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We are thankful to Alm !ht" !o# $ho !a%e u& the &tren!th to $ork on &u'h a (ro)e't an# !a n tremen#ou& kno$le#!e* W th all #ue re&(e't I $oul# l ke to thank our n&tru'tor Bhanu (r "a mam $ho ha%e +een a !reat nfluen'e on u& throu!h out the (ro)e't an# hel( u& $ th all the (ro+lem& $e en'ounter, &he tau!ht u& an# +een %er" (ol te an# hel(ful* It $a& n#ee# #ue to her effort $e a'h e%e &u''e&&*


E-e'ut %e &ummar" Intro#u't on H &tor" A'h e%ement& Bran# %alue Market n! m Market anal"& & of 'on&umer +eha% or to$ar# tooth(a&te& Market anal"& & for Clo&e-u( Re'ommen#at on& an# f n# n!& Con'lu& on A((en# -

E!"#uti$" Summary

Our (ro)e't & +a&e# on the 'on&umer att tu#e an# +eha% or for that $e ha# to 'on#u't a &ur%e" throu!h .ue&t oner* We &ele'te# to 'on#u't &ur%e" on 'on&umer +eha% or to$ar#& tooth(a&te an# our ma n tar!et & C/OSE UP* We f lle# out 011 .ue&t oner& from # fferent !rou(& (eo(le to f n# out $h 'h tooth (a&te the" are u& n! an# $h"* O%er all $e !et the re&ult& that mo&t of the (eo(le are u& n! CO/2ATE* A& t & the market lea#er an# C/OSE UP hol#& the &e'on# (o& t on n the market* All the #eta le# re&ult& are ! %en n the re(ort further $ th 'om(lete market anal"& &* In the en# $e l ke to Thank& our n&tru'tor Bhanu (r "a mam $ho ! %e& u& &u'h (ro)e't to enhan'e our kno$le#!e an# to m(lement all our &tu# e& (ra't 'all"*

Our (ro)e't re(ort & +a&e# on the 'on&umer +eha% or to$ar#& tooth(a&te* In $h 'h $e &ele't the +ran# Clo&e u( that & the (ro#u't of Un le%er* Un le%er & one of the $orl#3& !reate&t 'on&umer !oo#& 'om(an e&* Un le%er Pak &tan / m te# $a& e&ta+l &he# &ome f ft" "ear& a!o n the then ne$l" 'reate# Pak &tan* The to$n of Rah m 4ar 5han $a& the & te 'ho&en for &ett n! u( a %e!eta+le o l fa'tor" n 0678 an# that & $here the f r&t manufa'tur n! fa' l t" $a& #e%elo(e#* To#a", Un le%er Pak &tan & a for'e to re'kon $ th* It& 'ontr +ut on to Pak &tan3& e'onom ' #e%elo(ment 'annot +e o%ere&t mate#* No$ o(erat n! f %e fa'tor e& at # fferent lo'at on& aroun# the 'ountr", the 'om(an" 'ontr +ute& a & !n f 'ant (ro(ort on of the 'ountr"3& ta-e&* It em(lo"& a lar!e num+er of lo'al mana!er& an# $orker&* It (ro% #e& a (ool of $ell-tra ne# an# h !hl" mot %ate# man(o$er to other &e!ment& of the 'om(an" an# ha& ntro#u'e# ne$ an# nno%at %e te'hnolo! e& nto the 'ountr"* It & #e# 'ate# to !reat +ran#& that hel( (eo(le look !oo#, feel !oo# an# !et more out of l fe* At the &ame t me t3& a 'om(an" that tr e& to a't re&(on& +l" to$ar#& t& 'ommun t e& an# the en% ronment* The a m & to a## % tal t" to l fe* It3& a + ! am+ t on, +ut t3& al$a"& +een r !ht at the heart of our +u& ne&&* Clo&e-U(9 #e+ute# n 06:; a& a 'lear re# !el $ th a &( '" ' nnamon ta&te an# mouth$a&h r !ht n the tooth(a&te* A un .ue +ran# #ent t" $a& #e%elo(e#, $ th Clo&e-U(9 (o& t one# a& the tooth(a&te that ! %e& (eo(le 'onf #en'e n tho&e %er" <u( 'lo&e an# (er&onal< & tuat on&* It &tron!l" a((eale# to $ho 'on&umer& l ke# the #ea of tooth(a&te that 'oul# ! %e them fre&h +reath, $h te teeth an#, &u+&e.uentl", a l ttle e-tra &elf'onf #en'e* Clo&e-u( & the f r&t to 'om+ ne tooth(a&te an# mouth$a&h n one an# not onl" fre&hen& +reath an# $h ten& teeth, t al&o 'onta n& fluor #e to hel( (re%ent 'a% t e&* That3& the Clo&e-U( feel n!, the feel n! of +e n! "our +e&t=

In the earl" 06;1&, Col!ate $a& k n! > to the e-tent of +e n! !ener ' to the tooth(a&te 'ate!or"* ?am l" health +ran#& $ere the or#er of the #a", $ th (la"er& l ke C +a'a, ?orhan&, Prom &e an# S !nal* Clearl", there $a& am(le &(a'e for 'reat n! (lea&ure +enef t& n th & health-#om nate# &'enar o* In 06;7 Clo&eu( $a& te&t markete# n &ele't to$n& at a @AB (r 'e (rem um o%er Col!ate* It $a& the f r&t Tooth(a&te C Mouth$a&h (ro#u't, the marr a!e of $h 'h $a& a re#, tran&(arent !el* The te&t& !enerate# (o& t %e re&(on&e an# f %e "ear& later, the +ran# $a& rolle# out nat onall"* In 'ommun 'at on, the +ran# (ro)e'te# a $e&tern De# u( market ur+an ma!er", $here the (rota!on &t& en)o"e# the #ual +enef t& of fre&h +reath an# &h n" $h te teeth* The laun'h !arnere# a mo#e&t +ut (rom & n! &hare of @B* ?urther, n a &trate! ' mo%e to n'rea&e the +ran#E& rele%an'e 're#ent al&, a u&erFnon-u&er format $a& em(lo"e#* Th & (er o# al&o $ tne&&e# the 'reat on of the mo&t memora+le au# o-% &ual +urr& > the (rota!on &tE& &elf-'he'k for +reath fre&hne&& +" +lo$ n! out Gha-haE* When he &m le# a &(arkle $oul# a((ear on h & teeth a''om(an e# $ th a # &t n't Gt n!E &oun#* The 'on&umer& $ere al&o a&&ure# of the #o-!oo#ne&& of the (ro#u't $hen the" &a$ a me# ' nal look n! +ottle (our n! mouth$a&h nto the !el* ?la%our %ar ant& H+lue an# !reenI for enhan'e# $h tene&& an# fre&h +reath $ere ntro#u'e# to kee( the ntere&t al %e on fre&her +reath an# $h ter teeth* The&e %ar ant& a!a n (u&he# the +oun#ar e& of % &ual # &'ont nu t" > attra't %e look n! an# !reat ta&t n! (a&te&, 'lear !el& $ th 'oloure# !ranule&, !reen !el $ th &u&(en#e# o-"!en +u++le&* Ho$e%er the&e %ar ant& fa le# to e-' te the 'on&umer& enou!h to n#u'e re(eat (ur'ha&e*

Clo&eu( ha& trul" +een a 'hallen!er +ran# n the tooth(a&te market* It& + !!e&t a'h e%ement ha& +een t& a+ l t" to 'ar%e out a # &t n't, # fferent ate# &e!ment* When laun'he# n the 06;1&, Clo&eu( $a& the f r&t !el tooth(a&te n Pak &tan an# the f r&t tooth(a&te $ th mouth$a&h* ?or the f r&t t me, (eo(le ha# the o(t on to +ru&h $ th tran&(arent, &h n", +r !ht re# tooth(a&te* ?or the f r&t t me, too, tooth(a&te ta&te# !oo# > &( '" 'lo%e an# '" mouth$a&h* Clo&eu( eman' (ate# morn n!& from the r +or n! $h te tooth(a&te rout ne&* Wh le other& offere# 'a% t" 'ontrol an# &tron! teeth, Clo&eu( offere# the 'o&met ' +enef t& of &u(er or fre&h +reath an# &h n" $h te teeth* Th & $a& +a&e# on a &tron! an# rele%ant 'on&umer n& !ht that (eo(le are 'on&' ou& of ho$ the r +reath &mell& onl" $hen the" are u( 'lo&e > e&(e' all" $ th the o((o& te &e-* W th the #ual +enef t& of fre&h +reath an# $h te teeth, the +ran# allo$e# (eo(le to !et o%er the r n&e'ur t" of +a# +reath an# !et 'lo&er to ea'h other* Clo&eu( # #nEt )u&t (rom &e the "oun! romant '& fre&her +reath an# $h ter teeth, t al&o (rom &e# them the 'onf #en'e to !et u( 'lo&e to the (er&on that mattere# the mo&t* Clo&eu( a((ro(r ate# the $orl# of ha((" &m le&, of ha((" 'ou(le& ha% n! fun to!ether* Con& &tent 'ommun 'at on n th & !enre hel(e# 'reate a # &t n't, a&( rat onal ma!er" for the +ran# that ha& rema ne# &tron! o%er t me* Sa" G!elE an# (eo(le $ ll &a" Clo&eu(* Ment on Gre#, &h n" (a&teE an# (eo(le $ ll &a" Clo&eu(* Talk a+out G'onf #en'e, "outh an# roman'eE an# the an&$er & Clo&e u( a!a n* Th & +ran# ha& rema ne# & n!ularl" fo'u&e# an# 'lear: the re# !el, "oun! (eo(le, 'lo&e-u(& of refre&h n! +reath an# o%erall, the 'onf #en'e thatE& eternall" #e& ra+le amon!&t out$ar#-look n! (eo(le n a !ro$ n! nat on*

Brand (a)u"'
J &ru(t %e, # fferent ate#, emot onal, ener!et ', fo'u&e# are Clo&e-u(E& & !nature .ual t e&* Wh le the (ro#u't u(hol#& the %alue of +alan' n! (lea&ure an# (erforman'e, the +ran# o(erate& on the %alue& of nno%at on an# authent ' t"* O(erat n! n the emot onal arena of 'onf #en'e, the +ran# e&&ent all" a m& at o$n n! the 'au&e of Gem(o$ermentE* B" #el %er n! the #e& re# oral &tate, the +ran# en#ea%or& to +e the &hot n the arm for a (er&onE& &elf-'onf #en'e*

R"#"nt D"$")%*m"nt'
Th & & a 'ate!or" 'hara'ter De# +" lo$ n%ol%ement, lar!e amount& of fl rt n! +et$een +ran#& an# fam l" 'ho 'e > $h 'h mean& that thereE& )u&t one tu+e for the $hole fam l"* /a'k of n# % #ual 'ho 'e 'reate& a + ! 'hallen!e for a +ran# thatE& (o& t one# on n# % #ual nee#* The +e&t a#%ert &ement& e%er on the +ran#, $here the h !h !roun# of the fre&her +reath +enef t ha& +een (ortra"e# $ th the thou!ht that $hen the Clo&e u( !u" o(en& h & mouth, ma! ' +e! n& to ha((en* Th & a!a n & a melo# ou& foot ta(( n! a#%ert &ement that & on the l (& of all, "oun! an# ol#*



In an n#u&tr" $here te'hnolo!" ha& almo&t 'ome to a &tan# &t ll an# tooth(a&te & )u&t tooth(a&te, the one + ! &tren!th of Clo&eu( & t& # &t n't %e (ro#u't* In a $orl# of $h te (a&te&, Clo&eu( o$n& the m n# &(a'e of +r !ht re# !el&* Wh le $h te (a&te& u&e 'al' um 'ar+onate, Clo&eu( !el u&e& & l 'a a& t& +a&e* S l 'a & 'on& #ere# a more eff ' ent a+ra& %e an# an n!re# ent thatE& non-rea't %e to other element&, n the formulat on > l ke fla%our& or a't %e&* Clo&e u( & offer n! the follo$ n! f %e t"(e& of tooth(a&te n market: 0* K* A* @* 7* :* Clo&e u( Clo&e u( Clo&e u( Clo&e u( Clo&e u( Clo&e u( HCr"&tal $ th &oft +lue !ranule&I H/emmon m ntI HMenthol 'h llI HRe# hotI HWh te teeth fre&h +reathI HM lk Cal' um nutr entI

0A1 !ram&
Clo&e u( HCr"&tal $ th &oft +lue !ranule&I Clo&e u( H/emmon m ntI Clo&e u( HMenthol 'h llI Clo&e u( HRe# hotI Clo&e u( HWh te teeth fre&h +reathI R& 77 R& 77 R& 77 R& 77 R& 77

,uantity - Pri#"'
;7 !ram&
R& A7 R& A7 R& A7 R& A7 R& A7

R& 07 R& 07 R& 07 R& 07 R& 07

Clo&e u( & ea& l" a%a la+le at e%er" reta l &tore L &u(er &tore* The r tar!et market & (eo(le of e%er" a!e !rou( n'lu# n! 'h l#ren, teena!er& L ol# a!e* Ma nl" t a((eal& more to "oun!&ter&, teena!er&*

?or (romot on of the r (ro#u't& the" u&e 'erta n 'hannel&: TV a#%ert &ement Ne$&(a(er& Ma!aD ne& Ra# oMet'

Clo&eu( a#%ert &ement& are mu'h a$a te# for the" (a nt a +eaut ful $orl# of fun an# "outhfulne&&, free of #a"-to-#a" $orr e&* Clo&eu( a#%ert & n! & the all-&on!, all-#an'e*


Mar."t Ana)y'i' %/ C%n'um"r B"ha$i%r t%0ard T%%th*a't"'

We 'on#u'te# the &ur%e" throu!h .ue&t oner& to anal"De the market an# 'on&umer +eha% or to$ar#& tooth(a&te* The re&ult& are &ho$n +elo$ $ th the hel( of !ra(h&*


:AB .ue&t oner& f lle# +" &tu#ent&, KKB +" em(lo"ee&,01B +" hou&e $ %e& an# 7B +" (eo(le relate# to # fferent o''u(at on* Th & &ho$& that mo&t of our re&ear'h & +a&e# on &tu#ent& a!e !rou( +et$een 07 "ear& to K7 "ear&*


40% 35% 30% 25% 20% 15% 10% 5% 0% Colga ! Clo"! #$ Ma%l!a&" S!&"o'(&! )o*+a&" O +!*"

Th & !ra(h #e( 't& a+out the 'on&um(t on of # fferent tooth(a&te n the market* That &ho$& Col!ate & u&e# A;B, 'lo&e u( & K@B, ma'lean& & 0;B* O%erall Col!ate & the market lea#er n tooth(a&te& an# 'lo&e u( & the &e'on# lar!e&t +ran# 'on&ume n 5ara'h *

Mar."t Ana)y'i' /%r C)%'"-u*


M,LE 3-% M,LE )EM,LE

)EM,LE 62%

Th & # a!ram &ho$& the 'on&um(t on of Clo&e u( $ th re&(e't to !en#er*

-0% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% " #'!& " !.$lo(!!" +o#"! /01!"

Th & &ho$& the rat o that ;7B&tu#ent&, K1*8B em(lo"ee& an# @*KB hou&e $ %e& are u& n! Clo&e u(*


Y!" 42% No 5-%

Y!" No

Th & # a!ram & relate# to that ho$ mu'h (er&on& are +ran# 'on&' ou& to$ar#& Clo&e u(* A& the re&ult &ho$& @KB are +ran# 'on&' ou& an# 78B are not*

Th & &ho$& that 6:B (eo(le are &at &f e# $ th the u&e of Clo&e u(*
Y!" No

No 4%

Y!" 26%

$*0%! 0& !*." o3 4#al0 (
100% -0% 60% 40% 20% 0% )a0* 5 *!a"o&a6l! E7$!&"01!

8AB (eo(le are &a" n! n term of .ual t" the (r 'e& of Clo&e u( are ?a r an# rea&ona+le $h le 0;B are &a" n! t & E-(en& %e*

8#al0 ( 0& !*." o3 $*0%!
70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0%

9oo' Sa 0"3a% o*( No "a 0"3a% o*(

:;B (eo(le a!ree# that a''or# n! to (r 'e the Nual t" of Clo&e u( & !oo#, K6B &a" n! t & &at &fa'tor" an# @B are &a" n! t & not &at &f e#*

l!"" +a& a (!a* 25% 2 (!a*"


.o*! +a& 2 (!a*" 25% Th & # a!ram &ho$& that & n'e ho$ lon! (eo(le are u& n! 'lo&e u( 'ont nuou&l"*



o/& !7$!*0!&%! TV a'1!* 0"!.!&

50% -:40%

/o*' o3 .o# +

Th & &ho$& ho$ (eo(le !et attra'te# to$ar# Clo&e u(*

R"#%mm"ndati%n' and 1indin2'

After anal"D n! the market for 'on&um(t on of Clo&e u( $e f n# thatO Clo&e u( & the &e'on# lar!e&t +ran# n 5ara'h 'on&ume# +" # fferent !rou(& of (eo(le* Clo&e u( & more u&e# +" female& than male&* Clo&e u( & more (o(ular n "oun!&ter& l ke &tu#ent&, teena!er& et'* Clo&e u( & not the market lea#er n 5ara'h FPak &tan t& +e'au&e of not mu'h (romote# a& Col!ate* Althou!h 'lo&e u( & not the market lea#er +ut &t ll (eo(le ha%e %er" !oo# ma!e of t an# t ha& the (otent al to +e'ome a Market lea#er* R"#%mm"ndati%n': A& to lea# the market t &houl# +e (romote# more an# more ma nl" throu!h TV a#%ert &ement* Un le%er &houl# re% e$ t& market n! &trate!" to 'om(ete $ th t& ma)or 'om(et tor&* Clo&e u( &houl# a#o(t &ome (romot onal offer& a& $ell*

?rom our market anal"& & of 'on&umer +eha% or to$ar# tooth (a&te $e !et the re&ult& that C/OSE UP & hol# n! the &e'on# (o& t on n market after Col!ate* Bru&h n! "our teeth at lea&t t$ 'e a #a" & the +e&t $a" to kee( "our teeth health" an# fre&h* U& n! Clo&e-U(9 ! %e& "ou the 'onf #en'e to +e 3u('lo&e an# %er" (er&onal3 to that &(e' al (er&on or (eo(le n "our l fe Bru&h n! $ th Clo&e-U( &tart& $ th a +la&t of fla%or that "ou 'an a'tuall" feel fre&hen n! "our +reath* A& "ou +ru&h, Clo&e-U( !et& "our teeth 'leaner, $h ter an# +r !hter, &o "ou3re rea#" to &m le, rea#" to lau!h * * * rea#" for an"th n!= Clo&e-u( & the f r&t to 'om+ ne tooth(a&te an# mouth$a&h n one an# not onl" fre&hen& +reath an# $h ten& teeth, t al&o 'onta n& fluor #e to hel( (re%ent 'a% t e&* That3& the Clo&e-U( feel n!, the feel n! of +e n! "our +e&t=


I am &haha#at *We are 'on#u't n! a &ur%e" on 'on&umer +eha% or to$ar# tooth(a&te* We $oul# l ke "ou to an&$er fe$ .ue&t on&, $h 'h onl" take A m nute& of "our t me* Nam": "nd"r: HaI Male A2": HaI 07-K7 H#I @7-77 O##u*ati%n: HaI Stu#ent H+I hou&e$ fe H'I em(lo"ee H+I K7-A7 HeI 77 a+o%e H'I A7-@7 H+I ?emale 333333333333333333333333333333

H#I Other H&(e' f"I PPPPPPPPPPPPP Y%ur )i$in2 L%#ati%n 4Ar"a53333333333333333 Y%ur m%nth)y in#%m" )i"' 6"t0""n: HaI Belo$ 7111 H#I 07111-K1111 Whi#h t%%th*a't" y%u u'"7 HaI Clo&e u( H+I Col!ate H'I Ma'/ean& H+I 7111-01111 HeI a+o%e K1,111 H'I01,111-07,111

H#I Other H&(e' f"I PPPPPPPPPPPPP Ar" y%u 6rand #%n'#i%u'7 HaI 4e& Y%u u'" it 6"#au'" %/: HaI Nual t" H+I Pr 'e H'I me# a attra't on H+I No

H#I I am +ran# 'on&' ou&

Ar" y%u 'ati'/i"d 0ith th" u'" %/ it7 HaI 4e& I/ n%8 0hy7 HaI H !h (r 'e H'I Not ea& l" a%a la+le What ma."' y%u t% 6uy and #%n'um" it7 HaI Nual t" H#I A%a la+ l t" H+I Pr 'e HeI Promot onal offer& H'I Ta&te H+I .ual t" #o&e not meet "our &tan#ar# H+I No

Ba'"d %n th" 9ua)ity 0hat d% y%u thin. %/ *ri#"7 HaI E-(en& %e H+I ?a r an# rea&ona+le H'I Chea(

Ba'"d %n th" *ri#" 0hat d% y%u thin. %/ 9ua)ity7 HaI 2oo# H+I &at &fa'tor" H'I not &at &fa'tor"

Sin#" h%0 )%n2 y%u ar" u'in2 thi' 6rand7 HaI /e&& then a "ear &%0 y%u 2"t attra#t"d t%0ard' it7 HaI T*V A#%ert &ement H#I O$n e-(er en'e H+I Ne$&(a(er H'I $or# of mouth H+I K "ear& H'I More then K "ear&

Than. y%u /%r 2i$in2 y%ur tim"

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