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___________________________________________________________________ Subject: Management Of Technology Innovation & Change Subject Code: MS 102 Semester: MBA II Batch: 2012 201! Instructor: M"#An"h$ %ocha&

'$e"tion 1( )o* can lea+e,"hi- in an o,gani.ation &$il+ a c$lt$,e fo, change/ en$me,ate the va,io$" "te-" fo, it. An"*e, 1( Cla,ify val$e" Values are the foundation of organizational culture. Any culture change must being with clarity about what leaders in the organization alue and how those alues will dri e success. !el" leaders identify their "ersonal alues and create connections between their "ersonal alues and the organization#s alues. 0einfo,ce the vi"ion Vision should answer the $uestion %where are we going&. Successful culture change does not re$uire a ne* vi"ion. 'hat is re$uired is to ensure that the ision "aints an ins"iring "icture of the future that draws on the alues embraced by leaders in the organization. (a)e sure e eryone in the organization is clear on the ision and alues * and how those elements lead to the success of the organization as a whole. Em-o*e, &ehavio," aligned to alues and ision Changing beha iors+ "articularly leader beha iors+ is the )ey dri er achie ing a culture change. Beha iors create e,"eriences for the "eo"le in organizations. -hose e,"eriences are the reality of the culture. /efining the beha iors is critical. 0 en more critical is remo ing the obstacles to aligned beha ior. Align conve,"ation" u" and down the organization 1et "eo"le tal)ing2 3eaders should be discussing alues+ ision and beha ior * and their lin) to organizational success. Communication is )ey and leader dri en communication is critical. -hese

con ersations should be wo en through team organizational meetings+ team meetings+ one to one "erformance con ersations. -hese themes can also be re"eated in internal communication. Ta,get effo,t on high im"act areas 'ea e the alues based culture into high im"act organizational structures. -his may be your com"ensation "lan+ beha ioral com"etency model+ "erformance management "rocess+ and 4 or inter iewing "rocess. -hin) about training for your managers in the s"ecifics how to lead in a alues based culture. Em-ha"i.e "$cce""+ reward change 5ublicize your success. (a)e sure you communicate major %wins& bac) to the organization. -his builds momentum and con erts the doubters. Also+ ensure that recognition is aligned to your alues. -hin) about formal "rograms as well as indi idual recognition.

'$e"tion 2( 1i e a /iagrammatic re"resentation of the 6Change 5rocess6. An"*e, 2(

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