Perranporth SLSC Annual Report 2008

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to save life, whether by prevention or rescue, from the beach


Who We Are Committee Members and Trustees Presidents Review Chairmans Review Captains Log What We Do Secretarys Report Lifesaving Lifeguarding Inflatable Rescue Boat Surf Life Saving Sports Nippers Surfboat Perranporth SLSC Annual Awards 2007/8 The Money Membership Treasurers Report Accounts Fundraising and Events Donors and Supporters

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Chris Strickland, President Gilly Lloyd, Chairman Pete Whitbread-Abrutat, Club Captain Nigel Bowden, Honorary Secretary Jason Wheeler, Club Vice-Captain Pam West, Treasurer Braden Collins, Boat Captain Jeanne Barsch Simon Lawrence Dave Meads Simon Crayfourd Dave Cromie Simon Boyle Emma Spike Gaisford Graeme Milne (co-opted) Karen Longstaff, Administrator

Robert Plimley Alan Homes Angus Easson Chris Harding Thomas Tremewan

Chris Strickland, President
This last year has been one of mixed fortunes with the Club achieving significant successes but losing an inspirational member. Duncan Newby demonstrated throughout his life energy, commitment and enthusiasm for Perranporth Surf Life Saving Club. Even in such great adversity he was, and still is, a motivational force for very many people. This year has seen us continue with the growth of the Nipper and Junior sections. The results are already being seen with many strong and committed members coming through into the Seniors. The work of all those involved with these sections has had a huge impact over the last few years in strengthening and building the Club for the future. The involvement of so many parents is also extremely important to the Club. They not only help with the younger element of our membership but have started competing in the Masters and have provided vital assistance in our fundraising events. The World Championships, which took place in Germany this summer, were an example of what we can achieve if people are motivated and pull together. There were some great results. I firmly believe that the Club has to put that energy and drive into the national competitions. There is no doubt we have the strength to win the nationals if the entire Club becomes motivated to compete for or support the team. We have some really talented athletes, some already competing for England and Great Britain and we should really be looking to take advantage of that. Buster Harries said a few years ago at the Dinner and Dance that winning at sport raises a clubs profile more than anything else. The building and its future are something the Committee has to consider during the next year. We seem to spend a large part of our funds on building maintenance. What direction do we all want the Club to go in? Is our building still fit for purpose? These are things all Club members should think about and feed back to the Committee. Finally, for me the strength of the Club was shown at this years Junior Biathlon and Triathlon. Both events were helped by the weather but, that apart, the Club put on events we should all be proud of. The Biathlon is improving year on year and provides a great opportunity for youngsters to sample a fun but competitive event. Thanks to everyone involved. The Triathlon this year was probably the best ever and thanks are due to many people. How we can improve on it I am not sure, but we will try! Both events needed the Club to turn out in force and it certainly did that. In addition to raising significant and much needed funds, they raise the profile of the Club around the county and country. The fact that an international company like Thule wants, without hesitation, to come back demonstrates the impression we as a Club have made on them.

Gilly Lloyd, Chairman
Looking back over this year as Chair of PSLSC I have very mixed emotions. For me, the boundary between progress and going backwards is sometimes difficult to define. Without doubt, overall, we have made progress and that will be evident from the Reports; even the new presentation of the Annual Report itself is far more informative, a brilliant improvement on previous years. Pete Whitbread-Abrutat, our Club Captain, has spent many hours making the presentation of the Report more professional and up-to-date with the necessary information so that you, the Club member, has an accurate view of how the Club has performed. However, there are some areas where we are slipping which, if the Club is to continue to thrive and grow, really need to be addressed. The key focus of my worries relates to the Club facility itself: the maintenance of the actual fabric of the building and looking to what the future of our Club building may be. It is crucial to bear this in mind as an elemental and, if necessary, over-riding factor to all decisions regarding spending and funding going forwards. Without it there will be no Club to put any desired new equipment in. Work parties are less frequent now and the number of volunteers turning up to lend a hand, are fewer yet again. This really is where the more negative going backwards reference in my opening paragraph comes in. Without wishing to be overly downbeat, that is how I see it. We are making progress with the sport and our partnership with the RNLI; we are qualifying more members in life saving awards and other factors but, when it comes to the maintenance of the building, we havent even met the Trustees wish list of last year, which wasnt exactly demanding! Our Club is so capable of creating great enthusiasm if the aim is personal to us as individuals or teams, but has the result of making us very blinkered to the needs of the rest of the Club. There is so much enthusiasm in looking to the future with sport and competition, which I think is absolutely brilliant, but all of which absorbs the vital resources of energy, time and fund-raising. This means that when it comes to the actual bricks and mortar of the Club itself, the tank on all of these resources is verging on empty with the fuel light flashing! Financially we went from some highs at the beginning of the season to some serious lows at the start of the summer which, unfortunately, left us completely unable to respond to two very significant maintenance problems within the Club. Firstly, the boiler failed and was unable to be repaired, leaving an estimated replacement cost of 3-4000. Secondly, the sewerage tank and pumps failed and also need repairing or replacing with an estimated cost of another 3-4000. These issues came at a time when finances were extremely low and we could not resolve them immediately. Fortunately, with the Triathlon and other monies that have come in, we are now able to address these problems. However, the key point is that these issues may NOT have arisen if we had kept regular maintenance checks and upkeep on these key pieces of equipment. We need to make sure that we are all focused on the good of the Club as a whole and not just on the particular aspect of it that we participate in. Having said my piece, I can now reflect on the highlights of the year which, to be honest, are many. The formation of the sub-committees has been an excellent step forwards, allowing the overall Committee to focus on more important issues and spending less time on trivial matters. The sub-committees have had some very willing and talented volunteers who have found a niche where they can apply their skills and enthusiasm. This has enabled significant progress to be made in these specific areas which would not have happened without the focused efforts of the subcommittees. It makes a huge change from when I first started as Chair when we were faced with having to lower the quorum as the attendance was so poor on Committee nights. So, excellent progress and a big thumbs up to all who have contributed to making these groups work so well. Its worth bearing in mind that these groups were only formed at the beginning of the season, but its quite evident from the Reports where great energy and enthusiasm is being directed. The sub-committees are: Life Saving Sports

Building and facilities Fund-raising and communications

Another significant strength of the Club is the continuation of the working alliance with the PCSOs and the even stronger links with the RNLI. I feel that we are extremely lucky having Simon Crayfourd, a very active Club member, as the RNLIs Volunteer Development Officer. Simons great understanding of Club life and its abilities enables direct liaison and honesty with the RNLI with a more realistic picture of what is and is not feasible for PSLSC. Having strong links to the Police, RNLI and other local and national bodies can only help improve the progress that we make and the professionalism with which we run our Club. The Triathlon was as spectacular as ever, thanks to the tweaking and fine tuning that continues year on year. The event is now a highly-acclaimed and professionally-run competition. The addition of the Junior Biathlon was equally successful and can only help to raise our profile, both locally and nationally, with children and parents alike. The surf boats have had another very busy and very successful year. Particular congratulations must go to the Ladies A crew, who are not only UKSRL winners - no mean feat itself with competition increasing year on year - but also European Champions, claiming the title in fairly epic conditions in Biarritz. In the pool, there was great success for the Club at the National Stillwaters. The World Championships in Germany saw PSLSC put on the map again with excellent results and a great team effort. Last, and by absolutely no means least, the Nippers had a terrific season with a good turnout at both regional and national competitions. Some serious talent to watch for the future! At the last AGM we held a ballot for the position of Club Captain. Standing for election were the equally energetic, enthusiastic and competitive Club members Simon Boyle and Pete WhitbreadAbrutat. It was a difficult decision for all, but the voting saw Pete being voted in. From that moment on he has taken the Club to a truly different level (I have never been ccd into so many emails in all my life!). He carries his professionalism into the Club and never asks anything from anyone that he wouldnt do himself. His dedication and diplomacy in the position has been truly inspirational and we should count ourselves more than fortunate to have him as our Club Captain. I would also like to add that Maxine, his wife, and their two children have similarly thrown themselves into Club life, leading by example. I would also like to mention Simon Boyle, who could have slunk off and licked his wounds. He has continued to be an incredibly active member, a great competitor, supporter and huge help in general to the Club. Finally, a huge sadness for us all this year was losing Duncan Newby, who died after an immense battle against cancer. He inspired everyone that was in his presence. It has been very hard to believe that the cancer finally beat him as you felt he was invincible with the incredible strength and determination that he showed throughout his illness. Duncan had a great zest for life and delighted in passing on his passion for swimming, having taught most of us a thing or two about it at some point. As a result he leaves strong messages, memories and emotions amongst us -- feelings that we hope to perpetuate in the form of a Duncan Newby Surf Swim Challenge. This is an idea that is still very much in the earliest stages of development but, as PSLSC were the beneficiaries of the donations from Duncans funeral, we thought it only right to continue in something at which Duncan was truly brilliant. Needless to say Duncan will be very sadly missed.

Pete Whitbread-Abrutat, Captain
It's been a very short and hectic year since becoming Club Captain at the November 2007 AGM, the aftermath of which I was not entirely prepared for. Being a relative newcomer to the Club and to surf life saving, it took several months to find my feet and identify what my role should be theres no guide book! Since taking on the job, there have been a few people who have certainly helped with their sage and timely advice: in particular I would like to thank Gill Lloyd, Duncan Newby, Nick Beringer, Peter Gaisford and Nigel Bowden for keeping me on the straight and narrow at times. At this years Dinner and Dance we awarded Duncan Honorary Life membership of the Club, an honour I felt was timely and appropriate. Duncan subsequently lost his battle with illness but left a legacy of thousands of people around the world with a passion for swimming, sports and the sea. I am extremely grateful to his family and friends for their superlative kindness in offering donations to our Club in his memory. It will be put to very good on-going use and we aim to celebrate his life annually in an appropriate manner something which we are still discussing. I have learned a lot over the past year, particularly that Club life revolves not so much around politics but around an assortment of egos requiring massaging and balancing. Another challenge has been trying to organise priorities to decision-making so that scarce Club funds are spent on necessities rather than luxuries. Sporting equipment is always required in clubs like ours, but without hot showers, functioning sewerage, water-tight windows and reliable electrics, there will eventually be no Club! The funding priorities we have established in descending order are: health and safety, the fabric of the building, life saving and sports. Time will see how successful we are in implementing this. There is no point in reiterating what others have written elsewhere in this Report, so I wont, except to pick out a few highlights of the past year: Membership numbers have held up well and have grown in the Nippers section Rescue 2008 the Surf Life Saving World Championships in Germany was a great success for Perranporth, thanks particularly to the tireless work of Simon Lawrence and Karen Perks Surf boat crews have gone from strength to strength, with many new members, the ladies A team becoming national and European champions Seeing our many talented athletes of all ages consistently winning competition medals (but too often we dont place well overall owing to a lack of depth) Nigel Bowden becoming the Chairman of the Cornwall Surf Life Saving Region The number of members earning lifesaving awards is increasing rapidly. We now need more instructors! The enormous number of hours given by the Clubs Volunteer RNLI Lifeguards something that has not gone unrecognised within the RNLI itself The number of events organised by or participated in by the Club is huge. A precise figure is tricky to establish but is around 60, including fund-raising, sports and community events. When you include other organised activities such as training nights, the figure rockets to approximately 280, each of which has had to be individually organised and run safely by Club members. An amazing achievement. We have run some community-focused activities, such as organised litter picking in the dunes (two separate events produced 36 bin-liners full of litter), the Red Bull surf coaching session and Cornwall Sports Partnership with school children on the beach Some of our younger members deserve special mention. Dani Perks received an ILS Citation of Merit from the Royal Life Saving Society in national recognition of her services to lifesaving. Also, Stuart Biddick and Jason Wheeler, two of our youth members, were selected to participate in a four-day SLSGB National Leadership Camp, supported by the RNLI. They were two of only 16 chosen nationally in total, and received glowing reports.

Things we will be working on in 2009: Developing an improved system of Club Patrols with more of a focus on life saving training and covering busy summer evenings Increasing the number of life saving instructors and sports coaches Implementing the germinal sports strategy Developing the IRB section Continue breaking down the barriers between different sections of the Club Increasing participation in sports competition and life saving training Working towards higher placings in national and regional surf lifesaving competitions, including providing surf boat and IRB crews in competitions Perranporth SLSC is so much more that just a sports club, or a rowing club, or a surfing club: it is a surf lifesaving club, and a very special one built on providing a community service in all kinds of ways and founded on the principle of helping others voluntarily. In September, sadly, a man drowned at Perranporth during the day but beyond the flagged area. Ours can be a dangerous beach and the vigilance and commitment of Club members is as necessary today as it ever was. It is crucial for all members of the Club to understand this and contribute some time and energy in areas that are fundamental to our future, particularly: working towards a lifesaving qualification, contributing to training others particularly younger members, maintaining our building and our equipment and fundraising. I ask that everyone chooses one aspect of the Club life where they are able to give something back and simply offer help. I am not asking for a huge commitment just do what you can, but do something! I started with Duncan Newby and will end with him. To me, Duncans life was about overcoming challenges. This offers a highly valuable lesson for all of us and where better to learn it and deliver it than Perranporth SLSC. Consequently, I challenge every member of the Club young and old to try something new in the Club, for the Club: if you have never rowed have a go; if you dont have the confidence to swim out back train, build up to it then go for it; if you have never competed try, just once!



Nigel Bowden, Honorary Secretary
2008 has been a strange year. The weather and Rescue 2008 the Surf Life Saving World Championships in Germany meant we had an unusually small window for normal summer Club activities. We have a strong tradition within the community of Perranporth to help to patrol the beach at the busiest times of the season this must not change. In the past Club members have done this by wearing the Club uniform whilst supporting the RNLI. This will change as Club volunteers become integrated with the RNLI service on Club patrols. Hard work by Simon Crayfourd, the RNLI-Club Liaison Officer, has resulted in increased numbers of Volunteer RNLI Lifeguards from the Club who have provided hundreds of hours of formal volunteer service on the beach. The Club-RNLI Strategic Partnership is developing well at Perranporth, something which is still to happen at a national level between SLSGB and the RNLI. There have been some meaningful developments towards the future of the Club: sub-committees have been set up to improve the organisation of life saving, sport, fund-raising and buildings and facilities and to contribute to the development of longer term plans for the Club. The weather did not do us any favours most training nights suffered from large blown-out surf, wind and cloud, although we still managed to achieve a lot during the weeks: Mondays: Since the start of May, Dave Meads worked hard every Monday night running life saving award training, and organising exams. This will continue through the winter months. Tuesday: Dan Goodway took control of squad training night, working very hard to bring the squad together with amazing success at Rescue 2008. I would like to thank Dan for all his hard work and for supporting the Club when it came to making difficult personal choices. Wednesday: Club Night attendance this year was lower than normal, the main contributing factor being the weather, but training carried on regardless resulting in many members achieving various life saving awards. The lack of equipment was overcome by the keen organisational skills of the Club Captain. Thursday: Nipper Night and the Nippers have become a large part of Club life. I would like to thank all involved for their hard work and commitment to the children, who one day may become our life savers. Friday: Ladies Night was one of the most successful evenings with several new members taking part. I would like to thank all the trainers and water cover volunteers who gave up their free time to help out. Not only did this give the ladies lots of fun, it also helped them to improve their skills and to obtain surf life saving awards. Saturday/ Sunday: Weekend Club Patrols struggled with a big drop in numbers. Patrols are an important part of Club activities which are threefold: providing life saving cover on the beach, maintaining the Club house and fund-raising. Surf ski, surfboat, IRB and personal training carried on alongside the above. This year, the Clubhouse and equipment have suffered more damage than usual. It seems that many members now use the Club for personal use, expecting someone else to clean the Clubhouse and maintain equipment. This needs to be addressed in order to bring back some pride in the Club.


Dave Meads, Chief Lifesaving Instructor
This year we have put renewed emphasis on lifesaving training, because we are a lifesaving club after all, and this is how we should be judged. At 2007s AGM, we were reminded why the Club was formed (to promote and train potential lifeguards). We had to address this challenge and become proactive. The Club needed to improve how it organised its surf lifesaving training, and to increase the members level of qualifications. With this in mind, a sub-committee was formed which took on the task of developing a plan to do just that. A lifeguard should not be created during a one week crammer course. Lifeguard training has to begin from a young age. The RNLI 1 needs to work with the surf lifesaving clubs, as without them 3 there would be a serious lack of potential lifeguard candidates. 5 6 NaRS Beach Patrol Award During the summer Club patrols, 3 when talking to the public, I was IRB Crewperson surprised how unaware they were IRB Driver 2 of the role of the surf clubs on the beaches. If we are to co-habit then these facts have to become publicised as funding for new training equipment is always an issue. What is exciting is the new directive from the RNLI to further promote volunteer lifeguarding and develop a new position of Lifeguard Support. This means that Club members with the correct qualifications can now put all their hard training to good use alongside the professional guards.
Qualifications NaRS Beach Lifeguard Award NaRS Beach Lifeguard Proficiency [annual requalification] NaRS Surf Life Saving and Surfing Coach Award Life Saver Support Award, Part A and B Gained 5 8 Underway 1

Courses started in March and have been running continuously since then. In that time we have made it possible for 27 people to gain awards, with 7 others to be examined in the near future. The future is looking good as Nigel Bowden has established an exciting programme of sports and lifesaving training, starting from Nippers through to Juniors. They are all ultimately working towards life saving awards which will make the training of the NaRS Beach Lifeguard and other awards easier. In the long run, the RNLI will benefit from all this hard work.


Simon Crayfourd, Club RNLI Liaison
Perranporth SLSC has always had strong connections with the professional lifeguard service operating on our beach. 2008 was no different, as shown by these statistics. For a Club like Perranporth to have produced so many lifeguards and volunteer lifeguards is a great achievement. The fact that so many of our members are now moving higher in the ranks of the RNLI Lifeguard service is also a great indication that the training the Club provides our young lifeguards is second to none.
Professional Lifeguards Annabel Barsch Joel Barsch Margh Brewer Simon Crayfourd (VDO/ Lifeguard) Nick Frear (Supervisor Carrick) Ben Gardiner (PCSO/ RNLI Trainer) Dan Goodway (PCSO) Steve Gregory Sandy Hill (Supervisor Wales) Robin Howell Matt Johnson Tom Stillwell (NZ exchange guard) Andy Thomas (Supervisor Kerrier) Matt Thomas (PCSO) Fraser Thompson-Hewitt Josh Walters Lucy Williams Ellie Woodward Ross Young (NZ exchange guard) Volunteer Lifeguards Stuart Biddick Michael Birchmore Giles Blackie Alex Bowden Thomas James Dave Meads Candice Tomkins Damelza Townsend Pete Whitbread-Abrutat

All volunteer lifeguards are required to meet the same fitness standards as the paid lifeguards and complete the same duties, relevant to experience and qualifications. Carrick operational district, of which we belong, had a total of 56 lifeguards and 12 volunteers, of which Perranporth SLSC members made up the greater majority.
Summary stats Professional lifeguards supplied by Perranporth SLSC to RNLI RNLI support staff who are Perranporth SLSC members (Supervisors, PCSOs, VDOs) Volunteer lifeguards supplied by Perranporth SLSC to RNLI Volunteer lifeguard patrol hours completed by Perranporth SLSC members for RNLI

Perranporth SLSC volunteer lifeguards provided 711 hours 12 of patrolling - the second 7 highest cumulative amount behind Bantham SLSC in 9 Devon who formally takeover 711 patrolling duties every Sunday throughout the season from the RNLI. With a more focussed and structured approach to patrolling next year, we can exceed this figure and continue to cement our position at the forefront of voluntary lifesaving in the UK.



Robin Howell, IRB Captain
The IRB has been in steady action throughout the summer. Its very first outing of the year is always delivering St. Piran to the prom at Easter, and its last call of duty was the recent Red Bull surf contest in October. During that time it has been used for a number of reasons but, most commonly, safety cover and training. The boats construction is sound and wearing well. I believe that we should at least get another season from it, but would advise the Committee that, at the end of 2009, the IRB be turned over for a new model before it loses too much value. The current Zodiac boat is a pleasure to drive; it is far more manoeuvrable than the Arancias and so is ideal for tight turns in tight situations. The boat is very forgiving which makes it ideal for people to learn in. The Johnson engine was replaced by an ex-RNLI 30hp Mariner at the start of the year and seems to run better. The Johnson is currently in store and will be sold to raise funds for a new boat. I am pleased to announce that this year we have finally managed to get Dave Meads and Simon Boyle through their IRB Driver exams. Both will make excellent drivers so long as they continue to practice now that they can officially drive the boat without an instructor being present. I now see both of them taking on the role of instructors in the Club. Pete Whitbread-Abrutat obtained his Crewpersons certificate this year and should progress to driver next year.
Club IRB Qualifications (Ben Gardiner) Annabel Barsch Crewperson Joel Barsch Crewperson/ Driver Margh Brewer Crewperson/Driver/Trainer/Assessor/Tutor Simon Boyle Crewperson/ Driver Simon Crayfourd Crewperson/ Driver/ Trainer/ Assessor Nick Frear Crewperson/ Driver Ben Gardiner Crewperson/ Driver/ Trainer/ Assessor Dan Goodway Crewperson/ Driver Steve Gregory Crewperson Sandi Hill Crewperson/ Driver Robin Howell Crewperson/Driver/Trainer/Assessor/Tutor Matt Johnson Crewperson/ Driver Dave Meads Crewperson/ Driver Matt Thomas Crewperson Andy Thomas Crewperson/ Driver/ Probationary Trainer Frazer Thompson-Hewitt Crewperson Josh Walters Crewperson Ellie Woodward Crewperson/ Driver Pete Whitbread-Abrutat Crewperson Ross Young Crewperson/ Driver Summary IRB Qualifications 2 Tutors 4 Assessors 4 Trainers 1 Probationary Trainer 14 Drivers and Crewpersons 5 Crewpersons

I have been IRB Captain for the last three years and will be handing the tiller to a new captain at the next AGM. The post requires new blood and I wish to spend more time running NaRS courses, or helping instruct NaRS courses with my Examiners background.

Thanks must go to Margh Brewer for helping instruct and arrange exams for the Club over the last few years. His efforts in helping with safety cover are appreciated. Someone who has 8-10 years of IRB driving experience is invaluable to the Club. Thanks also to Ben Gardiner for again arranging exams for the Club this year and to Nick Barsch for his hours of work on the engine. Thanks also to the Club for recognising the boat is an important piece of rescue kit; it saves lives on a dangerous beach and that is the Clubs purpose.



Nigel Bowden, Sports Coordinator
This has been a busy sporting year in all kinds of ways for Perranporth SLSC, not least because of Rescue 2008, which saw a huge effort from Simon Lawrence and Karen Perks in pulling together a squad, raising the necessary funding and organising the logistics. Considering the small size of the team, Perranporth did exceptionally well and were a credit to the Club, producing two new World Champions in Barry Frost and Matt Thomas and a clutch of medals.

The Worlds Team Thanks to Awards for All lottery funding 14 of our members gained their Level 1 Sports Coach Awards, and 4 achieved their Level 2s. As Chairman of Surf Life Saving Cornwall, I found it encouraging seeing this reflected throughout Cornwall. These new coaches are already planning the winters and next years training and competition programme, assisted by Andrew Byatt. Other significant sporting achievements include: Dan Goodways, Dani Perks and Lucy Williams selection for the GB team Sophie Tregennas selection for the GB Youth Team Nigel becoming Cornwall Youth Team Manager for the Celtic Cup Challenge in Wales A large group of Perranporth SLSC athletes selected for the Celtic Cup, namely: Michael Birchmore, Dani Perks, Steve Gregory, Alex Bowden, Sophie Tregenna and Sam Hawken, comprising a strong team, encouraging each other throughout the competition. Cornwall finished third overall. In the British Ocean Ski Series 2008, Alex Bowden and Vanessa Pearson held their own, each in ending the series in second place. Alex narrowly losing his 2007 crown by only three points. Vanessa also paddled well. A busy summer up and down the country for the pair of them.


COMPETITION RESULTS FOR 2008 Rescue 2008, World Surf Lifesaving Championships 160 clubs entered the Interclub Competition with PSLSC achieving 58th in the beach/ocean events and 59th overall.
Team Dani Perks, Dan Goodway, Simon Lawrence, Mel Perks, Jason Wheeler, Cam Wyllie, Lucy Williams, Chris Trethewy, James Marsh, Sophie Tregenna, Michael Birchmore, Paul Richards, Matt Thomas, Jon Williams, Barry Frost, Graeme Milne, Craig Fisher, John Arnold, Nick Deards, Cindy Fisher, Matt Garner, Lindsey Anderson, Doreen Lawrence Name Jon Williams Barry Frost Doreen Lawrence Matt Thomas Marsh & Thomas Wyllie/Richards/Lawrence Marsh/Fisher/Thomas Wyllie/Richards/Lawrence Wyllie/Marsh/Lawrence Lawrence/Marsh/Thomas Wyllie/Richards/Fisher Graeme Milne Arnold & Richards Milne/Garner/Richards/ Thomas D&M Perks/Tregenna/ Williams D Perks & Williams D Perks Masters Beach/Ocean Results Event 35-39 2km run 45-49 2km run 60-64 Sprint 60-64 Flags 35-39 Board 35-39 Oceanman 35-39 Board rescue 130+ Beach relay 110+ Beach relay 130+ Board relay 110+ Oceanman relay 110+ Ski relay 130+ Ski relay Masters pool 50-54 200m obstacles 40-44 Line throw 170+ medley relay Interclub competition Beach relay Line throw National Teams competition Line throw Silver Gold Bronze Bronze Gold Bronze Silver Bronze Silver Bronze Silver Silver Bronze Bronze Gold Silver Medal

Reached B-final, achieving 16 overall th 7 Bronze (for GB)



National competitions Overall, the Club finished fourth in the national Superclubs competition, behind Portreath (3rd), Woolacombe (2nd) and Saunton Sands (1st).
NATIONAL YOUTH STILLWATERS Team Alex Bowden, Sam Trethewey, Steve Gregory, Jonty Brook, Josh Walters, Kieran Townsend, Stuart Biddick, Mike Birchmore, Lucy Williams, Dani Perks, Sophie Tregenna, Samantha Hawken, Natalie Hawken, Patricia Blackie, Katherine Blackie, Demelza Townsend Name Results Event 200m obstacle 50m manikin carry 100m rescue medley 100m manikin tow with fins 50m manikin carry 100m manikin carry with fins 100m manikin tow with fins 200m obstacle 50m manikin carry 100m manikin carry with fins 100m rescue medley th Overall ranking: 7 Silver Gold Gold Silver Bronze Gold Gold Gold Silver Silver Gold Medal

Lucy Williams

Dani Perks

Sophie Tregenna

NATIONAL OPEN STILLWATERS Team Dani Perks, Lucy Williams, Chris Trethewey, Sam Trethewey, Dan Goodway, Melissa Perks, Andrew Byatt, Jonathan Brook, Simon Boyle, Jason Wheeler, Sophie Tregenna, Steven Gregory Name Results Event 50m manikin carry 100m manikin carry with fins 200m lifesaver 100m manikin tow with fins 50m manikin carry 200m lifesaver 100m medley 200m obstacle 50m manikin carry 100m medley Manikin relay Obstacle relay Manikin relay Obstacle relay Line throw nd Overall ranking: 2 Silver Silver Gold Gold Bronze Silver Silver Gold Silver Bronze Silver Gold Gold Gold Silver Medal

Dani Perks

Lucy Williams

Dan Goodway

Mens Womens


NATIONAL MASTERS STILLWATERS Team John Arnold, Paul Richards, Simon Lawrence, Nick Cann, Graeme Milne, Nick Deards, Mike Woods, Matt Thomas Name John Arnold Results Event 50m manikin carry 100m obstacle 100m medley 50m manikin carry 100m manikin tow 100m obstacle 100m manikin carry 100m medley 100m manikin carry 50m manikin carry 100m obstacle 50m manikin carry 100m manikin tow 100m obstacle 100m manikin carry Obstacle relay Medley relay rd Overall ranking: 3 Gold Bronze Silver Silver Gold Gold Gold Gold Bronze Bronze Silver Bronze Gold Gold Gold Silver Bronze Medal

Paul Richards

Simon Lawrence Graeme Milne Nick Deards Matt Thomas Mens

NATIONAL YOUTH SURF Team Dani Perks, Steven Gregory, Lucy Williams, Sam Hawken, Kieran Townsend, Alex Bowden, Vanessa Pearson, Sophie Tregenna, Matt Renshaw, Michael Birchmore, Thomas Stillwell, Stuart Biddick, Jonty Brooks, Ryan, Spray, Samuel Trethewey Name Lucy Williams Alex Bowden Vanessa Pearson Sophie Tregenna Matt Renshaw Mike Birchmore Thomas Stillwell Ryan Spray Samuel Trethewy Tregenna & Hawken Tregenna & Hawken Tregenna & Bowden Results Event Surf swim Ski Ski Surf swim Ocean girl 1km run 1km run 1km run Board Flags Sprint Flags Board rescue Double ski Mixed double ski th Overall ranking: 8 Gold Silver Silver Gold Gold Bronze Bronze Gold Bronze Silver Silver Bronze Silver Bronze Silver Medal


NATIONAL MASTERS SURF Team Matt Thomas, Peter Whitbread-Abrutat, Paul Richards, Graeme Milne, Vicky Gould, John Arnold, Lindsey Anderson, Simon Lawrence. Maxine Whitbread-Abrutat, Ian McDermott, Chris Hawken, Doreen Lawrence Name Results Event Surf swim Board Ski Ocean man Surf swim 1km run Flags Sprint Surf swim Board Surf swim 1km run Ski 1km run Flags Sprint Board Ski Ocean man 1km run Flags Sprint Flags Sprint Taplin relay Ski relay Board relay 110+ beach relay 130+ beach relay 130+ beach relay Board rescue Double ski th Overall ranking: 6 Gold Gold Gold Gold Gold Silver Gold Gold Silver Silver Gold Bronze Bronze Bronze Silver Silver Silver Silver Bronze Gold Silver Gold Silver Silver Gold Silver Gold Bronze Bronze Bronze Gold Bronze Medal

Matt Thomas

Pete Whitbread-Abrutat

Paul Richards Graeme Milne Vicky Gould

John Arnold

Lindsey Anderson

Chris Hawken

Doreen Lawrence


Womens Thomas & Richards Anderson & Richards


NATIONAL OPEN SURF Team Dani Perks, Melissa Perks, Dan Goodway, Andrew Byatt, Danielle Musslewhite, Steven Gregory, John Arnold, Jason Wheeler, Thomas Stillwell, Michael Birchmore, Simon Boyle, Matt Thomas, Christopher Trethewey, Simon Lawrence, Karen Perks, Lucy Williams Name Results Event Surf swim Board Sprint 2km run 2km run Board relay Sprint relay Tube rescue th Overall ranking: 5 Bronze Silver Bronze Gold Silver Silver Silver Silver Medal

Dani Perks

Michael Birchmore Mens Womens

NATIONAL JUNIOR SURF Team Ryan Spray, Samantha Hawken, Vanessa Pearson, Sophie Tregenna, Alex Bowden, Natalie Hawken, Kieran Townsend, Matthew Renshaw Name Ryan Spray Samantha Hawken Results Event Flags Flags Sprint Surf swim Flags Ski Flags Sprint Surf swim Board Ocean race Ski Sprint Ski 1km run Double ski Double ski Mixed double ski th Overall ranking: 5 Silver Gold Gold Bronze Silver Gold Bronze Bronze Gold Gold Gold Gold Silver Silver Bronze Gold Bronze Bronze Medal

Vanessa Pearson

Sophie Tregenna

Alex Bowden Natalie Hawken Kieran Townsend Matt Renshaw Pearson & Hawken Bowden & Townsend Pearson & Bowden


Cornish competitions
CORNISH MASTERS SURF Team Peter Whitbread-Abrutat, Ian McDermott, Andrea Hawken, Christopher Hawken, Doreen Lawrence, Maxine Whitbread-Abrutat, Gilly Lloyd, Simon Lawrence Name Flags Sprint 1km run Board Sprint Flags Sprint Flags Sprint 1km run Flags Sprint Sprint 1km run Overall ranking: 6

Results Event Gold Gold Gold Silver Silver Gold Bronze Bronze Silver Silver Bronze Silver Silver Gold


Pete Whitbread-Abrutat

Ian McDermott Andrea Hawken

Chris Hawken Doreen Lawrence Max Whitbread-Abrutat Gilly Lloyd

CORNISH YOUTH AND OPEN SURF Team Dani Perks, Samuel Trethewey, Steven Gregory, Stuart Biddick, Melissa Perks, Candice Tomkins, Christopher Hawken, Michael Birchmore, Dan Goodway, Andy Sidebotham, Simon Boyle Name Results Event 17-19 flags Gold Open flags Gold 17-19 sprint Gold Open sprint Gold 1km run (17-19) Gold 17-19 surf swim Silver 17-19 board Silver Open flags Gold 2km run (open) Gold Open surf swim Bronze Open board Gold 1km run (17-19) Gold 2km run (open) Bronze Open surf swim Bronze Beach relay Silver Board relay Gold Tube rescue Gold Board rescue Gold Surfboat Silver Ski relay Bronze Surfboat Silver th nd Overall ranking: Youth, 6 ; Open, 2 Medal

Dani Perks

Samuel Trethewey Melissa Perks

Michael Birchmore Dan Goodway




Lynda Bowden, Nippers Manager
Within the first few months of the New Year we were up to our golden 100 for Nipper enrolments our limit for safety reasons.

This year the Nippers have been concentrating hard on the new Nipper Awards an on-going award system which they are all working towards. This training will continue next summer. Our main aim is that, by the time the Nippers transfer to Nipper-Juniors, they will have achieved their Surf and Board Competencies the highest award they can achieve at this age. We are very pleased that two of our 12 year olds have already achieved this level, namely Matthew Woods and Samuel Bowden. This is the second year since the implementation of our Age Managers (Nipper parents who manage and guide their particular Nipper age group). Their admirable commitment was strengthened by most of them achieving SLS Coaching Award Level 1 with one progressing to Level 2. Without these kind souls, Nipper Nights on the beach would have been a complete nightmare. The children have responded well to having the one point of contact, although there have been times when it was stressful, but all the Age Managers carried on faultlessly. It was disappointing to see children still being dropped off and left without the parents staying to help. This is something we must address for next year. We are trying to encourage parents to become full members of the Club, and to take surf life saving awards. Personal thanks go to Trina Gregory, all the Age Managers and helpers. Some, who have children in the Juniors, also gave up their time for example Andrea Hawken. Thank you also to those people who helped supervise when the Nippers were fundraising. Below is a summary of all the Nipper events in which Perranporth SLSC participated in 2008: Swimming Gala, 10 April 2008. Perranporth SLSC versus Newquay SLSC at Waterworld was challenging, but the kids did us proud. Previously Newquay have thrashed us by a huge margin but this year there was only a couple of points in it. Next year, look out Newquay! The Swimathon, 17 April 2008. As usual, the Nippers excelled themselves - they are incredible:

just when you think it must be time for them to stop, exhausted, their response is, No I have got to do [X] more lengths (to satisfy their own goals). The children raised 900 for Club funds. Cornish Stillwater Championships, Dragon Centre, Bodmin, 26 January and 2 February. The first of the Nippers Stillwater competitions. 18 of our Nippers entered over two weekends. It was a fun competition and the children did very well. National Stillwater, Millfield School, Somerset, 16 February. After an early start and a long and tiring drive, the team held together and supported each other. Well done team for having a go! 16 Nippers competed.
Team Azadi Boakes, Sam Bowden, Conall Cromie, Eoghan Cromie, Megan Gregory, George Hudson-Gaisford, Francesca Jenkins, Kate Johnson, Liam Johnson, Morgan Pascoe, Molly Peters, Molly Plant, Olivia Richardson, Connor Spark, Kirra Spray, Kai Thomas, Kieran Townsend, Alice Whitbread-Abrutat No results available Team Sam Bowden, Conall Cromie, Eoghan Cromie, George Hudson-Gaisford, Henry Hudson-Gaisford, Kate Johnson, Liam Johnson, Libby Johnson, Francesca Jenkins, Molly Peters, Molly Plant, Olivia Richardson, Connor Spark, Kirra Spray, Kieran Townsend, Alice WhitbreadAbrutat, Results Name Event Medal Molly Plant Board race Silver Kirra Spray Board race Silver

Max Hocking, Fistral Beach, Newquay, 29 June. A very memorable, bright day enjoyed by 45 Perranporth Nippers. It was a good sight to see happy smiley children in brightly-coloured T-shirts with one aim: to have fun. Newquay SLSC did a great job as hosts. Cornish SLS Championships, Summerleaze Beach, Bude, 13 July. Another hot and successful day. 24 Perranporth Nippers competed. We had three very determined athletes who won medals: very well done Kirra Spray, Harrison Cully and Conall Cromie.
Team Azadi Boakes, Sam Bowden, Conall Cromie, Harrison Cully, Megan Gregory, Joel Griffett, Zac Hoskins, Henry HudsonGaisford, Mat Hunt, Francesca Jenkins, Liam Johnson, Ryan Martin, Marcus McDermott, Thomas McRitchie, William McRitchie, Robert Mitchell, Zennor Robinson, Isaac Smith, Connor Spark, Kirra Spray, Kai Thomas, Max Thomas-Fricker, Kieran Townsend, Alice Whitbread-Abrutat Results Name Event Medal Harrison Cully Surf Swim Gold Harrison Cully Flags Gold Kirra Spray Flags Gold Kirra Spray Beach Sprint Gold Conall Cromie Beach Sprint Bronze

Surf Relief by White Stuff, Watergate Bay, Newquay and Perranporth Carnival, 26 July. A very busy day trying to be in two places at once. In the Surf Relief event, Surf Life Saving Cornwall put on an organised display and competition. The Nippers showed off their talent with style and grace, and showed Cornwall how flags were performed. Some of the children did a quick turn-around to support the evenings Perranporth Carnival. This was well-supported with lots of spectators. Led by Pete Whitbread-Abrutat and Cath McRitchie, the Nippers won the Humorous category dressed in a combination rugby kit and Nipper uniform a compromise enabling the children to represent both Clubs of which they are members.


National Nippers SLS Championships, Saunton Sands, Devon, 9 - 10 August. We went as a group and camped in a muddy field in Braunton. Our 18-strong team did very well despite the appalling weather we got wet and stayed wet the whole weekend. But we still enjoyed ourselves with a few light-hearted moments like the bowling in Barnstaple. Well done to you brave souls, especially the ones who stayed until the bitter end!

Team Sam Bowden, Conall Cromie, Eoghan Cromie, Megan Gregory, Joel Griffett, George Hudson-Gaisford, Henry Hudson-Gaisford, Mathew Hunt, Francesca Jenkins, Marcus McDermott, Thomas McRitchie, William McRitchie, Molly Plant, Connor Spark, Kirra Spray, Kai Thomas, Kieran Townsend, Alice Whitbread-Abrutat Results Name Event Medal Kirra Spray Flags Gold Kirra Spray Sprint Gold

Perranporth Junior Biathlon, 20 September. Perranporth SLSCs third Biathlon - and what a success! 127 competitors participated of which 77 were from our Club. This is a real credit to the Club and shows what budding athletes we have. The whole evening was superb thanks to the children and to the support of parents and Club members. Thanks also to our two main sponsors: The Co-op Perranporth and Zoggs. BIATHLON RESULTS
Age group Boys 7s Guppy Race 8s 9s 10s 11s 12s 13s 14s 15s Girls 7s Guppy Race 8s 9s 10s 11s 12s 13s 14s
PP, Perranporth SLSC




Ben Norton PP Joel Johnston Owen Davy Kai Thomas PP Harrison Cully PP Ryan Lark Joseph Parry Sam Johnson Luke West Katie Whitbread-Abrutat PP Eleanor Meyers PP Mai Garner Kirra Spray PP Elle Johnson Rihona Davey Nicola Russell Emily Cowell

Joseph Greaves PP Thomas Meyers PP Rory Mannall Curtis Johnston Henry Hudson-Gaisford PP Finaly Thompson Kieran Townsend PP Callum Johnson PP Adam Tipple Keely Thomas PP Mischa Maguire Emma Morley PP Amy Purohit PP Georgia Timson Courtney-Lee Reid Megan Hicks Kate Blackie PP

Charlie Standen PP Patrick Parry Charlie Meads PP George Parry Joel Griffett PP Sam Bowden PP Olivia Spark PP Molly Plant PP Taome Stevens Holly Warn Ruby Fussell Lucy Pearson PP Katie Purohit PP Georgina Musslewhite PP


Braden 'Fred' Collins, Surf Boat Captain
The 2008 surfboat season began for us in November 2007 with twice weekly ergo sessions. At that time its always hard to find the enthusiasm to push yourself to do the set training, but the results for the season justified all the hard work. Strangely, the winter river training is something Ill miss. Being out in Falmouth Harbour in the wind, rain and occasionally snow was something we all looked forward to! This is the time when we teach the new rowers basic technique so that, by the time they hit the surf, they only need to be thinking about getting through the waves rather than the very basics of rowing. The number of rowers has continued to grow. For the first time we managed to front five crews to an event by far the largest squad there. The racing season this year consisted of 5 UKSRL events, the UKSRL Open Championships, the Cornish Championships, and the European Championships. Unfortunately, we were unable to front a crew for the National Championships. Once again, the Rebel Angels Womens crew represented the Club extremely well, taking out the UKSRL League Title, Cornish Championship, UKSRL Open Championship, and European Championship. The Mens Desperados Crew also performed well, making the finals of the UKSRL Championships, second in the Cornish Championships, semi-finalists in the European Championships and third in the UKSRL League. The other crews, which were the Fallen Angels, Bachelors and Old Boys, also performed well. Well, at least the Old Boys tried! Round 4 of the UKSRL Summer Series was held at Perranporth. I would like to extend a huge thank-you to all those that helped make that day such a great success. Something that was really noticeable that day was the effort made by people who are not rowers, which was very much appreciated. The apparent divisions within the Club between boaties and non-boaties are slowly starting to break down and in reality is something which should not be there at all. To continue to progress with this requires some give and take from both sides. The rowers need to continue to ensure they help out where possible with Wednesday nights, patrols, collections, etc., and appreciate how much we get from the Club. Equally, it needs to be recognised how much boaties contribute to the Club in terms of new members, patrols, training, etc. At the end of the day, we all need to make sure everyone is a Clubbie first, with some of us rowing in that capacity. Its time to get rid of the Boatie or not a Boatie attitudes. Thank-you everyone for a great year. Im very proud to have been Captain of such a top group of people. I would also like to extend a huge thank you to everyone in the Club. As Clubbies Who Row we really appreciate all the help that we get from the Club. We do recognise and are extremely grateful for everything that gets done in the Club to keep it running. Thank you everyone for 7 great summers (I ended up staying longer than originally planned!). Perranporth has become my second home and I reckon Ill be back again some time soon.


The following awards were presented at the Christmas Dinner, 2007 and the Annual Dinner and Dance, 2008. Honorary Life Member Clubbie of the Year Buster Harris Award Boatie of the Year Junior of the Year Nipper of the Year Best Patrol Member Westcott Cup Pitman Cup Ski Paddler of the Year Board Paddler of the Year Most Improved Ski Paddler Most Improved Board Paddler Most Improved Swimmer Most Improved Nipper Duncan Newby Simon Boyle Steve Gregory and Andy Byatt Simon Boyle Stuart Biddick Kirra Spray Gilly Lloyd Trina Gregory Bob Pearson Alex Bowden Sophie Tregenna Junior: Sophie Tregenna Senior: Chris Hawken Junior: Andy Sidebotham Senior: Pete Whitbread-Abrutat Stuart Biddick Tom McRitchie




Jeanne Barsch, Membership Secretary
My job as Membership Secretary was made a little easier this year because the majority of members paid their subscription fees promptly at the beginning of the year, so I would like to extend my thanks for that and hope that the same happens this year. The number of Club members has increased by just four on 2007 figures, making a total of 346 this year. As a Club we strive to promote family/ parental involvement, so it has been nice to see a substantial increase in Family Memberships, bringing the total to 23 families this year.
Membership type 2008 2007

Senior Youth Junior Nipper Associate Honorary Life Total:

132 30 36 116 13 19 346

125 38 41 110 10 18 342

Breakdown of how membership fees are spent Fees paid in 2008 12,298 Affiliation fees paid to SLSGB 4,686 Bank charges on members standing orders 60 Balance received by the Club: 7,552

Despite the relatively high number of members, the breakdown of funds ultimately available to the Club from this source is only 61% of that raised through membership fees. Much of the rest is affiliation fees to SLSGB.

It is my intention in 2009 to keep members more informed via e-mail, as it has proved difficult to catch the majority of members at the Clubhouse. This would be to let people know when their memberships have been processed and when their SLS Membership cards and Club Handbooks are available for collection. Under our current leadership, huge improvements are being planned in all aspects of Club life for the coming year, so it would be nice to see all members contribute something positive towards that end.


Karen Longstaff, Administrator and Pam West, Treasurer
As mentioned on the previous page, membership fees alone do not cover the costs of running the Club and maintaining equipment and vehicles. This year we have purchased a new surf boat, the Jeep, rescue tubes and undertaken various repairs and upgrades to Club facilities. Such expenditure all but consumes the 7500 available from members. We have had ongoing problems with the boiler, the waste pumps and the buildings electrics, but until the end of the summer we did not have sufficient finances to begin tackling these. During the year, and largely because of such experiences, we introduced some basic guidelines to aid financial decision-making. When funding is limiting, priority will be given (in descending order) to: health and safety, the fabric of the building, life saving, and sports. We are left to make up the rest of what we need financially by organising fundraising events throughout the summer. Unfortunately, this is usually left to the same ragged individuals, although we all benefit from the Club facilities. A debate is due on whether we carry on as we are in the hope that more members help or whether it makes more sense to substantially raise membership fees in the future. Fundraising activities earlier in the year were primarily concerned with Rescue 2008 the World Surf Lifesaving Championships in Germany. Nevertheless, thank you to the Worlds Committee for working so hard in organising and raising the funds to be able to take part in the competition. Later in the season, frantic efforts were made by the same loyal few to kick-start fundraising by organising supermarket bag packing events, etc. A big thank you to those who organised and assisted this effort and to Morrisons, Newquay, who gave their support. As usual, the Triathlon was a huge success with the Biathlon also building momentum for the future, so Thank you to all who worked so hard on these events. I would like to give sincere thanks to the family and friends of Duncan Newby who have made very generous donations to the Club in Duncans memory. Finally, I would like to thank Pam West who is now stepping down as Treasurer after serving a sentence, I mean term of 10 years! Pam has been a long standing member of Perranporth SLSC and has always supported all aspects of the Club whether it is baking cakes, cooking burgers, rattling tins or sitting through endless Committee meetings. Her commitment has been outstanding!
From Pam West, Treasurer I have decided to stand down as Treasurer and I would like to say I have enjoyed my time with the surf club and wish it every success in the future. I will continue to support the Club in any way I can. I love making cakes so just let me know when you need them, especially my Love Cake. I have made some very special friends in the 15 years I have been involved in the Club and hope to continue that friendship. Thank you all. Pam West








Dave Cromie, Fundraising Coordinator
Last November I was elected to the Committee and was delegated the role of Fundraising Coordinator to add to that of Club photographer. For a Club with so many disparate elements and a strategy for the future still at an early stage, this was always going to be a challenge. Fortunately, we have a highly dedicated and motivated core of people who put in a tremendous amount of time and energy into raising funds for the Club. Indeed, I identified early on that the needs of the many are being met by the few! The work of raising funds should be more fairly spread; there are too many members who take advantage of what the Club offers and give little back. Earlier in the year the Committee reviewed some of the fundraising issues requiring attention. I am grateful to my colleagues on the Committee for actioning some of the recommendations. The key challenges to successful fund-raising are: Initiatives or events are often organised at too short notice significantly minimising the events chances of pulling in substantial funds. Too many members are reluctant to get involved in fundraising if they perceive no vested interest in the purpose of the fundraising. There are examples of different Club members, on their own initiative, pursuing a variety of programmes and ideas without sufficient joined up thinking resulting in poor coordination between fund-raising (and other) activities. We rely on local shops and existing supporters and sponsors quite heavily without giving much back. We need to think of better ways to say thank you so that we maintain and grow these vital relationships. The Committee agreed the following key proposals: For every fundraising event that is not designed to generate funds for Club maintenance or health and safety concerns, a fixed percentage of monies raised will be deposited in the general Club account. This has been set at 20% and will help smooth income flow to the Club and enable better financial planning since each year an event schedule can be drawn up and budget assumptions made on income. It aims to encourage all members to support and help each and every section of the Club with their fundraising activities. Every event or activity should be presented in writing (preferably by email) to me at least three weeks in advance of the activity. No submission, no event should be the mantra unless circumstances dictate otherwise. This does not mean a long justification exercise but is designed to avoid clashes, duplication of effort and best use of Club resources. Despite the challenges outlined above, a fair amount of progress has already been made this year. We have identified some new sponsors for the Triathlon in many ways the Clubs showcase event - thanks to a focused mailing campaign. The Biathlon shows great potential for growth and we were fortunate to have the support of the local Co-op and Zoggs. Staff at Perranporth Surgery Get Into Boardies Day The new Boardies Day initiative looks to have captured the imagination of the local schools and should grow well in coming years. Bag packing the debate

about timing, cause and frequency apart - showed again that it is a highly effective way to raise cash. We owe a debt of gratitude to Morrisons in Newquay who have been extremely accommodating. Various Coffee Mornings, BBQs and volleyball competitions have all played a part in generating cash. Next year will need to see the Club step up fundraising activities with the following objectives: FUNDRAISING EVENTS SUMMARY Fundraising goals need to be planned to align Event/ Activity Fundraising Goal Lead Organiser with and resource the Dinner Dance Raffle General Club Funds Gilly Llyod goals of an overall Club Team Participation in Coffee Morning Karen Perks strategy, being Worlds developed under the Team Participation in Bag Packing, Morrisons Dave Cromie stewardship of the Club Worlds Beach Volleyball Surfboat Kit & Captain this winter and Vicky Gould Competition Equipment will help us target our Nippers Kit & Nippers Swimathon Nigel Bowden fundraising efforts more Equipment effectively. Team Participation in Bag Packing, Morrisons Lyn Bowden Worlds The Club needs to build Chris Harding & on positioning its assets Sponsored Walk General Club Funds Stuart Thorn so we highlight the value Club Hire Cornwall Sports General Club Funds Spike Gaisford we can provide to bigger Partnership sponsors and not sell Boardies Day General Club Funds Dave Cromie ourselves short. Bag Packing Sainsburys General Club Funds Lyn Bowden We have made much Wetsuit Sale General Club Funds Dave Cromie progress in coordinating Beach Volleyball Surfboat Kit & our activities and this will Vicky Gould Competition Equipment continue into the coming Bag Packing, Morrisons General Club Funds Lyn Bowden year. Board Raffle General Club Funds Lyn Bowden We must work to spread out the load and Nippers Biathlon Nipper Gear Lyn Bowden encourage more people Triathlon Triathlon Funding Chris Strickland to come forward with Red Bull Surf Coaching Pete WhitbreadGeneral Club Funds initiatives, ideas and Club Hire Abrutat support. Collections General Club Funds Nigel Bowden We need to energise and Donations General Club Funds PSLSC Committee improve the income TOTAL RAISED 19,390 generated from Collections. The income on collections was significantly down on last year. In part the weather didnt help and many of the usual helpers were engaged in competition. Id like to thank all of those members who have selflessly given their time and energy in too many ways to list here. You have helped keep vital funds flowing in without which we wouldnt have a functioning Club. I would like to single out a few individuals in particular: Lyn Bowden (with Nigels support) for her thankless work corralling bag packers, printing flyers, counting buckets of cash and doing it all with such good grace; Simon Lawrence and Karen Perks for their unstinting effort in securing funding that enabled a Club team to compete in Rescue 2008 and come back having enhanced our Clubs reputation as a hot house of potential for GBs surf lifesaving sports talent. Simon worked particularly hard to secure sponsorship from Norwegian Homes; Chris Strickland, ably supported by Karen Longstaff and the organising team, produced another great Triathlon delivering almost 6000 to Club coffers. This is a remarkable event with a bright future that will offer the Club more opportunities for both prize and cash support.



We are very grateful for the generosity shown towards the Club by the following people and organisations. AK Holidays Alan Johns Jeweller Ansum Flowers Ar Philp Carpentry and Building Contractors Bathsheba Beach Beat Surf Boards, St Agnes Berrymans Bakeries Boscawen News Carrick District Council Coastal Surf Cycle Logic Dobles Quality Foods Duchy Holidays Eden Project Family and friends of Duncan Newby Green Parrot Haven Hot Rocket JR Stephens Insurance Morrisons, Newquay New Perran Campsite Norwegian Homes Outback Surf Shack Perranporth Camping and Touring Perranporth Garden Trustees Perranporth Golf Club Perranporth Inn Perranzabuloe Parish Council Piran Surf Ponsmere Hotel Pure Blue Ltd RNLI Sainsburys, Truro Seiners Hotel Skinners Snugg South West Water The Co-op Perranporth The Tin Fin The Watering Hole The Wearhouse, Truro Thule Tollgate Campsite Zoggs


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