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Financial Management

Cert if icat e ID: HAMEC02

Learn how to communicate with f inance personnel to interpret f inancial inf ormation, recognize risk and return in capital budgeting, interpret capital structuring decisions, assess the costs and benef its of business decisions, and drive operational and f inancial strategies f or your organization.

$300/mo f or 12 mont hs


$2,880* ($3,600)
* limited time of f er details ( icates/f inancial-management/f inancialmanagement/#) Use discount code NOVSPECIAL2013. T his price is valid as of 11/08/2013 and expires 11/30/2013.

Certif icate Description

Speaking and understanding the language of f inance are essential skills f or leaders and managers throughout an organization; smart business decisions rest on this f undamental knowledge. Without a clear understanding of f inancial analysis and management, you lack credibility with f inance managers and business leaders. T his certif icate in f inancial management consists of six two-week courses that demystif y f inancial terminology and concepts, giving you the tools you need to communicate f luently with f inance managers and articulate business-investment and project proposals to decision-makers. T he courses in this program will prepare you to: Interpret f inancial inf ormation Apply common f inancial analysis f rameworks in evaluating new projects Consider risk and return in capital budgeting Analyze the debt-equity ratio in capital structuring decisions Ef f ectively communicate operational and f inancial strategies Course content is structured around relevant case examples and interactive exercises, giving you the critical experience you need to translate theory into practice. * Participants in these courses need one of the two f inancial calculators below. Hewlett-Packard 12C, or Texas Instruments BA II Plus

Both calculators are available at most of f ice supply stores and f rom a variety of online sources. T here is also a Texas Instruments BA II Plus app f or iPhone and iPad ( inancial-calculators/baii-plus/f eatures/f eaturessummary), which meets the calculator requirement f or this program.

Who Should Enroll in This Certif icate Program?

T his series is designed f or managers, directors, company of f icers, and prof essionals at all levels who are responsible f or using f inancial inf ormation to make business decisions f or their organizations.

Participants who successf ully complete all six courses in the series receive a Certif icate in Financial Management f rom Cornell University.

HRCI Recertif ication

T he courses in this certif icate series have each been approved f or six (6) Strategic Management recertification credit hours toward SPHR and GPHR recertif ication and six (6) recertification credit hours toward PHR, SPHR, and GPHR recertif ication through the Human Resource Certif ication Institute. Please contact the Human Resource Certif icate Institute (HRCI) f or f urther inf ormation about certif ication or recertif ication.

Cert if icat e Courses

T his certif icate consists of the f ollowing courses: Mastering the Time Value of Money ( inancial-management/masteringthe-time-value-of -money-2/) Making Capital Investment Decisions ( inancial-management/makingcapital-investment-decisions-2/) Risk and Return: How to Identif y, Measure, and Incorporate Into Capital Budgeting Decisions ( inancial-management/risk-and-return-how-to-identif y-measure-andincorporate-into-capital-budgeting-decisions/) Raising Capital: T he Process, the Players, and Strategic Considerations ( inancial-management/raising-capital-the-process-the-players-andstrategic-considerations/) Understanding Financial Statements ( inancialmanagement/understanding-f inancial-statements-3/) Using Ratio Analysis to Evaluate Financial Perf ormance ( inancialmanagement/using-ratio-analysis-to-evaluate-f inancial-perf ormance-2/)

For more inf ormation, call: 1-866-eCornell or (1-866-326-7635) From outside the USA: 1-607-330-3200 Email: inf or visit:

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