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Supplementary Information. 1. Si nanowire structure. The Si NWs typically have lengths of 20-50 m (Fig. S1a) with a nea ly mono-!

ispe se! !iamete as !ete mine! "y the #$ colloi! catalytic pa ticle. #s ma!e NWs have a co e-shell st $ct$ e with a single c ystalline silicon co e s$ o$n!e! "y an amo pho$s silicon o%i!e shell1-& nm thic' (Fig. S1").

Fig. S1. (a) Scanning elect on mic oscope (S()) image of the as-synthesi*e! Si NWs. Scale "a + 10 m. (") ,igh- esol$tion t ansmission elect on mic oscope (T()) image of the NWs shows a single c ystalline co e an! a - 2-nm thic' Si.% shell. Scale "a + 5 nm.

2. Fluidic-flow assembly of nanowire thin film over large area. The NW thin film st ips we e assem"le! ove la ge a ea $sing fl$i!ic-flow alignment app oach. Specifically/ the as-ma!e NWs we e t ansfe e! into ethanol $sing $lt a-sonication to o"tain a sta"le NW s$spension (Fig. S2a). The NW s$spension was then allowe! to pass th o$gh a fl$i!ic channel st $ct$ e fo me! "etween a poly(!imethylsilo%ane) (01)S) mol! an! a flat s$"st ate s$ face to o"tain NW a ays on the s$ face. The ave age NW space in the thin film was cont olle! "y va ying the NW concent ation in the sol$tion

an!2o the total flow time. With this app oach/ the alignment can "e ea!ily e%ten!e! ove 3-inch wafe o even la ge a eas "y $sing longe 2la ge flow channel mol!. (Fig. S2"/c).

Fig. S2. (a) NW sol$tion that was $se! to !o fl$i!ic flow alignment. (") 3-inch wafe with NWs aligne! to the patte ne! a ea (the white st ips co espon! to NW thin film). (c) #n optical mic oscope image of the aligne! NW thin film. Scale "a + 20 m.

3. Nanowire core-shell structure for high performance F s. The pe fo mance of NW-TFTs p esente! in this wo ' can "e f$ the imp ove! in a n$m"e of ways "y e%ploiting va io$s NW co e-shell st $ct$ es. Fi st/ in NW-TFTs on plastic/ the on-off atio is limite! "y the low-4$ality e-"eam evapo ate! #l.% gate !ielect ics. This p o"lem can "e potentially ove come "y $sing a co e-shell NW st $ct$ e consisting of a single c ystal semicon!$cto co e an! a high 4$ality gate !ielect ic shell (Fig. S&a). #ltho$gh Si NWs nat$ ally have a co e-shell st $ct$ e/ the thin native o%i!e laye is not of eno$gh 4$ality to withstan! a high elect ic fiel!. 5n f$t$ e wo '/ the native o%i!e can "e eplace! with a high 4$ality silicon o%i!e shell gene ate! "y eithe cont olle! the mal o%i!ation o chemical vapo !eposition. We "elieve that co e-shell NW st $ct$ es will "e i!eally s$ite! fo ma'ing high pe fo mance NW-TFTs on plastic since it sepa ates all the high tempe at$ e p ocesses/ incl$!ing semicon!$cto mate ial synthesis an! high 4$ality gate !ielect ic fo mation/ f om the

final !evice s$"st ate. 5n a!!ition/ s$ch co e-shell st $ct$ e can also lea! to passivation of s$ face t apping states/ es$lting in f$ the pe fo mance enhancement. Secon!/ the c$ ent "ac'-gate! NW-TFTs a e elatively limite! in pe fo mance (pa tic$la ly s$"th eshol! swing) !$e to a geomet ical effect. The geomet ical effect is ca$se! "y non-i!eality in NW thin film/ which typically consists of nea ly a monolaye of NWs/ "$t occasionally with a few NWs c ossing ove othe NWs. When a NW c osses ove othe NWs in a NW-TFT/ it is sepa ate! f om the s$"st ate s$ face/ e%pe iences a smalle elect ical fiel! f om the "ac' gate/ an! th$s t$ ns on o off mo e slowly than othe NWs in the !evice. This inc eases the s$"th eshol! swing of the NW-TFT as a whole. S$ch a geomet ical effect can "e ove come "y !eveloping a mo e comple% NW co e-shell st $ct$ e to incl$!e a co e of single c ystal semicon!$cto / an inne -shell of ins$lating gate !ielect ic/ an! an o$te -shell of con!$cting confo mal gate (Fig. S&"). This can "e eali*e! "y !epositing a laye of highly-!ope! amo pho$s silicon a o$n! the Si2Si.% co e-shell st $ct$ e (!esc i"e! a"ove) as the o$te -gate shell. Thi !/ the pe fo mance of NW-TFTs can potentially "e f$ the imp ove! to e%cee! that of single c ystal mate ials "y e%ploiting the 4$ant$m elect onic effect in small !iamete NWs. 5n analogy to conventional two !imensional semicon!$cto s$pe lattices an! 21 elect on2hole gas/ m$lti-co e-shell NW st $ct$ e (Fig. S&c) can "e envisione! to sepa ate the !opants f om the active con!$cting channel to achieve $lt ahigh mo"ility TFTs (Sa'a'i/ ,. Surface Science 2!"/ 62&-627 (1772)8 Ts$chiya/ ). et al./ Surface Science 2!"/ 276-277 (1772)).


Fig. S3. (a) Schematic view of a NW co e-shell st $ct$ e with a c ystalline co e an! integ ate! !ielect ic shell. (") Schematic ill$st ation of a NW st $ct$ e with a c ystalline semicon!$cto co e/ an ins$lating gate !ielect ic inne -shell an! a heavily-!ope! semicon!$cto gate o$te -shell. (c) Schematic view of a NW st $ct$ e that sepa ates the !opants f om the active con!$cting channel. The st $ct$ e consist of an int insic semicon!$cto co e (e.g. 9a#s)/ an inne -shell of thin spacing laye (int insic mate ial of la ge "an!gap/ e.g. #l9a#s)/ an! an o$te -shell of !oping laye (!ope! semicon!$cto / e.g. n-type #l9a#s). :y sepa ating the !opants f om the active con!$cting channel (co e) an! e%ploiting 4$ant$m-confinement effect/ it is possi"le to achieve ve y high ca ie mo"ility.

#. $dS nanoribbon structure.

Fig. S#. (a) ;ow- esol$tion T() image of a <!S nano i""on. Scale "a + 2 m. # patte ne! cont ast o"se ve! in the T() image is !$e to st ain es$lting f om the "en!ing2twisting of the i""ons sitting on T() g i!/ which is commonly o"se ve! in i""on-li'e st $ct$ es (0an/ =./ 1ai/ =./ Wang/ =./ Science/ 2%1/ 173> (2001)). (") ,igh esol$tion T() image shows that the nano i""on has a single c ystal st $ct$ e almost f ee of !efects an! s$ face o%i!e laye . Scale "a +

5 nm. This high c ystalline 4$ality e%plains the e%ceptional pe fo mance of <!S nano i""on TFT !evices.

&. 'ysteresis and threshold voltage in Si N(- F s. # hyste esis is commonly o"se ve! in 51S-?9S elation of the c$ ent NW-TFTs (Fig. S5). We "elieve this hyste esis is p ima ily !$e to the s$ face sates an! mo"ile ions p esent in o$ !evices/ which is well 'nown in conventional ).SF(T !evices (Wolf/ S. et al./ Silicon Processing for the VLSI Era - Vol.1 - Process Technology/ 2n! (!. (;attice 0 ess/ S$n :each/ <#/ 2000). pp. 271-27&). This hyste esis can "e eliminate! o minimi*e! in the f$t$ e "y st ingent cont ol of NW synthesis an! !evice fa" ication p ocess to minimi*e ion contamination an!2o s$ face states. We note that the hyste esis has p ofo$n! effects in !ete mining th eshol! voltages. 1$e to hyste esis/ the appa ent th eshol! voltage can va y !epen!ing on the meas$ ement con!ition an! the voltage histo y that the !evice e%pe ience! "efo e meas$ ements. 5n o !e to minimi*e the th eshol! voltage va iation ca$se! "y hyste esis/ we $se! e%actly the same con!ition ( elatively 4$ic' gate voltage sweeping ate of 500 m?2s was $se! to minimi*e the mo"ile ion effect) to test all the !evices p esente! in Fig. 2" main panel an! Fig. 2c. ?oltage histo y va iation was also minimi*e! "y fi st cycling the gate voltage "ac' an! fo th (f om 10 to -10?) fo at least th ee cycles "efo e collecting !ata fo each !evice. 5n this way/ we co$l! emove the hyste esis effect in the th eshol! voltage !ist i"$tion. .n the othe han!/ in o !e to acc$ ately meas$ e off-state c$ ent/ we nee!e! to $se a slowe gate voltage sweep ate (15 m?2s) to minimi*e the capacitive c$ ent. 5n this case/ the !evice e%pe ience! high positive gate voltage fo e%ten!e! pe io! of time (-5-10min) an! shifte! the appa ent th eshol! to a mo e positive val$e (inset Fig. 2").

Fig. S&. 51S-?9S hyste esis o"se ve! in NW-TFT. The a ows in!icate gate voltage sweeping !i ection.

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