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Introduction: Dear Alumni, I, Dr Shveta Singh, and Dr Ruchi Sharma are a part of a committee set up to review the current

MBA curriculum, under the leadership of Prof. Kanika Bhal, HoD, DMS. We would like to solicit your feedback on proposed and much desired changes in the curriculum through a series of two questionnaires. As the first step this questionnaire seeks your views on generic issues related to the curriculum. Your cooperation in filling up the questionnaire would go a long way in redesigning the curriculum and would be greatly appreciated.

(Dr. Ruchi Sharma)

(Dr. Shveta Singh)

Curriculum Review at DMS IITD : Alumni Perceptions-I Instructions: Kindly indicate your preference by putting a tick/yes against the choices mentioned. Provide rankings where indicated. Feel free to comment on any aspect which you consider has been over-looked under the any other option. Questions 1. Which is the preferred programme structure? a. Semester based b. Trimester based (YES) 2. Which is the preferred programme from the Industry perspective? a. Generic MBA (YES) b. Focused MBA c. Any other _________________ 3. Rank the following pedagogies in increasing order of recommendation (1 for most preferred, 2 for next preferred and so on). a. Leverage on the academic connect with the Institute in terms of encouraging students to take relevant courses being offered by other departments to provide a more dynamic and flexible curriculum to the students.(10) b. Formal student clusters for group interactions built into the official pedagogy to include marks for group participation and team efforts. (2) c. Industry project/interaction as a part of the curriculum this would eventually help in student placements and also consulting assignments for faculty. (4) d. Case studies HBR cases, for example, should be subscribed to and built into the syllabi. (1) e. Simulations/role-playing. (9) f. Campus exchanges.(3) g. Tutorials/problem solving sessions.(6)

h. Providing course packs in each course to give indicative reading material and incorporate readings into the syllabi.(7) i. Integrated cases (series of material related to 1 company with different perspectives used in several core courses). (8) j. 1 day a week, no classes to be reserved for guest speaker series, conferences, industrial visits etc.(5) k. Any other ___________________________. 4. Based on your experience in the industry, would you have preferred the course content to be a. More courses of lesser credits / shorter duration? (YES) b. Unchanged c. Lesser courses with greater credits. 5. Would you like the student-mix to be (please tick on more than one option in case you so desire) a. More diverse (even students from liberal arts) b. More diverse but focusing on specific backgrounds (YES) c. Only engineering as the background d. Only students with work-experience e. Freshers (graduates without work experience) f. Any other ________________ 6. Based on the above questions, is there any other aspect that you would like to bring forward on the structure and design/focus of the programme, pedagogies followed, faculty strength and student-mix? Students should be given the task of doing lot of reading across diverse subjects/topics. Also, faculty should ensure that they come pre prepared for the classes on the case/topic of discussion, which can be communicated in advance. Student groups can be randomly picked and asked to drive the case with inputs/moderation from faculty. This would help both the student groups to have a fruitful discussion and also assist the faculty in driving home the theme /core of the topic in discussion, much more effectively. Thank you for your time and cooperation!

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