QP 12345

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PART-A (10*2=20 marks) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 What is meant by thermodynamic system? How do you classify it?

Define specific heat capacity at constant volume Define Zeroth law and First law of thermodynamics State first law of thermodynamics and any two of its corollaries. Determine the molecular volume of any perfect gas at 600N/m2 and 30C. Universal gas constant may be taken as 8314J/kg mole-K What is Quasi-static process? Write two statement of the second law of thermodynamics Write the expression for COP of a heat pump and a refrigerator What are the process involved in carnot cycle Why the performances of refrigerator and heat pump are given in terms of C.O.P and not in terms of efficiency PART-B (5*16= 80 marks) 11.a 25 People attended a farewell party in a small room of size 10*8 m and has a 5 m ceiling. Each person gives up about 350 KJ of heat per calculate the air temperature rise occurring within 10 minutes. Assume Cv of air 0.718 KJ/Kg K and R=0.287 KJ/Kg K and each person occupies a volume of m. OR A cylinder contains I m of gas at 100 kPa and 100 C, the gas is polytropically compressed to a volume of 0.25 m. The final pressure is 100 kPa. Determine (a) mass of the gas (b) the volume of index n for compression (c) change in internal energy of the gas (d) heat transferred by the gas during compression. Assume R= 0.287 KJ/KG K and = 1.4. Derive P,V,T relation and change in internal energy, heat transfer, change in enthalpy for Adiabatic process OR Derive P,V,T relation and change in internal energy, heat transfer, change in enthalpy for Polytropic process At the inlet of the nozzle, the enthalpy and velocity of the fluid are 3000 KJ/KG K and 50 m/s respectively. There is negligible loss from the nozzle. At the outlet of nozzle enthalpy is 2450 KJ/KG. If the nozzle horizontal, find the velocity of the fluid at exist OR Air is compressed from 100 kPa and 22C to a pressure of I Mpa while being cooled at rate of 16 KJ/KG by circulating water through the compressor casting. The volume flow rate of air inlet condition is 150 m/min and power input to compressor is 500 KW. Determine (a) mass flow rate (b) temperature of air exit. Neglect datum head Two-Carnot engines A and B are operated in series. The first one (A) receives heat at 870 K and rejects to a reservoir at temperature T. The second engine (B) receives the heat rejected by the first engine and in turn rejects to a heat reservoir at 300 K. Calculate the intermediate temperature T in C between two heat engines for following cases




(a) The work output of the two engines are equal and (b) The efficiencies of the two engines are equal. OR An office room which was heated by electric resistance heater consumed 1200 kW-hr of electrical energy in a winter month. Instead of this heater if the same office room is heated by heat pump which is having 20% of COP of the ideal Carnot pump. The room temperature is 24 C while surrounding is at 0 C. If heat supplied from the surrounding by the heat pump is 0.65 KJ, determine COP and money saved per month. Assume cost of electricity is Rs.1.75 Kw/hr. Ten grams of water at 20 C is converted into ice at -10 C at constant atmospheric pressure. Assuming specific heat of liquid water to remain constant at 4.2 J/g K and that of ice to be half of this value and taking the latent heat of fusion of ice at 0 C to 335 J/g. Calculate the total entropy change of the system Cp of ice = 2.093 J/g K. OR A perfect gas is contained in a cylinder and undergoes a controlled expansion according to the law p=A+ BV, where A and B are constant. P be the pressure in kgf/cm and v the volume in m. The initial and final pressure are 8.4 kgf/cm and 2.8 kgf/cm and the corresponding volume are 0.056 m. Assume =1.39, R=0.28 KJ/kg K. The initial temperature is 15 C. Determine (a) work done by the gas (b) heat transferred during the process in magnitude and direction (c) change in entropy per kg of gas during expansion (d) maximum value of internal energy per kg reckoned from 0C.


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