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This summer, adventurous children ages 7 through 13 can experience a unique day camp that takes them through

time and across continents at the University of Pennsylvania Museum of rchaeology and nthropology on Penn!s campus in Philadelphia" #or summer $%1&, ' nthropologists in the Making( offers nine theme)oriented, *eek)long sessions from +une $3 through ugust $$, $%13" ,etails a-out the popular camp, coordinated -y the Penn Museum!s .earning and Museum Programs department, are online/ ***"penn"museum0camp" 1arly)-ird registration is no* availa-le" 2hildren may attend one or more of this year!s *eekly)themed programs/ 3ession 1/ +une $34$7 Worn and Adorn People around the *orld have -een piercing, tattooing, painting, and adorning their -odies for centuries" 5ody modification and *hat it means is personal and cultural" 1xplore Penn Museum!s galleries and -e on the lookout for necklaces, scarification tools, earplugs, and -ody art" Try your hand at a henna design, craft your o*n 6e*elry, create your o*n tattoo, and more" 3ession $/ +une 3%4+uly 3 Gift of the Nile The rhythm of ancient 1gyptian life, from -uilding the pyramids to engaging in -attle, *as defined -y the 7ile 8iver" .earn ho* the 7ile 8iver played an important role for farmers and gods alike" 1ngineer a -oat, participate in a trade game, and more" 3ession 3/ +uly 7411 Digging China Take a *hirl*ind tour of more than &,%%% years of 2hinese history as you uncover artifacts in a mock dig" 1xplore themes such as daily life in ancient 2hina, the 3ilk 8oad, 2hinese calligraphy, and more" Think as archaeologists do as you piece together clues to solve excavation mysteries" 2hat *ith an archaeologist and learn a-out his0her field*ork" 3ession &/ +uly 1&419 When in Rome #rom a small to*n in :taly, 8ome gre* to -ecome the center of one of the *orld!s most influential empires" Meet some of 8ome!s great rulers, from the cruel to the admira-le, and learn ho* their great *ars *ere *on" .earn a-out home life, gods and goddesses, and commerce as you explore Penn Museum!s collections" 3ession ;/ +uly $14$; World Mythology The *orld!s cultures a-ound *ith stories a-out ho* humans and creatures, the earth, and the sky all -egan" <ear stories of ho* the earth is carried -y a turtle or hatched from an egg, ho* people *ere once made out of mud or *ood, and ho* the sky emerged from the *ater" =ork *ith ne* friends to produce a creation story play"

3ession >/ +uly $?4 ugust 1 Gift of the Nile This popular 1gypt session, first offered 3ession $, is offered again" The rhythm of ancient 1gyptian life, from -uilding the pyramids to engaging in -attle, *as defined -y the 7ile 8iver" .earn ho* the 7ile 8iver played an important role for farmers and gods alike" 1ngineer a -oat, participate in a trade game, and more" 3ession 7/ ugust &49 Heroes, Giants, and Monsters <eroes, and giants, and monsters@oh myA The old and ne* *orlds alike have recorded myths and true stories a-out these larger)than)life and fantastic figures" Meet the likes of Poly-otes and Paul 5unyan, the chupaca-ra and the dragon, +ohn 1cho<a*k and Mahatma Bandhi" Make a medusa mask, craft a dragon puppet, and more" 3ession 9/ ugust 1141; Ancient Egyptian Magic #rom attempting to control the *eather to ensuring safe passage into the afterlife, ancient 1gyptians utiliCed magic for practical and spiritual purposes" ,esign a *and *ith its o*n special spell" 2raft a heart scara-, s*a-ti, and *ad6et eye" ,iscover mummy curses, magical remedies, and more" 3ession ?/ ugust 194$$ Way of the Warrior =arriors are kno*n for their skills at com-at" 3till other *arriors uphold ideals, defend values and sho* great courage through peaceful means" Meet the maCons and the <uns" .earn the codes of chivalry and -ushido" ,iscover contemporary stories of 7ative merican '*arriors( striving for equal rights" Bo -ehind the scenes and see some samurai armor -efore you fashion a helmet and -reastplate to take home" 2amp hours are ?/%% am to 3/%% pm, *ith optional pre)camp D9/%% ) ?/%% amE and post)camp D3/%% ) ;/%% pmE care" #or more information or to request a need)-ased, partial scholarship application form, call $1;"9?9"&%1>, or emailsummercampFpennmuseum"org, and visit the *e-site at ***"penn"museum0camp" 8egistration is no* openA TWEET IT 8egistration for the FpennmuseumGs H nthropologists in the MakingH 3ummer 2amp for adventurous kids ages 7)13 is IP17A http/00-it"ly0Jyh.,g
Image captions top to bottom: Campers learn tricks of the archaeology trade, and discover ancient cultures through replicas of their artifacts, during the Penn Museums Anthropologists in the Making !ummer Camp" Photo: Penn Museum" Campers present a performance of #he #ro$an %ar to cap off a &eek of learning and e'ploration during the Penn Museums Anthropologists in the Making !ummer Camp" Photo: Penn Museum" Campers pose &ith an archaeological find unearthed during an Archaeologists in the Making !ummer Camp mock e'cavation" Photo: Penn Museum"

The !enn M"se"m Dthe University of Pennsylvania Museum of rchaeology and nthropologyE is dedicated to the study and understanding of human history and diversity" #ounded in 1997, the Museum has sent more than 3%% archaeological and anthropological expeditions to all the inha-ited continents of the *orld" =ith an active exhi-ition schedule and educational programming for children and adults, the Museum offers the pu-lic an opportunity to share in the ongoing discovery of humankindGs collective heritage" The !enn M"se"m is located at 3$>% 3outh 3treet, Philadelphia, P 1?1%& Don PennGs campus, across from #ranklin #ieldE" Pu-lic transportation to the Museum is availa-le via 31PT Gs 8egional 8ail .ine at University 2ity 3tationK the Market)#rankford 3u-*ay .ine at 3&th 3treet 3tationK trolley routes 11, 13, 3&, and 3>K and -us routes $1, 3%, &%, and &$" Museum hours are Tuesday through 3unday, 1%/%% am to ;/%% pm, and first =ednesdays of each month until 9/%% pm, *ith P"M" F P177 MU31UM evening programs offered" 2losed Mondays and holidays" dmission donation is L1; for adultsK L13 for senior citiCens D>; and

a-oveEK free for U"3" MilitaryK L1% for children and full)time students *ith :,K free to Mem-ers, Penn2ard holders, and children ; and younger" <ot and cold meals and light refreshments are offered to visitors *ith or *ithout Museum admission in The Pepper Mill 2afMK the Museum 3hop and Pyramid 3hop for 2hildren offer a *ide selection of gifts, -ooks, games, clothing and 6e*elry" Penn Museum can -e found on the *e- at ***"penn"museum" #or general information call $1;"9?9"&%%%" #or group tour information call $1;"7&>"9193"

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