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MEEN 260 Lab Memo Rubric

Points Abstract/Summary 6 Major aspects of experiment & results are missing. Student lacks understanding about writing an abstract. 6 Very little background information provided or information is incorrect. 9 Abstract misses one or more major aspects of carrying out the experiment or results. 12 Abstract references most of the major aspects of the experiment & results. Some minor details missing. 12 Introduction is nearly complete, missing some minor points. 15 Abstract contains references to all the major aspects of experiment & results, well written. 15 Introduction complete and well-written; provides all necessary background principles for the experiment. 22 All calculations are correct, correct interpretation of data, all lab questions answered in full. 15 All important conclusions have been clearly made, student shows good understanding. 15 References complete and properly written, appendix contains all necessary information in a neat and organized fashion. 9 All equations given, figures, plots, tables are labeled and drawn correctly, formatting is very neat and legible. 9 All grammar/spelling correct and very wellwritten. 100

Points Introduction

9 Some introductory information, but still missing some major points.

Points Body

10 Calculations are wrong, wrong units, poor interpretation of data, missing lab questions 6 Conclusions missing or missing the important points.

Points Conclusion/Summary

Points Appendix/References

Points Appearance/Formatting

6 References missing when needed, appendix missing when needed, or sloppy with data & calculations unorganized and incomplete. 3 Equations missing, figures, plots, tables have missing titles, captions, or missing numbers, sloppy formatting, too much handwritten copy. 3 Frequent grammar and/or spelling errors, writing style is rough and immature. 40

Points Spelling, Grammar, Sentence Structure

Total Points

14 Some calculations and units are correct, decent interpretation of data, most lab questions answered. 9 Conclusions regarding major points are drawn, but many are misstated, indicating a lack of understanding. 9 Some references noted but not properly, all data & calculations available but unorganized and hard to follow. 5 A few equations, most figures, plots, tables are proper, still missing some important or required features, format is decent, minimal handwriting. 5 Occasional grammar/spelling errors, generally readable with some rough spots in writing style. 60

18 Most calculations and units are correct, good interpretation of data, all lab questions answered. 12 All important conclusions have been drawn, could be better stated. 12 References complete, appendix contains all necessary data & calculations which are properly organized. 7 Most equations given, all figures, plots, tables are correct except for a few minor errors, format is neat and easily legible. 7 Less than 3 grammar/spelling errors, mature, readable style. 80

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