a$tomatic clearin' proced$re will occ$r. :. B$siness Fodel 2nvoice is individ$all! identi"ied "or man$al clearin' 3ased on special circ$mstances. 5. ,pecial 8r'ani%ational (onsiderations &/A ?. (han'es to Existin' 8r'ani%ation &/A @. *escription o" 2mprovements &/A /var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_3/205399238.doc 1)2 o( $'! Man!al Clearing

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8. *escription o" ;$nctional *e"icits &/A 9. Approaches to (overin' ;$nctional *e"icits &/A 10. &otes on ;$rther 2mprovements &/A 11. ,!stem (on"i'$ration (onsiderations &/A 12. A$thori%ation and ser .oles Acco$nt -a!a3le will per"orm this "$nction 13. -roAect ,peci"ic (2 ,ection &/A

1/3/,/1/ "!estions: /0

Message Transmission for Deli*eries

1) 6hat in"ormation do these doc$ments contain1

A0 .et$rn a$thori%ation codes5 and an! appropriate doc$mentation as re>$ested 3! the vendor. /0 2) 4ow are deliveries to 3e transmitted1

A0 S T -aper SNT #elephone SNT ;ax SNT ECmail S T E*2 /0 3) 4ow are shippin' doc$ments to 3e transmitted1

A0 SNT -aper SNT #elephone SNT ;ax /var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_3/205399238.doc 1)3 o( $'!

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SNT ECmail S T E*2 C% Template: 1. .e>$irements/Expectations .et$rn a$thori%ation "orm with the ret$rn shipment to the vendor. 2. General Explanations # will in"orm the vendor per phone that 'oods have to 3e ret$rned and o3tain a ret$rn a$thori%ation 3. Explanations o" ;$nctions and Events Goods have to 3e ret$rned. #he department will as7 the vendor "or ret$rn a$thori%ation. #he vendor will pic7 the 'oods on a 'reed date. :. B$siness Fodel Material recei*ed b!t %n*oice not recei*ed2 #he department will noti"! the vendor and ne'otiate the ret$rn. A ret$rn a$thori%ation n$m3er or re"erence will 3e o3tained "rom the vendor "or ret$rn p$rposes. 2" the p$rchase re>$ires replacement o" ret$rned material the -$rchase 8rder shall remain open. 2" there is no additional re>$irements or replacement o" material the p$rchase order will 3e mar7ed as closed. #he department will noti"! p$rchasin' o" the ret$rnin' o" the 'oods and the stat$s o" the order. Based on this inp$t -$rchasin' will ma7e the determination as to whether an order is closed or not. 2" the material is s$3Aect to receivin' within the ,A- ./3 s!stem the 'ood receipt is reversed and the reason "or the ret$rnin' o" 'oods is made in the s!stem. Material recei*ed and %n*oice is recei*ed2 #he process is essentiall! the same as a3ove however the invoice is cancelled 9reversed). Material recei*ed and %n*oice is recei*ed and paid2 #he process is essentiall! the same as a3ove however the invoice is adA$sted $sin' a credit memo. A credit memo is done 3! Acco$nts -a!a3le or the department5 dependin' o" the t!pe o" proc$rement. 5. ,pecial 8r'ani%ational (onsiderations &/A ?. (han'es to Existin' 8r'ani%ation &/A @. *escription o" 2mprovements /var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_3/205399238.doc 1)! o( $'!

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&/A 8. *escription o" ;$nctional *e"icits &/A 9. Approaches to (overin' ;$nctional *e"icits &/A 10. &otes on ;$rther 2mprovements &/A 11. ,!stem (on"i'$ration (onsiderations &/A 12. A$thori%ation and ser .oles #he department with assistance o" p$rchasin' personnel i" necessar!. 13. -roAect ,peci"ic (2 ,ection &/A

2/ 'ales and Distrib!tion

2/1/1/1/ "!estions: /0 1) *oes !o$r or'ani%ation have specialists who onl! process speci"ic t!pes o" c$stomer orders 9"or example 'overnment5 international5 8EF5 reseller) or prod$cts 9"or example5 speci"ic prod$ct lines)1 A0 (ertain c$stomers 9sponsors) are assi'ned to speci"ic sta"" mem3ers in the camp$s preC award o""ices and camp$s 3$siness o""ices. /0 2) *o !o$ presentl! separate !o$r standard orders 3! an! varia3les 9"or example5 doc$ment t!pe5 sales or'ani%ation5 sales representative5 c$stomer t!pe) "or ease o" processin' or reportin' p$rposes1 /var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_3/205399238.doc 1)" o( $'!

'ales (rder 6rocessing ;'tandard<

'ales (rder
'ales (rder 6rocessing

AcceleratedSAP - Business Blueprint

A0 Awards are separated 3! camp$s and also 3! sponsor within camp$s preCaward and 3$siness o""ices. /0 3) 6hat in"ormation do !o$ capt$re on a sales order1 Dist !o$r c$rrent sales order t!pes 9incl$din' ret$rns and credit/de3it memo re>$ests). A0 &one. #here is no s$ch o3Aect in the le'ac! s!stem. 2n ./3 the! will 3e placeholders to "acilitate 3illin'. 2n"ormation to 3e stored on the sales order will 3e identi"ied later. /0 :) 4ow do !o$ receive orders1

A0 S T #elephone S T ;AN S T E*2 S T 2nternet SNT 8thers /0 5) *o !o$ convert other sales doc$ment t!pes 9s$ch as in>$iries5 >$otations) into sales doc$ments1 A0 #he sales order is $s$all! created p$rs$ant to the proAect proposal and award doc$ments. 4owever c$rrentl! this is done initiall! in the camp$s preCaward s!stem and then is man$all! reCentered in the acco$ntin' s!stem at the camp$s 3$siness o""ice or (ontrollerIs 8""ice. #his process will contin$e $ntil the preCaward s!stem is replaced. /0 @) Dist the reasons "or creatin' a sales order. s$all! cost reim3$rsement

A0 ,ales order is created "or ever! award re>$irin' invoicin'. and >$antit! 3illin' proAects re>$ire sales orders. /0

8) ;or what reasons wo$ld an order or line item 3e reAected1

A0 2ncorrectl! entered. 2t is not $s$all! entered $ntil the award has 3een accepted. 4owever5 some proAects are esta3lished and invoices are created 3e"ore the award doc$ment has 3een accepted. pon receipt o" a si'ned =Advance Acco$nt .e>$est= "orm 9and proposal n$m3er and 3$d'et)5 the camp$s 3$siness o""ice or (ontrollerIs 8""ice will esta3lish a proAect. (har'es are made and the proAect is 3illed. 4owever5 the sponsor ma! not pa! the invoices $ntil the award doc$ment is "$ll! exec$ted. A sales order ma! 3e reAected i" the award "alls thro$'h. /0 1:) 6hat t!pes o" text do !o$ re>$ire on !o$r sales doc$ments1 Are the! re>$ired on o$tp$t1 A0 #here are vario$s re>$ired texts on invoices. 2" possi3le these texts sho$ld 3e stored on the order to 3e copied to the invoice. /0 15) 6hat in"ormation "rom a sales doc$ment do !o$ consider o3li'ator! and wo$ld li7e to appear on an incompletion lo' i" missin'1 *o !o$ want it to 3e possi3le to save the doc$ment as incomplete i" an! o" this in"ormation is missin'1 /var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_3/205399238.doc 1)$ o( $'!

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A0 ($stomer5 6B, element and material. 2ncomplete orders sho$ld not 3e permitted. /0 1?) *o !o$ have compan!Cstandard codes to trac7 the stat$s o" a sales doc$ment1 2" so5 what are the!1 A0 &o /0 1@) *o !o$ send order con"irmations1 2" !es5 how1

A0 &o /0 21) *oes each item have di""erent detailed in"ormation1 ;or example5 do the! have di""erent shipCto parties1 A0 &o5 we wo$ld create one sales order "or each proAect. 2" a proAect had two 3illin' elements we wo$ld create two sales orders. /0 31) *o !o$ have special re>$irements 9e.'. promotions) "or di""erent acco$nt postin's 9e.'. cost center5 pro"it center)1 A0 &o /0 32) 6hen listin' sales orders on the screen "or "$rther processin'5 what in"ormation do !o$ need to show1 A0 6B, Element5 c$stomer /0 35) *o !o$ want to personali%e !o$r sales order entr! screens1

A0 <es

2/1/2/1/ "!estions: /0

6rocessing illing Doc!ments

1) *o !o$ centrali%e or decentrali%e !o$r settlement processin'1

A0 2t is decentrali%ed to 3illin' o""ices on each camp$s. /0 2) Are 3illin' doc$ments created individ$all! 9one 3illin' doc$ment per sales order or deliver!) or collectivel! 9one or more 3illin' doc$ment "or several orders or deliveries)1 A0 s$all!5 individ$all!. #he expectation is that the proAect str$ct$re will ena3le # to prod$ce an invoice "or an! "oreseea3le sit$ation. 4owever5 i" ./3 is capa3le o" com3inin' sales orders "or 3illin' p$rposes5 # wo$ld possi3l! 3e interested in this. #his isnIt a capa3ilit! that we wo$ld want to excl$de.


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/0 3) 8n which doc$ments are !o$r 3illin' doc$ments 3ased 9e.'. order5 deliver!)1 -lease descri3e in detail. A0 Billin' doc$ments are 3ased on the award doc$ment re>$irements. /0 :) Are 3illin' doc$ments processed online or in 3atch1 *escri3e the process "or reviewin' exception messa'es/error lo's. A0 Billin' *oc$ments will 3e processed in 3atch. ;or reso$rce related 3illin'5 the 3illin' re>$isition will 3e reviewed prior to creatin' the invoices. #he 3illin' lo' will 3e reviewed a"ter each 3illin' r$n. /0 ?) *o c$stomers have a prede"ined time when the! receive invoices 93illin' sched$les)1

A0 <es. Fan! sponsors have prede"ined 3illin' sched$les 9sched$led 3illin'). Also5 man! sponsors who are 3illed via other methods5 s$ch as reso$rceCrelated 3illin'5 have expectations re'ardin' expected dates o" invoicin'. s$all!5 the most important expectation is that 3illin' will occ$r5 at the latest5 soon a"ter the proAect endin' date. /0 8) 6hat t!pe o" 3illin' doc$ments is created 9e.'. invoice5 pro "orma invoice5 credit notes5 de3it notes5 export invoice)1 A0 2nvoice5 3illin' re>$isition. /0 10) -eriodic 3illin' allows a speci"ied amo$nt to 3e 3illed over a certain time period. *o !o$ $tili%e periodic 3illin' 9e.'. "or rental contract t!pe doc$ments)1 A0 <es /0 11) *o !o$ $se down pa!ments1

A0 &o /0 12) Filestone 3illin' allows !o$ to 3ill once a certain wor7 level has 3een reached. *o !o$ $se milestone 3illin' 9e.'. "or ma7eCtoCorder t!pe doc$ments)1 A0 <es /0 1@) 6hat t!pes o" text are re>$ired in !o$r 3illin' doc$ments1 Are the! re>$ired on o$tp$t1 A0 #here are several re>$irements "or text. Fost o" these are proAect related and will 3e stored there. #hese texts will 3e accessed at print time. /0 18) 6hat in"ormation is re>$ired in !o$r lists o" deliveries d$e "or 3illin' 93illin' d$e list)1

A0 2" we $se a =3illin' d$e list=5 we wo$ld need the proAect n$m3er5 c$stomer in"ormation5 d$e date5 amo$nt.


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19) 6hat in"ormation do !o$ re>$ire in !o$r 3illin' doc$ment lists1

A0 &ot s$re what this list is. 6e wo$ld pro3a3l! re>$ire proAect n$m3er5 c$stomer in"ormation5 and amo$nt. /0 20) 6hen do !o$ want to post acco$ntin' "or !o$r sales invoices 9e.'. immediatel!5 a"ter review)1 A0 2mmediatel!. /0 21) 6hich in"ormation is re>$ired "or the acco$ntin' doc$ment 9"or example5 re"erence n$m3er)1 A0 S T -$rchase order no. S T 8rder n$m3er S T *eliver! n$m3er S T External deliver! n$m3er SNT ($rrent invoice n$m3er S T 8thers /0 22) 6hat 7ind o" pa!ments do !o$ receive "rom the c$stomer1

A0 S T (ash SNT (redit (ard SNT (hec7 S T *own pa!ment SNT Electronic ;$nds #rans"er 9E;#) S T 8thers /0 23) *escri3e !o$r pa!ments processes in detail.

A0 -a!ments are received and deposited at the camp$s 3$siness o""ice level. 2n"ormation is sent to the central cashier on the Enoxville camp$s "or postin' to the 'eneral led'er 9matched to A/.). nmatched receipts are posted to a clearin' acco$nt "or "$rther investi'ation. 2/1/2/2/ "!estions: /0 1) nder which circ$mstances and wh! wo$ld !o$ cancel a 3illin' doc$ment1 illing Doc!ment Cancellation

A0 (ancellation co$ld occ$r "or several reasons. &ormall!5 it wo$ld 3e cancelled 3eca$se o" an error in set$p or to allow correctin' Ao$rnal entries to post to correct an acco$ntin' error. ;or example5 i" the invoice had the wron' settlement r$les attached5 the wron' ;HA rate 9costin' sheet)5 etc. Also5 i" a proAect did not allow expendit$res per cost element to var! 3! more than 10U5 3$t excess char'es had 3een incorrectl! posted to the proAect5 a correctin' entr! wo$ld 3e needed to remove some char'es 3e"ore 3illin' co$ld occ$r. /0 2) *o an! activities "ollow cancellation5 "or example5 credit releases1


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A0 2" an invoice were cancelled5 an! related Ao$rnal entries wo$ld need to 3e reversed or corrected.

2/2/1/1/ "!estions: /0

'ales (rder 6rocessing: Ma:e)$ssembly To (rder

C!stomer (!tline $greement
Val!e Contract 6rocessing

1) 6hat 7ind o" contract do !o$ $se1

A0 SNT /$antit! contract S T +al$e contract S T .ental (ontract SNT ,ervice contract /0 2) *o !o$ ne'otiate contracts to $se as a 3asis "or sales orders1

A0 <es /0 3) *o !o$ $se a certain order t!pe to indicate that the sales order re"erences a contract1 2" so5 then "or what reasons1 A0 6e do not c$rrentl! have this capa3ilit!. 4owever5 2Im not s$re that we need it. 6e need "or the sales order to re"erence the proAect n$m3er. #he proAect attri3$tes incl$de the award t!pe5 which can 3e 'rant5 contract5 'i"t5 etc. /0 :) Are there an! time a'reements that are relevant to contracts 9"or example5 deliver! times5 commitment dates5 validit! periods)1 A0 <es. All contracts have speci"ied dates in the award. ,tart date5 end date5 dates "or "inancial and technical delivera3les / reports5 milestones5 3illin' dates5 etc. /0 5) Are !o$r contracts valid "or a set time period or do !o$ o""er renewals1

A0 (ontracts have a speci"ied start date and end date. Fan! times5 sponsors will modi"! contracts to extend the time period. /0 11) *o these contracts contain dates and >$antities to which the c$stomer m$st adhere1

A0 &o /0 13) 6hat are the re>$irements "or completin' a contract 9"or example5 "$ll val$e5 >$antit! contracts)1 A0 (ompletion depends $pon contract speci"ications. #he contract normall! will speci"! expected delivera3les0 technical reports5 "inancial reports5 milestones5 3illin's5 etc.


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/0 15) *o !o$ $tili%e reso$rceCrelated 3illin' "or contracts1 *escri3e in which cases do !o$ $se this "$nctionalit! 9"or example5 ma7eCtoCorder prod$ction5 speci"ic services 9cons$ltin')5 service mana'ement)1 A0 <es. (ontracts can re>$ire an! one o" several t!pes o" invoicin' 9reso$rceCrelated5 3illin' sched$le5 item invoicin') and / or "inancial reportin'. 6e have identi"ied a3o$t 10 standard invoices and a3o$t 3 standard "inancial reports that ma! 3e re>$ired.




"!estions: /0 1) *o !o$ 'et down pa!ments "rom sponsors1

A0 # does not re>$est down pa!ments "rom their sponsors. 8ccasionall! the! ma! receive a down pa!ment "rom a sponsor. #his is handled as an exception. /0 2) Are $nCallowed costs char'ed to a proAect that cannot 3e 3illed1

A0 &o. /0 3) *escri3e pa!ments process in detail.

A0 -a!ments come in to di""erent camp$ses and departments. #hese pa!ments are deposited 3! the 3$rsarIs o""ice or 3$siness o""ice on that camp$s and sent to Enoxville "or postin' to the G/D. #he (entral cashier in Enoxville enters all pa!ments to the B acco$nt. /0 :) *escri3e retaina'e in detail. 6hat 3illin' t!pes does it a""ect1

A0 .etaina'e happens "or cost reim3$rsa3le proAects onl!. 2t is a process5 dictated 3! the sponsor5 where the sponsor withholds pa!ment o" a contract$al percenta'e o" all invoices to #. # 7nows ahead o" time that this will happen. 2t is important that the invoice to the sponsor contain all the expenses and that retaina'e not 3e ta7en o$t o" the total. #he sponsor will then calc$late the amo$nt o" the retaina'e and send a pa!ment "or the remainder. # co$ld note the retaina'e on the invoice and note the pa!ment d$e "rom the sponsor a"ter ded$ctin' retaina'e. ;or example !o$ ma! see the "ollowin' items on an invoice0 #otal0 Dess .etaina'e #otal now d$e 1005000 105000 905000

2n this example5 an invoice m$st 3e created in A/. "or 905000. #his invoice is s$3Aect to a'in' and collection. Another doc$ment m$st 3e posted to A/.. #his doc$ment wo$ld 3e "or 105000 and not 3e s$3Aect to a'in'. At the end o" the proAect5 the sponsor wo$ld receive an invoice "or all retaina'e. #he entr! to 3e made when the invoice is created wo$ld 3e0 A/. C ,ponsor 1 905000 A/. C ,ponsor 1 retaina'e 105000 -roAect .even$e 1005000


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.eportin' o" this in"ormation wo$ld loo7 as "ollows0 A. C ,ponsor 1 -roAect 1 /0 Z30 30C?0 905000 ?0C90 .etaina'e 105000 #otal 1005000

5) 4ow man! copies are printed "or each invoice1

A0 #his varies "rom proAect to proAect. 6e need to provide "lexi3ilit! in the n$m3er o" proAects. 6e wo$ld li7e the name o" the recipient to 3e printed on each cop!. 6e wo$ld expect an instr$ction sheet to 3e printed 3e"ore the copies that identi"ies who each cop! sho$ld 'o to. ,ome proAects re>$ire as man! as seven copies to 3e printed. 6e alwa!s print a cop! "or the (ontrollerIs 8""ice5 a cop! "or the -25 and a cop! "or the department 3oo77eeper. /0 ?) *escri3e the # invoice n$m3erin' scheme and what it is $sed "or.

A0 #he invoice n$m3er consists o" the proAect =B= n$m3er5 a h!phen5 and a se>$ence n$m3er that represents the n$m3er o" invoices created and sent prior to this invoice. #his is $sed 3! the sponsor to ma7e s$re that the! have received all invoices to date. ,ome sponsors will not pa! invoices o$t o" se>$ence. #his is also $sed 3! # to view their receiva3les. 2t allows them to sort sponsor receiva3les 3! proAect. 2n ./35 we wo$ld not need to replicate the "$nctionalit! o" the se>$ence n$m3ers. 6e do need to provide the a3ilit! to view the receiva3les 3! proAect. C% Template: 1. .e>$irements/Expectations

8. *escription o" ;$nctional *e"icits #he # invoice n$m3ers c$rrentl! contain a lot o" in"ormation that allows # sta"" to identi"! in"ormation li7e which proAect the invoice 3elon's to and how man! invoices have 3een created prior to this invoice. ./3 invoice n$m3ers are se>$ential n$m3ers with no 3$ilt in lo'ic. A3ilit! to view A/. 3! proAect n$m3er. ,ince #Is invoice n$m3ers have alwa!s had the proAect n$m3er im3edded in them5 the! have 3een a3le to easil! view the A/. 3! proAect. #his "$nctionalit! will have to 3e replicated in ./3. .etaina'e. #his is where sponsors =hold 3ac7= mone! "rom # $ntil certain milestones are met. .eport A/. 3! proAect.

9. Approaches to (overin' ;$nctional *e"icits #he "$nctionalit! 3$ilt into the c$rrent # invoice n$m3ers will 3e accommodated with attri3$tes in the -roAect ,!stem. #he a3ilit! to accommodate the re>$irement to view A/. 3! proAect can 3e accommodated 3! writin' an ABA- report that com3ines proAect s!stem and A/. 202 o( $'!


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data or to create a report on the special led'er 3ein' collected to report the "$nd 'ro$ps. 6e are loo7in' at acco$nt determination d$rin' the invoice creation to split retaina'e o$t o" normal A/.. Fore research needs to 3e done.

"!estions: /0

Cost Reimb!rsable


1) 6hich department9s) is responsi3le "or 3illin' the c$stomer1

A0 #he 'rant o""ice within the (ontrollerMs 8""ice and the (amp$s B$siness 8""ices. /0 2) 2s the 3illin' process centrali%ed or decentrali%ed1 -lease descri3e the responsi3ilities o" all departments involved. A0 Each camp$s has its own 'rant 3illin' o""ice. /0 3) 2s there an approval process 3e"ore invoices are sent o$t1 -lease descri3e.

A0 -roAects are 'ro$ped 3! sponsor. ,ponsors are assi'ned to acco$ntants in the (ontrollerIs 8""ice. #his person is responsi3le "or reviewin' the preC3illin' and decidin' whether to create the invoice. 8nce the invoice is created5 it is si'ned 3! the mana'er o" the 'rant 3illin' o""ice and sent o$t. 2t is ver! rare that this mana'er wo$ld decide not to send the invoice o$t. #hese instances wo$ld 3e handled as the exception. /0 :) 6hen are invoices created1

A0 Generall! invoices are created as part o" the month end close. ,ome sponsors re>$ire that invoices 3e sent >$arterl!. #hese >$arters co$ld 3e 3ased on # "iscal !ear5 ,ponsor "iscal !ear or proAect !ear. /0 5) Are invoices chec7ed prior to 3ein' sent o$t1

A0 <es5 invoices are reviewed "or acc$rac! prior to 3ein' sent. /0 ?) *o !o$ need cost element 9o3Aect code) detail or are s$mmari%ed totals 8E1

A0 (ost elements 9o3Aect codes) are s$mmari%ed to the twoCdi'it level. /0 8) Are cost and materials mar7ed $p in price "or 3illin'1

A0 &o. /0 9) *o !o$ have caps on expenses that can 3e 3illed1

A0 <es


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/0 10) 2" so5 please descri3e the wa! caps are applied e.'. on the total or on speci"ic expenses etc. A0 #he cap is de"ined 3! the sponsor. # can onl! 3ill $p to that cap. 2n 'eneral5 once that cap is reached5 3illin' m$st stop $ntil the cap is revised. #he exception is that "or a "ew sponsors5 the next increment o" "$ndin' is not a$thori%ed $ntil it is 3illed. #here"ore5 # m$st 3e a3le to override this and 3ill over the cap. /0 11) 4ow man! 3illin' "orms do !o$ $se1

A0 10 /0 12) 2s there "lexi3ilit! in the "orm or is it mandated 3! the sponsor1

A0 Generall! no. #he sponsor dictates which "orm to $se and what in"ormation to incl$de on the "orm. /0 13) 4ow is the "orm determined when creatin' an invoice1

A0 #he "orm is determined 3! proAect. 2t cannot 3e determined 3! the c$stomer 3eca$se some sponsors re>$ire di""erent "orms "or di""erent proAects. /0 1:) 2s detailed in"ormation re>$ired on the "orm1 -lease descri3e.

A0 <es. #here is master data "rom the proAect re>$ired on the "orm. #here is the a$thori%ed amo$nt "rom ;F and there is the c$m$lative total o" expenses char'ed to the proAect5 3! expense cate'or!5 "rom the 3e'innin' o" the proAect. /0 15) Are there an! 3ac7C$p sched$les re>$ired to A$sti"! items on the invoice1 -lease descri3e. A0 ,ome sponsors re>$ire reports to A$sti"! costs. ,ome examples are la3or and travel. #he sponsor wo$ld li7e to see speci"ic people char'ed to the proAect with amo$nts and speci"ic trips ta7en with proAect "$nds. /0 1?) 4ow are these 3ac7 $p sched$les created1

A0 #he! are 'enerall! done man$all!. /0 1@) 4ow is it determined whether to send a 3ac7C$p sched$le1

A0 #his is determined 3! proAect. A'ain5 it cannot 3e determined 3! sponsor5 some sponsors re>$ire di""erent sched$les "or di""erent proAects. /0 18) 2" detailed pa!roll in"ormation is provided5 does this increase the level o" con"identialit! "or this process1 A0 &o5 #ennessee is a s$nshine state and all salaries are p$3lic record.


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/0 19) ;or la3or costs5 do !o$ 3rea7 o$t the components 9salar! and EB)1 2" so5 where does EB come "rom1 A0 Act$al EB is part o" the pa!roll postin' and can 3e distin'$ished on the postin' doc$ment. C% Template: 1. .e>$irements/Expectations -er"orm all processin' "or cost reim3$rsa3le 3illin'. Ee! items in this will 3e0 #his process will $se ./3Is reso$rce related 3illin' to p$t proAect char'es on the invoices. A chec7 o" the a$thori%ed amo$nt will 3e done and no invoicin' will exceed that. -roAect master data and c$m$lative char'es to the proAect will 3e incl$ded on the invoice. 2nvoices will 3e printed in the "orm re>$ired 3! the sponsor. ,$3 sched$les will 3e incl$ded with the invoice5 where ./3 data exists.

3. Explanations o" ;$nctions and Events (ost reim3$rsement 3illin' will 3e implemented $sin' ./3Is reso$rce related 3illin'. #he "ollowin' items ma7e $p this process0 A proAect is set $p. #he 3illin' t!pe "or cost reim3$rsa3le 3illin' is chosen. A 6B, element is "la''ed as the 3illin' element. A sales order is created $sin' a service material created "or 3illin'. Assi'nment "or this item is made to the 3illin' element de"ined in previo$s step. (osts are posted to this proAect. 8verhead is calc$latedP cost sharin' settlements are per"ormed. .eso$rce related 3illin' re>$isitions are created. #his is done $sin' an ABApro'ram which per"orms the "ollowin' tas7s0 1) -roAects "or 3illin' are selected 3! chec7in' that the stat$s o" the proAect is accepta3le. 2) A chec7 is made to ens$re that this invoice does not "orce the proAect over its a$thori%ed amo$nt. 3) 2" this invoice is over the a$thori%ed amo$nt5 a (8 trans"er postin' is created trans"errin' the amo$nt over the a$thori%ed to a d$mm! cost center. :) .eso$rce related 3illin' is exec$ted "or this proAect creatin' a 3illin' re>$isition. 5) 2" a (8 trans"er postin' was per"ormed5 this postin' is now reversed so these char'es are 3ac7 on the proAect. ?) 2" the proAect is now over its a$thori%ed amo$nt5 this proAect is p$t into a no 3illin' stat$s that si'ni"ies it is over its a$thori%ed amo$nt. Billin' re>$isitions are reviewed 3! the 'rant o""ice. #his is done $sin' an ABAreport that will 3e written. #his pro'ram will sort these re>$ests as speci"ied 3! the 3illin' o""ice. #he re>$isition is accepted5 adA$sted or reAected. At this point items can 3e removed "rom a 3ill. ;or example5 i" !o$ wanted to 3ill over the total5 !o$ wo$ld remove the red$ction here and process the 3ill. 2" the 3illin' re>$isition is not accepted5 it is either cancelled so the char'es can 3e 3illed later or it is reAected so these char'es will not 3e 3illed later. 2" it is cancelled5 the proAect sho$ld 3e p$t in a noC3ill stat$s identi"!in' the pro3lem. #his is to prevent another 3illin' re>$isition "rom 3ein' created $ntil the pro3lem is "ixed. 2" the re>$isition is reAected5 and wonIt 3e 3illed a'ain5 it sho$ld 3e noted in the text o" the 20" o( $'!


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proAect. 2" there are adA$stments to 3e made the! are made to the 3illin' re>$isition. #he accepta3le 3illin' re>$isitions are released "or 3illin'. ./3 2nvoices are created "or each 3illin' re>$isition. Acco$ntin' entries are made and reven$e is posted to the proAect. #he 3illin' lo' is reviewed. An! pro3lems are cleared. 2nvoices are printed on the "orm re>$ired 3! the sponsor. ,ome o" these "orms re>$ire 3ac7C$p sched$le to A$sti"! some costs 9E.G. la3or costs or travel costs) these 3ac7C$p sched$les are 'enerated at this time. 6hen pa!ment is received5 the cashierMs o""ice matches the pa!ment to the invoice.

@. *escription o" 2mprovements ($rrentl!5 approximatel! @00 invoices are 'enerated each month and onl! 300 are $sed. #he maAor reason "or this is proAects that are over their a$thori%ed amo$nts. 2n this process those invoices will not 3e created. .ed$cin' this amo$nt will res$lt in the invoices 'oin' o$t m$ch >$ic7er d$rin' the month. ($rrentl!5 3ac7C$p sched$les are prod$ced separate o" invoice creation and are incl$ded with the invoice a"terwards. 8"ten times this c$rrent process is man$al. 2n ./3 this will 3e done a$tomaticall!. 6e wo$ld anticipate that the amo$nt o" time re>$ired wo$ld 3e red$ced si'ni"icantl!. &o it ta7es a lar'e portion o" the month to 'et the invoices o$t once the! are created. -ast experience indicates that this co$ld 3e done in a wee7 or less once all the improvements are in.

8. *escription o" ;$nctional *e"icits #he re>$irement that we do not invoice over the a$thori%ed amo$nt re>$ires that we write an ABA- pro'ram to process the 3illin'. #his pro'ram is descri3ed in a previo$s section #he $sers will re>$ire the 3illin' re>$isitions to 3e listed with proAect s!stem in"ormation to "acilitate review o" the re>$isitions. #his in"ormation incl$des a$thori%ed total5 c$m$lative expendit$res5 start date and end date o" the proAect and other in"ormation to 3e de"ined. #he re>$irement o" the sponsor to print ver! speci"ic proAect in"ormation and proAect char'es on the invoice as well as to incl$de 3ac7C$p sched$les with the invoice.

9. Approaches to (overin' ;$nctional *e"icits An ABA- pro'ram will 3e written to process the cost reim3$rsa3le invoices. #his pro'ram will chec7 the postin's on the proAect to ens$re that it is not over the a$thori%ed total. 2" it is over the total5 the pro'ram will ma7e a postin' to 3rin' the char'es down to the a$thori%ed total. #he pro'ram will call transaction +A90 to process the reso$rce related 3illin' "or the proAect. 2" a postin' had 3een made to red$ce the expenses on the proAect5 this postin' wo$ld 3e reversed here and the proAect wo$ld 3e p$t into a $ser stat$s desi'natin' that a 3ill sho$ld not 3e created. An ABA- report will 3e written to displa! the 3illin' re>$ests with in"ormation "rom the proAect. #his in"ormation will incl$de s$ch data as a$thori%ed total "rom ;F and c$m$lative expendit$res on the proAect since the proAect started. ,A-,cript "orms will 3e c$stomi%ed


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12. A$thori%ation and ser .oles #his process will not 3e distri3$ted to the department. An! in>$iries into this area 3! the departments will 3e thro$'h -, report drill down. #he "ollowin' roles wo$ld 3e set $p to s$pport this process0 Billin' 8""ice Fana'er C A3ilit! to process all transactions associated with the process. #his incl$des the a3ilit! to r$n the cost reim3$rsementC3illin' pro'ram that creates the invoice5 the a3ilit! to release a 3illin' re>$isition5 and the a3ilit! to create invoices "rom the 3illin' re>$isitions 93illin' d$e list). Billin' 8""ice Acco$ntant C #his role wo$ld incl$de the a3ilit! to edit5 release5 or reAect 3illin' re>$isitions. 2t wo$ld not incl$de the a3ilit! to r$n the cost reim3$rsement 3illin' pro'ram or the a3ilit! to create and invoice "rom the 3illin' re>$est. Billin' 8""ice -rocessor C #his person wo$ld 3e desi'nated 3! the 3illin' o""ice mana'er and wo$ld 3e a3le to most o" the thin's she can do. (ashier. -rocess pa!ments.

2tems that need to 3e done in this process0 1) .$n pro'ram that creates 3illin' re>$isitions 9#his incl$des the a3ilit! to ma7e and reverse a (8 trans"er postin' EB11/EB1:5 the a3ilit! to chan'e the $ser stat$s on a proAect and the a3ilit! to r$n reso$rce related 3illin' "or the order +A90.). 2) .elease Billin' .e>$ests to 3illin' d$e list 9+.23). 3) -rocess Billin' *$e Dist 9+;0:). #his creates the A/. entries. :) Fap G/D acco$nts "or 3illin' roll $p 98E22). #his rolls the threeCdi'it o3Aect code to two di'its 5) Add $nit o" meas$re "or material 9FF02). #his maps all active $nits o" meas$re into a consistent meas$re "or 3illin'. ?) (lear invoice via "ast pa!ment 9;C2?) @) (ancel sponsor research 3ill 9+;11). 8) +iew 3illin' lo'.




/0 1) -eriodic 3illin' allows a speci"ied amo$nt to 3e 3illed over a certain time period. *o !o$ $tili%e periodic 3illin'1 A0 <es /0 2) *escri3e the 3illin' process "or these t!pes o" 3ills. Are the! reviewed or approved 3! proAect mana'ers 9or an!one else) prior to 3ein' iss$ed1 A0 8nce the 3illin' sched$le is set5 this process has the same steps as cost reim3$rsa3le. A preC3ill step happens to ma7e s$re the proper 3ills are 'enerated. 8nce approved5 the invoices are created and A/. postin's are made. /0 3) *o !o$ 3ill sponsors 3ased on a sched$le s$ch as monthl!5 >$arterl! or some other speci"ied timin'1 92" !es5 consider r$nnin' the 3illin' d$e list "or proAects accordin' to this sched$le.) /var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_3/205399238.doc 20& o( $'!

AcceleratedSAP - Business Blueprint

A0 <es /0 :) 4ow man! "orms are $sed "or this t!pe 3illin'1

A0 #here is one "orm. #here ma! 3e proAect speci"ic notes on the "orm. /0 5) 4ow is it determined which "orms are $sed1

A0 2n"ormation on the proAect determines i" this "orm and 3illin' t!pe are to 3e $sed. /0 ?) 2s there detailed in"ormation on the invoice1 6here does it come "rom1

A0 <es5 there is detailed proAect in"ormation on the invoice. Also5 a 3illin' period is derived "rom dates on the sales contract. /0 @) 2s this process centrali%ed1 -lease descri3e the responsi3ilities o" the people involved in this process. A0 #hese invoices are processed 3! the 3illin' o""ice o" each camp$s. C% Template: 1. .e>$irements/Expectations #his t!pe o" 3illin' is "or proAects that will 3ill speci"ic amo$nts on a sched$le. #he 3illin' is independent o" the postin's on the proAect. .even$e will 3e posted to the proAect as the invoice is created. -roAect speci"ic messa'es "or the invoice will 3e 7ept in -roAect #exts. 3. Explanations o" ;$nctions and Events #he "ollowin' 2tems ma7e $p the sched$le 3illin' process0 A proAect is set $p. #he 3illin' t!pe "or sched$le 3illin' is chosen. A 6B, element is "la''ed as the 3illin' element. A sales contract is created with acco$nt assi'nment to the 3illin' element on the proAect. A 3illin' sched$le is entered with the dates and amo$nts to 3e 3illed. A preC3ill report 9to 3e de"ined) is processed to review whether all sched$led invoices sho$ld 3e created. #he 3illin' d$e list is exec$ted "or these proAects. An invoice will 3e created "or the date in the 3illin' sched$le. #he 3illin' lo' is reviewed. An! iss$es are cleared. 6hen the pa!ment comes in5 the cashierMs o""ice will match the pa!ment to the invoice in A/..

8. *escription o" ;$nctional *e"icits A preC3ill report will 3e re>$ired "or this 3illin' t!pe. 2t m$st com3ine in"ormation "rom 20' o( $'!


AcceleratedSAP - Business Blueprint

the sales contract in ,*5 the proAect in -, and the 3$d'et in ;F. #he ,A-,cripts will 3e ver! speci"ic and man! o" the displa!ed "ields s$ch as 3illin' period will 3e complex

9. Approaches to (overin' ;$nctional *e"icits An ABA- pro'ram will 3e developed to s$pport the preC3illin' re>$irement. ,A-,cript "orms will 3e c$stomi%ed to s$pport this process.

12. A$thori%ation and ser .oles #his process will not 3e distri3$ted to the department. An! in>$iries 3! the department wo$ld 3e thro$'h -, drill down. 2t ma! 3e $se"$l to allow a department to view the contract "or 3illin' sched$le in"ormation. #he "ollowin' roles wo$ld 3e set $p in the 3illin' o""ices to s$pport this process. Billin' 8""ice Fana'er C A3ilit! to process all transactions associated with this role. 6o$ld incl$de the a3ilit! to process the 3illin' d$e list. Billin' 8""ice Acco$ntant C A3ilit! to edit sales contract to chan'e 3illin' sched$le i" re>$ired. 6o$ld not incl$de the a3ilit! to process 3illin' d$e list. Billin' o""ice -rocessor C #his person wo$ld 3e desi'nated 3! the 3illin' o""ice mana'er and wo$ld have the same a$thori%ations. (ashier C -rocess pa!ments

2tems that need to 3e done to s$pport this process are0 1) .$n preC3illin' "or sched$led 3ills. 2) -rocess 3illin' d$e list 9+;0:). 3) (han'e 3illin' doc$ment 9+;02) :) +iew 3illin' lo'.

"!estions: /0



1) -lease descri3e this t!pe o" 3illin'1

A0 #his t!pe o" 3illin' happens when # si'ns a contract to test somethin'. ;or example5 # tests helmets. #he! 'et a "ixed "ee "or each helmet entered. As the! test helmets5 the! invoice the sponsor. #his t!pe o" 3illin' is also $sed "or medical tests. As certain tests are per"ormed5 # invoices the sponsor "or a "ixed "ee "or each o" those tests. /0 2) 2s an!thin' posted on the proAect that wo$ld indicate the amo$nt to 3e 3illed1

A0 &o. /0 3) 2s this process centrali%ed or decentrali%ed1 -lease descri3e.

A0 #his process is a com3ination o" 3oth. ,ome departments will call the (ontrollerMs 8""ice and as7 that the sponsor 3e invoiced "or a n$m3er o" items. 8ther departments will create the invoices themselves.


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AcceleratedSAP - Business Blueprint


:) 4ow man! "orms are $sed in this 3illin' t!pe1

A0 #his process co$ld 3e s$pported 3! one "orm. #he department co$ld c$stomi%e it and provide whatever 3ac7$p is needed with the invoice. /0 5) 2s there detailed in"ormation incl$ded on these "orms1 -lease descri3e.

A0 #he standard "or this "orm wo$ld have to 3e de"ined. +ariations wo$ld have to 3e handled 3! the department as an exception. 6e wo$ld expect that there wo$ld 3e proAect in"ormation on this "orm. /0 ?) 4ow is the cost o" the test determined1 2s there one price "or a test or are there more pricin' options CC >$antit! disco$nts etc. A0 #his is contained in the contract with the sponsor. /0 @) 4ow is it determined when to send a 3ill1 2s it 7nown in advance1

A0 #he department determines when to create the 3ill. #here is no wa! to predict ahead o" time when this will happen. /0 8) 6ho per"orms this 3illin'1 2s there an approval process1

A0 ($rrentl!5 this process is either 3illed 3! the department or centrall!. 2n the case o" departmental 3illin'5 the approval wo$ld happen there. 2t is not 7nown i" there is one. 2n the case o" central5 the person who ta7es the call wo$ld have the a$thorit! to enter these0 there"ore5 no approval is necessar!. C% Template: 1. .e>$irements/Expectations #his 3illin' t!pe is "or proAects that 'et 3illed 3ased on the n$m3er o" a speci"ic occ$rrence. ;or example5 one proAect 'ets 3illed per helmet tested in a 'iven time period. #his will 3e implemented 3! havin' the $ser enter an invoice in A/. "or the appropriate amo$nt. .even$e wo$ld 3e posted on the proAect at the time o" invoice creation. #his process wo$ld 3e distri3$ted to the departments. 3. Explanations o" ;$nctions and Events #he steps in this process are0 A proAect is set $p. #he 3illin' t!pe "or item 3illin' is chosen. A 6B, element is "la''ed as the 3illin' element on the proAect. An invoice is created in A/. at the discretion o" the department "or the amo$nts 3ased on tests. .even$e is posted to the proAect. 2" the department enters the invoice5 it wo$ld 3e entered as a par7ed doc$ment. #he (ontrollerMs 8""ice wo$ld eval$ate and release par7ed doc$ments. 6hen pa!ment is received5 the cashierMs o""ice matches the pa!ment to the invoice in A.. 210 o( $'!


AcceleratedSAP - Business Blueprint

@. *escription o" 2mprovements #his wo$ld ena3le departments to enter their receiva3les into ./3. ($rrentl! man! o" these t!pes o" 3ills are not trac7ed in the s!stem. 8. *escription o" ;$nctional *e"icits #his process will re>$ire a c$stom "orm 9. Approaches to (overin' ;$nctional *e"icits ,A-,cript "orms will 3e c$stomi%ed and a pro'ram will 3e written to print them 12. A$thori%ation and ser .oles #his process will 3e distri3$ted to the department5 there"ore departmental pro"iles will have to 3e created. #he "ollowin' roles wo$ld 3e set $p to s$pport this process0 Billin' 8""ice -ersonnel C All 3illin' o""ice personnel wo$ld have access to this process. #his means the! wo$ld have the a3ilit! to post an A/. invoice and release an A/. invoice. *epartmental sers C *epartmental $sers wo$ld 3e 'iven a$thori%ation to par7 an A/. invoice.

"!estions: /0

B(C Dra+do+n

1) 6hich department9s) is responsi3le "or D8( drawdowns1

A0 Grant section o" the (ontrollerMs 8""ice handles all 3$t three D8(. #he Femphis 3illin' o""ice handles the other three. /0 2) 2s this "$nction per"ormed 3! one o""ice or is it decentrali%ed1 -lease descri3e.

A0 #he draw down is determined and exec$ted 3! the 'rant o""ice in the controllerIs in Enoxville "or all 3$t three D8( a'reements. #hose three are done 3! the Femphis 3illin' o""ice. #he postin's to cash and the proAects are made 3! the cashierMs o""ice. /0 3) 6hen are drawdowns exec$ted1 -lease descri3e the process.

A0 *rawdowns can 3e done at an! time. #he! are almost alwa!s exec$ted a"ter the month is closed and overhead has 3een calc$lated and char'ed to the proAect. At times the! are done thro$'ho$t the month. #his is $s$all! tied to an $n$s$all! lar'e cash o$tla! that # wants to collect witho$t waitin'. 2t is also $s$all! done towards the end o" O$ne so the cash is collected while the "iscal !ear is still open. #he end o" O$ne draw down is 3ased on an estimate made 3! the (ontrollerIs 8""ice. All midCmonth drawdowns wo$ld 3e corrected to 3alance a"ter the month is closed. /0 :) 4ow is the amo$nt o" the drawdown determined1 211 o( $'!


AcceleratedSAP - Business Blueprint

A0 #he amo$nt to 3e drawn down is the amo$nt o" expendit$res posted to the proAect that since the last drawdown "or the proAect. #he drawdown is done $p to and not over the a$thori%ed 'rant amo$nt. /0 5) Are there caps on the amo$nt o" the drawdown "or each proAect1

A0 <es5 this is determined 3! the a$thori%ed amo$nt on the contract. /0 ?) Are drawdowns done "or expenses that have not 3een posted to the proAect !et1

A0 &ot normall!. At times 9e.'. "inancial aid) a draw down is made when the pa!ment is made 3$t 3e"ore the expense hits the G/D. #his is done when those pa!ments are si'ni"icant. /0 @) Are an! costs posted to the proAect excl$ded "rom drawdown 9e.'. i" an invoice has 3een posted to the proAect 3$t not !et paid5 is it incl$ded in the drawdown)1 A0 &o5 i" the expense is on the proAect and not drawn down5 it is eli'i3le. /0 8) Are invoices ever printed "or these proAects1

A0 &o. /0 9) 4ow do !o$ distin'$ish 3etween D8( a'reements1

A0 ($rrentl! there is a cash acco$nt "or each letter o" credit a'reement. As drawdowns come in the! are posted to these acco$nts. As pa!ments are made5 the! are posted a'ainst these cash acco$nts. 2n ./3 we will have an A/. c$stomer "or each D8( a'reement. 6e do not see a need "or these separate cash acco$nts. -ostin's made a'ainst D8( o3Aects will 3e re"lected in the A/. acco$nt via reso$rce related 3illin's. #his sho$ld 'ive a 3alance in the acco$nt. #here"ore5 we wo$ld not need individ$al cash acco$nts in ./3. C% Template: 1. .e>$irements/Expectations #he letter o" credit drawdown process has re>$irements that are ver! similar to the cost reim3$rsa3le process. ;or the most part5 all drawdowns are 3ased on expendit$res that have 3een posted to the proAect. <o$ cannot draw down more than the a$thori%ed amo$nt "or an! speci"ic proAect. #he di""erences are that no invoice 'ets sent o$t and pa!ments are "$nds trans"ers 3etween the sponsor 3an7 and the # 3an7. 3. Explanations o" ;$nctions and Events #he "ollowin' steps are incl$ded in the D8( drawdown process0 A proAect is set $p. #he 3illin' t!pe "or D8( draw down is chosen. A 6B, element is "la''ed as the 3illin' element. A sales order is created $sin' a service material created "or 3illin'. Assi'nment 212 o( $'!


AcceleratedSAP - Business Blueprint

"or this item is made to the 3illin' element de"ined in the previo$s step. (osts are posted to the proAect. 8verhead is calc$lated5 and cost sharin' settlements are per"ormed. Billin' re>$isitions are created. #his is done in the same manner as "or cost reim3$rsement 3illin'. 2t $ses the same ABA- pro'ram. #he pro'ram per"orms the "ollowin' tas7s0 1) -roAects "or 3illin' are selected 3! chec7in' that the stat$s is accepta3le. 2) A chec7 is per"ormed to ens$re that the proAect is not over its a$thori%ed amo$nt. 3) 2" the proAect is over its a$thori%ed amo$nt5 a (8 trans"er postin' is created trans"errin' the amo$nt over the a$thori%ed amo$nt to a d$mm! cost center. :) .eso$rce related 3illin' is exec$ted "or this proAect creatin' a 3illin' re>$isition. 5) 2" a (8 trans"er postin' had 3een made5 it is reversed here. ?) 2" the proAect is over its a$thori%ed amo$nt5 it is placed in a no 3ill stat$s that speci"ies this. Billin' re>$isitions are reviewed 3! the 'rant o""ice. #his is done $sin' the same ABA- report as in cost reim3$rsa3le 3illin'. #he re>$isition is accepted5 adA$sted5 or reAected. 2" the 3illin' re>$isition is not accepted5 it is either cancelled so the char'es can 3e 3illed later or it is reAected so these char'es will not 3e 3illed later. 2" there are adA$stments to 3e made5 the! are made on the 3illin' re>$isition. #he accepta3le 3illin' re>$isitions are released "or 3illin'. ./3 2nvoices are created "or each 3illin' re>$isition. Acco$ntin' entries are made and reven$e is posted to the proAect. #he 3illin' lo' is reviewed and an! iss$es are cleared. &o invoices are printed. An ABA- report is r$n to aid the 'rant o""ice in processin' the draw down. At this point a report identi"!in' the ,*A drawdown is exec$ted. #hese are added to the drawdown. #hese are handled separatel! 3eca$se the costs are collected on a cost center. #he drawdown is exec$ted. 8nce the "$nds are received5 the 'rant o""ice 'ets the cashier to ma7e the appropriate entries in ./3. #his process is repeated each time the D8( processin' is re>$ired.

@. *escription o" 2mprovements Allows "or 3etter recordin' o" proAect reven$e and ma7es these entries consistent with other 3illin' t!pes. 8. *escription o" ;$nctional *e"icits #he "$nctional de"icits that exist "or cost reim3$rsa3le 3illin' also exist "or D8( drawdown. ,ee that section "or a description o" those. 12. A$thori%ation and ser .oles #his process will not 3e distri3$ted to departments. #he "ollowin' roles wo$ld 3e set $p to s$pport this process.


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AcceleratedSAP - Business Blueprint

Billin' o""ice mana'er C A3ilit! to process all transactions associated with the process. #his incl$des the a3ilit! to r$n the costCreim3$rsement 3illin' pro'ram that creates the invoice5 the a3ilit! to release a 3illin' re>$isition5 and the a3ilit! to create invoices "rom the 3illin' re>$isitions 93illin' d$e list). Billin' o""ice acco$ntant C #his role wo$ld incl$de the a3ilit! to edit5 release or reAect 3illin' re>$isitions. 2t wo$ld not incl$de the a3ilit! to r$n the cost reim3$rsement 3illin' pro'ram or the a3ilit! to create and invoice "rom the 3illin' re>$est. Billin' o""ice processor C #his person wo$ld 3e desi'nated 3! the 3illin' o""ice mana'er and wo$ld 3e a3le to do most o" the thin's she can do. (ashier C process pa!ments.

2tems that need to 3e done in this process0 1) .$n the pro'ram that creates 3illin' re>$isitions 9this incl$des the a3ilit! to ma7e and reverse a (8 trans"er postin' EB11/EB1:5 the a3ilit! to chan'e $ser stat$s on a proAect and the a3ilit! to r$n reso$rce related 3illin' "or the order +A90.) 2) .elease 3illin' re>$ests to 3illin' d$e list 9+.23) 3) -rocess 3illin' d$e list 9+;0:). #his creates the A/. entries. :) Fap G/D acco$nts "or 3illin' roll $p 98E22). #his rolls $p the threeCdi'it o3Aect code to two di'its. 5) Add $nit o" meas$re "or material 9FF02). #his maps all active $nits o" meas$re into a consistent meas$re "or 3illin'. ?) (ancel sponsor research 3ill 9+;11). @) (lear 2nvoice via "ast pa!ment 9;C2?).

,/ 6ro8ect Management F
"!estions: /0 2) *escri3e how !o$r proAect processin' sho$ld loo75 divided into phases.

A0 ,ponsored proAects and a'enc! "$nds0 -hases incl$de 91) preCaward5 92) proAect acco$ntin' esta3lishment5 93) 3$d'et transmission5 9:) postCaward administration5 95) postC award 3illin'5 9?) postCaward collections5 9@) postCaward "inancial reportin'5 98) technical reportin'5 99) s$3mission o" closin' doc$ments5 and 910) internal proAect closin'. (enters/(hairs0 ,ame as GH( except no preCaward and no closin' docs Gi"t "$nds0 -hases incl$de 91) proAect acco$ntin' esta3lishment5 92) 3$d'et transmission5 93) cash receipts5 and 9:) internal proAect closin'. 2n rare circ$mstances5 there co$ld 3e 3illin' and "inancial and technical reportin'. Doan ;$nds0 -hases ma! incl$de091) -roAect acco$ntin' esta3lishment5 92) loans to st$dents or instit$tional match5 93) cash receipts5 9:) reCloan mone!. -lant "$nds0 -hases ma! incl$de0 91) (apital 3$d'etin'5 92) ,B( and B8# approval5 93) Acco$nt esta3lishment5 9:) ArchitectIs desi'n phase5 95) (onstr$ction doc$ments phase5 9?) Bid phase5 9@) (ontract award phase5 98) ,$3stantial completion phase5 99) -roAect completion phase5 and 910) Acco$nt closin'. Endowments/#r$sts0 -hases ma! incl$de091) -roAect acco$ntin' esta3lishment5 92) trade activit! 93) acco$nt close 9(losin' onl! "or tr$sts and endowments less than Q155000.).


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AcceleratedSAP - Business Blueprint

/0 3) 6hich tool do !o$ c$rrentl! $se "or proAect mana'ement1 4ow and in which phases are the! $sed1 A0 ,ponsored proAects and a'enc! "$nds0 6e $se a c$stomC3$ilt preCaward s!stem 9,ponsored -roAects) on the A,:00 "or phases 15 35 and 8. #he 'eneral led'er s!stem and the Grant *ata3ase are c$stomC3$ilt s!stems5 also "or the other phases listed a3ove. (enters/(hairs0 ,ame as GH( except no preCaward s!stem Endowments and Di"e 2ncome0 An internall! developed investment data3ase s!stem that resides on the main"rame trac7s the investment activit! per"ormed 3! mone! mana'ers at ;irst #ennessee. #he investment s!stem provides the entr! into the General Ded'er to record earned dividends5 to distri3$te dividend income "rom an Endowment -ool to the individ$al endowments that participate in the pool 9#he distri3$tion has di""erent amo$nts than the dividend amo$nt earned.) Di"e 2ncome0 A p$rchased tr$st mana'ement s!stem5 E#A5 $ses the same in"ormation provided to the internal investment s!stem 3! the 3an7. E#A acc$m$lates data 3! donor5 and prepares ann$al tax reports to the donor5 and prepares and -HD "or each donorIs "$nds. &o in"ormation "rom E#A is "ed into the G/D. #r$st in"ormation is "ed "rom the internal investment s!stem 9th$sP there is do$3leCtrac7in' o" detail in 3oth the investment s!stem and E#A). Doans0 Are mana'ed at each camp$s with a s$3sidiar! collection s!stem. Except "or this5 all transactions occ$r in the 'eneral led'er. -lant "$nds0 ;acilities -lannin' maintains their own internal s!stem on the A,/:00. #his is mainl! in"ormation critical to the mana'ement o" the proAect that is not contained in the G/D. #he (ontrollerIs 8""ice maintains all the o""icial doc$ments5 contracts5 etc. /0 :) *o the orders "rom !o$r c$stomers incl$de en'ineerin'5 prod$ction and deliver!1 92" !es5 consider $sin' the -roAect ,!stem to control and or'ani%e the process.) A0 ,ponsored proAects and a'enc! "$nds0 &o. (enters/(hairs0 &o Gi"ts0 &o. Endowments/Di"e 2ncome0 &o. Doans0 &o -lant0 <es /0 5) *oes !o$r c$stomer speci"! the sched$le5 reso$rces5 and material to 3e $sed "or their order1 92" !es5 consider $sin' the -roAect ,!stem to handle sched$lin' re>$irements.) A0 ,ponsored proAect and a'enc! "$nds0 #he sponsor speci"ies the sched$le. #his normall! is a time period "or proAect exec$tion 9i.e. 3e'innin' and endin' dates)5 and d$e dates "or certain technical and "inancial delivera3les / reports. Gi"ts0 Fainl!5 the sponsor does not speci"! the sched$le. 8ccasionall!5 the sponsor ma! speci"! the sched$le 9i.e. 3e'innin' and endin' dates).


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AcceleratedSAP - Business Blueprint

#he niversit! and contractor wor7 to'ether on the sched$le. Bids are opened on a speci"ied dateP contracts awarded on a speci"ic dateP proAect sched$le contains m$ltiple dates. Doans0 &o. Doans are made to st$dents at the 3e'innin' o" each term. (apital contri3$tions "rom donors ma! occ$r at an! time and are not sched$led. Endowments/#r$sts0 *onors can speci"! how the earned income ma! 3e $sed 3! the niversit!. /0 ?) *oes !o$r process incl$de maintenance and overha$l o" existin' e>$ipment1 92" !es5 consider $sin' the -roAect ,!stem in conA$nction with ($stomer ,ervice and ($stomer .elationship Fana'ement.) A0 ,ponsored proAects and a'enc! "$nds0 &o. (enters/(hairs0 &o Gi"t acco$nts0 &o. Doans0 &o -lant0 &ot e>$ipment. <es5 however5 or maintenance and overha$l o" existin' B 2D*2&G,Z -lant "$nds0 <es Endowment/#r$sts0 &o. #here ma! 3e a "ew endowments that are "$nded 3! real estate that has maintenance involved in the real estate $p7eep. /0 @) *o !o$ capitali%e !o$r en'ineerin' e""ort1 92" !es5 please consider $sin' the Asset Fana'ement (omplex 2nvestment Feas$re scenario.) A0 ,ponsored proAects and a'enc! "$nds0 .arel!5 sponsors 'ive $s awards to 3$ild or constr$ct a capital asset. (osts are acc$m$lated 3! t!pe in the sponsored proAect or a'enc! "$nd. At completion5 a Ao$rnal entr! is made to reclassi"! the expendit$res "rom miscellaneo$s expenses to a capital asset. ;or example5 we ma! have salar! H 3ene"its5 s$pplies5 etc. expenses that are capitali%ed when a piece o" e>$ipment or a 3$ildin' renovation is completed. (enters/(hairs0 2t is possi3le -lant "$nds0 <es5 dependin' on the nat$re o" the en'ineerin' e""orts. Endowment/Di"e 2ncome0 &/A Gi"ts0 &o. Doans0 &o C% Template: 1. .e>$irements/Expectations .estricted "$nds led'er acco$nts at the niversit! o" #ennessee 9 #) will 3e mapped to -roAect ,!stems 9-,) "or proAect acco$ntin' p$rposes. nrestricted "$nds led'er acco$nts will 3e mana'ed in (8. &etwor7s in -, are not a re>$irement at this time. Below is a s$mmar! o" "$nctionalit! re>$irements 3! t!pe o" restricted "$nd.


21$ o( $'!

AcceleratedSAP - Business Blueprint

'!mmary of 6' ReC!irements for 7ifts # Contracts and Restricted F!nds

>T 'pecifications: Account -tructure '$6 Transactions: Bi&&ing $ndirect -ett&ement cost !&an Created )y:

F!nd Types # Gey (+ner

WGrants H contracts C Gail Gi"t C endowment / tr$st C Gail Gi"t C o$tside so$rces C Gail Approps / (hairs H (enters C Gail Doan C .on -lant .enewal C +erna -lant 2nvested C+erna -lant .82 CC+erna -lant nexpended C+erna/Geor'e A'enc!/ -lant CC +erna WA'enc! / GH( C Gail A'enc!/ #r$st CC Felissa Di"e income CC B$tch Endowments C B$tch W 2nter"ace to -reAward ,!s WWW co$ld 3e "$t$re re>$irement .HB .HB .HB .HB * E F E 4HO &H&HG ; 6B, 6B, 6B, 6B, 6B, 6B, GD 6B, 6B, 6B, 6B, 6B, 6B, 6B, <es &o alittle &o &o &o n/a &o &oWWW &o !es &o &o &o <es &o &o &o &o &o n/a &o &o &o &o &o &o &o <es Fa!3e Fa!3e <es &o Fa!3e n/a Fa!3e !es 9AF) Fa!3e Fa!3e &o &o &o <es <es <es <es &o &o n/a &o Fa!3e &o !es &o &o &o (ontroller 9GH() "or E5 #$ll5 6A5

Fem5 A'5 and Fart B$siness 8""ic

(ontroller 9(oA set $p) and Fp5 Fa (ontroller 9(oA set $p) (ontroller 9(oA set $p)

(ontroller 9(oA set $p) and Fp5 Fa

(ontroller 9-lant Gro$p) C +erna / (

(ontroller 9-lant Gro$p) C +erna / (

(ontroller 9-lant Gro$p) C +erna / (

(ontroller 9-lant Gro$p) C +erna / ( (ontroller 9GH() C ,ame as GH(

(ontroller 9-lant Gro$p) C +erna / (

#reas$rers 8""ice / 2nvestment Gro$

#reas$rers 8""ice / 2nvestment Gro$

#reas$rers 8""ice / 2nvestment Gro$

2. General Explanations A proAect is a hierarchical o$tline as descri3ed in the proAect de"inition. #he wor7 3rea7down str$ct$re "orms the 3asis "or the or'ani%ation and coordination o" a proAect. A wor7 3rea7down str$ct$re 96B,) consists o" vario$s 6B, elements. 6ithin -, we can plan and monitor dates5 costs and reso$rces. ;or # we will $se -, "or proAect acco$ntin' onl!. #he "ive sta'es within -, are str$ct$rin'5 plannin'5 3$d'etin' 9which will 3e done in ;F not -,)5 exec$tion5 H closin'. -, is $sed in $niversities to collect and 3ill o$t costs relatin' to proAects. #he str$ct$res $sed to represent proAects within -, are the 6or7 Brea7down ,tr$ct$re 96B,) and &etwor7. 3. Explanations o" ;$nctions and Events 6ro8ect str!ct!res f!nctionality +ill be primarily be for acco!nting reC!irements of restricted f!nds: map to (8 and ;F o3Aects inter"ace to pre award s!stem "or 'rant and contract attri3$tes plan reven$es and expense plan dates on the 6B, elements maintain the stat$s to control postin' $sed "or all sponsor 3illin' calc$late ;HA 9overhead) cost share direct and indirect/;HA costs 9settlement) /var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_3/205399238.doc 21& o( $'!

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2n addition5 proAects ma! man$all! 3e created "or additional re>$irements s$ch as mana'in' an internal proAect "or $nrestricted "$nds and not A$st as =led'er acco$nts=. ;or example5 the theatre department ma! have 10 prod$ctions the! want to set $p as individ$al proAects to collect costs on. #hese costs collected can 3e settled periodicall! 3ac7 to the cost center 9department responsi3le) !et a cop! o" these costs will remain on the proAect "or proAect mana'ement p$rposes. At the end o" the prod$ction "inal settlement will occ$r then the proAect can 3e closed. :. B$siness Fodel The follo+ing 'ched!led 6' 9or:shops for Restricted F!nds +ere held in the bl!eprint phase to determine the $' %' and the T( = design doc!mented in $'$6: Grants H (ontract5 Gi"ts5 and Appropriations/(hairs/(enters G Farch ?5 2000 Endowments and other restricted "$nds G Farch @5 2000 A'enc! / -lant ;$nds ,ession 9-,/AF) C Farch 155 2000 *a! at the Grants and (ontracts o""ice with Gail G Farch 215 2000 Doan ,ession G April 185 2000 Endowments H Di"e 2ncome G April 2:5 2000 A'enc!/#r$sts G April 2:5 2000 # "$nd attri3$te mappin' session G April 195 2000 H Fa! 95 2000 -lant ;$nds ,ession G Fa! 105 2000 5. ,pecial 8r'ani%ational (onsiderations 1. #he concept o" (ontrollin' and ;2 will 3e a learnin' c$rve "or end $sers. 2. #he concept o" plannin' vs. 3$d'etin' is challen'in'. 3. 2n *F, # has 3een a3le to create s$3 acco$nts as desired 3! the end $ser. #hese will not 3e a$tomaticall! converted5 3$t the "$nctionalit! will exist to man$all! reC create these as needed. #here will need to 3e si'ni"icant trainin' to end $sers on how to create proAects in -,. ?. (han'es to Existin' 8r'ani%ation 1. .even$es and expenses will hit proAect 6B, elements instead o" a led'er acco$nt. 2. 6B, elements can 3e 'ro$ped "or reportin' p$rposes. @. *escription o" 2mprovements 1. -, will o""er power"$l proAect acco$ntin' "$nctionalit! com3ined with the scala3ilit! o" 6B, str$ct$res. 2. Dower levels o" detail can 3e added i" necessar! to trac7 costs 3eca$se proAects are scala3le. 3. ,tr$ct$res o" proAects will ena3le di""erent camp$sI wor7in' on the same proAect 3$t want to trac7 costs independentl!. 8. *escription o" ;$nctional *e"icits -, has not 3een desi'ned speci"icall! "or p$3lic sector or colle'e and $niversit! acco$ntin' 9in "act ,A- is creatin' a p$3lic sector mod$le c$rrentl!). An enhancement will 3e made to meet #Is re>$irements in -,. /var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_3/205399238.doc 21' o( $'!

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9. Approaches to (overin' ;$nctional *e"icits 2n order to maintain data on the proAect in -, "rom the pre award s!stem5 additional "ields will 3e created in -,. #he attri3$tes will 3e mapped and converted to these new "ields in -, "rom the pre award le'ac! s!stem. #he "irst c$t mappin' o" existin' # "ields was de"ined in two attri3$tes sessions 9April 19 and Fa! 95 2000) with Gail5 Bill #hompson5 .on Faples5 &anc!5 Fichelle5 ,h!am5 Far!5 ,heri5 etc.... As a 'ro$p5 we reviewed the c$rrent attri3$tes and determined i" it was needed in ./3. 2" !es5 then we attempted to map it to a mod$le 9-,5 ;25 (85 ,*5 ;F). 2" a place 9enterprise str$ct$re5 "ield) did not alread! existed in ./3 "or this t!pe o" attri3$te then it was identi"ied that a new "ield needs to 3e created in -,. A spreadsheet has 3een created with this in"ormation. 2n the .eali%ation -hase we will contin$e to wor7 on attri3$tes/mappin' as "ollows0 1. 2denti"! WnewW attri3$tes/"ields # needs in ./3 "or Grants H (ontracts 2. .eview "ield re>$irements "or all other restricted "$nds. 9,ome "$nds will need some o" the same attri3$tes 3$t not necessaril!.) 3. (ons$ltant team needs to review the mappin' in more detail. :. #im Eeohan will wor7 with the # ABA- team to de"ine the speci"ications "or this re>$irement. 10. &otes on ;$rther 2mprovements 2n the "$t$re5 ,A- will o""er a mod$le speci"ic to p$3lic sector 'rants and contract mana'ement that sho$ld o""er more "$nctionalit! and eliminate the need "or enhancements. 11. ,!stem (on"i'$ration (onsiderations -roAect pro"iles will 3e created to ena3le de"a$lts and "$nctionalit!. ,everal proAect pro"iles will 3e created 9ma!3e 3! "$nd t!pe1). 4owever5 i" all "$nds will $se the same cost plan pro"ile and settlement pro"iles the n$m3er o" proAect pro"iles co$ld 3e ver! "ew. #he 3ene"its/ maintenance o" the -, con"i'$ration desi'n will 3e reviewed and de"ined in phase 3 9.eali%ation). Maintain 6ro8ect 6rofiles #he proAect pro"ile contains de"a$lt val$es and other control parameters s$ch as the plannin' method "or dates and costs. #he data that !o$ enter in the proAect pro"ile will 3e copied into a proAect in its proAect de"inition or in the elements5 which can later 3e overwritten. =Aamples #o call $p the 'raphic5 !o$ m$st "irst have speci"ied vario$s 'raphic pro"iles in the proAect pro"ile. #o carr! o$t cost plannin' !o$ m$st speci"! a plannin' pro"ile. #o carr! o$t "inancial 3$d'etin' !o$ m$st speci"! a "inancial plannin' pro"ile. <o$ can maintain the vario$s pro"iles5 which m$st 3e present in the proAect pro"ile5 in ($stomi%in' "or the -roAect ,!stem and also in ($stomi%in' "or (rossCApplications. ?otes #he val$es in the proAect pro"ile determine the "$nctionalit! o" certain areas o" the -roAect ,!stem and cannot 3e chan'ed witho$t care"$l tho$'ht. *o not chan'e pro"iles and 7e! "rom related "$nctions that are de"ined in the proAect pro"ile5 s$ch as the costin' sheet or the res$lts anal!sis 7e!. #hese chan'es co$ld a""ect existin' o3Aects. <o$ m$st maintain the "ollowin' sections "or the proAect pro"ile0 /var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_3/205399238.doc 21) o( $'!

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Basic data #ime sched$lin' (osts/reven$es/pa!ments 8r'ani%ational data

'tandard settings 2n the standard ./3 ,!stem5 ./3 has prede"ined a proAect pro"ile containin' the most important control parameters. $cti*ities 1. *etermine the or'ani%ational and control criteria "or !o$ compan!. 2. (reate the proAect pro"iles re"lectin' these criteria and enter the relevant data. 12. A$thori%ation and ser .oles #he a$thori%ation protection in the ,A- ./3 ,!stem is 3ased on a$thori%ation o3Aects de"ined 3! the s!stem. sin' these o3Aects5 the $ser can de"ine a$thori%ations. #hese a$thori%ations can 3e 'ro$ped in pro"iles and assi'ned to individ$al $sers. A$thori%ation o3Aects are represented in the s!stem 3! partic$lar "ields 9"or example5 compan! code). <o$ de"ine an a$thori%ation 3! speci"!in' the allowed entries "or the partic$lar "ields in the a$thori%ation o3Aect 9F ^ all). <o$ assi'n the a$thori%ations to $sers 3! means o" a$thori%ation pro"iles. 2n the lower levels o" this 3l$eprint desi'n the sec$rit! levels re>$ired have 3een de"ined 3!0 1) ;2 postin' transactions 2) (reate /(han'e /*ispla! master data and plannin'5 and 3) .eportin'.



"!estions: /0 1) 6hat tri''ers creation o" a proAect1

A0 ,ponsored proAects and a'enc! "$nds0 6e receive an award "rom a sponsor or an =Advance Acco$nt .e>$est ;orm=. -roAects can 3e created either at the camp$s 3$siness o""ice level or centrall! at the 6A (ontrollerIs 8""ice level. 6A (ontrollerIs 8""ice will have a$thorit! to release all proAects "or postin'. -roAects m$st have a 3$d'et 3e"ore the proAect is opened "or postin'. 2deall!5 proAect set$p in"ormation is received "rom the preCaward s!stem. #he existin' preCaward s!stem will 3e discontin$ed soon. #he new preCaward s!stem5 (8E ,5 sho$ld inter"ace with ./3. B$siness opport$nit! is to have proAects created in the preCaward s!stem then data is trans"erred to ./3. #his eliminates do$3le entr! o" n$mero$s proAect attri3$tes. (amp$s B$siness 8""icers who create proAects0 A' 2 (ontrollers 9 (hattanoo'a 3 Femphis 3 Fartin 2 #,2 2 Enoxville 9see (ontrollers) sers incl$de -rincipal 2nvesti'ators/s$pport sta"" 9-2s and 3oo77eepers) A' 100s (ontrollers 100s (hattanoo'a 100s /var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_3/205399238.doc 220 o( $'!

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Femphis Fartin #,2 Enoxville

100s 100s 100s 100s

6hat is #Is polic! in relation to activatin' a proAect "or postin'1 # polic! states that a proAect with an instr$ction5 research5 or p$3lic service "$nction will onl! 3e activated "or postin' i" a 3$d'et has posted to the 'eneral led'er. B$d'ets can 3e received electronicall! "rom the preCaward s!stem or man$all! 9with applica3le approvals) "rom (amp$s B$siness 8""icers. At the Enoxville camp$s5 an acco$nt will onl! 3e activated i" a proposal n$m3er exists in the preCaward s!stem 9or i" cash has 3een received). #he en"orcement "or this proced$re rests with the (amp$s B$siness 8""icer and the 6A (ontrollerIs 8""ice. 8ther .estricted0 6e receive a 'i"t or award C Acco$nt setC$p "or the principal 9; acco$nts)5 plant "$nds and loans is done centrall!. #he c$rrent restricted and a'enc! "$nds are set $p 3! each camp$s. .elease is made centrall! 3! the (ontrollerIs 8""ice. (enters/(hairs0 ,ame as other restricted sers are same as 'rants and contracts. Doans0 A new 'i"t desi'nated "or loans is received or the 'overnment starts a new pro'ram. Acco$nts are set $p centrall!. -lant0 A new plant "$nd acco$nt is created when we receive noti"ication o" approval "rom either the ,B( or Board o" #r$stees. 8ccasionall!5 a maintenance or 2#Ct!pe proAect will 3e created witho$t this approval. Endowment/#r$sts0 *evelopment tri''ers the creation o" a proAect 3! sendin' the #reas$rerIs 8""ice 2nvestment 'ro$p a contract 9Femorand$m o" A'reement) si'ned 3! the donor. #he three individ$als per"ormin' creation and acco$ntin' d$ties "or endowments and tr$sts are0 -am OamesC ;inancial ,pecialist5 acco$ntin' "or the (onsolidated 2nvestment -ool 9(2-)5 and internal investment s!stem "or pooled endowment "$nds Felissa OohnsonC #r$st 8""icer5 acco$ntin' "or tr$sts 9li"e income) 4iliah (or3in C 2nvestment 8""icer5 acco$ntin' on the c$rrent internal investment s!stem 9e>$ivalent to transactions in the 2nvestment/#reas$r! mod$le data) /0 2) 6ho is the sponsor "or proAects1

A0 ,ponsored proAects and a'enc! "$nds0 ,ponsors are divided 3! t!pe into "o$r 3asic divisions "or "inancial statement p$rposes0 91) ;ederal5 92) ,tate5 93) Docal 'overnment5 and 9:) -rivate companies. #here are approximatel! 500 di""erent sponsors at an! point in time. Approximatel! 50U o" the sponsors are onl! sponsorin' one c$rrent proAect with #. #he other 50U o" sponsors have m$ltiple proAects. #Is lar'est sponsor is #CBattelle 9"ormerl! Doc7heed Fartin)5 which mana'es the 8a7 .id'e &ational Da3orator! "or the . ,. *ept. o" Ener'! 9approximatel! 300 c$rrent proAects). ,ome proAects come to # "rom -rivate compan! so$rces 3$t are act$all! ;ederal "lowC thro$'h "$nds. # is a s$3 award to the prime ;ederal award. Altho$'h these are classi"ied as -rivate in #Is records5 we m$st also report these "$nds to the ,tate in the (;*A report as ;ederal "$nds. (enters/(hairs0 #he ,tate o" #ennessee


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Gi"t acco$nts0 ,ponsors are individ$als and private companies primaril!. Gi"t acco$nts can 3e "$nded 3! cash receipts5 emplo!ee pa!roll ded$ctions5 and endowment income. Endowments/Di"e income0 *onors have 'iven cash5 stoc75 3onds5 land5 and other items to the niversit!. 2n the case o" Di"e income5 income is provided to the donors at a "ixed amo$nt or certain percenta'e o" earnin's. Doans0 #he "ederal 'overnment sponsors the -er7ins5 &$rsin' and 4ealth -ro"essions loan "$nds. #he niversit! provides the instit$tional loan "$nds that are matchin' dollars and private donors sponsor the private loan "$nds. -lant0 *oes not have a sponsor.


%nternal 6ro8ect %nitiation

/0 2) *o !o$ plan and control !o$r proAects in the in"ormation technolo'! area1 92" !es5 consider $sin' the -roAect ,!stem as !o$r proAect mana'ement tool.) A0 ,ponsored proAects and a'enc! "$nds0 6e have occasional sponsored proAects in the 2# area. #hese are treated A$st li7e an! other sponsored proAect. (enters/(hairs0 &/A Doans0 &/A -lant "$nds0 8ccasionall! have 2# proAects5 partic$larl! i" the!Ire "$nded "rom o$tside so$rces. Endowments/#r$sts0 &o C% Template: 1. .e>$irements/Expectations Grants H (ontracts0 2nter"ace with le'ac! preCaward s!stem. Faintain attri3$tes "rom the preCaward s!stem into -,. Be a3le to report on these attri3$tes 3! proAect/"$nd. &eed additional in"o on re>$irement here. All0 se standard templates i" applies.

2. General Explanations (rgani0ational $ssignments in the 6ro8ect 'ystem: #he 6B, elements 3elon'in' to a proAect de"inition and m$st 3e assi'ned to the controllin' area "or the proAect de"inition. #he compan! code9s) and 3$siness area in the 6B, elements m$st 3e in the controllin' area "or the proAect de"inition. 6ro8ect Definition #he val$es "or the proAect de"inition are copied "rom the template or proAect pro"ile when !o$ create a wor7 3rea7down str$ct$re. 2" !o$ create a wor7 3rea7down str$ct$re $sin' a template 3$t enter a proAect pro"ile di""erent "rom the one in the template5 !o$ can choose whether to adopt the de"a$lt val$es "rom the template or those "rom the proAect pro"ile. 2" !o$ ma7e later chan'es to the proAect pro"ile5 the chan'es have no e""ect on the val$es /var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_3/205399238.doc 222 o( $'!

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ta7en "rom the proAect pro"ile and inserted into existin' proAect de"initions. Controlling $rea #!pe o" "ield *e"a$lt val$e (an 3e chan'ed1 .e>$ired 2nherited 3! an! new elements !o$r create or insert into the 6B,. <es5 3$t onl! when !o$ are creatin' the proAect de"inition. 8nce !o$ have saved5 !o$ cannot chan'e the controllin' area 9exception0 standard 6B,). .e>$ired *e"a$lt val$e "or new 6B, elements. 2" !o$ do not "ill this "ield5 the s!stem copies the compan! code into it. 8nl! i" the controllin' area does not allow di""erent compan! code c$rrencies. .e>$ired .e>$ired "ield5 i" 3$siness area 3alances are mana'ed in the compan! code. 8ptional 8ptional

;(b8ect< C!rrency #!pe o" "ield *e"a$lt val$e (an 3e chan'ed1 Company Code #!pe o" "ield !siness area #!pe o" "ield 6rofit Center #!pe o" "ield 6lant #!pe o" "ield

9 ' =lement 6hen !o$ create new 6B, elements or incorporate them into a 6B,5 the val$es "rom the proAect de"inition are copied into the 6B, elements. 2" !o$ chan'e the proAect de"inition later5 the chan'es have no e""ect on the val$es ta7en "rom the proAect de"inition and inserted into existin' 6B, elements. Controlling $rea #!pe o" "ield (an 3e chan'ed1 ;(b8ect< C!rrency #!pe o" "ield *e"a$lt val$e (an 3e chan'ed1 *ispla! &o .e>$ired 6hen !o$ create or incorporate new 6B, elements5 the val$e is ta7en "rom the proAect de"inition or derived "rom the compan! code in the 6B, elements. 8nl! i" the controllin' area does not allow di""erent compan! code c$rrencies and i" no plan/act$al val$es5 commitments5 or 3$d'et exist "or the 6B, element.

Company Code #!pe o" "ield .e>$ired 8peratin' conditions/chec7 #he compan! code m$st 3elon' to the assi'ned controllin' area. (an 3e chan'ed1 *i""erent 6B, elements can 3e assi'ned to di""erent compan! codes. <o$ cannot chan'e the compan! code i" plan/act$al val$es5 commitments5 or 3$d'et exist. !siness $rea /var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_3/205399238.doc 223 o( $'!

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#!pe o" "ield (an 3e chan'ed1 6rofit Center #!pe o" "ield

.e>$ired5 i" 3$siness area 3alances are mana'ed in the compan! code. <o$ cannot chan'e the 3$siness area i" plan/act$al val$es5 commitments5 or 3$d'et exist. 8ptional

6lant #!pe o" "ield 8ptional 8peratin' conditions/chec7 #he plant m$st 3elon' to the assi'ned compan! code.

3. Explanations o" ;$nctions and Events ,ponsored proAects and a'enc! "$nds0 A proAect acco$nt is esta3lished 3! the camp$s 3$siness o""ice or centrall! 3! the 6A (ontrollerIs 8""ice when 91) an award doc$ment is received "rom the preCaward o""ice5 or 92) an approved 93! *epartment 4ead or *ean) Advance Acco$nt .e>$est ;orm is received "rom the academic department. #he #E camp$s 3$siness o""icer approves the esta3lishment o" all new proAects 3! si'nin'. A 3$d'et is $s$all! entered in the pre award s!stem 3e"ore activatin' a proAect "or postin' o" char'es "or those proAects with an instr$ction5 research5 or p$3lic service "$nction. #he 6A (ontrollerIs 8""ice has "inal a$thorit! to release a proAect to 3ecome active 9read! "or postin'). #he 3$d'et is electronicall! transmitted "rom the preCaward o""ice or entered man$all!. A noti"ication letter is sent to interested $sers C this is $s$all! the -rincipal 2nvesti'ator5 .esponsi3le -erson 9$s$all! the *epartment 4ead)5 departmental 3$siness mana'er5 and camp$s 3$siness mana'er when the proAect is esta3lished in the General Ded'er. #his process will remain similar in the "$t$re since ./3 does not c$rrentl! o""er a =pre award= mod$le. 6e will 3$ild an inter"ace with the pre award s!stem. Gi"t acco$nts0 A"ter a 'i"t is received5 a 'i"t acco$nt is esta3lished either at a camp$s 3$siness o""ice or at the 6A (ontrollerIs 8""ice thro$'h an approved re>$est "orm 3! the *evelopment 8""ice at #E or a camp$s 3$siness o""icer. A noti"ication letter is sent to interested $sers C this is $s$all! the -rincipal 2nvesti'ator5 .esponsi3le -erson 9$s$all! the *epartment 4ead)5 departmental 3$siness mana'er5 and camp$s 3$siness mana'er when the acco$nt is esta3lished in the General Ded'er. Doans0 6hen a new pro'ram is initiated 3! the ;ederal Government or a 'i"t to esta3lish a loan "$nd is received5 the camp$s 3$siness o""ice or (ontrollerIs 8""ice 3e'ins the set$p o" the new acco$nts. -lant "$nds 9$nexpended)0 Accordin' to Geor'e5 we have approximatel! 150 active proAects 9Geor'e will chec7 on this n$m3er). Accordin' to (4A.#5 we have approximatel! 950 active acco$nts. # has a le'ac! 3$d'et s!stem that is $sed to complete a 3$d'et re>$est in a certain "ormat. *B@0 -roAect B$d'et data is contained in the ;acilities -lannin' A,/:00 ,!stem 3$t onl! the #otal -roAect (ost "ield is $sed. #his data is re>$ired 3! the ,tate5 3$t no one is re>$ired to "ollow this 3$d'et. 6hen the ,tate approves the proAect5 an ,B( &o. is assi'ned 9"ormat example0 5:0/01C01C010). #his "ield can 3e carried on the 6B, 96or7 Brea7down ,tr$ct$re) as contract V 9per Far!). 2n the past this is the point when the O acco$nt wo$ld have 3een created. :. B$siness Fodel


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5. ,pecial 8r'ani%ational (onsiderations Grants H (ontracts 1. proAect entered in pre award s!stem C proposal sta'e 9not approved) 2. proAect approved or advance acco$nt re>$est received 3. proAect inter"aced with ./30 -,0 attri3$tes 9and i" (8E , ma!3e str$ct$re) ;F0 trans"er o" 3$d'et 2ss$e V1030 6hich le'ac! pre award s!stem will we inter"ace with0 (8E , or existin'1 &eal 6ormsle! has a'reed to resolve this iss$e "or the -, team 3! 5/19/00 else we will ass$me the inter"ace will 3e to the c$rrent le'ac! s!stem. ($rrentl! the process in the pre award s!stem is0 1. proposal or si'nat$re with "ree "orm 3$d'et 2. award 3$d'et or si'nat$re 3. man$al trans"er o" proposal or pre award 3$d'et into

# o3Aect codes

6ith (8E , the proAect can 3e created in the pre award s!stem C do we create this in (8E , and inter"ace the str$ct$re to ./31 8r C does GailIs 'ro$p initiall! create the proAect directl! in ./31 &ote0 #he 'oals o" the 8. 98""ice o" .esearch) are0 proposal mana'ement and award mana'ement. #he 'oals o" the (ontrollerMs 8""ice are0 set $p str$ct$re5 acco$ntin' 93illin')5 "inancial reportin'5 and proAect clos$re. ?. (han'es to Existin' 8r'ani%ation 4istoricall! # wo$ld create man! proAects 3! camp$sI department to mana'e and report on their IpiecesI o" the proAect. #hen the costs wo$ld need to 3e trans"erred/consolidated/s$mmari%ed to'ether. 2n -, the proAect will 3e created as a hierarch! allowin' nat$ral s$mmari%ation and cost roll $p as well as mana'ement and reportin' on the 6B, element level. ;or example5 proAect N co$ld 3e wor7ed on 3! the ph!sics department and the chemistr! department. #he proAect N will have a 6B, element 3$c7et 9historicall! . acco$nts) "or each o" these 3$c7ets. -roAect *e"inition / #itle0 -roAect N Devel 1 6B,0 -roAect N Devel 2Is 6B,0 proAect N camp$s < 9was .0@0510xx)5 proAect N camp$s Y 9was .011025xx) @. *escription o" 2mprovements ,ee chan'es to existin' or'ani%ation. #he chan'e5 while it will 3e a trainin' iss$e5 is also an improvement "or mana'ement and reportin' p$rposes. 2n addition with the hierarch! the correct people responsi3le 9dept heads5 -2s5 prime 3oo7 7eepers5 etc.) can 3e lin7ed to the proper 6B, element. ($rrentl! people responsi3le are lin7ed man$all! or there are m$ltiple 3alance acco$nts 9lin7ed 3! 3ase 'rant n$m3er). 2n the "$t$re we hope to store this in"ormation on the 6B, elements. 8. *escription o" ;$nctional *e"icits /var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_3/205399238.doc 22" o( $'!

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./3 c$rrentl! doesnIt have "ields re>$ired to maintain attri3$tes "rom the preCaward s!stem. #his in"o needs to 3e with the proAect in -, and reported on. 9. Approaches to (overin' ;$nctional *e"icits 2n order to meet the re>$irements "or the niversit!5 -, needs to 3e enhanced to accommodate the mappin' o" "$nd attri3$tes into the proAect. A detailed spreadsheet exists later on in this (2# showin' the mappin' o" existin' # attri3$tes into ./3 and the need "or the creation o" additional "ields. 10. &otes on ;$rther 2mprovements 2n the "$t$re # can create proAects "or other proAect acco$ntin' initiatives 92# proAect mana'ement5 $nrestricted proAects5 etc). ;or example5 the (ontin$in' Ed$cation cost center5 which is an E acco$nt5 ma! have a 3$d'et and several initiatives. -roAects can 3e $sed to trac7 costs and potentiall! reven$es "or the individ$al contin$in' ed$cation mini proAects. #hen the proAect can 3e closed and the costs settled 3ac7 to the E acco$nt cost center "or (ontin$in' Ed$cation. ($rrentl! these proAects are mana'ed as s$3 acco$nts in the *F, s!stem and do not reconcile 3ac7 to the acco$nt led'er. 11. ,!stem (on"i'$ration (onsiderations &eed to explore impact o" newl! de"ined "ields on maintainin' "ield stat$s 9re>$ired5 hidden5 displa!5 open) 3! proAect t!pe. Doc!ments 2n the "ollowin' steps !o$ can ma7e the appropriate settin's "or the -, texts in the -roAect ,!stem. 2n addition to the -, texts5 !o$ can $se the "$nctionalit! o" doc$ment mana'ement within the -roAect ,!stem. *oc$ments can 3e assi'ned directl! "rom doc$ment mana'ement to 6B, elements and displa!ed in the wor7 3rea7down str$ct$re. 2" !o$ want to ma7e $se o" the doc$ment mana'ement "$nctionalit! in the -roAect ,!stem5 !o$ m$st "irst ma7e the appropriate settin's $sin' the 2mplementation G$ide0 *oc$ment Fana'ement. Define TeAt Types for 6' TeAts <o$ can enter as man! texts as !o$ need "or activities or 6B, elements $sin' -, texts. -, texts are or'ani%ed accordin' to text t!pes. <o$ can de"ine the text t!pes to meet !o$r needs. =Aamples &otes Action lists Do's Defa!lt 'ettings #ext t!pes "or -, texts are created in the standard ,A- ./3 ,!stem. $ctions 1. ,peci"! which text t!pes !o$ want to $se "or !o$r proAects. 2. (reate the text t!pes. 12. A$thori%ation and ser .oles 6' $!thori0ation Recommendation: /var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_3/205399238.doc 22$ o( $'!

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'ec!re F% 6ostings: -, proAects will 3e created "or "$nds. Each "$nd has an individ$al "$nd and "$nd center so ;2 postin's to proAects can 3e restricted thr$ ;F. #his sho$ld 3e strai'ht"orward. Create ) Change ) Display master data: #he # o""ices listed 3elow will all have the a3ilit! to create and chan'e all proAects "or each t!pe o" restricted "$nd. Access will 3e 'iven 9or not) "or transactions (O01 and (O02. #his decision was made 3eca$se it re"lects the c$rrent centrali%ed sec$rit!. 2n the "$t$re5 sec$rit! can 3e decentrali%ed so that end $sers can create their own s$3 acco$nts 9lower level 6B, elements). #o control on a decentrali%ed level in the "$t$re5 proAect 9"$nd) t!pe co$ld 3e $sed. Ever!one can have access to displa!in' master data G (O03. C!rrent >T departments that create # change restricted f!nds: Grants H contracts G Gail (ontroller 9GH() "or Enoxville5 #$llahoma5 6A5 and G,F. (ontroller 9(oA) "or (hattanoo'a5 and 2-,. Femphis5 A'5 and Fartin B$siness 8""ices do their own GH( acco$nts. Gi"t C endowment / tr$st (ontroller 9(oA set $p) and Fp5 Fartin5 H A' B$s. 8""icesW Gi"t C o$tside so$rces (ontroller 9(oA set $p) and Fp5 Fartin5 H A' B$s. 8""ices Appropriations/(hairs/(enters (ontroller 9(oA set $p) Doan C .on (ontroller 9(oA set $p) A'enc! / GH( C Gail (ontroller 9GH() C ,ame as GH( A'enc!/ -lant C +erna (ontroller 9-lant Gro$p) C +erna / (!ndie A'enc!/ #r$st C Felissa #reas$rers 8""ice / 2nvestment Gro$p -lant .enewal C +erna (ontroller 9-lant Gro$p) C +erna / (!ndie -lant 2nvested C+erna (ontroller 9-lant Gro$p) C +erna / (!ndie -lant nexpended C+erna (ontroller 9-lant Gro$p) C +erna / (!ndie -lant .82 C+erna (ontroller 9-lant Gro$p) C +erna / (!ndie Endowments C B$tch #reas$rers 8""ice / 2nvestment Gro$p Di"e income C B$tch #reas$rers 8""ice / 2nvestment Gro$p ,/1/1/1/ "!estions: /0 1) *escri3e the proced$re !o$ $se to A$sti"! and approve startin' a new proAect. 6repare !siness Case for 6ro8ect

A0 ,ponsored proAects and a'enc! "$nds0 A proAect acco$nt is esta3lished 3! the camp$s 3$siness o""ice or centrall! 3! the 6A (ontrollerIs 8""ice when 91) an award doc$ment is received "rom the preCaward o""ice5 or 92) an approved 93! *epartment 4ead or *ean) Advance Acco$nt .e>$est ;orm is received "rom the academic department. #he #E camp$s 3$siness o""icer approves the esta3lishment o" all new proAects 3! si'nin'. A 3$d'et is re>$ired "or activatin' a proAect "or postin' o" char'es "or those proAects with an instr$ction5 research5 or p$3lic service "$nction. #he 6A (ontrollerIs 8""ice has "inal a$thorit! to release a proAect to 3ecome active 9read! "or postin'). #he 3$d'et is electronicall! transmitted "rom the preCaward o""ice. A noti"ication letter is sent to interested $sers C this is $s$all! the -rincipal 2nvesti'ator5 .esponsi3le -erson 9$s$all! the *epartment 4ead)5 departmental 3$siness mana'er5 and camp$s 3$siness mana'er when the proAect is esta3lished in the General Ded'er. (enters/(hairs0 ,ame as GH( except we 7now we m$st set $p new proAects each !ear. &o tie to preCaward s!stem


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Gi"t acco$nts0 A"ter a 'i"t is received5 a 'i"t acco$nt is esta3lished either at a camp$s 3$siness o""ice or at the 6A (ontrollerIs 8""ice thro$'h an approved re>$est "orm 3! the *evelopment 8""ice at #E or a camp$s 3$siness o""icer. A noti"ication letter is sent to interested $sers C this is $s$all! the -rincipal 2nvesti'ator5 .esponsi3le -erson 9$s$all! the *epartment 4ead)5 departmental 3$siness mana'er5 and camp$s 3$siness mana'er when the acco$nt is esta3lished in the General Ded'er. Doans0 6hen a new pro'ram is initiated 3! the ;ederal Government or a 'i"t to esta3lish a loan "$nd is received5 the camp$s 3$siness o""ice or (ontrollerIs 8""ice 3e'ins the set$p o" the new acco$nts. -lant "$nds0 *escri3e capital 3$d'et process here. Endowments/#r$sts0 #he si'ned F8A A$sti"ies the startin' o" a new proAect. .ndo(ment %rocesses: #he *evelopment 8""ice creates a Femorand$m o" A'reement 9F8A) doc$ment to "ormali%e the donor a'reement. #he! also deposit 'i"t "$nds received "rom donor. #he 'i"t "$nds are 'enerall! deposited into the #E .estricted Gi"ts ,$spense ;$nd5 3$t there are times when the! are deposited into other B acco$nts. *evelopment has the donor si'n the F8A and sends it thro$'h the contract review process. -am reviews and approves the F8A and sends the F8A 3ac7 thro$'h the contract review process. #he +ice -residentIs si'nat$re is then o3tained and the completed F8A is ret$rned to -am "or processin'. -am sets $p the endowment ; acco$nts 3ased on the F8A in"ormation. 2" the "$ndin' is 'reater than Q1550005 -am re>$ests the (ontrollerIs 8""ice to create an . and B acco$nt to 3e $sed "or expendit$res and "or creditin' income. 2" the "$ndin' is less than Q1550005 an! earnin's will 3e reinvested in the endowment ; acco$nt $ntil 3alance o" endowment reaches Q155000. 8nce the 3alance o" the endowment reaches Q155000 9or other speci"ied amo$nt)5 B and . acco$nts are re>$ested. -am also prepares a Oo$rnal entr! to move the "$nds o$t o" the #E .estricted Gi"t ,$spense ;$nd5 or speci"ied B Acco$nt5 into the endowment acco$nt. -am also enters acco$nts onto the (2- s$3s!stem. #his tells the s!stem what acco$nt to credit income to5 what percenta'e o" income to credit to each acco$nt5 etc. #his s$3s!stem also allows -am to ma7e an! chan'es to acco$nts credited 9example C when acco$nt reaches Q155000 3alances5 credit acco$nts m$st 3e chan'ed) 2" acco$nts do not meet the minim$m endowment o" Q155000 within a speci"ied period5 a Ao$rnal vo$cher is processed to close the endowment acco$nt and move the principal to a restricted acco$nt that is desi'nated "or $se 3ased on the ori'inal F8A. Gains/losses are reco'ni%ed at this time. pon a donorIs re>$est5 a new5 separate and distinct endowment ma! 3e created "rom an existin' endowment. A process has 3een esta3lished to pool cash in the (onsolidated -ool5 as indicated 3elow0 1. 8n a monthl! 3asis5 a report 9o$t3o$nd inter"ace "ile) is 'enerated "rom the (ontrollerIs 8""ice that shows the amo$nt o" each new 'i"t and/or reinvested "$nds that were received that month and deposited to the endowment acco$nts. 9#he in"ormation "or this report comes "rom (+Is or O+Is) 2. An internal investment pro'ram r$n that sweeps this cash into the -ooled Asset acco$nts. #his pro'ram 'enerates a Ao$rnal "ile to post to the 29 acco$nts 9asset acco$nts). 9,teps 3C? 3elow are done in the (2- internal s!stem) /var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_3/205399238.doc 22' o( $'!

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3. 4iliah calc$lates the total mar7et val$e o" the pool5 and -am 3alances this mar7et val$e 3ac7 to the 3an7. Based on this mar7et val$e and amo$nt o" cash pooled in item 25 and total n$m3er o" shares in the -ool5 a mar7et val$e per share is calc$lated. #he "orm$la "or this calc$lation is total mar7et val$e less cash pooled "or month divided total n$m3er o" shares as o" previo$s month 9incl$des additions/deletions d$rin' month). :. A pro'ram is r$n to distri3$te shares p$rchased to the pooled asset acco$nts. #he n$m3er o" shares p$rchased is determined 3! amo$nt o" 'i"t to endowment divided 3! mar7et val$e per share determined in item 3. 5. A pro'ram is r$n to post the shares p$rchased to the pooled asset acco$nts. ?. A report is r$n to show each endowmentIs Boo7 +al$e 3ased on the -ool B+ $nit price5 &$m3er o" ,hares and E>$ivalent ,hares 9i.e.5 wei'hted avera'e n$m3er o" shares d$e to adA$stments "or "$nds that were held onl! "or a partial >$arter). $ncome Distri)ution 1. 8n a >$arterl! 3asis5 income is distri3$ted 3ased on the e>$ivalent n$m3er o" shares that each endowment owns. #he amo$nt distri3$ted is 5U o" a 3C!ear movin' avera'e o" pool mar7et val$es as o" *ecem3er 31. 2. #he -ool s$3s!stem creates a Oo$rnal Entr! that distri3$tes the income 3ased on the n$m3er o" e>$ivalent shares each endowment owns. 3. An inter"ace is r$n to post the Oo$rnal Entr! distri3$tion created in ,tep 2 to each desi'nated B5 25 or - acco$nt and each reinvested ; acco$nt. #he income is ta7en o$t o" the ndistri3$ted 2ncome on 2nvest -ool acco$nt. 2n addition5 a man$al report is s$pplied to the #reas$rer each >$arter to show the activit! in the ndistri3$ted 2ncome on 2nvest -ool acco$nt. #r$sts 9Di"e 2ncome) Each tr$st is 'enerall! treated as a separate "$nd 9see exception o" -ooled 2ncome ;$nd A)5 and each "$nd is set $p as a 'ro$p o" G acco$nts. #he "o$rth and "i"th di'it o" the c$rrent acco$nt n$m3er indicates the t!pes o" assets s$ch as stoc7s 920)5 3onds 922)5 (*s 90:) real estate 9:8)5 and "$nd 3alance 999). #o participate in the #r$st -ooled 2ncome ;$nd A5 a minim$m o" Q105000 m$st 3e 'iven5 and the "$nds are invested as a pool. 6hen the amo$nt 'iven is at least Q5050005 then the "$nds are invested separatel!. #here are approximatel! 300 tr$sts. #he t!pes o" tr$sts incl$de0 nitr$st C where xU o" mar7et val$e is paid o$t nitr$st with net income C where xU o" mar7et val$e is paid o$t s$3Aect to net income nitr$st5 net income with ma7eC$p C where xU o" mar7et val$e is paid s$3Aect to net income5 and where an! past shorta'es d$e to net income restrictions are made $p when the c$rrent net income "or that period allows. Ann$it! tr$sts C a percenta'e or set dollar amo$nt is paid o$t over a set term. Dead tr$sts C where # has ri'hts to the 'enerated interest income5 3$t the remainin' principal reverts 3ac7 to the donor or desi'nated 3ene"iciaries $pon termination o" the tr$st. 9&ote0 Dead tr$sts are set $p $sin' the A'enc! - acco$nt.) .emainder tr$sts C where # has ri'hts to the remainin' principal 3$t not the income 9$nless speci"ied in the tr$st doc$ment that # is a 3ene"iciar! d$rin' the li"e o" the tr$st). Di"e 2ncome C where # pa!s o$t earnin's to the donor/desi'nated 3ene"iciaries thro$'ho$t his/their li"e.


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/0 2) *o !o$ sim$late di""erent proAect alternatives in s$pport o" the decision on exec$tin' a proAect1 92" !es5 consider $sin' the proAect sim$lation.) A0 &o. ,/1/1/2/ "!estions: /0 1) 4ow is a proAect approved1 6ho ta7es the decision to approve and who m$st 3e in"ormed o" the decision1 A0 ,ponsored proAects and a'enc! "$nds0 A proAect acco$nt is esta3lished 3! the camp$s 3$siness o""ice or centrall! 3! 6A (ontrollerIs 8""ice when 91) an award doc$ment is received "rom the preCaward o""ice5 or 92) an approved 93! *epartment 4ead or *ean) Advance Acco$nt .e>$est ;orm is received "rom the academic department. #he #E camp$s 3$siness o""icer approves the esta3lishment o" all new acco$nts 3! si'nin'. A 3$d'et is re>$ired "or those acco$nts with an instr$ction5 research5 or p$3lic service "$nction "or activatin' an acco$nt "or postin' o" char'es. #he 6A (ontrollerIs 8""ice has "inal a$thorit! "or releasin' an acco$nt "or active postin'. #he 3$d'et is electronicall! transmitted "rom the #E preCaward o""ice. A noti"ication letter is sent to interested $sers C this is $s$all! the -rincipal 2nvesti'ator5 .esponsi3le -erson 9$s$all! the *epartment 4ead)5 departmental 3$siness mana'er5 and camp$s 3$siness mana'er when the acco$nt is esta3lished in the General Ded'er. (enters/(hairs0 ,ame as GH( except no tie to preCaward s!stem Gi"t acco$nts0 A 'i"t acco$nt is esta3lished 3! the camp$s 3$siness o""ice or the 6A (ontrollerIs 8""ice thro$'h an approved re>$est "orm 3! the *evelopment 8""ice at #E or the camp$s 3$siness o""icer. A noti"ication letter is sent to interested $sers C this is $s$all! the -rincipal 2nvesti'ator5 .esponsi3le -erson 9$s$all! the *epartment 4ead)5 departmental 3$siness mana'er5 and camp$s 3$siness mana'er when the acco$nt is esta3lished in the General Ded'er. Doans0 A"ter we receive a 'i"t "or the esta3lishment o" a loan "$nd5 the camp$s 3$siness o""icer and (ontrollerIs 8""ice sta"" decide i" the "$nds will 3e loaned or matched. A"ter an acco$nt is esta3lished5 the 3$rsar and chie" 3$siness o""icer is noti"ied. -lant "$nds0 Endowments/#r$sts0 #he *evelopment 8""ice and the #reas$rerIs 8""ice approve the proAects. #hese two o""ices m$st approve and 3e in"ormed. /0 2) 4ow is proAect approval doc$mented1 9(onsider assi'nin' approval doc$ments that are availa3le in electronic "orm to the 6B, in the proAect str$ct$re.) A0 ,ponsored proAects and a'enc! "$nds0 ,ee >$estion one a3ove. (enters/(hairs0 ,ame as GH( Gi"ts0 ,ee >$estion one a3ove. Doans0 ,ee >$estion one a3ove. Endowments/#r$sts0 the contract$al a'reement 9F8A) /var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_3/205399238.doc 230 o( $'! 6ro8ect $ppro*al

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"!estions: /0 1) 4ow detailed is !o$r proAect plannin'1 9.emem3er that there are di""erent levels o" plannin' detail.) A0 ,ponsored proAects and a'enc! "$nds0 ($rrentl!5 #Is s!stems do not have this capa3ilit!. All we have now is a "inal5 approved 3$d'et. An! plannin' or scenarios are done man$all! 3! the -2 and departmental 3$siness mana'er. (enters/(hairs0 ,ame as GH( Gi"ts0 ,ame as sponsored proAects. Doans0 &o plannin' capa3ilit!. Endowments/#r$sts0 &o plannin' done. /0 2) 6ho carries o$t plannin' "or !o$r proAects1 9Fention an!one involved in and responsi3le "or each sta'e o" the plannin' process.) A0 ,ponsored proAects and a'enc! "$nds0 An! plannin' that ta7es place is done man$all! at the departmental level. #his wo$ld normall! 3e the -25 departmental 3$siness mana'er5 or department head. (enters/(hairs0 ,ame as GH( Gi"ts0 ,ame as sponsored proAects a3ove with the exception that colle'e or camp$sClevel personnel mi'ht 3e involved dependin' on the # ownership o" the 'i"t. Endowments/#r$sts0 &o plannin' done. Doans0 An! plannin' done concernin' loan "$nds has to do with which "$nds and how m$ch to match and how m$ch mone! to lend the next !ear. #he matchin' decisions are made in the (ontrollerIs 8""ice. #he spendin' decisions are made 3! each camp$sI "inancial aid o""ice. /0 3) 4ow o"ten are !o$r proAect plans $pdated1 9(onsider the e""ects on the proAect 3aseline calc$lation.) A0 ,ponsored proAects and a'enc! "$nds0 #his is $n7nown at this time. # does not c$rrentl! have this capa3ilit! a$tomated. An! plannin' and plannin' $pdates are done man$all!. (enters/(hairs0 ,ame as GH( Gi"ts0 ,ame as sponsored proAects a3ove. Doans0 &/A Endowments/#r$sts0 &o plannin' done.


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/0 :) 4ow is plannin' comm$nicated1 9(onsider the e""ects on reportin'5 electronic comm$nication5 and so on.) A0 ,ponsored proAects and a'enc! "$nds0 #his is not occ$rrin' in the s!stem at this time since #Is s!stem does not have this capa3ilit!. (enters/(hairs0 ,ame as GH( Gi"ts0 ,ame as sponsored proAects a3ove. Doans0 &/A Endowments/#r$sts0 &o plannin' done.



/0 1) 6hat tri''ers the creation o" the proAect and when in the 3$siness process do !o$ start to str$ct$re !o$r proAect1 A0 ,ponsored proAects and a'enc! "$nds0 ($rrent0 #he camp$s 3$siness o""ice or the (ontrollerIs 8""ice creates acco$nts when an award doc$ment is received or an approved Advance Acco$nt .e>$est ;orm is received. #he (ontrollerIs 8""ice re>$ires an approved 3$d'et "or acco$nts with an instr$ction5 research5 or p$3lic service "$nction in order to activate the acco$nt "or postin' char'es to the 'eneral led'er. #he (amp$s B$siness 8""ice approves all new acco$nt esta3lishments. ;$t$re0 *ependin' on the implementation o" the (8E , preCaward s!stem5 the proAect set$p attri3$tes ma! 3e entered in the preCaward o""ice instead o" the (amp$s B$siness 8""ice or (ontrollerIs 8""ice. #hese attri3$tes wo$ld then 3e trans"erred electronicall! to ./3 "or review and approval 3! the camp$s 3$siness o""ice or (ontrollerIs 8""ice. (enters/(hairs0 ,ame as GH( except no tie to preCaward s!stem Doans0 #he award o" a new "ederal loan pro'ram contri3$tion or the receipt o" a 'i"t tri''ers the creation o" a loan "$nd. Endowments/#r$sts0 #he si'ned Femorand$m o" A'reement 9contract a'reement with the donor) tri''ers the creation o" the proAect and the acco$nts are set $p at the time that the #reas$rerIs 8""ice 2nvestment Gro$p receives the si'ned F8A. /0 2) *o !o$ have di""erent t!pes o" proAects1 92" !es5 consider havin' di""erent proAect processes "or each maAor t!pe.) A0 ,ponsored proAects0 #!pes0 'rants5 contracts5 tas7 order a'reements 9"$ndin' at tas7 order a'reement level)5 cooperative a'reements5 consortia5 'overnmental appropriations ,ponsors0 "ederal5 private5 state5 local 'overnmentP "o$ndations5 ind$str!P other $niversitiesP "orei'n Billin'0 cost reim3$rsement 3illin'5 "ixed price5 3illin' sched$les5 milestone or periodic 3illin'5 completion o" maAor tas75 patient enrollment 3asis5 clinical research trials5 letter o" credit electronic drawdown o" "$nds ;inancial reportin' is sometimes re>$ired in addition to 3illin' 8$tcomes0 research5 trainin' 'rants5 con"erence5 p$3lic service5 ed$cation5 instr$ction5 "ellowships5 e>$ipment p$rchase5 constr$ction. #an'i3le o$tcomes /var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_3/205399238.doc 232 o( $'!

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incl$de technical reports5 patents5 and prod$cts 9e.'. man$als5 co$rse c$rric$l$m5 con"erence5 newsletter5 e>$ipment5 process desi'n5 3l$eprints5 etc.). (enters/(hairs0 ,ame as GH( 3$t the mone! comes thro$'h re>$ests to the ,tate5 not invoicin' Gi"ts0 Gi"ts di""er in the level o" restriction that the donor applies to the mone!. ;or example5 a 'i"t co$ld 3e restricted "or chemistr! research. #his is a "airl! 3road restriction. 8r5 a 'i"t co$ld speci"icall! state the -2 and or exact t!pe o" research to 3e s$pported 3! the contri3$tion. Gi"ts also di""er in the wa! that the proAect is "$nded 9i.e. endowment5 cash receipt5 etc.). 8ther .estricted0 2n addition to 'rants and contracts5 other restricted acco$nts s$ch as loans5 a'enc! "$nds5 'i"ts and endowments5 ann$it! and li"e income. ;$ndin' ma! 3e "rom 'i"ts5 pro'ram reven$es5 and trans"erred excess "$nds5 endowment income5 etc. Di"e income is a tr$st with a special cla$se that esta3lishes an endowment at the time o" the contri3$torIs death. -lant "$nds are 3ro7en down "or "$t$re plant expendit$res o" constr$ction or renewal. ,o$rce o" "$nds is 3onded inde3tedness5 excess operatin' "$nds5 state appropriations5 and 'i"ts. Doan "$nds have dis3$rsements5 collections5 interest5 and some writeCo""s. A'enc! "$nds incl$de lead tr$sts where the principal remains with the donor5 contractor retaina'e 9on the vendor side)5 individ$als $nder'oin' transplant operations 9deposits)5 *epartment o" #ransportation passCthro$'h "$nds where # is the "iscal a'ent5 and athletic to$rnaments and "raternities. ,ponsored proAects0 105000 C 205000 &ew awards per !ear 3! 3$d'et entit!0 #,2 100 (hattanoo'a 200 Femphis 550 A' 330 Enoxville @00 Fartin :0 &ew proposals per !ear 3! 3$d'et entit!0 #,2 200 (hattanoo'a :00 Femphis 1100 A' 1100 Enoxville 1:00 Fartin 100 8ther .estricted Acco$nts0 Endowments0 approximatel! 3000 #r$sts0 approximatel! 300 (harita3le Dead #r$sts0 5 A'enc! #r$sts where # 'ets onl! the income and not the principal o" the tr$st.


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/0 3) *o !o$ have di""erent phases in !o$r proAects1 92" !es5 consider str$ct$rin' !o$r proAect accordin' to phases. 2" no5 consider str$ct$rin' !o$r proAect accordin' to "$nction or prod$ct 'ro$ps.) A0 ,ponsored proAects and a'enc! "$nds0 6e do not necessaril! have phases5 3$t ma! need to str$ct$re o$r proAects as "ollows0 50U 1 level 1 6B,5 1 level 2 9c$rrent) 25U 1 level 1 6B,5 m$ltiple level 2Is 20U 1 level 1 6B,5 1 or m$ltiple level 2Is5 and 1 or m$ltiple level 3Is 9"$t$re C more detail) 5U 1 level 1 6B,5 1 or m$ltiple level 2Is5 and 1 or m$ltiple level 3Is5 and level :Is (enters/(hairs0 Approx 100 new acco$nts each !ear ,ponsored proAects5 a'enc! "$nds5 and 'i"ts will need a total o" 105000 C 205000 proAects/6B, elements/IBI acco$nts5 3$t this n$m3er will increase as # meets -residentIs 'oal to do$3le ;ederal research dollarsR Endowments/Di"e income0 #here is 'enerall! onl! one phase that is desi'nated in the acco$ntin' s!stem. -hases co$ld 3e constr$cted in some instances. ;or instance5 tr$st acco$nts 3ecome endowments $pon the death o" the "inal s$rvivin' 3ene"iciar!. ($rrentl! the process is to close the tr$st and create a new endowment. Also5 endowments ma! 3e initiall! "$nded at an amo$nt less than the minim$m Q155000 re>$ired to 3e an endowment. #he income is "$nneled 3ac7 into the principal and additional 'i"ts are received within a speci"ied time"rame $ntil the Q155000 is achieved. 2" the Q155000 is not achieved within a 'iven time"rame5 the endowment is closed and the "$nds are trans"erred to an expense acco$nt per the F8A a'reement terms. Doans0 &/A /0 :) *o !o$ create the entire proAect str$ct$re at one time1 92" !es5 consider creatin' the str$ct$re with networ7 activities in one step 2" no5 consider 'rad$all! 3$ildin' the str$ct$re 3! addin' s$3 trees5 networ7s or standard str$ct$res over time.) A0 ,ponsored proAects and a'enc! "$nds0 2n the maAorit! o" cases5 the proAect str$ct$re can 3e correctl! determined at proAect inception. 4owever5 we need the a3ilit! to modi"! the str$ct$re and add tiers i" / when the occasion arises. 6hen (8E , is implemented as the preCaward s!stem5 the initial proAect str$ct$re ma! 3e entered 3! preCaward sta"". #he proAect str$ct$re will 3e passed electronicall! to ./3 and reviewed 9and possi3l! altered) 3! the camp$s 3$siness o""ice and 6A (ontrollerIs 8""ice. (enters/(hairs0 ,ame as GH( except no tie to preCaward s!stem Gi"ts0 #he proAect str$ct$re will 3e initiated 3! the (amp$s B$siness 8""ice and the (ontrollerIs 8""ice. #his will most li7el! $se a standard 9and relativel! simple) proAect str$ct$re. ($rrentl!5 proAect str$ct$re "or a new proAect is copied "rom a similar5 existin' proAect. 2np$t will 3e man$al 3ased on in"ormation provided 3! the #E *evelopment 8""ice or the camp$s 3$siness o""ice. 2s there an! wa! to a$tomate this str$ct$re1 9<es C !o$ can cop! str$ct$res.) Doans0 <es Endowments/#r$sts0 <es /0 5) (osts5 dates5 reso$rces5 material5 and "inance can 3e drivers "or how c$stomers str$ct$re their proAects. 6hat are the critical s$ccess "actors "or !o$r proAects1


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A0 ,ponsored proAects and a'enc! "$nds0 ,tr$ct$re o" proAects is dependent $pon two primar! "actors0 91) award doc$ment re>$irements5 and 92) -2Is proAect mana'ement 'oals. #he award doc$ment re>$irements which co$ld impact proAect str$ct$re incl$de 91) "inancial reportin' dates5 92) ;HA rates5 93) ;HA cost sharin'5 9:) direct cost sharin'5 95) statement o" wor75 and 9?) so$rces o" "$ndin'. #he -2Is proAect mana'ement 'oals which co$ld impact proAect str$ct$re incl$de 91) technical reportin' re>$irements5 92) technical milestones or phases5 93) division o" wor7 3etween a n$m3er o" coC-2Is5 9:) so$rces o" "$ndin'. (enters/(hairs0 ,ame as GH( except ;HA is not a "actor Gi"ts0 #he onl! critical "actors re'ardin' the str$ct$re o" a 'i"t wo$ld 3e division 3etween several # owners5 the restrictions placed $pon the "$nds 3! the donors5 and an! speci"ied endin' dates. Doans0 Doanin' and collectin' the mone! are o$t o" scope "or ./3. Endowments/#r$sts0 #he drivers are the stip$lations in the F8As as to how the income will 3e distri3$ted and how the income ma! 3e spent. (ritical s$ccess "actors incl$de the pro"ita3le investment o" "$nds 9which is o$t o" scope o" ./3 at this time). /0 @) 4ow do !o$ distri3$te costs and dates in the proAect str$ct$re1 9.emem3er5 it is possi3le to plan costs and dates topCdown or 3ottomC$p.) A0 ,ponsored proAects and a'enc! "$nds0 ($rrentl!5 the dates are assi'ned to the . acco$nt 9proAect expendit$re acco$nt). *irect costs are assi'ned to the . acco$nt. ;HA attri3$tes are assi'ned to the . acco$nt5 3$t are posted to the B acco$nt. 2n the "$t$re5 it is desira3le to have onl! one proAect acco$nt where all costs and attri3$tes are present. All costs sho$ld 3e acc$m$lated "rom the 3ottom $p. *ates and 3asic attri3$tes ma! need to 3e "rom the top down. (enters/(hairs0 ,ame as GH( Gi"ts0 ,ame as sponsored proAects. Doans0 Each loan "$nd is a 3alance sheet. #he! have cash5 notes receiva3le5 matchin' and a 3alance. 6hen a loan "$nd is created the niversit! receives cash and has a "$nd 3alance. As "$nds are loaned5 cash decreases and notes receiva3le are created. 6hen loans are collected5 cash increases and notes receiva3le decreases. Endowments/#r$sts0 (osts and *ates are not distri3$ted. 2ncome is distri3$ted "rom the (onsolidated 2nvestment -ools. Endowments are perpet$al and tr$sts end at the death o" the last 3ene"iciar! 9which cannot 3e predicted). /0 8) *o !o$ o"ten have similar proAects or are the! completel! di""erent1 92" !o$ o"ten have similar proAects5 consider $sin' templates or cop!in' existin' proAects when creatin' new proAects.) A0 ,ponsored proAects and a'enc! "$nds0 #he maAorit! o" proAects are similar to existin' proAects. #emplates or cop!in' existin' proAects sho$ld 3e a 'ood startin' place "or settin' $p a new proAect. 4owever5 several templates ma! 3e needed. Also5 the a3ilit! to set $p a proAect independentl! o" templates is desira3le. (enters/(hairs0 ,ame as GH(5 man! are the same "rom !ear to !ear Gi"ts0 ,ame as sponsored proAects.


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Doans0 -rivate loans per camp$s are ver! similar. -lant0 Accordin' to Geor'e5 we have approximatel! 150 active proAects 9Geor'e will chec7 on this n$m3er). Accordin' to (4A.#5 we have approximatel! 950 active acco$nts. All 4Is and OIs. Endowments are ver! similar in str$ct$re. #he assets involved ma! have some di""erences. #r$sts0 #he di""erences in tr$sts incl$de lead5 li"e income5 charita3le remainder5 pooled "$nds5 and nitr$sts5 with "ixed pa!o$t5 net 2ncome w/ma7e$p5 or net 2ncome. #he str$ct$re in the G/D5 however5 is ver! similar. ;ive tr$sts where # onl! can $se the income5 3$t not the principal5 are set $p as a'enc! "$nds. Endowments are set $p as ; acco$nts. #he "o$rth and "i"th di'it o" the c$rrent acco$nt n$m3ers desi'nates the t!pe o" acco$nt s$ch as assets _stoc7s 920)5 3onds 922)5 (*s 90:)5 real estate 9:8)` and "$nd 3alance 999). &inet! percent5 or approximatel! 25005 o" the endowments are pooled. #he DandCGrant endowment is one o" approximatel! 250 separatel! invested endowments. #he Endowment -ool is treated as a sin'le separatel! invested "$nd. Endowment assets incl$de the (onsolidated 2nvestment -ool assets5 separatel! invested assets5 and $nCinvested real estate. 6hen donors 'ive $s real estate or sec$rities5 # records the 3oo7 val$e o" the assets on the 3oo7s. 4owever5 # $s$all! >$ic7l! sells them and reinvests the proceeds. (ash is separatel! identi"ied i" donated cash has not !et 3een initiall! invested. 2n addition5 there is separatel! identi"ied (ash in the (onsolidated -ool. Assets also incl$de receiva3les. At !earCend5 receiva3les and pa!a3les are recorded "or the $nsettled investment trades. 6hen donated assets are 3$siness enterprises5 there are also receiva3les and pa!a3les related to real estate. #he assets are shown on the General Ded'er at Boo7 +al$e. #he ,ale -rice invested asset C B+ endowment ^ the Boo7ed 2nvestment Gain. 8nl! at !earCend is the ;air Far7et +al$e recorded. #h$s5 at !earCend $nreali%ed 'ains/losses are 3oo7ed. Additions incl$de new 'i"ts and reinvested income. *ed$ctions incl$de 3oardCapproved sale o" assets and the trans"er o" cash to expendit$re acco$nts. .e>$ired reportin' incl$des reports to donors on what transactions have occ$rred with their endowed "$nds. Also5 niversit! personnel re>$est reports on the expected income distri3$tions on all o" the endowed "$nds in partic$lar colle'es or divisions. -am c$rrentl! maintains a list o" Endowments that have not reached minim$m 3alance o" Q155000 or speci"ied 3alance man$all!. 2t was mentioned that with the ./3 s!stem a report with this in"ormation co$ld 3e r$n. ,pecial classi"ications will 3e created in ;F. #he Faster *ata will capt$re detail related to the endowment. #his in"ormation incl$des0 1. #ext to indicate the p$rpose o" the endowment 2. #ext to indicate a restriction to the department allowed to create/post activit!. 3. #ext to indicate a restriction as to the a$thori%ed $se o" "$nds 9scholarships5 etc.) :. (lassi"ication as to t!pe o" overall $sa'e 9,t$dent5 Di3rar!) 5. ;$nction ?. &$m3er o" nits @. nit -rice 8. 2dentit! "ield to note whether separate or pooled investment. 9. -ool (ode #he $nit and $nit price "ield m$st inter"ace with the le'ac! investment pool 9(2-) s!stem.


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/0 9) *o !o$ create !o$r proAects in an external s!stem "irst and then cop! them to ./3) 92" !es5 consider $sin' 8pen -,.) A0 ,ponsored proAects and a'enc! "$nds0 ($rrentl!5 acco$nts are esta3lished in the existin' G/D s!stem. ,ome attri3$tes are availa3le in the external preCaward s!stem. #here is c$rrentl! no s!stem inter"ace "or attri3$te trans"er. ;or the "$t$re5 # is in the process o" implementin' (8E ,5 a new preCaward s!stem that has proAect attri3$tes li7e the existin' s!stem5 3$t also has the proAect str$ct$re. # wo$ld li7e to inter"ace ./3 with (8E , "or proAect str$ct$re and attri3$te trans"er. (enters/(hairs0 ,ame as GH( except not c$rrentl! in the preCaward s!stem Gi"ts0 #here is no external s!stem "or 'i"ts. Acco$nts are esta3lished man$all! 3! the (amp$s B$siness 8""ice or (ontrollerIs 8""ice with "inal release "or postin' 3! the (ontrollerIs 8""ice. Doans0 &o. #he! are all created in the G/D. Endowments/Di"e 2ncome0 Are set $p in the G/D. 6ill 3e set $p directl! into ./3. /0 10) *o !o$ need reports on proAect str$ct$res and other t!pes o" ./3 orders 9s$ch as (.F5 ,F5 and --)1 A0 ,ponsored proAects and a'enc! "$nds0 6e need reports o" expendit$res5 etc. 3ased on the proAect str$ct$re 9i.e.5 at the detailed 6B, element level and acc$m$lated to hi'her level). Also5 interested parties need to 3e a3le to see the existin' proAect str$ct$re to eval$ate potential chan'es to the proAect. (enters/(hairs0 ,ome centers are divided into man! proAects5 need some report to p$ll them 3ac7 to'ether. 6e also need the a3ilit! to >$er! the s!stem to "ind o$t the existin' proAect str$ct$re to eval$ate potential chan'es. Gi"ts0 ,ame as sponsored proAects. Endowment/Di"e 2ncome0 Fonthl! treas$rerIs reports and attri3$te sheets. C% Template: 1. .e>$irements/Expectations

2. General Explanations

3. Explanations o" ;$nctions and Events

8. *escription o" ;$nctional *e"icits

9. Approaches to (overin' ;$nctional *e"icits


23& o( $'!

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10. &otes on ;$rther 2mprovements

11. ,!stem (on"i'$ration (onsiderations

,/2/1/1/ "!estions:

6ro8ect 'tr!ct!ring

/0 10) *o !o$ need to model !o$r proAect 3e"ore ma7in' it operational1 92" !es5 consider $sin' proAect sim$lation.) A0 &o /0 12) *o !o$ eval$ate proAects 3ased on 3est case5 worst case5 and most li7el!1 92" !es5 consider $sin' proAect sim$lation.) A0 &o /0 1:) *o !o$ need a 3aseline "or the proAect costs5 sched$le5 or other str$ct$ral elements1 92" !es5 consider $sin' proAect snapshot versions or sim$lation versions to do 3aselinin'.) A0 versions o" cost plannin' ,ponsored proAects and a'enc! "$nds0 6e donIt reall! need a =3aseline=. 6e need one approved 3$d'et that ever!one 7nows is the =o""icial= 3$d'et. 2t is 8E to have vario$s plans o$tstandin'. 2" there is reportin' o" plan vs. act$al5 then we wo$ld need "or one o" the plans to match the =o""icial= 3$d'et. 6e sho$ld standardi%e which plan version is e>$al to the 3$d'et in all cases. -erhaps plan V1 alwa!s matches the 3$d'et "or reportin' p$rposes. Gi"ts0 ,ame as sponsored proAects. (enters/(hairs0 ,ame as sponsored proAects. Doans0 &o. Endowments/#r$sts0 &o /0 1@) Are parts o" the proAects similar1 92" !es5 consider re"erencin' existin' 6B, s$3 trees or templates when creatin' new s$3proAects.) A0 ,ponsored proAects and a'enc! "$nds0 <es5 parts o" the proAects5 and entire proAects are similar to existin' proAects. 6e plan to cop! or $se standard templates when esta3lishin' new proAects. 4owever5 we need the a3ilit! to later chan'e the initial proAect str$ct$re as the proAect develops. Gi"ts0 ,ame as sponsored proAects. (enters and chairs0 ,ame as sponsored proAects.


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/0 19) *o !o$r proAects 'o thro$'h di""erent phases that !o$ m$st control1 92" !es5 consider $sin' $ser stat$ses to control each phase.) A0 ,ponsored proAects and a'enc! "$nds0 <es. #he primar! controls that we need "or proAect phases 9which 2 ass$me wo$ld 3e separate 6B, elements) are postin' controls 3ased on date5 expendit$re t!pe5 and expendit$re total. ;or example5 we donIt want expendit$res to post to a proAect a"ter ?0 da!s past the endin' date o" the proAect. 6e donIt want expendit$res to post to travel line items i" travel is not allowed 3! the award. 6e donIt want expendit$res to post to a proAect in excess o" the total award amo$nt. Gi"ts0 ,ame as sponsored proAects. Dess li7el! to have phases5 expendit$re restrictions5 or endin' dates. /0 20) *o !o$ want to incl$de doc$mentation thro$'ho$t the proAect str$ct$re1 92" !es5 consider $sin' *F, or -, texts.) A0 ,ponsored proAects and a'enc! "$nds0 <es5 we wo$ld li7e the a3ilit! to have as m$ch doc$mentation as possi3le. 6e wo$ld li7e to 3e a3le to doc$ment notes5 important sponsor re>$irements5 attach doc$ments5 etc. Gi"ts0 ,ame as sponsored proAects5 altho$'h it is not as critical. (enters / (hairs0 ,ame as sponsored proAects5 altho$'h it is not as critical. /0 21) *o !o$ allocate overhead to !o$r proAects1

A0 ,ponsored proAects0 <es5 # has a matrix o" applica3le ;ederal5 a$dited ;HA rates that are applied to all sponsored proAects. #he rate to 3e $sed "rom the matrix is dependent $pon 91) camp$s where wor7 is to 3e per"ormed5 92) "$nction 9instr$ction5 research5 other sponsored proAects)5 and 93) whether or not the maAorit! o" the wor7 is to 3e per"ormed on or o"" camp$s. Gi"ts0 ;HA does not appl!. (enters/(hairs0 ;HA does not appl!. A'enc! "$nds0 &o5 ;HA does not appl!. Endowments H Di"e 2ncome0 &o. ;HA does not appl! Gi"ts0 &o5 ;HA does not appl!. Doans0 &o /0 22) *o !o$ calc$late proAectCspeci"ic overhead1 92" !es5 !o$ can stip$late an overhead str$ct$re "or each proAect t!pe.) A0 ,ponsored proAects0 -lanned ;HA is 3ased on the planned distri3$tion o" expendit$res in certain cost cate'ories. 2" the act$al proAect expendit$res are in di""erent cost cate'ories than planned5 the ;HA ma! 3e a""ected so that the act$al is either more or less than planned. ;or example5 i" the proAect plan incl$ded Q25000 "or e>$ipment expendit$res5 3$t the -2 act$all! spent the "$nds in s$pplies5 act$al ;HA wo$ld 3e more than planned ;HA. #his is 3eca$se one o" #Is ;HA 3ases is Fodi"ied #otal *irect (osts 9F#*()5 which is total direct costs less certain modi"!in' cost cate'ories. E>$ipment is a modi"ier and is excl$ded "rom the ;HA calc$lation5 3$t s$pplies are incl$ded in the ;HA allocation. /var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_3/205399238.doc 23) o( $'!

AcceleratedSAP - Business Blueprint

,ome proAects re>$ire proAectCspeci"ic ;HA calc$lation5 instead o" one o" the standards incl$ded in the ;HA matrix. ;or example5 the , *ept o" Ed$cation re>$ires that st$dent s$pport costs 3e excl$ded "rom the 3ase on certain awards. 2 thin7 that we sho$ld char'e the re'$lar ;HA rate and show the excl$sion calc$lation as ;HA cost sharin' via settlement r$les. #he rationale "or this is that st$dent s$pport costs are not excl$ded "rom the 3ase in o$r o""icial a'reement with the ;ederal 'overnment. #here"ore5 an! that we cannot char'e to a sponsor is re>$ired cost sharin'. Femphis m$st excl$de =patient care= costs "rom the 3ase per the ;HA rate a'reement with the 'overnment. 6e sho$ld disc$ss this proced$re with Gerri B$ssell to determine how this is 3ein' accomplished c$rrentl!. #here is not an existin' cost t!pe 9o3Aect code) "or =patient care=. (enters/(hairs0 ;HA does not appl! A'enc! "$nds0 &o5 ;HA does not appl!. Gi"ts0 &o5 ;HA does not appl!. Endowments/Di"e 2ncome0 &o5 ;HA does not appl!. Doans0 &o. /0 23) *o !o$ calc$late overhead on materials/la3or1 9(onsider the implications this has "or determinin' cost o3Aects and overhead cost rates.) A0 ,ee >$estions 21 and 22 /0 2:) *o !o$ calc$late percenta'e overhead1 98verhead can 3e speci"ied as val$es or percenta'es.) A0 see >$estions 21 and 22 /0 25) 2s the 3asis "or planned overhead the same as "or act$al overhead1

A0 ,ponsored proAects0 -lanned ;HA is 3ased on the planned distri3$tion o" expendit$res in certain cost cate'ories. 2" the act$al proAect expendit$res are in di""erent cost cate'ories than planned5 the ;HA ma! 3e a""ected so that the act$al is either more or less than planned. ;or example5 i" the proAect plan incl$ded Q25000 "or e>$ipment expendit$res5 3$t the -2 act$all! spent the "$nds in s$pplies5 act$al ;HA wo$ld 3e more than planned ;HA. #his is 3eca$se one o" #Is ;HA 3ases is Fodi"ied #otal *irect (osts 9F#*()5 which is total direct costs less certain modi"!in' cost cate'ories. E>$ipment is a modi"ier and is excl$ded "rom the ;HA calc$lation5 3$t s$pplies are incl$ded in the ;HA allocation. (enters/(hairs0 ;HA does not appl! A'enc! "$nds0 &o5 ;HA does not appl!. Gi"ts0 &o5 ;HA does not appl!. Doans0 &o. Endowments/#r$sts0 &o. ;HA does not appl!.


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AcceleratedSAP - Business Blueprint


2?) 6hat is the "orm$la/schema "or appl!in' overhead costs1

A0 ,ponsored proAects0 # has several ;ederall!Capprove ;HA calc$lation 3ases. 8ne o" #Is ;HA 3ases is Fodi"ied #otal *irect (osts 9F#*()5 which are total direct costs less certain modi"!in' cost cate'ories. E>$ipment5 st$dent "ees5 and s$3contracts 'reater than Q255000 are examples o" modi"iers and are excl$ded "rom the ;HA calc$lation5 3$t salaries5 3ene"its5 s$pplies5 etc. are incl$ded in the ;HA allocation. 8ther ;HA calc$lation 3ases in $se incl$de0 91) #*( C total direct costs5 92) ,alaries H wa'es5 and 93) c$stom 3ases "or certain sponsors. ;or example5 the , *ept o" Ed$cation re>$ires total direct costs less st$dent s$pport expendit$res that ma! 3e in 5 di""erent cost cate'ories. (enters/(hairs0 ;HA does not appl! A'enc! "$nds0 &o5 ;HA does not appl!. Gi"ts0 &o5 ;HA does not appl!. Doans0 &o. Endowments/#r$sts0 &o5 ;HA does not appl!. /0 2@) 4ow o"ten do !o$ calc$late overhead costs1

A0 ,ponsored proAects0 Fonthl!. ;HA and the related ;HA cost sharin' are r$n in the last Ao3 o" the monthCend acco$ntin' close. (enters/(hairs0 ;HA does not appl! A'enc! "$nds0 &o5 ;HA does not appl!. Gi"ts0 &o5 ;HA does not appl!. Doans0 *o not calc$late. Endowments/#r$sts0 &o5 ;HA does not appl!. /0 28) *oes the 3asis "or the overhead costs chan'e d$rin' the li"ec!cle o" the proAect1

A0 ,ponsored proAects0 2t is rare5 3$t it can happen. A more common occ$rrence is that the 3ase remains the same5 3$t either the ;HA rate5 the ;HA cost sharin'5 or the net ;HA allowa3le chan'es d$rin' the li"e o" the proAect. 6hen this has happened in the past5 we have esta3lished a new . acco$nt. 2n the "$t$re5 perhaps we co$ld esta3lish another 6B, element. (enters/(hairs0 ;HA does not appl! A'enc! "$nds0 &o5 ;HA does not appl!. Gi"ts0 &o5 ;HA does not appl!. Doans0 &o. Endowments/#r$sts0 &o5 ;HA does not appl!.


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AcceleratedSAP - Business Blueprint


29) 6ho is responsi3le "or overhead costs1

A0 ,ponsored proAects0 #he ;HA rates are determined 3! a proposal prepared 3! either the 6A (ontrollerIs 8""ice or the camp$s 3$siness o""ice in conA$nction with the 6A (ontrollerIs 8""ice. #his proposal is s$3mitted to the ;ederal co'ni%ant a$dit a'enc!5 *44,5 "or review5 ne'otiation5 and approval. 8nce the rates and 3ases are esta3lished5 the appropriate com3ination o" the two is applied to the proAect at its inception 3ased on certain attri3$te "ields 3! the camp$s 3$siness o""ice and / or the 6A (ontrollerIs 8""ice. #he monthl! calc$lation 3ased on act$al expendit$res "or the month is per"ormed a$tomaticall! d$rin' the monthCend closin' process. ;HA cost sharin' approval is the responsi3ilit! o" either the camp$s 3$siness or research o""ice. 8nce approved5 the cost sharin' attri3$tes are applied to the proAect in set$p. (enters/(hairs0 ;HA does not appl! A'enc! "$nds0 &o5 ;HA does not appl!. Gi"ts0 &o5 ;HA does not appl!. Doans0 &/A Endowments/#r$sts0 &o5 ;HA does not appl!. /0 30) 4ow do !o$ compare tar'et and act$al overhead1 9.e>$irements in reportin' a""ect the t!pe o" overhead settlement.) A0 ,ponsored proAects0 ;or individ$al proAects5 planned ;HA is 3ased on the planned distri3$tion o" expendit$res in certain cost cate'ories. 2" the act$al proAect expendit$res are in di""erent cost cate'ories than planned5 the ;HA ma! 3e a""ected so that the act$al is either more or less than planned. ;or example5 i" the proAect plan incl$ded Q25000 "or e>$ipment expendit$res5 3$t the -2 act$all! spent the "$nds in s$pplies5 act$al ;HA wo$ld 3e more than planned ;HA. #his is 3eca$se one o" #Is ;HA 3ases is Fodi"ied #otal *irect (osts 9F#*()5 which is total direct costs less certain modi"!in' cost cate'ories. E>$ipment is a modi"ier and is excl$ded "rom the ;HA calc$lation5 3$t s$pplies are incl$ded in the ;HA allocation. 8verall5 the act$al ;HA is compared to the planned ;HA 3! camp$s 3$siness and research o""icers. #his is done thro$'h a spreadsheet5 which 'athers applica3le data into c$stom "ormats. #he in"ormation "or ;HA5 ;HA cost sharin'5 and net ;HA recoveries is re>$ired in several "ormats 3! the "ollowin' "ields0 91) ,ponsor t!pe5 92) B! speci"ic sponsor5 93) 3! camp$s. (enters/(hairs0 ;HA does not appl! A'enc! "$nds0 &o5 ;HA does not appl!. Gi"ts0 &o5 ;HA does not appl!. Doans0 &/A Endowments/#r$sts0 &o5 ;HA does not appl!. /0 31) ;or how man! proAect str$ct$res do !o$ calc$late overhead rates1 9(onsider the per"ormance implications.)


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AcceleratedSAP - Business Blueprint

A0 ,ponsored proAects0 #here are a set n$m3er o" ;HA rates 3ased $pon a matrix o" proAect location 9camp$s)5 proAect "$nction 9instr$ction5 research5 other sponsored pro'rams)5 and on or o"" camp$s. #here can 3e a set n$m3er o" 3ases 9F#*(5 #*(5 ,alaries H wa'es5 certain a'enc!Cspeci"ic 3ases). 4owever5 the ;HA cost sharin'5 and net ;HA rate co$ld 3e almost totall! proAectCspeci"ic. ;or example5 an award doc$ment co$ld speci"! #E5 research5 onC camp$s with an F#*( 3ase. #he ;HA cost sharin' co$ld 3e 50U "or a net ;HA recover! o" 50U F#*(. #he next proAect co$ld 3e exactl! the "irst except the ;HA cost sharin' co$ld 3e 29.:528U "or a net ;HA recover! o" @0.::@2U F#*(. #here co$ld 3e some standard templates where ;HA cost sharin' is %ero or where there is a common sponsor ;HA cost sharin' re>$irement. ;or example5 &,; re>$ires a mandator! 1U cost share on all proAects. (enters/(hairs0 ;HA does not appl! A'enc! "$nds0 &o5 ;HA does not appl!. Gi"ts0 &o5 ;HA does not appl!. Doans0 &/A Endowments/#r$sts0 &o5 ;HA does not appl!. C% Template: 1. .e>$irements/Expectations Fap existin' led'er acco$nts to proAects 96B, element str$ct$res) and attach to related "$nd. 2. General Explanations 6ro8ect Definition #he proAect de"inition is the 3indin' "ramewor7 "or all or'ani%ational elements within a proAect. <o$ can also de"ine nonC3indin' start and "inish dates "or the proAect. 6hen !o$ create a wor7 3rea7down str$ct$re5 the correspondin' proAect de"inition is created a$tomaticall!. 2n the proAect de"inition5 !o$ can maintain de"a$lt val$es "or a proAect s$ch as the settlement r$le. #he de"a$lt val$es are copied "or new 6B, elements that !o$ create "or this proAect 9or: rea:do+n 'tr!ct!re 8ne o" the "irst steps in proAect plannin' is to 3rea7 down the wor7 into tas7s and set $p a hierarch!. #he criteria !o$ $se to classi"! and divide tas7s var! dependin' on the t!pe and complexit! o" the proAect. 2n the -roAect ,!stem5 !o$ can plan the or'ani%ation o" the wor7 and people in !o$r proAect with the +or: brea:do+n str!ct!re ;9 '</ A wor7 3rea7down str$ct$re 96B,) is a model o" the wor7 to 3e per"ormed in a proAect or'ani%ed in a hierarchical str$ct$re. #he 6B, is an important tool that helps !o$ 7eep an overview o" the proAect0 2t "orms the 3asis "or or'ani%ation and coordination in the proAect. 2t shows the amo$nt o" wor75 the time re>$ired5 and the costs involved in the proAect.


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AcceleratedSAP - Business Blueprint

#he wor7 3rea7down str$ct$re is the operative 3asis "or the "$rther steps in proAect plannin'5 "or example5 cost plannin'5 sched$lin'5 capacit! plannin' as well as proAect controllin'. #he proAect str$ct$re can 3e represented accordin' to di""erent criteria0 -hases 9lo'icCoriented) B! "$nction 9"$nctionCoriented) B! o3Aect 9o3AectCoriented) 2n a wor7 3rea7down str$ct$re5 !o$ descri3e the individ$al tas7s and activities in the proAect as individ$al elements in a hierarch!. *ependin' on the phase o" !o$r proAect5 !o$ contin$e to 3rea7 down the tas7s and activities in !o$r proAect5 stepC3!Cstep5 $ntil !o$ reach the level o" detail necessar! to carr! it o$t. 9 ' =lements #he individ$al elements represent activities within the wor7 3rea7down str$ct$re. #he elements are called +or: brea:do+n str!ct!re elements ;9 ' elements< in the -roAect ,!stem. 6B, elements can 3e0 #as7s -artial tas7s which are s$3divided "$rther 6or7 pac7a'es 3. Explanations o" ;$nctions and Events 2nitiall! str$ct$res will 3e created /mapped onl! "rom existin' restricted acco$nts. A5 25 H E led'er acco$nts will 3e mapped to cost centers in (8 9c$rrent $nrestricted "$nds). 2n the "$t$re str$ct$res can 3e de"ined as needed. #he c$rrent # led'er acco$nts "or restricted "$nds t!pes 9.5 B5 *5 E5 45 O5 E5 &5 -5 ;5 G) in -, as "ollows0 Grants H (ontracts5 Gi"t5 and Appropriation/(hairs0 ($rrentl! .HB led'er acco$nts. 2n -, the B 93alance) will 3e the proAect de"inition and level 1 6B, element5 the .Is 9expense) will 3e the level 2Is and in the "$t$re can 3e 3ro7en down into more detail C example D3Is. #he proAect de"inition and the Devel 1 6B, element will 3e the B acco$nt n$m3er. A"ter the conversion the level 1 will 3e 3loc7ed "rom postin' 9no acct assi'nment). #he .Ms will 3e level 2Is 3elow. ;or 95U o" these "$nds there is onl! 1 B "or man! .Is. 2n 5U o" the cases 9a3o$t 20 proAects1)5 there are several BIs 9tied to'ether 3! the 3ase 'rant V on each B). ;or conversion5 the proAect str$ct$re will 3e determined initiall! 3! the 3ase 'rant n$m3er. #his n$m3er reveals the n$m3er o" BIs "or a 'iven "$nd. 95U o" the time there will 3e onl! one B acco$nt. nder each B the respective . acco$nts will 3e lin7ed. @5U o" the time a B acco$nt onl! has one . associated with it. A t!pical str$ct$re "or a 121 "$nd 9restricted) will 3e0 '$6 proAect de"inition proAect de"inition description 6B, D1 6B, D2 >T B01999?9: &-, 1::3(A5:?09800CA/ AC,F88# B01999?9: .01133:3?

&ote0 #he B5 -5 and 4 acco$nts are the 3alance acco$nts 999) and act as parents to the .5 &5 O acco$nts. 6hen there is more than 1 B the str$ct$re will 3e as "ollows0 D10 d$mm! D20 m$ltiple BIs D30 respective .Is "or each B


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AcceleratedSAP - Business Blueprint

A'enc!0 ($rrentl! &H- led'er acco$nts. 2n -, the - will 3e the proAect de"inition and level 1 6B, element5 the &s will 3e the level 2Is. -lant 9invested)0 ($rrentl! F led'er acco$nts. 2n -, these acco$nts will 3e A$st G/D acco$nts not proAects since there are no reven$es or expenses altho$'h the! are a restricted "$nd. -lant 9renewal5 .82)0 ($rrentl! E led'er acco$nts. 2n -, these will have a ver! simple str$ct$re C A$st 1 6B, element with the proAect de"inition o" the same name. -lant 9$nexpended)0 ($rrentl! 4 led'er acco$nts. 2n -, the 4 will 3e the proAect de"inition and level 1 6B, element5 the Os will 3e the level 2Is. 6e will start with a simple 6B,5 i.e. one proAect5 one asset $nder constr$ction 9A (). -ossi3le more detailed str$ct$res will develop5 or we can alwa!s have a man$al settlement monthl!. Di"e income0 ($rrentl! G led'er acco$nts. 2n -, these will have a ver! simple str$ct$re C A$st 1 6B, element with the proAect de"inition o" the same name. Endowments0 ($rrentl! ; led'er acco$nts. 2n -, these will have a ver! simple str$ct$re C A$st 1 6B, element with the proAect de"inition o" the same name. Doan "$nds0 ($rrent m$ltiple * acco$nts "or reven$es and expenses will 'o to 1 * 6B, element in ./3. ;or example5 the proAect de"inition co$ld 3e *010000535 which will 3e the same name as the onl! level 1 6B, element "or scala3ilit! p$rposes. &ote0 onl! the I99I li"e income5 endowment5 and loan acco$nts will 3e converted to proAects. ;or example5 the li"e income acco$nt G9999002: 6illiam Bowld #r$st will 3ecome a proAect o" the same name. 4owever G990:0058 -ooled 2ncome ;$nd will 3ecome an asset acco$nt on the 3alance sheet 9these are stoc7s5 3onds5 etc). 8nl! the 99 acco$nts have the reven$es and expenses. :. B$siness Fodel -roAect *e"inition in Green 9top) 6B, ,tr$ct$re in -$rple

B01*** *!
21 3BS B01*** *! 2e/el 2 3BS

2 2 3BS .01133!3

2e/el 2 3BS

5. ,pecial 8r'ani%ational (onsiderations ;or initial data load5 val$es "rom the 3alance acco$nts will 3e posted to the D1 6B, elements. A"ter Go Dive 9and month end close) the Balance acco$nts will not 3e posted to since the reven$es and expenses will occ$r on the D2 . acco$nt 9$nder the /var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_3/205399238.doc 2!" o( $'!

AcceleratedSAP - Business Blueprint

appropriate B acco$nt). 8. *escription o" ;$nctional *e"icits -, has not 3een desi'ned speci"icall! "or p$3lic sector 9in "act ,A- is creatin' a p$3lic sector mod$le c$rrentl!). 2n order to meet the re>$irements "or the niversit! -, needs to 3e enhanced to accommodate the mappin' o" "$nd attri3$tes into the proAect. Below5 in IApproaches to (overin' ;$nctional *e"icitsI is a s$mmar! o" where these attri3$tes will map to in -,. 9. Approaches to (overin' ;$nctional *e"icits #wo all da! wor7shops were held to map #Is existin' "$nd attri3$tes into ./3. Below is a s$mmar! o" where these attri3$tes will map to in -, C primaril! on the 6B, elements. 2n addition5 approximatel! 15 new "ields will need to 3e created to accommodate the re>$irement. Another meetin' is sched$led to review the need "or an! WnewW 9non existin') # attri3$tes. #his in"ormation will 3e availa3le on the proAect str$ct$re and ma! 3e incl$ded in some c$stomi%e reports # ABA-ers can create.
6' FM 'D Re*isit


# A##.2B #E

R="HD R,I M(D>B= ?=9 6' FieldI

FA- #8 2& ./3



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AcceleratedSAP - Business Blueprint

,;&DA((#C.E(8.*2&GCA((8 &#C&8 ,;&DA((#CA((8 &#C&AFE ,;&DA((#C(A#C;E*C*8FCA,,# ,;&DA((#CA((#CA(#2+C;DAG ,;&DA((#C-8,#C(8&#.8D ,;&DA((#C.EDA#E*CBADCA((# ,;&DA((#CEN-E&*C; &(#28& ,;&DA((#C,#A;;CBE&E;2#,C;DAG ,;&DA((#C,# *E&#CA2* ,;&DA((#CD8&GCA((8 &#C&AFE ,;&DA((#CD8A&C; &*C(A#EG8.< ,;&DA((#CAGE&(< ,;&DA((#C(8,#,4A.CEN-CA((# ,;&DA((#C2&*2.C(8,#C2&(CA((# ,;&G.A&#C-.2&(C2&+E,#2GA#8.C2*. ,;&G.A&#C-.2&(C2&+E,#2GA#8. ,;&G.A&#C;2,(ADC-E.28*CBEG. ,;&G.A&#C;2,(ADC-E.28*CE&*. 0: ,;&G.A&#CEN(D *E*C8BOC(8*E1 ,;&G.A&#C8;;C(AF- ,C-E.(E&# ,;&G.A&#CF8&#4D<C2&*C(8,#CAF# ,;&G.A&#CF8&#4D<C(8,#,4A.CAF# ,;&G.A&#C-.8-C.E+C2*. ,;&G.A&#CA*+A&(ECA((8 &# ,;&G.A&#C8+E.4EA*C-E.(E&# ,;&G.A&#C2(C(,C-E.(E&# ,;&G.A&#C #C(8,#,4A.C-E.(E&# ,;&G.A&#C8+E.4EA*C(AD( 05 ,;&G.A&#C, --8.#C#<-E 05 ,;&G.A&#CE/ 2-FE&#C#2#DE -/012A0T #324 L3CAT$30 ,;&G.A&#C #C(8,#,4A.CAF8 &# ,;&G-G&#CG.A&#CE&*2&GC*A#E. 0: ,;&G-G&#CAGE&(<C&AFE 0: ,;&G-G&#CAGE&(<C8;;2(E ,;&G.EN-C-.8OE(#C#2#DE $nrestricted or restricted "$nd ,;&G2,E#C2&+82(EC.E-8.#C#<-E ,;&DA((#CAGC; &*2&GC,8 .(E ,;&G2,E#CA6A.*C&8

<es <es <es <es <es <es <es <es <es <es <es <es <es <es <es <es <es <es <es <es <es <es <es <es <es <es <es <es <es <es 5es <es <es <es <es <es <es <es <es

-, -, -, -, -, -, -, -, -, -, -, -, -, -, -, -, -, -, -, -, -, -, -, -, -, -, -, -, -, -, %-, -, -, -, -, -, -, -, / (8 -, / ,*

&o 6B, ED20 .5 &5 *5 O B5 *5 45 &o -* H 6B, short *escription "ields 93? ch <es 6B, ED2 "ields H 3elow ,i%e o" " &o stat$s "ield C all 6B, levels &o stat$s "ield C all 6B, levels &o maps to w3s str$ct$re 9this tells which B ' #B* se priorit! "ield in -, "or 13 "$nctional ar <es &ew "ield in -, on 6B, elements <es /no <es &ew "ield in -, 9'rant t!pe) C ser Ex0 *e"ined emp #B* 50 characters 'oes to #B* text "ield 9lon' #B* &eed "ield "or I"$ndin' cate'or!I 9ex instit$ <es reportin' sponsor t!pe 9"ed5 state5 loc5 priv &o settlement cost center &o 8n costin' sheet credit sid <es new "ield in -, called -2 $se ssn &o name will 3e next to emplo!ee id. ,ame n &o proAect start date &o proAect end date &o indirect cost process #B* 9trans"er 3etwe <es new "ield to in"orm proAect creator which c &o $se lon' text to capt$re cost sharin' re>$i &o $se lon' text to capt$re cost sharin' re>$i <es new "ield on lowest level w3s element "or <es 9radio *;1) se ;F start date and -, "ield "ora$thorit! in"o p$ &o Fap rate to overhead 7e! in cost sheet &o indirect c &o $se lon' text to capt$re cost sharin' *irect re>$i ( <es map to 3ase to select costin' sheet ;HA Bas &o Award t!pe0 'rant5 cooperative a'reement <es A,E +E.&A needed "or asset master rec 5es doesn6t ma! to overhead key easi&y on cam! &o cost sharin' amo$nt maps to settlement descript &o maps to endin' date w3s <es new "ield on w3s which maps to c$stomer <es new "ield on w3s which maps to c$stomer &o map to 6B, lon' text :0 char <es <es 2 or . pl$s new ones to indicate which "ina &o (onversion0 'ro$p 6B, acco$ntsex0 smith &o lon' description on 6B, element or ,81

10. &otes on ;$rther 2mprovements 2n addition5 i" necessar! we can 'ro$p 6B, elements 9not necessaril! "rom the same str$ct$res) "or reportin' p$rposes. 11. ,!stem (on"i'$ration (onsiderations 1. (onsider not havin' onl! one root clic7ed on in the proAect pro"ile. (onsider Doan0 * 9m$ltiple * acco$nts "or reven$es and expenses will 'o to 1 * 6B, element0 -* will 3e *123:5? which will 3e the same as the onl! level 1 6B, element). 6hat i" there is a need in the "$t$re to create another * acco$nt "or this proAect1 #his str$ct$re is not ver! scala3le0 -*0 *123:5 D10 *123:5 /var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_3/205399238.doc 2!& o( $'!

AcceleratedSAP - Business Blueprint

D20 *C B$t i" 2 allow more than one root then0 -*0 *123:5 D10 *123:5 D10 *C 2. (onsider $sin' -, $ser de"ined "ields "or the most common new attri3$tes 9-25 acco$ntant5 camp$s5 etc) so that str$ct$re reports can 3e easil! $tili%ed. 6hat is the impact with new "ields to standard reports CC can Fichelle add them to the report ta3le1 12. A$thori%ation and ser .oles ,ee proAect initiation section a3ove.


Re*en!e 6lanning

/0 1) *o !o$ have reven$es assi'ned to !o$r proAect1 92" !es5 remem3er that 6B, elements are the onl! proAect o3Aects to which reven$es can 3e assi'ned.) A0 -,C6B, -lannin' C .even$e 3asic in"o. *o !o$ want to do reven$e plannin' on 6B, elements1 <es5 "or pro'ram income onl!. .ecoveries will 3e planned $nder expendit$res *o !o$ want to do str$ct$re level reven$e plannin' on 6B, elements1 &o (enters/(hairs0 &o ,ome o" the other t!pes o" restricted acco$nts ma! $se reven$e plannin'. *o !o$ want to $se several versions "or reven$e plannin'1 <es5 possi3l! 1? 912 L:) 3$t weIll start with one "or now. *o !o$ want to do reven$e element plannin' on 6B, elements1 <es 4ow man! reven$e elements will we have1 Approximatel! 15 (E reven$e elements 9'rants H contract state5 local5 "ederala.) ,ponsored proAects0 ,ome sponsored proAects ma! 3e interested in doin' reven$e plannin'. ;or example5 in the 2nstit$te "or -$3lic ,ervice5 a lar'e percenta'e o" their sponsored proAects incl$de pro'ram income. A'enc! "$nds0 <es5 a'enc! "$nds have reven$es. &o5 a'enc! "$nds pro3a3l! do not need reven$e plannin'. 8ther .estricted0 6e ma! want reven$e plannin' on 6B, elements "or some t!pes o" other restricted. 6e need act$al scenarios and examples to wor7 thro$'h the s!stem to anal!%e how and i" str$ct$re level reven$e plannin' will 3e done. 4owever5 we 3elieve we do reven$e plannin'P we will want to $se several versions. 6e want to do reven$e element plannin' on 6B, elements and we 3elieve we will have 50 reven$e elements. Doans0 pro3a3l! not. /var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_3/205399238.doc 2!' o( $'!

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Endowments/#r$sts0 6e post reven$es5 3$t we do no plannin' o" reven$e. /0 2) *o !o$ plan on $sin' ,ales H *istri3$tion 9,*) to trac7 c$stomer >$otations5 orders5 and invoices related to proAects1 92" !es5 consider reven$e plan inte'ration 3etween -roAect ,!stem and ,*.) A0 ,ponsored proAects and a'enc! "$nds0 <es5 we plan to $se ,* to 'enerate invoices related to proAects and post to A/.. #here ma! 3e some proAects that are not 3illed thro$'h ,*5 3$t where invoices are 'enerated man$all! 3! departments and posted directl! to A/.. Gi"ts0 ,ame as sponsored proAects. Billin' is rare5 3$t possi3le5 with 'i"t acco$nts. (enters/(hairs0 &o Endowments H Di"e 2ncome0 &o Doans0 &o. /0 3) *o !o$ determine the reven$es "or !o$r proAect witho$t $sin' sales doc$ments1 92" !es5 consider $sin' hierarchical plannin'.) A0 ,ponsored proAects and a'enc! "$nds0 <es5 "airl! "re>$entl!. 6e have man! sponsors that we do not ever have to send a 3ill. #he! either pa! $s $p "ront or on a pa!ment sched$le. 2,, E0 .even$e reco'nition will need to 3e made "or these pa!ments. 4ow will we do that1 F! $nderstandin' is that ./3 reco'ni%es reven$e in the G/D when 3illin' occ$rs. &o 3illin' will occ$r5 3$t we need to reco'ni%e reven$e. # c$rrentl! reco'ni%es reven$e as expendit$res are made. 6e will need to have a !earCend report which shows $s how m$ch reven$e we have reco'ni%ed in advance and how m$ch we need to reco'ni%e additionall!. #his will 3e re>$ired to ma7e a Ao$rnal entr! "or "inancial statement p$rposes. -erhaps ever! proAect sho$ld have an attri3$te o" reven$e reco'nition r$le and 3illin' t!pe. 6ith these two attri3$tes5 a !earCend >$er! co$ld 3e made to >$anti"! the re>$ired Ao$rnal entries. ;or example5 where 3illin' t!pe ^ cost reim3$rsement and the reven$e reco'nition r$le ^ 3! expendit$re5 then # has $nderstated reven$e at !earCend. 2" 3illin' t!pe ^ pa!ment sched$le and the reven$e reco'nition r$le ^ 3! expendit$re5 then # has overstated reven$e at !earCend. Gi"ts0 ;or 'i"ts5 # c$rrentl! reco'ni%es reven$e at the time o" expendit$re. &o 3illin' $s$all! occ$rs. 2nstead5 cash receipts or internal distri3$tions are made. 4ow will ./3 reco'ni%e reven$es on these proAects1 Also5 the GA,B r$les "or reven$e reco'nition o" 'i"ts are chan'in'. # ma! 3e re>$ired to reco'ni%e reven$e on some 'i"ts at the time o" the pled'e. 4ow will we handle all o" these reven$e reco'nition scenarios1 (enters/(hairs0 <es Doans0 Additions to loan "$nds are 'i"ts5 interest on notes5 endowment income5 investment income and trans"ers. Endowments/#r$sts0 *o not $se sales doc$ments.


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/0 :) *o !o$ plan reven$es when anal!%in' the pro"it mar'in "or a proAect1 92" !es5 consider settlin' the plan val$es to -ro"ita3ilit! Anal!sis 9(8C-A) to anal!%e pro"its and pro"it mar'ins there.) A0 ,ponsored proAects0 2t is possi3le. As noted in other >$estions5 # 2-, 9i.e. Bec7! -eterson) has proAects with extensive pro'ram income and reven$es 'enerated "rom other so$rces. ,ometimes these reven$es are 3 times the amo$nt received "rom the sponsor. 2t seems li7el! that reven$e plannin' co$ld 3e an important "$nction "or these proAect mana'ers. A'enc! "$nds0 &o (enters/(hairs0 &o Doans0 &/A Endowments/#r$sts0 &o C% Template: 1. .e>$irements/Expectations

2. General Explanations

3. Explanations o" ;$nctions and Events

5. ,pecial 8r'ani%ational (onsiderations

?. (han'es to Existin' 8r'ani%ation

@. *escription o" 2mprovements

8. *escription o" ;$nctional *e"icits

9. Approaches to (overin' ;$nctional *e"icits

10. &otes on ;$rther 2mprovements

11. ,!stem (on"i'$ration (onsiderations


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12. A$thori%ation and ser .oles

,/2/2/1/ "!estions:

Re*en!e 6lanning in 9or:

rea:do+n 'tr!ct!re

/0 1) *o the reven$es "rom ,* represent all reven$es "or the proAect1 92" no5 consider doin' detailed reven$e plannin' 3! 3illin' plan assi'ned to 6B,Celement.) A0 ,ponsored proAects and a'enc! "$nds0 As noted in previo$s >$estions5 ,* does &8# represent all reven$es "or the proAect. ,ome proAects will have a com3ination o" reven$es "rom vario$s so$rces C some "rom ,* and some not. ;or example5 a sponsor ma! send $s the "irst >$arterl! pa!ment with the si'ned award witho$t waitin' "or an invoice to 3e sent. 4owever5 the next 3 >$arterl! pa!ments mi'ht re>$ire invoicin' 3! #. ;or 4elmet testin' and man! other proAects5 reven$es will 'o directl! thr$ A. not ,*. Gi"ts0 ,* will not normall! 3e $sed. (enters/(hairs0 ,* will not 3e $sed. Doans0 &o Endowments/#r$sts0 &/A Endowments and #r$sts do not plan. /0 2) *o !o$ mana'e the reven$e "or proAects at a s$mmar! level on the proAects1 92" !es5 consider ma7in' the top 6B, element a 3illin' element.) A0 ,ponsored proAects and a'enc! "$nds0 .even$e and 3illin' ma! occ$r at detailed 6B, element levels or at a s$mmari%ed level. 6e need the "lexi3ilit! to do vario$s methods and alternatives. Gi"ts0 ,ame as sponsored proAects. (enters/(hairs0 <es Doans0 ;or loans5 reven$es are additions to the "$nd. #he! are dependent on the loans repaid 9interest)5 'i"ts received5 and income earned. #his is acc$m$lated "or each loan "$nd. Endowments/#r$sts0 .even$es are collected individ$all! on each endowment and tr$st. 2n addition5 "$nds are invested in a (onsolidated -ool acco$nt. #here are no 3illin' elements "or Endowments/#r$sts. /0 3) 4ow do !o$ plan reven$es1 9(onsider plannin' !earl!5 3! period5 3! reven$e element5 hierarchicall! 3! 6B, element5 3illin' plan5 and so on.) A0 SNT B! acco$nt/cost element SNT B! 6B, SNT 8verall val$es SNT Ann$al SNT B! period SNT B! 3illin' plan /var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_3/205399238.doc 2"1 o( $'!

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/0 :) *o !o$ plan reven$es as o" partic$lar dates and do !o$ plan down pa!ments at the same time1 92" !es5 $se the 3illin' plan assi'ned to the 6B, element5 partic$lar i" ,* is not lin7ed to the proAect) A0 ,ponsored proAects and a'enc! "$nds0 2t seems li7el! that we wo$ld need to plan reven$es as o" partic$lar dates. 6e arenIt plannin' to have =down pa!ments=. A'ain5 cash receipts ma! or ma! not res$lt "rom an ,* 3illin'. Gi"ts0 ,ame as sponsored proAects. (enters/(hairs0 &/A Doans0 &/A Endowments/#r$sts0 &/A /0 5) 4ow m$st !o$ ma7e reports on the reven$e plans 9(onsider $sin' (8C-A or the standard in"ormation s!stem in -,.)1 A0 ,ponsored proAects and a'enc! "$nds0 ,ince # c$rrentl! doesnIt have plannin' capa3ilit!5 an! plannin' is done man$all! or $sin' *F,. 2 do not 7now what 7ind o" reports mi'ht 3e needed. ./3 3asic reports ma! 3e s$""icient. Gi"ts0 ,ame as sponsored proAects. (enters/(hairs0 &/A Doans0 &/A Endowments/#r$sts0 &/A C% Template: 1. .e>$irements/Expectations A3ilit! to plan reven$e on reven$e cost elements "or proAects. Eliminate the need "or *F, reven$e plannin' s!stem. 2. General Explanations .even$e plannin' deals with the reven$es !o$ expect to receive in connection with !o$r proAect as it is exec$ted. 2n the -roAect ,!stem5 !o$ can $se the "ollowin' plannin' methods0 Fan$al reven$e plannin' B! wor7 3rea7down str$ct$re B! reven$e element A$tomatic $pdate o" reven$e plan val$es "rom the 3illin' plan0 2n 6B, elements 2n sales orders 6B, elements in which !o$ want to plan reven$es m$st 3e "la''ed as 3illin' elements 93!erative $ndicators) /var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_3/205399238.doc 2"2 o( $'!

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<o$ plan reven$es in hierarchical plannin'5 3! reven$e element5 with a pl$s si'n 9=L=). All the "$nctions o" man$al cost plannin' are also availa3le "or man$al reven$e plannin'. ;or more in"ormation on plannin' techni>$e5 see (ost -lannin'. 3. Explanations o" ;$nctions and Events Belinda (arter 9B$siness Fana'er) explained a need to plan reven$es "or some o" her acco$nts 9&ot GH(). ($rrentl! a "ew "ol7s are plannin' reven$e in *F, plannin' 3! led'er activit! codes and co$ld plan in ./3 in the "$t$re. ,he said she act$all! $ses codes "or her own descriptions since *F, does not "low into o$r c$rrent s!stem. ;or instance5 she ma! plan "or di""erent so$rces o" reven$e in a 'i"t acco$nt. ,he ma! 3e 'ettin' 'i"ts at di""erent times o" the !ear. ;or instance5 she mi'ht 'et a donation "or 5 !ears in the month o" Oan$ar! "rom one compan!5 and another donation at a di""erent time and then mone! "rom third5 "o$rth5 etc. di""erent so$rce 9s$ch as the E acco$nt11 that she will receive at other times o" the !ear). #he led'er activit! codes listed 3elow 9in the cost plannin' section) incl$de the c$rrent reven$e cost elements. #here is onl! a small list o" reven$e cost elements and most plannin' o" reven$e wo$ld 3e the stated award amo$nts. 2t wo$ld onl! 3e a small n$m3er o" acco$nts s$ch as 'i"ts that wo$ld have odd amo$nts o" reven$e plannin'. 5. ,pecial 8r'ani%ational (onsiderations

?. (han'es to Existin' 8r'ani%ation #he or'ani%ation co$ld have a standard process to plan reven$e i" this "$nctionalit! is necessar!. @. *escription o" 2mprovements 2t will 3e an improvement to plan reven$e on the tr$e acco$nts rather than 3! *F, s$3 acco$nts or man$al spreadsheets. 8. *escription o" ;$nctional *e"icits A de"icit o" reven$e plannin' is not 3ein' a3le to control reven$e plannin' reports 3! pro"it center5 which is how we will control cost plans. ,ee a$thori%ation and $ser roles 9V12 3elow). 2" access is 'iven to a -, cost report5 -lanned .even$es +s. Act$al in"o can 3e seen "or A&< proAect i" a $ser has access to a 'iven report. ,ince pro"it center is not an a$thori%ation o3Aect another sol$tion will need to 3e determined since #Is re>$irement is to not allow one -2 to see another -2Is planned reven$e vs. act$als. FA.<5 2, #42, #. E11 9. Approaches to (overin' ;$nctional *e"icits ,helia Fc&eal is loo7in' into possi3le wa!s to sec$re -, cost plannin' reports. 10. &otes on ;$rther 2mprovements .even$e plannin' can now 3e standardi%ed into ./3 in the "$t$re. /var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_3/205399238.doc 2"3 o( $'!

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11. ,!stem (on"i'$ration (onsiderations .even$e Elements need to 3e reviewed and determined 3! #. 12. A$thori%ation and ser .oles Create ) Change ) Display re*en!e plans in 6': 2" # decides to do reven$e plannin' 9c$rrentl! less than 10U o" restricted "$nds are reven$e planned in *F,) the process will 3e decentrali%ed. A$thori%ation will 3e controlled 3! transaction and pro"it center. ($rrentl! 98U o" the 3oo77eepers can see another 3oo77eepers proAects 3$t in some cases it is not accepta3le "or 3oo77eepers to 3e a3le to see another 3oo77eepers plans. 2n this sit$ation5 sec$rit! will 3e ti'htened 3! creatin' pro"it centers down to the -2 level 9s$3 department level).


Cost 6lanning

/0 1) *o !o$ trac7 costs "or !o$r proAects1 92" !es5 consider $sin' 6B, elements and/or networ7s.) A0 (osts are trac7ed. ;or example some o" the lar'est proAects are0 Grants H (ontracts0 A'0 Q: million "or 1 !ear over 95 co$nties A'0 Q8 million "or 1 !ear5 cooperative a'reements Femphis0 Q13 million over ? !ears #,20 Q1 million "or 1 !ear ,ponsored proAects and a'enc! "$nds0 <es5 we m$st trac7 costs "or all 6B, element levels. (enters/(hairs0 <es. ,ome o" the smallest GH( proAects are approx Q15000. 4ow man!11 8ther .estricted0 6e trac7 costs and we want to plan costs "or some o" the other restricted acco$nts. Gi"ts0 <es we trac7 all activit!. Doans0 <es we trac7 all activit!. *ed$ctions "rom loan "$nds are collection expense5 3ad de3t expense 9which incl$de some cancellations) and other ded$ctions 9which incl$de some cancellations). Endowments/#r$sts0 6e trac7 costs 3$t do not want to plan costs. /0 3) *o !o$ plan costs 3! period and distri3$te these costs accordin' to the proAect sched$le1 92" !es5 consider $sin' networ7s "or plannin'.) A0 ,ponsored proAects and a'enc! "$nds0 6e plan proAect costs 3ased on the proAect sched$le. &ormall!5 the proAect time period e>$als the proAect cost plan time period. ;or some proAects that are incrementall! "$nded 3! the sponsor5 we ma! have a "iveC!ear proAect approved "or Q1 million per !ear 9total o" Q5 million). 4owever5 the sponsor ma! onl! act$all! 'ive $s le'al "$ndin' a$thori%ation "or the "irst !ear. ,o we wo$ld onl! plan cost and /var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_3/205399238.doc 2"! o( $'!

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inc$r costs "or the "irst !ear that is all that is le'all! committed. 6hen we receive the "$ndin' a$thori%ation doc$ment to release the second !ear increment5 we wo$ld then plan costs and inc$r costs "or that period. (enters/(hairs0 same as GH( Doans0 &/A Endowments/#r$sts0 &/A /0 :) *o !o$ do carr! o$t inte'rated cost plannin' with cost centers1 92" !es5 consider $sin' 6B, elements "or plannin'.) A0 ,ponsored proAects and a'enc! "$nds0 -erhaps. #his wo$ld 3e done at the departmental level 3! 3oo77eepers and deCcentrali%ed 3$siness o""ices. 2,, E0 ($rrentl!5 departments have the capa3ilit!5 thro$'h *F, s$3 acco$nts and 5Cdi'it o3Aect code extensions5 to se're'ate certain E acco$nt $nrestricted cost center activities. ;or example5 *on .eedIs transportation center E acco$nt has approximatel! 125 s$3 acco$nts "or vario$s trainin' seminars that are cond$cted thro$'ho$t the !ear. #he departments ma! $se part o" their E acco$nt "$ndin' and receive o$tside reven$es to s$pport the s$3Cacco$nt activities. #he departments want to 3e a3le to eval$ate the s$3 acco$nt activit! 3! se're'atin' the reven$es and expenses "rom the rest o" the cost centerIs activities. #hese seminars are normall! shortCterm0 "rom 2 wee7s to 12 months. #he iss$e is how to handle $nrestricted proAects in ./3. 2" we $se the proAect s!stem5 we need a 'ood method o" se're'atin' these proAects "rom restricted proAects 9-roAect #!pe attri3$te1). Also5 the department needs a 'ood method o" incl$din' these proAects in reportin' "or the cost center. Gi"ts0 ,ame as sponsored proAects. (enters/(hairs0 <es Doans0 &/A Endowments/#r$sts0 &/A /0 5) *escri3e how !o$ plan costs c$rrentl!.

A0 ,ponsored proAects and a'enc! "$nds0 # does not c$rrentl! have electronic plannin' capa3ilit!. An! plannin' is done man$all! or on shadow s!stems. Gi"ts0 ,ame as sponsored proAects. (enters/(hairs0 -lannin' is done thro$'h 3$d'ets and in the *F, s!stem. Doans0 &/A Endowments/#r$sts0 &/A /0 ?) 6ho is responsi3le "or each step in cost plannin' toda!1

A0 ,ponsored proAects and a'enc! "$nds0 #he -2 or departmental 3$siness o""icer is most li7el! to 3e responsi3le "or plannin'5 i" it is done. /var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_3/205399238.doc 2"" o( $'!

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Gi"ts0 ,ame as sponsored proAects. (enters/(hairs0 #he -2 or B$siness 8""icer Doans0 &/A Endowments/#r$sts0 &/A /0 @) *o !o$ plan costs in an external s!stem1

A0 ,ponsored proAects and a'enc! "$nds0 # does not c$rrentl! have electronic plannin' capa3ilit!. An! plannin' is done man$all! or on shadow s!stems. Gi"ts0 ,ame as sponsored proAects. (enters/(hairs0 <es5 the *F, s!stem Doans0 &o Endowments/#r$sts0 &/A /0 8) *o !o$ plan in the same o3Aects where !o$ expect act$al costs and in the same de'ree o" detail in which !o$ expect act$al costs1 A0 ,ponsored proAects and a'enc! "$nds0 !es Gi"ts0 !es (enters/(hairs0 <es Doans0 &/A Endowments/#r$sts0 &/A C% Template: 1. .e>$irements/Expectations

2. General Explanations

3. Explanations o" ;$nctions and Events

:. B$siness Fodel

5. ,pecial 8r'ani%ational (onsiderations


2"$ o( $'!

AcceleratedSAP - Business Blueprint

?. (han'es to Existin' 8r'ani%ation

@. *escription o" 2mprovements

8. *escription o" ;$nctional *e"icits

9. Approaches to (overin' ;$nctional *e"icits

11. ,!stem (on"i'$ration (onsiderations

12. A$thori%ation and ser .oles

,/2/,/1/ "!estions:

Cost 6lanning in 9or: rea:do+n 'tr!ct!re

/0 1) 4ow do !o$ plan costs1 9(onsider whether !o$ plan 3! cost element5 6B,5 overall5 ann$all!5 3! period5 and so on.) A0 Grants H (ontracts0 #!pical cost plannin' is a departmental process5 done at the o3Aect code level or the position level. 2t is done on a monthl! 3asis to determine how m$ch mone! is availa3le. ($rrentl! this is done in departmental s!stems. #he people involved in it are the 3oo77eepers and -2s. (ost Element plannin' 3! period will 3e $sed. #he cost element 'ro$ps will 3e 3ased on the twoCdi'it o3Aect code 9:@)5 the threeCdi'it o3Aect code 9approx 150)5 and the six 3$d'et cate'ories. Activit! inp$t plannin' ma! 3e a re>$irement 3$t initiall! the demand is "or less than 10 wor7 centers. All cost plannin' will 3e 3oth ann$all! and overall period "or the li"e o" the "$nd. (enters/(hairs0 ,ame as GH( 8ther .estricted0 Enter partic$lar amo$nts per !ear 3! o3Aect code or total and 3! period so cost element plannin' will 3e $sed. #he option to also plan at the str$ct$re level will 3e allowed. (E plannin' will 3e at the 3Cdi'it o3Aect code level5 3$t it ma! 3e a =s$mmar!= 3C di'it o3Aect code that is the same as o$r now 2Cdi'it o3Aect code level. (E 'ro$ps need to 3e de"ined. nit cost plannin' is not an initial re>$irement. All cost plannin' will 3e 3oth ann$all! and overall period "or the li"e o" the "$nd. Doans0 &/A 6e ma! want str$ct$re level plannin' i" applica3le5 and we want cost element plannin' as indicated a3ove. 6e do not expect to do $nit cost plannin' on the 6B, or do standard costin' $sin' internal services5 3$t "$rther st$d! will 3e made. Endowments/#r$sts0 &/A Endowments and #r$sts do not have B$d'ets or -lans.


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AcceleratedSAP - Business Blueprint

/0 2) *o !o$ do topCdown or 3ottomC$p cost plannin'1 9#op down0 (onsider $sin' the 6B, onl! "or cost plannin'. Bottom $p0 (onsider $sin' networ7 activities onl! "or cost plannin'.) A0 Grants H (ontracts0 (ost plannin' will 3e done 3oth top down and 3ottom $p. (enters/(hairs0 ,ame as GH( 8ther .estricted0 2" applica3le5 cost plannin' will 3e done 3oth top down and 3ottom $p. Doans0 &/A Endowments/#r$sts0 &/A /0 :) *o !o$ 7eep monthl! versions o" !o$r cost plans1 92" !es5 consider $sin' proAect snapshot versions to allow "or comparative reportin'.) A0 Grants H (ontracts0 2nitial disc$ssion was to have 1? 912 re'$lar periods L : special periods) "or each !ear o" the 'rant li"e) "or 3oo77eepers 3$t initiall! we will have one or two to compare a 3aseline version to c$rrent plan. 2" necessar! the s!stem will allow the 3oo77eepers to create and maintain man! more versions 9999) i" needed. (enters/(hairs0 ,ame as GH( 8ther .estricted0 Di7el! one or two to compare a 3aseline version to c$rrent plan5 3$t the s!stem will allow more versions 9999) i" needed. ,ho$ld 3e the same n$m3er o" versions as 'rants H contracts. Doans0 &/A Endowments/#r$sts0 &/A /0 5) *o !o$ 7eep di""erent versions or snapshots o" !o$r plans1 92" !es5 consider $sin' di""erent (8 versions "or trac7in' the di""erent plan versions.) A0 ,ee answer a3ove. *ependin' on vol$me either snapshot or (8 plan versions will 3e $sed. #here sho$ld 3e one plan that is alwa!s e>$al to the o""icial 3$d'et i" $sers will have access to an! plan to act$al reports. (enters/(hairs0 ,ame as GH( /0 @) *o !o$ estimate a proAect 3ased on standard estimates and do !o$ need to separate cost plannin' "rom time sched$lin'1 92" !es5 consider $sin' 3ase o3Aect costin' in conA$nction with (8 versions.) A0 ,ponsored proAects and a'enc! "$nds0 2 donIt thin7 we need this. Gi"ts0 ,ame as sponsored proAects. (enters/(hairs0 &/A Doans0 A Endowments/#r$sts0 &/A /0 8) *o !o$ trac7 chan'es to plans1 92" !es5 consider con"i'$rin' chan'e doc$ments "or !o$r plan line items.)


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AcceleratedSAP - Business Blueprint

A0 ,ponsored proAects and a'enc! "$nds0 As noted in previo$s >$estions5 one version o" the plan sho$ld e>$al the approved 3$d'et i" $sers will have access to plan vs. act$al reports. Gi"ts0 ,ame as sponsored proAects. (enters/(hairs0 &/A Doans0 &/A Endowments/#r$sts0 &/A /0 9) *o !o$ need to do detailed anal!sis o" the plan 9plan line items)1 92" !es5 consider $sin' plan line item reportin' in the in"ormation s!stem.) A0 ,tandard (E reports will 3e $tili%ed in the -, s!stem. (enters/(hairs0 standard reports Doans0 &/A Endowments/#r$sts0 &/A C% Template: 1. .e>$irements/Expectations Allow -, cost plannin' "or proAects to eliminate c$rrent *F, shadow s!stem "or cost plannin'0 (ost plannin' "$nctionalit! ma! 3e $sed 3! Grants and (ontracts5 appropriations/chairs/centers5 and a'enc! 9Gail). (ost plannin' is not re>$ired "or0 Doans5 a'enc! 9+erna)5 plant5 endowments5 or li"e income. (ost plannin' wo$ld 3e at the cost element level 9historicall! the 3 di'it o3Aect code level ex0 121 lon'evit! pa!5 122 extra service pa!) 3$t some clean $p o" the codes is re>$ired 9ex0 stores "or resale). #he (E 'ro$p is one that can 3e centrall! $sed 3! all "$nds. #hese o3Aect codes 9a3o$t 150) can 3e s$mmari%ed at the 2 di'it level 9ex0 12 salar!) #o plan "or ;HA a val$e will 3e 7e!ed in "or this (E. 6e will not 3e plannin' period end processes 9"or example indirect costs) with a special plan t!pe with rates this time. &eed to see costs planned periodicall! 93! month). 2. General Explanations 6!rpose of Cost 6lanning <o$ $se this component i" cost plannin' and controllin' are the elements o" proAect processin' which are most important to !o$. <o$ enter cost5 activities5 and 3$siness processes which !o$ expect to occ$r as the proAect is exec$ted. <o$ can $se cost plannin' to compare plan and act$al costs and anal!%e variances. 6lanning in More Than (ne 6lan Version #he in"ormation availa3le on a proAect chan'es as the plannin' phase pro'resses. #his sometimes ma7es cost plannin' in more than one version a 'ood idea. #his is also how plannin' $s$all! proceeds in ever!da! 3$siness. <o$ can plan (8 versions as !o$ wish in the s!stem. Cost =lement 6lanning /var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_3/205399238.doc 2") o( $'!

AcceleratedSAP - Business Blueprint

(ost plannin' 3! cost element 9detailed plannin') is $sed when !o$ have detailed in"ormation availa3le. 2n most cases5 this is onl! possi3le when the proAect has reached an advanced sta'e. *etailed plannin' is carried o$t !earl! and covers costCelementC 3ased plannin' o" -rimar! costs 3. Explanations o" ;$nctions and Events ($rrentl! cost plannin' occ$rs in the *F, s!stem 9or man$all!) and is done "or less than 10U o" the restricted "$nds C 'i"ts5 a'enc! 9GH()5 and 'rants H contracts). ($rrent cost planners are the (olle'e o" B$siness5 A>$atic (enter5 (hemistr! *epartment5 and niversit!C6ide (omp$tin'. A "ew o" the 'rants and contracts cost plan c$rrentl!. -lant 9$nexpended onl!) C Geor'e co$ld $se cost plannin' "or plant $nexpended "$nds to determine the impact o" cost proposals chan'es 3e"ore the! are approved5 etc. #he other t!pes o" plant "$nds will not re>$ire cost plannin'. Endowments H Di"e 2ncome5 loan "$nds5 and a'enc! "$nds 9Felissa5 +erna) do not c$rrentl! re>$ire cost plannin' nor do the! need to cost plan in the "$t$re. &ote that ./3 reven$e elements map to #Is reven$e led'er activit! codes 90035 0095 0105 0:5 C indirect ;HA "or example) on the 3alance acco$nt and ./3 cost elements map to #Is o3Aect codes on the expendit$re acco$ntsR (ost element and reven$e element 'ro$ps will 3e created 3ased on the list 3elow 3! restricted "$nd t!pe. 7R$?T' $?D C(?TR$CT', 7%FT', $?D $7=?CJ 2 >?%V=R'%TJ D=T$%B ( K=CT C(D=' ;to be con*erted into Cost =lements< #his is a niversit! de"ined code $sed to classi"! in more detail than the niversit! primar! o3Aect code the nat$re o" costs inc$rred. 11 C A*F2& H -.8;E,,28&AD ,ADA.2E, 111 ,ADA.2E, 112 EN#.A ,E.+2(E 11: D8&GE+2#< -A< 119 ,ADA.< .E(8+E.2E, 12 C A(A*EF2( ,ADA.2E, 121 A(A*EF2( ,ADA.2E, 122 A(A*EF2( EN#.A ,E.+2(E 12: D8&GE+2#< -A< 129 A(A*EF2( .E(8+E.2E, 13 C G#A5 GA5 G.A ,ADA.2E, 131 G#A5 GA5 G.A ,ADA.2E, 139 G#A5 GA5 G.A .E(8+E.2E, 1: C ,# *E&# EF-D8<EE,C,ADA.2E* 1:1 ,# *E&# ,ADA.2E, 1:2 ,# *E&# ,ADA.2E,C8+E.#2FE 1:9 ,# *E&# ,ADA.2E,C.E(8+E.2E, 15 C , FFE. ,(488D 151 , FFE. ,(488D ,ADA.2E, 159 , FFE. ,(488D .E(8+E.2E, 1? C (DE.2(AD H , --8.#2&GC,ADA.2E* 1?1 ,ADA.2E, 1?2 8+E.#2FE /var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_3/205399238.doc 2$0 o( $'!

AcceleratedSAP - Business Blueprint

1?: D8&GE+2#< -A< 1?9 ,ADA.< .E(8+E.2E, 1@ C (DE.2(AD H , --8.#2&GC48 .D< 1@1 6AGE,C48 .D< 1@2 8+E.#2FEC48 .D< 1@: D8&GE+2#< -A< 1@9 .E(8+E.2E,C48 .D< 18 C ,# *E&# EF-D8<EE, C 48 .D< 181 ,# *E&# 6AGE,C48 .D< 189 ,# *E&# 6AGE,C4.D<C.E(8+E.2E, 19 C &8&C6AGE H (8&#.A(# AD -A< 192 8#4E. &8&C6AGE -A<FE&#, 193 EF-D8<EE, FEAD A&* D8*G2&G 195 (8&#.A(# AD -A< 199 &8&C6AGE -A<FE&# .E(8+E.2E, 21 C ,#A;; BE&E;2#,C.E/ 2.E* 31 C #.A+ED 311 #.A+ED 2& ,#A#E 312 #.A+ED 8 # 8; ,#A#E 313 F#. +E4 8-E.C#.A+ED 2& ,#A#E 31: F#. +E4 8-E.C#.A+ED 8 # ,#A#E 319 #.A+ED .E(8+E.2E, 32 C F8#8. +E42(DE 8-E.A#28&, 321 F#. +E4 8-E.CD8(AD H #. (E, 329 F#. +E4 8-E. .E(8+E.2E, 33 C -.2&#2&G5 * -D2(A#2&G5 B2&*2&G 331 -.2&#2&G 332 * -D2(A#2&G 333 B2&*2&G 33: - BD2(A#28&, A&* .E-8.#, 339 -.&#5 * -5 B2&*2&G .E(8+E.2E, 3: C #2D2#2E, A&* ; ED 3:1 ; ED 82D 3:2 (8AD 3:3 EDE(#.2(2#< 3:: GA, 3:5 6A#E. 3:? GA,8D2&E H *2E,ED 3:@ 8#4E. #2D2#2E, H ; ED 3:8 ,E6AGE A&* GA.BAGE 3:9 #2D2#< .E(8+E.2E, 35 C (8FF &2(A#28& 351 -8,#AGE 352 ;.E2G4# 353 #EDE-48&E 35: #EDEG.AF, 355 #EDE(8FF &2(A#28&, 359 (8FF &2(A#28&, .E(8+E.2E, 3? C FA2&#E&A&(E A&* .E-A2., /var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_3/205399238.doc 2$1 o( $'!

AcceleratedSAP - Business Blueprint

3?1 FA2&#E&A&(E H .E-A2., 3?2 ,-E(2ADD< A-.8+ *E;E..E* FA2&# 3?9 FA2&# H .E-A2., .E(8+E.2E, 3@ C -.8; ,E.+ H FEFBE.,42-, 3@2 - BD2(2#< 3@3 , B,(.2-#28&, 3@: 2&,#2# FEFBE.,42- ;EE, H * E, 3@5 DEGAD H -.8;E,,28&AD ;EE, 3@9 -.8;E,,28&AD ,E.+ .E(8+E.2E, 38 C (8F- #E. ,E.+2(E, 381 (8F- #E. ,+(,C2&#E.&AD #8 &2+ 382 (8F- #E. ,+(,CEN#E.&AD #8 &2+ 389 (8F- #E. ,E.+2(E .E(8+E.2E, 39 C , --D2E, 391 8-E.A#2&G , --D2E, 392 (8F- #E. ,8;#6A.E 393 DAB8.A#8.< , --D2E, 399 , --D< .E(8+E.2E, :1 C .E&#AD, :11 .E&#AD,C(8-<2&G FA(42&E, :12 .E&#AD,C(8F- #E. E/ 2-FE&# :13 .E&#AD,C.EAD -.8-E.#< :1: .E&#AD,C8#4E. :19 .E&#AD .E(8+E.2E, :2 C 2&, .A&(E5 2&#E.E,# H BA* *EB# :21 2&, .A&(E :22 2&#E.E,#C2&,#AD/DEA,E - .(4A,E :23 2&#E.E,#C-.8F-# -A< A(# :2: A #8F8B2DE D8,, D2AB2D2#< :25 68.EE., (8F-E&,A#28& D2AB2D2#< :2? BA* *EB# EN-E&,E :29 2&, .A&(E H 2&#E.E,# .E(8+E.2E, :3 C A6A.*, :31 A6A.*,C,# *E&# A2* H ,#2-E&*, :32 A6A.*,C;A( D#< H 8#4E. :39 A6A.*, .E(8+E.2E, :: C G.A&#, A&* , B,2*2E, ::1 ,# *E&# ;EE, ::2 48,-2#AD2YA#28&, 9G.A&#, 8&D<) ::3 AD#E.A#28&, 9G.A&#, 8&D<) ::: (8,# ,4A.2&G ::9 G.A&#, H , B,2*2E, .E(8+E.2E, :5 C FA&*A#8.< #.A&,;E., :51 2&#E.E,# :52 *EB# .E#2.EFE&# :? C (8&#.A(# AD H ,-E(2AD ,E.+2(E, :?1 (A, AD DAB8. :?2 G.8 - A..A&GE* ;88* H D8*G2&G :?3 ( D# .AD 8. E&#E.#A2&FE&# ;EE, /var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_3/205399238.doc 2$2 o( $'!

AcceleratedSAP - Business Blueprint

:?: 8#4E. E* ( 8. G8+ AGE&(2E, :?5 ,-E(2AD (8FFE.(2AD ,E.+2(E, :?? 8#4E. &2+E.,2#< *E-A.#FE&#, :?@ 8#4E. -E.,8&AD ,E.+2(E, :?8 ,EF2&A. H (8&; .EG2,#.A ;EE, :?9 (8&#.A(# AD ,E. .E(8+E.2E, :9 C 8#4E. EN-E&*2# .E, :91 8#4E. EN-E&*2# .E, :99 8#4E. .E(8+E.2E, 50 C ,#8.E, ;8. .E,ADE 501 ,#8.E, ;8. .E,ADE 01 502 ,#8.E, ;8. .E,ADE 02 503 ,#8.E, ;8. .E,ADE 03 50: ,#8.E, ;8. .E,ADE 0: 505 ,#8.E, ;8. .E,ADE 05 50? ,#8.E, ;8. .E,ADE 0? 50@ ,#8.E, ;8. .E,ADE 0@ 508 ,#8.E, ;8. .E,ADE 08 509 ,#8.E, ;8. .E,ADE 09C.E(8+E.< 51 C ,#8.E, ;8. .E,ADE 511 ,#8.E, ;8. .E,ADE 11 512 ,#8.E, ;8. .E,ADE 12 513 ,#8.E, ;8. .E,ADE 13 51: ,#8.E, ;8. .E,ADE 1: 515 ,#8.E, ;8. .E,ADE 15 51? ,#8.E, ;8. .E,ADE 1? 51@ ,#8.E, ;8. .E,ADE 1@ 518 ,#8.E, ;8. .E,ADE 18 519 ,#8.E, ;8. .E,ADE 19C.E(8+E.< 52 C ,#8.E, ;8. .E,ADE 521 ,#8.E, ;8. .E,ADE 21 522 ,#8.E, ;8. .E,ADE 22 523 ,#8.E, ;8. .E,ADE 23 52: ,#8.E, ;8. .E,ADE 2: 525 ,#8.E, ;8. .E,ADE 25 52? ,#8.E, ;8. .E,ADE 2? 52@ ,#8.E, ;8. .E,ADE 2@ 528 ,#8.E, ;8. .E,ADE 28 529 ,#8.E, ;8. .E,ADE 29C.E(8+E.< 53 C ,#8.E, ;8. .E,ADE 531 ,#8.E, ;8. .E,ADE 31 532 ,#8.E, ;8. .E,ADE 32 533 ,#8.E, ;8. .E,ADE 33 53: ,#8.E, ;8. .E,ADE 3: 535 ,#8.E, ;8. .E,ADE 35 53? ,#8.E, ;8. .E,ADE 3? 53@ ,#8.E, ;8. .E,ADE 3@ 538 ,#8.E, ;8. .E,ADE 38 539 ,#8.E, ;8. .E,ADE 39C.E(8+E.< ?1 C E/ 2-FE&# ?11 ; .&2# .E H 8;;2(E E/ 2-FE&# ?12 E* ( H ,(2E&#2;2( E/ 2-FE&# /var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_3/205399238.doc 2$3 o( $'!

AcceleratedSAP - Business Blueprint

?13 FA(42&E.< ?18 E/ 2-FE&# 2&,#ADDFE&# - .(4A,E, ?19 E/ 2-FE&# .E(8+E.2E, ?2 C F2&8. E/ 2-FE&# ?21 F2&8. E/ 2-FE&# 9&8&C(A-2#AD) ?29 F2&8. E/ 2-FE&# .E(8+E.2E, ?3 C D2B.A.< A(/ 2,2#28&, ?31 D2B.A.< A(/ 2,2#28&, ?32 D2B.A.< B2&*2&G, ?39 D2B.A.< B88E, .E(8+E.2E, ?: C D2+E,#8(E ?:1 D2+E,#8(E ?:9 D2+E,#8(E .E(8+E.2E, @: C *E-.E(2A#28& @:1 *E-.E(2A#28& EN-E&,E @:2 ADD86A&(E ;8. *E-.E(2A#28& 81 C , BG.# H , B(&# #8 Q255000 811 , BG.# H , B(&# #8 Q255000 82 C , BG.# H , B(&# 8+E. Q255000 821 , BG.# H , B(&# 8+E. Q255000 83 C ,ADE, #AN 831 ,ADE, #AN ;8. ,E B< .E,#.2(#E* A((8 &#, 8&D< NOTE: THERE IS A QUESTION ON HOW MANY OF THE STORES FOR RESALE OBJECT CODES WILL BE USED. CLEAN UP REQUIRED. 6lant Rene+al # 6lant R(% (?BJ ;D # G $CC(>?T'< 2 B=D7=R $CT%V%TJ C(D=' ,ince plannin' is not as detailed "or plant "$nds the "ollowin' cost elements will 3e $sed and 'ro$ped "or cost plannin' on plant "$nds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o( $'!


AcceleratedSAP - Business Blueprint

05@ 0?1 099

#.A&,;E., ( ..E&# .E,#. E H G #.A&,;E., .E&E6ADC.E-DA(EFE&# 8#4E. DE*GE. A(#2+2#2E,

6lant >neApended =Apendit!re ;K $cco!nts (?BJ< 2 >?%V=R'%TJ D=T$%B ( K=CT C(D=' #his is a niversit! de"ined code $sed to classi"! in more detail than the niversit! primar! o3Aect code the nat$re o" costs inc$rred. #hese acco$nts will 3ecome cost elements in ./3. 91 C DA&*C-DA&# ; &*, 911 DA&*C-DA&# ; &*, 92 C B 2D*2&G,C-DA&# ; &*, 921 (8&,#. (#28& (8&#.A(#C-.2FE 922 A.(42#E(# ;EE, 923 E&G2&EE.2&G H 2&,-E(#28& ;EE, 92: ,-E(2AD (8&#.A(# AD 68.E 925 ;2NE* E/ 2-FE&# 92? F2,( EN-E&,E 9A*+5 2&, .5 #ANE,) 92@ ADD8(A#E* (8,# - .(4 -.8-E.#< 93 C E/ 2-FE&#C-DA&# ; &*, 931 ; .& H F8+EABDE E/ 2-C#AGGE* 932 ; .& H F8+EABDE E/ 2-CF2&8. 9: C 8#4E. (A-2#AD 2F-.8+EFE&#, 9:1 8#4E. (A-2#AD 2F-.8+EFE&#, 9:2 ,8;#6A.E 95 C &8&C(A-2#AD 8 #DA< 2#EF, 951 &8&C(A-2#AD 8 #DA< 2#EF, 9? C 8#4E. -DA&# ; &* EN-E&*2# .E, 9?1 8#4E. -DA&# ; &* EN-E&*2# .E, 9?2 &ADD8(A#E* B *GE# Bife %ncome and $gency)Tr!st ;7Hs and some 6 $cco!nts (?BJ< 2B=D7=R $CT%V%TJ C(D=' DE*GE. A(#2+2#< (8*E, A.E ,E* #8 (DA,,2;< #4E #<-E 8; *EB2# 8. (.E*2# A(#2+2#< 8(( ..2&G 8& A BADA&(E A((8 &#. 001 E&*86 2&(8FEC # E&*86FE&#, (used for &ife income) 003 G2;#,5 G.A&#, H BE/ E,#,C.E(E2-#, 00? 2&(8FE 8& 2&+E,#E* ; &*, (used for agency funds) 00@ GA2&, 9D8,,E,) 8& 2&+E,#FE&#, 018 -A<FE&#, ;.8F #. ,#, (these are the )eneficiary !ayments) 099 8#4E. DE*GE. ACT$*$T$.- (these are misce&&aneous chares" and rea& estate estimated income for agency funds) A.E ,E* #8 (DA,,2;< #4E #<-E 8; *EB2# 8. (.E*2# A(#2+2#< 8(( ..2&G 8& A BADA&(E A((8 &#. =?D(9M=?T' ;F $CC(>?T'< DE*GE. A(#2+2#< (8*E, A.E ,E* #8 (DA,,2;< #4E #<-E 8; *EB2# 8. (.E*2# A(#2+2#< 8(( ..2&G 8& A BADA&(E A((8 &#.


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AcceleratedSAP - Business Blueprint

001 002 00, 003 004 005 788 7:8 7<8 7<: 7<> 053 7<< 7<@ 055 7<A 7<B 7@7 7@8 -?(T=:

=?D(9 %?C(M=2>T =?D(9M=?T' =?D(9 %?C(M=2(>T'%D= TR>'T==' 7%FT', 7R$?T' # =">='T'2R=C=%6T' 7%FT', 7R$?T' # =">='T'2R=F>?D' %?C(M= (? %?V='T=D F>?D' 7$%?' ;B(''='< (? %?V='TM=?T' T2A0-/.2- C922.0T 1.0.2AL /DT2A0-/.2- 90.;%.0D.D %LA0T /DT2A0-/.2- C922.0T A9; /90DT2A0-/.2- C922.0T =3-% /90DT2A0-/.2- L3A0 /90DTR$?'F=R' =?D(9M=?T F>?D' T2A0-/.2- L$/. $0C3?. /90DT2A0-/.2- $0D.BT.D0.-- /90DTR$?'F=R' C>RR=?T R='TR = # 7 T2A0-/.2- C922.0T 2.-T2 A9; T2A0-/.2- C922.0T 2.-T2 =3-% T2A0-/.2- A1.0C5 /90DT2A0-/.2- 2.0.#AL 2.%LAC.?.0T (TD=R B=D7=R $CT%V%T%=' (BD indicates !sed on a monthly basis/ $ta&ics indicate used at year end'

:. B$siness Fodel Grants H (ontracts0 An inter"ace will 3e written "rom the preCaward s!stem into ;F 3$t we will not write an inter"ace "rom the pre award s!stem into plannin' in -,. 5. ,pecial 8r'ani%ational (onsiderations &ote that cost plannin' is a c$rrent process5 which is decentrali%ed and not standard across the 3oard. ,ec$rin' cost plannin' at a 3oo7 7eeper level will need to 3e determined. ,ee section on a$thori%ations in cost plannin' 93elow). ?. (han'es to Existin' 8r'ani%ation ,ince the concept o" cost plannin' 9as opposed to 3$d'et) is new "or # this "$nctionalit! will need to 3e mana'ed to ens$re proper trainin'. #his ma! 3e "$nctionalit! that # 'rows into $sin'. 2t is important to distin'$ish cost plannin' and reven$e plannin'. .even$e plannin' is "or how !o$ expect 9or plan) to .E(E2+E reven$es and cost plannin' is how !o$ will ,-E&* the reven$es 9th$s cost plannin'). @. *escription o" 2mprovements standardi%e the cost plannin' process 9c$rrentl! -2s all have di""erent plannin' processes) eliminate the shadow s!stem

8. *escription o" ;$nctional *e"icits /var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_3/205399238.doc 2$$ o( $'!

AcceleratedSAP - Business Blueprint

A de"icit o" cost plannin' is not 3ein' a3le to control cost plannin' reports 3! pro"it center5 which is how we will control cost plans. ,ee a$thori%ation and $ser roles 9V12 3elow). 2" access is 'iven to a -, cost report5 plan vs. act$al in"ormation can 3e seen "or A&< proAect i" a $ser has access to a 'iven report. ,ince pro"it center is not an a$thori%ation o3Aect another sol$tion will need to 3e determined since #Is re>$irement is to not allow one -2 to see another -2Ms plan vs. act$als. FA.<5 2, #42, #. E11 9. Approaches to (overin' ;$nctional *e"icits ,helia Fc&eil is loo7in' into possi3le wa!s to sec$re -, cost plannin' reports. 10. &otes on ;$rther 2mprovements #here are approximatel! 50 sponsored "$nds primaril! 2-, 92nstit$te "or -$3lic ,ervice) which have pro'ram income 9excl$din' Femphis5 which ma! have more). (ost plannin' co$ld 3e $sed to plan how monies can 3e spent. ;or example5 a "$nd co$ld start with 1007 in "$ndin' and 'ain 107 in con"erence re'istration "ees. *ependin' on the sponsorMs restrictions5 the "$nd co$ld now have Q1005000 to plan spendin' "or or5 i" !o$ are a3le to 7eep this income5 then Q1105000. #here"ore5 # can plan cost spendin' "or di""erent scenarios 9Q9050005 Q10050005 Q1105000). -lannin' is a nonC3indin' tool that allows !o$ to pla! o$t possi3le scenarios "or spendin'. 2t is not the same as a 3$d'et that is 3indin'. 11. ,!stem (on"i'$ration (onsiderations Man!al Cost 6lanning in 9 ' ?otes: Cost element le*el planning reC!ired/ (ost Elements need to 3e reviewed and cost element 'ro$ps determined 3! #. Ann$al and overall plannin' will 3e allowed. 5 !ears in the past and 5 !ears into the "$t$re. Config!ration: Create)Change 6lan 6rofile 2n this step5 !o$ create new plan pro"iles or chan'e existin' plan pro"iles. #o 3e a3le to carr! o$t proAect cost plannin'5 !o$ m$st create a plan pro"ile or $se an existin' one. #he "ollowin' settin's are relevant to proAect cost plannin'0 -lannin' in all 6B, elements or onl! in plannin' elements BottomC$p plannin' within str$ct$reCoriented plannin' #he indicator determines whether the 3ottomC$p proced$re is $sed in plannin'. 2" !o$ set the indicator5 the s!stem a$tomaticall! carries o$t the =#otal= "$nction in cost str$ct$re plannin' each time a Jsave with chec7K "$nction is per"ormed. #he s$perior 6B, element receives the total o" all the plan val$es in the 6B, elements 3elow it as its plan val$e. #ime hori%on 4ere5 !o$ de"ine the "ollowin'0 -eriod into the past5 "rom the start !ear5 "or which !o$ can plan -eriod into the "$t$re5 "rom the start !ear5 "or which !o$ can plan (ost plannin' start !ear -lannin' o" overall and/or ann$al val$es +al$e representation ,tandard view displa!ed as well as the planned val$e when !o$ access the "$nction /var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_3/205399238.doc 2$& o( $'!

AcceleratedSAP - Business Blueprint

*ecimal places and scalin' "actor as de"a$lt val$es *etail plannin' and $nit costin' 4ere5 !o$ de"ine de"a$lt val$es "or cost element plannin'5 activit! inp$t plannin'5 and $nit costin'. Create cost element gro!ps -rimar! costs .even$es ;or plannin' activit! inp$t0 Define cost center gro!p Create C( acti*ities and acti*ity gro!ps Create statistical :ey fig!res and :ey fig!re gro!ps ;or $nit costin'0 LCreate costing *ariantL A$tomatic reven$e plannin' 4ere5 !o$ stip$late whether plan reven$es and5 i" re>$ired5 plan pa!ments "rom sales and distri3$tion doc$ments assi'ned to the proAect are recorded in the relevant 3illin' element.

$ction 1. se =*etail= to chec7 the plan pro"iles delivered as standard in the ./3 ,!stem. 2. (han'e the details as necessar! in the plan pro"iles5 or create new ones as appropriate. $dditional information <o$ have the "ollowin' alternative wa!s o" assi'nin' a plan pro"ile to a proAect0 As a de"a$lt val$e in the -roAect ,!stem con"i'$ration men$ 2n the proAect pro"ile "or a proAect de"inition 98perative str$ct$res) 2n the proAect pro"ile "or a standard proAect de"inition 9Basic data) 2n the -roAect ,!stem application men$ 2n the proAect de"inition control data5 i" !o$ have not stored a plan pro"ile in the proAect pro"ile. 92n the area men$5 choose 8perative str$ct$res CZ 6or7 3rea7down str$ct$re CZ (han'e CZ *etail CZ (ontrol CZ -lan pro"ile). 12. A$thori%ation and ser .oles Create ) Change ) Display cost plans in 6': 2" # decides to do cost plannin' 9c$rrentl! less than 10U o" restricted "$nds are cost planned in *F,) the process will 3e decentrali%ed. A$thori%ation will 3e controlled 3! transaction 9(O:0 to create a cost plan "or example) and pro"it center. ($rrentl! 98U o" the 3oo77eepers can see another 3oo77eepers proAects 3$t in some cases it is not accepta3le "or 3oo77eepers to 3e a3le to see another 3oo77eepers plans. 2n this sit$ation5 sec$rit! will 3e ti'htened 3! creatin' pro"it centers down to the -2 level 9s$3 department level). #his desi'n is 3ene"icial 3eca$se pro"essors will 3e a3le to see a s$mmar! o" proAects incl$din' E and 2 acco$nts 9cost centers). Below are the a$thori%ation o3Aects ./3 chec7s "or these transactions0 &o chec7 (_A;E8_A(# Activities on networ7 header level &o chec7 (_A;E8_A6E (2F0 -lant "or order t!pe o" order &o chec7 (_A;E8_*2, &etwor70 F.- Gro$p 9-lant) and #ransaction #!pe &o chec7 (_A;+G_A-D -,0 6or7 (enter "or &etwor7 Activities and Activit! Elements &o chec7 (_A;+G_#<- -,0 Activit! t!pes "or networ7 act$al and activit! elements 2$' o( $'!


AcceleratedSAP - Business Blueprint

&o chec7 (_-.8O_E8E -,0 (ontrollin' Area "or -roAect *e"inition &o chec7 (_-.8O_-.( -,0 -ro"it center "or proAect de"inition (hec7/maintain (_-.8O_#(* -,0 #ransactionC,peci"ic A$thori%ations in -roAect ,!stem &o chec7 (_-.8O_+&. -,0 -roAect Fana'er "or -roAect *e"inition (hec7/maintain (_-.-,_A.# -,0 -roAect t!pe a$thori%ation "or 6B, elements (hec7/maintain (_-.-,_E8E -,0 (ontrollin' Area A$thori%ation "or 6B, elements Chec:)maintain C&6R6'&G'T 6': Cost Center $!thori0ation for 9 ' elements Chec:)maintain C&6R6'&6RC 6': 6rofit Center $!thori0ation for 9 ' elements (hec7/maintain (_-.-,_ ,. -,0 Fodel "or ser ;ield A$thori%ation "or 6B, elements Chec:)maintain C&6R6'&V?R 6': 6ro8ect Manager $!thori0ation for 9 ' elements ;6% is a mo*ing list< (hec7 ;_BE-;_E8A Acco$ntin' *oc$ment0 A$thori%ation "or Acco$nt #!pes (hec7 E_((A (8C((A0 Gen. A$thori%ation 83Aect "or (ost (enter Acco$ntin' (hec7 E_(EB, (8C-(0 Base -lannin' 83Aects (hec7 E_(,EB_-DA (8C((A0 (ost Element -lannin' (hec7 E_(,E,_,E# (8C((A0 (ost (enter Gro$ps (hec7/maintain E_EA09_E+, (80 +ersion (hec7 E_EEE8 (8C-(0 -rod$ct (ostin' Chec: G&TG$50 C(: 6lanner 6rofilesIII (hec7 ,_(#,_A*F2 Administration ;$nctions in the (han'e and #ransport ,!stem (hec7 ,_*A#A,E# A$thori%ation "or ;ile Access (hec7 ,_*E+ED8- ABA- 6or73ench (hec7 ,_2FG_A(#+ 2FG0 A$thori%ation to -er"orm ;$nctions in 2FG (hec7 ,_8DE_(ADD 8DE (alls "rom ABA- -ro'rams (hec7 ,_-.8G.AF ABA-0 -ro'ram r$n chec7s (hec7 ,_,(.-_#N# ,A-,cript0 ,tandard text (hec7 ,_,-8_*E+ ,pool0 *evice A$thori%ations (hec7 ,_#AB _*2, #a3le Faintenance 9via standard tools s$ch as ,F30) (hec7 ,_#(8*E A$thori%ation (hec7 "or #ransaction ,tart 6lanning Dates

,/2/3/ "!estions:

/0 1) *o !o$r proAects involve extensive sched$lin'1 92" !es5 consider $sin' networ75 3eca$se 6B, elements are not sched$le.)


2$) o( $'!

AcceleratedSAP - Business Blueprint

A0 &o5 we are not $sin' networ7s 9or there"ore sched$lin'). 4owever the start and "inish date will 3e capt$red "or reportin' p$rposes on the proAect and ma!3e the 6B, elements1 ,ponsored proAects and a'enc! "$nds0 &o5 there is not extensive sched$lin' "or the technical wor7 o" the proAects. #his will 3e handled man$all!5 o$tside the s!stem5 3! the -2 or proAect director. 6e will need to sched$le start and end dates "or each individ$al 6B, element. #here is sched$lin' re>$ired "or invoicin'5 "inancial reportin'5 and closeo$t. Gi"ts0 ,ame as sponsored proAects. (enters/(hairs0 8nl! in"ormall! #he calendar re>$ired is0 niversit! "iscal !ear calendar0 @/1 C ?/305 1? periods 912 months and : "or adA$stments) I;actor!I calendar C de"er "or 4. inte'ration wor7shop. Doans0 &/A Endowments/#r$sts0 &/A. Endin' date shown as 99/99 /0 2) 2s !o$r proAect time limited1 92" !es5 consider $sin' activit! constraints to control this d$rin' date plannin'.) A0 ,ponsored proAects and a'enc! "$nds0 Fan! proAects are "or a period o" oneC!ear. 4owever5 the period o" per"ormance "or proAects is also o"ten m$ltiC!ear and ma! 3e as m$ch as 10 !ears or lon'er. -roAects with m$ltiple tas7s ma! have tas7s with ver! short time "rames 92 wee7s to 2 months). -roAect periods are in no wa! related to #Is "iscal !ear periods. Gi"ts0 ,ame as sponsored proAects. ,ome 'i"ts are not restricted 3! an endin' date "rom the sponsor. # has started 'ivin' ar3itrar! endin' dates 9e.'. "ive !ears) that can 3e extended over and over a'ain. #his was started to satis"! an internal a$dit "indin' that we sho$ldnIt $se inde"inite or open endCdates. (enters/(hairs0 -roAect chan'es each "iscal !ear 9@/1C?/30) 8ther .estricted0 Gi"t and endowment acco$nts are o"ten perpet$al. 8ther acco$nts are limited to a speci"ic time"rame "rom a "ew months to a n$m3er o" !ears. Doans0 &/A /0 ?) 6hat is the avera'e d$ration o" !o$r proAect1

A0 ,ponsored proAects and a'enc! "$nds0 Fan! proAects are "or a period o" oneC!ear. 4owever5 the period o" per"ormance "or proAects is also o"ten m$ltiC!ear and ma! 3e as m$ch as 10 !ears or lon'er. -roAects with m$ltiple tas7s ma! have tas7s with ver! short time "rames 92 wee7s to 2 months). -roAect periods are in no wa! related to #Is "iscal !ear periods. Gi"ts0 ,ame as sponsored proAects. ,ome 'i"ts are not restricted 3! an endin' date "rom the sponsor. # has started 'ivin' ar3itrar! endin' dates 9e.'. "ive !ears) that can 3e extended over and over a'ain. #his was started to satis"! an internal a$dit "indin' that we sho$ldnIt $se inde"inite or open endCdates. (enters/(hairs0 1 !ear


2&0 o( $'!

AcceleratedSAP - Business Blueprint

Doans0 &/A Endowments/#r$sts0 Endowments are perpet$al. #r$st d$rations var!5 3$t last "or several !ears. C% Template: 1. .e>$irements/Expectations

2. General Explanations

3. Explanations o" ;$nctions and Events

5. ,pecial 8r'ani%ational (onsiderations

?. (han'es to Existin' 8r'ani%ation

@. *escription o" 2mprovements

8. *escription o" ;$nctional *e"icits

9. Approaches to (overin' ;$nctional *e"icits

10. &otes on ;$rther 2mprovements

11. ,!stem (on"i'$ration (onsiderations

12. A$thori%ation and ser .oles

,/2/3/1/ "!estions: /0

Man!al 9 ' Date 6lanning

1) 4ow do !o$ plan dates at each sta'e o" the proAect li"e c!cle1


2&1 o( $'!

AcceleratedSAP - Business Blueprint

A0 ,ponsored proAects and a'enc! "$nds0 6e want to capt$re the startC and endCdate "or the proAect. *ates will 3e entered "or individ$al 6B, "rom the 3ottom $p 3$t in some cases top down. 6e can $se open plannin' "or the 'reatest "lexi3ilit!. Gi"ts0 ,ame as sponsored proAects. (enters/(hairs0 ,ame as sponsored proAects. 8ther .estricted0 6e want capt$re the start and endCdates o" the proAect. 6e will plan the dates at the setC$p o" the 6B, elements. *ates will most li7el! 3e 3ottom $p. ( ;o$ndation does shortCran'e "$ndin'. ; acco$nts are t!picall! perpet$al. ,etC$p o" some endowment acco$nts wo$ld 3e set $p with a "ixed date in order to veri"! that s$""icient "$nds were received to contin$e as a tr$e endowment. *ates wo$ld most li7el! 3e 3ottomC $p "rom the 6B, elements. Doans0 s$all! are perpet$al.

Endowments/#r$sts0 &/A. Endowments are $s$all! perpet$al. #r$sts have no 7nown endC date. /0 2) *o !o$ do onl! s$mmar! level date plannin' on !o$r proAect1 92" !es5 consider 6B, time sched$lin'.) A0 ,ponsored proAects and a'enc! "$nds0 &o5 onl! displa! or reportin' in"ormation. Gi"ts0 ,ame as sponsored proAects. (enters/(hairs0 <es 8ther .estricted0 <es Doans0 <es5 i" at all. Endowments/#r$sts0 &/A C &o -lannin' /0 ?) 6hich reports do proAect mana'ers $se to monitor dates1 9.emem3er that the in"ormation s!stem o""ers a wide ran'e o" sched$le reports.) A0 ,ponsored proAects and a'enc! "$nds0 ,tr$ct$re reports and/or B$siness 6areho$se will allow simple date reports. ;or proAect mana'ement5 we need reports that show all proAects "or a 'iven -25 department head5 departmental 3oo77eeper5 (ontrollerIs 8""ice acco$ntant in descendin' date order. 6e have a standard process in place now where3! we send written notices to all -2s o" sponsored proAects and 'i"ts when there is :5 da!s $ntil proAect end date. #his noti"ication letter prompts the -2 to either start wor7in' on a proAect extension with the sponsor or acco$nt closeo$t proced$res. 2s there a wa! to do this in ./31 (enters/(hairs0 ,ame as sponsored proAects5 except no :5Cda! proAect closeo$t reminder letter is sent. 8ther .estricted0 ,tr$ct$re reports and/or B$siness 6areho$se will allow simple date reports.


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AcceleratedSAP - Business Blueprint

Doans0 &/A Endowments/#r$sts0 .eports on endowments less than Q155000 to monitor len'th o" time $ntil Q155000 is reached so that endowment acco$nt is closed i" Q155000 is not met. /0 @) *o !o$ c$rrentl! trac7 date revisions1 92" !es5 consider $sin' proAect snapshot versions and sim$lation versions to trac7 sched$le 3aselines.) A0 ,ponsored proAects and a'enc! "$nds0 #he critical trac7in' is "or costs5 not dates. (enters/(hairs0 ,ame as sponsored proAects. Gi"ts0 ,ame as sponsored proAects. .estricted ;$nds0 #he critical trac7in' is "or costs5 not dates. Endowments/#r$sts0 &o Doans0 &/A C% Template: 1. .e>$irements/Expectations ;or GH( and A'enc! dates need to 3e planned on the proAect de"inition and the 6B, elements "or in"ormational p$rposes onl!. #here ma! 3e a need to set $p validation r$les in ;2 3ased on the dates else control "rom the date on the "$nd 93indin' date). All proAects will have the "$nctionalit! to plan dates. 2. General Explanations Dates in the 9or: rea:do+n 'tr!ct!re ;9 '< As soon as !o$ create 6B, elements5 !o$ can start plannin' dates "or them. 2n ro$'hC c$t plannin'5 !o$ speci"! dates that are 3indin' "or more detailed plannin'. <o$ can $se this ro$'hCc$t plannin' as a startin' point "or more detailed plannin'. 2n the -roAect ,!stem5 there are vario$s "$nctions with which !o$ can adA$st5 reconcile or extrapolate dates in the wor7 3rea7down str$ct$re. &etwor7 sched$lin' does not appl! at # since we are not $sin' networ7s 3$t dates will 3e planned on the 6B, elements/ 3. Explanations o" ;$nctions and Events 6hen the proAect is created the start and "inish dates will 3e entered on the proAect de"inition and 6B, elements. 5. ,pecial 8r'ani%ational (onsiderations #his process will remain centrali%ed. ?. (han'es to Existin' 8r'ani%ation


2&3 o( $'!

AcceleratedSAP - Business Blueprint

&one identi"ied at this time @. *escription o" 2mprovements ,ince proAects can 3e scala3le 96B, elements can 'o down to vario$s levels o" detail) then the "lexi3ilit! to date plan can 3e o""ered dependin' on the proAect str$ct$re. 8. *escription o" ;$nctional *e"icits &one identi"ied at this time 9. Approaches to (overin' ;$nctional *e"icits &/A 10. &otes on ;$rther 2mprovements #he primar! 3ene"it o" date plannin' in -, on the proAect is to 3e $sed in conA$nction with networ7 sched$lin'. ,ince networ7s are not in scope at this time5 "$ll date plannin' "$nctionalit! will 3e limited to o""erin' 3asic start/end date reportin'. 11. ,!stem (on"i'$ration (onsiderations Ena3le 3oth 3ottom $p and top down plannin' "or 'reater "lexi3ilit!. 12. A$thori%ation and ser .oles *ate plannin' can 3e done on the 6B, elements when the proAect is created 9(O01) in which case the a$thori%ation will 3e the same as descri3ed a3ove "or master data set $p 9central process). 4owever5 plannin' o" dates can also 3e done in another area o" -, and a$thori%ation/ access will li7el! 3e de"ined centrall! "or the (ontrollerIs 8""ice and (amp$s B$siness 8""ices onl!. 2n the reali%ation phase ,a3rina will demonstrate where date plannin' can 3e done and then a decision can 3e made.

,/,/ ,/,/1/

=Aec!tion 6ro8ect Release

"!estions: /0 1) *escri3e the c$rrent li"ec!cle9s) "or !o$r most important proAect t!pes.

A0 Grants H (ontracts0 &$m3er o" proAects do !o$ have open in a !ear0 &ew awards per !ear 3! 3$d'et entit!0 #,2 100 (hattanoo'a 200 Femphis 550 A' 330 Enoxville @00 /var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_3/205399238.doc 2&! o( $'!

AcceleratedSAP - Business Blueprint

Fartin :0 &ew proposals per !ear 3! 3$d'et entit!0 #,2 200 (hattanoo'a :00 Femphis 1100 A' 1100 Enoxville 1:00 Fartin 100 ,ponsored proAects and a'enc! "$nds0 -hases incl$de 91) preCaward5 92) proAect acco$ntin' esta3lishment5 93) 3$d'et transmission5 9:) postCaward administration5 95) postCaward 3illin'5 9?) postCaward collections5 9@) postCaward "inancial reportin'5 98) technical reportin'5 99) s$3mission o" closin' doc$ments5 and 910) internal proAect closin'. (enters/(hairs0 ,ame as GH( except no preCaward and no closin' docs Gi"t "$nds0 -hases incl$de 91) proAect acco$ntin' esta3lishment5 92) 3$d'et transmission5 93) cash receipts5 9:) internal proAect closin'. 2n rare circ$mstances5 there co$ld 3e 3illin' and "inancial and technical reportin'. (enters/(hairs0 n$m3ers are incl$ded in the GH( n$m3ers Doans0 Doan "$nds 3e'in when the ;eds 'ive $s mone! or a person 'ives a 'i"t to 3e $sed as a loan "or st$dents. Doan "$nds t!picall! last "orever with the exception that the niversit! has ended its participation in the ;ederal &$rsin' Doan pro'ram at all camp$ses except "or Femphis. #here are the "ollowin' loan "$nds0 Enoxville -rivate :5 ,pace 2nstit$te -rivate 1 (hattanoo'a -rivate ? Fartin -rivate 5 Femphis -rivate 90 Enoxville 2nstit$tional 3 (hattanoo'a G 2nstit$tional 2 Fartin G 2nstit$tional 2 Famphis G 2nstit$tional 10 Enoxville ;ed &$rsin' 1 9will close ?/30/00) (hattanoo'a ;ed &$rsin' 1 Fartin ;ed &$rsin' 1 Femphis ;ed &$rsin' 3 Femphis ;ed 4ealth -ro"essions 8 (olle'e o" +et Fed ;ed 4ealth -ro" 1 Enoxville ;ed -er7ins 2 (hattanoo'a ;ed -er7ins 2 Fartin ;ed -er7ins 2 Femphis ;ed -er7ins 2 Endowments and #r$sts0 .ndo(ments: Approximatel! 3000. Fost have a poolin' o" their "$nds "or investment p$rposes 9(onsolidated investment pool). ,ome are individ$all! invested. Di"e is perpet$al $nless the "$ndin' does not reach Q155000) within a speci"ied period. Trusts: Approximatel! 300. 2ncl$des 5 (harita3le Dead #r$sts which are a'enc! "$nds5 and the rests are vario$s 7inds o" (harita3le .emainder #r$sts. #r$sts end when last s$rvivin' 3ene"iciar! dies or at the end o" the stated term. /0 2) 4ow do !o$ separate the plannin' and the exec$tion phase o" !o$r proAect1 2&" o( $'!


AcceleratedSAP - Business Blueprint

A0 ,ponsored proAects and a'enc! "$nds0 6e do not c$rrentl! have a$tomated plannin' capa3ilities. -lannin' co$ld occ$r 3e"ore a proposal is s$3mitted5 a"ter the award is received5 or an! other time d$rin' the completion o" the proAect. 6e sho$ld have one o" the plans e>$al to the o""icial proAect 3$d'et i" $sers will have access to an! plan to act$al reportin'. Gi"ts0 ,ame as sponsored proAects. Endowments/#r$sts0 #here is no plannin'. /0 3) 6ho is responsi3le "or releasin'/acceptin' wor7 done on the proAect1

A0 ,ponsored proAects and 'i"ts0 #he -2 is responsi3le "or releasin' the technical wor7 provided to the sponsor. At the Enoxville camp$s5 the preCaward o""ice has a$thorit! over all postCaward5 nonCacco$ntin' pro'ress. #hat o""ice monitors the s$3mission o" re>$ired technical and pro'ress reports. #he sponsor is responsi3le "or acceptin' the technical wor7 per"ormed on the proAect. Acceptance is $s$all! not "ormal. -a!ment o" invoices 'enerall! means acceptance o" technical wor7. ,ome sponsors will act$all! send # a letter at the concl$sion o" the proAect that "ormall! states proAect and reportin' acceptance and closeo$t. Gi"ts0 #he -2 is responsi3le "or ens$rin' that "$nds are spent in accordance with donorIs restrictions. Fost 'i"ts do not re>$ire technical or "inancial reportin' to the donor. Endowments/#r$sts0 #he #reas$rerIs 8""ice 2nvestment 'ro$p is responsi3le "or releasin' proAects 9;HG acco$nts) and "or postin' to the proAects. #he related .HB acco$nts are released 3! the (ontrollerIs 8""ice5 and the departments are responsi3le "or the expendit$re postin's. #he #reas$rerIs 8""ice 2nvestment 'ro$p posts the earned income to the B acco$nts. C% Template: 1. .e>$irements/Expectations

2. General Explanations

3. Explanations o" ;$nctions and Events

5. ,pecial 8r'ani%ational (onsiderations

?. (han'es to Existin' 8r'ani%ation

@. *escription o" 2mprovements


2&$ o( $'!

AcceleratedSAP - Business Blueprint

8. *escription o" ;$nctional *e"icits

9. Approaches to (overin' ;$nctional *e"icits

10. &otes on ;$rther 2mprovements

11. ,!stem (on"i'$ration (onsiderations

12. A$thori%ation and ser .oles ,/,/1/1/ "!estions: /0 1) *o !o$ release !o$r whole proAect at once or in sta'es C "or example5 proAect o3Aect 3! proAect o3Aect1 A0 ,ponsored proAects and a'enc! "$nds0 &ormall! #Is (ontrollerIs 8""ice opens a proAect "or cost postin' when 91) a proposal exists in the preCaward s!stem5 and 92) either the award doc$ment or a si'ned =Advance Acco$nt .e>$est ;orm is received5 and 93) a 3$d'et is received. ,ome sponsors "$nd proAects incrementall!. A sponsor mi'ht 'ive # a 5C!ear award at Q1 million per !ear "or a total award o" Q5 million. 4owever5 the sponsor ma! onl! commit to "$ndin' the "irst !ear o" the 5C!ear award. #here"ore5 onl! Q1 million is availa3le "or the -2 to spend. At the 3e'innin' o" !ear 25 we $s$all! receive a "$ndin' letter "rom the sponsor a$thori%in' # to spend the second !earIs award o" Q1 million5 "or a proAectCtoCdate award o" Q2 million. 2deall!5 #Is proAect s!stem sho$ld store all o" this important "$ndin' in"ormation5 3$t it sho$ld 3e clear to $sers how m$ch has 3een le'all! committed 3! the sponsor. Gi"ts0 6hole proAects at once. (enters/(hairs0 6hole proAects at once Doans0 &/A Endowments H #r$sts0 ,et $p and released at once. /0 2) 6hat are the criteria "or releasin' !o$r proAects1 6ro8ect Release

A0 ,ponsored proAects and a'enc! "$nds0 &ormall!5 #Is (ontrollerIs 8""ice or a camp$s 3$siness o""ice opens a proAect "or cost postin' when 91) a proposal exists in the preCaward s!stem5 and 92) either the award doc$ment or a si'ned =Advance Acco$nt .e>$est ;orm is received5 and 93) a 3$d'et is received. #he (ontrollerIs 8""ice has "inal a$thorit! to open proAects. /var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_3/205399238.doc 2&& o( $'!

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Gi"ts0 &ormall!5 #Is (ontrollerIs 8""ice or the camp$s 3$siness o""ice opens a 'i"t "or cost postin' when 91) a re>$est is received "rom the development o""ice or a camp$s 3$siness o""ice5 and 92) a 3$d'et is received. #he (ontrollerIs 8""ice has "inal a$thorit! to open proAects. (enters/(hairs0 Each new "iscal !ear new proAects are released 3ased on needs Doans0 &/A Endowments H #r$sts0 F8A completion /0 3) *oes the release o" the proAect have an e""ect on proc$rement1

A0 ,ponsored proAects0 &o A'enc! "$nds0 &o Gi"ts0 &o (enters/(hairs0 &o Doans0 &/A Endowments H #r$sts0 &o /0 :) *o !o$ need a si'nat$re or paper 3ac7$p to release a proAect1

A0 ,ponsored proAects and a'enc! "$nds0 <es5 approvals re>$ired are noted in previo$s >$estions. Gi"ts0 <es. Answered in previo$s >$estions. (enters/(hairs0 ($rrentl! !es Doans0 &/A Endowments H #r$sts0 (op! o" the si'ned F8A contract a'reement with the donor /0 5) *o !o$ want to save a version o" !o$r proAect when !o$ release !o$r proAect1

A0 ,ponsored proAects0 &o A'enc! "$nds0 &o Gi"ts0 &o (enters/(hairs0 &o Doans0 &/A Endowments H #r$sts0 &/A /0 ?) *o !o$ have several sta'es "or releasin' a proAect1 92" !es5 consider the $se o" $ser stat$ses.) A0 ,ponsored proAects and a'enc! "$nds0 &ormall! #Is (ontrollerIs 8""ice opens a proAect "or cost postin' when 91) a proposal exists in the preCaward s!stem5 and 92) either the award doc$ment or a si'ned =Advance Acco$nt .e>$est ;orm is received5 and 93) a 3$d'et is received. ,ome sponsors "$nd proAects incrementall!. A sponsor mi'ht 'ive # a 5C!ear award at Q1 million per !ear "or a total award o" Q5 million. 4owever5 the sponsor ma! onl! commit to "$ndin' the "irst !ear o" the 5C!ear award. #here"ore5 onl! Q1 million is availa3le "or the -2 to /var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_3/205399238.doc 2&' o( $'!

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spend. At the 3e'innin' o" !ear 25 we $s$all! receive a "$ndin' letter "rom the sponsor a$thori%in' # to spend the second !earIs award o" Q1 million5 "or a proAectCtoCdate award o" Q2 million. 2deall!5 #Is proAect s!stem sho$ld store all o" this important "$ndin' in"ormation5 3$t it sho$ld 3e clear to $sers how m$ch has 3een le'all! committed 3! the sponsor. Gi"ts0 6hole proAects at once (enters/(hairs0 <es Doans0 &/A Endowments H #r$sts0 &o C% Template: 1. .e>$irements/Expectations #he (ontrollerIs 8""ice and (amp$s B$siness 8""ices will $se the proAect s!stem stat$s to release 9open) a proAect "or postin'. 2. General Explanations #he c$rrent stat$s o" a proAect or an o3Aect in a proAect determines which 3$siness transactions can 3e exec$ted. ,tat$ses doc$ment the c$rrent processin' sta'e o" an o3Aect. ,tat$s mana'ement in ./3 di""erentiates 3etween s!stem stat$ses and $ser stat$ses. A proAect is not a static o3Aect. 2t has it own li"e c!cle that 3e'ins when it is created and contin$es till completion. *$rin' this period vario$s 3$siness transactions chan'e the proAect. ;or instance !o$ plan tas7s5 post costs and per"orm settlements. Each proAect passes thro$'h vario$s s!stem stat$ses. 8ne o" which is alwa!s set. ;or example5 Created 2n this stat$s !o$ cannot5 "or instance5 ma7e act$al postin's. 2e&eased 2n this stat$s virt$all! all 3$siness transactions are permitted. 2" !o$ want to decide when certain 3$siness transactions are permissi3le5 de"ine $ser stat$ses. #hese enhance existin' s!stem stat$ses. Created ;CRTD< #his is the initial s!stem stat$s "or new 6B, elements. 2n this stat$s !o$ str$ct$re the plan dates5 costs and reven$es. #he s!stem set the stat$s a$tomaticall!5 when !o$ create a new 6B, element. Feat!res 2n Created stat$s5 !o$ can create new 6B, elements and chan'e the wor7 3rea7down str$ct$re. #he stat$s Allows !o$ to assi'n networ7s5 which do not !et have 2e&eased stat$s Allows !o$ to plan costs and reven$es Allows 3$d'etin' Released ;R=B< 2n this stat$s !o$ can assi'n costs and reven$es to 6B, elements. 6rereC!isites /var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_3/205399238.doc 2&) o( $'!

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#he Created stat$s is set. Feat!res 2n 2e&eased stat$s !o$ can create new 6B, elements and chan'e the hierarch!. #he stat$s is passed on to s$3ordinate 6B, elements. #he stat$s Allows !o$ to assi'n networ7s5 prod$ction orders or (8 orders to the 6B, element. Allows !o$ to post act$al costs Allows !o$ to trans"er act$al costs <o$ cannot chan'e the stat$s "rom 2e&eased to Created5 since act$al val$es "rom5 "or instance5 p$rchase orders or con"irmations ma! have 3een posted. 3. Explanations o" ;$nctions and Events ;or 20U o" GH(5 'i"ts5 and a'enc! a new 6B, element will need to 3e created and released each 'rant !ear. #h$s the 6B, stat$s "or !ear 2000 will need to 3e closed and the 6B, "or 'rant !ear 2001 will need to 3e created and released. #o mana'e the ?0C da! period5 the two 6B, elements will overlap and 3oth will 3e open at once. #he 3oo77eeper will decide which char'es 3elon' in each d$rin' the ?0Cda! period. #hen at the end o" the ?0Cda! period the 6B, "or the !ear 2000 will 3e closed. ;or the remainin' 80U o" GH(5 'i"ts5 and a'enc! one 6B, will 3e $sed and closed at the end o" the proAect li"e. -lant proAects5 loan5 and Di"e 2ncome proAects will close. #he li"e span o" these proAects can ran'e "rom 1 !ear to 20 !ears and the! co$ld remain solel! in the released stat$s "or the d$ration. #otal o" open loan "$nds 203 5. ,pecial 8r'ani%ational (onsiderations &one identi"ied at this time ?. (han'es to Existin' 8r'ani%ation &one identi"ied at this time. ($rrentl! acco$nt set $p is done centrall! 3! the (ontrollerIs 8""ice and (amp$s B$siness 8""ices and it will remain centrali%ed in ./3. @. *escription o" 2mprovements

8. *escription o" ;$nctional *e"icits 2" there is a need "or the (ontrollerIs 8""ice to review proAect stat$s a standard str$ct$re report can 3e r$n in -,. 9. Approaches to (overin' ;$nctional *e"icits &/A 10. &otes on ;$rther 2mprovements


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&one identi"ied at this time 11. ,!stem (on"i'$ration (onsiderations 2" necessar!5 $ser stat$sI can 3e de"ined and tied to s!stem stat$sI to "$rther restrict what transactions are allowed 3! stat$s. #his will 3e de"ined in the reali%ation phase. 12. A$thori%ation and ser .oles ./3 does not provide an additional a$thori%ation chec7 "or settin' s!stem stat$ses once !o$ are in the IcreateI and Ichan'eI proAect transactions. (O01/(O02 9create and chan'e proAects) will 3e the transactions 'iven to the (ontrollerIs 8""ice and camp$s 3$siness o""ices 9centrali%ed). #here"ore5 these are the onl! $sers who will 3e a3le to maintain proAect stat$s.

"!estions: /0 A0 /0 A0 /0 A0

illing ;see 'D section<

1) *o !o$ do interim 3illin' or onl! 3ill at the end o" the proAect1

2) *o !o$ 'et down pa!ments "rom c$stomers1

3) *o !o$ do time and materials 3illin'1

/0 :) 6ithin the "ramewor7 o" a proAect5 do !o$ have "ixed price a'reements5 accordin' to which a 'ro$p ma7es deliveries 3ased on a prede"ined reven$e/cost a'reement1 92" !es5 consider $sin' trans"er pricin' "or proAects.) A0 C% Template: 1. .e>$irements/Expectations S(2# #8CBE *E,2G& 2, 2& #4E ,* ,E(#28&.T 8. *escription o" ;$nctional *e"icits .estricted reven$e reco'nition0 ./3 does not have the a3ilit! to reco'ni%e restricted reven$e the wa! that the niversit! is re>$ired. 2n ./35 reven$e is reco'ni%ed at 3illin'. # is re>$ired to reco'ni%e restricted reven$e as expendit$res are made. # has man! restricted proAects that are never 3illed. #his is the maAorit! and incl$des all /var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_3/205399238.doc 2'1 o( $'!

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'i"ts and some sponsored proAects. 2n this case in ./35 reven$e will 3e overstated 3eca$se a reven$e entr! is made when the cash is received. Also5 # has some proAects that are 3illed in advance. A'ain5 reven$e is overstated. Fost sponsored proAects are 3illed on a costCreim3$rsement 3asis. # spends the mone! "irst and then 3ills the sponsor "or reim3$rsement. All $n3illed expendit$res are not reco'ni%ed as reven$e 3! ./3 "or monthCend "inancial statements 3eca$se 3illin' has not !et occ$rred. 2n this case5 reven$e is $nderstated. 9. Approaches to (overin' ;$nctional *e"icits #o solve this pro3lem5 the "ollowin' sol$tion was determined to 3e an eas!5 invisi3le wa! to accomplish proper reven$e reco'nition. All cash receipts to proAects will 3e reco'ni%ed as reven$e at the time o" receipt. At monthCend5 a report will 3e r$n o" proAect 3alances. #hose with a de3it 3alance represent $nderstated reven$e while those with a credit 3alance represent overstated reven$e. A Ao$rnal entr! will 3e made d$rin' the monthC end close 3ased on this report. #he Ao$rnal entr! will correct the reven$e reco'nition "or the monthl! "inancial statements and will then 3e reversed at the 3e'innin' o" the next month. # will need this monthl! report and Ao$rnal entr! to 3e a$tomated 3eca$se o" the tho$sands o" proAect acco$nts that m$st 3e >$eried. Also5 reven$e m$st 3e adA$sted "or ;ederal5 ,tate5 Docal and private reven$e cate'ories. #Cacco$nts "or these transactions "ollow. Example 1 -roAects with 3illin'0 .01251:21 *irect char'es ;HA 100 :0 100 :0 A/.even$e .even$e A/. 100 .01251:21

2 acco$nt ;HA ;ederal A' 2 :0 .01251:21 Example 2 proAects witho$t 3illin'0 -1 100 rev direct @0 3alance 30 .even$e 100 120 30 10 200 -1 -2

2 acco$nt A' (amp$s .ecover! 1:0 2 .01251:21

-2 120 rev direct 130 3alance 10

O+ -1

O+ -2 corrected monthCend reven$e

,/,/2/1/ "!estions:

illing ReC!est 6rocessing


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/0 1) 6hich department is responsi3le "or 3illin' the c$stomer 9"or example5 service department5 acco$ntin' department)1 A0 /0 2) *o !o$ alread! carr! o$t reso$rceCrelated 3illin'1 *o !o$ $se transaction +A90 in the process1 A0 /0 3) 2" !o$ onl! invoice the c$stomer once5 what other criteria do !o$ $se to decide when an invoice is sent to the c$stomer 9"or example5 operatin' time o" e>$ipment)1 A0 /0 :) 6hen do !o$ create the invoices "or the c$stomer 9"or example5 at the end o" each period5 or on speci"ic dates de"ined 3! the c$stomer)1 A0 /0 A0 5) 2s the invoice chec7ed 3e"ore 3ein' sent to the c$stomer1 S T<es S T&o

/0 ?) *o !o$ need the detailed in"ormation "rom the (8 line items or is it eno$'h to 3ill s$mmari%ed (8 totals records1) A0 /0 A0 @) 6hich sales doc$ments do !o$ want to 3e 'enerated in reso$rceCrelated 3illin'1 S T *e3itCFemo .e>$est 8nl! S T *e3it and (redit Femo .e>$est

/0 8) *o !o$ want "$rther s$mmari%ation o" d!namic items d$rin' ,* doc$ment 'eneration1 2" !es5 what characteristics sho$ld 3e $sed "or the s$mmari%ation1 A0 /0 A0 /0 A0 10) ;rom what so$rces can expenses ori'inate1 9) 6hat characteristics sho$ld 3e $sed to determine the material1


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/0 11) *o !o$ want to de"ine a partic$lar de"a$lt rate 9in U) "or partic$lar so$rces o" expense re>$irin' 3illin'1 2" !es5 de"ine the so$rces and the relevant percenta'es. A0 /0 12) *o !o$ $se speci"ic acco$ntin' indicators when con"irmin' expenses 9examples0 '$arantees or 'race periods)1 2" !es5 which1 A0 /0 13) 6hat do the calc$lation motives a""ect1

A0 S T #he scope o" the expendit$re item S T #he price o" the expendit$re item ,/,/2/2/ "!estions: /0 1) *o !o$ 3ill c$stomers on a time and material 3asis1 92" !es5 consider $sin' reso$rceC related 3illin'.) A0 /0 2) *o !o$ 3ill internal la3or at an ho$rl!5 dail! rate etc1 92" !es5 !o$ need to enter the activit! t!pes in ($stomi%in' "or expenseCrelated 3illin'.) A0 /0 3) *escri3e the di""erent wa!s that la3or and expense are 3illed "or !o$r proAects e.'. is la3or 3illed at "ixed 3illin' rates5 or as a strai'ht cost pl$s a mar7$p5 or a com3ination o" 3oth5 etc. A0 /0 A0 /0 5) 2t is important to consider which items appear in a 3illin' doc$ment and the acco$ntin' treatment "or them. *escri3e the acco$ntin' processes $sed "or time and materialCrelated 3illin' in !o$r proAects. A0 /0 ?) 6hat is the relationship 3etween activities reported a'ainst a proAect and activities 3illed to the c$stomer1 A0 :) *escri3e !o$r 3illin' process. 4ow o"ten are time and material invoices iss$ed1 Reso!rce2Related illing


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/0 A0

@) 2" s$3contractors are $sed5 are the! 3illed as an expense or as internal la3or1

/0 8) *o !o$ $se time and materialCrelated 3illin'1 *o !o$ excl$de some expenses "rom proAects "rom 3illin'1 A0 /0 A0 /0 A0 /0 11) 2" so5 descri3e the wa! caps are applied e.'. on the total o" la3or and expense5 on speci"ic expenses etc. A0 /0 12) 2s there an approval process "or these proAect invoices1 92" !es5 consider $sin' wor7"low and involvin' the proAect mana'er in the process.) A0 /0 13) *o !o$ show detailed in"o in the invoice "or time and materialCrelated 3illin'1 -rovide $s with examples. 92" !es5 consider $sin' proAect reports to s$pport the detail re>$ired.) A0 /0 1:) *o !o$ post act$al reven$es5 disco$nts5 or allowances to !o$r proAect1 92" !es5 consider the acco$nts and the implications "or val$e cate'ories in proAect reportin'.) A0 10) *o !o$ have caps on time and material 3illed1 9) Are time and materials costs mar7ed $p in price "or 3illin'1

"!estions: /0

6eriod2=nd Closing

1) *o !o$r proAects last "or more than one month1

A0 ,ponsored proAects and a'enc! "$nd0 -roAects can last "or virt$all! an! time period C 2 wee7s to 10 !ears. Gi"ts0 <es (enters/(hairs0 <es /var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_3/205399238.doc 2'" o( $'!

AcceleratedSAP - Business Blueprint

Doans "$nds do not t!picall! end. Endowments/#r$sts0 Endowments t!picall! do not endP #r$sts last "or more than a month C $ntil the last 3ene"iciar! dies or the stated term ends. -lant0 <es /0 2) *o !o$ have periodic postin's in !o$r compan!1

A0 ,ponsored proAects and a'enc! "$nds0 <es Gi"ts0 <es (enters/(hairs0 <es Doans0 <es Endowments/#r$sts0 <es -lant0 <es /0 3) *o !o$ calc$late act$al 62-5 (8, and/or reven$es1

A0 ,ponsored proAects and a'enc! "$nds0 &o Gi"ts0 &o (enters/(hairs0 &o Doans0 &/ A Endowments/#r$sts0 6e calc$late distri3$ted income that is posted to individ$al endowments and tr$sts "rom the (onsolidated 2nvestment -ool. -lant0 1 /0 :) *o !o$ settle proAects monthl!1

A0 ,ponsored proAects and a'enc! "$nds0 <es Gi"ts0 <es (enters/(hairs0 <es Doans0 &/ A Endowments/#r$sts0 &o -lant0 ($rrentl! no. B$t that wo$ld 3e nice to have in the "$t$re. /0 5) *o !o$r compan! policies re>$ire !o$ to calc$late overhead on proAects1

A0 ,ponsored proAects0 <es A'enc! "$nds0 &o Gi"ts0 &o (enters/(hairs0 &/A Doans0 & /A Endowments/#r$sts0 &/A /0 ?) *o !o$r compan! policies re>$ire !o$ to calc$late act$al interest on proAects1

A0 ,ponsored proAects and a'enc! "$nds0 &o Gi"ts0 &o (enters/(hairs0 &/A Doans0 &/A Endowments/#r$sts0 *istri3$ted income is calc$lated. Act$al earned interest is calc$lated in the internal 2nvestment le'ac! s!stem.


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-lant0 8nl! to the extent o" contractorIs retaina'e that is held in a'enc! "$nds. A statement is 'enerated >$arterl! and mailed to the contractor. /0 @) 6ho is responsi3le "or ens$rin' that all month end processes have 3een completed1

A0 ,ponsored proAects and a'enc! "$nds0 (ontrollerIs 8""ice Gi"ts0 (ontrollerIs 8""ice (enters/(hairs0 (ontrollerIs 8""ice Doans0 (ontrollerIs 8""ice Endowments/#r$sts0 (ontrollerIs 8""ice and #reas$rerIs 8""ice 2nvestment Gro$p /0 8) 6hat is the processin' se>$ence "or monthCend closin'1

A0 *+s5 B+s5 (+s5 and #+s are closed the last da! o" the month. *+s and B+s are posted to the new month. (+s are posted to the new month. #+s are posted to the new month. O+s are posted to the old month "or two da!s. -ro'rams are r$n "or the a$tomated entries 9;HA5 ;HA cost sharin'5 and direct cost sharin') a"ter all man$al entries are "inished. Endowments/Di"e 2ncome0 Life $ncome C A O+ to invest "ree cash m$st 3e 'iven to (ontrollerMs 8""ice 3! the 2nd wor7in' da! o" month. C% Template: 1. .e>$irements/Expectations .estricted "$nds will $se the -, "$nctionalit! o" overhead5 settlement5 and ,* "$nctionalit! o" 3illin' to meet period end re>$irements as "ollows0 Grants H (ontracts 8nl!0 1. (alc$late ;HA / indirect cost on proAects C 8verhead 2. (alc$late cost sharin' on proAects C ,ettlement "rom the 6B, elements ,ponsored -roAects 8nl! 9GH(5 A'enc!5 Gi"t)0 3. Bill all sponsored reim3$rsa3le proAects 9GH(5 'i"ts5 a'enc!/GH(). (osts inc$rred will 3e collected on the proAects in -, and then 3illin' will 3e done o$t o" ,*. -lease see the ,* section "or the A, 2, and #8 BE desi'n "or 3illin' processes. GH(5 Gi"ts5 Appropriations5 (hairs H (enters 9. acco$nts)0 :. .even$e reco'nition at month end 9"or -HD reportin') showin' expenses and reven$es 9"or all restricted proAects11) C Fonth end settlement "rom the proAect de"inition to a 62- acco$nt then reverse settlement a"ter month end. All proAects0 5. ;$ll or partial allocation o" costs "rom one cost o3Aect 9li7el! "rom 6B, to 6B, or 6B, to cost center5 or 6B, to A$() C ,ettlement. ;or example plant 9$nexpended) proAects will need to settle to the A$(. 2. General Explanations (V=RD=$D: Controlling ;C(< /var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_3/205399238.doc 2'& o( $'!

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(osts that cannot 3e traced directl! to a partic$lar allocation 3ase 9s$ch as a prod$ct). #hese incl$de costs that co$ld conceiva3l! 3e traced directl! to cost o3Aects or cost centers5 3$t are allocated 3! means o" overhead 7e!s instead 3eca$se it is not economicall! "easi3le to trace s$ch costs 9"or example5 the costs "or screws and other small parts). (*erhead Gey -rod$ct (ost (ontrollin' 9(8C-() Allows !o$ to calc$late a percenta'e overhead rate "or speci"ic orders or materials. Costing 'heets *e"ines how val$es posted in the ./3 ,!stem are calc$lated. A costin' sheet consists o" one or more o" the "ollowin' lines0 Base lines #hese contain the amo$nt or >$antit! on which the overhead is calc$lated. (alc$lation lines #hese contain the percenta'e rate to 3e applied to one or more 3ase lines. #otals lines #hese contain the s$m o" the 3ase amo$nt and calc$lated amo$nts. (ostin' sheets are $sed in the "ollowin' components0 8verhead 8rders 9(8C8FC8-A) and -rod$ct (ost (ontrollin' 9(8C-()5 where the! are $sed to calc$late overhead -ro"ita3ilit! Anal!sis 9(8C-A)5 where the! are $sed to calc$late anticipated val$es 8verhead (ost (ontrollin' 9(8C8F)5 where the! are $sed to calc$late reso$rce prices '=TTB=M=?T: (osts and reven$es are collected in proAects onl! temporaril!. #he! are settled to one or more receivers as part o" periodCend processin'. <o$ $se settlement to0 (apitali%ed the 3alance "rom res$lts anal!sis5 which is capa3le o" capitali%ation in the 3alance sheet. 83tain detailed data in res$lts anal!sis "or enterprise controllin'. 2n capitalCinvestment meas$res5 to settle the char'e to assets $nder constr$ction which can or m$st 3e capitali%ed. ,ee also ,ettlement ;$nctions "or capital investment. 2ncl$de act$al costs "rom the proAect in act$al price calc$lation in (ost (enter Acco$ntin'. %ntegration <o$ cannot trans"er settlement r$les to sim$lation versions or maintain them there. *ependin' on the settin's in the settlement pro"ile5 !o$ m$st settle the costs o" an o3Aect in "$ll 3e"ore !o$ can archive it. <o$ $se the settlement pro"ile to de"ine the "ollowin' "or act$al costs0 F$st 3e settled in "$ll (an 3e settled F$st not 3e settled Feat!res ,ettlement is the process where the act$al costs inc$rred "or a 6B, element5 networ75 or activit! are allocated5 in whole or in part5 to one or more receivers. 2n the process5 o""set entries creditin' the proAect are 'enerated a$tomaticall!. #he de3it postin's remain in the receivers5 where !o$ can displa! them. #he settled /var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_3/205399238.doc 2'' o( $'!

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costs are recorded in the relevant receiver5 and !o$ can eval$ate them in reportin'. <o$ de"ine the settlement criteria in the proAect master data. ,ettlement pro"ile <o$ store the settlement pro"ile in the proAect pro"ile or in the networ7 t!pe. 2t then acts as a de"a$lt val$e "or the individ$al o3Aects. <o$ can chan'e the pro"ile settin's in the settlement r$le parameters "or an o3Aect. .es$lts anal!sis 7e! ,ettlement r$le <o$ m$st enter a settlement r$le "or each o3Aect !o$ want to settle. A prere>$isite "or settlement is that the relevant o3Aects sho$ld have s!stem stat$s =.eleased=. -roAects have a hierarchical str$ct$re. <o$ m$st ta7e acco$nt o" this when maintainin' the settlement r$le. ,ee -roAect ,ettlement .ecommendations As settlement r$le maintenance can 3e ver! time cons$min' i" the proAect hierarch! str$ct$re is complex5 we o""er the "ollowin' s$pport0 A$tomaticall! Generated ,ettlement .$les in 6B, elements ,trate'! "or 'eneratin' settlement r$les in networ7s (onsistenc! (hec7 on Faster *ata/,ettlement .$le <o$ can $se this report pro"ile to chec75 amon' other thin's5 the settlement r$le in the 3illin' element accordin' to partic$lar criteria. #he settlement lo'ic is the same thro$'ho$t the vario$s ./3 applications. ;or more in"ormation on settlement5 read (8 C ,ettlement. 3. Explanations o" ;$nctions and Events 6rocess for o*erhead and cost sharing at >T: (ostin' sheets and overhead 7e!s on the -, proAects will 3e $sed in ./3 to mana'e 2ndirect costs / 8verhead / ;HA 9"acilities H administration). ,tandard overhead rates are 3ased on the cost o" doin' research and are 3ased on a'reements with the "ederal 'overnment. #he most common overhead rate at # is :3U o" F#*(. 8verhead rates ma! chan'e "or all or individ$al camp$sI ann$all! at #. #he one pa'e list shows the rates 3! ;< and associated 3ases 3! camp$s 9"or research or instr$ction5 on or o"" camp$s). 2n the maAorit! o" the cases the costin' sheet and overhead 7e!s will meet the re>$irements "or overhead calc$lation. ;or cost sharin'5 settlement r$les will 3e maintained on the 6B, elements 9not costin' sheets). (ost sharin' is the amo$nt that # red$ces the standard overhead rate 3!. 2deall! "or # it wo$ld 3e 'reat to have 0U cost sharin' and the sponsor to pa! 100U o" overhead. (ost sharin' is the di""erence 3etween the standard rate and what the sponsor a'rees to pa!. 2" the sponsor doesnIt pa! then # m$st cost share amon' themselves 100U o" the overhead. Example o" the process in ./30 8verhead rate is :0U C c$stomer a'rees to pa! "or 30U and settlement r$le 9cost sharin') is 25U 9and wo$ld not settle 3ac7 to acco$nt where the ori'inal overhead clearin' acco$nt.) 8n the invoice in A. line items will 3e seen "or indirect cost 9LQ:00) and cost sharin' 9CQ150) and what the sponsor is pa!in' 30U 9Q250). Ex0 2" the sponsor o" 1005000 does &8# a'ree to help with the overhead 3$rden5 and overhead is :0U then # will need to cost share the :05000. 2n cases where cost elements need to 3e withheld "rom overhead d$e to sponsor re>$irements 9"or example0 o$t o" state travel or a persons salar!) then when the proAect is created another 6B, element needs to 3e set $p to capt$re these costs in a separate /var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_3/205399238.doc 2') o( $'!

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3$c7et. #his wa! we can meet the sponsor re>$irements and the costs will not have to 3e 3ro7en o$t "or overhead / nonCoverhead as it is c$rrentl! done. #his case sho$ld 3e the exception not the r$le. 6rocess for re*en!e recognition for month end 6#B for 7#C, 7ifts, $ppropriations)Chairs # Centers ;R# acco!nts<: #Is re>$irement is when an expense occ$rs the o""set to reven$e m$st 3e shown "or month end reportin' "or .estricted ($rrent ;$nds5 which incl$des 9Grants and (ontracts5 Gi"t "$nds5 and Appropriations/ (hairs H (enters). #his "$nctionalit! c$rrentl! exists at # and will 3e re>$ired in ./3. 2n order to meet the re>$irement5 there are two possi3le sol$tions0 Di7el! sol$tion0 A pro'ram can 3e written showin' a report. # has a need to see reven$e and expense on the restricted "$nds -HD at month end. A report needs to 3e written to shows the net o" the reven$e and expense. &ote0 2n ./3 reven$e is normall! reco'ni%ed when A./,* invoicin' occ$rs 9which will not happen 3! the end o" the month and will not happened "or all the "$nds which need this re>$irement since onl! GH( will invoice). #his pro'ram has 3een speced as per 3l$eprint .2(E, re>$irements. Another possi3le option0 At the month end # can r$n settlement "rom the proAect de"inition to a 62- res$ltin' in the di""erence in the reven$e and expense 9de3its and credits net o$t). ,ettlement will red$ce the reven$e acco$nt then reverse settlement a"ter month end. Billin' process is independent and will occ$r onl! "or GH(. 5. ,pecial 8r'ani%ational (onsiderations #he period end process is the se>$ence o" ./3 transactions $s$all! done at month end close. ;or #5 the process will need to 3e de"ined in detail. #he "inal process "or period : ma! resem3le0 G/D entries post CZ pa!roll posts CZ overhead is r$n "rom -, proAects and (8 cost centers 9m$st r$n prior to 3illin') CZ cost allocations CZ r$n settlements "or period : CZ r$n month end -HD CZ r$n 3illin' "or sponsor reim3$rsa3le proAects in ,* 9independent o" period) CZ reverse settlements to period 5 CZ close monthl! postin' period in ;2). ?. (han'es to Existin' 8r'ani%ation ($rrentl! cost sharin' is a challen'e "or #. (ollectin' costs in the correct 3$c7et and havin' settlement r$les on the 6B, elements will allow a 3etter process "or cost sharin' i" standard scenarios can 3e developed. @. *escription o" 2mprovements ($rrentl! indirect cost/ overhead hits the B acco$nt now and in the "$t$re it will hit the .s. 8. *escription o" ;$nctional *e"icits ($rrentl! cost sharin' is ver! detailed 9ta7e U5 o" pro"essor <Is salar!5 excl$de this) so how do we mana'e in ./31 #his is in the A,A- iss$e data3ase as V10?. &eed to de"ine an! standards that ma! exist. 9. Approaches to (overin' ;$nctional *e"icits #B* C consider settlement5 special pro'ram5 other1 /var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_3/205399238.doc 2)0 o( $'!

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.even$e increasin' 3$d'ets in ;F1 10. &otes on ;$rther 2mprovements ./3Is 'rants mana'ement mod$le ma! have a 3etter sol$tion "or mana'in' overhead and cost sharin'. # is c$rrentl! providin' inp$t to this new mod$le and can o""er their learnin' experience "rom $sin' -, with ;F to mana'e 'rants. 11. ,!stem (on"i'$ration (onsiderations 12 Costing 'heets ;base<: 2nitial ./3 set $p will 3e to create a costin' sheet "or each 3ase 9F#*(5 #*(5 and ,H6) "or each so$rce o" "$ndin' 9"ederal5 state5 local5 private) which is a total o" 12 costin' sheets. F#*( is most common and does not incl$de e>$ipment H s$3contracts 'reater than Q255000. #*( incl$des all costs 9incl$din' e>$ipment). ,H6 stands "or salar! and wa'es. #he exception wo$ld 3e to calc$late F#*( 9an! 3ase) excl$din' travel 9an! cost element). 2. (*erhead Geys ;rate<: 2nitial ./3 set $p will 3e to create overhead 7e!s "or the di""erent standard rates 9ex0 ;<99 "or Enox instr$ction on camp$s is :5U) so approximatel! 28 new rates added each !ear 3eca$se the rate is 'rand"athered at the !ear the proAect was created. #here"ore5 the rate the proAect is $sin' will 3e the rate set in the !ear the proAect was proposed. 'ettlement profile ;to manage cost sharing<: amo$nt settlement U settlement 12. A$thori%ation and ser .oles #he 3ase and rate are attri3$tes that will 3e on the proAect master and there"ore can 3e maintained correctl! on the proAect. #hose that have access to creatin' and chan'in' the proAect will also 3e the ones maintainin' the overhead and settlement r$les. At this point5 no additional a$thori%ation is re>$ired. ,/,/,/1/ "!estions: /0 1) 6hat costs is the cost estimate 3ased on when !o$ comp$te overhead "or internal orders1 A0 ,ponsored proAects0 2 donIt thin7 we are $sin' internal orders. A'enc! "$nds0 &/A Gi"ts0 &/A (enters/(hairs0 &/A Doans0 &/A Endowments/#r$sts0 &/A "or all overhead >$estions. #here"ore5 none o" the s$3se>$ent :8 >$estions answered. #here is no overhead char'ed to Endowments or #r$sts. /0 2) ,peci"! the overhead rates. $ct!al (*erhead Costing


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A0 ,ponsored proAects0 <es5 # has a matrix o" applica3le ;ederal5 a$dited ;HA rates that are applied to all sponsored proAects. #he rate to 3e $sed "rom the matrix is dependent $pon 91) camp$s where wor7 is to 3e per"ormed5 92) "$nction 9instr$ction5 research5 other sponsored proAects)5 and 93) whether or not the maAorit! o" the wor7 is to 3e per"ormed on or o"" camp$s. (enters/(hairs0 &/A /0 3) 6ill !o$ per"orm a$tomatic recover! o" overheads on speci"ic t!pes o" costs/expenses1 A0 <es /0 :) Dist the di""erent 'ro$ps o" costs/expenses 9"or example5 appl!in' a "ixed percenta'e rate "or recover! o" overhead to material iss$es). A0 ,ponsored proAects0 ,ee >$estion V2 a3ove /0 5) ;or each assi'nment t!pe5 do !o$ distri3$te overhead as a "ixed percenta'e or 3ased on the act$al total costs1 A0 ,ponsored proAects0 ,ee >$estion V2 a3ove /0 ?) *escri3e in detail how each o" these assi'nments is per"ormed toda! in !o$r or'ani%ation. A0 ,ponsored proAects0 ,ee >$estion V2 a3ove /0 @) 6hat postin's do the assi'nments create1

A0 ,ponsored proAects0 #he proAect acco$nt is de3ited and the appropriate income acco$nt is credited. # has "o$r income acco$nts per entit! "or ;HA C ;ederal5 state5 local5 and private. /0 8) *escri3e in detail how each o" these allocations is per"ormed toda! in !o$r or'ani%ation. A0 ,ponsored proAects0 # has several ;ederall!Capprove ;HA calc$lation 3ases. 8ne o" #Is ;HA 3ases is Fodi"ied #otal *irect (osts 9F#*()5 which is total direct costs less certain modi"!in' cost cate'ories. E>$ipment5 st$dent "ees5 and s$3contracts 'reater than Q255000 are examples o" modi"iers and are excl$ded "rom the ;HA calc$lation5 3$t salaries5 3ene"its5 s$pplies5 etc. are incl$ded in the ;HA allocation. 8ther ;HA calc$lation 3ases in $se incl$de0 91) #*( C total direct costs5 92) ,alaries H wa'es5 and 93) c$stom 3ases "or certain sponsors. ;or example5 the , *ept o" Ed$cation re>$ires total direct costs less st$dent s$pport expendit$res5 which ma! 3e in 5 di""erent cost cate'ories. /0 9) *o !o$ assi'n overhead expenses to proAects1

A0 ,ponsored proAects0 ,ee >$estion V2 a3ove


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/0 10) ;or each allocation cate'or!5 do !o$ distri3$te overhead as a "ixed percenta'e or 3ased on the act$al total costs1 A0 ,ponsored proAects0 ,ee >$estion V2 a3ove /0 11) 2" !o$ $se "ixed percenta'es "or assi'nments5 how do !o$ handle remainin' variances1 A0 ,ponsored proAects0 6e do not expect to have an! variances. #here are no variances in o$r c$rrent s!stem. /0 12) ;or each o" these assi'nments5 what ca$ses the overhead 9"or example5 direct la3or expense5 la3or ho$rs5 total 6B, expense5 others)1 A0 ,ponsored proAects0 ,ee >$estion V2 a3ove /0 13) 6hat postin's do the assi'nments create1

A0 ,ponsored proAects0 #he proAect acco$nt is de3ited and the appropriate income acco$nt is credited. # has "o$r income acco$nts "or ;HA C ;ederal5 state5 local5 and private. /0 1:) *e"ine overhead rates.

A0 8$r rates are o$r ; H A rates that are ne'otiated with *44, "or a speci"ied time period. 6e c$rrentl! have 10 rate a'reements "or entities 0150250:50550@5 105 115125135and 18. #hese a'reements contain m$ltiple rates s$ch as on and o"" camp$s "or instr$ction5 research5 and other sponsored pro'rams. /0 15) 6ill !o$ per"orm a$tomatic recover! o" overheads on speci"ic t!pes o" costs/expenses1 A0 <es /0 1?) *o !o$ want to de"ine a percenta'e "or the overhead rate in the cost o3Aect1

A0 ,ponsored proAects0 &o5 ;HA sho$ld 3e a separate cost o3Aect /0 1@) *o !o$ want to de"ine a$tomatic allocation $sin' overhead rates "or a certain t!pe o" costs/expenses on orders1 A0 ,ponsored proAects0 ,ee >$estion V2 a3ove /0 18) *o !o$ want to add a percenta'e "or overhead to the prod$ction cost collector1

A0 ,ponsored proAects0 &o /0 19) *e"ine overhead rates.

A0 ,ponsored proAects0 ,ee >$estion V1: a3ove /var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_3/205399238.doc 2)3 o( $'!

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20) *o !o$ per"orm a$tomatic overhead allocation "or speci"ic t!pes o" costs/expenses1

A0 ,ponsored proAects0 ,ee >$estion V2 a3ove /0 21) *o !o$ want to de"ine a$tomatic allocation $sin' overhead rates "or a certain t!pe o" costs/expenses on orders1 A0 ,ponsored proAects0 ,ee >$estion V2 a3ove /0 22) Dist the di""erent 'ro$ps o" costs/expenses 9"or example5 appl!in' a "ixed percenta'e rate "or recover! o" overhead to material iss$es). A0 ,ponsored proAects0 ,ee >$estion V2 a3ove /0 23) *o !o$ plan to allocate a certain t!pe o" costs/expenses to cost centers a$tomaticall! $sin' overhead rates1 A0 ,ponsored proAects0 ,ee >$estion V2 a3ove /0 2:) 6hat costs are the overhead rates 3ased on1

A0 ,ponsored proAects0 ,ee >$estion V2 a3ove /0 25) Are there an! overhead expenses that are not calc$lated with re"erence to the prod$ction order 3$t are to 3e assi'ned directl! to the sales order1 A0 ,ponsored proAects0 &/A C no prod$ction order /0 2?) 4ow o"ten do !o$ calc$late !o$r planned overhead1

A0 ,ponsored proAects0 ,ee >$estion V2 a3ove /0 2@) 6ho is responsi3le "or reconcilin' the r$n1 9#his person will 3e responsi3le "or r$nnin'/monitorin' planned overhead.) A0 ,ponsored proAects0 #he (ontrollerIs 8""ice5 i" an! reconciliation is re>$ired. 6e do not expect this 3eca$se we do not c$rrentl! have an! reconciliation. /0 28) *o !o$ calc$late overhead "or all o3Aects at once or individ$all! "or each o3Aect. 9*etailed calc$lation can a""ect s!stem per"ormance.) A0 ,ponsored proAects0 ,ee >$estion V2 a3ove # has several ;ederall!Capprove ;HA calc$lation 3ases. 8ne o" #Is ;HA 3ases is Fodi"ied #otal *irect (osts 9F#*()5 which is total direct costs less certain modi"!in' cost cate'ories. E>$ipment5 st$dent "ees5 and s$3contracts 'reater than Q255000 are examples o" modi"iers and are excl$ded "rom the ;HA calc$lation5 3$t salaries5 3ene"its5 s$pplies5 etc. are incl$ded in the ;HA allocation. 8ther ;HA calc$lation 3ases in $se incl$de0 91) #*( C total /var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_3/205399238.doc 2)! o( $'!

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direct costs5 92) ,alaries H wa'es5 and 93) c$stom 3ases "or certain sponsors. ;or example5 the , *ept o" Ed$cation re>$ires total direct costs less st$dent s$pport expendit$res that ma! 3e in 5 di""erent cost cate'ories. /0 29) *o !o$ have a speci"ic plan version when !o$ calc$late overhead1

A0 ,ponsored proAects0 -lanned ;HA is 3ased on the planned distri3$tion o" expendit$res in certain cost cate'ories. 2" the act$al proAect expendit$res are in di""erent cost cate'ories than planned5 the ;HA ma! 3e a""ected so that the act$al is either more or less than planned. ;or example5 i" the proAect plan incl$ded Q25000 "or e>$ipment expendit$res5 3$t the -2 act$all! spent the "$nds in s$pplies5 act$al ;HA wo$ld 3e more than planned ;HA. #his is 3eca$se one o" #Is ;HA 3ases is Fodi"ied #otal *irect (osts 9F#*()5 which is total direct costs less certain modi"!in' cost cate'ories. E>$ipment is a modi"ier and is excl$ded "rom the ;HA calc$lation5 3$t s$pplies are incl$ded in the ;HA allocation. /0 30) 2s overhead calc$lated "or !o$r proAects1

A0 ,ponsored proAects0 ,ee >$estion V2 a3ove /0 31) 2s the planned overhead the same as the act$al overhead1

A0 ,ponsored proAects0 -lanned ;HA is 3ased on the planned distri3$tion o" expendit$res in certain cost cate'ories. 2" the act$al proAect expendit$res are in di""erent cost cate'ories than planned5 the ;HA ma! 3e a""ected so that the act$al is either more or less than planned. ;or example5 i" the proAect plan incl$ded Q25000 "or e>$ipment expendit$res5 3$t the -2 act$all! spent the "$nds in s$pplies5 act$al ;HA wo$ld 3e more than planned ;HA. #his is 3eca$se one o" #Is ;HA 3ases is Fodi"ied #otal *irect (osts 9F#*()5 which is total direct costs less certain modi"!in' cost cate'ories. E>$ipment is a modi"ier and is excl$ded "rom the ;HA calc$lation5 3$t ,$pplies is incl$ded in the ;HA allocation. /0 32) *escri3e how !o$ calc$late overhead "or 91) direct costs 92) indirect costs 93) "ixed costs 9:) varia3le costs). A0 ,ponsored proAects0 -lanned ;HA is 3ased on the planned distri3$tion o" expendit$res in certain cost cate'ories. 2" the act$al proAect expendit$res are in di""erent cost cate'ories than planned5 the ;HA ma! 3e a""ected so that the act$al is either more or less than planned. ;or example5 i" the proAect plan incl$ded Q25000 "or e>$ipment expendit$res5 3$t the -2 act$all! spent the "$nds in s$pplies5 act$al ;HA wo$ld 3e more than planned ;HA. #his is 3eca$se one o" #Is ;HA 3ases is Fodi"ied #otal *irect (osts 9F#*()5 which is total direct costs less certain modi"!in' cost cate'ories. E>$ipment is a modi"ier and is excl$ded "rom the ;HA calc$lation5 3$t ,$pplies is incl$ded in the ;HA allocation. /0 33) *o !o$ incl$de sales and mar7etin' and 'eneral and administrative costs in !o$r overhead calc$lation1 A0 #he ;HA rate has "acilities and administrative components. #he costs to 3e incl$ded in the rate are speci"ied in o$r rate a'reement with the ;ederal 'overnment. # does not speci"icall! have sales and mar7etin' expenses5 3$t speci"ied percenta'es o" 'eneral and administrative costs are incl$ded. /0 3:) *o !o$ reconcile planned and act$al overhead1


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A0 ,ponsored proAects0 -lanned ;HA is 3ased on the planned distri3$tion o" expendit$res in certain cost cate'ories. 2" the act$al proAect expendit$res are in di""erent cost cate'ories than planned5 the ;HA ma! 3e a""ected so that the act$al is either more or less than planned. ;or example5 i" the proAect plan incl$ded Q25000 "or e>$ipment expendit$res5 3$t the -2 act$all! spent the "$nds in s$pplies5 act$al ;HA wo$ld 3e more than planned ;HA. #his is 3eca$se one o" #Is ;HA 3ases is Fodi"ied #otal *irect (osts 9F#*()5 which is total direct costs less certain modi"!in' cost cate'ories. E>$ipment is a modi"ier and is excl$ded "rom the ;HA calc$lation5 3$t ,$pplies is incl$ded in the ;HA allocation. /0 35) *o !o$ process act$al overhead on a proAectC3!CproAect 3asis or overall1

A0 ,ponsored proAects0 -lanned ;HA is 3ased on the planned distri3$tion o" expendit$res in certain cost cate'ories. 2" the act$al proAect expendit$res are in di""erent cost cate'ories than planned5 the ;HA ma! 3e a""ected so that the act$al is either more or less than planned. ;or example5 i" the proAect plan incl$ded Q25000 "or e>$ipment expendit$res5 3$t the -2 act$all! spent the "$nds in s$pplies5 act$al ;HA wo$ld 3e more than planned ;HA. #his is 3eca$se one o" #Is ;HA 3ases is Fodi"ied #otal *irect (osts 9F#*()5 which is total direct costs less certain modi"!in' cost cate'ories. E>$ipment is a modi"ier and is excl$ded "rom the ;HA calc$lation5 3$t ,$pplies is incl$ded in the ;HA allocation. /0 3?) *o !o$ have proAectCt!peCspeci"ic overhead calc$lations1

A0 ,ponsored proAects0 ,ee >$estion V2 a3ove /0 3@) *o !o$ have di""erent overhead costs "or each 3$siness $nit1

A0 ,ponsored proAects0 ,ee >$estion V2 a3ove /0 38) *o !o$ calc$late overhead on materials/la3or1

A0 <es /0 39) At what level o" detail do !o$ plan "or overhead1

A0 ,ponsored proAects0 -lanned ;HA is 3ased on the planned distri3$tion o" expendit$res in certain cost cate'ories. 2" the act$al proAect expendit$res are in di""erent cost cate'ories than planned5 the ;HA ma! 3e a""ected so that the act$al is either more or less than planned. ;or example5 i" the proAect plan incl$ded Q25000 "or e>$ipment expendit$res5 3$t the -2 act$all! spent the "$nds in s$pplies5 act$al ;HA wo$ld 3e more than planned ;HA. #his is 3eca$se one o" #Is ;HA 3ases is Fodi"ied #otal *irect (osts 9F#*()5 which is total direct costs less certain modi"!in' cost cate'ories. E>$ipment is a modi"ier and is excl$ded "rom the ;HA calc$lation5 3$t ,$pplies is incl$ded in the ;HA allocation. /0 :0) *o !o$ calc$late percenta'e overhead1

A0 <es /0 :1) 2s the calc$lation dependent on time periods1

A0 <es


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:2) 6hat is the 3asis "or the overhead costs1

A0 #he ;HA rate has "acilities and administrative components. #he costs to 3e incl$ded in the rate are speci"ied in o$r rate a'reement with the ;ederal 'overnment. # has several ;ederall!Capprove ;HA calc$lation 3ases. 8ne o" #Is ;HA 3ases is Fodi"ied #otal *irect (osts 9F#*()5 which is total direct costs less certain modi"!in' cost cate'ories. E>$ipment5 st$dent "ees5 and s$3contracts 'reater than Q255000 are examples o" modi"iers and are excl$ded "rom the ;HA calc$lation5 3$t salaries5 3ene"its5 s$pplies5 etc. are incl$ded in the ;HA allocation. 8ther ;HA calc$lation 3ases in $se incl$de0 91) #*( C total direct costs5 92) ,alaries H wa'es5 and 93) c$stom 3ases "or certain sponsors. ;or example5 the , *ept o" Ed$cation re>$ires total direct costs less st$dent s$pport expendit$res that ma! 3e in 5 di""erent cost cate'ories. /0 :3) 2s the 3asis "or overhead planned costs the same as the 3asis "or act$al overhead costs1 A0 ,ponsored proAects0 -lanned ;HA is 3ased on the planned distri3$tion o" expendit$res in certain cost cate'ories. 2" the act$al proAect expendit$res are in di""erent cost cate'ories than planned5 the ;HA ma! 3e a""ected so that the act$al is either more or less than planned. ;or example5 i" the proAect plan incl$ded Q25000 "or e>$ipment expendit$res5 3$t the -2 act$all! spent the "$nds in s$pplies5 act$al ;HA wo$ld 3e more than planned ;HA. #his is 3eca$se one o" #Is ;HA 3ases is Fodi"ied #otal *irect (osts 9F#*()5 which is total direct costs less certain modi"!in' cost cate'ories. E>$ipment is a modi"ier and is excl$ded "rom the ;HA calc$lation5 3$t s$pplies are incl$ded in the ;HA allocation. /0 ::) 6hat is the "orm$la/schema "or appl!in' overhead costs1

A0 ,ponsored proAects0 <es5 # has a matrix o" applica3le ;ederal5 a$dited ;HA rates that are applied to all sponsored proAects. #he rate to 3e $sed "rom the matrix is dependent $pon 91) camp$s where wor7 is to 3e per"ormed5 92) "$nction 9instr$ction5 research5 other sponsored proAects)5 and 93) whether or not the maAorit! o" the wor7 is to 3e per"ormed on or o"" camp$s. /0 :5) 4ow o"ten do !o$ calc$late overhead costs1

A0 Fonthl! /0 :?) #o which acco$nts/cost elements are the overhead costs posted1

A0 ,ponsored proAects0 #he proAect acco$nt is de3ited and the appropriate income acco$nt is credited. # has "o$r income acco$nts "or ;HA C ;ederal5 state5 local5 and private /0 :@) *oes the 3asis "or the overhead costs chan'e d$rin' the li"ec!cle o" the proAect1

A0 ,ponsored proAects0 2t is rare5 3$t it can happen. A more common occ$rrence is that the 3ase remains the same5 3$t either the ;HA rate5 the ;HA cost sharin'5 or the net ;HA allowa3le chan'es d$rin' the li"e o" the proAect. 6hen this has happened in the past5 we have esta3lished a new . acco$nt. 2n the "$t$re5 perhaps we co$ld esta3lish another 6B, element.


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/0 :8) 6ho is responsi3le "or overhead costs1 9#his person is responsi3le "or r$nnin' the overhead calc$lation.) A0 ,ponsored proAects0 #he (ontrollerIs 8""ice /0 :9) *o !o$ eval$ate interest char'es thro$'ho$t the proAect hierarch!1

A0 &o C% Template: 1. .e>$irements/Expectations #he niversit! re>$ires the a3ilit! to record ; H A postin's and reven$es as it c$rrentl! processes ;HA. 6e expect to r$n a monthl! pro'ram a"ter all direct costs are posted to restricted acco$nts. 6e expect the pro'ram to 'enerate O+Is to post the ; H A and the res$ltin' reven$es. @. *escription o" 2mprovements

8. *escription o" ;$nctional *e"icits

,/,/,/2/ "!estions:

$ct!al 'ettlement

/0 1) 6hat are the dependencies 3etween !o$r proAect act$als and !o$r cost center act$als1 A0 ,ponsored proAects and a'enc! "$nds0 #here is no dependenc!. -roAects carr! attri3$tes that assi'n them to a partic$lar cost center hierarch!. Also5 settlement r$les mi'ht tie a proAect to a cost center. Gi"ts0 ,ame as sponsored proAects. (enters/chairs0 ,ame as sponsored proAects. Doans0 &/A /0 2) 2t is possi3le to settle act$al val$es 3etween proAects and cost centers. 6hat is the relationship 3etween wor7 per"ormed 3! cost centers on proAects and nonCproAect wor71 A0 ,ponsored proAects0 (osts "or a partic$lar cost center5 e.'. (hemistr!5 are assi'ned to either the 'eneral departmental cost center or to one o" man! proAects. (osts that are incorrectl! allocated m$st 3e corrected to the proper cost center / proAect. ,ome proAects re>$ire direct cost sharin'. ;or example5 an &,; 'rant in the chemistr! department mi'ht re>$ire the donation o" a chemistr! pro"essorIs time and a ph!sics pro"essorIs time. 2n the proAect settlement r$les or in the 6B, str$ct$re5 # is re>$ired to show the cost o" these two pro"essorIs time on the proAect5 and show the event$al settlement /var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_3/205399238.doc 2)' o( $'!

AcceleratedSAP - Business Blueprint

o" the costs 3ac7 to the chemistr! departmental cost center and the ph!sics departmental cost center. 8ther .estricted0 6e ma! have settlements "rom Endowment and Grants and (ontracts proAect costs to cost centers. 2n addition5 there will 3e settlements "rom one 6B, element to other 6B, elements. (enters/(hairs0 ,ame as other restricted /0 :) 4ow o"ten do !o$ eval$ate !o$r act$al val$es1

A0 ,ponsored proAects0 A$tomated5 'ro$p settlement will occ$r at the end o" each month. (enters/chairs0 ,ame as sponsored proAects /0 5) *o !o$ eval$ate act$al "i'$res in m$ltiple dimensions s$ch as prod$ct line5 'eo'raph!5 and proAect1 92" !es5 consider doin' settlement in -ro"ita3ilit! anal!sis 9(8C-A).) A0 no /0 ?) *o !o$ settle line items1

A0 ,ponsored proAects0 <es5 we will sometimes settle line items. (enters/chairs0 6e do not c$rrentl! settle line items. /0 @) *o !o$ settle within !o$r proAect hierarch!1

A0 ,ponsored proAects0 6e ma! need this "$nctionalit!. (enters/chairs0 pro3a3l! not /0 8) *o !o$ settle 6B, and networ7s directl!1

A0 &etwor7s0 &/A ,ponsored proAects0 <es5 we intend to settle 6B, elements directl! to cost centers or other 6B, elements. (enters/chairs0 ,ame as sponsored proAects. /0 10) W 6hich cost o3Aect receivers do !o$ intend to settle proAect costs to1

A0 ,ponsored proAects0 # c$rrentl! has a cost element that is called =direct cost sharin'= 9o3Aect code :::). 6e need similar "$nctionalit!. (enters/chairs0 ,ame as sponsored proAects -lant0 Assets and possi3l! 6B,.


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/0 11) W 6ho enters settlement r$le "or proAects1 8r wo$ld !o$ rather $se the 2F "eat$re o" the a$tomatic creation o" A$(s1 A0 ,ponsored proAects0 #he (ontrollerIs 8""ice or (amp$s B$siness 8""ice that initiall! esta3lish the proAect wo$ld esta3lish the settlement r$le. 2n the "$t$re5 we mi'ht receive this in"ormation thro$'h an inter"ace with (8E ,. (enters/chairs0 ,ame as a3ove5 except no (8E ,. -lant0 (ontrollerIs 8""ice wo$ld enter settlement r$les5 alon' with '$idance "rom ;acilities -lannin'. /0 12) W 6ill proAects 3e settled individ$all! or collectivel!1

A0 ,ponsored proAects0 (ollectivel! at monthCend (enters/chairs0 (ollectivel! at monthCend 8ther .estricted0 Generall! there is no overhead or a$tomatic settlement to other restricted acco$nts except "or chairs o" excellence. (enters/(hairs0 Both -lant0 -ro3a3l! individ$all!.

"!estions: /0

Reporting 6ro8ect Res!lts

1) 6hat in"ormation "rom existin' reports do !o$ need in the new proAect reports1

A0 ,ponsored proAects5 a'enc!5 and 'i"t "$nds0 #oo m$ch to list here. Gail will need to s$ppl! separatel!. (enters/(hairs0 B$d'et5 Expendit$res5 and .emainin' Balance Doans0 additions and ded$ctions and "$nd 3alances and assets 3! loan "$nd. -lant0 Additions 9reven$es) 3! t!pe o" reven$e. *ed$ctions 9expendit$res) 3ased on t!pe o" expendit$re0 i.e. 3$ildin'5 land5 e>$ipment5 improvement5 and expense. Endowment/Di"e 2ncome0 Activit! reports o" additions and deletions. Attri3$te in"ormation. Fonthl! #reas$rerIs .eport sched$les. 9Di"e 2ncome0 Fonthl! C ,ched$le A5 ,ched$le O5 and - led'ers are $sed to reconcile 3alances o" tr$st acco$nts in the # tr$st acco$ntin' so"twareP <earend C ,ched$le ? to which tr$st o""icer "ormat and adds notes "or incl$sion on !earCend #reas$rer .eport.) A new report needed i" ;F collects the -ool nit Far7et -rice is a report "or each pooled endowment acco$nt that lists 3! month the n$m3er o" shares p$rchased5 the $nit price per share5 and the 3oo7 val$e o" shares p$rchased. Also5 the report wo$ld incl$de <earC#oC*ate totals that acc$m$late the n$m3er o" shares p$rchased and the 3oo7 val$e o" new shares p$rchased. /0 2) 6ho is responsi3le "or proAect anal!sis1

A0 ,ponsored proAects and a'enc! "$nds0 #he -25 departmental 3oo77eeper5 (ontrollerIs 8""ice acco$ntant5 and (amp$s B$siness 8""ice. /var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_3/205399238.doc 300 o( $'!

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Gi"ts0 #he -25 departmental 3oo77eeper5 (ontrollerMs 8""ice acco$ntant5 camp$s 3$siness o""ice. (enters/(hairs0 #he -25 departmental B$siness 8""icer5 camp$s 3$siness o""icer. Endowments/Di"e 2ncome0 #he onl! individ$als who are involved in the proAect acco$ntin' incl$din' anal!sis are the #reas$rerIs 8""ice 2nvestment 'ro$p. 9Di"e 2ncome0 #r$st 8""icer H assistant) Endowments 92nvestment 8""icer and ;inancial ,pecialist) Doans0 &/ A -lant0 #reas$rerIs o""ice and ;acilities -lannin'. /0 3) ;or whom do !o$ r$n proAect anal!ses and reports1

A0 ,ponsored proAects and a'enc! "$nds0 #he -25 departmental 3oo77eeper5 (ontrollerIs 8""ice acco$ntant5 and (amp$s B$siness 8""ice. Gi"ts0 #he -25 departmental 3oo77eeper5 (ontrollerMs 8""ice acco$ntant5 camp$s 3$siness o""ice. (enters/(hairs0 #he -25 departmental B$siness 8""icer5 camp$s 3$siness o""icer. Endowment/Di"e 2ncome0 #reas$rerIs 8""ice 2nvestment Gro$p reports on all o" (olle'eIs endowments and reports on sin'le endowments "or 3oo77eepers or other individ$als. Doans0 &/ A -lant0 #reas$rerIs o""ice and ;acilities -lannin'. /0 :) 6or7"low5 downloads5 em3eddin' reports in eCmails are all possi3le distri3$tion methods "or reports. 4ow do !o$ distri3$te proAect reports1 A0 ,ponsored proAects and a'enc! "$nds0 6e c$rrentl! distri3$te all reports man$all!. Gi"ts0 ,ame as sponsored proAects. Endowments/Di"e 2ncome0 man$al distri3$tions o" printed reportsP over the phone "or onC screen >$er! data. 2n additions5 there is a 6e3 ,ite that contains some o" the -ooled Endowment in"ormation s$ch as Far7et price per $nit. C% Template: 1. .e>$irements/Expectations .eportin' will 3e limited in -,. -, reports will primaril! 3e $sed "or cost plannin' and comparin' plan to act$als. #Is reportin' re>$irement is to sort and report on -, attri3$tes com3ined with ;F 3$d'et/act$als/3alances. 2. General Explanations 6ro8ect '!mmari0ation !sing Classification Characteristics 2n this section !o$ learn a3o$t the preconditions "or mana'in' proAects $sin' the /var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_3/205399238.doc 301 o( $'!

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classification system. #he classi"ication o" !o$r proAects is necessar! i" !o$ want to s$mmari%e proAects $sin' classi"ication. 2n the classi"ication s!stem !o$ speci"! characteristics5 which !o$ $se to classi"! !o$r proAects. 2" classi"ication has 3een activated "or a proAect5 the proAect will a$tomaticall! 3e classi"ied d$rin' 3asic data maintenance. #he characteristics are eval$ated $sin' the val$es in the proAect 3asic data 9"or example name o" person creatin' proAect5 controllin' area). <o$ can de"ine additional characteristics that do not re"er to "ields in 3asic data maintenance. <o$ maintain these characteristics d$rin' 3asic data maintenance. <o$ can s$mmari%e data alon' "reel! de"ina3le hierarch! str$ct$res $sin' val$es assi'ned to characteristics. -roceed in the "ollowin' manner to classi"! proAects0 1. *ispla! a list o" classi"ication data delivered 3! ./3 and choose the data !o$ want to $se. Generate the selected characteristics in the relevant client. *$rin' the 'eneration process5 the s!stem creates classi"ication characteristics that re"erence "ields in the proAect master record. <o$ m$st 'enerate these characteristics in ever! client where !o$ want to select a proAect $sin' classi"ication or de"ine s$mmari%ation hierarch! str$ct$res $sin' classi"ication. 1. (reate $serCde"ined characteristics. 2n this step5 !o$ 3ranch to the classi"ication s!stem and create the characteristics that !o$ want to eval$ate. #o 3e a3le to $se classi"ication to s$mmari%e proAects5 !o$ create hierarch! 2*s that de"ine the set$p o" the s$mmari%ation hierarchies in !o$r client. Enter one characteristic per hierarch! level. *$rin' the s$mmari%ation r$n5 proAects are selected $sin' these characteristics5 and the individ$al val$es are added to'ether. 2n the in"ormation s!stem5 !o$ can access a report "or ever! hierarch! node. A proAect ma! arise in more than one s$mmari%ation hierarch!. A"ter the s$mmari%ation r$n5 !o$ can displa! the s$mmari%ation r$n online in the cost/reven$e/pa!ment in"ormation s!stem. #o this end5 !o$ m$st "irst de"ine an appropriate data *ie+ and a database profile. F!rther notes As o" .elease :.5A5 the new "acilit! "or s$mmari%in' $sin' master data characteristics is availa3le. ,$mmari%ation $sin' classi"ication remains availa3le "or compati3ilit! reasons onl!P s$pport will 3e withdrawn in the medi$m term. 9e recommend that yo! do not !se s!mmari0ation !sing classification any longer/ ;or the proAects s$mmari%ed $sin' classi"ication5 convert the $serC de"ined characteristics into the additional "ields "or the new s$mmari%ation. ,$mmari%ation $sin' master data characteristics is activated a"ter the conversion. 3. Explanations o" ;$nctions and Events Da$rie is collectin' c$rrent # reports in a 3inder. Gail is dra"tin' a list o" tr$e reportin' re>$irements in ./3. 6e will need to have a team meetin' 9;F/-,5 etc.) to disc$ss which t!pes o" reports are necessar!. W Attach GailIs dra"t list o" report re>$ests here.W 5. ,pecial 8r'ani%ational (onsiderations .eportin' now has the potential to 3e done more decentrali%ed than c$rrentl!. ?. (han'es to Existin' 8r'ani%ation


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@. *escription o" 2mprovements End $sers will 3e a3le to view data relevant to their proAects/"$nds in a real time inte'rated s!stem. 8. *escription o" ;$nctional *e"icits A. #Is reportin' re>$irement is to sort and report on -, attri3$tes com3ined with ;F 3$d'et/act$als/3alances. 8nl! ,tandard reports in ./3 are in scope. 4owever5 there are several options and desi'n consideration to help # to meet this re>$irement. B. ,tandard -, reports 9i" there is m$ch $se "or them) do not have a$thori%ation o3Aects 9"or example pro"it center) in which to tie $ser access. ,ee a$thori%ation and $ser roles 3elow. 9. Approaches to (overin' ;$nctional *e"icits A1. -, attri3$tes will 3e maintained in newl! created "ield in -,. Ever! e""ort will 3e made to 7eep attri3$tes in ;F "irst5 then -, 3eca$se the maAorit! o" reportin' will come "rom ;F. A2. ,ortin' and >$er! o" data co$ld 3e set $p "or proAect reports with classi"ication. B$t C this wo$ld onl! appl! to -, standard reports 9ex0 cost plannin' vs. act$als). And C $sin' classi"ication in -, reports will &8# 3e s$""icient to meet the need. A3. ($stom reports can 3e created com3inin' -, attri3$tes and ;F data or an! other data as re>$ired/de"ined. # ABA-ers wo$ld develop these reports. A:. 8nce B6 9B$siness 6areho$se) is r$nnin' we can explore creatin' in"o c$3es "or the new -, "ields alon' with an ;F in"o c$3e. #o 3e explored in reali%ation phase. B1. ,ee a$thori%ation and $ser roles 3elow. 10. &otes on ;$rther 2mprovements 2n the "$t$re5 as # ABA-ers have the s7ill set and has the experience creatin' c$stom reports the (ontrollerIs 8""ice will have the a3ilit! to de"ine an! reportin' needs and have them met. 11. ,!stem (on"i'$ration (onsiderations ,ee approaches to coverin' "$nctional de"icits a3ove. Di7el! B6 in"o c$3es or c$stomi%ed reports will need to 3e created in the reali%ation phase. 12. A$thori%ation and ser .oles $!thori0ation for 6' Reports: #he -, report t!pe reports are created in drill down reportin' which doesnIt allow "or man! restrictions. .eports are not tied to "$nd so !o$ either have access to a standard report or !o$ do not. And5 i" !o$ are in the report !o$ can call $p an! proAect. ;or example i" a$thori%ation is 'iven to the report transaction 9# code) then once in the report there is no additional control li7e a pro"it center chec7 to control which proAects can 3e >$eried. 4owever5 since we are creatin' new attri3$tes 9new "ields we are creatin' to /var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_3/205399238.doc 303 o( $'!

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collect data on the proAect) this data will li7el! need to 3e shown in c$stomi%ed reports. A$thori%ation restriction on c$stomi%ed reports is mana'ea3le in ABA-. ;or standard -, cost reports 3elow are a "ew ideas to restrict access0 1. (reate a cop! o" the standard -, report in report painter5 modi"!5 chan'e name then tie a$thori%ation 3! "$nd. 2. (reate a node with +ariants and restrict. 3. .eport 'ro$ps 3! cost center 930 di""erent reports 3! cost center G hard coded) then !o$ 'et access to !o$r speci"ic report. ,/,/3/1/ "!estions: /0 1) -roAect s$mmari%ation hierarchies 6B, element 'ro$ps5 and level o" drilldown detail can all impact per"ormance. *o !o$ anal!%e !o$r proAect on a sin'le proAect 3asis or across proAects1 A0 ,ponsored proAects0 -roAects are anal!%ed individ$all! at the 6B, element level5 at the proAect level5 -2 level5 department level5 sponsor level5 colle'e level5 camp$s level5 etc. 9-ro3a3l! more that 2Im not thin7in' o" ri'ht now.) A'enc! "$nds0 Fostl! at the 6B, element5 proAect5 department5 -2 level5 2 thin7. &eed to as7 *on. Gi"ts0 Fostl! at the 6B, element5 proAect5 department5 -2 level5 2 thin7. Endowments/Di"e 2ncome0 Anal!%e across proAects and on sin'le proAect 3asis. Endowments C #reas$rer .eport sched$le r$n and then man$al "ootnotes are added. Di"e 2ncome C ,ched$le O is $sed to reconcile 3alances on an acco$ntC3!Cacco$nt 3asis. ,ched$le A is $sed to loo7 at asset totals 9soc75 3ond5 etc.) 3! tr$st cate'or! 9li"e income5 a'enc!). /0 2) 6hat are the 7e! "i'$res !o$ need to eval$ate1 Reporting 6ro8ect Res!lts

A0 ,ponsored proAects and a'enc! "$nds0 #he 7e! "i'$re "or -2Is is =4ow m$ch mone! do 2 have le"t to spend= at an! point in time. 8ther 7e! in"ormation incl$des 3illed and collectedC toCdate5 speci"ic transaction postin's5 line item 3$d'etCtoCact$al5 and proAect 3$d'etCtoCact$al. #here is a lot more pro3a3l! that 2 havenIt tho$'ht o" !et. Gi"ts0 same as sponsored proAects Endowment/Di"e 2ncome0 3alances5 led'er activit! on income "or the (2- and "or separatel! invested endowments5 'i"ts 9; accts)5 and trans"ers 9; to ;5 B to ;5 and ; to B). Di"e 2ncome C Asset totals5 "$nd 3alances5 cash 3alances /0 3) *o !o$ compare plan and act$al data1

A0 ,ponsored proAects and a'enc! "$nds0 <es 9#o $s5 plan has traditionall! meant 3$d'et). Gi"ts0 <es (enters/(hairs0 <es Endowments/#r$sts0 &/A /0 :) *o !o$ do 'ross mar'in anal!sis on !o$r proAects1


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A0 ,ponsored proAects0 #his is normall! not availa3leP however5 it ma! 3e applica3le on certain t!pes o" awards s$ch as clinical trials. Gi"ts0 &/A A'enc! "$nds0 &/A (enters/(hairs0 &/A Endowments/#r$sts0 &/A /0 5) *o !o$ $se pro'ress meas$rement tools s$ch as milestone trend anal!sis 9F#A) or earned val$e mana'ement methods 9E+F,)1 A0 ,ponsored proAects0 &/A A'enc! "$nds0 &/A Gi"ts0 &/A (enters/(hairs0 &/A Endowments/#r$sts0 &/A /0 ?) *o !o$ do pro"ita3ilit! anal!sis on !o$r proAects1

A0 ,ponsored proAects0 ,ame as answer to >$estion V: a3ove. A'enc! "$nds0 &/A Gi"ts0 &/A (enters/(hairs0 &/A Endowments/#r$sts0 &/A /0 @) 6hich tools do !o$ have availa3le "or reportin'1

A0 ,ponsored proAects and a'enc! "$nds0 6e have no reportin' tools availa3le to most $sers. 6e have standard reports 'enerated "rom o$r main"rame acco$ntin' s!stem. ,ome $se shadow acco$ntin' s!stems s$ch as *F,. 8thers $se Excel spreadsheets. Gi"ts0 ,ame as sponsored proAects. Endowment/Di"e 2ncome0 ses internal investment acco$ntin' so"tware "or most o" the reportin'. #he (onsolidated 2nvestment -ool 9(2-) internal so"tware "or reportin' o" pooled endowment "$nds. Di"e 2ncome C ,ched$le ? in"ormation is downloaded "rom the 'eneral led'er s!stem to excel. #he onCscreen in>$ir! capa3ilities o" the le'ac! acco$nt s!stem. /0 8) *o !o$ have external reportin' re>$irements1

A0 ,ponsored proAects and a'enc! "$nds0 External reportin' o" "$nds stewardship is the primar! reason "or implementin' proAect s!stems. <es5 we have m$ltiple external reportin' re>$irements. 6e have m$ltiple invoicin' arran'ements and "orms. 6e have m$ltiple "inancial reportin' arran'ements and "orms. Gi"ts0 &ot $s$all!. Endowment/Di"e 2ncome0 .ndo(ments: -ooled endowment in"ormation is posted on a we3 site. Life $ncome: #ax ret$rns to 2., and donor statements prepared "rom E#A or tax preparation so"tware. /var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_3/205399238.doc 30" o( $'!

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9) *o !o$ have 'raphical reportin' re>$irements1

A0 ,ponsored proAects and a'enc! "$nds0 &o Gi"ts0 &o /0 10) *o !o$ have alternative hierarchies "or reportin'1

A0 ,ponsored proAects and a'enc! "$nds0 6e need to prod$ce reports or'ani%ed in m$ltiple wa!s 3! m$ltiple proAect attri3$tes 9cost center5 -25 etc.). 2 thin7 that we pro3a3l! need this capa3ilit!5 3$t cannot thin7 o" a speci"ic example. Gi"ts0 ,ame as sponsored proAects. Endowment/Di"e 2ncome0 ,ched$les are sorted 3! ADB se>$encer. .eports ma! 3e sorted 3! entit! or 3! colle'e and department. #here are some endowments that are coded as Enoxville that are act$all! "or more than one camp$s 9or entit!).



C% Template: 1. .e>$irements/Expectations O$st as the # (ontrollerIs 8""ice / (amp$s B$siness 8""ices will $se the proAect s!stem stat$s to release 9open) a proAect5 the! will also mana'e the closin' o" a proAect. 2n 'eneral5 the proAect stat$s will control whether or not ;2 postin's to the proAect are permitted. 2. General Explanations #he active s!stem stat$s determines which 3$siness transactions !o$ can per"orm with wor7 3rea7down str$ct$res and 6B, elements. ,!stem stat$ses are passed "rom the de"inition to the 6B, elements and "rom the 6B, elements to the s$3ordinate 6B, elements. #he s!stem stat$ses Locked and /ina& )i&&ing are exceptions to this. <o$ can cancel certain stat$ses5 "or instance Technica&&y com!&eted5 and De&etion /&ag' 6hen !o$ do so5 the previo$s stat$s is set' <o$ cancel s!stem stat$ses one 3! one5 $ntil !o$ arrive at a stat$s that cannot 3e canceled. <o$ cannot cancel s!stem stat$ses that are set a$tomaticall! 9in the 3ac7'ro$nd 3! the s!stem)P "or example5 %artia&&y re&eased. 2" !o$ cancel the stat$ses Technica&&y com!&eted or5 the s!stem a$tomaticall! cancels this stat$s in the s!perior 6B, element. 4owever5 the s!stem does not cancel the stat$s in s!bordinate 6B, elements. #he De&etion /&ag stat$s is not set a$tomaticall! in s$perior 6B, elements. 6ro8ect 'tat!s: Technically completed ;T=C(< <o$ $se this stat$s "or 6B, elements that are completed "rom a technical point o" view5 3$t where !o$ still expect costs to accr$e. 6rereC!isites #he Created or 2e&eased stat$s m$st have 3een set. Feat!res 2n the Technica&&y com!&eted stat$s5 !o$ can create new s$3ordinate 6B, elements /var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_3/205399238.doc 30$ o( $'!

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9with a warnin'). #he stat$s is passed on to s$3ordinate 6B, elements. #he stat$s0 allows !o$ to assi'n networ7s5 prod$ction orders or (8 orders to the 6B, element allows !o$ to post act$al costs allows !o$ to trans"er act$al costs <o$ can cancel the Technica&&y com!&eted stat$s. 2n this case the s!stem sets the 2e&eased stat$s. <o$ can prevent the Technica&&y com!&eted stat$s "rom 3ein' canceled. (reate a $ser stat$s that prohi3its the 2evoke technica& com!&etion 3$siness transaction. 6ro8ect 'tat!s: CB('=D ;CB'D< <o$ $se this stat$s "or a wor7 3rea7down str$ct$re or 6B, element that has 3een completed "rom 3oth a lo'istic and an acco$ntin' point o" view. 6rereC!isites <o$ can onl! set the stat$s5 i"0 #he de"inition or the 6B, element has either the 2e&eased or the technica&&y com!&eted stat$s. #he act$al costs have 3een 3alanced "or the 6B, element Feat!res 2n the stat$s !o$ can no lon'er ma7e an! chan'es to the hierarch!. #he stat$s is passed on to s$3ordinate 6B, elements. #he stat$s0 Allows !o$ to post act$al costs to orders and networ7s that are assi'ned to the 6B, element5 as lon' as their stat$s permit this -rohi3its !o$ "rom assi'nin' networ7s5 prod$ction orders or (8 orders to the 6B, element. -rohi3its !o$ "rom postin' act$al costs to the 6B, element. #he stat$s deactivates assets in constr$ction that are assi'ned to the 6B, element. <o$ can cancel the stat$s. 2n this case the s!stem sets the Technica&&y com!&eted stat$s. 6ro8ect 'tat!s: Deletion flag ;DBFB< >se #he De&etion f&ag stat$s desi'nates wor7 3rea7down str$ct$res or 6B, elements that have 3een "la''ed "or deletion. #his means that the o3Aects are deleted lo'icall!5 3$t not ph!sicall!. 6rereC!isites <o$ can set the De&etion f&ag i" #he 6B, element has 3een settled completel! or is not relevant "or settlement. 2" !o$ set the ?ust not )e sett&ed indicator in the settlement pro"ile in ($stomi%in' "or %roduct Cost Contro&&ing" !o$ can still set the De&etion f&ag stat$s even i" the act$al costs are not 3alanced. Assi'ned orders and activities also have De&etion f&ag stat$s. #here are no commitments "or the 6B, element #here are no reservations or p$rchase re>$isitions that are acco$nt assi'ned to the 6B, element. Feat!res #he stat$s is passed on to s$3ordinate 6B, elements. 2t prohi3its all 3$siness transactions. #he stat$s deactivates assets in constr$ction that are assi'ned to the 6B, element. As lon' !o$ have not set a de&etion indicator" !o$ can cancel the De&etion f&ag stat$s. Final illing ;F? B< 6ith this stat$s !o$ can prevent "$rther 3illin' "or this 6B, element. 4owever5 !o$ can still post costs 9"or instance5 d$e to warrant! claims). <o$ can set the /ina& Bi&&ing stat$s in addition to ever! other stat$s except De&etion f&ag. #he /ina& Bi&&ing stat$s is not passed on to s$3ordinate 6B, elements. /var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_3/205399238.doc 30& o( $'!

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6rereC!isites #he 6B, element is a 3illin' element. Feat!res #he stat$s prohi3its (reation o" a 3illin' doc$ment (reation o" a >$otation (reation o" an in>$ir! <o$ can cancel the stat$s. Boc:ed >se <o$ can either loc7 individ$al 3$siness transactions or all the data in a wor7 3rea7down str$ct$re or 6B, element. <o$ can set the "ollowin' stat$ses0 Date definition &ocked 9**DE) %&anning &ocked 9-DDE) Budget management &ocked 9BFDE) Acco$nt assi'nment loc7ed 9AADE) ?aster data &ocked 9F*DE ) <o$ can set these stat$ses in addition to ever! other stat$s except De&etion f&ag. #he stat$ses are not passed on to s$3ordinate 6B, elements. Feat!res #he ?aster data &ocked 9F*DE) stat$s prohi3its ,ettin' o" another s!stem stat$s (han'in' and extendin' the hierarch! <o$ can cancel these stat$ses. 3. Explanations o" ;$nctions and Events ;or 20U o" GH(5 'i"ts5 and a'enc! a new 6B, element will need to 3e created and released each 'rant !ear. #h$s the 6B, stat$s "or !ear 2000 will need to 3e closed and the 6B, "or 'rant !ear 2001 will need to 3e created and released. #o mana'e the ?0C da! period the two 6B, elements will overlap and 3oth will 3e open at once. #he 3oo77eeper will decide which char'es 3elon' in each d$rin' the ?0Cda! period. #hen at the end o" the ?0Cda! period the 6B, "or the !ear 2000 will 3e closed. ;or the remainin' 80U o" GH(5 'i"ts5 and a'enc! one 6B, will 3e $sed and closed at the end o" the proAect li"e. -lant proAects5 loan5 and Di"e 2ncome proAects will close. #he li"e span o" these proAects can ran'e "rom 1 !ear to 20 !ears. Endowments are perpet$al and do not $s$all! close. 5. ,pecial 8r'ani%ational (onsiderations #his process remains centrali%ed in ./3. ?. (han'es to Existin' 8r'ani%ation &one identi"ied at this time. ($rrentl! acco$nt set $p is done centrall! 3! the (ontrollerIs 8""ice and (amp$s B$siness 8""ices. #his can sta! the same in ./3 i" desired. @. *escription o" 2mprovements # will 3e a3le to control the stat$s easil! and report 9-, str$ct$re) on the stat$s o" proAects i" needed. /var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_3/205399238.doc 30' o( $'!

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8. *escription o" ;$nctional *e"icits &one identi"ied at this time 9. Approaches to (overin' ;$nctional *e"icits &/A 10. &otes on ;$rther 2mprovements &one identi"ied at this time 11. ,!stem (on"i'$ration (onsiderations

12. A$thori%ation and ser .oles ./3 does not provide an additional a$thori%ation chec7 "or settin' s!stem stat$ses once !o$ are in the IcreateI and Ichan'eI proAect transactions. (O01/(O02 9create and chan'e proAects) will 3e the transactions 'iven to the (ontrollerIs 8""ice and camp$s 3$siness o""ices 9centrali%ed). #here"ore5 these are the onl! $sers who will 3e a3le to maintain proAect stat$s.

"!estions: /0

6reparation for 6ro8ect Closing

1) 6hen in !o$r proAect li"e c!cle can !o$ decide to close a proAect1

A0 ,ponsored proAects and a'enc! "$nds0 A proAect can 3e closed at an! time. &ormall!5 proAects are r$n ="$llCterm= to the proAect endin' date as stated in the award doc$ment. ,ponsors or # can terminate proAect earl!. #Is "iscal polic! 9c$rrentl! not en"orced) states that all char'es sho$ld 3e posted to the proAect acco$nt within ?0 da!s o" the proAect endin' date. #his is so that the proAect can 3e closed and "inal "inancial reportin' sent. Gi"ts0 6hen the mone! has 3een spent. (enters/(hairs0 6hen the proAect is over Doans are rarel! closed $nless the niversit! decides to leave a pro'ram. Endowments/#r$sts0 Endowments rarel! close. #r$sts close $pon the death o" the 3ene"iciar! or the end o" the state term. Endowments are 'enerall! perpet$al acco$nts5 and tr$sts terminate $pon the death o" the 3ene"iciar! or the end o" the stated term. (los$re is 3ased on the F8A. -lant0 At the completion o" the proAect /0 2) 6ho a$thori%es the "inal invoice1


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A0 ,ponsored proAects and a'enc! "$nds0 ;or the Enoxville camp$s5 the (ontrollerIs 8""ice GH( Fana'er approves the "inal invoice prepared 3! the (ontrollerIs 8""ice acco$ntant. #he "i'$res $sed in the "inal invoice normall! have the ver3al or written approval o" the -2 or departmental 3oo77eeper. 6e $se a =,ched$le o" ;inal (har'es= "orm to ens$re that all char'es in process are re"lected on the "inal invoice. At other camp$ses5 the "inal invoice is similarl! prepared5 3$t "inal approval is with the camp$s 3$siness o""ice. (enters/(hairs0 &/A Doans0 &/ A Endowments/#r$sts0 &/A -lant0 the /0 niversit! Architect.

3) *o !o$ have re>$irements "rom a compan! '$ideline when closin' a proAect1

A0 ,ponsored proAects and a'enc! "$nds0 <es5 # and most sponsors have proAect closeo$t '$idelines. Gi"ts0 # '$idelines.

(enters/(hairs0 &/A Doans0 &/A Endowments/#r$sts0 &/A Di"e 2ncome0 Acco$nt is closed 3ased on an event as identi"ied in the tr$st doc$ment 9s$ch as death o" last s$rvivin' 3ene"iciar! or end o" term). /0 :) 6hat le'al re>$irements do !o$ have to "ollow when closin' a proAect1

A0 ,ponsored proAects and a'enc! "$nds0 #here are le'al re>$irements "or most proAect closeo$t. # is contract$all! o3li'ated to deliver technical res$lts as speci"ied in the award doc$ment that is a le'all! 3indin' doc$ment. Also5 # is re>$ired 3! this le'al doc$ment to s$3mit re>$ired "inancial reports and invoices. #he re>$irements $s$all! speci"! the "ormat5 timin'5 etc. "or "inancial reports. ,ome sponsors re>$ire si'ned5 notari%ed closeo$t doc$ments 3! a certain date a"ter award endin' date. #here are le'al re>$irements re'ardin' proAect record retention. # is le'all! re>$ired 3! AC21 to have e""ort certi"ication "orms completed 3! all -2Is. 6e will need to either write and e""ort certi"ication s!stem or an inter"ace to #Is c$rrent s!stem. Gi"ts0 &/A Endowment/Di"e 2ncome0 Di"e 2ncome C tr$st doc$ment is le'al doc$ment that identi"ies the donorIs instr$ctions as to how the tr$st assets are to 3e $sed $pon termination o" the tr$st. /0 5) 4as the proAect team 3een dispersed1

A0 ,ponsored proAects and a'enc! "$nds0 &/A /var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_3/205399238.doc 310 o( $'!

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Gi"ts0 &/A (enters/(hairs0 &/A Endowments/#r$sts0 &/A -lant0 &/A C% Template: 1. .e>$irements/Expectations

2. General Explanations

,/3/1/1/ "!estions: /0

Final 'ettlement

1) 4ow do !o$ ens$re that !o$r contract$al o3li'ations have 3een completed1

A0 ,ponsored proAects and a'enc! "$nds0 ;$l"illment o" technical o3li'ations is the responsi3ilit! o" the -2 with oversi'ht "rom the preCaward o""ice. 2" we have 3een paid in "$ll5 we ass$me that o$r contract$al o3li'ations have 3een completed. ;or closeo$t re>$irements5 we rel! on man$al tic7ler s!stems either in o$r proAect "ile or on personal calendars. Also5 most sponsors who re>$ire "ormal closeo$t doc$ments will send $s reminder letters. Gi"ts0 ;$l"illin' contract$al o3li'ations is the responsi3ilit! o" the -2. (enters/(hairs0 .esponsi3ilit! o" -2 Doans0 &/A Endowments/Di"e 2ncome0 .ndo(ments C B! reviewin' the Femorand$m o" A'reement 9F8A) doc$ment Life $ncome C B! reviewin' the tr$st doc$ment. /0 2) 4ow do !o$ ens$re that all proAect costs have 3een received and paid1

A0 ,ponsored proAects and 'i"ts0 # "iscal polic! allows ?0 da!s a"ter proAect end date to post all applica3le proAect char'es. 2n realit!5 this polic! is not en"orced. 6hen it is time to send a "inal invoice on a proAect5 we have two methods o" ens$rin' that all char'es have posted0 91) call the 3oo77eeper and 'et ver3al ass$rance that all char'es have posted5 and 92) send a ,ched$le o" ;inal (har'es "orm to the 3oo77eeper which lists all char'es to come and all trans"ers o"" that will 3e posted in the "$t$re. Based on this response5 the "inal invoice is "iled. 6e ens$re that all proAect costs have 3een paid 3! invoicin' $p to the c$m$lative award expendit$res with the award amo$nt as the cap. 6e monitor the collection o" invoices thro$'h o$r acco$nts receiva3le s!stem. Gi"ts0 2t is the responsi3ilit! o" the -2 not to spend more than 'i"ts received. An ann$al review o" these acco$nts is made 3! the camp$s 3$siness o""ices.


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3) #o which o3Aect to !o$ settle !o$r "inal costs1

A0 ,ponsored proAects and a'enc! "$nds0 2" there are "inal costs that cannot 3e 3illed to the sponsor5 these costs are normall! either 91) trans"erred to another cost center or 6B, 3! the 3oo77eeper5 or 92) settled to a cost center or 6B, element 3! the camp$s 3$siness o""ice $sin' a speci"ic o3Aect code "or cost sharin'5 :::. Gi"ts0 &/A -lant0 Asset. (o$ld 3e 6B,. /0 :) 6ho is responsi3le "or "inal settlement1

A0 ,ponsored proAects and a'enc! "$nds0 2" there are "inal costs that cannot 3e 3illed to the sponsor5 these costs are normall! either 91) trans"erred to another cost center or 6B, 3! the 3oo77eeper5 or 92) settled to a cost center or 6B, element 3! the camp$s 3$siness o""ice $sin' a speci"ic o3Aect code "or cost sharin'5 :::. ltimatel!5 the responsi3le cost center listed on the 6B, element is responsi3le "or costs. Gi"ts0 &/A /0 5) 4ow do !o$ handle de3its to the proAect i" the proAect has 3een closed1

A0 ,ponsored proAects and a'enc! "$nds0 2" there are "inal costs that cannot 3e 3illed to the sponsor5 these costs are normall! either 91) trans"erred to another cost center or 6B, 3! the 3oo77eeper5 or 92) settled to a cost center or 6B, element 3! the camp$s 3$siness o""ice $sin' a speci"ic o3Aect code "or cost sharin'5 :::. ltimatel!5 the responsi3le cost center listed on the 6B, element is responsi3le "or costs. 6e wo$ld li7e "or late char'es not to 3e posted to closed proAect acco$nts. Gi"ts0 &/A -lant0 2" costs contin$e to tric7le in 9i.e. "$nds are still availa3le in the acco$nt) we wo$ld contin$e to settle those costs 3ac7 to the asset. -ro3a3l! are immaterial5 however. Endowment/Di"e 2ncome0 A cost/reven$e trans"er 3! Oo$rnal Entr! is made 3! the #reas$rerIs 8""ice 2nvestment Gro$p to %ero o$t the acco$nt5 and then a postCcontrol is placed on the acco$nts so that no other char'es can hit the proAect. ;or endowments5 this happens approximatel! 2C5 times d$rin' a "iscal !ear.

"!estions: /0

6ro8ect Completion

1) *o !o$ have re>$irements "rom a compan! '$ideline when closin' a proAect1

A0 ,ponsored proAects5 a'enc! "$nds5 and 'i"ts0 <es5 the # "iscal polic! re>$ires that all proAectCrelated expendit$res 3e posted to the proAect within ?0 da!s o" the proAect end date. #his polic! is c$rrentl! not en"orced. (enters/(hairs0 &/A


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Doans0 &/A -lant0 &o. 8nl! that the wor7 m$st 3e accepted 3! the niversit!. /0 2) 6hat le'al re>$irements do !o$ have to "ollow when closin' a proAect1

A0 ,ponsored proAects and a'enc! "$nds0 #here are le'al re>$irements "or most proAect closeo$t. # is contract$all! o3li'ated to deliver technical res$lts as speci"ied in the award doc$ment that is a le'all! 3indin' doc$ment. Also5 # is re>$ired 3! this le'al doc$ment to s$3mit re>$ired "inancial reports and invoices. #he re>$irements $s$all! speci"! the "ormat5 timin'5 etc. "or "inancial reports. ,ome sponsors re>$ire si'ned5 notari%ed closeo$t doc$ments 3! a certain date a"ter award endin' date. #here are le'al re>$irements re'ardin' proAect record retention. # is le'all! re>$ired 3! AC21 to have e""ort certi"ication "orms completed 3! all -2Is. 6e will need to either write and e""ort certi"ication s!stem or an inter"ace to #Is c$rrent s!stem. Gi"ts0 &/A /0 3) 6ho is responsi3le "or o""iciall! closin' the proAect1

A0 ,ponsored proAects5 a'enc! "$nds5 and 'i"ts0 #he camp$s 3$siness o""ice or (ontrollerIs 8""ice is responsi3le "or act$al closin'P however5 the -2 and 3oo77eeper are responsi3le "or 'ettin' the proAect read! to close. Endowments/Di"e 2ncome0 Life $ncome C #he tr$st o""icer re>$est the (ontrollerIs 8""ice to postCclose the acco$nt. .ndo(ments C ;inancial ,pecialist or 2nvestment 8""icer re>$ests the (ontrollerIs 8""ice to postCclose the acco$nt. /0 :) *o !o$ $se a chec7list to veri"! whether a proAect has 3een completed1

A0 ,ponsored proAects and a'enc! "$nds0 &o5 3$t we do $se notes o" contract re>$irements man$all! trans"erred "rom the award doc$ment to a proAect "ile. Gi"ts0 &o. Endowments/Di"e 2ncome0 &o ,/3/2/1/ "!estions: /0 1) 4ow do !o$ assess whether all o" the proAect re>$irements have 3een "$l"illed1 'et 6ro8ect Closed 'tat!s

A0 ,ponsored proAects and a'enc! "$nds0 ;$l"illment o" technical o3li'ations is the responsi3ilit! o" the -2 with oversi'ht "rom the preCaward o""ice. 2" we have 3een paid in "$ll5 we ass$me that o$r contract$al o3li'ations have 3een completed. ;or closeo$t re>$irements5 we rel! on man$al tic7ler s!stems either in o$r proAect "ile or on personal calendars. Also5 most sponsors who re>$ire "ormal closeo$t doc$ments will send $s reminder letters. Gi"ts0 ;$l"illin' contract$al o3li'ations is the responsi3ilit! o" the -2.


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AcceleratedSAP - Business Blueprint

(enters/(hairs0 .esponsi3ilit! o" -2 Doans0 &/A -lant0 .esponsi3ilit! o" either the niversit! Architect5 or the architect$ral "irm hired 3! the niversit!. Endowment/Di"e 2ncome0 .ndo(ment C Based on 3alance o" 'i"t 9s$ch as minim$m 'i"t 3alance has not 3een reached. Also old endowments with little activit! are sometimes re>$ested 3! *evelopment or the (olle'e to 3e closed into another endowment or to a 'i"t acco$nt. #he #reas$rer reviews and approves these re>$ests. Life $ncome C .eview o" the tr$st doc$mentP notices "rom *evelopment or newspaper o3it$aries that 3ene"iciaries have died. /0 2) 4ow do !o$ reco'ni%e i" the proAect has 3een completed "inanciall!1

A0 ,ponsored proAects and a'enc! "$nds0 ;$l"illment o" technical o3li'ations is the responsi3ilit! o" the -2 with oversi'ht "rom the preCaward o""ice. 2" we have 3een paid in "$ll5 we ass$me that o$r contract$al o3li'ations have 3een completed. ;or closeo$t re>$irements5 we rel! on man$al tic7ler s!stems either in o$r proAect "ile or on personal calendars. Also5 most sponsors who re>$ire "ormal closeo$t doc$ments will send $s reminder letters. Gi"ts0 ;$l"illin' contract$al o3li'ations is the responsi3ilit! o" the -2. -lant0 ;inal pa!ment has 3een made to contractor and architect. 4owever5 sometimes invoices contin$e to come in sporadicall! as lon' as mone! is le"t in the acco$nt. Endowment/Di"e 2ncome0 #he trans"er o" the 3alance is capt$red on the acco$ntin' records5 and the acco$nt is postCclosed. #his monthl! activit! is capt$red on the monthl! #reas$rerIs .eport sched$les. /0 3) 4ow do !o$ technicall! complete a proAect1

A0 ,ponsored proAects and a'enc! "$nds0 ;$l"illment o" technical o3li'ations is the responsi3ilit! o" the -2 with oversi'ht "rom the preCaward o""ice. 2" we have 3een paid in "$ll5 we ass$me that o$r contract$al o3li'ations have 3een completed. ;or closeo$t re>$irements5 we rel! on man$al tic7ler s!stems either in o$r proAect "ile or on personal calendars. Also5 most sponsors who re>$ire "ormal closeo$t doc$ments will send $s reminder letters. Gi"ts0 ;$l"illin' contract$al o3li'ations is the responsi3ilit! o" the -2. /0 :) 4ow do !o$ ens$re that all the p$rchase orders are completed1

A0 ,ponsored proAects5 a'enc! "$nds5 and 'i"ts0 -roAects cannot 3e closed i" there are an! o$tstandin' -8Is. #he -8 3alance m$st 3e %ero. -lant0 #he! have 3een paid in "$ll and there are no o$tstandin' chan'e orders in process. /0 5) 4ow do !o$ ens$re that all the wor7 dispatched is cleared1


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A0 ,ponsored proAects and a'enc! "$nds0 *ispatched wor7 is to $s the e>$ivalent o" s$3contractin'1 #he 3oo77eeper and -2 are responsi3le "or ens$rin' that there are no o$tstandin' char'es "or s$3contracted wor7. Gi"ts0 &/A /0 ?) *o !o$ need to 3e a3le to reset the stat$s "rom =#echnicall! complete= or =(ompleted=1 92" !es5 there is an =$ndo= "$nction.) A0 ,ponsored proAects and a'enc! "$nds0 <es Gi"ts0 <es -lant0 !es Endowments/Di"e 2ncome0 &/A

3/ Financial $cco!nting
"!estions: /0 1) 2s !o$r "iscal !ear identical with the calendar !ear1

asic 'ettings
Fiscal Jear and 6osting 6eriods

A0 &o5 8$r "iscal !ear 3e'ins O$l! 1 and ends O$ne 30. /0 2) 4ow man! acco$ntin' periods do !o$ de"ine in a "iscal !ear1

A0 #hirteen0 one period "or each calendar month to record 3asic transactions and a thirteenth period "or special accr$al5 de"erral5 special allocation5 and other closin' entries. /0 3) 2" !o$r "iscal !ear is not identical with the calendar !ear5 please provide a sched$le o" period closin' "or the past5 c$rrent and next !ear. A0 Ever! re'$lar period o""iciall! contains items that occ$rred thro$'h the last calendar da! o" the month. ;or A$'$st thro$'h Fa!5 we ta7e 3 3$siness da!s to collect and post re'$lar and closin' entries5 then the month is closed the ni'ht o" the third 3$siness da!. O$ne is allowed approximatel! 2 wee7s instead o" 3 da!s 3e"ore closin'. O$ne is "ollowed 3! period 135 when reconcilin'5 adA$stin'5 and closin' entries are capt$redP it is closed approximatel! A$'$st 15. #hen O$l! is closed approximatel! A$'$st 22. /0 :) *o all !o$r compan! codes have the same "iscal !ear/"iscal !ear variant1 -rovide details i" this is not the case. A0 <es


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5) 6hen do !o$ close !o$r "iscal !ear1

A0 O$ne 30 is the o""icial datin'5 3$t closin' occ$rs a3o$t A$'$st 15. /0 ?) 6ho is responsi3le "or openin' and closin' acco$ntin' periods 9incl$din' "or materials mana'ement)1 A0 #he (ontrollerIs 8""ice. All acco$nts and areas closed to'ether. C% Template: 1. .e>$irements/Expectations #he niversit!Is "iscal !ear is O$l! 1 thro$'h O$ne 30. 1. # re>$ires 12 postin' periods 3ased on the calendar months. 2. # re>$ires a special postin' period "or closin' and adA$stments. 2. General Explanations A "iscal !ear is divided into postin' periods. Each postin' period is de"ined 3! a start and a "inish date. Be"ore !o$ can post doc$ments5 !o$ m$st de"ine postin' periods5 which in t$rn de"ine the "iscal !ear. 2n addition to the postin' periods5 !o$ can also de"ine special periods "or !earCend closin'. 2n the 'eneral led'er5 the s!stem saves the transaction "i'$res "or all acco$nts "or each postin' period and each special period separatel! accordin' to de3its and credits A "iscal !ear consists o" several postin' periods and i" necessar!5 special periods that can 3e posted to a"ter a temporar! !earCend. <o$ de"ine how the "iscal !ear is set $p in ./3 3! creatin' a "iscal !ear variant. Each compan! code is assi'ned a "iscal !ear variant. #he "iscal !ear variant de"ines the n$m3er o" postin' periods5 special periods and dates that "all within the postin' periods. Ever! transaction that is posted in the s!stem is assi'ned to a partic$lar postin' period. #he transaction "i'$res are then $pdated "or this period. -ostin' periods can 3e con"i'$red to re"lect a calendar month end or speci"ic da!s within a month 9i.e. last ;rida! o" month). #he postin' periods can 3e con"i'$red to address #Is "iscal !ear o" O$l! 1 G O$ne 30. 3. Explanations o" ;$nctions and Events (reate the "iscal !ear variant and de"ine the n$m3er o" postin' periods and special periods5 identi"! i" the "iscal !ear is calendar 3ased 9"or example Oan$ar! is period 15 ;e3r$ar! is period 25 etc.). Assi'n the postin' periods to the calendar dates 9"or example O$l! 1 G O$l! 31 is period 1). :. B$siness Fodel &/A


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5. ,pecial 8r'ani%ational (onsiderations niversit! o" #ennesseeIs "iscal !ear is not calendar 3ased. 2t is "rom O$l! 1 C O$ne 30 and has 13 postin' periods5 12 calendar periods and one special period. ?. (han'es to Existin' 8r'ani%ation &one @. *escription o" 2mprovements ./3 has the a3ilit! to have $p to "o$r special periods5 i" determined necessar! 3! #. 8. *escription o" ;$nctional *e"icits &one 9. Approaches to (overin' ;$nctional *e"icits &/A 10. &otes on ;$rther 2mprovements &/A 11. ,!stem (on"i'$ration (onsiderations #Is postin' periods are 3ased on calendar dates 9i.e. O$l! 315 A$' 315 ,ept 305 etc.). And # has onl! one special postin' period "or closin'. 13. -roAect ,peci"ic (2 ,ection &/A

"!estions: /0


1) 4ow do !o$ classi"! !o$r doc$ments1

A0 B+ C Batch +o$cher C Excess "inancial aid chec75 re"$nd chec7 or other non C *+ / -+ (+ C (ash .eceipts +o$cher C (ash received 3! the $niversit! *+ C *is3$rsement vo$cher C (hec7 paid to vendor "or 'oods or services O+ C Oo$rnal +o$cher C (entrall! prepared entr! or adA$stment DB C B$d'et .evisionC B$d'et chan'e to $nrestricted acco$nt -E C -a!roll Enc$m3rance C 2nitial or chan'e to salar! enc$m3rance -8 C -$rchase 8rder C 8rder "or 'oods or services placed thro$'h -$rchasin' 8""ice -+ C -a!roll +o$cher C (hec7 paid "or emplo!ee services .B C .estricted B$d'et C B$d'et chan'e to restricted acco$nt 9"orm #C1 or direct inter"ace "rom sponsored -') /var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_3/205399238.doc 31& o( $'!

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#+ C #rans"er +o$cher C *epartmentall! prepared char'e/credit or adA$stment Acco$nts -a!a3le0 *oc$ments sed0 vendor invoice5 credit memo5 #C29 9,pecial .emittance and 8rder ;orm)5 #C2@ 9.e>$est "or ,pecial -a!ment)5 #C: H #C:: 9-ett! (ash)5 re"$nd o" expendit$re5 vo$cher a$thori%ation5 #C3 9#ravel reim3$rsement)5 travel advance "orm5 direct 3ill "or air"are5 #+ 9#C 1?5 trans"er vo$cher)5 B+ 93atch vo$cher) and a list o" dis3$rsements "rom an! camp$s. ni>$e n$m3er ran'es0 &one $sed5 vendor V is the prime 7e! C the s!stem does not assi'n a doc$ment n$m3er. 2t will 3e decided whether or not we wish to have the n$m3ers assi'ned 3! the s!stem. /0 2) ;or which t!pes o" doc$ments are the doc$ment n$m3ers assi'ned internall!/externall!1 A0 B+ C external (+ C external *+ C &ext availa3le n$m3er is assi'ned "rom a ta3le. O+ C external DB C external -E C external -8 C external -+ C external .B C external #+ C external /0 3) 6hat is the doc$ment n$m3erin' lo'ic1

A0 Entries into the le'ac! niversit! 'eneral led'er are identi"ied 3! a transaction t!pe and 8Cdi'it re"erence n$m3er. Ever! transaction t!pe is "ree to assi'n re"erence n$m3ers witho$t re'ard to an! other transaction t!pe. #his means that re"erence n$m3ers are not $ni>$e 3etween transaction t!pes. ;or instance5 it is possi3le to have at the same time a B+ V 15 (+ V 15 *+ V 15 O+ V 15 etc. #here are also instances where the le'ac! postin' Ao3 or "eeder mod$le will assi'n the n$m3er =99999999= to a led'er entr!. #he $se o" d$plicate n$m3ers does not impact the inte'rit! o" the le'ac! led'er data3ase. 6ith each transaction t!pe5 n$m3erin' conventions and ran'es have 3een devised to meet a variet! o" needs. 2n cases where there is more than one processin' o""ice5 ran'es are esta3lished to avoid d$plicate n$m3er assi'nment and A$st as importantl!5 to identi"! the partic$lar processin' o""ice. A processin' o""ice is not A$st an initiator o" a transaction5 3$t has a$thorit! to control doc$ment $se and n$m3erin' and in some cases ma! encode transactions and s$3mit them to the le'ac! s!stem "or processin'. ,ince the le'ac! led'er entries do not contain "ields to identi"! the processin' o""ice or operatorCid5 the transaction n$m3er ran'e serves that p$rpose. #his is the case "or *+s5 O+s5 -8s5 .Bs5 and #+s. 2n the pa!roll area5 the re"erence n$m3er assi'nment convention is $sed to cate'ori%e pa!rolls 3! t!pes. -+ 0C99 =.e'$lar= or ori'inal pa!rolls0 monthl!5 3iwee7l!5 s$pplement5 lon'evit!5 and evenin' school. -+ 101C112 approx.0 (hec7 cancellations -E 200C212 approx.0 -a!roll enc$m3rance adA$stments $sed to 3rin' the led'er into 3alance with 4..


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-+ 301C32: approx.0 ,alar! trans"ers 9retroactive cost reCdistri3$tions to cost centers and proAects) -+ :01C:52 approx.0 ,mall misc. wee7l! pa!rolls mostl! to pa! $nincorporated contractors 9o3Aect 195). All DBs are ro$ted to the (ontrollerIs 8""ice "or 7e!in' and a sin'le n$m3er ran'e reset to 1 each "iscal !ear is $sed. #he 8ri'inal 9approved) 3$d'et is posted as DB V 1. ,$3se>$ent revisions are se>$entiall! assi'ned. Altho$'h Fartin5 (hattanoo'a5 and Femphis s$3mit (+s 3! electronic inter"ace5 the! m$st 3e mer'ed with the dail! (+ prepared 3! the Enoxville (amp$s B$rsarIs 8""ice. #here is one (+ n$m3er assi'ned "or the da!5 which is encoded on all (+ transactions "or that da!. #he "irst (+ o" the "iscal !ear 3e'ins with 1. All B+ 3atches are s$mmari%ed 3! date5 3atch5 acco$nt5 and o3Aect "or recordin' to the led'er. All B+ led'er entries have =9959995999= "or the re"erence n$m3er. #he ori'inal chec7 n$m3ers 9which do not post to the led'er) are divided into ran'es to avoid d$plicates and to si'ni"! the processin' o""ice. (4E(E & FBE.2&G .A&GE, 9onl! *+s post in detail rather than s$mmar! "orm and the re"erence n$m3er is the same as the chec7 n$m3er). .an'e Assi'nment 1005001C9995999 .e'$lar *+s :005001C:995999 6A t!ped *+s emer'enc! chec7s W &ote there is a collision with the ran'e a3ove. 201C1200L (hattanoo'aCt!ped *+s to >$ic7 pa! "or event/per"ormances and to ,tate o" #ennessee "or related taxes.

-+ chec7s ?ote: -+s post in s$mmar! "orm 9see separate disc$ssion o" -+ n$m3er ran'es). &ote0 pa!roll also pa!s emplo!ees 3! direct deposit5 which has a separate n$m3erin' ran'e. 0005001 to 9995999 B+s0 #hese n$m3ers do not appear on the led'er. All B+ 3atches are s$mmari%ed 3! date5 3atch5 acco$nt5 and o3Aect "or recordin' to the led'er. All B+s carr! the transaction n$m3er 9959995999. (hec7 n$m3er lo'ic "ollows. .e'$lar B+s centrall! printed.


(hec7s remotel! prepared and printed 3$t presented to the "inancial s!stem as preCwritten B+s "or s$mmari%ation and led'er postin'5 micro"ichin'5 and other electronic stora'e to "acilitate other processes0 959005001C959995999 550005000C559995999 :50005001C:59995999 @50005001C@59995999 /0 (,A B+s Fartin B+s (hattanoo'a B+s Femphis B+s

:) Are the doc$ment n$m3ers assi'ned on a !earl! 3asis1

A0 ,ome are5 some arenIt as "ollows0 B+0 9s$mmar! led'er entries5 not the chec7 itsel") all are re" V =9959995999= (+0 restart with 1 each "iscal !ear /var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_3/205399238.doc 31) o( $'!

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*+0 9led'er $ses chec7 n$m3er as re"erence) not reset "or "iscal !ear O+0 restart with 1 each "iscal !ear 9primar! ran'e) DB0 restart with 1 each "iscal !ear -E0 restart with 200 each "iscal !ear -80 not s$re5 3elieve the! do not reset "or "iscal !ear -+0 each o" the "ive ran'es is reset0 0015 1015 9200s are -Es)5 3015 :01 .B0 do not reset "or "iscal !ear #+0 restart with 1 each "iscal !ear 9primar! ran'e) other ran'es ma! not 3e handled consistentl!. (4E(E & FBE.,0 (hec7 n$m3ers 9B+5 *+5 and pa!roll) are not reset "or the "iscal !ear5 the! r$n thro$'h an assi'ned ran'e and start over at the 3e'innin' o" the ran'e when the last chec7 n$m3er in the ran'e is $sed. C% Template: 1. .e>$irements/Expectations #he le'ac! s!stem $tili%es the doc$ment t!pes listed 3elow 7nown in the le'ac! s!stem as transactions t!pes. 8$r expectations a3o$t how these wo$ld 3e implemented in ./3 "ollows the list. B+ C Batch +o$cher C Excess "inancial aid chec75 re"$nd chec7 or other non C *+ / -+ (+ C (ash .eceipts +o$cher C (ash received 3! the $niversit! *+ C *is3$rsement vo$cher C (hec7 paid to vendor "or 'oods or services O+ C Oo$rnal +o$cher C (entrall! prepared entr! or adA$stment DB C B$d'et .evisionC B$d'et chan'e to $nrestricted acco$nt -E C -a!roll Enc$m3rance C 2nitial or chan'e to salar! enc$m3rance -8 C -$rchase 8rder C 8rder "or 'oods or services placed thro$'h -$rchasin' 8""ice -+ C -a!roll +o$cher C (hec7 paid "or emplo!ee services .B C .estricted B$d'et C B$d'et chan'e to restricted acco$nt 9"orm #C1 or direct inter"ace "rom sponsored -') #+ C #rans"er +o$cher C *epartmentall! prepared char'e/credit or adA$stment Expectations in General0 *oc$ment t!pe ma! 3e a distinction we want to $se "or sec$rit! as indicated in certain doc$ments. All doc$ments need to collect the data re>$ired to s$pport "$nd acco$ntin' in the special led'er or a process exist to "$l"ill a 7nown 'ap. B+ C #hree !ears a'o the niversit! chan'ed B+ processin' to allow st$dent 3$rsar s!stems to iss$e their own preCwritten B+s and export the transactions to the "inancial s!stem "or postin' with an indicator to desi'nate preCwritten. #hese =preCwritten= B+s s7ip the chec7 writin' process5 3$t "ollow the other proced$res the same as B+ re>$ests to write chec7s. #his process incl$des a process to save the B+ detail transactions5 prod$ce micro"iche in two orders5 send chec7 n$m3ers to the 3an7 dail! so the 3an7 can reconcile the acco$nt5 hold the detail transactions "or approx. 2: months so chec7s can 3e cancelled or written o"" 3! re"erence to the chec7 n$m3er alone5 s$mmari%e the B+s prior to led'er postin' on certain 7e!s 92 3elieve this is le'ac! acco$nt5 o3Aect5 3atch5 and date). ./3 will also need to distin'$ish 3etween =to 3e written= which will 'o to pa!a3les and =preCwritten= which will 3e a Ao$rnal entr! o" some 7ind. 6e still ma! want to s$mmari%e 3e"ore postin' so that we do not cl$tter the led'er sheets with detail. 6e will need to eval$ate ver! care"$ll! i" we are not a3le to contin$e to cancel or writeCo"" chec7s 3! n$m3er alone5 create a micro"iche o" "acsimile. 6e ma! want to $se a di""erent ./3 doc$ment t!pe to distin'$ish =to 3e written= and =preCwritten=.


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(+ C 2n the le'ac! s!stem the (+ is $sed to record all cash receipts5 altho$'h there have 3een limited occasions at a closin' deadline that a one sided O+ has 3een $sed. 2n the le'ac! s!stem5 (hattanoo'a and Femphis 3$rsar s!stems 'enerate (+ transactions5 which are 3ro$'ht in as inter"aced transactions. 2n ./35 we ma! want to distin'$ish 3$rsar s!stem inter"aced transactions "rom transactions directl! 7e!ed into ./3. 6e ma! also want to distin'$ish investment s!stem inter"aced transactions. #hese distinctions ma! "acilitate the transaction and data level 9where needed) sec$rit! or a$thori%ation processes. 2n the le'ac! s!stem5 (+s are entered as oneCsided transactions. #he postin' pro'ram per"orms a ta3le loo7$p to create an o""settin' entr! to a "$nd 'ro$p entit! cash acco$nt. #his "$nction will have to 3e per"ormed5 3$t ma! 3e done periodicall! rather than in realC time. 4owever5 ./3Is normal o""set wo$ld 3e a G/D acco$nt that represents an acco$nt at a commercial 3an7. #his is in"ormation is posted to an a$xiliar! "ile in the le'ac! s!stem. 4owever5 (+ transactions carr! a =3an7 code= "ield that identi"ies the acco$nt at a commercial 3an7. ./3 ma! need the inter"ace pro'ram to 'enerate a cash o""set entr! 3ased on the 3an7 code. (ertain cash receipts s$ch as receipts that appl! to 'rant and contract invoices5 ma! need to 3e entered directl! thro$'h ./3 rather than comin' thro$'h an inter"ace. 2n the le'ac! s!stem5 cash receipts are reconciled o$tside o" the "inancial s!stem. # will pro3a3l! want to $se ./3Is capa3ilit! to reconcile inside the s!stem "or certain hi'h vol$me 3an7 acco$nts "or which a download can 3e o3tained. #his wo$ld a""ect the nat$re o" the cash acco$nt esta3lished in ./3 and the associated con"i'$ration and the 3ehavior o" cash receipt processin'. *+s are an A/- transaction. O+s are centrall! prepared Ao$rnal vo$chers. 6e ma! wish to maintain this distinction to "acilitate a$thori%ation processes and to assist departments in reco'ni%in' the t!pe o" trans"er. ,ee also #+. -E C -a!roll enc$m3rances are an inter"ace transaction impactin' ;F in ./3. -8 C -$rchase orders are an FF transaction impactin' ;F in ./3. -+ C -a!roll vo$chers are act$al salar! and 3ene"it costs which will post to G/D and dependent led'ers. 4. is developin' the inter"ace. .B C .estricted 3$d'ets impact ;F. 2t ma! 3e desira3le to distin'$ish inter"aced .Bs s$ch as sponsorin' pro'ram 3$d'ets or Femphis 'rant and contract 3$d'ets "rom 3$d'ets entered directl! in ./3. 2t ma! also 3e desira3le to distin'$ish 3etween restricted 3$d'ets5 which are c$m$lative in nat$re5 and span "iscal !ears "rom $nrestricted 3$d'ets5 which are limited to a "iscal !ear. #hese distinctions ma! "acilitate the transaction and data level 9where needed) sec$rit! or a$thori%ation processes. #+ C #rans"er +o$chers are implemented in ./3 as Ao$rnals. 2t ma! 3e 3ene"icial to distin'$ish not onl! 3etween centrall! prepared trans"ers 9O+s) and others 9#+s)5 3$t also to distin'$ish 3etween t!pes o" #+s. #his distinction co$ld help departments in their reconciliation/review process to veri"! the appropriateness o" char'es. ;or instances5 trans"er doc$ments which are created 3! departments/$nits and are sel" contained within a department or acco$nta3ilit! $nit5 do not need the same level o" scr$tin! 9at the departmental level) as those transactions which were posted o$tside o" the departments control. A di""erent transaction t!pe wo$ld allow departments to "ilter transactions and "oc$s their review on =thin's that were done to them=. 2t ma! 3e $se"$l to di""erentiate 3etween the service center #+ =3illin'= and the interdepartmental trans"er o" expense. Also5 it we ma! want to distin'$ish external inter"ace trans"ers. 2t ma! also 3e $se"$l to /var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_3/205399238.doc 321 o( $'!

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distin'$ish trans"ers "or the p$rpose o" correctin' errors. All o" these distinctions ma! "acilitate the transaction and data level 9where needed) sec$rit! or a$thori%ation processes. 2. General Explanations *oc$ments are the lin7 3etween the 3$siness transaction and the postin' in acco$ntin'. An acco$ntin' doc$ment is the res$lt o" a postin' in ;inancial Acco$ntin' either directl! or indirectl! via inte'ration points 9i.e. pa!roll postin's). #he doc$ment t!pes are assi'ned to doc$ment n$m3er ran'es. A $ni>$e doc$ment n$m3er within the assi'ned ran'e is assi'ned to the doc$ment at the time o" postin'. 8nl! complete doc$ments can 3e posted. A doc$ment is complete when its de3it and credit items 3alance to %ero. <o$ m$st enter the minim$m acco$nt assi'nments desi'nated 3! the s!stem0 ;or example5 doc$ment date5 postin' date5 doc$ment t!pe5 postin' 7e!5 acco$nt n$m3er5 and amo$nt. *ata m$st also 3e entered in all other "ields that were de"ined as re>$ired "ields when ma7in' s!stem settin's. 3. Explanations o" ;$nctions and Events #here are several t!pes o" doc$ments with ./3 s$ch as asset postin's5 Ao$rnal entr!5 vendor invoice5 c$stomer credit memo5 etc. Each doc$ment t!pe is de"ined within the s!stem and assi'ned to a doc$ment n$m3er ran'e. #his will allow !o$ to assi'n a partic$lar n$m3er ran'es to individ$al doc$ment t!pes. *oc$ments n$m3ers will 3e assi'ned internall! 3! the s!stem 3ased on the assi'ned n$m3er ran'e "or that doc$ment t!pe. :. B$siness Fodel &/A 5. ,pecial 8r'ani%ational (onsiderations #he creation o" doc$ment t!pes and assi'nment o" doc$ment n$m3er ran'es will 3e maintained centrall!. #he postin' o" doc$ments will 3e shared thro$'ho$t the niversit!. ?. (han'es to Existin' 8r'ani%ation ($rrentl!5 most doc$ment n$m3ers are assi'ned o$tside the le'ac! s!stem. 2n the "$t$re5 doc$ment n$m3ers will 3e assi'ned a$tomaticall! 3! ./3. @. *escription o" 2mprovements Each doc$ment will have a $ni>$e doc$ment n$m3er/"iscal !ear com3ination. 8. *escription o" ;$nctional *e"icits &one 9. Approaches to (overin' ;$nctional *e"icits /var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_3/205399238.doc 322 o( $'!

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&/A 10. &otes on ;$rther 2mprovements &one identi"ied at this time 11. ,!stem (on"i'$ration (onsiderations &eed to identi"! the doc$ment t!pes and determine the appropriate doc$ment n$m3er ran'e to assi'n. &eed to identi"! what doc$ment t!pes will share a doc$ment n$m3er ran'e. 12. A$thori%ation and ser .oles #he a$thori%ation "or postin' o" doc$ments will 3e sec$red 3! transaction and "$nd/"$nd center/commitment item. #he viewin' o" "inancial doc$ments will 3e sec$red 3! "$nd/"$nd center/commitment item. #he niversit! needs to restrict access to o" certain $sers to certain doc$ment t!pes. 13. -roAect ,peci"ic (2 ,ection &/A

"!estions: /0

TaA on 'ales)6!rchases in '$6 'ystem

?) 6hat are the tax reportin' re>$irements1

A0 Generall!5 the niversit! is tax exempt "rom sales tax "or 'oods that it p$rchases. #he motor pool ma! pa! taxes on 'as p$rchased and s$3se>$entl! re>$est re"$nds. &o tax amo$nt is calc$lated 3! the "inancial s!stem. #he niversit! pa!s occ$panc! tax on direct 3illin' "or lod'in'. #he tax amo$nt is noted on the 3ill and is paid to the hotel that m$st remit and report. #he niversit! pa!s tax related to o$t o" state con"erences. #he amo$nt is calc$lated o$tside o" the "inancial s!stem 9pro3a3l! noted on the 3ill sent to the niversit!). 2n a recent determination5 the niversit! m$st collect sales tax on certain contract proAects. A new expense o3Aect code =831= was added "or this p$rpose. ,ome niversit! departments sell prod$cts "or which sales m$st 3e collected. #ax amo$nts are calc$lated o$tside the ;inancial s!stem 3! the departmentIs own s!stem. *+s are processed to remit these tax pa!ments to the ,tate o" #ennessee. ,ome niversit! departmentsM event tic7ets 9ex0 "oot3all) "or which am$sement tax m$st 3e collected. #ax amo$nts are calc$lated o$tside the ;inancial s!stem 3! the departmentIs own s!stem. *+s are processed to remit these tax pa!ments to the (it! or (o$nt!.


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8) #o which G/D acco$nts will taxes 3e posted1

A0 ,ellin' departments $s$all! record total sales incl$din' sales tax to the cost center income acco$nt. A *+ is processed to remit a chec7 to the ,tate o" #ennessee5 the (it!5 or the (o$nt! as appropriate and the cost center income acco$nt is de3ited. A department ma7in' a p$rchase s$3Aect to sales tax wo$ld incl$de the tax amo$nt in the char'e to the cost center and the nat$ral o3Aect o" the item 3ein' ac>$ired. C% Template: 1. .e>$irements/Expectations #he niversit! does not have a re>$irement to calc$late tax on p$rchases.


6osting Delp

/0 1) 6hich help "or postin' do !o$ need 9s$ch as acco$nt assi'nment models5 sample doc$ments5 control totals5 and $ser parameters)1 A0 6e need acco$nt assi'nment models5 sample doc$ments and $ser parameters "or all sin'le val$e "ields. C% Template: 1. .e>$irements/Expectations #he le'ac! s!stem has "eat$res that simpli"! the inp$t o" doc$ments. #he "eat$res related to Ao$rnal entries and the limited departmental Ao$rnal 9#+) "ollows0 (reate a stora3le template Ao$rnal with line item detail that can 3e copied as a startin' point and modi"ied when inp$ttin' a new O+. ,electivel! d$plicate "ield contents "rom the line a3ove on a "ieldC3!C"ield 3asis. A$tomaticall! d$plicate a description "ield on all O+ lines. *e"a$lt a 3an7 acco$nt. *esi'nate that a Ao$rnal is to 3e reversed at some "$t$re time 9see doc$ment reversal section 1.2.1.:).

./3 speci"ic settin's0 de"a$lt client 9i" this ma7es sense) de"a$lt compan! code de"a$lt controllin' area de"a$lt "$nds mana'ement area other re>$ired "ields where #Is implementation allows "or onl! one val$e 2. General Explanations An acco$nt assi'nment model is a re"erence "or doc$ment entr! and can contain an! n$m3er o" G/D acco$nt items that ma! 3e le"t incomplete. *$rin' doc$ment entr! !o$ can chan'e5 add to5 or delete the proposed data. #his is similar to the c$rrent pattern Ao$rnal vo$cher. /var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_3/205399238.doc 32! o( $'!

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ser parameters s$ppl! de"a$lts to ./3 "ields. 6hen a "ield is displa!ed5 the s!stem a$tomaticall! "ills in the de"a$lt val$e. *ependin' on the "ield de"inition5 the entr! can also 3e replaced with a val$e entered 3! the $ser. #his can 3e $sed "or sin'le val$e data elements 9onl! one valid # val$e) s$ch as compan! code or controllin' area. (ontrol total "$nction can 3e $sed to chec7 whether amo$nts have 3een entered correctl! or not. <o$ can choose whether the s!stem adds all postin' amo$nts. 6hen !o$ have posted a doc$ment5 !o$ compare the total !o$ calc$lated with the control total in the s!stem. <o$ can choose whether the s!stem ded$cts the posted amo$nts "rom a 'iven amo$nt. A"ter postin'5 the control total in the s!stem sho$ld 3e %ero. 8r !o$ can choose whether the s!stem adds the posted amo$nts to a prede"ined amo$nt 9openin' 3alance). A"ter postin'5 the control total in the s!stem m$st correspond to the closin' 3alance o" the acco$nt. 3. Explanations o" ;$nctions and Events Acco$nt assi'nment models are created within the s!stem at a transaction level. #he models are entered and saved in the s!stem to 3e $sed d$rin' Ao$rnal entr! process. #he end $ser will enter a Ao$rnal entr! with re"erence to an acco$nt assi'nment modelP ma7e an! adA$stments to the line items and post. #he $ser parameters are entered either 3! the s!stem administrator or the end $ser. #he parameters de"a$lt the desi'nated val$es 9s$ch as compan! code or controllin' area) to the appropriate "ields when processin' transactions. (ontrol totals are $sed to chec7 whether the data has 3een entered correctl!. <o$ enter the total to 3e posted and the s!stem then displa!s the di""erence a"ter the amo$nts have 3een posted. Another option is to enter an openin' 3alance5 post the amo$nts and the s!stem then displa!s the closin' 3alance. :. B$siness Fodel &/A 5. ,pecial 8r'ani%ational (onsiderations #he $se o" postin' help will 3e decentrali%ed5 however5 the initial creation or set $p o" these vario$s help "$nctions ma! 3e at the s!stem administrator level or centrali%ed at the (ontrollerIs 8""ice or (amp$s B$siness 8""ice. ?. (han'es to Existin' 8r'ani%ation &one expected @. *escription o" 2mprovements &one noted 8. *escription o" ;$nctional *e"icits &one noted /var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_3/205399238.doc 32" o( $'!

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9. Approaches to (overin' ;$nctional *e"icits &/A 10. &otes on ;$rther 2mprovements &/A 11. ,!stem (on"i'$ration (onsiderations &/A 12. A$thori%ation and ser .oles An!one with transaction sec$rit!. 13. -roAect ,peci"ic (2 ,ection &/A


9ithholding TaA

/0 1) 6hat are the reportin' re>$irements "or contractors5 sel"Cemplo!ed etc. in !o$r co$ntr!1 A0 An! c$m$lative totals "or a vendor over Q?00 re>$ire a 1099 to 3e iss$ed. A #C5 "orm m$st 3e completed "or movin' t!pe expenses. #hese amo$nts show $p in the emplo!eeIs 6C 2. /0 2) 4ow do !o$ transmit this in"ormation to the tax a$thorities and !o$r vendors1

A0 #here is a separate in"o s!stem. All entries are either a$tomaticall! pic7ed $p "rom 2F, or 7e!ed into the s!stem. ;or an! totals over Q?00/calendar !ear5 a 1099 is iss$ed and sent to the vendor. #his in"ormation is transmitted 3! the -a!roll department to the 2.,. ,ome items that are taxa3le to emplo!ees are 7e!ed 3! A/- 3$t show $p in their 6 C 2. /0 3) *o !o$ withhold an! amo$nts at the time o" pa!ment1

A0 &o. C% Template: 1. .e>$irements/Expectations An! c$m$lative totals "or a vendor over Q?00 re>$ire a 1099 to 3e iss$ed.


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2. General Explanations niv. o" #ennessee is re>$ired 3! law to per"orm tax withholdin' on certain taxClia3le vendors whenever pa!ments "or services are processed. 3. Explanations o" ;$nctions and Events An! c$m$lative totals "or a vendor over Q?00 re>$ire a 1099 to 3e iss$ed. A #C5 "orm m$st 3e completed "or movin' t!pe expenses. #hese amo$nts show $p in the emplo!eeIs 6C2. :. B$siness Fodel &one 5. ,pecial 8r'ani%ational (onsiderations +endor master data records m$st 3e maintained to incl$de the details associated with 6ithholdin' tax. ?. (han'es to Existin' 8r'ani%ation &one @. *escription o" 2mprovements -rovides comprehensive details associated with 6ithholdin' tax allowances and vendor lia3ilities. 8. *escription o" ;$nctional *e"icits &one 9. Approaches to (overin' ;$nctional *e"icits &one 10. &otes on ;$rther 2mprovements &one 11. ,!stem (on"i'$ration (onsiderations 6ithholdin' tax con"i'$ration needs to 3e set$p 3ased on whether # needs to $se standard 6ithholdin' tax or Extended 6ithholdin' tax. &eed to maintain the appropriate Government 1099 ,A-,cript "orms whenever the time comes to release vendor tax "orms.


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12. A$thori%ation and ser .oles #!picall! an Acco$nts -a!a3le pro"ile wo$ld 3e $sed to process the ann$al 6ithholdin' tax reports. 2nvoice entr! "or a 6ithholdin' tax vendor will 3e a shared responsi3ilit! o" either Acco$nts -a!a3le or the individ$al departments. 9(are sho$ld 3e ta7en to ens$re that the vendor is correctl! set$p with the proper withholdin' tax in"ormation.) 13. -roAect ,peci"ic (2 ,ection &/A


'ched!le Manager

/0 1) Are the processes that !o$ r$n on a re'$lar 3asis 9s$ch as periodCend closin'5 pa!ment r$n5 d$nnin' r$n) sched$led and monitored $sin' a ,ched$ler1 A0 <es C% Template: 1. .e>$irements/Expectations #he niversit! re>$ires tools "or the mana'ement o" m$ltiCstep processes and expects that those tools will interact in an inte'rated wa!. ($rrentl!5 the niversit! $ses0 o o o o o Ao3 threads with conditional exec$tion Ye7e sched$ler collects Ao3 lo's "or review paper lists dia'rams "or processes which can r$n parallel

./3 sched$ler sho$ld provide $s a sin'le location to exec$te and control comprehensive m$ltiCstep processes. &ot onl! are the tas7s listed in one place5 3$t the! can 3e sched$led or la$ched5 pro'ress monitored5 and operational proced$res 9doc$mentation) attached. 2. General Explanations

5. ,pecial 8r'ani%ational (onsiderations 2n the "inancial area5 this tool sho$ld at a minim$m 3e availa3le to approximatel! "ive people involved in the period or ann$al close. Fodi"ication o" a 'iven sched$le sho$ld 3e limited to those with responsi3ilities "or the sched$led process. #he tool co$ld 3e extended to certain other $sers provided sched$les are sec$red and there is no de'radation to per"ormance o" the tool or ./3. ?. (han'es to Existin' 8r'ani%ation /var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_3/205399238.doc 32' o( $'!

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#here will not 3e an! chan'es to the existin' or'ani%ation with one possi3le exception. #he acco$ntants in char'e o" closin' the 3oo7s ma! need less assistance "rom =data control= sta"" to carr! o$t the exec$tion o" da! time Ao3 streams.


7eneral Bedger 6rocessing

6ostings in 7)B
6ar: 7)B $cco!nt Doc!ment

3/2/1/1/ "!estions: /0

1) 6hat is !o$r proced$re "or par7in' and releasin' doc$ments1

A0 B+5 (+5 *+5 O+5 DB5 -E5 -85 -+5 .B5 #+ C% Template: 1. .e>$irements/Expectations 2n the niversit!Is le'ac! s!stem5 doc$ments 9Ao$rnal vo$chers and departmental trans"er vo$chers) are par7ed $ntil the 3atch is 3alanced5 and released and/or s$3mitted "or processin'. ;or a 'iven 3atch o" doc$ments5 a 'iven $ser can either per"orm all "$nctions0 inp$t/par75 release/s$3mit5 or one $ser co$ld inp$t/par7 while another $ser with the same or 'reater a$thori%ations co$ld modi"!/complete and/or release/s$3mit s$3se>$entl!. #he central 3$siness o""ice has a$thori%ation to review/modi"! all 3atches. #his "eat$re is c$stomaril! $sed to chan'e postin' periods on nonCreleased/nonC s$3mitted 3atches on the "inal da! or two o" closin' to avoid retroactivel! chan'in' the expendit$re 3ase which is $sed "or calc$latin' overhead and sta"" 3ene"it allocations. 2. General Explanations <o$ can $se doc$ment par7in' to enter and store 9par7) incomplete doc$ments in the ./3 ,!stem witho$t carr!in' o$t extensive entr! chec7s. -ar7ed doc$ments can 3e completed5 chec7ed and then posted at a later date G i" necessar! 3! a di""erent $ser. 6hen doc$ments are par7ed5 data 9"or example5 transaction "i'$res) is not $pdated. #he onl! exception to this is in (ash Fana'ement. #he advanta'e o" par7in' doc$ments is that !o$ can eval$ate the data in the doc$ments online "or reportin' p$rposes "rom the moment the! are par7ed5 rather than havin' to wait $ntil the! have 3een completed and posted. ;or example $sin' pa!ment re>$ests5 par7ed invoices can 3e paid p$nct$all! and witho$t loss o" disco$nt. ,$3stit$tion is not s$pported in doc$ment par7in'. ,$3stit$tion ta7es place via the postin' transaction a"ter !o$ 'enerate an acco$ntin' doc$ment "rom the par7ed doc$ment. 3. Explanations o" ;$nctions and Events 6ithin the s!stem5 !o$ can par7 a doc$ment. 6hen !o$ save a par7ed doc$ment5 transaction "i'$res5 asset val$es and control totals are &8# $pdated5 and the s!stem /var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_3/205399238.doc 32) o( $'!

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does not 'enerate an! a$tomatic postin's. &o 3alance chec7s are made5 3$t the 3alance is displa!ed in the par7ed doc$ments doc$ment overview. A"ter a doc$ment is par7ed5 a $ser can displa! the par7ed doc$ment "or review or approval. 2" the par7ed doc$ment is complete5 the $ser can post the par7ed doc$ment. At this time5 transaction "i'$res are $pdated. 2" the par7ed doc$ment is not complete or incorrect5 a $ser can chan'e a par7ed doc$ment. 8nce the chan'es are made5 the $ser can post the doc$ment or par7 the doc$ment "or review or approval. -ar7ed doc$ments are assi'ned a doc$ment n$m3er at the time o" par7in'. :. B$siness Fodel &/A 5. ,pecial 8r'ani%ational (onsiderations *oc$ment par7in' will 3e a decentrali%ed process. *oc$ments can 3e par7ed at the department level and approved and posted 3! their s$pervisors or department mana'ers. ?. (han'es to Existin' 8r'ani%ation &one @. *escription o" 2mprovements -ar7in' in ./3 is perceived to 3ehave the same wa! across all doc$ments where par7in' in the le'ac! s!stem wo$ld 3e partic$lar to the doc$ment 3ein' entered. 8. *escription o" ;$nctional *e"icits &one 9. Approaches to (overin' ;$nctional *e"icits &/A 10. &otes on ;$rther 2mprovements &one noted at this time 11. ,!stem (on"i'$ration (onsiderations &one noted at this time 12. A$thori%ation and ser .oles A$thori%ations sho$ld allow one person to par7 a doc$ment and another person with /var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_3/205399238.doc 330 o( $'!

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e>$al or 'reater a$thori%ation to complete and post a doc$ment. 2t is desira3le that the s!stem capt$res the 2* o" 3oth the person enterin' and the person postin' a par7ed doc$ment when the two are not the same. #he central o""ice sho$ld 3e a3le to modi"! the postin' period o" a par7ed doc$ment to avoid conc$rrent postin' o" new entries which impact an allocation 3ase while monthCend allocation processes are 3ein' r$n. #hese allocations need to r$n a"ter all costs have 3een acc$m$lated to cost 3ases 3$t 3e"ore the period is completel! closed so the allocation itsel" can post to the period 3ein' closed. 13. -roAect ,peci"ic (2 ,ection &/A 3/2/1/2/ "!estions: /0 1) 6hat t!pes o" 'eneral led'er transactions do !o$ process1 7)B $cco!nt 6osting

A0 SNT *own pa!ment S T Bill o" exchan'e SNT General led'er SNT *oc$ment Ao$rnals SNT Accr$ed/prepaid expenses S T (rossCcompan! code transactions SNT 2ncomin' pa!ments S T 8$t'oin' pa!ment /0 2) 6hich internal doc$ments do !o$ need to print1

A0 B+5 (+5 *+5 O+5 DB5 -E5 -85 -+5 .B5 #+ C% Template: 1. .e>$irements/Expectations -ostin's sho$ld meet the "ollowin' criteria0 o G/D acco$nt postin' sho$ld tri''er appropriate postin's in (85 ;F5 ,-D5 etc. o ,$""icient access a$thorit! or line item approvals sho$ld 3e chec7ed 3e"ore postin' transactions. o -ostin' cannot occ$r to a closed postin' period. o -ostin' cannot occ$r to a closed acco$nt. o -ostin' o" doc$ments sho$ld 'enerate entries to maintain cash 3alances 3! "$nd and the led'er o" record "or s$ch postin's is pro3a3l! ,-D o -ostin' o" a doc$ment cannot occ$r $nless the doc$ment contains valid val$es "or all "ields re>$ired "or an! 'iven led'er 9incl$din' special led'er). -eriodic 9pro3a3l! dail!) reportin' o" postin' res$lts sho$ld 3e availa3le to ins$re that the s!stem is per"ormin' properl!. 2n the le'ac! s!stem5 lo's o" incomin' and o$t'oin' pa!ments are compared with postin' res$lts "or each ori'inatin' s$3s!stem 9or chec7 ran'e "or man$al pa!ments) capa3le o" creatin' pa!ments. An independent o""line record o" 3an7 3alances is maintained to validate the correspondin' led'er val$es on a dail! 3asis. #his is a control to ins$re that the s!stem is per"ormin' properl! and that all transactions are 3ein' recorded. 8ther control chec7s will 3e needed appropriate to ins$re the inte'rit! o" the led'ers 3ased on the wa! ./3 wor7s and the inherent ris7s. /var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_3/205399238.doc 331 o( $'!

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2. General Explanations G/D acco$nt postin' is how detail acco$ntin' transactions will 'et into ./3 and correspondin' led'ers. ;ields in doc$ments m$st meet edit re>$irements and 3e posted 3! an operator with a$thori%ation to all cost centers5 6B,5 ;$nds5 and acco$nts. *oc$ments 3etween parties witho$t a$thori%ations m$st either ro$te thro$'h wor7"low "or approval 3! all parties or 3e posted 3! a third part! with a$thori%ation to all postin' tar'ets. 2" wor7"low is not $sed5 9there"ore central third part! postin') it is desira3le to ta' doc$ment lines so that =interCa$thori%ation= postin's can 3e identi"ied. 3. Explanations o" ;$nctions and Events #o create a G/D postin'5 enter the re>$ired header data 9$s$all!0 *oc$ment date5 doc$ment t!pe5 compan! code5 postin' date5 and c$rrenc!). Enter the postin' 7e! and the G/D acco$nt n$m3er o" the "irst line item. #he postin' 7e! and the "ield stat$s 'ro$p "or the G/D acco$nt determine which "ields are displa!ed on the next screen. Enter the data "or the "irst line item. #he postin' 7e! and the acco$nt n$m3er at the end o" each screen determine which "ields are displa!ed on the next screen "or enterin' a line item. At least two G/D acco$nt line items are re>$ired. 6hen the de3its e>$al the credits5 and the data is complete5 post the doc$ment. #he s!stem $pdates the doc$ment "ile and the G/D acco$nt 3alances. :. B$siness Fodel &/A 5. ,pecial 8r'ani%ational (onsiderations G/D Acco$nt postin' will 3e decentrali%ed at the department level. ?. (han'es to Existin' 8r'ani%ation #he le'ac! s!stem $sed a 3atch $pdate process r$n $nder direction o" data control c$stomaril! once a ni'ht and in the a"ternoon on the da! o" close or in"re>$entl!5 as re>$ired to meet a reportin' deadline. ./3 posts in real time at the discretion o" the transaction ori'inator at the departmental level. #he postin' 3atch process data control "$nction sho$ld 3e replaced with help des7 assistance and tro$3le shootin' "or pro3lems and di""ic$lties enco$ntered 3! $sers attemptin' to post. 6e also expect di""erent 7inds o" transactions than are c$rrentl! s$pported. @. *escription o" 2mprovements 8n line realCtime postin' "or transactions. 8. *escription o" ;$nctional *e"icits &one noted at this time 9. Approaches to (overin' ;$nctional *e"icits /var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_3/205399238.doc 332 o( $'!

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&/A 10. &otes on ;$rther 2mprovements &one noted at this time 11. ,!stem (on"i'$ration (onsiderations *oc$ment t!pes5 doc$ment chan'e r$les5 doc$ment n$m3er ran'es5 etc. m$st 3e created prior to postin'. 12. A$thori%ation and ser .oles #hose with proper transaction and departmental sec$rit!. 13. -roAect ,peci"ic (2 ,ection &/A 3/2/1/,/ "!estions: /0 1) *o !o$ have doc$ments that occ$r on a re'$lar 3asis 9monthl! or >$arterl!5 "or example)1 A0 <E, C% Template: 1. .e>$irements/Expectations #he niversit! re>$ires the a3ilit! to create and store "or later retrieval an entr! to serve as the 3asis "or enterin' common transactions repeatedl!5 with minimal additional t!pin'. 6e wo$ld want this a3ilit! 3oth "or the (ontrollerIs 8""ice and with di""erent sec$rit! at the department level. 2. General Explanations -ostin's which rec$r time and time a'ain can 3e made $sin' the rec$rrin' entr! pro'ram. #o do this5 !o$ enter a rec$rrin' entr! doc$ment5 and then exec$te the rec$rrin' entr! pro'ram at certain intervals or sched$le it "or exec$tion. 3. Explanations o" ;$nctions and Events <o$ can speci"! when an acco$ntin' doc$ment is created "rom a rec$rrin' entr! doc$ment as "ollows 9choose "rom the alternatives 3elow)0 <o$ enter the interval in the rec$rrin' entr! doc$ment 3! speci"!in' a date "or the "irst r$n /var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_3/205399238.doc 333 o( $'! Rec!rring =ntry

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and a date "or the last r$n. <o$ also enter the r$n intervals in months. B! speci"!in' a calendar da!5 !o$ can determine the da! on which the pro'ram is exec$ted. #his is $se"$l i" the postin's are to 3e made at monthl! intervals 9calendar months). <o$ can de"ine a r$n sched$le in the s!stem and speci"! in the rec$rrin' entr! doc$ment which sched$le the s!stem $ses "or the doc$ment. #his proced$re is $se"$l i" the postin's cannot 3e made at monthl! intervals. -ostin's that are to 3e carried o$t in 13 periods or ever! other wee75 "or example5 can onl! 3e made 3! sched$lin' the r$n. 2n this activit!5 !o$ de"ine the r$n sched$les 3! speci"!in' a 7e! and a description. 2n a second activit!5 !o$ enter the re>$ired dates "or each sched$le. :. B$siness Fodel &/A 5. ,pecial 8r'ani%ational (onsiderations #he Ao$rnal entr! process is at the department level. .ec$rrin' entries ma! 3e entered at the department level 3$t exec$ted centrall!. ?. (han'es to Existin' 8r'ani%ation #he postin' o" rec$rrin' doc$ments will remain within the (ontrollerMs 8""ice. @. *escription o" 2mprovements 6ith rec$rrin' entries5 !o$ are a3le to sched$le and post a doc$ment m$ltiple times. 8. *escription o" ;$nctional *e"icits &one noted at this time 9. Approaches to (overin' ;$nctional *e"icits &/A 10. &otes on ;$rther 2mprovements &one noted at this time 11. ,!stem (on"i'$ration (onsiderations &one noted at this time 12. A$thori%ation and ser .oles #he postin' o" rec$rrin' entries will 3e a centrali%ed "$nction within the (ontrollerMs 8""ice and will 3e sec$red 3! transaction.


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13. -roAect ,peci"ic (2 ,ection &/A 3/2/1/3/ "!estions: /0 1) 4ow sho$ld a doc$ment reversal $pdate the 3alances o" the relevant acco$nts1 Doc!ment Re*ersal

A0 2t sho$ld reverse the previo$s entr!. /0 2) *o !o$ want do de"ine a speci"ic doc$ment t!pe "or reverse doc$ments1

A0 -ro3a3l! C% Template: 1. .e>$irements/Expectations #he $niversit! re>$ires the a3ilit! to a$tomaticall! 'enerate reversin' entries a"ter month end close and !earCend close. 6e also re>$ire the a3ilit! to reverse sin'le entries as needed. 2. General Explanations 2" !o$ have entered an incorrect doc$ment5 !o$ can reverse it5 there3! also clearin' the open items. A doc$ment can onl! 3e reversed i" the "ollowin' criteria are met0 1 C 2t contains no cleared items 2 C 2t contains onl! c$stomer5 vendor5 and G/D acco$nt items 3 C 2t was posted with ;inancial Acco$ntin' : C All entered val$es 9s$ch as 3$siness area5 cost center5 and tax code) are still valid #he doc$ment and the reverse doc$ment increase the acco$nt transaction de3it and credit "i'$res 3! the same amo$nt. #his will provide an a$dit trail. 3. Explanations o" ;$nctions and Events #o reverse a doc$ment5 enter the ori'inal doc$ment n$m3er5 the compan! code5 and the "iscal !ear. 2" the reversal doc$ment cannot 3e posted to the same period as the ori'inal doc$ment5 enter the postin' date and the postin' period o" the reversal doc$ment and post. #he s!stem 'enerates a reverse doc$ment5 creatin' de3it and credit amo$nts. :. B$siness Fodel &/A 5. ,pecial 8r'ani%ational (onsiderations 2nitiall!5 the reversal o" doc$ments will 3e a centrali%ed "$nction at the (ontrollerMs 8""ice. /var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_3/205399238.doc 33" o( $'!

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?. (han'es to Existin' 8r'ani%ation &one noted. @. *escription o" 2mprovements &one noted at this time 8. *escription o" ;$nctional *e"icits &one noted at this time 9. Approaches to (overin' ;$nctional *e"icits &/A 10. &otes on ;$rther 2mprovements &one noted at this time 11. ,!stem (on"i'$ration (onsiderations &one noted at this time 12. A$thori%ation and ser .oles #he proposal is "or doc$ment reversal to 3e sec$red 3! transaction. 2nitiall!5 doc$ment reversal will 3e a central "$nction within the (ontrollerMs 8""ice. 13. -roAect ,peci"ic (2 ,ection &/A 3/2/1/5/ C% Template: 1. .e>$irements/Expectations #he niversit! re>$ires the a3ilit! to reverse m$ltiple G/D acco$nts at one time. 6e re>$ire the a3ilit! to reverse all pa!a3les5 accr$als and de"errals in mass. 6e expect this to happen at the 3e'innin' o" each "iscal !ear and at the 3e'innin' o" each month. 2. General Explanations Fass reversal allows !o$ to reverse m$ltiple doc$ments at one time. All o" the doc$ments to 3e reversed m$st meet the "ollowin' criteria0 /var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_3/205399238.doc 33$ o( $'! Mass Re*ersal

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2t contains no cleared items 2t contains onl! c$stomer5 vendor5 and G/D acco$nt items 2t was posted with ;inancial Acco$ntin' All entered val$es 9s$ch as 3$siness area5 cost center5 and tax code) are still valid 3. Explanations o" ;$nctions and Events #o reverse a doc$ment5 enter the ori'inal doc$ment n$m3ers5 the compan! code5 and the "iscal !ear. <o$ also have the option o" selectin' criteria to limit the doc$ments to 3e reversed. #he s!stem will displa! a list o" doc$ments to 3e reversed. ,elect post reversal and the s!stem 'enerates a reverse doc$ment "or each ori'inal doc$ment. :. B$siness Fodel &/A 5. ,pecial 8r'ani%ational (onsiderations Altho$'h Ao$rnal entr! processin' is at a department level5 mass reversal o" doc$ments will 3e centrali%ed to limit the possi3ilit! o" reversin' mass doc$ments in error. ?. (han'es to Existin' 8r'ani%ation &one noted @. *escription o" 2mprovements 2nstead o" havin' to reverse doc$ments one at a time5 !o$ now have the a3ilit! to reverse several doc$ments at once with an a$dit trail. 8. *escription o" ;$nctional *e"icits &one noted at this time 9. Approaches to (overin' ;$nctional *e"icits &/A

10. &otes on ;$rther 2mprovements &one noted at this time 11. ,!stem (on"i'$ration (onsiderations &one noted at this time 12. A$thori%ation and ser .oles /var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_3/205399238.doc 33& o( $'!

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#he mass reversal o" doc$ments will 3e a centrali%ed "$nction within the (ontrollerMs 8""ice and will 3e sec$red 3! transaction. 13. -roAect ,peci"ic (2 ,ection &/A 3/2/1/4/ "!estions: /0 1) 4ow do !o$ handle accr$als1 $ccr!al)Deferral 6osting

A0 Each !earCend5 we accr$e de"erred char'es5 de"erred reven$e5 salaries and 3ene"its5 and 'eneral pa!a3les. 6e receive this in"ormation "rom the vario$s camp$s 3$siness o""ices and man$all! create these entries. #hese entries are reversed in the new !ear. C% Template: 1. .e>$irements/Expectations #he niversit! re>$ires the a3ilit! to accr$e and de"er certain expendit$res and reven$es. 6e expect this to 3e accomplished in certain G/D acco$nts. 2. General Explanations Accr$als/*e"errals are the assi'nment o" an or'ani%ationIs receipts and expendit$re to partic$lar periods5 "or p$rposes o" calc$latin' the net income "or a 'iven period. An accr$al is an! expendit$re 3e"ore the closin' 7e! date5 which represents an expense "or an! period a"ter this date. *e"erred income is an! receipts 3e"ore the closin' 7e! date that represent reven$e "or an! period a"ter this date. Accr$als and de"errals are entered in the s!stem similar to a Ao$rnal entr!5 however !o$ will enter the reversal date/period on each transaction. 3. Explanations o" ;$nctions and Events Enter the accr$al doc$ment with the re>$ired data C G/D acco$nts5 dollar amo$nt5 cost o3Aect5 doc$ment date5 reversal date/period5 etc. Accr$als can 3e entered individ$all! or can 3e entered as a rec$rrin' doc$ment or an acco$nt assi'nment model. -ost the accr$al doc$ment once it is completed. #he accr$al doc$ment is reversed in a "$t$re period as entered as the reversal date/period. Accr$als can 3e reversed individ$all! or 3! mass reversal. :. B$siness Fodel &/A 5. ,pecial 8r'ani%ational (onsiderations


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Accr$al and de"erral postin's will remain a centrali%ed "$nction within the (ontrollerMs 8""ice. ?. (han'es to Existin' 8r'ani%ation &one noted. @. *escription o" 2mprovements Accr$al/de"erral postin's are entered with a reversal date. 8. *escription o" ;$nctional *e"icits &one noted at this time 9. Approaches to (overin' ;$nctional *e"icits &/A 10. &otes on ;$rther 2mprovements &/A 11. ,!stem (on"i'$ration (onsiderations &eed to create or assi'n accr$al doc$ment t!pe in s!stem. &eed to r$n pro'ram "or reversals 3ased on reversal date. 12. A$thori%ation and ser .oles #he postin' o" accr$als/de"errals will 3e a centrali%ed "$nction within the (ontrollerMs 8""ice sec$red 3! transaction. 13. -roAect ,peci"ic (2 ,ection &/A 3/2/1/5/ C% Template: 1. .e>$irements/Expectations 6e re>$ire the s!stem to match and relieve preCenc$m3rances5 enc$m3rances5 p$rchase orders5 invoices5 and pa!ments 3! their antecedent transaction. 6e also re>$ire that pa!ments to the niversit! clear invoices that we have sent to c$stomers. 2. General Explanations /var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_3/205399238.doc 33) o( $'! Clearing

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2n the clearin' proced$re5 !o$ select open items that 3alance to %ero "rom an acco$nt. #hese items are mar7ed as cleared 3! the s!stem. #he s!stem enters a clearin' doc$ment n$m3er and the clearin' date in the doc$ment items. 8pen items on an acco$nt can 3e cleared man$all! $sin' the Acco$nt clearin' "$nction5 or the! can 3e cleared a$tomaticall! 3! the s!stem. 3. Explanations o" ;$nctions and Events 2n the clearin' proced$re5 !o$ select open items that 3alance to %ero "rom an acco$nt. #hese items are mar7ed as cleared 3! the s!stem. #he s!stem enters a clearin' doc$ment n$m3er and the clearin' date in the doc$ment items. #he clearin' date can 3e the c$rrent date or a date that !o$ enter man$all!. #he clearin' doc$ment n$m3er is the n$m3er o" the most recent doc$ment involved in the clearin' transaction. ,ince postin's do not have to 3e made d$rin' acco$nt clearin'5 doc$ments are $s$all! not created. 4owever5 the s!stem mi'ht have to ma7e clearin' entries i" line items "rom di""erent 3$siness areas are part o" the clearin' transaction. 2n this case5 a doc$ment is created. #he n$m3er o" this clearin' doc$ment is entered in all cleared items. 8pen items on an acco$nt can 3e cleared man$all! $sin' the Acco$nt clearin' "$nction5 or the! can 3e cleared a$tomaticall! 3! the s!stem. *$rin' clearin'5 the pro'ram enters a clearin' doc$ment n$m3er and a clearin' date in the line items. 2t $ses the doc$ment n$m3er and postin' date "rom the most recent doc$ment with the hi'hest doc$ment n$m3er that is part o" the clearin' process. #he pro'ram 'ro$ps to'ether those items "rom an acco$nt that have the same0 B$siness Area5 ($rrenc!5 .econciliation Acco$nt and $p to "o$r c$stomi%ed criteria set 3! #. <o$ can speci"! criteria "or each acco$nt t!pe 3ased on a sin'le acco$nt or an interval o" acco$nts. <o$ $se these criteria to restrict the n$m3er o" items that are considered to'ether. #his ens$res that onl! those items that are 3ased on a speci"ic 3$siness transaction are cleared to'ether. :. B$siness Fodel &/A 5. ,pecial 8r'ani%ational (onsiderations #he clearin' o" G/D items will initiall! 3e a centrali%ed "$nction within the (ontrollerMs 8""ice. #his "$nction can 3e distri3$ted a decentrali%ed level i" departments will have a need to clear G/D acco$nt items 9this does not re"er to A/- or A/.). ?. (han'es to Existin' 8r'ani%ation 6e do not per"orm clearin' at this time5 except o$tside the 'eneral led'er so we wo$ld have to assi'n someone the responsi3ilit! to per"orm these d$ties. @. *escription o" 2mprovements


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6ith clearin'5 !o$ are a3le to mana'e acco$nts on an open item 3asis. 6ith the open item mana'ement5 onl! $ncleared or open items are displa!ed. #his will limit the line items to review "or the clearin' acco$nts. 8. *escription o" ;$nctional *e"icits &one noted at this time 9. Approaches to (overin' ;$nctional *e"icits &/A 10. &otes on ;$rther 2mprovements &one noted at this time 11. ,!stem (on"i'$ration (onsiderations 2n order "or !o$ to clear items "rom an acco$nt5 the acco$nt m$st 3e mana'ed on an open item 3asis. #his allows !o$ to monitor !o$r o$tstandin' receiva3les and pa!a3les at an! time. #he open item mana'ement option5 however5 m$st 3e de"ined "or 'eneral led'er acco$nts. <o$ wo$ld set this option5 "or example5 clearin' acco$nts in order to 3e a3le to trac7 whether the 3$siness transactions posted to these acco$nts are closed !et. 8pen item mana'ement ens$res that all items that have not !et 3een cleared are availa3le in the s!stem. 12. A$thori%ation and ser .oles (learin' o" G/D line items will initiall! 3e a centrali%ed "$nction within the (ontrollerMs 8""ice sec$red 3! transaction. 13. -roAect ,peci"ic (2 ,ection &/A

C% Template:

7eneral Bedger $cco!nt $nalysis

1. .e>$irements/Expectations #he niversit! re>$ires the s!stem to displa! and/or report the same line item detail and 3alances that are availa3le in o$r c$rrent s!stem. #hese incl$de detail transactions "or each G/D acco$nt. #he niversit! expects to 3e a3le to see 3e'innin' and endin' 3alances and de3its and credits. 6e also expect to 3e a3le to drill down to the individ$al transactions. 2. General Explanations


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6hen !o$ post doc$ments to an acco$nt5 the s!stem a$tomaticall! $pdates the acco$nt 3alance. 2n addition5 "or G/D acco$nts that are mana'ed with line item displa!5 the s!stem notes which items "rom the doc$ment were posted to the acco$nt. 2t is there"ore possi3le to view the acco$nt 3alances and 9dependin' on the speci"ications in the master record) the line items "or ever! G/D acco$nt. #he acco$nt 3alance displa!s the openin' 3alance 9carr! "orward 3alance "rom the previo$s !ear)5 the total o" all transactions "or each postin' period5 3ro7en down into de3it and credit postin's 9transaction "i'$res) and the acc$m$lated 3alance o" the acco$nt. ;or those acco$nts that are mana'ed on an open item 3asis5 !o$ can choose to displa! open and/or cleared items. <o$ can choose to displa! G/D acco$nt line items 3ased on selected criteria s$ch as period posted5 date posted5 open items vers$s cleared items5 etc. 3. Explanations o" ;$nctions and Events ;or acco$nts mana'ed with open item displa! 9speci"ication in the master record)5 !o$ can displa! the line items that ma7e $p the acco$nt 3alance in a certain postin' period. *ependin' on which line items !o$ wish to displa!5 place the c$rsor on an entr! in the 3alance displa! and do$3leCclic7 or select the Dine items p$sh3$tton. <o$ can displa! line items 3! line items "rom previo$s !ear5 line items "rom a period5 de3it or credit line items "rom a period5 all de3it or credit line items or line items "rom a period in doc$ment :. B$siness Fodel &/A 5. ,pecial 8r'ani%ational (onsiderations General led'er anal!sis will 3e a decentrali%ed process at the department level. #he acco$nts 3alance displa! can 3e limited 3! 3$siness area "or sec$rit! reasons. ?. (han'es to Existin' 8r'ani%ation 6e will 3e addin' G/D acco$nts that we c$rrentl! do not have. @. *escription o" 2mprovements &one noted at this time 8. *escription o" ;$nctional *e"icits &one noted at this time 9. Approaches to (overin' ;$nctional *e"icits &/A 10. &otes on ;$rther 2mprovements /var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_3/205399238.doc 3!2 o( $'!

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&/A 11. ,!stem (on"i'$ration (onsiderations #o displa! line items5 the G/D acco$nt master record m$st 3e mar7ed with line item displa!. 12. A$thori%ation and ser .oles G/D Anal!sis will 3e a centrali%ed "$nction within the (ontrollerMs 8""ice sec$red 3! transaction. 13. -roAect ,peci"ic (2 ,ection &/A 3/2/2/1/ "!estions: /0 1) 2s there certain in"ormation that !o$ wish to 3e a3le to displa! when !o$ view items online1 A0 <es. 6e wo$ld li7e to 3e a3le to view the thin's we can c$rrentl! view a3o$t an acco$nt which incl$de activit! and 3alances. 6e can provide screen prints. 7eneral Bedger Bine item $nalysis

"!estions: /0

Closing (perations

1) 6hich internal and external eval$ations 3elon' to monthCend closin'1

A0 6e have a monthCend sched$le that we "ollow ver! closel! to determine that all processes are complete and that the comp$ter Ao3s are r$n in the correct order. ,ee AldenaIs sched$le. /0 2) 6hich processes do !o$ have in addition to the monthCend closin'1

A0 6e write and post *+s and B+s ever! da!5 we post #+s and O+s ever!da!. 6e post -Es and -+s when the! occ$r. 6e post -8s dail!. 6e post DBs and .Bs whenever the! occ$r. 6e post (+Is ever! da!. 6e r$n edit chec7s with the postin's to ens$re o$r acco$nt n$m3ers are correct. /0 3) *escri3e !o$r c$rrent process and time "rame "or !earCend closin'.

A0 6e close the !ear "rom the middle o" O$ne $ntil A$'$st 15. 6e have a ver! detailed plan that is coordinated 3etween the (ontrollerIs 8""ice and the (, ,ta"". Each sta"" has a len'th! sched$le o" dates and instr$ctions as when to per"orm certain tas7s5 create transactions5 and close certain parts o" the niversit!Is 3oo7s. ;or instance5 we post all old (+s "or several da!s into the new !ear. 6e write and post *+s and B+s "or ten wor7in' da!s


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into the new !ear. 6e close acco$ntin' period 12 on the 10th wor7in' da! o" O$l!. A"ter that date onl! #+IsI and O+ Is are posted. ,ee instr$ctions "or more detail. /0 5) 6hat are !o$r reconciliation proced$res1

A0 ,everal persons in the (ontrollerIs 8""ice and #reas$rerIs 8""ice reconcile di""erent "$nd 'ro$ps all d$rin' the closin' process. #he (ontroller reconciles ($rrent nrestricted ;$nd 3alances5 incl$din' E H G5 A$xiliar! and 4ospitals. #he (ontrollerIs General Acco$nt Fana'er reconciles .estricted ;$nds5 Doan ;$nds and A'enc! ;$nds. #he #reas$rerMs acco$ntants reconcile Endowments and Di"e 2ncome ;$nds. (ontrollerI 8""ice -lant ;$nd acco$ntants reconcile all -lant ;$nds 9which incl$des nexpended -lant5 .etirement o" 2nde3tedness5 .enewals and .eplacements and 2nvestment in -lant). #he proced$res are to reconcile "rom 3e'innin' "$nd 3alance to endin' "$nd 3alance $sin' vario$s Excel spreadsheets and monthl! reports. 3/2/,/1/ "!estions: /0 1) *o !o$ classi"! open vendor/c$stomer items in the "inancial statements accordin' to short5 medi$m5 or lon' term receiva3les/pa!a3les1 *escri3e !o$r proced$re. A0 &o. .eceiva3les are adA$sted to act$al "or each acco$nt as appropriate. -a!a3les are created 3ased on departmental re>$est and (ontrollerIs 8""ice review. All invoices over Q15000 paid in O$l! are reviewed to determine i" the receipt date is prior to O$ne 30. 2" so and the! were not previo$sl! recorded5 these amo$nts are set $p as pa!a3les. /0 2) *o !o$ have departments in !o$r sites1 Reclassification Recei*ables)6ayables

A0 <es5 Each department owns receiva3les and pa!a3les. 3/2/,/2/ "!estions: /0 1) *o !o$ need to prod$ce an internal 3alance sheet on 3$siness area or pro"it center level1 A0 <es C% Template: 1. .e>$irements/Expectations #he niversit! re>$ires that we prod$ce "inancial statements at the entit! and "$nd level 93$siness area). 6e ma! not need pro"it and loss adA$stment capa3ilit! as explained in the next statement. 2. General Explanations #he pro"it and loss adA$stment distri3$tes cash disco$nts paid5 cash disco$nts received5 lost cash disco$nts5 exchan'e rate di""erence and 3ac7dated tax calc$lation 3ased on /var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_3/205399238.doc 3!! o( $'! 6rofit and Boss $d8!stment

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cash disco$nts. #his "$nction will 3e carried o$t in the special led'er. 3/2/,/,/ "!estions: /0 1) *o !o$ create "inancial statements on a monthl!5 >$arterl! or !earl! 3asis1 Financial 'tatement Creation

A0 8$r c$rrent s!stem prod$ces reports that are a monthl! 3alance sheet 3! entit! and "$nd 'ro$p. 6e prod$ce $niversit! wide "inancial statements on an ann$al 3asis. C% Template: 1. .e>$irements/Expectations #he niversit! re>$ires the a3ilit! to create "inancial statements as a whole and 3! "$nd and entit!. #hese statements incl$de a 3alance sheet5 statement o" chan'es in "$nd 3alances and statement o" c$rrent "$nd reven$es5 expendit$res and other chan'es as re>$ired 3! GAA-. 2. General Explanations A "inancial statement within ;2 is the standard Balance ,heet and -HD ,tatement. #he pro'ram "or creatin' the "inancial statements determines the val$es "or the ann$al net pro"it or loss as well as the net pro"it or loss carried "orward. -lease note that the # Balance ,heet and -HD ,tatement 3! B$siness Area and/or ;$nd will 3e in the ,plit Ded'er. #here"ore5 the "inancial statement will not 3e created in ;2. 3. Explanations o" ;$nctions and Events #o create a "inancial statement 9Balance ,heet and -HD ,tatement) within ;25 !o$ "irst need to create a "inancial statement version 9a listin' or 'ro$pin' o" G/D acco$nts in the order to 3e displa!ed on the "inancial statement). <o$ can de"ine m$ltiple "inancial statement versions. #his is the case i" !o$ want to create "inancial statements $sin' vario$s str$ct$res. 8nce the "inancial statement version is created5 r$n the report to displa! the Balance ,heet/ -HD ,tatement. &ote that the Balance ,heet and -HD ,tatement 3! B$siness Area and/or ;$nd will 3e in the ,plit Ded'er. :. B$siness Fodel &/A 5. ,pecial 8r'ani%ational (onsiderations #he "inancial statement will 3e con"i'$red in the ,pecial Ded'er "or 3alance sheets 3! "$nd/3$siness area. ?. (han'es to Existin' 8r'ani%ation


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Balance sheets 3! "$nd/3$siness area will 3e availa3le within the ,pecial Ded'er. @. *escription o" 2mprovements &one 8. *escription o" ;$nctional *e"icits ;$nctional de"icits in the ;2 "inancial statement are handled in the "inancial statements within the split led'er. 9. Approaches to (overin' ;$nctional *e"icits se the split led'er "or "inancial statements 3! 3$siness area/"$nd 10. &otes on ;$rther 2mprovements &one noted at this time 11. ,!stem (on"i'$ration (onsiderations #he ;inancial ,tatement will 3e con"i'$red in ,pecial Ded'er 12. A$thori%ation and ser .oles #he "inancial statement will 3e con"i'$red in the special led'er 3! the 2.2, proAect team. 13. -roAect ,peci"ic (2 ,ection &/A 3/2/,/3/ "!estions: /0 1) 6hat t!pe o" in"ormation "low do !o$ have "or the res$lts o" periodic asset reportin'1 6eriodic Reports

A0 #he (ontrollerIs 8""ice receives a listin' o" e>$ipment on a monthl! 3asis that has 3een added to the s!stem. #his report is $sed to reconcile to the chec7s written on the e>$ipment expendit$re o3Aect code. (han'e reports are 'enerated and mailed to departments when an asset was added5 chan'ed5 or deleted. An ann$al report o" e>$ipment additions and deletions is 'enerated that is $sed to prepare a Ao$rnal entr! to the asset acco$nts. /0 2) 6hat are the critical monthl!5 >$arterl! and ann$al reports that !o$ need "or Asset Acco$ntin'1 A0 ,ee the answer to V15 a3ove


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/0 3) 6hich 7ind o" reports do !o$ $se to reconcile asset acco$ntin' with the 'eneral led'er1 A0 #he monthl! reports are $sed to reconcile to the e>$ipment expendit$re o3Aect code. #he ann$al reports capitali%e to the G/D. /0 :) Are there an! partic$lar reports !o$ wo$ld li7e "or low val$e assets1

A0 6e will need reports on low val$e assets5 m$ch the same reports as what weIll need "or the re'$lar assets. /0 5) Are there an! partic$lar reports !o$ r$n "or leased assets1

A0 &one di""erent "rom an! other asset. /0 ?) 4ow do !o$ create !o$r inventor! lists1 *o !o$ $se 3arcodes1

A0 ($rrentl!5 we r$n inventor! lists "rom o$r e>$ipment data3ase. 6e donIt have 3arcodes. /0 @) B! which or'ani%ational $nits 9or com3inations o" $nits) are asset reportin' "$nctions str$ct$red 9"or example5 compan!5 cost center5 etc)1 A0 E>$ipment0 Each asset is associated with a $niversit! departmental expendit$re acco$nt. Gro$ps o" acco$nts can 3e com3ined at a hi'her level $nder a =distri3$tion code.= #he distri3$tion code is $sed to distri3$te reports or noti"ications o" a chan'e in acco$ntin' "or assets. 8ther assets0 are reported at a camp$s or $niversit! level onl!. C% Template: 1. .e>$irements/Expectations #he niversit! re>$ires reports "rom the AF s!stem that are e>$al to or 3etter than c$rrent reportin'. 2. General Explanations ;inancial periodic reports will 3e o$t o" the special led'er. -lease see special led'er section "or details. 3/2/,/5/ "!estions: /0 1) 4ow man! retained earnin's acco$nts do !o$ have1 Carry For+ard 7)B alances

A0 6e do not have retained earnin's acco$nts. 6e are told that one wo$ld wor7 "or $s. C% Template: /var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_3/205399238.doc 3!& o( $'!

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1. .e>$irements/Expectations 6e re>$ire the a3ilit! to carr! "orward 3alances "rom one "iscal !ear to another. 2. General Explanations <o$ can carr! "orward acco$nt 3alances as o"ten as !o$ re>$ire. 2" the pro'ram has not !et 3een r$n5 !o$ can still ma7e postin's to the new "iscal !ear. 6hen the "irst postin' is made5 the acco$nts are opened with a carr! "orward 3alance o" 0. -ostin's made to the previo$s !ear do increase the 3alance carried "orward5 3$t the total o" the items posted in the prior !ear remain in that !ear. 3. Explanations o" ;$nctions and Events #he 3alance to 3e carried "orward is shown in the acco$nt 3alance displa!. #here are three pro'rams in the s!stem "or carr!in' "orward 3alances. <o$ start an! one o" these pro'rams at the re>$ired date. #he carr!C"orward is not per"ormed a$tomaticall! 3! the s!stem5 even i" !o$ have alread! posted data in the new "iscal !ear. #he c$stomer5 vendor5 and 3alance sheet acco$nts are simpl! carried "orward into the next "iscal !ear. #he -HD statement acco$nts are carried "orward into one or more retained earnin's acco$nts. ;or G/D acco$nts !o$ m$st ma7e s$re that the 3alances on the -HD statement acco$nts are carried "orward into the retained earnin's acco$nts. #o do so5 !o$ m$st have "$l"illed the "ollowin' prere>$isites0 speci"! a -HD statement acco$nt t!pe in the master record o" ever! -HD statement acco$nt. #his is a 7e!5 $nder which !o$ de"ine a retained earnin's acco$nt "or each chart o" acco$ntsP and create the retained earnin's acco$nts. :. B$siness Fodel &/A 5. ,pecial 8r'ani%ational (onsiderations #he closin' process will remain a centrali%ed "$nction within the (ontrollerMs 8""ice. ?. (han'es to Existin' 8r'ani%ation &/A @. *escription o" 2mprovements &/A 8. *escription o" ;$nctional *e"icits &one noted at this time 9. Approaches to (overin' ;$nctional *e"icits /var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_3/205399238.doc 3!' o( $'!

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&/A 10. &otes on ;$rther 2mprovements &one noted at this time 11. ,!stem (on"i'$ration (onsiderations (reate and assi'n retained earnin' acco$nts to expendit$re and reven$e G/D acco$nts. 12. A$thori%ation and ser .oles #he G/D 3alance carried "orward will 3e a centrali%ed "$nction within the (ontrollerMs 8""ice and sec$red 3! transaction. 13. -roAect ,peci"ic (2 ,ection &/A


$cco!nts 6ayable 6rocessing

Vendor Do+n 6ayments

"!estions: /0 1) 2n which cases do !o$r vendors re>$ire !o$ to ma7e a pa!ment prior to the processin' o" an order or shipment1 A0 s$all! this happens with the p$rchase o" a specialt! item5 lar'e constr$ction proAect5 personal service contracts5 etc. Endowments/#r$sts0 &/A /0 2) -lease descri3e the complete process c$rrentl! in place "or down pa!ments5 incl$din' the postin's that are 'enerated. A0 2" the re>$est is iss$ed a'ainst a p$rchase order5 the p$rchase order is reviewed to ma7e s$re the down pa!ment/pro'ress pa!ment is re>$ired 9$s$all! a separate line item on the p$rchase order). 2" the re>$est is a'ainst a contract5 the contract is reviewed to see i" the down pa!ment/pro'ress pa!ment is in compliance with the contract. 6hen the chec7 is iss$ed5 the acco$nt and o3Aect code are char'ed. 2" a down pa!ment/pro'ress pa!ment is made5 the next invoice will 3e received "rom the vendor with that pa!ment showin' as a ded$ction. /0 3) *o !o$ plan on pa!in' down pa!ments with the a$tomatic pa!ment pro'ram1

A0 <es 3/,/1/1/ Vendor Do+n 6ayment ReC!est 3!) o( $'!


AcceleratedSAP - Business Blueprint

C% Template: 1. .e>$irements/Expectations #he niversit! o" #ennessee seldom re>$ires that a vendor 3e paid an initial down pa!ment "or prod$cts or services. 2. General Explanations 8n rare occasions5 the niversit! o" #ennessee re>$ires that a vendor 3e paid an initial down pa!ment "or prod$cts or services. 6hen this occ$rs5 the *own -a!ment mod$le ma! serve as a $se"$l tool "or #Is Acco$nts -a!a3le department so that a concise process can 3e p$t in place that mana'es the down pa!ment transaction. 3. Explanations o" ;$nctions and Events A down pa!ment invoice "or prod$cts or services will 3e received "rom a vendor. 2n order to trac7 this pa!ment and an! s$3se>$ent credit amo$nts associated with that pa!ment5 the *own -a!ment mod$le will 3e $sed "or those invoices. :. B$siness Fodel #here is the possi3ilit! that down pa!ments will 3e $sed in coordination with on'oin' ,ponsorIs -roAects. ;$rther anal!sis is necessar! to determine the processes devoted to down pa!ment $sa'e and to match the re>$irements o" # with ./3Is "$nctionalit!. 5. ,pecial 8r'ani%ational (onsiderations ,pecial A/- trainin' is needed to ens$re that the invoice is properl! paid and credited. ?. (han'es to Existin' 8r'ani%ation &one @. *escription o" 2mprovements 6hen con"i'$red and $sed5 the *own -a!ment mod$le will assist # with the proper process to handle vendor down pa!ments. 8. *escription o" ;$nctional *e"icits &one 9. Approaches to (overin' ;$nctional *e"icits &one 10. &otes on ;$rther 2mprovements /var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_3/205399238.doc 3"0 o( $'!

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&one 11. ,!stem (on"i'$ration (onsiderations #he *own -a!ment component in the ;2 mod$le m$st 3e con"i'$red in the 2FG prior to $sa'e. 12. A$thori%ation and ser .oles +aries 3ased on the needs o" #. 4owever5 d$e to the relative di""erences and complexities o" down pa!ments5 it is stron'l! recommended that down pa!ment transactions 3e limited to Acco$nts -a!a3le personnel onl!. 13. -roAect ,peci"ic (2 ,ection &/A 3/,/1/2/ C% Template: 1. .e>$irements/Expectations #he niversit! o" #ennessee seldom re>$ires that a vendor 3e paid an initial down pa!ment "or prod$cts or services. 2. General Explanations 8n rare occasions5 the niversit! o" #ennessee re>$ires that a vendor 3e paid an initial down pa!ment "or prod$cts or services. 6hen this occ$rs5 the *own -a!ment mod$le ma! serve as a $se"$l tool "or #Is Acco$nts -a!a3le department so that a concise process can 3e p$t in place that mana'es the down pa!ment transaction. 3. Explanations o" ;$nctions and Events Vendor Do+n 6ayment

:. B$siness Fodel ,tandard ,A- B$siness Fodel applies 5. ,pecial 8r'ani%ational (onsiderations ,pecial A/- trainin' is needed to ens$re that the invoice is properl! paid and credited. ?. (han'es to Existin' 8r'ani%ation &one


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@. *escription o" 2mprovements 6hen con"i'$red and $sed5 the *own -a!ment mod$le will assist # with the proper process to handle vendor down pa!ments. 8. *escription o" ;$nctional *e"icits &one 9. Approaches to (overin' ;$nctional *e"icits &one 10. &otes on ;$rther 2mprovements &one 11. ,!stem (on"i'$ration (onsiderations #he *own -a!ment mod$le m$st 3e con"i'$red in the 2FG prior to $sa'e. 12. A$thori%ation and ser .oles +aries 3ased on the needs o" #. 4owever5 d$e to the relative di""erences and complexities o" down pa!ments5 it is stron'l! recommended that down pa!ment transactions 3e limited to Acco$nts -a!a3le personnel onl!. 13. -roAect ,peci"ic (2 ,ection &/A 3/,/1/,/ C% Template: 1. .e>$irements/Expectations #he niversit! o" #ennessee seldom re>$ires that a vendor 3e paid an initial down pa!ment "or prod$cts or services. 2. General Explanations 8n rare occasions5 the niversit! o" #ennessee re>$ires that a vendor 3e paid an initial down pa!ment "or prod$cts or services. 6hen this occ$rs5 the *own -a!ment mod$le ma! serve as a $se"$l tool "or #Is Acco$nts -a!a3le department so that a concise process can 3e p$t in place that mana'es the down pa!ment transaction. 3. Explanations o" ;$nctions and Events /var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_3/205399238.doc 3"2 o( $'! Vendor Do+n 6ayment Clearing

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A s$3se>$ent invoice "or prod$cts or services alread! assi'ned with vendor down pa!ment will 3e entered. 2n order to trac7 this pa!ment and an! s$3se>$ent credit amo$nts associated with that pa!ment5 the *own -a!ment mod$le will 3e $sed "or those invoices. :. B$siness Fodel ,tandard ,A- B$siness Fodel applies 5. ,pecial 8r'ani%ational (onsiderations ,pecial A/- trainin' is needed to ens$re that the invoice is properl! paid and credited.

?. (han'es to Existin' 8r'ani%ation &one @. *escription o" 2mprovements 6hen con"i'$red and $sed5 the *own -a!ment mod$le will assist # with the proper process to handle vendor down pa!ments.

8. *escription o" ;$nctional *e"icits &one 9. Approaches to (overin' ;$nctional *e"icits &one 10. &otes on ;$rther 2mprovements &one 11. ,!stem (on"i'$ration (onsiderations #he *own -a!ment mod$le m$st 3e con"i'$red in the 2FG prior to $sa'e.

12. A$thori%ation and ser .oles +aries 3ased on the needs o" #. 4owever5 d$e to the relative di""erences and complexities o" down pa!ments5 it is stron'l! recommended that down pa!ment transactions 3e limited to Acco$nts -a!a3le personnel onl!.


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13. -roAect ,peci"ic (2 ,ection &/A


%n*oices and Credit Memos

/0 1) 6hat are !o$r internal proced$res and controls "rom the point o" invoice receipt to pa!ment1 A0 6itho$t -80 #he invoice 9incl$din' advance pa!ments) is received in the department where p$rchase was made. #he! veri"! in"ormation5 write on invoice the acco$nt n$m3er and o3Aect code to 3e char'ed5 and have approved as per polic!. 2nvoice is sent to appropriate A/- o""ice 93ased on department location). 2nvoice is a$dited per polic! and then entered into a 3atch in the 2F, s!stem. Batch n$m3ers are man$all! assi'ned 3! camp$s 9starts with a letter5 "ollowed 3! : di'itsP i.e. Fxxxx). 2n the #reas$rerIs A/- 8""ice5 a percenta'e o" invoices 9selected 3! s!stem) within each 3atch are a$dited and then the 3atch is 3alanced 9i.e.5 released "or chec7s to 3e written). ($rrentl! all chec7s entered are released "or pa!ment immediatel!. 6ritten polic! o" processin' "low is in place 9located on we3). #ravel reim3$rsements 9=#xxxx=5 =#Axxx=5 =#(xxx=5 etc) 3atches and pett! cash reim3$rsements "rom other A/- o""ices are a$dited 100U at the camp$s 3$siness o""ice and a'ain 3! the #reas$rerIs A/- 8""ice. (ontract/4onorari$m pa!ment is compared with contract to ma7e s$re terms are adhered to 93oth at department and camp$s 3$siness o""ice). #reas$rerIs A/- o""ice also a$dits a'ainst the contract and 7e!s re>$est into 2F,. ,pecialt! items 9i.e.5 -a!roll items5 ins$rance pa!ments5 etc) are a$dited and entered in #reas$rerIs A/- o""ice and do not 'o thro$'h the random samplin' a$dit. ,ome t!pes o" pa!ment re>$ests are sent thro$'h Entrex where the! are 7e!ed in witho$t $sin' vendor n$m3ers. #hese are 3atched as *+ 3atches 9where a dis3$rsement chec7 is iss$ed C ? di'its) or B+ 3atches 9where a 3atch chec7 is iss$ed C @ di'its). 6ith -80 ,ame as a3ove. #he niversit! does not have central receivin'. 4owever5 at the departmental level5 the deliver! tic7et and invoice sho$ld 3e matched a'ainst the p$rchase order to ins$re that all items were received and 3illed correctl!. *eliver! in"ormation is 7ept at the departmental level and is not reviewed 3! A/-. 6hen entered into 2F,- 3! A/-5 the invoice is compared onCline to the p$rchase order "or acc$rac!. (ontract pa!ments0 ,ame as a3ove. -a!ment is compared with contract to ma7e s$re terms are adhered to 93oth at department and A/- o""ice). #reas$rerIs A/- o""ice 7e!s re>$est into 2F,. A p$rchase order is 'enerall! re>$ired when the amo$nt o" the p$rchase is Q25000 or 'reater. ,ome exceptions to this wo$ld 3e entertainment5 contracts5 travel5 mem3erships5 s$3scriptions5 etc 2" the amo$nt is $nder Q250005 no p$rchase order is re>$ired. #here is a written polic! on the we3 "or processin' invoices5 travel5 etc. 9,ection 0?05 -art 02P ,ection 0@0P ,ection 1305 -arts 1 H 2) and "or when a p$rchase order is re>$ired 9,ection 0505 -art 035 0?5 08P ,ection 0@0P ,ection 1305 -arts 1 H 2).


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AcceleratedSAP - Business Blueprint

3/,/2/1/ "!estions: /0

Vendor Doc!ment 6ar:ing

1) 6hat is !o$r proced$re "or par7in' and releasin' invoices and or/credit memos1

A0 &o c$rrent s!stem capa3ilit!. ($rrentl!5 credit memos witho$t a correspondin' invoice are held 3! the s!stem $ntil s$""icient invoices are processed to iss$e a chec7. 2" no invoices are entered5 the credit memo m$st 3e deleted 9man$all!) "rom the s!stem. Di7ewise5 an invoice can 3e deleted "rom a 3atch i" it sho$ld not 3e processed. C% Template: 1. .e>$irements/Expectations A3ilit! to inp$t incomplete doc$ment that will 3e completed at later date &eed a3ilit! "or certain departmental emplo!ees to inp$t invoices witho$t postin' &eed a3ilit! "or departmental approval 3! a$thori%ed emplo!ees 9post a par7ed doc$ment) .e>$ire additional approval "or certain transactions0 entertainment 9+-5 (hancellor or desi'nee)5 s$3scription/mem3erships ZQ2000 9-resident or Exec +- "or B$s and ;in)5 newspaper clippin' services 9(hancellor or +-)5 s$3scriptions to airline "li'ht '$ides 9-resident5 (hancellor or +-)

2. General Explanations 2nvoice entr! will ta7e place $sin' the vendor invoice entr! screen. 4owever5 instead o" act$all! postin' the doc$ment to the ,A- ./3 s!stem5 the $ser will par7 the doc$ment5 which in essence will place the doc$ment in a 4old stat$s. #o release the par7ed doc$ment5 s$3se>$ent transactions will ta7e place to release the par7ed doc$ments to the appropriate postin' sta'es. 3. Explanations o" ;$nctions and Events +endor invoice is received which is incompleteP needs "$rther research or needs to 3e approved "or postin'. :. B$siness Fodel 2nvoices that need to 3e $pdated/researched0 A/- cler7s H/or department personnel will enter invoices as "$ll! as possi3le and then will par7 the doc$ment. 2nvoices that re>$ire approvals0 *epartment personnel 9mostl!) H/or A/- cler7s will enter invoices in their entiret!P 2nvoice .elease strate'! will mana'e approval wor7"low A doc$ment is "irst par7ed 3! an invoice entr! cler75 and then sent to the person responsi3le "or a$thori%in' pa!ment amo$nts to vendors. &ext the doc$ment ma! 3e ret$rned to the cler7 "or completion o" data entr!. ;inall!5 the doc$ment is passed on to the person responsi3le "or acco$nt assi'nment approval. 4e releases the acco$nt assi'nment and this in t$rn tri''ers the postin' 5. ,pecial 8r'ani%ational (onsiderations ,pecial A/- trainin' is needed to ens$re that invoices are properl! par7ed. ,ince 3oth /var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_3/205399238.doc 3"" o( $'!

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Acco$nts -a!a3le and 7e! departmental personnel will 3e responsi3le "or invoice entr!5 trainin' will 3e a 3road initiative. ?. (han'es to Existin' 8r'ani%ation Goin' "rom a centrali%ed process to a decentrali%ed process. ($rrentl!5 all approvals/si'nat$res are made on the ori'inal invoice 3! the re>$ired5 a$thori%ed approver. Approved invoices are then "orwarded to the appropriate 3$siness o""ice "or processin'. 2n the "$t$re5 departmental approvals will 3e made via par7/post "$nctionalit! in the ./3 s!stem. @. *escription o" 2mprovements #he advanta'e o" par7in' doc$ments is that !o$ can eval$ate the data in the doc$ments online "or reportin' p$rposes "rom the moment the! are par7ed5 rather than havin' to wait $ntil the! have 3een completed and posted. sin' pa!ment re>$ests5 par7ed invoices can 3e paid p$nct$all! and witho$t loss o" disco$nt 8. *escription o" ;$nctional *e"icits &one are apparent at this time 9. Approaches to (overin' ;$nctional *e"icits &one 10. &otes on ;$rther 2mprovements &one 11. ,!stem (on"i'$ration (onsiderations Be"ore !o$ can $se the doc$ment release "$nction5 !o$ m$st "irst ma7e the appropriate settin's in the con"i'$ration men$. #he "ollowin' sections descri3e how to do this. 6ithin doc$ment release5 we distin'$ish 3etween amo!nt release and acco!nt assignment appro*al. <o$ can de"ine "rom which amo$nt a doc$ment sho$ld 3e released. 2" !o$ have de"ined a special release proced$re within the wor7"low "$nction to 'overn how the acco$nt assi'nment approval sho$ld ta7e place5 !o$ can de"ine this proced$re "or each wor7"low variant !o$ $se. <o$ can also speci"! the minim$m amo$nt necessar! to tri''er a release. 2" a doc$ment is to 3e released5 the appropriate person with release a$thori%ation receives a messa'e in his/her in3ox to this e""ect and can then displa! the doc$ment and s$3se>$entl! release it or re"$se release. #he release a$thori%ation proced$re $sed can 3e de"ined in ($stomi%in'5 3ased on the wor7"low variant5 doc$ment t!pe5 and the amo$nt in >$estion. #he amo$nt o" a par7ed doc$ment is the lar'est line item "or c$stomers or vendors or the de3it or credit 3alance. <o$ m$st de"ine the $sers a$thori%ed to release amo$nts. #o assist !o$ in this process5 !o$ can create release 'ro$ps5 which can then 3e entered in the c$stomer and vendor master records. 2n ($stomi%in'5 !o$ can allocate di""erent levels o" release a$thori%ation 3ased on or'ani%ational o3Aects 9Ao35 position5 or'ani%ational $nit) dependin' on /var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_3/205399238.doc 3"$ o( $'!

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a$thori%ation 'ro$ps5 doc$ment t!pe5 amo$nt5 and release approval level. <o$ can also $se =$ser exits= to determine and allocate other release a$thori%ations 12. A$thori%ation and ser .oles +aries "rom department to department. 8r'ani%ational meetin's will need to 3e cond$cted to develop a 'eneral sol$tion that 3est meets all departmentsM needs as well as the re>$irements o" the niversit! o" #ennesseeIs internal a$dit control policies. 13. -roAect ,peci"ic (2 ,ection &/A 3/,/2/2/ C% Template: 1. .e>$irements/Expectations -ar7in' o" vendor doc$ments is per"ormed when invoices or credit memos are entered which do not have all o" the re>$ired details necessar! to act$all! post the doc$ments or the in"ormation 3ein' entered needs to 3e researched "$rther prior to doc$ment postin'. -ar7in' o" vendor doc$ments allows the cler7 to per"orm the initial doc$ment entr! and then hold the doc$ment $ntil s$ch time that it is necessar! to process the doc$ment. 2nvoice .elease strate'ies also $tili%e +endor *oc$ment -ar7in' in order to mana'e the process o" approvin' and releasin' vendor invoices "or pa!ment. 2. General Explanations 6ar:ed Doc!ment 6osting MVendorsN

3. Explanations o" ;$nctions and Events -ostin' o" par7ed doc$ments will ta7e place whenever an invoice is read! to 3e released "or approval H/or "or vendor pa!ment. 2" errors in the par7ed doc$ment still exist5 the doc$ment is not posted and remains in a -ar7ed 9or 4old) stat$s. :. B$siness Fodel 2nvoices that needs to 3e $pdated/researched0 A/- cler7s H/or department personnel will enter invoices as "$ll! as possi3le and then will par7 the doc$ment. 2nvoices that re>$ire approvals0 *epartment personnel 9mostl!) H/or A/- cler7s will enter invoices in their entiret!P 2nvoice .elease strate'! will mana'e approval wor7"low A doc$ment is "irst par7ed 3! an invoice entr! cler75 and then sent to the person responsi3le "or a$thori%in' pa!ment amo$nts to vendors. &ext the doc$ment ma! 3e ret$rned to the cler7 "or completion o" data entr!. ;inall!5 the doc$ment is passed on to the person responsi3le "or acco$nt assi'nment approval. 4e releases the acco$nt assi'nment and this in t$rn tri''ers the postin' 5. ,pecial 8r'ani%ational (onsiderations


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,pecial A/- trainin' is needed to ens$re that par7ed invoices are properl! posted. ,ince 3oth Acco$nts -a!a3le and 7e! departmental personnel will 3e responsi3le "or invoice entr!5 trainin' will 3e a 3road initiative. ?. (han'es to Existin' 8r'ani%ation &one @. *escription o" 2mprovements #he advanta'e o" par7in' doc$ments is that !o$ can eval$ate the data in the doc$ments online "or reportin' p$rposes "rom the moment the! are par7ed5 rather than havin' to wait $ntil the! have 3een completed and posted. sin' pa!ment re>$ests5 par7ed invoices can 3e paid p$nct$all! and witho$t loss o" disco$nt 8. *escription o" ;$nctional *e"icits &one are apparent at this time 9. Approaches to (overin' ;$nctional *e"icits &one 10. &otes on ;$rther 2mprovements &one 11. ,!stem (on"i'$ration (onsiderations ,everal 6or7"low models are provided in the s!stem "or doc$ment par7in'0 a 6or7"low "ramewor7 96,10000051) and "ive s$3Cwor7"lows. 2n the ;inancial Acco$ntin' (on"i'$ration men$5 whichever s$3Cwor7"low model is needed sho$ld 3e $sed 3! the wor7"low "ramewor7 at the time o" the pro'ram r$n. 8ther s$3Cwor7"lows can 3e de"ined while in this men$5 providin' that the! send and receive the same data "rom the wor7"low "ramewor7 as the s$3Cwor7"low models do. #o $se the standard s$3Cwor7"low models "or m$ltiClevel amo$nt release 96,100000525 6,100000535 6,1000005:)5 !o$ can de"ine 3etween one and three levels "or amo$nt release in the ./3 s!stem. ,ho$ld more than three release levels are needed5 cop! the wor7"low models "or amo$nt release and then expand them. #he "o$rth standard s$3C wor7"low 96,10000055) can 3e $sed "or acco$nt assi'nment approval. #o 3e a3le to $se the wor7"low models in !o$r active client5 the! m$st "irst 3e copied to the ,A- s!stem $sin' the wor7"low wor73ench tools provided "or this p$rpose. 12. A$thori%ation and ser .oles +aries "rom department to department. 8r'ani%ational meetin's will need to 3e cond$cted to develop a 'eneral sol$tion that 3est meets all departmentsM needs as well as the re>$irements o" the niversit! o" #ennesseeIs internal a$dit control policies.


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13. -roAect ,peci"ic (2 ,ection &/A 3/,/2/,/ "!estions: /0 1) 6hich invoices that are not related to a p$rchase order do !o$ t!picall! post1 %n*oice Receipt

A0 -$rchases ] Q250000 vendor invoices 9credit p$rchases "rom vendors who do not re>$ire a -8)P travel reim3$rsements 9#C3)P cash advances 9see polic!5 ,ection 0@0)P -repa!ments/Advance -a!ments 9#C29) 9see polic!5 ,ection 0505 -art 0?)P pett! cash/departmental p$rchases with personal "$nds 9#C: H #C::)P honorari$ms/contracts 9#C2@) 9$p to Q25000 "or vendors or Q15000 "or individ$als C otherwise5 a contract is needed)P # credit card p$rchases. -$rchases an! amo$nt0 ,$3scriptionsP mem3ershipsP some t!pes o" advertisin'P entertainmentP $tilitiesP re"$ndsP scholarshipsP stipendsP awardsP ins$rance pa!ments "or international st$dentsP pa!roll related activities 9i.e.5 'arnishments5 ann$ities5 etc)P sales tax/am$sement tax/cit! H co$nt! tax /0 2) (an !o$ $se templates "or some o" these invoices1

A0 ,$re C investi'ate /0 3) 4ow do !o$ handle transactions in "orei'n c$rrencies1

A0 FaAorit! are direct p$rchases5 not on -8. Approved invoice is received "rom department. 2n #reas$rerIs A/- 8""ice5 a letter is written to ;irst #ennessee Ban7 re>$estin' that "orei'n dra"ts 3e iss$ed "or all invoices listed 9some are converted to , Q5 others are iss$ed in a "orei'n c$rrenc!). #he dra"ts are prepared 3! ;irst #ennessee Ban7 and ret$rned to #reas$rerIs A/- 8""ice. #he dra"ts are then mailed o$t 9alon' with a cop! o" the pa!ment re>$est). Each pa!ment re>$est is then entered into 2F, 9$sin' ;irst #ennesseeIs vendor n$m3er) "or the converted ,Q amo$nt 9pl$s the 3an7 service char'e) and a chec7 is iss$ed to ;irst #ennessee Ban7. #he amo$nt shows $p on the departmentIs led'er as a pa!ment to ;irst #ennessee Ban7 instead o" the vendor. #he maAorit! o" these transactions are "or E$ropean co$ntries 9incl$din' E$ro *ollars). #here are approximatel! 10 9L/C) per month. /0 :) *escri3e an! taxes that m$st 3e calc$lated on vendor transactions.

A0 Exempt "rom sales tax on personal propert!. 2" o$t o" state5 do pa! sales tax5 3$t it is im3edded in amo$nt to pa! 9not separate Q). 8cc$panc! tax is sometimes paid 3ased on listin' "rom ,tate Attorne! General 9co$nt!/cit! speci"ic) on directC3illed hotel/motel invoices 9no calc$lation done 3! s!stem). ;ederal excise tax is paid 9no calc$lation done 3! s!stem). #ransportation 9"$el5 tire5 etc) where ;ederal and ,tate taxes appl! 9no calc$lation done 3! s!stem). /var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_3/205399238.doc 3") o( $'!

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5) 4ow do !o$ handle cash disco$nts1

A0 8n most p$rchase order invoices5 the cash disco$nt is a$tomaticall! calc$lated 3! the s!stem. ,ometimes the calc$lation is done 3! the department 9especiall! on nonC-8 transactions). At the time o" entr!5 the cash disco$nt is shown as a ne'ative amo$nt on the cash disco$nt "ield. ($rrentl!5 i" an invoice comes in with a disco$nt ta7en 3! the department5 the A/- o""ice will ta7e the credit on the invoice 9re'ardless i" itIs past the terms). 2" the vendor 3ills 3ac7 "or this disco$nt5 that invoice is processed thro$'h re'$lar proced$res. #he department 'ives the chec7 n$m3er where the cash disco$nt was ta7en and the amo$nt is char'ed 3ac7 to the ori'inal acco$nt n$m3er and o3Aect code the disco$nt was ta7en on. 4owever5 i" there is a cash disco$nt date 'iven on the invoice and the pa!ment date will 3e a"ter that date5 the disco$nt is not ta7en. 6ant to maximi%e disco$nts. 6e will loo7 at the possi3le $se o" *isco$nts Earned and *isco$nts Dost 3! (amp$s acco$ntin'. C% Template: 1. .e>$irements/Expectations A3ilit! to enter nonC-8 related invoices incl$din' p$rchases ] Q2000 where vendor re>$ires -85 travel reim3$rsements 9direct inter"ace "rom travel)5 short/lon' term travel advances5 prepa!ments5 pett! cash/departmental p$rchases5 honorari$ms5 # credit card p$rchases5 etc A3ilit! to post net o" disco$nt A3ilit! to maximi%e disco$nt 9possi3le $se o" *isco$nts Earned and *isco$nts Dost) A3ilit! to hold retaina'e 92 t!pes) A3ilit! to process "orei'n c$rrenc! invoices in the #reas$rerIs A/- 8""ice A3ilit! to process proc$rement card transactions

2. General Explanations &onC-8 related vendor invoices are entered via the Acco$nts -a!a3le mod$le 3! the department "or decentrali%ed activit!. (entrali%ed invoice activit! will 3e entered 3! the #reas$rerIs 8""ice Acco$nts -a!a3le. 3. Explanations o" ;$nctions and Events +endor invoice entr! when there are no re"erencin' p$rchase orders. #!pical invoices are0 -$rchases ] Q250000 +endor invoices 9credit p$rchases "rom vendors who do not re>$ire a -8) #ravel reim3$rsements 9#C3) (ash advances 9see polic!5 ,ection 0@0)P -repa!ments/Advance -a!ments 9#C 29) 9see polic!5 ,ection 0505 -art 0?) -ett! (ash/*epartmental -$rchases with -ersonal ;$nds 9#C: H #C::) 4onorari$ms/(ontracts 9#C2@) 9$p to Q25000 "or vendors or Q15000 "or individ$als C otherwise5 a contract is needed) /var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_3/205399238.doc 3$0 o( $'!

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# (redit (ard p$rchases

:. B$siness Fodel 2nvoice .eceipt is $sed to enter incomin' or o$t'oin' invoices or credit memos. #he 2nvoice/(redit Femo Entr! EnAo! transaction is a sin'leCscreen transaction. #his means that an invoice can 3e entered5 par7ed5 and held on one screen witho$t loss o" context. #he entr! screen remains the central re"erence screen5 respective o" the doc$ment stat$s. #he EnAo! transactions are incl$ded in the area men$s "or Acco$nts .eceiva3le and Acco$nts -a!a3le accordin' to the 3$siness transaction. 5. ,pecial 8r'ani%ational (onsiderations Acco$nts -a!a3le trainin' is needed to ens$re that invoices and credit memos are properl! posted. ,ince 3oth Acco$nts -a!a3le and 7e! departmental personnel will 3e responsi3le "or invoice/credit memo entr!5 trainin' will 3e a 3road initiative. ?. (han'es to Existin' 8r'ani%ation &one @. *escription o" 2mprovements #he Acco$nts -a!a3le application component records and administers acco$ntin' data "or all vendors. 2t is also an inte'ral part o" sales mana'ement0 *eliveries and invoices are mana'ed accordin' to vendors. #he s!stem a$tomaticall! ma7es postin's in response to the operative transactions. 2n the same wa!5 the s!stem s$pplies the (ash Fana'ement application component with "i'$res "rom invoices in order to optimi%e li>$idit! plannin'. 8. *escription o" ;$nctional *e"icits &one are apparent at this time 9. Approaches to (overin' ;$nctional *e"icits &one 10. &otes on ;$rther 2mprovements &one 11. ,!stem (on"i'$ration (onsiderations 2nte'ration meetin's need to ta7e place with the 4. team to ens$re that -a!rollCrelated invoices 9i.e.5 'arnishments5 :01E5 ins$rance5 etc.) are properl! or'ani%ed. #he "ollowin' settin's in ($stomi%in' "or ;inancial Acco$ntin' $nder Acco$nts /var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_3/205399238.doc 3$1 o( $'!

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.eceiva3le and Acco$nts -a!a3le CZ B$siness #ransactions CZ 2ncomin' 2nvoices/(redit Femos or 8$t'oin' 2nvoices/(redit Femos CZ 2ncomin' 2nvoices/(redit Femos C EnAo! or 8$t'oin' 2nvoices/(redit Femos C EnAo!0 W *e"ine *oc$ment #!pes "or EnAo! #ransaction W *e"ine #ax (ode per #ransaction W *e"ine -ostin' Ee! "or 2ncomin' 2nvoices/(redit Femos or 8$t'oin' 2nvoices/(redit W Femos Acco$nt assi'nment ta3le col$mns can 3e saved as screen variants5 or "re>$entl! rec$rrin' G/D acco$nt assi'nments can 3e saved as acco$nt assi'nment templates. #hese are then availa3le "or selection in the tree. #o create screen variants or acco$nt assi'nment templates5 choose Edit CZ (reate screen variant/acco$nt assi'nment template 12. A$thori%ation and ser .oles +aries "rom department to department. 8r'ani%ational meetin's will need to 3e cond$cted to develop a 'eneral sol$tion that 3est meets all departmentsM needs as well as the re>$irements o" the niversit! o" #ennesseeIs internal a$dit control policies. 13. -roAect ,peci"ic (2 ,ection &/A 3/,/2/3/ "!estions: /0 1) 4ow do !o$ process vendor credit memos1 Vendor Credit Memo

A0 (redit Femos0 2" a'ainst a -85 then entered in a =credit 3atch=. 2" not a'ainst a -85 then 7e!ed as a credit in a re'$lar 3atch alon' with invoices. .etaina'e0 1. 2" # holds "$nds0 increase o3li'ation a'ainst the -8. Fan$all! do a monthl! O+ to a'enc! "$nd. 2n 'eneral "$nd5 retaina'e5 etc is not recorded as an o$tstandin' lia3ilit! when net pa!ment is made. 2. 2" 3an7 holds "$nds0 a separate chec7 is c$t "or retaina'e and sent to 3an7 with pa!ment "or nonCretaina'e. -rimar! occ$rrences are in constr$ction5 not services. C% Template: 1. .e>$irements/Expectations A3ilit! to post a credit memo and appl! to next pa!ment 2. General Explanations &onC-8 related vendor credit memos are entered via the Acco$nts -a!a3le mod$le 3! the department "or decentrali%ed activit!. (entrali%ed credit memo activit! will 3e entered 3! the #reas$rerIs 8""ice Acco$nts -a!a3le.


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3. Explanations o" ;$nctions and Events +endor credit memo entr! when there is no re"erencin' p$rchase order assi'nment. :. B$siness Fodel 2nvoice receipt is $sed to enter incomin' or o$t'oin' invoices or credit memos. #he 2nvoice/(redit Femo Entr! EnAo! transaction is a sin'leCscreen transaction. #his means that an invoice can 3e entered5 par7ed5 and held on one screen witho$t loss o" context. #he entr! screen remains the central re"erence screen5 respective o" the doc$ment stat$s. #he EnAo! transactions are incl$ded in the area men$s "or Acco$nts .eceiva3le and Acco$nts -a!a3le accordin' to the 3$siness transaction. 5. ,pecial 8r'ani%ational (onsiderations Acco$nts -a!a3le trainin' is needed to ens$re that invoices and credit memos are properl! posted. ,ince 3oth Acco$nts -a!a3le and 7e! departmental personnel will 3e responsi3le "or invoice/credit memo entr!5 trainin' will 3e a 3road initiative. ?. (han'es to Existin' 8r'ani%ation &one @. *escription o" 2mprovements #he Acco$nts -a!a3le application component records and administers acco$ntin' data "or all vendors. #he s!stem a$tomaticall! ma7es postin's in response to the operative transactions. 2n the same wa!5 the s!stem s$pplies the (ash Fana'ement application component with "i'$res "rom invoices in order to optimi%e li>$idit! plannin'. 8. *escription o" ;$nctional *e"icits &one are apparent at this time 9. Approaches to (overin' ;$nctional *e"icits &one 10. &otes on ;$rther 2mprovements &one 11. ,!stem (on"i'$ration (onsiderations ,ee 2nvoice .eceipt con"i'$ration in"ormation in section a3ove 12. A$thori%ation and ser .oles /var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_3/205399238.doc 3$3 o( $'!

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+aries "rom department to department. 8r'ani%ational meetin's will need to 3e cond$cted to develop a 'eneral sol$tion that 3est meets all departmentsM needs as well as the re>$irements o" the niversit! o" #ennesseeIs internal a$dit control policies. 13. -roAect ,peci"ic (2 ,ection &/A 3/,/2/5/ "!estions: /0 1) 4ow sho$ld a doc$ment reversal $pdate the 3alances o" the relevant acco$nts1 Doc!ment Re*ersal

A0 #B* 9-ro3a3l! thro$'h standard reversal proced$res5 not =ne'ative postin's=. /0 2) *o !o$ want do de"ine a speci"ic doc$ment t!pe "or reverse doc$ments1

A0 #B* C pro3a3l! C% Template: 1. .e>$irements/Expectations A3ilit! to have reversal o" invoices and credit memo A3ilit! to have reversal o" chec7 9pa!ment) doc$ment postin'

2. General Explanations 2" an incorrect doc$ment has 3een entered5 it can 3e reversed5 there3! also clearin' the open items. A doc$ment can onl! 3e reversed i" the "ollowin' criteria are met0 1 C 2t contains no cleared items 2 C 2t contains onl! c$stomer5 vendor5 and G/D acco$nt items 3 C 2t was posted with ;inancial Acco$ntin' : C All entered val$es 9s$ch as 3$siness area5 cost center5 and tax code) are still valid #he doc$ment and the reverse doc$ment increase the acco$nt transaction de3it and credit "i'$res 3! the same amo$nt. #his will provide an a$dit trail. 3. Explanations o" ;$nctions and Events #o reverse a doc$ment5 enter the ori'inal doc$ment n$m3er5 the compan! code5 and the "iscal !ear. 2" the reversal doc$ment cannot 3e posted to the same period as the ori'inal doc$ment5 enter the postin' date and the postin' period o" the reversal doc$ment and post. #he s!stem 'enerates a reverse doc$ment5 creatin' de3it and credit amo$nts. :. B$siness Fodel ,tandard ,A- B$siness Fodel applies


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5. ,pecial 8r'ani%ational (onsiderations Acco$nts -a!a3le trainin' is needed to ens$re that invoices and credit memos are properl! reversed. ,ince 3oth Acco$nts -a!a3le and 7e! departmental personnel will 3e responsi3le "or invoice/credit memo entr!5 trainin' will 3e a 3road initiative. ?. (han'es to Existin' 8r'ani%ation &one @. *escription o" 2mprovements -rovides a$dit trail process associated with correctin' incorrect invoice or credit memo doc$ments. 8. *escription o" ;$nctional *e"icits &one are apparent at this time 9. Approaches to (overin' ;$nctional *e"icits &one 10. &otes on ;$rther 2mprovements &one 11. ,!stem (on"i'$ration (onsiderations (on"i'$ration settin's associated with postin' 7e!s and reversal o" A/- doc$ment t!pes will need to 3e handled in the ;inancial Acco$ntin' *oc$ments section o" 2FG. 12. A$thori%ation and ser .oles +aries "rom department to department. 8r'ani%ational meetin's will need to 3e cond$cted to develop a 'eneral sol$tion that 3est meets all departmentsM needs as well as the re>$irements o" the niversit! o" #ennesseeIs internal a$dit control policies. 13. -roAect ,peci"ic (2 ,ection &/A 3/,/2/4/ C% Template: 1. .e>$irements/Expectations Mass Re*ersal


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#o reverse a lar'e n$m3er o" transactional doc$ments5 the recommended sol$tion is to $se the Fass .eversal pro'ram. 2. General Explanations Fass reversal allows m$ltiple doc$ments to 3e reversed at one time. All o" the doc$ments to 3e reversed m$st meet the "ollowin' criteria0 W 2t contains no cleared items W 2t contains onl! c$stomer5 vendor5 and G/D acco$nt items W 2t was posted with ;inancial Acco$ntin' W All entered val$es 9s$ch as 3$siness area5 cost center5 and tax code) are still valid 3. Explanations o" ;$nctions and Events #o reverse a doc$ment5 enter the ori'inal doc$ment n$m3ers5 the compan! code5 and the "iscal !ear. <o$ also have the option o" selectin' criteria to limit the doc$ments to 3e reversed. #he s!stem will displa! a list o" doc$ments to 3e reversed. ,elect post reversal and the s!stem 'enerates a reverse doc$ment "or each ori'inal doc$ment. :. B$siness Fodel ,tandard ,A- B$siness Fodel applies 5. ,pecial 8r'ani%ational (onsiderations Altho$'h A/- doc$ment processin' is at a department level5 mass reversal o" doc$ments will 3e centrali%ed in A/- to limit the possi3ilit! o" reversin' mass doc$ments in error. ?. (han'es to Existin' 8r'ani%ation &one @. *escription o" 2mprovements 2nstead o" havin' to reverse doc$ments one at a time5 !o$ now have the a3ilit! to reverse several doc$ments at once with an a$dit trail. 8. *escription o" ;$nctional *e"icits

9. Approaches to (overin' ;$nctional *e"icits &one 10. &otes on ;$rther 2mprovements &one


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11. ,!stem (on"i'$ration (onsiderations (on"i'$ration settin's associated with postin' 7e!s and reversal o" A/- doc$ment t!pes will need to 3e handled in the ;inancial Acco$ntin' *oc$ments section o" 2FG. 12. A$thori%ation and ser .oles 8nl! ;inancial s$pervisor! personnel sho$ld have the capa3ilit! to per"orm Fass .eversal. 2n Acco$nts -a!a3le5 onl! the A/- s$pervisor or a3ove sho$ld 3e a3le to process a mass reversal o" vendorCrelated doc$ments. 13. -roAect ,peci"ic (2 ,ection &/A 3/,/2/5/ "!estions: /0 1) *o !o$ have doc$ments that occ$r on a re'$lar 3asis 9monthl! or >$arterl!5 "or example)1 A0 <es C rents/leases5 contract pa!ments5 maintenance5 $tilities C% Template: 1. .e>$irements/Expectations A3ilit! to set $p rec$rrin' entries i" needed 2. General Explanations .ec$rrin' doc$ments can 3e set$p to handle rec$rrin' vendor invoices. #!picall! these are invoices "or rent/leases5 contract$al o3li'ations5 "ixedCpriced $tilities/services5 etc. +endorCrelated transaction postin's that rec$r time and time a'ain can 3e made $sin' the rec$rrin' entr! pro'ram. #o do this5 !o$ enter a rec$rrin' entr! doc$ment5 and then exec$te the rec$rrin' entr! pro'ram at certain intervals or sched$le it "or exec$tion. 3. Explanations o" ;$nctions and Events <o$ can speci"! when an acco$ntin' doc$ment is created "rom a rec$rrin' entr! doc$ment as "ollows 9choose "rom the alternatives 3elow)0 <o$ enter the interval in the rec$rrin' entr! doc$ment 3! speci"!in' a date "or the "irst r$n and a date "or the last r$n. <o$ also enter the r$n intervals in months. B! speci"!in' a calendar da!5 !o$ can determine the da! on which the pro'ram is exec$ted. #his is $se"$l i" the postin's are to 3e made at monthl! intervals 9calendar months). <o$ can de"ine a r$n sched$le in the s!stem5 and speci"! in the rec$rrin' entr! doc$ment which sched$le the s!stem $ses "or the doc$ment. #his proced$re is $se"$l i" the postin's cannot 3e made at monthl! intervals. -ostin's that are to 3e carried o$t in /var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_3/205399238.doc 3$& o( $'! Rec!rring =ntry

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thirteen periods or ever! other wee75 "or example5 can onl! 3e made 3! sched$lin' the r$n. 2n this activit!5 !o$ de"ine the r$n sched$les 3! speci"!in' a 7e! and a description. 2n a second activit!5 !o$ enter the re>$ired dates "or each sched$le. :. B$siness Fodel ,tandard ,A- B$siness Fodel applies 5. ,pecial 8r'ani%ational (onsiderations #he invoice entr! process is at the department level. .ec$rrin' entries will 3e entered at the department level 3$t exec$ted centrall! in A/-. ?. (han'es to Existin' 8r'ani%ation &one @. *escription o" 2mprovements 6ith rec$rrin' entries5 !o$ are a3le to sched$le and post a doc$ment m$ltiple times. 8. *escription o" ;$nctional *e"icits &one are apparent at this time 9. Approaches to (overin' ;$nctional *e"icits &one 10. &otes on ;$rther 2mprovements &one 11. ,!stem (on"i'$ration (onsiderations #o post with rec$rrin' entr! doc$ments5 !o$ have to set $p a separate n$m3er ran'e "or the compan! codes that $se them. <o$ have to $se 7e! N1 "or the n$m3er ran'e. #he s!stem ta7es n$m3ers "or the rec$rrin' entr! doc$ment "rom this n$m3er ran'e. -ro'ram ,A-;120 creates acco$ntin' doc$ments $sin' the rec$rrin' entr! doc$ments. <o$ have to r$n the pro'ram at re'$lar intervals. 2t chec7s each rec$rrin' entr! doc$ment to see i" a doc$ment sho$ld 3e created. 12. A$thori%ation and ser .oles +aries "rom department to department. 8r'ani%ational meetin's will need to 3e cond$cted to develop a 'eneral sol$tion that 3est meets all departmentsM needs as well as the re>$irements o" the niversit! o" #ennesseeIs internal a$dit control policies.


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13. -roAect ,peci"ic (2 ,ection &/A 3/,/2/./ C% Template: 1. .e>$irements/Expectations 2nternal acco$ntin' processes to de3it or credit vendor acco$nts can 3e per"ormed with this transaction witho$t creatin' an act$al invoice doc$ment. 2. General Explanations sin' the 2nternal #rans"er -ostin' "$nction5 !o$ enter doc$ment line items and then select the open items that are to 3e cleared. 8nce the total amo$nt o" selected open items e>$als the amo$nt o" entered line items5 the s!stem clears the open items 3! creatin' one or more o""settin' entries. 3. Explanations o" ;$nctions and Events 6hen !o$ post an incomin' vendor pa!ment5 the s!stem re>$ires a postin' 7e! to 'enerate the o""settin' entr! "or open items selected. #o 'enerate this o""settin' entr!5 it $ses the vendor de3itCpostin' 7e! that is speci"ied "or the clearin' entr!. All the other postin' 7e!s are $sed "or special sit$ations that ma! occ$r when postin' an incomin' pa!ment0 W +endor postin' 7e!s are re>$ired so that o""settin' entries can 3e made to the vendor acco$nt when open items are cleared 3etween a c$stomer and vendor. W -ostin' 7e!s are re>$ired "or special G/D transactions i" !o$ want to clear5 "or example5 an invoice and a down pa!ment in a sin'le clearin' transaction. :. B$siness Fodel ,tandard ,A- B$siness Fodel applies 5. ,pecial 8r'ani%ational (onsiderations Altho$'h A/- doc$ment processin' is at a department level5 2nternal #rans"er -ostin' o" doc$ments will 3e centrali%ed in A/- to limit the possi3ilit! o" doc$ments errors. ?. (han'es to Existin' 8r'ani%ation &one @. *escription o" 2mprovements 2nternal #rans"er -ostin' "$nction provides an internal process to clear open vendor items /var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_3/205399238.doc 3$) o( $'! %nternal Transfer 6osting

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witho$t processin' an act$al pa!ment. 8. *escription o" ;$nctional *e"icits &one are apparent at this time 9. Approaches to (overin' ;$nctional *e"icits &one 10. &otes on ;$rther 2mprovements &one 11. ,!stem (on"i'$ration (onsiderations #he postin' 7e!s !o$ speci"! "or the #rans"er postin' with clearin' transaction are $sed "or the 'eneral clearin' "$nction and5 i" the s!stem has to ma7e internal trans"er postin's5 "or the acco$nt clearin' "$nction as well. #he pa!ment pro'ram and the special "$nctions "or o$t'oin' and incomin' pa!ments $se the postin' 7e!s de"ined "or the incomin' pa!ment and o$t'oin' pa!ment transactions. <o$ cannot delete these transactions. -ostin' 7e!s "or the invoice and credit memo "ast entr! "$nction are de"ined separatel! in the s!stem. 12. A$thori%ation and ser .oles 8nl! ;inancial s$pervisor! personnel sho$ld have the capa3ilit! to per"orm 2nternal #rans"er -ostin'. 2n Acco$nts -a!a3le5 onl! the A/- s$pervisor or a3ove sho$ld 3e a3le to per"orm an internal trans"er postin' o" vendorCrelated doc$ments. 13. -roAect ,peci"ic (2 ,ection &/A 3/,/2/-/ C% Template: 1. .e>$irements/Expectations -ostin' with clearin' "$nction provides an internal process to clear open vendor items witho$t processin' an act$al pa!ment. 2. General Explanations sin' the postin' with clearin' "$nction5 !o$ enter doc$ment line items and then select /var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_3/205399238.doc 3&0 o( $'! %nternal Transfer 6osting +ith Clearing

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the open items that are to 3e cleared. 8nce the total amo$nt o" selected open items e>$als the amo$nt o" entered line items5 the s!stem clears the open items 3! creatin' one or more o""settin' entries. 3. Explanations o" ;$nctions and Events 6hen !o$ post an incomin' vendor pa!ment5 the s!stem re>$ires a postin' 7e! to 'enerate the o""settin' entr! "or open items selected. #o 'enerate this o""settin' entr!5 it $ses the vendor de3it postin' 7e! that is speci"ied "or the clearin' entr!. All the other postin' 7e!s are $sed "or special sit$ations that ma! occ$r when postin' an incomin' pa!ment0 W +endor postin' 7e!s are re>$ired so that o""settin' entries can 3e made to the vendor acco$nt when open items are cleared 3etween a c$stomer and vendor. W -ostin' 7e!s are re>$ired "or special G/D transactions i" !o$ want to clear5 "or example5 an invoice and a down pa!ment in a sin'le clearin' transaction. :. B$siness Fodel ,tandard ,A- B$siness Fodel applies 5. ,pecial 8r'ani%ational (onsiderations Altho$'h A/- doc$ment processin' is at a department level5 2nternal #rans"er -ostin' with (learin' o" doc$ments will 3e centrali%ed in A/- to limit the possi3ilit! o" doc$ments errors. ?. (han'es to Existin' 8r'ani%ation &one @. *escription o" 2mprovements 2nternal #rans"er -ostin' with clearin' "$nction provides an internal process to clear open vendor items witho$t processin' an act$al pa!ment. 8. *escription o" ;$nctional *e"icits &one are apparent at this time 9. Approaches to (overin' ;$nctional *e"icits &one 10. &otes on ;$rther 2mprovements &one


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11. ,!stem (on"i'$ration (onsiderations #he postin' 7e!s !o$ speci"! "or the #rans"er postin' with clearin' transaction are $sed "or the 'eneral clearin' "$nction and5 i" the s!stem has to ma7e internal trans"er postin's5 "or the acco$nt clearin' "$nction as well. #he pa!ment pro'ram and the special "$nctions "or o$t'oin' and incomin' pa!ments $se the postin' 7e!s de"ined "or the incomin' pa!ment and o$t'oin' pa!ment transactions. <o$ cannot delete these transactions. -ostin' 7e!s "or the invoice and credit memo "ast entr! "$nction are de"ined separatel! in the s!stem. 12. A$thori%ation and ser .oles 8nl! ;inancial s$pervisor! personnel sho$ld have the capa3ilit! to per"orm 2nternal #rans"er -ostin' with (learin'. 2n Acco$nts -a!a3le5 onl! the A/- s$pervisor or a3ove sho$ld 3e a3le to per"orm an internal trans"er postin' 9with clearin') o" vendorCrelated doc$ments. 13. -roAect ,peci"ic (2 ,ection &/A

3/,/,/1/ C% Template:

Vendor $cco!nt $nalysis

Vendor Bine %tem $nalysis

1. .e>$irements/Expectations A3ilit! to >$er! and report on vendor line items 6ithin the Acco$nts -a!a3le mod$le5 !o$ can anal!%e individ$al operational areas as o"ten as !o$ re>$ire. <o$ can eval$ate5 amon' other thin's5 pa!ment histor!5 cash disco$nt histor!5 c$rrenc! expos$re amon' c$stomers and vendors5 or a'in' reports. 2. General Explanations /$er! screens/report that provide vendorCrelated line item detail data associated with vendor doc$ments 3. Explanations o" ;$nctions and Events .o$tine reportin' tools :. B$siness Fodel &/A


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5. ,pecial 8r'ani%ational (onsiderations &one ?. (han'es to Existin' 8r'ani%ation &one @. *escription o" 2mprovements &/A 8. *escription o" ;$nctional *e"icits &one are apparent at this time 9. Approaches to (overin' ;$nctional *e"icits &one 10. &otes on ;$rther 2mprovements &one 11. ,!stem (on"i'$ration (onsiderations ,creen variants can 3e developed d$rin' con"i'$ration to assist the end $ser. 12. A$thori%ation and ser .oles &/A 13. -roAect ,peci"ic (2 ,ection &/A 3/,/,/2/ C% Template: 1. .e>$irements/Expectations 6ithin the Acco$nts -a!a3le mod$le5 !o$ can anal!%e individ$al operational areas as o"ten as !o$ re>$ire. <o$ can eval$ate5 amon' other thin's5 pa!ment histor!5 cash disco$nt histor!5 c$rrenc! expos$re amon' c$stomers and vendors5 or a'in' reports. 2. General Explanations /var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_3/205399238.doc 3&3 o( $'! alance $nalysis

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/$er! screens/report that provide vendor 3alance totals associated with vendor doc$ments 3. Explanations o" ;$nctions and Events .o$tine reportin' tools :. B$siness Fodel &/A 5. ,pecial 8r'ani%ational (onsiderations &one ?. (han'es to Existin' 8r'ani%ation &one @. *escription o" 2mprovements &/A 8. *escription o" ;$nctional *e"icits &one are apparent at this time 9. Approaches to (overin' ;$nctional *e"icits &one 10. &otes on ;$rther 2mprovements &one 11. ,!stem (on"i'$ration (onsiderations ,creen variants can 3e developed d$rin' con"i'$ration to assist the end $ser. 12. A$thori%ation and ser .oles &/A 13. -roAect ,peci"ic (2 ,ection &/A /var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_3/205399238.doc 3&! o( $'!

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3/,/,/,/ "!estions: /0

Vendor $cco!nt =*al!ations

1) 6hich eval$ations do !o$ need "or vendors1

A0 *$e date 3rea7downs5 overd$e items5 etc 8thers to 3e determined #im Fapes5 #reas$rerIs 8""ice5 ma7es vendor eval$ations. 91) C% Template: 1. .e>$irements/Expectations 6ithin the Acco$nts -a!a3le mod$le5 !o$ can anal!%e individ$al operational areas as o"ten as !o$ re>$ire. <o$ can eval$ate5 amon' other thin's5 pa!ment histor!5 cash disco$nt histor!5 c$rrenc! expos$re amon' c$stomers and vendors5 or a'in' reports. 2. General Explanations /$er! screens/report that provide vendor acco$nt eval$ations associated with vendor doc$ments 3. Explanations o" ;$nctions and Events .o$tine reportin' tools :. B$siness Fodel &/A 5. ,pecial 8r'ani%ational (onsiderations &one ?. (han'es to Existin' 8r'ani%ation &one @. *escription o" 2mprovements &/A 8. *escription o" ;$nctional *e"icits &one are apparent at this time /var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_3/205399238.doc 3&" o( $'!

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9. Approaches to (overin' ;$nctional *e"icits &one 10. &otes on ;$rther 2mprovements &one 11. ,!stem (on"i'$ration (onsiderations ,creen variants can 3e developed d$rin' con"i'$ration to assist the end $ser. 12. A$thori%ation and ser .oles &/A 13. -roAect ,peci"ic (2 ,ection &/A


Vendor 6ayments

/0 1) 6hich pa!ment methods do !o$ $se 9chec75 3an7 trans"ers5 3ills o" exchan'e5 direct de3it5 etc.)1 A0 (hec7s Electronic transactions 93an7 wires and A(4) with 3an7 Examples o" these transaction t!pes incl$de s$pplemental retirement 3ene"its5 concert settlements5 pa!ments to "orei'n 3an7s5 and tr$st remittances. /0 2) 4ow do !o$ pa! !o$r domestic vendors 93! chec75 3an7 trans"er etc.)1

A0 (hec7s5 3an7 wires5 A(4 9see n$m3er 1 a3ove) /0 3) 4ow do !o$ pa! !o$r "orei'n vendors 93! chec75 3an7 trans"er5 etc.)

A0 (hec7s5 3an7 wires 9see n$m3er 1 a3ove) /0 :) 4ow do !o$ pa! !o$r emplo!ees 9e.'. travel expenses)1

A0 B! chec7 thro$'h #reas$rerIs A/- 8""ice 9see >$estion V1 $nder 2nvoices and (redits section). 4owever5 awards "or emplo!ees are handled thro$'h the -a!roll 8""ice. /0 5) 4ow do !o$ handle partial pa!ments to vendors1 3&$ o( $'!


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A0 ($rrentl!5 i" an invoice is incorrect it is ret$rned to the department and the department m$st either o3tain a corrected invoice or o3tain the name o" someone "rom the vendor that a$thori%es them to pa! an amo$nt di""erent than the ori'inal invoice amo$nt. 6e do not pa! "or an item $ntil it has 3een received and there"ore5 sho$ld not 3e 3illed or process an invoice "or items $nless the! have 3een received. /0 ?) *o !o$ alwa!s iss$e a sin'le pa!ment "or m$ltiple invoices to the same vendor1 2" not please speci"! the exceptions. A0 #he maAorit! o" pa!ments are "or m$ltiple invoices to a sin'le vendor5 except "or #C29 and travel pa!ments. 4owever5 we have the option o" $sin' the =&ot (om3ined= 3atchin' capa3ilit!. /0 @) 4ow do !o$ handle pa!a3les to vendors that are also c$stomers1

A0 Gross method0 collections and pa!ments separatel!. /0 8) 4ow do !o$ handle credit memos1

A0 2" the credit memo is a'ainst a -85 then it is entered in a =credit 3atch=. 2" it is not a'ainst a -85 then it is 7e!ed as a credit in a re'$lar 3atch alon' with invoices. (redit memos witho$t a correspondin' invoice are held 3! the s!stem $ntil s$""icient invoices are processed to iss$e a chec7. 2" no invoices are entered5 the credit memo m$st 3e deleted 9man$all!) "rom the s!stem. /0 9) 4ow do !o$ handle cash disco$nts1

A0 8n most p$rchase order invoices5 the cash disco$nt is a$tomaticall! calc$lated 3! the s!stem. ,ometimes the calc$lation is done 3! the department 9especiall! on nonC-8 transactions). At the time o" entr!5 the cash disco$nt is shown as a ne'ative amo$nt on the cash disco$nt "ield. ($rrentl!5 i" an invoice comes in with a disco$nt ta7en 3! the department5 the A/- o""ice will ta7e the credit on the invoice 9re'ardless i" itIs past the terms). 2" the vendor 3ills 3ac7 "or this disco$nt5 that invoice is processed thro$'h re'$lar proced$res. #he department 'ives the chec7 n$m3er where the cash disco$nt was ta7en and the amo$nt is char'ed 3ac7 to the ori'inal acco$nt n$m3er and o3Aect code the disco$nt was ta7en on. 4owever5 i" there is a cash disco$nt date 'iven on the invoice and the pa!ment date will 3e a"ter that date5 the disco$nt is not ta7en. /0 10) 4ow do !o$ handle exchan'e rate di""erences in "orei'n c$rrenc! pa!ments1

A0 FaAorit! are direct p$rchases5 not on -8. Approved invoice is received "rom department. 2n #reas$rerIs A/- 8""ice5 a letter is written to ;irst #ennessee Ban7 re>$estin' that "orei'n dra"ts 3e iss$ed "or all invoices listed 9some are converted to ,Q5 others are iss$ed in a "orei'n c$rrenc!). #he dra"ts are prepared 3! ;irst #ennessee Ban7 and ret$rned to #reas$rerIs A/- o""ice. #he dra"ts are then mailed o$t 9alon' with a cop! o" the pa!ment re>$est). Each pa!ment re>$est is then entered into 2F, 9$sin' ;irst #& Ban7Is vendor n$m3er) "or the converted ,Q amo$nt 9pl$s the 3an7 service char'e) and a chec7 is iss$ed to ;irst #& Ban7. #he amo$nt shows $p on the departmentIs led'er as a pa!ment to ;irst #& Ban7 instead o" the vendor. /var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_3/205399238.doc 3&& o( $'!

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All conversions are handled thro$'h ;irst #ennessee Ban7 and not done 3! the c$rrent s!stem. #he maAorit! o" these transactions are "or E$ropean co$ntries 9incl$din' E$ro *ollars). #here are approximatel! 10 9L/C) per month. /0 11) 4ow do !o$ create the pa!ment media 9pa!ment "orms5 remittance advices or electronic "iles) "or these pa!ment methods1 A0 (hec7s0 #he pa!ment r$n is done ni'htl! and the chec7s are printed the next mornin'. At this time5 all the in"ormation is printed on the chec7 9incl$din' the chec7 n$m3er). #he remittance advice is a$tomaticall! created 3! the s!stem. ($rrentl! it incl$des the invoice date5 invoice n$m3er5 amo$nt5 p$rchase order n$m3er 9i" applica3le)5 niversit! acco$nt n$m3er5 o3Aect code and amo$nt to 3e char'ed to each acct/o3Aect code. 2" the invoice >$antit! exceeds the lines on the remittance advice5 a separate sheet is printed listin' all invoices paid on that chec7. 6ire #rans"ers0 A settlement sheet 9"rom concerts5 arena events5 etc) or invoice is received "rom #reas$rerIs A/- o""ice. #im Fapes 'oes to his pc and lo's into -rime (onnection 9;irst #ennessee Ban7Is pc 3an7in' pro'ram). 4e 'oes into the wire trans"er mod$le and enters the name and address o" the 3an7 the "$nds are 3ein' wired to5 ro$tin' n$m3er "or that 3an75 acco$nt name and n$m3er to which "$nds are 3ein' deposited5 amo$nt and a description o" wh! "$nds are 3ein' deposited. #his is transmitted to the 3an7. #he 3an7 accepts the transmission and sends a con"irmation code to the #reas$rerIs 8""ice. #he con"irmation code sheet is attached to the pa!ment re>$est and ta7en to the (ontrollerIs 8""ice where a O+ is processed. 99U o" the wires are handled this wa!. ,ome wires 9i.e. international wires5 wires with excessive in"ormation5 etc) are handled the same wa! except that the in"ormation is called into the 3an7 instead o" 3ein' transmitted. 6ire trans"ers are same da! transactions. A(40 A cash concentration A(4 is processed 9p$ll mone! "rom all the 3an7s that have ta7en in mone!). #im Fapes lo's into the pc and enters the same in"ormation as re>$ired "or a wire trans"er 3$t also incl$des an e""ective date "or the A(4. An A(4 "ile is created and transmitted to the 3an7. A con"irmation is received "rom the 3an7 and 'oes to the niversit!Is central cashier who processes a (+. A(4 are not same da! transactions C the! are next da! transactions at the earliest and can 3e later. %nformation ReC!ired: .emittance Advice0 2nvoice dateP invoice n$m3er or descriptionP -8 VP invoice amo$ntP # acco$nt n$m3er and o3Aect code 3ein' char'ed 3! dollar amo$nt 9determine i" this is needed 'oin' "orward). -.8BDEF0 +endors are misappl!in' amo$nts 3! loo7in' at # acco$nt n$m3er and o3Aect code 9even tho$'h this area is dar7er than other parts o" remittance advice and states =;or niversit! se 8nl!=. +E&*8. 6A&#,0 #heir c$stomer n$m3er shown "or each invoice or transaction listed. ;or m$ltiple transactions5 the! want to 7now which camp$s the transaction is "or 9altho$'h i" their c$stomer n$m3er is on the remittance advice5 this sho$ld 'ive the vendor the in"ormation the! need). 6ire #rans"ers0 &ame and address o" 3an7 the "$nds are 3ein' wired to5 ro$tin' n$m3er "or that 3an75 acco$nt name and n$m3er to which "$nds are 3ein' deposited5 amo$nt and a description o" wh! "$nds are 3ein' deposited. A(40 All the same in"ormation needed "or a wire trans"er 3$t also an e""ective date "or the trans"er 9mone! is not received on the same date o" the transaction5 so an e""ective date is needed.)


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12) *o !o$ $se preCn$m3ered chec7s1

A0 &o /0 13) 4ow do !o$ reconcile !o$r chec7 re'ister 9cleared chec7s)1

A0 Ever!da! a chec7 re'ister is r$n showin' the chec7 n$m3er5 pa!ee5 amo$nt5 acco$nt n$m3er and o3Aect code char'ed "or each chec7 written 93oth *+ and B+). #his re'ister is 'one thro$'h to ma7e s$re no chec7 n$m3ers are missin' 9'aps5 etc). #he! are then lo''ed in to a cash acco$nt lo'. #ransmit iss$e tape to the 3an7. 6hen a chec7 is presented at the 3an75 the chec7 comes o"" the iss$e tape. An!thin' le"t over a"ter 1 !ear is written o"". #he! are credited to $nclaimed propert!. (hec7s are iss$ed when a pa!ee calls re'ardin' a chec7. /0 1:) 4ow do !o$ trans"er !o$r electronic pa!ment "ile to the 3an71

A0 ;irst #ennessee -rime (onnection is $sed "or A(4 transactions. ,ee V11. ;ederal wa'es are paid $sin' =#ax Din7=. ;edwire is 3ac7$p in case o" comp$ter "ail$re 9o3tain details "rom #im Fapes5 #reas$rerIs 8""ice). 3/,/3/1/ C% Template: 1. .e>$irements/Expectations A pa!ment re>$est is a vendor doc$ment that tri''ers a pa!ment 3! the pa!ment pro'ram. 2. General Explanations A pa!ment re>$est is a noted item and it tri''ers a pa!ment 3! the pa!ment pro'ram. <o$ can enter pa!ment re>$ests 3oth "or invoices that have alread! 3een posted and invoices that have 3een par7ed. -a!ment re>$ests ena3le !o$ to $se a partial pa!ment "or an invoice that has alread! 3een posted. 2" !o$ do this5 the invoice is 3loc7ed "or pa!ment and a pa!ment re>$est is entered "or the partial amo$nt. 3. Explanations o" ;$nctions and Events #o enter a pa!ment re>$est5 proceed as "ollows0 ;rom the Accounts %aya)&e men$5 choose Document entry 2O %ayment re+uest. :. B$siness Fodel ,tandard ,A- B$siness Fodel applies 5. ,pecial 8r'ani%ational (onsiderations /var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_3/205399238.doc 3&) o( $'! Vendor 6ayment ReC!est

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Altho$'h A/- doc$ment processin' is at a department level5 -a!ment .e>$ests will 3e centrali%ed in A/- to limit the possi3ilit! o" doc$ments errors. ?. (han'es to Existin' 8r'ani%ation &one @. *escription o" 2mprovements -a!ment re>$ests are partic$larl! $se"$l "or pa!in' par7ed invoices on time and with maxim$m cash disco$nt5 even when the invoice is not act$all! posted $ntil a"ter the pa!ment. 8. *escription o" ;$nctional *e"icits &one are apparent at this time 9. Approaches to (overin' ;$nctional *e"icits &one 10. &otes on ;$rther 2mprovements &one 11. ,!stem (on"i'$ration (onsiderations &one are apparent at this time 12. A$thori%ation and ser .oles 8nl! ;inancial s$pervisor! personnel sho$ld have the capa3ilit! to per"orm -a!ment .e>$ests. 2n Acco$nts -a!a3le5 onl! the A/- s$pervisor or a3ove sho$ld 3e a3le to create -a!ment .e>$ests vendor doc$ments. 13. -roAect ,peci"ic (2 ,ection &/A 3/,/3/2/ "!estions: /0 1) 4ow do !o$ release invoices that have 3een 3loc7ed "or pa!ment1 Release for 6ayment

A0 ($rrentl! there is no a$tomatic s!stem 3loc7in' 9i.e. "or price variance5 >$alit! chec75 etc). 2nvoices and credit memos are entered at the camp$s 3$siness o""ice 9or #reas$rerIs A/- o""ice "or Enoxville camp$s) and sent to the #reas$rerIs A/- o""ice. A"ter 3atch is a$dited /var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_3/205399238.doc 3'0 o( $'!

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and reviewed5 it is =3alanced= 93atch n$m3er5 operator initials5 Q amo$nt and n$m3er o" invoices). #his a$dit5 review and 3alance proced$re is onl! done 3! the #reas$rerIs A/o""ice. #he edit r$n is done at ni'ht and the chec7s are written the next mornin'. -$ll and release is 100U man$al. C% Template: 1. .e>$irements/Expectations A3ilit! to release 3loc7ed invoices either a$tomaticall! 93! s!stem) or man$all! 9whoever 3loc7s invoice wo$ld 3e the one to release) A3ilit! to release invoices 3loc7ed d$e to price variance5 >$antit! variances5 stochastical and >$alit! reasons. -$rchasin' will release all 3$t stochastical C A/will release these *epartment sho$ld have a3ilit! to release an! invoice the! 3loc7

2. General Explanations A pa!ment release can 3e tri''ered 3ased on a speci"ied amo$nt detailed in each wor7"low variant. #he release pro'ram can di""erentiate 3etween one5 two and threeClevel release. #his ena3les 3etween one and three people to 3e involved in the release proced$re5 th$s s$pportin' 3oth d$al and triple control. 3. Explanations o" ;$nctions and Events A pa!ment 3loc7 can 3e set "or an! acco$ntin' line items. #his sets o"" a pa!ment release proced$re in which individ$al items can 3e reviewed 3! vario$s emplo!ees 3e"ore an! pa!ment is made. 2" this proced$re is s$ccess"$ll! completed5 the pa!ment 3loc7 is canceled and the line item can 3e paid. #he pa!ment release proced$re $ses the 6or7"low application component. :. B$siness Fodel ,ince # is interested in allowin' decentrali%ed invoice entr! at the department level5 $sin' the -a!ment .elease strate'! co$ld a""ord the Acco$nts -a!a3le department the a3ilit! to control vendor pa!ments prior to the pa!ment pro'ram process. B! settin' certain criteria5 vendor pa!ments that exceed tar'eted amo$nts or are 3ein' assi'ned to speci"ic acco$nts can 3e reviewed prior to pa!ment. 5. ,pecial 8r'ani%ational (onsiderations Altho$'h A/- doc$ment processin' is at a department level5 -a!ment .elease proced$res will 3e centrali%ed in A/- to limit the possi3ilit! o" doc$ments errors as well as to maintain control o" vendor pa!ments. ?. (han'es to Existin' 8r'ani%ation &one


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AcceleratedSAP - Business Blueprint

@. *escription o" 2mprovements sin' the -a!ment .elease strate'! co$ld a""ord the Acco$nts -a!a3le department the a3ilit! to control vendor pa!ments prior to the pa!ment pro'ram process. 8. *escription o" ;$nctional *e"icits &one are apparent at this time 9. Approaches to (overin' ;$nctional *e"icits &one 10. &otes on ;$rther 2mprovements &one 11. ,!stem (on"i'$ration (onsiderations #o $se the pa!ment release "$nction5 !o$ have to ma7e the appropriate settin's in ($stomi%in'. #he s!stem can 3e con"i'$red so that the choice o" release proced$re is dependent on the wor7"low variant5 doc$ment t!pe and amo$nt. .elease a$thori%ations "or !o$r emplo!ees can also 3e allocated in ($stomi%in'. 2n order to do this5 release approval 'ro$ps m$st "irst 3e created which can 3e entered in the c$stomer and vendor master records. *ependin' on these criteria and the release level5 release a$thori%ation can 3e assi'ned to di""erent emplo!ees in the "orm o" or'ani%ation o3Aects 9Ao35 position5 or'ani%ational $nit) in ($stomi%in'. 2" no criteria are de"ined 9s$ch as release approval 'ro$ps)5 the s!stem ta7es the initial val$e o" these criteria when the pa!ment pro'ram is r$n. 12. A$thori%ation and ser .oles 8nl! ;inancial s$pervisor! personnel sho$ld have the capa3ilit! to per"orm -a!ment .eleases. 2n Acco$nts -a!a3le5 onl! the A/- s$pervisor or a3ove sho$ld 3e a$thori%ed to process -a!ment .elease o" vendor invoice/credit memo doc$ments. 13. -roAect ,peci"ic (2 ,ection &/A 3/,/3/,/ "!estions: /0 1) 6hich proced$re do !o$ $se to process man$al pa!ments to vendors1 Man!al (!tgoing 6ayments

A0 #reas$rerIs A/- o""ice maintains control over all man$al vendor pa!ments. At the discretion o" A/-5 and with proper doc$mentation5 chec7s are t!ped as needed. #he chec7 /var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_3/205399238.doc 3'2 o( $'!

AcceleratedSAP - Business Blueprint

n$m3er is recorded in two lo'3oo7s and sent thro$'h Entrex "or entr! into the s!stem. At this point5 the acco$nt n$m3er and o3Aect code is char'ed. /0 2) *o !o$ print or handCwrite the pa!ment media 9"or example5 chec7s5 trans"er "orms)1

A0 #hese are t!ped on t!pewriter and man$all! si'nat$re stamped. #hese are =emer'enc!= transactions. #here are approximatel! 5C10 transactions/month. Excess "inancial aid chec7s are written at other camp$s B$rsarIs 8""ices on a di""erent s!stem. #hese re>$ests and chec7s are handled completel! at the other camp$ses. C% Template: 1. .e>$irements/Expectations A3ilit! to print =onCdemand= chec7s thro$'h the s!stem 2. General Explanations (learin' vendor invoices is done at the time o" pa!ment. Accr$al acco$ntin' is not $sed. A/- can prod$ce a listin' o" open invoices and credit memos i" a chec7 has not 3een 'enerated. ,A- ./3 provides the same "$nctionalit!P in addition5 vendor invoices and credit memos "or all cleared items will also 3e provided alon' with the pa!ment doc$ments that 'enerated the vendor chec7s. 3. Explanations o" ;$nctions and Events At the discretion o" Acco$nts -a!a3le5 and with proper doc$mentation5 man$al chec7s are processed as needed. :. B$siness Fodel ,tandard ,A- B$siness Fodel applies 5. ,pecial 8r'ani%ational (onsiderations # #reas$rerIs A/- o""ice maintains control over all man$al vendor pa!ments. ?. (han'es to Existin' 8r'ani%ation &one @. *escription o" 2mprovements &one 8. *escription o" ;$nctional *e"icits &one are apparent at this time /var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_3/205399238.doc 3'3 o( $'!

AcceleratedSAP - Business Blueprint

9. Approaches to (overin' ;$nctional *e"icits &one 10. &otes on ;$rther 2mprovements &one 11. ,!stem (on"i'$ration (onsiderations &one are apparent at this time 12. A$thori%ation and ser .oles 8nl! the # #reas$rerIs A/- area sho$ld 3e a$thori%ed to process Fan$al 8$t'oin' -a!ments. 13. -roAect ,peci"ic (2 ,ection &/A 3/,/3/3/ "!estions: /0 1) 4ow do !o$ post pa!ments1 6hich G/D acco$nts are $sed1 6hich additional acco$nt assi'nments 9"or example5 cost centers) do !o$ need "or 3an7 postin's5 3an7 char'es acco$nts5 cash disco$nt acco$nts5 and exchan'e rate di""erences1 A0 Ban7 -ostin's0 *r (r (ash *isco$nts0 *r (r Ban7 (har'es0 *r (r Expense to department (ash NNNN &o postin's5 disco$nts are 7e!ed as red$ction to pa!a3le amo$nt at time o" entr!0 netted on invoice Expense to department (ash $!tomatic (!tgoing 6ayments

/0 2) *o !o$ wish to clear vendor invoices at the time o" pa!ment or at the time the 3an7 statement is posted1 A0 ($rrentl!5 this is done at the time o" pa!ment. Accr$al acco$ntin' is not $sed. A/s!stems can prod$ce a listin' o" open invoices and credit memos i" chec7 has not 3een 'enerated. /0 3) *o !o$ appl! pa!ments a$tomaticall! 3ased on an electronic statement o" acco$nt or a loc73ox "ile1 *escri3e in detail how these pa!ments are processed.


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AcceleratedSAP - Business Blueprint

A0 ($rrentl!5 this is not done. /0 :) 4ow o"ten do !o$ ma7e a$tomatic pa!ments1

A0 ($rrentl! no a$tomatic pa!ments are made. /0 5) ;rom which 3an7 acco$nt9s) do !o$ ma7e pa!ments1 Dist the 3an7 acco$nts 3! pa!ment method5 3! "orei'n c$rrenc!5 or an! other criteria relevant "or 3an7 selection. A0 6e have one primar! depositor! acco$nt where we initiall! deposit Enoxville "$nds0 other acco$nt "$nds are swept into this acco$nt o$r wires 'o o$t o" that acco$nt and o$r A(4 'oes in and o$t no chec7s are written "rom this acco$nt 6e have 1 main dis3$rsements acco$nt "rom which onl! chec7s 9*+s and B+s) are written. #his is a controlled dis3$rsement acco$nt. *is3$rsement +o$chers 9*+s) are pa!ments to vendors5 and Batch +o$chers 9B+s) are t!picall! re"$nds to st$dents written in 3atch 3eca$se we do not need to 7eep the detail o" these pa!ments on o$r G/D. #here is 1 pa!roll acco$nt5 which is YBA. 6e move mone! to cover pa!roll pa!ments "rom o$r primar! depositor! acco$nt. #he 3an7 handles the draw5 and this is done dail!. 8$t"lows incl$de direct deposits and chec7s. -a!roll transmits this in"ormation to the 3an7. #he direct deposit in"ormation is "ed thro$'h a phone modem via ;edDine 22 9a means "or 3an7s to interact with the "ederal reserve 3an75 3$t # has 3een allowed to $se it). ($rrentl!5 we have 150 pa!roll r$ns a !ear5 and these incl$de monthl!5 3iwee7l!5 lon'evit!5 s$pplemental 9on the 10th o" each month)5 and special pa!rolls. &ote0 2n ./35 a director! m$st 3e set $p "or all the 3an7s that are $sed 3! # emplo!ees "or direct deposit o" pa!roll. Benson can assist in this. 2" 1st #& can share its >$arterl! (* "rom #homson ;inancial5 it wo$ld 3e help"$l to 'et the director! set$p. Alternativel!5 the in"ormation can 3e extracted "rom the le'ac! s!stem. #here are : other YBA acco$nts "or 3atch vo$chers 9B+s) "or which chec7s are written 3! the camp$s B$rsars at Enoxville5 (hattanoo'a5 Fartin and Femphis. #hese are "or onCdemand st$dent aid re"$nds. #he (hattanoo'a YBA acco$nt $ses this acco$nt to ma7e lender re"$nds thro$'h A(4. #he exception is that Enoxville re"$nds the lender thro$'h the primar! depositor! acco$nt. ,ee (ash Fana'ement 6or7shop "or complete details. #here are 11@ pett! cash acco$nts C some have individ$al 3an7 acco$nts and others have cash 3oxes. 9;ollowC$p /$estion0 Are an! vendor invoices paid "rom the pett! cash 3an7 acco$nts1) /0 ?) 4ow does !o$r act$al cash position in"l$ence the wa! !o$ assi'n "$nds to the di""erent 3an7s in the pa!ment pro'ram1 A0 &ot c$rrentl! 93ased on (ash Fana'ement 6or7shop). ,ee (ash Fana'ement 6or7shop "or complete details. /0 @) 4ow do !o$ handle 3an7 char'es1


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AcceleratedSAP - Business Blueprint

A0 ;orei'n dra"ts0 #he 3an7 char'e is incl$ded with the amo$nt o" the invoice and is char'ed to the same acco$nt n$m3er and o3Aect code. 6ire #rans"er0 #he 3an7 char'e is char'ed 3ac7 to the department re>$estin' the wire. 2t is also char'ed to the same acco$nt n$m3er and o3Aect code as the ori'inal invoice. C% Template: 1. .e>$irements/Expectations A3ilit! to select vendors or other criteria to set $p pa!ment r$n A3ilit! to pa! 3! chec7 Faximi%e disco$nts 9avoid pa!in' vendors $ntil d$e 3ased on terms) A3ilit! to clear vendor invoices 9acco$nts) at time o" pa!ment Faximi%e cash "low A3ilit! to control pa!ment r$n A3ilit! to select 3an7 acco$nt to pa! "rom

2. General Explanations (learin' vendor invoices is done at the time o" pa!ment. Accr$al acco$ntin' is not $sed. A/- can prod$ce a listin' o" open invoices and credit memos i" a chec7 has not 3een 'enerated. ,A- ./3 provides the same "$nctionalit!P in addition5 vendor invoices and credit memos "or all cleared items will also 3e provided alon' with the pa!ment doc$ments that 'enerated the vendor chec7s. 3. Explanations o" ;$nctions and Events # has 1 main dis3$rsements acco$nt "rom which onl! chec7s 9*+s and B+s) are written. #his is a controlled dis3$rsement acco$nt. *is3$rsement +o$chers 9*+s) are pa!ments to vendors5 and Batch +o$chers 9B+s) are t!picall! re"$nds to st$dents written in 3atch 3eca$se no detail o" these pa!ments on o$r G/D is needed. :. B$siness Fodel ,tandard ,A- B$siness Fodel applies 5. ,pecial 8r'ani%ational (onsiderations ($rrentl! no a$tomatic pa!ments are made. 4owever5 once instit$ted5 the # #reas$rerIs A/- o""ice sho$ld maintain control over the ./3 A$tomatic 8$t'oin' -a!ments pro'ram. ?. (han'es to Existin' 8r'ani%ation &one @. *escription o" 2mprovements -a!a3les are paid with the pa!ment pro'ram. 8$tstandin' pa!a3les are settled 3! the /var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_3/205399238.doc 3'$ o( $'!

AcceleratedSAP - Business Blueprint

pa!ment pro'ram5 which s$pports all standard pa!ment methods 9s$ch as chec7s and trans"ers) in printed "orm as well as in electronic "orm 9data medi$m exchan'e on dis7 and electronic data interchan'e). (o$ntr!Cspeci"ic pa!ment methods are also covered 3! this pro'ram. 8. *escription o" ;$nctional *e"icits &one are apparent at this time 9. Approaches to (overin' ;$nctional *e"icits &one 10. &otes on ;$rther 2mprovements &one 11. ,!stem (on"i'$ration (onsiderations Be"ore !o$ can $se the pa!ment pro'ram5 !o$ need to0 de"ine !o$r ho$se 3an7s and the acco$nts at !o$r 3an7s de"ine the re>$ired pa!ment methods de"ine the necessar! pa!ment "orms #he standard s!stem has prede"ined pa!ment methods and pa!ment "orms that !o$ can adapt to meet !o$r own re>$irements. -a!ment pro'ram con"i'$ration involves determinin'0 what is to 3e paid. #o do this5 !o$ speci"! r$les accordin' to which the open items to 3e paid are selected and 'ro$ped "or pa!ment. when pa!ment is carried o$t. Basicall!5 the d$e date o" the open items determines when pa!ment is carried o$t. 4owever5 !o$ can speci"! the pa!ment deadline in more detail via con"i'$ration. to whom the pa!ment is made 93! speci"!in' the pa!ee). how the pa!ment is made. <o$ determine r$les that are $sed to select a pa!ment method. "rom where the pa!ment is made. <o$ determine r$les that are $sed to select a 3an7 and a 3an7 acco$nt "or the pa!ment. #he a3ove r$les and conditions m$st 3e de"ined i" the pa!ment pro'ram is to determine the a3oveCmentioned in"ormation a$tomaticall!. 4owever5 !o$ can also speci"! this in"ormation man$all!. 12. A$thori%ation and ser .oles 2n Acco$nts -a!a3le5 onl! the A/- s$pervisor or a3ove sho$ld 3e a3le to process the -a!ment -ro'ram. 13. -roAect ,peci"ic (2 ,ection &/A /var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_3/205399238.doc 3'& o( $'!

AcceleratedSAP - Business Blueprint

"!estions: /0

$cco!nt Clearing M$6N

1) 2n which cases are open items cleared other than thro$'h pa!ment receipts1

A0 ($rrentl!5 since items are entered into the s!stem and paid almost immediatel!5 there are no tr$e =open= items. 2n ./3 we can "oresee havin' an item paid to a wron' vendor and the correct vendor 3ein' still open. 2n that case5 we wo$ld have an =open= item. ($rrentl!5 once a department receives an invoice5 the! have the option to pa! a'ainst the proc$rement card instead o" processin' invoice "or pa!ment. #his sometimes creates a d$plicate pa!ment 93oth proc$rement card and invoice). #his is a control iss$e. 3/,/5/1/ C% Template: 1. .e>$irements/Expectations A3ilit! to clear open items which are not cleared a$tomaticall! 2. General Explanations <o$ can clear onl! items that are posted to acco$nts that are 7ept on an open item 3asis. 8pen item mana'ement is a$tomaticall! set "or c$stomer and vendor acco$nts. ;or G/D acco$nts5 however5 !o$ have to set the open item mana'ement option in their master record !o$rsel". 3. Explanations o" ;$nctions and Events 6hen clearin' open items5 !o$ m$st assi'n items on the de3it side to items on the credit side. #he s!stem then chec7s whether the de3it and credit amo$nts clear each other. #he s!stem indicates the items as cleared onl! when the 3alance o" the allocated items is %ero. #he clearin' date and the clearin' doc$ment n$m3er are stored in each line item :. B$siness Fodel ,tandard ,A- B$siness Fodel applies 5. ,pecial 8r'ani%ational (onsiderations Altho$'h A/- doc$ment processin' is at a department level5 Fan$al clearin' o" doc$ments will 3e centrali%ed in A/- to limit the possi3ilit! o" clearin' doc$ment errors. ?. (han'es to Existin' 8r'ani%ation &one Man!al Clearing


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AcceleratedSAP - Business Blueprint

@. *escription o" 2mprovements &one 8. *escription o" ;$nctional *e"icits &one are apparent at this time 9. Approaches to (overin' ;$nctional *e"icits &one 10. &otes on ;$rther 2mprovements &one 11. ,!stem (on"i'$ration (onsiderations 6ith the exception o" the ($stomer and +endor acco$nts5 all other G/D acco$nts that will re>$ire clearin' o" open items will have to 3e con"i'$red as s$ch in the 8pen 2tems Fana'ement G/D master "ield. 12. A$thori%ation and ser .oles 2n Acco$nts -a!a3le5 onl! the A/- s$pervisor or a3ove sho$ld 3e a3le to process the -a!ment -ro'ram. 13. -roAect ,peci"ic (2 ,ection &/A 3/,/5/2/ C% Template: 1. .e>$irements/Expectations A3ilit! to clear open items a$tomaticall! 2. General Explanations <o$ can clear onl! items that are posted to acco$nts that are 7ept on an open item 3asis. 8pen item mana'ement is a$tomaticall! set "or c$stomer and vendor acco$nts. ;or G/D acco$nts5 however5 !o$ have to set the open item mana'ement option in their master record !o$rsel". 8pen items on an acco$nt can 3e cleared man$all! $sin' the Acco$nt clearin' "$nction5 or the! can 3e cleared a$tomaticall! 3! the s!stem. A$tomatic clearin' is speciall! desi'ned "or clearin' acco$nts s$ch as the (hec7s .eceiva3le (learin'5 Goods .eceipt/2nvoice .eceipt (learin'5 +endor/($stomer acco$nts in the 'eneral led'er. /var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_3/205399238.doc 3') o( $'! $!tomatic Clearing

AcceleratedSAP - Business Blueprint

8ther s!stem processes can 3e con"i'$red to per"orm similar a$tomatic clearin' activities. 3. Explanations o" ;$nctions and Events 6hen clearin' open items5 the s!stem can a$tomaticall! post 9clear)0 W (ash disco$nts paid or received W Gains or losses "rom $nderC or overpa!ment W 2np$t and o$tp$t tax and withholdin' tax W Ban7 char'es W Gains or losses "rom exchan'e rate di""erences W Entries to clear the acco$nt "or cash disco$nt clearin' in the net method o" postin' 2n clearin' open items5 the s!stem a$tomaticall! 'enerates the necessar! clearin' entries. #hese postin's contain all in"ormation re>$ired to $pdate transaction "i'$res5 commitments and acco$nt 3alances. ,eparate clearin' entries can 3e 'enerated "or each o" the di""erent compan! codes5 3$siness areas5 acco$nts5 or tradin' partners. :. B$siness Fodel ,tandard ,A- B$siness Fodel applies 5. ,pecial 8r'ani%ational (onsiderations Altho$'h A/- doc$ment processin' is at a department level5 A$tomatic clearin' o" doc$ments will 3e centrali%ed in A/- to limit the possi3ilit! o" clearin' doc$ment errors. ?. (han'es to Existin' 8r'ani%ation &one @. *escription o" 2mprovements ($stomer and vendor acco$nts are alwa!s 7ept on an open item 3asis. #his lets !o$ monitor !o$r o$tstandin' receiva3les and pa!a3les at an! time. 8pen item mana'ement ens$res that all items that have not !et 3een cleared are availa3le in the s!stem. 8nl! a"ter ever! open item in a doc$ment is cleared can a doc$ment 3e archived. 8. *escription o" ;$nctional *e"icits &one are apparent at this time 9. Approaches to (overin' ;$nctional *e"icits &one 10. &otes on ;$rther 2mprovements


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AcceleratedSAP - Business Blueprint

&one 11. ,!stem (on"i'$ration (onsiderations 6ith the exception o" the ($stomer and +endor acco$nts5 all other G/D acco$nts which will re>$ire clearin' o" open items will have to 3e con"i'$res as s$ch in the 8pen 2tems Fana'ement G/D master "ield. 12. A$thori%ation and ser .oles 2n Acco$nts -a!a3le5 onl! the A/- s$pervisor or a3ove sho$ld 3e a3le to process the -a!ment -ro'ram. 13. -roAect ,peci"ic (2 ,ection &/A

3/,/4/1/ "!estions:

Correspondence +ith Vendors

Correspondence +ith Vendors

/0 1) 6hat correspondence 9s$ch as 3alance con"irmation) and internal eval$ations 9s$ch as internal doc$ments) do !o$ create "or !o$r vendors1 A0 (orrespondence to vendors0 91) Attachment list when n$m3er o" invoices paid is 'reater than remittance advice allows. 92) Detter "or short pa! o" sales tax and ded$ction o" "rei'ht char'es. 93) ;ax copies o" chec7s to help vendor $nderstand pa!ment. (orrespondence to 2nitiatin' niversit! *epartment0 91) .eport o" Errors "or Ee! 8perators and "or -rompt -a! +iolations. 92) 8$tstandin' -$rchase 8rders 9/#.) 93) 8nCline "orm "or ret$rn o" or adA$stments to travel reim3$rsements where errors are made. C% Template: 1. .e>$irements/Expectations (hec7 to vendors C0C Balance .emittance letter .emittance advice incl$din' m$ltiCpa'e over"low attachment

2. General Explanations An! desired correspondence can 3e re>$ested either a$tomaticall! or man$all!. #he a$tomatic proced$re is possi3le "or the "ollowin' correspondence t!pes0 W #he s!stem can create pa!ment notices a$tomaticall! 3! ma7in' an entr! in the master record o" the vendor5 or 3! ma7in' this dependent on the compan! code. W Acco$nt statements are a$tomaticall! printed periodicall!5 witho$t a re>$est havin' /var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_3/205399238.doc 3)1 o( $'!

AcceleratedSAP - Business Blueprint

3een made5 i" the vender has a correspondin' 7e! "or this in the master record. (orrespondence is $s$all! printed a$tomaticall!. #o this end5 the re>$est pro'ram ,A-;1:0 is r$n in the 3ac7'ro$nd 9witho$t an! entered parameters "or it)5 "or example once ever! da!5 to print the correspondence. #he report prints all the correspondence t!pes re>$ested 3$t not !et printed. 3. Explanations o" ;$nctions and Events (orrespondence to vendors0 91) Attachment list when n$m3er o" invoices paid is 'reater than remittance advice allows. 92) Detter "or short pa! o" sales tax and ded$ction o" "rei'ht char'es. 93) ;ax copies o" chec7s to help vendor $nderstand pa!ment. (orrespondence to 2nitiatin' niversit! *epartment0 91) .eport o" Errors "or Ee! 8perators and "or -rompt -a! +iolations. 92) 8$tstandin' -$rchase 8rders 9/#.) 93) 8nCline "orm "or ret$rn o" or adA$stments to travel reim3$rsements where errors are made. :. B$siness Fodel ,tandard ,A- B$siness Fodel applies 5. ,pecial 8r'ani%ational (onsiderations &one are apparent at this time ?. (han'es to Existin' 8r'ani%ation &one @. *escription o" 2mprovements (orrespondences can 3e a$tomaticall! 'enerated as opposed as onl! man$all! processed. 8. *escription o" ;$nctional *e"icits &one are apparent at this time 9. Approaches to (overin' ;$nctional *e"icits &one 10. &otes on ;$rther 2mprovements &one 11. ,!stem (on"i'$ration (onsiderations


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&one are apparent at this time 12. A$thori%ation and ser .oles &one are apparent at this time 13. -roAect ,peci"ic (2 ,ection &/A


$cco!nts Recei*able 6rocessing

%n*oices and Credit Memos

C% Template: 1. .e>$irements/Expectations # intends to $se A/. invoicin' "or decentrali%ed sponsored proAect invoicin' at the departmental level. #hese invoices will 3e entered and par7ed 3! departments. #he (ontrollerIs 8""ice or camp$s 3$siness o""ice will approve par7ed invoices "or release. #his is primaril! intended "or a'reements re>$irin' departmental inp$t o" in"ormation5 s$ch as clinical trials. A3ilit! to >$er! and report on c$stomer line items 6ithin the Acco$nts .eceiva3le mod$le5 !o$ can anal!%e individ$al operational areas as o"ten as !o$ re>$ire. <o$ can eval$ate5 amon' other thin's5 pa!ment histor!5 c$rrenc! expos$re amon' c$stomers and vendors5 or a'in' reports. 3/3/1/1/ "!estions: /0 1) *o c$stomer invoices re>$ire an! t!pe o" approval 3e"ore the! are posted1 C!stomer Doc!ment 6ar:ing

A0 <es. *epartments ma! 'enerate invoices o$tside ,* and par7 them in A/.. Be"ore the par7ed doc$ments are released5 the! re>$ire approval 3! the camp$s 3$siness o""ice. /0 A0 2) 6hat is !o$r proced$re "or par7in' and releasin' invoices and or/credit memos1 # c$rrentl! does not have this capa3ilit!.

C% Template: 1. .e>$irements/Expectations

2. General Explanations


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($stomer 2nvoice entr! will ta7e place $sin' the c$stomer invoice entr! screen. 4owever5 instead o" act$all! postin' the doc$ment to the ,A- ./3 s!stem5 the $ser will par7 the doc$ment5 which in essence will place the doc$ment in a 4old stat$s. #o release the par7ed doc$ment5 s$3se>$ent transactions will ta7e place to release the par7ed doc$ments to the appropriate postin' sta'es. 3. Explanations o" ;$nctions and Events ($stomer invoice is 'enerated which is incomplete and needs "$rther research H/or which needs to 3e approved "or postin'. :. B$siness Fodel ($stomer 3ills that need to 3e $pdated/researched0 A/. cler7s H/or department personnel will enter c$stomer invoices as "$ll! as possi3le and then will par7 the doc$ment. ($stomer invoices that re>$ire approvals0 *epartment personnel 9mostl!) H/or A/. cler7s will enter c$stomer invoices in their entiret!P 2nvoice .elease strate'! will mana'e approval wor7"low A doc$ment is "irst par7ed 3! an A/. entr! or department cler75 then sent to the person responsi3le "or a$thori%in' 3illin' amo$nts to c$stomers. #he doc$ment is passed on to the person responsi3le "or acco$nt assi'nment approval. 4e releases the acco$nt assi'nment and this in t$rn tri''ers the postin' 5. ,pecial 8r'ani%ational (onsiderations ,pecial A/. trainin' is needed to ens$re that c$stomer invoices are properl! par7ed. ,ince 3oth Acco$nts .eceiva3le and 7e! departmental personnel will 3e responsi3le "or c$stomer invoice entr!5 trainin' will 3e a 3road initiative. ?. (han'es to Existin' 8r'ani%ation &one @. *escription o" 2mprovements #he advanta'e o" par7in' doc$ments is that !o$ can eval$ate the data in the doc$ments online "or reportin' p$rposes "rom the moment the! are par7ed5 rather than havin' to wait $ntil the! have 3een completed and posted. 8. *escription o" ;$nctional *e"icits &one are apparent at this time 9. Approaches to (overin' ;$nctional *e"icits &one 10. &otes on ;$rther 2mprovements /var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_3/205399238.doc 3)! o( $'!

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&one 11. ,!stem (on"i'$ration (onsiderations Be"ore !o$ can $se the doc$ment release "$nction5 !o$ m$st "irst ma7e the appropriate settin's in the con"i'$ration men$. #he "ollowin' sections descri3e how to do this. 6ithin doc$ment release5 we distin'$ish 3etween amo!nt release and acco!nt assignment appro*al. <o$ can de"ine "rom which amo$nt a doc$ment sho$ld 3e released. 2" !o$ have de"ined a special release proced$re within the wor7"low "$nction to 'overn how the acco$nt assi'nment approval sho$ld ta7e place5 !o$ can de"ine this proced$re "or each wor7"low variant !o$ $se. <o$ can also speci"! the minim$m amo$nt necessar! to tri''er a release. 2" a doc$ment is to 3e released5 the appropriate person with release a$thori%ation receives a messa'e in his/her in3ox to this e""ect and can then displa! the doc$ment and s$3se>$entl! release it or re"$se release. #he release a$thori%ation proced$re $sed can 3e de"ined in ($stomi%in'5 3ased on the wor7"low variant5 doc$ment t!pe5 and the amo$nt in >$estion. #he amo$nt o" a par7ed doc$ment is the lar'est line item "or c$stomers or vendors or the de3it or credit 3alance. <o$ m$st de"ine the $sers a$thori%ed to release amo$nts. #o assist !o$ in this process5 !o$ can create release 'ro$ps that can then 3e entered in the c$stomer and vendor master records. 2n ($stomi%in'5 !o$ can allocate di""erent levels o" release a$thori%ation 3ased on or'ani%ational o3Aects 9Ao35 position5 or'ani%ational $nit) dependin' on a$thori%ation 'ro$ps5 doc$ment t!pe5 amo$nt5 release approval level. <o$ can also $se =$ser exits= to determine and allocate other release a$thori%ations 12. A$thori%ation and ser .oles +aries "rom department to department. 8r'ani%ational meetin's will need to 3e cond$cted to develop a 'eneral sol$tion that 3est meets all departmentsM needs as well as the re>$irements o" the niversit! o" #ennesseeIs internal a$dit control policies. 13. -roAect ,peci"ic (2 ,ection &/A 3/3/1/2/ C% Template: 1. .e>$irements/Expectations -ar7in' o" c$stomer doc$ments is per"ormed when invoices or credit memos are entered which do not have all o" the re>$ired details necessar! to act$all! post the doc$ments or the in"ormation 3ein' entered needs to 3e researched "$rther prior to doc$ment postin'. -ar7in' o" c$stomer doc$ments allows the cler7 to per"orm the initial doc$ment entr! and then hold the doc$ment $ntil s$ch time that it is necessar! to process the doc$ment. 2nvoice .elease strate'ies also $tili%e ($stomer *oc$ment -ar7in' in order to mana'e the process o" approvin' and releasin' c$stomer invoices "or 3illin'. 2. General Explanations /var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_3/205399238.doc 3)" o( $'! 6ar:ed Doc!ment 6osting MC!stomersN

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<o$ can post par7ed doc$ments either individ$all! or via a list. 2" !o$ post several par7ed doc$ments via a list5 the s!stem iss$es a list when !o$ have "inished which details which doc$ments were s$ccess"$ll! posted. ;rom this list5 !o$ can then carr! o$t an! necessar! postCprocessin' to par7ed doc$ments that co$ld not 3e posted d$e to missin' in"ormation s$ch as a cost acco$ntin' assi'nment. <o$ can also create a 3atch inp$t session to post the par7ed doc$ments. #he data in par7ed doc$ments is deleted when the! are posted5 a doc$ment is written to the doc$ment data3ase and the appropriate data 9transaction "i'$res etc.) is $pdated. #he n$m3er o" the par7ed doc$ment is trans"erred to the posted doc$ment. 3. Explanations o" ;$nctions and Events -ostin' o" par7ed doc$ments will ta7e place whenever a c$stomer invoice is read! to 3e released "or approval. 2" errors in the par7ed doc$ment still exist5 the doc$ment is not posted and remains in a -ar7ed 9or 4old) stat$s. :. B$siness Fodel ($stomer 3ills that need to 3e $pdated/researched0 A/. cler7s H/or department personnel will enter c$stomer invoices as "$ll! as possi3le and then will par7 the doc$ment. ($stomer invoices that re>$ire approvals0 *epartment personnel 9mostl!) H/or A/. cler7s will enter c$stomer invoices in their entiret!P 2nvoice .elease strate'! will mana'e approval wor7"low A doc$ment is "irst par7ed 3! an A/. entr! or department cler75 then sent to the person responsi3le "or a$thori%in' 3illin' amo$nts to c$stomers. #he doc$ment is passed on to the person responsi3le "or acco$nt assi'nment approval. 4e releases the acco$nt assi'nment and this in t$rn tri''ers the postin' 5. ,pecial 8r'ani%ational (onsiderations ,pecial A/. trainin' is needed to ens$re that c$stomer invoices are properl! par7ed. ,ince 3oth Acco$nts .eceiva3le and 7e! departmental personnel will 3e responsi3le "or c$stomer invoice entr!5 trainin' will 3e a 3road initiative. ?. (han'es to Existin' 8r'ani%ation &one @. *escription o" 2mprovements #he advanta'e o" par7in' doc$ments is that !o$ can eval$ate the data in the doc$ments online "or reportin' p$rposes "rom the moment the! are par7ed5 rather than havin' to wait $ntil the! have 3een completed and posted. 8. *escription o" ;$nctional *e"icits &one are apparent at this time /var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_3/205399238.doc 3)$ o( $'!

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9. Approaches to (overin' ;$nctional *e"icits &one 10. &otes on ;$rther 2mprovements &one 11. ,!stem (on"i'$ration (onsiderations ,everal 6or7"low models are provided in the s!stem "or doc$ment par7in'0 a 6or7"low "ramewor7 96,10000051) and "ive s$3Cwor7"lows. 2n the ;inancial Acco$ntin' (on"i'$ration men$5 whichever s$3Cwor7"low model is needed sho$ld 3e $sed 3! the wor7"low "ramewor7 at the time o" the pro'ram r$n. 8ther s$3Cwor7"lows can 3e de"ined while in this men$5 providin' that the! send and receive the same data "rom the wor7"low "ramewor7 as the s$3Cwor7"low models do. #o $se the standard s$3Cwor7"low models "or m$ltiClevel amo$nt release 96,100000525 6,100000535 6,1000005:)5 !o$ can de"ine 3etween one and three levels "or amo$nt release in the ./3 s!stem. ,ho$ld more than three release levels are needed5 cop! the wor7"low models "or amo$nt release and then expand them. #he "o$rth standard s$3C wor7"low 96,10000055) can 3e $sed "or acco$nt assi'nment approval. #o 3e a3le to $se the wor7"low models in !o$r active client5 the! m$st "irst 3e copied to the ./3 s!stem $sin' the wor7"low wor73ench tools provided "or this p$rpose. 12. A$thori%ation and ser .oles +aries "rom department to department. 8r'ani%ational meetin's will need to 3e cond$cted to develop a 'eneral sol$tion that 3est meets all departmentsM needs as well as the re>$irements o" the niversit! o" #ennesseeIs internal a$dit control policies. 13. -roAect ,peci"ic (2 ,ection &/A 3/3/1/,/ "!estions: /0 1) 6hich doc$ment t!pes and doc$ment n$m3er ran'es do !o$ $se1 (!tgoing %n*oice

A0 8nl! part o" these invoices is c$rrentl! 3ein' capt$red in A/.. All invoices are the same doc$ment t!pe C sponsor invoices. *oc$ment n$m3ers are man$all! assi'ned 3! decentrali%ed departments and do not need to 3e replicated 3! ./3. /0 2) (an !o$ $se templates "or some o" these invoices1

A0 <es.


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3) 4ow do !o$ handle transactions in "orei'n c$rrencies1

A0 &o C% Template: 1. .e>$irements/Expectations # wo$ld li7e to capt$re all sponsored proAect 3illin' in A/.0 either thro$'h ,* or man$al postin' to A/.. # c$rrentl! allows some decentrali%ed 3illin' 3! departments that wo$ld 3e eli'i3le "or man$al postin' to A/.. 8ne or two standard invoice templates 9c$stomi%ed "or #) wo$ld 3e $se"$l "or $sers. A primar!5 expected $ser o" this "$nctionalit! is expected to 3e clinical trials 3illin'.

2. General Explanations ($stomer invoices are entered in Acco$nts .eceiva3le when there is not a re"erencin' ,ales 8rder to match the c$stomer 3illin' invoice. 3. Explanations o" ;$nctions and Events ($stomer invoice entr! when there is no re"erencin' sales order. :. B$siness Fodel 2nvoice .eceipt is $sed to enter incomin' or o$t'oin' invoices as well as credit memos. #he 2nvoice/(redit Femo Entr! EnAo! transaction is a sin'leCscreen transaction. #his means that an invoice can 3e entered5 par7ed5 and held on one screen witho$t loss o" context. #he entr! screen remains the central re"erence screen5 respective o" the doc$ment stat$s. #he EnAo! transactions are incl$ded in the area men$s "or Acco$nts .eceiva3le and Acco$nts -a!a3le accordin' to the 3$siness transaction. 5. ,pecial 8r'ani%ational (onsiderations Acco$nts .eceiva3le trainin' is needed to ens$re that c$stomer invoices and credit memos are properl! posted. ,ince 3oth Acco$nts .eceiva3le and 7e! departmental personnel will 3e responsi3le "or invoice/credit memo entr!5 trainin' will 3e a 3road initiative. ?. (han'es to Existin' 8r'ani%ation &one @. *escription o" 2mprovements #he Acco$nts .eceiva3le application component records and administers acco$ntin' data "or all c$stomers. #he s!stem a$tomaticall! ma7es postin's in response to the /var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_3/205399238.doc 3)' o( $'!

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operative transactions. 2n the same wa!5 the s!stem s$pplies the (ash Fana'ement application component with "i'$res "rom invoices in order to optimi%e li>$idit! plannin'. 8. *escription o" ;$nctional *e"icits &one are apparent at this time 9. Approaches to (overin' ;$nctional *e"icits &one 10. &otes on ;$rther 2mprovements &one 11. ,!stem (on"i'$ration (onsiderations #he "ollowin' settin's in ($stomi%in' "or ;inancial Acco$ntin' $nder Acco$nts .eceiva3le and Acco$nts -a!a3le CZ B$siness #ransactions CZ 2ncomin' 2nvoices/(redit Femos or 8$t'oin' 2nvoices/(redit Femos CZ 2ncomin' 2nvoices/(redit Femos C EnAo! or 8$t'oin' 2nvoices/(redit Femos C EnAo!0 W *e"ine *oc$ment #!pes "or EnAo! #ransaction W *e"ine #ax (ode per #ransaction W *e"ine -ostin' Ee! "or 2ncomin' 2nvoices/(redit Femos or 8$t'oin' 2nvoices/(redit W Femos 12. A$thori%ation and ser .oles +aries "rom department to department. 8r'ani%ational meetin's will need to 3e cond$cted to develop a 'eneral sol$tion that 3est meets all departmentsM needs as well as the re>$irements o" the niversit! o" #ennesseeIs internal a$dit control policies. 13. -roAect ,peci"ic (2 ,ection &/A 3/3/1/3/ "!estions: /0 A0 1) 4ow do !o$ process c$stomer credit memos1 # does not c$rrentl! have this "$nctionalit!5 3$t wo$ld li7e to $se it. C!stomer Credit Memo

C% Template: 1. .e>$irements/Expectations # wo$ld li7e to $se the ./3 "$nctionalit! "or credit memos. ($rrentl!5 adA$stments to c$rrent invoices "or credit memos. /var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_3/205399238.doc # ma7es man$al

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2. General Explanations ($stomer credit memos are entered in Acco$nts .eceiva3le when there is not a re"erencin' ,ales 8rder to match to the credit memo. 3. Explanations o" ;$nctions and Events ($stomer credit memo entr! is $sed when there is no re"erencin' sales order assi'nment. :. B$siness Fodel 2nvoice receipt is $sed to enter incomin' or o$t'oin' invoices or credit memos. #he 2nvoice/(redit Femo Entr! EnAo! transaction is a sin'leCscreen transaction. #his means that an invoice can 3e entered5 par7ed5 and held on one screen witho$t loss o" context. #he entr! screen remains the central re"erence screen5 respective o" the doc$ment stat$s. #he EnAo! transactions are incl$ded in the area men$s "or Acco$nts .eceiva3le and Acco$nts -a!a3le accordin' to the 3$siness transaction. 5. ,pecial 8r'ani%ational (onsiderations Acco$nts .eceiva3le trainin' is needed to ens$re that c$stomer invoices and credit memos are properl! posted. ,ince 3oth Acco$nts .eceiva3le and 7e! departmental personnel will 3e responsi3le "or invoice/credit memo entr!5 trainin' will 3e a 3road initiative. ?. (han'es to Existin' 8r'ani%ation &one @. *escription o" 2mprovements #he Acco$nts .eceiva3le application component records and administers acco$ntin' data "or all c$stomers. #he s!stem a$tomaticall! ma7es postin's in response to the operative transactions. 2n the same wa!5 the s!stem s$pplies the (ash Fana'ement application component with "i'$res "rom invoices in order to optimi%e li>$idit! plannin'. 8. *escription o" ;$nctional *e"icits &one are apparent at this time 9. Approaches to (overin' ;$nctional *e"icits &one 10. &otes on ;$rther 2mprovements /var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_3/205399238.doc !00 o( $'!

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&one 11. ,!stem (on"i'$ration (onsiderations ,ee 8$t'oin' 2nvoice con"i'$ration in"ormation in section a3ove 12. A$thori%ation and ser .oles +aries "rom department to department. 8r'ani%ational meetin's will need to 3e cond$cted to develop a 'eneral sol$tion that 3est meets all departmentsM needs as well as the re>$irements o" the niversit! o" #ennesseeIs internal a$dit control policies. 13. -roAect ,peci"ic (2 ,ection &/A 3/3/1/5/ "!estions: /0 1) 4ow sho$ld a doc$ment reversal $pdate the 3alances o" the relevant acco$nts1 Doc!ment Re*ersal

A0 # wo$ld li7e to have a 'ood a$dit trail "or doc$ment reversals. .eversals sho$ld not 3e netted a'ainst the ori'inal entr!P instead5 an opposin' entr! sho$ld 3e made so that 3oth activities can 3e seen in the 3alance. /0 2) *o !o$ want do de"ine a speci"ic doc$ment t!pe "or reverse doc$ments1

A0 -ro3a3l! not. 6e ma! chan'e o$r mind later on. C% Template: 1. .e>$irements/Expectations # does not want to $se =ne'ative postin's= "or doc$ment reversals. # wants to see the ori'inal and reversin' entries as opposites and in the 3alance.

2. General Explanations 2" an incorrect doc$ment has 3een entered5 it can 3e reversed5 there3! also clearin' the open items. A doc$ment can onl! 3e reversed i" the "ollowin' criteria are met0 1. 2t contains no cleared items 2. 2t contains onl! c$stomer5 vendor5 and G/D acco$nt items 3. 2t was posted with ;inancial Acco$ntin' :. All entered val$es 9s$ch as 3$siness area5 cost center5 and tax code) are still valid #he doc$ment and the reverse doc$ment increase the acco$nt transaction de3it and credit "i'$res 3! the same amo$nt. #his will provide an a$dit trail.


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3. Explanations o" ;$nctions and Events #o reverse a doc$ment5 enter the ori'inal doc$ment n$m3er5 the compan! code5 and the "iscal !ear. 2" the reversal doc$ment cannot 3e posted to the same period as the ori'inal doc$ment5 enter the postin' date and the postin' period o" the reversal doc$ment and post. #he s!stem 'enerates a reverse doc$ment5 creatin' de3it and credit amo$nts. :. B$siness Fodel ,tandard ,A- B$siness Fodel applies 5. ,pecial 8r'ani%ational (onsiderations Acco$nts .eceiva3le trainin' is needed to ens$re that c$stomer invoices and credit memos are properl! reversed. ,ince 3oth Acco$nts .eceiva3le and 7e! departmental personnel will 3e responsi3le "or invoice/credit memo entr!5 trainin' will 3e a 3road initiative. ?. (han'es to Existin' 8r'ani%ation &one @. *escription o" 2mprovements -rovides a$dit trail process associated with correctin' incorrect invoice or credit memo doc$ments. 8. *escription o" ;$nctional *e"icits &one are apparent at this time 9. Approaches to (overin' ;$nctional *e"icits &one 10. &otes on ;$rther 2mprovements &one 11. ,!stem (on"i'$ration (onsiderations (on"i'$ration settin's associated with postin' 7e!s and reversal o" A/. doc$ment t!pes will need to 3e handled in the ;inancial Acco$ntin' *oc$ments section o" 2FG. 12. A$thori%ation and ser .oles +aries "rom department to department. 8r'ani%ational meetin's will need to 3e cond$cted to develop a 'eneral sol$tion that 3est meets all departmentsM needs as well /var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_3/205399238.doc !02 o( $'!

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as the re>$irements o" the niversit! o" #ennesseeIs internal a$dit control policies. 13. -roAect ,peci"ic (2 ,ection &/A 3/3/1/4/ C% Template: 1. .e>$irements/Expectations #o reverse a lar'e n$m3er o" transactional doc$ments5 the recommended sol$tion is to $se the Fass .eversal pro'ram. 2. General Explanations Fass reversal allows m$ltiple doc$ments to 3e reversed at one time. All o" the doc$ments to 3e reversed m$st meet the "ollowin' criteria0 W 2t contains no cleared items W 2t contains onl! c$stomer5 vendor5 and G/D acco$nt items W 2t was posted with ;inancial Acco$ntin' W All entered val$es 9s$ch as 3$siness area5 cost center5 and tax code) are still valid 3. Explanations o" ;$nctions and Events #o mass reverse doc$ments5 enter the ori'inal doc$ment n$m3ers 9or a ran'e o" n$m3ers)5 the compan! code5 and the "iscal !ear. <o$ also have the option o" selectin' criteria to limit the doc$ments to 3e reversed. #he s!stem will displa! a list o" doc$ments to 3e reversed. ,elect post reversal and the s!stem 'enerates a reverse doc$ment "or each ori'inal doc$ment. :. B$siness Fodel ,tandard ,A- B$siness Fodel applies 5. ,pecial 8r'ani%ational (onsiderations Altho$'h A/. doc$ment processin' is at a department level5 mass reversal o" doc$ments will 3e centrali%ed in A/. or A/- to limit the possi3ilit! o" reversin' mass doc$ments in error. ?. (han'es to Existin' 8r'ani%ation &one @. *escription o" 2mprovements 2nstead o" havin' to reverse doc$ments one at a time5 !o$ now have the a3ilit! to reverse several doc$ments at once with an a$dit trail. /var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_3/205399238.doc !03 o( $'! Mass Re*ersal

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8. *escription o" ;$nctional *e"icits &one are apparent at this time 9. Approaches to (overin' ;$nctional *e"icits &one 10. &otes on ;$rther 2mprovements &one 11. ,!stem (on"i'$ration (onsiderations (on"i'$ration settin's associated with postin' 7e!s and reversal o" A/- doc$ment t!pes will need to 3e handled in the ;inancial Acco$ntin' *oc$ments section o" 2FG. 12. A$thori%ation and ser .oles 8nl! ;inancial s$pervisor! personnel sho$ld have the capa3ilit! to per"orm Fass .eversal. 2n Acco$nts .eceiva3le5 onl! the A/. s$pervisor5 or i" possi3le onl! an A/s$pervisor or a3ove5 sho$ld 3e a3le to process a mass reversal o" c$stomerCrelated doc$ments. 13. -roAect ,peci"ic (2 ,ection &/A 3/3/1/5/ "!estions: /0 1) *o !o$ have doc$ments that occ$r on a re'$lar 3asis 9monthl! or >$arterl!5 "or example)1 A0 <es5 some o" these sponsor a'reements ma! call "or re'$lar invoicin'. C% Template: 1. .e>$irements/Expectations A3ilit! to set $p rec$rrin' entries i" needed 2. General Explanations .ec$rrin' doc$ments can 3e set$p to handle rec$rrin' c$stomer invoices. #!picall! "or #5 these are ,ponsor invoices "or contin$in' proAect research. Rec!rring =ntry


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($stomerCrelated transactional postin's5 which rec$r time and time a'ain5 can 3e made $sin' the rec$rrin' entr! pro'ram. #o do this5 !o$ enter a rec$rrin' entr! doc$ment5 and then exec$te the rec$rrin' entr! pro'ram at certain intervals or sched$le it "or exec$tion. 3. Explanations o" ;$nctions and Events <o$ can speci"! when an acco$ntin' doc$ment is created "rom a rec$rrin' entr! doc$ment as "ollows 9choose "rom the alternatives 3elow)0 <o$ enter the interval in the rec$rrin' entr! doc$ment 3! speci"!in' a date "or the "irst r$n and a date "or the last r$n. <o$ also enter the r$n intervals in months. B! speci"!in' a calendar da!5 !o$ can determine the da! on which the pro'ram is exec$ted. #his is $se"$l i" the postin's are to 3e made at monthl! intervals 9calendar months). <o$ can de"ine a r$n sched$le in the s!stem and speci"! in the rec$rrin' entr! doc$ment which sched$le the s!stem $ses "or the doc$ment. #his proced$re is $se"$l i" the postin's cannot 3e made at monthl! intervals. -ostin's that are to 3e carried o$t in thirteen periods or ever! other wee75 "or example5 can onl! 3e made 3! sched$lin' the r$n. 2n this activit!5 !o$ de"ine the r$n sched$les 3! speci"!in' a 7e! and a description. 2n a second activit!5 !o$ enter the re>$ired dates "or each sched$le. :. B$siness Fodel ,tandard ,A- B$siness Fodel applies 5. ,pecial 8r'ani%ational (onsiderations #he invoice entr! process is at the department level. .ec$rrin' entries will 3e entered at the department level 3$t exec$ted centrall! in A/. 9 # (ontrollerIs 8""ice). ?. (han'es to Existin' 8r'ani%ation &one @. *escription o" 2mprovements 6ith rec$rrin' entries5 !o$ are a3le to sched$le and post a doc$ment m$ltiple times.

8. *escription o" ;$nctional *e"icits &one are apparent at this time 9. Approaches to (overin' ;$nctional *e"icits &one 10. &otes on ;$rther 2mprovements &one /var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_3/205399238.doc !0" o( $'!

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11. ,!stem (on"i'$ration (onsiderations #o post with rec$rrin' entr! doc$ments5 !o$ have to set $p a separate n$m3er ran'e "or the compan! codes that $se them. <o$ have to $se 7e! N1 "or the n$m3er ran'e. #he s!stem ta7es n$m3ers "or the rec$rrin' entr! doc$ment "rom this n$m3er ran'e. -ro'ram ,A-;120 creates acco$ntin' doc$ments $sin' the rec$rrin' entr! doc$ments. <o$ have to r$n the pro'ram at re'$lar intervals. 2t chec7s each rec$rrin' entr! doc$ment to see i" a doc$ment sho$ld 3e created. 12. A$thori%ation and ser .oles +aries "rom department to department. 8r'ani%ational meetin's will need to 3e cond$cted to develop a 'eneral sol$tion that 3est meets all departmentsM needs as well as the re>$irements o" the niversit! o" #ennesseeIs internal a$dit control policies. 13. -roAect ,peci"ic (2 ,ection &/A 3/3/1/./ C% Template: 1. .e>$irements/Expectations 2nternal acco$ntin' processes to de3it or credit vendor acco$nts can 3e per"ormed with this transaction witho$t creatin' an act$al invoice doc$ment. 2. General Explanations sin' the 2nternal #rans"er -ostin' "$nction5 !o$ enter doc$ment line items and then select the open items that are to 3e cleared. 8nce the total amo$nt o" selected open items e>$als the amo$nt o" entered line items5 the s!stem clears the open items 3! creatin' one or more o""settin' entries. 3. Explanations o" ;$nctions and Events 6hen !o$ post an o$t'oin' c$stomer pa!ment5 the s!stem re>$ires a postin' 7e! to 'enerate the o""settin' entr! "or open items selected. #o 'enerate this o""settin' entr!5 it $ses the c$stomer credit postin' 7e! that is speci"ied "or the clearin' entr!. All the other postin' 7e!s are $sed "or special sit$ations that ma! occ$r when postin' an o$t'oin' pa!ment0 W ($stomer postin' 7e!s are re>$ired so that o""settin' entries can 3e made to the c$stomer acco$nt when open items are cleared "or a c$stomer. W -ostin' 7e!s are re>$ired "or special G/D transactions i" !o$ want to clear5 "or example5 an invoice and a down pa!ment in a sin'le clearin' transaction. %nternal Transfer 6osting


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:. B$siness Fodel ,tandard ,A- B$siness Fodel applies 5. ,pecial 8r'ani%ational (onsiderations Altho$'h A/. doc$ment processin' is at a department level5 2nternal #rans"er -ostin' o" doc$ments will 3e centrali%ed in A/. 9or possi3l! A/-) to limit the possi3ilit! o" doc$ments errors. ?. (han'es to Existin' 8r'ani%ation &one @. *escription o" 2mprovements 2nternal #rans"er -ostin' "$nction provides an internal process to clear open c$stomer items witho$t processin' an act$al 3illin' invoice. 8. *escription o" ;$nctional *e"icits &one are apparent at this time 9. Approaches to (overin' ;$nctional *e"icits &one 10. &otes on ;$rther 2mprovements &one 11. ,!stem (on"i'$ration (onsiderations #he postin' 7e!s !o$ speci"! "or the #rans"er postin' with clearin' transaction are $sed "or the 'eneral clearin' "$nction and5 i" the s!stem has to ma7e internal trans"er postin's5 "or the acco$nt clearin' "$nction as well. #he pa!ment pro'ram and the special "$nctions "or o$t'oin' and incomin' pa!ments $se the postin' 7e!s de"ined "or the incomin' pa!ment and o$t'oin' pa!ment transactions. <o$ cannot delete these transactions. -ostin' 7e!s "or the invoice and credit memo "ast entr! "$nction are de"ined separatel! in the s!stem. 12. A$thori%ation and ser .oles 8nl! ;inancial s$pervisor! personnel sho$ld have the capa3ilit! to per"orm 2nternal #rans"er -ostin'. 2n Acco$nts .eceiva3le5 onl! the A/. s$pervisor5 or i" possi3le onl! an A/- s$pervisor or a3ove5 sho$ld 3e a3le to process an internal trans"er postin' o" /var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_3/205399238.doc !0& o( $'!

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c$stomerCrelated doc$ments. 13. -roAect ,peci"ic (2 ,ection &/A 3/3/1/-/ C% Template: 1. .e>$irements/Expectations -ostin' with clearin' "$nction provides an internal process to clear open c$stomer items witho$t processin' an act$al 3illin' invoice. 2. General Explanations sin' the postin' with clearin' "$nction5 !o$ enter doc$ment line items and then select the open items that are to 3e cleared. 8nce the total amo$nt o" selected open items e>$als the amo$nt o" entered line items5 the s!stem clears the open items 3! creatin' one or more o""settin' entries. 3. Explanations o" ;$nctions and Events 6hen !o$ post an o$t'oin' c$stomer pa!ment5 the s!stem re>$ires a postin' 7e! to 'enerate the o""settin' entr! "or open items selected. #o 'enerate this o""settin' entr!5 it $ses the c$stomer credit postin' 7e! that is speci"ied "or the clearin' entr!. All the other postin' 7e!s are $sed "or special sit$ations that ma! occ$r when postin' an o$t'oin' pa!ment0 W ($stomer postin' 7e!s are re>$ired so that o""settin' entries can 3e made to the c$stomer acco$nt when open items are cleared "or a c$stomer. W -ostin' 7e!s are re>$ired "or special G/D transactions i" !o$ want to clear5 "or example5 an invoice and a down pa!ment in a sin'le clearin' transaction. :. B$siness Fodel ,tandard ,A- B$siness Fodel applies 5. ,pecial 8r'ani%ational (onsiderations Altho$'h A/. doc$ment processin' is at a department level5 2nternal #rans"er -ostin' o" doc$ments will 3e centrali%ed in A/. 9or possi3l! A/-) to limit the possi3ilit! o" doc$ments errors. ?. (han'es to Existin' 8r'ani%ation &one %nternal Transfer 6osting +ith Clearing


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@. *escription o" 2mprovements 2nternal #rans"er -ostin' with clearin' "$nction provides an internal process to clear open c$stomer items witho$t processin' an act$al 3illin' invoice. 8. *escription o" ;$nctional *e"icits &one are apparent at this time 9. Approaches to (overin' ;$nctional *e"icits &one 10. &otes on ;$rther 2mprovements &one 11. ,!stem (on"i'$ration (onsiderations #he postin' 7e!s !o$ speci"! "or the #rans"er postin' with clearin' transaction are $sed "or the 'eneral clearin' "$nction and5 i" the s!stem has to ma7e internal trans"er postin's5 "or the acco$nt clearin' "$nction as well. #he pa!ment pro'ram and the special "$nctions "or o$t'oin' and incomin' pa!ments $se the postin' 7e!s de"ined "or the incomin' pa!ment and o$t'oin' pa!ment transactions. <o$ cannot delete these transactions. -ostin' 7e!s "or the invoice and credit memo "ast entr! "$nction are de"ined separatel! in the s!stem. 12. A$thori%ation and ser .oles 8nl! ;inancial s$pervisor! personnel sho$ld have the capa3ilit! to per"orm 2nternal #rans"er -ostin'. 2n Acco$nts .eceiva3le5 onl! the A/. s$pervisor5 or i" possi3le onl! an A/- s$pervisor or a3ove5 sho$ld 3e a3le to process an internal trans"er postin' o" c$stomerCrelated doc$ments. 13. -roAect ,peci"ic (2 ,ection &/A

3/3/2/1/ C% Template:

$cco!nt $nalysis M$)RN

C!stomer Bine %tem $nalysis

1. .e>$irements/Expectations A3ilit! to >$er! and report on c$stomer line items /var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_3/205399238.doc !0) o( $'!

AcceleratedSAP - Business Blueprint

6ithin the Acco$nts .eceiva3le mod$le5 !o$ can anal!%e individ$al operational areas as o"ten as !o$ re>$ire. <o$ can eval$ate5 amon' other thin's5 pa!ment histor!5 c$rrenc! expos$re amon' c$stomers and vendors5 or a'in' reports. 2. General Explanations /$er! screens/report that provide c$stomerCrelated line item detail data associated with c$stomer doc$ments. 3. Explanations o" ;$nctions and Events .o$tine reportin' tools :. B$siness Fodel &/A 5. ,pecial 8r'ani%ational (onsiderations &one ?. (han'es to Existin' 8r'ani%ation &one @. *escription o" 2mprovements &/A 8. *escription o" ;$nctional *e"icits &one are apparent at this time 9. Approaches to (overin' ;$nctional *e"icits &one 10. &otes on ;$rther 2mprovements &one 11. ,!stem (on"i'$ration (onsiderations ,creen variants can 3e developed d$rin' con"i'$ration to assist the end $ser. 12. A$thori%ation and ser .oles /var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_3/205399238.doc !10 o( $'!

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&/A 13. -roAect ,peci"ic (2 ,ection &/A 3/3/2/2/ C% Template: 1. .e>$irements/Expectations A3ilit! to >$er! and report on c$stomer line items 6ithin the Acco$nts .eceiva3le mod$le5 !o$ can anal!%e individ$al operational areas as o"ten as !o$ re>$ire. <o$ can eval$ate5 amon' other thin's5 pa!ment histor!5 c$rrenc! expos$re amon' c$stomers and vendors5 or a'in' reports. 2. General Explanations /$er! screens/report that provide c$stomerCrelated line item detail data associated with c$stomer doc$ments. 3. Explanations o" ;$nctions and Events .o$tine reportin' tools :. B$siness Fodel &/A 5. ,pecial 8r'ani%ational (onsiderations &one ?. (han'es to Existin' 8r'ani%ation &one @. *escription o" 2mprovements &/A 8. *escription o" ;$nctional *e"icits &one are apparent at this time alance $nalysis


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9. Approaches to (overin' ;$nctional *e"icits &one 10. &otes on ;$rther 2mprovements &one 11. ,!stem (on"i'$ration (onsiderations ,creen variants can 3e developed d$rin' con"i'$ration to assist the end $ser. 12. A$thori%ation and ser .oles &/A 13. -roAect ,peci"ic (2 ,ection &/A 3/3/2/,/ C% Template: 1. .e>$irements/Expectations A3ilit! to >$er! and report on c$stomer line items 6ithin the Acco$nts .eceiva3le mod$le5 !o$ can anal!%e individ$al operational areas as o"ten as !o$ re>$ire. <o$ can eval$ate5 amon' other thin's5 pa!ment histor!5 c$rrenc! expos$re amon' c$stomers and vendors5 or a'in' reports. 2. General Explanations /$er! screens/report that provide c$stomerCrelated line item detail data associated with c$stomer doc$ments. 3. Explanations o" ;$nctions and Events .o$tine reportin' tools :. B$siness Fodel &/A 5. ,pecial 8r'ani%ational (onsiderations &one C!stomer $cco!nt =*al!ations


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?. (han'es to Existin' 8r'ani%ation &one @. *escription o" 2mprovements &/A 8. *escription o" ;$nctional *e"icits &one are apparent at this time 9. Approaches to (overin' ;$nctional *e"icits &one 10. &otes on ;$rther 2mprovements &one 11. ,!stem (on"i'$ration (onsiderations ,creen variants can 3e developed d$rin' con"i'$ration to assist the end $ser. 12. A$thori%ation and ser .oles &/A 13. -roAect ,peci"ic (2 ,ection &/A

"!estions: /0

C!stomer 6ayments

1) 6hich proced$re do !o$ $se to enter c$stomer pa!ments1

A0 ($stomer pa!ments are deposited at each camp$s. -aperwor7 is sent to the Enoxville camp$s5 central cashier5 "or 'eneral led'er postin'. -a!ments are matched to o$tstandin' A/. man$all! 3ased on sponsor name5 pa!ment amo$nt5 and invoice n$m3er 9i" re"erenced 3! the sponsor). n7nown pa!ments are posted to a central clearin' acco$nt "or investi'ation. /0 2) 4ow do !o$ handle pa!ment di""erences1

A0 2" a sponsor $nderpa!s5 the remainin' 3alance remains d$e and pa!a3le "or the invoice. # then p$rs$es collection o" the $npaid amo$nt. /var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_3/205399238.doc !13 o( $'!

AcceleratedSAP - Business Blueprint

2" a sponsor overpa!s5 the overpa!ment is investi'ated. 2" it is tr$l! an overpa!ment5 it is applied to "$t$re invoices or re"$nded to the sponsor. ,ometimes5 sponsors pa! $s interest5 even tho$'h we do not char'e it. # trans"ers the interest pa!ment to an interest income acco$nt. /0 3) Are pa!ment di""erences posted a$tomaticall!1

A0 &o. /0 :) *o !o$r c$stomers provide reason codes "or discrepancies in pa!ments1

A0 &o. C% Template: 1. .e>$irements/Expectations ($stomer pa!ments are deposited at each camp$s. -aperwor7 is sent to the Enoxville camp$s5 central cashier5 "or 'eneral led'er postin'. -a!ments are matched to o$tstandin' A/. man$all! 3ased on sponsor name5 pa!ment amo$nt5 and invoice n$m3er 9i" re"erenced 3! the sponsor). n7nown pa!ments are posted to a central clearin' acco$nt "or investi'ation. 3/3/,/1/ "!estions: /0 1) *o !o$ receive pa!ment advices "rom !o$r c$stomers1 6ayment $d*ice ?ote 6rocessing

A0 <es /0 2) *o !o$ enter pa!ment advices man$all! prior to appl!in' the pa!ments1

A0 <es C% Template: 1. .e>$irements/Expectations # receives pa!ment advices alon' with c$stomer pa!ments. #he (ashier man$all! posts the pa!ment 3! $sin' in"ormation on the pa!ment advice. ?. (han'es to Existin' 8r'ani%ation &one 8. *escription o" ;$nctional *e"icits &one are apparent at this time /var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_3/205399238.doc !1! o( $'!

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9. Approaches to (overin' ;$nctional *e"icits &one 10. &otes on ;$rther 2mprovements &one 13. -roAect ,peci"ic (2 ,ection &/A 3/3/,/2/ C% Template: 1. .e>$irements/Expectations A c$stomer pa!ment re>$est is a c$stomer doc$ment that tri''ers a c$stomer acco$nts receiva3le 3! the pa!ment pro'ram. 2. General Explanations A pa!ment re>$est is a noted item and it tri''ers a d$nnin' notice thro$'h the d$nnin' pro'ram. <o$ can enter pa!ment re>$ests 3oth "or invoices that have alread! 3een posted and invoices that have 3een par7ed. 3. Explanations o" ;$nctions and Events #o enter a pa!ment re>$est5 proceed as "ollows0 ;rom the Accounts 2eceiva)&e men$5 choose Document entry 2O %ayment re+uest. #he pa!ment pro'ram creates pa!ment orders a$tomaticall!. -a!ment orders are deleted once the open items the! contain are cleared 9when the acco$nt statement is posted). ?. (han'es to Existin' 8r'ani%ation &one 8. *escription o" ;$nctional *e"icits &one are apparent at this time 9. Approaches to (overin' ;$nctional *e"icits &one C!stomer 6ayment ReC!est


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10. &otes on ;$rther 2mprovements &one 13. -roAect ,peci"ic (2 ,ection &/A 3/3/,/,/ "!estions: /0 1) 4ow do !o$ release invoices that have 3een 3loc7ed "or pa!ment1 Release for 6ayment

A0 6e do not 3loc7 pa!ments. &/A C% Template: ?. (han'es to Existin' 8r'ani%ation &one 8. *escription o" ;$nctional *e"icits &one are apparent at this time 9. Approaches to (overin' ;$nctional *e"icits &one 10. &otes on ;$rther 2mprovements &one 13. -roAect ,peci"ic (2 ,ection &/A 3/3/,/3/ "!estions: /0 1) 6hich proced$re do !o$ $se to enter c$stomer pa!ments1 Man!al %ncoming 6ayments

A0 ($stomer pa!ments are deposited at each camp$s. -aperwor7 is sent to the Enoxville camp$s5 central cashier5 "or 'eneral led'er postin'. -a!ments are matched to o$tstandin' A/. man$all! 3ased on sponsor name5 pa!ment amo$nt5 and invoice n$m3er 9i" re"erenced 3! the sponsor). n7nown pa!ments are posted to a central clearin' acco$nt "or investi'ation. /var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_3/205399238.doc !1$ o( $'!

AcceleratedSAP - Business Blueprint


2) 6hich proced$re do !o$ $se to process man$al pa!ments to vendors1

A0 ($stomer pa!ments are deposited at each camp$s. -aperwor7 is sent to the Enoxville camp$s5 central cashier5 "or 'eneral led'er postin'. -a!ments are matched to o$tstandin' A/. man$all! 3ased on sponsor name5 pa!ment amo$nt5 and invoice n$m3er 9i" re"erenced 3! the sponsor). n7nown pa!ments are posted to a central clearin' acco$nt "or investi'ation. /0 3) *o !o$ print or handCwrite the pa!ment media 9"or example5 chec7s5 trans"er "orms)1

A0 &/A C% Template: 1. .e>$irements/Expectations ($stomer pa!ments are deposited at each camp$s. -aperwor7 is sent to the Enoxville camp$s5 central cashier5 "or 'eneral led'er postin'. -a!ments are matched to o$tstandin' A/. man$all! 3ased on sponsor name5 pa!ment amo$nt5 and invoice n$m3er 9i" re"erenced 3! the sponsor). n7nown pa!ments are posted to a central clearin' acco$nt "or investi'ation. ?. (han'es to Existin' 8r'ani%ation &one 8. *escription o" ;$nctional *e"icits &one are apparent at this time 9. Approaches to (overin' ;$nctional *e"icits &one 10. &otes on ;$rther 2mprovements &one 13. -roAect ,peci"ic (2 ,ection &/A 3/3/,/5/ "!estions: $!tomatic %ncoming 6ayments


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/0 1) 4ow do !o$ post pa!ments1 6hich G/D acco$nts are $sed1 6hich additional acco$nt assi'nments 9"or example5 cost centers) do !o$ need "or 3an7 postin's5 3an7 char'es acco$nts5 cash disco$nt acco$nts5 and exchan'e rate di""erences1 A0 ($stomer pa!ments are deposited at each camp$s. -aperwor7 is sent to the Enoxville camp$s5 central cashier5 "or 'eneral led'er postin'. -a!ments are matched to o$tstandin' A/. man$all! 3ased on sponsor name5 pa!ment amo$nt5 and invoice n$m3er 9i" re"erenced 3! the sponsor). n7nown pa!ments are posted to a central clearin' acco$nt "or investi'ation. /0 2) *o !o$ process a$tomatic pa!ments "or !o$r c$stomers5 s$ch as direct de3its and 3ills o" exchan'e1 -lease descri3e in detail how these pa!ments are processed. A0 &o /0 3) *o !o$ appl! pa!ments a$tomaticall! 3ased on an electronic statement o" acco$nt or a loc73ox "ile1 *escri3e in detail how these pa!ments are processed. A0 &o C% Template: 1. .e>$irements/Expectations # posts all pa!ments man$all!. 6e do not expect to do a$tomatic postin'. ?. (han'es to Existin' 8r'ani%ation &one 8. *escription o" ;$nctional *e"icits &one are apparent at this time 9. Approaches to (overin' ;$nctional *e"icits &one 10. &otes on ;$rther 2mprovements &one 13. -roAect ,peci"ic (2 ,ection &/A 3/3/,/4/ C% Template: /var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_3/205399238.doc !1' o( $'! 6ayment Card 'ettlement

AcceleratedSAP - Business Blueprint

?. (han'es to Existin' 8r'ani%ation &one 8. *escription o" ;$nctional *e"icits &one are apparent at this time 9. Approaches to (overin' ;$nctional *e"icits &one 10. &otes on ;$rther 2mprovements &one 13. -roAect ,peci"ic (2 ,ection &/A

"!estions: /0

$cco!nt Clearing M$RN

1) 2n which cases are open items cleared other than thro$'h pa!ment receipts1

A0 2n the rare instances where a receiva3le is deemed $na3le to 3e collected5 a Ao$rnal entr! is man$all! prepared to trans"er costs to a departmental cost center to cover the $ncollected amo$nt. /0 2) 4ow do !o$ handle credit memos1

A0 6e c$rrentl! do not have this capa3ilit!5 3$t wo$ld li7e to. C% Template: 1. .e>$irements/Expectations # needs capa3ilit! to man$all! clear A/. 3! Ao$rnal entr!. 3/3/3/1/ C% Template: 1. .e>$irements/Expectations A3ilit! to clear open items which are not cleared a$tomaticall! Man!al Clearing


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AcceleratedSAP - Business Blueprint

2. General Explanations <o$ can clear onl! items that are posted to acco$nts that are 7ept on an open item 3asis. 8pen item mana'ement is a$tomaticall! set "or c$stomer and vendor acco$nts. ;or G/D acco$nts5 however5 !o$ have to set the open item mana'ement option in their master record !o$rsel". 3. Explanations o" ;$nctions and Events 6hen clearin' open items5 !o$ m$st assi'n items on the de3it side to items on the credit side. #he s!stem then chec7s whether the de3it and credit amo$nts clear each other. #he s!stem indicates the items as cleared onl! when the 3alance o" the allocated items is %ero. #he clearin' date and the clearin' doc$ment n$m3er are stored in each line item :. B$siness Fodel ,tandard ,A- B$siness Fodel applies 5. ,pecial 8r'ani%ational (onsiderations Altho$'h A/. doc$ment processin' is at a department level5 Fan$al clearin' o" doc$ments will 3e centrali%ed in A/. 9or possi3l! A/-) to limit the possi3ilit! o" clearin' doc$ment errors. ?. (han'es to Existin' 8r'ani%ation &one @. *escription o" 2mprovements &one 8. *escription o" ;$nctional *e"icits &one are apparent at this time 9. Approaches to (overin' ;$nctional *e"icits &one 10. &otes on ;$rther 2mprovements &one 11. ,!stem (on"i'$ration (onsiderations 6ith the exception o" the ($stomer and +endor acco$nts5 all other G/D acco$nts that will re>$ire clearin' o" open items will have to 3e con"i'$red as s$ch in the 8pen 2tems Fana'ement G/D master "ield. /var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_3/205399238.doc !20 o( $'!

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12. A$thori%ation and ser .oles 2n Acco$nts .eceiva3le5 onl! the A/. s$pervisor or a3ove sho$ld 3e a3le to process the -a!ment -ro'ram. 13. -roAect ,peci"ic (2 ,ection &/A 3/3/3/2/ C% Template: 1. .e>$irements/Expectations A3ilit! to clear open items a$tomaticall! 2. General Explanations <o$ can clear onl! items that are posted to acco$nts that are 7ept on an open item 3asis. 8pen item mana'ement is a$tomaticall! set "or c$stomer and vendor acco$nts. ;or G/D acco$nts5 however5 !o$ have to set the open item mana'ement option in their master record !o$rsel". 8pen items on an acco$nt can 3e cleared man$all! $sin' the Acco$nt clearin' "$nction5 or the! can 3e cleared a$tomaticall! 3! the s!stem. A$tomatic clearin' is speciall! desi'ned "or clearin' acco$nts s$ch as the (hec7s .eceiva3le (learin'5 Goods .eceipt/2nvoice .eceipt (learin'5 +endor/($stomer acco$nts in the 'eneral led'er. 8ther s!stem processes can 3e con"i'$red to per"orm similar a$tomatic clearin' activities. 3. Explanations o" ;$nctions and Events 6hen clearin' open items5 the s!stem can a$tomaticall! post 9clear)0 W (ash disco$nts paid or received W Gains or losses "rom $nderC or overpa!ment W 2np$t and o$tp$t tax and withholdin' tax W Ban7 char'es W Gains or losses "rom exchan'e rate di""erences W Entries to clear the acco$nt "or cash disco$nt clearin' in the net method o" postin' 2n clearin' open items5 the s!stem a$tomaticall! 'enerates the necessar! clearin' entries. #hese postin's contain all in"ormation re>$ired to $pdate transaction "i'$res5 commitments and acco$nt 3alances. ,eparate clearin' entries can 3e 'enerated "or each o" the di""erent compan! codes5 3$siness areas5 acco$nts5 or tradin' partners. :. B$siness Fodel ,tandard ,A- B$siness Fodel applies $!tomatic Clearing


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5. ,pecial 8r'ani%ational (onsiderations Altho$'h A/. doc$ment processin' is at a department level5 A$tomatic clearin' o" doc$ments will 3e centrali%ed in A/. 9or possi3l! A/-) to limit the possi3ilit! o" clearin' doc$ment errors. ?. (han'es to Existin' 8r'ani%ation &one @. *escription o" 2mprovements ($stomer and vendor acco$nts are alwa!s 7ept on an open item 3asis. #his lets !o$ monitor !o$r o$tstandin' receiva3les and pa!a3les at an! time. 8pen item mana'ement ens$res that all items that have not !et 3een cleared are availa3le in the s!stem. 8nl! a"ter ever! open item in a doc$ment is cleared can a doc$ment 3e archived. 8. *escription o" ;$nctional *e"icits &one 9. Approaches to (overin' ;$nctional *e"icits &one 10. &otes on ;$rther 2mprovements &one 11. ,!stem (on"i'$ration (onsiderations 6ith the exception o" the ($stomer and +endor acco$nts5 all other G/D acco$nts which will re>$ire clearin' o" open items will have to 3e con"i'$res as s$ch in the 8pen 2tems Fana'ement G/D master "ield. 12. A$thori%ation and ser .oles 2n Acco$nts .eceiva3le5 onl! the A/. s$pervisor or a3ove sho$ld 3e a3le to process the -a!ment -ro'ram. 13. -roAect ,peci"ic (2 ,ection &/A

C% Template:

D!nning ?otice


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AcceleratedSAP - Business Blueprint

1. .e>$irements/Expectations # c$rrentl! has a$tomatic d$nnin' capa3ilit!. # has the option o" sendin' late letters "or invoices at 905 1205 and 150 da!s old. #he standard letters are three "ormats o" increasin' severit!. 3/3/5/1/ "!estions: /0 1) A"ter how man! da!s do !o$ intend to iss$e a d$nnin' notice1 $!tomatic D!nning

A0 2nvoices are a'ed "rom the date mailed. 6hen an invoice 3ecomes 90 da!s old5 it is eli'i3le "or a late letter. # needs the capa3ilit! o" not sendin' a late letter i" we 7now o" circ$mstances where it wo$ld not 3e appropriate. /0 2) 6hat is the d$nnin' "re>$enc!1 #

A0 # sends collection letters monthl!5 at 905 1205 150 da!s old. A"ter 2 or 3 letters5 starts callin' the sponsor. /0 3) *o !o$ d$n vario$s c$stomer 'ro$ps at di""erent intervals1

A0 &o. /0 :) 6hich t!pes o" d$nnin' do !o$ $se1

A0 #he three collection letters are o" increasin' severit!. /0 5) 4ow man! d$nnin' levels do !o$ have1

A0 #hree. /0 ?) 6hich or'ani%ational $nits are responsi3le "or d$nnin' 9"or example5 compan! code5 division)1 A0 #his sho$ld 3e handled at the camp$s 3$siness o""ice or (ontrollerIs 8""ice level. /0 @) *o !o$ calc$late d$nnin' interest or char'e a d$nnin' "ee1

A0 &o. C% Template: 1. .e>$irements/Expectations # c$rrentl! has a$tomatic d$nnin' capa3ilit!. # has the option o" sendin' late letters "or invoices at 905 1205 and 150 da!s old. #he standard letters are three "ormats o" increasin' severit!. /var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_3/205399238.doc !23 o( $'!

AcceleratedSAP - Business Blueprint

2. General Explanations #he d$nnin' process consists o" the "ollowin' sta'es0 1/ Creating the d!nning proposal: <o$ start the d$nnin' pro'ram and enter the compan! codes "or the d$nnin' r$n. <o$ can onl! r$n the pro'ram "or certain acco$nts. #he d$nnin' pro'ram determines the acco$nts and items that are to 3e d$nned5 the d$nnin' level and all other details necessar! "or d$nnin'. #he d$nnin' pro'ram prod$ces a d$nnin' proposal list. #he d$nnin' proposal list can 3e created as o"ten as re>$ired since the d$nnin' data "or the item and in the acco$nt is not $pdated $ntil the d$nnin' notices have 3een printed. 2/ =diting the d!nning proposal list: <o$ edit the d$nnin' proposal list 3! raisin' or lowerin' the d$nnin' level o" some line items5 3loc7in' some line items "rom 3ein' d$nned5 or removin' d$nnin' 3loc7s. ,/ 6rinting the d!nning notices #he print pro'ram prints the d$nnin' notices. 2t $pdates the "ields Dunning &eve& and Dunning date in each line item5 and d$nnin' date and level in the master records. 3. Explanations o" ;$nctions and Events #he d$nnin' pro'ram d$ns open items in c$stomer and vendor acco$nts i" the overd$e items res$lt in a de3it 3alance. 6hen con"i'$rin' the d$nnin' pro'ram5 !o$ can speci"! "$rther criteria 3! which acco$nts or their open items are to 3e d$nned. Fost o" the important speci"ications are made via the d$nnin' proced$re5 which is de"ined $nder a "o$rCdi'it alphan$meric 7e!5 and determines0 #he d!nning freC!ency and/or the d!nning inter*al with which acco$nts are d$nned. #he grace days and the minim!m n!mbers of days in arrears "or the p$rposes o" determinin' whether the open items and acco$nts in >$estion sho$ld 3e d$nned. #his data is $sed onl! to determine the d$e date o" the open items and whether an acco$nt sho$ld 3e d$nned. #he n!mber of d!nning le*els. ;or each d$nnin' level !o$ determine the n$m3er o" da!s a line item m$st 3e in arrears to 3e assi'ned to a partic$lar d$nnin' level. #his d$nnin' level then determines the wordin' o" the d$nnin' notice. #he transactions to be d!nned. <o$ can select whether standard and/or special G/D transactions are d$nned with the same proced$re. Examples o" special G/D transactions are pa!ment re>$ests5 down pa!ments and down pa!ment re>$ests. <o$ can set $p one or more d$nnin' proced$res. ,everal proced$res are necessar! i" !o$ want to d$n acco$nts di""erentl! accordin' to the a3oveCmentioned criteria. :. B$siness Fodel ,tandard ,A- B$siness Fodel applies 5. ,pecial 8r'ani%ational (onsiderations .esponsi3ilit! "or d$nnin' sho$ld 3e handled at the camp$s 3$siness o""ice or (ontrollerIs 8""ice level.


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AcceleratedSAP - Business Blueprint

?. (han'es to Existin' 8r'ani%ation &one @. *escription o" 2mprovements #he ./3 ,!stem allows !o$ to d$n 3$siness partners a$tomaticall!. #he s!stem d$ns the open items "rom 3$siness partner acco$nts in which the overd$e items create a de3it 3alance. #he d$nnin' pro'ram selects the overd$e open items5 determines the d$nnin' level o" the acco$nt in >$estion5 and creates a d$nnin' notice. 2t then saves the d$nnin' data created "or the items and acco$nts a""ected. 8. *escription o" ;$nctional *e"icits &one are apparent at this time 9. Approaches to (overin' ;$nctional *e"icits &one 10. &otes on ;$rther 2mprovements &one 11. ,!stem (on"i'$ration (onsiderations *$rin' d$nnin' pro'ram con"i'$ration !o$ determine the "ollowin'0 #he d$nnin' proced$re to 3e $sed. #he d$nnin' proced$re determines the d$nnin' interval5 the 'race da!s "or d$e date determination and the n$m3er o" d$nnin' levels. &ote that it is not compan! codeCspeci"ic. #he compan! codes and acco$nts that are alwa!s to 3e incl$ded in the d$nnin' proced$re. 8nl! those compan! codes that !o$ speci"! in the con"i'$ration o" the d$nnin' pro'ram are ta7en into acco$nt. 8nl! those acco$nts to which !o$ allocated a d$nnin' proced$re via the master record are d$nned. #he t!pe o" d$nnin' notice to 3e sent to the c$stomer. <o$ determine the appearance o" the d$nnin' notices 3! speci"!in' their la!o$t5 which parts are hi'hli'hted and the "onts $sed. <o$ can tailor the d$nnin' texts to !o$r own re>$irements5 "orm$latin' them di""erentl! per d$nnin' level. 12. A$thori%ation and ser .oles .esponsi3ilit! "or d$nnin' sho$ld 3e handled at the camp$s 3$siness o""ice or (ontrollerIs 8""ice level. #hose $sers sho$ld 3e allocated the appropriate a$thori%ation privile'es. 13. -roAect ,peci"ic (2 ,ection &/A


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AcceleratedSAP - Business Blueprint

C% Template:

Correspondence +ith C!stomers

1. .e>$irements/Expectations ($rrentl!5 # onl! has two t!pes o" correspondence with sponsors C invoices and late letters. # wo$ld li7e to 3e a3le to $se credit memos5 statement o" acco$nt5 and other t!pes o" standard correspondence. # needs a wa! to o""iciall! doc$ment collection e""orts with a c$stomer. 6e c$rrentl! write this down man$all! in o$r proAect "ile. #his doc$mentation sho$ld 3e at the invoice level. #his doc$mentation s$3stantiates o$r ver3al correspondence. #his is $s$all! notes "rom conversations with vario$s c$stomer personnel5 o$r -25 etc. 3/3/4/1/ "!estions: /0 1) 6hat correspondence 9s$ch as 3alance con"irmation) and internal eval$ations 9s$ch as internal doc$ments) do !o$ create "or !o$r vendors1 A0 ($rrentl!5 # onl! has two t!pes o" correspondence with sponsors C invoices and late letters. # wo$ld li7e to 3e a3le to $se credit memos5 statement o" acco$nt5 and other t!pes o" standard correspondence. # needs a wa! to o""iciall! doc$ment collection e""orts with a c$stomer. 6e c$rrentl! write this down man$all! in o$r proAect "ile. #his doc$mentation sho$ld 3e at the invoice level. #his doc$mentation s$3stantiates o$r ver3al correspondence. #his is $s$all! notes "rom conversations with vario$s c$stomer personnel5 o$r -25 etc. C% Template: 1. .e>$irements/Expectations ($rrentl!5 # onl! has two t!pes o" correspondence with sponsors C invoices and late letters. # wo$ld li7e to 3e a3le to $se credit memos5 statement o" acco$nt5 and other t!pes o" standard correspondence. # needs a wa! to o""iciall! doc$ment collection e""orts with a c$stomer. 6e c$rrentl! write this down man$all! in o$r proAect "ile. #his doc$mentation sho$ld 3e at the invoice level. #his doc$mentation s$3stantiates o$r ver3al correspondence. #his is $s$all! notes "rom conversations with vario$s c$stomer personnel5 o$r -25 etc. 2. General Explanations An! desired correspondence can 3e re>$ested either a$tomaticall! or man$all!. #he a$tomatic proced$re is possi3le "or the "ollowin' correspondence t!pes0 W #he s!stem can create pa!ment notices a$tomaticall! 3! ma7in' an entr! in the master record o" the vendor5 or 3! ma7in' this dependent on the compan! code. W Acco$nt statements are a$tomaticall! printed periodicall!5 witho$t a re>$est havin' 3een made5 i" the vender has a correspondin' 7e! "or this in the master record. (orrespondence is $s$all! printed a$tomaticall!. #o this end5 the re>$est pro'ram /var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_3/205399238.doc !2$ o( $'! Correspondence +ith C!stomers

AcceleratedSAP - Business Blueprint

,A-;1:0 is r$n in the 3ac7'ro$nd 9witho$t an! entered parameters "or it)5 "or example once ever! da!5 to print the correspondence. #he report prints all the correspondence t!pes re>$ested 3$t not !et printed. 3. Explanations o" ;$nctions and Events (orrespondence to c$stomers0 3illin' invoices5 d$nnin' notices :. B$siness Fodel ,tandard ,A- B$siness Fodel applies 5. ,pecial 8r'ani%ational (onsiderations &one ?. (han'es to Existin' 8r'ani%ation &one @. *escription o" 2mprovements (orrespondences can 3e a$tomaticall! 'enerated as opposed as onl! man$all! processed. 8. *escription o" ;$nctional *e"icits &one are apparent at this time 9. Approaches to (overin' ;$nctional *e"icits &one 10. &otes on ;$rther 2mprovements &one 11. ,!stem (on"i'$ration (onsiderations &one are apparent at this time 12. A$thori%ation and ser .oles &one are apparent at this time 13. -roAect ,peci"ic (2 ,ection


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AcceleratedSAP - Business Blueprint



an: $cco!nting
Cash Ko!rnal

3/5/1/1/ "!estions: /0

1) 4ow do !o$ mana'e incomin' cash1

A0 An! department in the niversit! ma! receive or dis3$rse cash. #he #reas$rerIs o""ice is responsi3le "or mana'in' all $niversit! cash thro$'h the main 3an7 acco$nt at the ;irst #ennessee 3an7 and several other depositor! 3an7s located all over the state. #he #reas$rerIs 8""ice 9#im Fapes) mana'es the (ash Acco$nts. #he individ$al camp$s B$rsar 8""ices 9or primar! depositor5 i" there is no B$rsarIs 8""ice) m$st provide the total dail! cash deposits in their respective depositor! acco$nts to #im Fapes so that he ma! ma7e investment decisions. *epartments deposit cash with the B$rsarIs 8""ice and prepare a #C335 .eport o" (ollections5 that details the amo$nts and the acco$nts to which the cash sho$ld 3e credited. #im FapesI role is to mana'e the overall cash position and to invest excess "$nds. Each mornin'5 #im loo7s on -rime (onnection "or primar! depositor! acco$nt 3alance 9i.e. Acct 15) #im 'ets the #Cmaintained spreadsheet o" the # investment port"olio "or that da!Is investment mat$rities. #he excess/de"icit is determined5 and appropriate investment activit! is done 3ased on the dail! li>$idit! anal!sis. *ail! Di>$idit! Anal!sis o" -rimar! *epositor! Acco$nt 6or7sheet0 =7%??%?7 $B$?C= 9previo$s da!Is closin' 3alance) 6B>': ,ec$rities mat$rin' that da! 9"rom port"olio spreadsheet) ,emiCann$al co$pon additions 9"rom port"olio spreadsheet) &et A(4 de3its/credits activit! postin's that will post on c$rrent da! 9"rom -rime (onnection) Doc73ox additions 9thro$'h -rime (onnections) #here are 3 loc73oxes. *a! 1Cdeposited/ *a! 2Cmoved to primar! depositor! acco$nt 8verni'ht .epos 9"rom the port"olio spreadsheet) B='': ;$nds re>$ired to cover the controlled dis3$rsements clearin's 9A/- chec7s C *+s and B+s) *irect *eposit portion o" the -a!roll that will clear that da!. Estimated amo$nt o" pa!roll chec7s that will clear that da!. 8$t'oin' wire trans"ers 9e.'. *e3t service pa!ments5 retirement pa!ments) 8$t'oin' A(4 pa!ments 9e.'. -a!roll taxes) =">$B': Amo$nt o" Excess (ash to 2nvest or *e"icit to (over thro$'h ,ale o" 2nvestments #he (ontrollerIs 8""ice does the reconciliation and the G/D "$nctions. 6e have 1 primar! depositor! acco$nt where we initiall! deposit Enoxville "$nds. #he primar! depositor! acco$nt is o$r cash mana'ement acco$nt. 6e invest 3ased on the 3alance in that acco$nt. o 8ther acco$nt "$nds are swept into this acco$nt. o 8$r wires 'o o$t o" that acco$nt and o$r A(4 'oes in and o$t /var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_3/205399238.doc !2' o( $'!

AcceleratedSAP - Business Blueprint

o o

&o chec7s are written "rom this acco$nt. 6or7in' capital investment p$rchases/sales are "rom this acco$nt

Besides the primar! depositor! acco$nt at Enoxville5 there are 3 other 1st #& depositor! acco$nts at di""erent locations 9(oo7eville5 Femphis5 and (hattanoo'a). Activities in these depositor! acco$nts are tied to certain G/D acco$nts. (ash is concentrated o$t o" them. 6e 'et a dail! download on the Femphis acco$nt. #he (ontrollerIs 8""ice 9,haron Dee) "axes a cop! o" the dail! download to Femphis so that the Femphis B$rsar 7nows what A(4 and wires 9s$ch as 'rant H contract pa!ments) were received. #here are 30 acco$nts at 22 3an7s. 6e do not 7eep in"ormation on vendor 3an7s. (TD=R $?G' #here is one depositor! acco$nt per location o" 3an7. All depositor! acco$nts concentrate to 1st #&5 3$t a minim$m 3alance is le"t in these acco$nts. niversit! personnel "rom the vario$s camp$ses call #im Fapes and in"orm him the amo$nt o" dail! activit!5 and then #im trans"ers the appropriate amo$nt. Am,o$th Ban7 9Enoxville5 &ashville) C 2 locations &ational Ban7 o" (ommerce C 1location (it! ,tate 9Fartin) C 1 location we donIt download an! chec7s "rom this acco$nt. nion -lanters 9(hattanoo'a5 Fartin) C 2 locations ,$n#r$st 9(hattanoo'a) 1st ;armers H Ferchants &ational 9(ol$m3ia) C1 location Ban(orp ,o$th 9Oac7son5 Filan) C 2 locations Greene (o$nt! 9Greenville) Ban7 o" America 9Greenville5 &ashville5 Dewis3$r')C3 ($m3erland (o$nt! 9(rossville) C 1 location ;irst nion &ational Ban7 9,prin'"ield) ;irst ,tate 9(ovin'ton) C 1 location ;irst &ational 9#$llahoma) A' Extension (o$nt! 9A'enc! "$nds 9cash) 3ein' held across #& C &ot act$all! a 3an75 onl! a compilation o" cashCholdin's) /0 2) ;or which 3$siness transactions are incomin' cash Ao$rnal postin's made1

A0 (ash and (hec7s ;ed 6ire A(4 (redit (ards 9Fainl! "rom st$dents or tic7et p$rchasers) Ban7 credits 9interest earnin's and other adA$stments) 8$r 95 # A'ric$lt$re Extension acco$nts have a'enc! "$nds that niversit! personnel mana'e. #his amo$nt is reported onl! at the end o" the !ear "or ;inancial ,tatement p$rposes. ,t$dent pa!ments ma! 3e paid over the co$nter at each camp$s B$rsarIs 8""ice and also in the Evenin' ,chool. -a!ments "or c$rrent pa!ments ma! also 3e done thro$'h loc73ox. #here are approximate 10 locations that receive st$dent pa!ments. ;ood service is contracted o$tP however5 pa!ments "or "ood services are received d$rin' the initial semester re'istration/"ee pa!ment. #he Boo7stores and li3raries also receive pa!ments "rom st$dents.


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AcceleratedSAP - Business Blueprint

Doan pa!ments are collected thro$'h an A(4 a$toCloan pro'ram5 collected directl! at the B$rsarIs 8""ice5 and collected thro$'h loc73ox. Fonies are received "or 'i"ts thro$'h *evelopment. Grants H (ontracts pa!ments ma! 3e received 3! chec7s5 A(4 and wire trans"ers. A$xiliaries 'enerate cash. #he Athletic *epartment and the Arenas sell tic7ets. #he 4ospital at Femphis 'enerates cash as well. 8ther miscellaneo$s cash receipts occ$r at times thro$'ho$t the !ear. /0 3) 4ow are these 3$siness transactions posted1

A0 *eposit activit! is primaril! recorded/posted thro$'h the (+ 9(ash +o$cher s!stem). #he (+ is mana'ed/operated 3! the (entral (ashier located in the B$rsarMs 8""ice on the Enoxville (amp$s. &$mero$s acco$nts are de3ited/credited incl$din' income5 expendit$re5 a'enc!5 loan "$nds5 etc. C% Template: 1. .e>$irements/Expectations An! department in the niversit! ma! receive or dis3$rse cash. #he #reas$rerIs o""ice is responsi3le "or mana'in' all niversit! cash thro$'h the main 3an7 acco$nt at the ;irst #ennessee 3an7 and several other depositor! 3an7s located all over the state. #he #reas$rerIs 8""ice 9#im Fapes) mana'es the (ash Acco$nts. #he individ$al camp$s B$rsar 8""ices 9or primar! depositor5 i" there is no B$rsarIs 8""ice) m$st provide the total dail! cash deposits in their respective depositor! acco$nts to #im Fapes so that he ma! ma7e investment decisions. *epartments deposit cash with the B$rsarIs 8""ice and prepare a #C335 .eport o" (ollections5 that details the amo$nts and the acco$nts to which the cash sho$ld 3e credited. #im FapesI role is to mana'e the overall cash position and to invest excess "$nds. Each mornin'5 #im loo7s on -rime (onnection "or primar! depositor! acco$nt 3alance 9i.e. Acct 15) #im 'ets the #Cmaintained spreadsheet o" the # investment port"olio "or that da!Is investment mat$rities. #he excess/de"icit is determined5 and appropriate investment activit! is done 3ased on the dail! li>$idit! anal!sis. *ail! Di>$idit! Anal!sis o" -rimar! *epositor! Acco$nt 6or7sheet0 =7%??%?7 $B$?C= 9previo$s da!Is closin' 3alance)

6B>': 'ec!rities mat!ring that da! 9"rom port"olio spreadsheet) 'emi2ann!al co!pon additions 9"rom port"olio spreadsheet) ?et $CD debits)credits activit! postin's that will post on c$rrent da! 9"rom -rime (onnection) Boc:boA additions 9thro$'h -rime (onnections) #here are 3 loc73oxes. *a! 1C deposited/ *a! 2Cmoved to primar! depositor! acco$nt (*ernight Repos 9"rom the port"olio spreadsheet) B='': F!nds reC!ired to co*er the controlled disb!rsements clearings 9A/- chec7s G *+s and B+s) Direct Deposit portion o" the -a!roll that will clear that da!. =stimated amo!nt of payroll chec:s that will clear that da!. (!tgoing +ire transfers 9e.'. *e3t service pa!ments5 retirement pa!ments) /var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_3/205399238.doc !30 o( $'!

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(!tgoing $CD payments 9e.'. -a!roll taxes) =">$B': Amo$nt o" Excess (ash to 2nvest or *e"icit to (over thro$'h ,ale o" 2nvestments #he (ontrollerIs 8""ice does the reconciliation and the G/D "$nctions. # has 1 primary depository acco!nt where the! initiall! deposit Enoxville "$nds. #he primar! depositor! acco$nt is their cash mana'ement acco$nt. # invests 3ased on the 3alance in that acco$nt. C 8ther acco$nt "$nds are swept into this acco$nt. C 6ires 'o o$t o" that acco$nt and o$r A(4 'oes in and o$t C &o chec7s are written "rom this acco$nt. C 6or7in' capital investment p$rchases/sales are "rom this acco$nt Besides the primar! depositor! acco$nt at Enoxville5 there are , other 1 T? depository acco!nts at di""erent locations 9(oo7eville5 Femphis5 and (hattanoo'a). Activities in these depositor! acco$nts are tied to certain G/D acco$nts. (ash is concentrated o$t o" them. # 'ets a dail! download on the Femphis acco$nt. #he (ontrollerIs 8""ice 9,haron Dee) "axes a cop! o" the dail! download to Femphis so that the Femphis B$rsar 7nows what A(4 and wires 9s$ch as 'rant H contract pa!ments) were received. #here are 30 acco$nts at 22 3an7s. 6e do not 7eep in"ormation on vendor 3an7s. (TD=R $?G' #here is one depositor! acco$nt per location o" 3an7. All depositor! acco$nts st concentrate to 1 #&5 3$t a minim$m 3alance is le"t in these acco$nts. niversit! personnel "rom the vario$s camp$ses call #im Fapes and in"orm him the amo$nt o" dail! activit!5 and then #im trans"ers the appropriate amo$nt. Am,o$th Ban7 9Enoxville5 &ashville) G 2 locations &ational Ban7 o" (ommerce G 1 location (it! ,tate 9Fartin) G 1 location Swe donIt download an! chec7s "rom this acco$ntT nion -lanters 9(hattanoo'a5 Fartin) C 2 locations ,$n#r$st 9(hattanoo'a) st 1 ;armers H Ferchants &ational 9(ol$m3ia) C1 location Ban(orp ,o$th 9Oac7son5 Filan) C 2 locations Greene (o$nt! 9Greenville) Ban7 o" America 9Greenville5 &ashville5 Dewis3$r') C 3 locations ($m3erland (o$nt! 9(rossville) G 1 location ;irst nion &ational Ban7 9,prin'"ield) ;irst ,tate 9(ovin'ton) G 1 location ;irst &ational 9#$llahoma) A' Extension (o$nt! 9A'enc! "$nds 9cash) 3ein' held across #& G &ot act$all! a 3an75 onl! a compilation o" cashCholdin's) #he t!pes o" incomin' cash are0 (ash and (hec7s ;ed 6ire A(4 (redit (ards 9Fainl! "rom st$dents or tic7et p$rchasers) Ban7 credits 9interest earnin's and other adA$stments) 8$r 95 # A'ric$lt$re Extension acco$nts have a'enc! "$nds that niversit! personnel mana'e. #his amo$nt is reported onl! at the end o" the !ear "or ;inancial ,tatement p$rposes. /var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_3/205399238.doc !31 o( $'!

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,t$dent pa!ments ma! 3e paid over the co$nter at each camp$s B$rsarIs 8""ice and also in the Evenin' ,chool. -a!ments "or c$rrent pa!ments ma! also 3e done thro$'h loc73ox. #here are approximate 10 locations that receive st$dent pa!ments. ;ood service is contracted o$tP however5 pa!ments "or "ood services are received d$rin' the initial semester re'istration/"ee pa!ment. #he Boo7stores and li3raries also receive pa!ments "rom st$dents. Doan pa!ments are collected thro$'h an A(4 a$toCloan pro'ram5 collected directl! at the B$rsarIs 8""ice5 and collected thro$'h loc73ox. Fonies are received "or 'i"ts thro$'h *evelopment. Grants H (ontracts pa!ments ma! 3e received 3! chec7s5 A(4 and wire trans"ers. A$xiliaries 'enerate cash. #he Athletic *epartment and the Arenas sell tic7ets. #he 4ospital at Femphis 'enerates cash as well. Fiscellaneo$s cash receipts occ$r at times thro$'ho$t the !ear. *eposit activit! is primaril! recorded/posted thro$'h the (+ 9(ash +o$cher s!stem5 Entrex). #he (+ is mana'ed/operated 3! the (entral (ashier located in the B$rsarMs 8""ice on the Enoxville (amp$s. &$mero$s acco$nts are de3ited/credited incl$din' income5 expendit$re5 a'enc!5 loan "$nds5 etc. 2. General Explanations #he cash Ao$rnal is a s$3 led'er o" Ban7 Acco$ntin'. 2t is $sed to mana'e a compan!Is cash transactions. #he s!stem a$tomaticall! calc$lates and displa!s the openin' and closin' 3alances5 and the receipts and pa!ments totals. 8ne can r$n several cash Ao$rnals "or each compan! code. 8ne can also carr! o$t postin's to G/D acco$nts5 as well as vendor and c$stomer acco$nts. 3. Explanations o" ;$nctions and Events #he cash Ao$rnal is a sin'leCscreen transaction. #his means that one can enter5 displa!5 and chan'e cash Ao$rnal doc$ments on one screen. #he s!stem o""ers the "ollowin' options0 Enterin'5 savin'5 and postin' cash Ao$rnal entries *ispla!in' "ollowCon doc$ments *e"inin' cash Ao$rnal 3$siness transactions -rintin' the cash Ao$rnal -rintin' receipts *eletin' cash Ao$rnal entries saved *ispla!in' all cash Ao$rnal doc$ments that have 3een deleted (han'in' the cash Ao$rnal :. B$siness Fodel &one 5. ,pecial 8r'ani%ational (onsiderations


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($rrentl!5 individ$al departments "ill o$t a #C33 where it is entered 3! the B$rsarIs 8""ice into Entrex. #he onl! two camp$ses that directl! inter"ace with Entrex are (hattanoo'a and Femphis. #he! are $nder a separate s$3s!stem called Banner where the! enter their cash receipts. 2t needs to 3e decided i" # will 7eep Entrex and will it 3e replaced 3! ./3. 2" it is still maintained5 inter"aces need to 3e spec o$t. ?. (han'es to Existin' 8r'ani%ation &o chan'es to existin' or'ani%ation. @. *escription o" 2mprovements 2" Entrex is replaced5 all $sers will enter their cash receipts to one inte'rated s!stem there"ore eliminatin' all inter"aces. 8. *escription o" ;$nctional *e"icits &one 9. Approaches to (overin' ;$nctional *e"icits &/A 10. &otes on ;$rther 2mprovements &one 11. ,!stem (on"i'$ration (onsiderations Each ho$se 3an7 o" a compan! code is represented 3! a 3an7 2* in the ./3 s!stem m$st 3e de"ined5 ever! acco$nt at a ho$se 3an7 3! an acco$nt 2*. 2n the ./3 s!stem5 one $ses the 3an7 2* and the acco$nt 2* to speci"! 3an7 details. #hese speci"ications are $sed5 "or example5 "or a$tomatic pa!ment transactions to determine the 3an7 details "or pa!ment. 12. A$thori%ation and ser .oles 8nl! a$thori%ed $sers that have the responsi3ilit! to ma7e 3an7 deposits. 13. -roAect ,peci"ic (2 ,ection &/A 3/5/1/2/ "!estions: =lectronic an: 'tatement


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/0 1) ;or which ho$se 3an7s wo$ld it ma7e sense to $se electronic 3an7 statements1 *o these 3an7s have the re>$ired technical capa3ilit!1 A0 #he ;irst #ennessee 3an7. #here are 11 acco$nts at ;irst #ennessee. ,$n#r$st C (hattanoo'a wo$ld also 3e $se"$l. /0 2) 2n which "ormat is the electronic 3an7 statement availa3le1

A0 *ail! downloadC"ile in"ormation is accessed 3! Bill #hompson "or the primar! depositor! acco$nt 9in Enoxville) and the Femphis and (hattanoo'a depositor! acco$nts. 2n"ormation that is incl$ded is the BA2 code5 the description that shows $p on statement in"ormation5 and an! internall! assi'ned re"erence n$m3er 9i.e. deposit tic7et n$m3er). Doc73ox in"ormation provided is the total cash in 9deposits) and cash o$t 9trans"ers). 6e have loo7C$p capa3ilities thro$'h -rime (onnection "or chec7 clearin' detail5 some deposit detail 9o$t'oin' wire detail and individ$al deposit totals) and 3alances. 6e can also $se -rime (onnection to create wire trans"ers5 and create/release stop pa!ments. # $ses =positive pa!=0 6e send the 3an7 a dail! electronic "ile so the 3an7 7nows what chec7s # has written. #he 3an7 per"orms dail! review o" the presented chec7s a'ainst the # dail! electronic "ile to ens$re that chec7s are 'en$ine. #he 3an7 per"orms the matchin' process "or the 1st #& dis3$rsement and pa!roll acco$nts. &onCmatchin' presentments are "axed to # "or approval to pa! dail!. #he 3an7 sends a monthl! reconciliation statement. #he (ontrollerIs 8""ice does "$rther reconciliation. *ates and total amo$nts are $sed "or #Is reconciliation o" individ$al deposits. Ban7card deposits are identi"ied and reconciled 3! merchant n$m3er. (TD=R $?G' (it! ,tate 3an7 provides displa! capa3ilities on the # Fartin depositor! acco$nt thro$'h the 2nternet. #im Fapes relies on the # Fartin personnel who act$all! loo7 on the 2nternet at their acco$nt. All 3an7s provide monthl!5 hard cop! statements. (omments0 Ban7in' so"tware and hardware $sed "or cash mana'ement processin'0 o -rime (onnection C 1st #& onl!P this ma! 3e discontin$ed. -lans to 'o to an 2nternetC 3ased s!stem as o" O$ne 2001. o *#( terminal 9"or investment mana'ement) o ECmail C to 'et 3an7 pricin' at monthCend o -ro(omm/;edDine 2 9the ;edDine 2 is resident at the Ban75 and we $se -ro(omm dialo'$e to trans"er the "ile to the 3an7) o -rime (onnection A(4 C standCalone pc so"tware to process A(4 9 sed "or cash concentration5 remittance to tr$st 3ene"iciaries5 ret$rn excess "inancial aid 9,ta""ord Doans) to lendin' instit$tions5 etc.) o F(2 Fail3ox C#rans"er proced$re "or dis7 stora'e 9mail3ox) on an external server. Accessed 3! dialC$p. o (*s C 8ptical ima'er! o" cancelled chec7s o BA22 C ;or 3an7 reconciliation. BA2 is o3tained via F(2 Fail3ox and $pCloaded dail! onto the main"rame "or matchin'. 2nCho$se developed reconciliation pro'ram is maintained on A,:00. .econciliation is done monthl!. 2n ./35 BA2 will 3e p$lled in directl!P th$s5 inCho$se pro'ram sho$ld not 3e needed. o -ositive pa! so"twareC c$stomC3$ilt5 dail! extract o" G/D acco$nts pa!a3le data 9ever! chec7 that we write5 incl$din' "rom YBA acco$nts) o ;#- ,erver C 6e have it 9internet server). 6ill 3e in the "$t$re.


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,t$dent ,!stem (hec7 6riter C B$rsarIs 8""ice $ses to write lar'e n$m3ers o" chec7s thro$'h a 3atch 9noted as preCwritten). 2n addition5 onCdemand chec7s are written to individ$al st$dents.

2nvestment ,o"tware C 2nCho$se s!stem that maintains details o" investment activities E#A C a tr$st mana'ement s!stem that collects and reports activities 3! individ$al donor "$nds and provides donors ann$al tax "orms. Also maintains details o" 3an7 activities "or tr$sts. /0 3) 6hat speci"ic in"ormation do the 3an7 statements contain 9e.'. invoice n$m3ers)1 2" !o$ wish to $se the in"ormation "or the pa!ee to allocate items5 !o$ need to select a s$ita3le interpretation al'orithm. A0 +ia download we receive BA22 "ormatted in"o5 which incl$des amo$nt5 description5 and re"erence n$m3ers 9deposit tic7et V5 chec7 V5 merchant V5 other pa!ee Vs). /0 :) *oes !o$ ho$se 3an7 trans"er 3$siness transaction codes with the 3an7 statements to help !o$ classi"! the postin's1 A0 <es. /0 5) ,7etch the postin' steps "or t!pical 3an7 statement postin's. Acco$nt A01020001 A99059901 *e3it 2?51:?.13 (redit 2?51:?.13

A0 *escription (ash 8""set Generated #ransaction /0

?) 6hich pa!ment methods do !o$ process $sin' the ;2 pa!ment pro'ram1

A0 &one /0 @) *o !o$ process these pa!ment methods via separate clearin' acco$nts1

A0 &/A /0 8) *o !o$ want to distin'$ish 3etween postin' doc$ments "or man$al and electronic 3an7 statements "or acco$ntin' and reportin' p$rposes1 A0 <es5 3$t the distinction sho$ld 3e "or central o""ice $se onl!. /0 9) *o !o$r ho$se 3an7s trans"er 3$siness transaction codes with the 3an7 statements to help !o$ classi"! the postin's1 A0 <es. C% Template: 1. .e>$irements/Expectations *ail!5 downloadC"ile in"ormation is accessed 3! Bill #hompson "or the 1st #& primar! /var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_3/205399238.doc !3" o( $'!

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depositor! acco$nt 9in Enoxville) and the Femphis and (hattanoo'a depositor! acco$nts. 2n"ormation that is incl$ded is the BA2 code5 the description that shows $p on statement in"ormation5 and an! internall! assi'ned re"erence n$m3er 9i.e. deposit tic7et n$m3er). Doc73ox in"ormation provided is the total cash in 9deposits) and cash o$t 9trans"ers). # has loo7C$p capa3ilities thro$'h -rime (onnection "or chec7 clearin' detail5 some deposit detail 9o$t'oin' wire detail and individ$al deposit totals) and 3alances. # can also $se -rime (onnection to create wire trans"ers5 and create/release stop pa!ments. # $ses =positive pa!=0 # sends the 3an7 a dail! electronic "ile so the 3an7 7nows what chec7s # has written. #he 3an7 per"orms dail! review o" the presented chec7s a'ainst the # dail! electronic "ile to ens$re that chec7s are 'en$ine. #he 3an7 per"orms the st matchin' process "or the 1 #& dis3$rsement and pa!roll acco$nts. &onCmatchin' presentments are "axed to # "or approval to pa! dail!. #he 3an7 sends a monthl! reconciliation statement. #he (ontrollerIs 8""ice does "$rther reconciliation. *ates and total amo$nts are $sed "or #Is reconciliation o" individ$al deposits. Ban7card deposits are identi"ied and reconciled 3! merchant n$m3er. (TD=R $?G' (it! ,tate 3an7 provides displa! capa3ilities on the # Fartin depositor! acco$nt thro$'h the 2nternet. #im Fapes relies on the # Fartin personnel who act$all! loo7 on the 2nternet at their acco$nt. All 3an7s provide monthl!5 hard cop! statements. Comments: Ban7in' so"tware and hardware $sed "or cash mana'ement processin'. st -rime (onnection G 1 #& onl!P this ma! 3e discontin$ed. -lans to 'o to an 2nternetC 3ased s!stem as o" O$ne 2001. *#( terminal 9"or investment mana'ement) ECmail G to 'et 3an7 pricin' at monthCend -ro(omm/;edDine 2 9the ;edDine 2 is resident at the Ban75 and we $se -ro(omm dialo'$e to trans"er the "ile to the 3an7) -rime (onnection A(4 G standCalone pc so"tware to process A(4 9 sed "or cash concentration5 remittance to tr$st 3ene"iciaries5 ret$rn excess "inancial aid 9,ta""ord Doans) to lendin' instit$tions5 etc.) F(2 Fail3ox G#rans"er proced$re "or dis7 stora'e 9mail3ox) on an external server. Accessed 3! dialC$p. (*s G 8ptical ima'er! o" cancelled chec7s BA22 G ;or 3an7 reconciliation. BA2 is o3tained via F(2 Fail3ox and $pCloaded dail! onto the main"rame "or matchin'. 2nCho$se developed reconciliation pro'ram is maintained on A,:00. .econciliation is done monthl!. $n 2C>" BA$ (i&& )e !u&&ed in direct&y; thus" in house !rogram shou&d not )e needed' -ositive pa! so"twareC c$stomC3$ilt5 dail! extract o" G/D acco$nts pa!a3le data 9ever! chec7 that we write5 incl$din' "rom YBA acco$nts) ;#- ,erver G 6e have it 9internet server). Expected in the "$t$re. ,t$dent ,!stem (hec7 6riter G B$rsarIs 8""ice $ses to write lar'e n$m3ers o" chec7s thro$'h a 3atch 9noted as preCwritten). 2n addition5 onCdemand chec7s are written to individ$al st$dents. #he 3an7 statement incl$des5 via download receive BA22 "ormatted in"o5 amo$nt5 description5 and re"erence n$m3ers 9deposit tic7et V5 chec7 V5 merchant V5 other pa!ee Vs). #he t!pes o" 3$siness transaction that are on the 3an7 statement are0 cash chec7s point o" sales 9credit card/merchant V) /var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_3/205399238.doc !3$ o( $'!

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wires A(4 de3it memos investment investment interest loc73ox

2. General Explanations Ban7 statement data can 3e electronicall! retrieved "rom 3an7s. #o transmit data "rom 3an7 to c$stomer5 a trans"er pro'ram that reco'ni%es B(, is necessar!. *$rin' conversion5 data in these "iles is s$pplied with ./3Cspeci"ic in"ormation5 s$ch as the chart o" acco$nts and compan! code5 "or "$rther processin'. A"ter the import transaction is completed5 the data in the 3an7 data memor! is anal!%ed. #he s!stem tries to identi"! the individ$al 3$siness transactions and "ilter o$t the in"ormation necessar! "or postin'5 "or example doc$ment n$m3ers5 "rom the note to pa!ee "ields on the 3an7 statement 9interpretation o" the note to pa!ee). 2" the necessar! in"ormation can 3e interpreted5 the s!stem will a$tomaticall! post the transactions 9$sin' 3atch inp$t or a call transaction). All line items are $s$all! posted a$tomaticall!. B! ma7in' con"i'$ration settin's5 one ens$res that all 3$siness transactions o" which 3an7 in"orms !o$ $sin' the electronic 3an7 statement are posted correctl! in the s!stem. #he new s!stem is expected to inter"ace directl! with the 3an7 3! "ormattin' records "or stops pa!s5 chec7s iss$ed5 and A(4 transactions "or direct dail! transmission the 3an7 via -rime (onnection. #he chec7 sho$ld $pdate the chec7s iss$ed data each da! with the chec7s paid data download "rom the 3an7. 2n addition5 the s!stem mi'ht reconcile A(4 trans"ers5 o$t'oin' and incomin' wires5 and deposits "rom the downloaded 3an7 data. 3. Explanations o" ;$nctions and Events #he "ollowin' sections descri3e the proced$re "or enterin' data contained in electronic 3an7 statements. -rocessin' alwa!s ta7es place in three sta'es. 1. Each "ile is trans"erred 9in the relevant 3an7 statement "ormat) to the 3an7 data stora'e. 2. #he data that is $sed to "ilter o$t the clearin' in"ormation is then interpreted. #his clearin' in"ormation is stored in 3an7 data stora'e. 3. Batch inp$t sessions are then created5 or the 3an7 statements are posted directl!. #o ens$re statements are posted properl!5 certain re>$irements m$st 3e "$l"illed. C An internal postin' r$le m$st 3e de"ined "or all postin' transactions. #his postin' r$le represents the 3$siness transactions relevant to 3an7 statement entr! and controls postin's to G/D and s$3 led'er acco$nts. C External transactions m$st 3e de"ined "or those 7e!s 93$siness transaction code5 text 7e!5 postin' text) that ma! 3e $sed di""erentl! 3! each 3an7. C External transactions m$st 3e allocated to a postin' r$le so that the s!stem can post them. :. B$siness Fodel &/A 5. ,pecial 8r'ani%ational (onsiderations &one /var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_3/205399238.doc !3& o( $'!

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?. (han'es to Existin' 8r'ani%ation &o chan'es to existin' or'ani%ation. @. *escription o" 2mprovements ./3 provides the "ollowin' "$nctionalit!0 All dis3$rsement 3an7 acco$nt chec7s iss$ed are extracted into an electronic "ile and sent to the 3an7 "or =positive pa!= con"irmation a'ainst items presented "or pa!ment. ./3Is online (hec7 .e'ister displa!s the stat$s o" a chec75 e.'. paid5 stopped5 voided etc5 which can also 3e accessed directl! 3! the vendor. ,top pa!ments are initiated 3! Acco$nts -a!a3le 9or other a$thori%ed personnel) and the $pdated stat$s is immediatel! re"lected on the re'ister. #his voided chec7 can 3e extracted similar to iss$ed chec7s and sent to the 3an7 to process the stop pa!ment re>$est. 6ith the a$tomatic postin' "eat$re5 reconciliation process is "aster and can 3e done dail!. #he c$m3ersome process o" con"irmin' paid chec7s to pa!ees who >$estion whether the! 'ot the chec7 will 3e 'reatl! enhanced. -otential "ra$d will 3e identi"ied sooner with the =positive pa!= process. ,top pa! transactions will re>$ire less paperwor7 and the possi3ilit! o" error will 3e red$ced. 8. *escription o" ;$nctional *e"icits &one are apparent at this time 9. Approaches to (overin' ;$nctional *e"icits &/A 10. &otes on ;$rther 2mprovements &one 11. ,!stem (on"i'$ration (onsiderations 8ne sho$ld carr! o$t the con"i'$ration o" the electronic acco$nt statement in the "ollowin' order0 1. *e"ine transaction t!pes. 8ne sho$ld 'ro$p to'ether all 3an7s that $se the same external transaction code "or certain 3$siness transactions $nder the same transaction t!pe. 2. Allocate 3an7s to each transaction t!pe $sin' the 3an7 7e! and 3an7 acco$nt n$m3er. 3. (reate postin' r$les. #he s!stem needs these to "ind the postin' speci"ications. :. Allocate the external transactions to the postin' r$les. 5. *e"ine postin' r$les and/or postin' speci"ications. Ban7 acco$nt "ile. G/D 3alances per "$nd. /var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_3/205399238.doc !3' o( $'!

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12. A$thori%ation and ser .oles Electronic 3an7 reconciliation sho$ld 3e a$thori%ed to $sers who do the 3an7 reconciliation in the (ontrollerIs 8""ice. ,top -a! ,ec$rit!0 1. Acco$nts -a!a3le 2. -a!roll 3. 2ns$rance :. #reas$r! .econciliation *ata AdA$stments0 1. (ontrollerIs 8""ice 2. #reas$r! 13. -roAect ,peci"ic (2 ,ection &/A 3/5/1/,/ "!estions: /0 1) 6hat speci"ic in"ormation do !o$r 3an7 statements contain 9"or example5 invoice n$m3ers)1 A0 Fonthl!5 hard cop! statements are iss$ed "or each acco$nt. 2n"ormation that is incl$ded is the BA2 code5 the description that shows $p on statement in"ormation5 and an! internall! assi'ned re"erence n$m3er. 8n o$r G/D5 we 7eep cash 3! "$nd and entit! 9(ash in Ban7). Act$al 3an7 in"ormation is maintained in a 3an7 "ile. As we post to the led'er we post to the 3an7 "ile witho$t transaction detail 9onl! 3an7 3alances o" the ho$se 3an7s). #here is an attri3$te on the G/D transaction that shows what 3an7 was de3ited/credited. /0 2) *oes !o$ ho$se 3an7 trans"er 3$siness transaction codes with the 3an7 statements to help !o$ classi"! the postin's1 A0 <es /0 3) ,7etch the postin' steps "or t!pical 3an7 statement postin's. Acco$nt A01020001 A99059901 *e3it 2?51:?.13 (redit 2?51:?.13 Man!al $cco!nt 'tatement

A0 *escription (ash 8""set Generated #ransaction /0

:) 6hich pa!ment methods do !o$ process $sin' the ;2 pa!ment pro'ram1

A0 &one /0 5) *o !o$ process these pa!ment methods via separate clearin' acco$nts1

A0 &/A /var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_3/205399238.doc !3) o( $'!

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/0 ?) *o !o$ want to distin'$ish 3etween postin' doc$ments "or man$al and electronic 3an7 statements "or acco$ntin' and reportin' p$rposes1 A0 <es C 3$t the distinction sho$ld 3e "or central o""ice $se onl!. C% Template: 1. .e>$irements/Expectations Fonthl!5 hard cop! statements are iss$ed "or each acco$nt. 2n"ormation that is incl$ded is the BA2 code5 the description that shows $p on statement in"ormation5 and an! internall! assi'ned re"erence n$m3er. 8n the G/D5 # 7eeps cash 3! "$nd and entit! 9(ash in Ban7). Act$al 3an7 in"ormation is maintained in a 3an7 "ile. As the! post to the led'er the! post to the 3an7 "ile witho$t transaction detail 9onl! 3an7 3alances o" the ho$se 3an7s). #here is an attri3$te on the G/D transaction that shows what 3an7 was de3ited/credited. 2. General Explanations 8ne can man$all! enter 3an7 acco$nt statements once received. ,tatement entr! is $s$all! a twoCstep process0 ;irst5 one enters the acco$nt line items in the s!stem. 8ne can var! the row "ormat "or this. 2n addition5 the s!stem s$pports individ$al acco$nt determination and chec7s data consistenc!. #hen one posts the line items once it has 3een entered. 2n the man$al 3an7 statement "$nction5 one can create $p to two postin's "or each line item. A 3an7 acco$nt postin' 9"or example5 de3it 3an7 acco$nt and credit 3an7 clearin' acco$nt) A s$3 led'er postin' 9"or example5 de3it 3an7 clearin' acco$nt and credit c$stomer acco$nt with clearin') 3. Explanations o" ;$nctions and Events #o process the 3an7 statement5 proceed "rom the (ash Fana'ement men$5 as "ollows0 1. (hoose $n!ut b ?anua& )ank statement' 2. 8n the next screen5 enter the "ollowin' 3asic data. o Ban7 7e! and/or 3an7 data o ,tatement n$m3er and statement date o Be'innin' 3alance and endin' 3alance o ,election criteria "or trans"errin' the pa!ment advices 9"or example5 plannin' t!pe5 plannin' date) o ,peci"ications "or the postin's 3. (on"irm the entries. 8n the next screen5 !o$ can process the 3an7 statement data. :. (ompare the memo records a$tomaticall! trans"erred 3! the s!stem with the data on !o$r 3an7 acco$nt statement. #o delete the memo records that are not re>$ired5 choose .dit D De&ete &ine. 5. Enter a transaction 7e! "or each memo record. ?. #o ma7e other acco$nt assi'nments5 choose *ie( D 3ther acct assignments. 2" !o$ have $sed additional acco$nt assi'nment "ields and then wor7 with the standard /var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_3/205399238.doc !!0 o( $'!

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variant a'ain5 an arrow mar7er 9Z) displa!ed next to a line indicates that "$rther entries exist. @. #o enter several val$es in an acco$nt assi'nment "ield 9"or example5 doc$ment no.5 invoice amo$nt)5 choose .dit D *a&ue set. #he s!stem displa!s a dialo' 3ox in which !o$ can enter "$rther val$es. 8. (hoose Bank statement D -ave. :. B$siness Fodel &/A 5. ,pecial 8r'ani%ational (onsiderations &one ?. (han'es to Existin' 8r'ani%ation &o chan'es to existin' or'ani%ation. @. *escription o" 2mprovements ./3 can process hardcop! statement with minimal line items with the same 3ene"its as electronic 3an7 statement processin'. #he di""erence is instead o" downloadin' an electronic "ile "rom the 3an75 man$al inp$t is re>$ired. 8. *escription o" ;$nctional *e"icits &one 9. Approaches to (overin' ;$nctional *e"icits &/A 10. &otes on ;$rther 2mprovements &one 11. ,!stem (on"i'$ration (onsiderations &ew G/D "or each Ban7 s$3 acco$nts. Fap individ$al transaction t!pe on 3an7 statement to ./3 code. 12. A$thori%ation and ser .oles Fan$al 3an7 reconciliation sho$ld 3e a$thori%ed to $sers who do the 3an7 reconciliation in the (ontrollerIs 8""ice. ,top -a! ,ec$rit!0 1. Acco$nts -a!a3le 2. -a!roll /var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_3/205399238.doc !!1 o( $'!

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3. 2ns$rance :. #reas$r! .econciliation *ata AdA$stments0 1. (ontrollerIs 8""ice 2. #reas$r! 13. -roAect ,peci"ic (2 ,ection &/A 3/5/1/3/ "!estions: /0 1) 4ow man! chec7s do !o$ present to !o$r ho$se 3an7s per da!1 Chec: Deposit Transaction

A0 3000L /0 2) *o !o$ enter chec7s "rom c$stomers man$all! or electronicall!1

A0 6e send in deposit in"ormation man$all! on a hardCcop! list o" deposits. 6e list the date and amo$nt o" each deposit in total and the amo$nt o" each chec7 within the deposit. #his deposit tic7et n$m3er is noted on the electronic "ile provided 3! the Ban7. *epartments collect chec7s and cash5 and ma7e dail! deposits when cash has 3een received. ,ealed departmental deposits are ta7en to the B$rsarIs 8""ice with a .eport o" (ollections 9#C33)5 which shows the cost center or 6B, element that sho$ld 3e credited. #he act$al deposits are not co$nted 3$t are ta7en to the Ban7 3! -olice. #he Ban7 is responsi3le "or co$ntin' the deposit as it processes the deposit. #his process was set $p to red$ce the n$m3er o" niversit! personnel who handle cash. /0 3) 6hat in"ormation 'iven 3! the chec7 iss$er can 3e $sed to allocate items 9chec7 n$m3er5 invoice n$m3er)1 A0 ,t$dent 2* V5 'rant H contract invoice n$m3er. /0 :) ,7etch the postin' steps "or chec7 deposits 9are chec7s posted directl! to c$stomer acco$nts or via clearin' acco$nts)1 A0 Both C chec7s are posted directl! to acco$nts and to clearin' acco$nts. #hose posted to clearin' acco$nts are t!picall! posted to individ$al st$dent/c$stomer acco$nts via a s$3sidiar! A/. s!stem. /0 5) *o !o$ want to separate chec7 postin's "or 'eneral led'er acco$ntin' and s$3 led'er acco$ntin'1 A0 <es C% Template:


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1. .e>$irements/Expectations #he c$rrent process o" ma7in' act$al deposits are done di""erentl! depends on the location o" the individ$al. ;or local departments 9Enoxville) ma7in' deposits5 the! will "ill o$t a "orm5 #C335 with all the re>$ired in"ormation and acco$nt and the deposit tic7et. #hen the paperwor7 will 3e s$3mitted to the B$rsarIs 8""ice where it is entered in Entrex and the act$al deposit are made to the 3an7. ;or o$tCo"Ctown departments 9e.'. Femphis5 Fartin5 (hattanoo'a5 etc.)5 the! will also "ill o$t the "orm5 #C335 with all the re>$ired in"ormation and acco$nt and the deposit tic7et which will 3e deposited to their local 3an7s. A"ter the deposit is complete5 the! will send the "orm5 #C335 and a cop! o" the deposit slip to the B$rsarIs 8""ice in Enoxville. #he B$rsarIs 8""ice will enter the deposit in"ormation into Entrex with the exception to (hattanoo'a and Femphis. #hese two camp$ses enter the deposit in"ormation in a separate s!stem called Banner5 which is then loaded into Entrex. # sends in deposit in"ormation man$all! on a hardCcop! list o" deposits. #he! list the date and amo$nt o" each deposit in total and the amo$nt o" each chec7 within the deposit. #his deposit tic7et n$m3er is noted on the electronic "ile provided 3! the Ban7. # presents over 35000 chec7s to their ho$se 3an7. *epartments collect chec7s and cash5 and ma7e dail! deposits when cash has 3een received. ,ealed departmental deposits are ta7en to the B$rsarIs 8""ice with a .eport o" (ollections 9#C33)5 which shows the cost center or 6B, element that sho$ld 3e credited. #he act$al deposits are not co$nted 3$t are ta7en to the Ban7 3! -olice. #he Ban7 is responsi3le "or co$ntin' the deposit as it processes the deposit. #his process was set $p to red$ce the n$m3er o" niversit! personnel who handle cash. #he in"ormation 'iven 3! the chec7 iss$er can 3e $sed to allocate items 3! st$dent 2* V5 'rant H contract invoice n$m3er. Both G chec7s are posted directl! to acco$nts and to clearin' acco$nts. #hose posted to clearin' acco$nts are t!picall! posted to individ$al st$dent/c$stomer acco$nts via a s$3sidiar! A/. s!stem. # wo$ld li7e to separate chec7 postin's "or 'eneral led'er acco$ntin' and s$3 led'er acco$ntin'. 2. General Explanations ./3 (ash Fana'ement provides two t!pes o" chec7 deposit "$nctions. #here is an electronic chec7 deposit which ena3les one to process data s$pplied 3! an external entr! s!stem 9chec7 reader). 8ne can $se electronic chec7 deposit as an entr! "$nction5 and then complete and post individ$al data with the man$al chec7 deposit. 2" data is complete5 the electronic chec7 deposit can also create the 3atch inp$t session directl!. ;or man$al chec7 deposit5 this "$nction is $sed to enter chec7s one receives. 8n the entr! screen5 the s!stem will displa! di""erent "ields "or each acco$nt assi'nment variant one chooses. *ependin' on the n$m3er o" acco$nt assi'nment "ields in a variant5 $p to three lines are availa3le "or enterin' a memo record. 8ne can chan'e the acco$nt assi'nment variant at an! time d$rin' processin'. 2" one has $sed more acco$nt assi'nment "ields than are availa3le in the c$rrent variant5 the s!stem will displa! this in"ormation in an additional "ield. 8ne can5 "or example5 enter several doc$ment n$m3ers and di""erent invoice amo$nts "or one memo record. #his is $se"$l i" a c$stomer pa!s several invoices with one chec7. #he s!stem hi'hli'hts the acco$nt assi'nment "ield when one has entered several val$es in it.


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3. Explanations o" ;$nctions and Events Electronic (hec7 *eposit0 1.(hoose $n!ut b .&ectronic check de!osit b $m!ort' #he s!stem displa!s the selection screen. 2. Enter the path name and "ile name "or the statement "ile and the line item "ile. 3. ,elect 9!&oad fi&e from %C i" re>$ired. :. ,peci"! whether or not 3oth sessions sho$ld 3e created. As an alternative method5 the s$3 led'er session can 3e 'enerated in a second r$n. 5. ,peci"! the import options. ?. ,peci"! the o$tp$t options. @. Add an! data not s$pplied 3! the external s!stem via the appropriate parameters. 8. (hoose %rogram b .,ecute' Fan$al chec7 deposit0 1. Enter the speci"ications. 2. 8n the next screen5 enter the "ollowin' 3asic data. G (ompan! code and/or 3an7 data G ,peci"ications necessar! "or di""erentiatin' chec7 deposit lists G #ransaction indicator G *ate and c$rrenc! G ,peci"ications "or the postin's :. B$siness Fodel &one 5. ,pecial 8r'ani%ational (onsiderations #he re>$irements "or the separation o" d$ties and receiptin' m$st 3e in placed. ?. (han'es to Existin' 8r'ani%ation &o chan'es to existin' or'ani%ation. @. *escription o" 2mprovements 6hen the deposit tic7et is saved5 an a$tomatic Ao$rnal entr! is 'enerated to post to the appropriate 3an7 acco$nt and G/D. 8. *escription o" ;$nctional *e"icits &one 9. Approaches to (overin' ;$nctional *e"icits &/A 10. &otes on ;$rther 2mprovements &one /var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_3/205399238.doc !!! o( $'!

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11. ,!stem (on"i'$ration (onsiderations #!pes o" deposits and .even$e 9or Expendit$re) acco$nt to 3e posted. 12. A$thori%ation and ser .oles .e>$ired separation o" d$ties. .eceiptin'/preparin' deposit tic7et is a re>$ired sec$rit! level. 1. Emplo!ee A receipts and identi"ies appropriate 3an7 acco$nt/ reven$e G/D code. 2. Emplo!ee B prepares deposit tic7et and receipts. -ostin' the deposit is a re>$ired sec$rit! level. 1. Emplo!ee ( veri"ies ret$rn con"irmation "rom 3an7 and enters into 3an7in' records. 2. Emplo!ee A enters reven$e into Ao$rnal 9G/D) and led'er "iles. 13. -roAect ,peci"ic (2 ,ection &/A 3/5/1/5/ "!estions: /0 1) *o !o$ wish to have an overview o" the avera'e period o$tstandin'5 >$antit!5 and total amo$nt o" o$tstandin' 9cashed and open) chec7s1 A0 &o /0 2) *o !o$ wish to have an overview per vendor o" the o$tstandin' chec7s "or the G/D acco$nts mana'ed on an open item 3asis1 A0 &o C% Template: 1. .e>$irements/Expectations # $ses =positive pa!=0 #he! send the 3an7 a dail! electronic "ile so the 3an7 7nows what chec7s # has written. #he 3an7 per"orms dail! review o" the presented chec7s a'ainst the # dail! electronic "ile to ens$re that chec7s are 'en$ine. #he 3an7 per"orms the matchin' process "or the 1st #& dis3$rsement and pa!roll acco$nts. &onCmatchin' presentments are "axed to # "or approval to pa! dail!. # $ses preCn$m3ered chec7s that are assi'ned in lots. #he! are 7ept in se>$ence and can 3e identi"ied 3! the di'it assi'nment. ;or example5 "or dis3$rsement and pa!roll vo$chers are ? di'its lon'. #he 3atch vo$cher n$m3er is seven di'its. Cashed Chec:s


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2. General Explanations 2n ./3 cash mana'ement5 a pro'ram5 .;EB(E005 imports the in"ormation on cashed chec7s delivered 3! the 3an7 and 'enerates the clearin' entries 9de3it o$t'oin' chec7s acco$nt5 credit 3an7 acco$nt). 2t also indicates as =paid= the chec7s in the chec7 re'ister that co$ld 3e posted. #he clearin' entries can 3e placed in a 3atch inp$t session 93atch inp$t mode) or 3e posted immediatel! 9call transaction mode). ,ince there is no standard "or data on cashed chec7s in the ,A and most other co$ntries5 a preprocessin' pro'ram is needed to convert the 3an7 "ormat to the entr! "ormat o" this pro'ram. ./3 cash mana'ement can distin'$ish di""erent t!pes o" chec7s 3! lots. 3. Explanations o" ;$nctions and Events #o do this5 proceed as "ollows0 (hoose $n!ut D %ayments D Cashed checks' <o$ reach the initial screen. ,peci"! the path and "ile name o" the statement "ile. 6hen importin' "rom a -(5 !o$ m$st also speci"! the drive 9"or example5 $:). ,peci"! the import options. (hoose %rogram D .,ecute' :. B$siness Fodel &one 5. ,pecial 8r'ani%ational (onsiderations &one ?. (han'es to Existin' 8r'ani%ation &o chan'es to existin' or'ani%ation. @. *escription o" 2mprovements (ashed chec7 is a s$3set o" electronic 3an7 statement. 2n the event that reconciliation cannot 3e done on a dail! 3asis5 this cash chec7ed "$nctionalit! co$ld 3e invo7ed. ,imilar to acco$nt statement processin'5 $pon readin' the downloaded transactions "rom the 3an75 ./3 'enerate an a$tomatic Ao$rnal to post to the cash acco$nt and $pdate the chec7 re'ister. 8. *escription o" ;$nctional *e"icits &one 9. Approaches to (overin' ;$nctional *e"icits &/A


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10. &otes on ;$rther 2mprovements &one 11. ,!stem (on"i'$ration (onsiderations Ban7 acco$nt "ile G/D 12. A$thori%ation and ser .oles .econciliation data adA$stments0 1. (ontrollerIs 8""ice C All acco$nts 2. #reas$r! C +iew onl! on all acco$nts. 13. -roAect ,peci"ic (2 ,ection &/A 3/5/1/4/ "!estions: /0 1) *o !o$ $se the loc73ox proced$re1 Boc:boA ;>'$<

A0 <es /0 2) -lease descri3e !o$r loc73ox proced$res.

A0 Doc73oxes speed $p the deposit processin' and eliminate # manpower to prepare deposits and credit acco$nt receiva3le acco$nts. # will send invoices to st$dents/"ormer st$dents. #he invoiceIs remittance address is a postCo""ice address 9Doc73ox) that the 3an7 has access to. #he 3an7 pic7s $p the pa!ments "rom the post o""ice and ma7es the deposits. #hen the 3an7 sends a "ile o" the deposits that it made "or the niversit!. Electronic "ile "rom 3an7 contains st$dent acco$nt n$m3er5 amo$nt o" pa!ment and date o" pa!ment. #here are 3 loc73oxes5 all at 1st #ennessee0 1) # Femphis ,t$dent Doans0 this will 3e o$tso$rced as o" :/30/00. 2) # Enoxville ,t$dent Doans 3) # Enoxville ,t$dent ;ees #here is a $ni>$e 3an7 acco$nt "or each loc73ox. 9#hese 3an7 acco$nts are not set $p on o$r G/D.) #he loc73ox deposits hit their respective $ni>$e 3an7 acco$nt on *a! 1. 8n *a! 25 the deposits "rom *a! 1 are trans"erred to the primar! depositor! acco$nt. #he detail "or these deposits is posted to the F(2 mail3ox thro$'h a "ile each da!. Doc73ox is $s$all! availa3le a3o$t 1 -F. #he "ile incl$des the amo$nt5 the date5 and the social sec$rit! n$m3er. #he "ile is pic7ed $p 3! a B$rsarIs 8""ice personnel "rom the F(2 mail3ox and is loaded into the B$rsarIs 8""ice ,t$dent 2n"ormation ,!stem loan or "ee "ile. Doc73ox 9as it is $sed now) wonIt reall! hit ./3 $ntil it has passed thro$'h (,A and the ,t$dent Doan o""ice and then "eeds 3ac7 to the ;inancial s!stem.


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AcceleratedSAP - Business Blueprint

C% Template: 1. .e>$irements/Expectations Doc73oxes speed $p the deposit processin' and eliminate # manpower to prepare deposits and credit acco$nt receiva3le acco$nts. # will send invoices to st$dents/"ormer st$dents. #he invoiceIs remittance address is a postCo""ice address 9Doc73ox) that the 3an7 has access to. #he 3an7 pic7s $p the pa!ments "rom the post o""ice and ma7es the deposits. #hen the 3an7 sends a "ile o" the deposits that it made "or the niversit!. Electronic "ile "rom 3an7 contains st$dent acco$nt n$m3er5 amo$nt o" pa!ment and date o" pa!ment. st #here are 3 loc73oxes5 all at 1 #ennessee0 1) # Femphis ,t$dent Doans0 this will ! "#ts"#$%!& 's "( )/*+/++' 2) # Enoxville ,t$dent Doans 3) # Enoxville ,t$dent ;ees #here is a $ni>$e 3an7 acco$nt "or each loc73ox. 9#hese 3an7 acco$nts are not set $p on o$r G/D.) #he loc73ox deposits hit their respective $ni>$e 3an7 acco$nt on *a! 1. 8n *a! 25 the deposits "rom *a! 1 are trans"erred to the primar! depositor! acco$nt. #he detail "or these deposits is posted to the F(2 mail3ox thro$'h a "ile each da!. Doc73ox is $s$all! availa3le a3o$t 1 -F. #he "ile incl$des the amo$nt5 the date5 and the social sec$rit! n$m3er. #he "ile is pic7ed $p 3! a B$rsarIs 8""ice personnel "rom the F(2 mail3ox and is loaded into the B$rsarIs 8""ice ,t$dent 2n"ormation ,!stem loan or "ee "ile. Doc73ox 9as it is $sed now) wonIt reall! hit ./3 $ntil it has passed thro$'h (,A and the ,t$dent Doan o""ice and then "eeds 3ac7 to the ;inancial s!stem. #he (,A 9(entral ,ervices Acco$ntin') s!stem identi"ies the st$dent "ee and loan. (ind! "rom the B$rsarIs 8""ice 'ets a cop! "rom the Doan *ept. in which she will enter into Entrex. ,he matches total 3! da!. 2. General Explanations 8ne $ses this component to collect and process incomin' pa!ments $sin' the loc73ox proced$re. #his is a service o""ered 3! 3an7s in the ,A. 2nstead o" sendin' oneIs pa!ments and pa!ment advice notes to the 3an7Is o""ice5 one sends them to a central 3an7 9normall! a -.8. Box). 8nce the pa!ments have 3een received5 the 3an7 creates a data "ile "rom the pa!ment advice data and pa!ment amo$nts o" the c$stomer. #he chec7 amo$nts are credited to !o$r 3an7 acco$nt. #he "ile itsel" is sent to !o$ at re'$lar intervals to ena3le !o$ to $pdate !o$r led'ers. 3. Explanations o" ;$nctions and Events #he record la!o$t in the loc73ox "ile m$st correspond to the standard BA2 or BA22 "ormats. #he pro'ram will process the incomin' pa!ment in"ormation. #o import loc73ox data5 proceed as "ollows0 1. ;rom the (ash Fana'ement men$5 choose $n!ut D Lock)o, D $m!ort' #he selection screen will displa!. 2. ,peci"! the &2N path and "ile name o" the loc73ox "ile. #his can also 3e $ploaded "rom the -( wor7 director! 3! selectin' the =-( $pload= 3ox. 2" $sin' -( $pload5 the "$ll path m$st 3e entered5 i.e. (0\director!\"ilename. B! selectin' to import into 3an7 data stora'e5 !o$ choose to create pa!ment advices which will 3e $sed "or clearin' the s$3 led'er. 2mport into 3an7 data stora'e will 'enerall! alwa!s 3e IonI "or Doc73ox processin'. 3. ,peci"! the processin' parameters. Enter the proced$re D8(EB8N as well as the "ile "ormat BA2 or BA22. :. ,elect the t!pe o" doc$ment n$m3er 3ein' s$pplied on the "ile 9"inancial /var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_3/205399238.doc !!' o( $'!

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acco$ntin' doc$ment n$m3er "or A. invoiceP "inancial acco$ntin' re"erence doc$ment n$m3er "or ,* 3illin' doc$ment n$m3er or n$m3er "rom an external s!stem). 5. ,elect enhanced invoice chec7 i" $sin' centrali%ed c$stomer acco$nts 9$sin' Alternate -a!er str$ct$re). ?. ;inall!5 choose the al'orithm "or clearin' 9'enerall! 001). @. Enter acco$nt assi'nments. Enter whether the val$e date "rom the "ile sho$ld 3e trans"erred to the 3an7 'eneral led'er postin'. Also enter a de"a$lt 3$siness area and pro"it center i" re>$ired 9new "or 3.0;). 8. (hoose %rogram D .,ecute. :. B$siness Fodel &one 5. ,pecial 8r'ani%ational (onsiderations &one ?. (han'es to Existin' 8r'ani%ation &o chan'es to existin' or'ani%ation. @. *escription o" 2mprovements &one are apparent at this time 8. *escription o" ;$nctional *e"icits &one 9. Approaches to (overin' ;$nctional *e"icits &/A 10. &otes on ;$rther 2mprovements &one 11. ,!stem (on"i'$ration (onsiderations Ban7 acco$nt "ile G/D *e"ine control parameters *e"ine postin' data 12. A$thori%ation and ser .oles Doc73ox process sho$ld remain at the (ontrollerIs 8""ice. /var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_3/205399238.doc !!) o( $'!

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13. -roAect ,peci"ic (2 ,ection &/A

C% Template:


1. .e>$irements/Expectations Fost o$t'oin' pa!ments are made thro$'h the #reas$rerIs 8""ice. +endor pa!ments are made "rom #reas$rerIs 8""ice and A/-. #he -a!roll department is part o" the #reas$rerIs 8""ice. 2nvestment pa!ments and tr$st distri3$tions are made "rom the #reas$rerIs 8""ice. 2ndivid$al camp$ses have %eroC3alance acco$nts and write some chec7s directl! "rom their B$rsarIs 8""ice. #he (ontrollerIs 8""ice reconciles these acco$nts. #his is A$st "or re"$nd o" ,t$dent "inancial aid mone! to st$dents. #here are 11@ main pett! cash acco$nts in o$r ;inancial ,tatements that are held 3! individ$al departments across all camp$ses. 2mprest amo$nts are posted to the G/D.. ,ome o" the 11@ that are located at other camp$ses are s$3divided. Each department is responsi3le "or sendin' in a "ormal reconciliation at the end o" the "iscal !ear to 2nternal A$dit. 6e have 1 main disb!rsements acco!nt "rom which onl! chec7s 9*+s and B+s) are written. #his is a controlled dis3$rsement acco$nt. *is3$rsement +o$chers 9*+s) are pa!ments to vendors5 and Batch +o$chers 9B+s) are t!picall! re"$nds to st$dents written in 3atch 3eca$se we do not need to 7eep the detail o" these pa!ments on o$r G/D. #here is 1 payroll acco!nt5 which is YBA. 6e move mone! to cover pa!roll pa!ments "rom o$r primar! depositor! acco$nt. #he 3an7 handles the draw5 and this is done dail!. 8$t"lows incl$de direct deposits and chec7s. -a!roll transmits this in"ormation to the 3an7. #he direct deposit in"ormation is "ed thro$'h a phone modem via ;edDine 22 9a means "or 3an7s to interact with the "ederal reserve 3an75 3$t # has 3een allowed to $se it). ($rrentl!5 we have 150 pa!roll r$ns a !ear5 and these incl$de monthl!5 3iwee7l!5 th lon'evit!5 s$pplemental 9on the 10 o" each month)5 and special pa!rolls. &ote0 2n ./35 a director! m$st 3e set $p "or all the 3an7s that are $sed 3! # emplo!ees "or direct deposit o" pa!roll. Benson can assist in this. 2" 1st #& can share its >$arterl! (* "rom #homson ;inancial5 it wo$ld 3e help"$l to 'et the director! set$p. Alternativel!5 the in"ormation can 3e extracted "rom the le'ac! s!stem. #here is 1 primary in*estment acco!nt. #his represents cash that the 1 #& investment mana'ers have availa3le to them to invest "or the niversit!. Each mana'er has a s$3Cacco$nt to re"lect his or her position. #hese s$3Cacco$nts are onl! maintained st 3! 1 #& and in the # investment s!stem. B$! and sell activities "low thro$'h this acco$nt. # retrieves the investment mana'ersI transactions in"ormation thro$'h *#( 9*epositor! #r$st (ompan!). Oo$rnal entries are made dail! to re"lect all pa!ments and receipts. 2t is important at the end o" the month to post a Ao$rnal entr! "or the 3alances on the last da! o" the month. #here are 3 other @ $ acco!nts "or 3atch vo$chers 9B+s) "or which chec7s are written /var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_3/205399238.doc !"0 o( $'!

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3! the camp$s B$rsars at Enoxville5 (hattanoo'a5 Fartin and Femphis. #hese are "or onCdemand st$dent aid re"$nds. #he (hattanoo'a YBA acco$nt $ses this acco$nt to ma7e lender re"$nds thro$'h A(4. #he exception is that Enoxville re"$nds the lender thro$'h the primar! depositor! acco$nt. #he t!pes o" o$t'oin' transactions0 (ash 9-ett! (ash) (hec7s -roc$rement (ard -ro'ram ;ed 6ire A(4 G 9-a!roll and other) 2nternational 6ires A$tomatic de3its 3! ,tate Ban7 de3its #!picall! posted as chec7s 9*+s5 B+s and -+s) are written. 8ther transactions are posted via Ao$rnals 9O+s) and thro$'h the (+ s!stem. #ho$sands o" acco$nts are de3ited with this t!pe o" activit!. 2. General Explanations #he cash Ao$rnal is a s$3 led'er o" Ban7 Acco$ntin'. 2t is $sed to mana'e a compan!Is cash transactions. #he s!stem a$tomaticall! calc$lates and displa!s the openin' and closin' 3alances5 and the receipts and pa!ments totals. 8ne can r$n several cash Ao$rnals "or each compan! code. 8ne can also carr! o$t postin's to G/D acco$nts5 as well as vendor and c$stomer acco$nts. #he pa!ment pro'ram "or pa!ment re>$ests contains an enhancement "or a$tomatic pa!ment in the ,A- ./3 ,!stem. #his pro'ram can 3e $sed to settle pa!ments to and/or 3! vendors and c$stomers as well as 3etween G/D acco$nts. nli7e the standard pa!ment pro'ram5 it is not the open items 9;2 doc$ments) 3$t the pa!ment re>$ests that "orm the 3asis "or pa!ment. 3. Explanations o" ;$nctions and Events #he cash Ao$rnal is a sin'leCscreen transaction. #his means that one can enter5 displa!5 and chan'e cash Ao$rnal doc$ments on one screen. #he s!stem o""ers the "ollowin' options0 Enterin'5 savin'5 and postin' cash Ao$rnal entries *ispla!in' "ollowCon doc$ments *e"inin' cash Ao$rnal 3$siness transactions -rintin' the cash Ao$rnal -rintin' receipts *eletin' cash Ao$rnal entries saved *ispla!in' all cash Ao$rnal doc$ments that have 3een deleted (han'in' the cash Ao$rnal #he pa!ment pro'ram o""ers the "ollowin' "$nctions amon'st others0 ,ettlement o" pa!ments ;rom the selection o" pa!ment re>$ests via postin' and clearin' o" the relevant doc$ments in the ,A- ./3 ,!stem $p to creation o" the pa!ment medi$m. -a!ment in third c$rrenc! pdate o" pa!ment data in (ash mana'ement


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:. B$siness Fodel &one 5. ,pecial 8r'ani%ational (onsiderations &one ?. (han'es to Existin' 8r'ani%ation &o chan'es to existin' or'ani%ation. @. *escription o" 2mprovements &one 8. *escription o" ;$nctional *e"icits &one 9. Approaches to (overin' ;$nctional *e"icits &/A 10. &otes on ;$rther 2mprovements &one are apparent at this time 11. ,!stem (on"i'$ration (onsiderations Ban7 acco$nt "ile G/D ,tandard -a!ment -ro'ram 12. A$thori%ation and ser .oles #his sho$ld 3e centrali%ed at the (ontrollerIs 8""ice. 13. -roAect ,peci"ic (2 ,ection &/A 3/5/2/1/ "!estions: 6ayment +ith 6ayment ReC!ests


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/0 1) 2n addition to pa!ments to or "rom c$stomers and vendors5 sho$ld pa!ments 3etween G/D acco$nts also 3e dealt with $sin' the pa!ment pro'ram1 A0 &o 3/5/2/2/ "!estions: /0 1) 4ow do !o$ mana'e incomin' cash1 Cash Ko!rnal

A0 Fost o$t'oin' pa!ments are made thro$'h the #reas$rerIs 8""ice. +endor pa!ments are made "rom #reas$rerIs 8""ice and A/-. #he -a!roll department is part o" the #reas$rerIs 8""ice. 2nvestment pa!ments and tr$st distri3$tions are made "rom the #reas$rerIs 8""ice. 2ndivid$al camp$ses have %eroC3alance acco$nts and write some chec7s directl! "rom their B$rsarIs 8""ice. #he (ontrollerIs 8""ice reconciles these acco$nts. #his is A$st "or re"$nd o" ,t$dent "inancial aid mone! to st$dents. #here are 11@ main pett! cash acco$nts in o$r ;inancial ,tatements that are held 3! individ$al departments across all camp$ses. 2nterest amo$nts are posted to the G/D. ,ome o" the 11@ that are located at other camp$ses are s$3divided. Each department is responsi3le "or sendin' in a "ormal reconciliation at the end o" the "iscal !ear to 2nternal A$dit. 6e have 1 main dis3$rsements acco$nt "rom which onl! chec7s 9*+s and B+s) are written. #his is a controlled dis3$rsement acco$nt. *is3$rsement +o$chers 9*+s) are pa!ments to vendors5 and Batch +o$chers 9B+s) are t!picall! re"$nds to st$dents written in 3atch 3eca$se we do not need to 7eep the detail o" these pa!ments on o$r G/D. #here is 1 pa!roll acco$nt5 which is YBA. 6e move mone! to cover pa!roll pa!ments "rom o$r primar! depositor! acco$nt. #he 3an7 handles the draw5 and this is done dail!. 8$t"lows incl$de direct deposits and chec7s. -a!roll transmits this in"ormation to the 3an7. #he direct deposit in"ormation is "ed thro$'h a phone modem via ;edDine 22 9a means "or 3an7s to interact with the "ederal reserve 3an75 3$t # has 3een allowed to $se it). ($rrentl!5 we have 150 pa!roll r$ns a !ear5 and these incl$de monthl!5 3iwee7l!5 lon'evit!5 s$pplemental 9on the 10th o" each month)5 and special pa!rolls. &ote0 2n ./35 a director! m$st 3e set $p "or all the 3an7s that are $sed 3! # emplo!ees "or direct deposit o" pa!roll. Benson can assist in this. 2" 1st #& can share its >$arterl! (* "rom #homson ;inancial5 it wo$ld 3e help"$l to 'et the director! set$p. Alternativel!5 the in"ormation can 3e extracted "rom the le'ac! s!stem. #here is 1 primar! investment acco$nt. #his represents cash that the 1st #& investment mana'ers have availa3le to them to invest "or the niversit!. Each mana'er has a s$3C acco$nt to re"lect his or her position. #hese s$3Cacco$nts are onl! maintained 3! 1st #& and in the # investment s!stem. B$! and sell activities "low thro$'h this acco$nt. # retrieves the investment mana'ersI transactions in"ormation thro$'h *#( 9*epositor! #r$st (ompan!). Oo$rnal entries are made dail! to re"lect all pa!ments and receipts. 2t is important at the end o" the month to post a Ao$rnal entr! "or the 3alances on the last da! o" the month. #here are : other YBA acco$nts "or 3atch vo$chers 9B+s) "or which chec7s are written 3! the camp$s B$rsars at Enoxville5 (hattanoo'a5 Fartin and Femphis. #hese are "or onCdemand st$dent aid re"$nds. #he (hattanoo'a YBA acco$nt $ses this acco$nt to ma7e lender re"$nds thro$'h A(4. #he exception is that Enoxville re"$nds the lender thro$'h the primar! depositor! acco$nt. /var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_3/205399238.doc !"3 o( $'!

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2) ;or which 3$siness transactions are incomin' cash Ao$rnal postin's made1

A0 (ash 9-ett! (ash) (hec7s -roc$rement (ard -ro'ram ;ed 6ire A(4 C 9-a!roll and other) 2nternational 6ires A$tomatic de3its 3! ,tate Ban7 de3its /0 3) 4ow are these 3$siness transactions posted1

A0 #!picall! posted as chec7s 9*+s5 B+s and -+s) are written. 8ther transactions are posted via Ao$rnals 9O+s) and thro$'h the (+ s!stem. #ho$sands o" acco$nts are de3ited with this t!pe o" activit!.

3/5/,/1/ "!estions:

Chec: Management
Manage Chec: alance

/0 1) *o !o$ $se preCn$m3ered chec7s5 or do !o$ assi'n !o$r chec7s n$m3ers "rom sel"C de"ined n$m3er ran'es1 A0 <es C% Template: 1. .e>$irements/Expectations ,ee (2#s "or =(hec7 *eposit #ransaction= and =(ashed (hec7s=.

3/5/3/1/ "!estions:


alance %nterest Calc!lation

alance %nterest Calc!lation


/0 1) ;or which G/D acco$nts do !o$ calc$late interest on 3alances1 Give a 3rie" description. A0 .estricted acco$nts5 loan "$nds5 $nexpended plant "$nds5 athletic department "$nds5 retirement o" inde3tedness "$nds5 a'enc! "$nds. /0 2) 6hich interest rates do !o$ $se1

A0 2nternall! calc$lated cost o" "$nds rate and DG2- rate 9Docal Government 2nvestment -ool). /var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_3/205399238.doc !"! o( $'!

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3) 4ow do !o$ post interest char'es1

A0 Accordin' to ,haron5 #im $ses a pro'ram that calc$lates the investment interest a$tomaticall!. /0 :) *o !o$ com3ine the de3it and credit 3alances o" di""erent acco$nts "or interest calc$lation1 A0 <es C% Template: 1. .e>$irements/Expectations # calc$lates interest on restricted acco$nts5 loan "$nds5 $nexpended plant "$nds5 athletic department "$nds5 retirement o" inde3tedness "$nds5 a'enc! "$nds. 2t is internall! calc$lated 3! cost o" "$nds rate and DG2- rate 9Docal Government 2nvestment -ool). # does com3ine the de3it and credit 3alances o" di""erent acco$nts "or interest calc$lation. 2. General Explanations 2n cash "lows5 it is critical that interest accr$als 3e adA$sted o$t "or an acc$rate cash "low. 3. Explanations o" ;$nctions and Events -ro'ram .;,Y2,00 'enerates an interest scale 9acco$nt 3alance interest calc$lation) "or G/D acco$nts5 and o$tp$ts a list. 8ne can control how detailed this list is. #he pro'ram i'nores an! 3$siness area 3rea7down5 3$t one can limit the pro'ram to certain 3$siness areas 9all 3$siness areas !o$ select are 'ro$ped to'ether). :. B$siness Fodel &one 5. ,pecial 8r'ani%ational (onsiderations &one ?. (han'es to Existin' 8r'ani%ation #his chan'e will re"lect proper acco$ntin' proced$res "or accr$al o" interest. @. *escription o" 2mprovements ./3 cash mana'ement plannin' mod$le provides a power"$l tool to plan cash "low with planned interest that is inte'rated with act$al interest earned. 8. *escription o" ;$nctional *e"icits /var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_3/205399238.doc !"" o( $'!

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&one 9. Approaches to (overin' ;$nctional *e"icits &/A 10. &otes on ;$rther 2mprovements &one 11. ,!stem (on"i'$ration (onsiderations -lannin' levels "or interest accr$al items. 12. A$thori%ation and ser .oles A$thori%ation sho$ld 3e extended to the #reas$r! department. 13. -roAect ,peci"ic (2 ,ection &/A


'pecial 6!rpose Bedger

"!estions: /0 1) *o !o$ want to $se the cost o" sales acco$ntin' method o" reportin'5 and implement the ,pecial -$rpose Ded'er "or this p$rpose1 A0 <es /0 2) 2s the codin' 3loc7 ade>$ate "or !o$r reportin' re>$irements5 or do !o$ plan to ma7e chan'es to the codin' 3loc71 A0 #he codin' 3loc7 is ade>$ate. # will $se the "ollowin' dimensions0 ;$nd5 G/D Acco$nt5 (ost Element5 (ommitment 2tem5 B$siness Area5 ;$nctional Area5 (ost (enter5 6B, Element5 ;$nd (enter5 -ro"it (enter5 and -lant.

3/4/1/1/ "!estions: /0

6repare Bedger
'et >p Bedger

1) ;or what p$rpose do !o$ wish to implement a ,pecial -$rpose Ded'er1

A0 #he niversit! re>$ires 3alance sheet reportin' 3! ;$nd Gro$p and B$d'et Entit!. Balance sheet reportin' 3! individ$al "$nd is also considered desira3le. 2n the standard /var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_3/205399238.doc !"$ o( $'!

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'eneral led'er5 postin's to acco$nts receiva3le5 acco$nts pa!a3le and cash acco$nts are not assi'ned to a "$nd or "$nd 'ro$p. #here"ore this re>$irement cannot 3e met in the standard 'eneral led'er. /0 2) 6hat reportin' re>$irements sho$ld 3e met 3! this ,pecial -$rpose Ded'er1

A0 #he special p$rpose led'er can 3e $sed in conA$nction with the split processor to post receiva3les5 pa!a3les and cash line items 3! "$nd to ena3le 3alance sheet reports 3! "$nd. /0 3) Are postin's to 3e made in this led'er1

A0 &o /0 :) ;rom what so$rce is the data to 3e ta7en5 and how will it 3e trans"erred1

A0 *ata is ta7en "rom "inancial acco$ntin'5 materials mana'ement5 sales and distri3$tion5 controllin' and proAect acco$ntin'. /0 5) 6hat criteria sho$ld 3e $sed to chec7/s$mmari%e data1

A0 *ata m$st 3e s$mmari%ed 3! ;$nd Gro$p and B$siness Entit! and ;$nd.

3/4/2/1/ C% Template:

Table Maintenance
Table Definition and %nstallation

1. .e>$irements/Expectations 1. # wo$ld li7e to create a 3alance sheet "or each "$nd and also "or each 3$siness area. 2. # wo$ld li7e to create a statement o" reven$es5 expendit$res and chan'es in net assets 3! "$nd5 "$nctional area and 3$siness area. 2. General Explanations Be"ore !o$ install and set $p !o$r ;2C,D ,!stem5 !o$ m$st care"$ll! desi'n !o$r s!stem str$ct$re. 2t is ver! important that !o$ ta7e time to desi'n !o$r s!stem and data str$ct$res. A wellCor'ani%ed s!stem str$ct$re leads to e""icient r$nnin' o" !o$r prod$ction s!stem and improves s!stem per"ormance. *ependin' on !o$r reportin' re>$irements5 !o$ m$st determine which dimensions and "ield movements !o$ want to $se in !o$r led'ers. 9A dimension represents speci"ic criteria in 3$siness processes. #echnicall!5 a dimension is a sin'le "ield or col$mn o" a data3ase ta3le.) 3. Explanations o" ;$nctions and Events 6e will $se transaction G(2/ to create the special p$rpose led'er ta3les re>$ired 3! #. :. B$siness Fodel


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&one 5. ,pecial 8r'ani%ational (onsiderations &one ?. (han'es to Existin' 8r'ani%ation &one @. *escription o" 2mprovements &one 8. *escription o" ;$nctional *e"icits &one 9. Approaches to (overin' ;$nctional *e"icits &/A 10. &otes on ;$rther 2mprovements &one 11. ,!stem (on"i'$ration (onsiderations # will $se the "ollowin' dimensions0 ;$nd5 G/D Acco$nt5 (ost Element5 (ommitment 2tem5 B$siness Area5 ;$nctional Area5 (ost (enter5 6B, Element5 ;$nd (enter5 -ro"it (enter5 and -lant. #here is onl! one compan! code # 9local)5 8nl! one c$rrenc! ,* and the postin' t!pe is immediate 9when the ori'inal doc$ment is posted). Balance and carr! "orward val$es will 3e created "or "$nds and 3$siness areas and split processor will 3e $sed to split 3! "$nd. 12. A$thori%ation and ser .oles 8nl! the con"i'$rer assi'ned to set $p the special p$rpose led'er will 3e a3le to ma7e chan'es to the ,-D ta3les.


$ct!al 6osting

/0 1) *o !o$ need to maintain controls on the acco$ntin' periods "or postin' into !o$r special led'er1 A0 <es


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3/4/,/1/ "!estions:

Direct Data =ntry

/0 1) 6ill !o$ have entries that have to 3e carried o$t in the special p$rpose led'er and not in the rest o" the ./3 ,!stem1 A0 &o C% Template: 1. .e>$irements/Expectations &o re>$irements have 3een de"ined "or direct data entr! 2. General Explanations &A 3. Explanations o" ;$nctions and Events &A :. B$siness Fodel &A 5. ,pecial 8r'ani%ational (onsiderations &A ?. (han'es to Existin' 8r'ani%ation &A @. *escription o" 2mprovements &A 8. *escription o" ;$nctional *e"icits &A 9. Approaches to (overin' ;$nctional *e"icits &A


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10. &otes on ;$rther 2mprovements &A 11. ,!stem (on"i'$ration (onsiderations &A 12. A$thori%ation and ser .oles &A 13. -roAect ,peci"ic (2 ,ection &A 3/4/,/2/ "!estions: /0 1) 6hat will 3e the so$rce o" ./3 transactions that !o$ wish to have posted to !o$r special p$rpose led'er1 A0 SNT ;inancial Acco$ntin' SNT (ost Acco$ntin' SNT Faterials Fana'ement SNT ,ales and *istri3$tion S T ,pecial p$rpose led'er 9direct data entr!) /0 2) Are allocations 3ein' carried o$t within cost acco$ntin' that !o$ wish to re"lect in the special p$rpose led'er1 A0 <es. 8verhead entries 3ein' made in -, and (8 need to 3e re"lected in ,-D. C% Template: 1. .e>$irements/Expectations 1. # re>$ires data in the ,-D to match data in other s!stems. Act$al postin's 9;25 (85 -,5 FF and ,*) will 3e made once in the "eeder s!stem and a$tomaticall! posted to ,-D. 2. All ori'inal postin's in ,-D are re>$ired to 3e on line and real time. 3. All postin's m$st 3e split and 3alanced 3! "$nd and 3$siness area. :. All expendit$re postin's m$st 3e split and 3alanced 3! "$nctional area. 2. General Explanations *ata can enter the ;2C,D ,!stem via three di""erent medi$ms0 ;rom other ./3 application components5 s$ch as ;inancial Acco$ntin' 9;2)5 Faterials Fana'ement 9FF)5 (ontrollin' 9(8)5 and ,ales and *istri3$tion 9,*) *irectl!5 $sin' ;2C,DIs doc$ment entr! "$nction 9"or example5 when postin' /var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_3/205399238.doc !$0 o( $'! %ntegration %nterface

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correction doc$ments) ;rom external s!stems 9"or nonC;2C,D data) All ./3 ,!stems operate $nder the philosoph! that 3$siness transactions sho$ld onl! enter the s!stem once. #hese transactions are then availa3le to all other ./3 ,!stems realCtime. #he ;2C,D ,!stem collects data at the ori'inal entr! point and validates it immediatel! d$rin' entr!. pdate into ;2C,D "rom other ./3 applications is realCtime.

3. Explanations o" ;$nctions and Events 1. *ata will 3e posted a$tomaticall! into ,-D "rom ;25 (85 FF and ,*. &o data will 3e entered directl! into ,-D. 2. #he split processor will 3e con"i'$red to split ;2 data and 3alance it 3! "$nd. ,ince ;$nd Gro$p and B$d'et Entit! 9B$siness Areas) are a rollC$p o" "$nd5 this will a$tomaticall! allow 3alance sheets 3! ;$nd Gro$p and B$d'et Entit!. 9-$3lic ,ector ,pecial ($stomer .e>$irements department has 3een noti"ied and has approved the $se o" the splitCprocessor). 3. ,ince "$nctional area is also a rollC$p o" "$nd5 this will allow .even$e and Expendit$re statements to 3e created 3! "$nd. :. &o plan data will 3e created in ,-D. :. B$siness Fodel &one 5. ,pecial 8r'ani%ational (onsiderations &one ?. (han'es to Existin' 8r'ani%ation &one @. *escription o" 2mprovements &one 8. *escription o" ;$nctional *e"icits 1. #here are no "ield movements de"ined "or (8 transactions to pop$late the "ields C ;$nd5 ;$nd (enters5 G/D Acco$nts and (ommitment 2tems. 2. (8 transactions 3!pass the split processor when moved to the ,-D. As a res$lt there is no 3alancin' 3! "$nd "or (8 transactions. 9. Approaches to (overin' ;$nctional *e"icits 1. #he G/D Acco$nt5 ;$nd5 ;$nd (enter and (ommitment 2tem "ields will 3e pop$lated $sin' varia3le "ield movement $ser exits to a. -op$late the G/D Acco$nt "ield 3ased on cost element n$m3er 3. -op$late the (ommitment 2tem "ield 3ased on cost element $sin' the commitment item assi'nment "rom ta3le ;FY EA /var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_3/205399238.doc !$1 o( $'!

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c. -op$late the ;$nd and ;$nd (enter "ields 3ased on the (ost center or 6B, Element $sin' the ;$nd and ;$nd (enter assi'nment "rom ta3le ;FY 8B. d. #ranslate the 6B, Element "ield to its external n$m3er 2. A pro'ram will 3e written to post 3alancin' entries 3! "$nd to a clearin' G/D acco$nt "or (8 entries. #his pro'ram will post to ;2CG/D and ,-D. 10. &otes on ;$rther 2mprovements &one 11. ,!stem (on"i'$ration (onsiderations 1. A special p$rpose led'er will 3e created to post all entries. 2. #he split processor will 3e con"i'$red to split and 3alance entries 3! "$nd. 3. #he ;2/(8 .econciliation led'er will not 3e $sed. 12. A$thori%ation and ser .oles 8nl! the assi'ned ,-D con"i'$rer will 3e allowed to ma7e chan'es to ,-D con"i'$ration. 3/4/,/,/ "!estions: /0 1) *oes the new special led'er re>$ire data that was posted in the ./3 ,!stem prior to the led'er 3ein' created1 9($stomi%in') A0 &o /0 2) *o !o$ wish to "ill the special led'er with data when re>$ired1 Data Transfer

A0 &o


6eriodic 6rocessing

/0 1) Are there additional allocations that !o$ want to carr! o$t onl! in the ,pecial -$rpose Ded'er1 A0 &o. 3/4/3/1/ "!estions: /0 1) *o the 3alances in the special led'er need to 3e s$mmari%ed1 Roll!p

A0 &o


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3/4/3/2/ "!estions: /0

alance Carried For+ard M'B 2 'pecial BedgerN

1) *o the 3alance sheet acco$nts exist in the special p$rpose led'er1

A0 <es /0 2) *o !o$ re>$ire initial val$es "or !o$r new -HD acco$nts1

A0 &o C% Template: 1. .e>$irements/Expectations 1. # re>$ires the a3ilit! to carr! "orward 3alances in 3alance sheet acco$nts to the openin' 3alance 3! "$nd. 2. # also needs the a3ilit! to close o$t 3alances o" -HD t!pe acco$nts to m$ltiple "$nd 3alance acco$nts 9retained earnin' acco$nt). 2. General Explanations <o$ $se the Balance carr! "orward "$nction to carr! "orward the 3alances o" acco$nts "rom the previo$s "iscal !ear to the 3e'innin' 3alance o" the new "iscal !ear. <o$ can carr! "orward Balance sheet acco$nt 3alances and pro"it and loss acco$nt 3alances to a retained earnin's acco$nt Balance ,heet Acco$nts At the end o" the "iscal !ear5 !o$ can carr! "orward the 3alances o" !o$r 3alance sheet acco$nts to the 3e'innin' 3alance o" the new "iscal !ear. All acco$nt assi'nments are trans"erred "or 3alance sheet acco$nts when the 3alance is carried "orward. <o$ can also de"ine !o$r s!stem so that speci"ic dimension in"ormation is not carried "orward. sin' the ($stomi%in' "$nction5 !o$ can chan'e the "ield movements so that speci"ic dimension in"ormation de"ined in the standard 3alance carr! "orward 9s$ch as the B$siness Area) is not ta7en over into the new "iscal !ear. -ro"it and Doss Acco$nts/.etained Earnin's Acco$nts <o$ can also carr! "orward the 3alance o" !o$r pro"it and loss acco$nts to a retained earnin's acco$nt "or the new "iscal !ear. &o acco$nt assi'nments are trans"erred "or pro"it and loss acco$nts. <o$ can also de"ine !o$r s!stem so that additional dimension in"ormation 9s$ch as the B$siness Area) is carried "orward "or the pro"it and loss acco$nts. 3. Explanations o" ;$nctions and Events #he standard carr! "orward pro'ram allows 3alances to 3e carried "orward in the special p$rpose led'er. Balances in the "eeder s!stems are not a""ected 3! this pro'ram. 2n order to r$n this pro'ram0 1. (on"i'$ration m$st 3e completed. 2. -ostin's to the period m$st 3e complete. 92" adA$stments are made a"ter r$nnin' carr! "orward5 the pro'ram m$st 3e r$n a'ain). /var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_3/205399238.doc !$3 o( $'!

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3. -eriods m$st 3e closed in ;2 and (8 to prevent postin's to the !ear 3ein' carried "orward. #he pro'ram can 3e r$n in test mode to prod$ce a report witho$t $pdate. #he pro'ram sho$ld alwa!s 3e r$n in 3ac7'ro$nd mode to conserve s!stem reso$rces. :. B$siness Fodel &one 5. ,pecial 8r'ani%ational (onsiderations #he carr! "orward "$nction will 3e per"ormed 3! the (ontrollerIs 8""ice. ?. (han'es to Existin' 8r'ani%ation &one @. *escription o" 2mprovements (arr! "orward "$nction can 3e r$n on demand to acco$nt "or adA$stments. 8. *escription o" ;$nctional *e"icits &one 9. Approaches to (overin' ;$nctional *e"icits &/A 10. &otes on ;$rther 2mprovements &one 11. ,!stem (on"i'$ration (onsiderations #he "ollowin' con"i'$ration will 3e completed0 -et u! )a&ance cCf indicator in the led'er de"inition will 3e set. 8ne or more retained earnin's acco$nts will 3e speci"ied and assi'ned to chart o" acco$nts # "or local led'ers. #he "ield movements "or the trans"er o" acco$nt data into the next "iscal !ear will 3e de"ined. #he "ield movement determines the acco$nt data that is trans"erred to the new "iscal !ear and m$st contain all dimensions that !o$ want to carr! "orward. G 2" the standard "ield movement de"inition does not meet !o$r re>$irements and !o$ create !o$r own "ield movements5 !o$ have to assi'n a "ield 'ro$pin' code "or each led'er "or which !o$ want to carr! "orward 3alances. <o$ can de"ine separate "ield movements "or 3alance sheet and pro"it and loss acco$nts. #he standard s!stem is delivered with a "ield 'ro$pin' code 90001) "or pro"it and loss acco$nts5 which is assi'ned to the led'er containin' the acco$nt transaction "i'$res "or the 'eneral led'er. #his "ield 'ro$pin' code /var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_3/205399238.doc !$! o( $'!

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contains an additional "ield movement "or the dimension B$siness Area5 3eca$se the 3$siness area has to 3e carried "orward to the new "iscal !ear in addition to the dimension Acco$nt. 2" !o$ want to create !o$r own "ield movement "or the 3alance carr! "orward5 !o$ can $se the "ield 'ro$pin' code 0001 as a re"erence. 12. A$thori%ation and ser .oles #his transaction 9G+#.) will 3e limited to the General Ded'er Acco$ntant in the (ontrollerIs 8""ice.

3/4/5/1/ C% Template:

'pecial 6!rpose Bedger =*al!ations

1. .e>$irements/Expectations 1. # re>$ires a 3alance sheet report 3! "$nd and 3! 3$siness area. 2. # re>$ires a reven$e and expendit$re statement 3! "$nd and 3$siness area in which "$nctional areas appear as rows $nder expendit$re. 3. # re>$ires an a$thori%ation chec7 to prevent $sers r$nnin' the reports "or "$nds or 3$siness areas other than those the! are a$thori%ed "or. 2. General Explanations <o$ $se the .eport 6riter and .eport -ainter to create reports "rom data in ,pecial -$rpose Ded'er 9;2C,D) and other ./3 application components. 3. Explanations o" ;$nctions and Events All reports will 3e exec$ted thro$'h the reportin' tree ,A.#. .eport writer reports will 3e availa3le showin'0 .even$es and expendit$re 3! "$nd Balance ,heet 3! "$nd .even$es and expendit$res 3! 3$siness area and "$nctional area Balance sheet 3! 3$siness area :. B$siness Fodel &one 5. ,pecial 8r'ani%ational (onsiderations .eports 3! "$nd will 3e $sed 3! 3oo77eepers in individ$al departments. .eports 3! 3$siness area will 3e $sed 3! acco$ntants in (amp$s B$siness 8""ices. ?. (han'es to Existin' 8r'ani%ation &one


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@. *escription o" 2mprovements A 3alance sheet report 3! "$nd will 3e availa3le. 8. *escription o" ;$nctional *e"icits ,tandard report writer reports do not chec7 a$thori%ations 3! "$nd or 3$siness area. 9. Approaches to (overin' ;$nctional *e"icits #wo approaches are possi3le to cover the a$thori%ations de"icit0 1. (reate set 3ased a$thori%ation 'ro$ps and chec7 the a$thori%ation 'ro$p o3Aect 2. (op! 'enerated report writer pro'ram and incl$de an a$thori%ations chec7. #he most appropriate approach will 3e selected 3! the ABA- team. 10. &otes on ;$rther 2mprovements &one 11. ,!stem (on"i'$ration (onsiderations &one 12. A$thori%ation and ser .oles .eports 3! "$nd will 3e $sed 3! 3oo77eepers in individ$al departments. .eports 3! 3$siness area will 3e $sed 3! acco$ntants in (amp$s B$siness o""ices. # re>$ires an a$thori%ation chec7 to prevent $sers r$nnin' the reports "or "$nds or 3$siness areas other than those the! are a$thori%ed "or.

3/4/4/1/ C% Template:

Maintain 'ets)Variables

1. .e>$irements/Expectations # re>$ires complex reven$e and expendit$re reports in which the expendit$res appear in rows correspondin' to 3$siness areas 3$t reven$es appear 3! nat$ral acco$nt. 2. General Explanations #he .eport 6riter $ses sets to str$ct$re and select report data. .eport str$ct$re and contents are de"ined accordin' to the sets that are $sed "or rows5 col$mns5 and selection criteria. #hese sets incl$de 3asic5 7e! "i'$re5 sin'leCdimension5 and m$ltiCdimension sets. <o$ can $se sets as0


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AcceleratedSAP - Business Blueprint

A row 3loc70 #he row 3loc7 contains the characteristics that !o$ want to incl$de in the rows o" !o$r report 9"or example5 cost center and acco$nt n$m3ers) A col$mn 3loc70 #he col$mn 3loc7 contains the characteristics that !o$ want to incl$de in the col$mns o" !o$r report 9"or example5 periods5 c$rrencies5 and amo$nts). General selection criteria0 #he selection criteria contain the characteristics that !o$ want to $se to select the report data 9"or example5 !ear5 period5 compan!5 and led'er). 3. Explanations o" ;$nctions and Events ,ets m$st 3e created in con"i'$ration prior to creatin' a report writer report. :. B$siness Fodel &one 5. ,pecial 8r'ani%ational (onsiderations &one ?. (han'es to Existin' 8r'ani%ation &one @. *escription o" 2mprovements &one 8. *escription o" ;$nctional *e"icits &one 9. Approaches to (overin' ;$nctional *e"icits &one 10. &otes on ;$rther 2mprovements &one 11. ,!stem (on"i'$ration (onsiderations &one 12. A$thori%ation and ser .oles &one


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AcceleratedSAP - Business Blueprint


F!nds Management

"!estions: /0 1) At which level/"or which or'ani%ational $nit do "inancial statements have to 3e 'enerated1 A0 #he niversit! prepares a sin'le "inancial statement with 3rea7o$ts "or "$nd5 3$d'et entit!5 etc. /0 2) At which level/"or which or'ani%ational $nit do !o$ implement 3$d'et mana'ement/controls1 A0 At the acco$nt level. /0 3) At which level/"or which or'ani%ational $nit do !o$ $se cost acco$ntin' 9(ontrollin')1 6here are the overlaps 3etween (ontrollin'5 ;$nds Fana'ement5 and ;inancial Acco$ntin'1 A0 At the acco$nt level. /0 :) *escri3e the le'al "ramewor7 conditions "or/in "$nds mana'ement in !o$r enterprise.

A0 De'al a$thorit! is "rom #he niversit! o" #ennessee Board o" #r$stees5 dele'atin' thro$'h0 B$d'et Entit! 2 +ice (hancellor 2 (olle'e/*ivision 2 *epartment 2 Acco$nt #he primar! re>$irement is that the 3$d'et 3e 3alanced thro$'h a com3ination o" reven$es and "$nd trans"ers e>$alin' expendit$res. /0 A0 5) 4ow do !o$ thin7 this 3$d'et str$ct$re will chan'e in the "$t$re1 n7nown.

/0 ?) 6hich acco$ntin' method "or !o$r "$nds mana'ement do !o$ $se 9accr$al5 modi"ied accr$al5 etc.)1 -lease 'ive a detailed description o" the c$rrent sit$ation. A0 # is on a cash 3asis d$rin' the !ear and accr$al at !earCend. de"ers expenses and reven$es at !earCend. # accr$es pa!roll and

/0 @) *o !o$ $se di""erent acco$ntin' approaches 9GAA-5 3$d'etar! acco$ntin'5 etc.)1 -lease 'ive a detailed description. A0 &o. #he niversit! $ses GA,B standards thro$'ho$t. /var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_3/205399238.doc !$' o( $'!

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/0 8) 4ow do !o$ mana'e the c$rrent handlin' o" additional doc$ments that are needed in 3$d'et preparation and 3$d'et exec$tion1 A0 ,hadow s!stems5 "or example the Fartin 3$d'et s!stem5 are $sed to record an! additional data in the 3$d'et preparation and 3$d'et exec$tion. 2n the restricted "$nds5 a contract trac7in' s!stem and a sponsored pro'rams s!stem contain proposal/contract doc$ments. (amp$s s!stems0 Enoxville A,:00 s!stem monitors c$rrent and 3ase 3$d'et. 6e3 3ased s!stem is $sed to enter 3$d'et re>$ests. (hattanoo'a Access data3ase. 2ncl$des salar! and operatin' 3$d'ets. sed "or enterin' 3$d'et re>$ests and -A;s. Fartin ;ile ma7er pro s!stem5 centrall! maintained. sed 3! enterin' 3$d'et re>$ests and -A;s. ,!stem o""ice and 2-, $se Excel "iles "or position trac7in'. ,pace 2nstit$te /$atro pro spreadsheets. /0 9) 4ow lon' are the amo$nt "ields 9n$m3er o" places 3e"ore and a"ter decimal point) that !o$ c$rrentl! $se "or handlin' 3$d'et and assi'ned val$es1 A0 #he "ields are o" the "ormat 9.2 with over"low in -lant ;$nds. /0 10) *o !o$ $se 2nternet applications within "$nds mana'ement1 *escri3e the existin' scenarios. A0 <es. # has developed an 2nternet application $sin' 2nterdev to collect data and comm$nicate control n$m3ers with departments "or the preparation o" the new !ear 3$d'et. ($rrentl!5 emplo!ees are 3ein' trained on the application that will 3e implemented "or the 20013$d'et proposal. /0 11) *escri3e the c$rrent/"$t$re role o" the 2nternet and how it a""ects !o$r "$nds mana'ement. A0 2t is expected that ./3 will replace 2nter*ev. /0 12) -rovide an overview o" the c$rrent 2# landscape. 6hich applications are $sed in ;$nds Fana'ement1 A0 (lassic s!stems are mostl! in 2F, data3ases5 with a "ew *B2 data3ases. #he online screens operate $nder the 2F, monitor. *epartmental B$d'et ,!stem5 3$d'ets 3! o3Aect code. -roposed ,alar! B$d'et 9-,B) s!stem 4$man .eso$rce ,!stem ;inancial Acco$ntin' ,!stem ,hadow s!stems maintained 3! individ$al camp$ses contain additional 3$d'et data.


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A'ric$lt$ral Experiment ,tation has a s!stem the! $se "or ;ederal reportin' o" act$al data onl! on a "ederal "iscal !ear 3asis. Attached is a map o" how other s!stems a""ect the acco$ntin' s!stem. /0 13) 4ow is the 3$d'et 'eneration process c$rrentl! s$pported in !o$r or'ani%ation1 6ho $ses the s!stem 93$d'et department5 etc.)1 4ow is 3$d'et plannin' in"ormation consolidated in the 3$d'et1 A0 nrestricted ;$nds0 .e>$ests are solicited in Oan$ar!5 six months prior to when the 3$d'et !ear will 3e'in. *ata entr! is decentrali%ed where departments/colle'es $se shadow s!stems to develop their 3$d'et. #here is one version o" n$m3ers that is the 3ase. #hen departmental re>$ests "or oneCtime expendit$res are entered to chan'e the 3ase. +ersion 2 can 3e the re>$est. +ersion 3 can 3e recommended5 version : can 3e approved. +ersions are approved at di""erent points in time. &o more 3ase chan'es are accepted a"ter a 3ase version is selected "or $se in the 3$d'et process. 4earin's are held at camp$s levels. A"ter camp$s level approval5 the 3$d'et re>$est is sent to the s!stems level. ,alar! B$d'et0 #he -roposed ,alar! B$d'et 9-,B) s!stem is loaded in late April "rom pa!roll data5 incl$din' emplo!ees5 distri3$tion acco$nts5 and amo$nts5 3$t not incl$din' vacant positions or l$mp s$m positions5 which have to 3e added man$all!. #he s!stem proAects 3ene"it costs $sin' de"a$lts and emplo!ee attri3$tes. #he -,B is availa3le "or 3C: wee7s "or $sers to ma7e chan'es5 and "or reportin' thro$'h O$ne 30. 6hen the -,B is "inali%ed5 it is reconciled to the *epartmental B$d'et 9o3Aect code line totals) centrall! d$rin' Fa! C O$ne. 2n late O$ne -,B "i'$res are "ed 3ac7 to the pa!roll s!stem. (han'es that wo$ld a""ect the proposed 3$d'et made to c$rrent !ear pa!roll "iles d$rin' the time "rom load o" -,B to !earCend m$st 3e reconciled with -,B and entered man$all! to the new !ear pa!roll. Bene"its are 3$d'eted at the "$nction /3$d'et entit! level "or E H G acco$nts. Bene"its "or a$xiliar! and restricted acco$nts are 3$d'eted and expended at the acco$nt level. B$d'et "or .even$es and .ecoveries0 .even$e is 3$d'eted centrall!5 at the camp$s level5 or occasionall! at the colle'e or department level. ,<,#EFC62*E 2nvestment/endowment income0 "orecast next !ear 3ased on past per"ormance (AF- , DE+ED ,tate appropriation o ;orm$la lin7ed. ;orm$la in"ormation is not in the # plannin' s!stem. #$ition and "ees o Gross level determined 3ased on "orecasted enrollment and rates. o ;inancial aid is 3$d'eted separatel!. o Femphis 3$d'ets 'rad$ate assistantships at the dept. level. 2ndirect costs 9; H A) o ;orecastin' varies 3! camp$sP #,25 (hat5 Enoxville0 last !ear per"ormance/ next !ear expectations. o B! so$rce0 "ed5 state5 local5 private ;ederal appropriation o 2nstit$te o" A'ric$lt$re onl! Docal appropriations o 2nstit$te o" A'ric$lt$re and 2-, onl! 9cit! H co$nt! mone!) /var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_3/205399238.doc !&0 o( $'!

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*epartmental reven$e o (hat0 radio station5 st$dent health center5 $niversit! center Gi"ts o ;orecast 3ased on past per"ormance

(8DDEGE/*E-A.#FE&# DE+ED Gi"ts0 "orecast 3ased on past per"ormance pl$s plans 9e.'.5 capital campai'n) A$xiliaries ,ervice centers (on"erences Athletics ,ales and services (o$rse and la3 "ees .ecoveries ,eparate 3$d'et "i'$res are entered "or 'ross and recover!. &et amo$nt is shown as 3$d'et on acco$nt statements. O$sti"ication ma! 3e re>$ired "or recover! 3$d'et amo$nts. ,ervice center t!pe recoveries External a'enc! recoveries /0 1:) 6ill there 3e external s!stems "eedin' commitments or act$al char'esP i" so5 in which area1 A0 <es Acco$nts -a!a3le0 -roc$rement (ard s!stem will create act$al expenses to 3e posted. 2nvestment ,!stem0 2n"ovisa C E#A s!stem 9"or charita3le tr$sts) will create act$al reven$es and expenses to 3e posted. Endowments s!stem creates act$al reven$es and trans"ers 3etween acco$nts Boo7store5 #elephone5 (omp$ter (enter0 Faintain their own comp$ter "iles o" departmental char'es "or s$pplies and service. At the end o" the month5 each sends a "ile to (, to load into the acco$ntin' s!stem. Each main camp$s has a st$dent "inancial aid s!stem that will send activit! o" act$al dis3$rsements "or =excess "inancial aid= 9total loan or scholarship less t$ition and "ees). /0 15) 4ow will transactions "rom external s!stems into the "$nds mana'ement exceedin' the availa3le 3$d'et 3e treated1 A0 #he le'ac! s!stem does not provide "$nds availa3ilit! chec7in'. ;or -roc$rement (ards5 par7ed doc$ment "$nctionalit! will 3e $sed. (har'es not trans"erred to other cost centers 3! the end o" the month de"a$lt to the cost centers responsi3le "or the cards. Either wa!5 this postin' co$ld res$lt in an acco$nt exceedin' its 3$d'et. /0 1?) *escri3e the c$rrent proced$re "or internal chec7s and sec$rit! relatin' to 3$d'et preparation5 3$d'et modi"ication5 and 3$d'et exec$tion. A0 -roposed ,alar! B$d'et 9-,B) and *epartmental B$d'et s!stems have individ$al lo'on 2* and password. Each 2* is restricted to ran'es o" acco$nts. B$d'et modi"ication/exec$tion has the same proced$res. /var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_3/205399238.doc !&1 o( $'!

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/0 1@) *escri3e the existin' approval proced$re 9wor7"low) at or'ani%ational level. -rovide an overview o" the participants and their roles. A0 Ever!da! transactions0 .e>$estor initiates the process CZ A person with si'nat$re a$thorit! to 3$d'et will approve the re>$est. *i""erin' levels o" approval within a +ice (hancellor Area exist "or 3$d'et chan'es. ltimatel!5 the chan'e is sent to the camp$s 3$siness o""ice "or approval and entr! to the "inancial s!stem. (han'es within acco$nts and within departments re>$ire minimal approval. (han'es 3etween departments are pro3a3l! initiated and approved at a hi'her level department 9e.'.5 the deanIs o""ice). Approval "or expendit$res occ$rs at the department level. Dar'e amo$nts or certain t!pes o" 'oods need additional approval. ;iscal -olicies and -roced$res details speci"ic cate'ories o" amo$nts and t!pes o" 'oods or services and the appropriate approvals. /0 18) *escri3e the existin' approval proced$re 9wor7"low) at the level o" the s!stems involved. -rovide an overview o" the participants and their roles. A0 #he -roc$rement (ard s!stem has 3$iltCin approval proced$res0 1. Each cardholder has access to his/her own card statement data and is s$pposed to veri"! the correctness o" the char'es each month. 2. Each cardholder5 or perhaps a 3oo77eeper on 3ehal" o" the cardholder5 ma! send the statement electronicall! to the department head5 principal investi'ator or other person responsi3le "or an! acco$nt that is identi"ied to 3e char'ed. 3. #he approver has $ntil the end o" the month to approve 9or not). :. -roc$rement (ard char'es are alwa!s posted5 either when approved or at the end o" the month "or $napproved statements. B$t a record "or -roc$rement (ard $sa'e a$dits is 7ept o" which statements were never reviewed/approved. #he #ravel s!stem has 3$iltCin approval proced$res0 1). #he traveler 9or someone on their 3ehal") enters details o" a proposed trip and sends the =itinerar!= electronicall! their 3oss. 2). #hat individ$al receives noti"ication and can view the trip details. 4e/she approves 9or not). 3) A"ter the trip5 the traveler enters expense in"ormation and sends the res$ltin' =invoice= to the person responsi3le "or the acco$nt9s) to 3e char'ed. :). #he responsi3le person receives noti"ication and can view the expense details. 4e/she approves 9or not). /0 19) *escri3e the existin' approval proced$re 9wor7"low) within the 3$d'etin' process. -rovide an overview o" the participants and their roles. A0 Approval in the 3$d'etin' process is all o""line. 2t starts at the department CZ to the colle'e/division level CZ to +ice (hancellor CZ to B$d'et (ommittee "or approval. /0 20) *escri3e !o$r existin'/"$t$re re>$irements "or access control and s!stem sec$rit! 9smart cards5 etc.). A0 Access to $niversit! "inancial records re>$ires a ser 2* and password that is associated with speci"ic transactions and data ran'es. .e>$irements will 3e the same in the "$t$re. /var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_3/205399238.doc !&2 o( $'!

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21) *escri3e the con"identialit! restrictions 9i" an!) "or "$nds5 3$d'ets5 transactions etc. #Is "inances are a matter o" p$3lic record.

A0 As a state $niversit!5

/0 22) 6hat applications are c$rrentl! inte'rated into "$nds mana'ement and need to 3e inte'rated in the "$t$re1 A0 *epartmental B$d'et s!stem -roposed ,alar! B$d'et s!stem -a!roll s!stem -roc$rement (ard s!stem 6e3 B$d'et ,!stem 9to 3e decided) ,ponsored -ro'rams s!stem Grants/(ontracts s!stem /0 23) ;or inte'rated "$nctions5 what data resides in the 3$d'etar! part 9is this limited to "inancial data or also in"ormation on >$antities etc.) A0 # does not 3$d'et on >$antities. #he additional data 9i.e. headco$nts5 ;#E5 etc.) are 7ept in the shadow s!stems. B$d'et is done at the acco$nt level not at the department level5 3$t it will roll $p to the department level 3ased on the acco$nt attri3$tes. /0 2:) *o the sales s!stem and "$nds mana'ement need to 3e inte'rated1 *escri3e the c$rrent inte'ration. A0 <es. #he Grants/(ontracts ,!stem trac7s receiva3les and receipts "or most 3illed 'rants and contracts. A pro'ram reads the G/D once a month to post cost reim3$rsa3le expenses to A/.. #here is also a -roposal s!stem that is part o" the ,ponsored -ro'rams s!stem. 2t has a detailed description o" a 'rant5 incl$din' a proposed proAect 3$d'et. 6hen a 'rant is awarded5 a # acco$nt n$m3er is assi'ned and its 3$d'et is inp$t to the G/D s!stem in the "orm o" ordinar! 3$d'et revisions 9#C1s). ,$3se>$ent s$pplements or extensions ma! 3e either added to the same acco$nt or esta3lished as new acco$nts. /0 25) *o controllin' and "$nds mana'ement need to 3e inte'rated1 *escri3e the c$rrent inte'ration. A0 <es. #he 3$d'et resides in the G/D. ($rrent reportin' is mostl! 3$d'et vers$s act$als5 rather than reven$e vers$s act$als. /0 2?) *o asset acco$ntin' and "$nds mana'ement need to 3e inte'rated1 *escri3e the c$rrent inte'ration. A0 <es. -lant ;$nds acco$nts are in the G/D. #here are several data3ases that are $sed to trac7 # assets. #he e>$ipment data3ase contains ta''ed/$nta''ed items. #his data3ase 'enerates reports that are $sed to $pdate G/D. #he ;acilit! data3ase is $sed "or the re'istr! o" 3$ildin's. #he Dand data3ase is to record properties other than 3$ildin's.


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/0 2@) *o controllin' and p$rchasin' need to 3e inte'rated1 *escri3e the c$rrent inte'ration. A0 <es. -$rchasin' s!stem0 -$rchase 8rders are entered to the data3ase dail! and transmitted as enc$m3rances to the G/D ni'htl!. A/- s!stem0 -a!ments a'ainst p$rchase orders5 nonC-8 pa!ments 9e.'.5 hot do' vendorsI services at a "oot3all 'ame)5 and travel expense reim3$rsements are entered to A/- dail! and collected ni'htl! "or chec7 writin' and postin' 3! acco$nt/o3Aect to G/D. /0 28) -$rchasin' inte'ration0 *o !o$ $se the "$nctions o" a wareho$se "$nds center1

A0 &o. 2nventor! is not 3$d'eted. /0 29) 2nte'ration 3etween p$rchasin' and wareho$se "$nds center0 *escri3e the impact on "$nds mana'ement 9what impact will 'oods receipt and 'oods iss$e have1). A0 &/A /0 30) -lant maintenance inte'ration0 *o plant maintenance and "$nds mana'ement need to 3e inte'rated1 *escri3e the c$rrent inte'ration. A0 <es. #he G/D has a separate acco$nt "or repairs and renovations. Also5 there is a separate s!stem "or plant maintenance. /0 31) *escri3e the lo'ic c$rrentl! $sed when postin' tax on sales/p$rchases 9acco$nts a""ected5 postin' examples). A0 *$rin' invoice entr!5 tax is removed5 recorded as a ded$ction to the 'ross amo$nt. -a!ment is made "or the net amo$nt. #here"ore5 it is netted o"" at the "ront end. /0 32) 2" a special handlin' o" ,ales #ax is c$rrentl! applied in "$nds mana'ement G please descri3e the impact on the 3$d'et 9availa3ilit! chec75 3$d'et cons$mption) A0 &/A /0 33) *escri3e !o$r c$rrent "$nds mana'ement environment0 At which level is the 3$d'et data entered5 the assi'ned "$nds entered5 and the availa3ilit! chec7 carried o$t1 Are chan'es planned1 2" so5 what are the chan'es5 and where will the! 3e made1 A0 Expense 3$d'et n$m3ers are stored 3! acco$nt and primar! 92Cdi'it) o3Aect. Act$al expenses are recorded 3! acco$nt and detail 93Cdi'it) o3Aect. #he person in char'e o" the acco$nt is responsi3le "or chec7in' that there are eno$'h "$nds in the acco$nt as a whole to cover o3li'ations and expenses. 2" an acco$nt exceeds its 3$d'et5 that is corrected 3! trans"errin' 3$d'et in "rom another acco$nt or trans"errin' the expense o$t to another acco$nt. 6e expect this to 3e the polic! 'enerall! in the "$t$re. 2ncome acco$nts are 3$d'eted at the whole acco$nt level and are reali%ed at the acco$nt or5 less o"ten5 at the acco$nt/$ser reven$e level.


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/0 3:) 6hat le'ac! data do !o$ need to implement the ./3 ,!stem live 9c$rrent !ear 3$d'et5 "$nds 3alances5 etc.1 A0 ,napshot o" 3$d'et5 enc$m3rances5 expenses/reven$es5 and "$nd 3alance at April 25 2001. /0 35) *escri3e how le'ac! data sho$ld 3e incl$ded in !o$r new s!stem 9which data5 de'ree o" detail5 time period5 etc.). A0 ,ame as a3ove5 also ma!3e a''re'ate Q per month at each acco$nt/o3Aect.

3/5/1/1/ "!estions:


asic 'ettings
$ssigning Cost =lement

/0 1) 2s there a relationship 3etween acco$nts in Acco$ntin' 9expense5 reven$e5 etc.) and ;F1 A0 <es /0 2) Are ;F expendit$re cate'ories the same as G/D acco$nts in Acco$ntin'1 2" not5 how are G/D acco$nts mapped to the 3$d'et cate'ories1 A0 &o. G/D acco$nts a''re'ate to ;F 3$d'et cate'ories. /0 3) *escri3e in detail the relationship 3etween expendit$re cate'ories in the 3$d'et and the ;2 acco$nts. A0 B$d'et is at a 2Cdi'it level. G/D 9expendit$res) is at a 3Cdi'it level. C% Template: 1. .e>$irements/Expectations *etail commitment 2tems 9those correspondin' to 3Cdi'it o3Aect codes5 minor so$rces o" "$nds5 and 3alance trans"er codes) will 3e related to (ost Elements one to one. ,$mmari%ation items5 essentiall! a rollC$p o" detail items5 will correspond to cost element Gro$ps5 3$t there will not 3e a "ormal assi'nment 3etween these hi'her level thin's. 2. General Explanations (ommitment 2tems are o" two t!pes0 1) #hose assi'ned to (ost/.even$e Elements 3eca$se the! are postin' o3Aects and contain enc$m3rances and expenses or reven$es. #he! incl$de the 3 di'it o3Aects codes5 the minor so$rces o" "$nds5 $ser reven$e codes5 and the 3alance acco$nt trans"er codes 9in and o$t). 2) #hose not assi'ned to (ost/.even$e Elements 3eca$se the! are s$mmari%ation items or nodes. #he! are 3$d'et o3Aects and contain 3$d'ets as /var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_3/205399238.doc !&" o( $'!

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well as the s$mmar! o" enc$m3rance5 expense5 or reven$e postin's at the node level. #he! incl$de the 2 di'it o3Aect codes5 the maAor so$rces o" "$nds5 and the 3alance acco$nt trans"er codes 9in and o$t). 3. Explanations o" ;$nctions and Events A"ter !o$ create a new cost element and commitment item5 !o$ assi'n the commitment item to the cost element. #o assi'n commitment items to cost elements5 proceed as "ollows0 (hoose Faster data CCZAssi'nments CCZ(ontrollin' CCZ (ost elements. Enter a controllin' area and a cost element or cost element 'ro$p. (hoose (ontin$e. #he Faintain (ost Element C ;F Acco$nt Assi'nment screen appears. Enter a commitment item. 2" !o$ have entered a cost element 'ro$p on the initial screen5 this commitment item is a$tomaticall! assi'ned to all the cost elements in that 'ro$p. <o$ cannot then assi'n a di""erent commitment item to an! o" the cost elements in the 'ro$p. 2" !o$ have alread! assi'ned a commitment item to an! o" the elements in this 'ro$p5 !o$ m$st "irst delete this assi'nment or remove the cost element "rom this 'ro$p. ,ave !o$r inp$t. CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC 2" !o$ not onl! want to $se assi'nment o" ;F o3Aects to (8 o3Aects as an inp$t "acilit! when ma7in' postin's in other inte'rated components5 3$t also want to cop! the (8 postin's into ;$nds Fana'ement5 !o$ have the option o" enterin' A$st a (8 acco$nt assi'nment in the other component postin's. :. B$siness Fodel


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$ssets 7B $cco!nt Biabilities 7B $cco!nt F!nd alance 7B $cco!nt Re*en!es 7B $cco!nt =Apendit!res 7B $cco!nt Re*en!e =lement 6rimary Cost =lement 'econdary Cost =lement
5. ,pecial 8r'ani%ational (onsiderations #he (ontroller has alwa!s re'$lated the commitment item/cost element 9o3Aect) and similar codes "or the whole niversit!. ?. (han'es to Existin' 8r'ani%ation #he (ontroller will assi'n (ommitment 2tems to (ost Elements "or the whole @. *escription o" 2mprovements Fore options are availa3le to 3$d'et and control costs. ;or example5 the =3 di'it= level can 3e $sed "or 3$d'etin' and postin' in ./3. 8. *escription o" ;$nctional *e"icits &one are apparent at this time 9. Approaches to (overin' ;$nctional *e"icits &/A 10. &otes on ;$rther 2mprovements &one 11. ,!stem (on"i'$ration (onsiderations niversit!.

$ssets Commitmt %tem Biabilities Commitmt %tem F!nd alance Commitmt %tem Re*en!es Commitmt %tem 6rimary Cost Commitmt %tem 'econdary Cost Commitmt %tem


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(8 and ;F Areas m$st 3e de"ined in 2FG. 12. A$thori%ation and ser .oles Assi'nment o" commitment items to cost elements will remain $nder the a$thorit! o" the (ontrollerIs 8""ice. 13. -roAect ,peci"ic (2 ,ection &/A 3/5/1/2/ "!estions: /0 1) 6hat "$nds receive reven$e increasin' 3$d'et1 6reparing Re*en!es %ncreasing the !dget

A0 #here are c$rrentl! no "$nds that $se reven$e increasin' 3$d'ets. 4owever5 there are some reven$e acco$nts lin7ed directl! to expendit$re acco$nts. #he reven$es are dedicated onl! to those expendit$re acco$nts. #he sit$ation that that ma! warrant loo7in' at this option in ./3 wo$ld 3e the ,ervice (enters C sel"Cs$pportin' departments that provide services to other departments that are "$nded thro$'h $ser char'es. ($rrentl! ,ervice (enters $se ne'ative expendit$re acco$nts to 3alance. Far7 will provide a list. /0 2) *oes the 3$d'et increase man$all! 9man$al entr!) or a$tomaticall! 9pro'rammaticall! done) when reven$e is received1 A0 B$d'et adA$stments are not tied to acco$ntin' transactions. # c$rrentl! has the "lexi3ilit! to adA$st 3oth reven$e and expendit$res 3$d'ets as needed via a man$al process. 2n the c$rrent # s!stem5 there are no warnin's C acco$nts can overspend as needed with "ollowC$p 3$d'et revisions. /0 3) 2s a 3$d'et increase permitted as soon as the c$stomer invoice is iss$ed or onl! when pa!ment is received1 A0 A 3$d'et increase is allowed whenever the estimated/3$d'eted reven$e needs chan'in'. /0 :) 6hat is the percenta'e to which reven$e can 3e distri3$ted to the expendit$re acco$nt to whose 3$d'et is increased1 A0 Expendit$re 3$d'ets can 3e increased via increased reven$es5 $se o" "$nd 3alance5 and/or the movement o" "$nds amon' expendit$re acco$nts. (orrespondin'l!5 increased reven$es do not a$tomaticall! res$lt in increases to expendit$re acco$nts. 100U o" an increase d$e to more reven$e can 3e distri3$ted to an expendit$re acco$nt. /0 5) 2s there an interval 9minim$m reven$e and $pper limit) to stip$late the ran'e o" amo$nts "or reven$es posted to the reven$e acco$nt and the expendit$re acco$nt whose 3$d'et is increased1 /var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_3/205399238.doc !&' o( $'!

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A0 ;or dedicated reven$e acco$nts5 i" the reven$e 3$d'et is increased5 all o" the increase has to 3e re"lected in the lin7ed expendit$re acco$nt. /0 ?) ;or resid$al reven$es that do not increase the 3$d'et in the expendit$re acco$nt5 what acco$nt sho$ld the =s$rpl$s= 'o1 A0 &/A /0 @) 2s there a minim$m amo$nt 3! which reven$e sho$ld increase 3$d'et1

A0 &o. /0 8) (an the 3$d'etCincrease r$le stip$lated 3e chan'ed when doc$ments are entered or whether it is onl! "or chec7in' p$rposes1 A0 8nl! "or chec7in' p$rposes. C% Template: 1. .e>$irements/Expectations #here are c$rrentl! no "$nds that $se reven$e increasin' 3$d'ets. 4owever5 there are some reven$e acco$nts lin7ed directl! to expendit$re acco$nts. #he reven$es are dedicated onl! to those expendit$re acco$nts. #he sit$ation that that ma! warrant loo7in' at this option in ./3 wo$ld 3e the ,ervice (enters C sel"Cs$pportin' departments that provide services to other departments that are "$nded thro$'h $ser char'es. ($rrentl! ,ervice (enters $se ne'ative expendit$re acco$nts to 3alance. ,ome reven$e acco$nts are lin7ed directl! to expendit$re acco$nts5 where the reven$es are dedicated onl! to those expendit$re acco$nts. 2" reven$es exceed the estimate in s$ch an acco$nt5 that increase sho$ld 3e availa3le in the related expendit$re acco$nt. An increase to a reven$e acco$nt 3$d'et 'enerall! has an o""settin' entr! to an expense acco$nt 3$d'et or a decrease to another reven$e acco$nt. 9#he onl! other option is to increase a "$nd 3alance acco$nt.) ;or example5 increased "ood service reven$es co$ld 3e re"lected in an increase to the appropriate reven$e acco$nt 3$d'et o""set 3! an increase to the 3$d'et o" a "ood service expense acco$nt. 8r it co$ld 3e split 3etween the expense acco$nt and a related "$nd 3alance acco$nt 9to reserve "or "$t$re). 2n restricted "$nds5 increased 'i"ts5 "or example5 wo$ld 3e posted to the "$nd 3alance acco$nt and reco'ni%ed as reven$e when expenses on the related expense 9=.=) acco$nts occ$r. #he increase ma! 3e shown as a 3$d'et increase to the =.= acco$nt5 3$t o"ten is not. 2. General Explanations #hose reven$e acco$nts that "$nd a partic$lar expendit$re acco$nt will 3e $pdated with the r$le "or ma7in' this distri3$tion. At the end o" each month5 the pro'ram "or eval$atin' these reven$es and calc$latin' the expendit$re 3$d'et increases will 3e r$n. ,ince the active availa3ilit! control wor7s onl! a'ainst elements that alread! have their =own= 3$d'et5 these elements m$st carr! 3$d'et independentl! o" the reven$es increasin' the 3$d'et. /var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_3/205399238.doc !&) o( $'!

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3. Explanations o" ;$nctions and Events A "$nd m$st 3e identi"ied to receive reven$es increasin' 3$d'et. A distri3$tion r$le de"ines the percenta'e o" reven$es5 which can increase that 3$d'et. # pro3a3l! will $se 100U5 3$t it is possi3le to p$t in a lower percenta'e alon' with a s$rpl$s ;F acco$nt assi'nment 9who 'ets the remainin' percenta'e). :. B$siness Fodel &/A 5. ,pecial 8r'ani%ational (onsiderations 2nitiall!5 the (ontroller will de"ine the reven$e/expense acco$nt assi'nment relationships. ?. (han'es to Existin' 8r'ani%ation ,omeone will have to 3e in char'e o" r$nnin' the reven$e eval$ation/3$d'etin' pro'ram. @. *escription o" 2mprovements Expense 3$d'ets will 3e adA$sted monthl! in line with reven$e witho$t man$al review. 8. *escription o" ;$nctional *e"icits &one are apparent at this time 9. Approaches to (overin' ;$nctional *e"icits &/A 10. &otes on ;$rther 2mprovements &one 11. ,!stem (on"i'$ration (onsiderations ;ollowin' m$st 3e con"i'$red "or reven$es increasin' the 3$d'et0 maintain 3$d'et memos enter settin' "or the reven$es increasin' the 3$d'et distri3$tion process de"a$lt r$le 12. A$thori%ation and ser .oles #he (ontroller or desi'nees will 3e a$thori%ed to the reven$eCincreasin'C3$d'et maintenance screen. /var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_3/205399238.doc !'0 o( $'!

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,elected $sers m$st 3e a$thori%ed to r$n the monthl! 3$d'et r$n. 13. -roAect ,peci"ic (2 ,ection &/A 3/5/1/,/ "!estions: /0 1) 2nte'ration -,0 2s inte'ration 3etween a proAect s!stem and ;F necessar!1 $ssigning 9 ' =lement

A0 <es /0 2) 2nte'ration -,0 *escri3e the c$rrent inte'ration 3etween !o$r proAect s!stem and ;F.

A0 B$d'et ori'inates in the ,ponsored -ro'rams s!stem via =#C1=s sent to the 'eneral led'er s!stem. B$d'et and expenses are trac7ed in o$r 'eneral led'er s!stem. #he Grants/(ontracts s!stem trac7s A/. and 3illin's. C% Template: 1. .e>$irements/Expectations .estricted ;$nds 6B, Element will 3e set $p "or proAects 9e.'. 'rants/contracts) 3ased on the terms and conditions o" the proAect. A "$nd will 3e set $p and assi'ned to each 6B, Element. 2. General Explanations A 6B, element is an element in a proAect wor7 3rea7down str$ct$re 96B,) and is $sed as a reven$e and cost collector "or activities with discrete start and end dates. At least one 6B, element m$st exist in a proAect. A 6B, element can 3e lin7ed to a compan! code5 a 3$siness area5 a "$nctional area 9thro$'h s$3stit$tion)5 a "$nd5 a "$nd center and a pro"it center allowin' all these codes to 3e de"a$lted when a $ser enters a 6B, Element in a doc$ment. (osts and reven$es posted to a 6B, Element can 3e a$tomaticall! posted to the compan! code5 3$siness area5 "$nd5 "$nd center and pro"it center lin7ed to the 6B, Element. #here"ore niversit! will $se 6B, Elements to collect reven$es and costs associated with costCreim3$rsa3le 'rants5 and all other "$nds other than c$rrent $nrestricted "$nds. #h$s 6B, elements will 3e $sed to collect reven$es and costs "or c$rrent restricted "$nds5 endowment5 ann$it! and li"e income "$nds 9or will special led'ers 3e $sed1)5 plant "$nds5 loan "$nds and a'enc! "$nds. .estricted ;$nds are represented in ./3 3! proAects in the -roAect ,!stems 9-,)5 incl$din' a -roAect *e"inition and at least one 6or7 Brea7down ,tr$ct$re Element 96B, Element). #here are several 6B, Element t!pes 9called proAect t!pes) within a restricted "$nd. #he appropriate proAect t!pe m$st 3e selected "or each 6B, Element to maintain the inte'rit! o" the research 3ase "or ; H A cost st$dies and proposals. Fost .estricted ;$nds re>$ire si'ni"icant 3$d'et monitorin'. As a res$lt5 each 6B, /var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_3/205399238.doc !'1 o( $'!

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elements m$st 3e lin7ed to a "$nd and a "$nd center in ./3 ;$nds Fana'ement. 3. Explanations o" ;$nctions and Events $ssigning F!nds Centers to 9 ' =lements #o assi'n "$nds centers to 6B, elements5 proceed as "ollows0 (hoose Accounting D /inancia& accounting D /unds management D ?aster data D Assignments D Contro&&ing D #B- e&ements. Enter a controllin' area and a 6B, element or 6B, element 'ro$p. (on"irm' #he ?aintain #B- .&ement /? Account Assignment screen appears. Fa7e !o$r assi'nments as descri3ed in Assi'nin' ;$nds (enters to (ost (enters. ,ave !o$r inp$t. :. B$siness Fodel

(ompan! (ode #

;$nctional Area .esearch

6B, Element B0100102:

-ro"it (enter D011002:01 (hemistr!

6B, Element .01102:010

;$nd B0100102:

;$nd .01102:010 B$siness Area ($r .est EHG Enoxvil e

;$nd (enter 011002:01 (hemistr!

see dia'ram a3ove 5. ,pecial 8r'ani%ational (onsiderations 8nce a 6B, element has 3een created5 centrall! it m$st 3e assi'ned to a ;$nd in ;F. ?. (han'es to Existin' 8r'ani%ation 6B, element will not chan'e the existin' or'ani%ational str$ct$re. @. *escription o" 2mprovements &/A 8. *escription o" ;$nctional *e"icits /var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_3/205399238.doc !'2 o( $'!

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#he ,ponsored -roposal s!stem will not 3e inte'rated with the G/D 3eca$se ./3 does not have the "$nctionalit! to hold detail in"ormation that the c$rrent s!stem is desi'ned to. 9. Approaches to (overin' ;$nctional *e"icits &one apparent at this time. #he ,ponsor -roposal s!stem will still 3e in $sed to develop new 'rants/contracts. 10. &otes on ;$rther 2mprovements &one 11. ,!stem (on"i'$ration (onsiderations (8 and ;F areas m$st 3e de"ined in 2FG. #he ,ponsored -ro'ram s!stem is a "eeder s!stem 3eca$se it has considera3le detail o" sponsored proposals. 2t will need an inter"ace to load initial 3$d'ets o" new proAects into ./3 ;F. 12. A$thori%ation and ser .oles #he primar! owner o" a 'rant or contract ma! have the a$thori%ation. 13. -roAect ,peci"ic (2 ,ection &/A 3/5/1/3/ "!estions: /0 1) 2s it possi3le to esta3lish a direct lin7 3etween cost centers and the 3$d'et1 $ssigning Cost Center

A0 <es /0 2) *escri3e in detail the relationship/lin7 3etween cost centers and the 3$d'et 9;F).

A0 #here will 3e a one to one relationship 3etween cost centers and "$nd so$rces. (ommitment items will a''re'ate G/D acco$nts at the 2Cdi'it level. /0 3) At which level o" !o$r or'ani%ation is 3$d'et data implemented1 2s this the same level as cost center cost plannin'5 or is it a hi'her level1 A0 At the acco$nt 9"$nd so$rce) level5 the same level "or cost center plannin'. C% Template:


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1. .e>$irements/Expectations 1) (ost (enters will 3e approximatel! the c$rrent General Ded'er Expense and .even$e Acco$nts. 2) (ost (enters sho$ld 3e or'ani%ed into hierarchies o" *epartment CZ (olle'e CZ +ice (hancellor Area CZ B$d'et Entit!. 3) (ost (enter will e>$al a "$nd. :.) (ost (enters will 3e assi'ned to -ro"it (enters. 5.) (ost (enters will li7ewise. (ost (enter data sho$ld incl$de the 2* and description o" the cost center that is part o" the acco$nt attri3$te. ;or example0 Acco$nt E01100? 3elon's to B$d'et Entit! 019Enoxville)5 +ice (hancellor 33 9-rovost H ,r. +( Acad. A"".)5 (olle'e 01 9General Administration)5 *epartment 0:3 9Fc(l$n' F$se$m). #he cost centers are alwa!s validP there is no expiration date. #here are no special re>$irements "or cate'ories5 tho$'h it mi'ht 3e $se"$l to cate'ori%e the cost centers 3! B$d'et Entit! "or reportin'. (ost 2. General Explanations 6hen a new cost center is needed5 the responsi3le (amp$s B$siness 8""ice will enter the data and ro$te it thro$'h the approved or'ani%ational str$ct$re/wor7"low. 2" it is approved5 the (ontrollerMs 8""ice will enter the remainin' data and esta3lish the cost center. A "$nd will 3e set $p either man$all! or a$tomaticall! at the same time "or each cost center. 3. Explanations o" ;$nctions and Events $ssigning F!nds to Cost Centers (hoose Accounting D /inancia& accounting D /unds management D ?aster data D Assignments D Contro&&ing D Cost centers. Enter a controllin' area and a cost center or cost center 'ro$p. (on"irm' #he ?aintain Cost Center /? Account Assignment screen appears. <o$ can ma7e the assi'nments in vario$s wa!s. Assi'nment witho$t cost element or cost element 'ro$p <o$ enter one "$nd. #his entr! then applies to all cost elements posted to in connection with the speci"ied cost center or the cost center that 3elon's to the speci"ied 'ro$p. 2" !o$ have entered a cost center 'ro$p on the initial screen5 this "$nd is a$tomaticall! assi'ned to all the cost centers in that 'ro$p. <o$ cannot then assi'n a di""erent "$nd to an! o" the cost centers in the 'ro$p. 2" !o$ have alread! assi'ned an ;F acco$nt assi'nment to a cost center "rom this 'ro$p5 !o$ m$st "irst delete this assi'nment or ta7e the cost center o$t o" the 'ro$p. Assi'nment with cost element or cost element 'ro$p Enter a "$nd "or the cost element or cost element 'ro$p. #his entr! then applies onl! to this cost element or cost element 'ro$p posted to in connection with the speci"ied cost center or a cost center that 3elon's to the speci"ied 'ro$p. <o$ can also enter a commitment item "or them. #his commitment item then overrides the commitment item !o$ entered in the commitment item C cost element assi'nment. (om3ine the a3ove proced$res ,ave !o$r inp$t. 2" !o$ not onl! want to $se assi'nment o" ;F o3Aects to (8 o3Aects as an inp$t "acilit! when ma7in' postin's in other inte'rated components5 3$t also want to cop! the (8 postin's into ;$nds Fana'ement5 !o$ have the option o" enterin' A$st a (8 acco$nt /var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_3/205399238.doc !'! o( $'!

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assi'nment in the other component postin's. Res!lt 6hen !o$ post5 the s!stem "irst chec7s whether there is an entr! with a cost element or cost element 'ro$p5 so that it can $se this entr! to determine the ;F acco$nt assi'nment. 2" it does not "ind an entr!5 the s!stem determines the ;F acco$nt assi'nment "rom the entr! witho$t a cost element. :. B$siness Fodel ,ee a3ove

(ompan! (ode

;$nctional Area 2nstr$ction

Cost Center =011023001

-ro"it (enter D011002:01 (hemistr!

;$nd E01102:001


B$siness Area nrest EHG Enoxville

;$nd (enter 011002:01 (hemistr!

5. ,pecial 8r'ani%ational (onsiderations #he main entr! is decentrali%ed 3$t the "inal approval and activation is centrali%ed in the (ontrollerMs 8""ice. ?. (han'es to Existin' 8r'ani%ation Fost departments do not c$rrentl! enter in 3asic (ost (enter 9acco$nt) data when a re>$est is made. @. *escription o" 2mprovements (ost (enters will "$nctionall! 3e e>$ivalent to the c$rrent G/D acco$nts. A more acc$rate and streamlined re>$est process will 3e improvements. 8. *escription o" ;$nctional *e"icits &one are apparent at this time 9. Approaches to (overin' ;$nctional *e"icits &/A /var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_3/205399238.doc !'" o( $'!

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10. &otes on ;$rther 2mprovements &one 11. ,!stem (on"i'$ration (onsiderations (8 and ;F areas m$st 3e de"ined in 2FG. 12. A$thori%ation and ser .oles As !o$ 'o $p in the (ost (enter hierarch!5 !o$ 'et access a$thorit! to all the lower (ost (enters. 13. -roAect ,peci"ic (2 ,ection &/A

"!estions: /0

!dget 6lanning

1) *escri3e in detail the relationship/lin7 3etween the pro"it center and the 3$d'et 9;F).

A0 <es /0 2) -lease descri3e the 3$d'et time"rame and the relation to the "iscal / 3$d'etar! !ear.

A0 #he niversit!Is "iscal !ear is O$l! thro$'h O$ne. A 3$d'etIs li"espan is0 1. -roposed or =re>$ested= 3$d'etCCis the approved 3$d'et proposed to the Board o" #r$stees. 2. 8ri'inal 3$d'etCCis the BoardCapproved 3$d'et recorded "or O$l! 1. 2t 'enerall! is the same as the -roposed5 3$t doesnIt have to 3e. 3. .evised 3$d'etCCis a snapshot o" the c$rrent 3$d'et as o" 8cto3er 31. #he state re>$ires these "i'$res. :. -ro3a3le 3$d'etCCis a snapshot o" the c$rrent 3$d'et as o" April 30. #he state re>$ires these "i'$res. 5. ;inal 3$d'etCCis the 3$d'et with all revisions applied d$rin' the !ear. ?. ($rrent 3$d'etCCis the d!namic 3$d'e5 incl$din' revisions to date. /0 3) *o !o$ have special 3$d'et str$ct$res "or the interim period / special periods 9e.'. i" a 3$d'et has not 3een a$thori%ed on time0 temporar! 3$d'ets)1 A0 &o special str$ct$res /0 :) Are there di""erent t!pes o" 3$d'et 9commitment5 pa!ment5 etc.)1 6hat is the di""erence 3etween those t!pes1 A0 &/A


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/0 5) *escri3e how the 3$d'et is processed within a !ear and over a period o" !ears 9s$pplements5 ret$rns5 trans"ers5 etc.). A0 nrestricted ;$nds0 Ann$al 3$d'et. O$l! 1 ori'inal 3$d'et is created. .evisions are made d$rin' the !ear. #he t!pes o" revisions are trans"ers5 s$pplements 9appropriation increases)5 and ret$rns 9appropriation decreases). #here is no a$tomatic carr! "orward to the next "iscal !ear. .estricted ;$nds0 Based on the award date o" the 'rant. At the 3e'innin' o" the 'rant period5 total direct costs are 3$d'eted. .evisions ma! 3e made d$rin' the !ear. 2" the 'rant spans a "iscal !ear5 the 3$d'et and expenses to date are &8# reset at the start o" the "iscal !ear. /0 ?) -lease provide a list / description o" the t!pes o" expendit$re. 2nstr$ment "or *is3$rsement0 pa!chec7s = = = invoices5 service contracts5 proc.card statements5 emplo!ee reim3$rsement invoices5 contracts5 proc$rement card statements

A0 #!pe o" Expendit$re0 salaries s$mmer school clerical/s$pportin' 3iwee7l! wa'es operatin' e>$ipment H capital o$tla! /0

@) -lease provide a list / description o" the t!pes and so$rces o" reven$e.

A0 .even$e so$rces are appropriations 9state5 "ederal5 local)5 t$ition and "ees5 'i"ts5 'rants H contracts 9state5 "ederal5 local5 and private)5 endowment income5 sales H services5 and other so$rces. .even$e comes in as drawdown on appropriations and letters o" credit5 chec7s5 cash5 char'e cards5 or A(4. /0 8) *escri3e the 3$d'et preparation process0 *ates5 process5 etc. *escri3e the hierarch! 9hierarch! o" the s!stem within the or'ani%ationP se>$ence o" the di""erent steps in 3$d'et preparation5 revisions5 approvals5 etc.). A0 ;iscal !ear ^ O$l! to O$ne B$d'et time"rame0 &ovem3er to April C plan "or next ;< 3$d'et0 con"erences5 ne'otiations5 trial spreadsheets5 etc. April C earl! Fa! C load pa!roll data into salar! 3$d'et s!stemP modi"! "or new ;< "i'$res. .es$lts reviewed 3! *epartment 4eads and *eans5 earl! Fa! C enter acco$nt/o3Aect code detail into (amp$s 3$siness o""ice s!stem. 2ncl$des salar! o3Aects as well as operatin'. .eviewed5 corrected5 3alanced to control "i'$res at camp$s level. midCFa! C ,ched$le 3 data transmitted or entered into # 3$d'et plannin' s!stem. late Fa! C O$ne C ,ched$le 3 data reviewed5 corrected5 3alanced to control "i'$res at # leve mid O$ne C Board o" #r$stees reviews5 approves 3$d'et. late O$ne C load salar! 3$d'et "i'$res to -a!roll s!stem H capt$re proposed "i'$res into new ;< 8ri'inal B$d'et 3! acco$nt/o3Aect


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/0 9) *escri3e the approval proced$re re>$ired when creatin' and chan'in' the 3$d'et. *escri3e the participants and their roles "or the 3$d'et process. A0 (reatin'0 *epartment chair prepares a re>$est to the *ean. *ean compiles list o" departmental re>$ests to the +ice (hancellor. +ice (hancellors ne'otiate within the B$d'et (ommittee to distri3$te the camp$s control amo$nt. #he decisions made in the B$d'et (ommittee are then comm$nicated 3ac7 down the or'ani%ational str$ct$re. ;or restricted expense acco$nts5 the 3$d'et is s$3mitted 3! the -rincipal 2nvesti'ator accordin' to the terms o" the contract. 2t is then entered to the s!stem. #he .esearch 8""ice ma! review these 3$d'ets. (han'in'0 -erson responsi3le "or an acco$nt ori'inates a =#C15 B$d'et .evision=5 sendin' it to the *epartment 4ead5 who approves and "orwards to *ean or to the camp$s 3$siness o""ice5 dependin' on the policies o" the colle'e or division. ;or restricted expense acco$nts5 the principal investi'ator s$3mits a =#C1 B$d'et .evision= to the Grants and (ontracts o""ice "or review and entr! to the s!stem. /0 10) *escri3e the di""erent t!pes o" chan'es/adA$stments to the 3$d'et i" the approved 3$d'et is chan'ed. A0 nrestricted0 8ri'inal5 ,$pplements5 #rans"ers5 .et$rns .estricted0 ,$pplements5 #rans"ers5 .et$rns /0 11) -lease descri3e the methodolo'!/3$d'et approach $sed within 3$d'etin' 9topCdown5 3ottomC$p). 4ow do !o$ chec7 correct 3$d'et distri3$tion C is there a stora'e o" the distri3$ted val$es at data3ase level1 A0 nrestricted0 BottomC p C B$d'et re>$ests are done at the acco$nt level that will roll $p to the department level and a3ove. #opC*own C B$d'et approval at the # s!stem level that tric7les down to the acco$nt level. -roposed 3$d'et "i'$res are stored in the data3ase at the acco$nt and o3Aect code level5 "or expense acco$nts5 and at the acco$nt level "or income acco$nts. #he *etail B$d'et ,ched$le5 containin' proposed 3$d'et "i'$res 3! acco$nt and o3Aect5 is distri3$ted d$rin' 3$d'et preparation "or responsi3le persons to chec7. #his sched$le also prints s$mmar! pa'es "or deans5 chancellors5 etc to chec7 totals at their levels. #he! compare to shadow s!stem5 spreadsheet5 control n$m3ers5 etc. Another pro'ram compares the acco$nt/o3Aect code totals in the *epartmental B$d'et s!stem to a s$m 3! o3Aect code "rom the -roposed ,alar! B$d'et s!stem. *$rin' the !ear5 standard monthl! reports5 s$ch as led'er5 expendit$re anal!sis5 and monthl! treas$rerIs reports showin' act$als a'ainst 3$d'et are distri3$ted to responsi3le persons. /0 12) *o !o$ $se a 3ottomC$p 3$d'et method1

A0 <es. ,tartin' at the acco$nt level d$rin' the 3$d'et re>$est process. /var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_3/205399238.doc !'' o( $'!

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13) *o !o$ $se a topCdown 3$d'et method1

A0 <es5 "rom total $niversit! to acco$nt level d$rin' the entr! o" the proposed 3$d'et. /0 1:) Are there an! special / other 3$d'et re>$ests s$ch as 'rants5 tr$sts5 special "$nds5 asset acco$ntin'5 investment plannin'5 etc.1 A0 Grants/contracts0 total direct costs 3! acco$nt/o3Aect are entered via #C1 B$d'et .evision "orms. -lant ;$nds0 are initiall! 3$d'eted "or the "$ll proAect cost5 then the remainin' availa3le 3alance is calc$lated and recorded as the 3e'innin' 3$d'et "or all s$3se>$ent "iscal !ears. /0 15) *escri3e the 'eneral approach to 3$d'etin' in !o$r or'ani%ation. 9 ,A)

A0 ,ee /$estions V2 and 85 a3ove. /0 1?) 2" several 3$d'et estimates exist5 provide a comparison o" the "$nd and the 3$d'et estimate $sed. A0 nrestricted ;$nds0 #here are two conc$rrent versions. 1. ($rrent 3$d'et5 incl$din' 3ase and oneCtime items 2. Base 3$d'et #he timeC3ased versions o" the 3$d'et were descri3ed in B$d'et -lannin' >$estion 2. .estricted ;$nds0 #here is onl! one 3$d'et estimate "or an acco$nt at an! point in time5 descri3in' the 3$d'et a'reed $pon with the sponsor. /0 1@) 4ow man! c$rrencies exist in the 3$d'et0 are there special "$nds that $se c$rrencies di""erent "rom the normal 3$d'et1 A0 8ne /0 18) Are there an! special 3$d'et or a$thori%ation restrictions alon'side the normal 3$d'et chan'es5 which are tri''ered centrall! or "rom speci"ic a'ents5 s$ch as central 3$d'et c$ts or 3loc7s1 A0 2n $nrestricted "$nds there ma! 3e state "$ndin' roll3ac7s. ;or restricted "$nds5 certain o3Aect codes are disallowed5 dependin' on the terms o" the 'rant. /0 19) *escri3e the level at which0 C a 3$d'et is entered C assi'ned "$nds are entered C 3$d'et assi'nments are $pdated C the availa3ilit! chec7 is carried o$t. A0 B$d'et and Assi'ned ;$nds are entered at the acco$nt/twoCdi'it o3Aect level. B$d'et Assi'nment is $pdated at the acco$nt/3Cdi'it o3Aect level.


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#here is no a$tomatic 3$d'et availa3ilit! chec7. #he responsi3le person m$st not exceed the 3$d'et "or the acco$nt as a whole. /0 20) *escri3e the in"ormation 9"ield5 "ield content) that is contained in the 3$d'et doc$ment. A0 ,ched$le 3 in the main inp$t doc$ment "or *epartmental B$d'et s!stem 9-roposed/ori'inal). 2t incl$des0 Acco$nt &$m3er 83Aect -roposed Amo$nt Gross or .ecover! rec$rrin' or oneCtime *ate and derived "rom o3Aect0 B$d'et (ate'or! #he s$pplement doc$ment 9#C1) serves also as the ori'inal 3$d'et doc$ment "or restricted expense acco$nts0 Acco$nt &$m3er 83Aect -roposed Amo$nt and derived "rom the acco$nt0 ,ponsor 8r'ani%ation ,ponsorIs Grant/(ontract &$m3er #itle o" -roAect -roAect *irector -er"ormance -eriod B$d'eted ,ponsor ;$nds #otal *irect (osts Allowa3le ;acilities and Administrative (osts #otal (osts to ,ponsorin' A'enc! ;or reven$e acco$nts0 Acco$nt &$m3er -roposed Amo$nt rec$rrin' or oneCtime *ate 8n all "orms5 derived "rom the acco$nt0 (amp$s or nit ;$nction (olle'e or *ivision *epartment /0 21) *escri3e the headco$nt plannin' process 94.).

A0 4eadco$nt is not $sed in the plannin' process. /0 22) *escri3e the 3$d'etin' process "or personnel plannin' 94.).

A0 -ersonnel are 3$d'eted 3! ;#E and amo$nt at the distri3$tion acco$nt level. 83Aect code to 3e char'ed is derived "rom the title and acco$nt characteristics.


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/0 23) Beside the a3ove stated =normal= 3$d'etin' "eat$res5 are there an! lon'Cterm re>$irements "or "orecastin' in the 3$d'et area1 A0 ;or lon'Cterm "orecastin' o" expenses or reven$es5 we need to record in the data3ase rec$rrin' vers$s nonCrec$rrin' amo$nts. /0 2:) *escri3e the r$les applied to calc$late the 3$d'et that is availa3le "or exec$tion.

A0 8ri'inal B$d'et 9LC) .evisions C Enc$m3rances C Expendit$res ^ Availa3le B$d'et /0 25) *escri3e the c$rrent availa3ilit! chec7in' proced$re.

A0 &one. 2t is c$rrentl! done 3! a vis$al chec7 $sin' a 'enerated report. /0 2?) *escri3e the proced$re "ollowed when a transaction exceeds availa3le 3$d'et

A0 A 3$d'et revision to trans"er 3$d'et "rom another acco$nt or a O+ to trans"er expenses o$t to another acco$nt is entered to cover de"icits. /0 2@) Are there an! di""erences / special "eat$res in terms o" calc$lation o" availa3le 3$d'et and availa3ilit! control "or the vario$s "$nds 9'rants5 thirdCpart! "$nds5 etc.)1 A0 Availa3le 3$d'et and availa3ilit! control are the same "or all "$nds. /0 28) (an expendit$re draw "rom other 3$d'et lines 9covera'e)1

A0 <es5 within an acco$nt/"$nd. /0 29) *escri3e the relationship 3etween the 3$d'et and the wareho$se 9wareho$se "$nds center) 9G.5 G2 CZ impact on 3$d'et0 *e3it and credit). A0 &/A /0 30) 4istoric data conversion / ta7e over0 which data / detail "or 3$d'et data needs to 3e ta7en into acco$nt 9which detail level5 how man! !ears5 etc.)1 A0 ($rrent !earCtoCdate data m$st 3e 3ro$'ht in "or all "$nds. /0 31) Archivin'0 6hich o3Aects have to remain online in the s!stem "or how lon'1

A0 Dist o" acco$nts with attri3$tes. o 3 or : months o" c$rrent 3$d'et5 enc$m3rances5 and expendit$res o 2: months o" transaction detail/postin' activities o 3 !ears o" 3$d'et data 93enchmar7 3$d'ets) o 3 !ears o" end o" month 3alances o 18 !ears o" acco$nts H attri3$tes and end o" !ear 3alances o 20 !ears o" postin' activities


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/0 32) ,peci"! the vol$me o" master data 9n$m3er o" "$nds centers5 "$nds5 expendit$re cate'ories5 etc.). A0 nrestricted ;$nds0 55000 .estricted ;$nds0 2@5000 3/5/2/1/ "!estions: /0 1) -lan inte'ration controllin' and "$nds mana'ement0 is there a lin7 existin' 3etween an! plan "i'$re $sed in internal costin' and the 3$d'et. A0 ,hadow s!stems holdin' the 3ase 9rec$rrin' chan'es) are e>$ivalent to ./3 (8 plannin'. ;or ./35 (8 plannin' will 3e $sed to trac7 the 3ase "or ;F B$d'et. C% Template: 1. .e>$irements/Expectations -lan 0 will 3e maintained thro$'ho$t the !ear as the proposed 3$d'et "or the next "iscal !ear. #here"ore5 when the plan is approved in O$ne5 it is copied to ;F 3$d'et as version 0 o" the intended "iscal !ear. 2. General Explanations -lan version 0 will 3e maintained as the maintained thro$'ho$t the !ear as the proposed 3$d'et "or the next "iscal !ear. 8nce the version is approved5 the central # B$d'et 8""ice will cop! it in its entiret! to ;F 3$d'et version 0. B$d'et version 0 will 3e maintained independentl! "rom then on5 with no midC!ear copies "rom (8 plannin' to ;F 3$d'et. 3. Explanations o" ;$nctions and Events 6lan Data Transfer from Controlling >se sin' the pro'ram .;;F(8-2 !o$ can cop! the data o" plan version 0 "rom (ontrollin' 9(8) to 3$d'et version 0 in ;$nds Fana'ement. ;or more in"ormation on exec$tin' the pro'ram5 see the doc$mentation on the pro'ram. $cti*ities 2n order to trans"er the plan data "rom (ontrollin' choose Accounting b /inancia& accounting b /unds management b Budgeting b Too&s b %&an data transfer from C3. :. B$siness Fodel &one 5. ,pecial 8r'ani%ational (onsiderations &one. #he # B$d'et 8""ice c$rrentl! declares that the plannin' is "inished and accepts a prepared version. #he ./3 process will onl! 3e a new techni>$e. Copy C( 6lan for FM !dget


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?. (han'es to Existin' 8r'ani%ation &o chan'es to existin' or'ani%ation @. *escription o" 2mprovements &one readil! apparent at this timeP it appears to 3e the same process with a di""erent techni>$e. 8. *escription o" ;$nctional *e"icits &one are apparent at this time 9. Approaches to (overin' ;$nctional *e"icits &/A 10. &otes on ;$rther 2mprovements &one are apparent at this time 11. ,!stem (on"i'$ration (onsiderations (ontrollin' area m$st 3e de"ined and a "ormat o" how plan data is to 3e entered. ;F area m$st also 3e de"ined and the t!pe 3$d'et that will 3e $sed. B$d'et pro"iles m$st 3e created "or the "$nd master data. 12. A$thori%ation and ser .oles #he act$al trans"er o" (8 plan data m$st 3e centrali%ed at a hi'h level 9e.'. 8""ice o" the +ice -resident o" B$siness and ;inance). 13. -roAect ,peci"ic (2 ,ection &/A 3/5/2/2/ "!estions: /0 1) ;or 3$d'et 'eneration/mana'ement0 *o !o$ de"ine which com3inations o" areas o" responsi3ilit! and expense cate'or! can receive 3$d'et or permit assi'ned "$nds1 *o s$ch de"initions exist "or "$nds1 A0 #otal niversit! [ B$d'et Entit! [ +ice (hancellor /var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_3/205399238.doc !)3 o( $'! !dget 'tr!ct!re 6rocessing

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[ (olle'e/*ivision [ *epartment [ Acco$nt [ B$d'et (ate'or! [ 83Aect (ode General and -lant ;$nds0 certain o3Aect codes are set to 3e $sed excl$sivel!. .estricted ;$nds0 certain o3Aect codes can 3e disallowed. A$xiliaries0 additional $serCde"ined o3Aects are availa3le "or resale items5 and also reven$e cate'ories. C% Template: 1. .e>$irements/Expectations 'tr!ct!re <o$ m$st de"ine 3$d'et o3Aects and postin' o3Aects "or the de"inition o" a B$d'et ,tr$ct$re "rom a n$m3er o" B$d'et ,tr$ct$re elements o" a "$nd. #he 3$d'et str$ct$re "or all $nrestricted acco$nts will most li7el! 3e the same when ./3 is started. B$d'et str$ct$res ma! var! amon' restricted acco$nts dependin' on the terms o" the contracts. CCCCCCCC2nitial answerCCCCCCC #he #Is or'ani%ational str$ct$re is de"ined as0 #otal niversit! [ B$d'et Entit! [ +ice (hancellor [ (olle'e/*ivision [ *epartment [ Acco$nt [ B$d'et (ate'or! [ 83Aect (ode #his str$ct$re m$st 3e "ollowed in all 3$d'et and "inancial reports at an! 'iven levels 9e.'. B$d'et Entit!). 2. General Explanations ./3 will "ollow #Is or'ani%ational str$ct$re de"ined as a 3$d'et str$ct$re in ;$nds Fana'ement.


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;F Area CZ ;$nds (enter CZ ;$nd CZ (ommitment 2tem #here"ore "or each "$nd5 the 3$d'et str$ct$re represents all the "$nds centers and commitment items where !o$ can 3$d'et or ma7e postin's5 in hierarchical "orm. 8nl! the "$nds center and commitment item will have its own hierarch!. 3. Explanations o" ;$nctions and Events Defining !dget 'tr!ct!res >sing %ndi*id!al (b8ects 6rereC!isites <o$ have opted "or the de"inition o" B, individ$al o3Aects and on the initial screen Change )udget structure0 have not set the indicator 1rou! assignments. 6roced!re 2n the initial -A% 2C> screen5 choose Accounting b /inancia& accounting b /unds management b ?aster data b Budget structure b Change. Enter an ;F area and the re>$ired data0 $nn!al b!dget str!ct!re: 2" !o$ are wor7in' with ann$al val$es in 3$d'etin' and want to edit or chan'e an ann$al 3$d'et str$ct$re5 enter a "iscal !ear. (*erall ': 2" !o$ are wor7in' with overall val$es in 3$d'etin' and want to edit or chan'e an overall 3$d'et str$ct$re5 enter a "$nd 3$t not a "iscal !ear. Even i" !o$ have de"ined a 3$d'et pro"ile "or a "$nd ena3lin' !o$ to $se overall val$es and ann$al val$es5 !o$ can onl! de"ine the 3$d'et str$ct$re "or this "$nd as overall 3$d'et str$ct$re. =diting s!b hierarchies 2" !o$ do not want to edit the whole "$nds center and commitment item hierarch!5 !o$ can enter a "$nds center and commitment item "rom which the hierarch! is to 3e 3$ilt $p. 2n addition5 !o$ can .estrict the Devels. (hoose Continue. An overview o" the "$nds center hierarch! is displa!ed accordin' to the entr! point !o$ have chosen. *o$3leCclic7 to o3tain an overview o" the "$nds centers com3ined with the top commitment items. <o$ can "$rther expand the commitment item hierarch! 3! do$3leCclic7in' a'ain. Defining b!dget ob8ects and posting ob8ects B$d'et o3Aects <o$ can de"ine 3$d'et o3Aects in the "ollowin' wa!s0 <o$ de"ine a certain com3ination o" "$nds center and commitment item individ$all! as 3$d'et o3Aects 3! settin' the Budget indicator. <o$ de"ine the 3$d'et o3Aect 'enericall!. <o$ set the Budget indicator "or a "$nds center with commitment item =W=. All commitment items within this "$nds center are then 3$d'et o3Aects. -ostin' o3Aects #he proced$re is the same as "or de"inin' 3$d'et o3Aects. #o do so5 choose the %osting indicator. 2" !o$ do not de"ine an! postin' o3Aects5 then all assi'na3le B, elements are a$tomaticall! postin' o3Aects. Exec$te a B, (onsistenc! (hec7 3! choosin' Check. -ave the 3$d'et str$ct$re de"inition. Res!lt #he s!stem sets $p the 3$d'et hierarch! accordin' to the 3$d'et str$ct$re so as to allocate 3$d'et. 2" 3$d'et val$es alread! exist5 !o$ m$st carr! o$t the "ollowin' steps a"ter de"inin' the /var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_3/205399238.doc !)" o( $'!

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3$d'et str$ct$re0 .econstr$ctin' *istri3$ted +al$es .econstr$ctin' Assi'ned +al$es (han'in' B$d'et ,tr$ct$res0 #he 3$d'et str$ct$re can 3e displa!ed or chan'ed once the 3$d'et and/or postin' o3Aects are de"ined "or the ;F acco$nt assi'nment. An ;F acco$nt assi'nment is com3ination o" "$nds center5 commitment item5 and "$nd. 8ne has to reconstr$ct distri3$ted val$es in the "ollowin' cases0 (han'es to the master data hierarch! posted to or 3$d'eted B$d'et str$ct$re chan'ed5 deleted5 or re'enerated ].econstr$ct distri3$ted val$esZ will ens$re that alread! distri3$ted 3$d'et is recalc$lated accordin' to the chan'es !o$ have made. A reconstr$ction o" assi'ned val$es is necessar! in the s!stem "ollowin' these actions0 (han'ed the master data hierarch! which has postin's and 3$d'et and have reconstr$cted the distri3$ted val$es or totaled $p the 3$d'et val$es Availa3ilit! control was deactivated and then reactivated #he compan! code/;F area assi'nment was deactivated and then reactivated #he 3$d'et pro"ile assi'nment was chan'ed #he 'eneric search se>$ence was chan'ed A 3$d'et str$ct$re was either re'enerated5 chan'ed5 or deleted a 3$d'et str$ct$re5 and distri3$ted val$es reconstr$cted. (han'es were made in !o$r 3$d'et pro"ile 9s$ch as releases/3$d'et) "or availa3ilit! control. #he act$al data "or ;$nds Fana'ement was reconstr$cted. 6ithin the "ramewor7 o" closin' operations5 8pen (ommitments *oc$ments were carried "orward into the new "iscal !ear. .econstr$ctin' the assi'ned val$es ens$res that availa3ilit! control can reco'ni%e an excessive "$nds assi'nment in the new hierarch! or in a B$d'et ,tr$ct$re Element5 in accordance with the chan'es !o$ have made. 2" !o$ do not reconstr$ct the assi'ned val$es5 availa3ilit! control ma7es its chec7s 3ased on the =old= dataset. :. B$siness Fodel &one 5. ,pecial 8r'ani%ational (onsiderations B$d'et str$ct$re processin' will 3e done centrall!. 2t is s$''ested that the two processes 9e.'. .econstr$ct *istri3$ted +ales and .econstr$ct Assi'ned +al$es) are to 3e exec$ted ni'htl! as a 3ac7'ro$nd Ao3 where $sers are not on the s!stem. ?. (han'es to Existin' 8r'ani%ation &o chan'es to existin' or'ani%ation @. *escription o" 2mprovements 8ne o" the main improvements will 3e "or the .estricted ;$nds where certain ;F acco$nt /var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_3/205399238.doc !)$ o( $'!

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assi'nments have limited 3$d'et and/or postin' capa3ilit!. #he maintenance o" the 3$d'et str$ct$re will provide 'reater 3$d'et and/or postin' control over certain "$nds. 8. *escription o" ;$nctional *e"icits &one 9. Approaches to (overin' ;$nctional *e"icits &/A 10. &otes on ;$rther 2mprovements &one are apparent at this time 11. ,!stem (on"i'$ration (onsiderations ;F area and 3$d'et pro"iles "or "$nds m$st 3e de"ined. 12. A$thori%ation and ser .oles A$thori%ation m$st 3e limited to a "ew experienced central $sers. A re>$ired $nderstandin' o" the 3$d'et str$ct$re and its "$nctionalit! will red$ce the chance o" an! 3$d'et str$ct$re components 3ein' de"ined in error. CCCCCCC-art o" ori'inal5 does it 3elon'1CCCCC 8ne can $se a$thori%ation o3Aects to de"ine complex a$thori%ations. An a$thori%ation o3Aect comprises $p to 10 a$thori%ation "ields that complement each other. #he s!stem $ses them to determine whether a $ser ma! carr! o$t a partic$lar action. 13. -roAect ,peci"ic (2 ,ection &/A 3/5/2/,/ "!estions: /0 1) 2s there a sample that can 3e $sed "or the 'eneration o" the 3$d'et str$ct$re plan 93$d'et elements5 acco$nt assi'nment elements)1 *oes this sample appl! e>$all! "or all "$nds1 A0 #he 3$d'et str$ct$re "or plannin' expense acco$nts wo$ld 3e e>$ivalent to o$r c$rrent list o" 2Cdi'it o3Aect codes "or recordin' 3$d'ets and 3Cdi'it o3Aect codes "or recordin' expenses that roll $p to the 2Cdi'it and then to the acco$nt. -lant "$nds $se a ran'e o" the o3Aect codes that are not availa3le to other "$ndsP otherwise5 all acco$nts $se the same list o" o3Aects. ;or income acco$nts5 3$d'et plannin' occ$rs at the acco$nt levelP reali%ed income ma! 3e recorded 3! $serCde"ined reven$e codes which roll $p to the acco$nt5 t!picall! "or a$xiliar! "$nds5 3$t technicall! ma! 3e $sed 3! an! income acco$nt. /var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_3/205399238.doc !)& o( $'! =diting Commitment %tem 7ro!p

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/0 2) *escri3e the sample 93$d'et str$ct$re) in detail0 <earCdependenc!0 8ne !ear5 several !ears/across !ears5 n$m3er o" samples5 special "eat$res5 etc. A0 nrestricted ;$nds0 one !ear. .estricted ;$nds0 the term o" the contract5 which can span "iscal !ears. C% Template: 1. .e>$irements/Expectations # records 3$d'ets at a 2Cdi'it o3Aect level and expenses at a 3Cdi'it level that roll $p to the 2Cdi'it and then to the acco$nt. *ependin' on the t!pe o" "$nds5 certain o3Aect codes are allowed and disallowed. ;or example5 the -lant ;$nds $se a ran'e o" o3Aect codes that are not availa3le to other "$nds. ;or the .estricted ;$nds5 onl! certain o3Aect codes ma! 3e permitted to 3e spent d$e to the nat$re o" the 'rant/contract. 2. General Explanations Commitment %tem 7ro!p Definition Gro$pin' o" commitment items "rom an ;F area "or processin' to'ether. >se (ommitment item 'ro$ps are an aid to de"inin' 3$d'et str$ct$res. <o$ can de"ine a commitment item 'ro$p either as !earCdependent or as nonC!earC dependent. <o$ $se the !earCdependent 'ro$ps to de"ine a !earCdependent 3$d'et str$ct$re 9ann$al B,). <o$ $se the nonC!earCdependent 'ro$ps to de"ine a nonC!earC dependent 3$d'et str$ct$re 9overall B,) i" !o$ wor7 with "$nds and overall val$es. 6hen de"inin' a 'ro$p5 !o$ speci"! the o3Aect "$nction 93$d'et o3Aect/postin' o3Aect) o" the commitment items contained in them. 6hen de"inin' a 3$d'et str$ct$re with 'ro$p assi'nment5 !o$ assi'n the commitment item 'ro$ps to the "$nds centers. 6hen 'eneratin' the 3$d'et str$ct$re5 the s!stem then a$tomaticall! de"ines the o3Aects "or all the commitment items contained in the commitment item 'ro$p in the respective "$nds center. #he twoCdi'it level will 3e de"ined as 3$d'et o3Aects. #hreeCdi'it level will 3e postin' and 3$d'et o3AectsP $se o" three di'its as 3$d'et o3Aects will 3e optional. CCCCCCCori'inal answerCCCCC Gro$pin' o" commitment items "rom an ;F area "or processin' to'ether. (ommitment item 'ro$ps are an aid to de"inin' 3$d'et str$ct$res. 8ne can de"ine a commitment item 'ro$p either as !earCdependent or as nonC!earCdependent. 8ne $ses the !earCdependent 'ro$ps to de"ine a !earCdependent 3$d'et str$ct$re 9ann$al B,). 8ne $ses the nonC!earC dependent 'ro$ps to de"ine a nonC!earCdependent 3$d'et str$ct$re 9overall B,) i" one wor7s with "$nds and overall val$es. 6hen de"inin' a 'ro$p5 one speci"ies the o3Aect "$nction 93$d'et o3Aect/postin' o3Aect) o" the commitment items contained in them. 6hen de"inin' a 3$d'et str$ct$re with 'ro$p assi'nment5 !o$ assi'n the commitment item 'ro$ps to the "$nds centers. 6hen 'eneratin' the 3$d'et str$ct$re5 the s!stem then a$tomaticall! de"ines the o3Aects "or all the commitment items contained in the commitment item 'ro$p in the respective "$nds center. 3. Explanations o" ;$nctions and Events


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Maintaining Commitment %tem 7ro!ps 6rereC!isites <o$ m$st onl! create commitment item 'ro$ps i" !o$ want to de"ine a 3$d'et str$ct$re $sin' 'ro$p assi'nments. <o$ can onl! com3ine commitment items into 'ro$ps5 which !o$ have created previo$sl! in master data maintenance. 6roced!re Creating Commitment %tem 7ro!ps 2n the initial -A% 2C> screen choose Acco$ntin' D /inancia& accounting D /unds management D ?aster data D Budget structure D Commitment item grou! D Create and ma7e the re>$ire entries. Jear2dependent commitment item gro!ps Enter an ;F area5 commitment item 'ro$p5 and "iscal !ear. Jear2independent commitment item gro!ps Enter an ;F area and a commitment item 'ro$p. <o$ can limit selection to a commitment item s$3 hierarch! 3! enterin' a commitment item. <o$ can speci"! a commitment item 'ro$p as a template. #he s!stem then a$tomaticall! ta7es over all commitment items "rom this 'ro$p with the correspondin' o3Aect indicators into the new 'ro$p. (hoose Continue. Enter a name and a description "or the 'ro$p in the dialo' 3ox and choose Continue' <o$ reach an overview o" the commitment item hierarch! in accordance with the entr! point !o$ have chosen. ,elect the commitment items that !o$ want to com3ine into a 'ro$p and choose $nsert into grou!. sin' 2emove from grou! !o$ can remove the commitment items selected "rom the 'ro$p. (hoose 3)Eect indicator' <o$ reach an overview o" the o3Aect indicators. ,et the Budget o)Eect and/or %osting o)Eect indicators "or the commitment items contained in the 'ro$p. #o set an indicator "or all commitment items displa!ed5 choose -e&ect co&umn. #o delete an indicator "or all commitment items displa!ed5 choose Dese&ect co&umn. -ave the commitment item 'ro$p. Changing Commitment %tem 7ro!ps #o chan'e commitment item 'ro$ps5 choose Accounting D /inancia& accounting D /unds management D ?aster data D Budget structure D Commitment item grou! D Change in the initial -A% 2C> screen. #o chan'e commitment item 'ro$ps5 proceed as descri3ed in creating commitment item gro!ps. 2" !o$ are alread! wor7in' with a 3$d'et str$ct$re which was de"ined $sin' 'ro$p assi'nment and ma7e s$3se>$ent chan'es to the o3Aect "$nction 93$d'et o3Aect/postin' o3Aect) in a commitment item 'ro$p5 this has an e""ect on all the "$nds centers to which !o$ have assi'ned this 'ro$p in the 3$d'et str$ct$re. ;or the chan'e to ta7e e""ect in the 3$d'et str$ct$re5 !o$ m$st Generate the B$d'et ,tr$ct$re "rom Gro$p Assi'nments. Displaying Commitment %tem 7ro!ps 2n the /unds ?anagement men$5 choose ?aster data b Budget structure b Commitment item grou! b Dis!&ay' Enter data as re>$ired and choose Continue. 'ee also: *elete (ommitment 2tems Gro$p CCCCCCCC8ri'inal answerCCCCC /var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_3/205399238.doc !)) o( $'!

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#he $se o" commitment item 'ro$p will help de"ine the 3$d'et str$ct$re where one can carr! o$t 3$d'etin' in a simple and >$ic7 wa!P and also it will provide a 'reater control on how the mone! can 3e spent. ;or example5 a 'rant is awarded to a "$nds center 9sponsor) where s$pplies are onl! allowa3le to 3e spent $nder the r$les o" the 'rant. #he commitment 'ro$p will 3e created to contain all commitment items relatin' to s$pplies. sin' the "$nctionalit! in ;F5 the 3$d'et str$ct$re is 'enerated 3ased on the commitment item 'ro$p. :. B$siness Fodel &one 5. ,pecial 8r'ani%ational (onsiderations #he maintenance and 'eneration o" commitment item 'ro$ps is controlled centrall!. ?. (han'es to Existin' 8r'ani%ation

@. *escription o" 2mprovements (ommitment item 'ro$ps co$ld provide 'reater "lexi3ilit! in monitorin' and control o" 3$d'ets 3! providin' more s!stem con"i'$ration options at the c$rrent o3Aect code level. 8. *escription o" ;$nctional *e"icits &one 9. Approaches to (overin' ;$nctional *e"icits &/A 10. &otes on ;$rther 2mprovements &one are apparent at this time 11. ,!stem (on"i'$ration (onsiderations ;F area and 3$d'et pro"iles "or "$nds m$st 3e de"ined. 12. A$thori%ation and ser .oles A$thori%ation m$st 3e limited to a "ew experienced central $sers. A re>$ired $nderstandin' o" the 3$d'et str$ct$re and its "$nctionalit! will red$ce the chance o" an! 3$d'et and/or postin' o3Aects 3ein' de"ined in error. 13. -roAect ,peci"ic (2 ,ection /var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_3/205399238.doc "00 o( $'!

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&/A 3/5/2/3/ "!estions: /0 1) Are there di""erent 3$d'et versions 9val$es) "or the existin' ;F master data str$ct$re1 !dget Version 6rocessing

A0 <es /0 2) *escri3e the in"ormation to 3e stored at the 3$d'et version level 9list o" "ields5 short description5 properties o" "ields). A0 #he niversit! records six o""icial timeC3ased versions o" its $nrestricted 3$d'et0 1. -roposed 9=re>$ested= in data3ase) ;inal administrative 3$d'et that is proposed to the tr$stees. 2. 8ri'inal ,tart o" the !ear5 tr$stee approved 3$d'et 9'enerall! the same as the proposed 3$d'et 3$t doesnIt have to 3e). 3. .evised 8cto3er monthCend snapshot. ,ome man$al chan'es can 3e made at the s!stem level. -resented to the Board and reported to the state. :. -ro3a3le April monthCend snapshot. ,ome man$al chan'es can 3e made at the s!stem level. Approved 3! the 3oard -resented to the Board and reported to the state. 5. ;inal ,napshot at "iscal !ear close 9c$rrentl! A$'. 15) ?. ($rrent #here are two conc$rrent versions 3ase 3$d'ets 9rec$rrin' "i'$res) nonCrec$rrin' #he in"ormation we store "or each version incl$des0 Acco$nt &$m3er 83Aect Amo$nt Gross or .ecover! rec$rrin' or oneCtime *ate and derived "rom the acco$nt0 (amp$s or nit ;$nction (olle'e or *ivision *epartment and derived "rom o3Aect0 B$d'et (ate'or! /0 3) ;or 3$d'et 'eneration/mana'ement0 *o !o$ de"ine which com3inations o" areas o" responsi3ilit! and expense cate'or! can receive 3$d'et or permit assi'ned "$nds1 *o s$ch de"initions exist "or "$nds1 A0 &o di""erent "rom one version to another. .$les are applied e>$all! to all versions.


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/0 :) 2" !o$ $se di""erent 3$d'et versions 9amo$nt versions)0 *o !o$ need to 3loc7 a version "or certain transactions1 A0 <es C% Template: 1. .e>$irements/Expectations nrestricted ;$nds0 #here are two conc$rrent versions. 1. ($rrent 3$d'et5 incl$din' ori'inal 3$d'et and s$3se>$ent c$rrent !ear chan'es. 2. Base 3$d'et 9next !earIs proposed 3$d'et0 8ri'inal 3$d'et L ann$ali%ed rec$rrin' chan'es L one time "$ndin' "or the next !ear.) #he niversit! records six o""icial timeC3ased versions o" its $nrestricted 3$d'et0 1. -roposed 9=re>$ested= in data3ase) ;inal administrative 3$d'et that is proposed to the tr$stees. 2. 8ri'inal ,tart o" the !ear5 tr$stee approved 3$d'et 9'enerall! the same as the proposed 3$d'et 3$t doesnIt have to 3e). 3. .evised 8co3er. monthCend snapshot. ,ome man$al chan'es can 3e made at the s!stem level a"ter re'$lar month end processin'. -resented to the Board and reported to the state. :. -ro3a3le April monthCend snapshot. ,ome man$al chan'es can 3e made at the s!stem level a"ter re'$lar month end processin'. -resented to the Board and reported to the state. 5. ;inal ,napshot at "iscal !ear close 9c$rrentl! A$'. 15) ?. ($rrent .estricted ;$nds0 #here is onl! one 3$d'et estimate "or an acco$nt at an! point in time5 descri3in' the 3$d'et a'reed $pon with the sponsor. 2. General Explanations 2n ;$nds Fana'ement5 one can have $p to 999 3$d'et versions. #here"ore5 one can mana'e more than one 3$d'et version in ;$nds Fana'ement. 4owever5 note that availa3ilit! control is onl! carried o$t in *ersion 0. ;ive o" the six o""icial time 3ased versions descri3ed in >$estion V1 a3ove 98ri'inal5 .evised5 -ro3a3le5 ;inal5 and ($rrent) can 3e represented 3! ./3 3$d'et versions5 with ($rrent B$d'et alwa!s 3ein' represented 3! version 0. #he proposed 3$d'et will 3e carried in (8 -lannin' and copied to ;F version 0 when it is approved 3! the Board o" #r$stees. 3. Explanations o" ;$nctions and Events Copying !dget Versions >se #his "$nction s$pports !o$ in 3$d'et plannin'. <o$ can $se this "$nction to5 "or example5 /var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_3/205399238.doc "02 o( $'!

AcceleratedSAP - Business Blueprint

cop! 3$d'et data "rom the old !ear as the "irst version o" the new 3$d'et "or the new !ear. <o$ can adA$st the data to ta7e acco$nt in"lation and other "actors in the new !ear. 6rereC!isites <o$ m$st create the new 3$d'et version "irst. <o$ can create new versions either in the /unds ?anagement 2FG5 3! choosin' Budgeting and Avai&a)i&ity Contro& , Budgeting , Define )udget versions5 or in the ;$nds Fana'ement application men$P choose Budgeting , *ersions , Create. #he 3$d'et version !o$ want to cop! m$st have passed the consistenc! chec7s. ;or more in"ormation on 3$d'et consistenc!5 re"er to (hec7in' the B$d'et Allocation. #o improve s!stem per"ormance "$rther5 onl! cop! the 3$d'et versions in 3ac7'ro$nd processin'. Feat!res 6hen cop!in' 3$d'et versions5 !o$ can choose0 6hich 3$d'et val$es 9ann$al and/or overall val$es) are to 3e copied "rom the re"erence version into the tar'et version Ann$al and/or overall val$es 6hich "$nds are to 3e copied 2" the 3$d'et val$es o" the (ommitment B$d'et or the -a!ment B$d'et are to 3e copied. 6hich 3$d'ets are to 3e copied0 ($rrent 3$d'et5 releases5 individ$al 3$d'et t!pes 9ori'inal 3$d'et5 s$pplement5 ret$rn5 trans"er) 6hether di""erent 3$d'et t!pes "rom the c$rrent 3$d'et are to 3e com3ined in the tar'et version ori'inal 3$d'et 4ow existin' 3$d'et val$es in the tar'et version are to 3e treated. 6ith lar'e hierarchies5 s!stem per"ormance is si'ni"icantl! 3etter i" !o$ cop! the c$rrent 3$d'et or releases $sin' the "ollowin' settin's0 cdTarget version PO 0 cd.e"erence !ear ^ #ar'et !ear cd*o not select Line items 93$d'et line item doc$ments) cd.eset data and overwrite #hese settin's do not speed $p the cop!in' process "or individ$al 3$d'et t!pes 9s$ch as s$pplements). 6hen !o$ cop! 3$d'et versions5 the B$d'et #exts are not copied with them. :. B$siness Fodel &one 5. ,pecial 8r'ani%ational (onsiderations #he creation and maintenance o" 3$d'et versions sho$ld remain at the 8""ice o" the +ice -resident o" B$siness and ;inance. #he departments can view their own 3$d'et version i" needed 3ased on their $ser a$thori%ation. ?. (han'es to Existin' 8r'ani%ation &one @. *escription o" 2mprovements


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AcceleratedSAP - Business Blueprint

#he replacement o" shadow s!stems and the $se o" one central s!stem 3! all # entities will 3e an improvement. 8. *escription o" ;$nctional *e"icits #he lin7 3etween 3$d'et 3ase 9(8 plannin') and rec$rrin' chan'es to the c$rrent 3$d'et in ;F is not esta3lished !et. (han'es to the c$rrent 3$d'et that a""ect the next !earIs proposed 3$d'et 3ein' carried in (8 plannin' will need to 3e identi"ied and somehow entered in 3oth (8 and ;F. 9. Approaches to (overin' ;$nctional *e"icits -erhaps the short text "ield o" B$d'et #rans"ers can 3e $sed to identi"! rec$rrin' chan'es in the c$rrent 3$d'et "or entr! into (8 -lannin'. 10. &otes on ;$rther 2mprovements &one are apparent at this time 11. ,!stem (on"i'$ration (onsiderations ;F area and 3$d'et pro"iles "or "$nds m$st 3e de"ined. Also5 the appropriate $pdate pro"ile m$st 3e assi'ned to the ;F area. 12. A$thori%ation and ser .oles 8ne can allocate a$thori%ations "or access to partic$lar versions. ;or example5 one can $se a$thori%ation o3Aects to de"ine complex a$thori%ations. An a$thori%ation o3Aect comprises $p to 10 a$thori%ation "ields that complement each other. #he s!stem $ses them to determine whether a $ser ma! carr! o$t a partic$lar action. 13. -roAect ,peci"ic (2 ,ection &/A 3/5/2/5/ C% Template: 1. .e>$irements/Expectations .e"er to =B$d'et ,tr$ct$re -rocessin'= (2# where this section will also 3e covered. 3/5/2/4/ "!estions: /0 1) *escri3e in detail the in"ormation to 3e stored on the 3$d'et doc$ment 9list o" "ields5 short description5 properties o" "ields5 etc.). (riginal !dget 6rocessing ; ottom >p thro!gh Roll!p< $!tomatic !dget 6rocessing


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A0 #he in"ormation we store on the ori'inal 3$d'et doc$ment incl$des0 Acco$nt &$m3er 83Aect 8ri'inal Amo$nt Gross or .ecover! rec$rrin' or oneCtime *ate and derived "rom o3Aect0 B$d'et (ate'or! #he s$pplement doc$ment 9#C1) serves also as the ori'inal 3$d'et doc$ment "or restricted expense acco$nts0 Acco$nt &$m3er 83Aect 8ri'inal Amo$nt and derived "rom the acco$nt0 ,ponsor 8r'ani%ation ,ponsorIs Grant/(ontract &$m3er #itle o" -roAect -roAect *irector -er"ormance -eriod B$d'eted ,ponsor ;$nds #otal *irect (osts Allowa3le ;acilities and Administrative (osts #otal (osts to ,ponsorin' A'enc! ;or reven$e acco$nts0 Acco$nt &$m3er 8ri'inal Amo$nt rec$rrin' or oneCtime *ate 8n all "orms5 derived "rom the acco$nt0 (amp$s or nit ;$nction (olle'e or *ivision *epartment C% Template: 1. .e>$irements/Expectations nrestricted ;$nds0 B$d'et re>$ests are done at the "$nd 9acco$nt level)5 which roll $p to the department level and a3ove. B$d'et approval is at the entit! level5 which tric7les down to the acco$nt level. -roposed 3$d'et "i'$res are stored in the data3ase at the "$nd 9acco$nt) and o3Aect code level5 "or expense acco$nts5 and at the acco$nt level "or income acco$nts. 8nce the 3$d'et is approved 3! the #r$stees5 it will 3e copied into a new version as ori'inal 3$d'et. .estricted ;$nds0 ;or restricted expense acco$nts5 the 3$d'et is s$3mitted 3! the -rincipal 2nvesti'ator accordin' to the terms o" the contract5 and it is entered to the ,ponsored .esearch B$d'et ,!stem. #he .esearch 8""ice ma! review these 3$d'ets. #here"ore there is a dail! 9at :0:0 pm) inter"ace 3etween the ;inancial ,!stem and the ,ponsored .esearch B$d'et ,!stem. #his inter"ace contains two inp$t "iles to the ;inancial ,!stem C 1) 2np$t to the main ;inancial Edit "or the entr! o" .estricted B$d'et in"ormation5 and 2) (hart /var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_3/205399238.doc "0" o( $'!

AcceleratedSAP - Business Blueprint

Faintenance to initiali%e the total 3$d'et "ields on the Grants and (ontracts se'ment. 2. General Explanations #he 3$d'et is assi'ned in ;$nds Fana'ement 3! distri3$tin' the 3$d'et directl! to the individ$al "$nds center and commitment items man$all! or 3! cop!in' the (8 plan into ;F 9see =(op! (8 -lan "or ;F B$d'et= (2#) .8ne can assi'n a 3$d'et 3oth topCdown and 3ottomC$p. 6ith topCdown distri3$tion !o$ alwa!s assi'n a 3$d'et "rom s$perior "$nds center and commitment items to s$3ordinate ones. <o$ can5 "or example5 3$d'et the top commitment items within the top "$nds center "irst. A"terwards5 !o$ 3rea7 down 'rad$all! to the top items o" the s$3ordinate "$nds center. 6ith 3ottomC$p distri3$tion !o$ alwa!s assi'n a 3$d'et to s$3ordinate "$nds and commitment items. 8nl! as m$ch 3$d'et as is availa3le in the s$perior item can 3e assi'ned to a s$3ordinate item. sin' the #otal p "$nction5 !o$ can total the 3$d'eted val$es "rom the s$3ordinate "$nds and commitment items to the s$perior level. sin' the 2o&& 9! "$nction5 !o$ can enter a 3$d'et "or speci"ic individ$al com3inations o" "$nd5 "$nds center and commitment items and roll $p a$tomaticall! to the top node.

2t is stron'l! recommended that # $se the 3ottomC$p distri3$tion approach $sin' the 2o&& 9! "$nction when enterin' ori'inal 3$d'et. 3. Explanations o" ;$nctions and Events >se <o$ allocate !o$r 3$d'et in ;$nds Fana'ement 3! distri3$tin' the 3$d'et directl! to the individ$al "$nds centers and commitment items man$all!. B$d'etin' can 3e topCdown or 3ottomC$p. #he s!stem s$pports 3oth proced$res with convenient "$nctions ottom2>p !dgeting 6ith 3ottomC$p 3$d'etin'5 !o$ enter 3$d'et val$es to s$3ordinate "$nds centers and commitment items. #his a$tomaticall! ma7es the 3$d'et consistent. 6e recommend this proced$re i"5 "or example5 3$d'et val$es exist "or the individ$al s$3C areas o" !o$r or'ani%ation. 6rereC!isites Master Data Dierarchies <o$ m$st "irst create a "$nds center hierarch! and commitment items5 $s$all! comprisin' more than one hierarch!. #he "$nds center hierarch! represents !o$r or'ani%ational str$ct$reP the commitment item hierarchies represent the "$nctional split o" reven$es and expendit$res in !o$r or'ani%ation. 2n ;$nds Fana'ement 3$d'etin'5 the s!stem com3ines the two hierarchies. #his means that ever! "$nds center contains all the availa3le commitment item s$3 hierarchies. #he Graphic ill$strates this com3ination principle0 !dget profile #he 3$d'et pro"ile contains the com3ined control parameters "or 3$d'etin'. <o$ de"ine it in the ;$nds Fana'ement 2FG. <o$ m$st create at least one pro"ile 3e"ore !o$ can 3$d'et5 or !o$ m$st $se an existin' pro"ile $nder Budgeting and avai&a)i&ity contro& b Budget !rofi&es D -et )udget !rofi&es' ;or more in"ormation on the 3$d'et pro"ile5 see the ;$nds Fana'ement 2FG in the section ,et p B$d'et -ro"iles. ?!mber Ranges #he s!stem creates a n$m3ered doc$ment "or each 3$d'et val$e !o$ post in ;$nds Fana'ement. #his means that all chan'es are doc$mented and can 3e identi"ied >$ic7l!. #he s!stem ta7es the n$m3er "rom n$m3er ran'e interval 055 which is delivered with the /var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_3/205399238.doc "0$ o( $'!

AcceleratedSAP - Business Blueprint

standard. <o$ can extend this n$m3er ran'e in the ;$nds Fana'ement ($stomi%in' $nder B$d'etin' and availa3ilit! control b Budgeting D .,tend num)er ranges for )udgeting' Feat!res $llocate original b!dget ;payment b!dget and commitment b!dget</ <o$ can allocate the 3$d'et topCdown or 3ottom $p in the hierarchies. ;or more in"ormation on the tools availa3le in hierarch! maintenance5 re"er to B$d'et Entr! Aids. $llocate original b!dget ;payment b!dget and commitment b!dget</ BottomC$p 3$d'etin' can also 3e exec$ted 3! enterin' doc$ments "or individ$al B$d'et ,tr$ct$re Elements ;or in"ormation on the "$nctions availa3le in the rollC$p5 read .ollin' p B$d'et +al$es. CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC #he ori'inal 3$d'et is the 3$d'et ori'inall! allocated C that is5 3e"ore an! $pdates. #he ori'inal 3$d'et corresponds to the maxim$m "$nds availa3le. 8ne can allocate the 3$d'et on an overall 3asis or on an ann$al 3asis. 6hen a (8 plan is copied into ;F as a 3$d'et5 each 3$d'et line is stamped with a 3$d'et t!pe in ;F as =8ri'inal= to separate "rom other 3$d'et transactions. #here"ore5 one doc$ment is posted "or each 3$d'et o3Aect. 2n ;F5 there are two processes to enter 3$d'et. #he! are Commitment Budget and %ayment Budget. Commitment Budget is a normative "ramewor7 within a partic$lar area o" responsi3ilit! "or enterin' commitments which will lead to expendit$res or costs in the c$rrent !ear or in s$3se>$ent !ears. %ayment Budget is a normative "ramewor7 "or the "orecasted expendit$res and reven$es or the costs5 reven$es and investments that can 3e expected within a "iscal !ear and area o" responsi3ilit!. # will onl! 3e $sin' %ayment Budget process to enter all 3$d'et t!pes 9e.'. 8ri'inal5 ,$pplement5 .et$rn5 .elease5 #rans"er). :. B$siness Fodel &one 5. ,pecial 8r'ani%ational (onsiderations 8ri'inal B$d'et will 3e "$nctionall! e>$ivalent to what # is doin' now thro$'h the six di""erent timeC3ased versions. ,ee also (2# "or =(op! (8 -lan "or ;F B$d'et=. ?. (han'es to Existin' 8r'ani%ation &o chan'es to existin' or'ani%ation @. *escription o" 2mprovements &one 8. *escription o" ;$nctional *e"icits #he c$rrent s!stem allows recoveries to 3e entered as a ne'ative entr!. ./3 does not allow ne'ative 3$d'et entries.


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9. Approaches to (overin' ;$nctional *e"icits ,eparate commitment items will 3e created "or recoveries as reven$e acco$nts. 10. &otes on ;$rther 2mprovements &one are apparent at this time 11. ,!stem (on"i'$ration (onsiderations ;F area and 3$d'et pro"iles "or "$nds m$st 3e de"ined as to whether the! are ann$al 3$d'et 9 nrestricted ;$nds) or overall 3$d'et 9.estricted ;$nds). Also5 the appropriate $pdate pro"ile m$st 3e assi'ned to the ;F area. 12. A$thori%ation and ser .oles 8nl! a$thori%ed $sers 9e.'. 8""ice o" the +ice -resident o" B$siness and ;inance) are allowed to ma7e an! chan'es to the ori'inal 3$d'et. sin' a$thori%ation o3Aects will help de"ine the roles "or each $ser. 13. -roAect ,peci"ic (2 ,ection

3/5/2/5/ "!estions:


!dget 6rocessing ;Top Do+n) ottom >p<

/0 1) *escri3e in detail the in"ormation to 3e stored on the 3$d'et doc$ment 9list o" "ields5 short description5 properties o" "ields5 etc.). A0 #he in"ormation we store on the ori'inal 3$d'et doc$ment incl$des0 Acco$nt &$m3er 83Aect 8ri'inal Amo$nt Gross or .ecover! rec$rrin' or oneCtime *ate and derived "rom o3Aect0 B$d'et (ate'or! #he s$pplement doc$ment 9#C1) serves also as the ori'inal 3$d'et doc$ment "or restricted expense acco$nts0 Acco$nt &$m3er 83Aect 8ri'inal Amo$nt and derived "rom the acco$nt0 ,ponsor 8r'ani%ation ,ponsorIs Grant/(ontract &$m3er #itle o" -roAect -roAect *irector -er"ormance -eriod B$d'eted ,ponsor ;$nds /var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_3/205399238.doc "0' o( $'!

AcceleratedSAP - Business Blueprint

#otal *irect (osts Allowa3le ;acilities and Administrative (osts #otal (osts to ,ponsorin' A'enc! ;or reven$e acco$nts0 Acco$nt &$m3er 8ri'inal Amo$nt rec$rrin' or oneCtime *ate 8n all "orms5 derived "rom the acco$nt0 (amp$s or nit ;$nction (olle'e or *ivision *epartment 3/5/2/./ "!estions: /0 1) *escri3e in detail which in"ormation sho$ld 3e stored in the 3$d'et release doc$ment 9list o" "ields5 short description5 "ield attri3$tes and so on). A0 At #5 the entire 3$d'et is availa3le "rom the "irstP we have not $sed the concept o" releasin' a portion o" the 3$d'et "or $se and holdin' a portion in reserve. ;or .estricted ;$nds5 certain 'rants can speci"! that onl! the a$thori%ed amo$nt can 3e spent d$rin' a 'iven period. /0 2) 2s the 3$d'et directl! availa3le5 or is there a =release o" "$nds= 3e"ore the 3$d'et is availa3le1 A0 &o 3/5/2/-/ "!estions: /0 1) *escri3e in detail which in"ormation sho$ld 3e stored in the 3$d'et release doc$ment 9list o" "ields5 short description5 "ield attri3$tes and so on). A0 At #5 the entire 3$d'et is availa3le "rom the "irstP we have not $sed the concept o" releasin' a portion o" the 3$d'et "or $se and holdin' a portion in reserve. ;or .estricted ;$nds5 certain 'rants can speci"! that onl! the a$thori%ed amo$nt can 3e spent d$rin' a 'iven period. /0 2) 2s the 3$d'et directl! availa3le5 or is there a =release o" "$nds= 3e"ore the 3$d'et is availa3le1 A0 &o C% Template: /var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_3/205399238.doc "0) o( $'! !dget Release ; ottom >p >sing Roll!p< !dget Release ;Top Do+n) ottom >p<

AcceleratedSAP - Business Blueprint

1. .e>$irements/Expectations ;or nrestricted ;$nds5 the entire 3$d'et is availa3le once approved. ;or .estricted ;$nds5 certain 'rants can speci"! that onl! the a$thori%ed amo$nt 3e spent "or a 'iven period. #here"ore5 the total 3$d'et is entered "or the total amo$nt awarded 3$t will 3e released in a$thori%ed or ="$nded= increments. #o identi"! which 'rant has this provision5 each acco$nt contains an attri3$te called =AwardC*ata= where this provision is stored. #his is an in"ormational "ield where (ontrollerIs 8""ice or camp$s 3$siness o""ice enters the whole total 3$d'et amo$nt awarded. #he act$al released amo$nt o" the 3$d'et amo$nt is determined 3! the -reCaward 8""ice or the award doc$ment. A 3$d'et revision 3ased on the a$thori%ed amo$nt will 3e transmitted to the acco$ntin' s!stem. ,ince the whole 3$d'et is entered in a text "ield and the a$thori%ed amo$nt is entered into the acco$ntin' s!stem5 the $se o" 3$d'et release in ;F ma! not 3e $sed. 2. General Explanations ;$nds Fana'ement incl$des a 3$d'et release option5 which can 3e $sed to release the 3$d'et 3it 3! 3it. .eleases can 3e expressed in percent or as a3sol$te amo$nts. A release can relate to ann$al val$es and/or overall val$es. 2" !o$ have released the whole 3$d'et or onl! part o" it "or an ;F acco$nt assi'nment5 !o$ m$st also 'rad$all! release the 3$d'et "or all other ;F acco$nt assi'nments. #he release is 3ased on the c$rrent 3$d'et C that is5 the ori'inal 3$d'et as amended 3! s$pplements5 ret$rns5 and trans"ers. 2t is stron'l! recommended that # $se the 3ottomC$p distri3$tion approach $sin' the 2o&& 9! "$nction when releasin' 3$d'et. 3. Explanations o" ;$nctions and Events Based on the 3$d'et pro"ile5 each "$nd will 3e identi"ied whether it has a 3$d'et release re>$irement. #he process to enter ori'inal 3$d'ets into ;F 9see (2# "or =(op! (8 -lan "or ;F B$d'et) is the same "or all "$nds5 3$t the act$al releases o" 3$d'et o" the total 3$d'et per "$nd is done man$all!. #he active availa3ilit! control can 3e set at W A'ainst ann$al/overall 3$d'etsP or 3$d'ets W A'ainst ann$al/overall releases. #he =8verall= and =.eleases= "la's com3ined have the "ollowin' e""ect0 L(*erallL flag LReleasesL flag $*ailability control chec:s against/// N C 8verall 3$d'et 3$d'et C C Ann$al 3$d'et 3$d'et N N .el .eleased 8verall 3$d'et$d'et C N eased .eleased Ann$al 3$d'et 8ne doc$ment is posted "or each 3$d'et o3Aect $sin' a di""erent 3$d'et t!pe to identi"! it as a release 3$d'et. ,ame as 8ri'inal B$d'et5 B$d'et .elease will 3e entered as a %ayment Budget. Releases 2n man! or'ani%ations5 distri3$tin' a 3$d'et is not the same as releasin' the "$nds. ;or this reason5 ;$nds Fana'ement incl$des a release option5 which !o$ can $se to release the 3$d'et 3it 3! 3it. .eleases can 3e expressed in percent or as a3sol$te amo$nts. A release can relate to ann$al val$es and/or overall val$es. <o$ m$st decide whether !o$ want to $se releases or not. 2" !o$ have released the whole /var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_3/205399238.doc "10 o( $'!

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3$d'et or onl! part o" it "or an ;F acco$nt assi'nment5 !o$ m$st also 'rad$all! release the 3$d'et "or all other ;F acco$nt assi'nments. #he release is 3ased on the c$rrent 3$d'et C that is5 the ori'inal 3$d'et as amended 3! s$pplements5 ret$rns5 and trans"ers. !dget types 'ee also: B$d'et (losin' 8perations .even$es 2ncreasin' the B$d'et *istri3$tion -roced$res :. B$siness Fodel &one 5. ,pecial 8r'ani%ational (onsiderations #he (ontrollerIs 8""ice and preCaward o""ice identi"! which awards re>$ire a 3$d'et release so the 3$d'et pro"ile can 3e correctl! set $p "or the identi"ied awards. 8nce the re>$ired 3$d'et data and the total approved 3$d'et are entered5 the a$thori%ed amo$nt can 3e man$all! released as in accordance o" the award. #here m$st 3e "low o" in"ormation 3etween the preCaward 8""ice and the (ontrollerIs 8""ice or camp$s 3$siness o""ice "rom the time o" proAect esta3lishment to the initial 3$d'et data re>$ired in ;F. ?. (han'es to Existin' 8r'ani%ation &o chan'es to existin' or'ani%ation. @. *escription o" 2mprovements #he maAor improvement is that the $ser sees the total amo$nt awarded and the a$thori%ed amo$nt released as =live data= compared to the c$rrent s!stem where the total amo$nt awarded is entered as a text "ield. #here"ore5 ;$nds Fana'ement can 3e set to have "$nds availa3ilit! chec7in' at the released 3$d'et. 8. *escription o" ;$nctional *e"icits &one 9. Approaches to (overin' ;$nctional *e"icits &/A 10. &otes on ;$rther 2mprovements &one are apparent at this time 11. ,!stem (on"i'$ration (onsiderations ;F area and 3$d'et pro"iles "or "$nds m$st 3e de"ined whether it is an ann$al 3$d'et 9 nrestricted ;$nds) or an overall 3$d'et 9.estricted ;$nds). #he appropriate $pdate /var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_3/205399238.doc "11 o( $'!

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pro"ile m$st 3e assi'ned to the ;F area. 12. A$thori%ation and ser .oles 8nl! a$thori%ed $sers 9e.'. .esearch 8""ice5 (ontrollerIs 8""ice) sho$ld 3e allowed to do 3$d'et releases. sin' a$thori%ation o3Aects will help de"ine the roles "or each $ser. 13. -roAect ,peci"ic (2 ,ection &/A 3/5/2/10/ "!estions: /0 1) *escri3e in detail which in"ormation is to 3e stored on the 3$d'et doc$ment 9list o" "ields5 short description5 and properties o" "ields). A0 # wo$ld never $se a oneCsided transaction "or 3$d'et chan'esP the! alwa!s are trans"ers amon' expenses5 reven$es5 and "$nd 3alances. #he in"ormation on a s$pplement doc$ment 9#C15) "or $nrestricted expense acco$nts is0 Acco$nt &$m3er 83Aect 2ncrease or decrease Amo$nt Gross or .ecover! rec$rrin' or oneCtime *ate and derived "rom o3Aect0 B$d'et (ate'or! #he in"ormation on a s$pplement doc$ment 9#C1) "or restricted expense acco$nts is0 Acco$nt &$m3er 83Aect 2ncrease/decrease Amo$nt and derived "rom the acco$nt0 ,ponsor 8r'ani%ation ,ponsorIs Grant/(ontract &$m3er #itle o" -roAect -roAect *irector -er"ormance -eriod B$d'eted ,ponsor ;$nds #otal *irect (osts Allowa3le ;acilities and Administrative (osts #otal (osts to ,ponsorin' A'enc! ;or reven$e acco$nts0 Acco$nt &$m3er *ecrease/2ncrease Amo$nt rec$rrin' or oneCtime *ate 8n all "orms5 derived "rom the acco$nt0 (amp$s or nit ;$nction (olle'e or *ivision /var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_3/205399238.doc "12 o( $'! !dget '!pplement ;Top Do+n) ottom >p<

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*epartment 3/5/2/11/ "!estions: /0 1) *escri3e in detail which in"ormation is to 3e stored on the 3$d'et doc$ment 9list o" "ields5 short description5 and properties o" "ields). A0 # wo$ld never $se a oneCsided transaction "or 3$d'et chan'esP the! alwa!s are trans"ers amon' expenses5 reven$es5 and "$nd 3alances. #he in"ormation on a s$pplement doc$ment 9#C15) "or $nrestricted expense acco$nts is0 Acco$nt &$m3er 83Aect 2ncrease or decrease Amo$nt Gross or .ecover! rec$rrin' or oneCtime *ate and derived "rom o3Aect0 B$d'et (ate'or! #he in"ormation on a s$pplement doc$ment 9#C1) "or restricted expense acco$nts is0 Acco$nt &$m3er 83Aect 2ncrease/decrease Amo$nt and derived "rom the acco$nt0 ,ponsor 8r'ani%ation ,ponsorIs Grant/(ontract &$m3er #itle o" -roAect -roAect *irector -er"ormance -eriod B$d'eted ,ponsor ;$nds #otal *irect (osts Allowa3le ;acilities and Administrative (osts #otal (osts to ,ponsorin' A'enc! ;or reven$e acco$nts0 Acco$nt &$m3er *ecrease/2ncrease Amo$nt rec$rrin' or oneCtime *ate 8n all "orms5 derived "rom the acco$nt0 (amp$s or nit ;$nction (olle'e or *ivision *epartment C% Template: 1. .e>$irements/Expectations #he t!pes o" 3$d'et s$pplements # inc$rs are state "$ndin' increases and increases in reven$es. # wo$ld never $se a oneCsided transaction "or 3$d'et s$pplements or ret$rnsP the! alwa!s are trans"ers amon' expenses5 reven$es5 and "$nd 3alances. /var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_3/205399238.doc "13 o( $'! !dget '!pplement ; ottom >p thro!gh Roll!p<

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2t is not anticipated at this time that # will $se the 3$d'et s$pplement transaction5 a one sided transaction to increase 3$d'et amo$nts. #he B$d'et #rans"er will 3e $sed "or all adA$stments a"ter 8ri'inal B$d'et is entered in the s!stem. #he in"ormation on a s$pplement doc$ment 9#C15) "or $nrestricted expense acco$nts is0 Acco$nt &$m3er 83Aect 2ncrease or decrease Amo$nt Gross or .ecover! rec$rrin' or oneCtime *ate and derived "rom o3Aect0 B$d'et (ate'or! #he in"ormation on a s$pplement doc$ment 9#C1) "or restricted expense acco$nts is0 Acco$nt &$m3er 83Aect 2ncrease/decrease Amo$nt and derived "rom the acco$nt0 ,ponsor 8r'ani%ation ,ponsorIs Grant/(ontract &$m3er #itle o" -roAect -roAect *irector -er"ormance -eriod B$d'eted ,ponsor ;$nds #otal *irect (osts Allowa3le ;acilities and Administrative (osts #otal (osts to ,ponsorin' A'enc! ;or reven$e acco$nts0 Acco$nt &$m3er *ecrease/2ncrease Amo$nt rec$rrin' or oneCtime *ate 8n all "orms5 derived "rom the acco$nt0 (amp$s or nit ;$nction (olle'e or *ivision *epartment 2. General Explanations 9"rom B$d'et pdates C ,$pplements5 in the ,A- Di3rar!)0 >se 2" the availa3le "$nds are not s$""icient5 !o$ can top $p the 3$d'et in a "$nds center or commitment item 3! means o" a s$pplement. Feat!res #here are two "orms o" s$pplement0 Jo! allocate s!pplements top2do+n +ithin yo!r hierarchy 4ere5 !o$ distri3$te the s$pplement within the "$nds center and commitment item hierarch! "rom s$perior "$nds centers and commitment items to s$3ordinate ones. #he 3$d'et s$pplement m$st not exceed the amo$nt in the s$perior level. /var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_3/205399238.doc "1! o( $'!

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#he amo$nt o" s$pplement depends on the distri3$ta3le val$e and assi'ned val$e in the s$perior level. '!pplements posted from o!tside to partic!lar combinations of f!nds center and commitment item 2n s$ch cases5 !o$ are allocatin' additional 3$d'et "rom o$tside to a partic$lar com3ination o" "$nds centers and commitment items5 re'ardless o" how m$ch 3$d'et is still availa3le "or the s$perior "$nds centers and commitment items. #he distri3$ta3le val$e "or this com3ination increases 3! the amo$nt o" the s$pplement. <o$ can pass the additional 3$d'et on to "$nds centers and commitment items hi'her $p in the hierarch! 3! choosin' #otal $p and 2o&& u!. #he distri3$ta3le val$e in the s$perior levels is not a""ected 3! the chan'eP the distri3$ted val$e and an! existin' s$pplement are increased 3! the amo$nt o" this s$pplement. All the 3$d'et entr! "$nctions are availa3le "or !o$ to enter5 chan'e5 and displa! ret$rns. ;or more in"ormation5 read B$d'et Entr! Aids.

2t is stron'l! recommended that # $se the 3ottomC$p distri3$tion approach $sin' the 2o&& 9! "$nction i" a 3$d'et s$pplement is ever entered. 2t is anticipated that B$d'et #rans"er will 3e the onl! transaction $sed to adA$st 3$d'et amo$nts. 3. Explanations o" ;$nctions and Events 2t is not anticipated at this time that # will $se the 3$d'et s$pplement transaction5 a one sided transaction to increase 3$d'et amo$nts. #he B$d'et #rans"er will 3e $sed "or all adA$stments a"ter 8ri'inal B$d'et is entered in the s!stem. CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC 2" the B$d'et ,$pplement were to 3e $sed0 ,ame as 8ri'inal B$d'et5 B$d'et ,$pplement will 3e entered as a %ayment Budget $sin' the 2o&& 9! "$nction. #he re>$ired data to enter a B$d'et ,$pplement are0 *oc$ment *ate ;F Area B$d'et version. 2" !o$ do not enter one5 the s!stem a$tomaticall! $ses version 0 where "$nds chec7in' is done. ;$nd #ime"rame. <ear/-eriod ;$nds (enter (ommitment 2tem Amo$nt 2n order to allocate overall val$es5 one proceeds as descri3ed a3ove. 4owever5 enter a "$nd in the initial screen and select the "ield 3vera&&. 2" a 3$d'et pro"ile is assi'ned to the "$nd5 that allows !o$ to enter overall val$es and ann$al val$es5 !o$ can also allocate ann$al val$es "or this "$nd 3! selectin' the "ield 3vera&& and enterin' the appropriate "iscal !ear. #he res$lt is that the s!stem a$tomaticall! rolls the 3$d'et allocation "or a sin'le "$nds center and commitment item5 or "or several B$d'et 83Aects on a lower hierarch! level and is a$tomaticall! rolled $p to the hi'hest node. 8nce the transaction is saved5 one doc$ment is posted "or each 3$d'et o3Aect $sin' a di""erent 3$d'et t!pe to identi"! it as a 3$d'et s$pplement.


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:. B$siness Fodel &one 5. ,pecial 8r'ani%ational (onsiderations 2t is not anticipated at this time that # will $se the 3$d'et s$pplement transaction5 a one sided transaction to increase 3$d'et amo$nts. #he B$d'et #rans"er will 3e $sed "or all adA$stments a"ter 8ri'inal B$d'et is entered in the s!stem. 2t is anticipated that 3$d'et trans"ers will 3e decentrali%ed as m$ch as possi3le. A$thori%ation will pro3a3l! 3e done thro$'h "$nds that a $ser access to. ?. (han'es to Existin' 8r'ani%ation &o chan'es to existin' or'ani%ation @. *escription o" 2mprovements &one 8. *escription o" ;$nctional *e"icits &one 9. Approaches to (overin' ;$nctional *e"icits &/A 10. &otes on ;$rther 2mprovements &one are apparent at this time 11. ,!stem (on"i'$ration (onsiderations ;F area and 3$d'et pro"iles "or "$nds m$st 3e de"ined whether it is an ann$al 3$d'et 9 nrestricted ;$nds) or an overall 3$d'et 9.estricted ;$nds). Also5 the appropriate $pdate pro"ile m$st 3e assi'ned to the ;F area. 12. A$thori%ation and ser .oles 8nl! a$thori%ed $sers 9e.'. 8""ice o" the +ice -resident o" B$siness and ;inance5 *epartment C (amp$s B$siness 8""ice) are allowed to ma7e an! chan'es to the total 3$d'et. sin' a$thori%ation o3Aects will help de"ine the roles "or each $ser. 13. -roAect ,peci"ic (2 ,ection


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&one 3/5/2/12/ "!estions: /0 1) *escri3e in detail which in"ormation is to 3e stored on the 3$d'et doc$ment 9list o" "ields5 short description5 and properties o" "ields). A0 ;or each =side= o" the transactionCC #he in"ormation on a 3$d'et trans"er doc$ment 9#C15) "or $nrestricted expense acco$nts is0 Acco$nt &$m3er 83Aect 2ncrease or decrease Amo$nt Gross or .ecover! rec$rrin' or oneCtime *ate and derived "rom o3Aect0 B$d'et (ate'or! #he in"ormation on a 3$d'et trans"er doc$ment 9#C1) "or restricted expense acco$nts is0 Acco$nt &$m3er 83Aect 2ncrease/decrease Amo$nt and derived "rom the acco$nt0 ,ponsor 8r'ani%ation ,ponsorIs Grant/(ontract &$m3er #itle o" -roAect -roAect *irector -er"ormance -eriod B$d'eted ,ponsor ;$nds #otal *irect (osts Allowa3le ;acilities and Administrative (osts #otal (osts to ,ponsorin' A'enc! ;or reven$e acco$nts0 Acco$nt &$m3er *ecrease/2ncrease Amo$nt rec$rrin' or oneCtime *ate 8n all "orms5 derived "rom the acco$nt0 (amp$s or nit ;$nction (olle'e or *ivision *epartment C% Template: 1. .e>$irements/Expectations #he niversit! anticipates $sin' 3$d'et trans"ers "or all 3$d'et transactions a"ter (8 plan is copied to ;F 3$d'et version 0. #rans"ers 3etween 3$siness areas 9"$nd/entit! com3ination) will not 3e allowed. !dget Transfer


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nrestricted0 E H G C trans"ers amon' expenses5 reven$es5 and "$nd 3alances. A$xiliar!C trans"ers amon' expenses5 reven$es5 and "$nd 3alances. .estricted0 #rans"ers o""set 3etween reven$e and expense commitment items within the same proAect. 2t is anticipated that restricted 3$d'et trans"ers will 3e entered thro$'h an inter"ace with the ,ponsored -roAects 9-reCawared) s!stem. 2. General Explanations 2t is anticipated that 3$d'et trans"ers will onl! 3e down within the same "iscal and 3$siness area. ;rom the ,A- Di3rar!0 !dget $cti*ities Definition <o$ $se the =B$d'et activit!= characteristic to s$3divide the =B$d'et= characteristic val$e. 'tr!ct!re 2" !o$ want to speci"! the =3$d'et= characteristic val$e more precisel!5 !o$ can $se the "ollowin' characteristics "or the b!dget acti*ity0 EB , #rans"ers 9sender) EB E #rans"ers 9receiver) <o$ can $se these characteristic val$es to have the s!stem list 3$d'et trans"ers "rom one "$nds center to another5 i" the! ta7e place within one "iscal !ear. EB61 <earCend closin' 3$d'et trans"er 9sender) EB62 <earCend closin' 3$d'et trans"er 9receiver) EB 1 #rans"ers carr! "orward 9sender) EB 2 #rans"ers carr! "orward 9receiver) <o$ $se these characteristic val$es to have the s!stem list 3$d'et trans"ers "rom one "$nds center to another 9or to the same "$nds center) 3etween this "iscal !ear and the next one. EB 3 #rans"ers C advance 9sender) EB : #rans"ers C advance 9receiver) <o$ $se these characteristic val$es to have the s!stem list 3$d'et trans"ers "rom one "$nds center to another 9or to the same "$nds center) 3etween this "iscal !ear and the next one. EB20 .even$es 9man$al) EB21 .even$es 9a$tomatic) <o$ $se this characteristic val$e to displa! the 3$d'et that is availa3le d$e to reven$es increasin' the 3$d'et. <o$ do not have to speci"! a characteristic val$e "or the characteristic =+al$e t!pe :?= 93$d'et releases) and the characteristic =+al$e t!pe ::= 9assi'ned 3$d'et) since onl! one characteristic val$e ever exists "or these characteristics 9=EB;.= ^ B$d'et releases and =EB;(= ^ Assi'ned 3$d'et). 3. Explanations o" ;$nctions and Events !dget >pdates >se #hese "$nctions are desi'ned to s$pport !o$ when !o$ have to adA$st the ori'inal 3$d'et in !o$r or'ani%ation d$rin' a "iscal !ear to re"lect developments. #he correction meas$res are named !dget >pdates/ <o$ can ma7e 3$d'et $pdates "or the -a!ment /var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_3/205399238.doc "1' o( $'!

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B$d'et 9-B) and "or the (ommitment B$d'et 9(B). 6rereC!isites <o$ determine the t!pe o" 3$d'et $pdate entr! in the ;$nds Fana'ement ($stomi%in' $nder Budgeting and Avai&a)i&ity Contro& ,-Budgeting , (arr! o$t ,ettin's "or the B$d'etin'' 2" !o$ set the Additive indicator there5 data alread! stored is not displa!ed when !o$ enter more data in hierarch! maintenance. 6hen !o$ save the new data5 it is added to the existin' data. 2" !o$ do not save this indicator5 existin' data is displa!ed. 6hen !o$ save the new data5 it overwrites the existin' data. <o$ can overwrite the settin's entered in the 2FG when processin' !o$r 3$d'et $pdates. 2" !o$ set the Additive indicator5 !o$ m$st alwa!s choose Add change va&ues i" !o$ later $se the #otal p "$nction. Feat!res #here are three t!pes o" 3$d'et $pdate0 ,$pplement 9B$d'et increase) .et$rn 9B$d'et c$t) #rans"er 9B$d'et shi"t) $cti*ities -rocessin' o" 3$d'et $pdates can ta7e place within the hierarch! maintenance or in the "orm o" a doc$ment entr! 9rollin' $p). To (hoose Accounting D /inancia& accounting D /unds ?anagement D Budgeting and then' (han'e s$pplements ,$pplements Q Commitments for the CB or !ayments for the %B D Change .oll $p s$pplements ,$pplements Q Commitments for the CB or !ayments for the %B D 2o&& u! *ispla! s$pplements ,$pplements Q Commitments for the CB or !ayments for the %B D Change (han'e ret$rns .et$rns Q Commitments for the CB or !ayments for the %B D Change .oll $p ret$rns .et$rns Q Commitments for the CB or !ayments for the %B D 2o&& u! *ispla! ret$rns .et$rns Q Commitments for the CB or !ayments for the %B D Dis!&ay Enter trans"ers #rans"er Q Commitments for the CB or !ayments for the %B <o$ can also ma7e 3$d'et $pdates $sin' the chan'e "$nction o" the ori'inal 3$d'et. <o$ sho$ld re'$late !o$r 3$d'etin' in s$ch a wa! that the ori'inal 3$d'et is "ro%en and 3$d'et chan'es are made in the "orm or s$pplements5 ret$rns5 and trans"ers. #his ma7es the chan'es easier to identi"! later. #he =c$rrent 3$d'et= is the total o" that !earIs ori'inal 3$d'et5 as amended 3! s$pplements5 ret$rns5 and trans"ers. Besides this5 the 3$d'et carr! "orward "rom the !earC end closin' and the 3$d'et "rom reven$es increasin' the 3$d'et are considered. 'ee also: B$d'et #!pes in ;$nds Fana'ement Allocatin' the 8ri'inal B$d'et .ollin' p B$d'et +al$es Transfers >se 2t ma! happen that one "$nds center is r$nnin' short o" "$nds while another still has plent!. #rans"ers are a tool in /unds ?anagement5 which !o$ can $se to place 3$d'et "rom one B$d'et ,tr$ct$re -lan Element at the disposal o" another. <o$ can ma7e trans"ers "or the commitment 3$d'et 9(B) and the pa!ment 3$d'et 9-B). /var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_3/205399238.doc "1) o( $'!

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6rereC!isites <o$ cannot enter trans"ers "or "$nds releases5 3$t onl! "or the c$rrent 3$d'et in a partic$lar version. Feat!res #rans"ers 3etween di""erent "$nds centers and commitment items in the same "iscal !ear 93alance carried "orward or advance) #rans"ers 3etween "iscal !ears in the same "$nds center and commitment item 93alance carried "orward or advance) #rans"ers 3etween di""erent "$nds centers and commitment items in di""erent "iscal !ears #rans"ers 3etween di""erent "$nds5 also across "iscal !ears ,hort and lon' texts B$d'et (onsistenc! (hec7s when trans"errin' ;or trans"ers in which expendit$res acco$nt assi'nments are addressed5 the 3$d'et is red$ced "or the sender and increased "or the receiver. ;or trans"ers addressin' a reven$es acco$nt assi'nment5 either as sender or as receiver5 the 3$d'et is red$ced "or the sender and the receiver. $cti*ities 2n the entr! screen "or the trans"ers5 !o$ m$st enter at least one sender and one receiver5 and the amo$nt o" the trans"er. <o$ can apportion the amo$nt "rom the sender to more than one receiver. (hoose Accounting b /inancia& accounting b /unds management b Budgeting Q Transfers Q Commitments for the (CB) and !ayments for the (%B)' 'ee also: B$d'et #!pes in ;$nds Fana'ement :. B$siness Fodel &one 5. ,pecial 8r'ani%ational (onsiderations A person who is responsi3le "or the 3$d'et will exec$te a 3$d'et trans"er. .esponsi3le people "or all a""ected acco$nts will have to 3e incl$ded in the approval wor7"low. ?. (han'es to Existin' 8r'ani%ation &o chan'es to existin' or'ani%ation. @. *escription o" 2mprovements ,ince this is a realCtime inte'rated s!stem5 3$d'ets are immediatel! $pdated when a 3$d'et trans"er is exec$ted 3! an a$thori%ed $ser. Also as in all 3$d'et $pdates5 a $ser will 3e a3le to 7now when a 3$d'et doc$ment was created and 3! whom. 8. *escription o" ;$nctional *e"icits #he screen la!o$t ma! not "acilitate increases to man! acco$nts "rom one acco$nt.


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9. Approaches to (overin' ;$nctional *e"icits ;$rther st$d! o" the s!stem is needed 10. &otes on ;$rther 2mprovements &one are apparent at this time 11. ,!stem (on"i'$ration (onsiderations ;F area and 3$d'et pro"iles "or "$nds m$st 3e de"ined whether it is an ann$al 3$d'et 9 nrestricted ;$nds) or an overall 3$d'et 9.estricted ;$nds). Also5 the appropriate $pdate pro"ile m$st 3e assi'ned to the ;F area. 12. A$thori%ation and ser .oles A$thori%ation m$st 3e 'iven to a person responsi3le "or the 3$d'et $sin' a$thori%ation o3Aects that will help de"ine the roles "or each $ser. Also there m$st 3e an a$thori%ation to prevent $sers "rom $sin' the wron' "$nd5 "$nds center5 and/or commitment item. 13. -roAect ,peci"ic (2 ,ection &/A 3/5/2/1,/ "!estions: /0 1) *escri3e in detail which in"ormation is to 3e stored on the 3$d'et doc$ment 9list o" "ields5 short description5 and properties o" "ields). A0 # wo$ld never $se a oneCsided transaction "or 3$d'et chan'esP the! alwa!s are trans"ers amon' expenses5 reven$es5 and "$nd 3alances. #he in"ormation on a ret$rn doc$ment 9#C15) "or $nrestricted expense acco$nts is0 Acco$nt &$m3er 83Aect 2ncrease or decrease Amo$nt Gross or .ecover! rec$rrin' or oneCtime *ate and derived "rom o3Aect0 B$d'et (ate'or! #he in"ormation on a ret$rn doc$ment 9#C1) "or restricted expense acco$nts is0 Acco$nt &$m3er 83Aect 2ncrease/decrease Amo$nt and derived "rom the acco$nt0 ,ponsor 8r'ani%ation ,ponsorIs Grant/(ontract &$m3er #itle o" -roAect -roAect *irector /var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_3/205399238.doc "21 o( $'! !dget Ret!rn ;(!t+ard by Roll!p<

AcceleratedSAP - Business Blueprint

-er"ormance -eriod B$d'eted ,ponsor ;$nds #otal *irect (osts Allowa3le ;acilities and Administrative (osts #otal (osts to ,ponsorin' A'enc! ;or reven$e acco$nts0 Acco$nt &$m3er *ecrease/2ncrease Amo$nt rec$rrin' or oneCtime *ate 8n all "orms5 derived "rom the acco$nt0 (amp$s or nit ;$nction (olle'e or *ivision *epartment C% Template: 1. .e>$irements/Expectations #he t!pes o" 3$d'et ret$rns # inc$rs are state "$ndin' roll3ac7 and red$ction in reven$es. # wo$ld never $se a oneCsided transaction "or 3$d'et ret$rns or s$pplementsP the! alwa!s are trans"ers amon' expenses5 reven$es5 and "$nd 3alances. 2t is not anticipated at this time that # will $se the 3$d'et s$pplement transaction5 a one sided transaction to increase 3$d'et amo$nts. #he B$d'et #rans"er will 3e $sed "or all adA$stments a"ter 8ri'inal B$d'et is entered in the s!stem. #he in"ormation on a s$pplement doc$ment 9#C15) "or $nrestricted expense acco$nts is0 Acco$nt &$m3er 83Aect 2ncrease or decrease Amo$nt Gross or .ecover! rec$rrin' or oneCtime *ate and derived "rom o3Aect0 B$d'et (ate'or! #he in"ormation on a s$pplement doc$ment 9#C1) "or restricted expense acco$nts is0 Acco$nt &$m3er 83Aect 2ncrease/decrease Amo$nt and derived "rom the acco$nt0 ,ponsor 8r'ani%ation ,ponsorIs Grant/(ontract &$m3er #itle o" -roAect -roAect *irector -er"ormance -eriod B$d'eted ,ponsor ;$nds #otal *irect (osts Allowa3le ;acilities and Administrative (osts #otal (osts to ,ponsorin' A'enc! /var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_3/205399238.doc "22 o( $'!

AcceleratedSAP - Business Blueprint

;or reven$e acco$nts0 Acco$nt &$m3er *ecrease/2ncrease Amo$nt rec$rrin' or oneCtime *ate 8n all "orms5 derived "rom the acco$nt0 (amp$s or nit ;$nction (olle'e or *ivision *epartment 2. General Explanations 6hen there is a red$ction in the total 3$d'et5 there m$st 3e a means to red$ce the 3$d'et and sho$ld 3e distin'$isha3le "rom other 3$d'et activities 9e.'. ori'inal5 s$pplement5 trans"er). ;F provides this means called a Budget 2eturn. 2t is a oneCsided entr! that onl! a""ects ;F. #he niversit! anticipates $sin' 3$d'et trans"ers "or all 3$d'et transactions a"ter (8 plan is copied to ;F 3$d'et version 0. #rans"ers 3etween 3$siness areas 9"$nd/entit! com3ination) will not 3e allowed. nrestricted0 E H G C trans"ers amon' expenses5 reven$es5 and "$nd 3alances. A$xiliar!C trans"ers amon' expenses5 reven$es5 and "$nd 3alances. .estrictedC trans"ers o""set 3etween reven$e and expense commitment items within the same proAect. 2t is anticipated that restricted 3$d'et trans"ers will 3e entered thro$'h an inter"ace with the ,ponsored -roAects 9-reCawared) s!stem. CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC #here are two "orms o" ret$rn0 .et$rns within a hierarch! 93$d'et str$ct$re) B$d'et is ret$rned within the "$nds center and commitment item hierarch!5 "rom a s$3ordinate "$nds center/commitment item to a s$perior one. <o$ can onl! ret$rn as m$ch 3$d'et as is still availa3le in the s$3ordinate level. #he overall 3$d'et is not a""ected 3! the ret$rn5 3$t the availa3le val$e in the s$perior level is increased 3! the amo$nt ret$rned "rom the s$3ordinate level. .et$rns "rom partic$lar com3inations o" "$nds centers and commitment items to external parties 9s$ch as sponsors) C .oll p 4ere5 !o$ are ret$rnin' distri3$ta3le or availa3le 3$d'et "rom a partic$lar "$nd center/commitment item com3ination in !o$r hierarch! to the s$perior "$nds center or commitment item. #his means that the overall 3$d'et decreases 3! the amo$nt ret$rned. 2t is stron'l! recommended that # $se the 3ottomC$p distri3$tion approach $sin' the 2o&& 9! "$nction when enterin' 3$d'et ret$rn. 3. Explanations o" ;$nctions and Events Ret!rns >se 2" !o$ have "$nds to spare5 this "$nction ena3les !o$ to red$ce the 3$d'et. .et$rns $s$all! ta7e place 3ottomC$p. /var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_3/205399238.doc "23 o( $'!

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6rereC!isites ;or a 3$d'et ret$rn to 3e possi3le5 the relevant B$d'et ,tr$ct$re Elements m$st have eno$'h c$rrent 3$d'et. ;or more in"ormation on the c$rrent 3$d'et5 re"er to B$d'et #!pes in ;$nds Fana'ement. Feat!res #here are two "orms o" ret$rn0 .et$rns within a hierarch! B$d'et is ret$rned within the "$nds center and commitment item hierarch!5 "rom a s$3ordinate "$nds center/commitment item to a s$perior one. <o$ can onl! ret$rn as m$ch 3$d'et as is still availa3le in the s$3ordinate level. #he overall 3$d'et is not a""ected 3! the ret$rn5 3$t the availa3le val$e in the s$perior level is increased 3! the amo$nt ret$rned "rom the s$3ordinate level. Ret!rns from partic!lar combinations of f!nds centers and commitment items to eAternal parties ;s!ch as sponsors< 4ere5 !o$ are ret$rnin' distri3$ta3le or availa3le 3$d'et "rom a partic$lar "$nd center/commitment item com3ination in !o$r hierarch! to the s$perior "$nds center or commitment item. #his means that the overall 3$d'et decreases 3! the amo$nt ret$rned. 2" the 3$d'et entr! "$nctions are availa3le "or !o$ to enter5 chan'e5 and displa! ret$rns. ;or more in"ormation5 read B$d'et Entr! Aids. $cti*ities #he proced$re "or enterin' ret$rns is similar to that "or allocatin' ori'inal 3$d'et or rollin' $p 3$d'et val$es. ;or more in"ormation on the proced$re5 re"er to Allocatin' B$d'et and .ollin' p B$d'et +al$es 'ee also: B$d'et pdates ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ,ame as B$d'et ,$pplement5 B$d'et .et$rn will 3e entered as a %ayment Budget $sin' the 2o&& 9! "$nction. #he re>$ired data to enter a B$d'et .et$rn are0 *oc$ment *ate ;F Area B$d'et version. 2" !o$ do not enter one5 the s!stem a$tomaticall! $ses version 0 where "$nds chec7in' is done. ;$nd #ime"rame. <ear/-eriod ;$nds (enter (ommitment 2tem Amo$nt 2n order to allocate overall val$es5 one proceeds as descri3ed a3ove. 4owever5 enter a "$nd in the initial screen and select the "ield 3vera&&. 2" a 3$d'et pro"ile is assi'ned to the "$nd5 that allows !o$ to enter overall val$es and ann$al val$es5 !o$ can also allocate ann$al val$es "or this "$nd 3! selectin' the "ield 3vera&& and enterin' the appropriate "iscal !ear. #he res$lt is that the s!stem a$tomaticall! rolls the 3$d'et allocation "or a sin'le "$nds center and commitment item5 or "or several B$d'et 83Aects on a lower hierarch! level and is a$tomaticall! rolled $p to the hi'hest node. 8nce the transaction is saved5 one doc$ment is posted "or each 3$d'et o3Aect $sin' a di""erent 3$d'et t!pe to identi"! it as a 3$d'et ret$rn. :. B$siness Fodel /var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_3/205399238.doc "2! o( $'!

AcceleratedSAP - Business Blueprint

&one 5. ,pecial 8r'ani%ational (onsiderations ;or nrestricted ;$nds5 an! chan'es to the #otal B$d'et m$st 3e a$thori%ed thro$'h the 8""ice o" the +ice -resident "or B$siness and ;inance. .estricted ;$nds5 the .esearch 8""ice will enter red$ctions thro$'h the ,ponsored .esearch 9pre award) s!stem. ?. (han'es to Existin' 8r'ani%ation &o chan'es to existin' or'ani%ation @. *escription o" 2mprovements &one 8. *escription o" ;$nctional *e"icits &one 9. Approaches to (overin' ;$nctional *e"icits &/A 10. &otes on ;$rther 2mprovements &one are apparent at this time 11. ,!stem (on"i'$ration (onsiderations ;F area and 3$d'et pro"iles "or "$nds m$st 3e de"ined "or ann$al 3$d'et 9 nrestricted ;$nds) and overall 3$d'et 9.estricted ;$nds). Also5 the appropriate $pdate pro"ile m$st 3e assi'ned to the ;F area. 12. A$thori%ation and ser .oles 8nl! a$thori%ed $sers 9e.'. 8""ice o" the +ice -resident o" B$siness and ;inance5 *epartment C (amp$s B$siness 8""ice) are allowed to ma7e an! chan'es to the total 3$d'et. sin' a$thori%ation o3Aects will help de"ine the roles "or each $ser. 13. -roAect ,peci"ic (2 ,ection &/A 3/5/2/13/ "!estions: /var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_3/205399238.doc "2" o( $'! !dget Ret!rn ;9ithin !dget 'tr!ct!re)(!t+ard<

AcceleratedSAP - Business Blueprint

/0 1) *escri3e in detail which in"ormation is to 3e stored on the 3$d'et doc$ment 9list o" "ields5 short description5 and properties o" "ields). A0 # wo$ld never $se a oneCsided transaction "or 3$d'et chan'esP the! alwa!s are trans"ers amon' expenses5 reven$es5 and "$nd 3alances. #he in"ormation on a s$pplement doc$ment 9#C15) "or $nrestricted expense acco$nts is0 Acco$nt &$m3er 83Aect 2ncrease or decrease Amo$nt Gross or .ecover! rec$rrin' or oneCtime *ate and derived "rom o3Aect0 B$d'et (ate'or! #he in"ormation on a s$pplement doc$ment 9#C1) "or restricted expense acco$nts is0 Acco$nt &$m3er 83Aect 2ncrease/decrease Amo$nt and derived "rom the acco$nt0 ,ponsor 8r'ani%ation ,ponsorIs Grant/(ontract &$m3er #itle o" -roAect -roAect *irector -er"ormance -eriod B$d'eted ,ponsor ;$nds #otal *irect (osts Allowa3le ;acilities and Administrative (osts #otal (osts to ,ponsorin' A'enc! ;or reven$e acco$nts0 Acco$nt &$m3er *ecrease/2ncrease Amo$nt rec$rrin' or oneCtime *ate 8n all "orms5 derived "rom the acco$nt0 (amp$s or nit ;$nction (olle'e or *ivision *epartment 3/5/2/15/ "!estions: /0 1) B$d'et doc$ment chan'e0 6hich "ields/in"ormation can 3e chan'ed in a 3$d'et doc$ment that alread! exists1 A0 (annot chan'e a"ter "orm has 3een s$3mitted. F$st "ill o$t another "orm to re"lect the chan'es. C% Template: 1. .e>$irements/Expectations /var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_3/205399238.doc "2$ o( $'! =dit !dget Doc!ment

AcceleratedSAP - Business Blueprint

A doc$ment 9e.'. #C155 #C1) cannot 3e chan'ed a"ter it has 3een s$3mitted. #he re>$estor m$st "ill o$t another "orm to re"lect the chan'es. 2. General Explanations 8nce a 3$d'et doc$ment has 3een created 3! a 3$d'et transaction 9e.'. ori'inal5 s$pplement5 ret$rn5 trans"er)5 the onl! "ields that can 3e chan'ed are the short and lon' text. 6ithin the 3$d'etin' transactions5 one can edit a 50Ccharacter short text and a correspondin' lon' text "or the 3$d'et val$es so as to store explanations re'ardin' the 3$d'et val$es or chan'es to them. #he 3$d'et texts are assi'ned to a totals record. ,o one can enter 3$d'et texts "or com3inations o" the "ollowin'0 ;$nds center (ommitment item ;$nd ;iscal !ear B$d'et transaction 3. Explanations o" ;$nctions and Events 2n the chan'e doc$ment transaction5 a $ser can onl! enter a short text and5 i" re>$ired5 a lon' text. 8ther data "ields are 3loc7ed "rom an! chan'es. 6ithin the doc$ment5 there is in"ormation a3o$t0 6hen the text was created 6ho created it 6hen it was chan'ed 6ho chan'ed it :. B$siness Fodel &one 5. ,pecial 8r'ani%ational (onsiderations A person who is responsi3le "or the 3$d'et can edit the 3$d'et doc$ment. ?. (han'es to Existin' 8r'ani%ation &o chan'es to existin' or'ani%ation. @. *escription o" 2mprovements &one 8. *escription o" ;$nctional *e"icits &one 9. Approaches to (overin' ;$nctional *e"icits /var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_3/205399238.doc "2& o( $'!

AcceleratedSAP - Business Blueprint

&/A 10. &otes on ;$rther 2mprovements &one are apparent at this time 11. ,!stem (on"i'$ration (onsiderations &one 12. A$thori%ation and ser .oles A$thori%ation m$st 3e 'iven to a person responsi3le "or the 3$d'et $sin' a$thori%ation o3Aects that will help de"ine the roles "or each $ser. 13. -roAect ,peci"ic (2 ,ection &/A

"!estions: /0

!dget =Aec!tion

1) Give a detailed list o" le'al re>$irements existin' "or the exec$tion o" the 3$d'et.

A0 #he primar! le'al re>$irement is that the 3$d'et 3e 3alanced 9reven$es H "$nd trans"ers ^ expendit$res). #here are internal policies and '$idelines that assist in implementin' le'islated directives. ;or example5 the le'islat$re ma! appropriate "$nds "or a salar! increase and the niversit! develops '$idelines "or implementation in accordance with the lan'$a'e contained in the appropriations 3ill. nrestricted ;$nds0 Dine item appropriations where expendit$res o" "$nds m$st meet re>$irement o" the le'islat$re. .estricted ;$nds0 #erms o" the 'rant/contract m$st 3e o3served in spendin' "rom its 3$d'et. /0 2) -rovide an overview o" the 3$d'et assi'nment process0 "$nds reservations5 pa!ments5 reven$e collection5 and postin'. 6hat proced$res do !o$ $se "or expendit$re and reven$e1 4ow is 3$d'etar! control exercised1 A0 =Apendit!res nrestricted ;$nds0 Enc$m3rances o" salar! and operatin' expendit$res5 act$al expenses. .estricted0 Enc$m3rances o" -8s onl!P act$al expenses. Re*en!es nrestricted ;$nds0


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AcceleratedSAP - Business Blueprint

2 acco$nts can 3e either dedicated to a speci"ic E acco$nt5 or $sed to s$pport E acco$nts in 'eneral. (ollection o" reven$e is mana'ed in vario$s s$3s!stems5 s$ch as camp$s st$dent "ees s!stems5 and "orwarded to the 'eneral led'er "or postin'. .estricted ;$nds0 Each restricted expense acco$nt $ses one o" the restricted reven$e acco$nts5 where reven$e is posted whenever an expense occ$rs. (ollection o" this reven$e is mana'ed thro$'h 3illin' in the Grants/(ontracts s!stem. ,ome camp$ses $se their own 3illin' s!stems. 2nvestment 2nterest/2ncome0 2ncome collected and posted in the 2nvestment ,!stem is transmitted to the 'eneral led'er "or postin' also. /0 3) *o !o$ $se a m$ltiClevel "$nds reservation chain1 9,$ch as0 earmar7ed "$nds to cons$me 3$d'et directl!5 re"erence and red$ce "$nds reservation or earmar7ed "$nds). A0 O+s can 3e $sed to enc$m3er o3li'ations that are not a$tomaticall! enc$m3ered. ,alaries on $nrestricted acco$nts and p$rchase orders are enc$m3ered. /0 :) Are there are an! ="$nds assi'nment chains= "or expendit$re and reven$e1 *escri3e these chains in detail. A0 Expendit$re0 .e>$isition CZ -8 9G/D $pdated) CZ 2nvoice CZ (hec7 9G/D $pdated) ]CCCCCCCCCCCCCCC.eleaseCCCCCCCCCCCZ .even$e0 A/. CZ (ash .eceipts /0 5) *escri3e the c$rrent/"oreseen 3$d'et str$ct$re. At which level does the 3$d'et assi'nment ta7e place1 A0 #otal niversit! [ B$d'et Entit! [ +ice (hancellor [ (olle'e/*ivision [ *epartment [ Acco$nt [ B$d'et (ate'or! [ 83Aect (ode B$d'et assi'nment 9enc$m3rances and expenses) is at the 3Cdi'it o3Aect level. /0 ?) *escri3e the special re>$irements concernin' c$rrenc!/c$rrenc! handlin' in relation to expendit$re and reven$e. 6hich limitations/relationships exist "or the c$rrencies $sed1 A0 &one


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AcceleratedSAP - Business Blueprint

/0 @) 2s it possi3le to exec$te now "or an! "$t$reC/past !ears 93$d'ets1). 2" so5 please 'ive a detailed description o" the processin' c$rrentl! in place. A0 At !earCend 9O$l!)5 old and new !ear 3$d'ets are open "or postin' o" dis3$rsements5 trans"ers5 cash receipts5 and O+Is. /0 8) *escri3e how down pa!ments 9s$ch as trip advances) are posted5 and how the! a""ect ;$nds Fana'ement. A0 *own pa!ments are entered with a #C29 ;orm 9,pecial .emittance and 8rder) and posted A$st li7e ordinar! expendit$res a'ainst 3$d'et. /0 9) (reate a list o" all so$rces o" reven$e.

A0 .even$e so$rces are appropriations 9state5 "ederal5 local)5 t$ition and "ees5 'i"ts5 'rants H contracts 9state5 "ederal5 local5 and private)5 endowment income5 sales H services5 and other so$rces. .even$e comes in as drawdown on appropriations and letters o" credit5 or chec7s5 cash5 char'e cards5 or A(4. /0 10) *escri3e the process "or allocatin' expendit$res/reven$es within the or'ani%ation.

A0 EN-E&*2# .E, nrestricted0 A pro'ram allocates 3ene"it costs at the end o" the month 3! "$nction and 3$d'et entit!. .estricted0 Allowa3le expenses are read 3! a pro'ram at the end o" each month to calc$late ;HA 9indirect costs) accordin' to the terms o" each 'rant or contract. .E+E& E, #here are no a$tomatic allocations o" reven$e "or either $nrestricted or restricted. /0 11) 4ow do !o$ handle reven$e/expendit$re that cannot 3e assi'ned to a speci"ic 3$d'et address1 A0 All are assi'ned to an acco$nt. /0 12) *escri3e in detail the impact that tax on sales/p$rchases postin' has on the 3$d'et.

A0 &/A /0 13) *escri3e the processes "or calc$latin' interest on arrears and d$nnin'5 and how the! a""ect the 3$d'et/;$nds Fana'ement. A0 &/A /0 1:) -rovide an overview o" the p$rchasin' process. 6hich part o" the process is lin7ed to the 3$d'et and what sort o" lin7 is it 93$d'et approval5 at the time o" open item postin'5 at the time o" act$al costs creation5 etc.)1 A0 .e>$isition CCCCZ -8 CCCCCCCCCZ 2nvoice CCCCCCCCCZ (hec7 91) 92) 93) 9:) /var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_3/205399238.doc "30 o( $'!

AcceleratedSAP - Business Blueprint

91) .e>$isitions are entered to p$rchasin'P no postin' to 'eneral led'er. 92) -$rchase orders 'enerate enc$m3rances to the 'eneral led'er. 93) 2nvoices ma! re"er to a p$rchase order or5 "or small dollar amo$nts5 3e the initial entr! to the -a!a3les s!stemP there is no postin' to the 'eneral led'er. 9:) (hec7s are written "or one or more invoicesP the! 'enerate expenses to the 'eneral led'er. /0 15) *o !o$ have to "ollow certain p$3lic proc$rement r$les 9=.;-Is=)5 please provide a description o" the r$les to 3e applied. A0 <es. ,tate Daw provides "or -roc$rement and Biddin' 9Dar'er Q items) proced$res. /0 1?) 2s there an inte'ration needed 3etween material mana'ement and 3$d'et mana'ement1 A0 <es /0 1@) *o !o$ sell services/prod$cts 9internal/external)1 *escri3e the existin' proced$res and their impact on the 3$d'et/3$d'et assi'nment. A0 <es nrestricted ;$nd ,ales/,ervices incl$de0 (on"erences 4earin' #ests Di3rar! ;ees Athletic #ic7ets H Ferchandise ,$mmer (amps *inin'/Dod'in' +eterinar! ,ervices 4ospitals Boo7stores 2mpact0 *edicated acco$nts5 where 2 acco$nts s$pport speci"ic E acco$nts. 2n .estricted ;$nds0 ,ponsored .esearch -$3lic ,ervice 9,tate #estin') 2n the restricted "$nds5 there are iss$es o" 3illin' and collectin' reim3$rsa3le costs. /0 18) <o$ $se an inte'rated sales s!stem. 2s it necessar! to estimate sales reven$e on the income side5 or is this expected income not reco'ni%ed in ;F $ntil the incomin' cash is posted 9or an invoice is sent)1 A0 Estimated income is recorded in reven$e 3$d'ets5 3oth =2= and =(= acco$nts. 2n $nrestricted "$nds5 income is reco'ni%ed at cash receipt. 2n restricted "$nds5 income is reco'ni%ed at time o" expense. /0 19) 2s there an inte'ration needed 3etween sales and 3$d'et mana'ement1

A0 <es


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AcceleratedSAP - Business Blueprint

/0 20) 2" there is a controllin' s!stem existin' to determine and crossCchar'e Jinternal costsK. -lease descri3e the c$rrent lo'ic applied and the relation / impact to the 3$d'et / 3$d'et exec$tion. A0 2nterCdepartmental char'e act$als are coded with a 3Cdi'it o3Aect endin' in 9 to si'ni"! a recover!. Expense 3$d'ets record 3oth 'ross and recover! amo$nts 3! 2Cdi'it o3Aect code. 2ncome acco$nts are not a""ected 3! internal reCallocations. /0 21) 4ow is overhead cost 9i" an!) treated "or 3$d'et to act$al comparison1

A0 &/A /0 22) 2s there also an availa3ilit! control "or postin's to 3alance sheet acco$nts1

A0 &/A /0 23) 2s there an inte'ration needed 3etween controllin' and 3$d'et mana'ement1

A0 <es /0 2:) *escri3e the pa!roll inte'ration into ;inance and B$d'et. -lease incl$de the handlin' o" 3ene"its too. A0 ,alar! 3$d'et s!stem extracts data "rom pa!roll into an online s!stem availa3le "or $pdate "or a limited time5 3C: wee7s startin' in late April. #he -roposed ,alar! B$d'et 9-,B) s!stem incl$des0 o 3rea7down 3! person and distri3$tion acco$nts o vacant positions5 l$mp s$m positions5 or position histor! added man$all! o 3ene"it costs proAected $sin' de"a$lts and emplo!ee attri3$tes. o hi'h level reportin' "rom April tho$'h O$ne #he -,B is reconciled to department o3Aect code 3$d'ets Fa! C O$ne. A"ter the 3$d'et is "inali%ed5 -,B data is "ed 3ac7 to pa!roll to record salar! chan'es. (han'es to c$rrent !ear positions 9-A;s) "rom the start o" 3$d'et process thr$ !earCend are entered to pa!roll man$all! 9Fa! C O$ne 30). Bene"its are 3$d'eted at the "$nction/3$d'et entit! level "or c$rrent $nrestricted acco$nts. #he! are char'ed to 3ene"it t!pe pool acco$nts and then are distri3$ted at monthCend to 3$d'et entit!/"$nction pool acco$nts 3ased on U o" salar!. Bene"its "or a$xiliar! and restricted acco$nts are 3$d'eted and expended at the acco$nt level. Ever! pa!roll has an inter"ace to ;inancial to char'e the la3or and 3ene"its to the distri3$tion acco$nts and appropriate o3Aect codes. ;inancial interro'ates the distri3$tion acco$nt5 and i" it does not 3ear its own sta"" 3ene"its5 that part o" the cost is switched to the 3ene"itCt!pe pool acco$nt. Fost salaries and wa'es in the $nrestricted "$nds are enc$m3ered at the 3e'innin' o" the !ear. Each pa!roll deo3li'ates 3! the amo$nt o" pa! and ma7es adA$stments "or rate o" pa! chan'es "or the remainder o" the "iscal !ear.


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AcceleratedSAP - Business Blueprint

/0 25) 2s there an inte'ration needed 3etween h$man reso$rce/pa!roll and 3$d'et mana'ement1 A0 <es /0 2?) *escri3e in detail how the inventor! process is carried o$t5 and which postin's are made in this context 9represented in ;$nds Fana'ement). Are there an! local5 state5 or national re>$irements 9 ,A)1 A0 Act$al postin's are li7e an! other t!pes o" expendit$res on the G/D acco$nt. 2nventories are trac7ed thro$'h o""line s!stems. /0 2@) *o !o$ $se asset acco$ntin'1 *escri3e how assets are posted 9capitali%ation5 depreciation5 retirement5 etc.) and their impact on "$nds mana'ement. Are there an! di""erences "or special "$nds1 A0 E&( FB.A&(E, A&* 8BD2GA#28&, #he enc$m3rance o" o3li'ations a'ainst nexpended -lant ;$nd proAects occ$rs when "ormal contracts5 p$rchase orders5 and chan'e orders are iss$ed as "ollows0 (ontracts. A'reements with architects5 principal contractors and5 at times5 en'ineerin' and inspectin' "irms m$st 3e 3! "ormal contract. #hese contracts m$st 3e approved 3! the Board o" #r$stees5 si'ned 3! the -resident or a +ice -resident5 and "orwarded to the #reas$rerIs 8""ice. #he amo$nt o" each contract then will 3e recorded as an enc$m3rance a'ainst the proAect acco$nt5 and the $ncommitted 3alance o" the proAect will 3e red$ced. -$rchase 8rders. A second method "or enc$m3erin' plant "$nds is thro$'h p$rchase orders. &ormall!5 p$rchase orders will 3e iss$ed "or mova3le e>$ipment p$rchases and "or other o3li'ations o" small amo$nts. .e>$isitions ma! 3e prepared either 3! the camp$s representative or the *irector o" ;acilities -lannin'. #he *irector will "orward the re>$isitions to the appropriate camp$s/$nit -$rchasin' *epartment. ;or certain lar'e proAects at camp$ses or $nits other than Enoxville5 the *irector ma! arran'e to $se the Enoxville camp$s -$rchasin' *epartment. &ormal -$rchasin' *epartment proced$res will 3e "ollowed "or plant "$nd proAects. 6hen the #reas$rerIs 8""ice receives a cop! o" the p$rchase order5 this amo$nt will 3e recorded as an enc$m3rance a'ainst the proAect acco$nt5 and the $ncommitted 3alance will 3e red$ced. (han'e 8rders. *$rin' a constr$ction proAect5 sometimes the amo$nt speci"ied in the contract or p$rchase order ma! need to 3e increased or decreased. #his is done with chan'e orders5 which ma! 3e prepared 3! a proAect architect and m$st 3e approved 3! the *irector o" ;acilities -lannin' 9a"ter cons$ltation with appropriate camp$s o""icials) and +ice -resident "or B$siness and ;inance. -ro'rammatic chan'e orders re>$ested 3! 3$ildin' $sers sho$ld 3e approved 3! the appropriate camp$s o""icials and "orwarded to the *irector o" ;acilities -lannin'. Beca$se a chan'e order modi"ies the ori'inal contract5 it m$st 3e s$3mitted thro$'h the normal contract review process and exec$ted 3! a +ice -resident. #he ori'inal chan'e order then will 3e transmitted to the #reas$rerIs 8""ice "or recordin'. A cop! o" the chan'e order sho$ld 3e sent to the appropriate camp$s o""icial. #he #reas$rerIs 8""ice is responsi3le "or "ollowin' the c$rrent ,tate B$ildin' (ommission polic! on chan'e orders. 2n rare circ$mstances5 the *irector o" ;acilities -lannin' ma! need to approve an emer'enc! chan'e. #his emer'enc! approval normall! will involve a small chan'e in the contract amo$nt. #he *irector o" ;acilities -lannin' will noti"! the +ice -resident "or B$siness and ;inance as soon as possi3le in writin'5 with copies to the #reas$rerIs 8""ice and the appropriate camp$s o""icial. A "ormal chan'e order will 3e exec$ted at the earliest possi3le date. /var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_3/205399238.doc "33 o( $'!

AcceleratedSAP - Business Blueprint

/0 28) 2" there are di""erent treatments with "$nds in the context o" asset handlin'0 in which "$nds do !o$ 3oo7 !o$r assets5 how are those depreciated 9e.'. "or enterprise and 'overnmental "$nds). A0 B$ildin's0 Expensed in -lant ;$nds =O= acco$nts "or 3$d'etar! p$rposes. Dater the! are capitali%ed in 2nvested in -lant =F= acco$nts "or "inancial statements. E>$ipment0 Expensed in the appropriate expense acco$nt "or 3$d'etar! p$rposes5 and later capitali%ed in 2nvested in -lant =F= acco$nts "or "inancial statements. #he r$les are the same "or all t!pes o" "$nds. #he niversit! has never had to depreciate 3e"ore5 3$t will 3e $sin' strai'htCline depreciation5 3e'innin' in ;<2001. /0 29) -lease descri3e the impact o" asset maintenance e""orts on the 3$d'et.

A0 2" this means 3$ildin' renovation0 proAects Z Q1005000 are esta3lished in niversit!C6ide Administration =O= expense acco$nts. ] Q1005000 proAects are char'ed initiall! to =E= expense acco$nts5 then reclassi"ied to =O= acco$nts. Both t!pes o" acco$nts are 3$d'eted "or the entire proAect cost. 2" this means e>$ipment service contracts0 /0 30) 2s there an inte'ration needed 3etween h$man asset acco$ntin' and 3$d'et mana'ement1 A0 <es /0 31) *escri3e !o$r acco$nts receiva3le acco$ntin' s!stem.

A0 #he 'rant and contract s!stem prepares 3ills "or sponsored proAects $sin'0 C the 'eneral led'er to determine eli'i3le expenses5 C one o" several possi3le 3illin' 3ases 9e.'.5. cost reim3$rsement)5 C one o" several possi3le 3illin' c!cles 9monthl!5 >$arterl!5 etc.)5 C a related acco$nts receiva3le acco$nt to post the 3illed amo$nt. (ash receipts are matched with o$tstandin' A/. to li>$idate them. npaid 3ills appear on a d$nnin' and a'in' report a"ter :5 da!s. /0 32) *escri3e !o$r acco$nts pa!a3le acco$ntin' s!stem.

A0 Acco$nts -a!a3le is $sed to enter pa!ments a'ainst p$rchases orders and travel itineraries5 and also to initiate pa!ments "rom invoices with no precedin' doc$ments. 2t $ses two vendor "iles0 91) the +endor data 3ase is shared with p$rchasin'5 and 92) the -a!ee data 3ase is $sed 3! A- alone5 "or emplo!ees d$e travel reCim3$rsements5 temporar! vendors5 and smallCdollar pa!ments to vendors not on the +endor data 3ase. -a!ments are entered5 spotCchec7ed5 and released in 3atches. -a!ments are processed "ive ni'hts a wee75 with a pro'ram com3inin' all pa!ments to the same vendor5 $nless the pa!ment has 3een mar7ed to 7eep separate. Each chec7 has a remittance advice itemi%in'


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AcceleratedSAP - Business Blueprint

the invoices 3ein' paid and doc$mentin' the niversit! acco$nts and o3Aects 3ein' char'ed. #he chec7 n$m3er and date are recorded on each invoice paid. (redit memos are entered li7e invoices5 and com3ined with pa!ments to the same vendor. =Emer'enc!= chec7s are allowedP the! are entered to the s!stem li7e invoices5 except the chec7 n$m3er is 7nown at entr! time. /0 33) 2nte'ration with -$rchasin'0 6hich doc$ments/transactions exist and at what point are 3$d'et assi'nments made 9"or example5 p$rchase re>$isitions5 p$rchase orders5 contract release5 etc.)1 A0 -$rchases o" Q2000 or more m$st 3e initiated with a re>$isition sent to -$rchasin'. #here is no correspondin' postin' to the 'eneral led'er. Q2000 is also the threshold "or p$rchases that sho$ld 3e 3id5 with some exceptions "or proprietar! prod$cts5 etc. -$rchasin' sends o$t an .;/5 and handles the 3iddin' and vendor selection. A s$ccess"$l 3id on a re>$isition 3ecomes a p$rchase order. At this point5 an inter"ace with the 'eneral led'er creates an enc$m3rance "or re'$lar -8s. Blan7et -8s are not enc$m3ered at #. 2nvoices a'ainst a re'$lar p$rchase order deCo3li'ate the enc$m3rance and create an expense postin'P on 3lan7et -8s5 there is onl! the expense. #he expense ma! 3e distri3$ted to m$ltiple acco$nts and acco$nts di""erent "rom the ori'inal o3li'ation. &ote0 2n o$r s!stem desi'n o" #Is acco$nt str$ct$re5 the cost center in (8 will 3e mapped oneC"orCone to a "$nd and "$nds center in ;F. 6ith this in mind5 in ./3 when a $ser decides to chan'e a cost center once a re>$isition has 3een saved5 the "$nd and "$nds center will not chan'e 3ased on the new cost center. Accordin' to ,h!am5 we will implement a =$ser exit= to ma7e s$re that the correct "$nd and "$nds center will 3e re"lected when a cost center is chan'ed. /0 3:) 2s there an! inte'ration 3etween !o$r travel mana'ement and "$nds mana'ement1

A0 <es /0 35) -rovide an overview o" vol$me o" data per doc$ment t!pe.

A0 #otal o" 2.5 million per !ear. 2n order o" vol$me0 #rans"ers o" expenses (hec7 dis3$rsements -a!roll chec7s Oo$rnal vo$chers (ash receipts -$rchase 8rders/enc$m3rances B$d'et revisions B+ chec7s -a!roll enc$m3rances /0 3?) Archivin'0 6hich o3Aects 9transaction data) have to remain "or how lon' in the s!stem1


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AcceleratedSAP - Business Blueprint

A0 3 or : months o" c$rrent 3$d'et5 enc$m3rances5 and expendit$res 2: months o" transaction detail/postin' activities 3 !ears o" 3$d'et data 93enchmar7 3$d'ets) 3 !ears o" end o" month 3alances 2n tape archives5 we have0 18 !ears o" acco$nts with attri3$tes and end o" !ear 3alances. 20 !ears o" postin' activities. /0 3@) Are there an! inter"aces to other applications at exec$tion time1 -lease provide a detailed inter"ace description and present the data to 3e handed over. A0 (amp$s 3oo7stores5 comp$ter centers5 st$dent in"ormation s!stems5 and telephone services provide tapes o" char'es 9#+s) 3! acco$nt and o3Aect at ever! month end. #r$st -rocessor/2nvestment s!stem provides "iles o" cash receipts several times wee7l!P a Ao$rnal entr! "ile monthl! "or trans"ers o" "$nds to the (onsolidated 2nvestment -oolP and a Ao$rnal entr! "ile >$arterl! to record distri3$tion o" -ool income to mem3er acco$nts. /0 38) *escri3e which in"ormation that is c$rrentl! availa3le in !o$r s!stem also needs to 3e present in the "$t$re. A0 6e will contin$e to need endCo"Cmonth and c$rrent 3alances "or each acco$nt 3! o3Aect 9or other appropriate) 3rea7o$t code. 6e will want to view detailed transactions that s$pport 3$d'et5 enc$m3rance5 and act$al "i'$res. 6e record "o$r pointCinCtime 3$d'ets per !ear 98ri'inal5 .evised5 -ro3a3le5 and ;inal). 3/5/,/1/ "!estions: /0 1) *escri3e in detail the in"ormation to 3e stored on the "$nds reservation doc$ment 9list o" "ields5 short description5 properties o" "ields5 etc.). A0 #he niversit! can $se a O+ to enc$m3er o3li'ations5 3$t this is not practiced 3! the departments. #he doc$ment sho$ld identi"!0 o Acco$nt o 83Aect o ,hort *escription o Amo$nt o ni>$e identi"!in' n$m3er "or s$3se>$ent li>$idatin' transaction o Entr! *ate o *$e *ate /0 2) 6hich in"ormation is possi3l! chan'ed "or the "$nds reservation doc$ment1 Generate a list o" all "ields/"ield contents. A0 A chan'e to an essential "ield5 s$ch as acco$nt5 sho$ld 3e re"lected in a new transaction9s) doc$mentin' the chan'eP a chan'e in the description5 on the other hand5 co$ld 3e made directl! to the doc$ment with a minimal a$dit trail. C% Template: /var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_3/205399238.doc "3$ o( $'! F!nds Reser*ation

AcceleratedSAP - Business Blueprint

1. .e>$irements/Expectations =armar:ed F!nds Doc!ment Definition B$siness transactions in ;$nds Fana'ement that claim alread! allocated 3$d'et "or expected reven$es or expendit$res. #he "ollowin' 3$siness transactions are 'ro$ped to'ether $nder the term Earmar7ed ;$nds0 ;$nds reservations ;$nds precommitments ;$nds commitments ;$nds 3loc7in' ;orecast o" reven$e >se *i""erentiation criteria "or $sin' these t!pes can have the "ollowin' aspects0 B$d'etC3ased commitment character Application o" "$nds 3! "$nctional speci"ication External le'al commitment F!nds reser*ations sin' "$nds reservations !o$ can ma7e an earl! claim "or parts o" the 3$d'et e.'. "or a proAect5 witho$t needin' to 7now the exact application o" "$nds. #he "$nds reservation is considered a preliminar! step o" "$nds precommitments and "$nds commitments in which the $ser can re"er to the "$nds reservation. ,o the "$nds reservation provides a "ramewor7 "or "$t$re 3$d'et $sa'e5 within which all s$3se>$ent activities ta7e place. F!nds precommitments A "$nds precommitment can re"er to a "$nds reservation. 6ith a "$nds precommitment the $ser is more "amiliar with the application o" "$nds witho$t havin' alread! entered into a concrete contract$al a'reement with external parties. F!nds commitments ;or "$nds commitments the le'al commitment pla!s a role in addition to the application o" "$nds. ,$ch le'al commitments can "or example 3e p$rchase orders with a s$pplier or other contract$al a'reements. sin' the "$nds commitment !o$ can 'o 3ac7 to "$nds that were provided 3! a "$nds reservation or a "$nds preCcommitment. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ #he e>$ivalent o" ;$nds .eservation in the c$rrent s!stem is in *F,5 a reservation o" "$nds 3! commitment item witho$t a re>$isition or p$rchase order havin' 3een processed. ;$nds .eservation in ./3 will maintain some o" *F,Is "$nctionalit! in earmar7in' portions o" a 3$d'et. 2. General Explanations sin' "$nds reservations one can ma7e an earl! claim "or parts o" the 3$d'et e.'. "or a proAect5 witho$t needin' to 7now the exact application o" "$nds. 2t allows the a3ilit! to enc$m3er costs "or speci"ic transactions that wo$ld normall! not re>$ire a p$rchase order. 3. Explanations o" ;$nctions and Events /var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_3/205399238.doc "3& o( $'!

AcceleratedSAP - Business Blueprint

;$nds reservation does not 'o thro$'h the normal proc$rement process 9i.e. "rom a p$rchase re>$isition to a p$rchase order). 8nce created5 it is an enc$m3rance to the 3$d'et. ;$nds reservations entered in ;$nds Fana'ement are a$tomaticall! red$ced when !o$ enter correspondin' postin's 9s$ch as down pa!ments5 invoices5 pa!ments) in ;inancial Acco$ntin' with the additional acco$nt assi'nment =;$nds .eservation=. Creating =armar:ed F!nds 6rereC!isites #a7e into acco$nt that the c$rrent "ield selection when processin' earmar7ed "$nds is dependent on the respective doc$ment t!pe and the speci"ications made "or the doc$ment t!pe in the /unds ?anagement ($stomi%in'. ;or "$rther in"ormation on the "ield control5 see ;ield (ontrol Earmar7ed ;$nds and in the ;$nds Fana'ement 2FG $nder %osting D .armarked funds and funds transfers' ;or the processin' o" earmar7ed "$nds !o$ re>$ire the a$thori%ation "or a$thori%ation o3Aect ;_; &*,.E, per doc$ment t!pe. 6roced!res (hoose Accounting D /inancia& accounting D /unds ?anagement D %osting actions D the desired "inancial transaction D Create' Enter the header data on the initial screen0 <o$ can process earmar7ed "$nds 3oth on the overview screen and on the detail screen. <o$ can onl! enter acco$nt assi'nments5 an amo$nt or a re"erence to other earmar7ed "$nds on the overview screen. 8n the detail screen !o$ can $se all "$nctions that are availa3le to !o$ "or processin' a doc$ment item. ;or more in"ormation5 see *oc$ment Entr! ;$nctions0 *oc$ment 2tem. (hoose Fuick entry to reach the overview screen. (hoose Detai& &ine item to reach the detail screen. Enter data as re>$ired. 2" !o$ enter a (8 acco$nt assi'nment a commitment is 'enerated in (ontrollin' i" the commitments mana'ement in (ontrollin' is active. #his onl! ta7es place when postin' "$nds reservations5 "$nds preCcommitments and "$nds commitments. ,ave !o$r inp$t. :. B$siness Fodel &one 5. ,pecial 8r'ani%ational (onsiderations Acco$nts pa!a3le and proc$rement personnel ma! need to 3e crossCtrained i" "$nds reservation transaction in the ;$nds Fana'ement mod$le is $sed. ?. (han'es to Existin' 8r'ani%ation &o chan'es to the exisitin' or'ani%ation. @. *escription o" 2mprovements An! "inancial o3li'ations can 3e enc$m3ered witho$t "lowin' thro$'h the normal 3$siness processes 9e.'. -85 salaries). 8. *escription o" ;$nctional *e"icits /var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_3/205399238.doc "3' o( $'!

AcceleratedSAP - Business Blueprint

&one 9. Approaches to (overin' ;$nctional *e"icits &/A 10. &otes on ;$rther 2mprovements &one are apparent at this time 11. ,!stem (on"i'$ration (onsiderations A doc$ment t!pe and compan! code m$st 3e de"ined per ;F Area. Also5 3$d'et pro"iles "or "$nds m$st 3e de"ined as to whether the 3$d'et to 3e earmar7ed is an ann$al 3$d'et 9 nrestricted ;$nds) or an overall 3$d'et 9.estricted ;$nds). Also5 the appropriate $pdate pro"ile m$st 3e assi'ned to the ;F area. 12. A$thori%ation and ser .oles A$thori%ation m$st 3e 'iven to a person responsi3le "or the 3$d'et $sin' a$thori%ation o3Aects that will de"ine the roles "or each $ser. 13. -roAect ,peci"ic (2 ,ection &/A 3/5/,/2/ "!estions: /0 1) *escri3e in detail the in"ormation to 3e incl$ded on the ="$nds preCcommitment= doc$ment 9"ield list5 short description5 "ield attri3$tes5 etc.). A0 #he niversit! has had nothin' e>$ivalent to "$nds preCcommitment5 3$t we ma! $se it in the "$t$re. ,$ch an item sho$ld identi"!0 o Acco$nt o 83Aect o ,hort *escription o Amo$nt o ni>$e identi"!in' n$m3er "or s$3se>$ent li>$idatin' transaction o Entr! *ate o *$e *ate /0 2) 6hich in"ormation co$ld 3e chan'ed "or the =;$nds preCcommitment= doc$ment1 Fa7e a list o" all "ields/"ield contents. A0 (han'es sho$ld 3e entered in the ori'inatin' s!stem5 pa!roll5 3$t even then a chan'e to an essential "ield5 s$ch as acco$nt5 sho$ld 3e re"lected in a new transaction9s) doc$mentin' the chan'e. F!nds 6re2commitment


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C% Template: 1. .e>$irements/Expectations =armar:ed F!nds Doc!ment Definition B$siness transactions in ;$nds Fana'ement that claim alread! allocated 3$d'et "or expected reven$es or expendit$res. #he "ollowin' 3$siness transactions are 'ro$ped to'ether $nder the term Earmar7ed ;$nds0 ;$nds reservations ;$nds precommitments ;$nds commitments ;$nds 3loc7in' ;orecast o" reven$e >se *i""erentiation criteria "or $sin' these t!pes can have the "ollowin' aspects0 B$d'etC3ased commitment character Application o" "$nds 3! "$nctional speci"ication External le'al commitment F!nds reser*ations sin' "$nds reservations !o$ can ma7e an earl! claim "or parts o" the 3$d'et e.'. "or a proAect5 witho$t needin' to 7now the exact application o" "$nds. #he "$nds reservation is considered a preliminar! step o" "$nds precommitments and "$nds commitments in which the $ser can re"er to the "$nds reservation. ,o the "$nds reservation provides a "ramewor7 "or "$t$re 3$d'et $sa'e5 within which all s$3se>$ent activities ta7e place. F!nds precommitments A "$nds precommitment can re"er to a "$nds reservation. 6ith a "$nds precommitment the $ser is more "amiliar with the application o" "$nds witho$t havin' alread! entered into a concrete contract$al a'reement with external parties. F!nds commitments ;or "$nds commitments the le'al commitment pla!s a role in addition to the application o" "$nds. ,$ch le'al commitments can "or example 3e p$rchase orders with a s$pplier or other contract$al a'reements. sin' the "$nds commitment !o$ can 'o 3ac7 to "$nds that were provided 3! a "$nds reservation or a "$nds preCcommitment. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ #he niversit! has nothin' e>$ivalent to "$nds preCcommitment. #he! will 3e $sed to earmar7 "$nds reserved 3! vacant positions in the 4. mod$le. ,$ch an item sho$ld identi"!0 Acco$nt 83Aect ,hort *escription Amo$nt ni>$e identi"!in' n$m3er "or s$3se>$ent li>$idatin' transaction Entr! *ate *$e *ate 2. General Explanations ;$nds precommitments are ;F "$nds reservations ori'inated in the 4. mod$le when a /var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_3/205399238.doc "!0 o( $'!

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vacant position is created. 3. Explanations o" ;$nctions and Events 6hen a 4. personnel creates a new position5 an enc$m3rance will a$tomaticall! 3e created in the 4. ;$nds and -osition Fana'ement 94.C;-F) mod$les 3ased on its pa! scale classi"ication. #he pa! scale classi"ication corresponds to a monetar! val$e. #his monetar! val$e determines the re>$ired "$nds o" a position. :. B$siness Fodel &one 5. ,pecial 8r'ani%ational (onsiderations Altho$'h the creation o" new positions is done in 4.5 ;2 personnel responsi3le "or the 3$d'et m$st 7now how this will a""ect their "$ndin'. Also5 to achieve 3$d'et inte'ration i" the ;F master data and 4.C;-F master data are to 3e lin7ed5 the creation o" B$d'et ,tr$ct$re elements m$st 3e tri''ered in ;F. #here"ore5 a decision m$st 3e made whether 4. or ;inance will exec$te and maintain this transaction. ?. (han'es to Existin' 8r'ani%ation Altho$'h chan'es will mostl! 3e "rom 4. side "rom 4.C;-F5 "inance personnel m$st 3e a3le to $nderstand how the position s!stem 94.C;-F) a""ects their 3$d'et. @. *escription o" 2mprovements ($rrentl!5 # does not have a position trac7in'/control s!stem $nder 4.. ;$nds preC commitment will provide # the capa3ilit! to enc$m3er "$nds "or vacant positions. 8. *escription o" ;$nctional *e"icits &one 9. Approaches to (overin' ;$nctional *e"icits &/A 10. &otes on ;$rther 2mprovements &one are apparent at this time 11. ,!stem (on"i'$ration (onsiderations A doc$ment t!pe and compan! code m$st 3e de"ined per ;F Area. B$d'et pro"iles "or "$nds m$st 3e de"ined "or ann$al 3$d'et 9 nrestricted ;$nds) and an overall 3$d'et /var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_3/205399238.doc "!1 o( $'!

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9.estricted ;$nds) "$nds. #he appropriate $pdate pro"ile m$st 3e assi'ned to the ;F area. 12. A$thori%ation and ser .oles A$thori%ation m$st 3e 'iven to a person responsi3le "or the 3$d'et $sin' a$thori%ation o3Aects that will help de"ine the roles "or each $ser. #he act$al creation o" positions will occ$r in the 4. ;$nds and -osition Fana'ement mod$le. 13. -roAect ,peci"ic (2 ,ection &/A 3/5/,/,/ "!estions: /0 1) *escri3e in detail which in"ormation is to 3e stored on the 3$d'et doc$ment 9list o" "ields5 short description5 and properties o" "ields). A0 At the o o o o o o o niversit!5 salar! enc$m3rances are e>$ivalent to "$nds commitment. 6e identi"!0 Acco$nt 83Aect ,hort *escription Amo$nt ni>$e identi"!in' n$m3er 9possi3l! p$rchase order n$m3er) "or s$3se>$ent li>$idatin' transaction Entr! *ate E""ective date 9ma!3e -8 date) F!nds Commitment

/0 2) 6hich in"ormation 9"ields) is possi3l! chan'ed "or the "$nds commitment doc$ment1 -lease provide a list o" all "ields/"ield contents. A0 (han'es sho$ld 3e entered in the ori'inatin' s!stems5 pa!roll or materials mana'ement5 3$t even then a chan'e to an essential "ield5 s$ch as acco$nt5 sho$ld 3e re"lected in a new transaction9s) doc$mentin' the chan'e. C% Template: 1. .e>$irements/Expectations At the niversit!5 enc$m3rances are e>$ivalent to "$nd commitments. #he! identi"!0 Acco$nt 83Aect ,hort *escription Amo$nt ni>$e identi"!in' n$m3er 9possi3l! p$rchase order n$m3er) "or s$3se>$ent li>$idatin' transaction Entr! *ate E""ective date 9ma!3e -8 date)

At the end o" the month5 a pa!roll r$n sets $p enc$m3rances 3ased on the act$als. /var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_3/205399238.doc "!2 o( $'!

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8peratin' enc$m3rances are set $p as re>$isitions and p$rchase orders are created. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ =armar:ed F!nds Doc!ment Definition B$siness transactions in ;$nds Fana'ement that claim alread! allocated 3$d'et "or expected reven$es or expendit$res. #he "ollowin' 3$siness transactions are 'ro$ped to'ether $nder the term Earmar7ed ;$nds0 ;$nds reservations ;$nds precommitments ;$nds commitments ;$nds 3loc7in' ;orecast o" reven$e >se *i""erentiation criteria "or $sin' these t!pes can have the "ollowin' aspects0 B$d'etC3ased commitment character Application o" "$nds 3! "$nctional speci"ication External le'al commitment F!nds reser*ations sin' "$nds reservations !o$ can ma7e an earl! claim "or parts o" the 3$d'et e.'. "or a proAect5 witho$t needin' to 7now the exact application o" "$nds. #he "$nds reservation is considered a preliminar! step o" "$nds preCcommitments and "$nds commitments in which the $ser can re"er to the "$nds reservation. ,o the "$nds reservation provides a "ramewor7 "or "$t$re 3$d'et $sa'e5 within which all s$3se>$ent activities ta7e place. F!nds pre2commitments A "$nds preCcommitment can re"er to a "$nds reservation. 6ith a "$nds preCcommitment the $ser is more "amiliar with the application o" "$nds witho$t havin' alread! entered into a concrete contract$al a'reement with external parties. F!nds commitments ;or "$nds commitments the le'al commitment pla!s a role in addition to the application o" "$nds. ,$ch le'al commitments can "or example 3e p$rchase orders with a s$pplier or other contract$al a'reements. sin' the "$nds commitment !o$ can 'o 3ac7 to "$nds that were provided 3! a "$nds reservation or a "$nds preCcommitment. 2. General Explanations 2t is expected that re>$isitions5 p$rchase orders5 and 4. activit! in ./3 will contin$e to create commitments 9enc$m3rances). ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ #he "$nds that are reserved in the ./3 ;$nds Fana'ement component when a person is "inanced via a position 9"illed position). 3. Explanations o" ;$nctions and Events ;or "$nds commitments the le'al commitment pla!s a role in addition to the application o" "$nds. ,$ch le'al commitments can "or example 3e p$rchase orders with a s$pplier or other contract$al a'reements. sin' the "$nds commitment !o$ can 'o 3ac7 to "$nds that were provided 3! a "$nds reservation or a "$nds preCcommitment. 6hen a 4. personnel "ills a position5 in the 4. ;$nds and -osition Fana'ement 94.C /var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_3/205399238.doc "!3 o( $'!

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;-F) mod$le5 it will a$tomaticall! li>$idate the "$nds preCcommitment and create an enc$m3rance 3ased on either the pa! scale classi"ication o" the person 3ein' "inanced or the re>$ired "$nds o" a person are 3ased on a sim$lation o" the pa!roll. :. B$siness Fodel

5. ,pecial 8r'ani%ational (onsiderations Altho$'h the creation o" "illed positions is done in 4.5 ;2 personnel responsi3le "or the 3$d'et m$st 7now how this will a""ect their "$ndin'. ;F master data and 4.C;-F master data are to 3e lin7ed to achieve 3$d'et inte'ration. #he creation o" B$d'et ,tr$ct$re elements m$st 3e tri''ered in ;F. #here"ore5 a decision m$st 3e made as to which department m$st exec$te and maintain this transaction. 4. or ;inance1 ?. (han'es to Existin' 8r'ani%ation &o chan'es are anticipated to the existin' or'ani%ation. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Altho$'h chan'es will mostl! 3e "rom 4. / 4.C;-F and FF5 "inance personnel m$st 3e a3le to $nderstand how the other mod$les a""ects their 3$d'et. @. *escription o" 2mprovements #he salar! enc$m3rances can 3e trac7ed 3ac7 to when the positions was created with all historical data. 8. *escription o" ;$nctional *e"icits &one 9. Approaches to (overin' ;$nctional *e"icits &/A 10. &otes on ;$rther 2mprovements &one are apparent at this time 11. ,!stem (on"i'$ration (onsiderations A doc$ment t!pe and compan! code m$st 3e de"ined "or the ;F Area. Also5 3$d'et pro"iles "or "$nds m$st 3e de"ined whether it is an ann$al 3$d'et 9 nrestricted ;$nds) or an overall 3$d'et 9.estricted ;$nds). Also5 the appropriate $pdate pro"ile m$st 3e assi'ned to the ;F area. 12. A$thori%ation and ser .oles /var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_3/205399238.doc "!! o( $'!

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A$thori%ation m$st 3e 'iven to a person responsi3le "or the 3$d'et $sin' a$thori%ation o3Aects that will help de"ine the roles "or each $ser. #he act$al creation o" "illed positions will remain with the 4. personnel5 thro$'h the 4. ;$nds and -osition Fana'ement mod$le. 13. -roAect ,peci"ic (2 ,ection &/A 3/5/,/3/ "!estions: /0 1) 2s it necessar! to a$tomaticall! "la' the ;F commitments doc$ments 9s$ch as "$nds reservation5 "$nds preCcommitment5 "$nds commitment5 etc.) as =completed=1 A0 (ommitments doc$ments sho$ld 3e so mar7ed when the! are "$ll! li>$idated. C% Template: 1. .e>$irements/Expectations (ommitments doc$ments sho$ld 3e so mar7ed when the! are "$ll! li>$idated. Closing (perations on Commitments >se <o$ can carr! "orward commitments posted in the c$rrent "iscal !ear 9e.'. p$rchase re>$isitions5 p$rchase orders5 Earmar7ed ;$nds) into the "ollowin' "iscal !ear and these are not red$ced $ntil the "ollowin' "iscal !ear. #he commitments carried "orward then de3it the 3$d'et in the new !ear. 6rereC!isites #he closin' operations in the ;$nds Fana'ement "eeder components sho$ld 3e closed 3eca$se chan'es to ori'inal doc$ments made 3! the s!stem are not a$tomaticall! s$pported in ;$nds Fana'ement. -ar7ed "inancial acco$ntin' doc$ments 9;2 doc$ments) sho$ld 3e reversed 3eca$se these ma! have alread! $sed 3$d'et 3$t are not ta7en into acco$nt in the commitments carr! "orward. &ote that !o$ can onl! exec$te a commitment carr! "orward i" it is speci"ied in the ;$nds Fana'ement ($stomi%in' 9in the de"a$lt settin's "or the !earCend operations) that the commitment carr! "orward is allowed. ;or more in"ormation see /unds ?anagement 2FG5 section Enter *e"a$lt ,ettin's. sin' pro'ram .;;F(;F1 !o$ can 'et an overview o" the c$rrent ($stomi%in' settin's. 2" !o$ are wor7in' on a pa!ment 3asis !o$ m$st convert the line items "rom the =invoice= stat$s to the =pa!ment= stat$s $sin' the pro'ram .;;F,200. <o$ "ind "$rther in"ormation $nder -a!ment #rans"er as well as in the pro'ram doc$mentation. 2. General Explanations <o$ set an Earmar7ed ;$nds 9e.'. "$nds reservation5 "$nds precommitment5 "$nds commitment) or a doc$ment item to complete i" !o$ want to ret$rn $n$sed amo$nts o" earmar7ed "$nds to the 3$d'et. <o$ reset the complete indicator i" $n$sed amo$nts o" earmar7ed "$nds are to claim 3$d'et a'ain. /var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_3/205399238.doc "!" o( $'! Man!al Commitment Mass Maintenance)Closing in FM

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3. Explanations o" ;$nctions and Events 2" !o$ set the whole doc$ment or individ$al doc$ment items to =complete=5 this has the "ollowin' e""ects0 #he doc$ment is no lon'er chan'ea3le #his doc$ment can no lon'er 3e re"erred to d$rin' the postin' proced$re. 2" all the doc$ment items have not !et 3een entirel! exha$sted 3! "ollowCon doc$ments 9"or example "$nds commitment5 invoice)5 the assi'ned "$nds are ta7en 3ac7. #he assi'ned val$e o" the respective ;F acco$nt assi'nment is red$ced accordin'l!. Closing (perations on Commitments >se <o$ can carr! "orward commitments posted in the c$rrent "iscal !ear 9e.'. p$rchase re>$isitions5 p$rchase orders5 Earmar7ed ;$nds) into the "ollowin' "iscal !ear and these are not red$ced $ntil the "ollowin' "iscal !ear. #he commitments carried "orward then de3its the 3$d'et in the new !ear. 6rereC!isites #he closin' operations in the ;$nds Fana'ement "eeder components sho$ld 3e closed 3eca$se chan'es to ori'inal doc$ments made 3! the s!stem are not a$tomaticall! s$pported in ;$nds Fana'ement. -ar7ed "inancial acco$ntin' doc$ments 9;2 doc$ments) sho$ld 3e reversed 3eca$se these ma! have alread! $sed 3$d'et 3$t are not ta7en into acco$nt in the commitments carr! "orward. &ote that !o$ can onl! exec$te a commitment carr! "orward i" it is speci"ied in the ;$nds Fana'ement ($stomi%in'5 in the de"a$lt settin's "or the !earCend operations5 that the commitment carr! "orward is allowed. ;or more in"ormation see /unds ?anagement 2FG5 section Enter *e"a$lt ,ettin's. sin' pro'ram .;;F(;F1 !o$ can 'et an overview o" the c$rrent ($stomi%in' settin's. 2" !o$ are wor7in' on a pa!ment 3asis !o$ m$st convert the line items "rom the =invoice= stat$s to the =pa!ment= stat$s $sin' the pro'ram .;;F,200. <o$ "ind "$rther in"ormation $nder -a!ment #rans"er as well as in the pro'ram doc$mentation. 6rocess Flo+ #he carr! "orward o" open commitment doc$ments ta7es place in several steps Faintain (arr! "orward .$les <o$ m$st s$3se>$entl! assi'n these to the desired val$e t!pes in ;$nds Fana'ement ($stomi%in' $nder Additiona& functions b C&osing o!erations D C&osing o!erations commitments D Assi'n (arr! "orward -arameters "or (ommitments (arr! "orward ' Faintain (arr! "orward .$les ,elect *oc$ments 9.;;F(001). 6ith this pro'ram !o$ select the doc$ments to 3e carried "orward accordin' to partic$lar selection criteria. A"ter the pro'ram r$n the selected doc$ments in the line item ta3le 9;(AB-) are mar7ed as =earmar7ed "or carr! "orward=. ,$3se>$entl! !o$ can onl! carr! "orward these doc$ments into the new !ear. (arr! ;orward *oc$ments 9.;;F(010). .econstr$ct assi'ned val$es "or the old and the new "iscal !ear. ;or more in"ormation on this5 re"er to .estr$ct$rin' Assi'ned +al$es. <o$ sho$ld onl! exec$te steps 1C2 i" !o$ want to wor7 with carr! "orward parameters. ;or small doc$ment vol$mes 9$p to approx. 100 doc$ments) !o$ can adA$st assi'ned val$es d$rin' carr! "orward o" the open commitment doc$ments. 2n this case !o$ m$st not exec$te the reconstr$ction o" the assi'ned val$es separatel!. /var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_3/205399238.doc "!$ o( $'!

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Res!lt <o$ can displa! the commitment doc$ments carried "orward in the new in"ormation s!stem in the new !ear in the period 000. #he doc$ments can no lon'er 3e displa!ed "or the old "iscal !ear. B$d'et alread! assi'ned in the old "iscal !ear is released a'ain 3! the commitment carr! "orward. 2" the commitment carried "orward does not de3it the 3$d'et o" the new "iscal !ear !o$ can carr! "orward the released B$d'et "or the (ommitments into the new "iscal !ear. Re*ersing the commitments carry for+ard 2" open commitment doc$ments were carried "orward to the new "iscal !ear 3! mista7e when carr!in' "orward the commitments5 !o$ can move these doc$ments 3ac7 to the old "iscal !ear $sin' pro'ram .;;F(0:0. Changes to the original doc!ment 2" an invoice which was alread! carried "orward to the new !ear 3! the commitments carr! "orward is reversed in /inancia& Accounting5 the reversal doc$ment in /unds ?anagement receives the postin' date o" the ;2 doc$ment. :. B$siness Fodel &one 5. ,pecial 8r'ani%ational (onsiderations .esponsi3le individ$al9s) who is9are) involved in the creation o" Earmar7ed ;$nds m$st 3e the same individ$al9s) to maintain and close so that ;F commitments doc$ments are not closed in error. ?. (han'es to Existin' 8r'ani%ation &o chan'es to existin' or'ani%ation. @. *escription o" 2mprovements &one 8. *escription o" ;$nctional *e"icits &one 9. Approaches to (overin' ;$nctional *e"icits &/A 10. &otes on ;$rther 2mprovements &one 11. ,!stem (on"i'$ration (onsiderations


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2" one wants to set an earmar7ed "$nd to complete in the red$cin' ;inancial Acco$ntin' doc$ment 9invoice or par7ed doc$ment)5 the "ield Com!&ete in the codin' 3loc7 m$st 3e read! "or inp$t. 8ne enters the re>$ired settin's in the ;inancial Acco$ntin' ($stomi%in' in step ?aintain fie&d status variants' 12. A$thori%ation and ser .oles A$thori%ation m$st 3e 'iven to a person responsi3le "or the 3$d'et $sin' a$thori%ation o3Aects that will help de"ine the roles "or each $ser. 13. -roAect ,peci"ic (2 ,ection &/A 3/5/,/5/ "!estions: /0 1) *escri3e the relation 3etween income 3$d'et and expense 3$d'etP are there reven$es that no common5 once collected co$ld 'ive rise to expense1 A0 An increase to a reven$e acco$nt 3$d'et 'enerall! has an o""settin' entr! to an expense acco$nt 3$d'et or a decrease to another reven$e acco$nt. 9#he onl! other option is to increase a "$nd 3alance acco$nt.) ;or example5 increased "ood service reven$es co$ld 3e re"lected in an increase to the appropriate reven$e acco$nt 3$d'et o""set 3! an increase to the 3$d'et o" a "ood service expense acco$nt. 8r it co$ld 3e split 3etween the expense acco$nt and a related "$nd 3alance acco$nt 9to reserve "or "$t$re). 2n restricted "$nds5 increased 'i"ts5 "or example5 wo$ld 3e posted to the "$nd 3alance acco$nt and reco'ni%ed as reven$e when expenses on the related expense 9=.=) acco$nts occ$r. #he increase ma! 3e shown as a 3$d'et increase to the =.= acco$nt5 3$t o"ten is not. /0 2) *o !o$ have reC$sa3le reven$e/reven$es that increase the 3$d'et1 !dget %ncrease

A0 <es C% Template: 1. .e>$irements/Expectations #here are c$rrentl! no "$nds that $se reven$eCincreasin' 3$d'ets. 2t is anticipated that reven$es increasin' 3$d'et will not 3e $sed initiall!. 4owever5 there are some reven$e acco$nts lin7ed directl! to expendit$re acco$nts. #he reven$es are dedicated onl! to those expendit$re acco$nts. A sit$ation that ma! warrant loo7in' at this option in ./3 wo$ld 3e the ,ervice (enters C sel"Cs$pportin' departments that provide services to other departments that are "$nded thro$'h $ser char'es. ($rrentl! ,ervice (enters $se ne'ative expendit$re acco$nts to 3alance. ,ome reven$e acco$nts are lin7ed directl! to expendit$re acco$nts5 where the reven$es are dedicated onl! to those expendit$re acco$nts. 2" reven$es exceed the estimate in s$ch an acco$nt5 that increase sho$ld 3e availa3le in the related expendit$re acco$nt. An increase to a reven$e acco$nt 3$d'et 'enerall! has an o""settin' entr! to an expense acco$nt 3$d'et or a decrease to another reven$e acco$nt. 9#he onl! other option is to increase a "$nd 3alance acco$nt.) ;or example5 increased "ood service reven$es co$ld 3e re"lected in an increase to the /var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_3/205399238.doc "!' o( $'!

AcceleratedSAP - Business Blueprint

appropriate reven$e acco$nt 3$d'et o""set 3! an increase to the 3$d'et o" a "ood service expense acco$nt. 8r it co$ld 3e split 3etween the expense acco$nt and a related "$nd 3alance acco$nt 9to reserve "or "$t$re). 2n restricted "$nds5 increased 'i"ts5 "or example5 wo$ld 3e posted to the "$nd 3alance acco$nt and reco'ni%ed as reven$e when expenses on the related expense 9=.=) acco$nts occ$r. #he increase ma! 3e shown as a 3$d'et increase to the =.= acco$nt5 3$t o"ten is not. 2. General Explanations #hose reven$e acco$nts that "$nd a partic$lar expendit$re acco$nt co$ld 3e $pdated with the r$le "or ma7in' this distri3$tion. At the end o" each month5 the pro'ram "or eval$atin' these reven$es and calc$latin' the expendit$re 3$d'et increases will 3e r$n. ,ince the active availa3ilit! control wor7s onl! a'ainst elements that alread! have their =own= 3$d'et5 these elements m$st carr! 3$d'et independentl! o" the reven$es increasin' the 3$d'et. 3. Explanations o" ;$nctions and Events A "$nd m$st 3e identi"ied to receive reven$es increasin' 3$d'et. A distri3$tion r$le de"ines the percenta'e o" reven$es that can increase that 3$d'et. # pro3a3l! co$ld $se 100U5 3$t it is possi3le to p$t in a lower percenta'e alon' with a s$rpl$s ;F acco$nt assi'nment 9who 'ets the remainin' percenta'e). Distrib!tion r!les Definition *e"inition "or each reven$es ;F acco$nt assi'nment "or which expendit$res ;F acco$nt assi'nment9s) and at which level reven$es increase the 3$d'et. #he r$le also determines the ;F acco$nt assi'nment5 the soCcalled s$rpl$s ;F acco$nt assi'nment5 into which resid$al reven$es "low5 which are not 3$d'et increasin' "or the expendit$re ;F acco$nt assi'nments. >se *istri3$tion r$les "orm the 3asis "or increasin' existin' expendit$re 3$d'et "or partic$lar "$nctional areas d$e to Additional .even$es 2n the ;$nds Fana'ement ($stomi%in' !o$ de"ine in a proposal r$le at which level a reven$e increases the 3$d'et 9de"inition or additional reven$e). Besides this !o$ de"ine a s$rpl$s ;F acco$nt assi'nment in the proposal r$le. #he de"initions appear within the .$le Faintenance as a de"a$lt val$e and can 3e overwritten per reven$es ;F acco$nt assi'nments. <o$ m$st de"ine per reven$es ;F acco$nt assi'nment within the r$le maintenance "or which expendit$res ;F acco$nt assi'nment9s) the expendit$re 3$d'et can 3e increased. 'tr!ct!re A distri3$tion r$le consists o"0 !dget memo <o$ can control 3! de"inin' a 3$d'et memo "or the reven$es ;F acco$nt assi'nment and expendit$res ;F acco$nt assi'nments5 whether the 3$d'et increase is exec$ted a$tomaticall! or man$all!. $ssigning eApendit!res FM acco!nt assignment;s< to a re*en!es FM acco!nt assignment <o$ can de"ine per expendit$res ;F acco$nt assi'nment what percenta'e o" the 3$d'etCincreasin' amo$nt o" reven$e is allotted to these. Definition of additional re*en!es /var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_3/205399238.doc "!) o( $'!

AcceleratedSAP - Business Blueprint

#he s!stem calc$lates the respective reven$e amo$nt that can increase the 3$d'et o" the expendit$res ;F acco$nt assi'nments or "lows into the s$rpl$s ;F acco$nt assi'nment5 "rom the "ollowin' val$es0 6ercentage rate B! speci"!in' a percenta'e rate !o$ determine which share o" reven$e can 3e distri3$ted to the expendit$res ;F acco$nt assi'nments. Minim!m re*en!e and !pper limit ;ixed amo$nts <o$ can determine 3! speci"!in' an interval "rom which amo$nt 9minim$m reven$e) and to which level 9$pper limit) reven$es5 which are posted to the reven$es ;F acco$nt assi'nment5 increase the 3$d'et o" the expendit$res ;F acco$nt assi'nments. -ercenta'e o" the 3$d'et 2" !o$ have 3$d'eted "or reven$es !o$ can de"ine the minim$m reven$e and $pper limit in relation to the c$rrent reven$es 3$d'et5 instead o" a "ixed amo$nt. ;or instance5 !o$ de"ine 3! enterin' a percenta'e rate o" 100U "or the minim$m reven$e5 that onl! reven$e which 'o 3e!ond the 3$d'eted reven$es are 3$d'et increasin'. 2" !o$ do not de"ine a minim$m reven$e and an $pper limit each respective reven$e in accordance with the percenta'e rate descri3ed a3ove is 3$d'et increasin'. 8therwise reven$es are not 3$d'et increasin' on the expendit$res ;F acco$nt assi'nments $ntil a"ter reachin' the minim$m reven$e and onl! $p to reachin' the $pper limit. '!rpl!s FM acco!nt assignment #he resid$al reven$es "low into the s$rpl$s ;F acco$nt assi'nment which sho$ld not 3e 3$d'et increasin' on the expendit$res ;F acco$nt assi'nments assi'ned to the reven$es ;F acco$nt assi'nment. #his incl$des0 .even$es that are $nder the minim$m reven$e or over the $pper limit. 2" !o$ have de"ined in ($stomi%in' that the minim$m reven$e is not b!dget increasing then this does not "$nction as 3$d'et increasin' on the s$rpl$s ;F acco$nt assi'nment5 3$t remains on the reven$es ;F acco$nt assi'nment. .esid$al reven$es that do not increase the 3$d'et o" the expendit$re ;F acco$nt assi'nments d$e to an appropriate de"inition o" the percenta'e val$es 9] 100). <o$ can trans"er the reven$es collected on the s$rpl$s ;F acco$nt assi'nment to other ;F acco$nt assi'nments. ;or examples o" distri3$tin' reven$es to expendit$res ;F acco$nt assi'nments and the s$rpl$s ;F acco$nt assi'nment5 see *istri3$tion o" the Additional .even$es.

%ntegration !dgeting and $*ailability Control #he active availa3ilit! control can onl! chec7 the assi'ned "$nds a'ainst the 3$d'et "or the elements with 3$d'et5 which alread! have their =own= 3$d'et and so carr! 3$d'et independentl! o" the reven$es increasin' the 3$d'et. Elements that onl! have 3$d'et "rom reven$es increasin' the 3$d'et are not ta7en into acco$nt in the chec7. <o$ m$st there"ore ens$re that the expendit$res ;F acco$nt assi'nments5 which !o$ assi'n to the reven$es ;F acco$nt assi'nments as receiver5 are 3$d'eted "or. #his also applies to the s$rpl$s ;F acco$nt assi'nment9s). 2" !o$ are wor7in' with B$d'et 83Aects the acco$nt assi'nments m$st 3e mar7ed as 3$d'et o3Aects. 2" !o$ have de"ined in ($stomi%in'5 $nder Budgeting and availa3ilit! control b Availa3ilit! control b Define )ehavior of the avai&a)i&ity contro& (ithin the hierarchy that the availa3ilit! control sho$ld r$n a'ainst the "irst 3$d'et o3Aect5 then these 3$d'et o3Aects m$st li7ewise have their =own 3$d'et=. ;or "$rther in"ormation on determinin' the elements with 3$d'et5 see *eterminin' the Elements with B$d'et0 -roced$re 6itho$t B$d'et 83Aects and -roced$re 6ith B$d'et 83Aects


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:. B$siness Fodel &one 5. ,pecial 8r'ani%ational (onsiderations #he (ontroller will de"ine the reven$e/expense acco$nt assi'nment relationships. ?. (han'es to Existin' 8r'ani%ation ,omeone will have to 3e in char'e o" r$nnin' the reven$e eval$ation/3$d'etin' pro'ram. @. *escription o" 2mprovements Expense 3$d'ets co$ld 3e adA$sted monthl! in line with reven$e witho$t man$al review. 8. *escription o" ;$nctional *e"icits &one 9. Approaches to (overin' ;$nctional *e"icits &/A 10. &otes on ;$rther 2mprovements &one 11. ,!stem (on"i'$ration (onsiderations ;ollowin' m$st 3e con"i'$red "or reven$es increasin' the 3$d'et0 maintain 3$d'et memos enter settin' "or the reven$es increasin' the 3$d'et distri3$tion process de"a$lt r$le 12. A$thori%ation and ser .oles #he (ontroller or desi'nees will 3e a$thori%ed to the reven$eCincreasin'C3$d'et maintenance screen. ,elected $sers m$st 3e a$thori%ed to r$n the monthl! 3$d'et r$n. 13. -roAect ,peci"ic (2 ,ection &/A


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C% Template:

%nformation 'ystem MF!nds ManagementN

1. .e>$irements/Expectations 4ere are the "ollowin' reports "or 3$d'et and 3$d'et exec$tion $sed 3! #. B$d'et .eports0 ,ched$le 25 4istorical B$d'et 2ncome ,$mmar! *etail B$d'et ,ched$le 3! B$d'et Entit! B$d'et ,$mmar! #4E( B$d'et .eports B$d'et doc$ment reports and "iles comparison o" *epartmental B$d'et and ,alar! B$d'et Expenses 3! ;$nction 2ncome 3! ,o$rce B$d'et Exec$tion0 C *epartmental B$d'et and Expense .eport 9Ded'er) C Grants/(ontracts B$d'et and Expense .eport 9Ded'er) C General and ,$3sidiar! and 2ncome .eport 9Ded'er) C General ;$nds B$d'et Anal!sis C .estricted B$d'et Anal!sis C 8""ice o" the #reas$rer Fonthl! .eport 2. General Explanations 8ne can $se the in"ormation s!stem to anal!%e the 3$siness transactions relevant to /unds ?anagement. #his means it is possi3le5 "or example5 to 'enerate overviews o" the 3$d'ets 9s$ch as approved and released 3$d'et)5 3$d'et $sa'e 9act$al and commitment val$es)5 and the resid$al 3$d'et 9that is5 3$d'et still availa3le) in !o$r or'ani%ation. 8ne can carr! o$t 3oth rec$rrin' standard eval$ations and also create reports "or an! speci"ic >$estions and tas7s. 8ne can anal!%e all data interactivel! and directl! a"ter enterin' it into the ./3 ,!stem5 and trace its ori'in $p to doc$ment level. 8ne can also r$n all reports availa3le online in the 3ac7'ro$nd. #his is partic$larl! $se"$l with ver! comprehensive datasets. 3. Explanations o" ;$nctions and Events 2n the ;F report tree5 there are components needed "or the in"ormation s!stem. #hese "eat$res incl$de0 Faster *ata 2ndexes C o3tain an overview o" the master data created C displa! the assi'nment o" the ;$nds Fana'ement master data o3Aects to master data o3Aects "rom other components #otals .ecord .eports C reports to provide an overview a3o$t the c$m$lated stat$s o" the data C loo7 at the line items 3elon'in' to each totals record report Dine 2tem .eports C o3tain a more detailed representation o" the postin's exec$ted C displa! the respective ori'inal doc$ment directl! "rom the list o" line items "o$nd C contain in"ormation on the ;F acco$nt assi'nment5 the amo$nt posted5 the postin' date5 and the $ser who made the postin'. <earCend (losin' /var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_3/205399238.doc ""2 o( $'!

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C o3tain an overview o" the closin' operations carried o$t when the "iscal !ear chan'es C displa! the commitments carried "orward5 the 3$d'et assi'ned to these commitments and the other carr! "orward 3$d'et Anal!ses C compare di""erent t!pes o" data5 "or example line items and totals records in ;$nds Fana'ement

:. B$siness Fodel &one 5. ,pecial 8r'ani%ational (onsiderations *rillCdown reports can 3e created and maintained onl! 3! experienced a$thori%ed $sers who have access to the 2FG. All c$stomi%ed reports will 3e developed in coordination with the ABA- team. ?. (han'es to Existin' 8r'ani%ation &o chan'es to existin' or'ani%ation. @. *escription o" 2mprovements &one 8. *escription o" ;$nctional *e"icits ,ome re>$ired reports 9e.'. 8""ice o" the #reas$rer Fonthl! .eport) will not come "rom ;$nds Fana'ement 3$t will 3e "rom ,pecial -$rpose Ded'er 9,-D). An! reports that re>$ire 3alance sheet acco$nts 9e.'. Endowment ;$nds5 Doan ;$nds) will 3e "rom ,-D 3eca$se ;F will onl! have 3$d'ets and act$als. 9. Approaches to (overin' ;$nctional *e"icits 2" other mod$les do not have standard reports to meet #Is reportin' re>$irement5 an! reports can 3e developed thro$'h ABA- tools. 10. &otes on ;$rther 2mprovements &one 11. ,!stem (on"i'$ration (onsiderations ($stomi%in' "or the in"ormation s!stem is done in the ;F 2FG to create drillCdown reports. A r$nnin' 7nowled'e o" .eport 6riter/-ainter is re>$ired to create drillCdown reports in ;F. 12. A$thori%ation and ser .oles /var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_3/205399238.doc ""3 o( $'!

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8ne can $se a$thori%ations to control the displa! o" partic$lar o3Aects 9;F area5 "$nds center5 3$d'et version5 and so on). 2" a $ser tries to exec$te a report with selection criterion "or which he/she has no a$thori%ation5 the pro'ram terminates exec$tion o" the report. 2n this case5 the $ser m$st exec$te the report a'ain and adA$st the selection criteria accordin' to their a$thori%ations. 13. -roAect ,peci"ic (2 ,ection &one 3/5/3/1/ Reports "!estions: /0 1) 6hat stat$tor! re>$irements m$st 3e considered 9"inancial re'$lations5 '$idelines) "or reportin'1 A0 6e have no stat$tor! re>$irements "or reportin'5 other than to provide the 3$d'et doc$ment s$pport in"ormation 9detailed o3Aect code expendit$res 3! acco$nt5 and detailed salar! in"ormation) that we prepare "or the 3$d'et recommendation. 6e do have other reports re>$ested 3! #4E(5 state o" #ennessee ;HA5 and the De'islative B$d'et 8""ice that are standard reports 3$t not stat$tor! re>$irements. /0 2) Generate a list o" all reports "or the 3$d'et/3$d'et exec$tion. -rovide examples.

A0 B$d'et reports incl$de0 o ,ched$le 25 4istorical B$d'et o 2ncome ,$mmar! o *etail B$d'et ,ched$le 3! B$d'et Entit! o B$d'et ,$mmar! o #4E( B$d'et .eports o B$d'et doc$ment reports and "iles o comparison o" *epartmental B$d'et and ,alar! B$d'et o Expenses 3! ;$nction o 2ncome 3! ,o$rce 8n the exec$tion side5 we have0 C *epartmental B$d'et and Expense .eport 9Ded'er) C Grants/(ontracts B$d'et and Expense .eport 9Ded'er) C General and ,$3sidiar! and 2ncome .eport 9Ded'er) C General ;$nds B$d'et Anal!sis C .estricted B$d'et Anal!sis C 8""ice o" the #reas$rer Fonthl! .eport /0 3) *escri3e in detail how !o$r "inancial statements are str$ct$red. -rovide a cop! 9onl! i" !o$ have not answered these >$estions "or the A,A- area ;inancial Acco$ntin'). A0 ,ee ;inancial Acco$ntin' Area 9G/D). /0 :) *o !o$ create "inancial statements per "$nd1 -rovide examples. ""! o( $'!


AcceleratedSAP - Business Blueprint

A0 # has provided "inancial statements "or each "$nd in the past0 however5 we are considerin' earl! adoption o" GA,B 35 recommendations. ,ee ;2 "or details. /0 5) Apart "rom the a3ove mentioned reports5 are there an! special re>$irements that onl! appl! to speci"ic "$nds 9example5 reports/prints)1 A0 .estricted "$nds can re>$ire special reportin' 3ased on the terms o" the 'rant. All Femphis acco$nt 3$d'ets m$st 3e reported with 3$d'et entit! roll$ps 9li7e other camp$ses) and also with an alternative 'ro$pin' called "$ndin' so$rce that has to do with state "orm$la "$ndin'. /0 ?) *o "orms "or doc$ments5 reports have to 3e prod$ced 3! the ;F s!stem 9print o" earmar7ed "$nds or invoices5 etc.)1 Attach these "orms. A0 # has $sed the ="lashC"orm= ,ched$le 3 "or enterin' proposed departmental 9o3Aect code) 3$d'etsP we anticipate this "orm will 3e replaced 3! an online screen in ./3. ,ched$le 2CC4istorical *ata is on a preCprinted "orm. ;orms re>$ired "or the -roposed ,alar! B$d'et s!stem are detailed in 4.. /0 @) *escri3e the reportin' re>$irements "or 3$d'etin' 9examples).

A0 As listed in /$estion 25 a3ove0 B$d'et reports incl$de0 o ,ched$le 25 4istorical B$d'et o 2ncome ,$mmar! o *etail B$d'et ,ched$le 3! B$d'et Entit! o B$d'et ,$mmar! o #4E( B$d'et .eports o B$d'et doc$ment reports and "iles o comparison o" *epartmental B$d'et and ,alar! B$d'et o Expenses 3! ;$nction o 2ncome 3! ,o$rce &ear the 3e'innin' o" the 3$d'et preparation c!cle5 departments are provided with statements o" their c$rrent positions on $nrestricted expense acco$nts. *$rin' the $pdate phase5 a"ter a 3$d'et entit! s$3mits $pdates5 it receives 3ac7 a "$ll report o" their proposed 3$d'ets5 incl$din' totals at the colle'e5 "$nction5 "$nd5 and 3$d'et entit! or "$nd so$rce level to con"irm their "i'$res. At the end o" 3$d'et preparation5 each 3$d'et entit! receives a "$ll report5 and copies are prepared "or the Board o" #r$stees. #he #4E( and other state reports are prepared later. /0 8) *escri3e the reportin' re>$irements "or 3$d'et exec$tion 9examples).

A0 As listed in /$estion 25 a3ove0 o *epartmental B$d'et and Expense .eport 9Ded'er) o Grants/(ontracts B$d'et and Expense .eport 9Ded'er) o General and ,$3sidiar! and 2ncome .eport 9Ded'er) o General ;$nds B$d'et Anal!sis o .estricted B$d'et Anal!sis o 8""ice o" the #reas$rer Fonthl! .eport /var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_3/205399238.doc """ o( $'!

AcceleratedSAP - Business Blueprint

Acco$nt mana'ers are provided with acco$nt in"ormation at the end o" ever! month to eval$ate each acco$nt. #here are onCdemand reports and online in>$iries where the! can view most c$rrent data in detail or s$mmar!. /0 9) Are there other reportin' re>$irements within !o$r or'ani%ation that have not 3een descri3ed !et1 2s there one 3asis o" in"ormation5 or are there other approaches 9 , GAA-5 etc.)1 A0 AdChoc. /0 10) -rovide more details "or the a3ove stated reports0 .eportin' period 9dail!5 monthl!5 !earl!5 on re>$est)5 detail o" report 9totals records5 line item)5 etc. A0 *epends on the t!pe o" re>$est per adChoc report. /0 11) *o !o$ $se sim$lations or special comparison calc$lations in reportin'1 *escri3e these special reports and the calc$lations the! are 3ased on. A0 ,ched$le ( o" the Fonthl! #reas$rerIs .eports shows .eali%ed to *ate compared to .eali%ed 8ne <ear A'o. /0 12) 6hat special re>$irements exist "or the preparation o" report data 9+iews 9alternative hierarchies)5 special sortin'5 a''re'ation level5 etc.)1 A0 #he standard reports prod$ced centrall! and distri3$ted are t!picall! se>$enced 3!0 EN-E&,E0 ;$nd Gro$p5 B$d'et Entit!5 ;$nction5 (olle'e5 *epartment5 and Acco$nt Sand o3AectT. 2&(8FE0 ;$nd Gro$p5 B$d'et Entit!5 FaAor ,o$rce o" ;$nds5 Finor ,o$rce o" ;$nds5 and Acco$nt. ADB0 ;$nd Gro$p5 B$d'et Entit!5 ;$nction5 (olle'e5 *epartment5 and Acco$nt 9ADB ^ Asset5 Dia3ilit!5 Balance) ;or 3$d'et preparation5 the acco$nts in FemphisI ei'ht 3$d'et entities are shown alternativel! a''re'ated 3! ;$nd Gro$p5 ;$ndin' ,o$rce5 ;$nction5 (olle'e5 *epartment5 and Acco$nt Sand o3AectT. Alternative special sortin' and a''re'ation can 3e done 3! an! o" do%ens o" acco$nt attri3$tes thro$'h ad hoc reportin'. /0 13) -rovide in"ormation on classi"ication and s$mmari%ation in reportin' which is needed "or "$nds5 "$nds centers5 and acco$nts/acco$nt 'ro$ps. A0 .eportin' m$st "ollow #Is 3$d'et or'ani%ational str$ct$re o" 3$d'et entit!]vice chancellor]colle'e]department]acco$nt]o3Aect code. /0 1:) *escri3e additional reportin' re>$irements "or the !earend processin'.

A0 #he ann$al 9or !earCend) report is similar to the 8""ice o" #reas$rer Fonthl! .eport except that the ann$al report "oc$ses on act$als and does not report 3$d'et "i'$res.


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/0 15) *o !o$ reconcile individ$al doc$ments with totals records 9"or example5 reconciliation 3etween ;inancial Acco$ntin' and ;F)1 A0 <es /0 1?) ,A onl!0 *o !o$ have to report in accordance with GA,B prono$ncements1

A0 <es

"!estions: /0

Fiscal Jear Change (perations MF!nds ManagementN

1) *o !o$ carr! o$t !earCend processin' in Acco$ntin' 9"$nds mana'ement)1

A0 <es /0 2) -rovide an overview o" the relationship 3etween "inancial acco$ntin'5 lo'istics5 and "$nds mana'ement re'ardin' !earCend closin' operations. A0 (oncept$all!5 p$rchase orders do not s$rvive a "iscal !ear close. #he! all are closed o$t5 and some/most o" them are reCinstated in the new "iscal !ear. All enc$m3rances5 incl$din' salaries5 are deleted to close the "iscal !ear. #his r$le applies to acco$nts o" all "$nd 'ro$ps. ;or $nrestricted expense and reven$e acco$nts5 no 3$d'ets or act$als are contin$ed into the new "iscal !ear. Availa3le 3alances in =s$3 acco$nts= 99Ccharacter =E= acco$nts) are closed o$t to the related @Ccharacter =E= acco$nt. .emainin' 3alances o" =E= acco$nts are closed to the "$nd 3alance acco$nts. .estricted acco$nts contin$e 3$d'ets and acc$m$lated expense or income across "iscal !ear 3o$ndaries. &o expense acco$nt ma! end the "iscal !ear with a ne'ative 3alance. #he niversit! does accr$als at the end o" a "iscal !ear5 in partic$lar "or salaries earned in the past academic term and "or lar'e $npaid invoices received in the old "iscal !ear. /0 3) -lease provide an overall description o" the !earend closin' o" the 3$d'etar! area 9dates5 timin'5 se>$ence). A0 Dast postin' o" re'$lar 3$siness and closin' o" enc$m3rances occ$r approximatel! on O$l! 15. AdA$stments to 3$d'ets and act$als are made in the adA$stin' period "rom O$l! 1?C A$'$st 15. /0 :) *escri3e the !earCend proced$re in the 3$d'etar! area0 calc$lation o" the remainin' 3$d'et5 r$les "or carr!Cover5 impact o" chan'es o" nomenclat$re5 etc. A0 2ndivid$al acco$nts in the $nrestricted "$nds do not carr! over remainin' 3$d'et. 4owever5 the remainin' 3$d'et is calc$lated and shown on "inal reports. Altho$'h 3alances are not carried over5 an acco$ntIs contri3$tion to the !earCend "$nd 3alance can 3e 3$d'eted in the new "iscal !ear5 "or example5 to cover a carried over p$rchase order. #here are no chan'es to nomenclat$re.


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Each individ$al restricted "$nd carries "orward its 3$d'et and act$als witho$t re'ard to the niversit!Is "iscal !ear. -lant "$nds carr! "orward their remainin' 3alances as newC!ear 3$d'ets. /0 5) *escri3e the !earCend proced$re0 open doc$ments 9enc$m3rances5 calc$lation5 carr!C "orward5 handlin' o" chan'es o" nomenclat$re5 etc.). A0 As one o" the last postin's o" the re'$lar "iscal !ear5 9a3o$t O$l! 15)5 we close all remainin' enc$m3rances on all acco$nts. #hen all re'$lar p$rchase orders with a remainin' 3alance o" Q100 or more are retained and these 3alances posted as enc$m3rances in period 1 o" the new "iscal !ear. #his a""ects $nrestricted and restricted acco$nts ali7e. #he c$to"" amo$nt is loosel! tied to the amo$nt speci"ied in state re'$lations that can 3e paid o$t witho$t 3ene"it o" p$rchase order5 altho$'h it o"ten la's 3ehind chan'es in that limit. ;rom the p$rchase orders reCenc$m3ered/carried over in the new "iscal !ear5 we print a list o" those that are on $nrestricted acco$nts and have a total remainin' 3alance ZQ1000. ,omeone in the #reas$rerIs 8""ice distri3$tes the list to see i" the =owner= still wants the p$rchase order. 8"ten the! sa! =no=5 3$t i" the! 7eep the -85 then the #reas$rerIs 8""ice enters a trans"er "rom the "$nd 3alance to the Allocated Balance "or Enc$m3rance lia3ilit! acco$nts5 a total amo$nt "or each 3$d'et entit!. #he niversit! total reserve is doc$mented in the ann$al "inancial statements. As a second response5 the =owner= o" the -8 ma! contact the camp$s 3$siness o""ice to arran'e a trans"er o" 3$d'et to the expense acco$nt in the new ;< i" the acco$nt ended the !ear with a 3alance lar'e eno$'h to cover the -8. #his 3$d'et chan'e is alwa!s shown as a revision to the ori'inal 3$d'et5 never =3$ried= in the 8ri'inal B$d'et "i'$res. 2nvoices dated 3e"ore O$l! 1 o" Q1000 or more paid d$rin' O$l! and A$'$st are accr$ed $sin' .eserve "or Enc$m3rance lia3ilit! acco$nts. O$l! salar! paid to "ac$lt! with nineCmonth appointments is accr$ed. /0 ?) -lease descri3e the specialties / special treatments c$rrentl! existin' within the 3$d'etar! area to 3e applied "or carr!Cover 3$d'et. A0 6ithin each o" the two main 'ro$ps o" acco$nts5 restricted and $nrestricted5 all acco$nts are handled the same. /0 @) *escri3e additional specialties existin' "or the !earend handlin' o" speci"ic "$nds 9accr$als o" open items5 remainin' 3$d'ets5 etc.)P re>$irements and proced$res "or carr!in' 3alances over the next !ear5 etc. A0 6ithin each o" the two main 'ro$ps o" acco$nts5 restricted and $nrestricted5 all acco$nts are handled the same. /0 8) -lease descri3e the 'eneral led'er postin's that need to 3e done within the !earend closin' / chan'e o" !ear and the lin7 to 3$d'et carried over and open items carried "orward to the next !ear. A0 nrestricted expense s$3 acco$nt 3alances are closed to an $nrestricted expense acco$nt. nrestricted acco$nt 3alances are closed to "$nd 3alance. 8pen items carried "orward to the new "iscal !ear do not have 3$d'et attached to them5 3$t "$nd 3alance can 3e re>$ested to cover them. /var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_3/205399238.doc ""' o( $'!

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,ince restricted acco$nts contin$e their 3$d'ets across # "iscal !ear 3o$ndaries5 3$d'ets5 expendit$res5 and open items are carried "orward. /0 9) 4ow are p$rchases/char'es pertainin' to previo$s !ear 3$d'et processed in the new "iscal !ear1 A0 Dar'e p$rchases 9invoice ZQ1000) paid d$rin' O$l! and A$'$st on an invoice dated 3e"ore O$l! 1 are accr$ed into the old "iscal !ear. Goods and services ordered in the old "iscal !ear 3$t not received or invoiced $ntil the new !ear are $s$all! paid "or o$t o" the new 3$d'et5 3$t i" the amo$nt exceeds Q1000 and is on an $nrestricted acco$nt5 the responsi3le person ma! as7 "or a 3$d'et trans"er to s$pplement their "$ndin' to cover it. 3/5/5/1/ 6reparing Fiscal Jear Change (perations "!estions: /0 1) *o di""erent r$les exist "or processin' the commitment and pa!ment 3$d'et at the !ear end1 *o !o$ carr! "orward onl! commitment or pa!ment 3$d'et1 A0 &o. 6ill onl! 3e $sin' pa!ment 3$d'et. /0 2) -rovide an overview o" the existin' r$les to 3e heeded when processin' di""erent doc$ments in !earCend processin'. A0 *i""erent deadline "or t!pe o" doc$ment. .e"er to #reas$rerIs 8""ice ,ched$le o" <earC End Activities. 3/5/5/2/ "!estions: /0 1) *escri3e the 3$d'et area processes that exist in connection with the trans"er o" open commitment items0 (alc$lation o" open items5 r$les "or commitment trans"er5 order o" individ$al steps5 approval proced$res5 etc. A0 Enc$m3rances that represent commitments o" priorC!ear "$nds "or 'oods that have 3een ordered 3$t not delivered or services that have not 3een rendered are recorded as an allocation o" the c$rrent "$nds 3alances. As one o" the last postin's o" the re'$lar "iscal !ear5 we close all remainin' enc$m3rances on all acco$nts. #hen all p$rchase orders with a remainin' 3alance o" Q100 or more are retained and these 3alances posted as enc$m3rances in period 1 o" the new "iscal !ear. #his a""ects $nrestricted and restricted acco$nts ali7e. Accordin' to the (ontroller5 the reasonin' 3ehind wh! onl! a -8 with a speci"ic amo$nt can 3e carried "orward to the new !ear is 3eca$se d$e to the c$rrent "inancial s!stem limitations and also the tedio$s tas7 o" carr!in' "orward all -8s with min$sc$le amo$nts. 2nvoices dated 3e"ore O$l! 1 o" Q1000 or more paid d$rin' O$l! and A$'$st are accr$ed $sin' .eserve "or Enc$m3rance lia3ilit! acco$nts. O$l! salar! paid to "ac$lt! with nineCmonth appointments is accr$ed. (pen Commitment Doc!ment 'election


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/0 2) 6hat happens to open commitment items that are not trans"erred to the new !ear1 *o these doc$ments need to 3e 3loc7ed a'ainst chan'es/red$ction1 Are there special r$les that need to 3e ta7en into acco$nt1 A0 A p$rchase order that is not carried over will 3e paid as an invoice in the new !ear. #he a'reement with the vendor is not cancelled. #he vendor presents the invoice in the new !ear and pa!ment is made directl! "rom the invoice o$t o" the new !ear "$nds. ,ome o" the nonCcarried "orward p$rchase orders were in "act =a3andoned= 9discontin$ed merchandise5 order cancelled with the vendor5 etc)5 3$t acco$ntin' records were not $pdated. 2n an! case5 old p$rchase orders sho$ld not 3e $pdated a"ter the! are archived. /0 3) Are there special r$les/restrictions that have to 3e considered "or the chan'e/red$ction o" commitment trans"er doc$ments in the new !ear1 2s it necessar! to red$ce these open items a$tomaticall!1 A0 A p$rchase order is carriedCover asCis5 3$t can 3e modi"ied s$3se>$entl! li7e an! other -8 in the new "iscal !ear. /0 :) A commitment item was trans"erred to the "ollowin' !ear. Amo$nt chan'es 9increase5 red$ction) are to 3e carried o$t in the new !ear. *escri3e the in"l$ence on the availa3le 3$d'et. A0 (arriedCover p$rchase orders post into the new !ear with enc$m3rance e>$al to the remainin' 3alance. #hese enc$m3rances red$ce availa3le 3$d'et the same as an! other enc$m3rance. /0 5) <o$ wor7 with di""erent "$nds. Are there special r$les that m$st 3e "ollowed "or special "$nds or "$nds 'ro$ps 9proced$res5 constraints5 processes in the new !ear)1 A0 .estricted ;$nds carr! "orward entirel! across # "iscal !ear 3o$ndaries. Each "$nd de"ines its own "iscal proAect li"e5 and at the end date o" the 'rant or contract5 it has sixt! da!s as a 'race period to complete o$tstandin' activities. Endin' de"icits are covered 3! another acco$nt. C% Template: 1. .e>$irements/Expectations # closes all remainin' enc$m3rances on all acco$nts. #hen all re'$lar p$rchase orders with a remainin' 3alance o" Q100 or more are retained and these 3alances posted as enc$m3rances in the same acco$nts "or period 1 o" the new "iscal !ear. #his a""ects $nrestricted and restricted acco$nts ali7e. #he reasonin' "or the c$to"" amo$nt "or -8s is d$e to the c$rrent "inancial s!stem limitations and also the tedio$s tas7 o" carr!in' "orward all -8s with min$sc$le amo$nts. #he c$to"" amo$nt is loosel! tied to the amo$nt speci"ied in state re'$lations that can 3e paid o$t witho$t 3ene"it o" p$rchase order5 altho$'h it o"ten la's 3ehind chan'es in that limit. #here"ore5 the c$rrent process to close enc$m3rances sho$ld 3e reCvisited to see i" ./3 can 3etter provide a sol$tion to carr! "orward enc$m3rances. 2nvoices dated 3e"ore O$l! 1 o" Q1000 or more paid d$rin' O$l! and A$'$st are accr$ed $sin' .eserve "or Enc$m3rance lia3ilit! acco$nts. O$l! salar! paid to "ac$lt! with nineCmonth appointments is accr$ed. /var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_3/205399238.doc "$0 o( $'!

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2. General Explanations 2n ./3 ;$nds Fana'ement5 one can carr! "orward commitments posted in the c$rrent "iscal !ear 9e.'. p$rchase re>$isitions5 p$rchase orders5 Earmar7ed ;$nds) into the "ollowin' "iscal !ear and these are not red$ced $ntil the "ollowin' "iscal !ear. #he commitments carr! "orward de3its the 3$d'et in the new !ear. 8ne has the a3ilit! to choose the 7ind o" commitments that sho$ld 3e carried "orward to the new !ear. 2n that sense5 each commitment in ;F is identi"ied as a val$e t!pe. B! selectin' the val$e t!pes to 3e carried "orward5 the ;F closin' process o" commitments will "la' and list all doc$ments to 3e carried "orward to the new "iscal !ear. 3. Explanations o" ;$nctions and Events #he carr! "orward o" open commitment doc$ments ta7es place in several steps. ;irst5 one m$st maintain the carr! "orward r$les. sin' the de"inition o" carr! "orward r$les5 one can control and stron'l! di""erentiate as to how the commitments carr! "orward and 3$d'et carr! "orward are done in a new "iscal !ear "or individ$al ;F Acco$nt Assi'nments. (arr! "orward r$les appl! respectivel! "or a "$nd and "iscal !ear. 8ne descri3es the relationship 3etween a sendin' element "rom the old "iscal !ear and a new receivin' element o" the new "iscal !ear. ,econd5 a pro'ram 9.;;F(001) is $sed to select the doc$ments to 3e carried "orward accordin' to partic$lar selection criteria. A"ter the pro'ram r$n5 the selected doc$ments in the line item ta3le are mar7ed as =earmar7ed "or carr! "orward=. ,$3se>$entl! one can onl! carr! "orward these doc$ments in the new !ear. 8ne can $se pro'ram .;;F(002 to =$n"la'= open commitment doc$ments mar7ed "or carr! "orward. #hird5 a pro'ram 9.;;F(010) sho$ld 3e excited to act$all! carr! "orward onl! commitments doc$ments previo$sl! selected "or carr! "orward $sin' the pro'ram .;;F(001. ;inall!5 reconstr$ct assi'ned val$es "or the old and the new "iscal !ear. ,ee =B$d'et ,tr$ct$re -rocessin'= (2#. &ote0 #he closin' operations in the ;$nds Fana'ement "eeder components sho$ld 3e closed 3eca$se chan'es to ori'inal doc$ments made 3! the s!stem are not a$tomaticall! s$pported in ;$nds Fana'ement. Carry F+d (pen Commit Docs to the Follo+ing Jear 6rereC!isites #he carr! "orward covers onl! commitment doc$ments previo$sl! selected "or carr! "orward $sin' pro'ram .;;F(001. 2" an open commitment was red$ced or deleted a"ter selectin' the doc$ments 9e.'.5 3! reversin' a p$rchase order)5 these doc$ments are not carried "orward into the new !ear. 6roced!re Choose Accounting D /inancia& accounting D /unds ?anagement D Additiona& functions D C&osing o!erations D Commitment carry for(ard D Carry for(ard documents' <o$ m$st enter the "ollowin' data to carr! "orward the open commitment doc$ments0 cd/? area cd/isca& year cd-a!ment B$d'et and or (ommitment B$d'et <o$ can limit the selection o" open commitment doc$ments "or partic$lar ;F Acco$nt Assi'nments and "or individ$al doc$ments or +al$e #!pes. /var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_3/205399238.doc "$1 o( $'!

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<o$ m$st deselect Test 2un to carr! "orward the doc$ments to the new "iscal !ear. ,tart the pro'ram in the 3ac7'ro$nd. Res!lt ;or a precise overview o" what doc$ments have 3een carried "orward to the new "iscal !ear5 see the <earCEnd (losin' .eport. #he in"ormation s!stem now shows the doc$ments carried "orward in period 000 o" the "ollowin' !ear5 not in the period the! have 3een in $p to now. A"ter carr!in' "orward open commitment doc$ments to the new !ear5 !o$ m$st reconstr$ct the assi'ned val$es "or the old !ear and the new !ear. ;or more in"ormation on this5 re"er to .econstr$ctin' Assi'ned +al$es. 2" the open commitments were red$ced or deleted in the "eeder s!stems a"ter 3ein' carried "orward to the new !ear 9"or example5 3eca$se a p$rchase order has 3een canceled)5 the doc$ments a""ected are not a$tomaticall! carried "orward to the new !ear. <o$ m$st then repeat the commitment carr! "orward. 'ee also: *oc$mentation on the pro'ram .;;F(;10. :. B$siness Fodel &one 5. ,pecial 8r'ani%ational (onsiderations #he closin' o" ;$nds Fana'ement will re>$ire cooperation 3etween the 8""ice o" the +ice -resident o" B$siness and ;inance and the (ontrollerIs 8""ice. #his process will 3e part o" the "iscal !ear closin' sched$le 960\-ersonal ;olders\-ersonal ;olders\Da$rie\Ann$al (lose ,ched$le) where comm$nications 3etween mod$les is o" the $tmost importance. #he proced$res to close open commitments in ;F will 3e examined 3! the # ;2 team to see i" the c$rrent process o" closin' enc$m3rances can 3e redesi'ned to meet the 3est 3$siness practice. ?. (han'es to Existin' 8r'ani%ation &o chan'es to existin' or'ani%ation. @. *escription o" 2mprovements #he carr! "orward o" open commitments in ;F is a simple process that does not re>$ire a technical necessit! "or closin' operations "or the "iscal !ear chan'e. A "$nctional 7nowled'e o" ;F is re>$ired to $nderstand pro'rams exec$ted in ;F "iscal !ear closin' operations. 8. *escription o" ;$nctional *e"icits nder #Is c$rrent process5 onl! enc$m3rances over Q100 will 3e carried "orward to the new !ear. 2n ;F closin' o" open commitments5 the pro'ram to select doc$ments will "la' all commitments 3ased on val$e t!pe selected re'ardless o" the amo$nts. Another pro'ram will need to 3e written and exec$ted to =$n"la'= all enc$m3rances that are less than Q100. #he draw3ac7 to this process is the tedio$s tas7 o" =$n"la''in'= all p$rchase orders $nder Q100.


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#his ma! not 3e an iss$e $nder FF proposal "or ./3. 2t is proposed that all items less than Q25000 sho$ld 3e made thro$'h proc$rement cards and p$rchase orders will onl! 3e "or items over Q25000. #here"ore5 all p$rchase orders will 3e carried "orward witho$t a condition 3ased on the amo$nt o" the p$rchase order. 9. Approaches to (overin' ;$nctional *e"icits # wo$ld li7e to reeval$ate the c$rrent re>$irement to carr! "orward onl! enc$m3rances over Q100. 2" ./3 ;F closin' o" open commitments "$nctionalit! meets # approval5 # ma! chan'e their polic! to carr! "orward selected doc$ments re'ardless o" the amo$nts 9all enc$m3rances). 2" it does not meet #Is expectations5 we ma! need additional technical help in developin' a pro'ram to a$tomaticall! select p$rchase orders over Q100. 10. &otes on ;$rther 2mprovements &one 11. ,!stem (on"i'$ration (onsiderations

12. A$thori%ation and ser .oles 8nl! a$thori%ed $sers 9e.'. 8""ice o" the +ice -resident o" B$siness and ;inance5 (ontrollerIs 8""ice) are allowed to close !earCend processin'. sin' a$thori%ation o3Aects will help de"ine the roles "or each $ser. 13. -roAect ,peci"ic (2 ,ection &/A 3/5/5/,/ "!estions: /0 1) (arr! "orward r$les exist. ,ender and receiver addresses are de"ined here. <o$ are chan'in' an existin' r$le0 6hich chan'es are allowed5 and how is the chan'e histor! c$rrentl! stored in the s!stem1 A0 -$rchase 8rders ZQ100 are trans"erred to the new "iscal !ear with the acco$nts remainin' the same. -$rchase orders ] Q100 are recorded in archives with a O$ne 30 deletion date. 2nvoices ]Q1000 are accr$ed $sin' Ao$rnal vo$chers with .eserve "or Enc$m3rance acco$nts to =trans"er= across the "iscal !ear 3o$ndar!. /0 2) *escri3e the relationship 3etween the sender 9old !ear) and the receiver address 9new !ear) re>$ired 3! the trans"er r$les. 6hat in"ormation do the trans"er r$les portra!1 A0 Acco$nt/83Aect/Amo$nt remain the same. Define Transfer R!les


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/0 3) 2s it possi3le5 as part o" the 3$d'et carr! "orward5 to split the remainin' 3$d'et o" di""erent sender addresses or to com3ine them1 *escri3e the existin' r$les. A0 &o. /0 :) 2s it possi3le5 as part o" the carr! "orward o" open commitment items5 to split doc$ments o" di""erent sender addresses or to com3ine them1 *escri3e the existin' r$les. A0 &o. /0 5) <o$ wor7 with di""erent "$nds. Are there special r$les that m$st 3e "ollowed "or special "$nds or "$nds 'ro$ps 9proced$res5 constraints5 processes in the new !ear)1 A0 &o. /0 ?) Are the sender/receiver r$les "or !earCend processin' s$3Aect to chan'es each !ear5 or are the same r$les $sed each !ear1 A0 ,ame r$les $sed each !earCend. 3/5/5/3/ "!estions: /0 1) *o !o$ prod$ce !o$r own trans"er doc$ments as part o" the !earend processin' "or the 3$d'et carr! "orward or the carr! "orward o" open commitment items1 A0 <es /0 2) *escri3e in detail the in"ormation that is stored in the carr! "orward doc$ments. Commitments Doc!ments Carry for+ard

A0 Acco$nt 83Aect Amo$nt *escription 3/5/5/5/ Reset Commitments Carried For+ard 6ro8ect doc!mentation: S\\Ew_cont\asap\,hared\ #_;&_4.\/Ad3\*oc$mentation\;Fci123r.W\;Fci123r.WT "!estions: /0 1) *o !o$ ever partiall! or completel! reverse the carr! "orward o" open commitment items 9"rom a doc$ment point o" view)1 6hat is the proced$re and how does it a""ect the 9availa3le) 3$d'et in the old and the new !ear. A0 &o. 3/5/5/4/ F!nd alance Carry for+ard "$! o( $'!


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"!estions: /0 1) Balance is carried "orward per "$nd/"or certain "$nds. *escri3e in detail which doc$ments 9val$e t!pes) are ta7en into acco$nt when the 3alance is carried "orward 9open items5 act$al5 (8 postin's5 etc.). A0 ;or $nrestricted expense and reven$e acco$nts5 no 3$d'ets or act$als are contin$ed into the new "iscal !ear. .estricted acco$nts contin$e 3$d'ets and acc$m$lated expense or income across "iscal !ear 3o$ndaries. -$rchase orders all are closed o$t at the end o" one "iscal !ear5 and some/most o" them are reCinstated in the new "iscal !ear. &o expense acco$nt ma! end the "iscal !ear with a ne'ative 3alance. Availa3le 3alances in =s$3 acco$nts= 99Ccharacter =E= acco$nts) are closed o$t to the related @Ccharacter =E= acco$nt. /0 2) -lease descri3e the specialties / special treatments c$rrentl! existin' within the 3$d'etar! area to 3e applied "or carr!Cover 3$d'et. A0 &one 3/5/5/5/ "!estions: /0 1) 6hat are the re>$irements o" the 3$d'et carr! "orward with re'ard to0 (alc$lation o" remainin' 3$d'et5 r$les "or the 3$d'et carr! "orward5 crossC!ear chan'es o" 3$d'et addresses5 etc. A0 .emainin' 3$d'ets are not carried over in the $nrestricted "$nds. 2n restricted "$nds5 there is no calc$lationCCthe "i'$res A$st contin$e "orward across the "iscal !ear 3o$ndar!. 2n the plant "$nds5 a "iscal !ear 3e'innin' 3$d'et is calc$lated as0 previo$s "iscal !ear 3e'innin' "$nd 3alance L additionsC"!td C ded$ctionsC"!td /0 2) 6hat happens to remainin' 3$d'et that was not carried "orward to the "ollowin' !ear1 ,ho$ld the remainin' 3$d'et 3e 3loc7ed or are there special r$les/constraints that a""ect the availa3ilit! o" the remainin' 3$d'et in the previo$s !ear1 A0 2n the $nrestricted "$nds5 remainin' 3alances are closed to the "$nd 3alance acco$ntsP the! are not a$tomaticall! carried over to the ori'inal expense acco$nt in the new "iscal !ear. /0 3) #he remainin' 3$d'et was carried "orward to the new !ear. &ow there are 3$d'et chan'es or trans"ers. Are there special r$les/constraints that sho$ld 3e considered in connection with the 3$d'et carr! "orward1 A0 &/A /0 :) <o$ wor7 with di""erent "$nds. Are there special r$les that m$st 3e "ollowed "or special "$nds or "$nds 'ro$ps 9proced$res5 constraints5 processes in the new !ear)1 Determining !dget Carry for+ard


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A0 &/A /0 5) 6hat happens when ;F expense addresses are in de3it at the !earCend1 2s ne'ative 3$d'et carried "orward1 nder what conditions1 A0 An $nrestricted expense acco$nt that shows a de"icit 3alance at the end o" the "iscal !ear is covered 3! a "$nds trans"er "rom another $nrestricted acco$nt. 8nl! the plant "$nds have a calc$lated carr! "orward 3$d'et5 so it theoreticall! co$ld 3e ne'ative. C% Template: 1. .e>$irements/Expectations ;or $nrestricted expense and reven$e acco$nts5 no 3$d'ets or act$als are contin$ed into the new "iscal !ear. &o expense acco$nt ma! end the "iscal !ear with a ne'ative 3alance. 2ndivid$al acco$nts in the $nrestricted "$nds do not carr! over remainin' 3$d'et. 4owever5 the remainin' 3$d'et is calc$lated and shown on "inal reports. Altho$'h 3alances are not carried over5 an acco$ntIs contri3$tion to the !earCend "$nd 3alance can 3e 3$d'eted in the new "iscal !ear5 "or example5 to cover a carried over p$rchase order. ;rom the p$rchase orders reCenc$m3ered/carried over in the new "iscal !ear5 # prints a list o" those that are on $nrestricted acco$nts and have a total remainin' 3alance ZQ1000. ,omeone in the #reas$rerIs 8""ice distri3$tes the list to see i" the =owner= still wants the p$rchase order. 8"ten the =owner= wo$ld sa! =no=5 3$t i" the! 7eep the -85 then the #reas$rerIs 8""ice enters a trans"er "rom the "$nd 3alance to the Allocated Balance "or Enc$m3rance lia3ilit! acco$nts5 a total amo$nt "or each 3$d'et entit!. #he niversit! total reserve is doc$mented in the ann$al "inancial statements. As a second response5 the =owner= o" the -8 ma! contact the camp$s 3$siness o""ice to arran'e a trans"er o" 3$d'et to the expense acco$nt in the new ;< i" the acco$nt ended the !ear with a 3alance lar'e eno$'h to cover the -8. #his 3$d'et chan'e is alwa!s shown as a revision to the ori'inal 3$d'et5 never =3$ried= in the 8ri'inal B$d'et "i'$res. .estricted acco$nts contin$e 3$d'ets and acc$m$lated expense or income across "iscal !ear 3o$ndaries. Each individ$al restricted "$nd carries "orward its 3$d'et and act$als witho$t re'ard to the niversit!Is "iscal !ear. #here"ore5 restricted acco$nts contin$e their 3$d'ets across # "iscal !ear 3o$ndaries5 3$d'ets5 expendit$res5 and open items are carried "orward. -lant "$nds carr! "orward their remainin' 3alances as newC!ear 3$d'ets. #here are no chan'es to nomenclat$re. 2. General Explanations 2n ;$nds Fana'ement 3$d'et closin' operations5 the 3$d'et "or commitments and resid$al 3$d'et can 3e carried "orward "rom the old !ear to the new "iscal !ear. 2" one has carried "orward open commitments into the new !ear5 the 3$d'et assi'ned in the old new !ear 3ecomes "ree a'ain. 2" the commitment carried "orward does not de3it the 3$d'et o" the new "iscal !ear one can carr! "orward the 3$d'et "or the commitments into the new "iscal !ear. 3. Explanations o" ;$nctions and Events


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8ne can carr! "orward 3$d'et "or commitments and resid$al 3$d'et "rom the old into the new "iscal !ear thro$'h a series o" steps. ;irst5 maintain carr! "orward parameters and assi'n these to the desired val$e t!pes. (arr! "orward parameters allows one to tar'et the commitments carr! "orward and the 3$d'et carr! "orward to the new "iscal !ear. ,o on the one hand5 one can ta7e acco$nt o" the chan'es to !o$r or'ani%ational str$ct$re and "$nctional rededications "or the "iscal !ear chan'e operations. 8n the other hand5 one can completel! excl$de certain val$e t!pes or ;F acco$nt assi'nments "rom the carr! "orward. ,econd5 maintain carr! "orward r$le. sin' the de"inition o" carr! "orward r$les5 one can control and stron'l! di""erentiate as to how the commitments carr! "orward and 3$d'et carr! "orward are done in a new "iscal !ear "or individ$al ;F Acco$nt Assi'nments. (arr! "orward r$les appl! respectivel! "or a "$nd and "iscal !ear. 8ne descri3es the relationship 3etween a sendin' element "rom the old "iscal !ear and a new receivin' element o" the new "iscal !ear. &ote that a de"inition o" carr! "orward r$les can onl! 3e done 3ased on carr! "orward parameters. #hird5 prepare 3$d'et carr! "orward 9B-2&*N05). #he s!stem compiles all the commitment/act$al data "or the past "iscal !ear and sets it a'ainst the 3$d'et. ;o$rth5 determine 3$d'et carr! "orward 9.;;F(;25). se this pro'ram to determine the 3$d'et "or the commitments C that is5 the 3$d'et "reed when the open commitments were carried "orward to the new !ear and/or previo$s !ear resid$al 3$d'et. A"ter the pro'ram 9.;;F(;25) was completed in the $pdate r$n5 one can $se this pro'ram 9.;;F(;2?) to selectivel! delete the determined amo$nts "rom the 3$d'et carr! "orward. ;inall!5 carr! "orward 3$d'et to the "ollowin' !ear 9.;;F(;30). #his pro'ram is $sed to act$all! carr! "orward the 3$d'et "or the commitments C that is5 the 3$d'et "reed when the commitments themselves were carried "orward to the new !ear and/or the resid$al 3$d'et "or the past !ear. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Carrying For+ard !dget to Follo+ing Jear 6rereC!isites #he 3$d'et carr! "orward is prepared 3! the pro'ram B-2&*N05 *etermine the 3$d'et to 3e carried "orward 3! r$nnin' pro'ram .;;F(;25 6roced!re (hoose Accounting D /inancia& accounting D /unds ?anagement D Additiona& functions D C&osing o!erations D Budget carry for(ard D .,ecute' Enter the re>$ired data. ,tart the pro'ram in the 3ac7'ro$nd. Res!lt <o$ can 'et an exact overview o" the 3$d'et that has 3een carried "orward 3! r$nnin' the <earCEnd .eport :. B$siness Fodel &one 5. ,pecial 8r'ani%ational (onsiderations #he closin' o" ;$nds Fana'ement will re>$ire cooperation 3etween the 8""ice o" the +ice -resident o" B$siness and ;inance and the (ontrollerIs 8""ice. #his process will 3e part o" the "iscal !ear closin' sched$le 960\-ersonal ;olders\-ersonal ;olders\Da$rie\Ann$al /var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_3/205399238.doc "$& o( $'!

AcceleratedSAP - Business Blueprint

(lose ,ched$le) where comm$nication 3etween mod$les is o" the $tmost importance. #he proced$res to carr! "orward 3$d'et "or commitments and resid$al 3$d'et "rom the old into the new "iscal !ear will 3e examined 3! the # ;2 team to see i" the c$rrent process o" closin' enc$m3rances can 3e redesi'ned to meet the 3est 3$siness practice. ?. (han'es to Existin' 8r'ani%ation &o chan'es to existin' or'ani%ation. @. *escription o" 2mprovements #he proced$res to carr! "orward 3$d'et "or commitments and resid$al 3$d'et in ;F are a simple process that does not re>$ire technical 7nowled'e "or closin' operations "or the "iscal !ear chan'e. A "$nctional 7nowled'e o" ;F is re>$ired to $nderstand pro'rams exec$ted in ;F "iscal !ear closin' operations. 8. *escription o" ;$nctional *e"icits nder #Is c$rrent process5 once the enc$m3rances over Q100 are determined5 a 3$d'et trans"er is created in the new !ear "or p$rchase orders over Q15000 that were a'reed $pon 3! the =owner=. 2n ;F 3$d'et closin' operations5 a pro'ram is $sed to determine the 3$d'et "or the commitments C that is5 the 3$d'et "reed when the open commitments were carried "orward to the new !ear and/or previo$s !ear resid$al 3$d'et. 6ith this process5 all p$rchase orders are "la''ed re'ardless o" the amo$nt. #here"ore5 one will exec$te pro'ram 9.;;F(;2?) to selectivel! delete the determined amo$nts "rom the 3$d'et carr! "orward. A'ain5 the draw3ac7 to this process is the tedio$s tas7 o" =$n"la''in'= all p$rchase orders $nder Q15000. #his ma! not 3e an iss$e $nder FF proposal "or ./3. 2t is proposed that all items less than Q25000 sho$ld 3e made thro$'h proc$rement cards and p$rchase orders will onl! 3e "or items over Q25000. #here"ore5 the 3$d'et "or commitments will 3e carried "orward "or all p$rchase orders. 9. Approaches to (overin' ;$nctional *e"icits 6e ma! need additional technical help in developin' a pro'ram to a$tomaticall! select p$rchase orders over Q15000 to carr! "orward the 3$d'et to the new "iscal !ear. 10. &otes on ;$rther 2mprovements &one 11. ,!stem (on"i'$ration (onsiderations pdate pro"ile and the de"a$lt settin's "or the !earCend operations m$st 3e de"ined and con"i'$red in the ;F 2FG. 12. A$thori%ation and ser .oles 8nl! a$thori%ed $sers 9e.'. 8""ice o" the +ice -resident o" B$siness and ;inance5 /var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_3/205399238.doc "$' o( $'!

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(ontrollerIs 8""ice) are allowed to close !earCend processin'. will help de"ine the roles "or each $ser. 13. -roAect ,peci"ic (2 ,ection &one

sin' a$thori%ation o3Aects

5/ Re*en!e and cost controlling

C% Template: 1. .e>$irements/Expectations #he anticipated main $se o" the plannin' mod$le in ./3 will 3e to trac7 the 3$d'et 3ase 93e'innin' 3$d'et with an! rec$rrin' chan'es that have occ$rred since the start o" the "iscal !ear5 or an! planned chan'es "or the comin' !ear). 2t will 3e copied to ;F to 3e the initial 3$d'et o" a "iscal !ear. #he plan maintained in (8 d$rin' a "iscal !ear will the 3$d'et 3ase o" the next !ear. #he $se o" it is to model the 3$d'et o" the comin' "iscal !ear. 2t is stored at the (ost (enter/(ost Element 9Acco$nt/83Aect) level. Attachments0 ST

6rofit and Cost 6lanning

Cost and $cti*ity 6lanning

2. General Explanations #he (8 plannin' model will replace the vario$s shadow s!stems $sed 3! the # entities. 2t is anticipated that plan version %ero will 3e the o""icial # 3$d'et 3ase. A"ter 3ein' copied to ;F to 3e version %ero 3$d'et5 the plan in (8 will 3e copied to the next "iscal !ear as version %ero and have an! one time "$nds "or the c$rrent !ear removed5 and an! 7nown one time "$ndin' "or the next !ear will 3e added. 2t will 3e $pdated with 3ase chan'es thro$'h o$t the !ear. ,ince there are no doc$ment n$m3ers in (8 plannin'5 plan versions can 3e saved at each month end so that chan'es can 3e more readil! doc$mented and traced. -lan version %ero will 3e $pdated with val$es "rom 4.5 in April at the latest5 "or incl$sion o" the most c$rrent position data and "$ndin' needs when the next !ear 3$d'et preparation is occ$rrin'. 8nce the 3$d'et process is "inished5 (8 plan version %ero will 3e s$3mitted to the #r$stees "or approval and the approved version will 3e copied to ;F 3$d'et version %ero in O$l! o" the new "iscal !ear. ,ee the attached "low chart o" the process. Attachments0 S\\ #E_A4#2\*E-#,\ #,A-\,A-A*F2&\-ersonal ;olders\-ersonal ;olders\Da$rie\-lannin'CB$d'etin'.docT

-lannin'CB$d'etin'.d oc


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3. Explanations o" ;$nctions and Events ,ee the attached "low chart in (2 V2 a3ove "or the steps in the anticipated process. ./3 transactions are man! and $n7nown to the writer at this point. :. B$siness Fodel &/A 5. ,pecial 8r'ani%ational (onsiderations #he process as anticipated at this point will remain 3asicall! the same. #he tools $sed to accomplish it will chan'e dramaticall!. #he same levels o" centrali%ation and decentrali%ation are expected0 each entit! will 3e responsi3le "or maintainin' its own 3ase. ?. (han'es to Existin' 8r'ani%ation &one are anticipated @. *escription o" 2mprovements #he replacement o" shadow s!stems with one main s!stem most li7el! will 3e an improvement. (omm$nication o" data will 3e more timel!5 and inp$t o" salar! data will 3e improved. 8. *escription o" ;$nctional *e"icits &one are apparent at this time 9. Approaches to (overin' ;$nctional *e"icits &/A 10. &otes on ;$rther 2mprovements &/A 11. ,!stem (on"i'$ration (onsiderations n7nown to the writer at this time 12. A$thori%ation and ser .oles .oles will need to 3e esta3lished that allow $pdate at the c$rrent decentrali%ed level5 and sec$rit! and viewin' restrictions. .oles "or central maintenance "$nctions 9cop!in' o" versions5 etc.) will need to 3e esta3lished also.


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13. -roAect ,peci"ic (2 ,ection &/A 5/1/1/1/ "!estions: /0 1) *escri3e !o$r plannin' process. 4ow do !o$ plan cost centers1 Copy 6lan from 6re*io!s Jear to Cost Center 6lanning

A0 #he plannin' e>$ivalents at # are the 3$d'et 3ases carried on shadow s!stems. #he amo$nts carried in them are the 3e'innin' 3$d'et with an! rec$rrin' chan'es that have occ$rred since the start o" the "iscal !ear5 or an! planned chan'es "or the comin' !ear. /0 2) *o !o$ want to create !o$r cost center/activit! plan 3ased on the planned val$es o" the previo$s !ear1 92" so5 what is the so$rce o" this data and in what "orm is it stored1 A0 #he anticipated main $se o" the plannin' mod$le in ./3 will 3e to trac7 the 3$d'et 3ase descri3ed a3ove 93e'innin' 3$d'et with an! rec$rrin' chan'es that have occ$rred since the start o" the "iscal !ear5 or an! planned chan'es "or the comin' !ear). 2t will 3e copied to ;F to 3e the initial 3$d'et o" a "iscal !ear. #he plan maintained in (8 d$rin' a "iscal !ear will the 3$d'et 3ase o" the next !ear. #he $se o" it is to model the 3$d'et o" the comin' "iscal !ear. 2t is stored at the (ost (enter/(ost Element 9Acco$nt/83Aect) level. C% Template: 1. .e>$irements/Expectations 2t is anticipated that the (8 plan version %ero o" one !ear will 3e copied into the next !ear to 3e $sed as the initial 3$d'et 3ase. Attachments0 ST

2. General Explanations 8nce the proposed (8 plan is approved 3! the Board o" #r$stees5 it will 3e copied into ;F 3$d'et and then copied in the (8 plan "or the next !ear to 3e $sed as the initial 3ase in the new "iscal !ear. ,ee the attached "low chart. Attachments0 S\\ #E_A4#2\*E-#,\ #,A-\,A-A*F2&\-ersonal ;olders\-ersonal ;olders\Da$rie\-lannin'CB$d'etin'.docT

-lannin'CB$d'etin'.d oc

3. Explanations o" ;$nctions and Events


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AcceleratedSAP - Business Blueprint

Copying 6lanning 6roced!re #o cop! plannin'5 proceed as "ollows0 2n the plannin' men$ o" !o$r application5 choose %&anning aids D Co!y D %&an to !&an Enter the leadin' c$rrenc!. Be"ore exec$tin' the cop!in' transaction5 !o$ can speci"! the c$rrenc! in which the costs and prices are to 3e recorded. (hoose %&an currencies and select a c$rrenc! "or costs5 and "or prices. b 2" !o$ have posted m$ltiple plannin' records "or a cost element with di""erent transaction c$rrencies5 do not select the o3Aect c$rrenc! and the controllin' area c$rrenc!. 2nstead5 select the transaction c$rrenc! as the leadin' c$rrenc!. b <o$ can onl! select the transaction c$rrenc! "or costs and prices i" !o$ have alread! selected A&& currencies in the so$rce and tar'et "iscal !ear o" !o$r controllin' area. b <o$ onl! cop! planned records in transaction c$rrenc! i" the transaction c$rrenc! is the leadin' c$rrenc!. ,elect the target to 3e copied to. #o do so5 choose one o" the "ollowin' options0 A sin'le cost center or 3$siness process A cost center interval or 3$siness process interval A cost center 'ro$p or 3$siness process 'ro$p All cost centers or 3$siness processes <o$ can also de"ine a selection variant in which !o$ speci"! selection criteria that meet !o$r partic$lar re>$irements. #o do so5 choose -e&ection variant and the Create icon. (hoose a reference. Enter a *ersion" /rom !eriod5 To !eriod5 and a /isca& year. (hoose a target/ Enter a *ersion" /rom !eriod5 To !eriod5 and a /isca& year. <o$ can cop!0 G 6ithin "iscal !ears5 periods5 and versions At least one o" the a3ove selection criteria m$st 3e di""erent in the tar'et version. -lannin' val$es cannot 3e copied to themselves. G Between di""erent "iscal !ears5 periods5 and versions 6hen cop!in'5 either all o" the re"erence selection criteria can di""er "rom the tar'et selection criteria or at least one o" the selection criterion. <o$ can cop! the "ollowin' data0 Template Targets Version From period To period Jear Version From period To period Jear 0 1 12 199@ 1 1 12 199@ 0 1 12 199@ 0 1 12 1998 0 1 ? 199@ 0 @ 12 199@ ,peci"! whether !o$ want to ma7e a 101 cop! or a 10n cop!. #o ma7e a 101 cop!5 activate 2eference G target' #he s!stem copies plannin' data 3elon'in' to one ore more re"erence cost center9s) to the same cost center9s) in the tar'et version. #o create a 10n cop!0 Activate Choose reference (hoose -e&ect Enter the re"erence cost center !o$ re>$ire. <o$ can onl! cop! 10n 9m$ltiple copies) i" !o$ are not $sin' detailed plannin'. ,elect the plan data to 3e copied. #his data ma! 3e data 3elon'in' to0 All plannin' transactions 2ndivid$al plannin' transactions /var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_3/205399238.doc "&2 o( $'!

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<o$ can either cop! plannin' val$es "or all plannin' transactions or A$st "or individ$al 3$siness transactions5 s$ch as activit!Cindependent primar! costs or activit!Cindependent activit! inp$ts. G -lannin' str$ct$res +ith or +itho!t data <o$ can cop! onl! the plannin' str$ct$res5 that is plannin' records witho$t plannin' val$es5 or !o$ can cop! the str$ct$res and the correspondin' plannin' val$es. (hoose the "ollowin' settings0 Don' texts #hese are texts that !o$ entered d$rin' the plannin' process *etailed plannin' <o$ can cop! detailed plannin'5 provided0 G #he re"erence and tar'et "iscal !ear are identical G <o$ cop! the data "or all periods5 not "or individ$al periods #he exchan'e rate t!pe and the val$e date in the re"erence and tar'et versions are identical <o$ create a 101 cop! 9in other words5 !o$ m$st cop! "rom the re"erence). <o$ can onl! cop! detailed plannin' within a cost center5 3$t !o$ can cop! 3etween di""erent versions. Faintain the "ollowin' processing options0 G *o not chan'e 2" !o$ do not want the s!stem to chan'e the data in the tar'et5 activate the Do not change indicator. 2" !o$ want to cop! data "or a certain o3Aect that alread! has data in the tar'et version5 the s!stem does not cop! the act$al data i" the indicator Do not change is active. G .eset and overwrite 6hen !o$ set this indicator5 the ,A- s!stem deletes an! existin' data in the tar'et version. <o$ there"ore sho$ld chec7 to ma7e s$re that !o$ want to overwrite the existin' data. G Bac7'ro$nd 2" !o$ want to cop! lar'e vol$mes o" plannin' data5 !o$ sho$ld sched$le a 3ac7'ro$nd Ao3 "or a time when s!stem wor7load is low and activate the Background !rocessing indicator. G #est r$n 2" !o$ do not want the s!stem to $pdate the res$lts5 select Test run. #he s!stem then 'enerates a lo'5 3$t does not chan'e an! data. G *etailed lists #he ,A- s!stem creates a list with all copied data records and the plannin' processes selected "or cop!in'. #o speed $p cop!in' and avoid $nnecessar! s!stem $se please o3serve the "ollowin' '$idelines. ,elect onl! the 3$siness transactions !o$ have act$all! planned. 2"5 "or example5 !o$ have not planned an! secondar! order costs5 !o$ sho$ld deactivate the correspondin' plannin' transaction. 2" cop!in' lar'e >$antities o" data5 ens$re that !o$ select 3ac7'ro$nd processin'. #his means !o$ can process data at times o" minimal s!stem $sa'e. 2" cop!in' lar'e >$antities o" data online5 ens$re that !o$ start the cop!in' pro'ram per 3$siness transaction. Ens$re that !o$ cop! the activit! t!pes 3e"ore !o$ cop! the other plannin' areas5 since the s!stem re>$ires the activit! t!pes to $pdate activit!Cdependent records. Avoid cop!in' existin' data with the indicator 2eset and over(rite' #his minimi%es the amo$nt o" data that has to 3e read d$rin' reset. *o not $se the detailed list i" the list o" copied records is not a3sol$tel! necessar!. #he 3asic list 9witho$t copied records) is alwa!s displa!ed. 2" possi3le5 do not cop! lon' texts5 as this considera3l! increases pro'ram r$ntime. /var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_3/205399238.doc "&3 o( $'!

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(op! onl! parts o" the cost center hierarch!.

(op!in' m$ltiple periods or an entire "iscal !ear has onl! a minimal e""ect on r$ntime when compared with cop!in' a sin'le period. :. B$siness Fodel &/A 5. ,pecial 8r'ani%ational (onsiderations &/A ?. (han'es to Existin' 8r'ani%ation &/A @. *escription o" 2mprovements &/A 8. *escription o" ;$nctional *e"icits &one apparent at this time 9. Approaches to (overin' ;$nctional *e"icits &/A 10. &otes on ;$rther 2mprovements &one 11. ,!stem (on"i'$ration (onsiderations n7nown to the writer at this time 12. A$thori%ation and ser .oles ser roles will have to 3e esta3lished to allow central control o" cop!in' (8 plan versions. 13. -roAect ,peci"ic (2 ,ection &/A 5/1/1/2/ Copy $ct!al Data to Cost Center 6lan "&! o( $'!


AcceleratedSAP - Business Blueprint

"!estions: /0 1) *escri3e !o$r plannin' process. 4ow do !o$ plan cost centers1

A0 #he plannin' e>$ivalent at # is the 3$d'et 3ases carried on shadow s!stems. #he amo$nts carried in them are the 3e'innin' 3$d'et with an! rec$rrin' chan'es that have occ$rred since the start o" the "iscal !ear5 or an! planned chan'es "or the comin' !ear. /0 2) *o !o$ want to create !o$r cost center/activit! plan 3ased on the act$al val$es o" the previo$s !ear1 92" so5 what is the so$rce o" this data and in what "orm is it stored1 A0 &o5 act$al expendit$res and reven$e will not 3e $sed to "orm the central plan o" the comin' "iscal !ear. 4owever individ$al departments ma! wish to cop! act$als to create plans. C% Template: 1. .e>$irements/Expectations Act$al expendit$res and reven$e will not 3e $sed to "orm the central plan o" the comin' "iscal !ear. 4owever individ$al departments ma! wish to cop! act$als to create plans. 2. General Explanations sers ma! have a need to $se (8 plannin' to wor7 with act$als "rom vario$s "iscal periods. 3. Explanations o" ;$nctions and Events Copying $ct!al Data %nto 6lanning >se #he "$nction Co!y actua& to !&an is a plannin' aid that lets !o$ cop! act$al val$es a$tomaticall! "rom 3$siness transactions that can also 3e planned man!ally. <o$ cannot cop! an! periodic allocations in the act$al li7e periodic repostin'5 distri3$tion5 or accr$al calc$lation. <o$ m$st also exec$te them in the plan. <o$ can0 .e$se lar'e parts o" !o$r act$al data "rom the previo$s !ear "or !o$r c$rrent "iscal !ear #rans"er act$al val$es to plannin' within a "iscal !ear5 independentl! o" period se ./3 enhancements to extend the standard "$nctionalit! "or cop!in' act$al data RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR Copying $ct!al Val!es to 6lanning 6roced!re #o cop! act$al val$es to a new plan5 proceed as "ollows0 (hoose Accounting b Contro&&ing b Cost Center Accounting b %&anning b %&anning aids b Co!y b Co!y actua& to !&an. ,elect the target to 3e copied to. #o do so5 choose one o" the "ollowin' options0 A sin'le cost center A ran'e o" cost centers A cost center 'ro$p All cost centers <o$ can also de"ine a selection variant in which !o$ speci"! selection criteria that meet !o$r partic$lar re>$irements. /var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_3/205399238.doc "&" o( $'!

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#o do so5 choose -e&ection variant and the Create icon. (hoose a reference. Enter a /rom !eriod5 To !eriod5 and a /isca& year. (hoose a target/ Enter a *ersion" /rom !eriod5 To !eriod5 and a /isca& year. <o$ can cop!0 G (op!in' data within "iscal !ears and periods G (op!in' data 3etween di""erent "iscal !ears and periods 6hen cop!in'5 either all o" the re"erence selection criteria can di""er "rom the tar'et selection criteria or at least one o" the selection criterion. <o$ can cop! the "ollowin' data0 $ct!al reference From period To period Jear Target plan Version from period To period Jear 1 ? 199@ 1 1 ? 199@ 1 ? 199? 1 @ 12 199@ 1 12 199? 1 1 12 199@ ,elect the act!al data to 3e copied. <o$ have the "ollowin' options0 All act$al data *ata 3elon'in' to partic$lar 3$siness transactions <o$ can either cop! plan val$es "or all plannin' transactions or A$st "or individ$al 3$siness transactions5 s$ch as primar! costs5 reven$es5 and activit! >$antities. G ,tr$ct$res +ith or +itho!t data <o$ can either cop! the str$ct$res onl! 9plannin' records witho$t plannin' val$es) or !o$ can cop! 3oth the str$ct$res and the correspondin' plannin' val$es. Faintain the "ollowin' processing options0 G *o not chan'e 2" !o$ do not want the s!stem to chan'e the data in the tar'et5 activate the Do not change indicator. 2" !o$ want to cop! data "or a certain o3Aect that alread! has data in the tar'et version5 the s!stem does not cop! the act$al data i" the indicator Do not change is active. G .eset and overwrite 6hen !o$ set this indicator5 the ./3 ,!stem deletes an! existin' data in the tar'et version. <o$ there"ore sho$ld chec7 to ma7e s$re that !o$ want to overwrite the existin' data. G Bac7'ro$nd 2" !o$ want to cop! lar'e vol$mes o" data5 !o$ sho$ld sched$le a 3ac7'ro$nd Ao3 "or a time when s!stem wor7load is low and activate the Background !rocessing indicator. G #est r$n 2" !o$ do not want the s!stem to $pdate the res$lts5 select Test run. #he s!stem then 'enerates a lo'5 3$t does not chan'e an! data. G *etailed lists #he s!stem creates a list containin' all the data records copied and the act$al 3$siness transactions that !o$ selected "or cop!in'. 2" !o$ activated the 2eset and over(rite indicator5 and have alread! carried o$t a plan cost split in the tar'et version5 the s!stem does not overwrite the data that was split. <o$ need to carr! o$t the split a'ain a"ter cop!in' the data. #o speed $p cop!in' and avoid $nnecessar! s!stem $se please o3serve the "ollowin' '$idelines. ,elect onl! the 3$siness transactions !o$ have act$all! planned. 2" cop!in' lar'e >$antities o" data5 ens$re that !o$ select 3ac7'ro$nd processin'. #his means !o$ can process data at times o" minimal s!stem $sa'e. 2" cop!in' lar'e >$antities o" data online5 ens$re that !o$ start the cop!in' pro'ram per 3$siness transaction. Ens$re that !o$ cop! the activit! t!pes 3e"ore /var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_3/205399238.doc "&$ o( $'!

AcceleratedSAP - Business Blueprint

!o$ cop! the other plannin' areas5 since the s!stem re>$ires the activit! t!pes to $pdate activit!Cdependent records. Avoid cop!in' existin' data with the indicator 2eset and over(rite' #his minimi%es the amo$nt o" data that has to 3e read d$rin' reset. *o not $se the detailed list i" the list o" copied records is not a3sol$tel! necessar!. #he 3asic list 9witho$t copied records) is alwa!s displa!ed. (op! onl! parts o" the cost center hierarch!.

:. B$siness Fodel &/A 5. ,pecial 8r'ani%ational (onsiderations 2t is anticipated the process will 3e decentrali%ed0 an! $ser that desires to wor7 with act$al data in (8 plan sho$ld 3e a3le to access it. ?. (han'es to Existin' 8r'ani%ation &one are anticipated @. *escription o" 2mprovements &/A 8. *escription o" ;$nctional *e"icits &/A 9. Approaches to (overin' ;$nctional *e"icits &/A 10. &otes on ;$rther 2mprovements &/A 11. ,!stem (on"i'$ration (onsiderations n7nown to writer at this time 12. A$thori%ation and ser .oles *ecentrali%ed access "or $sers will 3e needed. 13. -roAect ,peci"ic (2 ,ection &/A /var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_3/205399238.doc "&& o( $'!

AcceleratedSAP - Business Blueprint

5/1/1/,/ "!estions: /0

Redefinition of 6lan Version

1) *escri3e !o$r plannin' process. 4ow do !o$ plan cost centers1

A0 #he plannin' e>$ivalents at # are the 3$d'et 3ases carried on shadow s!stems. #he amo$nts carried in them are the 3e'innin' 3$d'et with an! rec$rrin' chan'es that have occ$rred since the start o" the "iscal !ear5 or an! planned chan'es "or the comin' !ear. /0 2) *o !o$ want to represent di""erent plannin' scenarios in parallel1

A0 <es5 it mi'ht 3e $se"$l to have di""erent plannin' scenarios in ./3 at the same time. #he o""iciall! maintained 3$d'et 3ase wo$ld 3e one plan5 and it co$ld 3e desira3le to carr! other plans at the same time. C% Template: 1. .e>$irements/Expectations *i""erent plannin' scenarios at the same time mi'ht 3e $se"$l in ./3. #he o""iciall! maintained 3$d'et 3ase wo$ld 3e one plan5 and it co$ld 3e desira3le to carr! other plans at the same time. 2. General Explanations -lans other than version %ero o" the next "iscal !ear that co$ld 3e carried are0 Archived monthl! versions o" plan %ero co$ld 3e $sed to trac7 chan'es since (8 plannin' does not carr! doc$ment n$m3ers. 2ndivid$al $sers ma! want to ma7e copies o" the o""icial plan to modi"! "or their own $ses. 3. Explanations o" ;$nctions and Events 6lanning and 6arallel Val!ations in M!ltiple Versions >se 6lanning in m!ltiple *ersions Jo! can plan yo!r cost centers in m!ltiple *ersions/ #his corresponds to 'eneral 3$siness practice0 s$all! a "irst version is 'enerated $sin' existin' plan and act$al val$es as 3ase val$es 9"or example5 "rom previo$s "iscal !ears or "rom the c$rrent "iscal !ear). #hese are mainl! percenta'eC3ased reval$ations 9see also: .eval$atin' (ost (enter -lannin') and the plan val$es are adA$sted to the new tar'ets. #hese plan val$es are then revised and rewor7ed in a second version5 "ollowin' disc$ssions with the cost center mana'ers. <o$ can $se these versions as the 3asis "or new reval$ations to 'enerate an! n$m3er o" new versions5 "or example5 to calc$late 3estCcase and worstC case scenarios. #hese versions are stored separatel! in the s!stem and can 3e compared with each other in the in"ormation s!stem 9plan/plan comparisons5 or comparisons o" the act$al costs with di""erent versions). 6hen !o$ create a controllin' area5 the s!stem a$tomaticall! creates version 000 9plan/act$al). #he act$al val$es created when enterin' primar! costs and allocatin' costs /var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_3/205399238.doc "&' o( $'!

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internall! are posted in this version. <o$ also $se this version to store the prices re>$ired "or internal activit! allocation in the act$al. <o$ m!st $se version 000 "or plan/act$al comparisons. <o$ can also edit version 000 d$rin' cost center plannin'5 witho$t havin' to create it previo$sl!. +ersion 000 there"ore contains plan and act$al data "or anal!sis p$rposes. <o$ can also $se an! n$m3er o" additional plan versions. 4owever5 no act$al data is saved in these alternative versions. ;or more in"ormation on versions5 see the 2mplementation G$ide 92FG) "or (ontrollin'5 $nder 3verhead Cost Contro&&ing b Cost Center Accounting D %&anning b Basic -ettings b Faintain +ersions. 6arallel *al!ations in m!ltiple *ersions 2" !o$ have activated parallel *al!ations in !o$r controllin' area5 !o$ can $se m$ltiple act$al versions. Each act$al version can have the "ollowin' val$ations0 De'al val$ation Gro$p val$ation -ro"it center val$ation 8ne o" the val$ations 3ecomes the operational val$ation 9in the act$al version 000). <o$ can onl! plan data $sin' the operational val$ation. ;or more in"ormation5 see -arallel +al$ations and F$ltiple +al$ation Approaches/#rans"er -rices :. B$siness Fodel &/A 5. ,pecial 8r'ani%ational (onsiderations 2t is anticipated the process will 3e decentrali%ed0 an! $ser that desires to wor7 with m$ltiple (8 plan versions sho$ld 3e a3le to access them. Faintainin' archived monthl! versions will 3e a central "$nction. ?. (han'es to Existin' 8r'ani%ation &one anticipated @. *escription o" 2mprovements #he potential "or $sers to wor7 with $ni>$e versions o" plans. 8. *escription o" ;$nctional *e"icits &one apparent 9. Approaches to (overin' ;$nctional *e"icits &/A 10. &otes on ;$rther 2mprovements &/A


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11. ,!stem (on"i'$ration (onsiderations n7nown to the writer at this time 12. A$thori%ation and ser .oles *ecentrali%ed access "or $sers will 3e needed. 13. -roAect ,peci"ic (2 ,ection &/A 5/1/1/3/ "!estions: /0 1) 2" !o$ are also implementin' ,A- ./3 4$man .eso$rces5 do !o$ want to trans"er the res$lts o" personnel cost plannin' to (ontrollin' 9(8) as part o" !o$r plannin' "or personnel expenses1 A0 <es. Both the c$rrent !ear costs and ann$ali%ed 93ase) costs o" positions will 3e needed. C% Template: 1. .e>$irements/Expectations ,ince the o""icial niversit! 3$d'et 3ase will 3e carried in (8 plan version %ero5 it will have to 3e periodicall! $pdated with position costs "rom 4.. ($rrentl!5 a ro$'hl! e>$ivalent process is done in April "or the 3$d'et process. 2n ./35 the trans"er o" personnel costs co$ld 3e done in the same wa! or more o"ten5 i" interest and sta""in' to reconcile the position chan'es allow it. 2. General Explanations ,ince the o""icial niversit! 3$d'et 3ase will 3e carried in (8 plan version %ero5 it will have to 3e periodicall! $pdated with position costs "rom 4.. ($rrentl!5 a ro$'hl! e>$ivalent process is done in April "or the 3$d'et process. 2n ./35 the trans"er o" personnel costs co$ld 3e done in the same wa! or more o"ten5 i" interest and sta""in' to reconcile the position chan'es allow it. 3. Explanations o" ;$nctions and Events The Cost Center $cco!nting)6ersonal Cost 6lanning %nterface >se *$rin' inte'rated plannin' 3etween (ost (enter Acco$ntin' 9(8C8FC((A) and -ersonnel -lannin' 9-*)5 !o$ can trans"er planned personnel costs to primar! cost plannin' in (ost (enter Acco$ntin'. #he "ollowin' topics cover which conditions m$st 3e met in 3oth application components and how the data is trans"erred. Transfer of 6ersonnel Costs


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6rereC!isites <o$ created valid personnel records and plan personnel costs in -* 3e"ore trans"errin' the data to (8C8FC((A. ;or more in"ormation on maintainin' 4. master records5 see the ,A- Di3rar! $nder =2 =uman 2esources D %A %ersonne& ?anagement D %A %ersonne& Administration 9-A C -ersonnel Administration) or =uman 2esource ?anagement D Com!ensation ?anagement D %ersonne& Cost %&anning 9see0 -ersonnel (ost -lannin')' <o$ can plan personnel costs "or tar'et wa'es5 pa!roll res$lts5 or 3asic pa!5 and trans"er these costs to (ost (enter Acco$ntin'. &ote the "ollowin'0 ,election o" a valid cost center as acco$nt assi'nment o3Aect <o$ m$st speci"! a cost center to which the personnel costs are posted in the 3rganiHationa& Assignment screen o" the personnel master record. #his cost center m$st alread! exist in (ost (enter Acco$ntin' and m$st meet the "ollowin' re>$irements. G #he cost center m$st 3e valid thro$'ho$t the entire plannin' period in 4. cost plannin'. G <o$ m$st not have entered an! plannin' loc7s. G #he cost center c$rrenc! m$st 3e the same as the c$rrenc! $sed in plannin' personnel costs. 9,ee0 (ost (enters) 8ther "ields in which !o$ m$st enter data incl$de the0 G +alidit! period o" the personnel master record G (ompan! code G -lant ,electin' a valid cost element 2n -ersonnel (ost -lannin' !o$ de"ine a primar! cost element with which !o$ post personnel costs to (ost (enter Acco$ntin'. <o$ m$st have alread! created this cost element in (ost (enter Acco$ntin' 9see0 (ost Elements). ($rrencies #he data trans"erred "rom the -ersonnel (ost -lannin' application component is alwa!s recorded in transaction c$rrenc!. 2" the A&& currencies indicator is active "or the controllin' area5 the val$e in transaction c$rrenc! is also translated to o3Aect and controllin' area c$rrenc! and trans"erred to the transaction c$rrenc! "ield. 2" !o$ have not selected this indicator5 the s!stem trans"ers onl! the val$e in controllin' area c$rrenc! into the correspondin' "ield d$rin' primar! cost plannin'. #he other c$rrenc! "ields are not "illed. 2" the c$rrencies $sed in 4. and (8C8FC((A di""er5 chec7 that the exchan'e rates "or the c$rrencies are maintained. -lannin' period #he plannin' period in the 4. s!stem m$st 3e the same as the plannin' period in (8C 8FC((A to which !o$ are trans"errin' the personnel costs. ,avin' and .eleasin' -lan *ata A"ter enterin' the plan data in the -ersonnel (ost -lannin' application component5 !o$ m$st save and release !o$r plannin'. <o$ m$st speci"! a name "or the 4. plan scenario containin' the data. #he data is trans"erred with the plan scenario to (8C8FC((A. 4. plan scenario/version An 4. plan scenario is assi'ned to one speci"ic version. <o$ can onl! trans"er val$es "rom one 4. plan scenario to a version. 2" !o$ want to trans"er data "rom another 4. plan scenario5 !o$ m$st "irst reverse the data alread! trans"erred. #o do this5 choose 2everse transferred data in the data trans"er pro'ram. ;or more in"ormation5 see #rans"errin' -ersonnel (osts "rom 4. 9as o" .elease :.?A) :. B$siness Fodel &/A /var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_3/205399238.doc "'1 o( $'!

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5. ,pecial 8r'ani%ational (onsiderations #rans"er o" personnel costs will have to 3e coordinated with decentrali%ed wor7 in departments 3ein' done on the 3$d'et 3ase. 2" the trans"er can 3e per"ormed 3! the departments/colle'es responsi3le "or the data5 then there will have to 3e s$""icient trainin' to prepare $sers "or the tas7. ?. (han'es to Existin' 8r'ani%ation &one are anticipated @. *escription o" 2mprovements +acant and l$mp s$m positions will 3e a3le to 3e trac7ed thro$'ho$t the !ear. AdA$stments to positions in the 3$d'et 3ase can occ$r thro$'h o$t the !ear5 rather than to an $pdate o" an April pa!roll snapshot5 as with the c$rrent process. 8. *escription o" ;$nctional *e"icits &one are apparent 9. Approaches to (overin' ;$nctional *e"icits &/A 10. &otes on ;$rther 2mprovements &/A 11. ,!stem (on"i'$ration (onsiderations n7nown to this writer at this time 12. A$thori%ation and ser .oles 2" the s!stem "$nctionalit! allows departments to trans"er data "rom 4. to (85 then $ser roles will need to 3e de"ined to allow it. 13. -roAect ,peci"ic (2 ,ection &/A 5/1/1/5/ "!estions: 6rimary Cost 6lanning ;F!ll Costs<


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/0 1) 6hich proced$re do !o$ $se "or man$al plannin' o" primar! costs5 when !o$ have costs that are not trans"erred "rom other mod$les5 s$ch as 4. or ;2CAA1 A0 6hen costs that are not trans"erred "rom other mod$les5 s$ch as 4. or ;2CAA5 9examples are ener'! costs5 maintenance costs5 and so on)5 the! are modeled on s$3s!stems or spreadsheets and the res$lts are entered in the plan 93$d'et 3ase). C% Template: 1. .e>$irements/Expectations #he 3$d'et 3ase is carried at the twoCdi'it o3Aect code 9cost element) level. (8 plannin' will need to s$pport that level o" detail. 2. General Explanations 8peratin' 9nonCsalar!) plannin' occ$rs at the twoCdi'it cost element level 9o3Aect code). 2n order to sta! within a control amo$nt5 operatin' o3Aects o"ten have to 3e adA$sted when salar! amo$nts are $pdated in 4.. B$d'etin'/plannin' "or operatin' is t!picall! on a carr! "orward 3asis. AdA$stments are made periodicall! and d$rin' the sprin' 3$d'et c!cle to re"lect act$al patterns. E>$ivalent adA$stments in the c$rrent s!stem are done on ,ched$le 3 "orms. 3. Explanations o" ;$nctions and Events 6rimary Cost 6lanning >se -lannin' primar! costs involves enterin' those costs that arise "rom the cons$mption o" 'oods and services s$pplied to the or'ani%ation "rom external 9as opposed to internal) so$rces. -rimar! costs incl$de0 Da3or costs External services Faterial costs 8peratin' s$pplies ,tatistical cost elements "or 3alance sheet acco$nts 9see0 -lannin' ,tatistical (ost Elements "or Balance ,heet Acco$nts) Accr$al costs #hese accr$al costs either have di""erent val$es in (8 than in ;2 9imp$ted interest or depreciation)5 or are inc$rred at di""erent times in (8 than ;2 9special pa!ments s$ch as vacation 3on$ses5 or irre'$lar costs5 "or example5 repairs). Feat!res 2n (ost (enter Acco$ntin'5 primar! cost plannin' lets !o$ enter costs and cons$mption >$antities "or each cost center/activit! t!pe. #his means that primar! costs can 3e planned 3! >$antit!5 as well as 3! val$e. 2n val$eC3ased primar! cost plannin'5 the ./3 ,!stem records onl! the plan costs "or each cost element. #o do this5 $se5 "or example5 planner pro"ile ,A-101 and standard plannin' la!o$t 1 C 101. *$rin' >$antit!C3ased primar! cost plannin'5 !o$ plan the cons$mption o" 'oods and services that the or'ani%ation proc$res "rom external so$rces. &o val$ation occ$rs. ;or example5 !o$ can $se planner pro"ile ,A-101 and standard plannin' la!o$t 1 C 1015 which incl$des the characteristics /i,ed consum!tion and *aria)&e consum!tion "or /var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_3/205399238.doc "'3 o( $'!

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plannin'. 2" !o$ onl! 7now the >$antities o" the reso$rces cons$med5 !o$ also $se reso$rce plannin' to carr! o$t a >$antit!C3ased primar! cost plannin' $sin' planner pro"ile ,A-.H. and standard plannin' la!o$t 1 C 1.1. #he ./3 ,!stem exec$tes the val$ation $sin' the prices !o$ have stored. -rimar! costs can 3e planned $sin' di""erent methods0 #he "ollowin' methods are availa3le0 Fan$al primar! cost plannin' Activit!Cindependent primar! cost plannin' Activit!Cdependent primar! cost plannin' A$tomatic primar! cost plannin' -lan distri3$tion -lan accr$al calc$lation 'ee also: Man!al 6lanning 6eriodic $llocations :. B$siness Fodel &/A 5. ,pecial 8r'ani%ational (onsiderations pdate capa3ilit! and $ser 7nowled'e o" ./3 will 3e needed at the department level5 where sched$le 3 "orms are c$rrentl! prepared. ?. (han'es to Existin' 8r'ani%ation &one @. *escription o" 2mprovements &/A 8. *escription o" ;$nctional *e"icits &one apparent 9. Approaches to (overin' ;$nctional *e"icits &/A 10. &otes on ;$rther 2mprovements &/A 11. ,!stem (on"i'$ration (onsiderations n7nown at this time to the writer /var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_3/205399238.doc "'! o( $'!

AcceleratedSAP - Business Blueprint

12. A$thori%ation and ser .oles pdate o" operatin' plans will 3e a decentrali%ed "$nctionP $ser roles and sec$rit! will need to re"lect that. 13. -roAect ,peci"ic (2 ,ection &/A 5/1/1/4/ "!estions: /0 1) 6hich proced$re do !o$ $se "or man$al plannin' o" primar! costs5 when !o$ have costs that are not trans"erred "rom other mod$les5 s$ch as 4. or ;2CAA1 A0 6hen costs that are not trans"erred "rom other mod$les5 s$ch as 4. or ;2CAA5 9examples are ener'! costs5 maintenance costs5 and so on)5 the! are modeled on s$3s!stems or spreadsheets and the res$lts are entered in the plan 93$d'et 3ase). C% Template: 1. .e>$irements/Expectations #he 3$d'et 3ase is carried at the twoCdi'it o3Aect code 9cost element) level. (8 plannin' will need to s$pport that level o" detail. 2. General Explanations 8peratin' 9nonCsalar!) plannin' occ$rs at the twoCdi'it cost element level 9o3Aect code). 2n order to sta! within a control amo$nt5 operatin' o3Aects o"ten have to 3e adA$sted when salar! amo$nts are $pdated in 4.. B$d'etin'/plannin' "or operatin' is t!picall! on a carr! "orward 3asis. AdA$stments are made periodicall! and d$rin' the sprin' 3$d'et c!cle to re"lect act$al patterns. E>$ivalent adA$stments in the c$rrent s!stem are done on ,ched$le 3 "orms. 3. Explanations o" ;$nctions and Events 6rimary Cost 6lanning >se -lannin' primar! costs involves enterin' those costs that arise "rom the cons$mption o" 'oods and services s$pplied to the or'ani%ation "rom external 9as opposed to internal) so$rces. -rimar! costs incl$de0 Da3or costs External services Faterial costs 8peratin' s$pplies ,tatistical cost elements "or 3alance sheet acco$nts 9see0 -lannin' ,tatistical (ost Elements "or Balance ,heet Acco$nts) /var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_3/205399238.doc "'" o( $'! 6rimary Cost 6lanning ;6rop/)FiAed<

AcceleratedSAP - Business Blueprint

Accr$al costs #hese accr$al costs either have di""erent val$es in (8 than in ;2 9imp$ted interest or depreciation)5 or are inc$rred at di""erent times in (8 than ;2 9special pa!ments s$ch as vacation 3on$ses5 or irre'$lar costs5 "or example5 repairs). Feat!res 2n (ost (enter Acco$ntin'5 primar! cost plannin' lets !o$ enter costs and cons$mption >$antities "or each cost center/activit! t!pe. #his means that primar! costs can 3e planned 3! >$antit!5 as well as 3! val$e. 2n val$eC3ased primar! cost plannin'5 the ./3 ,!stem records onl! the plan costs "or each cost element. #o do this5 $se5 "or example5 planner pro"ile ,A-101 and standard plannin' la!o$t 1 C 101. *$rin' >$antit!C3ased primar! cost plannin'5 !o$ plan the cons$mption o" 'oods and services that the or'ani%ation proc$res "rom external so$rces. &o val$ation occ$rs. ;or example5 !o$ can $se planner pro"ile ,A-101 and standard plannin' la!o$t 1 C 1015 which incl$des the characteristics /i,ed consum!tion and *aria)&e consum!tion "or plannin'. 2" !o$ onl! 7now the >$antities o" the reso$rces cons$med5 !o$ also $se reso$rce plannin' to carr! o$t a >$antit!C3ased primar! cost plannin' $sin' planner pro"ile ,A-.H. and standard plannin' la!o$t 1 C 1.1. #he ./3 ,!stem exec$tes the val$ation $sin' the prices !o$ have stored. -rimar! costs can 3e planned $sin' di""erent methods0 #he "ollowin' methods are availa3le0 Fan$al primar! cost plannin' Activit!Cindependent primar! cost plannin' Activit!Cdependent primar! cost plannin' A$tomatic primar! cost plannin' -lan distri3$tion -lan accr$al calc$lation 'ee also: Man!al 6lanning 6eriodic $llocations :. B$siness Fodel &/A 5. ,pecial 8r'ani%ational (onsiderations pdate capa3ilit! and $ser 7nowled'e o" ./3 will 3e needed at the department level5 where sched$le 3 "orms are c$rrentl! prepared. ?. (han'es to Existin' 8r'ani%ation &one @. *escription o" 2mprovements &/A 8. *escription o" ;$nctional *e"icits


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AcceleratedSAP - Business Blueprint

&one apparent 9. Approaches to (overin' ;$nctional *e"icits &/A 10. &otes on ;$rther 2mprovements &/A 11. ,!stem (on"i'$ration (onsiderations n7nown at this time to the writer 12. A$thori%ation and ser .oles pdate o" operatin' plans will 3e a decentrali%ed "$nctionP $ser roles and sec$rit! will need to re"lect that. 13. -roAect ,peci"ic (2 ,ection &/A 5/1/1/5/ "!estions: /0 1) *o !o$ want to represent activit! relationships 3etween cost centers in !o$r plannin'1 'econdary Cost 6lanning ;F!ll Costs<

A0 .ecoveries 9service center char'es and reven$e "or services rendered to external or'ani%ations) will need to 3e re"lected in $nrestricted cost center plans 93$d'et 3ases). #hese are re"lected in the c$rrent s!stem thro$'h ne'ative 3$d'et entries and act$als with the third di'it o" the o3Aect code havin' the val$e o" =9=. C% Template: 1. .e>$irements/Expectations .ecoveries 9service center char'es and reven$e "or services rendered to external or'ani%ations) will need to 3e re"lected in $nrestricted cost center plans 93$d'et 3ases). #hese are re"lected in the c$rrent s!stem thro$'h ne'ative 3$d'et entries and act$als with the third di'it o" the o3Aect code havin' the val$e o" =9= 2. General Explanations ,ince ./3 does not accept ne'ative plannin' and 3$d'et entries5 reven$e elements will 3e $sed "or recoveries. 3. Explanations o" ;$nctions and Events /var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_3/205399238.doc "'& o( $'!

AcceleratedSAP - Business Blueprint

'econdary Cost 6lanning >se 2n addition to primar! costs5 secondar! costs are o"ten inc$rred d$rin' the prod$ction o" cost center activit!. #his is 3eca$se a cost center m$st o"ten ta7e activit! "rom other cost centers to prod$ce its own activit!. ,econdar! costs on the cost center res$lt "rom internal allocations5 s$ch as activit! allocations or assessments. #o 'et meanin'"$l periodic comparisons o" plan and act$al data5 !o$ m$st plan secondar! costs as well as primar! costs. <o$ can plan secondar! costs as val$eC3ased 9assessment or order settlement) or >$antit!C3ased 9activit! inp$t). 'ee also: Fan$al -lannin' -eriodic Allocations Man!al 6lanning >se Fan$al plannin' covers the "ollowin' plannin' areas0 -lannin' statistical 7e! "i'$res Activit! t!pe plannin' -rimar! cost plannin' ,econdar! cost plannin' B$d'et plannin' *etailed plannin' <o$ plan activit! t!pes5 statistical 7e! "i'$res and costs $sin' the appropriate plannin' methods 9see also0 #echni>$es "or ,$pportin' Fan$al -lannin'). 2n the standard s!stem5 ./3 provides planner pro"iles and plannin' la!o$ts "or the relevant plannin' area 9see also0 ,tr$ct$rin' the -lannin' ,creen). <o$ can either $se these pro"iles and la!o$ts as the! stand5 or adapt them to meet !o$r own re>$irements. nli7e -eriodic Allocations where the s!stem determines the plan val$es once at periodC end with $serCde"ined r$les5 in man$al plannin' !o$ plan each val$e !o$rsel". %ntegration Fan$al plannin' is implemented in other application components 3elon'in' to the ,A./3 ,!stem. _0Z $pplication component ]`0_Z $pplication component ]0` %nformation: 2nternal orders -rimar! (ost and .even$e -lannin' Activit!CBased (ostin' Fan$al -rocess -lannin' .eal Estate Fana'ement (ost and .even$e -lannin' on .eal Estate 83Aects -roAect ,!stem Fan$al (ost -lannin' in the 6or7 Brea7down ,tr$ct$re 6eriodic $llocations >se 2n distrib!tion and assessment5 !o$ "$rther allocate costs 9or >$antities "or indirect acti*ity allocations) collected on a cost center d$rin' the acco$ntin' period to receivers5 accordin' to $serCde"ined 7e!s. #hese are there"ore indirect allocation methods5 3eca$se the exchan'e o" activit! is not the 3asis "or allocatin' costs/>$antities. 2nstead5 $serC de"ined 7e!s s$ch as percenta'e rates5 amo$nts5 statistical 7e! "i'$res5 or posted amo$nts provide the cost/>$antit! assi'nment 3asis. #he advanta'e o" these methods is that the! are eas! to $se. <o$ $s$all! de"ine the 7e!s and the sender/receiver relationships onl! once. *istri3$tion and assessment are $sed primaril! "or cost centers. #his is 3eca$se direct cost allocation is not possi3le here d$e to the variet! o" transactions5 the lac7 o" clearl! de"ined individ$al activit! t!pes and the "act that the entr! o" the activit! is too timeC cons$min'. ;or example5 the costs o" the compan! ca"eteria ma! 3e assi'ned 3ased on the n$m3er o" emplo!ees in each cost center. #elephone costs are seldom allocated directl! to the individ$al cost centers5 3$t are collected on a clearin' cost center "or each period. #he! are then repotted or distri3$ted at the end o" the period accordin' to the /var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_3/205399238.doc "'' o( $'!

AcceleratedSAP - Business Blueprint

n$m3er o" telephone $nits or telephone installations in each cost center. 6rereC!isites <o$ carr! o$t allocations at period end 9d$rin' periodCend closin') $sin' prede"ined parameters 97e!s5 senderCreceiver relationships). <o$ can $se di""erent c$rrencies "or the periodic allocations. #o do this5 !o$ m$st have selected A&& currencies d$rin' controllin' area maintenance. #he c$rrencies are converted $sin' the translation rates !o$ entered in ($stomi%in' when con"i'$rin' the s!stem 9see also0 ($rrencies). #he val$e date determines which c$rrenc! translation rate is $sed "or the c$rrenc! conversion. 2" !o$ do not enter a val$e date5 the s!stem estimates the most acc$rate translation rate "or the period. 2" !o$ are wor7in' with trans"er prices 9parallel val$e "lows) distri3$tion and assessment are exec$ted in parallel in all val$ations. #he costs to 3e allocated are ta7en "rom the correspondin' val$ation. #he tracin' "actor is alwa!s ta7en "rom the operational val$ation. #he val$es allocated ma! di""er in the di""erent val$ation methods. ,enders and receivers are displa!ed in the res$lts list5 di""erentiated accordin' to the parallel act$al versions o" the vario$s val$ations. ;or more in"ormation a3o$t trans"er prices5 see the ,A- Di3rar! $nder /inancia&s D .nter!rise Contro&&ing D %rofit Center Accounting D Transfer %rices 9see0 #rans"er -rices) and -arallel +al$ations' :. B$siness Fodel &/A 5. ,pecial 8r'ani%ational (onsiderations &one apparent ?. (han'es to Existin' 8r'ani%ation &one @. *escription o" 2mprovements &one apparent 8. *escription o" ;$nctional *e"icits &one apparent 9. Approaches to (overin' ;$nctional *e"icits &/A 10. &otes on ;$rther 2mprovements &/A


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AcceleratedSAP - Business Blueprint

11. ,!stem (on"i'$ration (onsiderations n7nown at this time to the writer 12. A$thori%ation and ser .oles pdate o" operatin' plans will 3e a decentrali%ed "$nctionP $ser roles and sec$rit! will need to re"lect that. 13. -roAect ,peci"ic (2 ,ection &/A 5/1/1/./ "!estions: /0 1) *o !o$ want to represent activit! relationships 3etween cost centers in !o$r plannin'1 'econdary Cost 6lanning ;6rop/)FiAed<

A0 .ecoveries 9service center char'es and reven$e "or services rendered to external or'ani%ations) will need to 3e re"lected in $nrestricted cost center plans 93$d'et 3ases). #hese are re"lected in the c$rrent s!stem thro$'h ne'ative 3$d'et entries and act$als with the third di'it o" the o3Aect code havin' the val$e o" =9=. C% Template: 1. .e>$irements/Expectations .ecoveries 9service center char'es and reven$e "or services rendered to external or'ani%ations) will need to 3e re"lected in $nrestricted cost center plans 93$d'et 3ases). #hese are re"lected in the c$rrent s!stem thro$'h ne'ative 3$d'et entries and act$als with the third di'it o" the o3Aect code havin' the val$e o" =9= 2. General Explanations ,ince ./3 does not accept ne'ative plannin' and 3$d'et entries5 reven$e elements will 3e $sed "or recoveries. 3. Explanations o" ;$nctions and Events 'econdary Cost 6lanning >se 2n addition to primar! costs5 secondar! costs are o"ten inc$rred d$rin' the prod$ction o" cost center activit!. #his is 3eca$se a cost center m$st o"ten ta7e activit! "rom other cost centers to prod$ce its own activit!. ,econdar! costs on the cost center res$lt "rom internal allocations5 s$ch as activit! allocations or assessments. #o 'et meanin'"$l periodic comparisons o" plan and act$al data5 !o$ m$st plan secondar! costs as well as primar! costs. <o$ can plan secondar! costs as val$eC3ased 9assessment or order settlement) or >$antit!C3ased 9activit! inp$t). 'ee also: Fan$al -lannin' /var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_3/205399238.doc ")0 o( $'!

AcceleratedSAP - Business Blueprint

-eriodic Allocations Man!al 6lanning >se Fan$al plannin' covers the "ollowin' plannin' areas0 -lannin' statistical 7e! "i'$res Activit! t!pe plannin' -rimar! cost plannin' ,econdar! cost plannin' B$d'et plannin' *etailed plannin' <o$ plan activit! t!pes5 statistical 7e! "i'$res and costs $sin' the appropriate plannin' methods 9see also0 #echni>$es "or ,$pportin' Fan$al -lannin'). 2n the standard s!stem5 ./3 provides planner pro"iles and plannin' la!o$ts "or the relevant plannin' area 9see also0 ,tr$ct$rin' the -lannin' ,creen). <o$ can either $se these pro"iles and la!o$ts as the! stand5 or adapt them to meet !o$r own re>$irements. nli7e -eriodic Allocations where the s!stem determines the plan val$es once at periodC end with $serCde"ined r$les5 in man$al plannin' !o$ plan each val$e !o$rsel". %ntegration Fan$al plannin' is implemented in other application components 3elon'in' to the ,A./3 ,!stem. _0Z $pplication component ]`0_Z $pplication component ]0` %nformation: 2nternal orders -rimar! (ost and .even$e -lannin' Activit!CBased (ostin' Fan$al -rocess -lannin' .eal Estate Fana'ement (ost and .even$e -lannin' on .eal Estate 83Aects -roAect ,!stem Fan$al (ost -lannin' in the 6or7 Brea7down ,tr$ct$re 6eriodic $llocations >se 2n distrib!tion and assessment5 !o$ "$rther allocate costs 9or >$antities "or indirect acti*ity allocations) collected on a cost center d$rin' the acco$ntin' period to receivers5 accordin' to $serCde"ined 7e!s. #hese are there"ore indirect allocation methods5 3eca$se the exchan'e o" activit! is not the 3asis "or allocatin' costs/>$antities. 2nstead5 $serC de"ined 7e!s s$ch as percenta'e rates5 amo$nts5 statistical 7e! "i'$res5 or posted amo$nts provide the cost/>$antit! assi'nment 3asis. #he advanta'e o" these methods is that the! are eas! to $se. <o$ $s$all! de"ine the 7e!s and the sender/receiver relationships onl! once. *istri3$tion and assessment are $sed primaril! "or cost centers. #his is 3eca$se direct cost allocation is not possi3le here d$e to the variet! o" transactions5 the lac7 o" clearl! de"ined individ$al activit! t!pes and the "act that the entr! o" the activit! is too timeC cons$min'. ;or example5 the costs o" the compan! ca"eteria ma! 3e assi'ned 3ased on the n$m3er o" emplo!ees in each cost center. #elephone costs are seldom allocated directl! to the individ$al cost centers5 3$t are collected on a clearin' cost center "or each period. #he! are then repotted or distri3$ted at the end o" the period accordin' to the n$m3er o" telephone $nits or telephone installations in each cost center. 6rereC!isites <o$ carr! o$t allocations at period end 9d$rin' periodCend closin') $sin' prede"ined parameters 97e!s5 senderCreceiver relationships). <o$ can $se di""erent c$rrencies "or the periodic allocations. #o do this5 !o$ m$st have selected A&& currencies d$rin' controllin' area maintenance. #he c$rrencies are converted $sin' the translation rates !o$ entered in ($stomi%in' when con"i'$rin' the s!stem 9see also0 ($rrencies). #he val$e date determines which c$rrenc! translation rate is $sed "or the c$rrenc! conversion. 2" !o$ do not enter a val$e date5 the s!stem estimates the most acc$rate /var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_3/205399238.doc ")1 o( $'!

AcceleratedSAP - Business Blueprint

translation rate "or the period. 2" !o$ are wor7in' with trans"er prices 9parallel val$e "lows) distri3$tion and assessment are exec$ted in parallel in all val$ations. #he costs to 3e allocated are ta7en "rom the correspondin' val$ation. #he tracin' "actor is alwa!s ta7en "rom the operational val$ation. #he val$es allocated ma! di""er in the di""erent val$ation methods. ,enders and receivers are displa!ed in the res$lts list5 di""erentiated accordin' to the parallel act$al versions o" the vario$s val$ations. ;or more in"ormation a3o$t trans"er prices5 see the ,A- Di3rar! $nder /inancia&s D .nter!rise Contro&&ing D %rofit Center Accounting D Transfer %rices 9see0 #rans"er -rices) and -arallel +al$ations' :. B$siness Fodel &/A 5. ,pecial 8r'ani%ational (onsiderations &one apparent ?. (han'es to Existin' 8r'ani%ation &one @. *escription o" 2mprovements &one apparent 8. *escription o" ;$nctional *e"icits &one apparent 9. Approaches to (overin' ;$nctional *e"icits &/A 10. &otes on ;$rther 2mprovements &/A 11. ,!stem (on"i'$ration (onsiderations n7nown at this time to the writer 12. A$thori%ation and ser .oles pdate o" operatin' plans will 3e a decentrali%ed "$nctionP $ser roles and sec$rit! will need to re"lect that.


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AcceleratedSAP - Business Blueprint

13. -roAect ,peci"ic (2 ,ection &/A 5/1/1/-/ C% Template: 1. .e>$irements/Expectations .eso$rce plannin' is a plannin' aid. 2" !o$ onl! 7now the >$antities o" cons$med reso$rces 9see also0 .eso$rces) !o$ can $se reso$rce plannin' to plan activit!C dependent or activit!Cindependent primar! costs or reven$es 3! >$antit!. <o$ can carr! o$t detailed plannin' o" a cost element 3! s$3dividin' the cost element on the 3asis o" the reso$rces. #he ,A- ./3 ,!stem val$ates the 'iven reso$rce cons$mption with a price5 which !o$ can store separatel! in the s!stem. <o$ can also lin7 reso$rces to a material or to a 3aseCplannin' o3Aect. #his means that a reso$rce or a 3aseCplannin' o3Aect has 3een entered in the reso$rce master record. ;or the val$ation o" reso$rce cons$mption d$rin' plannin'5 the ,A- ./3 ,!stem $ses the price o" the material5 re'ardless o" whether !o$ have de"ined a price "or the reso$rce d$rin' pricin' 9see also0 -ricin'). *$rin' primar! cost plannin'5 !o$ can plan reso$rces on cost centers5 cost center/activit! t!pe5 orders and 6B, elements. <o$ cannot plan reso$rces d$rin' overall plannin' o" orders and 6B, elements. Reso!rce 6lanning

.eso$rce plannin' di""ers in the "ollowin' wa!s "rom activit! inp$t plannin'5 which also provides a >$antit!C3ased plannin' approach0 ;rom where is the activit!/reso$rce inp$t/ta7en "rom1 (ost element5 $nder which the cons$mption is posted 2. General Explanations ,ee V1 a3ove 3. Explanations o" ;$nctions and Events Reso!rce 6lanning 6rereC!isites 2" !o$ want to carr! o$t reso$rce plannin' witho$t adoptin' the standard planner pro"ile ,A-.H.5 !o$ m$st de"ine !o$r own planner pro"ile and plannin' la!o$t. 6roced!re #o plan primar! costs at reso$rce level5 proceed as "ollows0 ,elect a planner pro"ile "or reso$rce plannin' s$ch as the standard planner pro"ile -A%2I2. #o do so5 in !o$r application choose %&anning b -et !&anner !rofi&e. (hoose %&anning b Cost e&ementCactivity in!ut b Change' ,elect a plannin' la!o$t "or reso$rce plannin'. #o chan'e existin' plans or create new ones5 choose Change. 2n the overview screen !o$ can enter the "ixed and varia3le plan cons$mption "or a reso$rce. <o$ $se a distri3$tion 7e! to distri3$te the plan val$es to the "iscal !ear periods. <o$ can either select a standard distri3$tion 7e! or de"ine !o$r own. 8n the period screen5 !o$ can also distri3$te !o$r period val$es man$all! to the individ$al periods. /var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_3/205399238.doc ")3 o( $'!

AcceleratedSAP - Business Blueprint

2" !o$ have stored a price "or the reso$rce 9see0 -ricin') the s!stem reval$ates the cons$mption $sin' this reso$rce price 9see also .eval$atin' .eso$rce -lannin') ;or more in"ormation a3o$t plannin' and chan'in' plannin' screens5 see Exec$tin' Fan$al -lannin' and #echni>$es "or ,$pportin' Fan$al -lannin' Reso!rce 6lanning 6rereC!isites 2" !o$ want to carr! o$t reso$rce plannin' witho$t adoptin' the standard planner pro"ile ,A-.H.5 !o$ m$st de"ine !o$r own planner pro"ile and plannin' la!o$t. 6roced!re #o plan primar! costs at reso$rce level5 proceed as "ollows0 ,elect a planner pro"ile "or reso$rce plannin' s$ch as the standard planner pro"ile -A%2I2. #o do so5 in !o$r application choose %&anning b -et !&anner !rofi&e. (hoose %&anning b Cost e&ementCactivity in!ut b Change' ,elect a plannin' la!o$t "or reso$rce plannin'. #o chan'e existin' plans or create new ones5 choose Change. 2n the overview screen !o$ can enter the "ixed and varia3le plan cons$mption "or a reso$rce. <o$ $se a distri3$tion 7e! to distri3$te the plan val$es to the "iscal !ear periods. <o$ can either select a standard distri3$tion 7e! or de"ine !o$r own. 8n the period screen5 !o$ can also distri3$te !o$r period val$es man$all! to the individ$al periods. 2" !o$ have stored a price "or the reso$rce 9see0 -ricin') the s!stem reval$ates the cons$mption $sin' this reso$rce price 9see also .eval$atin' .eso$rce -lannin') ;or more in"ormation a3o$t plannin' and chan'in' plannin' screens5 see Exec$tin' Fan$al -lannin' and #echni>$es "or ,$pportin' Fan$al -lannin' :. B$siness Fodel &/A 5. ,pecial 8r'ani%ational (onsiderations &one ?. (han'es to Existin' 8r'ani%ation &one @. *escription o" 2mprovements &one 8. *escription o" ;$nctional *e"icits &one 9. Approaches to (overin' ;$nctional *e"icits &one


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10. &otes on ;$rther 2mprovements &one 11. ,!stem (on"i'$ration (onsiderations &one 7nown at this time 12. A$thori%ation and ser .oles ,ho$ld "ollow the same a$thori%ation and roles as other (8 plannin' "$nctions. 13. -roAect ,peci"ic (2 ,ection &/A 5/1/1/10/ "!estions: /0 1) *o !o$ periodicall! move costs "rom a proAect/cost center 9s$ch as telephone costs) to other proAects/cost centers1 A0 <es /0 2) *id !o$ de"ine the 3asis "or these allocations 9s$ch as5 percenta'e5 statistical 7e! "i'$res5 "or example telephone $nits cons$med5 and so on)1 A0 #he allocation is $s$all! act$al $sa'e. C% Template: 1. .e>$irements/Expectations # $s$all! posts reCallocation o" char'es "rom service centers and other cost centers 3ased act$al $sa'e. RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR periodic reposting Controlling ;C(< ;$nction lets !o$ correct postin's to cost centers. -eriodic repostin' is an allocation method that $ses r$les de"ined in the "orm o" c!cles to credit allocation cost centers. #hese allocation cost centers are $sed to collect the postin's relevant "or cost acco$ntin'. Defining 6eriodic Reposting >se #o allocate telephone costs5 !o$ sho$ld $se the periodic repostin' allocation method. -eriodic repostin' has the advanta'e o" re>$irin' ver! little r$ntime to operate. -eriodic repostin' $ses the ori'inal cost element5 meanin' the primar! cost element remains intact. 6hen !o$ allocate telephone costs5 the allocatin' cost center is $nimportant "or the receivin' cost centers. #he s!stem there"ore stores data records "or periodic repostin' in a wa! that $ses less memor! than "or5 sa!5 distri3$tion. #he sender /var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_3/205399238.doc ")" o( $'! 6eriodic Reposting of 6lan Data

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cost center is not $pdated with this method. #o allocate telephone costs in (ontrollin' 9(8)5 !o$ can $se the "ollowin' allocation methods0 -eriodic repostin' *istri3$tion Assessment #he allocation methods di""er in the manner the! trans"er in"ormation "rom external acco$ntin' to internal acco$ntin' 2. General Explanations ,ee V1 a3ove 3. Explanations o" ;$nctions and Events 6ere periodic postin' $sed at #5 this wo$ld 3e the proced$re0 Defining 6eriodic Reposting 6roced!re #o de"ine a periodic repostin'5 carr! o$t the "ollowin' steps0 (reate a c!cle. (reate se'ments "or the c!cle. ,peci"! the tracin' "actors. Creating Cycles 1. 2n the (ost (enter Acco$ntin' initial screen5 choose Actua& !ostings D %eriod end c&osing D %eriodic re!osting' 2. 2n the %eriodic 2e!osting initial screen5 choose .,tras D Create cyc&e. <o$ can also create the necessar! c!cles in the 2mplementation G$ide 92FG) "or (ost (enter Acco$ntin' 9see (allin' p the 2mplementation G$ide "or (ost (enter Acco$ntin'). (hoose Actua& %ostings D %eriod .nd C&osing D %eriodic 2e!ostings D *e"inin' -eriodic .epostin's' 2n the dialo' 3ox5 choose Create Actua& %eriodic 2e!osting. 3. Enter a name "or the c!cle 9s$ch as tel01 ). :. Enter a startin' date "or the c!cle. 5. (hoose .,ecute to 'o to the entr! screen "or c!cle header data. ?. Enter the date mar7in' the end o" the validit! period "or the c!cle. @. Enter a descriptive text "or the c!cle 9s$ch as 6er/ Reposting Telephone Costs). 8. *eactivate the $terative indicator 3eca$se no sender/receiver relationships appear d$rin' allocation o" telephone costs. Creating 'egments 1. #o create a se'ment5 choose Attach segment. 2. Enter a name "or the se'ment 9s$ch as 0001). 3. Enter a descriptive text "or the se'ment 9s$ch as Credit Ctr 3512 ). :. Accept the de"a$lt settin's "or sender val$es and tracin' "actors. #he act$al val$es posted on the senders allocate in their entiret! on the receivers. #here"ore5 !o$ choose r$le 15 %osted amounts and a %ortion o" 100U. 2n addition5 !o$ accept the de"a$lt settin' Actua& va&ues. #he tracin' "actor "or periodic repostin' is the n$m3er o" telephone calls carried o$t 3! the receiver cost centers. #hese are varia3le portions. #here"ore5 $nder Tracing factors5 !o$ accept r$le 15 *aria)&e !ortions. Beca$se !o$ $se varia3le receiver tracin' "actors on the 3asis o" statistical 7e! "i'$res5 $nder Ty!e of varia)&e !ortion !o$ enter 5 9act$al statistical 7e! "i'$re). /var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_3/205399238.doc ")$ o( $'!

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<o$ save the statistical 7e! "i'$re representin' the n$m3er o" telephone calls in the next step5 =*eterminin' #racin' ;actors=. nder -ca&ing negative tracing factors5 accept the de"a$lt settin' o" 1 9no scalin'). 5. 2n the 'ro$p A&&ocation characteristics5 enter the sender cost center and its cost element 9s$ch as !o$r collection cost center 3512 and cost element 35,/120 9telephone call $nits)). ?. Enter the cost centers actin' as receivers 9s$ch as 351,, 3513 ). Defining Tracing Factors 1. (hoose Tracing factors to 'o to the Tracing /actors initial screen. 2. #he de"a$lt settin's in the -egment name" Ty!e of varia)&e !ortions5 and -ca&ing negative tracing factors are ta7en "rom the se'ment entries. 3. nder -e&ection criteria5 enter the statistical 7e! "i'$res servin' as the 3asis o" the periodic repostin'. Enter !o$r statistical 7e! "i'$re telephone. #his represents the n$m3er o" telephone calls made "rom the receiver cost centers. :. ,ave !o$r entries. <o$ can determine the "ields "or sender and receiver data appearin' in the se'ment and in the tracin' "actors in the 2mplementation G$ide 92FG) "or (ost (enter Acco$ntin'). (hoose Actua& %ostings D %eriod .nd C&osing D %eriodic 2e!ostings D *e"ine ,ender/.eceiver #!pes "or -eriodic .epostin'' ;or more in"ormation on creatin' c!cles5 see the 2FG "or (ost (enter Acco$ntin' $nder Actua& %ostings DJ%eriod .nd C&osing D %eriodic 2e!ostings D *e"ine -eriodic .epostin's and $nder *e"inition o" -eriodic .epostin's or -eriodCBased Allocations. :. B$siness Fodel &/A 5. ,pecial 8r'ani%ational (onsiderations &/A ?. (han'es to Existin' 8r'ani%ation &/A @. *escription o" 2mprovements &one 8. *escription o" ;$nctional *e"icits &/A 9. Approaches to (overin' ;$nctional *e"icits &/A 10. &otes on ;$rther 2mprovements /var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_3/205399238.doc ")& o( $'!

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&/A 11. ,!stem (on"i'$ration (onsiderations &one 7nown to this writer at this time 12. A$thori%ation and ser .oles ,ho$ld "ollow the same a$thori%ation and roles as other (8 plannin' "$nctions. 13. -roAect ,peci"ic (2 ,ection &/A 5/1/1/11/ "!estions: /0 1) *o !o$ want to distri3$te costs "rom a cost center or a cost center 'ro$p to (8 o3Aects 9cost center5 orders5 6B, element)5 and 7eep the ori'inal cost element "rom the sender in the receiver o3Aect1 A0 -ro3a3l!. /0 2) *id !o$ de"ine the 3asis "or these allocations 9s$ch as5 percenta'e5 statistical 7e! "i'$res5 "or example telephone $nits cons$med5 and so on)1 A0 6hatever the department wishes to move. C% Template: 1. .e>$irements/Expectations #he niversit! re>$ires the a3ilit! to distri3$te costs "rom a cost center to other cost centers and 6B, elements. 2. General Explanations 8$r $nderstandin' is that ./3 does not allow the chan'in' o" G/D acco$nts $sin' the (8 trans"er transaction. 3. Explanations o" ;$nctions and Events A department wishes to move char'es to another department or 6B, element "or whatever reason. :. B$siness Fodel 6lan Cost Distrib!tion


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&/A 5. ,pecial 8r'ani%ational (onsiderations &one ?. (han'es to Existin' 8r'ani%ation &one @. *escription o" 2mprovements &/A 8. *escription o" ;$nctional *e"icits &/A 9. Approaches to (overin' ;$nctional *e"icits &/A 10. &otes on ;$rther 2mprovements &/A 11. ,!stem (on"i'$ration (onsiderations &/A 12. A$thori%ation and ser .oles 8$r pre"erence is that the (8 trans"er 3e ver! distri3$ted to departmental $sers and that the O+ transaction wo$ld 3e m$ch more restricted.

4/ $sset $cco!nting
"!estions: /0 1) Are an! o" !o$r asset val$es mana'ed in a "orei'n c$rrenc!1 2" so5 speci"! the relevant co$ntries and c$rrencies. A0 &o /0 2) *oes the "iscal !ear "or asset acco$ntin' correspond to the calendar !ear1 2" not5 speci"! the start and end dates o" !o$r "iscal !ear.


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A0 All Assets0 0@/01 C 0?/30 /0 3) 2s !o$r enterprise c$rrentl! $sin' a shortened "iscal !ear5 or !o$ have $sed a shortened "iscal !ear in the past5 "or which !o$ want the ./3 ,!stem to recalc$late depreciation as part o" the asset data trans"er1 A0 &o /0 :) 2s !o$r enterprise re>$ired to calc$late midCmonth or midC!ear depreciation1

A0 &o C% Template: 1. .e>$irements/Expectations C C C C # will $se AF to mana'e their leased and owned assets. # will inte'rate AF with FF 9p$rchasin') to mana'e assets and 3ene"it "rom a$tomatic capitali%ation 9at time o" 'oods receipt). # wo$ld li7e to inte'rate sensitive items as well5 i" possi3le. # will post assets ac>$isitions5 trans"ers5 and retirements in AF. # will now have the new "$nctionalit! to 3e'in recordin' depreciation on their assets accordin' to GA,B re>$irements e""ective O$l! 2001.

($rrent ,!stems0 # has a3o$t 1005000 active assets 9e>$ipment onl!) in A,:00 worth Q2 3illion that will need to 3e depreciated d$e to new GA,B re>$irements. 2n addition5 # has "acilities 93$ildin's) in a separate data3ase as well as land on a man$al card s!stem 9needs to 3e p$t in electronic "ormat). All active assets will 3e 3ro$'ht over "rom these three le'ac! s!stems into ./3 via conversion pro'rams. Altho$'h there is a new polic! to ta7e an asset "rom Q15000 to Q55000 the amo$nt o" assets will decrease A$st a little d$e to another polic! to trac7 sensitive e>$ipment 93etween Q1000 C Q:999) in AF. 6e pro3a3l! will need to convert into ./3 at least 805000 assets on estimate. # is interested in space mana'ement 9real estate mod$le) 3$t at this point this is not in scope so we need to inter"ace AF to their existin' space mana'ement s!stem. An inter"ace will 3e maintained A$st to 7eep the lin7 3etween the asset master and the 3$ildin'/location. 2ns$rance will not 3e mana'ed in ./3. 2n phase 3 there will 3e a lot o" clean $p and conversion wor7 to prepare "or data conversion. 2n p$3lic sector 9e.'.5 'overnment5 $niversities5 etc.)5 the re>$irement "or asset acco$ntin' is to record the asset in the 3alance sheet 9plant "$nd) and record the expense in the -HD 9capital o$tla! expense). 2n addition5 the niversit! is implementin' GA,B 3:5 which re>$ires the depreciation o" assets e""ective O$l! 2001. *epreciation expense will hit the so$rce "$nd and acc$m$lated depreciation will hit net investment in plant 9a contra acco$nt). #he postin' into AF are will hit the B, and -HD as "ollows0 alance 'heet: __Asset Acco$nt__ 91) 107 2 2 __&et 2nv in -lant__ 2 92W) 107 /var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_3/205399238.doc $00 o( $'!

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2 __Acc$m *ep__ 2 93) 100 2 6rofit # Boss: __Acco$nts -a!__ 2 91) 107 2 __(apital 8$tla!__ 92W) 107 2 2 ___ *ep Exp ____ 93) 100 2 2 W A c$stom pro'ram will 3e written to allow this postin' to occ$r ni'htl! in ;2 and (8. #here"ore5 departments will 3e a3le to see the capital o$tla! soon a"ter 9rather than waitin' $ntil monthCend). Feanwhile5 the asset is immediatel! capitali%ed on the 3alance sheet 9rather than waitin' $ntil monthCend). *epreciation will 3e r$n monthl! as part o" the period end closin' process. 2. General Explanations #he Asset Acco$ntin' 9;2CAA) component is $sed "or mana'in' and s$pervisin' "ixed assets with the ,A- ./3 ,!stem. 2n ,A- ./3 ;inancial Acco$ntin'5 it serves as a s$3sidiar! led'er to the ;2 General Ded'er5 providin' detailed in"ormation on transactions involvin' "ixed assets. As a res$lt o" the inte'ration in the ./3 ,!stem5 Asset Acco$ntin' 9;2CAA) trans"ers data directl! to and "rom other ./3 components. ;or example5 it is possi3le to post "rom the ?ateria&s ?anagement 9FF) component directl! to ;2CAA. 6hen an asset is p$rchased or prod$ced inCho$se5 !o$ can directl! post the invoice receipt or 'oods receipt5 or the withdrawal "rom the wareho$se5 to assets in the Asset Accounting component. At the same time5 !o$ can pass on depreciation and interest directl! to the /inancia& Accounting 9;2) and Contro&&ing 9(8) components. #raditional asset acco$ntin' encompasses the entire li"etime o" the asset "rom p$rchase order or the initial ac>$isition 9possi3l! mana'ed as an asset $nder constr$ction) thro$'h its retirement. #he s!stem calc$lates5 to a lar'e extent a$tomaticall!5 the val$es "or depreciation5 interest5 ins$rance and other p$rposes 3etween these two points in time5 and places this in"ormation at !o$r disposal in varied "orm $sin' the 2n"ormation ,!stem. #here is a report "or depreciation "orecastin' and sim$lation o" the development o" asset val$es. B$siness -rocess "or ac>$isitions0 # departments will create a p$rchase re>$isition. 2" it is "or an asset the department will also create the asset master record. #he asset n$m3er will 3e recorded on the p$rchase re>$isition. pon 'oods receipt 3ein' posted in ./35 the s!stem will post the asset val$es to AF and $pdate ;2 and ;F accordin'l!. *r. Asset 9Asset G/D in ;2 and Expendit$re commitment item in ;F) (r. G./2. 9Dia3ilit! G/D in ;2)


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A 3atch pro'ram will r$n at ni'ht that will record the capital o$tla! expense in ;2 and (8. *r. (apital 8$tla! Expense 9Expendit$re G/D in ;2 and (ost Element in (8) (r. 2nvestment in -lant 9E>$it! G/D in ;2) B$siness -rocess "or trans"ers # departments complete a trans"er re>$est and s$3mit it to the (ontrollerIs 8""ice. #he asset sta"" person will record the asset trans"er in ./3. *r. Asset 9.eceivin' *epartment) *r. Acc$m$lated *epreciation 9,endin' *epartment) (r. Asset 9,endin' *epartment) (r. Acc$m$lated *epreciation 9.eceivin' *epartment) -rocess "or .etirement # departments will noti"! the (ontrollerIs o""ice i" an asset has 3een sold5 demolished5 etc. Asset sta"" person will record the asset retirement in ./3 *r. Acc$m$lated *epreciation (r. Asset *r or (r Gain Doss on .etirement 3. Explanations o" ;$nctions and Events determine need "or asset master record creation i" asset is 3ein' p$rchase in FF "ollow proc$rement "or asset process create asset master record 9$se"$l li"e5 description5 and 7e! data) r$n depreciation on assets monthl! 9collectivel!) mana'e asset "rom an acco$ntin' standpoint 9trans"er to another department5 retire stolen assets)

# is p$rchasin' a capital item over Q55000. #his sho$ld tri''er the $ser to create an asset master record. 8n the master record the $ser will enter a description5 cost center or 6B, element responsi3le5 3$siness area5 $se"$l li"e and other identi"!in' data i" applica3le s$ch as ma7e5 model5 serial n$m3er5 ta' n$m3er5 etc. 2" p$rchased thro$'h FF the asset is entered on the p$rchase re>$isition. 2" directl! invoiced the asset is entered on the A- invoice. 9#his is done in Asset Fana'ement) 2" donated asset5 the $ser will capitali%e the asset $sin' a Ao$rnal entr!. 5. ,pecial 8r'ani%ational (onsiderations (ost center maps to each "$nd 9cost centers roll $p into "$nd centers) ?. (han'es to Existin' 8r'ani%ation C .$nnin' depreciation will 3e a new process "or the niversit!. #his will 3e done 3! the (ontrollerIs 8""ice. C Enterin' the $se"$l li"e on the asset will 3e an important new step. Asset creation is c$rrentl! decentrali%ed so there will need to 3e a process to chec7 that the $se"$l li"e is correct prior to the "irst depreciation r$n. #he (ontrollerIs 8""ice sho$ld decide the 3est steps. C # is implementin' a polic! to chan'e the de"inition o" an asset "rom Q15000 to Q55000. #his sho$ld have red$ced the wor7load "or mana'in' assets 3$t since it is in com3ination with another polic! it will not. C # is implementin' a polic! to trac7 sensitive e>$ipment 9Q1000CQ:999). 2n order to tr! /var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_3/205399238.doc $02 o( $'!

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to trac7 items easil! stolen 9example5 cameras) 8. *escription o" ;$nctional *e"icits &one identi"ied at this time 11. ,!stem (on"i'$ration (onsiderations 8ne chart o" depreciation and one depreciation area is re>$ired. Asset classes will 3e set $p as "ollows0 Asset (lass 10 Dand 9not deprecia3le) Asset (lass 20 Dand 2mprovements 91? !ears) Asset (lass 30 B$ildin's 910 to 80 !ears) Asset (lass :0 Assets $nder (onstr$ction 9A$() "or B$ildin' 9not deprecia3le) Asset (lass 50 Asset $nder (onstr$ction 9A$() "or E>$ipment 9not deprecia3le) Asset (lass ?0 ,ensitive E>$ipment 9100U depreciation immediatel!) Asset (lass @0 2n"rastr$ct$re 95C50 !ears) Asset (lass 80 E>$ipment 95L !ears) Asset (lass 90 A'ric$lt$ral Fachiner! 91) Asset (lass 100 +ehicles 9:C12 !ears) Asset (lass 110 Di3rar! 4oldin's 9not deprecia3le) Asset (lass 120 ,o"tware 9amorti%ation) Asset (lass 130 (omp$ters H -eripherals Asset (lass 1:0 6or7s o" Art H 4istorical #reas$res 9not deprecia3le) Asset (lass 150 Divestoc7 9not deprecia3le) Asset (lass 1?0 Government 8wned -ropert! 9not deprecia3le) Asset (lass 1@0 Deased E>$ipment 12. A$thori%ation and ser .oles The follo+ing a!thori0ation ob8ects are defined for $sset $cco!nting by f!nction: F!nctions Assets in 'eneral Asset postin' Asset postin' Asset class maint Asset acco$ntin' Asset master maint. Asset master maint. Asset master maint. Gro$p asset maint. Asset ($stomi%in' $!thori0ation ob8ect Asset view (ompan! code/asset class Asset class/transaction t!pe Asset classes A$thori%ation "or periodic processin' (ompan! code/asset class (ompan! code/3$siness area (ompan! code/plant Gro$p asset (hart o" depreciation

From >THs 3/4 system ;'>0,<: A_-E.2_B E Asset Acco$ntin'0 A$thori%ations "or -eriodic -rocessin' $&M&$?BGB $sset Classes: $sset Classes A_(_A;A-D Asset ($stomi%in'0 (hart o" *epreciation A_,_A&DED Asset Faster *ata Faint0 (ompan! (ode/Asset (lass A_,_G,BE. Asset Faster *ata Faintenance0 (ompan! (ode/B$siness Area A_,_6E.E Asset Faster *ata Faintenance0 (ompan! (ode/-lant A_B_B6A.# Asset -ostin's0 Asset (lass/#ransaction #!pe A_B_A&DED Asset -ostin's0 (ompan! (ode/Asset (lass /var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_3/205399238.doc $03 o( $'!

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A_A_+2E6 Asset0 +iew A_,_A&DG. Gro$p Asset $!thori0ation Chec:s #he a$thori%ation chec7s are carried o$t "or the "ollowin' activities0 b Faintenance and displa! o" the asset classes b Faintenance and displa! o" the asset master records b Faintenance and displa! o" the val$es o" a "ixed asset b -ostin' to a "ixed asset b (arr!in' o$t periodic processin' b (reatin' a list $sin' the lo'ical data3ase A*A b Faintenance and displa! o" control data ;or asset class maintenance5 !o$ assi'n the a$thori%ation "or di""erent activities to the $ser "or each individ$al asset class. ;or master record maintenance5 !o$ can also assi'n the a$thori%ation "or certain or'ani%ational $nits 9compan! code5 plant5 3$siness area). <o$ can protect asset transactions at compan! code and asset class level dependin' on the t!pe o" transaction. $M $!thori0ation Recommendation for asset transactions: 'ec!re $M 6ostings: -ostin's will 3e controlled 3! "$nd 9;F). Create ) Change ) Display master data: ($rrentl! assets are sec$red 3! acco$nts or colle'es. 2n the "$t$re5 we can restrict 3! asset class 3$t "or e>$ipment this is not low eno$'h since asset creation "or e>$ipment is done decentrall!. A$thori%ation "or these transactions 9A,015 A,025 A,03) will 3e allowed "or either 1) all asset classes or 2) onl! e>$ipment asset classes 9decentrali%ed). $sset Classes 6roposed ;eC!ipment asset classes in bold<: Asset (lass 10 Dand 9not deprecia3le) Asset (lass 20 Dand 2mprovements 91? !ears) Asset (lass 30 B$ildin's 910 to 80 !ears) Asset (lass :0 Assets $nder (onstr$ction 9A$() "or B$ildin' 9not deprecia3le) Asset (lass 50 Asset $nder (onstr$ction 9A$() "or E>$ipment 9not deprecia3le) $sset Class 4: 'ensiti*e =C!ipment ;100S depreciation immediately< Asset (lass @0 2n"rastr$ct$re 95C50 !ears) $sset Class .: =C!ipment ;5T years< $sset Class -: $gric!lt!ral Machinery ;I< $sset Class 10: Vehicles ;3212 years< Asset (lass 110 Di3rar! 4oldin's 9not deprecia3le) Asset (lass 120 ,o"tware 9amorti%ation) $sset Class 1,: Comp!ters # 6eripherals Asset (lass 1:0 6or7s o" Art H 4istorical #reas$res 9not deprecia3le) Asset (lass 150 Divestoc7 9not deprecia3le) Asset (lass 1?0 Government 8wned -ropert! 9not deprecia3le) Asset (lass 1@0 Deased E>$ipment $M Reports: Either the $sers will have access to the AF report tree or the! will not. &o "$rther restriction is re>$ired. 13. -roAect ,peci"ic (2 ,ection %nterfaces Asset e>$ipment is in 1 s!stem and 3$ildin's/rooms "acilit! 9ex0 room :125 "oota'e5 $sa'e5 location) in another. #his lin7 needs to 3e maintained in the "$t$re "or space mana'ement and ins$rance p$rposes. 2nter"ace "rom ./3 to le'ac! will validate the asset record has a valid 3$ildin' and room n$m3er. /var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_3/205399238.doc $0! o( $'!

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Con*ersion Brin' over all active 9non retired assets) G approx 805000. Fa! consider 3rin'in' over retired le'ac! 3$t di""ic$lt to clean $p 9map to cost centers). 1. Dand 9not c$rrentl! in electronic "ormat) 2. B$ildin' 9in main"rame 2F, s!stem C not A,/:00.) 3. E>$ipment 9in A, :00 s!stem) :. 2n"rastr$ct$re 9*etails do not exist c$rrentl! data is A$st capt$red on Isidewal7 acco$ntI or Iother #EI. 4ow does GA,B recommend we create5 post5 depreciate these assets1) Doad process0 Enter asset and post to cost center and 3$siness area. *o a G/D postin' in ;2 9need to 3rea7 o$t 3! 3$siness area).


Dandling FiAed $ssets

C% Template: 1. .e>$irements/Expectations .e>$irements0 # wo$ld li7e to maintain the asset records "rom 2 le'ac! s!stems and one man$al s!stem in ./3. Expectations0 8nlineCreal time Fana'ement o" the assets ac>$isition 2nte'rated p$rchasin' o" assets #rac7in' o" assets $nder constr$ction Fana'ement o" trans"ers and retirements 8nline calc$lation o" depreciation 9this is a new GA,B

re>$irement) ;lexi3ilit! "or mass chan'es5 i.e. a variet! o" mass chan'es needs to 3e handled centrall! 3! the (ontrollerIs 8""ice. 2. General Explanations Faster *ata0 #his part o" the master record contains concrete in"ormation a3o$t the "ixed asset. #he "ollowin' "ield 'ro$ps exist0 General in"ormation 9description5 >$antit!5 etc.) Acco$nt assi'nment -ostin' in"ormation 9"or example5 capitali%ation date) #imeCdependent assi'nments 9"or example5 cost center) 2n"ormation "or plant maintenance Entries "or net worth tax 2n"ormation on real estate Deasin' conditions 2nvestment s$pport meas$res 2n"ormation on the ori'ins o" the asset -h!sical inventor! data 2ns$rance data ser "ields/eval$ation 'ro$ps 2n addition5 !o$ can create lon' texts "or the individ$al "ield 'ro$ps 3elon'in' to the 'eneral data part o" the asset master record. <o$ can simpli"! the creation o" lon' texts 3! $sin' "reel! de"ina3le lon' text templates. <o$ de"ine these templates in ;2CAA ($stomi%in' $nder Define &ong te,t tem!&ates' /var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_3/205399238.doc $0" o( $'!

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*epreciation0 <o$ can speci"! depreciation terms in the asset master record "or each depreciation area in the chart o" depreciation. 2n order "or !o$ to ma7e these speci"ications5 the master record contains an overview o" the depreciation areas. 2n addition5 there is a detailed displa! availa3le "or each depreciation area. 2" there are depreciation areas that are not needed "or a speci"ic asset5 it is possi3le to deactivate these depreciation areas at the asset level. Ac>$isitions0 <o$ can per"orm inte'rated ac>$isition with materials mana'ement5 man$al ac>$isitions5 or ac>$isitions "rom constr$ction in pro'ress "rom proAect s!stems. #rans"ers0 <o$ can trans"er assets 3etween 3$siness areas5 cost centers5 locations5 etc. Asset histor! in"ormation is availa3le online "or all trans"er postin's. #rans"ers are inte'rated with the 'eneral led'er. .etirements0 <o$ can retire assets "rom !o$r records. #he asset histor! in"ormation is availa3le online. .eportin'0 <o$ have online reportin' on all asset transactions5 3alances5 and depreciation. 3. Explanations o" ;$nctions and Events Asset Ac>$isition0 2nte'rate the p$rchase o" asset with FF. .ecord donated assets Fan$al capitali%ation "or corrections Asset #rans"er0 ser completes a trans"er "orm and s$3mits it to (ontrollerIs 8""ice. (ontrollerMs 8""ice enters the trans"er into ./3. #rans"er wo$ld appl! when assets move 3etween 3$siness areas5 cost centers5 locations etc. Asset .etirement0 ser completes a retirement "orm and s$3mits it to (ontrollerIs 8""ice. (ontrollerMs 8""ice enters the trans"er into ./3. An asset wo$ld 3e retired when sold5 demolished5 o" scrapped. *epreciation0 (ontrollerIs 8""ice will have the a3ilit! to post depreciation on all assets on a monthl! 3asis. 9 # c$rrentl! does not depreciate an! o" its assets so this is a new 3$siness process "or them.) -ost capitali%ation0 9increasin' val$e to existin' asset G not s$3 asset). *epreciation is alread! started 3$t the val$e o" the asset has 'one $p d$e to an improvement o" Q5000. -ost an increase to the val$e o" the asset and the strai'htCline depreciation val$e is increased accordin'l!. se"$l li"e will sta! the same. ,$rpl$s process0 All camp$ses send the asset to a central s$rpl$s acco$nt 9trans"er to s$rpl$s cost center "or each camp$s) and wareho$se. ,ta!s on that acco$nt $ntil the! noti"! +erna it is sold or disposed o" 9retired). #E Asset $s$all! sta!s on departmentIs inventor! $ntil sold 9not trans"erred to a s$rpl$s cost center). #hen department noti"ies +erna and she retires the asset. .etirement process in the "$t$re0 ,ta!s the same as c$rrent 9#C?: "orm and send to +erna). All assets will retire witho$t reven$e and post reven$e separatel!. 5. ,pecial 8r'ani%ational (onsiderations Assets p$rchased thro$'h FF will 3e inte'rated. 4owever5 i" the $ser p$rchases an asset and does not create a -. with acco$nt assi'nment A how will # trac7 this /var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_3/205399238.doc $0$ o( $'!

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in"ormation and capitali%e the asset. -roposed sol$tion0 (reate a report to identi"! the expendit$re GD acco$nt and the acco$nt assi'nment cate'or! on -.Is "or a period o" time. Fonitor this report dail!5 and contact $sers i" errors are noted. Additionall!5 2" not $sin' a -. then # will contin$e itIs process o" reviewin' the sensitive item and capital o$tla! o3Aect codes and veri"!in' that assets are created where applica3le. ?. (han'es to Existin' 8r'ani%ation # is on a man$al s!stem "or trac7in' asset p$rchases and capitali%in' them to their s!stems. # man$all! calc$lates assets $nder constr$ction at !earCend. ./3 will ena3le # to create and mana'e asset master records online5 inte'rate the p$rchase o" assets5 and a$tomate the trac7in' o" assets $nder constr$ction. 8. *escription o" ;$nctional *e"icits &one are apparent at this time 9. Approaches to (overin' ;$nctional *e"icits &/A at this time 10. &otes on ;$rther 2mprovements Fana'in' #radeCins. 4ow will these 3e posted in ./31 #his will 3e addressed in -hase 3 Fana'in' capitali%ation o" assets that were not inte'rated. 11. ,!stem (on"i'$ration (onsiderations (on"i'$ration0 (hart o" *epreciation Acco$nt assi'nment "or asset transactions ,creen la!o$ts "or asset classes Asset classes to 3e mana'ed 3! # Assets $nder constr$ction *epreciation terms

C% Template:

$sset Maintenance

1. .e>$irements/Expectations

2. General Explanations


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3. Explanations o" ;$nctions and Events

4/1/1/1/ "!estions:

Creation of Master Record for Tangible $ssets

/0 1) 6ho is responsi3le "or the initial creation o" an asset maser record1 6ho provides which in"ormation1 A0 E>$ipment0 *epartments either complete an E>$ipment Ac>$isition .eport 9#C??) or enter an electronic version into a s$spense "ile on the E>$ipment 2nventor! ,!stem 3e"ore an invoice is paid. 8nce the invoice is paid5 the e>$ipment inventor! section o" the (ontrollerIs 8""ice chec7s the report or s$spense "ile "or acc$rac! and adds additional in"ormation s$ch as *+V. B$ildin's0 #he acco$ntin' mana'er in the (ontrollerMs 8""ice creates the initial asset master record. (osts are acc$m$lated in a plant "$nd acco$nt and these costs are capitali%ed at the end o" the !ear. Dand0 #he land card is created in the #reas$rerIs 8""ice 3rd "loor a"ter land is received or p$rchased. 2n"rastr$ct$re0 #he acco$ntin' mana'er in the (ontrollerIs 8""ice creates the initial master record. (osts are acc$m$lated in a plant "$nd acco$nt and these costs are capitali%ed at the end o" the !ear. Di3rar! and livestoc70 &/A /0 2) 4ow does in"ormation "low 3ac7 and "orth 3etween the person responsi3le "or the capital investment proAect and the acco$ntant in Asset Acco$ntin'5 with respect to the creation o" a master record "or an asset $nder constr$ction1 A0 E>$ipment0 &/A B$ildin'0 8nce a constr$ction contract is approved5 .is7 Fana'ement re>$ests a 3$ildin' asset master record to 3e created 3! the (ontrollerIs 8""ice. Dand0 2n"rastr$ct$re0 &/A /0 3) 6hich or'ani%ational $nits and/or which "$nctional areas have a$thori%ation "or creatin' or displa!in' asset master records1 A0 E>$ipment0 *epartments/B$siness Areas have a$thori%ation "or creatin' and displa!in' asset master records. B$ildin's and 2n"rastr$ct$re0 (ontrollerIs 8""ice "or creatin' / (amp$s B$siness 8""ice or -h!sical -lant view onl!. Dand0 #reas$rerIs 8""ice and (ontrollerIs 8""ice "or creation and viewin'. 4/1/1/2/ Creation of 7ro!p $sset


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"!estions: /0 1) *o !o$ need to mana'e and depreciate certain parts o" !o$r asset port"olio in the "orm o" 'ro$p assets1 A0 <es. # will need 'ro$p assets "or 3$ildin's. ;or example5 the 'ro$p asset wo$ld 3e the 3$ildin' and the assets assi'ned to the 'ro$p asset wo$ld 3e the main 3$ildin'5 and expansion assets5 remodelin'5 etc. #his allows the $ser to 7eep all individ$al asset records relatin' to one main asset to'ether. 4/1/1/,/ "!estions: /0 1) 2n !o$r enterprise5 who has a$thori%ation to chan'e asset master records1 ;or which areas1 Are these a$thori%ed individ$als di""erent "rom those who create the master records1 A0 E>$ipment0 (ontrollerIs 8""ice C all "ields. *epartments/B$siness Areas C certain "ields 9example description5 room5 3$ildin' 3$t not ta'5 cost5 or depreciation). B$ildin's and 2n"rastr$ct$re0 (ontrollerIs 8""iceP -h!sical -lant and other a$thori%ed individ$als. Dand0 (ontrollerIs 8""ice and #reas$rerIs 8""ice all "ields. /0 2) 4ow o"ten is it necessar! to chan'e !o$r asset master records1 6hich parts o" the asset master record are most o"ten a""ected1 A0 E>$ipment0 constantl!. DocationP department 9acco$nt V). B$ildin's5 2n"rastr$ct$re5 Dand0 .arel! /0 3) Are there certain asset master record "ields that need to 3e protected a'ainst chan'es1 2" so5 which "ields1 A0 E>$ipment0 #he (ontrollerIs 8""ice needs to 3e a3le to chan'e all o" an e>$ipment master record. *epartments sho$ld not 3e a3le to chan'e certain "ields s$ch as historical cost5 responsi3le department5 etc. B$ildin'0 #he (ontrollerIs 8""ice will 3e a3le to chan'e all the 3$ildin' asset master records 9ex ins$rance). *epartments sho$ld not 3e a3le to chan'e certain "ields. Dand0 2n"rastr$ct$re0 same as 3$ildin's. 4/1/1/3/ "!estions: /0 1) 2n !o$r enterprise5 who has a$thori%ation to chan'e a lar'e n$m3er o" assets sim$ltaneo$sl!1 A0 E>$ipment0 #he acco$ntin' mana'er5 the acco$ntin' cler7 and data inte'rit! s$pervisor in the (ontrollerIs 8""ice. /var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_3/205399238.doc $0) o( $'! Mass Changes $sset Master Record Change

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All other assets0 #he acco$ntin' mana'er and their desi'nee. /0 2) *o !o$ need to ma7e chan'es to a lar'e n$m3er o" assets sim$ltaneo$sl!1

A0 <es /0 3) 2" so5 $nder what circ$mstances1 -lease descri3e.

A0 E>$ipment0 Fovin' all "ixed assets "rom one location to another locationP trans"errin' all assets "rom one department to another department. 2n addition5 a chan'e in the capitali%ation polic! mi'ht re>$ire massive chan'es. (han'e o" 3$siness area responsi3ilit!.



/0 1) *oes !o$r or'ani%ation have a speci"ic amo$nt5 a3ove which p$rchases are to 3e capitali%ed as "ixed assets1 2" so5 what is this amo$nt1 A0 E>$ipment0 c$rrentl! Q15000. E""ective 0?/30/005 Q55000 C except "or =sensitive items= 9items 3etween Q15000 and Q:5999.99). B$ildin's and 2n"rastr$ct$re0 Q55000 Dand0 1 4/1/2/1/ "!estions: /0 1) *escri3e the in"ormation "low "or asset ac>$isitions in !o$r enterprise 6rocessing of $sset $cC!isition

A0 E>$ipment0 *epartments s$3mit re>$isitions "or items over Q2000 to the -$rchasin' *epartment. -$rchasin' creates a p$rchase order. Bids are mostCo"ten re>$ired $nless the items are soleCso$rce. 6hen the invoice is received5 the departments "ill o$t a paper asset master record or complete the asset master record onCline. #he invoice and asset master record is sent to A/- who "orwards the two doc$ments to the (ontrollerMs 8""ice. #he (ontrollerIs 8""ice $ses the paper asset master record to set $p the e>$ipment item 9or to release the record i" it was previo$sl! created onCline.) #he chec7s paid "or e>$ipment and additions to the e>$ipment inventor! are reconciled on a monthl! 3asis. B$ildin's0 Governed 3! niversit! ;-, 180 #he capital 3$d'et process 3e'ins each sprin' "or the "iscal !ear that 3e'ins approximatel! 1 1/2 !ear in the "$t$re. 9B$d'etin' done ,prin' 2000 "or wor7 to 3e done 3e'innin' O$l! 2001). -roAects are s$3mitted to each camp$s o""ice where the proAects are prioriti%ed and divided into 3 cate'ories C 1) (apital o$tla!s 9Z1million/new 3$ildin's) 2) (apital maintenance 9Q1005000 to 1million) and 3) internall! "$nded proAects 9w/ "$ndin' "rom par7in' reven$es5 athletic dept. reven$es5 etc.)


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#he camp$s lists are sent to the # -resident who develops an overall # priorit! list. #he Board approves the # priorit! list5 and the list is sent to the #& 4i'her Ed$cation (ommission 9#4E(). #4E( mer'es # proAects with the #& Board o" .e'ents 9#B.) proAects5 and prioriti%es this com3ined list5 and "orwards the list to the Governor. #he Governor mer'es proAects "rom all over the ,tate and sends a recommended list to the ,tate De'islat$re. #he ,tate De'islat$re approves 3oth stateC"$nded and internall! "$nded proAects5 and appropriates "$nds in Fa! 9Fa! 2001 "or proAects 3e'innin' O$l! 2001). 6hen # receives their approved proAects5 the proAects are sent to the ,tate B$ildin' (ommission 9,B() "or its approval. #he ,B( 'ives each proAect a ,B( V. 8nce # receives notice o" the ,B( V5 the assistant mana'er in the # (ontrollerIs 8""ice sets $p a plant "$nd 9proAect acco$nt) 9O acco$nt). #he proAect is also set $p in a departmentall! maintained 9in ;acilities -lannin') data3ase "or the internal trac7in' o" vario$s internal costin' and reportin'. Fiscellaneo$s contracts are entered into with architects5 s$rve!ors5 and testers. A contract is set $p with one 'eneral contractor. 9#he 'eneral contractors "orm a'reements with the s$3contractorsP th$s5 # has no s$3contracts.) #he O acco$nt collects all costs "or the asset $nder constr$ction as individ$al expenses. 8nce a !ear at "iscal !earCend close5 the # (ontrollerI 8""ice Assistant mana'er5 ma7es man$al capitali%ation entries. # withholds 5U o" the contractorIs 3illin's each month as retaina'e. #his retaina'e is trans"erred into an a'enc! acco$nt set $p speci"icall! "or this proAect. 2nterest is earned on the "$nds set aside in this a'enc! acco$nt. .etaina'e is released to the contractors in sta'es when the wor7 is near completion. #he retaina'e is red$ced to a smaller percenta'e 2 1/5U in the later sta'es. ,tate "$nds are received 3ased on costCreim3$rsa3le invoices that are s$3mitted 3! the asst mana'er to the ,tate on a monthl! 3asis. (opies o" all expendit$res m$st 3e "orwarded to the ,tate with the invoice. #he ,tateIs pa!ment is deposited into the correspondin' 4 acco$nt. An! s$rpl$s "$nds remain in the acco$nt $ntil "ormal approval is 'iven to trans"er the excess "$nds to another proAect or the excess "$nds are ret$rned to the ,tate. (loseo$t doc$ments m$st 3e received prior to the assetCclose. .ita noti"ies the (ontrollerMs 8""ice when the proAect is completed so that the completed asset ma! 3e esta3lished. 2n"rastr$ct$re0 2s ver! similar to 3$ildin's. Dand0 Governed 3! $niversit! ;-, 180. 6hen land is p$rchased or received a land card is prepared 3! the endowment acco$ntant in the #reas$rerIs 8""ice. Fost in"ormation is provided 3! .ic7 B$r7s and Alvin -a!ne. 2" the niversit! is p$rchasin' the land5 the same steps "or state and 3oard approval are re>$ired as "or 3$ildin's. 2" the land is a 'i"t5 the 3oard can decide on the $se o" the land 9retain or resale). /0 2) *escri3e !o$r capital proc$rement re>$irements.

A0 E>$ipment0 niversit! ;-, 050 and 1@0. All capitali%ed e>$ipment items re>$ire a p$rchase order a3ove Q25000. ,ensitive lowCdollar items 3elow Q2000 do not have to have a p$rchase order. #he departments order these items directl! "rom the vendors. Dand5 3$ildin'5 in"rastr$ct$re0 /0 niversit! ;-, 180 'overns the proc$rement.

3) 6hat t!pes o" ac>$isition occ$r in !o$r enterprise1 $11 o( $'!


AcceleratedSAP - Business Blueprint

A0 SNT 2nte'rated with Faterials Fana'ement 9F) SNT 2nte'rated with Acco$nts -a!a3le 9;2) SNT *irectl! to Asset Acco$ntin' 9;2CAA) /0 :) Are asset ac>$isitions posted on a net 3asis 9ded$ctin' an! disco$nts) or as a 'ross amo$nt 9disco$nts are ded$cted onl! on pa!ment)1 A0 All Assets0 &et 3asis /0 5) *o !o$ want to show ac>$isitions to certain depreciation areas di""erentl! than !o$ do in the 3oo7 depreciation area 9"or example5 to "$l"ill certain cost acco$ntin'5 tax or 'ro$p re>$irements)1 A0 E>$ipment0 &o B$ildin's and 2n"rastr$ct$re0 &o Dand5 li3rar! and livestoc70 &/A /0 ?) *o !o$ post 'oods receipt to assets val$ated or nonCval$ated1

A0 All assets0 8$r c$rrent s!stems do not have this "$nctionalit!. +al$ated means !o$ can !o$ pa! the invoice 3e"ore 'oods receipt. /0 @) *o !o$ want down pa!ments "or assets to 3e shown separatel!1

A0 <es /0 8) 2" $sin' asset s$3Cn$m3erin'5 do !o$ want to permit asset ac>$isitions onl! to the main n$m3er in the !ear o" capitali%ation5 and post all later ac>$isitions to s$3Cn$m3ers1 A0 <es /0 9) *o !o$ 7eep a record o" costs $sin' ac>$isitions to the asset $nder constr$ction1

A0 E>$ipment0 <es B$ildin's0 <es 2n"rastr$ct$re0 <es /0 10) *o !o$ plan and 3$d'et "or capital investments in !o$r enterprise1 ,ho$ld assets that are capitali%ed directl! also 3e incl$ded in the plannin' and 3$d'etin' processes1 A0 E>$ipment0 <es departments 3$d'et "or e>$ipment. B$ildin's0 Each 3$ildin' and in"rastr$ct$re item has a 3$d'et. (apital 3$d'etin' will not 3e done in ./3111. 6e do have the option to $se -, and AF "$nctionalit! to do this. 6ill investi'ate "$rther. /var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_3/205399238.doc $12 o( $'!

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/0 11) 4ow is the interaction 3etween 'eneral led'er and asset acco$ntin' in the ac>$isition process1 A0 All assets0 &o inte'ration in the ac>$isition process and asset acco$ntin'. /0 12) 6hich is the proced$re "rom invoice receipt to postin' o" capitali%ation1 8$tline the di""erent steps. A0 All Assets0 At invoice pa!ment0 *e3it C Acco$nt 9cost center) and Expendit$re 83Aect (ode 9G/D acco$nt) (reditC (ash or A/At !ear end0 *e3it C Asset 3! t!pe 9land5 3$ildin'5 e>$ipment) (reditC 2nvestment in -lant 3! asset 9land5 3$ildin'5 e>$ipment) 4/1/2/2/ "!estions: /0 1) nder what circ$mstances do !o$ intend to post s$3se>$ent ac>$isitions to previo$sl! capitali%ed "ixed assets1 A0 &one. 2" there is an additional ac>$isition5 we will set $p s$3Cassets in order to mana'e the $se"$l li"e. '!bseC!ent $cC!isition

C% Template:


1. .e>$irements/Expectations &eeds to calc$late depreciation on a strai'htCline 3asis "or all $niversit! owned propert!. 1. Boo7 *epreciation Area0 ,trai'htCline depreciation expense in ;2 9de3it asset5 credit pa!a3le). 2. (8 9(apital 8$tla!) *epreciation Area0 total capital o$tla! expense in ;2 9de3it cap o$tla! exp5 credit investment in plant). Fa! write a pro'ram to meet this re>$irement. 6onIt 7eep trac7 o" 'ains/losses &o ne'ative depreciation 2. General Explanations (ontrollerMs 8""ice will r$n depreciation pro'ram on a monthl! 3asis and process the 3atch inp$t session. 9#his can 3e a sched$led Ao3 3! the Basis team.) # will 3e $sin' one *epreciation Area. Boo7 depreciation area to record the de3it and credit to /var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_3/205399238.doc $13 o( $'!

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depreciation expense and acc$m$lated depreciation. 6e considered $sin' two depreciation areas5 the second depreciation area co$ld have 3een to post the capital o$tla! expense in ;2 and (8 in the month o" p$rchase. 4owever5 # wo$ld li7e to see the capital o$tla! expense post immediatel! so a pro'ram needs to 3e written to read all asset ac>$isitions "or the da! and post the de3it to capital o$tla! expense and the credit to investment in plant. *epreciation is r$n in the Asset Fana'ement mod$le. 6hen exec$ted it $pdates the individ$al asset records with the "ollowin'0 -osted depreciation5 adA$sts the remainin' $se"$l li"e5 adA$st the 3oo7 val$e. #he depreciation pro'ram creates a 3atch session that needs to 3e processed "rom the 3atch editor. #he 3atch session $pdates the 'eneral led'er. 2" the 3atch session is not processed then the 'eneral led'er is not $pdated. 5. ,pecial 8r'ani%ational (onsiderations *epreciation is a centrali%ed "$nction r$n monthl! 3! the (ontrollerIs 8""ice. # needs to =catch $p= acc$m$lated depreciation on existin' assets as the entit! c$rrentl! does not post depreciation to the 'eneral led'er. ?. (han'es to Existin' 8r'ani%ation
# c$rrentl! does not depreciate assets. GA,B 3: re>$ires depreciation to 3e reported "or all assets. # will 3e recordin' depreciation on a strai'htCline 3asis. Acc$m$lated depreciation will need to 3e recorded "or assets.

@. *escription o" 2mprovements 1. ($rrentl! there is no inte'ration 3etween the 'eneral led'er the asset acco$ntin' process. Asset mana'ement will provide # with detailed asset records and inte'ration to the 'eneral led'er. 2. .eports can 3e r$n at the department levels to view new asset ac>$isition rather than havin' +erna print hard copies centrall! and mail to the departments. sers need to 3e trained. Also5 standard reportin' "or asset 3alances5 retirements5 trans"ers5 all transaction5 depreciation5 etc. 3. (apital proAects can 3e inte'rated with Asset Fana'ement. #his will allow # to create a proAect in -,5 mana'e the proAect5 settle the costs "or the asset to an A ( 9asset $nder constr$ction) and capitali%e the "inal asset9s) $pon completion o" the assets. :. ($rrentl! there is no inte'ration to p$rchasin'. Asset mana'ement can 3e inte'rated with materials mana'ement allowin' the $sers to p$rchase an asset and the s!stem will capitali%e the asset $pon 'oods receipt or invoice receipt 9as determined 3! #) 8. *escription o" ;$nctional *e"icits &ot apparent at this time 9. Approaches to (overin' ;$nctional *e"icits &o 'aps in depreciation processin' 10. &otes on ;$rther 2mprovements &one noted at this time /var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_3/205399238.doc $1! o( $'!

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11. ,!stem (on"i'$ration (onsiderations -ostin' depreciation will 3e in ;2 onl!. *e3it *epreciation Expense5 (redit Acc$m$lated *epreciation. Except "or ,ervice (enters C *epreciation will 3e posted in ;2 and (8. #his will 3e accomplished 3! creatin' a separate asset class "or ,ervice (enter E>$ipment and creatin' a new depreciation expense G/D acco$nt that is (8 relevant. ;2 re>$irements0 C &eed to see "$ll capital o$tla! expense in ;2 9de3it to capital expendit$re acco$nt) C &eed to see capitali%ation o" asset 9de3it to the asset) C &eed to see depreciation expense in ;2 9GA,B 3: re>$irement) (8 re>$irements0 C *onIt need to see depreciation expense in (8 9cost center)W. C &eed to see capital o$tla! in (8 9cost center / 6B,) ;F re>$irements0 C &eed to see capital o$tla! expense in ;F 3eca$se the! 3$d'et "or it 9*e3it the asset5 credit expense in ;F). &eed to see capital hit ;F at same time as asset hits B, so map asset G/D to an expense (2. C *onIt need to see capital depreciation expense in ;F 3eca$se the! donIt 3$d'et. W #he maAorit! o" the service centers want to see depreciation expense create a separate G/D acco$nt 9do we need a separate asset class1) 6ithin one class we need some postin's "or service centers to 'o to (8 910 need to see depreciation expense) so 7eep A$st $se the e>$ipment asset class and $se a d$mm! cost center "or 90U o" the services then $se the correct cost center "or the 10 exceptions). Fa!3e create a G/D acco$nt "or service centers. 2ss$e is it can 3e (8 relevant or not. (anIt 3e 3oth. ,ol$tion #B*. ,ervice (enter E>$ipment .e>$irements0 6ant to see depreciation expense in (8 we can create a new asset class with acco$nt assi'nment to di""erent G/D acco$nts 9create an acco$nt "or depreciation that is (8 relevant). &eed to test 3oth scenarios 3eca$se the details in ;2 ma! 3e s$""icient. # needs to see depreciation expense in (8 so service centers can allocate these service char'es to other departments. Expenses posted to the 6B, then depreciation is on the cost center 9asset master record). 12. A$thori%ation and ser .oles ,ec$rit! "or depreciation will 3e limited to the (ontrollerIs 8""ice. #he a$thori%ation 'ro$p "or the *epartment asset acco$ntantIs roles will excl$de depreciation processin'. 4/1/,/1/ "!estions: /0 1) *o !o$ create reserves "or "ixed assets1 Reser*es Carry for+ard

A0 <es /0 2) 2" so5 provide examples. 4ow do !o$ post1 6hat are the reasons1


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A0 E>$ipment0 .ecord depreciation expense "or certain activities s$ch as (onvenience (opiers5 etc. Fa! want to post depreciation expense to a cost center. 8ther assets0 &/A 4/1/,/2/ "!estions: /0 1) 6hat are the methods o" depreciation that !o$ are c$rrentl! $sin'1 Depreciation 6rocessing

A0 E>$ipment0 ($rrentl! none 3$t e""ective O$l! 15 2001 depreciation will need to 3e r$n on assets. ,trai'ht line is re>$ired. B$ildin's0 ($rrentl! none 3$t e""ective O$l! 15 2001 depreciation will need to 3e r$n on assets. ,trai'ht line is re>$ired. 2n"rastr$ct$re0 ($rrentl! none5 3$t e""ective O$l! 15 2001 depreciation will 3e re>$ired. ,trai'ht line is re>$ired. /0 2) *o !o$ calc$late depreciation val$es to the da!1

A0 E>$ipment0 &o B$ildin's0 &o 2n"rastr$ct$re0 &o /0 3) 2n certain cases do !o$ chan'e over "rom declinin'C3alance depreciation to strai'htC line depreciation1 2" so5 when1 A0 E>$ipment0 &o B$ildin's and 2n"rastr$ct$re0 &o /0 :) *o !o$ want to allow ne'ative depreciation "or certain assets or cate'ories o" assets1 2" so5 please speci"!. A0 E>$ipment0 &o B$ildin's and 2n"rastr$ct$re0 &o /0 5) *o !o$ distin'$ish 3etween a "ixed and a varia3le depreciation portion1

A0 E>$ipment0 &o B$ildin's and 2n"rastr$ct$re0 &o /0 ?) 4ow do !o$ handle the period control "or depreciation val$es1

A0 All assets0 *epreciation will post in the month o" ac>$isition. &o depreciation will 3e posted in the month o" retirement. /var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_3/205399238.doc $1$ o( $'!

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4/1/,/,/ "!estions: /0

Man!al Depreciation 6lanning

1) 2n which cases do !o$ need to start depreciation man$all!1

A0 Fa! occasionall! want to do man$al depreciation. /0 2) 4ow o"ten do !o$ $se the man$al depreciation "$nction1

A0 .arel!. /0 3) 6hen do !o$ $se $nplanned depreciation1

A0 Fa! occasionall! want to $se $nplanned depreciation. 4/1/,/3/ "!estions: /0 1) 2s there a 3$siness need to post depreciation directl! to cost acco$ntin'1 2" so5 what receivers are to 3e char'ed when !o$ do so 9"or example5 cost centers5 internal orders etc)1 A0 E>$ipment0 ,ervice (enters. 6ill post depreciation directl! to a cost center5 not a d$mm! cost center 9,ervice (enters ma! need a d$mm! cost center.). B$ildin's and 2n"rastr$ct$re0 &o. /0 2) 4ow o"ten do !o$ intend to post depreciation to the 'eneral led'er and to cost acco$ntin'1 A0 E>$ipment0 Fonthl! B$ildin's and 2n"rastr$ct$re0 Fonthl! /0 3) *o !o$ post depreciation to assets $nder constr$ction1 Depreciation 6osting

A0 E>$ipment0 &o B$ildin's and 2n"rastr$ct$re0 &o. /0 :) #o which acco$nt9s) is depreciation posted1

A0 8neCtoCone relationship "or ever! asset class that re>$ires depreciation0 Acc$m$lated depreciation and depreciation expense. 1? asset 3alance sheet acco$nts "or the 1? asset classes111111. /0 5) *o !o$ want to show interest onl! in reports5 or do !o$ want to post interest directl! to cost acco$ntin'1 /var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_3/205399238.doc $1& o( $'!

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A0 6e want to post interest directl! to cost acco$ntin'.

C% Template:

!siness Transactions

3. Explanations o" ;$nctions and Events 4/1/3/1/ "!estions: /0 1) 6hat steps are involved in !o$r capitali%ation process1 *o !o$ show assets $nder constr$ction in asset acco$ntin'1 A0 B$ildin' and 2n"rastr$ct$re0 (osts 3! proAect are capitali%ed 3ac7 to the appropriate 3$ildin' or improvements other than 3$ildin's asset acco$nt at the end o" the !ear. E>$ipment is capitali%ed at the end o" each !ear to the appropriate e>$ipment asset acco$nt. Dand0 (apitali%ed 3! #reas$rerIs 8""ice sta"" at !earCend 3ased on chan'es to the land cards. Di3rar! holdin's and livestoc70 (apitali%ed at !earCend 3ased on a list received "rom the camp$s. Assets $nder constr$ction0 &ot capitali%ed. /0 2) 6hat is the timin' "or the capitali%ation process1 'ettlement of $sset !nder Constr!ction

A0 E>$ipment0 <earCend c$rrentl! and in the "$t$re at time o" ac>$isition. B$ildin's and 2n"rastr$ct$re0 <earCend and in the "$t$re at time o" ac>$isition. Dand5 li3rar! and livestoc70 <earCend. /0 3) 6ith respect to capitali%ation5 are !o$ 3o$nd 3! speci"ic laws1

A0 <es /0 :) 2s it possi3le that an asset $nder constr$ction is capitali%ed as a low val$e asset1

A0 E>$ipment0 &o B$ildin's and 2n"rastr$ct$re0 &o /0 5) *o !o$ intend to $se s$mmar! settlement or line item settlement "or assets $nder constr$ction1 A0 E>$ipment5 B$ildin's5 and 2n"rastr$ct$re0 6e 3elieve that line item settlement will 3e $sed 3eca$se it 'ives $s 3etter trac7in'. 2t will allow $s to see the individ$al costs that were capitali%ed. /var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_3/205399238.doc $1' o( $'!

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?) #o which receiver9s) do !o$ settle assets $nder constr$ction1

A0 E>$ipment5 B$ildin's and 2n"rastr$ct$re0 2n the maAorit! o" cases5 we will settle to the "inal asset or s$3Casset. (o$ld 3e a 6B, element. /0 @) *o !o$ $se partial capitali%ation1

A0 <es /0 8) 6hat 7ind o" in"ormation "low do !o$ have "or when an investment meas$re is completed and the asset $nder constr$ction is read! "or settlement to the "inal asset1 A0 B$ildin's and 2n"rastr$ct$re0 #he A ( acco$ntant calls the (ontrollerIs 8""ice in order to noti"! that the asset is complete. /0 9) *o !o$ displa! down pa!ments to assets $nder constr$ction separatel!1

A0 &o 4/1/3/2/ "!estions: /0 1) 6hat circ$mstances ma7e postCcapitali%ation necessar! in !o$r enterprise1 8ne amo$nt on the asset sho$ld have a di""erent depreciation start date than the ori'inal asset. A0 2ncreasin' the val$e o" assets. 9e.'. police car p$rchased and then later $p'raded with decals5 li'hts or addin' a wheelchair li"t to a van in the van pool) 6e c$rrentl! record these items as components. /0 2) 4ow do !o$ intend to post postCcapitali%ation0 C Gross5 that is5 with historical val$es 9A-( and depreciation)C &et5 that is5 depreciation 3e'ins on the postin' date $sin' the net 3oo7 val$e. A0 &et 3oo7 val$e. /0 3) *o !o$ want to post to a separate s$3Cn$m3er "or postCcapitali%ation1 6ost2capitali0ation

A0 2t depends. 6e will pro3a3l! post at net 3oo7 9historical cost) val$e and not reCopen prior periods. 4/1/3/,/ "!estions: /0 1) *o the val$e o" !o$r assets appreciate5 and i" so5 do !o$r led'ers need to 3e adA$sted1 9rite2!p


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A0 E>$ipment0 <es5 3$t onl! rarel!. 8nce5 the hospital had an o$tside appraisal that s$3se>$entl! increased asset val$es o" some o" their e>$ipment. B$ildin's0 <es5 3$t onl! rarel!. /0 2) *escri3e the reasons "or a "ixed asset reval$ation5 the process $sed5 and 'ive examples o" the assets that are to 3e reval$ated. A0 ,ee a3ove answer. 4/1/3/3/ "!estions: /0 1) 4ow and when do !o$ trans"er assets to other assets1 6hat are the reasons1 9Example0 <o$ ta7e the en'ine "rom one vehicle and install it in another). A0 2t co$ld occ$r in s$3Cassets5 3$t tr$e trans"ers wo$ld 3e rare. 4owever5 i" errors were made in the postin' o" the assets then the! m$st 3e corrected via trans"ers. /0 2) *o !o$ sometimes split an asset into one or more new assets1 2" so5 please speci"!. Reposting

A0 ,ometimes we have canni3ali%ation o" assets where we dismantle one asset and create a new one. #his wo$ld 3e rare. /0 3) *o !o$ trans"er 3etween di""erent asset classes1 Give examples.

A0 (orrections o" errors wo$ld 3e the main reason. 2n ./35 it m$st 3e done thro$'h the s!stem. /0 :) 2s the chan'in' o" an assi'ned cost center or a 3$siness area5 "or example5 a reason "or a trans"er postin'1 A0 <es /0 5) 4ow do !o$ "ind o$t a3o$t necessar! trans"er postin's in asset acco$ntin'1 niversit!.

A0 #C?:s are received 3! the (ontrollerIs 8""ice "rom personnel all over the

#rans"ers o" assets to ,$rpl$s ma! also 3e accomplished in ./3 prior to retirement o" the assets that are sold 3! the ,$rpl$s department. 2n this instance5 the department wo$ld remain o""iciall! responsi3le $ntil ,$rpl$s has sold the assets. 6e need to review a'ain this iss$e.

4/1/5/1/ "!estions:

7ro!p ReC!irements
6rocessing of $sset $cC!isition


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/0 A0 /0 A0 /0

1) *escri3e the in"ormation "low "or asset ac>$isitions in !o$r enterprise

2) *escri3e !o$r capital proc$rement re>$irements.

3) 6hat t!pes o" ac>$isition occ$r in !o$r enterprise1

A0 S T 2nte'rated with Faterials Fana'ement 9FF) S T 2nte'rated with Acco$nts -a!a3le 9;2) S T *irectl! to Asset Acco$ntin' 9;2CAA) /0 :) Are asset ac>$isitions posted on a net 3asis 9ded$ctin' an! disco$nts) or as a 'ross amo$nt 9disco$nts are ded$cted onl! on pa!ment)1 A0 /0 5) *o !o$ want to show ac>$isitions to certain depreciation areas di""erentl! than !o$ do in the 3oo7 depreciation area 9"or example5 to "$l"ill certain cost acco$ntin'5 tax or 'ro$p re>$irements)1 A0 /0 A0 /0 A0 /0 8) 2" $sin' asset s$3Cn$m3erin'5 do !o$ want to permit asset ac>$isitions onl! to the main n$m3er in the !ear o" capitali%ation5 and post all later ac>$isitions to s$3Cn$m3ers1 A0 /0 A0 /0 10) *o !o$ plan and 3$d'et "or capital investments in !o$r enterprise1 ,ho$ld assets that are capitali%ed directl! also 3e incl$ded in the plannin' and 3$d'etin' processes1 A0 9) *o !o$ 7eep a record o" costs $sin' ac>$isitions to the asset $nder constr$ction1 @) *o !o$ want down pa!ments "or assets to 3e shown separatel!1 ?) *o !o$ post 'oods receipt to assets val$ated or nonCval$ated1


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/0 11) 4ow is the interaction 3etween 'eneral led'er and asset acco$ntin' in the ac>$isition process1 A0 /0 12) 6hich is the proced$re "rom invoice receipt to postin' o" capitali%ation1 8$tline the di""erent steps. A0

4/1/4/1/ "!estions: /0


1) 4ow and when is asset acco$ntin' in"ormed o" the retirement o" an asset1

A0 E>$ipment0 6hen the (ontrollerIs 8""ice receives a #C?: ,$rpl$s "orm is received5 a police report that the asset has 3een lost or stolen5 or a niversit! representative calls. B$ildin'0 (all "rom Alvin -a!ne or read a3o$t demolition in the paper. /0 2) *o !o$ sell or trans"er assets to a""iliated/associated companies1

A0 &o /0 3) 4ow do !o$ process retirement o" a low val$e asset 9e.'. retirement with %ero val$eP retirement with reven$eP acco$nt assi'nment "or retirement with reven$e)1 A0 Dow val$e assets that are sensitive will 3e depreciated 100U5 3$t the! will remain on the 3oo7s at a %ero val$e $ntil retired. &o reven$e is expected to 3e received $pon retirement. /0 :) 6ho iss$es invoices "or asset sales1

A0 ,ales are cash onl! at p$3lic a$ctions. 4/1/4/2/ "!estions: /0 1) 6hen retirin' assets5 is there ever a need to retire a lar'e n$m3er o" assets at the same time1 A0 E>$ipment0 <es /0 2) 2" !es5 how man! assets are normall! concerned1 -lease provide an example with doc$ments. A0 6e sell "leets o" cars thro$'h a$ction. 6e 3$! new cars ever! !ear at a deep disco$nt and then sell the 3 or : !ear old ones "or almost the same amo$nt that we had p$rchased /var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_3/205399238.doc $22 o( $'! Mass Retirement

AcceleratedSAP - Business Blueprint

them. Fotor -ool acts as a service center. #h$s5 it needs its own cost center to collect the reven$e. 2n addition5 we sell 'ro$ps o" comp$ters at a time. #he reven$e we receive on comp$ters is minimal. 6e m$st receive at least Q15 per sold comp$ter. #he reven$e received "rom comp$ter sales wonIt post to the asset.

"!estions: /0

Closing (perations M$sset $cco!ntingN

1) 6hat activities are incl$ded in the monthCend process "or asset acco$ntin'1

A0 E>$ipment0 reconcilin' all e>$ipment transactions on the e>$ipment inventor! s!stem a'ainst the "inancial acco$ntin' s!stem 9man$al process). Generatin' =chan'e reports= to mail o$t to departments doc$mentin' an addition or deletion "rom the inventor!. All other assets0 &one /0 2) 6hich internal and external asset val$ations 3elon' to monthCend closin' process1 -lease provide a sample o" all re>$ired val$ations. A0 Fonthl! reports are r$n on e>$ipment as listed a3ove. 6e donIt 'o 3ac7 and per"orm appropriate asset val$ation amo$nts. /0 3) 6hat activities are incl$ded in the !earCend closin' process "or asset acco$ntin'1

A0 E>$ipment0 ,ame process as the monthl! close5 except inventories "or ph!sical veri"ication are mailed to departments. (apitali%ation is done at !earCend. And assets are capitali%ed as previo$sl! descri3ed. *epartments can chan'e location 3$t not amo$nt5 ta' n$m3er or retire the asset. #he (ontrollerIs 8""ice $pdates the other in"ormation "or the departments. #he (ontrollerIs 8""ice comm$nicate what action m$st 3e ta7en to remove the asset s$ch as 'ettin' police report to sa! that it is lost or stolen. B$ildin's0 #he 3$ildin' o3Aect code is reconciled a'ainst additions in the ;acilities *ata Base 9man$al process). ($rrentl!5 assets are created and capitali%ed at !earCend. 8ther assets are capitali%ed at !earCend. /0 :) 6hich internal and external asset val$ations 3elon' to !earCend closin' process1 -lease provide a sample o" all re>$ired val$ations. A0 6e are onl! val$atin' assets at historical cost with strai'htCline depreciation as per the GA,B re'$lations. C% Template: 1. .e>$irements/Expectations pdate the 'eneral led'er "or chan'es in asset acco$nts as transactions occ$r. 9($rrent s!stem in man$al Ao$rnal entries) /var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_3/205399238.doc $23 o( $'!

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-ost depreciation to the 'eneral led'er. 9($rrentl! depreciation is not posted.) -ost assets $nder constr$ction to the 'eneral led'er. 9($rrentl! this is man$all! calc$lated) Fana'e inventor! o" assets. 2. General Explanations #he asset !earCend closin' is the c$tCo"" date a"ter the end o" the "iscal !ear. #he asset !earCend closin' pro'ram chec7s all the data "or the old "iscal !ear and 3loc7s the !ear to chan'es $p to this date. #he !earCend closin' pro'ram chec7s the "ollowin'0 complete postin' o" all asset val$es in the 'eneral led'er complete postin' o" all depreciation adherence to all r$les "or net 3oo7 val$e 3. Explanations o" ;$nctions and Events 1) B! camp$s0 Each camp$s has several 3$siness areas ma7in' $p the "$nd 'ro$p and entit!. E>$ipment will 3e tied to cost center or 6B, 9depreciation posts here) and BA. 2" (8 capital o$tla! can post to 3oth the cost center and the 6B,I then we will meet this need at period end 9depreciation r$n) else consider a special pro'ram. Dand and 3$ildin's will 3e tied to onl! the BA. 2) &eed to trac7 asset 3! so$rce o" "$nd. #here is not a "ield "or "$nd so$rces. ;$ndin' so$rce can 3e trac7ed 3! $sin' s$3 assets. se eval$ation 'ro$p 10 so$rce o" "$nd 9;ederal5 state5 plant "$nd5 'i"ts5 etc.) ;$nds are directl! mapped to cost center and 6B,I there"ore we can report 3! cost center and 6B, to 'et data 3! individ$al "$nd. 9./3 doesnIt have a "$nd "ield on asset master record.) Also i" we set $p con"i'$ration "or 3$d'et o3Aect assi'nment the "$nd can 3e entered on the asset ac>$isition transaction. #B* i" we sho$ld have this t$rned on. F$ltiple "$ndin' ^ s$3 asset. 3) &eed to trac7 improvements / in"rastr$ct$re 9a win' expansion to an existin' 3$ildin') we will $se 'ro$p assets "or improvements. Example0 Ever! 3$ildin' will 3e a 'ro$p asset. A new renovation will 3e one asset 9with 2 s$3 assets) G which act$all! is new asset G 0 and s$3 asset G1 since there is no parent/child relationship in the asset master. 2mprovements ^ 'ro$p. :) .eport to control asset set $p centrall!. 2s there a report in FF where we can see all the -.s 3! acco$nt assi'nment A "or assets1 2" not consider a c$stom report to see all the -.s re>$estin' p$rchase o" assets. Doo7 at all -.s over Q5000 and chec7 acco$nt assi'nment and G/D acco$nt so that assets are capitali%ed. &eed to do the same thin' "or Q1000 since ta''in' etc still needs to occ$r. 5) ./3 standard reports sho$ld provide similar data as c$rrent # asset reports. # month end closin'5 periodic reports 9assets 3! ta' n$m3er5 assets 3! t!pe5 inventor! 3! cost center) are standard. *epartments can 3e trained to r$n some reports themselves. &o special c$stom reportin' needs have 3een identi"ied at this time. Brenda will email some example reports to +erna to review. ?) 2nterested in addin' an attri3$te to the asset master record "or =person responsi3le= 3$t the list o" these people will chan'e and it wo$ld re>$ire con"i'$ration chan'e.


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5. ,pecial 8r'ani%ational (onsiderations &/A ?. (han'es to Existin' 8r'ani%ation <earCend processin' o" AF 8nline reportin' "or departments "or asset transactions. sers can r$n reports on Ac>$isitions5 #rans"ers5 .etirements5 *epreciation5 Asset 3alances5 etc. at their -( vers$s receivin' a hard cop! at the end o" the month or period. @. *escription o" 2mprovements 2nte'ration with the 'eneral led'er5 materials mana'ement5 and proAect s!stems. # will now have $p to date acc$rate records in the 'eneral led'er. -$rchases o" capital items will 3e capitali%ed at the time o" p$rchase. Assets $nder constr$ction will 3e recorded on a monthl! 3asis. # will have reports availa3le online to $sers to monitor asset activit! in their department. 8. *escription o" ;$nctional *e"icits &one noted at this time 9. Approaches to (overin' ;$nctional *e"icits &/A at this time 10. &otes on ;$rther 2mprovements &/A 11. ,!stem (on"i'$ration (onsiderations (on"i'$ration0 *epreciation areas5 2nventor! .eports5 ,pecial !earCend reports i" applica3le. # will not have special con"i'$ration to ena3le the !earCend closin' processes. 4/1/5/1/ "!estions: /0 1) *o !o$ have parallel val$ation "or !o$r asset5 e.'. "or 'ro$p val$ation5 "or cost acco$ntin' p$rposes or "or le'al reasons1 A0 All assists0 -ossi3l! need parallel val$ation "or cost acco$ntin'. #he portion o" the asset "$nded "rom "ederal "$nds needs to 3e excl$ded "or cost acco$ntin' p$rposes. M!ltiple Val!ations


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2) *o !o$ have to val$ate !o$r assets in di""erent c$rrencies1

A0 &o /0 3) 2s there a distinction necessar! 3etween 3oo7 depreciation 9"or 3alance sheet) and tax val$es 9"or a tax 3alance sheet)1 A0 &o 4/1/5/2/ "!estions: /0 1) 6hen do !o$ close !o$r "iscal !ear1 6reparations for Jear2=nd Closing in $sset Management

A0 End o" !ear is O$ne 30 ($rrent practice is to close the niversit!Is 3oo7s 3! A$'$st 15. /0 2) *o !o$ r$n the !earCend closin' process in asset acco$ntin' separate "rom 'eneral led'er1 A0 <es #he! are c$rrentl! separate s!stems. #he E>$ipment s!stem is reconciled to the chec7s written "or e>$ipment on a monthl! 3asis. 2nventor! sheets are mailed o$t to departments "or ph!sical veri"ication at a separate time than the !earCend close. /0 3) Are leased assets treated li7e an! other "ixed assets in !earCend closin'1

A0 <es 4/1/5/,/ "!estions: /0 1) 2n !o$r enterprise5 who has a$thori%ation to chan'e a lar'e n$m3er o" assets sim$ltaneo$sl!1 A0 #he acco$ntin' mana'er5 the acco$ntin' cler7 and data inte'rit! s$pervisor in the (ontrollerIs 8""ice. /0 2) *o !o$ need to ma7e chan'es to a lar'e n$m3er o" assets sim$ltaneo$sl!1 Mass Changes

A0 <es /0 3) 2" so5 $nder what circ$mstances1 -lease descri3e.

A0 Fovin' all "ixed assets "rom one location to another locationP trans"errin' all assets "rom one department to another department. 2n addition5 a chan'e in the capitali%ation polic! mi'ht re>$ire massive chan'es. (han'e o" 3$siness area responsi3ilit!. /var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_3/205399238.doc $2$ o( $'!

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4/1/5/3/ "!estions:

Depreciation posting

/0 1) 2s there a 3$siness need to post depreciation directl! to cost acco$ntin'1 2" so5 what receivers are to 3e char'ed when !o$ do so 9"or example5 cost centers5 internal orders etc)1 A0 E>$ipment *epreciation ma! 3e posted directl! to cost acco$ntin' to service centers and in some limited cases "or a$xiliaries. 8nl! see depreciation in (8 "or service centers. /0 2) 4ow o"ten do !o$ intend to post depreciation to the 'eneral led'er and to cost acco$ntin'1 A0 Fonthl! /0 3) *o !o$ post depreciation to assets $nder constr$ction1

A0 &o. /0 :) #o which acco$nt9s) is depreciation posted1

A0 2n ./3 we plan to set $p a =d$mm!= 6B, in plant "$nds to capt$re all depreciation postin's except "or certain a$xiliaries and service centers that will have a separate cost center "or their depreciation. /0 5) *o !o$ want to show interest onl! in reports5 or do !o$ want to post interest directl! to cost acco$ntin'1 A0 6e will post directl! to cost acco$ntin'. 4/1/5/5/ "!estions: /0 1) 4ow do !o$ cond$ct the ph!sical inventor! "or "ixed assets 9e.'. man$all!5 $sin' 3arcode scanner)1 A0 ($rrentl!5 on an ann$al 3asis5 the (ontrollerMs 8""ice sends ph!sical inventor! sheets o$t to the departments that show all the e>$ipment that has 3een assi'ned to the department. #he individ$al departments man$all! veri"! that the e>$ipment is still there. An! chan'es in locations are handCwritten on the "orm or corrected onCline i" the department has onCline access. 2" corrected onCline5 the (ontrollerMs 8""ice sends o$t a chan'e report a$tomaticall! to the department. #he ori'inal sheets m$st si'ned 3! the department veri"!in' that the chan'es made were correct and that the e>$ipment is there. 2" items are not there 3eca$se the item has 3een s$rpl$sed5 the department m$st also send in a #C?: "orm. 2" the item has 3een lost5 the department m$st attach a cop! o" the police report and a #C?: "orm. 2" the police report has not !et 3een o3tained then the department notes that it will 3e "orthcomin'. #he sheets are ret$rned to the (ontrollerIs 8""ice5 who ma7es an! needed chan'es 3ased on the ret$rned sheets and the #C?: "orms. /var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_3/205399238.doc $2& o( $'! Carry (!t Jear2=nd Closing in $sset Management

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#here is no 3ar codin'. /0 2) 6ho is responsi3le "or the ph!sical inventor! o" the "ixed assets1

A0 #he responsi3le person is t!picall! the department head. 4owever5 some colle'es o""iciall! assi'n a sin'le person to 3e responsi3le "or all inventories. #his individ$al is o"ten the colle'eIs 3$siness mana'er. /0 3) 6hat is the relation 3etween the inventor! n$m3er o" an asset and the n$m3er o" the asset master record1 A0 E>$ipment0 #he asset master record is an internall! assi'ned n$m3er. #he inventor! n$m3er is an externall! assi'ned ta' n$m3er. /0 :) *o !o$ create inventor! lists $sin' the ,A- ./3 ,!stem5 or $sin' a nonC./3 s!stem1

A0 ($rrentl!5 we 7eep inventor! on the e>$ipment inventor! s!stem. 4owever5 in ./3 we want to 7eep the inventor! lists on ./3. 4/1/5/4/ "!estions: /0 1) 6hat t!pe o" in"ormation "low do !o$ have "or the res$lts o" periodic asset reportin'1 6eriodic Reports

A0 #he (ontrollerIs 8""ice receives a listin' o" e>$ipment on a monthl! 3asis that has 3een added to the s!stem. #his report is $sed to reconcile to the chec7s written on the e>$ipment expendit$re o3Aect code. (han'e reports are 'enerated and mailed to departments that indicate an asset was added5 chan'ed5 or deleted. An ann$al report o" e>$ipment additions and deletions is 'enerated that is $sed to prepare a Ao$rnal entr! to the asset acco$nts. /0 2) 6hat are the critical monthl!5 >$arterl! and ann$al reports that !o$ need "or Asset Acco$ntin'1 A0 ,ee the answer to V15 a3ove /0 3) 6hich 7ind o" reports do !o$ $se to reconcile asset acco$ntin' with the 'eneral led'er1 A0 #he monthl! reports are $sed to reconcile to the e>$ipment expendit$re o3Aect code. #he ann$al reports capitali%e to the G/D. /0 :) Are there an! partic$lar reports !o$ wo$ld li7e "or low val$e assets1

A0 6e will need reports on low val$e assets5 m$ch the same reports as what weIll need "or the re'$lar assets. /0 5) 4ow do !o$ create !o$r inventor! lists1 *o !o$ $se 3arcodes1


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A0 ($rrentl!5 we r$n inventor! lists "rom o$r e>$ipment data3ase. 6e donIt have 3arcodes. /0 ?) B! which or'ani%ational $nits 9or com3inations o" $nits) are asset reportin' "$nctions str$ct$red 9"or example5 compan!5 cost center etc)1 A0 E>$ipment0 Each asset is associated with a $niversit! departmental expendit$re acco$nt. Gro$ps o" acco$nts can 3e com3ined at a hi'her level $nder a =distri3$tion code.= #he distri3$tion code is $sed to distri3$te reports or noti"ications o" a chan'e in acco$ntin' "or assets. 8ther assets0 are reported at a camp$s or $niversit! level onl!.


Dandling of Beased $ssets

"!estions: /0 1) 6hat 7ind o" leasin' a'reements do !o$ normall! ma7e1 8peratin' leases 9not necessaril! shown in Asset Acco$ntin') or (apital Deases 9Asset capitali%ed)1 A0 ;or the niversit!5 it is 'enerall! cheaper to 3$! e>$ipment than to lease it. #he leases we do have are 'enerall! operatin' leases. 6e lease 3$ildin's or partial 3$ildin's $sin' operatin' leases. 6e have leases on a "ew pieces o" e>$ipment. C% Template: 1. .e>$irements/Expectations ,ee handlin' o" "ixed assets section 2. General Explanations At end o" ;< de3it the asset and credit lease hold pa!a3le lia3ilit! to capitali%e the asset. (reate amorti%ation sched$le and 3rea7 pa!ments into principle and interest "or lease pa!ment. -rocess will 3e the same in ./3 3$t we need to disc$ss how we mana'e the lease process. #rans"ers5 chan'es5 retirements5 depreciations are the same as nonC leased assets.

4/2/1/1/ "!estions: /0

$sset Maintenance
$sset Master Record Change

1) *o !o$ trans"er !o$r assets "rom one le'al entit! to another1

A0 &o /0 2) 2" not trans"erred 3etween le'al entities5 do !o$ create a new master record when location chan'es1 A0 &o. 6e onl! chan'e the location 3$t 7eep the asset record the same. /var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_3/205399238.doc $2) o( $'!

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/0 3) *escri3e possi3le wa!s o" processin' chan'es in location. 6hat proced$res are c$rrentl! in place1 A0 #he location o" the whole department ma! chan'e. #h$s5 when this happens all o" the e>$ipment locations "or that department m$st 3e $pdated to the new location. ($rrentl! we can do this in mass. 2n addition5 the $se o" certain individ$al pieces o" e>$ipment is chan'ed 9another department 3e'ins $sin' it). 2n these instances5 the location and responsi3le department is chan'ed. A "ormal trans"er "orm is completed in this instances 3! the two departments involved. 2n addition5 e>$ipment ma! 3e s$rpl$ses. 2n this case5 a s$rpl$s "orm is completed 3! the responsi3le department. #he e>$ipment items remain the responsi3ilit! o" the $sin' department $ntil a"ter the s$rpl$s department con"irms that the item has 3een sold at the s$rpl$s sale. /0 :) *oes chan'in' o" location appl! to low val$e assets1

A0 <es 4/2/1/2/ "!estions: /0 1) 2n !o$r enterprise5 who has a$thori%ation to chan'e a lar'e n$m3er o" assets sim$ltaneo$sl!1 A0 #he mana'er and assistant mana'er over plant and e>$ipment have the a$thori%ation to chan'e a lar'e n$m3er o" assets sim$ltaneo$sl!. 2ndivid$al departments can 'o in and chan'e the locations o" the e>$ipmentP however5 the! m$st ma7e the chan'e one asset at a time. /0 2) *o !o$ need to ma7e chan'es to a lar'e n$m3er o" assets sim$ltaneo$sl!1 Mass Changes

A0 <es /0 3) 2" so5 $nder what circ$mstances1 -lease descri3e.

A0 Fass chan'es are needed when the space chan'es "or the whole department or $nit. ;or example5 i" a lease expires on a 3$ildin'5 then the e>$ipment m$st 3e moved to a new location5 and the asset master records are 'enerall! chan'ed in mass.

4/2/2/1/ "!estions:

$cC!isition of Beased $sset

/0 1) 6ho is responsi3le "or the ac>$isition o" a leased asset1 6ho will ne'otiate the leasin' a'reement1 A0 #he individ$al departments have ne'otiated leases in the past5 altho$'h the! are not s$pposed to. 6hen this happens5 the (ontrollerMs 8""ice Fana'er o" -lant H E>$ipment /var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_3/205399238.doc $30 o( $'!

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"inds o$t a"ter the "act and creates the asset $pon learnin' o" the lease. #he -$rchasin' *epartment has the o""icial responsi3ilit! o" ac>$irin' leased e>$ipment. #im Fapes o" the #reas$rerIs 8""ice is responsi3le "or the acco$ntin' "or capital leases. /0 2) *escri3e the process "or the ac>$isition o" a leased asset5 "rom the p$rchase order to capitali%ation in Asset Acco$ntin'. A0 +er! seldom are there ever an! items that are leased. 2tems that have 3een leased in the past incl$de main"rame comp$ters and lar'e prod$ction printers. 2n these instances5 the leases have 3een capitali%ed5 leaseCp$rchase 9with a 3$!Co$t option at the end o" the lease period). *epartments prepare a re>$isition "or a lease. -$rchasin' p$ts o$t a 3id5 with 3oth a re>$est "or >$ote o" lease and also o$tCri'ht p$rchase. #hen5 -$rchasin' eval$ates whether it is cheaper to lease or 3$! the item. ;or some hi'hCdollar leases5 state 3onds ma! 3e iss$ed. 6hen -$rchasin' determines a lease is appropriate5 the lease is prepared and sent to the # De'al department "or review and recommendation "or approval 3! a +ice -resident who m$st $ltimatel! approve the lease. -$rchasin' sets $p a p$rchase order to "acilitate the pa!ment process. -a!ments then 'o thro$'h Acco$nts -a!a3le with the vendor s$ppl!in' invoices on a set sched$le. -$rchasin' 'ives a cop! o" the exec$ted p$rchase order to the (ontrollerIs 8""ice "or the setC $p o" the asset. #he asset is set $p and capitali%ed as wo$ld an! other asset.

4/2/,/1/ "!estions: /0

Depreciation 6rocessing

1) 6hat are the methods o" depreciation that !o$ are c$rrentl! $sin'1

A0 ($rrentl! we do not depreciate an! assets5 3$t we 3elieve o$r polic! "or depreciatin' leaseCp$rchase assets will 3e the same as p$rchased assets. 2" the leases are operatin' leases witho$t a p$rchase option5 the! will not 3e capitali%ed or depreciated. /0 2) 6hich depreciation method is $sed partic$larl! "or leased assets1

A0 ,trai'htCline depreciation will 3e $sed "or all assets. /0 3) *o !o$ calc$late depreciation val$es to the da!1

A0 &o. 2n the "$t$re in ./3 we expect to depreciate val$es to the month. /0 :) 2n certain cases do !o$ chan'e over "rom declinin'C3alance depreciation to strai'htC line depreciation1 2" so5 when1 A0 &o.


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/0 5) *o !o$ want to allow ne'ative depreciation "or certain assets or cate'ories o" assets1 2" so5 please speci"!. A0 &o. &e'ative depreciation will onl! 3e done thro$'h man$al adA$stments. /0 ?) *o !o$ distin'$ish 3etween a "ixed and a varia3le depreciation portion1

A0 &o. /0 @) 4ow do !o$ handle the period control "or depreciation val$es1

A0 *epreciation will post in the month o" ac>$isition. &o depreciation will 3e posted in the month o" retirement. 4/2/,/2/ "!estions: /0 1) 2s there a 3$siness need to post depreciation directl! to cost acco$ntin'1 2" so5 what receivers are to 3e char'ed when !o$ do so 9"or example5 cost centers5 internal orders etc)1 A0 *epreciation ma! 3e posted directl! to cost acco$ntin' in some limited cases "or a$xiliaries. /0 2) 4ow o"ten do !o$ intend to post depreciation to the 'eneral led'er and to cost acco$ntin'1 A0 Fonthl! /0 3) *o !o$ post depreciation to assets $nder constr$ction1 Depreciation 6osting

A0 ($rrentl!5 depreciation is done man$all! to assets $nder constr$ction at !earCend. 2n ./3 we plan to settle costs monthl! "rom a 6B, that is set $p to capt$re the capitali%ed p$rchases. /0 :) #o which acco$nt9s) is depreciation posted1

A0 2n ./3 we plan to set $p a =d$mm!= 6B, to capt$re all depreciation postin's except "or certain a$xiliaries and service centers that have a separate 6B, "or their depreciation. /0 5) *o !o$ want to show interest onl! in reports5 or do !o$ want to post interest directl! to cost acco$ntin'1 A0 6e will post directl! to cost acco$ntin'.

4/2/3/1/ "!estions:

!siness Transactions
Transfer Beased $sset


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1) *o !o$ trans"er leased assets 3etween companies1

A0 &o /0 2) 6o$ld a trans"er o" a leased asset a""ect the leasin' a'reement1 2" so5 please descri3e. A0 A lease ma! 3e extended or shortened. 4/2/3/2/ "!estions: /0 1) 4ow o"ten are chan'es in a leasin' a'reement necessar!1 Change in a Beasing $greement

A0 &ot o"tenP however pa!ment amo$nts have 3een lowered and terms have 3een extended. 2n addition "$ndin' o$t cla$ses are incl$ded in the lease which states that # is "$nded with state "$nds which are not '$aranteed "rom !ear to !earP th$s5 the vendor a'rees to allow # to 'et o$t o" the lease with no penalt! is "$ndin' is not contin$ed 3! the ,tate. ,ometimes e>$ipment $p'rades are o3tained via contract modi"ications. p'rades are 'enerall! not incl$ded in initial lease a'reements. An! chan'es in lease a'reements m$st 3e coordinated thro$'h -$rchasin' and m$st 3e approved 3! the +ice -resident who approved the initial lease a'reement. /0 2) 6hat t!pe o" chan'es are most "re>$ent1 -rovide examples.

A0 ,ee a3ove. #he -$rchasin' *epartment is responsi3le "or ma7in' the chan'es to the lease. /0 3) 2n cases where chan'es to a leasin' a'reement are necessar!5 how man! assets wo$ld 3e a""ected1 A0 2n the "$t$re5 the amo$nt o" the monthl! depreciation postin' wo$ld chan'e. /0 :) *oes a chan'e o" location a""ect !o$r leasin' a'reement1 2n what wa!1

A0 Generall!5 no. 4owever5 some leases ma! not allow "or movement o" the asset "rom the initial a'reedCto location. 6hen a chan'e o" location is needed in this instance5 the lease m$st 3e reCne'otiated. An! rene'otiations or modi"ications m$st 3e approved 3! the +ice -resident who si'ned the ori'inal lease a'reement. /0 5) 6hat is the in"ormation "low in !o$r enterprise re'ardin' a chan'e in asset location or a chan'e o" an asset to a di""erent or'ani%ational $nit1 A0 8n the Enoxville camp$s5 200 3oo77eepers have access to the e>$ipment s!stem. 8n the other camp$ses5 'enerall! the B$siness 8""ice has access to the e>$ipment s!stem. #he 3oo77eepers are allowed to chan'e the location 93$ildin' H room V) o" the e>$ipment. #he! ma! also chan'e the description o" the item. ,ome 3oo77eepers do not have access to the e>$ipment s!stem. 2n this case5 the 3oo77eepers send eCmails or other written re>$est to the (ontrollerMs 8""ice5 and the (ontrollerIs 8""ice will ma7e the chan'e in the e>$ipment s!stem. /var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_3/205399238.doc $33 o( $'!

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8nl! the (ontrollerIs 8""ice ma! chan'e the cost or the ta' n$m3er. 2" the responsi3le department chan'es5 then a man$al #C?: "orm m$st 3e si'ned 3! 3oth the trans"errin' and the receivin' department. 4/2/3/,/ "!estions: /0 1) *escri3e the pa!ment conditions o" !o$r leasin' a'reements. *i""erentiate i" necessar! 3etween di""erent 7inds o" a'reements. A0 -a!ment conditions most o"ten incl$de a ;$ndin'C8$t cla$se that allows # to 'et o$t o" the lease witho$t penalt! i" ,tate "$ndin' is not provided in s$3se>$ent !ears. /0 2) 4ow o"ten are !o$r leasin' pa!ments d$e1 Bease 6ayment

A0 #!pical pa!ment sched$les are monthl!5 >$arterl!5 or ann$all!. ,ched$les mi'ht also 3e 3iann$all! or 3imonthl!.

4/2/5/1/ "!estions: /0

Retirement of Beased $sset

1) 6hat are the reasons "or retirin' a leased asset1

A0 E>$ipment0 At the end o" the term 9lease is $p)5 we will ta7e possession at leaseCend "or those leaseCp$rchases and dispose o" it at the point it is no lon'er "$nction. /0 2) 6hat is !o$r process "or retirin' leased assets1 -lease descri3e the postin's.

A0 #he process "or disposal o" leased assets is the same as owned assets. /0 3) *o !o$ normall! 3$! leased assets a"ter expiration o" the leasin' contract or do !o$ ret$rn them to the leasor1 A0 2" the asset has 3een leased thro$'h a leaseCp$rchase5 # normall! 3$!s the asset a"ter the contract expiration.

"!estions: /0

Closing (perations

1) 6hat activities are incl$ded in the monthCend process "or asset acco$ntin'1

A0 ,ame process as "or p$rchased assets. EN(E-# there is a monthl! pa!ment to the leasor. #his pa!ment is processed in parts0 A portion is processed a'ainst the leasehold principal 3alance and a portion is process a'ainst the interest. An amorti%ation sched$le /var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_3/205399238.doc $3! o( $'!

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m$st 3e 7ept on the principal and interest. -rincipal and interest are identi"ied as two di""erent cost elements on the same 6B,. Generall! the pa!ment is posted to the principal 9the e>$ipment code) and then the Asset Acco$ntant Ao$rnal vo$chers a portion to the interest o3Aect code on the same acco$nt. /0 2) 6hich internal and external asset val$ations 3elon' to monthCend closin' process1 -lease provide a sample o" all re>$ired val$ations. A0 ,ame process as p$rchased assets. /0 3) 6hat activities are incl$ded in the !earCend closin' process "or asset acco$ntin'1

A0 ,ame process as p$rchased assets. /0 :) 6hich internal and external asset val$ations 3elon' to !earCend closin' process1 -lease provide a sample o" all re>$ired val$ations. A0 ,ame process as p$rchased assets. 4/2/4/1/ "!estions: /0 1) *o !o$ have parallel val$ation "or !o$r asset5 e.'. "or 'ro$p val$ation5 "or cost acco$ntin' p$rposes or "or le'al reasons1 A0 ,ee 1.1.@.1 /0 2) *o !o$ have to val$ate !o$r assets in di""erent c$rrencies1 M!ltiple Val!ations

A0 &o. /0 3) 2s there a distinction necessar! 3etween 3oo7 depreciation 9"or 3alance sheet) and tax val$es 9"or a tax 3alance sheet)1 A0 8nl! one method5 strai'htCline depreciation5 will 3e $sed. 4/2/4/2/ "!estions: /0 1) 6hen do !o$ close !o$r "iscal !ear1 6reparations for Jear2=nd Closing in $sset Management

A0 End o" !ear is O$ne 30. ($rrent practice is to close the $niversit! 3oo7s 3! A$'$st 15. /0 2) *o !o$ r$n the !earCend closin' process in asset acco$ntin' separate "rom 'eneral led'er1


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A0 /0 3) Are leased assets treated li7e an! other "ixed assets in !earCend closin'1

A0 <es 4/2/4/,/ "!estions: /0 1) 2n !o$r enterprise5 who has a$thori%ation to chan'e a lar'e n$m3er o" assets sim$ltaneo$sl!1 A0 -lant H E>$ipment mana'er /0 2) *o !o$ need to ma7e chan'es to a lar'e n$m3er o" assets sim$ltaneo$sl!1 Mass Changes

A0 <es /0 3) 2" so5 $nder what circ$mstances1 -lease descri3e.

A0 Fass chan'es are needed when space chan'es "or the whole department or $nit. 4/2/4/3/ "!estions: /0 1) 2s there a 3$siness need to post depreciation directl! to cost acco$ntin'1 2" so5 what receivers are to 3e char'ed when !o$ do so 9"or example5 cost centers5 internal orders etc)1 A0 <es. Fa! 3e posted directl! "or a$xiliaries or service centers. /0 2) 4ow o"ten do !o$ intend to post depreciation to the 'eneral led'er and to cost acco$ntin'1 A0 Fonthl! /0 3) *o !o$ post depreciation to assets $nder constr$ction1 Depreciation 6osting

A0 ($rrentl!5 depreciation is done man$all! to assets $nder constr$ction at !earCend. 2n ./3 we plan to settle costs monthl! "rom a 6B, that is set $p to capt$re the capitali%ed p$rchases. /0 :) #o which acco$nt9s) is depreciation posted1

A0 2n ./3 we plan to set $p a =d$mm!= 6B, to capt$re all depreciation postin's except "or certain a$xiliaries and service centers that have a separate 6B, "or their depreciation.


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/0 5) *o !o$ want to show interest onl! in reports5 or do !o$ want to post interest directl! to cost acco$ntin'1 A0 6e will post directl! to cost acco$ntin'. 4/2/4/5/ "!estions: /0 1) 4ow do !o$ cond$ct the ph!sical inventor! "or "ixed assets 9e.'. man$all!5 $sin' 3arcode scanner)1 A0 ($rrentl!5 on an ann$al 3asis5 the (ontrollerIs 8""ice sends ph!sical inventor! sheets to the departments that show all the e>$ipment that has 3een assi'ned to the department. #he individ$al departments man$all! veri"! that the e>$ipment is still there. An! chan'es in locations are handCwritten on the "orm or corrected onCline i" the department has onCline access. 2" corrected onCline5 the (ontrollerMs 8""ice sends o$t a chan'e report a$tomaticall! to the department. #he ori'inal sheets m$st 3e si'ned 3! the department veri"!in' that the chan'es made were correct and that the e>$ipment is there. 2" items are not there 3eca$se the item has 3een s$rpl$sed5 the department m$st also send in a #C?: "orm. 2" the item has 3een lost5 the department m$st attach a cop! o" the police report and a #C?: "orm. 2" the police report has not !et 3een o3tained then the department notes that it will 3e "orthcomin'. #he sheets are ret$rned to the (ontrollerIs 8""ice5 who ma7es an! needed chan'es 3ased on the ret$rned sheets and the #C?: "orms. #here is no 3ar codin'. /0 2) 6ho is responsi3le "or the ph!sical inventor! o" the "ixed assets1 Carry (!t Jear2=nd Closing in $sset Management

A0 #he responsi3le person is t!picall! the department head. 4owever5 some colle'es o""iciall! assi'n a sin'le person to 3e responsi3le "or all inventor!. #his individ$al is o"ten the colle'eIs 3$siness mana'er. /0 3) 6hat is the relation 3etween the inventor! n$m3er o" an asset and the n$m3er o" the asset master record1 A0 #he asset master record is an internall! assi'ned n$m3er. #he inventor! n$m3er is an externall! assi'ned ta' n$m3er. /0 :) *o !o$ create inventor! lists $sin' the ,A- ./3 ,!stem5 or $sin' a nonC./3 s!stem1

A0 ($rrentl!5 we 7eep inventor! on the e>$ipment inventor! s!stem. 4owever5 in ./3 we want to 7eep the inventor! lists on ./3. 4/2/4/4/ "!estions: /0 1) 6hat t!pe o" in"ormation "low do !o$ have "or the res$lts o" periodic asset reportin'1 6eriodic Reports

A0 #he (ontrollerIs 8""ice receives a listin' o" e>$ipment on a monthl! 3asis that has 3een added to the s!stem. #his report is $sed to reconcile to the chec7s written on the e>$ipment expendit$re o3Aect code. (han'e reports are 'enerated and mailed to departments that /var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_3/205399238.doc $3& o( $'!

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indicate an asset was added5 chan'ed5 or deleted. An ann$al report o" e>$ipment additions and deletions is 'enerated that is $sed to prepare a Ao$rnal entr! to the asset acco$nts. /0 2) 6hat are the critical monthl!5 >$arterl! and ann$al reports that !o$ need "or Asset Acco$ntin'1 A0 ,ee the answer to V15 a3ove /0 3) 6hich 7ind o" reports do !o$ $se to reconcile asset acco$ntin' with the 'eneral led'er1 A0 #he monthl! reports are $sed to reconcile to the e>$ipment expendit$re o3Aect code. #he ann$al reports capitali%e to the G/D. /0 :) Are there an! partic$lar reports !o$ wo$ld li7e "or low val$e assets1

A0 6e will need reports on low val$e assets5 m$ch the same reports as what weIll need "or the re'$lar assets. /0 A0 /0 ?) 4ow do !o$ create !o$r inventor! lists1 *o !o$ $se 3arcodes1 5) Are there an! partic$lar reports !o$ r$n "or leased assets1

A0 ($rrentl!5 we r$n inventor! lists "rom o$r e>$ipment data3ase. 6e donIt have 3arcodes. /0 @) B! which or'ani%ational $nits 9or com3inations o" $nits) are asset reportin' "$nctions str$ct$red 9"or example5 compan!5 cost center etc)1 A0 E>$ipment0 Each asset is associated with a $niversit! departmental expendit$re acco$nt. Gro$ps o" acco$nts can 3e com3ined at a hi'her level $nder a =distri3$tion code.= #he distri3$tion code is $sed to distri3$te reports or noti"ications o" a chan'e in acco$ntin' "or assets. 8ther assets0 .eported at a camp$s or $niversit! level onl!.


Direct Capitali0ation

C% Template: 1. .e>$irements/Expectations 2nte'rate the p$rchase and capitali%ation o" assets tho$'h FF and AF. 2. General Explanations MM) $M # intends to inte'rate assets p$rchased thro$'h FF to AF. #wo options are 3ein' /var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_3/205399238.doc $3' o( $'!

AcceleratedSAP - Business Blueprint

disc$ssed "or .elease ,trate'ies.

# is leanin' towards 8ption V1.

*ecentrali%ed 8ption V10 End $sers create the asset and the p$rchase re>$isition. serIs steps0 (reate asset master record CZ (reate -. with asset acco$nt assi'nment cate'or! A on re>$isition CZ release strate'! "or approval / review o" master record "or acc$rac! "rom AF CZ release strate'! "or creation o" -8 3! -$rchasin' *epartment CZ Asset p$rchased CZ Goods receipt posted when item received which initiates the capitali%ation o" the asset CZ invoice veri"ication CZ A- pa!s the invoice. (entrali%ed 8ption V20 End $ser initiates the p$rchase re>$isition and (ontrollerMs 8""ice creates the asset and "inishes the re>$isition. -. with acco$nt assi'nment E 9cost center) rather than A 9asset) CZ release strate'! sees $sin' (apital o$tla! acco$nt 9and a3ove Q5000) or sensitive e>$ipment and tri''er approval in AF CZ AF creates the asset5 chan'es the -. to acco$nt assi'nment A5 and enters the asset on the -. CZ release strate'! "or creation o" -8 3! -$rchasin' *epartment CZ Asset p$rchased CZ Goods receipt posted when item received which initiates the capitali%ation o" the asset CZ invoice veri"ication CZ A- pa!s the invoice. &ote0 8ption 2 wonIt wor7 3eca$se .elease strate'ies canIt 3e done at the G/D acco$nt levelP there"ore5 all p$rchase re>$isitions wo$ld have to 3e review 3! the (ontrollerMs 8""ice and this wo$ld not 3e "easi3le. $)6 $M integration 2" we have an asset p$rchased with m$ltiple "$ndin' 9s$3 assets) can we validate that the invoice maps to these "$nds1 2s there a wa! to validate that the pa!ment is comin' "rom the "$nd so$rces identi"ied on the asset masters1 3. Explanations o" ;$nctions and Events ,ensitive e>$ipment 3o$'ht on a proc$rement card will need to 3e mana'ed at month end 9a"ter vendor pa!ment). +erna to man$all! review and clean $p "rom char'es to e>$ipment o3Aect code. All sensitive e>$ipment assets sho$ld 3e created centrall!. 2" someone 3$!s a camera thr$ the proc$rement card 9non FF) a"ter the invoice is received then create the sensitive IassetI and do a postin' 9de3it the asset5 credit the contra). (an we set $p the A- invoice to de3it the asset instead o" the expendit$re acco$nt1 5. ,pecial 8r'ani%ational (onsiderations Blan7et p$rchase orders and -roc$rement (ard0 -roc$rement card is $sed "or p$rchases 3etween Q1 and Q25000. *oesnIt 'o thro$'h FF 3$t will 'o to A- to 3e entered. 2ss$e0 how do we capitali%e assets that are p$rchased on the proc$rement card1 Blan7et p$rchase order is $sed "or p$rchases a3ove Q25000. FF sets $p a 3lan7 -8 with a vendor "or hi'h vol$me p$rchases. 2n theor! this is not intended "or assets. 2ss$e0 how do we capitali%e assets p$rchased on the 3lan7et p$rchase order1 Recommend ne+ >T policy0 -olic! to not allow asset to 3e p$rchased on the 3lan7et p$rchase order. *epartments sho$ld create a new -. and -8 "or asset p$rchases to allow the inte'ration and control thro$'h FF. ?. (han'es to Existin' 8r'ani%ation /var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_3/205399238.doc $3) o( $'!

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($rrent 3$siness process "or assets0 # is on a man$al s!stemP at the end o" each month the! review all expendit$res and man$all! capitali%e assets a"ter the p$rchase. ./3 3$siness process0 Asset record will 3e created at the p$rchase re>$isition phaseP there"ore5 the asset record will not incl$de all the in"ormation s$ch as ta' n$m3er5 serial n$m3er etc. ser will have to 'o 3ac7 and $pdate the asset master record a"ter the item has 3een received. #rainin' 2ss$e. @. *escription o" 2mprovements 2nte'rated p$rchasin' with materials mana'ement allowin' time o" p$rchase rather than a"ter the "act. 8. *escription o" ;$nctional *e"icits .elease strate'ies can not 3e activated at the G/D acco$nt level 9it m$st 3e done on the doc$ment header) there"ore5 $sers can p$rchase an item and char'e it to a cost center and $se a G/D acco$nt "or a capital item or a sensitive item and the s!stem wo$ld not prevent this. 9. Approaches to (overin' ;$nctional *e"icits #wo possi3le sol$tions0 1. *evelop a report that identi"ies all p$rchase re>$isitions "or a period5 acco$nt assi'nment cate'or!5 G/D acco$nt. (ontrollerMs 8""ice wo$ld review the report thro$'ho$t the da! and loo7 "or inacc$rate data 9e.'.5 acco$nt assi'nment E $sin' G/D acco$nt "or capital or sensitive item). 2. (onsider creatin' a validation on the -. where the sensitive item G/D or capital o$tla! G/DIs sho$ld 3e an acco$nt assi'nment cate'or! A. 10. &otes on ;$rther 2mprovements &/A 11. ,!stem (on"i'$ration (onsiderations FF con"i'$ration0 Acco$nt assi'nment cate'or! A needs to 3e active. .elease strate'! "rom the -. to the AF needs to 3e set $p. Acco$nt assi'nment "or asset n$m3er m$st 3e a re>$ired "ield on the -. G./2. "la' "or val$ated sho$ld 3e set so assets will 3e capitali%ed a 'oods receipt # to capitali%e assets at the

4/,/1/1/ "!estions:

6roc!rement and capitali0ation

Creation of Master Record for Tangible $ssets


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AcceleratedSAP - Business Blueprint

/0 1) 6ho is responsi3le "or the initial creation o" an asset maser record1 6ho provides which in"ormation1 A0 E>$ipment0 *epartments either complete an E>$ipment Ac>$isition .eport 9#C??) or enter an electronic version into a s$spense "ile on the E>$ipment 2nventor! ,!stem 3e"ore an invoice is paid. 8nce the invoice is paid5 the e>$ipment inventor! section o" the (ontrollerIs 8""ice chec7s the report or s$spense "ile "or acc$rac! and adds additional in"ormation s$ch as *+V. B$ildin's0 #he acco$ntin' mana'er in the (ontrollerMs 8""ice creates the initial asset master record. (osts are acc$m$lated in a plant "$nd acco$nt and these costs are capitali%ed at the end o" the !ear. Dand0 #he land card is created in the #reas$rerIs 8""ice 3rd "loor a"ter land is received or p$rchased. 2n"rastr$ct$re0 #he acco$ntin' mana'er in the (ontrollerIs 8""ice creates the initial master record. (osts are acc$m$lated in a plant "$nd acco$nt and these costs are capitali%ed at the end o" the !ear. Di3rar! and livestoc70 &/A /0 2) 4ow does in"ormation "low 3ac7 and "orth 3etween the person responsi3le "or the capital investment proAect and the acco$ntant in Asset Acco$ntin'5 with respect to the creation o" a master record "or an asset $nder constr$ction1 A0 E>$ipment0 &/A B$ildin'0 8nce a constr$ction contract is approved5 .is7 Fana'ement re>$ests a 3$ildin' asset master record to 3e created 3! the (ontrollerIs 8""ice. Dand5 2n"rastr$ct$re0 &/A /0 3) 6hich or'ani%ational $nits and/or which "$nctional areas have a$thori%ation "or creatin' or displa!in' asset master records1 A0 E>$ipment0 *epartments/B$siness Areas have a$thori%ation "or creatin' and displa!in' asset master records. B$ildin's and 2n"rastr$ct$re0 (ontrollerIs 8""ice "or creatin' / (amp$s B$siness 8""ice5 or -h!sical -lant view onl!. Dand0 #reas$rerIs 8""ice and (ontrollerIs 8""ice "or creation and viewin'. 4/,/1/2/ "!estions: /0 1) *escri3e the in"ormation "low "or asset ac>$isitions in !o$r enterprise 6rocessing of $sset $cC!isition

A0 E>$ipment0 *epartments s$3mit re>$isitions "or items over Q2000 to the -$rchasin' *epartment. -$rchasin' creates a p$rchase order. Bids are mostCo"ten re>$ired $nless the items are soleCso$rce. 6hen the invoice is received5 the departments "ill o$t a paper asset master record or complete the asset master record onCline. #he invoice and asset master record is sent to A/- who "orwards the two doc$ments to the (ontrollerMs 8""ice. #he /var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_3/205399238.doc $!1 o( $'!

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(ontrollerIs 8""ice $ses the paper asset master record to set $p the e>$ipment item 9or to release the record i" it was previo$sl! created onCline.) #he chec7s paid "or e>$ipment and additions to the e>$ipment inventor! are reconciled on a monthl! 3asis. B$ildin's0 Governed 3! niversit! ;-, 180 #he capital 3$d'et process 3e'ins each sprin' "or the "iscal !ear that 3e'ins approximatel! 1 1/2 !ear in the "$t$re. 9B$d'etin' done ,prin' 2000 "or wor7 to 3e done 3e'innin' O$l! 2001). -roAects are s$3mitted to each camp$s o""ice where the proAects are prioriti%ed and divided into 3 cate'ories C 1) (apital o$tla!s 9Z1million/new 3$ildin's) 2) (apital maintenance 9Q1005000 to 1million) and 3) internall! "$nded proAects 9w/ "$ndin' "rom par7in' reven$es5 athletic dept. reven$es5 etc.) #he camp$s lists are sent to the # -resident who develops an overall # priorit! list. #he Board approves the # priorit! list5 and the list is sent to the #& 4i'her Ed$cation (ommission 9#4E(). #4E( mer'es # proAects with the #& Board o" .e'ents 9#B.) proAects5 and prioriti%es this com3ined list5 and "orwards the list to the Governor. #he Governor mer'es proAects "rom all over the ,tate and sends a recommended list to the ,tate De'islat$re. #he ,tate De'islat$re approves 3oth stateC"$nded and internall! "$nded proAects5 and appropriates "$nds in Fa! 9Fa! 2001 "or proAects 3e'innin' O$l! 2001). 6hen # receives their approved proAects5 the proAects are sent to the ,tate B$ildin' (ommission 9,B() "or its approval. #he ,B( 'ives each proAect a ,B( V. 8nce # receives notice o" the ,B( V5 the assistant mana'er in the # (ontrollerIs 8""ice sets $p a plant "$nd 9proAect acco$nt) 9O acco$nt). #he proAect is also set $p in a departmentall! maintained 9in ;acilities -lannin') data3ase "or the internal trac7in' o" vario$s internal costin' and reportin'. Fiscellaneo$s contracts are entered into with architects5 s$rve!ors5 and testers. A contract is set $p with one 'eneral contractor. 9#he 'eneral contractors "orm a'reements with the s$3contractorsP th$s5 # has no s$3contracts.) #he O acco$nt collects all costs "or the asset $nder constr$ction as individ$al expenses. 8nce a !ear at "iscal !earCend close5 the # (ontrollerI 8""ice Assistant mana'er5 ma7es man$al capitali%ation entries. # withholds 5U o" the contractorIs 3illin's each month as retaina'e. #his retaina'e is trans"erred into an a'enc! acco$nt set $p speci"icall! "or this proAect. 2nterest is earned on the "$nds set aside in this a'enc! acco$nt. /0 2) *escri3e !o$r capital proc$rement re>$irements.

A0 E>$ipment0 niversit! ;-, 050 and 1@0. All capitali%ed e>$ipment items re>$ire a p$rchase order a3ove Q25000. ,ensitive lowCdollar items 3elow Q2000 do not have to have a p$rchase order. #he departments order these items directl! "rom the vendors. Dand5 3$ildin'5 in"rastr$ct$re0 /0 niversit! ;-, 180 'overns the proc$rement.

3) 6hat t!pes o" ac>$isition occ$r in !o$r enterprise1

A0 SNT 2nte'rated with Faterials Fana'ement 9FF) SNT 2nte'rated with Acco$nts -a!a3le 9;2) SNT *irectl! to Asset Acco$ntin' 9;2CAA)


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AcceleratedSAP - Business Blueprint

/0 :) Are asset ac>$isitions posted on a net 3asis 9ded$ctin' an! disco$nts) or as a 'ross amo$nt 9disco$nts are ded$cted onl! on pa!ment)1 A0 All Assets0 &et 3asis /0 5) *o !o$ want to show ac>$isitions to certain depreciation areas di""erentl! than !o$ do in the 3oo7 depreciation area 9"or example5 to "$l"ill certain cost acco$ntin'5 tax or 'ro$p re>$irements)1 A0 E>$ipment0 &o B$ildin's and 2n"rastr$ct$re0 &o Dand5 li3rar! and livestoc70 &/A /0 ?) *o !o$ post 'oods receipt to assets val$ated or nonCval$ated1

A0 All assets0 8$r c$rrent s!stems do not have this "$nctionalit!. +al$ated means !o$ can !o$ pa! the invoice 3e"ore 'oods receipt. /0 @) *o !o$ want down pa!ments "or assets to 3e shown separatel!1

A0 <es /0 8) 2" $sin' asset s$3Cn$m3erin'5 do !o$ want to permit asset ac>$isitions onl! to the main n$m3er in the !ear o" capitali%ation5 and post all later ac>$isitions to s$3Cn$m3ers1 A0 <es /0 9) *o !o$ 7eep a record o" costs $sin' ac>$isitions to the asset $nder constr$ction1

A0 E>$ipment0 <es B$ildin's0 <es 2n"rastr$ct$re0 <es /0 10) *o !o$ plan and 3$d'et "or capital investments in !o$r enterprise1 ,ho$ld assets that are capitali%ed directl! also 3e incl$ded in the plannin' and 3$d'etin' processes1 A0 E>$ipment0 <es departments 3$d'et "or e>$ipment. B$ildin's0 Each 3$ildin' and in"rastr$ct$re item has a 3$d'et. (apital 3$d'etin' will not 3e done in ./3111. 6e do have the option to $se -, and AF "$nctionalit! to do this. 6ill investi'ate "$rther. /0 11) 4ow is the interaction 3etween 'eneral led'er and asset acco$ntin' in the ac>$isition process1 A0 All assets0 &o inte'ration in the ac>$isition process and asset acco$ntin'. /var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_3/205399238.doc $!3 o( $'!

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/0 12) 6hich is the proced$re "rom invoice receipt to postin' o" capitali%ation1 8$tline the di""erent steps. A0 All Assets0 At invoice pa!ment0 *e3it C Acco$nt 9cost center) and Expendit$re 83Aect (ode 9G/D acco$nt) (reditC (ash or A/At !earCend0 *e3it C Asset 3! t!pe 9land5 3$ildin'5 e>$ipment) (reditC 2nvestment in -lant 3! asset 9land5 3$ildin'5 e>$ipment)

5/ Tra*el Management
"!estions: /0 1) 6hich emplo!ees in !o$r enterprise ta7e trips1

Tra*el =Apenses
6resettings for Tra*el =Apenses

A0 All emplo!ees are eli'i3le to travel with proper a$thori%ation. ,t$dents5 candidates "or hire5 '$ests and cons$ltants are also reim3$rsed "or niversit! 3$siness related travel. /0 2) 6hat r$les5 i" an!5 are $sed to determine whether an emplo!ee is entitled to a trip advance1 A0 #rip advances are 'iven to certain individ$als where niversit! travel wo$ld impose a "inancial 3$rden on the people involved. #he "ollowin' individ$als can 3e 'iven a travel advance0 &ew emplo!ees 9emplo!ed 3 months or less) ,t$dent emplo!ees Gro$p leaders/directors o" team or 'ro$p travel 9one responsi3le "or distri3$tin' cash/pa!in' expenses) Emplo!ees travelin' o$tside the continental .,. #erm emplo!ees &onCexempt emplo!ees #here m$st 3e an approved travel a$thori%ation "or all o$tCo"Cstate and "orei'n trips accompan! the re>$est "or the travel advance. /0 3) Are these r$les 3ased on certain or'ani%ational str$ct$res within !o$r enterprise1

A0 &o C the! are 3ased on emplo!ee Ao3 titles or the location o" travel. /0 :) *o !o$ $se travel re>$ests in !o$r enterprise1 $!! o( $'!


AcceleratedSAP - Business Blueprint

A0 <es. An! niversit! emplo!ee or st$dent travelin' o$tCo"Cstate m$st have an approved a$thori%ation "or the travel 3e"ore the! 'o. A #ravel A$thori%ation 9;orm #C18) needs to 3e completed prior to the trip. #he exception to this is the 'ro$p la3eled as =,enior Administrative 8""icers=. #he! are not re>$ired to have a travel a$thori%ation. G$ests5 candidates "or hire and cons$ltants do not re>$ire travel a$thori%ations. /0 5) 6hat are the r$les that speci"! which emplo!ees have to s$3mit travel re>$ests 3e"ore 'oin' on trips1 A0 ;or o$tCo"Cstate and "orei'n travel5 all emplo!ees/ # st$dents m$st complete the #ravel A$thori%ation 9;orm #C18) prior to a trip. ,r. Administrative 8""icers are not re>$ired to complete this "orm. G$ests5 candidates5 and other nonC niversit! emplo!ees are not re>$ired to complete the #C18. /0 ?) ;or which co$ntries do trip r$les have to 3e esta3lished1

A0 #here are no r$les "or speci"ic co$ntries. #here are set per diems "or meals and maxim$m amo$nts "or lod'in' 3$t no other r$les. 4owever5 "orei'n travel re>$ires an additional approval on the #ravel A$thori%ation 9#C18). 2t re>$ires the approval o" a vice president5 chancellor or their desi'nee. /0 @) -lease classi"! all possi3le vehicle t!pes5 so that it is clear which vehicles can 3e $sed 3! which emplo!ees and which vehicle t!pes a""ect reim3$rsement amo$nts. A0 -ersonal vehicles5 # car5 rental car 9economical)5 motorc!cle5 train5 commercial plane5 personal plane5 # plane5 charter aircra"t5 animals 9do' sleds5 don7e!s5 etc)5 ship5 3$s5 "err!5 3ic!cle5 'ro$nd transportation 9taxis5 sh$ttles5 limos) /0 8) *o !o$ $se di""erent reim3$rsement amo$nts "or di""erent 'eo'raphical areas1

A0 4otel maxim$m reim3$rsement rates are 3ased on location. 6ithin the state o" #ennessee the! are 3ased on co$nt! location and are divided into Devel 2 and Devel 22. Devel 2 incl$des *avidson5 4amilton5 Enox5 ,hel3!5 ,evier and 6ashin'ton 9Oohnson (it!) co$nties 9rate Q?0 pl$s tax/ni'ht) Devel 22 covers all other co$nties in #ennessee 9rate Q50 pl$s tax/ni'ht) Fost all other cities are reim3$rsed at Q80 pl$s tax/ni'ht. #here are two exceptions0 ,elected (ities 9Q120 pl$s tax/ni'ht) and ,pecial Exceptions 9Q180 pl$s tax/ni'ht). ,elected cities incl$de Atlanta5 Boston5 (hica'o5 *allas5 -hoenix5 -hiladelphia5 Dos An'eles5 &ew 8rleans5 ,an ;rancisco5 ,an *ie'o5 ,eattle and 6ashin'ton5 *.(. ,pecial exceptions incl$de &ew <or7 (it! and all international cities. &8#E0 Alas7a and 4awaii are considered "orei'n travel. Feals are reim3$rsed on a per diem C rates are di""erent "or in state vs. o$t o" state. /0 9) Are there 'eneral reim3$rsement amo$nts "or speci"ic co$ntries in !o$r compan!1 $!" o( $'!


AcceleratedSAP - Business Blueprint

A0 All "orei'n lod'in' is reim3$rsed at a hi'her rate 9Q180 pl$s tax/ni'ht). ;orei'n meal rates are the same "or o$tCo"Cstate travel. /0 10) Are there stat$tor! re'$lations "or trips1

A0 <es5 meals "or trips where there is no overni'ht travel are considered taxa3le. 4owever5 we c$rrentl! do not report or ded$ct these taxes. /0 11) *o !o$ classi"! !o$r emplo!ees in di""erent 'ro$ps with re'ard to expense t!pes1

A0 <es. #here are six classi"ications0 1. 2. 3. :. 5. ?. General 9most niversit! emplo!ees5 '$ests5 st$dents5 etc) -resident ,r Administrative 8""icers 9-residentIs ,ta"") Board o" #r$stees Athletics niversit! -ilots

/0 12) *o !o$ $se enterpriseCspeci"ic trip activities to determine per diems to 3e reim3$rsed and maxim$m amo$nts1 A0 <es5 athletic recr$itin' trips are reim3$rsed at di""erent rates. /0 13) -lease tell $s !o$r reim3$rsement rates "or meals and accommodations. ;$ll *a! 6ithin #& 8$tside #& ;orei'n travel Q30 9Q35 C,r Admin H Bd o" #r$stees) -artial *a!

A0 FEAD,0 Q22.50 9Q2?.25 C ,r Admin H Bd o" #r$stees) Q:0 9Q:5 C ,r Admin H Bd o" #r$stees) Q30 9Q33.@5 C ,r Admin H Bd o" #r$stees) Q:0 9Q:5 C ,r Admin H Bd o" #r$stees) Q30 9Q33.@5 C ,r Admin H Bd o" #r$stees)

8verni'ht travel0 -artial meal allowance 9@5U o" the dail! rate) is availa3le "or the date o" depart$re and the date o" ret$rn. 8ne da! travel0 Feal allowance is availa3le when wor7in' 3e!ond the 8 hr wor7 da! and the ho$rs o" depart$re and ret$rn are in accordance with the sched$le 3elow 9not re>$ired to show this on the reim3$rsement re>$est)0 2nC,tate 8$tCo"C,tate *epart$re/.et$rn Brea7"ast H *inner Q20 9Q25 C ,r Admin/Bd o" #r$stees) Q29 9Q33) Be"ore @000am H a"ter ?030pm Brea7"ast Q? 9Q@ C ,r Admin/Bd o" #r$stees) Q9 9Q10) Be"ore @000am H 3e"ore ?030pm D$nch 9"or ,r Admin onl! where entertainment is involved) Q10 Q12 *inner Q1: 9Q18 C ,r Admin/Bd o" #r$stees) Q20 9Q23) A"ter @000am H a"ter ?030pm


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2" one or two meals are incl$ded as part o" the re'istration "ee "or a con"erence5 seminar or wor7shop5 a partial meal allowance is availa3le 9@5U o" dail! rate). 2" all meals are incl$ded5 no meal allowance is availa3le. (ontinental 3rea7"asts are not considered a meal. #eam5 Gro$p or .etreat #ravel0 Feal Brea7"ast D$nch *inner 2nC,tate Q ? Q10 Q1: 8$tCo"C,tate Q 9 Q11 Q20

Entertainment0 #he act$al amo$nt spent "or the entertainment meal will 3e reim3$rsed. 2n addition5 a partial meal allowance 9@5U o" dail! rate) will 3e reim3$rsed in addition to the entertainment meal $nless it is a oneCda! trip. 2n this case5 the rates "or oneCda! trip will appl! dependin' on which meal is the entertainment meal. A receipt is re>$ired "or all entertainment. ,r. Admin 8""icers0 Gro$p 3rea7"asts5 l$ncheons5 and dinners are allowed provided written advance approval is 'iven or a receipt is 'iven. 6hen actin' as a host to '$ests o" the niversit!5 act$al expenses will 3e reim3$rsed. -ilots0 Feals ma! 3e allowed in excess o" re'$lations when it is necessar! to ta7e meals at a hotel or other area when eatin' "acilities are limited. 2n those cases5 where meals exceed limitations5 an explanation m$st 3e 'iven and receipt "$rnished. A((8FF8*A#28&,0 2nC,tate0 Devel 2 Devel 22 Q?0 pl$s taxes 9Q?@ pl$s taxes "or all cities C ,r Admin) Q50 pl$s taxes 9Q85 pl$s taxes "or all cities C Bd o" #r$stees) Q 80 pl$s taxes 9Q85 C ,r Admin/Bd o" #r$stees) Q120 pl$s taxes 9Q125 C ,r Admin/Bd o" #r$stees) Q180 pl$s taxes 9Q190 C ,r Admin/Bd o" #r$stees)

8$tCo" ,tate0

General ,elected (ities ,pecial (ities

Athletics0 6hile in recr$itin' stat$s5 act$al expenses "or lod'in' will 3e reim3$rsed. -ilots0 Act$al lod'in' expenses will 3e reim3$rsed when accompan!in' niversit! or ,tate o""icials on o""icial 3$siness or when it is necessar! to wait overni'ht "or passen'ers. &8#E0 2" lod'in' is at a con"erence hotel5 the con"erence rate will 3e reim3$rsed provided there is s$pport "or the con"erence rate or the name o" the con"erence hotel is 'iven on the #C 18 or #C3. ,EE / E,#28& 8 ;8. A D2,# 8; DE+ED 2 H 225 GE&E.AD5 ,EDE(#E* A&* ,-E(2AD (2#2E,. /0 1:) *o !o$ maintain special cost centers "or #ravel Fana'ement1

A0 &o5 each department is char'ed directl! "or their travel. /0 15) *o !o$ split !o$r cost centers accordin' to a certain scheme1 6as it split 9Bac7'ro$nd0 in"ot!pes 002@5 001@5 0001)1 A0 &o /var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_3/205399238.doc $!& o( $'!

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/0 1?) *o !o$ maintain special 3an7 acco$nts "or #ravel Fana'ement 93ac7'ro$nd0 in"ot!pe 00095 as reminder "or new cons$ltants)1 A0 &o5 we c$rrentl! process travel reim3$rsements thro$'h Acco$nts -a!a3le as a dis3$rsement. 6e wo$ld li7e to $se direct deposit "or travel chec7s and wo$ld li7e to s$pport di""erent 3an7 acco$nts "or travel reim3$rsements.


6rocess2oriented C!estions for Tra*el =Apenses

/0 1) -lease de"ine exactl!0 !o$r existin' trip r$les and the processes involved with trips. ;or which emplo!ees do these trip r$les and processes appl!1 A0 All travel m$st 3e "or o""icial niversit! 3$siness. A$thori%ation "or travel and reim3$rsement o" expenses m$st 3e in accordance with provisions in polic! and rates 'iven. A #ravel A$thori%ation m$st 3e completed and approved prior to all o$tCo"Cstate and "orei'n travel. ,r. Administrative 8""icers and '$ests do not need to complete a #ravel A$thori%ation. .eim3$rsement o" expenses inc$rred is s$3Aect to limitations o" polic! 9rates 'iven) and are not the amo$nts that sho$ld 3e spent 3$t rather the maxim$m amo$nts that can 3e reim3$rsed. 8ri'inal5 itemi%ed receipts m$st 3e s$3mitted "or lod'in'5 re'istration "ees5 airline tic7ets5 rental cars and an! other allowa3le expense over Q50 9except "or 'ro$nd transportation). A #C3 9#ravel .eim3$rsement ;orm)5 alon' with re>$ired receipts5 m$st 3e processed $pon completion o" trip. #his "orm m$st 3e si'ned 3! the traveler and the department head 9individ$al responsi3le "or acco$nt to 3e char'ed) or their desi'nee. A department head can approve his/her own travel expense 3$t not the travel a$thori%ation. An! #C3Is with entertainment or exceptions to polic! re>$ire a "$rther approval. /0 2) 6hat t!pes o" a$thori%ations are re>$ired "or the B$siness #rip Administrators1

A0 ,r. Administrative 8""icers are not re>$ired to complete a #ravel A$thori%ation. /0 3) Are travel expense 3ills recorded centrall! or decentrall! in !o$r compan!1

A0 ($rrentl!5 travel receipts are entered and stored centrall! at #. .eim3$rsements can 3e entered in the camp$s 3$siness o""ices5 3$t all receipts and all releases "or pa!ment are handled 3! the #reas$rerIs 8""ice. /0 :) *o !o$ record travel expenses 93ills) o""line or online1 #he total amo$nt o" the

A0 6e record travel expense reim3$rsements online. reim3$rsement is entered C not 3! individ$al expense.

#here is an online #ravel s!stem5 c$rrentl! onl! $sed 3! 2 C3 departments. 2n this s!stem5 act$al expenses are recorded. 2n addition5 all paper re>$ests are entered online once the! reach either the camp$s 3$siness o""ice or the #reas$rerIs 8""ice.


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5) *oes each emplo!ee enter his/her own trip data1

A0 8nl! the 2C3 departments $sin' the online #ravel s!stem are enterin' their own trip data. All other departments send the in"ormation to a central o""ice on the travel reim3$rsement "orm. /0 ?) *o !o$ create statements re'ardin' reim3$rsement o" expenses "or planned or completed trips1 A0 &o. #he traveler initiates the travel reim3$rsement "orm. /0 @) 4ow is the approval process cond$cted in !o$r enterprise1 6ho is responsi3le "or this tas7 in the di""erent departments or "or which 'ro$p o" emplo!ees1 A0 #he travel a$thori%ation m$st 3e approved 3! the department head5 dean5 or director 9individ$al responsi3le "or acco$nt char'ed). 2n addition5 all "orei'n travel m$st incl$de the approval o" a vice president5 chancellor or their desi'nee. #he travel reim3$rsement re>$est m$st 3e approved 3! the individ$al responsi3le "or the acco$nt char'ed. A department head can approve his/her own travel expenses. 2" entertainment char'es are incl$ded on the re>$est5 this re>$ires the approval o" a vice president5 chancellor or their desi'nee. An! exceptions to polic! re>$ire the approval o" the camp$s (hie" B$siness 8""icer and the +ice -resident "or B$siness and ;inance. ,r. Administrative 8""icers can approve their own expenses. /0 8) 6hen do noti"ications concernin' reAections5 approvals5 and corrections o" planned trips have to 3e sent to the traveler1 6hose tas7 is this1 A0 An approval or reAection o" a trip ta7es place at the departmental level. 2" a reim3$rsement re>$est is reAected or adA$sted5 this is $s$all! done at the camp$s 3$siness o""ice or #reas$rerIs 8""ice level. An adA$stment is made at the re>$est o" the traveler 9there is a 3ox that can 3e chec7ed i" the re>$est is to 3e ret$rned and not adA$sted). /0 9) *o !o$ reim3$rse di""erent amo$nts accordin' to miles/7ms acc$m$lation5 "or example5 within a certain time1 A0 &o5 not "or personal a$tomo3iles. 4owever5 co$rtes! cars "or athletics are reim3$rsed at a di""erent rate 93$t it does not depend on milea'e). Filea'e rates "or private aircra"t are di""erent dependin' on n$m3er o" miles "lown. ;irst ?00 miles is reim3$rsed at Q.55/mileP 3e!ond ?00 miles at Q.:0/mile. Dand milea'e accordin' to .and Fc&all! is $sed. /0 10) *o !o$ pa! compan!Cspeci"ic reim3$rsement amo$nts "or transportation or do !o$ $se the stat$tor! 9taxC"ree) amo$nts1 A0 ($rrentl!5 all travel reim3$rsement is taxC"ree.


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/0 11) *o !o$ reim3$rse di""erent emplo!ee 'ro$ps with di""erent amo$nts "or meals and accommodations1 A0 <es5 see >$estion 13 $nder =-resettin's "or #ravel Expenses=. /0 12) *o !o$ pa! compan!Cspeci"ic reim3$rsement amo$nts "or meals and accommodations1 A0 <es /0 13) *o !o$ pa! di""erent reim3$rsement amo$nts "or di""erent co$ntries5 di""erent re'ions o" certain co$ntries or "or the capital cities o" co$ntries1 A0 All "orei'n lod'in' and meal rates are the same re'ardless o" what co$ntr! the travel is in. /0 1:) 6hat 7inds o" travel expenses in the "orm o" individ$al receipts does !o$r compan! reim3$rse1 *o maxim$m amo$nts appl! "or some 7inds o" travel expenses1 A0 .eceipts are re>$ired "or lod'in'5 re'istration "ees5 airline tic7ets5 rental cars and an! other allowa3le expense over Q50 9except "or 'ro$nd transportation). #here are maxim$m amo$nts allowed "or lod'in'. /0 15) 6hat 7inds o" travel expenses are reim3$rsed 3! per diems/"lat rates in !o$r compan! 9with re'ard to0 transportation5 meals5 and accommodations)1 Are some 7inds o" travel expenses alwa!s reim3$rsed 3! per diem/"lat rate1 9,ee 3elow. A0 -er diems0 Feals 9entertainment is an exception) #here is a milea'e rate 'iven "or personal a$tomo3iles and a maxim$m rate 'iven "or lod'in'. /0 1?) *oes !o$r compan! 'rant cash advances1 2" so5 what is the internal proced$re1

A0 <es. #ravel advances are 'iven to certain individ$als0 new emplo!ees 9emplo!ed less than 3 months)5 st$dent emplo!ees5 team/'ro$p directors5 "orei'n travel5 term and nonC exempt emplo!ees. Advances sho$ld not 3e re>$ested "or emplo!ees or st$dents who are not expected to 3e on camp$s to clear the advance. A written re>$est5 si'ned 3! the department head5 m$st 3e received 3! the appropriate 3$siness o""ice 5 da!s 3e"ore the advance is needed. #he ori'inal travel a$thori%ation and an itemi%ed estimate o" expenses needed m$st accompan! the re>$est. (ash advances cannot 3e made "or prepaid items or items 3illed directl! to the niversit!. A maxim$m o" 80U o" the estimate will 3e 'iven "or domestic travel and 100U "or "orei'n or team travel estimates. (ash advance are made "orm pett! cash "$nds except ,hort term and Don' term travel advances. pon completion o" trip5 the traveler m$st s$3mit a re>$est "or reim3$rsement o" expenses. 6hen the chec7 has 3een prepared5 the individ$al will 3e noti"ied 3! the appropriate 3$siness


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o""ice or #reas$rerIs 8""ice to come 3! and complete the transactions necessar! to clear the travel advance. All travel advances m$st 3e repaid within 30 da!s a"ter completion o" the travel. 2" not5 a ded$ction ma! 3e made "rom the emplo!eeIs or st$dentIs pa!roll chec7. An! person "rom whom 2 pa!roll ded$ctions are made will "or"eit "$t$re cash advance privile'es. /0 1@) 6hat r$les5 i" an!5 are $sed to determine whether an emplo!ee is entitled to a trip advance1 A0 ,ee >$estion 2 $nder =-resettin's "or #ravel Expenses=. /0 18) 4ow is the reim3$rsement approval process handled in !o$r enterprise1

A0 #he travel reim3$rsement "orm 9#C3) m$st 3e approved 3! the department head 9individ$al responsi3le "or the acco$nt to 3e char'ed) or their desi'nee. A department head can approve his/her own travel expense "orm. 2" a #C3 contains entertainment char'es5 this re>$ires the approval o" a vice president5 chancellor or their desi'nee. An! char'es that wo$ld 3e considered exceptions to polic! 9i.e. excessive lod'in' rate) re>$ires the approval o" the (hie" B$siness 8""icer "or that camp$s and the +ice -resident "or B$siness and ;inance. /0 19) 6hat r$les are applied in !o$r enterprise to determine that the estimated travel expenses o" an emplo!ee m$st 3e approved 3e"ore he/she is entitled to a trip advance1 A0 #he written re>$est "or the travel advance re>$ires the a$thori%ed si'nat$re "or the acco$nt 3ein' char'ed "or the travel advance. All travel advances m$st have this approval. A maxim$m o" 80U o" the estimate will 3e 'iven "or domestic travel and 100U "or "orei'n or team travel estimates. /0 20) 6ho approves the reim3$rsement1

A0 #he reim3$rsement is approved 3! the department head or individ$al responsi3le "or the acco$nt 3ein' char'ed 9or their desi'nee). /0 21) Are travel expenses reim3$rsed all o" !o$r emplo!ees1 2" so5 are there di""erent r$les "or certain emplo!ee 'ro$ps1 A0 <es5 accordin' to polic! limitations. <es5 see >$estion 13 $nder =-resettin's "or #ravel ExpensesK. /0 22) *o !o$ send some 7ind o" noti"ication to !o$r emplo!ees i" a travel expense reim3$rsement is reAected1 A0 <es5 a noti"ication is ret$rned5 alon' with the #C35 i" the reim3$rsement has 3een reAected. 4owever5 i" an adA$stment is made5 a noti"ication 9statin' the adA$stment made) is sent alon' with the travelerIs chec7. /var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_3/205399238.doc $"1 o( $'!

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/0 23) 6ho controls and approves the trip "acts1 9*oes this alwa!s have to 3e approved "or all emplo!ees "irst1) A0 #his is done at the departmental level. 8$tCo"Cstate and "orei'n trips are approved 3! wa! o" the #ravel A$thori%ation and m$st 3e done in advance. /0 2:) 6hat is the proced$re "or in"ormin' an emplo!ee that he has to chan'e his trip data entries1 A0 At the camp$s 3$siness o""ice and #reas$rerIs 8""ice5 noti"ication is sent to the traveler o" chan'es that need to 3e made or what additional s$pport is needed to process their reim3$rsement. Either the noti"ication is sent alon' with the #C3 or an adA$stment is made and the noti"ication is ret$rned with the chec7. /0 25) -lease ma7e a complete list o" the expenses that are act$all! reim3$rsed in accordance with the relevant expense acco$nt. A0 All reasona3le expenses are reim3$rsed to the department acco$nt n$m3er. #here is no one set expense acco$nt. ,ome t!pes o" expenses are 93$t not limited to)0 lod'in'5 meals5 milea'e5 air"are5 transportation to and "rom cit!5 rental cars5 taxis 9not "or personal activities)5 hotel chec7Cin5 3$siness phone calls5 con"erence re'istrations and s$pplies5 trainin' "ees5 par7in'5 tolls5 entertainment5 excess 3a''a'e handlin' "ees5 la$ndr!5 airline chan'e penalties5 earl! chec7C o$t penalties5 etc. /0 2?) 4ow do !o$ mana'e !o$r travel expenses1 *o !o$ need trans"ers o" travel expense res$lts to 4. -a!roll5 to ;25 etc. or to some other nonC./3 s!stem1 A0 (hec7s are iss$ed to the traveler "rom the #reas$rerIs A/- 8""ice. #he acco$ntin' is done in A/-. 6e wo$ld li7e to loo7 "$rther at direct deposit o" travelerIs chec7s. /0 2@) -lease descri3e the decision lo'ic that is to 3e $sed to determine the ho$se 3an7 "or *FE pa!ments and "or a$tomatic creation o" a vendor "rom 4. Faster *ata. A0 #ravel reim3$rsements are c$rrentl! paid "rom the same acco$nt as other dis3$rsement chec7s. -a!roll is processed "rom a di""erent 3an7 acco$nt. An! individ$al emplo!ed 3! the niversit! is a$thori%ed to travel on 3ehal" o" the niversit! 9with proper departmental approval). 4owever5 there are some positions within the niversit! that never do an! travel. /0 28) 6hat expense t!pes do !o$ trans"er to pa!roll1

A0 &one at this time /0 29) 6hich emplo!ees in !o$r enterprise ta7e trips1


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A0 All emplo!ees are eli'i3le to travel with proper a$thori%ation. ,t$dents5 candidates "or hire5 '$ests and cons$ltants are also reim3$rsed "or niversit! 3$siness related travel. /0 30) 6hat r$les5 i" an!5 are $sed to determine whether an emplo!ee is entitled to a trip advance1 A0 #rip advances are 'iven to certain individ$als where niversit! travel wo$ld impose a "inancial 3$rden on the people involved. #he "ollowin' individ$als can 3e 'iven a travel advance0 &ew emplo!ees 9emplo!ed 3 months or less) ,t$dent emplo!ees Gro$p leaders/directors o" team or 'ro$p travel 9one responsi3le "or distri3$tin' cash/pa!in' expenses) Emplo!ees travelin' o$tside the continental .,. #erm emplo!ees &onCexempt emplo!ees

#here m$st 3e an approved travel a$thori%ation "or all o$tCo"Cstate and "orei'n trips accompan! the re>$est "or the travel advance. /0 31) Are these r$les 3ased on certain or'ani%ational str$ct$res within !o$r enterprise1

A0 &o C the! are 3ased on emplo!ee Ao3 titles or the location o" travel. /0 32) *o !o$ $se travel re>$ests in !o$r enterprise1

A0 <es. An! niversit! emplo!ee or st$dent travelin' o$tCo"Cstate m$st have an approved a$thori%ation "or the travel 3e"ore the! 'o. A #ravel A$thori%ation 9;orm #C18) needs to 3e completed prior to the trip. #he exception to this is the 'ro$p la3eled as =,enior Administrative 8""icers=. #he! are not re>$ired to have a travel a$thori%ation. G$ests5 candidates "or hire and cons$ltants do not re>$ire travel a$thori%ations. /0 33) 6hat are the r$les that speci"! which emplo!ees have to s$3mit travel re>$ests 3e"ore 'oin' on trips1 A0 ;or o$tCo"Cstate and "orei'n travel5 all emplo!ees/ # st$dents m$st complete the #ravel A$thori%ation 9;orm #C18) prior to a trip. ,r. Administrative 8""icers are not re>$ired to complete this "orm. G$ests5 candidates5 and other nonC niversit! emplo!ees are not re>$ired to complete the #C18. /0 3:) ;or which co$ntries do trip r$les have to 3e esta3lished1

A0 #here are no r$les "or speci"ic co$ntries. #here are set per diems "or meals and maxim$m amo$nts "or lod'in' 3$t no other r$les. 4owever5 "orei'n travel re>$ires an additional approval on the #ravel A$thori%ation 9#C18). 2t re>$ires the approval o" a vice president5 chancellor or their desi'nee. /0 35) 4ow man! di""erent trip r$les are $sed in !o$r enterprise 9"or instance5 meals per diems5 etc.)1


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A0 #here are maxim$m amo$nts allowed "or lod'in' and hotel chec7Cin "ees. #here are per diems "or meals. All other expenses m$st 3e reasona3le. #here are di""erent cate'ories o" travelers and these have their own reim3$rsement rates. 2n addition5 some travel is done $nder contract5 state or "ederal '$idelines and these rates have to 3e "ollowed. /0 3?) *o !o$ $se ded$ctions "rom per diem amo$nts in special cases in !o$r enterprise 9"or example5 "or $nrecorded 3rea7"asts5 "ree meals)1 A0 <es5 i" one or two meals are provided as part o" the re'istration "ee or there is an entertainment meal5 then onl! a partial rate is allowed "or that da!. 2" all meals are provided5 then no allowance is provided. /0 3@) *o !o$ want to $se credit card clearin'1

A0 &ot at this time. #he American Express card held 3! niversit! emplo!ees is also $sed "or personal char'es. 6e wo$ld li7e to disc$ss the possi3ilit! o" $sin' this "or direct 3ill o" air"ares. /0 38) -lease classi"! all possi3le vehicle t!pes5 so that it is clear which vehicles can 3e $sed 3! which emplo!ees and which vehicle t!pes a""ect reim3$rsement amo$nts. A0 -ersonal vehicles5 # car5 rental car 9economical)5 motorc!cle5 train5 commercial plane5 personal plane5 # plane5 charter aircra"t5 animals 9do' sleds5 don7e!s5 etc)5 ship5 3$s5 "err!5 3ic!cle5 'ro$nd transportation 9taxis5 sh$ttles5 limos) /0 39) *o !o$ $se di""erent reim3$rsement amo$nts "or di""erent 'eo'raphical areas1

A0 4otel maxim$m reim3$rsement rates are 3ased on location. 6ithin the state o" #ennessee the! are 3ased on co$nt! location and are divided into Devel 2 and Devel 22. Devel 2 incl$des *avidson5 4amilton5 Enox5 ,hel3!5 ,evier and 6ashin'ton 9Oohnson (it!) co$nties 9rate Q?0 pl$s tax/ni'ht) Devel 22 covers all other co$nties in #ennessee 9rate Q50 pl$s tax/ni'ht) Fost all other cities are reim3$rsed at Q80 pl$s tax/ni'ht. #here are two exceptions0 ,elected (ities 9Q120 pl$s tax/ni'ht) and ,pecial Exceptions 9Q180 pl$s tax/ni'ht). ,elected cities incl$de Atlanta5 Boston5 (hica'o5 *allas5 -hoenix5 -hiladelphia5 Dos An'eles5 &ew 8rleans5 ,an ;rancisco5 ,an *ie'o5 ,eattle and 6ashin'ton5 *.(. ,pecial exceptions incl$de &ew <or7 (it! and all international cities. &8#E0 Alas7a and 4awaii are considered "orei'n travel. Feals are reim3$rsed on a per diem C rates are di""erent "or in state vs. o$t o" state. /0 :0) Are there 'eneral reim3$rsement amo$nts "or speci"ic co$ntries in !o$r compan!1


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A0 All "orei'n lod'in' is reim3$rsed at a hi'her rate 9Q180 pl$s tax/ni'ht). ;orei'n meal rates are the same "or o$tCo"Cstate travel. /0 :1) Are there stat$tor! re'$lations "or trips1

A0 <es5 meals "or trips where there is no overni'ht travel are considered taxa3le. 4owever5 we c$rrentl! do not report or ded$ct these taxes. /0 :2) *o !o$ classi"! !o$r emplo!ees in di""erent 'ro$ps with re'ard to expense t!pes1

A0 <es. #here are six classi"ications0 1. 2. 3. :. 5. ?. General 9most niversit! emplo!ees5 '$ests5 st$dents5 etc) -resident ,r Administrative 8""icers 9-residentIs ,ta"") Board o" #r$stees Athletics niversit! -ilots

/0 :3) *o !o$ $se enterpriseCspeci"ic trip activities to determine per diems to 3e reim3$rsed and maxim$m amo$nts1 A0 <es5 athletic recr$itin' trips are reim3$rsed at di""erent rates. /0 ::) -lease tell $s !o$r reim3$rsement rates "or meals and accommodations. ;$ll *a! 6ithin #& 8$tside #& ;orei'n travel Q30 9Q35 C,r Admin H Bd o" #r$stees) -artial *a!

A0 FEAD,0 Q22.50 9Q2?.25 C ,r Admin H Bd o" #r$stees) Q:0 9Q:5 C ,r Admin H Bd o" #r$stees) Q30 9Q33.@5 C ,r Admin H Bd o" #r$stees) Q:0 9Q:5 C ,r Admin H Bd o" #r$stees) Q30 9Q33.@5 C ,r Admin H Bd o" #r$stees)

8verni'ht travel0 -artial meal allowance 9@5U o" the dail! rate) is availa3le "or the date o" depart$re and the date o" ret$rn. 8ne da! travel0 Feal allowance is availa3le when wor7in' 3e!ond the 8Cho$r wor7 da! and the ho$rs o" depart$re and ret$rn are in accordance with the sched$le 3elow 9not re>$ired to show this on the reim3$rsement re>$est)0 2nC,tate 8$tCo"C,tate *epart$re/.et$rn Brea7"ast H *inner Q20 9Q25 C ,r Admin/Bd o" #r$stees) Q29 9Q33) Be"ore @000am H a"ter ?030pm Brea7"ast Q? 9Q@ C ,r Admin/Bd o" #r$stees) Q9 9Q10) Be"ore @000am H 3e"ore ?030pm D$nch 9"or ,r Admin onl! where entertainment is involved) Q10 Q12 *inner Q1: 9Q18 C ,r Admin/Bd o" #r$stees) Q20 9Q23) A"ter @000am H a"ter ?030pm


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AcceleratedSAP - Business Blueprint

2" one or two meals are incl$ded as part o" the re'istration "ee "or a con"erence5 seminar or wor7shop5 a partial meal allowance is availa3le 9@5U o" dail! rate). 2" all meals are incl$ded5 no meal allowance is availa3le. (ontinental 3rea7"asts are not considered a meal. #eam5 Gro$p or .etreat #ravel0 Feal Brea7"ast D$nch *inner 2nC,tate Q ? Q10 Q1: 8$tCo"C,tate Q 9 Q11 Q20

Entertainment0 #he act$al amo$nt spent "or the entertainment meal will 3e reim3$rsed. 2n addition5 a partial meal allowance 9@5U o" dail! rate) will 3e reim3$rsed in addition to the entertainment meal $nless it is a oneCda! trip. 2n this case5 the rates "or oneCda! trip will appl! dependin' on which meal is the entertainment meal. A receipt is re>$ired "or all entertainment. ,r. Admin 8""icers0 Gro$p 3rea7"asts5 l$ncheons5 and dinners are allowed provided written advance approval is 'iven or a receipt is 'iven. 6hen actin' as a host to '$ests o" the niversit!5 act$al expenses will 3e reim3$rsed. -ilots0 Feals ma! 3e allowed in excess o" re'$lations when it is necessar! to ta7e meals at a hotel or other area when eatin' "acilities are limited. 2n those cases5 where meals exceed limitations5 an explanation m$st 3e 'iven and receipt "$rnished. A((8FF8*A#28&,0 2nC,tate0 Devel 2 Devel 22 Q?0 pl$s taxes 9Q?@ pl$s taxes "or all cities C ,r Admin) Q50 pl$s taxes 9Q85 pl$s taxes "or all cities C Bd o" #r$stees) Q 80 pl$s taxes 9Q85 C ,r Admin/Bd o" #r$stees) Q120 pl$s taxes 9Q125 C ,r Admin/Bd o" #r$stees) Q180 pl$s taxes 9Q190 C ,r Admin/Bd o" #r$stees)

8$tCo" ,tate0

General ,elected (ities ,pecial (ities

Athletics0 6hile in recr$itin' stat$s5 act$al expenses "or lod'in' will 3e reim3$rsed. -ilots0 Act$al lod'in' expenses will 3e reim3$rsed when accompan!in' niversit! or ,tate o""icials on o""icial 3$siness or when it is necessar! to wait overni'ht "or passen'ers. &8#E0 2" lod'in' is at a con"erence hotel5 the con"erence rate will 3e reim3$rsed provided there is s$pport "or the con"erence rate or the name o" the con"erence hotel is 'iven on the #C 18 or #C3. ,EE / E,#28& 8 ;8. A D2,# 8; DE+ED 2 H 225 GE&E.AD5 ,EDE(#E* A&* ,-E(2AD (2#2E,. /0 :5) *e"ine the relevant conditions $nder which !o$r or'ani%ation red$ces amo$nts to 3e reim3$rsed on the 3asis o" certain trip criteria 9e.'. complimentar! l$nch incl$ded in costs o" co$rse). A0 2" meals are incl$ded as part o" a re'istration "ee or there are entertainment char'es5 the "$ll per diem "or meals will not 3e reim3$rsed C onl! a partial rate. 2" an individ$al claims a "$ll meal per diem on the da! o" depart$re or da! o" ret$rn5 then it will 3e adA$sted to a partial rate. /var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_3/205399238.doc $"$ o( $'!

AcceleratedSAP - Business Blueprint

2" a niversit! emplo!ee or st$dent does not $se the *esi'nated travel a'enc!5 the! will onl! 3e reim3$rsed 9:.5U o" the 3ase price o" the air"are. /0 :?) *o !o$ maintain special cost centers "or #ravel Fana'ement1

A0 &o5 each department is char'ed directl! "or their travel. /0 :@) *o !o$ split !o$r cost centers accordin' to a certain scheme1 6as it split 93ac7'ro$nd0 in"ot!pes 002@5 001@5 0001)1 A0 &o /0 :8) *o !o$ maintain special 3an7 acco$nts "or #ravel Fana'ement 93ac7'ro$nd0 in"ot!pe 00095 as reminder "or new cons$ltants)1 A0 &o5 we c$rrentl! process travel reim3$rsements thro$'h Acco$nts -a!a3le as a dis3$rsement. 6e wo$ld li7e to $se direct deposit "or travel chec7s and wo$ld li7e to s$pport di""erent 3an7 acco$nts "or travel reim3$rsements. /0 :9) *o !o$ need per diem rates1

A0 <es /0 50) 6hich means o" travel 9e.'. car5 plane5 train) are !o$r emplo!ees a$thori%ed to $se on their 3$siness trips1 A0 ,ee >$estion 38.

C% Template:

=ntry of a tra*el reC!est

1. .e>$irements/Expectations An! niversit! emplo!ee or st$dent can travel. Also5 '$ests5 candidates "or hire5 and cons$ltants A travel a$thori%ation m$st 3e completed and approved ("$ 'll U.i/!$sit0 !12l"0!!s3 st#&!.ts '.& 4#!sts th't t$'/!l ". !h'l( "( th! U.i/!$sit0 5("$ "th i.6st't! '.& "#t6"(6st't! t$'/!l7. W! sh"#l& h'/! th! ' ilit0 t" &is%".ti.#! th! .!!& ("$ t$'/!l '#th"$i8'ti".s ("$ i.6st't! 't ' l't!$ &'t! i( &!si$!&. &eed a personnel id "or all travelers 8ri'inatin' cit!5 dates o" travel5 destination5 hotel in"o5 p$rpose 9i.e. recr$itin')5 acco$nt n$m3er and o3Aect code to 3e char'ed are to 3e incl$ded on the travel a$thori%ation Approval o" travel a$thori%ation is needed0 2nC,tate C no approval 5("$ '.0".!7P 8$tCo"C,tate C dean5 director or department head 5with th! !9%!2ti". "( S$ A&$'ti/! O((i%!$s '.& 4#!sts 6 ." '22$"/'l7 P ;orei'n C the o$tCo"Cstate approval pl$s the approval o" a vice president5 chancellor or their desi'nee 5with th! !9%!2ti". "( S$ A&$'ti/! O((i%!$s '.& 4#!sts 6 ." '22$"/'l7 $"& o( $'!


AcceleratedSAP - Business Blueprint

Allow "or onCline entr! o" travel a$thori%ation 3! traveler or desi'nated individ$al in department 9decentrali%ed o""ice). Allow "or a maxim$m reim3$rsement amo$nt to 3e entered "or lod'in' and chec7Cin "ee. Allow "or travel advance to 3e re>$ested at this point i" eli'i3le

2. General Explanations #his 3$siness process will 3e handled $sin' #ravel Expense Fana'er transaction 9#.2-). #raveler or desi'nated person enters costs "or each expense t!pe inc$rred 3! receipts5 s$ch as air"are5 hotels5 re'istration "ees etc. "or domestic and international trips. #he s!stem calc$lates the per diems / "lat rates 9milea'e) 3ased on the destination and d$ration per the 3$siness r$les and policies set $p 3! the niversit!. All eli'i3le travelers m$st have a 4. master data set $p. ,r Administrative 8""icers5 G$ests5 candidates "or hire5 cons$ltants5 Board o" #r$stees and the -resident will 3e assi'ned separate travel privile'es 'ro$p "rom the others to handle special travel a$thori%ations. #his travel privile'es 'ro$p can 3e easil! chan'ed to re"lect polic! chan'e in "$t$re. 8ri'inatin' cit!5 dates o" travel5 destination5 hotel in"o5 p$rpose 9i.e. recr$itin')5 acco$nt n$m3er and o3Aect code to 3e char'ed can 3e entered in the travel re>$est screen se enterpriseCspeci"ic trip activities to di""erentiate 2nC,tate5 8$tCo"C,tate5 ;orei'n and Athletic .ecr$itin' travel approval #he travel re>$est data entr! can 3e per"ormed 3! individ$al in decentrali%ed o""ice 2ncorporates approval ro$tin' $sin' wor7"low #he statement will 3e "ormatted to replace #C18 Faxim$m reim3$rsement amo$nt can 3e set "or the expense t!pe Advance amo$nt can 3e entered i" travel advance is re>$ested

3. Explanations o" ;$nctions and Events 1) 2) 3) :) 5) <o$ start the travel mana'er 3! callin' the #ravel mana'er "$nction in Trave& Accounting. #he s!stem 'ives !o$ an overview o" all o" the trips that !o$ have entered "or the emplo!ee. <o$ can either choose a trip and chan'e it or create a new trip. 2" !o$ create a new trip5 !o$ "irst have to enter the "ramewor7 data and the per diem acco$ntin'. #o enter detailed trip "acts5 !o$ can call other entr! "$nctions "rom the travel mana'er. 6hich entr! "$nctions !o$ can call depends on the trip schema that !o$ de"ined in CustomiHing for Trave& Accounting "or the travel mana'er' <o$ end the scenario 3! choosin' the -ave tri! "$nction.

#he s!stem saves the new or chan'ed trip as = Tri! 2e+uest= with stat$s =to )e accounted= in the data3ase. 5. ,pecial 8r'ani%ational (onsiderations #his process will 3e decentrali%ed. *ata entr! will 3e per"ormed 3! traveler or assi'ned #ravel assistant at respective departments. ?. (han'es to Existin' 8r'ani%ation /var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_3/205399238.doc $"' o( $'!

AcceleratedSAP - Business Blueprint

A.0 i.&i/i&#'l t$'/!li.4 ("$ th! U.i/!$sit0 will ! $!:#i$!& t" h'/! ' t$'/!l '#th"$i8'ti".. @. *escription o" 2mprovements A$tomatic preCenc$m3rance o" estimated trip costs #he Emplo!ee ,el" ,ervice 9E,,)0 Trave& .,!enses ena3les a decentrali%ed recordin' o" trip 3! the travelers themselves. A#t"1'ti% %'l%#l'ti". "( 2!$ &i!1s '.& t$'/!l 'll"w'.%! %h!%;s sh"#l& $!&#%! .#1 !$ "( !$$"$s ". !92!.s! $!2"$ts 10. &otes on ;$rther 2mprovements 2" #ravel -lannin' component is implemented5 it is inte'rated to #ravel Expense/.e>$est component5 i.e. depart$re times and destination and costs "or transport and accommodations will 3e a$tomaticall! copied into the trip re>$est witho$t additional data entr!. 12. A$thori%ation and ser .oles All travelers will 3e 'iven the #raveler role 9,A-_;2_#+_#.A+EDE._AG) to enter own trip data. A representative in a department5 e.'. ,ecretar!5 Boo77eeper ma! 3e assi'ned the role o" #ravel Assistant 9,A-_;2_#+_#.A+ED_A,,2,#A&#_AG) to enter trip data "or limited n$m3er o" travelers within the department onl!. 5/1/,/1/ "!estions: /0 1) *o !o$ need per diem rates1 =nter per diems ) flat rates for tra*el reC!est

A0 <es C% Template: 1. .e>$irements/Expectations

2. General Explanations

3. Explanations o" ;$nctions and Events

:. B$siness Fodel


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AcceleratedSAP - Business Blueprint

5. ,pecial 8r'ani%ational (onsiderations

?. (han'es to Existin' 8r'ani%ation

@. *escription o" 2mprovements

8. *escription o" ;$nctional *e"icits

9. Approaches to (overin' ;$nctional *e"icits

10. &otes on ;$rther 2mprovements

11. ,!stem (on"i'$ration (onsiderations

12. A$thori%ation and ser .oles

5/1/3/1/ "!estions:

$ppro*al of tra*el reC!est

Chec: for tra*el reC!est MstandardN

/0 1) 4ow is the approval process cond$cted in !o$r enterprise1 6ho is responsi3le "or this tas7 in the di""erent departments or "or which 'ro$p o" emplo!ees1 A0 #he travel a$thori%ation m$st 3e approved 3! the department head5 dean5 or director 9individ$al responsi3le "or acco$nt char'ed). 2n addition5 all "orei'n travel m$st incl$de the approval o" a vice president5 chancellor or their desi'nee. #he travel reim3$rsement re>$est m$st 3e approved 3! the individ$al responsi3le "or the acco$nt char'ed. A department head can approve his/her own travel expenses. 2" entertainment char'es are incl$ded on the re>$est5 this re>$ires the approval o" a vice president5 chancellor or their desi'nee. An! exceptions to polic! re>$ire the approval o" the camp$s (hie" B$siness 8""icer and the +ice -resident "or B$siness and ;inance. ,r. Administrative 8""icers can approve their own expenses. C% Template: 1. .e>$irements/Expectations Allow "or approval o" domestic travel a$thori%ations 9dean5 director or department $$0 o( $'!


AcceleratedSAP - Business Blueprint

head or their desi'nee) C i" traveler is dean5 director or department head5 then their travel a$thori%ation m$st 3e approved 3! their s$pervisor Allow inCstate travel a$thori%ations "or all travelers and all travel a$thori%ations "or the ,r Administrative 8""icers5 '$ests5 candidates "or hire and cons$ltants to 3e a$tomaticall! approved Allow "or approval o" "orei'n travel a$thori%ations 9re>$ires approval needed "or domestic travel pl$s the approval o" a vice president5 chancellor or their desi'nee) Allow "or noti"ication o" a reAection o" a trip re>$est 9travel a$thori%ation) at either the department level or at vice president and chancellor level

2. General Explanations se enterpriseCspeci"ic trip activities to di""erentiate 2nC,tate5 8$tCo"C,tate5 ;orei'n and Athletic .ecr$itin' to handle di""erent travel approval. #his 3$siness process will 3e handled $sin' ,A- B$siness 6or7"low standard tas7 #,20000118 9Approve Trave& 2e+uest). #he A!!rove Trave& 2e+uest wor7"low is started when a trip is saved with the trave& re+uestCto )e accounted stat$s. #he wor7"low item ma! 3e in the "orm o" an ,A- mail or eCmail to the ApproverIs in3ox. #he approver can review the trip re>$est and can either approve5 send 3ac7 "or correction5 or reAect. 2" it is approved5 the trip re>$est is "$rther ro$ted to next in the approval hierarch! and "inall! to #reas$rerIs 8""ice 9Acco$nts -a!a3le) "or preparation o" a chec7 i" an advance is re>$ested. Alternativel!5 approval can 3e per"ormed witho$t wor7"low $sin' a pro'ram. #he approval pro'ram incl$des a n$m3er o" "$nctions with which !o$ can chec7 and approve emplo!ee trip re>$ests in the #reas$rerIs 8""ice 9Acco$nts -a!a3le) department. 3. Explanations o" ;$nctions and Events *ispla!/Edit travel re>$est Approve/,end 3ac7 "or correction/.eAect 6or7"low a'ent will 'enerate the appropriate ro$tin' 3ased on ,$pervisorIs actions a3ove. :. B$siness Fodel (hart attached


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?. (han'es to Existin' 8r'ani%ation #his process will 3e decentrali%ed. ,$pervisors in departments will 3e responsi3le to ens$re trip is A$sti"ied and in"ormation is correct. @. *escription o" 2mprovements #he wor7"low scenarios in #ravel Fana'ement stron'l! s$pport the decentrali%ed trip "acts recordin' model. #he advanta'e is that the! connect all persons who are involved in approval directl! via the ./3 ,!stem5 ma7in' the approval processes a$tomatic and m$ch more e""icient. Approval process will 3e paperless and man$al si'nat$res are not re>$ired. 11. ,!stem (on"i'$ration (onsiderations ,A- B$siness 6or7"low standard tas7 #,20000118 9Approve Trave& 2e+uest) m$st 3e activated "or this approval process. *e"inin' 8r'ani%ation -lan to determine the approval hierarch!. ,et $p relationship 3etween s!stem $ser name and -erson 9in"ot!pe 0105 (omm$nication) ,enior Administrative 8""icers will 3e cate'ori%ed separatel! "rom re'$lar traveler. 12. A$thori%ation and ser .oles 4eads o" department and a3ove will have Approvin' mana'erIs role 9,A-_;2_#+_A--.8+2&G_FA&AGE._AG) to approve trips "or limited n$m3er o" travelers who reports to them 3$t not their own. 5/1/3/2/ ?otification of re8ection of tra*el reC!est MstandardN $$2 o( $'!


AcceleratedSAP - Business Blueprint

"!estions: /0 1) *o !o$ create statements re'ardin' reim3$rsement o" expenses "or planned or completed trips1 A0 &o. #he traveler initiates the travel reim3$rsement "orm. /0 2) 6hen do noti"ications concernin' reAections5 approvals5 and corrections o" planned trips have to 3e sent to the traveler1 6hose tas7 is this1 A0 An approval or reAection o" a trip ta7es place at the departmental level. 2" a reim3$rsement re>$est is reAected or adA$sted5 this is $s$all! done at the camp$s 3$siness o""ice or #reas$rerIs 8""ice level. An adA$stment is made at the re>$est o" the traveler 9there is a 3ox that can 3e chec7ed i" the re>$est is to 3e ret$rned and not adA$sted). 5/1/3/,/ "!estions: /0 1) *o !o$ create statements re'ardin' reim3$rsement o" expenses "or planned or completed trips1 A0 &o. #he traveler initiates the travel reim3$rsement "orm. /0 2) 6hen do noti"ications concernin' reAections5 approvals5 and corrections o" planned trips have to 3e sent to the traveler1 6hose tas7 is this1 A0 An approval or reAection o" a trip ta7es place at the departmental level. 2" a reim3$rsement re>$est is reAected or adA$sted5 this is $s$all! done at the camp$s 3$siness o""ice or #reas$rerIs 8""ice level. An adA$stment is made at the re>$est o" the traveler 9there is a 3ox that can 3e chec7ed i" the re>$est is to 3e ret$rned and not adA$sted). 5/1/3/3/ "!estions: /0 1) *o !o$ create statements re'ardin' reim3$rsement o" expenses "or planned or completed trips1 A0 &o. #he traveler initiates the travel reim3$rsement "orm. /0 2) 6hen do noti"ications concernin' reAections5 approvals5 and corrections o" planned trips have to 3e sent to the traveler1 6hose tas7 is this1 A0 An approval or reAection o" a trip ta7es place at the departmental level. 2" a reim3$rsement re>$est is reAected or adA$sted5 this is $s$all! done at the camp$s 3$siness o""ice or #reas$rerIs 8""ice level. An adA$stment is made at the re>$est o" the traveler 9there is a 3ox that can 3e chec7ed i" the re>$est is to 3e ret$rned and not adA$sted). ?otification of need to correct tra*el reC!est MstandardN ?otification of appro*al of tra*el reC!est MstandardN


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5/1/5/1/ "!estions: /0

$d*ance payment
Trip ad*ance payment)transmission MstandardN

1) *oes !o$r compan! 'rant cash advances1 2" so5 what is the internal proced$re1

A0 <es. #ravel advances are 'iven to certain individ$als0 new emplo!ees 9emplo!ed less than 3 months)5 st$dent emplo!ees5 team/'ro$p directors5 "orei'n travel5 term5 and nonC exempt emplo!ees. Advances sho$ld not 3e re>$ested "or emplo!ees or st$dents who are not expected to 3e on camp$s to clear the advance. A written re>$est5 si'ned 3! the department head5 m$st 3e received 3! the appropriate 3$siness o""ice 5 da!s 3e"ore the advance is needed. #he ori'inal travel a$thori%ation and an itemi%ed estimate o" expenses needed m$st accompan! the re>$est. (ash advances cannot 3e made "or prepaid items or items 3illed directl! to the niversit!. A maxim$m o" 80U o" the estimate will 3e 'iven "or domestic travel and 100U "or "orei'n or team travel estimates. (ash advance are made "orm pett! cash "$nds except ,hort term and Don' term travel advances. pon completion o" trip5 the traveler m$st s$3mit a re>$est "or reim3$rsement o" expenses. 6hen the chec7 has 3een prepared5 the individ$al will 3e noti"ied 3! the appropriate 3$siness o""ice or #reas$rerIs 8""ice to come 3! and complete the transactions necessar! to clear the travel advance. All travel advances m$st 3e repaid within 30 da!s a"ter completion o" the travel. 2" not5 a ded$ction ma! 3e made "rom the emplo!eeIs or st$dentIs pa!roll chec7. An! person "rom whom 2 pa!roll ded$ctions are made will "or"eit "$t$re cash advance privile'es. /0 2) 6hat r$les5 i" an!5 are $sed to determine whether an emplo!ee is entitled to a trip advance1 A0 ,ee >$estion 2 $nder =-resettin's "or #ravel Expenses=. /0 3) 6hat r$les are applied in !o$r enterprise to determine that the estimated travel expenses o" an emplo!ee m$st 3e approved 3e"ore he/she is entitled to a trip advance1 A0 #he written re>$est "or the travel advance re>$ires the a$thori%ed si'nat$re "or the acco$nt 3ein' char'ed "or the travel advance. All travel advances m$st have this approval. A maxim$m o" 80U o" the estimate will 3e 'iven "or domestic travel and 100U "or "orei'n or team travel estimates. /0 :) -lease ma7e a complete list o" the expenses that are act$all! reim3$rsed in accordance with the relevant expense acco$nt. A0 All reasona3le expenses are reim3$rsed to the department acco$nt n$m3er. #here is no one set expense acco$nt.


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AcceleratedSAP - Business Blueprint

,ome t!pes o" expenses are 93$t not limited to)0 lod'in'5 meals5 milea'e5 air"are5 transportation to and "rom cit!5 rental cars5 taxis 9not "or personal activities)5 hotel chec7Cin5 3$siness phone calls5 con"erence re'istrations and s$pplies5 trainin' "ees5 par7in'5 tolls5 entertainment5 excess 3a''a'e handlin' "ees5 la$ndr!5 airline chan'e penalties5 earl! chec7C o$t penalties5 etc. /0 5) 4ow do !o$ mana'e !o$r travel expenses1 *o !o$ need trans"ers o" travel expense res$lts to 4. -a!roll5 to ;25 etc. or to some other nonC./3 s!stem1 A0 (hec7s are iss$ed to the traveler "rom the #reas$rerIs A/- 8""ice. #he acco$ntin' is done in A/-. 6e wo$ld li7e to loo7 "$rther at direct deposit o" travelerIs chec7s. C% Template: 1. .e>$irements/Expectations A3ilit! to provide travel advances "or 3oth domestic and "orei'n travel "or eli'i3le emplo!ees A3ilit! "or traveler or desi'nated individ$al in department to s$3mit re>$est "or travel advance to A/-. A3ilit! to calc$late estimated amo$nt "or travel advance re>$ests 3ased on lod'in'5 transportation 9excl$din' air"are)5 "ood5 a$tomo3ile rental5 other 9excl$din' re'istration) A3ilit! to calc$late amo$nt o" travel advance 3ased on the "ollowin'0 *omestic travel 980U o" estimated expenses) ;orei'n/Gro$p travel 9100U o" estimated expenses) A3ilit! to reAect a travel advance i" re>$est is received 3! A/- less than 5 da!s 3e"ore advance is needed Allow "or advances to 3e made "rom pett! cash "$nds 9re'$lar) or expense "$nds 9lon'/short term) Allow "or clearin' o" travel advances within 30 da!s o" completion o" trip C with the a3ilit! o" A/- personnel to override this 30 da! stip$lation i" needed A3ilit! to allow "or pa!roll ded$ction i" necessar! Allow the amo$nt o" the travel advance to 3e a$tomaticall! carried into the trip "acts when the! are entered 93ased on trip n$m3er)

2. General Explanations <o$ record trip advances via the amo$nt and the c$rrenc!. 2" !o$ want to record a cash advance "or doc$mentar! p$rposes5 !o$ have to set the cash indicator. ,ave the trip as a re>$est. se enterpriseCspeci"ic trip activities to di""erentiate 2nC,tate5 8$tCo"C,tate5 ;orei'n and Athletic .ecr$itin' to handle di""erent travel approval. #raveler or an! person a$thori%ed to create travel re>$est can enter an advance re>$est in the advance amo$nt col$mn At an! time d$rin' data entr!5 a sim$lated trip cost can 3e 'enerated onscreen calc$lated 3ased on all data entered .e>$ire modi"ication or $ser exit .e>$ire modi"ication or $ser exit *ata entr! screen provides a 3ox to indicate that advance is paid directl! "rom $$" o( $'!


AcceleratedSAP - Business Blueprint

-ett! cash "$nds. 2" 3ox is not chec7ed5 a re>$est "or advance chec7 will 3e 'enerated thro$'h Acco$nts -a!a3le. Advance posted in Emplo!ee A/- acco$nts. #he o$tstandin' advance can 3e monitored thro$'h a d$nnin' process Fan$al action to 3e per"ormed dependin' on the d$nnin' res$lt All advances are a$tomaticall! ta7en into consideration when travel reim3$rsement is calc$lated.

3. Explanations o" ;$nctions and Events 1. 2n trip re>$est data entr!5 !o$ enter the trip advances via the amo$nt and the c$rrenc!. 2. 2" !o$ want to record a cash advance "or doc$mentar! p$rposes 9i.e. amo$nt 'iven as cash to traveler)5 !o$ have to set the cash indicator. 8therwise5 the advance amo$nt 3ecomes a re>$est and will 3e passed to Acco$nts -a!a3le "or pa!ment processin'. 3. ,ave the trip as a re>$est. :. B$siness Fodel

5. ,pecial 8r'ani%ational (onsiderations &/A ?. (han'es to Existin' 8r'ani%ation &/A @. *escription o" 2mprovements Advance entered in trip re>$est will 3e ta7en into consideration in the calc$lation o" travel expenses reim3$rsement. #he acco$ntin' res$lts are trans"erred to Acco$ntin'5 and the relevant acco$nts are 3alanced. An! remainin' trip expenses are reim3$rsed to the emplo!ee 3! 3an7 or excess d$e "rom emplo!ee is posted as a de3it on the Emplo!ee acco$nt in Acco$nts -a!a3le. 8. *escription o" ;$nctional *e"icits &ot a3le to calc$late advance amo$nt a$tomaticall! &ot a3le to a$tomaticall! reAect advance i" less than 5 da!s

9. Approaches to (overin' ;$nctional *e"icits ser exits i" availa3le will 3e 'enerated5 else some modi"ications wo$ld 3e re>$ired. 10. &otes on ;$rther 2mprovements &/A 11. ,!stem (on"i'$ration (onsiderations /var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_3/205399238.doc $$$ o( $'!

AcceleratedSAP - Business Blueprint

CustomiHing for Trave& Accounting to ens$re correct postin' o" trip advances in ;inancial Acco$ntin'. Fa7e the "ollowin' s!stem settin's in =Apert Mode of Feat!re TRVCT0 R line -ositionEntr! Feanin' 2 1 #he s!stem considers the advance onl! in re>$est @ 0 #he s!stem does not consider the advance in #ravel Acco$ntin' -osition 2 re"ers to advances +itho!t cash indicator -osition @ re"ers to advances +ith cash indicator. 2n 'eneral5 mixed "orms can 3e set $p via ($stomi%in'5 3$t it is recommended that onl! one method o" advance pa!ment 3e $sed within one emplo!ee trip 12. A$thori%ation and ser .oles +ario$s positions in Acco$nts -a!a3le will 3e 'iven a$thori%ation "or the "ollowin' roles0 #ravel Administrator 9,A-_;2_#+_A*F2&2,#.A#8._AG) to settle all trip expenses5 and -a!er o" #rip Advance 9,A-_;2_#+_A*+A&(E_-A<E._AG)

5/1/4/1/ "!estions:

=ntry of trip facts

=ntry of trip facts ;incl!ding per diems)flat rates and eApenses<

/0 1) 4ow man! di""erent trip r$les are $sed in !o$r enterprise 9"or instance5 meals per diems5 etc.)1 A0 #here are maxim$m amo$nts allowed "or lod'in' and hotel chec7Cin "ees. #here are per diems "or meals. All other expenses m$st 3e reasona3le. #here are di""erent cate'ories o" travelers and these have their own reim3$rsement rates. 2n addition5 some travel is done $nder contract5 state or "ederal '$idelines and these rates have to 3e "ollowed. /0 2) *o !o$ $se ded$ctions "rom per diem amo$nts in special cases in !o$r enterprise 9"or example5 "or $nrecorded 3rea7"asts5 "ree meals)1 A0 <es5 i" one or two meals are provided as part o" the re'istration "ee or there is an entertainment meal5 then onl! a partial rate is allowed "or that da!. 2" all meals are provided5 then no allowance is provided. C% Template: 1. .e>$irements/Expectations Allow entr! o" trip "acts 9travel expenses) at departmental level 3! traveler or desi'nated individ$al in department *o not allow entr! o" expenses at o""icial station with the exception o" local milea'e "or niversit! 3$siness Allow entr! o" expense t!pes 9lod'in'5 meals5 milea'e5 air"are5 rental cars5 taxis5 $$& o( $'!


AcceleratedSAP - Business Blueprint

hotel chec7Cin5 3$siness phone calls5 con"erence/seminar re'istrations5 s$pplies5 par7in'5 tolls5 entertainment5 excess 3a''a'e handlin' "ees5 la$ndr!5 airline chan'e penalties5 earl! chec7Co$t penalties5 etc) Allow entr! o" per diems and act$al expenses 3ased on traveler cate'or! 9i.e. General5 ,r. Administrative 8""icers5 Board o" #r$stees5 Athletics5 -ilots) Allow a$tomatic completion o" per diems 9meals) Allow additional entertainment meals 9with proper approval and comments) Allow act$al expenses inc$rred 9$p to maxim$m) "or hotels5 chec7 in5 etc with the exception o" meals. Allow a$tomatic calc$lation o" milea'e amo$nt either 3! trip meter5 odometer readin's or travel accessor! 9i.e. .and Fc&all!) x milea'e rate Allow "or miscellaneo$s "ield "or an! other expenses .e>$ire additional in"ormation when one o" the "ollowin' expense t!pes is entered0 entertainment meal5 taxis5 milea'e 9how derived)5 phone calls5 s$pplies5 excess 3a''a'e handlin' "ees5 la$ndr!5 airline chan'e penalties5 earl! chec7Co$t penalties5 an! =miscellaneo$s= expense5 excess lod'in' Allow "or separate hotel tax "ield A3ilit! to inp$t the hotel chain5 airline5 car rental and travel a'enc! $sed "rom a help =list= A3ilit! "or error to appear i" an a'enc! other than the niversit! desi'nated a'enc! is entered C re>$ires a ded$ction o" 5.5U o"" base price o" tic7et Allow "ield to show prepa!ment/direct 3ill o" air"are5 re'istration "ee and lod'in' A3ilit! to a$tomaticall! insert correct per diems when an emplo!ee is 3ased in a state other than #ennessee A3ilit! to allow two travel cate'ories0 8ne validated a'ainst niversit! o" #ennessee '$idelines and one "or travel $nder "ederal5 state or contract '$idelines 9&8#E0 ,econd t!pe m$st have '$idelines attached to travel "acts statement) Allow "or ded$ctions "rom meal per diem amo$nts i" meals are incl$ded in re'istration "ees Allow "or milea'e rate to 3e di""erent than standard rate i" an athletic dept emplo!ee is $sin' a co$rtes! car All"w !.t$0 "( %!$t'i. !92!.s!s t" ! (l'44!& 's t'9' l! "$ .".t'9' l! ("$ 1"/i.4/$!l"%'ti.4 t$i2s

2. General Explanations #he travel expense data entr! can 3e per"ormed 3! traveler or a$thori%ed assistant in department. All eli'i3le travelers m$st have a 4. master data set $p (ontrolled $sin' #rip .e'ion Each t!pe o" expense will have a correspondin' Expense #!pe code -erCdiems rates can 3e controlled 3! cate'or!. Act$al expense can 3e restricted 3! t!pe o" expense 3$t not the amo$nt -erCdiem is a$tomaticall! calc$lated 3ased on time and d$ration o" travel &ot possi3le in standard ./35 possi3l! thro$'h ser Exit All act$al expenses will 3e treated as a receipt and entered with a correspondin' Expense #!pe code &ew "$nctionalit! $nder development Fiscellaneo$s expenses can 3e con"i'$red $sin' a separate Expense #!pe code Each expense t!pe can 3e con"i'$red to re>$ire additional explanator! text 92denti"! the expense t!pes that re>$ire additional in"ormation) 4otel tax can 3e con"i'$red as a separate Expense #!pe code 8nl! i" #rip -lannin' component is implemented $$' o( $'!


AcceleratedSAP - Business Blueprint

8nl! i" #rip -lannin' component is implemented -repaid expenses can 3e con"i'$red $sin' a separate Expense #!pe code with its own postin' r$le &ot possi3le in standard ./35 possi3l! thro$'h ser Exit se enterpriseCspeci"ic trip activities to di""erentiate the two cate'ories o" travel and lin7 each t!pe to its own reim3$rsement '$ideline *ed$ctions "or meals per diem is availa3le se enterpriseCspeci"ic trip activities to identi"! Athletic department trip with lin7 to its own reim3$rsement '$ideline Fovin'/relocatin' trips will 3e set $p as another enterpriseCspeci"ic trip activities that will have speci"ic con"i'$ration to trans"er the trip costs to -a!roll "or taxation and 6C2 reportin' p$rposes. 9&ote0 the reim3$rsement will still 3e paid 3! A/-)

:. B$siness Fodel

?. (han'es to Existin' 8r'ani%ation E.t$0 "( t$i2 ('%ts will ! &".! ".6li.! 0 li.! it!1 5!92!.s! t02!7. @. *escription o" 2mprovements #he Emplo!ee ,el" ,ervice 9E,,)0 Trave& .,!enses ena3les a decentrali%ed recordin' o" /var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_3/205399238.doc $$) o( $'!

AcceleratedSAP - Business Blueprint

trip 3! the travelers themselves. A#t"1'ti% !.t$0 "( s"1! (i!l&s 0 s0st!1 %$!'t!s l!ss !.t$0 0 "2!$'t"$ '.& i12$"/!s !$$"$ $'ti". 11. ,!stem (on"i'$ration (onsiderations Dist o" Expense t!pes 2denti"! the expense t!pes that re>$ire additional in"ormation (on"i'$re enterpriseCspeci"ic trip activities with its own reim3$rsement rate "or the "ollowin'0 o #ravel $nder state '$idelines o #ravel $nder ;ederal '$idelines o #ravel $nder (ontract '$idelines o Athletic department trip *ed$ctions amo$nts/percenta'es "or meals per diem #rip re'ions

12. A$thori%ation and ser .oles All travelers will 3e 'iven the #raveler role 9,A-_;2_#+_#.A+EDE._AG) to enter own trip data. A representative in a department5 e.'. ,ecretar!5 Boo77eeper ma! 3e assi'ned the role o" #ravel Assistant 9,A-_;2_#+_#.A+ED_A,,2,#A&#_AG) to enter trip data "or limited n$m3er o" travelers within the department onl!. 5/1/4/2/ "!estions: /0 1) 4ow man! di""erent trip r$les are $sed in !o$r enterprise 9"or instance5 meals per diems5 etc.)1 A0 #here are maxim$m amo$nts allowed "or lod'in' and hotel chec7Cin "ees. #here are per diems "or meals. All other expenses m$st 3e reasona3le. #here are di""erent cate'ories o" travelers and these have their own reim3$rsement rates. 2n addition5 some travel is done $nder contract5 state or "ederal '$idelines and these rates have to 3e "ollowed. /0 2) *o !o$ $se ded$ctions "rom per diem amo$nts in special cases in !o$r enterprise 9"or example5 "or $nrecorded 3rea7"asts5 "ree meals)1 A0 <es5 i" one or two meals are provided as part o" the re'istration "ee or there is an entertainment meal5 then onl! a partial rate is allowed "or that da!. 2" all meals are provided5 then no allowance is provided. 5/1/4/,/ C% Template: 1. .e>$irements/Expectations Correction of trip facts MstandardN '!pplement trip facts MstandardN


$&0 o( $'!

AcceleratedSAP - Business Blueprint

A3ilit! to ma7e corrections 9either additions or s$3tractions) a"ter a chec7 is written Allow these corrections to 3e approved 3! appropriate departmental personnel 9dean5 director or department head) Allow "or pa!roll ded$ction o" these corrections 9i" necessar!) A3ilit! to ma7e corrections 9either additions or s$3tractions) 3e"ore chec7 is written 3$t a"ter approval has 3een made. (orrections m$st 3e reapproved.

2. General Explanations <o$ can correct trips 3e"ore postin' to acco$ntin' and also trips that have 3een posted in acco$ntin'. (orrections made to a trip will 3e s$3Aected to the same approval process all over a'ain. #o e""ect correction a"ter postin'5 an acco$ntin' pro'ram and postin' is to 3e exec$ted a'ain. 8nl! the di""erence 9additional/ded$ction) in amo$nt will 3e posted to Emplo!ee A/- acco$nt. (hec7/direct deposit will 3e 'enerated "or the additional amo$nt5 while the ded$ction amo$nt will sta! as an amo$nt owin' in the Emplo!ee A/- acco$nt and sho$ld 3e addressed the same wa! as Advance o$tstandin'. 3. Explanations o" ;$nctions and Events <o$ can correct trips 3e"ore postin' to acco$ntin' and also trips that have 3een posted in acco$ntin'. #o e""ect correction5 !o$ have to chan'e the trip stat$s to acco$ntin' stat$s =to 3e acco$nted=. (orrections will 3e posted the same wa! as normal trip reim3$rsement. ?. (han'es to Existin' 8r'ani%ation C"$$!%ti".s will ! &".! ".6li.!. @. *escription o" 2mprovements All"ws t$'/!l!$ "$ &!si4.'t!& &!2'$t1!.t'l !12l"0!! t" 1';! %"$$!%ti".s '.& h'/! '22$"/'ls &".! !l!%t$".i%'ll0. All"ws ("$ 2'0$"ll &!&#%ti". i( .!%!ss'$0. 12. A$thori%ation and ser .oles +ario$s positions in Acco$nts -a!a3le will 3e 'iven a$thori%ation "or the "ollowin' roles0 #ravel Administrator 9,A-_;2_#+_A*F2&2,#.A#8._AG) to correct and settle all trip expenses.


$ppro*al of trip facts

Chec: for trip facts MstandardN


$&1 o( $'!

AcceleratedSAP - Business Blueprint

"!estions: /0 1) 4ow is the reim3$rsement approval process handled in !o$r enterprise1

A0 #he travel reim3$rsement "orm 9#C3) m$st 3e approved 3! the department head 9individ$al responsi3le "or the acco$nt to 3e char'ed) or their desi'nee. A department head can approve his/her own travel expense "orm. 2" a #C3 contains entertainment char'es5 this re>$ires the approval o" a vice president5 chancellor or their desi'nee. An! char'es that wo$ld 3e considered exceptions to polic! 9i.e. excessive lod'in' rate) re>$ires the approval o" the (hie" B$siness 8""icer "or that camp$s and the +ice -resident "or B$siness and ;inance. /0 2) 6hat r$les are applied in !o$r enterprise to determine that the estimated travel expenses o" an emplo!ee m$st 3e approved 3e"ore he/she is entitled to a trip advance1 A0 #he written re>$est "or the travel advance re>$ires the a$thori%ed si'nat$re "or the acco$nt 3ein' char'ed "or the travel advance. All travel advances m$st have this approval. A maxim$m o" 80U o" the estimate will 3e 'iven "or domestic travel and 100U "or "orei'n or team travel estimates. /0 3) 6ho approves the reim3$rsement1

A0 #he reim3$rsement is approved 3! the department head or individ$al responsi3le "or the acco$nt 3ein' char'ed 9or their desi'nee). /0 :) Are travel expenses reim3$rsed all o" !o$r emplo!ees1 2" so5 are there di""erent r$les "or certain emplo!ee 'ro$ps1 A0 <es5 accordin' to polic! limitations. <es5 see >$estion 13 $nder =-resettin's "or #ravel ExpensesK. /0 5) 6ho controls and approves the trip "acts1 9*oes this alwa!s have to 3e approved "or all emplo!ees "irst1) A0 #his is done at the departmental level. 8$tCo"Cstate and "orei'n trips are approved 3! wa! o" the #ravel A$thori%ation and m$st 3e done in advance. C% Template: 1. .e>$irements/Expectations Allow approval o" trip "acts as "ollows0 *ean5 *irector or *epartment 4ead or their desi'nee 9&8#E0 *eans5 *irectors5 *ept 4eads5 and ,r. Administrative 8""icers can approve their own expenses) Allow "or additional approval i" entertainment expense is entered 9vice president5 chancellor or their desi'nee) Allow "or additional approval i" there are an! amo$nts entered as exceptions 9i.e.5 excess lod'in') 9(hie" B$siness 8""icer and +ice -resident "or B$siness and $&2 o( $'!


AcceleratedSAP - Business Blueprint

;inance) Allow "or adA$stments to 3e made on travel reim3$rsements before approval 3! traveler or desi'nated individ$al in department or after travel 3! camp$s 3$siness o""ice or #reas$rerIs 8""ice personnel. A3ilit! to send noti"ication to traveler o" reAection or adA$stments made to trip "acts.

2. General Explanations se enterpriseCspeci"ic trip activities to di""erentiate 2nC,tate5 8$tCo"C,tate5 ;orei'n and Athletic .ecr$itin' to handle di""erent travel approval. #his approval 3$siness process will 3e handled $sin' ./3 B$siness 6or7"low standard tas7 #,20000131 9Approve #rip ;acts). #he Approve #rip wor7"low is started when a trip is saved with the trip completed/to 3e acco$nted stat$s. #he wor7"low item ma! 3e in the "orm o" an ,A- mail or eCmail to the ApproverIs in3ox. #he approver can review the trip re>$est and can either approve5 send 3ac7 "or correction5 or reAect. 2" it is approved5 the trip re>$est is "$rther ro$ted to next in the approval hierarch! and "inall! to #reas$rerIs 8""ice 9Acco$nts -a!a3le) "or preparation o" a chec7 i" an advance is re>$ested. Alternativel!5 approval can 3e per"ormed witho$t wor7"low $sin' a pro'ram. #he approval pro'ram incl$des a n$m3er o" "$nctions with which !o$ can chec7 and approve emplo!ee trip re>$ests in the #reas$rerIs 8""ice 9Acco$nts -a!a3le) department. :. B$siness Fodel (hart attached. ?. (han'es to Existin' 8r'ani%ation A22$"/'ls will ! &".! !l!%t$".i%'ll0. @. *escription o" 2mprovements #he wor7"low scenarios in #ravel Fana'ement stron'l! s$pport the decentrali%ed trip "acts recordin' model. Electronic approvals will allow >$ic7er processin' o" trip "acts. A$tomaticall! ro$tes to a$thori%ed approver "or exceptions and other expenses needin' additional approval. 11. ,!stem (on"i'$ration (onsiderations ./3 B$siness 6or7"low standard tas7 #,20000131 9Approve #rip ;acts) m$st 3e activated "or this approval process *e"inin' 8r'ani%ation -lan to determine the approvin' part!. ,et $p relationship 3etween s!stem $ser name and -erson 9in"ot!pe 0105 (omm$nication) ,enior Administrative 8""icers will 3e cate'ori%ed separatel! "rom re'$lar traveler.


$&3 o( $'!

AcceleratedSAP - Business Blueprint

12. A$thori%ation and ser .oles 4eads o" department will have Approvin' mana'erIs role 9,A-_;2_#+_A--.8+2&G_FA&AGE._AG) to approve trips "or limited n$m3er o" travelers who reports to them. ,enior Administrative 8""icers will have #raveler 9,A-_;2_#+_#.A+EDE._AG) and Approvin' mana'erIs roles and can approve their own travel expense. 5/1/5/2/ "!estions: /0 1) *o !o$ send some 7ind o" noti"ication to !o$r emplo!ees i" a travel expense reim3$rsement is reAected1 A0 <es5 a noti"ication is ret$rned5 alon' with the #C35 i" the reim3$rsement has 3een reAected. 4owever5 i" an adA$stment is made5 a noti"ication 9statin' the adA$stment made) is sent alon' with the travelerIs chec7. 5/1/5/,/ "!estions: /0 1) 4ow is the reim3$rsement approval process handled in !o$r enterprise1 ?otification of appro*al of trip facts MstandardN ?otification of re8ection of trip facts MstandardN

A0 #he travel reim3$rsement "orm 9#C3) m$st 3e approved 3! the department head 9individ$al responsi3le "or the acco$nt to 3e char'ed) or their desi'nee. A department head can approve his/her own travel expense "orm. 2" a #C3 contains entertainment char'es5 this re>$ires the approval o" a vice president5 chancellor or their desi'nee. An! char'es that wo$ld 3e considered exceptions to polic! 9i.e. excessive lod'in' rate) re>$ires the approval o" the (hie" B$siness 8""icer "or that camp$s and the +ice -resident "or B$siness and ;inance. /0 2) 6hat r$les are applied in !o$r enterprise to determine that the estimated travel expenses o" an emplo!ee m$st 3e approved 3e"ore he/she is entitled to a trip advance1 A0 #he written re>$est "or the travel advance re>$ires the a$thori%ed si'nat$re "or the acco$nt 3ein' char'ed "or the travel advance. All travel advances m$st have this approval. A maxim$m o" 80U o" the estimate will 3e 'iven "or domestic travel and 100U "or "orei'n or team travel estimates. /0 3) 6ho approves the reim3$rsement1

A0 #he reim3$rsement is approved 3! the department head or individ$al responsi3le "or the acco$nt 3ein' char'ed 9or their desi'nee). 5/1/5/3/ ?otification of need to correct trip facts MstandardN


$&! o( $'!

AcceleratedSAP - Business Blueprint

"!estions: /0 1) 6hat is the proced$re "or in"ormin' an emplo!ee that he has to chan'e his trip data entries1 A0 At the camp$s 3$siness o""ice and #reas$rerIs 8""ice5 noti"ication is sent to the traveler o" chan'es that need to 3e made or what additional s$pport is needed to process their reim3$rsement. Either the noti"ication is sent alon' with the #C3 or an adA$stment is made and the noti"ication is ret$rned with the chec7.

5/1/./1/ "!estions:

Tra*el =Apenses
6erformance of Tra*el =Apenses MstandardN

/0 1) 4ow man! di""erent trip r$les are $sed in !o$r enterprise 9"or instance5 meals per diems5 etc.)1 A0 #here are maxim$m amo$nts allowed "or lod'in' and hotel chec7Cin "ees. #here are per diems "or meals. All other expenses m$st 3e reasona3le. #here are di""erent cate'ories o" travelers and these have their own reim3$rsement rates. 2n addition5 some travel is done $nder contract5 state or "ederal '$idelines and these rates have to 3e "ollowed. /0 2) *o !o$ $se ded$ctions "rom per diem amo$nts in special cases in !o$r enterprise 9"or example5 "or $nrecorded 3rea7"asts5 "ree meals)1 A0 <es5 i" one or two meals are provided as part o" the re'istration "ee or there is an entertainment meal5 then onl! a partial rate is allowed "or that da!. 2" all meals are provided5 then no allowance is provided. /0 3) *o !o$ reim3$rse di""erent amo$nts accordin' to miles/7ms acc$m$lation5 "or example5 within a certain time1 A0 &o5 not "or personal a$tomo3iles. 4owever5 co$rtes! cars "or athletics are reim3$rsed at a di""erent rate 93$t it does not depend on milea'e). Filea'e rates "or private aircra"t are di""erent dependin' on n$m3er o" miles "lown. ;irst ?00 miles is reim3$rsed at Q.55/mileP 3e!ond ?00 miles at Q.:0/mile. Dand milea'e accordin' to .and Fc&all! is $sed. /0 :) *o !o$ pa! compan!Cspeci"ic reim3$rsement amo$nts "or transportation or do !o$ $se the stat$tor! 9taxC"ree) amo$nts1 A0 ($rrentl!5 all travel reim3$rsement is taxC"ree. /0 5) *o !o$ reim3$rse di""erent emplo!ee 'ro$ps with di""erent amo$nts "or meals and accommodations1 A0 <es5 see >$estion 13 $nder =-resettin's "or #ravel Expenses=.


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AcceleratedSAP - Business Blueprint

/0 ?) *e"ine the relevant conditions $nder which !o$r or'ani%ation red$ces amo$nts to 3e reim3$rsed on the 3asis o" certain trip criteria 9e.'. complimentar! l$nch incl$ded in costs o" co$rse). A0 2" meals are incl$ded as part o" a re'istration "ee or there are entertainment char'es5 the "$ll per diem "or meals will not 3e reim3$rsed C onl! a partial rate. 2" an individ$al claims a "$ll meal per diem on the da! o" depart$re or da! o" ret$rn5 then it will 3e adA$sted to a partial rate. 2" a niversit! emplo!ee or st$dent does not $se the *esi'nated travel a'enc!5 the! will onl! 3e reim3$rsed 9:.5U o" the 3ase price o" the air"are. /0 @) *o !o$ need per diem rates1

A0 <es /0 8) *o !o$ pa! compan!Cspeci"ic reim3$rsement amo$nts "or meals and accommodations1 A0 <es /0 9) *o !o$ pa! di""erent reim3$rsement amo$nts "or di""erent co$ntries5 di""erent re'ions o" certain co$ntries or "or the capital cities o" co$ntries1 A0 All "orei'n lod'in' and meal rates are the same re'ardless o" what co$ntr! the travel is in. /0 10) 6hat 7inds o" travel expenses in the "orm o" individ$al receipts does !o$r compan! reim3$rse1 *o maxim$m amo$nts appl! "or some 7inds o" travel expenses1 A0 .eceipts are re>$ired "or lod'in'5 re'istration "ees5 airline tic7ets5 rental cars and an! other allowa3le expense over Q50 9except "or 'ro$nd transportation). #here are maxim$m amo$nts allowed "or lod'in'. /0 11) 6hat 7inds o" travel expenses are reim3$rsed 3! per diems/"lat rates in !o$r compan! 9with re'ard to0 transportation5 meals5 accommodations)1 Are some 7inds o" travel expenses alwa!s reim3$rsed 3! per diem/"lat rate1 9,ee 3elow. A0 -er diems0 Feals 9entertainment is an exception) #here is a milea'e rate 'iven "or personal a$tomo3iles and a maxim$m rate 'iven "or lod'in'. 5/1/./2/ "!estions: /0 1) -lease ma7e a complete list o" the expenses that are act$all! reim3$rsed in accordance with the relevant expense acco$nt. Transmission of Tra*el =Apense res!lts MstandardN


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A0 All reasona3le expenses are reim3$rsed to the department acco$nt n$m3er. #here is no one set expense acco$nt. ,ome t!pes o" expenses are 93$t not limited to)0 lod'in'5 meals5 milea'e5 air"are5 transportation to and "rom cit!5 rental cars5 taxis 9not "or personal activities)5 hotel chec7Cin5 3$siness phone calls5 con"erence re'istrations and s$pplies5 trainin' "ees5 par7in'5 tolls5 entertainment5 excess 3a''a'e handlin' "ees5 la$ndr!5 airline chan'e penalties5 earl! chec7C o$t penalties5 etc. /0 2) 4ow do !o$ mana'e !o$r travel expenses1 *o !o$ need trans"ers o" travel expense res$lts to 4. -a!roll5 to ;25 etc. or to some other nonC./3 s!stem1 A0 (hec7s are iss$ed to the traveler "rom the #reas$rerIs A/- 8""ice. #he acco$ntin' is done in A/-. 6e wo$ld li7e to loo7 "$rther at direct deposit o" travelerIs chec7s. /0 3) -lease descri3e the decision lo'ic that is to 3e $sed to determine the ho$se 3an7 "or *FE pa!ments and "or a$tomatic creation o" a vendor "rom 4. Faster *ata. A0 #ravel reim3$rsements are c$rrentl! paid "rom the same acco$nt as other dis3$rsement chec7s. -a!roll is processed "rom a di""erent 3an7 acco$nt. An! individ$al emplo!ed 3! the niversit! is a$thori%ed to travel on 3ehal" o" the niversit! 9with proper departmental approval). 4owever5 there are some positions within the niversit! that never do an! travel. /0 :) 6hat expense t!pes do !o$ trans"er to pa!roll1

A0 &one at this time C% Template: 1. .e>$irements/Expectations A3ilit! to clear travel advances a'ainst trip "acts $sin' trip n$m3er A3ilit! to clear prepa!ment o" air"are5 re'istrations and hotel A3ilit! to post transaction t!pe to the correct expense acco$nt A3ilit! to post a'ainst o3Aect codes "or inCstate 9c$rrentl! 311)5 o$tCo"Cstate 9312)5 re'istrations 9:?8) and entertainment 9:?2) A3ilit! to appl! di""erent trip r$les dependin' on emplo!ee classi"ication 9i.e.5 ,r Administrative 8""icers) A3ilit! to $se per diems A3ilit! "or ./3 to identi"! what expense t!pes are re>$ired to have receipts A3ilit! to reim3$rse "or lod'in'5 meals5 milea'e5 air"are5 all t!pes o" 'ro$nd transportation 9i.e.5 taxis5 3$s5 3ic!cles5 don7e!s5 etc)5 hotel chec7Cin5 3$siness phone calls5 con"erence re'istrations5 s$pplies5 par7in' tolls5 entertainment5 excess 3a''a'e handlin' "ees5 la$ndr!5 airline chan'e penalties5 earl! chec7Co$t penalties5 etc A3ilit! to have 3oth chec7s iss$ed directl! to traveler or direct deposit o" chec7s

2. General Explanations /var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_3/205399238.doc $&& o( $'!

AcceleratedSAP - Business Blueprint

#ravel advances will 3e ta7en into consideration in calc$lation o" reim3$rsement -repa!ment is added to trip costs 3$t will not 3e paid to emplo!ee A3ilit! to post transaction t!pe to the correct expense acco$nt111 Each expense t!pe code is lin7ed to one o3Aect code5 e.'. inCstate 9311)5 re'istrations 9:?8) and entertainment 9:?2). &ot a3le lin7 an expense t!pe to inCstate 9311) or o$tCo"Cstate 9312) ,r Administrative 8""icers5 G$ests5 candidates "or hire5 cons$ltants5 Board o" #r$stees and the -resident will 3e assi'ned separate travel privile'es 'ro$p "rom the others to handle special travel a$thori%ations -erCdiem is a$tomaticall! calc$lated 3ased on time and d$ration o" travel Each expense t!pe can 3e con"i'$red to re>$ire additional explanator! text Each t!pe o" a3ove mentioned expense will have a correspondin' Expense #!pe code to 3e a3le to 3e reim3$rsed 8ne pa!ment method will 3e set as the de"a$lt and can 3e s$3stit$ted man$all! when the reim3$rsement is posted to Emplo!ee A/- acco$nt.

#his 3$siness process will 3e handled $sin' #rip costs acco$ntin' 9-.E() and -ostin' to acco$ntin' 9-.;2) pro'rams. *$rin' acco$ntin'5 the s!stem creates acco$ntin' res$lts "or each trip "rom the recorded trip "acts and stores them in the data3ase. #he! are the 3asis "or pa!ment5 postin' and possi3le taxation o" the travel expenses. 2n a postin' r$n5 the res$lts o" travel acco$ntin' are collected as postin' doc$ments "or trans"er to Acco$ntin'. #he preCenc$m3ered estimated costs will 3e relieved and the act$al total costs will 3e char'ed to the department cost center sin' the trip data entered and the reim3$rsement rates speci"ied in ($stomi%in'5 the #ravel Fana'ement acco$ntin' pro'ram calc$lates the res$lts 9speci"icall!5 the reim3$rsement amo$nts) "or a trip "or a certain acco$ntin' period. #rips and travel re>$ests can onl! 3e processed 3! the acco$ntin' pro'ram i" the! have the approval stat$s a!!roved and the acco$ntin' stat$s either to )e accounted or cance&ed' .eim3$rsement rates are determined and stored in the data3ase "or all trips and re>$ests that have the approval stat$s...a!!roved and the acco$ntin' stat$s to )e accounted and which ta7e place 3e"ore the end date o" the acco$ntin' period. #he acco$ntin' stat$s o" the trip or re>$est is set to accounted a"ter acco$ntin' has ta7en place. 2n the case o" trips with the approval stat$s... a!!roved and the acco$ntin' stat$s cance&ed5 the acco$ntin' period which was valid $ntil an acco$ntin' r$n is per"ormed is replaced 3! the acco$ntin' period with which the acco$ntin' pro'ram is started. 3. Explanations o" ;$nctions and Events #wo steps process0 $cco!nting step 1. (hoose #ravel acco$ntin'. #he Trave& Accounting screen appears. 2. (hoose .dit Q Accounting. #he Accounting of tri! data screen appears. 3. Enter the relevant pa!roll area in the %ayro&& !eriod 'ro$p 3ox. :. (hoose an acco$ntin' period. 5. (hoose .nter' #he s!stem displa!s the selection period next to the %ayro&& area "ield and5 i" relevant5 the c$rrent period. ?. Enter the relevant selection criteria in the -e&ection 'ro$p 3ox. /var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_3/205399238.doc $&' o( $'!

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@. 8. 9. 10. 11.

2n the -e&ection of a s!ecific tri! 'ro$p 3ox5 !o$ can speci"! whether !o$ onl! want to carr! o$t acco$ntin' "or a certain trip n$m3er. (hoose the parameters with which !o$ want to acco$nt the selected trips in the Accounting !arameters 'ro$p 3ox. (hoose %rogram Q .,ecute in )ackground' #he Batch !rint !arameters screen appears. (hoose the relevant print parameters. ,ave the print parameters.

6osting step 1. (hoose #ravel acco$ntin'. 2. (hoose .dit b %osting run D Create' #he $nterface Trave& ?anagement Q Accounting screen appears. 3. (hoose an acco$ntin' period. :. ,peci"! the personnel n$m3ers. 5. ,peci"! the postin' r$n conditions. ?. ,peci"! the criteria "or the str$ct$re o" the postin' doc$ment. @. (hoose %rogram Q .,ecute' :. B$siness Fodel (hart attached0


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?. (han'es to Existin' 8r'ani%ation E.t$0 will ! &".! ".6li.! 5 0 !92!.s! t02!7 't &!2'$t1!.t'l l!/!l. @. *escription o" 2mprovements *$rin' postin'5 3$d'et availa3ilit! chec7 is per"ormed and preCenc$m3rance 9i" an!) is relieved. 83Aect code a$tomaticall! derived "rom Expense #!pe5 perCdiem and "lat rates. A ilit0 t" !ith!$ iss#! %h!%; t" t$'/!l!$ "$ h'/! &i$!%t &!2"sit.


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AcceleratedSAP - Business Blueprint

8. *escription o" ;$nctional *e"icits &ot a3le to char'e a travel expense t!pe to di""erent 83Aect code 9e.'. 311 and 312) dependin' on #rip destination. 9. Approaches to (overin' ;$nctional *e"icits 8ne expense t!pe can onl! 3e assi'ned to one 83Aect (ode. ;or the p$rpose o" displa!in' the cost "or 2nC,tate and 8$tCo"C,tate expenses 3! Expense t!pe5 there are mana'ement reports in #ravel Fana'ement component. 11. ,!stem (on"i'$ration (onsiderations #@0?A *ed$ctions #@0?B Expense t!pes #@0?* *e"a$lt val$es "or dialo' #@0?; #ravel costs #@0?4 Feals/#ime #@0?D (o$ntr! C co$ntr! 'ro$p assi'nment #@0?F 2np$t tax "or international per diems #@0?- Files/Ems acc$m$lation periods #@0?, #rip schema #@0? Accommodations #@0?+ Feals Acco$nt determination "or Expense t!pe5 -erCdiem5 ;lat rates. 12. A$thori%ation and ser .oles Fana'er in Acco$nts -a!a3le will 3e 'iven a$thori%ation "or the role o" #ravel s!stem mana'er 9,A-_;2_#+_,<,#EF_FA&AGE._AG) to per"orm c$stomi%in' tas7s and create reports. +ario$s positions in Acco$nts -a!a3le will 3e 'iven a$thori%ation "or the "ollowin' roles0 #ravel Administrator 9,A-_;2_#+_A*F2&2,#.A#8._AG) to settle all trip expenses5 and -a!er o" #rip Advance 9,A-_;2_#+_A*+A&(E_-A<E._AG) 5/1/./,/ C% Template: 1. .e>$irements/Expectations Allow "or expense cover sheets to 3e printed "or all trip "acts Expense cover sheet sho$ld contain a si'nat$re line "or traveler Expense cover sheet m$st contain statement =2 certi"! that the a3ove stated expenses were inc$rred 3! me while travelin' on 3$siness "or #he niversit! o" #ennessee. #he niversit! o" #ennessee A'ric$lt$ral Extension ,ervice and .,. *epartment o" A'ric$lt$re cooperatin'.= Expense cover sheet m$st identi"! which expense t!pes re>$ire receipts A3ilit! to iss$e reAection or adA$stment sheets/notices to traveler A3ilit! to r$n reports 3! vario$s criteria s$ch as transaction t!pe5 destinations o" $'1 o( $'! Creation)transmission of Tra*el =Apenses statement MstandardN


AcceleratedSAP - Business Blueprint

trips5 hotel amo$nts and name5 transportation costs5 expense acco$nts5 comparisons 3etween di""erent cost centers5 6B,5 etc 2. General Explanations #he standard "orm prod$ces a printo$t "or each trip. Beneath the "orm header 9which contains the emplo!eeIs name5 the master cost center and the trip n$m3er) the trip itinerar! is presented. #he acco$ntin' section is str$ct$red as "ollows0 -erCdiem and "latCrate acco$ntin' Accommodations Feals #ravel costs .eceipt acco$ntin' .eceipts Feals receipts 9as an alternative to per diem acco$ntin' "or meals) -resentation o" res$lts #otal expenses o" trip #otal advances 9i" an!) #otal receipts paid 3! compan! 9i" an!) .eim3$rsement amo$nt "or emplo!ee #he standard "orm can 3e chan'ed to incl$de a si'nat$re line "or traveler #he standard "orm can 3e chan'ed to incl$de statement =2 certi"! that the a3ove stated expenses were inc$rred 3! me while travelin' on 3$siness "or #he niversit! o" #ennessee. #he niversit! o" #ennessee A'ric$lt$ral Extension ,ervice and .,. *epartment o" A'ric$lt$re cooperatin'.= An! additional in"ormation entered in trip "acts will 3e printed on "orm ,ame "orm is $sed ,tandard ./3 reports are availa3le with d!namic selection criteria and drill down capa3ilit! to 'et to the details o" a trip.

@. *escription o" 2mprovements M'.0 %"12'$is". $!2"$ts %'. ! 4!.!$'t!& 0 A/P #si.4 /'$i"#s %$it!$i'. E92!.s! st't!1!.ts %'. ! '#t"1'ti%'ll0 4!.!$'t!&. 12. A$thori%ation and ser .oles Fana'er in Acco$nts -a!a3le will 3e 'iven a$thori%ation "or the role o" #ravel s!stem mana'er 9,A-_;2_#+_,<,#EF_FA&AGE._AG) to per"orm c$stomi%in' tas7s and create reports. 4eads o" department will 3e assi'ned Approvin' mana'er role 9,A-_;2_#+_A--.8+2&G_FA&AGE._AG) to approve travel expenses and create reports.


Cancellation of Tra*el =Apenses reimb!rsement MstandardN $'2 o( $'!


AcceleratedSAP - Business Blueprint

C% Template: 1. .e>$irements/Expectations A3ilit! to cancel a trip and noti"! the traveler 9i" necessar!) a"ter a travel re>$est has 3een approved. A3ilit! to cancel a trip and noti"! the traveler 9i" necessar!) a"ter a travel re>$est has 3een approved and a travel advance has 3een received. A3ilit! to clear a travel advance i" a trip has 3een cancelled.

2. General Explanations <o$ can cancel trips 3e"ore havin' posted to acco$ntin' or trips that have 3een posted in acco$ntin'. 6or7"low a'ent will 'enerate the appropriate ro$tin' 3ased on approval/reAection action. .eversal acco$ntin' postin' will 3e 'enerated a$tomaticall! 3. Explanations o" ;$nctions and Events <o$ can cancel trips an!time 3e"ore it is posted in acco$ntin'. 2" a trip is to 3e cancelled a"ter 3ein' posted in acco$ntin'5 the "ollowin' reversals are re>$ired to correct the acco$ntin' entries. #o e""ect cancellation5 !o$ have to chan'e the trip stat$s to acco$ntin' stat$s C'.%!l!&. #his can 3e done $sin' the entr! scenarios or the approval pro'ram. 2n the approval pro'ram5 the trips and re>$ests are 'iven the acco$ntin' stat$s P".%'.. 9postin' canceled) and the stat$s C"$$ 9corrected). #he next acco$ntin' r$n also incl$des trips that have the acco$ntin' stat$s Cance&ed. #he acco$ntin' pro'ram replaces the old acco$ntin' period o" these trips with the acco$ntin' period with which the acco$ntin' pro'ram was started. #he next time acco$ntin' res$lts are trans"erred to acco$ntin' a"ter the acco$ntin' r$n5 the s!stem incl$des the trips that have acco$ntin' stat$s C'.%!l!& in the postin' r$n. (ancellation o" postin's in acco$ntin' ta7es place a"ter the postin' r$n is posted. 2n the approval pro'ram5 "inall!5 the trips and re>$ests are 'iven the acco$ntin' stat$s C'..2". 9(ancellation posted). (han'e the acco$ntin' stat$s o" trips that !o$ want to cancel to %'.%!l!&. :. B$siness Fodel &one @. *escription o" 2mprovements A ilit0 t" 1'i.t'i. t$'/!l '&/'.%!s !'si!$ i( t$i2 h's !!. %'.%!ll!&. 8. *escription o" ;$nctional *e"icits &one identi"ied at this time


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9. Approaches to (overin' ;$nctional *e"icits &/A 10. &otes on ;$rther 2mprovements &/A 11. ,!stem (on"i'$ration (onsiderations ,imilar to #ransmission o" #ravel Expense res$lts. 12. A$thori%ation and ser .oles +ario$s positions in Acco$nts -a!a3le will 3e 'iven a$thori%ation "or the "ollowin' roles0 #ravel Administrator 9,A-_;2_#+_A*F2&2,#.A#8._AG) to cancel and settle all trip expenses.


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