UML2 FI (F.16 Balance Carryforward) V1.0

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User Manual - Training Level 2

DOCUMENT NUMBER: 205400635.doc TITLE: !"#$Balan%e Carr& or'ar( PAGE: Page 1 of 3

Close of fiscal period with need to carry forward balances of accounts Business Pro%ess Des%ri)*ion Overvie' This process involves carrying forward the balances on your General Ledger accounts from one fiscal year into the next. You can see the balance to be carried forward in the account balance display. The carry-forward is not performed automatically by the system, even if you have already posted data in the new fiscal year. You have to specify when you want to run the programs for this in the !" system. #owever, when you post items to a prior year, the system automatically carries forward the balance whether the program was run or not. The customer and vendor accounts, and the balance sheet accounts are carried forward onto themselves. The income statement accounts are carried forward into one or more retained earnings accounts.

In)u* - Re+uire( iel(s Carry forward to $ew %iscal Year

Co,,en*s $ew fiscal year

Ou*)u* - Resul*s

Co,,en*s NOTE: Carry forward feature extends to the )arallel %urren%& ledger as well.

Ti)s an( Tri%-s

%or today&s date, use the 'eystro'es %( followed by %) instead of using the drop-down calendar feature. %or setting user-specific editing defaults, set your *diting +ptions and ,ser "arameters to default in the desired company code, currency and line layouts. -efer to the ."" on .e**ing E(i*ing O)*ions an( User Para,e*er ID/s for guidance.

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User Manual - Training Level 2

DOCUMENT NUMBER: 205400635.doc TITLE: !"#$Balan%e Carr& or'ar( PAGE: Page 2 of 3

Pro%e(ural .*e)s 1.1. Access the Carry Forward G/L Balances transaction by: 0ia Menus 0ia Transa%*ion Co(e 1.2. !ccounting %inancial !ccounting General Ledger "eriodic "rocessing Closing Carrying %orward .alance Carry %orward %.24

On Carry Forward G/L Balances para eter !creen" enter in#or ation in the #ields as speci#ied in the table below:

%ield Company Code6s7 Carry forward to %iscal Year Test -un8


-3+3 C +

,ser !ction and 0alues *nter the relative year Yes

Comments $ew fiscal year ystem defaults to radio button +$.

.alances in retain earng accts

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*xplains the C3% balance

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User Manual - Training Level 2

DOCUMENT NUMBER: 205400635.doc TITLE: !"#$Balan%e Carr& or'ar( PAGE: Page 3 of 3

of -e-ained *arnings accounts 6$ote/ +n !bove table in column 9-3+3C:, 9R: ; -e<uired, 9O: ; +ptional, 9C: ; Conditional7 $+T* / "rior to running Year *nd tas's, ensure that all related systems have finished processing for the year you are closing 6for example, invoices have been entered and chec's have been applied in !ccounts -eceivable7= and all periodic processing has occurred. You only need to run the carry forward program once. !ll subse<uent entries will automatically be added to the new fiscal year. &nter yo'r selection criteria and ar( whether yo' want a prod'ction r'n to ta(e place by 'nchec(in) the *est r'n #ield. *o process Carry Forward G/L Balances" once yo' ha,e inp't yo'r processin) para eters" press the &-ec'te icon..)reen chec( ar( with whitecloc(" F/.



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