Workplace Spirituality and Organization Behavioural Variables

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Paper Id: DBU159 Surendar. K.

Lecturer, V.E.S. Polytechnic, Sindhi Society, Chembur, Mumbai 400 0 !. "el# $%!%%&0%&'&4! Email# rawat()uri*

Workplace Spirituality and Organization Behavioural Variables A Literature Overview

Abstract Workplace spirituality has gained interest steadily over the last decade o the t!entieth century and into the ne! "illenniu"# $oday% Indian co"panies like &odre'% (ardha"an group% )eicher% Indian *il +orporation% ),ide Industries -td#% .industan Petroleu" +o#% $)-+*% Birla% Wipro% and In osys group alike% have all initiated to incorporate spirituality into the !orkplace# $he present study e,plores the relationship bet!een the di"ensions o individual /spirituality at !ork0 and individual behavioural variables 1attitudes2 such as /'ob satis action0% /'ob involve"ent0% /'ob co""it"ent0% and /intention to leave0 in organi3ations# Keywords Spirituality at work! "eaning#ul work! sense o# co""unity! organizational value! $ob satis#action! $ob co""it"ent! $ob involve"ent! intention to leave% &ntroduction S,irituality at wor(,lace i) a +rowin+ concern -or increa)in+ number o- cor,orate, academician) and re)earcher) and it ha) continued to +ain acce,tance a) a to,ic o- )tudy -or both re)earcher) and em,loyee). Re)earch ha) )hown that or+ani.ation) that ,ro/ide their em,loyee) with the o,,ortunitie) -or ),iritual de/elo,ment are better in ,er-ormance than other) 0Kon. 1 Ryan, !%%%2. 3t an indi/idual le/el, ),irituality at wor( ,ro/ide) 4a reco+nition that em,loyee) ha/e an inner li-e that nouri)he) and i) nouri)hed by meanin+-ul wor( that ta(e) ,lace in the conte5t ocommunity6 03)hmo) and 7uchon, &000, ,.!8 29 :ob )ati)-action and reduce) em,loyee6) turno/er a) -ound in the ca)e o- health care ,ro-e))ional) 0Komala 1 ;ane)h, &00 2. Re)earch on the to,ic o- 4<or(,lace S,irituality6 i) )till in it) early )ta+e). "hi) )tudy i) de/elo,ed on the

ba)i) o- literature re/iew concernin+ the relation)hi, between wor(,lace ),irituality and or+ani.ation beha/ioural /ariable). &ndividual Spirituality "he word =),irituality> -low) -rom the Latin term =),iritu)>, which mean) =breath> re-errin+ to the breath o- li-e. ?denti-yin+ one)el- with the ),irit i) ),irituality and i) an e))ential ,art o- an indi/idual holi)tic health and well@bein+. S,irituality ha) been de-ined a) inner e5,erience an indi/idual ha) that can be e/ident by hi) or her beha/iour 0McCormic(, !%%42, inner )ource oin),iration 07ehler and <el)h, !%%42, e5,re))in+ our de)ire) to -ind meanin+ and ,ur,o)e in our li/e) and i) a ,roce)) o- li/in+ out one6) )et o- dee,ly held ,er)onal /alue) 0Aec( and Milliman, !%%4, ,.%2, our inner con)ciou)ne)) 0;uillory, &0002. S,irituality i) the ba)ic -eelin+ o- bein+ connected with one6) com,lete )el-, other) and the entire uni/er)e 0Mitro-- and 7enton, !%%%, ,.'82. "he -i/e (ey conce,t) ba)ed on re)earch conducted 0Mart)ol- and Mic(ley, !%%'2 are@

Meanin+ )i+ni-icance o- li-e9 ma(in+ )en)e o- )ituation9 deri/in+ ,ur,o)e. Value) belie-), )tandard) and ethic) that are cheri)hed. "ran)cendence e5,erience, awarene)) and a,,reciation o- 4tran)cendent dimen)ion6 to li-e beyond )el-. Connectin+ increa)ed awarene)) o- a connection with )el-, other), +odB),iritBdi/ine and nature. Cecomin+ an un-oldin+ o- li-e that demand) re-lection and e5,erience9 include) a )en)e owho i) and how one (now).

Workplace Spirituality Many attem,t) were unta(en to under)tand thi) ,henomenon in early !%%0). 3) then, many conce,tuali.ation and de-inition) ha/e emer+ed, which ha/e alteration) and )ub)tantial connection in term) o- im,ortance, attention, -actor) and le/el o- )tudy. Dne o- the com,lication) o- underta(in+ )tudy on the area o- 4<or(,lace S,irituality6 i) to ,ro/ide a )uitable wor(in+ de-inition to it 0;iacalone 1 Eur(iewic., &0082. Laab) 0!%%F, ,.G82 ,oint) out that 4de-inin+ wor(,lace ),irituality i) li(e ca,turin+ an an+el it6) ethereal and beauti-ul, but ,er,le5in+. Dwin+ to the )ub:ecti/e nature o- wor(,lace ),irituality, there are many de-inition). Mir/i) 0!%% 2 idea o- wor(,lace ),irituality include) notion) o- community and meanin+-ul wor(. Milliman, C.a,lew)(i and Her+u)on 0&0082 include the a),ect) o- the )en)e o- community and meanin+-ul wor( in wor(,lace ),irituality.

;iacalone and Eur(iewic.6) 0&0082 de-inition include) the a),ect) )imilar to the meanin+-ul wor( and connection to other). MarIue), 7himan and Kin+ 0&00F2 mention the a),ect) o- inner ,ower, interconnectedne)) with tho)e in/ol/ed in wor( ,roce)) and )en)e o- ,ur,o)e in wor( en/ironment in their de-inition. Ceyer 0!%%%2 mention) that meanin+ in wor( and belon+in+ne)) to community nouri)he) the inner li-e o- indi/idual) and ,ro/ide) their wor( a ),iritual dimen)ion. 3ccordin+ to Mitro-- and 7enton 0!%%%2, wor(,lace ),irituality 4in/ol/e) the o--er to -ind one6) ultimate ,ur,o)e in li-e, to de/elo, a )tron+ connection to wor(er), and the other ,eo,le a))ociated to wor(, and to ha/e con)i)tency 0ali+nment2 between one6) core belie-) and the /alue o- the or+ani.ation. 3 clear and e5ten)i/ely de-inition o- 4),iritual or+ani.ation, ur+e, to the e5tent that it )er/e) a) an outlet -or it) member) to )ati)-y inner need), to ha/e a ,o)iti/e im,act on )ociety, to de/elo, )tron+ connection) to other), and to ha/e con)i)tency between one6) core belie-) and the /alue) o- the or+ani.ation6 0Millimam et al. &0082. S,iritual or+ani.ation ,ro/ide) meanin+-ul wor( that in)till) a -eelin+ o- ,ur,o)e and -o)ter) a )en)e oconnection and ,o)iti/e )ocial relation with co@wor(er) and that ,ro/ide) wor(er) with the ability to li/e inte+rated li/e) 0Re+o and Pinae Cohna, &00'2. Dther than indi/idual le/el and or+ani.ational le/el, a third le/el o- conce,tuali.ation wa) added by Kolodi)(y, ;iacolone and Eur(iewic. 0&00'2. "he author) )tated an interaction o- indi/idual and or+ani.ation le/el), ar+uin+ that conce, wor(,lace ),irituality in thi) way ,arallel) the conce,t o- ,er)on en/ironment -it. <hen -it i) )tron+ between wor(er6) /alue) and hi) ,erce,tion) o- the or+ani.ation6) /alue), better wor( outcome) will re)ult. 'i"ensions o# &ndividual Spirituality at Work ?ndi/idual ),irituality at wor( i) about e5,re))in+ one6) inner )el- throu+h meanin+-ul wor(, belon+in+ne)) to the community at wor( and con)i)tency o- indi/idual belie-) with /alue o- the or+ani.ation. "hi) de-inition i) in accordance with 3)hmo) and 7uchon 0&0002 conce,tuali.ation o- wor(,lace ),irituality. "he conce,tuali.ation) o- wor(,lace ),irituality con)i)t o- many dimen)ion), but -or re/iew o- thi) literature three im,ortant dimen)ion) u)ed are# meanin+-ul wor(, )en)e o- community and ali+nment with or+ani.ational /alue). 4eaning ul Work "he -undamental -eature o- wor( ),irituality include) a dee, )en)e o- meanin+ and ,ur,o)e in what em,loyee) are doin+ in wor(,lace. "hi) dimen)ion o- wor(,lace ),irituality re,re)ent) how em,loyee) interact with their day@to@day wor( at indi/idual le/el. "he e5,re))ion o- ),irituality

at wor( in/ol/e) the a))um,tion) that each ,er)on ha) their own inner moti/ation) and truth) and de)ire) to be in/ol/ed in acti/itie) that +i/e +reater meanin+ to their li/e) and the li/e) o- other) 03)hmo) and 7uchon, &0009 Jawley, !%%82. ?ndeed, many em,loyee) in today6) wor(,lace) are re,orted to Iue)tion them)el/e) and their wor(, a)( them)el/e) about the e))ence and meanin+ o- their wor(, and )earch -or a )en)e o,ur,o)e and meanin+ at wor( 0Aeal, !%% 9 Crandt, !%%G9 Cacio,,e, &0009 3)hmo) and 7uchon, &0009 Kon. and Ryan, !%%%9 Kou.e) and Po)ner, !%%F9 Currac(, !%%%9 Hairholm, !%%G2. 5ense o +o""unity "he critical dimen)ion o- wor(,lace ),irituality i) ba)ed on belon+in+ne)), connectedne)) and community. Community re-er) to 4the notion) o- )harin+, mutual obli+ation and commitment that connect ,eo,le to each other6 07uchon 1 Plowman, &00F2. Community at wor( i) ba)ed on the belie- that ,eo,le )ee them)el/e) a) connected to each other and that there i) )ome ty,e orelation)hi, between one6) inner )el- and the inner )el- o- other) 0Maynard, !%%&9 Miller, !%%&2. Current concern about )candal) ha) re)ulted -rom )el-@centeredne)), +reed, e+oi)m and )el-i)h ,a))ion in)tead o- carin+ -or other) 0<addoc(, &00G2. 3) a re)ult o- the -ailure o- tru)t in in)titution)9 em,loyee) are )earchin+ -or a )en)e o- community, hi+h Iuality connection) 07utton and Jea,hy, &0082 and com,a))ion at wor( 0Hro)t et al., &00G2. Align"ent !ith organi3ational values 3 third a),ect o- ),irituality in wor(,lace i) when indi/idual) e5,erience a )tron+ )en)e oali+nment between their ,er)onal /alue) and their or+ani.ation6) /alue). "hi) element owor(,lace ),irituality incor,orate) the interaction o- em,loyee) with the lar+er or+ani.ational ,ur,o)e 0Mitro-- and 7enton, !%%%2. 3li+nment al)o mean) that indi/idual) belie/e that mana+er) and em,loyee) in their or+ani.ation ha/e a,,ro,riate /alue), ha/e a )tron+ con)cience and are concerned about the wel-are o- it) em,loyee) and community 03)hmo) et al., &0002. "here i) e/idence that )ome or+ani.ation) ha/e a hi+her le/el o- commitment to their em,loyee), cu)tomer) and )ociety than other) 0Milliman et al., !%%%2. <ith re-erence to /ariou) e/idence ocon)i)tency o- or+ani.ational /alue), ;iacalone and Eur(iewic. 0&008, ,.!82 ,ro,o)ed that ),iritual or+ani.ation i) 4a -ramewor( o- or+ani.ational /alue) e/idenced in the culture that ,romote em,loyee) e5,erience o- tran)cendence throu+h wor( ,roce)), -acilitatin+ their )en)e obein+ connected to other) in a way that ,ro/ide) -eelin+ o- com,letene)) and :oy6.

Organizations Behavioural variables "o under)tand the critical im,ortance o- em,loyee6) beha/iour /ariable) in the or+ani.ation i) to reco+ni.e and inte+rate the ,eo,le wor(@related attitude) with that o- or+ani.ation. 3 well@ mana+ed or+ani.ation u)ually )ee) an a/era+e wor(er a) the root )ource o- Iuality and ,roducti/ity +ain). Such or+ani.ation) do not loo( to ca,ital in/e)tment, but to em,loyee), a) the -undamental )ource o- im,ro/ement. 3n or+ani.ation i) e--ecti/e to the de+ree to which it achie/e) it) +oal) and an e--ecti/e or+ani.ation will ma(e )ure that there i) a ),irit o- coo,eration and )en)e o- commitment and )ati)-action within the in-luence o- wor(,lace ),irituality. "here ha) been e/idence o- ,o)iti/e re)ult o- wor(,lace ),irituality at indi/idual le/el outcome) )uch a) increa)ed :oy, )erenity, :ob )ati)-action and commitment 0Palout.ian, Emmon) and Keort+e, &0089 Kou.e) and Po)ner, !%%F9 Curac(, !%%%9 Rea/e, &00F9 ;iacalone 1 Eur(iewic., &0089 Kri)hna(umar and Aec(, &00&9 Hry, &008, &00F29 im,ro/e ,roducti/ity, reduce ab)enteei)m and turno/er 0Hry, &008, &00F9 ;iacalone 1 Eur(iewic., &00829 commitment to or+ani.ation, intrin)ic wor( )ati)-action and :ob in/ol/ement 0Milliman et al, &0082. "he mea)ure -or wor(,lace ),irituality con)i)t) o- three le/el) o- e/ent)# indi/idual, wor( unit and or+ani.ation. "he -ir)t le/el e/ent con)i)t) o- item) which denote the em,loyee ,erce,tion) o- their indi/idual ),irituality at wor(. "he -ir)t@le/el e/ent -or thi) article ha) been u)ed to )tudy relation)hi, between dimen)ion o- wor(,lace ),irituality and or+ani.ation beha/ioural /ariable) 0)uch a) :ob )ati)-action, :ob in/ol/ement, :ob commitment and intention to lea/e2. 6ob 5atis action Eob )ati)-action in/ol/e) an indi/idual6) attitude) toward element) related to wor( )uch a) achie/ement, re),on)ibility, ad/ancement and +rowth 0Jer.ber+ et al., !%F%2. ?t i) a multidimen)ional ,aradi+m, includin+ )ati)-action with one6) :ob, )u,er/i)or, co@wor(er), ,ayment condition), ,romotional ,ro+ramme), com,any ,olicy and -eelin+) o- :ob )ecurity 0Churchill, Hord 1 <al(er, !% %2. Milliman at al. 0!%%%2 )u++e)t) that a )tron+ )en)e ocommunity and or+ani.ation /alue) i) related to em,loyee6) )ati)-action and moti/ation. 6ob Involve"ent Eob in/ol/ement i) concern with the de+ree which an indi/idual identi-ie) with and acti/ely ,artici,ate) in hi) or her :ob and con)ider) hi) or her ,er-ormance to be im,ortant to their )el-@ e)teem 0Clau, !%'G2. ?t wa) ob)er/ed that wor(er) who can e5,re)) their ),irituality throu+h

their wor( actually -ind wor( more )ati)-yin+ and meanin+-ul and accordin+ly ,er-orm better 0Mitro-- 1 7enton, !%%%2. ?n a+reement with thi), ;ull 1 7oh 0&0042 ,ro,o)ed that em,loyee) become more en+a+ed and can wor( more re),on)ibly, ethically, collaborati/ely and creati/ely when they -ind meanin+ in their wor( acti/itie). 6ob +o""it"ent Eob commitment i) de-ined a) the e5tent to which a ,er)on ,)ycholo+ically identi-ie) with or ab)orbed by their :ob 0Lawler 1 Jall, !% 02. Mowday, Porter, and Steer 0!% %2 )ee commitment a) an identi-ication with the +oal) and /alue) o- the or+ani.ation9 a de)ire to belon+ to the or+ani.ation9 and a willin+ne)) to di),lay e--ort on behal- o- the or+ani.ation. "o Aorthcra-t and Aeale 0!%%G2, commitment i) an attitude re-lectin+ an em,loyeeK) loyalty to the or+ani.ation, and an on+oin+ ,roce)) throu+h which or+ani.ation member) e5,re)) their concern -or the or+ani.ation and it) continued )ucce)) and well@bein+. Intention to -eave ?ntention to lea/e i) the li(elihood that an em,loyee will /oluntarily end their relation)hi, with their em,loyer in the near -uture 0Cluedorn, !%'&2. ?ntention to lea/e i) an e--ecti/e ,redictor oactual turno/er in or+ani.ation) 0Eohn)ton, Para)uraman, Hutrell 1 Clac(, !%%02. Hurther Milliman et al. 0!%%%2 ,o)tulated that ha/in+ a )tron+ )en)e o- community and )tron+ ,ur,o)e-ul or+ani.ational +oal) were related to +reater em,loyee commitment and hi+her retention rate). (onclusion Crin+in+ indi/idual ),irituality in line with wor(,lace and e5,re))in+ thi) ),irituality throu+h meanin+-ul wor(, belon+in+ne)) to the community and commitment to or+ani.ation /alue) ma(e) them -eel )ati)-ied with their :ob), increa)e their in/ol/ement and commitment toward) the :ob and reduce their intention) to lea/e.

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