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Mumena Missions

Rick & Karen Love Don & Rita Boyd

Mumena, Zambia

August 2009 Newsletter

Prayer Requests Many exciting One young man was baptized into Christ
things happened in August. and many others have started to attend
Young Christians We were able to participate in a on Sunday morning. The leaders at
marriage seminar, the churches had Campande church have decided to have
Pray for the Christians
many great meetings, and two of our meetings for the youth at least twice a
to continue growing friends had babies. year. Pray that the other churches will
and teaching others also begin holding youth seminars and
African Marriage Seminar that the young people will dedicate their
Leadership Fieldon and Janet Allison have been lives to Jesus.
missionaries in Africa for over 20 years.
Pray that God will
They are traveling through Zambia and Lucia’s Baby
prepare some men to
teaching marriage seminars as they go. Karen’s good friend Lucia had a baby at
be faithful leaders
We invited 10 married couples to come the end of the month. She wanted Karen
and attend the three day seminar. The to be there, so we took her to the
Open Hearts seminar’s purpose was to train the hospital and Karen helped her throughout
Pray that those who couples so they could teach others. We the night. The baby was born at 2AM.
come to the Bible also attended the lessons. They were Karen and Emily stayed with Lucia and
studies will listen to very helpful and were well suited for the helped her care for the baby the rest of
God’s message village context. The Allisons understand the night. Lucia asked Karen to choose his
this culture well and taught what was name, so she chose Daniel after Karen’s
most helpful for them. We hope that the brother.
Servant Hood
couples will improve their marriages and
Leadership teach others as well.
May God bless you and your family,
Rick and Karen Love
Youth Seminar at Campande
Pray for the young
Seeing the need to reach to the youth in
church leaders who will Mumena, Campande church held a youth
be coming in September seminar and invited all the young people
in the local area. The meeting was from
Language Learning Friday night to Saturday afternoon. Two
Pray for us as we learn local leaders taught as well as Brian Davis
the language and and myself. We taught how each person
must choose which path they will go.
develop friendships with
the Kaonde people
From Don & Rita Boyd to host a sister congregation for a
Konkwa hosted the Lunsala congregation weekend meeting and then we will host
to a weekend of fellowship, praise and all of our church plants here at the
worship. More than 150 attended and all Mumena Christian Outreach Center.
were uplifted. The young men leading
After three years other communities are
the Konkwa Church did a great job of
becoming more aware of us here in Chief
preparing the area for their visitors,
Joy of Fellowship Mumena’s area. Rita and I are expecting
supervising the cooking and planning the
to begin new studies soon. One is in a
schedule for the services. Six men spoke
village not far from us and the headman
and each lesson fit the previous one very
has asked us to come to his village and
teach. One is in the next chieftaincy at a
place called Muyashi and it is our goal to
study with a family in Lunsala. The
Konkwa ladies have asked Rita to resume
Daniel enjoying the service
their weekly ladies class and the church
leaders have asked me to resume the
Saturday afternoon studies. Pray for us
and those we study with.

Konkwa & Lunsala Meeting We are hosting men from all of our
The lessons were about New Testament church plants for a month of studies. I am
Christianity and how one can become a teaching the first two weeks on how to
part of the Body of Christ. I was asked to study, understand and teach the bible.
Rita holding baby Rita
speak on Sunday about baptism. I was This class has been a challenge for me but
asked to explain about biblical baptism as I have been blessed each day I teach. The
some of the visitors were from other idea is that these men will go back to
religious groups. There was one lesson on their home congregations and teach what
Friday night, four on Saturday and the they have learned.
regular service and Lord’s Supper on
Rita and I think of all of you often and we
Sunday morning. The highlight of the
do appreciate how you remember us in
weekend was when a young lady named
your prayers.
Kapenta (small fish) for lunch Naomi chose to obey the gospel.

In His Name,
Contact us: Don & Rita

Mailing Address:
P/Bag S-42

Supporting Naomi obeying the gospel

Congregation: The Lunsala congregation is making plans
Cedar Hill Church of Christ to host the next weekend meeting after
535 S Clark Rd the rainy season next year. Our Missions
Cedar Hill, TX 75104
Team is encouraging other congregations

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