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Version 2.

General Certificate of Secondary Education

Mathematics 4360 Specification


Mark Scheme
Practice Paper Set 1

Mark Schemes
Principal Examiners have prepared these mark schemes for practice papers. These mark schemes have not, therefore, been through the normal process of standardising that would take place for live papers.

Further copies of this

ark !cheme are available to download from the "#" $ebsite% www.a&

Copyright 2010 AQA and its licensors. All rights reserved. The Assessment and Qualifications Alliance (AQA) is a company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales 36447 3 and registered charity number !"73334# $egistered address AQA% &e'as (treet% )anchester )!* 6E+

"#" '(!E

athematics ) *nit 2 +igher Tier ,

ark !cheme Practice Paper

Glossary for Mark Schemes

'(!E examinations are marked in such a wa- as to award positive achievement wherever possible. Thus, for '(!E athematics papers, marks are awarded under various categories. M A ethod marks are awarded for a correct method which could lead to a correct answer. "ccurac- marks are awarded when following on from a correct method. .t is not necessar- to alwa-s see the method. This can be implied. arks awarded independent of method. ! M dep dep ft SC oe ark for #ualit- of $ritten (ommunication /#$(0 " method mark dependent on a previous method mark being awarded. " mark that can onl- be awarded if a previous independent mark has been awarded. Follow through marks. earlier step. arks awarded following a mistake in an

!pecial case. arks awarded within the scheme for a common misinterpretation which has some mathematical worth. 1r e&uivalent. "ccept answers that are e&uivalent. 3 eg, accept 0.2 as well as 2

ark !cheme Practice Paper ) *nit 2 +igher Tier , "#" '(!E


"nit 2 Hi#her $ier

% !ight of 300 and 22 or 22 5 2&a' 2&(' 2&c' 6202 4.28 620.2 9 42.8 662.: 3 /40;300 4:00 or 338 4:0 ) their 338 /502 40 or 3;4 < 502 or 342 502 ) their 342 284 and 280 !&uare,e-es or correct conclusion from their working 4 2 < /28 , ,:0 > 4 2 < their 4? > 4 ?0 ) 4x 9 5 = 2x 4x ) 2x = ,5 3 "3 73 73 3 "3 3 "3 3 "3 "3 #3 3 3 "3 3 3 !(3 for attempt at finding an output from an input !(2 for two attempts at finding outputs from two different inputs with at least one input being negative or correct factor tree or repeated division for 25 or ?0 or 2 < their 32 2 < 36 > 4 @ 40A scores 2 marks /one error0 /iii0 valid conclusion with working clearl- shown oe

;300 4:0 scores

oe not 3;4 of 502 or use of 40= or 44= for 3;4


;4 502 scores

x = ,5


25 56 82 B ?0 320 B identifies 320 2 /packs of envelopes0 2 /packs of address labels0

3 "3 "3

"#" '(!E

athematics ) *nit 2 +igher Tier ,

ark !cheme Practice Paper

5.6 ) 5 or 0.6 0.6 < 300 5 20 Alternate method 5.6 < 300 5 320 20

3 3 "3 !(2 for 20;300 !(3 for 3;2 or 0.2 oe

3 "3 "3 3 "3 3 "3 3 3 "3 "3 #3 do not award for TC. must have four termsA allow one numerical or sign error allow one numerical or sign error


2 ) 4x 9 ? 33 ) 4x


x2 9 8x ) 2x ) 42 x2 9 2x ) 42

sight of 40 9 k B and B 2/their 40 9 k0 9 k 2/their 40 9 k0 9 k = 63

/3st term =0 5 /ii0 logical working with ke- steps clearl- shown Alternate method --- (y $./ "ttempt to multipl- 32 b- 2 and add an- number B and B multipl- their answer b- 2 and add the same number Defined attempt

3 3 "3 "3 73 73 73 73 73 72

"ttempt to subtract an- number from 63 and divide b- 2 B and B subtract the same number from their answer and divide b- 2 must be closer to 63 /or to 320 than 3st attempt

/3st term =0 5 %0 ( E F %%&a' t12 %%&(' w12 %%&c' 6x -2 y4 or 6y4/x2 4x 9 2y E 25

do not award #3 mark for TC.

yFx y ) 5 E 2x

73 for two correct components

ark !cheme Practice Paper ) *nit 2 +igher Tier , "#" '(!E



ultipl-ing all terms b- /multiple of0 20 6x 9 32 ) 2x 9 30 4x 9 22 = 30 /x =0 ,5

3 3 "3 "3ft

or valid attempt to subtract the fractions on the G+! using a common denominator allow one error 4x 9 22 = 3;2 scores "0 ft from one arithmetic or sign error but not from a conceptual error /such as on the line above0 eg. sign error in 930 term leads to 4x 9 2 @ 30 /"00 and x @ 6;4 /"3ft0

%3&a' ?.368 < 306 %3&(' 0.00:05 %4 x = bm a x! x = bma bmx x " bmx = bma x 1 " bm! = bma x = $bma$ 1 " bm! %) a @ ,? b @ 33 %6 88 9 8 ) 8 ) 3 ? /y @0 their ? < 4 4 4 /y =0 24 correct solution with all steps clearl- shown %*&a' x2 " x # % # 4 =0! x2 " x # 12 =0! x " 4! x # &! =0! -4 and & %*&(' n " 4!2 " n " 4! # 4n n2 n2 " %n " 16 " n " 4 # 4n n2 )n " 20 or ) n " 4! mathematicall- correct and logical argument ... clearl- shown

73 73 3 3 3 3 "3 73 73 3 "3 3 "3 #3 3 3 3 "3 3 3dep "3 #3 n2 " n # 4 n # 4! # n # 4!2 n2 " n # 4n " 16 # n2 " %n # 16 )n /ii0 x " a! x " b! =0! 'here ab = (12 /ii0 5 termsA at least 4 correct - bma = -x - bmx - bma = x -1 # bm! x = $-bma$ -1 # bm!

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