A Shot of Davids Murder by The Rope

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Rope review !

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rope is a tantalising and nail bitting lm where we are held in suspense in what the fate of the main characters will be after they commits a murder in the open scene we meet brandon and Philip the killers in this lm. We watch them commit a murder on there old friend David by strangling him to death with a piece of rope we then watch as brandon reveals in his and master plan and we watches Philip slowly cracks under the guilt of his crime.! this is only the start to the pressure and tension as brandon being so infrualled in his brilliance ups the chances of some one working it out by throwing a dinner party with the victims family and loved ones bing the guests and then using the wooden chest he hid the body in as the main table. !

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a shot of davids murder by the rope!

as we watch you start to see Hitchcock had planned for us to feel tense for the rest of the lm as it shot in real time with the chest that the body is hidden in just insight making us wait for the body to be discovered and as we watch we start to hear David the victims family start to worry over where he could be making this truly more unbar bale brandon becomes this truly evil character who we start to despise for he truly reveals in his intellect and thinks he better then all the others exempt his old school master who invited to test himself against and to show off to as if he was back in school trying to get a gold star.!

we also see a strange romance and homoerotic vibe coming from the main characters brandon and Philip where brandon takes on this romance over Philip pushing him round and telling what to do and Philip obeys and then sulks for the lm like a gilded lover who's partner is more interested in his own excellence to pay attention to him this relationship could be down to the real people this lm was based off of who where a Leopold and Richard Loeb who were upper-class Chicago law students who went on a crime spree which culminated in the murder of a teenage boy.!

Hutchinson. (2012 ) Like snobbish Brandon and Philip, the real-life murderers considered themselves Nietzschean supermen whose superiority of intellect exempted them from laws that govern the rest of us. "Good and evil, right and wrong were invented for the ordinary average man, the inferior man, because he needs them," claims Brandon, the deluded mastermind of the murder.! to kill someone and to get away with it too just so someone can feed the own intellectual vanity is a truly evil thing but its the sort of physiology which infrualls Hitchcocks imagination as a director like the characters Hitchcock is trying to perform a feet of deception in his lm.! Canby . (1984). Hitchcock was interested in seeing whether he could nd a cinematic equivalent to the play, which takes place in the actual length of time of the story. To do this, he decided to shoot it in what would appear to be one long, continuous ''take,'' without cutaways or any other breaks in the action, though in fact there would have to be a disguised break every 10 minutes, which was as much lm as the camera could contain.!

Hitchcock accomplishes this by by having the camera appear to pan across someones back or into a piece of furniture during which he would change the reel.although not all the cuts are perfect his obsession with telling a story without resorting to the usual methods of montage, and without

cutting from one shot to another, results in a lm of unusual, fascinating technical facility, whose chilliness and tension building almost perfectly suits the subject.! ! this lm plays out like your watching a play happen and the actors play there part perfectly they all seem to work in perfect unseen to each other playing off each other we are not privy to such lm work these days but the way we watch jimmy Stewart's character rupert cadelle work out the crime which is layer out in front of him we see how. !
a shot of the set and the huge camera they a had to wheel around!

Robert Snow. (2011). The lm is excellently plotted, with all the twists and turns of an Agatha Christie murder mystery. The difference is, it is a murder mystery seen from a different perspective that of the perpetrators and so the suspense in the movie is not generated by a lack of information about the killers, but by whether or not the murderers will be found out.!

the plot is the main key to this lm it is a entreating lm with beautiful acting and a amazing set with a backdrop which changes as the day goes on but the lm lacks some twist to it as we are privy to the information of who did the murder it becomes this morality argument where we are both against and for the murders as a audience where never shore if we want brandon and Philip to get caught or not the only character who seems worth meting is David who seems to be the better of all these characters maybe thats what hitchcoock was trying to portray maybe brandon and Philip arnt the superior beings seeing as they lack the moral intelligence to judge there actions as a evil act. maybe they killed the one person who was intellectually superior and could have said power to chose who has life and death but maybe that is not mans place as rupert says well never know ! as a feet of suspense i fell this lm ticks the right box and brings a new edge to hitchcocks lm world !

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Pamela Hutchinson. (2012 ). My favourite Hitchcock: Rope. Available: http://www.theguardian.com/film/filmblog/2012/jul/27/my-favouritehitchcock-rope. Last accessed jan 2014. Vincent Canby . (1984). HITCHCOCK'S 'ROPE': A STUNT TO BEHOLD. Available: http://www.nytimes.com/1984/06/03/movies/hitchcock-srope-a-stunt-to-behold.html. Last accessed jan 2014.

Robert Snow. (2011). REVIEWS OF CLASSIC MOVIES: HITCHCOCKS ROPE. Available: http://robertsnow.wordpress.com/2011/08/17/reviewrope-1948/. Last accessed jan 2014.

images http://robertsnow.wordpress.com/2011/08/17/review-rope-1948/

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