LAP For KSSR LVL 1 English

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Primary School English

KSSR Curriculum School Based Assessment Pack

PBS Level 1
Limbang Assessment Pack
A complete pack of school based assessment suggestions. Designed by teachers for teachers. Resource CD included. Covers KSSR Year 1, 2 & 3 English (SK Schools)
Trial Version August 2013

British Council

English Language Teacher Development Project East Malaysia 2011 2013


Pack designed and compiled by ELTDP teachers of Limbang, Sarawak

Produced with the generous support of: Pejabat Pendidikan Daerah Limbang, Sarawak

Introduction to Trial Version

This assessment pack, together with the attached CD of electronic materials (inside back cover), provides a comprehensive resource for Year 1, 2 & 3 English primary school teachers. At least one example of an assessment is provided for each of the Pentaksiran Berasaskan Sekolah (PBS) band descriptor statements across each of the three years. Level 1 English teachers are encouraged to evaluate the assessments and adapt them for their own classes. The pack has been designed and compiled by Limbang ELTDP teachers who have been working with the KSSR curriculum from the start, teachers who are now very familiar with the PBS assessment system. When correctly administered all the assessments should be engaging for the children, in line with KSSR principles, whilst also being valid and accurate tests for their respective band descriptors. Being fun and educational activities in their own right, use of the assessments does not have to be restricted to evaluating pupils abilities. The pack is to be trialed in a selection of schools in Limbang district during 2014. Schools participating in the trial are asked to feedback all the information they can on the pack by the end of September 2014 e.g. amendments or suggestions for improvements. Feedback should be given to Nurul Jannah Binti Baharin, contact details below. It is intended that the pack be released to a wider audience following the trial. Paul Hughes British Council Mentor, Limbang September 2013

This assessment pack is the result of the following teachers and staff working collaboratively on the ELTDP project in Limbang, Sarawak from 2011 to 2013: Narudin Bin Chesah, Khadijah Binti Mohd. Salleh : Christina Ayan, Nurul Jannah Binti Baharin, Irawin Jepun: Pragash Thomas, Josephine Geriso: Julfika Bin Pandin, Nasuha Binti Nasir: Sahariman Bin Arbi, Nur Ibtishami Binti Samsudin: Paul Hughes: Dyg Norhana Binti Awang Rambli: SK Tedungan SK St. Edmund SK RC Kubong SK Gadong SK Telahak British Council Mentor PPD Limbang District Language Officer

Please send any comments or suggestions about this trail version pack to Nurul Jannah Binti Baharin (

Guiding Statements ............................................................................. 1 KSSR English Year 1 Assessments ......................................................... 4 KSSR English Year 2 Assessments ....................................................... 38 KSSR English Year 3 Assessments ....................................................... 78 Appendix 1: Performance Standards ............................................... 118

Guiding Statements
By teachers for teachers: To assist with the understanding and administering of KSSR PBS Level 1 English Assessments

Designing and administering solid assessments

Assessments are not only an opportunity for the teacher to test the childrens abilities. They are part of the childrens learning process and so should be engaging and motivational. Assessments do not have to be on paper. Assessments that dont use paper can be just as valid and are often more engaging for the children. (If there is no paper evidence in an assessment then the child can be the evidence). The best assessments will be valid (they test what they should) and motivational. Teachers should build up their own physical banks of assessments that they are comfortable to administer (the assessments in this pack can be adapted or used as they are). Teachers can teach more efficiently if they are aware of all the band descriptors and how to assess them. A physical bank of teacher specific assessments is evidence of a professional attitude to teaching.

Loss of standardisation is an advantage in PBS

It should not worry teachers that thousands of different ways of assessing KSSR Level 1 English are being used in classrooms across Malaysia. Such same test standardisation is not the aim of PBS. Each class is unique and with PBS the teacher can tailor the assessments to the class. The time for the childrens first standard assessment will come soon enough in Year 6 with UPSR. There are no standard KSSR Level 1 English assessments. Teachers should trust their own professionalism when designing assessments. Teachers only have to satisfy themselves that their assessments are valid and motivational. Teachers should not worry whether an assessment is somehow standard. Teachers can use readymade KSSR assessments (many of these are available in bookshops and on the internet). Yet teachers should not use them simply because they think they are somehow standard.

Passing or Failing an assessment

When designing an assessment a teacher should specify a minimum pass criteria. A child can pass an assessment only if they meet or exceed the minimum pass criteria. Under some circumstances a teacher may choose to fail a child even if they have met the minimum pass criteria. This will be with reference to the performance standard (pernyataan standard) for that band. For example, with Band 5 the performance standard expects the child to display admirable manners, so if a child completes a Band 5 assessment without admirable manners then the teacher may rightfully ask them to take the assessment again. (Note: Failing children this way is not likely to happen very often. In a few situations though it may be a way of encouraging good behaviour.)

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Copying / helping a friend

Learning from others by copying is a natural method of learning. Helping a friend to learn is also very natural. In many situations in a childs Level 1 education a teacher will want to encourage copying and helping. Opposite qualities to copying are thinking, memorising and doing it for yourself. There will be times when teachers will want to encourage these qualities and have less copying. Some teachers may want to avoid using the word copy when speaking to children. They may prefer more positive alternatives such as help, think, check or refer e.g. help your friend, think for yourself, check your friends work, refer to the textbook. Throughout their Level 1 education children should gradually learn that there are serious exams and assessments in which teachers expect them to do it for themselves and not copy/help their friends. If a child copies a little in a Level 1 assessment then a teacher could still allow them to pass. If a child copies a lot in a Level 1 assessment then they should not pass. Individual teachers must decide what they consider to be a little and a lot of copying. Generally the amount of copying a teacher permits in a Year 3 assessment will be much less than for a Year 1 assessment. By the end of Year 3 children should fully understand that copying/helping is not allowed in serious exams and assessments. By the end of Year 3 children should ideally have a developed a positive attitude to serious exams and assessments and regard them as opportunities to demonstrate what they themselves can do.

Covert (hidden) assessments are allowed

Teachers can assess their children without them being aware. Teachers can equally set exams and assessments in which the children know they are being tested. When deciding whether to be secret or open about an assessment a teacher should consider whats best for the motivation and learning of the students.

Have a Yearly Assessment Strategy

There is no single correct strategy for when and how to administer the assessments. Many teachers use a combination of the following approaches. o Administer assessments slowly and steadily over the months. Re-teach and re-assess when and where needed so as many children as possible move up through the bands together. o Administer banding assessments at a steady pace throughout the year. After all assessments have been given up to band three or four, then look at what children have failed and re-teach / re-assess in these areas to fill in the gaps on the tick chart. o Teach and assess in a differentiated manner. Give higher band assessments to the children who are ready for them. Give the lower band assessments to the children who have not yet passed them. The ideal approach to administering assessments will help all children to pass all the assessments they possibly can, and so achieve their maximum banding.

On the spot assessment

During an ordinary lesson, in which no formal assessments are being given, a teacher may observe a child demonstrate a skill for which there is a PBS band descriptor e.g. a Year 2 child
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may respond to a stimulus using simple sentences (B5DL1E1). Under such circumstances, providing the child meets an equivalent minimum pass criteria for the band descriptor assessment, then the teacher can mark the child as passing this assessment on this day. This type of on the spot assessing is possible and should be encouraged. As teachers become more familiar with their KSSR assessing (possibly building up their own bank of assessments) they will become more able to carry out these on the spot style assessments.

Validity and Re-assessment

Whenever an assessment is given it needs to have a high degree of validity (it tests what it should). Properly designed assessments will always be valid when they are first given. This does not necessarily mean they will be valid if they are administered again. Some assessments can be given two, three or even more times without losing their validity. Some assessments can be given only once. Teachers should use their judgement to decide whether it is valid to re-administer an assessment. The time between assessments may also be a factor in making such decisions. o e.g. It may not be advisable to give exactly the same spelling test on two consecutive days.

Continuous Formative Assessment

Teachers should constantly be allowing indicators of a lack of learning to inform their teaching. As part of a teachers continuous formative assessment, if a PBS assessment shows that children havent learned a particular skill then the teacher should re-teach that skill.

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KSSR English Year 1 Assessments

Y1 Quick Glance Assessment Grid ........................................ 5 B1DL1E1 ................................. 6 B1DB2E1 [Opt 1] .................... 7 B1DB2E1 [Opt 2] .................... 8 B1DB3E1 ................................ 9 B1DB4E1 .............................. 10 B1DB5E1 .............................. 11 B1DT6E1 .............................. 12 B2DL1E1 ............................... 13 B2DB2E1 .............................. 14 B2DB3E1 .............................. 15 B2DT4E1 .............................. 16 B3DL1E1 ............................... 17 B3DL2E1 ............................... 18 B3DB3E1 .............................. 19 B3DB4E1 .............................. 20 B3DB4E2 .............................. 21 B3DB5E1 .............................. 22 B3DT6E1 .............................. 23 B4DL1E1 ............................... 24 B4DB2E1 .............................. 25 B4DB3E1 .............................. 26 B4DT4E1 .............................. 27 B5DL1E1 ............................... 28 B5DB2E1 .............................. 29 B5DT3E1 .............................. 30 B5DT4E1 .............................. 31 B5DT5E1 .............................. 32 B6DL1E1 ............................... 33 B6DL2E1 ............................... 34 B6DB3E1 .............................. 35 B6DT4E1 (Pt. a) .................... 36 B6DT4E1 (Pt. b) .................... 37

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Y1 Quick Glance Assessment Grid

Band Listening/speaking B6DL1E1: Able to respond and demonstrate 6 Reading
B6DB3E1: Able to choose and record the number of texts read.

B6DT4E1: Able to create: a. greeting cards. b. lists.

understanding of short stories by talking about a. the characters, b. the events. B6DL2E1: Able to recite rhymes in groups and individually with correct stress, rhythm & intonation. B5DL1E1: Able to talk using simple sentence structure correctly in a given stimulus.

B5DB2E1: Able to read and comprehend simple texts by answering Wh questions

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B4DL1E1: Able to answer Wh questions B3DL1E1: Able to answer questions; a. personal details, b. my school, c. my family B3DL2E1: Able to listen to and follow instructions and directions B2DL1E1: Able to use the language function below correctly a. exchange greetings, b. introduce oneself, c. make polite requests, d. thank someone e. express a simple apology. B1DL1E1: Able to follow any of the following: - repeat rhymes after the teacher - sing along with the teacher - sing in groups

B4DB2E1:Able to match descriptions of realia to sentences B4DB3E1: Able to carry out instructions B3DB3E1: Able to recognize, read and match pictures with words and phrases B3DB4E1: Able to rearrange words to form correct sentences B3DB4E2: Able to sequence sentences correctly B3DB5E1: Able to arrange words in alphabetical order B2DB2E1: Able to read the words correctly B2DB3E1: Able to match spoken words with word cards

B5DT3E1: Able to write short sentences. B5DT4E1: Able to complete forms with personal details. B5DT5E1: Making a list. B4DT4E1: Able to use correctly: a. capital letters, b. full stops, c. question marks B3DT6E1: Able to write words with correct spelling

B1DB2E1: Able to recognize and identify the letters A to Z B1DB3E1: Able to pronounce and articulate the phonemes correctly a. /s/ /a/ /t/ /p/ b. /i/ /n/ /m/ /d/ c. /g/ /o/ /c/ /k/ d. /ck/ /e/ /u/ /r/ e. /h/ /b/ /f,ff/ /l,ll/ /ss/ f. /j/ /v/ /w/ /x/ g. /y/ /z,zz/ /qu/ h. /ch/ /sh/ /th/ /ng/ B1DB4E1: Able to form single syllable words by blending phonemes B1DB5E1: Able to spell single syllable words correctly

B2DT4E1: Able to copy and write: a. small letters (low case), b. capital letters (upper case), c. numerals, d. words, e. phrases, f. simple sentences B1DT6 E1 Able to trace dotted lines to form letters and shapes correctly

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Descriptor B1DL1E1 Able to follow any of the following: a) repeat rhymes after the teacher, b) sing along with the teacher, c) sing in groups

Assessment In this assessment the class sing the head shoulders knees and toes song. Individual children are assessed by their ability to sing along with the class and the teacher. Resources attached: o Video and audio files of the song, plus a lyrics worksheet. Teacher to use these at his/her discretion. The child is the evidence for this assessment (no paper evidence). Singing along with the teacher 1. Class stands and the teacher starts the song and the children join in. 2. Teacher walks around the class listening to the children individually (the song can be sung repeatedly) and checking whether they meet the minimum pass criteria. 3. Teacher records who passes / does not pass the assessment. Note: It is recommended that the children perform the actions for this song as they sing (as per the video) but this is not part of the assessment. Children are being assessed on their singing capabilities only. Other songs can be used if the teacher decides theyre more appropriate for their class .

Min. Pass Criteria Child sings 50% of the words with correct pronunciation.

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Descriptor B1DB2E1 [Opt 1] Able to recognise and identify the letters A to Z

Assessment This assessment involves children stepping on a grid of letters written on the floor. Each child crosses the grid by stepping on the letters that the teacher says. Resources attached: o Example grid layout Teachers can choose to base this stepping stone assessment on capital or small l etters (not a mixture of the two). The child is the evidence for this assessment (no paper evidence). Alphabet Stepping Stones 1. Teacher prepares a Stepping Stone grid on the floor . The children walk across this for the assessment. The grid can be in chalk on the floor, on mah-jong paper or plastic sheeting even outside. Wherever / whatever is appropriate. 2. Children stand in a line at the start of the grid. Teacher gives instructions. Children cross the grid one at a time. 3. Each child steps on the letter the teacher says in order to cross the grid. There are seven rows i.e. seven letters per child. 4. Teacher records (as the children do the assessment) who passes / does not pass the assessment. Notes: This assessment can be creatively adapted e.g. the grid becomes a network of stepping stones across a dangerous river to get back home.

Min. Pass Criteria Children step on six out of seven correct letters (6/7)

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Descriptor B1DB2E1 [Opt 2] Able to recognise and identify the letters A to Z

Assessment This assessment is based on a multiple choice listen and tick worksheet. The teacher reads out a selection of letters and the children tick the correct one on their worksheet grids. Resources attached: o 3 listen and tick worksheets (small letters, big letters, and small and big mixed) Each sheet has nine questions. One sheet only to be used for assessment purposes. It is suggested that the mixed sheet be used for assessment and the others for prior practice. There is PAPER EVIDENCE for this assessment (the worksheet). Listen and Tick 1. Teacher gives instructions (models) how to answer the multiple choice questions. Students sit at individual desks. Teacher gives out one worksheet per student. 2. Teacher says a letter for each question (noting what they say), children tick what they hear (multiple choice). 3. Teacher collects and marks the worksheet then records who achieves / does not achieve the assessment (according to the minimum pass criteria).

Min. Pass Criteria Children answer seven out of nine questions correctly (7/9)

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Descriptor B1DB3E1 Able to pronounce and articulate the phonemes correctly

a. /s/ /a/ /t/ /p/ b. /i/ /n/ /m/ /d/ c. /g/ /o/ /c/ /k/ d. /ck/ /e/ /u/ /r/ e. /h/ /b/ /f,ff/ /l,ll/ /ss/ f. /j/ /v/ /w/ /x/ g. /y/ /z,zz/ /qu/ h. /ch/ /sh/ /th/ /ng/

Assessment This assessment is based on children playing a pairs game (also known as pelmanism) with a set of phoneme cards. Resources attached: o A set of phoneme card pairs. These will need to be printed, cut and made into cards (e.g. stuck onto same sized/coloured pieces of manila card and then laminated) o Instruction sheet for the pairs game Phoneme cards display a grapheme/word/picture combination. There are two of each card. The child is the evidence for this assessment (no paper evidence). Group Pairs Game: Phonics cards: 1. Divide class into groups (5 or 6 students per group) and have each group sit around a central table / desk. 2. Give each group a set of phoneme cards. Instruct the group to distribute these face down on the desk and mix them about so that no child knows which card is where. 3. The children take turns in turning two cards over and trying to make pairs (see attached rules of the game). 4. Every time a child turns over a card he/she must say the corresponding phoneme (from the grapheme) and then the word e.g. p pin. (Optionally the group could also repeat this). 5. Teacher circulates and listens to the children articulating the phonemes and assesses them according to the minimum pass criteria. Notes: This is a Band 1 assessment focussing on the complete set of phonemes that the children will get to know more about throughout Year 1. The assessment is concerned with basic recognition and pronunciation skills only. With large class sizes a teacher may need to make several complete sets of cards (each set preferably with its own colour backing card). If this is not possible an alternative is to make one set and have different groups playing with different subsets of cards e.g. one group with s,a,t,p another group with i,n,m,d. Assessment recording would need to be adapted accordingly. There are many more activities for which these cards can be used e.g. attach a paper clip to them and go magnet fishing.

Min. Pass Criteria Each of the target phonemes is articulated correctly three times.

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Descriptor B1DB4E1 Able to form single syllable words by blending phonemes

Assessment In this assessment the children come to the blackboard one by one. At the board they hit a sequence of phonemes that have been drawn as stepping stones across a river. The child then hits the corresponding flashcard for the word they have formed they must speak the phonemes and then the blended word e.g. p i n pin. The phonemes used are those taught in the first units of the KSSR text book. Resources attached: o Set of 8 flashcards. o Blackboard layout for word river activity. The child is the evidence for this assessment (no paper evidence). Phonics Blending Game: The Word River 1. Introduce the flashcards for this game. Stick them to the right side of the blackboard. Draw the Word River on the left side of the board with its phoneme stepping stones. (See blackboard layout sheet for more info.) 2. Divide class into 2 teams. Children come to the front one by one, alternately from different teams. 3. The teacher says one of the 8 flashcard words to the child who then must hit the 3 corresponding phonemes, in sequence, and then the correct flashcard, speaking all as he/she proceeds across the board e.g. s i t sit. 4. Team points are given for correctly blended words. 5. Each child needs to have a minimum of two goes at blending for this assessment to be valid. 6. Teacher listens to the children articulating the phonemes and saying the words and assesses them according to the minimum pass criteria. Notes: Use an interesting item as a striking stick e.g. a fly swat, a rolled up piece of newspaper.

Min. Pass Criteria Child blends a minimum of one word correctly out of two turns at the blackboard (50%). For a word to be correctly blended the child must: o Strike and pronounce the phonemes correctly and in the correct sequence. o Pronounce the corresponding word correctly, striking the correct flashcard.

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Descriptor B1DB5E1 Able to spell single syllable words correctly

Assessment This assessment is based on an individual written spelling test. The teacher reads out ten words and the students write them down. Resources attached: o Spelling test paper (give one to each child) o 8 lists of 10 words for the teacher to read out (These lists contain phonemically grouped words from the KSSR text book and most words are single syllable. Any one of these lists can be used for the assessment test. The other lists can be used for practice tests.) There is PAPER EVIDENCE for this assessment (the worksheet). Writing words the teacher says 1. Teacher explains the rules of this spelling test to the children (maybe model an answer or two on the blackboard) 2. Give out test papers, one per child. Childrens desks should be separated from each other as far as possible in the class to give exam like conditions. Children should be encouraged to do their own work and not copy others. 3. Teacher reads out the words two times, slowly and clearly, for the children to spell allowing adequate time for them to answer each one. 4. Teacher collects in the answer sheets and marks and assesses them according to the minimum pass criteria.

Min. Pass Criteria Children spell eight out of ten words correctly. Writing must be neat and legible (8/10)

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Descriptor B1DT6E1 Able to trace dotted lines to form letters and shapes correctly

Assessment In this assessment individual students trace lines on worksheets to form letters. Resources attached: o 3 x worksheets (big letters, small letters, big and small letters). Only one of these is to be used for the assessment. o A variety of other early writing resources including pre-writing tasks and information on holding a pencil correctly. There is PAPER EVIDENCE for this assessment (the chosen worksheet). Worksheet: Tracing lines to form letters 1. If necessary the teacher explains the worksheet to the children (maybe modelling how to trace lines on the blackboard) 2. Give out chosen worksheet, one per child. Childrens desks should be separated from each other as far as possible in the class to give exam like conditions. 3. Teacher starts the assessment and allows adequate time for the children to finish. 4. Teacher collects in the answer sheets and marks and assesses them according to the minimum pass criteria. Note: Letters are made up from shapes (there is no specific shape drawing in the assessment). It is recommended that the Big and Small worksheet be used for the assessment. The other two sheets can be used for prior practice.

Min. Pass Criteria Children trace all of the letters neatly and correctly. (This is a simple and basic assessment and 100% score is required to pass.)

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Descriptor B2DL1E1 Able to use the language function below correctly a) exchange greetings, b) introduce oneself, c) make polite requests, d) thank someone, e) express a simple apology.

Assessment Children do this assessment by interacting in a dialogue, with other students, through playing the Pass the Pen game in two or more teams. There are three dialogues in total. All of these must be attempted for the assessment to be passed. The dialogues may all be attempted in the same lesson but it is perhaps best to deliver them one per lesson across a series of lessons. Resources attached: o Teachers sheet listing the 3 dialogues Dialogue 1 covers a) exchanging greetings, and b) introducing oneself. Dialogue 2 covers c) making polite requests, and d) thanking someone. Dialogue 3 covers e) expressing a simple apology o Handouts of the 3 dialogues (A4 in colour and B&W) o Powerpoint show of the 3 dialogues o Pass the Pen game instruction sheet. The child is the evidence for this assessment (no paper evidence). Using simple language functions: Pass the Pen game 1. Teacher familiarises the class with the dialogue, perhaps through getting them to recite it in pairs or groups or maybe a series of mini-role plays by pairs of children at the front of the class. The handouts and powerpoint may be used for this. (This familiarisation may be done in a previous lesson or at the start of the assessment lesson). 2. Teacher divides the class into two teams (or more for a large class). Teacher writes the A-B-A-B dialogue on the blackboard (or displays it using powerpoint). 3. The class performs the pass the pen game using the displayed dialogue to speak to each other (see instruction sheet). 4. Teacher walks around the class listening to individual students speaking as they play the game. 5. Whilst listening the teacher assesses each student according to the minimum pass criteria and records the results. A pre-prepared tick chart is recommended for simplifying this recording task. Note: The game can be performed many times in a row to give the teacher time to circulate and assess each child. To keep the children engaged a competitive aspect can be introduced to the game, awarding points for first place etc. Teams can also be given fun names. The teacher should not stop the game simply because all children have been assessed. The main point of the activity is enjoyment and learning of English. Limbang Assessment Pack Trial Version, August 2013

Min. Pass Criteria Children say all parts of each of the 3 dialogues a minimum of one time. They must pronounce at least half of the words correctly and with the correct intonation.

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Descriptor B2DB2E1 Able to read the words correctly

In this assessment the children cross a grid of word cards (five rows of three) that have been placed on the floor as if they were stepping stones across a river. Each child steps on the words to fill in the gaps of a story they hear their teacher telling. e.g. The teacher says I have a pet and the child responds by saying either cow, monkey or rabbit and stepping on the word said (these three words make up the first row of the grid). Resources attached: o Story sheet and floor grid layout for teachers o Set of word cards (words only - no pictures) for the floor grid. These should be laminated for increased durability. The child is the evidence for this assessment (no paper evidence). Able to read words: Stepping Stones game 1. Teacher ensures the children are familiar with all the vocabulary used in the assessment story. This familiarisation may be done during previous lessons. 2. Teacher places the laminated flashcards on the floor according to the layout. These can be taped or tacked down to stop them moving about. (Note: children should be careful not to slip on the word cards as they walk on them.) 3. Teacher models the story to the class and demonstrates how the game is played. 4. Children come one by one to the floor grid. The teacher tells the short story and in the gaps the children say and step on the word of their choice. 5. As each child crosses the grid the teacher records how many correct steps are made (maximum 5). A correct step means that the child says the word that they step on. A pre-prepared sheet is advisable for recording this information. 6. The teacher ends the activity at an appropriate point and assesses the children according to the minimum pass criteria. Notes: It is not necessary to finish the activity when each child has had one go. The children may cycle around again if they are enjoying the activity. It is possible to make this activity into a 2 team game. With two equal sized teams the teacher calls a child alternately from each team. If a child steps on 4 correct words they get 4 points for their team. This assessment uses the same story as B2DB3E1 below. It is advisable to do these two assessments in the same or consecutive lessons.

Min. Pass Criteria A child needs to step on the same word that they speak for a minimum of 3 times as they cross the grid (3/5).

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Descriptor B2DB3E1 Able to match spoken words with word cards

In this assessment the children cross a grid of word cards (five rows of three) that have been placed on the floor as if they were stepping stones across a river. Each child steps on the words they hear their teacher speak through telling a story. The teacher varies the words he/she uses in the story every time e.g. I have a pet cow / monkey / rabbit Resources attached: o Story sheet and floor grid layout for teachers o Set of word cards (with pictures) for the floor grid. These should be laminated for increased durability. o Powerpoint for introducing the vocabulary and the game The child is the evidence for this assessment (no paper evidence). Match Spoken Words with Word Cards: Stepping Stones game 1. Teacher ensures the children are familiar with all the vocabulary used in the assessment story. The powerpoint resource can be used for this if required. This familiarisation may be done during previous lessons. 2. Teacher places the laminated flashcards on the floor according to the layout. These can be taped or tacked down to stop them moving about. (Note: children should be careful not to slip on the word cards as they walk on them.) 3. Teacher models the story to the class and demonstrates how the game is played. 4. Children come one by one to the floor grid. The teacher tells the short story and the child walks across the grid stepping on the words they hear the teacher say in the story. 5. As each child crosses the grid the teacher records how many correct words they tread upon (maximum is 5). A pre-prepared sheet is advisable for recording this information. 6. The teacher ends the activity at an appropriate point and assesses the children according to the minimum pass criteria. Notes: It is not necessary to finish the activity when each child has had one go. The children may cycle around again if they are enjoying the activity. It is possible to make this activity into a 2 team game. With two equal sized teams the teacher calls a child alternately from each team. If a child steps on 4 correct words they get 4 points for their team. This assessment uses the same story as B2DB2E1 above. It is advisable to do these two assessments in the same or consecutive lessons.

Min. Pass Criteria Child steps on a minimum of 3 correct words as they cross the grid (3/5).

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Descriptor B2DT4E1 Able to copy and write: a) small letters (lower case), b) capital letters (upper case), c) numerals, d) words, e) phrases, f) simple sentences

Assessment This assessment is based on an individual writing test. Resources attached: o 7 writing tests (One of these needs to be selected by the teacher to use for the assessment. The other sheets can be used for general learning purposes.) There is PAPER EVIDENCE for this assessment (the selected worksheet). Writing test: 1. If necessary the teacher models how to answer the questions on the worksheet. 2. Teacher gives out test papers, one per child. Childrens desks should be separated from each other as far as possible in the class to give exam like conditions. 3. Teacher starts the assessment and allows adequate time for the children to answer the questions. 4. Teacher collects in the worksheets and marks and assesses them according to the minimum pass criteria.

Min. Pass Criteria Children must copy all the letters / words / numerals / phrases / sentences legibly. At least 50% of the characters must be written neatly and correctly in the provided guidelines.

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Descriptor Assessment B3DL1E1 This assessment is conducted as a survey. Children walk around the class and ask each other questions Able to answer and note these on a survey sheet. questions; a) personal Resources attached: details, b) my school, o Survey sheet. c) my family The child is the evidence for this assessment (no paper evidence). (The survey sheet can be used as evidence that the survey was carried out but not that the assessment was passed). Answering Questions: Survey activity 1. Teacher introduces the survey activity and hands out one survey sheet to each child. Teacher models the activity to ensure understanding. 2. The children should answer the survey questions in full sentences i.e. My name is , My school is, My fathers name is 3. Children mingle and ask their friends the 3 survey questions (see sheet). Children write the answers given to them by their friends on the survey sheet. 4. Teacher walks around and listens to the children asking questions and answering. Note that the assessment is based on a childs answers not their question asking. 5. Teacher assesses each student according to the minimum pass criteria. Note: Remember that the data collected in the survey can be used for follow up activities. For example the teacher could ask one student the name of another students father.

Min. Pass Criteria Child answers two questions. These must be grammatically correct and well pronounced. They must also be full sentences and appropriate responses to the question they have been asked.

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Descriptor B3DL2E1 Able to listen to and follow instructions and directions

Assessment In this assessment the children walk around the class, one by one, following directions given by the teacher (turn left, turn right, go straight, stop). The desks are set out in a grid so that the children can follow the paths between the desks. At a number of locations in the class the teacher has placed a flashcard or an object of realia. When a child gets to one of these the teacher asks What is it?. Resources attached: o None: The teacher can find flashcards / realia appropriate for this task. The child is the evidence for this assessment (no paper evidence). Follow directions to walk around the class: 1. Teacher and children organise the classroom neatly for this activity. Teacher places the flashcards / items of realia around the class at a number of locations e.g. on the wall, on desks. 2. All the children come to the front of the class 3. One by one the teacher gives directions to the children. Each child must be given each of the following instructions at least once [turn left, turn right, go straight]. 4. If the teacher guides a child to a flashcard / item of realia the te acher can ask What is it? This is the end of the childs turn. 5. Teacher assesses each student according to the minimum pass criteria. Teacher records who passes and fails the assessment as the activity progresses. Use of a pre-prepared tick chart is recommended. Note: Rather than simple realia and flashcards a teacher may use small boxes containing surprise items. As an alternative the teacher may blindfold the children and perhaps move the desks around so they are not in a regular grid. A second activity / task may be appropriate for children who have finished following the teachers directions e.g. a wordsearch, quiet reading.

Min. Pass Criteria Child responds correctly, a minimum of one time, to each of the following 3 instructions: o Turn Left o Turn Right o Go Straight.

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Descriptor B3DB3E1 Able to recognize, read and match pictures with words and phrases

Group game. One student from each group runs to a pile of answer strips (words and phrases) and selects the correct one to match a picture that the teacher displays. Different coloured answer strips (same answer) represent a different point score. Resources attached: o 16 Pictures (ppt and printable versions) o 16 Answer strips document Resource preparation: One set of picture sheets should be printed in colour and laminated. Enough sets of the 16 answer strips will need to be prepared (printed, cut, laminated) so there is enough for one set per group. Each set should be printed on a different colour paper e.g. Green, Orange, Red. The child is the evidence for this assessment (no paper evidence). Run and Grab group game: Match phrases / words with pictures 1. Teacher divides the class into groups of 3 to 6 and gives instructions for the activity. 2. Groups are given a name or select their own (optional). Children in each group are numbered sequentially starting from 1 i.e. 1,2,3. Teacher draws a group scoring grid on the board. 3. The sets of answer strips are spread out on a desk (desks) at the back of the class. Children are told the colour-points combination e.g. Green = 3 points, Orange = 2, Red = 1. 4. Teacher states whos go it is e.g. Number 1 children. 5. Teacher shows a picture to the class and then says Go! 6. Identified children run to the answer strip pile, grab the phrase / word that matches the picture (the higher points value the better for their team) and bring it to the teacher. 7. Teacher records group points on the board and collects the answer strips. 8. Teacher records whether the students have brought the correct / incorrect answer strips (use of a preprepared tick chart is recommended.) This is for assessment purposes. 9. The identified students sit down with their groups and the teacher chooses the next set of children to go e.g. Number 2s. 10. Teacher cycles through rounds of the game. All children need to have a minimum of three attempts at matching a picture to a phrase. 11. Teacher assesses individual children according to the minimum pass criteria. Note: Rather than print out the pictures the teacher may choose to use the powerpoint file to display them to the whole class. This is an engaging game and teachers are encouraged to adapt it to suit their classes. Pictures / answer strips can be changed.

Min. Pass Criteria Child grabs two answer strips that correctly match the displayed picture.

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Descriptor Assessment B3DB4E1 In this assessment children work alone to cut and paste sentence fragments to make sentences that Able to rearrange match five pictures. words to form correct Resources attached: sentences o Cut-out sheet o Answer sheet (on which words are pasted) o 5 x A4 sized pictures (best printed in colour and laminated) Other resources required: Glue and scissors for each child. There is PAPER EVIDENCE for this assessment (the answer sheet). Cut and Paste sentence fragments to match pictures 1. Teacher gives out one answer sheet and one cut out sheet per child. 2. Teacher models / explains the task and then displays the five pictures (one by one and in order) to the class. After displaying the picture the teacher elicits the correct sentence for it from the class and then pastes it onto the blackboard. 3. After all pictures are displayed the children can begin the cutting and pasting task. 4. After an appropriate time the teacher collects in the worksheets, marks them and assesses each student according to the minimum pass criteria. Note: This assessment can be conducted slightly differently than above. The children could cut out all the sentence fragments before the teacher displays any of the pictures. It may be advisable to approach the task this way if there is to be an element of speed / competition. (Best not to have children rushing to cut things.)

Min. Pass Criteria Words in 4 out of 5 of the sentences are pasted in the correct order.

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Descriptor B3DB4E2 Able to sequence sentences correctly

Assessment In pairs children are given a sheet on which are the sentences from the Once I caught a fish alive song. The sentences are not in the right order for the song. The children cut out these sentences then while listening to the song they put them in the correct order. Each sentence has a number or a mathematical operator written to its right e.g. 2 or +. When the sentences are in the correct order these numbers and operators form a sum. The winning pair is the first to get the answer to this sum. Resources attached: o Once I caught a fish alive song file (mp3). o Once I caught a fish alive video file (for practice beforehand or enrichment learning after the assessment). o Sentence sheet for children (jumbled - to cut and paste) o Answer sheet for teachers o Pasting template (on which pairs can glue the sentences) The child is the evidence for this assessment (no paper evidence). Although the paste sheet can be used as evidence, if required. Sequence sentence strips while listening to a song 1. Divide class into pairs (singles and threes are also possible). Give each pair a sentence sheet and explain / model the task. 2. Give out scissors. Give out glue and paste sheets (if you are using them). 3. Allow time for the children to cut all the sentences out. 4. Children listen to the rhyme and paste the sentences in order. The first to get the answer is the winner. 5. An audio file of the rhyme is included in the resources. If you have the facilities to play this and put it on repeat then do so. Otherwise the teacher can read out the rhyme aloud again and again as many times as required. 6. It may be a good idea to have another activity planned for the pairs who finish soonest e.g. a word search. 7. Teacher to walk around the class and ensure pairs are working on the task together. 8. Pairs must paste all the sentences in the correct order to pass the assessment. 9. The teacher assesses each student according to the minimum pass criteria. Note: Prizes could be awarded for first, second and third places (optional). Limbang Assessment Pack Trial Version, August 2013

Min. Pass Criteria For a pair of children to pass the assessment they must: a. Work together on completing the task. b. Sequence all nine word blocks correctly. (Note: Answering the sum correctly is not part of the assessment)

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Descriptor B3DB5E1 Able to arrange words in alphabetical order

Assessment In this assessment the children come to the blackboard, representing their group, to sort five words into alphabetical order. 2-4 groups can operate at the same time. This is a group competition (more points given to the faster finishers) Resources attached: o 4 sets of 10 word cards (each set should be printed on a different colour paper and laminated) Other resources required: Blue tack to stick the word cards to the blackboard. The child is the evidence for this assessment (no paper evidence). Alphabet Sort: Team Speed Game 1. Divide class into 2,3 or 4 groups (groups can be any size but should contain the same number of children). Name the groups e.g. A,B,C Lions, Tigers, Bears. Write the group names on the board for scoring purposes. Number the children in each group 1,2,3.etc. 2. Place a pile of 5 word cards (any 5 from the set of 10) near the blackboard one pile for each group (all different colours). Space these piles apart. Explain (model) the game. 3. Teacher chooses a number (start with number 1 children) and then says readygo!. The number 1s from each group run to their pile and stick the 5 words onto the board in alphabetical order. Shouted assistance from their group should be accepted. 4. When a child has placed all 5 words they stay by the board until all other participating children have finished. 5. The teacher records: a. Which children have sorted the words correctly (use of a tick chart is recommended). b. Points on the board for each team e.g. 3 for the first to finish the sort, 2 for the second etc. 6. The children then rejoin their groups as the teacher changes one or two of the word cards in each pile (always leaving five from the set of ten). This is so the next child will not have an identical set of words to sort. 7. The game continues, round after round. Each child must have at least two goes. 8. Teacher brings the game to a close and awards team prizes / praise as appropriate. 9. Teacher assesses children according to the minimum pass criteria.

Min. Pass Criteria Each child correctly sorts five words, two times.

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Descriptor B3DT6E1 Able to write words with correct spelling

Assessment This assessment is based on an eight word crossword worksheet. The clue for each word is a picture and the jumbled up letters of the word. Resources attached: o Crossword Puzzle Worksheet (one needed per child) o Answer sheet (for the teacher) There is PAPER EVIDENCE for this assessment (the crossword worksheet). Spelling words correctly in a crossword puzzle: 1. If necessary the teacher models how to tackle crossword puzzles. 2. Teacher gives out the puzzle worksheets, one per child. Childrens desks should be separated from each other as far as possible in the class to give exam like conditions. 3. Teacher starts the assessment and allows adequate time for the children to fill in the puzzle. 4. Teacher collects in the worksheets and marks and assesses them according to the minimum pass criteria.

Min. Pass Criteria Children must write all of the eight words with the correct spelling. (8/8 100%)

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Descriptor B4DL1E1 Able to answer Wh questions

Group game. One student from each group runs to a pile of answer strips and selects the correct one to match a question the teacher has asked about a picture. There will be 3 correct answer strips in the pile, each of a different colour. Different colours indicate a different points score for the group. Resources attached: o Picture Sheet and Answer Strips document o Teachers question sheet Resource preparation: Picture sheets should be printed in colour and laminated. One picture sheet will be needed for each group. 3 sets of (18) answer strips will need to be prepared (printed, cut, laminated). Each set should be printed on a different colour paper e.g. Green, Orange, Red. The child is the evidence for this assessment (no paper evidence). Run and Grab group game: Get answers to Wh questions about pictures 1. Teacher divides the class into groups of 3 to 6 and gives instructions for the activity. 2. Groups are given a name or select their own (optional). Teacher draws a group scoring grid on the board. 3. Children in each group are numbered sequentially starting from 1 i.e. 1,2,3. 4. Groups are given a picture sheet. This shows 8 colour pictures (A-H). 5. The 3 sets of answer strips are spread out on a desk (desks) at the back of the class. Children are told the colourpoints combination e.g. Green = 3 points, Orange = 2, Red = 1. 6. Teacher states whos go it is e.g. Number 1 children. 7. Teacher reads out a question from the question sheet, the corresponding pi cture letter, and then says Go! e.g. What colour is the hat? Picture E Go! (N.B. The question or the picture letter can be read out first, the idea is to create some tension / fun) 8. Identified children run to the answer strip pile, grab a correct answer strip (the higher points value the better for their team) and bring it to the teacher. All identified children then gather by the teacher. (If there are more than 3 groups then some children will not have answer strips and their group will score no points) 9. Teacher records group points on the board and collects the answer strips. Teacher asks the group of identified students the question again e.g. What colour is the hat? The children speak the answer: The hat is brown. 10. Teacher records the students who answer the question correctly (use of a preprepared tick chart is recommended.) This is for assessment purposes. 11. The identified students sit down with their groups and the teacher chooses the next set of children to go e.g. Number 2s. 12. Teacher cycles through rounds of the game, asking different questions. All children need to have a minimum of two attempts at answering a question. 13. Teacher assesses individual children according to the minimum pass criteria. Note: A powerpoint of the picture sheet is also provided. If this is displayed during the game there is no need to provide individual group picture sheets. This is an engaging game and teachers are encouraged to adapt it to suit their classes. Pictures / questions / answers can all be changed.

Min. Pass Criteria Child speaks two correct answers with correct pronunciation, intonation and fluency.

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Descriptor B4DB2E1 Able to match descriptions of realia to sentences

Group game. One student from each group runs to a pile of answer strips (short sentences) and selects the correct one to match a piece of realia that the teacher is describing or showing. There will be enough answer strips in the pile for each player to grab a correct one (i.e. one per team). The sets of answer strips should each be prepared in a different colour. Different colours indicate a different points score. Resources attached: o 16 answer strips Resource preparation: Enough sets of the 16 answer strips will need to be prepared (printed, cut, laminated) so there is enough for one set per group. Each set should be printed on a different colour paper e.g. Green, Orange, Red. The child is the evidence for this assessment (no paper evidence). Run and Grab group game: Match realia with sentences 1. Teacher divides the class into groups of 3 to 6 and gives instructions for the activity. 2. Groups are given a name or select their own (optional). Teacher draws a group scoring grid on the board. 3. Children in each group are numbered sequentially starting from 1 i.e. 1,2,3. 4. The sets of answer strips are spread out on a desk (desks) at the back of the class. Children are told the colour-points combination e.g. Green = 3 points, Orange = 2, Red = 1. 5. Teacher states whos go it is e.g. Number 1 children. 6. Teacher shows or begins to describe aspects of a piece of realia e.g. It is black. It is for feet. 7. When they know the answer the identified children run to the answer strip pile, grab the sentence that matches the realia (the higher points value the better for their team) and bring it to the teacher. 8. Teacher records group points on the board and collects the answer strips. 9. Teacher records whether the students have brought the correct / incorrect answer strips (use of a preprepared tick chart is recommended.) This is for assessment purposes. 10. Teacher holds up / identifies the correct piece of realia and gets the whole class to repeat the correct sentence. 11. The identified students sit down with their groups. Then the next set of children to go e.g. Number 2s. 12. Teacher cycles through rounds of the game. All children need to have a minimum of two attempts at matching a piece of realia to a sentence. 13. Teacher assesses individual children according to the minimum pass criteria. Note: The teacher can use different realia/ answer strips than the ones suggested. Some variety can be introduced to this game to keep interest levels high e.g. get a high ability child to describe some aspects of a piece of realia in front of the class; alternate showing and describing aspects of the realia. This is an engaging game and teachers are encouraged to adapt it to suit their classes. Realia / answer strips can easily be changed.

Min. Pass Criteria Child grabs two answer strips that correctly match the displayed / described realia.

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Descriptor B4DB3E1 Able to carry out instructions

Assessment This assessment is based on children following written instructions to draw and colour pictures. Resources attached: o Make a Face worksheet Draw and Colour a Face worksheet: 1. Give out the worksheets, one per child and explain / model the task to them. 2. Circulate around the class as the children draw and colour. 3. Collect in the worksheets and assess each child according to the minimum pass criteria. Notes: Children could bring their worksheet to the teacher when they are finished. Teacher could have another activity / worksheet prepared for fast finishers.

Min. Pass Criteria The drawing resembles the description (instructions)

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Descriptor B4DT4E1 Able to use a) capital letters, b) full stops, c) question marks

Assessment This assessment is based on a writing worksheet. Resources attached: o Punctuation test worksheet There is PAPER EVIDENCE for this assessment. Punctuation Test: Rewrite (correctly) simple sentences 1. Teacher gives out one worksheet per student. Desks should be separated so that copying is minimised. Teacher models how to answer the questions then starts the test. 2. Teacher collects in the worksheets after an appropriate time. 3. Children are assessed according to the minimum pass criteria.

Min. Pass Criteria 4 out of 5 questions rewritten neatly and legibly with letters in the correct positions on the guide lines.

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Descriptor B5DL1E1 Able to talk using simple sentence structure correctly in a given stimulus.

Assessment This is a 1:1 oral assessment. Children will come to the teacher one at a time to talk about a stimulus. The stimulus to be talked about can be almost anything e.g. picture, realia, a talk about this topic question from the teacher. Teachers can use the picture resources provided here but it may well be better to source more situation specific stimuli. Resources attached: o Picture Stimulus Sheet The child is the evidence for this assessment (no paper evidence). Talk using simple sentences: 1:1 oral test conditions 1. Children come to the teacher one by one, out of earshot from the rest of the class, for the oral test. 2. Teacher presents child with first picture (or other stimulus) and asks them to say some things about it. (e.g. Say what you see.) 3. Teacher should give minimal prompts as the child should be responding to the stimulus and not the teacher. (Questions are provided for the pictures but each child should be given sufficient time to respond to the pictures before they are asked these questions.) 4. Teacher presents the other pictures / stimuli in the same way. 5. Teacher assesses each child according to the minimum pass criteria. Use of a pre-prepared tick chart is recommended. Note: There is a lot of flexibility in this assessment. Whilst individual students are being assessed the rest of the class should be given an appropriate activity to occupy their time e.g. quiet reading, a wordsearch.

Min. Pass Criteria Child produces (speaks) three simple sentences, grammatically correct, pronounced correctly and appropriate to the stimulus provided.

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Descriptor B5DB2E1 Able to read and comprehend simple texts by answering Wh questions

Assessment In this assessment children have individual comprehension worksheets. They need to go to a story (Sitis Room), copies of which have been placed around the classroom, and find the answers to fill in their multiple choice worksheet. Resources attached: o Poster story sheet (Sitis Room) o Multiple Choice Worksheet There is PAPER evidence for this assessment (the worksheet). Running Comprehension 1. Teacher gives each child one worksheet at their desk. 2. If required the teacher should model the appropriate way of answering the questions. 3. Copies of the story have been placed around the room. 4. On the teachers command the children begin to run to and from the story to fill in their worksheet (the worksheet must remain on their desk). 5. Competition can be encouraged e.g. prize for first child to finish. 6. Children should be encouraged to do their own work and not share (shout out) their answers. 7. After an appropriate time the teacher collects in the worksheets and assesses each child according to the minimum pass criteria. Note: Additional material should be prepared to keep the fast finishers busy.

Min. Pass Criteria 6 out of 10 questions correct.

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Descriptor B5DT3E1 Able to write short sentences.

Assessment This assessment is based on a writing worksheet. Resources attached: o Things in my home worksheet There is PAPER EVIDENCE for this assessment (the worksheet). Write personal details on form 1. In exam like conditions the teacher gives out one worksheet per student and instructs them to fill in the blanks on the form. 2. Teacher allows time for the children to complete their forms. 3. Teacher collects and marks the worksheet, recording who achieves / does not achieve the assessment.

Min. Pass Criteria Two out of the three questions in section C are written neatly, correctly and with the correct spelling (2/3)

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Descriptor B5DT4E1 Able to complete forms with personal details.

Assessment This assessment is based on a writing worksheet. Resources attached: o About Me worksheet There is PAPER EVIDENCE for this assessment. Write personal details on form 4. In exam like conditions the teacher gives out one worksheet per student and instructs them to fill out their personal details on the form. 5. Teacher allows time for the children to complete their forms. 6. Teacher collects and marks the worksheet, recording who achieves / does not achieve the assessment.

Min. Pass Criteria Four out of the six sections are written neatly, correctly and with the correct spelling (4/6)

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Descriptor B5DT5E1 Making a list.

Assessment This assessment is based on a writing worksheet. Resources attached: o Things in my pencil case worksheet There is PAPER EVIDENCE for this assessment (the worksheet). Worksheet: Things in my pencil case 1. In exam like conditions the teacher gives out one worksheet per student and instructs them to fill in the blanks and make a list. 2. Teacher allows time for the children to complete the work. 3. Teacher collects and marks the worksheet, recording who achieves / does not achieve the assessment.

Min. Pass Criteria Five out of the ten sections are written neatly, correctly and with the correct spelling (5/10)

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Descriptor B6DL1E1 Able to respond and demonstrate understanding of short stories by talking about a. the characters, b. the events.

This assessment is based on a story comprehension group quiz. A multiple choice run and grab game. Resources attached: o Volka and the Ducks 8 picture cards with words on the back for teacher to show and tell o Volka and the Ducks story on 2 pages with small pictures. o 15 questions (to make into sets of cards) o 15 questions (powerpoint version of the above) o 15 questions and answers (teachers sheet) Other materials required (teacher to source): o 3 boxes marked A,B and C (denoting multiple choice answers). Each box containing a set of points balls (or other objects) e.g. 5 blue plastic balls marked 5,4,3,2,1 points. The number of points balls in each box must equal the number of groups you have. The child is the evidence for this assessment (no paper evidence). Comprehension Quiz: Run and Grab (group multiple choice race) 1. Divide class into groups (max. 5 students per group) and have each group sit around a central table / desk. Give individual children within a group a number e.g. 1-2-3-4-5. 2. Give each group a set of 15 question cards. These should be spread out, face down, on the groups table so that the group can see the back of all the cards (which are marked A,B,C..M,N,O) (Alternatively the questions could be provided by a powerpoint slideshow). 3. The 3 points balls boxes have already been placed at the front of the classroom a small distance from each other. These are marked A, B and C. 4. Explain the rules. Model how the game is played so that all children understand. Start the game. 5. Tell the number 1 children in each group that it is their turn first. Make sure they are ready then give them the question letter e.g. F, that you want them to answer. 6. The number 1s choose the F question card, turn it over and read it with their group. Working with their group they then decide which of the multiple choice answers is correct A,B or C. Having decided this the number 1 runs to the appropriate box at the front of the class, holding the question card, and picks out a points ball. 7. The point of the game is to get to the box sooner than the other teams so as to pick out a higher value points ball and score more points for your team. 8. With all number 1s at the boxes the teacher: a. Asks them to speak their answers in full sentences (individually or together) and records (on a prepared tick chart) which individual children out of these number 1s has answered a question correctly. b. Allocates points to groups as per the points balls. 9. The number 1s now give the question cards back to the teacher and return to their group. It is now the turn of the number 2s in each group. The teacher picks another question letter and starts the next round. 10. Teacher ensures that enough rounds are played so that each child has the opportunity of answering a minimum of three questions. Teacher assesses the children according to the minimum pass criteria. Notes: There are many things that the teacher must do in this assessment activity so it is best to be well prepared e.g. o Have different sets of card made out of different coloured card. o All the A balls are one colour, the Bs another and the Cs another. Just with different points written on them again this saves any mix up. o Have an easy to use tick chart for quickly recording the pass / fail of each question for each student. o Also have an easy to use group points system for the blackboard. Children could put their cards back with the others on their groups desk after they have answered their question. Be aware that if groups have to run different distances to the boxes some will likely complain that this is unfair. Have a strategy for dealing with this e.g. move the boxes from the front to the back of the class half way through the game. If you can project a powerpoint slideshow in your classroom some teachers might find it preferable to use the powerpoint questions instead of the question cards. With a little preparation this same game could be used for other stories.

Min. Pass Criteria A child answers two out of their three questions correctly, in a full sentence, and with correct pronunciation, intonation and grammar.

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Descriptor Assessment This assessment is based on children performing the one-two buckle my shoe rhyme. The assessment is in two B6DL2E1 Able to recite rhymes parts the group performance and the individual performance. Teachers may want to do these parts in the same lesson or in separate lessons. in groups and Resources attached: individually with o Animated Video of one two buckle my shoe correct stress, rhythm o Powerpoint of the lyrics & intonation.

o Lyrics handout o Pass the Pen game instructions Teachers can use the above resources (and others) to teach the children the rhyme. The child is the evidence for this assessment (no paper evidence). Pt 1: Recite Rhyme in groups 1. Teacher divides the class into groups (max. six students). Each group practices the rhyme ready for the performance. Groups can be encouraged to add in their own movements and / or props for the recital. 2. Groups perform the rhyme in front of the class. 3. As the rhyme is performed the teacher listens to individual students and assesses them according to the minimum pass criteria. Pt 2: Recite Rhyme individually (Pass the Pen game) 1. Teacher divides the class into two or three equal (or nearly equal) sized teams. The teams stand in rows to form parallel lines. They then play the Pass the Pen game using the rhyme lyrics (in dialogue form). 2. This game involves the team passing a pen (or other baton) from one student to the next from the front to the back of the line. Children can only pass the pen to the next in line when they have completed a recital of the dialogue with that child. (For a more detailed explanation of the pass the pen game see the guide in the resources.) 3. As the pen (baton) passes along the line the teacher listens to individual students and assesses them according to the minimum pass criteria. 4. The game can be performed several times. A competitive element can be introduced by awarding high points to the group that passes the pen along the line quickest and lower points to those slower. Notes: Other rhymes can be used in the same way for this assessment. The same rhyme can be used multiple times if reassessment is necessary. This said, it may be preferable to introduce new rhymes to keep the subject matter fresh and engaging.

Min. Pass Criteria A child recites at least half of the rhyme with correct stress, rhythm and intonation. Both in the group and individual performances.

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Descriptor B6DB3E1 Able to choose and record the number of texts read.

Assessment For this assessment the children need to be around a supply of books so that they can select ones to read for themselves. Hopefully the teacher has already exposed the children to such an environment and they have become comfortable amongst books e.g. by periods of quiet reading, use of a book box / bag, time in the library or a dedicated reading corner. Resources attached: o My book list worksheet There is PAPER EVIDENCE for this assessment (the worksheet). Children record the title and author of books they read 1. From a supply of books in a comfortable reading environment the teacher allows the children to select books, one at a time, that they wish to read. 2. Children take these books and read / browse them. 3. After reading a book the child records the title and author of the book on the worksheet they have been given. 4. After a suitable period of time the teacher ends the reading session, collects in the worksheets and assesses the children according to the minimum pass criteria.

Min. Pass Criteria Child writes two book titles and the corresponding authors with correct penmanship. Child records, correctly, the number of books read.

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Descriptor B6DT4E1 (Pt. a) Able to create: a. greeting cards. b. lists.

Assessment This assessment is based on children making a greetings card for a friend for friendship day (the first Sunday in August). Resources attached: o Friendship card instruction sheet (with gap fill) o Heart template cut-out sheet. Other resources required: Red manila card and white paper. Scissors and glue for the children. The child is the evidence for this assessment (no paper evidence). Make a friendship day card 1. Teacher seats the children appropriately for this craft activity. Perhaps in groups so that glue, scissors, card etc can be shared. 2. Teacher gives each student a worksheet and then runs through the instructions on it with the whole class. Part of this process is a gap-fill activity with which the teacher can choose to give as much or as little guidance as required (this is not part of the assessment). 3. Cards are simple to make and are formed by cutting out two same-sized heart shapes, one in red card and the other in white paper, and then gluing these together. Writing and decorations are then applied to this basic card. 4. Children should be encouraged to think of who they want to give the card before they make it. They then create their personalised friendship cards. 5. Teacher assesses the cards the children produce according to the minimum pass criteria. Notes: Teachers are encouraged to try other ways of making other types of cards with their children. Many approaches are available. The heart template sheet can be used to make a few cardboard heart templates that the children can then draw around to get the correct and consistent shape for their cutting out. Alternatively it can be printed directly onto red card / white paper. The ability of the children to cut / paste and manufacture a quality card is not being assessed. The only thing being assessed is the writing they put onto the card.

Min. Pass Criteria A card is produced A minimum of ten words are written on the card. A minimum of 50% of the words are spelled correctly. Everything written is appropriate for Friendship Day

NB Children must pass both parts (a) and (b) of this assessment.

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Descriptor B6DT4E1 (Pt. b) Able to create: a. greeting cards. b. lists.

Assessment This assessment is based on children making a list of farm animals they see in a picture. Children should be familiar with the names of farm animals and the concept of list making. Resources attached: o Farm Animals listing worksheet o Teachers answer sheet There is PAPER EVIDENCE for this assessment (the worksheet). Make a list 1. Teacher sets up exam-like conditions in the classroom and models how to complete the worksheet. 2. Teacher gives out the worksheet and allows time for the children to count the farm animals and complete their lists. 3. Teacher ends the exam, collects in the worksheets and assesses children according to the minimum pass criteria. Notes: Fast finishers may be given the task of colouring in their animals e.g. rabbits red, cows black. We are not checking childrens counting abilities with this assessment. Children can make lists of many things e.g. items in the classroom, their friends, the subjects they study at school.

Min. Pass Criteria Seven of the nine listed animals are spelled correctly and written with correct penmanship (7/9)

NB Children must pass both parts (a) and (b) of this assessment.

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KSSR English Year 2 Assessments

Y2 Quick Glance Assessment Grid ...................................... 39 B1DL1E1 ............................... 40 B1DL2E1 ............................... 41 B1DB1E1 .............................. 42 B1DB2E1 .............................. 43 B1DB3E1 .............................. 44 B1DT1E1 .............................. 45 B2DL1E1 ............................... 46 B2DB1E1 [Opt 1] .................. 47 B2DB1E1 [Opt 2] .................. 48 B2DB2E1 [Opt 1] .................. 49 B2DB2E1 [Opt 2] .................. 50 B2DT1E1 .............................. 51 B3DL1E1 ............................... 52 B3DL2E1 ............................... 53 B3DL3E1 ............................... 54 B3DB1E1 .............................. 55 B3DB2E1 .............................. 56 B3DB2E2 .............................. 57 B3DB3E1 .............................. 58 B3DT1E1 .............................. 59 B3DT2E1 .............................. 60 B4DL1E1 ............................... 61 B4DB1E1 .............................. 62 B4DB2E1 .............................. 63 B4DT1E1 .............................. 64 B5DL1E1 ............................... 65 B5DL2E1 ............................... 66 B5DB1E1 .............................. 67 B5DB1E2 .............................. 68 B5DT1E1 .............................. 69 B5DT2E1 .............................. 70 B6DL1E1 ............................... 71 B6DL2E1 ............................... 72 B6DL2E2 ............................... 73 B6DB1E1 .............................. 74 B6DB1E2 .............................. 75 B6DB2E1 .............................. 76 B6DT1E1 .............................. 77

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Y2 Quick Glance Assessment Grid

Band Listening/speaking B6DL1E1: respond / demonstrate understanding talk about 6
short story characters / events B6DL2E1: recite rhymes in groups and individually with correct stress, rhythm & intonation. B6DL2E2: perform action songs, jazz chants or stories.

B6DB1E1: read and comprehend simple texts by answering Wh questions. B6DB1E2: read / show comprehension of simple texts by answering True / False qus B6DB2E1: write simple details of texts with guidance. e.g. author, title. B5DB1E1: read and comprehend simple texts by answering Wh questions. B5DB1E2: sequence events using stimulus. B4DB1E1: fill in details based on the text read. B4DB2E1: Transfer non-linear presentation to another non-linear presentation. B3DB1E1: able to recognize, read and match pictures with phrases. B3DB2E1: to rearrange words to form correct sentences B3DB2E2: sequence sentences correctly. B3DB3E1: to arrange words in alphabetical order e.g. ant, apple, cat, cup B2DB1E1:match spoken words to word cards. B2DB2E1: identify and group words in categories: colours / numbers / days / parts of the body / animals

B6DT1E1: create posters / signs

4 3

B5DL1E1: talk using simple sentence structures correctly in a given stimulus: B5DL2E1: respond to any of: book covers / pictures in books / characters B4DL1E1: answer simple Wh questions.

B3DL1E1: talk about: oneself / my family / family members / friends B3DL2E1: listen to and follow instructions and directions. B3DL3E1: produce any creative works by listening to simple instructions with guidance. e.g bookmarks, masks, greeting cards. B2DL1E1:use the language function to: exchange greetings / make polite requests / express apologies / talk about oneself / introduce family members and friends B1DL1E1:Recite rhymes/sing songs/sing in groups B1DL2E1:Do-jazz chants/action songs with gestures and correct facial expressions.

B5DT1E1: write simple messages to friends. B5DT2E1: complete posters by filling in details from given stimulus. B4DT1E1: write simple sentences using correct punctuations from picture stimulus. B3DT1E1: to use correctly: Capital letters / Full stops / Question marks B3DT2E1: to write simple sentences using correct penmanship.

B2DT1E1: to write words with correct spelling.

B1DB1E1: pronounce/articulate phonemes B1DB2E1: form single syllable words by blending phonemes B1DB3E1: spell single syllable words

B1DT1E1: form numerals and letters of words using correct penmanship.

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Descriptor B1DL1E1 Recite rhymes/sing songs/sing in groups

Assessment Groups learn the Miss Polly had a dolly rhyme/song and perform it in front of the class. Resources attached: o Miss Polly video o Miss Polly lyrics (3 per sheet) The child is the evidence for this assessment (no paper evidence). Children must be pretaught Miss Polly had a dolly. The video and the lyrics can be used for this. Perform song in front of class 1. Teacher divides the class into groups of 3 to 6 and gives instructions for the activity. 2. Groups are given lyrics sheets (one per child) and given time to prepare / practice for their performance. Children should be encouraged to include actions in their performance. 3. Groups perform in turn at the front of the class. 4. Teacher assesses individual children on their speaking skills as the group performs the song (use of a tick chart is recommended for quick recording of results).

Min. Pass Criteria Child sings / speaks 50% of the words with correct pronunciation, intonation and fluency.

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Descriptor B1DL2E1 Do-jazz chants/action songs with gestures and correct facial expressions.

Assessment Groups learn the If youre sad and you know it song, with facial expressions and gestures, and perform it in front of the class. Resources attached: o Instrumental mp3 file (Tune of If youre happy and you know it) o Song sheet If youre sad and you know it The child is the evidence for this assessment (no paper evidence). Perform song in front of class 1. Teacher divides the class into groups of 3 to 6 and gives instructions for the activity. 2. Groups are given song sheets. They are asked to choose 3 verses to sing. They are given time to prepare / practice for their performance (the teacher should go round and help them with this). Children should show correct facial expressions and actions in their performances. 3. Groups perform in turn at the front of the class. 4. Teacher assesses individual children on their speaking / acting skills as the group performs the song (use of a tick chart is recommended for quick recording of results). Note: The mp3 files is 3 verses long and quite lively. If you have the opportunity to use this for the children to sing along to then it should make the activity more engaging. If children are capable they can be encouraged to create their own lyrics e.g. if youre angry shake your fist if youre in love blow a kiss.

Min. Pass Criteria Child sings 50% of the words with correct pronunciation, intonation and fluency. Also: Child displays appropriate facial expressions and actions for all the words they sing.

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Descriptor B1DB1E1 pronounce/articulate phonemes

This assessment is based on children playing a pairs game (also known as pelmanism) with a set of phoneme cards. Resources attached: o A set of phoneme card pairs. These will need to be printed, cut and made into cards (e.g. stuck onto same sized/coloured pieces of manila card and then laminated) o Instruction sheet for the pairs game Phoneme cards display a grapheme/word/picture combination. There are two of each card. All phonemes that are introduced in KSSR English Y2 are included. The child is the evidence for this assessment (no paper evidence). Group Pairs Game: Phonics cards: 1. Divide class into groups (5 or 6 students per group) and have each group sit around a central table / desk. 2. Give each group a set of phoneme cards. Instruct the group to distribute these face down on the desk and mix them about so that no child knows which card is where. 3. The children take turns in turning two cards over and trying to make pairs (see attached rules of the game). 4. Every time a child turns over a card he/she must say the corresponding phoneme (from the grapheme) and then the word e.g. igh light. (Optionally the group could also repeat this). 5. Teacher circulates and listens to the children articulating the phonemes and assesses them according to the minimum pass criteria. Notes: The assessment is concerned with basic recognition and pronunciation skills only. It might be useful to familiarise the students with the cards before you implement this game for assessment purposes. With large class sizes a teacher may need to make several complete sets of cards (each set preferably with its own colour backing card). If this is not possible an alternative is to make one set and have different groups playing with different subsets of cards e.g. one group with ai,ee,igh,oa another group with ear,air,ure,er. In contrast with the Y1 phoneme pronunciation assessment (B1DB3E1) no list of phonemes is given to assess. The set of attached phoneme cards contains all phonemes introduced in Y2 and it is recommended that all phonemes are assessed. There are many more activities for which these cards can be used e.g. attach a paper clip to them and go magnet fishing.

Min. Pass Criteria Each of the target phonemes is articulated correctly three times.

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Descriptor B1DB2E1 form single syllable words by blending phonemes

Assessment In this assessment the children come to the blackboard one by one. At the board they hit a sequence of phonemes that have been drawn as stepping stones across a river. The child then hits the corresponding flashcard for the word they have formed they must speak the phonemes and then the blended word e.g. b oa t boat. Resources attached: o Set of 8 flashcards. o Blackboard layout for word river activity. The child is the evidence for this assessment (no paper evidence). Phonics Blending Game: The Word River 1. Introduce the flashcards for this game. Stick them to the right side of the blackboard. Draw the Word River on the left side of the board with its phoneme stepping stones. (See blackboard layout sheet for more info.) 2. Divide class into 2 teams. Children come to the front one by one, alternately from different teams. 3. The teacher says one of the 8 flashcard words to the child who then must hit the 3 corresponding phonemes, in sequence, and then the correct flashcard, speaking all as he/she proceeds across the board e.g. s i t sit. 4. Team points are given for correctly blended words. 5. Each child needs to have a minimum of two goes at blending for this assessment to be valid. 6. Teacher listens to the children articulating the phonemes and saying the words and assesses them according to the minimum pass criteria. Notes: Use an interesting item as a striking stick e.g. a fly swat, a rolled up piece of newspaper.

Min. Pass Criteria Child blends a minimum of one word correctly out of two turns at the blackboard (50%). For a word to be correctly blended the child must: o Strike and pronounce the phonemes correctly and in the correct sequence. o Pronounce the corresponding word correctly, striking the correct flashcard.

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Descriptor B1DB3E1 spell single syllable words

This assessment is a speed spelling test in groups. Individual students work to spell words quickly so as to get more points for their team. Resources attached: o Y1 and Y2 Word list o Selected word list slideshow (powerpoint) Other resources required o Mini whiteboards and markers for each group (optional) o Set of magnetic letters for each group (optional) The child is the evidence for this assessment (no paper evidence). Group Speed Spelling Game: 1. In this assessment children will spell words that the teacher speaks. A powerpoint is provided which gives some pictures of the words. Use of this powerpoint is optional. If it is used the picture should be displayed at the same time the teacher says the word. 2. Divide class into an appropriate number of equal sized groups dependent on the game option you have chosen: a. Opt a) Groups stand at the back of the class. When a teacher says a word the nominated students from each group run to the board and write the word with chalk. (suitable for 2 or 3 large groups) b. Opt b) Groups stand at the back of the class. When a teacher says a word the nominated students from each group run to their pile of magnetic letters at the front of the class. They then spell the word using these letters. (suitable for 2 or 3 large groups) c. Opt c) Groups each have a mini-white board. When the teacher says a word the nominated students write the word on this board and hold it up for the teacher to see. (suitable for 3 or more smaller groups). 3. Number children in each group sequentially i.e. 1,2,3 4. Assign team names / letters (perhaps get groups to choose their own team name). Write these names on the board to make a scoring grid. 5. Explain / model the game to the children, then nominate the first children to go (logically this will be the students you have numbered 1). 6. Say the first word (display on powerpoint as well if you are using it). Then check to see which child is fastest to write the word correctly and check for second (and third?) places too. Award points as per your system e.g. winner 3 nd rd points, 2 2, 3 1. Write points on the board. 7. At this stage you will also need to record the children who have spelled the word correctly (a pre-prepared checklist is recommended). This recording is for assessment purposes. 8. Cycle through the words and children. A child will need to have at least two goes to pass this assessment. 9. Assess each child according to the minimum pass criteria. Notes: If you choose one of the running options for this game make sure the path from group to board is clear so as to prevent accidents.

Min. Pass Criteria Two words spelled correctly and written legibly (N.B. neat writing can be praised but it is not necessary for this assessment)

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Descriptor B1DT1E1 form numerals and letters of words using correct penmanship.

Assessment This assessment is based on a writing test worksheet. Resources attached: o Writing test worksheet (2 options for assessment) o Handwriting practice booklet o Info sheet: How to hold a pen/pencil (Tripod Grip) There is PAPER EVIDENCE for this assessment. Writing Test: Form numerals and letters (write simple phrases) 1. Teacher gives out one worksheet per student. Desks should be separated so that copying is minimised. Teacher models how to answer the questions then starts the test. 2. Teacher collects in the worksheets after approximately ten minutes. 3. Children are assessed according to the minimum pass criteria. Note: Two sheets are provided that can be used as evidence for this assessment. Re-assessment: the same test may be administered up to two more times to children who do not pass. This assessment provides an opportunity for teachers to walk around the class and check the children are holding / using their pencils / pens correctly.

Min. Pass Criteria 70%. 7 out of 10 phrases written / traced correctly in neat and legible print.

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Descriptor B2DL1E1 use the language function to: exchange greetings / make polite requests / express apologies / talk about oneself / introduce family members and friends

This assessment consists of a sequence of 4 sub-assessments, all of which must be passed for a child to pass this band descriptor. Resources attached: Greetings assessment pack; Polite requests assessment pack; Apologies assessment pack; Talk about oneself / family assessment pack Greetings assessment: Children come to the teacher one by one. The teacher points to one of 5 pictures and the child repeats the appropriate greeting phrase from a given list e.g. Happy Chinese New Year, Happy Deepavali. Polite Requests Assessment In pairs children are given 6 A-B dialogues to practice. When the children are comfortable with these dialogues the teacher observes the children perform them. Part A of each dialogue is making a polite request. Teachers must arrange this activity so they get the chance to hear each student attempt 3 of these polite requests. (Perhaps the easiest way to do this is for pairs to approach the teacher and perform 3 of the dialogues with one child as A, and then the other three dialogues with the other child as A.) Apologies Assessment As above, in pairs children are given 6 A-B dialogues to practice. When the children are comfortable with these dialogues the teacher observes the children perform them. Part B of each dialogue is making an apology. Teachers must arrange this activity so th ey get the chance to hear each student attempt 3 of these apologies. (Perhaps the easiest way to do this is for pairs to approach the teacher and perform 3 of the dialogues with one child as A, and then the other three dialogues with the other child as A.) Talk about oneself / family assessment Children are pre-taught how to talk about themselves and their families. An example story is provided to help with this if required. For the assessment children are given a mind map gap fill worksheet, one per chil d, to fill out with details of themselves and their families. After having been given time to complete this they will use these personal details to answer questions from the teacher. Children come to the teacher one by one (they can bring their mind maps with them). The teacher asks them four questions from a list of ten questions (provided). 2 from questions 1-6 (about oneself) and 2 from questions 7-10 (about family) Teacher records the number of appropriate answers, spoken with correct pronunciation and intonation. Notes: These assessments can be conducted over a sequence of lessons. Teachers must find an efficient way of recording the childrens performances. There is a range of ways that the materials provided can be utilised. Teachers are encouraged to be creative with this assessment.

Min. Pass Criteria For children to pass this assessment they must pass all 4 of the subassessments as follows. Greetings Assessment: Children respond correctly to 2 out of 3 of the picture prompts. Polite Requests Assessment: A child says 2 out of 3 polite requests correctly. Apologies Assessment: A child says 2 out of 3 apologies correctly. Talk about oneself / family assessment: A child answers 3 out of 4 questions correctly (single word answers are acceptable).

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Descriptor B2DB1E1 [Opt 1] match spoken words to word cards.

Assessment This assessment is based on a writing test worksheet. Resources attached: o Two worksheets (listen and tick and listen and number). Either can be used for the assessment. There is PAPER EVIDENCE for this assessment. Match spoken words to word cards 1. Teacher gives out one worksheet per student and models how to complete the questions. 2. Teacher reads out words allowing time for students to answer. 3. Teacher collects in the worksheets, marks them and assesses each student according to the minimum pass criteria.

Min. Pass Criteria 60%. 6 out of 10 questions answered correctly.

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Descriptor B2DB1E1 [Opt 2] match spoken words to word cards.

Assessment A grid of words (5 rows of 4 words each) is written on the floor / ground or word cards are stuck to the floor. Words are spaced so that children can jump from one row to the next as if treading on stepping stones across a river. Resources attached: o Example word grid layout. The child is the evidence for this assessment (no paper evidence). Match spoken words to word cards (Stepping Stones) 1. Children line up at the start of the grid. 2. One child crosses the grid stepping on the words they hear the teacher speak. 3. Teacher assesses each student according to the minimum pass criteria.

Min. Pass Criteria Children step on three correct words out of five (60%)

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Descriptor B2DB2E1 [Opt 1] identify and group words in categories: colours / numbers / days / parts of the body / animals

Assessment A grid of words (5 rows of 5 words each) is written on the floor / ground or word cards stuck to the floor. Words are spaced so that children can jump from one row to the next as if treading on stepping stones across a river. Each row has one word from each of the five categories (colours, numbers, days, parts of the body, animals) Resources attached: o An example word grid is provided. The child is the evidence for this assessment (no paper evidence). Match spoken categories to word cards (Stepping Stones) 1. Children line up at the start of the grid. 2. One child crosses the grid by stepping on words of the category they hear the teacher speak. 3. The teacher varies the combination of categories is for each student. 4. The teacher assesses each student according to the minimum pass criteria.

Min. Pass Criteria Children step on four correct words (matching the category spoken) out of five (80%)

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Descriptor B2DB2E1 [Opt 2] identify and group words in categories: colours / numbers / days / parts of the body / animals

Assessment In groups (of up to 5) the children are given pictures to cut and paste onto a poster (manila card or similar) in categories. Children are pre-taught the five categories Animals-Body-Colours-Numbers-Days. Children must be familiar with all the words they are to cut and paste. Resources attached: o Cut and Paste pictures (40) Set A o Cut and Paste pictures (40) Set B Teacher to explain to the children that this is a test and that they must paste a minimum of six pictures correctly. The child is the evidence for this assessment (no paper evidence). Completed posters may be kept and displayed in the classroom. Making a poster in groups: cut and paste in categories 1. Children are put into groups of 2-5. Each group is given a sheet of manila card (or suitable paper on which to construct a poster) and the cut and paste sheets. 2. Scissors and glue are provided for all children. 3. Children are first instructed to cut and paste the heading pictures across the top of the poster (Animals-Body-Colours-Numbers-Days). 4. Children then cut out the pictures, write their name on the picture, and paste it on the poster under its appropriate heading. Each child must have his or her name on the pictures they paste on the poster. (For lower level classes it may be useful to give each child a strip of pictures and get them to write their name on these before beginning any cutting and pasting). 5. Teacher assesses children by checking how many pictures they have pasted under the correct category. Notes: The stronger children may end up helping the weaker ones in this activity. To a degree this is acceptable and should be considered helping rather than cheating. Each child, however, must physically paste their own pictures onto the poster. Re-assessment: children who fail the assessment can be grouped together to attempt the assessment again.

Min. Pass Criteria A child pastes six pictures into the correct category.

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Descriptor B2DT1E1 to write words with correct spelling.

Assessment Three worksheet based options (spelling tests) are provided here for completing this assessment. Teachers choose one of them for the assessment. Resources attached: o Listen and gap fill test o Listen and rearrange test o Crossword from Pictures test There is PAPER EVIDENCE for this assessment (the worksheet). Spelling test 1. The teacher, having set up exam-like conditions in the class, gives out one worksheet per student and models (if necessary) how to complete the questions. 2. If one of the listening worksheets is being used the teacher must read out the test words allowing time for students to answer. 3. After an appropriate time the teacher collects in the worksheets, marks them and assesses each student according to the minimum pass criteria.

Min. Pass Criteria One of the tests must be passed: Listen and gap fill test: 7/10 Listen and rearrange test: 10/15 Crossword from Pictures test: 15/20

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Descriptor B3DL1E1 talk about: oneself / my family / family members / friends

Assessment This assessment is conducted as a survey. Children walk around the class and ask each other questions and note these on a survey sheet. Resources attached: o Survey sheet. Children need to be pre-taught favourites / foods / colours / siblings. Children should also be familiar with survey activities. The child is the evidence for this assessment (no paper evidence). (The survey sheet can be used as evidence that the survey was carried out but not that the assessment was passed). Talking about Yourself: Survey activity 1. Teacher introduces the survey activity and hands out one survey sheet to each child. Teacher models the activity to ensure understanding. 2. Children mingle and ask their friends the 4 survey questions (see sheet). Children write their friends name and answers on the survey sheet. 3. Teacher walks around and listens to the children asking questions and answering. Note that the assessment is based on a childs answers not their question asking. 4. Teacher assesses each student according to the minimum pass criteria.

Min. Pass Criteria Child says two correct sentences about their self. These must be grammatically correct and well pronounced. They must also be appropriate responses to a question they have been asked.

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Descriptor B3DL2E1 listen to and follow instructions and directions.

Assessment In this assessment children make their way across a map grid on the floor (made up of pictures of roads and buildings) by following spoken instructions from their teacher. Resources attached: o Floor Road Map (4x4 grid of A4 sheets with roads and locations) (2 sets available) These sheets should be laminated for durability. The child is the evidence for this assessment (no paper evidence). Follow directions given by teacher 1. Teacher / class set up the 4x4 map grid on the floor. Teacher models the activity to ensure understanding. 2. One by one the children take turns in getting to a destination by following the teachers directions: Turn right Turn left Stop Go straight. 3. When the child reaches the destination the teacher asks Where are you?. The child responds accordingly. (Their response here is not part of the assessment.) 4. Teacher records whether the child follows the directions correctly or not. This is recorded and forms the basis of the assessment. (Use of a pre-prepared tick chart is recommended.) 5. Teacher assesses each student according to the minimum pass criteria. Note: The teacher can decide whether to set the whole class a different activity (e.g. reading / wordsearch) and call them one by one, or to have the whole class watching. If there is a supportive dynamic in the class it may be better for the class to watch / encourage. Onlookers may give hints to their friends. This is acceptable. Try to get the onlookers to use English if they wish to help. Be aware that laminated sheets can be slippery when placed on some surfaces. Take precautions if necessary.

Min. Pass Criteria Child follows directions to successfully reach the destination (one success is sufficient).

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Descriptor B3DL3E1 produce any creative works by listening to simple instructions with guidance. e.g. bookmarks, masks, greeting cards.

Assessment Children make a friendship day bookmark. Resources attached: None. Materials needed: manila card (or similar), scissors The child is the evidence for this assessment (no paper evidence). Friendship day bookmark 1. Teacher distributes card and scissors to children and instructs them (in English!) how to cut out a bookmark. 2. Teacher to decide the shape of the bookmark and any creative additions e.g. cutting the corners, adding stickers / ribbon. 3. Teacher instructs / helps children to write a friendship day greeting on the bookmark e.g. To my friend on friendship day Notes: It would be good practice for the teacher to decide on a set of instructions to teach through this activity e.g. draw a rectangle, cut along the line

Min. Pass Criteria Bookmark successfully made

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Descriptor Assessment B3DB1E1 A grid of phrase cards (4 rows of 5 cards) is made on the floor. Children cross this by stepping from one able to recognize, row to the next. On each row they must step on the phrase that corresponds with the picture that the read and match teacher displays. pictures with phrases. Resources attached: o 5 pics and 5 corresponding phrases (all A4 sized) [2 different sets] Resource preparation: o 4 sets of phrase cards to be printed and laminated. One set of the pictures to be printed. o Teacher sets out the grid of phrase cards on the classroom floor. Each row contains one set of cards. An example grid is provided in the resource section. Children should be familiar with the phrases used. The child is the evidence for this assessment (no paper evidence). Match pictures with phrases (Stepping Stones) 1. Children line up at the start of the grid. 2. One child crosses the grid by stepping on the phrase which corresponds to the picture that the teacher displays to them. The teacher displays four different pictures to allow the child to cross the grid in four steps (stepping stones across a river). 3. The teacher varies the combination of pictures shown for each student. 4. The teacher assesses each student according to the minimum pass criteria (use of a pre-prepared marking sheet is recommended for quick recording of results) Note: Optional variation: children speak the phrases as they step on them (this is a reading assessment so speaking is not necessary). 2 sets of pictures and phrases/sentences are provided. Teachers can choose to use one of these or adapt the materials and create their own. Onlookers may give hints to their friends. This is acceptable. Try to get the onlookers to use English if they wish to help. Be aware that laminated sheets can be slippery when placed on some surfaces. Take precautions if necessary.

Min. Pass Criteria Children step on three out of four correct phrases.

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Descriptor Assessment B3DB2E1 In this assessment children work alone to cut and paste sentence fragments to make sentences that to rearrange words to match five pictures. form correct Resources attached: sentences o Cut-out sheet o Answer sheet (on which words are pasted) o 5 pictures (best printed in colour and laminated) Other resources required: Glue and scissors for each child. There is PAPER EVIDENCE for this assessment (the answer sheet). Children must be familiar with the vocabulary for the pictures used and must also know the sentence patterns: o My father is a singer. o I want to be a doctor when I grow up. Cut and Paste sentence fragments to match pictures 1. Teacher gives out one answer sheet and one cut out sheet per child. 2. Teacher models / explains the task and then displays the five pictures (one by one and in order) to the class. After displaying the picture the teacher elicits the correct sentence for it from the class and then pastes it onto the blackboard. 3. After all pictures are displayed the children can begin the cutting and pasting task. 4. After an appropriate time the teacher collects in the worksheets, marks them and assesses each student according to the minimum pass criteria. Note: This assessment can be conducted slightly differently than above. The children could cut out all the sentence fragments before the teacher displays any of the pictures. It may be advisable to approach the task this way if there is to be an element of speed / competition. (Best not to have children rushing to cut things.)

Min. Pass Criteria 4 out of 5 of the sentences are pasted in the correct order.

KSSR (SK) English Year 2 Assessments

Limbang Assessment Pack Trial Version, August 2013

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Descriptor B3DB2E2 sequence sentences correctly.

Assessment In pairs children are given a sheet on which are the sentences from the Miss Polly had a Dolly rhyme. The sentences are not in the right order for the rhyme. The children cut out these sentences then while listening to the rhyme they put them in the correct order. Each sentence has a number or a mathematical operator written to its right e.g. 2 or +. When the sentences are in the correct order these numbers and operators form a sum. The winning pair is the first to get the answer to this sum. Resources attached: o Miss Polly had a Dolly song file (mp3). o Sentence sheet for children (jumbled - to cut and paste) o Answer sheet for teachers o Pasting template (on which pairs can glue the sentences) Children should be pre-taught any unfamiliar vocabulary from the rhyme. The child is the evidence for this assessment (no paper evidence). Although the paste sheet can be used as evidence, if required. Sequence sentence strips while listening to a rhyme 1. Divide class into pairs (singles and threes are also possible). Give each pair a sentence sheet and explain / model the task. 2. Give out scissors. Give out glue and paste sheets (if you are using them). 3. Allow time for the children to cut all the sentences out. 4. Children listen to the rhyme and paste the sentences in order. The first to get the answer is the winner. 5. An audio file of the rhyme is included in the resources. If you have the facilities to play this and put it on repeat then do so. Otherwise the teacher can read out the rhyme aloud again and again as many times as required. 6. It may be a good idea to have another activity planned for the pairs who finish soonest e.g. a word search. 7. Teacher to walk around the class and ensure pairs are working on the task together. 8. Pairs must paste all the sentences in the correct order to pass the assessment. 9. The teacher assesses each student according to the minimum pass criteria. Note: Prizes could be awarded for first, second and third places (optional).

Min. Pass Criteria For a pair of children to pass the assessment they must: a. Work together on completing the task. b. Sequence all nine word blocks correctly. (Answering the sum correctly is not part of the assessment)

KSSR (SK) English Year 2 Assessments

Limbang Assessment Pack Trial Version, August 2013

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Descriptor B3DB3E1 to arrange words in alphabetical order e.g. ant, apple, cat, cup

Assessment Children arrange word card pairs alphabetically on the blackboard. Children must be pre-taught to arrange words alphabetically (to the second letter of the word and beyond). Resources attached: o 25 pairs of word cards (A to Z without X). Each pair of words starts with the same letter but differs in the second or beyond e.g. bell, bridge. It is recommended that these cards be printed and laminated for sustainable use. The child is the evidence for this assessment (no paper evidence). Arranging words alphabetically 1. Teacher sets up 3 piles of word cards near to the blackboard e.g. on desks or chairs placed by the board. Each pile consists of 5 pairs of same letter words. 2. On the board the teacher draws five placement grids in front of each word card set e.g.

Min. Pass Criteria Child places 3 out of 5 word pairs in the correct alphabetical order.

3. The teacher explains (models) the task to the class. Individual children (3 at a time) are to paste the cards onto the board, grouping them by letter and with them in alphabetical order (the earliest in alphabetical order going on the top row). 4. Students come to the front, three at a time, to arrange their word cards on the blackboard. 5. Teacher assesses each student according to the minimum pass criteria. Note: This assessment can easily be conducted as a game. Three teams, one member of each coming to the board at the same time, highest points to the first finisher etc. The number of teams / piles can be varied as appropriate.

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Descriptor B3DT1E1 to use correctly: Capital letters / Full stops / Question marks

Assessment This assessment is based on a writing test worksheet. Resources attached: o Punctuation test worksheet There is PAPER EVIDENCE for this assessment. Punctuation Test: Rewrite (correctly) simple sentences 1. Teacher gives out one worksheet per student. Desks should be separated so that copying is minimised. Teacher models how to answer the questions then starts the test. 2. Teacher collects in the worksheets after approximately ten minutes. 3. Children are assessed according to the minimum pass criteria. Note: This assessment provides an opportunity for teachers to walk around the class and check the children are holding / using their pencils / pens correctly.

Min. Pass Criteria 4 out of 6 questions rewritten correctly using correct penmanship.

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Descriptor B3DT2E1 to write simple sentences using correct penmanship

Assessment This assessment is based on a writing test worksheet. Resources attached: o Writing test worksheet There is PAPER EVIDENCE for this assessment. Writing Test: Write simple sentences 1. Teacher gives out one worksheet per student. Desks should be separated so that copying is minimised. Teacher models how to answer the questions then starts the test. 2. Teacher collects in the worksheets after approximately ten minutes. 3. Children are assessed according to the minimum pass criteria. Note: Re-assessment: the same test may be administered up to two more times to children who do not pass. This assessment provides an opportunity for teachers to walk around the class and check the children are holding / using their pencils / pens correctly.

Min. Pass Criteria 60%. 3 out of 5 questions answered correctly using correct penmanship.

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Descriptor B4DL1E1 answer simple Wh questions.

Assessment This assessment is carried out whilst children play a board game in pairs, asking and answering wh questions. Resources attached: o Wh questions board game (print enough copies for one game for each pair laminate for increased durability) Other items required: Dice (one per pair), Counters e.g. buttons, (one for each child) The child is the evidence for this assessment (no paper evidence). Wh questions: Pairs board game. 1. Explain / model the board game to the children. 2. Put the children in pairs and give them a board, a dice and two counters. Start the game. 3. Children take it in turns to roll the dice and move their counter. The other player then asks the question under the counter e.g. Where is your pencil? If the child answers the question then the counter can stay where it is. If not then the counter should be moved back one place. 4. The teacher mingles around the class and assists children playing the game. Whilst doing this the teacher conducts the assessment. The assessment is based on the answers the teacher hears the children give to the Wh questions they are asked. 5. Teacher assesses each student according to the minimum pass criteria. Note: If there is an odd number of children in the class then three children can play at one board. The game can be played many times. Children can record who wins the most times.

Min. Pass Criteria Three Wh questions are answered appropriately, in full sentences, and with correct grammar, pronunciation and intonation e.g. It is a bird. They are shoes. My favourite colour is green.

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Descriptor B4DB1E1 fill in details based on the text read.

Assessment This assessment is a pair-work gap-fill exercise based on a running comprehension activity. Children run to a story poster on the board/wall in order to find information to complete the gap fill sheet on their desk. Resources attached: o Story poster (Farhans Birthday) o Gap-fill worksheet o Teachers answer sheet The child is the evidence for this assessment (no paper evidence). (Although the worksheet could be photocopied and used for evidence if required) Running Comprehension Gap-Fill 1. Teacher mounts the Farhans Birthday story poster at appropriate locations around the classroom. Class is divided into pairs. Each pair sits together and is given a gap-fill worksheet. The teacher numbers the children in each pair as 1 and 2. 2. One of the children from each pair is to run to the story poster and back and collect information for the other child (the writer) who remains seated at the desk filling in the answers on the worksheet. Child 1 will be the runner first. Then the teacher can change over the runner/writer roles by shouting change to the class (this change can be repeated every few minutes). 3. Teacher explains (models) the activity to the class and starts proceedings. 4. The teacher decides how long to let the activity run and then collects in the worksheets at the end (both children from each pair must put their name on the worksheet) 5. Teacher assesses each student according to the minimum pass criteria (if the pair has reached the minimum pass criteria then both children pass the assessment) Note: If there is an odd number of children in the class then it is advisable to have one child (preferably a strong student) work on their own (this activity doesnt work for three children in a group). This assessment encourages cooperative working but the teacher should monitor the classroom to ensure that both children in each pair are contributing to its completion. For fast finishers the teacher may want to have another activity lined up e.g. a wordsearch. This activity has the potential to be made into a competition e.g. the teacher could give a prize for the first and second pairs to finish.

Min. Pass Criteria Six out of the ten pairwork worksheet questions are correct (60%) both children pass, (NB Teachers may override this if one child clearly has not contributed to the worksheet then that child should not pass on the good work of the other)

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Descriptor B4DB2E1 Transfer non-linear presentation to another non-linear presentation.

Assessment This assessment is based on the teacher displaying a poster and then the children working in groups to cut, colour and paste items to recreate a likeness of this poster on a piece of manila card or mah-jong paper. Resources attached: o Poster (in A3 and A4 print sizes, and also a PowerPoint file) o Sheet of cutouts The poster shows three categories of clothing, as worn at the Beach, Park and Party . The cut out sheet provides these heading pictures and also 12 cut outs of clothes that can be worn at these places, gour items of clothing for each category (as per the poster). The child is the evidence for this assessment (no paper evidence). Making a poster in groups 1. Teacher divides class into groups of 2-4 children. Each group sits at own work area and has for their use a) cut and paste sheets, b) colouring pencils, scissors and glue, c) mah-jong paper or manila card on which to build the poster. 2. Teacher displays the poster and sets the task for each group of recreating the poster. (Poster may be displayed on powerpoint or printed out and mounted on the blackboard, or individual copies given to each group). 3. Each child writes their name on the items they cut out and attach to the poster. (This allows the teacher to assess who has pasted which item where.) They must also write what the item is in the space provided. (It may be advisable to allocate each child a strip of pictures at the start and get them to write their names on these as the first step) 4. As the pictures are black and white the children may colour the pictures before they cut and paste them. 5. Teacher assesses each student according to the minimum pass criteria.

Min. Pass Criteria Child pastes three pictures in an appropriate location on the poster (correctly categorised). The child must write the correct description and spelling of the item on each picture (fill in the gaps).

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Descriptor Assessment B4DT1E1 This assessment is based on a writing worksheet which students complete individually. write simple Resources attached: sentences using o Punctuation writing test worksheet correct punctuations o Answer sheet for above from picture stimulus. There is PAPER evidence for this assessment (the worksheet). Punctuation Writing Test 1. Under exam-like conditions the teacher gives each child one worksheet at their desk. 2. If required the teacher should model the appropriate way of answering the questions. 3. Three words are needed to complete the test. These are dog, duck, butterfly. The teacher may choose to write these on the blackboard or have the children work them out from the pictures on the worksheet. 4. After an appropriate time (10 15 minutes?) the teacher collects in the worksheets and assesses each child according to the minimum pass criteria.

Min. Pass Criteria Four out of six answers must be written with the correct punctuation.

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Descriptor B5DL1E1 talk using simple sentence structures correctly in a given stimulus.

Assessment This assessment is conducted as a class survey. Children walk around asking and answering What will you be when you grow up? and Where is the workplace? Children must be pre-taught about occupations and workplaces and they should know how to participate in a survey activity. Resources attached: o Survey sheet The child is the evidence for this assessment (no paper evidence). (Although the completed survey sheets may be used as evidence of the activity) Survey activity: Occupations 1. Teacher sets up class and children for the survey, gives out a survey sheet to each child, models the activity as required and then sets it in motion. 2. Teacher walks around the class listening to the children as they ask and answer the questions. 3. The activity should run for as long as is required to assess all the children. 4. Teacher assesses each child according to the minimum pass criteria. Note: It may be advisable to inform the children that this is an assessment and you will be circulating to listen to them asking and answering questions in full sentences.

Min. Pass Criteria A child must ask and answer both of the survey questions two times using correct sentences and pronunciation.

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Descriptor B5DL2E1 respond to any of: book covers / pictures in books / characters

Assessment In this assessment children speak with the teacher one by one. The teacher prompts them to talk about two books/stories. The first story is The White Radish from the KSSR Y2 Text Book. The second is a book they have selected for themselves. Resources attached: o The White Radish Story in pdf format. o Teachers question sheet prompts to encourage the children to talk. The child is the evidence for this assessment (no paper evidence). Giving personal responses to books / stories: One to one with the teacher 1. Before this assessment the children need to be familiar with The White Radish. 2. Before the assessment each child should have also selected their own book to read. This selection could have taken place up to a week before the assessment. (Even immediately before the assessment is acceptable this is the teachers choice.) 3. The teacher sets up the class for individual quiet reading. Children have The White Radish and their own selected book. The teacher explains that children will come to him/her one by one to talk about the two stories. 4. Out of earshot of the rest of the class, children come to the teacher one by one. They bring their selected book and The White Radish. The teacher asks questions about these stories in order to get personal responses from the student. 5. During the teacher / student exchange the child should be put at ease as much as possible and encouraged to talk freely about their thoughts on the stories. The less the interaction seems like a strict test the better. 6. Teacher assesses each child according to the minimum pass criteria.

Min. Pass Criteria The child says two well pronounced and grammatically correct sentences that express their personal views about one of the stories.

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Descriptor B5DB1E1 read and comprehend simple texts by answering Wh questions.

Assessment In this assessment children have individual comprehension worksheets. They need to go to a story (Jenny the Banker), copies of which have been placed around the classroom, and find the answers to fill in their worksheet. The teacher can choose from two types of worksheet: multiple choice (easier) and whole sentence writing (more difficult). Resources attached: o Poster story sheet (Jenny the Banker) o Multiple Choice Worksheet o Whole Sentence Worksheet Children must be familiar with all the words in the comprehension story. There is PAPER evidence for this assessment (the worksheet). Running Comprehension 1. Teacher gives each child one worksheet at their desk. 2. If required the teacher should model the appropriate way of answering the questions. 3. Copies of the story have been placed around the room. 4. On the teachers command the children begin to run to and from the story to fill in their worksheet (the worksheet must remain on their desk). 5. Competition can be encouraged e.g. prize for first child to finish. 6. Children should be encouraged to do their own work and not share (shout out) their answers. 7. After an appropriate time the teacher collects in the worksheets and assesses each child according to the minimum pass criteria. Note: Additional material should be prepared to keep the fast finishers busy.

Min. Pass Criteria For the multiple choice worksheet: 8 out of 10 questions correct. For the whole sentence writing worksheet: 6 out of 10 questions correct.

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Descriptor B5DB1E2 sequence events using stimulus.

This assessment is based around a collection of picture based stories. Each story has 6 pictures. Six such stories are provided in the resources (each in a variety of formats). Resources attached: o A4 posters of each story (words only) (in one file) o 6 pictures for each story (unsequenced) (in one file) o 6 pictures for each story (sequenced) (in one file) o Cut and paste grid (with gaps where 6 pictures can be glued) Other resources required: scissors and glue for each group. Children should be familiar with sequencing activities. The child is the evidence for this assessment (no paper evidence). Story sequencing 1. Teacher cuts up enough small pictures from a selection of the stories and gives one picture to each of the children. (Stories should be complete, with all pictures, i.e. either 6,12,18,24,30 or 36 pictures should be given out. If it is necessary to have more pictures than children then give the more able children two pictures from the same story). 2. Ask children to write their names on the front of their pictures. 3. Ask the children to mingle and group together in same story groups. The pictures are all labelled with the story they are from e.g. Story D, so the children can achieve this grouping easily. Assign the groups to different seating areas. 4. Ask the groups to discuss what their stories might be about. Give them some minutes to do this and guess a sequence for them. Give each group a paste grid that they can put the pictures on as an aid to thinking about sequencing (the children do not glue the pictures onto the paste grid yet). While groups are discussing their stories the teacher puts the relevant story posters at various locations around the classroom. 5. Teacher asks questions to some (or all) of the groups regarding what they think their story might be. This can be simple questions and should be designed to encourage imagination e.g. What characters are in your story? What country do you think it is? 6. Ask groups to go to their story poster, each child with their own picture, and find the correct sequence for their pictures. Children should then return to their group desk and each child should glue their own picture in the correct place on the paste grid. (The teacher should model to the children what they are to do to make this clear. With the whole class moving around at one time, the less confusion the better.) 7. When a group has finished the teacher should give them 6 pictures from another story, together with a new paste grid, and ask them to glue them in the correct sequence. Again each child puts his/her name on the front of his/her picture. 8. The teacher continues to give sets of pictures to groups when they have finished a sequence. (These can be pre-cut by the teacher or one of the unsequenced sheets could be given out and the group has to cut them themselves.) 9. The teacher assesses each child according to the minimum pass criteria. Note: The sequencing materials provided can be used in a variety of ways. Teachers are encouraged to be creative with these in designing lessons which lead up to this assessment. The assessment could also be adapted in different ways.

Min. Pass Criteria A child glues a minimum of two pictures in the correct position in a story sequence.

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Descriptor B5DT1E1 write simple messages to friends.

Assessment This assessment is based on a writing worksheet on which students write a message on a mobile phone screen and send it to their friends. Resources attached: o Gap fill worksheet to construct 3 messages (give this sheet first) o Phone writing worksheet (children choose one message to write on the mobile phone screen) There is PAPER evidence for this assessment (the mobile phone worksheet). Write a message to a friend 1. The teacher gives each child one of the gap fill worksheets at their desk. 2. The teacher models the appropriate way of answering the questions and gives the children some quiet writing time to answer. 3. Children who finish the gap fill worksheet can help their friends with the task. The teacher allows time for every child to complete the three gap fill questions. 4. Under exam-like conditions (no helping this time) the teacher gives each child one of the mobile phone worksheets at their desk (do not collect the first worksheet). 5. Children write (copy) their selected message onto the phone worksheet for sending to a friend 6. The teacher collects in completed mobile phone worksheets and assesses each child according to the minimum pass criteria. Note: Fast finishers of the second (phone) worksheet may be given another phone worksheet and encouraged to write a creative message (or another of the 3 but to a different friend).

Min. Pass Criteria Children write all words of their chosen greeting correctly and legibly on the phone screen worksheet.

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Descriptor B5DT2E1 complete posters by filling in details from given stimulus.

Assessment This assessment is based on a gap-fill poster worksheet on recycling. The students write the correct words according to the text that the teacher reads out loud. Resources attached: o Gap fill poster worksheet (colour and black and white versions) o Teachers sheet (with text to read and answer sheet) There is PAPER evidence for this assessment (the poster worksheet). Complete a recycling poster 1. The teacher gives each child one of the poster worksheets and explains / models the task to them. 2. The teacher reads out the text at an appropriate pace for the class. 3. The teacher reads out the text a second time (two times maximum). 4. The teacher collects in poster worksheets and assesses each child according to the minimum pass criteria.

Min. Pass Criteria Children write five out of nine of the gap-fill words correctly and legibly 5/9.

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Descriptor B6DL1E1 respond / demonstrate understanding talk about short story characters / events

This assessment is based on a team game where children answer true/false questions on a story called The Frog Family. Children must be familiar with the story before the assessment. The teacher may use the attached resources to do this. Resources attached: Picture sequence story (big pictures); Picture sequence story (small pictures); 15 true/false questions for the story. Other resources reqd: Two small boxes, one labelled TRUE one FALSE. Each one should contain a number of toys (or other objects). The number of toys equals the number of teams. Each toy represents a different point value e.g. Red ball 1 point, yellow ball 2 points, green ball 3 points. The child is the evidence for this assessment (no paper evidence). Run and Answer: True / False game 1. Teacher divides class into teams of up to ten children (two teams minimum). 2. True and False boxes are placed at the front of the class, a reasonable distance apart. The toys / objects are placed in the boxes. Children understand which toy relates to which point score. 3. Teacher identifies one child from each team. It is their go. The teacher asks the True/False question and then says waitgo!. 4. The identified children discuss the answer with their group (English should be encouraged), they then run to the appropriate box and pick out a toy to the maximum point value they can get. 5. Teacher then asks these identified children the question again and they speak their answer (True or False). (The assessment is conducted on the basis of the childrens responses at this stage of the game) 6. Teacher records the points for each team (on the blackboard)and the toys are replaced in the box(es). The children return to their teams / places. The teacher identifies the next children who are to go. 7. When all children have had one go the round is over. The teacher totals the points and identifies the winning team. 8. A minimum of three rounds will need to be played for assessment purposes (see pass criteria). 9. Teacher must record how each child verbally answers their question when it is their turn. Children are assessed according to the minimum pass criteria. Note: Children can stand in groups (lines) for this assessment, or they can sit at their desks teacher to choose as appropriate for the class. To sustain interest in the game the teacher might replace the standard set of toys in each box with some surprise envelopes so that students dont know what points they are getting. This could be done every few turns or near the end of the game. With larger class sizes it may be appropriate to have more than two groups.

Min. Pass Criteria Child answers 2 true/false questions correctly from a minimum of 3 turns at the game.

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Descriptor Assessment This assessment is based on children performing the 12345 Once I caught a fish alive rhyme. The assessment is in B6DL2E1 two parts the group performance and the individual performance. Teachers may want to do these parts in the recite rhymes in same lesson or in separate lessons. groups and Resources attached: Animated Video of 12345 once I caught a fish alive; Powerpoint of the lyrics; Lyrics individually with handout; Pass the Pen game instructions correct stress, rhythm Teachers can use the above resources (and others) to teach the children the rhyme. As the children & intonation.

become familiar with the rhyme the dialogue aspect of it should be made clear as they will need to understand this for the second part of the assessment. The child is the evidence for this assessment (no paper evidence). Pt 1: Recite Rhyme in groups 1. Teacher divides the class into groups (max. six students). Each group practices the rhyme ready for the performance. Groups can be encouraged to add in their own movements and / or props for the recital. 2. Groups perform the rhyme in front of the class. 3. As the rhyme is performed the teacher listens to individual students and assesses them according to the minimum pass criteria. Pt 2: Recite Rhyme individually (Pass the Pen game) 1. Teacher divides the class into two or three equal (or nearly equal) sized teams. The teams stand in rows to form parallel lines. They then play the Pass the Pen game using the rhyme lyrics (in dialogue form). 2. This game involves the team passing a pen (or other baton) from one student to the next from the front to the back of the line. Children can only pass the pen to the next in line when they have completed a recital of the dialogue with that child. (For a more detailed explanation of the pass the pen game see the guide in the resources.) 3. As the pen (baton) passes along the line the teacher listens to individual students and assesses them according to the minimum pass criteria. 4. The game can be performed several times. A competitive element can be introduced by awarding high points to the group that passes the pen along the line quickest and lower points to those slower. Notes: Other rhymes can be used in the same way for this assessment. The same rhyme can be used multiple times if reassessment is necessary. This said, it may be preferable to introduce new rhymes to keep the subject matter fresh and engaging.

Min. Pass Criteria A child recites at least half of the rhyme with correct stress, rhythm and intonation. Both in the group and individual performances.

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Descriptor B6DL2E2 perform action songs, jazz chants or stories.

Assessment Children create and perform jazz chants in groups. Children must be familiar with counting syllables in words and should also understand the concept of Jazz Chants. Resources attached: o Jazz Chant Template o Example Jazz Chant sheet The child is the evidence for this assessment (no paper evidence). Writing and singing Jazz Chants 1. Teacher divides class into groups of 3 to 6 children and asks each group to create their own jazz chant. An example Jazz Chant sheet is provided and this can be used for less able classes. More able classes should be encouraged to create their own from scratch, a template is provided for them to write on. 2. Groups are given 10 minutes to write and practice their jazz chant and then they perform in front of the class. The teacher might suggest certain rhythms that a group should chant to. The teacher might also give a topic to some groups e.g. write a jazz chant on hobbies. Children should be encouraged to add actions to their chants. 3. Teacher listens to the students perform their chants and assesses each child against the minimum pass criteria.

Min. Pass Criteria Child pronounces 50% of the words correctly.

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Descriptor B6DB1E1 read and comprehend simple texts by answering Wh questions.

Assessment In this assessment children have individual comprehension worksheets. They need to go to a story (Jeremy the Pilot), copies of which have been placed around the classroom, and find the answers to fill in their worksheet. The teacher can choose from two types of worksheet: multiple choice (easier) and whole sentence writing (more difficult). Resources attached: o Poster story sheet (Jeremy the Pilot) o Multiple Choice Worksheet o Whole Sentence Worksheet Children must be familiar with all the words in the comprehension story. There is PAPER evidence for this assessment (the worksheet). Running Comprehension 1. Teacher gives each child one worksheet at their desk. 2. If required the teacher should model the appropriate way of answering the questions. 3. Copies of the story have been placed around the room. 4. On the teachers command the children begin to run to and from the story to fill in their worksheet (the worksheet must remain on their desk). 5. Competition can be encouraged e.g. prize for first child to finish. 6. Children should be encouraged to do their own work and not share (shout out) their answers. 7. After an appropriate time the teacher collects in the worksheets and assesses each child according to the minimum pass criteria. Note: Additional material should be prepared to keep the fast finishers busy. Re-assessing: Students who fail may retry the same assessment one more time.

Min. Pass Criteria For the multiple choice worksheet: 8 out of 10 questions correct. For the whole sentence writing worksheet: 6 out of 10 questions correct.

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Descriptor B6DB1E2 read / show comprehension of simple texts by answering True / False qus

This assessment is based on a team game where children answer true/false questions on 2 stories that they know. Teacher must pre-teach the 2 stories to the children. Children must be familiar with the stories, and the teacher must have prepared a sufficient number of true/false questions for their class size. Resources attached: o 6 short stories in A4 poster format (teacher to select 2 of these to use) o Sheet of true/false questions relating to the 6 stories (8 qus per story). Other resources reqd: Two small boxes, one labelled TRUE one FALSE. Each one should contain a number of toys (or other objects). The number of toys equals the number of teams. Each toy represents a different point value e.g. Red ball 1 point, yellow ball 2 points, green ball 3 points. The child is the evidence for this assessment (no paper evidence). Run and Answer: True / False game 1. Teacher divides class into teams/groups of up to 6 children (two teams minimum). Seating is arranged so that groups sit together. 2. True and False boxes are placed at the front of the class, a reasonable distance apart. The toys / objects are placed in the boxes. Children understand which toy relates to which point score. 3. Teacher identifies one child from each team (number them from 1 to 6 in each group). It is their go. The teacher asks the True/False question and then says waitgo!. 4. The identified children run to the appropriate box and pick out a toy to the maximum point value they can get. 5. Teacher then asks these identified children the question again and they speak their answer (True or False). (The assessment is conducted on the basis of the childrens responses at this stage of the game) 6. Teacher records the points for each team (on the blackboard)and the toys are replaced in the box(es). The children return to their teams / places. The teacher identifies the next children who are to go (cycle through the children in turn 1-2-3-4-5-6). 7. When all children have had one go the round is over. The teacher totals the points and identifies the winning team. 8. A minimum of two rounds will need to be played for assessment purposes (see pass criteria). 9. Teacher must record how each child verbally answers their question when it is their turn. Children are assessed according to the minimum pass criteria. Note: Rather than ask questions for both stories in one go, the teacher may decide to teach one story and then ask questions specific to it before moving on to the next story i.e. tackle the game in 2 chunks. Posters of the stories could be placed around the classroom so that the children can consult these rather than rely wholly on memory. To sustain interest in the game the teacher might replace the standard set of toys in each box with some surprise envelopes so that students dont know what points they are getting. This could be done every few turns or near the end of the game.

Min. Pass Criteria Child answers 2 true/false questions correctly.

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Descriptor Assessment B6DB2E1 Individual children record details of books on a worksheet. write simple details of A supply of books need to be available for this assessment. texts with guidance. Resources attached: e.g. author, title. o Book Details worksheet There is PAPER evidence for this assessment (the worksheet). Punctuation Writing Test 1. Children are given a worksheet. They write their name on the top. 2. Children select a book and bring it back to their desk. 3. Each child writes details of their book on their worksheets. 4. Once a child has recorded one books details they select another. 5. The teacher stops the activity after an appropriate time (all children should have recorded a minimum of four books) 6. Teacher collects in the worksheets and assesses each child according to the minimum pass criteria.

Min. Pass Criteria A child records the correct title and author for three books (page count is not assessed)

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Descriptor Assessment B6DT1E1 In this assessment groups of children cut and paste pictures connected with Malaysia and the UK to create posters / signs make 2 separate posters. Resources attached: o PowerPoint of vocabulary items (8 items from each country) e.g. UK The Queen, Fish and Chips Malaysia Orangutan, Hibiscus o Pdf file of pictures to cut and paste (colouring pictures) o Wordsearch for fast finishers Other resources required: Glue, scissors, poster paper. The child is the evidence for this assessment (no paper evidence). Making a poster in groups 1. Children are pretaught the vocabulary required. The PowerPoint file can be used for this. (The file will automatically cycle through all the words and can be kept running while children work on making the posters). 2. Teacher divides class into groups of up to 6 children. Each group sits at own work area and has for their use a) cut and paste sheets, b) colouring pencils, scissors and glue, c) 2 sheets of mah-jong paper or manila card on which to build the 2 posters (one of UK, one of Malaysia). 3. Children make the two posters. Instruct the children that the word for each picture should be cut out and pasted underneath the picture i.e. Sea Turtle under its picture. 4. The children may colour the pictures before (or after) they cut and paste them. 5. Teacher walks around the class and assesses each student according to the minimum pass criteria. Note: To make the assessment easier to administer the word sheets could be given to a group after they have cut and pasted all the pictures. Also a selection of words could be given to individual students.

Min. Pass Criteria Child pastes two picture captions correctly e.g. the word Hibiscus must be pasted by the picture of a hibiscus flower and on the Malaysia poster

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KSSR English Year 3 Assessments

Y3 Quick Glance Assessment Grid ...................................... 79 B1DL1E1 ............................... 80 B1DL2E1 ............................... 81 B1DB1E1 .............................. 82 B1DB2E1 .............................. 83 B1DT1E1 .............................. 84 B2DL1E1 [Pt. a] .................... 85 B2DL1E1 [Pt. b] .................... 86 B2DL2E1 ............................... 87 B2DB1E1 .............................. 88 B2DT1E1 .............................. 89 B2DT2E1 .............................. 90 B3DL1E1 ............................... 91 B3DL2E1 ............................... 92 B3DB1E1 .............................. 93 B3DB2E1 .............................. 94 B3DT1E1 .............................. 95 B3DT2E1 .............................. 96 B3DT3E1 .............................. 97 B4DL1E1 ............................... 98 B4DL2E1 ............................... 99 B4DL3E1 ............................. 100 B4DB1E1 ............................ 101 B4DB2E1 ............................ 102 B4DT1E1 ............................ 103 B5DL1E1 ............................. 104 B5DL2E1 ............................. 105 B5DL2E2 [Opt 1] ................. 106 B5DL2E2 [Opt 2] ................. 107 B5DB1E1 ............................ 108 B5DT1E1 ............................ 109 B5DT2E1 ............................ 110 B5DT3E1 ............................ 111 B6DL1E1 ............................. 112 B6DL2E1 ............................. 113 B6DB1E1 ............................ 114 B6DB2E1 ............................ 115 B6DT1E1 ............................ 116 B6DT2E1 ............................ 117

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Y3 Quick Glance Assessment Grid

Band Listening/speaking B6DL1E1: Able to identify the correct sequence of oral texts. 6
B6DL2E1: Able to produce any creative works by listening to simple instructions.

B6DB1E1: Able to transfer information from texts. B6DB2E1: Able to locate words using : (a) entry points or (b) exit points B5DB1E1: Able to read and comprehend simple texts by answering Wh questions.

B6DT1E1: Able to create simple texts B6DT2E1: Able to form declarative sentences.

B5DL1E1: Able to talk about a given stimulus. B5DL2E1: Able to ask and answer simple Wh-questions. B5DL2E2:Able to perform or recite any of the following : (a) jazz chants, (b) action songs, (c) poems or (d) tell stories B4DL1E1: Able to give True / False replies based on (a) characters and (b) place in stories. B4DL2E1: Able to do any of the following : (a) sing action songs, (b) recite jazz chants (c) recite poems. B4DL3E1: Able to identify locations of objects based on a picture stimulus using: in / on / under / up / in front of / behind / at B3DL1E1: Able to participate in the following conversation: (a) express good wishes, (b) ask for help, (c) respond to someone asking for help, (d) offer help B3DL2E1: Able to listen to, follow and give instructions and directions.

B5DT1E1: Able to form questions based on answers given. B5DT2E1: Able to rearrange words to form phrases/sentences in the correct manner. B5DT3E1: Able to list/group words given using: a, an, the B4DT1E1: Able to write sentences using correct punctuations from picture stimulus.

B4DB1E1: Able to complete phrases or sentences based on text read. B4DB2E1: Complete sentences using the correct conjunctions: and or but

B3DB1E1: Able to recognize, read and match pictures with phrases and sentences. B3DB2E1: Able to form sentences using substitution table.

B2DL1E1: Able to participate in the following conversation: ( a ) talk about oneself, ( b ) introduce family members and friends B2DL2E1: Able to ask and answer correctly using: personal, demonstrative and, possessive pronouns B1DL1E1: Able to do any of the following: (a) recite rhymes, (b) sing songs, (c) tongue twisters, (d) sing in groups B1DL2E1: Able to do any of the following: (a) jazz chants, (b) action songs, (c) tongue twisters

B2DB1E1: Able to match words with words of: (a) similar meaning, (b) opposite meaning

B3DT1E1: Able to use correctly: (a) exclamation mark, (b) comma B3DT2E1: Able to write sentences using correct penmanship. B3DT3E1: Able to complete sentences using the correct verbs: regular verbs / simple present tense / simple past tense B2DT1E1: Able to spell correctly. B2DT2E1: Able to complete: a) linear texts b) non-linear texts B1DT1E1 Able to form numerals and letters of words using correct penmanship: a ) phrases, b ) simple sentences, c ) numeral forms, d ) word forms

B1DB1E1: Able to group words according to word categories. B1DB2E1: Able to read and identify : (a)common nouns, (b)proper nouns, (c)singular nouns, (d) plural nouns

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Descriptor B1DL1E1 Able to do any of the following: (a) recite rhymes, (b) sing songs, (c) tongue twisters, (d) sing in groups

Assessment Groups of children perform tongue twisters at the front of the class. Children should be divided into groups of between 3 and 6 pupils. Each group should be given the tongue twister sheet (5 tongue twisters in total). One of these is compulsory to perform in front of the class. The group must choose one of the 4 others (they will perform 2 in total). Resources attached: o Tongue twister sheet The child is the evidence for this assessment (no paper evidence). Tongue twisters 1. Teacher gives instructions for the activity and passes out the tongue twister sheets. 2. Groups practice their two tongue twisters and prepare for performing them in front of the class. 3. The first group performs their first tongue twister in front of the class reciting it three times first slowly, then at a medium pace, and finally at a fast pace (the number of recommended repetitions for each recital is indicated on the tongue twister sheet). The group then performs their second tongue twister in the same way. The next group then follows in turn. 4. Teacher assesses children on their speaking skills as they recite the tongue twisters at a medium pace (assessment is only on the medium paced recital). Note: An alternative set of tongue twisters can be used if deemed appropriate by the teacher. If children are not concentrating enough it may be appropriate to inform them that they are being assessed through this activity. This is left to the teachers discretion.

Min. Pass Criteria Child recites 50% of the words in the medium paced tongue twisters with correct pronunciation, intonation and fluency.

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Descriptor B1DL2E1 Able to do any of the following: (a) jazz chants, (b) action songs, (c) tongue twisters

Assessment Groups of children perform jazz chants in front of the class. Children must be pre-taught to recognise syllables in words and should be familiar with the concept of Jazz Chants. Resources attached: o Worksheet with 4 jazz chants. The child is the evidence for this assessment (no paper evidence). Performing Jazz Chants 1. Teacher divides class into groups of 3 to 6 children and gives each group one of the Jazz Chant worksheets. 2. Groups are given 5-10 minutes to choose and practice 2 of the jazz chants. Teacher circulates around the groups ensuring that the jazz chants are being sounded correctly. Groups then perform, one by one, in front of the class. 3. Teacher listens to the students perform the two chants and assesses each child against the minimum pass criteria. Note: Groups may creatively adapt the jazz chants. For the performance they are free to add in mime / clapping / movement as appropriate. This can be encouraged.

Min. Pass Criteria Child pronounces 50% of the words correctly (in both chants)

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Descriptor B1DB1E1 Able to group words according to word categories.

This assessment is based on children performing a fishing game with magnets. Resources attached: o Wordcards (8 x common, proper and plural nouns). These should be laminated. Other resources required: o Fishing rods (i.e. sticks with string and a magnet attached). Enough rods for one per team. o Metal paper clips (to attach to the word cards so they can be hooked by the magnet) o Blue tack to stick wordcards to the blackboard. The child is the evidence for this assessment (no paper evidence). Fishing for Common / Proper / Plural nouns 1. Teacher divides class into equal sized groups (2,3 or 4 groups is ideal) 2. A name is given to each group and these names written on the blackboard (for scoring purposes). 3. Part of the blackboard is marked out in 3 sections (Common / Proper / Plural nouns) 4. Teacher spreads the wordcards (with paper clips attached) in an area at the front of the class. This is the pool in which the children will fish. A cardboard box could be used for this, or maybe just the top of a desk. 5. Teacher numbers the children in each group sequentially e.g. 1,2,3 6. One child from each group comes to fish. When they have caught a word they must paste it onto the blackboard under the correct heading. 7. At this stage the teacher notes the children who paste words in the correct category (this is for assessment purposes use of a pre-prepared tick chart is recommended) 8. Points are given to the teams who paste the words in the correct category. These points are written up on the board. (A speed element can be introduced whereby the fastest team gets the most points.) 9. Teacher cycles through all children, turn after turn i.e. number 1s, number 2s, number 3s. Then cycles through the children again. Each child must have a minimum of 2 goes. 10. Teacher to manage when he / she returns words from the board to the word pool. 11. Teacher assesses each child against the minimum pass criteria. Note: A bonus round can be added in to this game for extra interest. Give 3-5 word cards to each group (one word card goes to one child). Group by group these children come to the board and paste the words under the correct categories. This works well if there is a countdown of 10 seconds. However many words are pasted correctly that team gets that number of points. (This is a bonus round and is not intended to be part of the assessment.) More / different wordcards can be added to the word pool.

Min. Pass Criteria A child places two word cards in the correct category

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Descriptor B1DB2E1 Able to read and identify : (a)common nouns, (b)proper nouns, (c)singular nouns, (d) plural nouns

Assessment This assessment consists of 2 sub-assessments, both of which must be passed for a child to pass this band descriptor. In both assessments children work in pairs to cut and paste words in the correct categories on a poster. Resources attached: o Common v Proper nouns (cut and paste sheets A and B) o Singular v Plural nouns (cut and paste sheets A and B) Other resources required: o Manila card (one sheet per pair) o Scissors and glue The child is the evidence for this assessment (no paper evidence). Although the posters that are created could be used as evidence if needs be. 1: Make a common and proper nouns poster in pairs: Teacher puts the class into pairs and explains the task. A sheet of manila card (or large sheet of paper) is given to each pair. With a marker pen they divide this into two equal halves. At the top of one half they write Common Nouns, at the top of the other half Proper Nouns. Teacher gives out common v proper nouns sheets A and B. One child in each pair ge ts sheet A, the other sheet B. Each child writes their name under the six pictures of nouns on their sheet and then cuts out these pictures. Each child glues their own 6 pictures onto the poster under the correct category. Teacher collects in the posters and assesses each child according to the minimum pass criteria. 2: Make a singular and plural nouns poster in pairs : Pair work activity as above. Use the singular v plural nouns sheets A and B. Notes: These assessments do not have to be conducted in the same lesson. Prizes / praise could be given for well made posters. Extra activities should be prepared for fast finishers.

Min. Pass Criteria For children to pass this assessment they must pass both of the subassessments as follows. Common v Proper noun poster: The child glues 4 of his/her pictures under the correct category heading. Singular v Plural noun poster: The child glues 4 of his/her pictures under the correct category heading.

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Descriptor Assessment B1DT1E1 This assessment is based on a writing test worksheet. Able to form Resources attached: numerals and letters o Writing test worksheet of words using o Handwriting practice booklet correct penmanship: o Info sheet: How to hold a pen/pencil (Tripod Grip) a) phrases, b) simple There is PAPER EVIDENCE for this assessment. sentences, c) numeral Writing Test: Form numerals and letters (write simple sentences) forms, d) word forms 1. Teacher gives out one worksheet per student. Desks should be separated so that copying is minimised. Teacher models how to answer the questions then starts the test. 2. Teacher collects in the worksheets after approximately ten minutes. 3. Children are assessed according to the minimum pass criteria. Note: This assessment provides an opportunity for teachers to walk around the class and check the children are holding / using their pencils / pens correctly.

Min. Pass Criteria 60%. 3 out of 5 sentences written correctly in neat and legible print.

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Descriptor B2DL1E1 [Pt. a] Able to participate in the following conversation: (a) talk about oneself, (b) introduce family members and friends

Assessment This assessment is conducted as a survey. Children walk around the class and ask each other questions and note these on a survey sheet. Resources attached: o Survey sheet. Children need to be pre-taught favourite foods / favourite hobbies / ambitions. Children should also be familiar with survey activities. The child is the evidence for this assessment (no paper evidence). (The survey sheet can be used as evidence that the survey was carried out but not that the assessment was passed). Talking about Yourself: Survey activity 1. Teacher introduces the survey activity and hands out one survey sheet to each child. Teacher models the activity to ensure understanding. 2. Children mingle and ask their friends the 3 survey questions (favourite food / hobby and their ambition). Children write their friends name and answers on the survey sheet. 3. Teacher walks around and listens to the children asking questions and answering. Note that the assessment is based on a childs answers not their question asking. 4. Teacher assesses each student according to the minimum pass criteria. Note: It is possible to conduct this survey based assessment without using the survey sheet. The survey questions can be written on the blackboard and the children can simply mingle and talk. The survey sheet can be used to give focus and support to classes where this is useful. Re-assessment can be carried out multiple times using the same survey.

Min. Pass Criteria Child says two correct sentences about their self. These must be grammatically correct and well pronounced. They must also be appropriate responses to a question they have been asked. N.B. Children must complete both Part A and B of this assessment to pass.

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Descriptor B2DL1E1 [Pt. b] Able to participate in the following conversation: (a) talk about oneself, (b) introduce family members and friends

Assessment Children do this assessment by interacting in a dialogue, with other students, through playing the Pass the Pen game in two teams. The dialogue each child uses is personalised (by them) to be about the occupations of their friends or family members (uncle, aunt, cousin, grandfather, grandmother). Resources attached: o Pass the Pen game instruction sheet. Prior to this assessment children should know their family and friends occupations. (Finding this information could be given as a homework task the previous lesson). It would also be helpful if the class is familiar with the Pass the Pen game. The child is the evidence for this assessment (no paper evidence). Talking about family members and friends: Pass the Pen game 1. Teacher introduces a practice dialogue along the lines of: A: My uncle is a tailor. B: My grandfather is a doctor. 2. Children practice the fixed dialogue and then the teacher helps the students personalise it for themselves saying exactly what their friends and relatives do. 3. In two teams (or more for a large class) the class performs the pass the pen game using their own personalised dialogues as they speak to each other (see instruction sheet). 4. Teacher walks around the class listening to individual students speaking their personalised dialogues as they play the game. 5. Teacher assesses each student and records the results. Note: The game can be performed many times in a row to give the teacher time to circulate and assess each child. A competitive aspect can be introduced to the game, awarding points for first place etc. The teacher should not stop the game simply because all children have been assessed. The main point of the activity is enjoyment and learning of English.

Min. Pass Criteria Children say two sentences describing the occupations of two different family members or friends. The sentences are pronounced correctly and are grammatically correct. N.B. Children must complete both Part A and B of this assessment to pass.

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Descriptor B2DL2E1 Able to ask and answer correctly using: personal, demonstrative and, possessive pronouns

There are three parts to this assessment, 2 board games (for personal and demonstrative pronouns) and a worksheet (for possessive pronouns) Children should be clear how to use these pronouns before attempting the assessment. Children need to pass all 3 assessments to pass this band. Resources attached: o Personal pronoun board game o Demonstrative pronoun board game o Possessive pronoun worksheet If the board games are laminated they can be used in subsequent years. Other resources required: Dice and counters for playing the board games. The child is the evidence for this assessment (no paper evidence). Personal pronouns: Board game in pairs 1. Teacher puts children into pairs and gives each pair a game board, 2 counters and a dice. If the class is unfamiliar with the concept of board games this should be explained first. 2. When a player lands on a square they must speak the sentence that is printed there, filling in the personal pronoun gap. 3. Teacher walks around the class listening to pairs speaking as they play the game. 4. Teacher assesses each student according to the minimum pass criteria. Demonstrative pronouns: Board game in pairs 1. Class and game organised as above. 2. Teacher needs to explain that the long arrows on the board game correspond to that and those, whilst the short arrows correspond to this and these. 3. When a player lands on a square they must speak the sentence that is printed there, filling in the demonstrative pronoun gap. 4. Teacher walks around the class listening to pairs speaking as they play the game. 5. Teacher assesses each student according to the minimum pass criteria. Possessive pronouns: worksheet 1. In exam like conditions the teacher gives out one worksheet per student. 2. Children complete the worksheet filling in the possessive pronoun gaps. 3. After an appropriate time the teacher collects in the worksheets. 4. Teacher assesses each student according to the minimum pass criteria. Note: The board games can be performed many times in a row to give the teacher time to circulate and assess each child. Children can keep a tally of which one wins the most games. If there is an odd number of children then 3 can play at one board.

Min. Pass Criteria All sub-assessments must be passed (these assessments can be given in different lessons) Personal Pronoun Game o A child speaks three of the gap fill sentences with correct intonation and the correct pronoun. Demonstrative Pronoun Game o A child speaks three of the gap fill sentences with correct intonation and the correct pronoun. Possessive Pronoun Worksheet o 5 out of 7 questions correct.

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Descriptor B2DB1E1 Able to match words with words of: (a) similar meaning, (b) opposite meaning

Assessment This assessment is based on a matching and colouring worksheet. Children to be pre-taught concepts of similar meaning and opposite meaning and have an understanding of the words used in the assessment. Resources attached: o Assessment worksheet (match and colour) There is PAPER EVIDENCE for this assessment. Matching words of similar meaning and opposite meaning 1. Individual worksheets given to children. Teacher models how to answer the questions and colour in the appropriate shapes. 2. Children have approximately 10 minutes to complete the assessment. 3. Teacher collects in the worksheet and assesses each student according to the minimum pass criteria.

Min. Pass Criteria 4 out of 6 questions are answered (matched) correctly.

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Descriptor B2DT1E1 Able to spell correctly.

Assessment This assessment is based on a writing test worksheet. Resources attached: o Spelling test worksheet (with wordsearch) There is PAPER EVIDENCE for this assessment (the worksheet). Spelling test worksheet 1. Teacher gives out one worksheet per student. Desks should be separated so that copying is minimised (exam like conditions). Teacher models how to answer the questions then starts the test. 2. Teacher collects in the worksheets after adequate time has been given for the test (15 minutes?). 3. Children are assessed according to the minimum pass criteria.

Min. Pass Criteria 5 out of 7 answers (words) written correctly.

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Descriptor B2DT2E1 Able to complete: a) linear texts, b) nonlinear texts

Assessment This assessment is based on individual writing worksheets. Children to be pretaught the skills needed for this assessment i.e. extracting data from lists and putting it into linear and have an understanding of the words used in the assessment. Resources attached: o Assessment worksheet (match and colour) There is PAPER EVIDENCE for this assessment. Matching words of similar meaning and opposite meaning 1. Individual worksheets given to children. Teacher models how to answer the questions and colour in the appropriate shapes. 2. Children have approximately 10 minutes to complete the assessment. 3. Teacher collects in the worksheet and assesses each student according to the minimum pass criteria.

Min. Pass Criteria 4 out of 6 questions are answered (matched) correctly.

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Descriptor B3DL1E1 Able to participate in the following conversation: (a) express good wishes, (b) ask for help, (c) respond to someone asking for help, (d) offer help

Assessment This assessment consists of a sequence of 3 sub-assessments, all of which must be passed for a child to pass this band descriptor. Each sub-assessment is based on the pass the pen game in which rows of children repeat a dialogue. The three dialogues supplied correspond to the following language functions: 1) express good wishes, 2) ask for help and respond to someone asking for help, 3) offer help. Resources attached: o 3 dialogues (in powerpoint and handout formats) o Pass the Pen: game instructions Children should be familiar with a dialogue before using it in the assessment game. Teachers can choose their own methods how to familiarise the children with the dialogues. The child is the evidence for this assessment (NO PAPER) Participate in conversation: Pass the Pen game Teacher divides the class into equal sized teams and lines them up in rows. Teacher explains the rules and team names are given / selected (see rules of game handout for more information) Pens (or other batons) are given to the first person in each group and these are passed along the row as the children repeat the given dialogue between each other. The teacher listens to each child as the baton moves along. The game can be repeated several times in order that the teacher can listen to all children. Teacher can give points for the game. High points being given to the team that passes the baton to the end first e.g. winner-3, second-2, third-1. An element of competition can sustain the appeal of this game through several rounds. Children are assessed according to the minimum pass criteria. (A pre-prepared check list is recommended for recording as you go along the rows). ALL THREE dialogues need to be assessed to pass this assessment. This means three pass the pen games. These do not have to all be done in the same lesson (although if the dynamic of the class is good they can be done one after the other). Notes: Teachers are encouraged to create their own dialogues, personalising them to their class, for use with this assessment. Higher level classes can become involved in this process creating their own dialogues.

Min. Pass Criteria For children to pass this assessment they must pass all 3 of the subassessments. Child speaks all lines of each dialogue correctly (with acceptable pronunciation and intonation) a minimum of one time.

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Descriptor B3DL2E1 Able to listen to, follow and give instructions and directions.

Assessment In this assessment children make their way across a map grid on the floor (made up of pictures of roads and buildings) by following spoken instructions from a friend. Resources attached: o Floor Road Map (4x4 grid of A4 sheets with roads and locations) (2 sets available) These sheets should be laminated for durability. Other resources required: Method by which children can pick a destination to which they must give directions. Such a box with folded up pieces of paper on which are written all the destinations on the grid classroom police station etc. The child is the evidence for this assessment (no paper evidence). Give and follow directions 1. Teacher / class set up the 4x4 map grid on the floor. Teacher models the activity to ensure understanding. 2. Children perform the assessment in pairs. One picks a destination (out of the box) and without saying the destination gives directions to the other to get there. The other follows the directions to reach the destination. The teacher then asks the rest of the class Where is he/she? and gets the class to respond appropriately. Then the pair swap roles, another destination is picked and more directions given. All children should be familiar with the giving of directions such as: Turn right Turn left Stop Go straight. 3. Teacher records whether a child gives appropriate directions and whether they follow directions correctly. These are recorded and form the basis of the assessment. (Use of a pre-prepared tick chart is recommended.) 4. Teacher assesses each student according to the minimum pass criteria. Note: The teacher can decide whether to set the whole class a different activity (e.g. reading / wordsearch) and call them pair by pair, or to have the whole class watching. If there is a supportive dynamic in the class it may be better for the class to watch / encourage. Onlookers may give hints to their friends. This is acceptable. Try to get the onlookers to use English if they wish to help. Be aware that laminated sheets can be slippery when placed on some surfaces. Take precautions if necessary.

Min. Pass Criteria Child gives appropriate directions for a selected destination. ALSO Child correctly follows directions given by a friend.

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Descriptor B3DB1E1 Able to recognize, read and match pictures with phrases and sentences.

Assessment A grid of phrases / sentence cards (4 rows of 5 cards) is made on the floor. Children cross this by stepping from one row to the next. On each row they must step on the phrase / sentence that corresponds with the picture that the teacher displays. Resources attached: o 5 pics and 5 corresponding phrases / sentences (all A4 sized) [2 different sets] Resource preparation: o 4 sets of phrase / sentence cards to be printed and laminated. One set of the pictures to be printed. o Teacher sets out the grid of phrase / sentence cards on the classroom floor. Each row contains one set of cards. An example grid is provided in the resource section. Children should be familiar with the phrases / sentences used. The child is the evidence for this assessment (no paper evidence). Match pictures with phrases and sentences (Stepping Stones) 1. Children line up at the start of the grid. 2. One child crosses the grid by stepping on the phrase / sentence which corresponds to the picture that the teacher displays to them. The teacher displays four different pictures to allow the child to cross the grid in four steps (stepping stones across a river). 3. The teacher varies the combination of pictures shown for each student. 4. The teacher assesses each student according to the minimum pass criteria (use of a pre-prepared marking sheet is recommended for quick recording of results) Note: Optional variation: children speak the phrases / sentences as they step on them (this is a reading assessment so speaking is not necessary). 2 sets of pictures and phrases/sentences are provided. Teachers can choose to use one of these or adapt the materials and create their own. Onlookers may give hints to their friends. This is acceptable. Try to get the onlookers to use English if they wish to help. Be aware that laminated sheets can be slippery when placed on some surfaces. Take precautions if necessary.

Min. Pass Criteria Children step on three out of four correct phrases / sentences.

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Descriptor B3DB2E1 Able to form sentences using substitution table.

Assessment Group game. Children divided into groups of 5 or less students. Each group has a set of phrase cards on their desk (of 3 colours eg. Red, Orange and Blue cards). These phrases are combined (always in Red, Blue, Green order) to make sentences that correspond to pictures the teacher shows. Resources attached: o A set of phrase cards (7 red, 5 blue, 8 green) a set of these should be laminated for each group. o A set of 20 pictures (use as a ppt display or pictures can be printed out individually). Other resources required: o Blue tack for children to stick sentences on the board. There is NO PAPER EVIDENCE for this assessment. Substitution sentence formation in groups 1. Teacher divides the class into groups of up to 5 children. Each group sits around their own table. Groups are evenly distributed around the classroom. Each group is given a name and the teacher draws a grid on the blackboard to keep track of points awarded during the game. 2. Each group is given a set of phrase cards. The task is explained to them. They need to make a sentence from the word cards (e.g. one red, one orange, one blue) corresponding to the picture the teacher reveals to them (either on paper or via powerpoint) 3. Students in each group are assigned an individual number (1 to 5). 4. In the first round it will be the Number 1s who make the sentence. Then for the second picture it will be the Number 2s turn. This will cycle through up to 20 available pictures (giving each student 3 chances at forming a sentence). 5. Each group has a space on the blackboard (or on the wall somewhere) where the assigned student needs to stick their formed sentence (tack to be provided for this). 6. Students can help each other to form correct sentences. 7. Teacher to decide a points scheme for the game e.g. first team to form a correct sentence = 3 points, second team = 2 points, third team = 1 point. 8. Teacher notes on a tick chart which students form correct sentences when given the opportunity. Children can then be assessed according to the minimum pass criteria. Note: Teachers can design their own set of word/phrase cards and pictures to tailor the assessment to their students. Limbang Assessment Pack Trial Version, August 2013

Min. Pass Criteria A child forms 2 correct sentences (corresponding to the picture) from the substitution word cards.

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Descriptor B3DT1E1 Able to use correctly: (a) exclamation mark, (b) comma

Assessment This assessment is based on a punctuation test writing sheet. One per child. Resources attached: o Punctuation test worksheet There is PAPER EVIDENCE for this assessment. Punctuation Test: Add the correct punctuation marks to sentences 1. Teacher gives out one worksheet per student. Desks should be separated so that copying is minimised. Teacher models how to answer the questions then starts the test. 2. Teacher collects in the worksheets after approximately ten minutes. 3. Children are assessed according to the minimum pass criteria. Note: This assessment provides an opportunity for teachers to walk around the class and check the children are holding / using their pencils / pens correctly.

Min. Pass Criteria The 6 question worksheet has a total of 12 opportunities for children to place a punctuation mark correctly. Minimum pass criteria: The child writes 8 out of 12 punctuation marks correctly and in the correct position.

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Descriptor B3DT2E1 Able to write sentences using correct penmanship.

Assessment This assessment is based on a writing test worksheet. Resources attached: o Writing test worksheet There is PAPER EVIDENCE for this assessment. Writing Test: Write simple sentences 1. Teacher gives out one worksheet per student. Desks should be separated so that copying is minimised. Teacher models how to answer the questions then starts the test. 2. Teacher collects in the worksheets after approximately ten minutes. 3. Children are assessed according to the minimum pass criteria. Note: This assessment provides an opportunity for teachers to walk around the class and check the children are holding / using their pencils / pens correctly.

Min. Pass Criteria 60%. 3 out of 5 sentences written correctly in neat and legible print.

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Descriptor B3DT3E1 Able to complete sentences using the correct verbs: regular verbs / simple present tense / simple past tense

Assessment This assessment is based on a gap-fill writing worksheet. Resources attached: o Tense test worksheet o Answer sheet There is PAPER EVIDENCE for this assessment. Writing Test: Gap fill correct verbs in simple past/present tense 1. Teacher gives out one worksheet per student. Desks should be separated so that copying is minimised. Teacher models how to answer the questions then starts the test. 2. Children write the correct verb forms in the gaps on the worksheet. 3. Teacher collects in the worksheets after an appropriate time. 4. Children are assessed according to the minimum pass criteria. Note: Teachers are encouraged to create similar worksheets using sentences that are personalised to their situation and the class.

Min. Pass Criteria 60%. 3 out of 5 pairs of sentences are answered correctly.

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Descriptor Assessment This assessment is based on a team game where children answer true/false questions on a story (or stories) that they know. B4DL1E1 Children must be familiar with the story(ies), and the teacher must have prepared a sufficient number of true/false Able to give True / questions for their class size. False replies based on Resources attached: (a) characters and (b) o Sheet with 3 stories from the Y3 KSSR activity book. place in stories. o 21 true/false questions relating to these stories.
Other resources reqd: Two small boxes, one labelled TRUE one FALSE. Each one should contain a number of toys (or other objects). The number of toys equals the number of teams. Each toy represents a different point value e.g. Red ball 1 point, yellow ball 2 points, green ball 3 points. The child is the evidence for this assessment (no paper evidence). Run and Answer: True / False game 1. Teacher divides class into teams of up to ten children (two teams minimum). 2. True and False boxes are placed at the front of the class, a reasonable distance apart. The toys / objects are placed in the boxes. Children understand which toy relates to which point score. 3. Teacher identifies one child from each team. It is their go. The teacher asks the True/False question and then says waitgo!. 4. The identified children run to the appropriate box and pick out a toy to the maximum point value they can get. 5. Teacher then asks these identified children the question again and they speak their answer (True or False). (The assessment is conducted on the basis of the childrens responses at this stage of the game) 6. Teacher records the points for each team (on the blackboard)and the toys are replaced in the box(es). The children return to their teams / places. The teacher identifies the next children who are to go. 7. When all children have had one go the round is over. The teacher totals the points and identifies the winning team. 8. A minimum of three rounds will need to be played for assessment purposes (see pass criteria). 9. Teacher must record how each child verbally answers their question when it is their turn. Children are assessed according to the minimum pass criteria. Note: Rather than ask questions for all 3 (provided) stories in one go, the teacher may decide to teach one story and then ask questions specific to it before moving on to the next story i.e. tackle the game in 3 chunks. Children can stand in groups (lines) for this assessment, or they can sit at their desks teacher to choose as appropriate for the class. To sustain interest in the game the teacher might replace the standard set of toys in each box with some surprise envelopes so that students dont know what points they are getting. This could be done every few turns or near the end of the game. With larger class sizes it may be appropriate to have more than two groups.

Min. Pass Criteria Child answers 2 true/false questions correctly.

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Descriptor B4DL2E1 Able to do any of the following : (a) sing action songs, (b) recite jazz chants (c) recite poems.

Assessment In groups the children write and then perform jazz chants. Children must be pre-taught to recognise syllables in words and should be familiar with the concept of Jazz Chants. Resources attached: o Two group worksheets are provided. One on the subject of food, one on animals. To pass the assessment children must perform two jazz chants. The child is the evidence for this assessment (no paper evidence). Writing and singing Jazz Chants 1. Teacher divides class into groups of 3 to 6 children and gives each group one of the two Jazz Chant worksheets (food or animals). 2. Groups are given 10 minutes to write and practice their jazz chant and then they perform in front of the class. 3. Groups are given the second worksheet and write and perform this jazz chant in the same manner as the first. 4. Teacher listens to the students perform their two chants and assesses each child against the minimum pass criteria.

Min. Pass Criteria Child pronounces 50% of the words correctly (in both chants)

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Descriptor Assessment B4DL3E1 Oral test. Children come to the teacher one by one for this assessment. Able to identify Children come to the teacher individually and answer questions based on a picture that the locations of objects teacher shows them. based on a picture Children must be pre-taught the relevant prepositions and the vocabulary to answer the stimulus using: in / on questions. / under / up / in front Resources Attached: of / behind / at o Picture question sheets 3 pictures with 2 questions each (with answers at the end for the teacher) this is in one file. o Preposition multiple choice worksheet (supplementary material) The child is the evidence for this assessment (no paper evidence). Identify location of objects from a picture stimulus 1. This is an oral 1:1 assessment. The teacher should set the whole class a task then have individual students come to them one by one (out of earshot of the rest of the class). 2. Teacher shows the child being assessed the three pictures in turn and asks the associated questions. Teacher may prompt the child for the correct answer. 3. Teacher assesses the child according to the minimum pass criteria. Note: If the child gives a different answer than we want but it is correct e.g. the cat is in front of the ball, the teacher should praise them and then ask them the question again prompting for the answer required. The teacher may point at the relevant object(s) as a prompt e.g. pointing to the table leads to the child saying The cat is under the table.

Min. Pass Criteria Child answers 3 out of 6 questions correctly in full sentences e.g. The cat is behind the computer.

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Descriptor B4DB1E1 Able to complete phrases or sentences based on text read.

Assessment In this assessment children have individual comprehension worksheets. They need to go to a story which is placed on the board or wall nearby in order to find the right words to complete the gap fill and matching questions on the worksheet. Resources attached: o Poster story sheet o Worksheet Children must be familiar with all the words in the comprehension story. There is PAPER evidence for this assessment (the worksheet). Running Comprehension 1. Teacher gives each child one worksheet at their desk. 2. If required the teacher should model the appropriate way of answering the questions. 3. Copies of the story have been placed around the room. 4. On the teachers command the children run to and from the story to fill in their worksheet (the worksheet must remain on their desk). 5. Competition can be encouraged e.g. prize for first child to finish. 6. Children should be encouraged to do their own work and not share (shout out) their answers. 7. After an appropriate time the teacher collects in the worksheets and assesses each child according to the minimum pass criteria. Note: Additional material should be prepared to keep the fast finishers busy.

Min. Pass Criteria Minimum scores in each of the 3 questions must be achieved as follows: o Q1 (Matching) 2/4 o Q2 (Gap fill) 2/3 o Q3 (Matching) 2/4

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Descriptor B4DB2E1 Complete sentences using the correct conjunctions: and or but

In this game based assessment the children look at a picture and decide whether a sentence associated with that picture should be completed with and or or but. There are 2 versions of the game (both played in groups): o PPT based game: Pics with gap fill questions are displayed o Handout based game: A handout of 20 pictures with gap fill sentences is given to each group. Resources attached: o Powerpoint (20 pics with gap fill sentences) o 20 pictures handout Other resources required: 3 boxes (labelled and or but) each containing a number of points balls The child is the evidence for this assessment (no paper evidence). And;or;but Picture Game: 1. PPT version: Teacher sets up powerpoint projector to display picture and gap fill questions. Handout version: Teacher prepares handout to give to each group. 2. Teacher divides the class into groups of up to 5. The 3 boxes (and or but) are placed at the front of the class. Each box contains a selection of point balls. These each represent a different point score. (NB: The number of balls should equal the number of teams, i.e. if you have 4 teams you need 4 points balls in each box). 3. Teacher assigns a number to the children in each group i.e. 1-2-3-4-5. The teacher then identifies which number will attempt the next question e.g. Number 1s Its your go. 4. PPT version: Teacher displays picture and gap fill question. Handout version: Teacher says which question is to be attempted (A to T). 5. The identified children run to the boxes from their groups and pick a point-ball from the box that corresponds with their answer. When all the children (whose go it is) have come to the front the teacher can confirm/give the right answer and give points to each group according to the point balls chosen. 6. Teacher then gets the whole class to repeat the sentence using the correct conjunction. 7. Teacher must also record which children have come to the front and answered correctly (this contributes towards their assessment) 8. The game is played through several rounds. Enough to perform the assessment across all students. 9. Teacher assesses the child according to the minimum pass criteria. Note: Point Balls dont have to be balls. It may even be better to have objects that dont roll away if dropped. They dont need to have a points value written on them either this could be given in a grid on the board e.g. furry dice 5 points. To discourage cheating the points balls in each box should be distinguishable from those in the others e.g. a unique colour (this will prevent children grabbing out of the wrong boxes) This is an engaging activity for the children but there is much for the teacher to do. The teacher should ensure he sets up his / her class so that everything runs smoothly e.g. have a quick way of recording which children answer questions correctly.

Min. Pass Criteria A child answers two out of three questions correctly [2/3] - (i.e. they have been given three chances to come to the front and pick a ball, and at least twice they have picked a ball from the correct box.)

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Descriptor Assessment B4DT1E1 This assessment is based on a writing worksheet which students complete individually. Able to write Resources attached: sentences using o Punctuation writing test worksheet correct punctuations o Answer sheet for above from picture stimulus. There is PAPER evidence for this assessment (the worksheet). Punctuation Writing Test 1. Under exam-like conditions the teacher gives each child one worksheet at their desk. 2. If required the teacher should model the appropriate way of answering the questions. 3. Three words are needed to complete the test. These are dentist, butterfly, thirsty. The teacher may choose to write these on the blackboard or have the children work them out from the picture on the worksheet. 4. After an appropriate time (10 15 minutes?) the teacher collects in the worksheets and assesses each child according to the minimum pass criteria.

Min. Pass Criteria Four out of six answers must be written with the correct punctuation.

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Descriptor B5DL1E1 Able to talk about a given stimulus.

Assessment This is a 1:1 oral assessment. Children will come to the teacher one at a time to talk about a stimulus. The stimulus to be talked about can be almost anything e.g. picture, realia, a talk about this topic question from the teacher. Teachers can use the resources provided here but it may well be better to source more situation specific stimuli. Resources attached: o Picture Stimulus Sheet The child is the evidence for this assessment (no paper evidence). Talking about a given stimulus: 1:1 oral test conditions 1. Children come to the teacher one by one, out of earshot from the rest of the class, for the oral test. 2. Teacher presents child with first picture (or other stimulus) and asks them to say some things about it. (e.g. Say what you see.) 3. Teacher should give minimal prompts as the child should be responding to the stimulus and not the teacher. (Questions are provided for the pictures but each child should be given sufficient time to respond to the pictures before they are asked these questions.) 4. Teacher presents the other pictures / stimuli in the same way. 5. Teacher assesses each child according to the minimum pass criteria. Note: There is a lot of flexibility in this assessment. Whilst individual students are being assessed the rest of the class should be given an appropriate activity to occupy their time.

Min. Pass Criteria Child produces (speaks) three simple sentences, grammatically correct, pronounced correctly and appropriate to the stimulus provided.

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Descriptor B5DL2E1 Able to ask and answer simple Whquestions.

Assessment This assessment is carried out whilst the teacher watches children play a board game in pairs. Resources attached: o Wh questions board game (print enough copies for one game for each pair laminate for increased durability) Other items required: Dice (one per pair), Counters e.g. buttons, (one for each child) The child is the evidence for this assessment (no paper evidence). Wh questions: Pairs board game. 1. Explain / model the board game to the children. Instruct them that they must answer in full sentences. 2. Put the children in pairs and give them a board, a dice and two counters. Start the game. 3. Children take it in turns to roll the dice and move their counter. The other child then asks the question according to where the counter has landed. If the child can answer question they can leave their counter where it is. If they cant answer the question they must move their counter back a space. 4. The teacher mingles around the class and assists children playing the game. Whilst doing this the teacher conducts the assessment. The assessment is based on the questions and answers the teacher hears the children speaking. 5. Teacher assesses each student according to the minimum pass criteria. Note: If there is an odd number of children in the class then three children can play at one board. The game can be played many times. Children can record who wins the most times.

Min. Pass Criteria Three Wh questions are asked appropriately. Three Wh questions are answered appropriately. Full sentences are required, with correct grammar, pronunciation and intonation.

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Descriptor B5DL2E2 [Opt 1] Able to perform or recite any of the following : (a) jazz chants, (b) action songs, (c) poems or (d) tell stories

Assessment This assessment is based on groups of children performing the action song My Uncles Family. (Page 24 of KSSR Y3 text book.) Resources attached: o Scanned copy of My Uncles Family song. o Scanned copy of Madam Teacher song (from pg 32 of KSSR Y3 text book). This can be used as an alternative. The child is the evidence for this assessment (no paper evidence). Performing action song in small groups 1. Teach song to whole class with few simple actions e.g. holding ar ms up in a heart shape for I do love him/her. 2. Divide class into groups (ideally 3-4 children). Focus childrens attention on the song lyrics on pg 24 (or the scanned handout) and instruct the groups to practice it further and prepare for a performance. 3. At the group stage the children should be encouraged to add in more actions to their songs and to personalise their performance it other suitable ways. (Some groups may even want to change the lyrics to sing about their own families this should also be encouraged). 4. Optional: Teacher can make this activity into a competition with perhaps a prize for the best group. 5. Teacher circulates around the groups and when all groups are ready the performances can begin. 6. Groups perform at the front of the class, one at a time. As they sing the teacher assesses each child according to the minimum pass criteria. Note: The London Bridge is falling down tune does not fit that well to some of the verses of My Uncles Family. The teacher may need to help some groups squeeze the words into the melody. Teacher can use their own songs as appropriate.

Min. Pass Criteria Child performs the song with some actions and sings a minimum of 60% of sentences with correct pronunciation.

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Descriptor B5DL2E2 [Opt 2] Able to perform or recite any of the following : (a) jazz chants, (b) action songs, (c) poems or (d) tell stories

Assessment This assessment is based on groups of children telling a story through performing the role play Four Friends (a story on Page 120 of KSSR Y3 text book) Resources attached: o Scanned copy of Four Friends story. The child is the evidence for this assessment (no paper evidence). Role Play in small groups 1. Divide class into groups (4+ children: donkey, dog, cat, rooster). Focus childrens attention on the role play on pg 120 (or give out scanned copies of the story) and instruct the groups to practice and prepare for performance. 2. Groups can add in props / actions to personalise their performance. 3. Optional: Teacher can make this activity into a competition with perhaps a prize for the best group. 4. Teacher circulates around the groups and when all groups are ready the performances can begin. 5. Groups perform at the front of the class, one at a time. As they act out the role play the teacher assesses each child according to the minimum pass criteria. Note: Teacher can use alternative role plays as appropriate. Role plays work well when children really know the story they are acting and there is a supportive environment in the class (so they are not afraid to act). Try to encourage this. Role plays also work well when children have made props for them. Teachers could dedicate some time in previous lessons to allow children to make some props for these role plays e.g. masks.

Min. Pass Criteria Child performs 60% of sentences with correct pronunciation.

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Descriptor B5DB1E1 Able to read and comprehend simple texts by answering Wh questions.

Assessment This is a worksheet based assessment on the topic of the story Mr Lee the bus driver (Y3 KSSR activity book pg 5) Resources attached: o Worksheet 1 (gap fill). o Worksheet 2 (multiple choice) an alternative. There is PAPER evidence for this assessment (the worksheet). Comprehending texts through answering Wh questions 1. Teacher sets up the classroom to exam-like conditions and stresses the importance of students doing their own work. 2. Teacher models the answering of questions as required. Worksheets are then given out and the assessment begins. 3. Approximately ten minutes should be allowed to complete the assessment. 4. Teacher collects in the worksheet and uses these to assess the students according to the minimum pass criteria. Note: There is a different minimum pass criteria for the gap fill and multiple choice worksheets. Re-assessment: As two worksheets are provided the one not used for the first assessment can be used if re-assessment is necessary. This is a Band 5 assessment for Year 3 children. By this stage they should be beginning to understand the importance of exams and the correct way to behave in them. The teacher may want to walk around the class during the assessment and promote silence and children doing their own work. If teachers design their own assessments for this band descriptor it is recommended to use only What When Who Where questions.

Min. Pass Criteria For the gap fill worksheet children must answer 3 out of 5 questions correctly (60%) For the multiple choice worksheet children must answer 4 out of 5 questions correctly (80%)

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Descriptor B5DT1E1 Able to form questions based on answers given.

Assessment This assessment is based on a writing worksheet. Resources attached: o Worksheet (6 qus to form qus from answers). There is PAPER evidence for this assessment (the worksheet). Children should be pretaught the grammar of question formation. Worksheet to form questions from answers 1. Teacher sets up the classroom to exam-like conditions and stresses the importance of students doing their own work. 2. Teacher models the answering of questions as required. Worksheets are then given out and the assessment begins. 3. Approximately 10 - 15 minutes should be allowed to complete the assessment. 4. Teacher collects in the worksheet and uses these to assess the students according to the minimum pass criteria. Note: This is a Band 5 assessment for Year 3 children. By this stage they should be beginning to understand the importance of exams and the correct way to behave in them. The teacher may want to walk around the class during the assessment and promote silence and children doing their own work.

Min. Pass Criteria Four out of six questions answered correctly with correct grammar and penmanship (4/6)

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Descriptor B5DT2E1 Able to rearrange words to form phrases/sentences in the correct manner.

Assessment This assessment is based on a writing worksheet. Resources attached: o Worksheet (6 qus to rearrange words into sentences). There is PAPER evidence for this assessment (the worksheet). Children should be familiar the grammar of declarative sentence formation. Worksheet to rearrange words into sentences 1. Teacher sets up the classroom to exam-like conditions and stresses the importance of students doing their own work. 2. Teacher models the answering of questions as required. Worksheets are then given out and the assessment begins. 3. Approximately 10 - 15 minutes should be allowed to complete the assessment. 4. Teacher collects in the worksheet and uses these to assess the students according to the minimum pass criteria. Note: This is a Band 5 assessment for Year 3 children. By this stage they should be beginning to understand the importance of exams and the correct way to behave in them. The teacher may want to walk around the class during the assessment and promote silence and children doing their own work.

Min. Pass Criteria Four out of six questions answered correctly with correct grammar and penmanship (4/6)

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Descriptor B5DT3E1 Able to list/group words given using: a, an, the

Assessment This assessment is based on a writing worksheet / test. Resources attached: o Worksheet 1 (Gap fill test). o Worksheet 2 (Matching test) an alternative. o A listing worksheet (activity for fast finishers) There is PAPER evidence for this assessment (the worksheet). Children should be pretaught the use of articles a, an, the. Writing test for a / an / the 1. Decide which of the worksheets you will use for the assessment. Model to children how to answer the questions. 2. Set the classroom in exam-like conditions. Give out the test paper and start the assessment. 3. Call the test to a close after ten to fifteen minutes (as appropriate) and collect in the worksheets. 4. Teacher collects in the worksheet and uses these to assess the students according to the minimum pass criteria. Note: There is a different minimum pass criteria for the gap fill and multiple choice worksheets. Re-assessment: As two worksheets are provided the one not used for the first assessment can be used if re-assessment is necessary. A listing worksheet on the subject of articles is provided. This can be used as enrichment for fast finishers.

Min. Pass Criteria For the gap fill worksheet children must score a minimum of 4/7 for the first question, and a minimum of 4/6 for the second question. For the list and match worksheet children must answer 15 of the 24 list questions with the correct article (whether they then match the words to the correct pictures is not significant to this assessment)

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Descriptor B6DL1E1 Able to identify the correct sequence of oral texts.

Assessment This assessment is based on a worksheet that children fill in individually whilst listening to the teacher. Resources attached: o Worksheet (story from pictures). o Teacher sheet (with answer) There is PAPER evidence for this assessment (the worksheet). Children should be familiar with story sequencing activities. Story Sequencing Worksheet 1. In exam-like conditions give out one worksheet per child and explain / model the task. 2. Using the teacher sheet read out the five caption letters and captions for the five story pictures e.g. C Mary was scared. These can be read in any order. 3. Allow time for children to write the letters next to the appropriate pictures and then to complete the final sequencing activity. 4. Teacher collects in the worksheet and uses these to assess the students according to the minimum pass criteria.

Min. Pass Criteria All questions must be answered correctly on the sheet. The correct letters with the correct story pictures and the correct sequence.

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Descriptor B6DL2E1 Able to produce any creative works by listening to simple instructions.

Assessment For this assessment children make a small book from an A4 sheet of paper by following the teachers instructions. Resources attached: o Video How to make an A4 folded book. o PDF file How to make a A4 mini book. o 2 x picture sequence stories (optional: children can cut and paste these inside their books once they have been made) Other resources required: A4 sheets of paper to go round. The child is the evidence for this assessment (no paper evidence). Making an A4 mini book (following teachers instructions) 1. Teacher to read the instructions and / or watch the video to find out how to make an A4 folded book. 2. In the class paper is given to the children and the teacher instructs them how to make the book. Note: 2 x picture sequence stories are provided. Copies of these can be given to children to cut and paste in their books. Perhaps a better alternative would be to get children to draw / write their own book.

Min. Pass Criteria Child follows instructions and makes a mini book.

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Descriptor B6DB1E1 Able to transfer information from texts.

Assessment In this assessment children work in groups to complete 10 comprehension questions. One by one they run to the story, which is placed on the board or wall nearby, in order to find the right words to complete the gap fill and matching questions on the worksheet. Resources attached: o Poster story sheet Two Witches o Group Worksheet (and teacher answer sheet) Children must be familiar with all the words in the comprehension story. There is PAPER evidence for this assessment (the worksheet). Running Comprehension 1. Teacher divides class into groups (up to 5). Each receives a worksheet and the teacher explains / models the activity. 2. All children in the group write their name on the group worksheet. 3. Children within each group are numbered sequentially 1 to 5 4. Copies of the story have been placed around the room. 5. On the teachers command, number by number the children take turns to run to and from a story to bring back the required information to their group (the worksheet must remain on the groups desk). 6. Teacher keeps cycling round the numbers until a team has finished. 7. After an appropriate time the teacher collects in the worksheets. 8. Assessment is based on observing children run to and from the story 9. Teacher assesses each child according to the minimum pass criteria. Note: A go does not mean answering one question. A go is a length of time only e.g. 2 minutes. After this the teacher can shout Stop! and then instruct the current running children to sit down and the next number to take their turn.

Min. Pass Criteria Children have a minimum of two attempts at bringing back information from the story. They pass the assessment if the teacher observes them conveying a piece of useful information during their turn.

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Limbang Assessment Pack Trial Version, August 2013

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Descriptor B6DB2E1 Able to locate words using : (a) entry points or (b) exit points

Assessment This assessment is based on a matching worksheet. Children look up 5 words in a dictionary and match them to their definition. They must also note the page number of the definition. Resources attached: o Dictionary skills worksheet Other resources required: Dictionaries (1 for each child) There is PAPER evidence for this assessment (the worksheet). Children should be familiar with using a dictionary. Dictionary Skills Worksheet 1. In exam like conditions give out one worksheet per child and model how to answer the questions 2. Give children enough time to answer all the questions. 3. Teacher collects in the worksheet and uses these to assess the students according to the minimum pass criteria. Note: If there are not enough dictionaries for the class then part of the class can be given this assessment while the rest are given a different activity to do. Probably the provided worksheet will need to be adapted so that it contains appropriate words / definitions for the class. If a variety of dictionaries are used teachers may wish to omit page numbers from the assessment. When thinking of words for the children to look up try to think of words that they wont know, that are fun, simple and useful this will help them enjoy the looking up process.

Min. Pass Criteria Three out of five definitions are matched correctly and the correct page numbers are given. (3/5)

KSSR (SK) English Year 3 Assessments

Limbang Assessment Pack Trial Version, August 2013

Page 115

Descriptor B6DT1E1 Able to create simple texts

Assessment In this assessment children complete a worksheet to make a story by writing sentences for four sequential pictures. Resources attached: o Story writing worksheet (2 versions) There is PAPER evidence for this assessment (the worksheet). Children should be familiar with story sequencing and forming declarative sentences. Write your own story Worksheet 1. Give out one worksheet per child and model how to write the story. 2. Give children enough time to use their imagination and write something for all pictures. 3. Collects in the worksheet and use these to assess the students according to the minimum pass criteria.

Min. Pass Criteria Four grammatically correct sentences are written (not necessarily one for each picture). These sentences are connected with the pictures and are linked to each other in a meaningful way.

KSSR (SK) English Year 3 Assessments

Limbang Assessment Pack Trial Version, August 2013

Page 116

Descriptor B6DT2E1 Able to form declarative sentences.

Assessment In this assessment children complete a worksheet to form 4 declarative sentences from given pictures and words. Resources attached: o Declarative sentence worksheet There is PAPER evidence for this assessment (the worksheet). Children should be familiar with forming declarative sentences. Declarative Sentence Worksheet 1. In exam like conditions give out one worksheet per child and model how to answer the questions 2. Give children enough time to answer all the questions. 3. Teacher collects in the worksheet and uses these to assess the students according to the minimum pass criteria. Note: For some of the questions there is no single correct answer e.g. Q4: the answer could be He runs fast. or The man is running fast.

Min. Pass Criteria Two out of four questions are answered correctly (correct spelling, grammar, punctuation) (2/4)

KSSR (SK) English Year 3 Assessments

Limbang Assessment Pack Trial Version, August 2013

Page 117

Appendix 1: Band Performance Standards

1 2 3 4 5 6

Performance Standard (PERNYATAAN STANDARD)

Know basic skills in listening, speaking, reading and writing. Know and understand words, phrases and sentences heard, spoken, read and written. Know, understand and apply knowledge obtained through listening, speaking, reading and writing. Apply knowledge obtained through listening, speaking, reading and writing in various situations using good manners. Demonstrate well the ability to apply knowledge of listening, speaking, reading and writing for various purposes using admirable manners. Appreciate literary works by performing and presenting ideas using exemplary manners.


Limbang Assessment Pack Trial Version, August 2013

Page 118

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