3rd Year Fluids and Engineering Analysis: Tristan Robinson

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3rd year uids and engineering analysis

Tristan Robinson
Department of Civil, Environmental and Geomatic Engineering University College London

October 19, 2012

Table of contents

Non-dimensional Navier-Stokes equation Navier-Stokes equation 2D Navier-Stokes equation 3D Navier-Stokes equation

Non-dimensional Navier-Stokes equation

Motivation 2D Navier-Stokes equation General Navier-Stokes equation

Flow around an aerofoil

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y x x = L and y = L 1 1 u v u = U and v = U

y x x = L and y = L 2 2 u v u = U and v = U

For both models we can use the non-dimensional N-S

If Re1 = Re2 the equations describing the ow are identical

and the ows described in nondimensional variable (u , x . . .) are identical.

General Navier-Stokes equation

General equations of motion for incompressible ow
u t v t w t u u u 1 p 2 + u x + v y + w z = x + gx + u v v v 1 p 2 + u x + v y + w z = y + gy + v w w w 1 p 2 + u x + v y + w z = z + gz + w u u x v u x w u x

+ +

u v y v v y w v y

+ +

u w z v w z w w z

Where 2 =

2 2 2 + + , (x , y , z ) are coordinates, x 2 y 2 z2 (u , v , w ) are velocity components, p is pressure, is density, g is gravity and is kinematic viscosity.

2D Navier-Stokes equation
Assume ow is laminar In the xy-plane with velocity components (u , v )

u u u +u +v t x y v v v +u +v t x y

= =

1 p + gx + x 1 p + gy + y

2u 2u + x 2 y 2 2v 2v + x 2 y 2

2D continuity equation

u v + =0 x y

Non-dimensional variables:

x =

x y u v p gL Ut , y = , u = , v = , p = , g = 2 , t = 2 L L U U L U U u t L = U and = u t U u u u t u U U 2 u = = U = t u t t t L L t



u U u 2u U 2u p U 2 p = , = , = , x L x x 2 L x L2 x 2 x L and U are characteristic length and velocity respectivelly.

Non-dimensional N-S equations

Navier-Stokes equations (x -direction)

u u u 1 p +u +v = + gx + t x y x
Non-dimensional Navier-Stokes equations
U 2 u L t U2 v L t U u U u + Uu U L x + Uv L y = L U v U v + Uu U L x + Uv L y = L

2u 2u + x 2 y 2

1 p x 1 p y

+ +

U2 L gx U2 L gy

+ +

U L2 U L2

2 u x 2 2v x 2

+ +

2 u y 2 2v y 2

Non-dimensional continuity equation

U u U v + =0 L x L y

Non-dimensional N-S equations

Non-dimensional Navier-Stokes equations

u u u + u + v t x y
v v v + u + v t x y

= =

p 1 + gx + x Re p 1 + gy + y Re

2u 2u + x 2 y 2 2 v 2v + x 2 y 2

U Re = L is Reynolds number. 1 Re 1 viscosity is small 2 Re 1 viscosity is large.

Application of the 2D N-S equation

Consider steady, incompressible,

laminar ow in a narrow gap between two innite parallel plates. The top plate is moving at speed U , and the bottom plate is stationary. The distance between these two plates is h, and gravity acts in the negative y -direction. There is no applied pressure other than hydrostatic due to gravity.
Calculate the non-dimensional velocity

and pressure elds.

Assumptions and boundary conditions

Assumptions 1 (x , y ) coordinates with velocity components (u , v ). 2 Innite in x -plane. 3 Steady ow, t = 0. 4 Parallel ow, v = 0. 5 No pressure gradient along the horizontal. 6 Let p = p0 at y = 0 (reference pressure). 7 Gravity gy = g and gx = 0. Boundary conditions 1 Bottom plate (y = 0): u = 0 and v = 0. 2 Top plate (y = h): u = U and v = 0.

Non-dimensional governing equations

Non-dimensional continuity

u v u + = 0 =0 x y x
Non-dimensional Navier-Stokes
u t v t p u u + u x + v y = x + gx + p v v + u x + v y = y + gy +

1 Re 1 Re

2 u x 2 2v x 2

+ +

2 u y 2 2v y 2

2 u y 2


p y + gy = 0

y u where y = , u = , p = h U

p gh , g = 2 2 U U

Apply assumptions
Non-dimensional continuity

u = 0 u is not dependent on x x
Non-dimensional Navier-Stokes

2u =0 y 2 p = gy y

d2 u =0 dy 2 dp = gy dy

Integrate and apply the boundary conditions

u (y ) = C1 y + C2 1 u = 0 at y = 0: 0 = C1 (0) + C2 C2 = 0 2 u = 1 at y = 1: 1 = C1 (1) C1 = 1 y + C p (y ) = gy 3
Let p = p0 at y = 0: p0 = +C3 C3 = p0

Integrate and apply the boundary conditions

Non-dimensional solutions 1 u =y 2 p = p0 + g y Non-dimensional variables

y =

y u p gh , u = , p = , gz = 2 h U U U2

Dimensional solutions u y U 1 = u= y U h h p p0 gh y 2 = 2 p = p0 gy U 2 U 2 U h

Exercise: Oil lm owing down a vertical wall by gravity

Consider steady, incompressible,

parallel, laminar ow of a lm of oil falling slowly down an innite vertical wall. The oil lm thickness is h, and gravity acts in the negative z -direction.
Calculate the nondimensional velocity

elds in the oil lm. Neglect changes in the hydrostatic pressure of the surrounding air.



Assumptions and boundary conditions

Assumptions 1 (x , z ) coordinates with velocity components (u , w ). 2 Innite in z -plane. 3 Steady ow, t = 0. 4 Parallel ow, u = 0. 5 Pressure p = patm (everywhere). 6 Flow established due to a balance between gravitational force and viscous force. 7 Gravity gz = g and gx = 0 Boundary conditions 1 No slip at wall (x = 0): u = 0, w = 0 w 2 At free surface (x = h): x = 0

Non-dimensional governing equations

Non-dimensional continuity

u w w + = 0 =0 x z z
Non-dimensional Navier-Stokes
u t w t p u u + u x + w z = x + gx +

1 Re 1 Re

2 u x 2

2 u z 2 2w z 2

2w x 2 = Re gz

p w w + u x + w z = z + gz +

2w x 2

gz h w Where x = x h , w = U , gz = U 2

Apply assumptions

Non-dimensional continuity

w = 0 w is not dependent on z z
Non-dimensional Navier-Stokes

d2 w 2w = Re g = Re gz z x 2 dx 2

Integrate and apply the boundary conditions

Non-dimensional solution w (x ) =
1 2 Re gz x 2 + C1 x + C2 2

w =

Re gz g Re 2 x 2x x 2 + Re gz x = z 2 2 Non-dimensional variables x w gh Uh x = , w = , gz = , Re = 2 h U U

w = 0 at x = 0: 0 = C1 (0) + C2 C2 = 0 dw dx = 0 at x = 1: 0 = Regz + C1 C1 = Regz

Dimensional solutions


g x 2 2hx 2

3D Navier-Stokes equation
u t v t w t u u u 1 p 2 + u x + v y + w z = x + gx + u v v v 1 p 2 + u x + v y + w z = y + gy + v w w w 1 p 2 + u x + v y + w z = z + gz + w

In vector notation

V 1 + V V = p + g + 2 V t where V = (u , v , w ) and = x , y , z

General Navier-Stokes equation

Non-dimensional variables

x V p p g x = , V = , p = , t = ft , g = L U p0 p g0
L = characteristic length, U = characteristic speed, f =

characteristic frequency, p0 p = reference pressure difference, g0 = gravitational acceleration. V t =f = U , t V V V V t V = Uf t t V t t

Non-dimensional operators = L, 2 = L2 2

General Navier-Stokes equation

Substitute the non-dimensional variables V U2 U p0 p 1 Uf + p +g0 g + 2 2 V V V = t L L L Simplify

fL V p0 p g0 L 2 + V V = p + V g + 2 2 U t UL U U
Write in terms of known non-dimensional parameters

1 1 2 V St + V V = Eu p + 2 g + V t Re Fr

General Navier-Stokes equation

Reynolds number

UL The Reynolds number is always important, with or without a free surface, and can be neglected only in ow regions away from high-velocity gradients, e.g. away from solid surfaces, jets or wakes. Re =
Euler number

Eu =

p U 2

The Euler number (pressure coefcient) is rarely important unless the pressure drops low enough to cause vapor formation (cavitation) in a liquid

General Navier-Stokes equation

Froude number

Fr =

U2 gL

The Froude number is important for ows with free-surface effects (waves, spillways and uvial ows). Flows without free-surface effects, gravity does not affect the dynamics of the ow.
Strouhal number

fL U The Strouhal number is important for non-steady ows. For steady ows f = 0 and the Strouhal number drops out. St =

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