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The Big Push Study Support Evening for Parents and students in Year 11 Tuesday 28th January 6.

00pm 8.00pm

Dear Parent/Carer As you will be aware, your child is now embarking on a critical period in their education; Year 11 students are preparing to leave Kingsbury and are applying for Colleges, VI Form and Apprenticeships. It is vital that he/ she feels supported throughout the next few months and therefore, I am delighted to invite you and your child to attend The Big Push event on Tuesday 28th January, starting at 6pm. This evening will provide you with guidance that will help you support your child. This includes important coursework and examination dates for your diary, subject specific information to provide you with a clearer understanding of the requirements of the core and optional subjects and various learning and revision techniques. These will enable you and your child to focus on the skills and strategies required to succeed in the different curriculum areas. The evening will be divided into two parts. At 6.00pm, there will be an essential presentation to all parents/ carers and students. This will include an overview of the rest of this year and information about each of the core subjects. The later part of the evening will involve workshops to demonstrate how to study and revise in the core subjects, and some specific revision techniques that will help in preparation for the summer examinations. Workshops will be for parents/ carers and students. I really do hope that you will be able to join us on this evening; it will provide you with a valuable insight into the content of your childs subjects and more importantly, ensures we are working together to provide your child with the guidance and support needed to fulfil his/her potential over the next six months. Please complete the reply slip and ask your son or daughter to return it to their tutor. Yours sincerely

Mr G Bartlett Assistant Head Teacher The Big Push

Student name____________________________________ We will be attending the Big Push study support evening on 28th January. Our preferred workshops are: English revision skills Maths revision skills Science revision skills How to plan a revision programme Revision tips for visual learners ICT/ web based support Aiming for A/A* (please select three in order of preference, 1, 2 and 3)

Please return this slip to your childs form tutor, Mr Bartlett or email your preferences to

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