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Cornell Notes

Chapter 1
20 Facts 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. and influenced the Aztecs. Aztecs performed human sacrifices to nourish the gods. Aztecs created floating artificial islands to produce more food to support the population. The Anasazi and the Hohokam were two major civilizations of the southwest. The Eastern Woodlands had abundant water, resulting in plentiful food supplies. The mound-building societies did not rely on farming for food, as natural sources provided enough. Cahokia was a huge city at the junction of the Mississippi and Missouri Rivers, and filled 6 sq. miles. The Woodland people used slash and burn techniques that were environmentally sound and productive. Societies on the Northwest coast relied on fish and mammals to sustain themselves. Plains Indians were able to use the various parts of the buffalo for food, clothing, shelter, and tools. Many Indian states were formed through kinship; many groups were extended families. Many Indian societies were based on order; when it was broken, various attempts were made to fix it. Relations between societies were formed on a mutual agreement of give-and-take. The Americas were settled through a land bridge that linked Russia with Alaska. Archaic peoples lived off small mammals and wild plants. Some farming began by 5000 BC; farmers planted seeds to harvest later. Cultivators in Mesoamerica cultivated plants such as squash and beans by 3000 BC. Maize was originally only the size of a finger, but grew over generations due to selective breeding. Surpluses in crop harvest in Mesoamerica led to trading with other non-farming societies. Indian cities were unequal; a small powerful group ruled over the rest. 2 Themes Before the Europeans arrived, Native Americans managed to sustain themselves in various different environments by learning how to use the land sustainably and productively. Instead of conquering the land, the Native Americans learned to work with the land, allowing the natural cycles to continue.

Relationships and contact between Native American societies depended on various factors. Some contact was for trade, which also allowed for the transfer of crops and technologies. Contact also transferred cultures, with each society influencing another. Powerful civilizations used methods of cooperation and reciprocity to control weaker societies, not power.

Extra Credit Questions Which two rivers was Cahokia located between? Where were the mound-building civilizations located?

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