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16th January 2014

Interiors of the English Country House Re eale! at "eston #ar$ Stu!y Day %ues!ay 1&th 'e(ruary
"e ha e one )e!ia *la+e a aila(le for this e ent, #lease e)ail rose,allerston-fi!o*r,+o,u$ to register your interest,

Paint, Paper and Plasterwork are the focus of a new study day at Weston Park, which invites visitors to peel back the layers of decoration in the English country house and discover the interior design legacies that have rendered stately homes such as Weston the stunning houses they are today. There will also be a chance to preview the Drawing Room as it reaches the final stages of a ma or restoration pro ect. The day will begin with a discussion led by !urator to the Weston Park "oundation, #areth Williams, who since coming to the house in $%%& has seen some significant interior changes. #areth will e'amine how decoration in country houses up and down the country has evolved through the ages, dictated by their changing use and the prevailing fashions of the time. Different ways of decorating with paint, wallpaper and the changing forms of plasterwork ( from the e'uberant Rocco swags and cherubs of the early eighteenth century to the caste neoclassical designs of the early nineteenth century ) will be covered, as well as some of the characters responsible for the makeovers. #uests will have the chance to see a collection of mood boards and designs for the house at Weston Park, illustrating the changes over the past hundred years and how the needs of the Earls and !ountesses of *radford have influenced the presentation of the house. +fter a delicious two)course lunch in the ,istoric Dining Room, a guided tour will follow, taking in the decoration and collections in each room, from the ,istoric -ibrary with its oak panelled walls and secret doors to the Tapestry Room with its #obelins masterpieces and rich colour scheme. + rare peek into the newly decorated .chool Room and Porch bedrooms, not usually on the public route within the mansion, will be a real highlight. +t Weston Park, a roll)call of influential names from English design history have engaged with the house and its collections including the architects /ames Paine and /ohn 0ac1icar +nderson,

celebrated craftsmen including 0orel 2 ,ughes and Thomas !hippendale, and interior designers /ohn "owler and #uy Elwes. #areth Williams says, 3There4s never been a study day 5uite like this before6 it4s a chance to delve into the interior trends, styles and methods of the past while discovering Weston4s own story as a true English country gem. The house presents a piece of 78th century history, but looks to the $7st century for its future. We have an ongoing programme of restoration work, which is carried out not only to preserve the heritage of the house but to ensure it is en oyed by the people who visit and stay with us today9. #uests of the study day will be among the first to see the newly redecorated Drawing Room, which will have a new colour scheme of pinks and creams, reinterpreted from a 7:&%s design, and has been refurbished to plans by /anie 0oney of !olefa' 2 "owler. Weston Park4s Paint, Paper and Plasterwork study day takes place on Tuesday 7:th "ebruary from 7%;<%am to =;%%pm and is priced at >?$ per person to include; Tea and coffee on arrival -ectures and e'hibition Two course lunch in the Dining Room followed by coffee #uided tour of the house

To book call %7@?$ :?$7%% or email en5uiresAweston) Bearly booking is recommendedC. E.DS 'urther infor)ation an! i)ages !ontacts; Phone; Email; Rose +llerston D Eancy !ollantine at "ido PR %7&7 $8= <<77 D

.otes to E!itors/ 0areth "illia)s has been !urator 2 ,ead of -earning to the Weston Park "oundation since $%%&. ,e has also been involved in consultancy work at a number of private country houses throughout the FG. ,is career history includes work with the Eational Trust at Eostell Priory in West Horkshire, with its important collections of !hippendale furniture displayed in interiors designed by Robert +dam and /ames Paine. ,e was also a director at .othebyIs for five years, during which time he was involved in the research and sale of the record)breaking -everhulme !ollection from Thornton 0anor, !heshire

and in the sale of the /ames Watt !ollection ) much of which went to *irmingham 0useum 2 +rt #allery. #areth is currently writing a two volume history of the .hropshire !ountry ,ouse for the publishers Phillimore. ,is previous publications include articles in +pollo 0agaJine and the !atalogue of the "ord !ollection e'hibition in $%77, in association with .othebyIs. "eston #ar$ is a 78th century stately home on the .hropshire .taffordshire borders. The estate is set in 7,%%% acres of !apability *rown parkland. Kts rich history dates back to the Domesday *ook, while in recent times it has taken its place on the global stage by playing host to events such as the #: .ummit B7@@:C. Kn 7@:& the park and gardens, house and historic collections were gifted to the nation by the Earl of *radford, since which time it has been in the care of the Weston Park "oundation, a charitable trust. The house has $: bedrooms and plays host to several fine dining and e'clusive use events throughout the year. The $%7< season has seen the completion of a series of pro ects including the restoration of the 1ictorian Lrangery, two new informal gardens and the new #ranary Deli 2 !afM.

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