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Complete in Christ
Complete in Christ

John MacArthur
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Colossians $%10-1 (ntroduction

&ape !C $1'$

Colossians 2:10-15 says, "And ye are complete in Him, who is the head of all principality and power; in whom also ye are circumcised with the circumcision made without hands, in puttin off the !ody of the sins of the flesh !y the circumcision of Christ; !uried with Him in !aptism, in which also ye are risen with Him throu h the faith of the operation of "od, who hath raised Him from the dead# And you, !ein dead in your sins and the uncircumcision of your flesh, hath He made ali$e to ether with Him, ha$in for i$en you all trespasses, !lottin out the handwritin of ordinances that was a ainst us, which was contrary to us, and too% it out of the way, nailin it to His cross; and, ha$in spoiled principalities and powers, He made a show of them openly, triumphin o$er them in it#" &hat passa e is loaded with theolo y and doctrine, and we will endea$or to carefully o$er$iew all that is there# 'n our study of Colossians, we ha$e !een made aware that the Apostle (aul is ma%in a tremendous statement re ardin the person of )esus Christ and His a!ility to sa$e# &hat is no less true in this section# Althou h it is a re!uttal a ainst the false philosophy and heresies that were ri ht at the doorstep of the church in Colosse, it is a positi$e re!uttal# (aul*s approach a ainst false systems was always the positi$e approach# +ou don*t need to ar ue a ainst the falsity of a system if you ,ust present the truth of )esus Christ, and that*s precisely what (aul did in his ar ument a ainst human philosophy# 'n our last lesson we loo%ed at $erses --10# (aul said, ".eware lest any man spoil you throu h philosophy and $ain deceit###" /$# -a0# (aul*s ar ument is a ainst the four facets of the false heresy that was attac%in the Colossians# &he first facet is human philosophy# 'n the midst of that discussion, he del$es into the concept of who Christ is and what He can do# And the idea (aul wants to et across is that you don*t need any human philosophy or wisdom; you are complete in Him# &hat*s the reat truth he is communicatin in $erse 10# A) &he *hysical +ealing of the ,ord 1ow, in order to introduce our thou hts, ' want to draw your attention to the healin s of our 2ord, !ecause ' thin% they illustrate a reat principle relati$e to sal$ation# 2et*s loo% first at those### 1# (34564738 .+ &H3 2648

a# Matthe- .%$$ -- ".ut )esus turned a!out, and when He saw her, He said, 8au hter, !e of ood comfort; thy faith hath made thee -hole# And the woman was made whole from that hour#" !# Matthe- 1$%1/ -- "&hen saith He to the man, 9tretch forth thine hand# And he stretched it forth; and it was restored -hole li%e the other#" c# Matthe- 1 %$80 /1 -- "&hen )esus answered and said unto her, 6 woman, reat is thy faith; !e it unto thee e$en as thou wilt# And her dau hter was made -hole from that $ery hour####insomuch that the multitude wondered, when they saw the dum! to spea%, the maimed to !e -hole, the lame to wal%, and the !lind to see; and they lorified the "od of 'srael#" d# Mar1 /% -- "And when He had loo%ed round a!out on them with an er, !ein rie$ed for the hardness of their hearts, He saith unto the man, 9tretch forth thine hand# And he stretched it out; and his hand was restored as -hole as the other#" e# Mar1 %$80 /' -- "5or she said, 'f ' may touch !ut His clothes, ' shall !e -hole####And He said unto her, 8au hter, thy faith hath made thee -hole# "o in peace, and !e -hole of thy pla ue#" f# ,u1e 2%10 -- "And, loo%in round a!out upon them all, He said unto the man, 9tretch forth thy hand# And he did so; and his hand was restored -hole li%e the other#" # ,u1e 3%10 -- "And they that were sent, returnin to the house, found the ser$ant -hole that had !een sic%#" h# ,u1e 8%'8 -- "And He said unto her, 8au hter, !e of ood comfort; thy faith hath made thee -hole# "o in peace#" i# ,u1e 13%1. -- "And He said unto him, Arise, o thy way; thy faith hath made thee -hole#" ,# John %2b0 1'b0 1 b -- "###He said unto him, :ilt thou !e made -hole;###.ehold, thou art made -hole####)esus who had made him -hole#" %# John 3%$/ -- "'f a man on the sa!!ath day recei$e circumcision, that the law of 7oses should not !e !ro%en, are ye an ry with 7e, !ecause ' ha$e made a man entirely -ell on the sa!!ath day;" 1ow, the same thin was### 2# (34564738 .+ &H3 A(69&239 a# Acts '%.-10 -- "'f we this day !e e<amined of the ood deed done to the impotent man, !y what means he is made -hole; !e it %nown unto you all, and to all the people of 'srael, that !y the name of )esus Christ of 1a=areth, whom ye crucified, whom "od raised from the dead, e$en !y Him doth this man stand here !efore you -hole#" !# Acts .%/' -- And (eter said unto him, Aeneas, )esus Christ ma%eth thee -hole; arise, and ma%e thy !ed# And he arose immediately# 1ow, in all of those passa es there is a consistency in the style of healin that )esus performed# :hen )esus healed some!ody, He made them -hole--entirely well, with no

missin parts# &here are se$eral synonyms used in those $arious passa es, !ut the dominant "ree% word is hu ies from which we et the medical word "hy iene#" 't means "healthy#" )esus made them well, healthy, and sound; !ut the !est translation is "entirely well"--the a!sence of any infirmity# All the healin miracles of )esus made people completely healthy# &here was no pro ression in$ol$ed# 4) &he 5piritual +ealing of the ,ord +ou say, ":hat does that ha$e to do with Colossians 2;" 't ser$es as a !eautiful picture of the way )esus heals spiritually# 'f )esus heals physical illness and ma%es people entirely whole, then the same concept can !e applied to what the Apostle (aul means when he says, "And ye are complete in Him###" /Col# 2:10a0# +ou could su!stitute the word whole for "complete"# )ust as )esus Christ performed miracles of healin that made people entirely well, so it is when )esus touches a life spiritually and i$es sal$ation, He i$es entire sal$ation# &hat person !ecomes entirely spiritually well# Another (auline phrase descri!es the same thin : "&herefore, if any man !e in Christ, he is a new creation###" /2 Cor# 5:1>a0# &hat is !rand-new wholeness# 1# &H3 628 &39&A731& 1ow that is nothin new# "od has always done it# 5or e<ample: a# *salm 1%10 -- :hen 8a$id cried out in the midst of his sin he %new what "od would do# He said, "Create in me a clean heart, 6 "od####" &here was no spot, no !lemish# :hen "od acts a ainst sin in His sa$in race, there is wholeness# !# "6e1iel 11%1. -- "And ' will i$e them one heart, and ' will put a new spirit within you; and ' will ta%e the stony heart out of their flesh, and will i$e them an heart of flesh" /cf# 3=%# ?@:2@0# "od says, "' will i$e you a new heart"--a new soul, a new clean inside, so that the spiritual healin in sal$ation is as whole as the physical healin as performed !y the 2ord# 2# &H3 13: &39&A731& a# John 1%12 -- )ohn the .aptist is tal%in a!out Christ, and he says, "And of His fullness ha$e all we recei$ed####" :hen you were sa$ed, you recei$ed Christ*s fullness# &he wholeness of Christ !ecame your wholeness# :hen someone !ecomes a Christian, he is spiritually whole# &hat is (aul*s point: ":hen you recei$ed Christ, you were made whole# A healthy man doesn*t need any more medicine# +ou don*t need human philosophy# +ou don*t need )ewish le alism# +ou don*t need stran e pa an mysticism# +ou don*t need a!stainin asceticism# +ou don*t need anythin when you recei$e Christ and His sal$ation# +ou are made whole#" &hat is why )ohn the .aptist says, "And of His fullness ha$e all we recei$ed, and race for race#" !# !alatians 2%1 -- "5or in Christ )esus neither circumcision a$aileth anythin , nor uncircumcision, !ut a new creature" /cf# 2 Cor# 5:1>0 c# $ *eter 1%/ -- "Accordin as His di$ine power hath i$en unto us all thin s that pertain unto life and odliness###" +ou say, ".ut when do you et that;" &he $erse continues, "###throu h the %nowled e of Him####" :hen do you come to %now Christ; At

sal$ation# :hen do you et all the thin s pertainin to life and odliness; &he moment you !elie$e in Christ# 'f we can say that the miracles of )esus made people whole, we can also say that the spiritual transformation at sal$ation ma%es them ,ust as whole spiritually# :hen you !ecome a Christian, you ha$e a clean heart, a new heart, a new spirit, a soundness, a wholeness-- you !ecome spiritually well# +ou don*t need to add anythin to that--not le alism, asceticism, mysticism, or human philosophy# Revie() *+(,757*+8 /$$# --150 A) Captured 4y *hilosophy /$# -0 4) Complete (n Christ /$$# A-150 1# &H3 .A9'9 65 C67(23&31399 /$$# A-100 Colossians 2:10 says, "And ye are complete in Him, who is the head of all principality and power#" +ou ha$e !een made full in Him# &here*s nothin missin # Christ fills you up# &here aren*t any other thin s to add to that# +ou ha$e !een made full with "the fullness of Him that filleth all in all" /3ph# 1:2?!0# Human philosophy !ased on the traditions of men and the elementary mar%s of infantile human reli ion has nothin to add to what is already complete /Col# 2:-0# :hen )esus died on the cross, the last thin He said was, "###'t is finished###" /)n# 1A:?00# :hen He said it, He meant it, not only in terms of His own deed, !ut in terms of securin the fullness of sal$ation !y that deed# He rules "all principality and power" /i#e#, all other !ein s--created authorities, created rulers, particularly the an elic ones0# He rules them all# &hey ha$e nothin to add to His wor%# &he people who were influencin the Colossians were wron # +ou don*t need to et to "od throu h a series of intermediary aeons or an els# "ood an els can*t help ma%e you complete, and !ad an els can*t harm you once you are complete# 9o, (aul deals a !low to the heresy of human philosophy and reli ion which tries to deny that Christ has the power to i$e complete sal$ation# &hat was the !asic heresy that the Colossians were facin # &he Colossians, who had in )esus Christ the fountain that ne$er fails, would ha$e !een fools to listen to those false teachers who would ha$e them hew out !ro%en cisterns that hold no water /)er# 2:1?0# +ou don*t need philosophy or an elic intermediaries# Christ is the completer# He ma%es anythin He touches whole# All of His healin miracles, whether physical or spiritual, are instantaneous and complete# &he two facts of Christ*s physical healin and spiritual sal$ation are !rou ht to ether !eautifully in the statement of ? )ohn 2# )ohn is writin to his !elo$ed "aius whom he lo$ed in the truth# He says, ".elo$ed, ' wish a!o$e all thin s that thou mayest prosper and !e in health, e$en as thy soul prospereth Bis healthyC#" )ohn is sayin , ""aius, if your physical !ody could !e as healthy as your soul, you would !e in terrific shapeD" :hat*s the implication; &he implication is that !ecause he is a !elie$er, his soul prospers and his soul is healthy# 1ow sin plays a part in the practical aspect of that, !ut positionally the soul is healthy# )ohn is sayin , "'f your !ody could only %now the health that your soul %nows#" 1ow let*s loo% at###

2# &H3 .3135'&9 65 C67(23&31399 /$$# 11-150 +ou are complete in Him# +ou ha$e !een made complete# +ou say, ":ell, what do you mean when you say Fcomplete*;" 'n the followin $erses (aul will show you the three ways in which you are complete# &here are three aspects to our completeness: one, Complete 9al$ation /$$# 11-120; two, Complete 5or i$eness /$$# 1?-1E0; and three, Complete Gictory /$# 150# 2et*s loo% first of all at the### a# Complete 5alvation /$$# 11-120 "'n whom also ye are circumcised with the circumcision made without hands, in puttin off the !ody of the sins of the flesh !y the circumcision of Christ; !uried with Him in !aptism, in which also ye are risen with Him throu h the faith of the operation of "od, who hath raised Him from the dead#" (aul says, "2oo%D +our sal$ation is a!solutely complete# &here is no need for you to !e circumcised, you*$e !een !apti=ed#" 1ow remem!er, the heresy that the Apostle is com!atin is a !afflin mi<ture of the pa an !eliefs of $arious intermediaries and )ewish !eliefs of le alism# Alon with that, they were tryin to propa ate the idea that you had to !e circumcised# &hat isn*t anythin new# &he )udai=ers propa ated it in "alatia# &hey said, "&hat*s fine that you !elie$e# &hat*s wonderful that you !elie$e# .ut you ha$e to !e circumcised# +ou need a sur ical sal$ation#" 10 9piritual Circumcision /$# 110 "'n whom also ye are circumcised with the circumcision made without hands, in puttin off the !ody of the sins of the flesh !y the circumcision of Christ" (aul is tal%in a!out a spiritual operation, not a physical one# &he &wo Giews of Circumcision 1ow, throu hout the history of 'srael there were two $iews of circumcision# 3$ery little He!rew !oy was circumcised on the ei hth day after his !irth# &hat was the si n of his identification with the nation of 'srael# 't !ecame contro$ersial, and there were two schools of thou ht on it# 1# C'4CH7C'9'61 :A9 316H"H &6 9AG3 &his was the sur ical sal$ation $iew# 'f you were circumcised, you were in the co$enant# &he physical act was all that was reIuired# &hat had !een pic%ed up durin the history of the church# &hat*s where infant !aptism came from# &he 'sraelite who !elie$ed that would ar ue that it didn*t matter whether an 'sraelite was ood or !ad, ,ust that he was circumcised# &hat was the typical $iew of the )ews in )esus* day# &hat was also the typical $iew of the )ewish leaders in (aul*s day as well# &hat*s why 4omans 2:25 says, "5or circumcision $erily profiteth, if thou %eep the law####" 'n other words, it*s fine if you %eep the law, !ut if you !rea% the law circumcision is ,ust li%e uncircumcision# 7y dad told a story a!out the fi hter that crossed himself !efore e$ery fi ht# 6ne uy said, "8oes it help;" Another uy said, "'t does if he can punch# 'f he can*t, it won*t do him any ood at all#" &hat*s the same as circumcision# 'f you %eep the law you*re fine; if you don*t, it doesn*t help# Gerse 2@ says, "&herefore, if the uncircumcision %eep the ri hteousness of the law Bpeople who ha$en*t had the operation and o!ey the lawC, shall not his uncircumcision !e counted for circumcision;" &hey will

mo$e into the co$enant !lessin # Gerse 2- says, "5or he is not a )ew who is one outwardly; neither is that circumcision which is outward in the flesh; !ut he is a )ew who is one inwardly; and circumcision is that of the heart###" /$$# 2--2Aa0# &hat was the typical )ewish $iew; if you had the e<ternal operation you were in ood shape# .ut there was another $iew# 2# C'4CH7C'9'61 :A9 612+ A1 6H&:A48 9'"1 &here were some true spiritual )ews--some remnants throu hout 'srael*s history# &hey !elie$ed that circumcision was only an outward mar% of a man who was inwardly committed to "od# &hey !elie$ed correctly# :hat really mattered was the heart# &hat had always !een what "od told them, clear !ac% in 3<odus when "od was first layin down the rules# 3<odus @:12 says, "And 7oses spo%e !efore the 2648, sayin , .ehold, the children of 'srael ha$e not hear%ened unto me; how then shall (haraoh hear me, who am of uncircumcised lips;" 7oses, at the $ery !e innin , was usin the concept of uncircumcision in a metaphorical sense# "od really wants someone who has a circumcised heart /a heart dedicated to "od0 and circumcised lips /lips dedicated to "od0# 't was not simply the act of sur ery on a child; the real issue was the heart# a0 &he (rocess of 9ur ical 4emo$al Colossians 2:11 says, "###ye are circumcised with the circumcision made without hands Ba special circumcisionC, in puttin off Bcuttin awayC, the !ody of the sins of the flesh####" :hen you !ecame a Christian, Christ cut away e$erythin that was sinful in your life# 4omans E:11 says, "And he BA!rahamC recei$ed the si n of circumcision, a seal of the ri hteousness of the faith which he had yet !ein uncircumcised####" (eople say, ":ell, A!raham was circumcised#" +es, fourteen years after he !elie$ed "od and was sa$ed# Circumcision didn*t sa$e him; he was circumcised as a si n of a ri hteous heart# :hat is true circumcision; 't is cuttin away e$erythin from the life !ut the will of "od# (aul*s messa e in Colossians 2:11 is this: "&rue circumcision is the spiritual sur ery, the cuttin away of self and sin, and only Christ can do that#" ' lo$e the 1ew 'nternational Gersion translation of Gerse 11: "'n Him you were also circumcised, in the puttin off of the sinful nature, not with a circumcision done !y the hands of men !ut with the circumcision done !y Christ#" :hen you !ecame a Christian, your old nature was ta%en away, and you !ecame a new creature with a new nature# Anyone can circumcise a man*s fores%in, !ut only Christ can circumcise a man*s heart and cut away the old sin nature# (aul says, "'f you*re a Christian, you don*t need any rite of circumcision# +ou ha$e recei$ed from Christ a spiritual sur ery of which the old rite was only a picture and a sym!ol# !0 &he (ro!lem of 9inful 4e eneration &hat sym!ol in the 6ld &estament pictured the remo$al of sin# And !y its association with the or an of eneration, it stressed the sin inherent in our fallen nature as the offsprin of Adam# .ut e$en the 6ld &estament constantly emphasi=es that an inward chan e is the real issue /)er# E:E; A:250# &he insistence is that the heart !e circumcised# &he fact that the or an that produces life must !e circumcised pictured the influence of the old sin nature on the ne<t eneration# 9o the actual form of the rite emphasi=ed that


it was human nature that needed to !e dealt with# &hat which was passed on from father to son had to !e dealt with# +ou say, "Are you tryin to tell me that when you !ecome a Christian, "od ta%es away the old nature;" +es, ' !elie$e He i$es you a new nature# &hat*s what (aul is tal%in a!out in $erse 11: "###made without hands, in puttin off the !ody of the sins of the flesh####" c0 &he (resence of 9eparate 4ulers +ou say, ".ut if we ha$e had our fallen nature put away, if we ha$e put off the !ody of the sins of the flesh /human nature in its fallen condition0, and if we ha$e a new nature, then how come we still sin;" 5air Iuestion# &he answer is: +ou not only ha$e a new nature, !ut you ha$e an old !ody# +ou ha$e a new inside and an old outside# 'n 4omans >:15 (aul says, "5or that which ' do ' understand not; for what ' would, that do ' not; !ut what ' hate, that do '# 'f, then, ' do that which ' would not, ' consent unto the law that it is ood# 1ow, then, it is no more ' that do it, !ut sin that dwelleth in me" /$$# 15-1>0# (aul says, "'t is not my new nature doin this, it is the old flesh that is in me# Gerse 1- continues, "5or ' %now that in me /that is, in my flesh0 dwelleth no ood thin ####1ow if ' do that ' would not, it is no more ' that do it, !ut sin that dwelleth in me# ' find then a law, that, when ' would do ood, e$il is present with me# 5or ' deli ht in the law of "od after the inward man" /$$# 1-a, 20-220# He says, "7y new nature lo$es "od, 7y new nature wants to do ood thin s# 7y new nature wants to o!ey "od# 7y new nature wants to respond to "od#" Gerse 2? continues, ".ut ' see another law in my mem!ers, warrin a ainst the law of my mind, and !rin in me into capti$ity to the law of sin which is in my mem!ers#" &he new nature that is in me has !een purified, !ut the !ody that it li$es in is a mess# :hen ' o to hea$en ' don*t et a new inside, ' et a new outside# 'f ' could ,ust remo$e my ood inside from this !ad outside, ' could really li$e# 9o in $erse 2E (aul says, "6h, wretched man that ' amD :ho shall deli$er me from the !ody of this death; ' than% "od throu h )esus Christ, our 2ord# 9o, then, with the mind ' myself ser$e the law of "od; !ut with the flesh, the law of sin" /$$# 2E-250# 9o (aul says, "'n my new creation life the new nature is there, !ut surroundin it is the flesh#" ' !elie$e we recei$e a new nature# ' don*t !elie$e that when you !ecome a Christian you et whitewashed, ' !elie$e you et !rand-new on the inside from the $ery moment you !elie$e# 9in is still there !ecause of the flesh and the !ody, !ut the internal nature and the new heart is there, too# "od promised, "'*ll i$e them a new heart#" &hat*s the co$enant promise--the new co$enant# 9o when you recei$ed Christ, that was the end of the old nature positionally, !ut sin is still han in around# d0 &he (romise of 9piritual 4edirection (aul is not dealin with the fact of sinnin , he is sayin , "+ou don*t need any!ody to et you more sa$ed#" (eople often say, "' was sa$ed, !ut later on ' ot more sa$ed#" 1o, you can*t et more sa$ed# &hat*s the same as sayin , "' was married and now ' am more married#" +ou*re either married or you*re not married# &he same thin is true of !ecomin sa$ed# +ou*re not more sa$ed, you*re either sa$ed or you*re not sa$ed# +ou do not need anythin to !e added to the new nature you ha$e !een i$en, e<cept to !rin your !eha$ior into harmony with your new nature# (aul learned how to do that#

He didn*t %now how to in 4omans >, !ut what did he do in 4omans -; He learned, "###:al% in the 9pirit, and ye shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh" /"al# 5:1@; cf# 4om# -:1?0# He learned how to o!ey the 9pirit# (aul says, "+ou ha$e a new life# Christ circumcised your heart !y ta%in away the old nature# +ou don*t need any outward si n# &hat is a!solutely irrele$ant and superfluous#" 1ow, he oes a step further in $erse 12: 20 &he 9piritual .aptism /$# 120 ".uried with Him in !aptism, in which also ye are risen with Him throu h the faith of the operation of "od, who hath raised Him from the dead#" a0 A Consideration of Gerse 12 &hat is not water !aptism# 9ome of you say, "+ou see, (aul is teachin !aptismal re eneration#" (aul would ne$er do thatD 8o you thin% he would eliminate one ceremony ,ust to !rin in another one; 'f he has spiritual reality in mind in $erse 11, you can !elie$e he has it in mind in $erse 12# He would ne$er say that the chan e from spiritual death to spiritual life is done !y water# &hat would ma%e him as much a ritualist as those whom he was condemnin # (aul was the champion of spirituality, not ceremony# +ou say, ":ell, what is he tal%in a!out; :hat is this !aptism;" /10 (2AC38 '1&6 CH4'9& 't pictures the union of a !elie$er with Christ# &he word "!aptism" simply means "placed into#" +ou were placed into Christ, and water !aptism is the !eautiful picture of it# &he terminolo y !ecame synonymous in the early church, and still is# :hen you !ecame a Christian, it was as if you died, were !uried, and rose a ain in new life "throu h the faith of the operation of "od, who hath raised Him from the dead" /$# 12!0# )ust as "od raised )esus, so He raised you from the dead when you !elie$ed in Christ# +our old life died and was !uried, and you rose a new life# :hen you put your faith in Christ, you are !uried with Christ# 't*s as if you o ri ht to the cross# "od, in His timeless mind, propels you !ac% in history two thousand years, han s you on that cross, and you die there and are !uried# 6n the third day you come out of the ra$e with Christ a new life# :e are so identified !y faith with Him that we are in His death, His !urial, and His resurrection# :hat a tremendous truthD /20 (34564738 .+ "68 't is all accomplished !y "the operation of "od#" &he word "operation" is "ener y#" 't is "od*s ener y, "od*s resurrection power# "od, who raised Him from the dead, raises you from the dead# :hen you recei$e Christ you are !uried# +our old life dies and you !ecome ali$e# &here are only two thin s you can !e: dead or ali$e# /?0 (46CH438 .+ 5A'&H &he middle of $erse 12 says, "###throu h the faith of the operation of "od####" :e who !elie$e in "od*s power, we who !elie$e that "od raised )esus from the dead, will also !e raised with Him# 4omans 10:A says, "&hat if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the 2ord )esus, and shalt !elie$e in thine heart that "od hath raised Him from the dead, thou shalt !e sa$ed#" :hen you !elie$e and confess that with your mouth, your old life

dies and is !uried, and you rise in newness of life# &hat is a spiritual miracle# :e e<perience the same power with which "od raised )esus from the dead# !0 A Comparison :ith 4omans @ 't is important that we compare this truth to 4omans @# Gerse ? says, "Jnow ye not that, as many of us as were !apti=ed into )esus Christ were !apti=ed into His death;" 'n other words, ":hen you were placed into a union with Christ#" He is tal%in a!out the spiritual !aptism, not the water !aptism# Gerse E says, "&herefore, we are !uried with Him !y !aptism into death, that as Christ was raised up from the dead !y the lory of the 5ather, e$en so we also should wal% in newness of life#" :e died with Him, and we rise with Him# Gerse @ says, "Jnowin this, that our old man Bold nature, old selfC is crucified with Him, that the !ody of sin mi ht !e destroyed, that henceforth we should not ser$e sin# 5or he that is dead is freed from sin" /$$# @->0# +ou say, "'n what way are we freed from sin; :e*re not freed from e$er doin it a ain#" 1o, he*s sayin that you*re free from its conseIuences, "5or the wa es of sin is death###" /$# 2?a0# How many times can sin %ill you; 6nce# 'f you*re a Christian, then it has already %illed you# +ou ha$e already died# 9in comes to me and says, "7acArthur, '*m oin to et you !ecause you ha$e to die#" ' say, "'*$e died already, than% you# +ou can only %ill me one time and that*s it#" +ou say, ":hen did you die;" ' died in )esus Christ the moment ' put my faith in Him# ' was crucified with Christ, ne$ertheless, ' li$e# ' died once# 1ow sin has no claim on me !ecause ' died in Christ# 3$ery man will die for his sin--either alone and spend eternity in hell, or in Christ and spend eternity with "od# +ou say, ":ell what does death mean to us when we die physically;" &hat*s ,ust eliminatin the pro!lem so the ood part can !e released# 9o what (aul is sayin in 4omans is, "2oo%# &he old man is done away, the old nature is destroyed# 1ow you are free from sin*s !onda e#" 6h, you will mess up !ecause of the pro!lem of the flesh that still e<ists, !ut sin cannot lay a claim on you# Gerse 10 says, "5or in that He died, He died unto sin once; !ut in that He li$eth, He li$eth unto "od#" Gerse A says, "Jnowin that Christ, !ein raised from the dead, dieth no more; death hath no more dominion o$er Him#" He died once and that was the end of death*s dominion# Gerse 11 says, "2i%ewise, rec%on ye also yoursel$es to !e dead indeed unto sin####" How many times do you ha$e to die; 6nce, and you ha$e# 9in, death, hell, and 9atan ha$e no claim on you# +ou !elie$ers ha$e no need of e<ternal circumcision# +ou ha$e already recei$ed the true circumcision of the heart and life# +our whole sinful nature has !een cut away# +ou recei$ed it !y $irtue of your union with Christ !y faith# :hen He was !uried, your former wic%ed sel$es were !uried with Him# :hen you were resurrected as a new creature, you were resurrected with Him all !y the power of "od when you !elie$ed# 't is done and complete# &he old nature was dealt with# 1ew life has !e un and complete sal$ation is yours# +ou don*t need anythin else# 9o when some!ody says to you, ":ell, ' %now you ha$e to !elie$e, !ut you also ha$e to %eep the &en Commandments# 'f you don*t, you*re oin to et it," say to them, "1o# ' already died once and that*s all there is#" )esus died once and He dies no more# Complete sal$ation is fantasticD 9econd, our completion in Christ is seen in### !# Complete 9orgiveness /$$# 1?-1E0


"And you, !ein dead in your sins and the uncircumcision of your flesh, hath He made ali$e to ether with Him, ha$in for i$en you all trespasses, !lottin out the handwritin of ordinances that was a ainst us, which was contrary to us, and too% it out of the way, nailin it to His cross#" &o me, the most e<citin doctrine in all the .i!le is for i$eness# 'f ' felt uilty all the time for my sins and felt li%e they weren*t for i$en, '*d !e a !as%et case# Complete for i$eness approaches the same reality of completeness from another aspect# &he first one emphasi=ed the completeness of sal$ation apart from ritual, and this one emphasi=es the completeness of for i$eness apart from any wor%# 1otice that the "He" and "Him" are contrasted with the "you" in $erse 1?: 10 &he 4esult of 5or i$eness /$# 1?0 "And you, !ein dead in your sins and the uncircumcision of your flesh, hath +e made ali$e to ether with +im, ha$in for i$en you all trespasses" +ou were in !ad shape, !ut He conIuered it all# +ou share His resurrection life# a0 +6H4 (A9& 83A&H /10 "And you, !ein dead in your sins###" 8o you %now what it means to !e dead in your sins; &he phrase "dead in your sins" is also used in 3phesians 2:1# 't is called a locati$e of sphere# 't is spea%in a!out a positional reality-- you are dead in sin# :hen you were !orn, you were !orn spiritually dead# :hat does death mean; 't means "an ina!ility to respond#" 8ead people can*t respond# &he si nal that some!ody is dead is that they don*t respond# &hat*s what spiritual death is--to !e dead in sin# 't means that you are so loc%ed in sin that you are una!le to respond to "od# &he .i!le and spiritual truth ma%e no sense !ecause you are lost in the sinfulness of the world, the flesh, and the de$il# +ou can*t react to "od !ecause you are dead# +ou do not respond to stimuli# +ou are a spiritual corpse# 1ow, it isn*t !ad enou h that you were dead in your sin, (aul also says: /20 "###and the uncircumcision of your flesh###" :hat does that mean; /a0 &he 2iteral 7eanin 't is a reference to "entiles# (aul says, "+ou are dead in your sins and your "entile situation#" +ou say, ":hat*s so !ad a!out !ein a "entile;" "entiles were uncircumcised# &hat meant they were outside the co$enant# &hey did not ha$e the truth of "od# 't*s !ad to !e dead in sin, !ut it*s dou!ly !ad to !e dead in sin and not ha$e any hope !ecause you don*t ha$e the truth# &he )ew mi ht ha$e !een dead in sin, !ut at least he was in an en$ironment where the co$enant of "od was operati$e# .ut a "entile was dead in sin and outside of that co$enant# 3phesians 2:11 says, ":herefore, remem!er that ye, !ein in time past "entiles in the flesh, who are called Hncircumcision####" 'n $erse 12 (aul defines it, "&hat at that time ye were without Christ, !ein aliens from the commonwealth of 'srael, and stran ers from the co$enants of promise, ha$in no hope, and without "od in the world#" &hat*s pretty sad# 't*s one thin to !e dead in sin, !ut it*s dou!ly serious to !e dead in sin outside the co$enant, outside the promise, with no hope, and without "od in the world# +ou ha$e no information# +ou ha$e no re$elation#


:hen you are without "od, without information, without hope, and without re$elation, what do you do; :hat*s the one thin a dead man needs most; 2ife# 9o (aul says, "###hath He made ali$e to ether with Him, ha$in for i$en you all trespasses" /Col# 2:1?!0# /!0 &he 9ym!olic 'mplication ' thin% that there is a sym!olic implication in "the uncircumcision of your flesh#" He is sayin , "&hat*s an apt sym!ol of the fact that they are still su!,ect to the old nature#" !0 +6H4 (43931& 2'53 +ou were dead in sin and su!,ect to your old nature until )esus came alon # /10 "###hath He made ali$e###" &hat is precisely what 3phesians 2:E-5 says, ".ut "od, who is rich in mercy, for His reat lo$e with which He lo$ed us, e$en when we were dead in sins, hath made us ali$e to ether with Christ####" /20 "###to ether with Him###" :hat does "to ether with Him" mean; 'n some mysterious, di$ine way, when you recei$e Christ, "od sends you !ac% two thousand years, puts you on the cross with Christ, in the ra$e with Christ, and raises you with Christ# ' don*t understand that miracle# (aul says, "###made us ali$e to ether with Christ###" /3ph# 2:50, "###hath He made ali$e to ether with Him###" /Col# 2:1?0, and "###he that is ,oined unto the 2ord is one spirit" /1 Cor# @:1>0# :hen He rose, we rise# 9o, dead men are utterly defeated, utterly dominated !y sin, powerless to !rea% the chains of sin that !ind them, powerless to disco$er the truth of "od, without hope, without "od, without any choice, loc%ed into the sinful nature, and then suddenly "od ma%es them ali$e# 1ow you tell me who initiates sal$ation# +ou often hear people meanin fully say, "' found the 2ord#" 1o, He found you# +ou ha$e no more power to o$ercome your sin than a dead man does to o$ercome his own death# )esus Christ, !y His complete wor%, freed men from sin /from its power and conseIuences0 and a$e them new life--life so new, so $ital, and so li!erated that it can !e descri!ed only !y the term "resurrection life#" 3$en to the "entiles He a$e life apart from any ceremony li%e circumcision# +ou say, "8o you mean it*s possi!le for someone to !e completely restored to "od, i$en a new heart and new nature, and to ha$e a completely new relationship with "od and eternal life; How;" Colossians 2:A says, "###in Him####" Gerse 10 says, "###in Him####" Gerse 11 says, "###in whom####" Gerse 12 says, "###with Him####" Gerse 1? says, "###with Him####" 't is all possi!le !y !ein in Christ# &hat*s the %ey# (ut yourself in the hands of Christ, recei$e Him !y faith, and it all !ecomes yours# c0 +6H4 (A486138 9'1 "###ha$in for i$en you all trespasses" &hat is past tense, it*s already !een accomplished# (eople as% me this all the time: "How many of our sins ha$e !een for i$en;" :hat*s the answer; All of them# "###ha$in for i$en you all trespasses#" &hat*s miraculous#


/10 &he Comfort of 5or i$eness /a0 (salm ?2:1 -- ".lessed BHappyC is he whose trans ression is for i$en, whose sin is co$ered#" &hat*s a happy man# 't*s a happy thin to !e for i$en# ' don*t li%e to feel uilty a!out thin s# '*m so happy '*m for i$en# 'f ' thou ht there were two sins that weren*t for i$en, ' would !e a misera!le wrec%# /!0 'saiah 1:1- -- "Come now, and let us reason to ether, saith the 2648: thou h your sins !e as scarlet, they shall !e as white as snow; thou h they !e red li%e crimson, they shall !e as wool#" How much for i$eness is there; &otal# /c0 'saiah 55:> -- "2et the wic%ed forsa%e his way, and the unri hteous man his thou hts, and let him return unto the 2648, and He will ha$e mercy upon him; and to our "od; for He will a!undantly pardon#" /d0 Acts 1?:?--?A -- ".e it %nown unto you, therefore, men and !rethren, that throu h this man is preached unto you the for i$eness of sins; and !y Him all that !elie$e are ,ustified from all thin s, from which ye could not !e ,ustified !y the law of 7oses#" &otal, complete for i$eness is i$en instantly# &he moment you !elie$ed, "od for a$e the sins you had committed and were to commit# /e0 Acts 10:E? -- "&o Him i$e all the prophets witness, that throu h His name whosoe$er !elie$eth in Him shall recei$e remission of sins#" +ou recei$e for i$eness for !elie$in # +ou say, ":hat a!out confessin ;" 1o, !elie$in # Confessin does not relate to for i$eness, it relates to ac%nowled in your sin and repentin from it# 5or i$eness is already a settled matter# /f0 He!rews -:10-12 -- "5or this is the co$enant that ' will ma%e with the house of 'srael after those days, saith the 2ord: ' will put 7y laws into their mind, and write them in their hearts; and ' will !e to them a "od, and they shall !e to 7e a people# And they shall not teach e$ery man his nei h!or, and e$ery man his !rother, sayin , Jnow the 2ord; for all shall %now 7e, from the least to the reatest# 5or ' will !e merciful to their unri hteousness, and their sins and their iniIuities will ' remem!er no more#" ' am always ama=ed at the fact that there are many Christians who continue to remem!er what "od has for otten# ' used to call it a "od comple<# &he hi hest court in the uni$erse is "od, and if "od has for i$en me, then the only thin that would ,ustify the holdin of myself uilty for sin is if ' am a hi her authority than "od# 'f '*m not, then ' mi ht as well for i$e myself# /20 &he Characteristics of "od*s 5or i$eness :hat are the characteristics of "od*s for i$eness; 5irst, "od*s for i$eness is### /a0 "racious +ou didn*t earn His for i$eness; it is a ift of race# 4omans ?:2E says, ".ein ,ustified freely !y His race####" &itus ?:E-> says, ".ut after the %indness and lo$e of "od, our 9a$ior, toward man appeared, not !y wor%s of ri hteousness which we ha$e done, !ut accordin to His mercy He sa$ed us, !y the washin of re eneration, and renewin of the Holy 9pirit, which He shed on us a!undantly throu h )esus Christ, our 9a$ior, that, !ein ,ustified !y His race####" "od*s for i$eness is racious# 9econd, it is### /!0 Complete


't is a!solutely complete, nothin is missin # 3phesians 1:> says, "'n whom we ha$e redemption throu h His !lood, the for i$eness of sins, accordin to the riches of His race#" +ou say, "How much for i$eness is there;" &here is for i$eness eIual to the riches of His race# 'f you want to %now how much for i$eness you ha$e, fi ure out how much race "od has# 4omans 5:20 says, "###.ut where sin a!ounded, race did much more a!ound#" 9o no matter how much sin you*$e piled up, He has a lot more race# 5irst )ohn 2:12 says, "' write unto you, little children, !ecause your sins are for i$en you for His name*s sa%e#" &hird, "od*s for i$eness is not only racious and complete, it is### /c0 3a er "od is not sayin , "6h, why did ' e$er et into this; 1ow '*$e ot to %eep for i$in these people#" (salm -@:5 says that He is ready to for i$e# He is ea er to for i$e# 9econd Corinthians 5:1A says, "&o wit, that "od was in Christ reconcilin the world unto Himself, not imputin their trespasses unto them, and hath committed unto us the word of reconciliation#" He sends us out as am!assadors to tell e$ery!ody that "od is waitin to do the same for them# 'sn*t that fantastic; "od is ,ust waitin to do it# 9o His for i$eness is racious, complete, ea er, and fourth, "od*s for i$eness is### /d0 Certain +ou can count on His for i$eness; it*s a!solutely certain# &here are no Iuestions and no dou!ts# 'n Acts 2@:1- (aul says "od sent him to preach Christ "&o open their eyes, and to turn them from dar%ness to li ht, and from the power of 9atan unto "od, that they may recei$e for i$eness of sins, and inheritance amon them who are sanctified !y faith that is in 7e#" 'n other words, it*s !ased on "od*s promise# (aul says, "As ' ha$e seen these thin s, as ' heard Christ, and as He told me what to do and made me promise to do it, ' o out to preach#" 'n $erse 25 he said, "' am not mad, most no!le 5estus, !ut spea% forth the words of truth and so!erness#" He says, ""od has said it and ' preach it#" 't is certain and !ased on His promise# 5ifth, His for i$eness is### /e0 HneIualed 'f you*re loo%in for for i$eness, o to "od; you will ne$er find for i$eness li%e His# 7icah >:1- says, ":ho is a "od li%e unto &hee, who pardoneth iniIuity, and passeth !y the trans ression of the remnant of His herita e;###" Ha$e you e$er %nown a "od li%e that; &he pa ans ne$er in$ented one# :ho is a "od li%e the 6ne who pardons so much; 5urther, the for i$eness of "od is not only racious, complete, ea er, certain and uneIualed, !ut it is### /f0 7oti$atin +ou say, ":hat do you mean !y moti$atin ;" 3phesians E:?2 says, "And !e ye %ind one to another, tenderhearted, for i$in one another, e$en as "od, for Christ*s sa%e, hath for i$en you#" 'f "od has not totally for i$en us, that principle is messed up# He says, "5or i$e totally and completely, ,ust as "od has for i$en you#"


5or i$eness is total, complete, and fore$er for the Christian# &here is no such thin as unfor i$en sin in the life of a Christian# 't is all for i$en# 1ow let*s loo% at $erse 1E: 20 &he 4ecord of 5or i$eness /$# 1E0 ".lottin out the handwritin of ordinances that was a ainst us, which was contrary to us, and too% it out of the way, nailin it to His cross" ' want you to loo% at two words on which the entire idea of "od*s for i$eness hin es: a0 &he Auto raph .lottin out the handwritin of ordinances that was a ainst us###" &he "ree% word for "handwritin " is cheiro raphon"# 2iterally, it means "auto raph#" 9o the $erse can read, ".lottin out the auto raph####" &he technical use of this word is interestin # 't was a handwritten note of a de!tor ac%nowled in his inde!tedness# 't literally was an '#6#H#: "', )ohn 7acArthur, owe you fi$e hundred dollars# 9i ned, )ohn 7acArthur#" &hat is a cheiro raphon--a handwritin # 't was a si ned confession of de!t# +our sin and mine piled up a de!t to "od# :e owed "od and we had to pay# &he de!t was "a ainst us#" 'n other words, it would destroy us and condemn us# :e couldn*t pay it# &he "handwritin " was a self-confessed reco nition of those de!ts# .ut when you are willin to si n it and say, "'t*s true# ' will si n my name on that line# &hese are my de!ts," it is then that "od !loc%s it out# !0 &he 3raser "###which was contrary to us, and too% it out of the way, nailin it to His cross" 2iterally, )esus wiped off the de!t, li%e erasin a !lac%!oard# &hat is the for i$eness of "od# &he day you wal%ed up to "od and si ned your confession is the day He erased it# :hat were you confessin ; 9in# &he su!stance on which ancient documents were written was papyrus, a %ind of paper made of the !ulrush; or $ellum, a su!stance from an animal hide# .oth were fairly e<pensi$e and wouldn*t !e wasted# 9ince no ancient in% had any acid in it, the in% ne$er !it into the papyrus or the $ellum, !ut laid on the surface# 'f no!ody messed with it, the in% would remain# 9ometimes a scri!e, in order to preser$e his paper !ecause he didn*t ha$e much money, would simply ta%e a spon e and wipe the in% off the papyrus or $ellum and use it a ain# &hat*s e<actly what (aul is sayin # :hen you recei$ed )esus Christ and si ned your confession, that*s when "od nailed it to His cross, paid the penalty, and wiped it clean# 9o "od, !y our faith in Christ, too% that indictment and nailed it to the cross# :e si ned it and He erased it# 8o you %now what*s left; 1ot one trace# He remem!ers it no more# &hat is complete for i$eness# 6h the wonder of that %ind of raceD :e ha$e seen complete sal$ation, complete for i$eness, and third, let*s loo% at### c# Complete :ictory /$# 150 "And, ha$in spoiled principalities and powers, He made a show of them openly, triumphin o$er them in it#" (aul is sayin to those Colossians, "8on*t mess around with those aeons and intermediary spirits# &hey were all destroyed at the cross#" :hen )esus died, He spoiled the principalities and powers# He made a pu!lic demonstration o$er them and triumphed


o$er them# :here was it that )esus !ruised the head of 9atan /"en# ?:150; At the cross# :here was it that He !ro%e his power; At the cross# :here was it that He too% away the power of death; At the cross# 10 He!rews 2:1E-15 -- "5orasmuch, then, as the children are parta%ers of flesh and !lood, He also Himself li%ewise too% part of the same, that throu h death He mi ht destroy him that had the power of death, that is, the de$il, and deli$er them who, throu h fear of death, were all their lifetime su!,ect to !onda e#" 9atan*s dominion was !ro%en at the cross# As Christ was suspended on the cross, no dou!t the demons were ha$in a carni$al seein Him !ound hand and foot to the wood in apparent wea%ness and defeat# &hey ima ined He was their $ictim, !ut how wron they were# He mastered them e$en in death# 20 1 (eter ?:1A -- ".y whom also He went and preached unto the spirits in prison#" :hen His !ody went into the ra$e, His spirit went into the place where the demons were !ound# He proclaimed His $ictory o$er them ri ht to their faces in that place# :ho are the spirits; .ound demons# He proclaimed His triumph, and they were disa!led and dethroned# 9o the cross and the resurrection is the answer to the heresy !e uilin the minds of those li$in in the 2ycus $alley# &here is no point in payin tri!ute to principalities or powers that ha$e !een $anIuished !y )esus# :hat a $ictoryD .ut for the ospel, man is a puppet in the hands of fate# "#H#C# 7ac"re or says, ":e are still conscious that, apart from the $ictory of Christ, man is a helpless $ictim in a hostile cosmos# 't is little comfort to us that the ine<ora!le fate which was once e<pressed in terms of the influence of the stars, concei$ed as personal demons, is now e<pressed in terms of psycholo ical or physical or economic determinism# :e still as% how a man is to triumph o$er an e$il heredity, or how can he !e free and $ictorious in a world of ri id law and scientific necessity# :e still suffer from astronomical intimidation--terror at the insi nificance of man and the $astness of the material uni$erse encompassin him#" 7an has this fear of !ein crushed, sooner or later, !y an intimidatin uni$erse and cosmos that he cannot e<plain# &here is only one messa e of hope that comes firin throu h: )esus Christ, the crucified )esus Christ, is risen and is 2ord of all# And the forces of the uni$erse are su!,ect to Him as their Creator and their ConIueror# &he people in Colosse feared the demons, the an els, and the stars, !ut !ecause of )esus Christ we fear nothin # :hat a confidenceD &he death of Christ was a transformation, a pardon, and a triumph, and that ma%es for a complete sal$ation# 9ocusing on the 9acts 1# &o what e<tent did )esus physically heal people; :hat one word !est represents the results of the healin ; :hat is the !est translation of that word; 2# :hat is the connection !etween the physical healin and the spiritual healin performed !y )esus; :hat other phrase of (aul descri!es that spiritual healin ; ?# :hat happens to a person when He recei$es )esus Christ; :hat types of thin s does he no lon er need; E# :hat does a person recei$e at sal$ation; How does he recei$e it; /2 (et# 1:?0


5# :hom does )esus Christ rule; @# :hat are the three ways in which all !elie$ers are complete; ># :hat %ind of circumcision is (aul referrin to in Colossians 2:11; -# :hat was circumcision a si n of; :hat were the two $iews of circumcision within the nation of 'srael; A# 3<plain the sur ical sal$ation $iew of circumcision# :hy was this $iew erroneous; 9upport your answer# :hat is the correct $iew of circumcision; /see pp# <<-<<0 10# :hat is "the circumcision made without hands"; :hat is true circumcision; 11# :hat is emphasi=ed !y the fact that the actual rite of circumcision was performed on the or an that produces life; 12# 'n spite of ha$in a new nature, why do Christians still sin; 9upport your answer# /4om# >:15-250 1?# How are you to !rin your !eha$ior into harmony with your new nature; /4om# -:1?0 1E# :hat does (aul mean !y "!aptism" in Colossians 2:12; How does water !aptism relate to this; 15# How is our !urial and resurrection with Christ accomplished; :hat part does "od play; How do we !ecome identified with Christ; 1@# :hy does sin no lon er ha$e any claims on a !elie$er; 8oes that mean that !elie$ers ne$er sin; 3<plain# 1># :hat does it mean to !e dead in your sins; 1-# :hat is the literal meanin of the phrase "the uncircumcision of your flesh"; :hat is the sym!olic implication; 1A# :hy was it dou!ly !ad to !e a "entile; 20# :ho initiates sal$ation; 3<plain and support your answer# 21# How is it possi!le for you to !e completely restored to "od, i$en a new heart and new nature, and ha$e a completely new relationship with "od; 22# How many of the !elie$ers* sins ha$e !een for i$en; 2?# :hat does confession of sin relate to; 2E# 'f "od has for i$en all !elie$ers, what is the only thin that could ,ustify any one of those !elie$ers for holdin himself uilty of sin; 25# :hat are the characteristics of "od*s for i$eness; 3<plain each one# 2@# :hat was the "handwritin of ordinances that was a ainst us"; :hat was the technical use of the word "handwritin ";


2>#As sinners, what was the de!t that we owed; :hat happened to the de!t on the day we ac%nowled ed the de!t and !elie$ed "od; 2-# :hat happened to 9atan and his demons at the cross; *ondering the *rinciples 1# &hin% on the times that you ha$e !een physically sic%# How did you feel; 8id you e$er wish that you could suddenly !e well; &hin% of the time in your life that you were the most sic%# 1ow ma nify that !y a hundred, a thousand, or a million times, and that is how sic% your soul was !efore you %new )esus Christ# And yet He healed you in an instant# &hou h you will continue to !e physically sic% on occasion, will your soul e$er !e sic% a ain; &o remem!er how we ha$e !een made well spiritually, memori=e )ohn 1:1@: "And of His fullness ha$e all we recei$ed, and race for race#" 2# 2oo% up the followin $erses: 4omans ?:20; E:15; >:A-11; 2 Corinthians ?:@; "alatians ?:10-12, 21# Accordin to those $erses, why is it that the letter /or e<ternals0 %ills; :hat is the purpose of the law; :hat is the result for someone who tries to ,ustify himself !y the law; How is a man ,ustified; 2oo% up the followin $erses: )ohn @:@?; 4omans -:2# :hat is the only way for a man to ain life; :hat is the !enefit of the law of the 9pirit for you; 2oo% up the followin $erses: )ohn 5:21; 4omans E:1>; 1 Corinthians 15:E5; 3phesians 2:1, 5; 1 (eter ?:1-# Accordin to those $erses, who i$es you life; As a result of this study, how are we to o!ey "od as a !elie$er; 4ead 4omans -:5-1?# :hat is the only way that you can o!ey "od; 6f what !enefit are e<ternals to or your sal$ation; 6f what !enefit is the flesh to your o!edience; &han% "od that He has i$en you the resource for o!edience# ?# :hat does "od*s for i$eness mean to you; :hat did you need to !e for i$en of; 5or i$eness is yours as a child of "od, !ut that does not rule out the importance of confessin those sins you still commit on a daily !asis# :hat present sins are unconfessed in your life; &a%e this time to confess those sins to "od ri ht now# 7a%e the commitment to repent from those same sins# E# 4e$iew the characteristics of "od*s for i$eness# 3<amine the characteristics of your for i$eness# 8o you reflect "od*s mercy in your for i$eness of others; 8o you for i$e others no matter how sinful they are; Are you ready and ea er to for i$e others, or are you ready to condemn them; Are you so certain of "od*s for i$eness that you preach it to others, con$incin them of "od*s promise to for i$e if they will come to Him; Are you tryin to row so that you can reflect the uneIualed for i$eness of "od in your relationships with others; Are you moti$ated to for i$e others !ased on "od*s for i$eness of you; 7ost of us need to row in all of those areas# 4ead 3phesians E:?2# 7a%e that the oal of your relationships#

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