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Abstract: Total Productive Maintenance (TPM) is a maintenance program which involves a newly defined concept for maintaining plants and equipment. The goal of the TPM program is to markedly increase production while, at the same time, increasing employee morale and jo satisfaction. The TPM program closely resem les the popular Total !uality Management (T!M) program. Many of the same tools such as employee empowerment, enchmarking, documentation, etc. are used to implement and optimi"e TPM. What is Total Productive Mai te a ce! Total Productive Maintenance (TPM) is a maintenance program concept. Philosophically, TPM resem les Total !uality Management (T!M) in several aspects, such as #. Total commitment to the program y upper level management is required, $. %mployees must e empowered to initiate corrective action, and &. ' long range outlook must e accepted as TPM may take a year or more to implement and is an on(going process. )hanges in employee mind(set toward their jo responsi ilities must take place as well. TPM rings maintenance into focus as a necessary and vitally important part of the usiness. *t is no longer regarded as a non(profit activity. +own time for maintenance is scheduled as a part of the manufacturing day and, in some cases, as an integral part of the manufacturing process. The goal is to hold emergency and unscheduled maintenance to a minimum. Wh" TPM ! TPM was introduced to achieve the following , jectives.

'void wastage in a quickly changing economic environment. Producing goods without reducing product quality. -educe cost. Produce a low atch quantity at the earliest possi le time. .oods send to the customers must e /on +efective.

TPM # $istor":

The origin of TPM can e traced ack to #01# when Preventive maintenance was introduced in 2apan. 3owever these concepts were taken from 45'. /ippon +enso was the first company to introduce plant wide Productive maintenance in #067. Preventive maintenance is the concept wherein, operators produced goods using machines and the maintenance group was dedicated with work of maintaining those machines, however with the automation of /ippon denso, maintenance ecame a pro lem as more maintenance personnel were required. 5o the management decided that the routine maintenance of equipment would e carried out y the operators. ( This is nothing ut 'utonomous maintenance, one of the feature of TPM ). Maintenance group took up only essential maintenance works. Thus /ippon +enso which already followed Preventive maintenance also added 'utonomous maintenance. The maintenance crew went in the equipment modification for improving relia ility. The modifications were made or incorporated in new equipment. This lead to maintenance prevention. Thus Preventive maintenance along with Maintenance prevention and Maintaina ility *mprovement gave irth to productive maintenance. Aim of Productive Maintenance : To ma8imi"e plant and equipment effectiveness to achieve optimum life cycle cost of production equipment ( 5econd feature of TPM ). 9y then /ippon +enso had made quality circles, involving the employees participation. Thus all employees took part in implementing Productive Maintenance. 9ased on this /ippon +enso was awarded the +istinguished plant pri"e for developing and implementing TPM, y the Japanese Institute of Plant Engineers ( 2*P% ). TPM is a innovative 2apanese concept. *t has its origin from PM concept used y the 'mericans. *n #017, there was a concept y which preventive maintenance was carried out to increase the life of the machines. *n #067 steps were taken to modify the machine parts to avoid specific pro lems in machines. /ippon +enso of the Toyota group was the first company to o tain the TPM certification. Motives o% TPM : #. 'doption of life cycle approach for improving the overall performance of production equipment. $. *mproving productivity y highly motivated workers which is achieved y jo enlargement. &. The use of voluntary small group activities for identifying the cause of failure, possi le plant and equipment modifications. U i&ue ess o% TPM: The major difference etween TPM and other concepts is that the operators are

also made to involve in the maintenance process. The concept of "I ( Production operators ) Operate, You ( Maintenance department ) fi " is not followed. Eli'i ati ( si) 'a*or losses : The o jective of TPM is ma8imi"ation of equipment effectiveness. TPM aims at ma8imi"ation of machine utili"ation and not merely machine availa ility ma8imi"ation. The following are the losses leading to reduction in equipment utili"ation. #. $. &. ;. 1. 6. :oss due to ineffective maintenance ( 9reakdown losses. 5et up and adjustment loss. :osses due to idling and minor stoppages. :oss due to operating at low speeds. :oss due to poor product quality, due to defects in process and production. :oss due to reduced speed at the time of start up of equipment. -educing these losses is one of the three characteristic of TPM. TPM Ob*ectives: #. 'chieve <ero +efects, <ero 9reakdown and <ero accidents in all functional areas of the organi"ation. $. *nvolve people in all levels of organi"ation. &. =orm different teams to reduce defects and 5elf Maintenance. Direct be e%its o% TPM: #. *ncrease productivity and ,P% y #.1 or $ times. $. -ectify customer complaints. &. -educe the manufacturing cost y &7>. ;. 5atisfy the customers needs y #77 > ( +elivering the right quantity at the right time, in the required quality. ) 1. -educe accidents. 6. =ollow pollution control Measures. I direct be e%its o% TPM: #. 3igher confidence level among the employees. $. ?eep the work please clean, neat and attractive. &. =avora le change in the attitude of the operators. ;. 'chieve goals y working as team. 1. 3ori"ontal deployment of a new concept in all areas of the organi"ation. 6. 5hare knowledge and e8perience. @. The workers get a feeling of owning the machine. TPM Tar(ets: P

, tain Minimum A7> ,P%. , tain Minimum 07> ,%%. -un the machines even during lunch. ( :unch is for operators and not for machines B ) 'chieve a target sales of -s. &7 :akhs for each operator C Dorker. ! ,perate in a manner, so that there are no customer complaints. ) -educe the manufacturing cost y &7>. + 'chieve #77> success in delivering the goods as required y the customer. 5 Maintain a accident free environment. M *ncrease the suggestions y & times. +evelop Multi(skilled and fle8i le workers. +I,$U $O-EN . +$ / Tar(ets: #. Prevent the occurrence of #' C #9 ecause of 23. $. Taking care to see that the quality doe snot go down y using 23. &. -educe process time y 17> ;. *ncrease use of 23 y 17> Trai the E'0lo"ees :

%ducate the employees a out TPM, 23 and 5teps in 23. %ducate the employees a out a normalities in equipments.

,te0s i +I,$U $O-EN : #. $. &. ;. 1. 6. @. *nitial cleanup of machines. Take counter measures =i8 tentative 23 standards .eneral inspection 'utonomous inspection 5tandardi"ation and 'utonomous management. %ach of the a ove mentioned steps is discussed in detail elow. Initial cleanup of mac!ines :

5upervisor and technician should discuss and set a date for implementing step# 'rrange all items needed for cleaning ,n the arranged date, employees should clean the equipment completely with the help of maintenance department. +ust, stains, oils and grease has to e removed. =ollowing are the things that has to e taken care while cleaning. They are ,il leakage, loose wires, unfastened nits and olts and worn out parts. 'fter clean up pro lems are categori"ed and suita ly tagged. Dhite tags is place where pro lems can e solved y operators. Pink tag is placed where the aid of maintenance department is needed. )ontents of tag is tranferred to a register. Make not of area which were inaccessi le =inally close the open parts of the machine and run the machine.

"ounter Measures :

*naccessi le regions had to e reached easily. %.g. *f there are many screw to open a fly wheel door, hinge door can e used. *nstead of opening a door for inspecting the machine, acrylic sheets can e used. To prevent work out of machine parts necessary action must e taken. Machine parts should e modified to prevent accumulation of dirt and dust.

#entative $tandard :

23 schedule has to e made and followed strictly. 5chedule should e made regarding cleaning, inspection and lu rication and it also should include details like when, what and how.

%eneral Inspection :

The employees are trained in disciplines like Pneumatics, electrical, hydraulics, lu ricant and coolant, drives, olts, nuts and 5afety. This is necessary to improve the technical skills of employees and to use inspection manuals correctly. 'fter acquiring this new knowledge the employees should share this with others. 9y acquiring this new technical knowledge, the operators are now well aware of machine parts.

Autonomous Inspection :

/ew methods of cleaning and lu ricating are used. %ach employee prepares his own autonomous chart C schedule in consultation with supervisor. Parts which have never given any pro lem or part which donEt need any inspection are removed from list permanently ased on e8perience. *ncluding good quality machine parts. This avoid defects due to poor 23.

*nspection that is made in preventive maintenance is included in 23. The frequency of cleanup and inspection is reduced ased on e8perience.

$tandardi&ation :

4pto the previous stem only the machinery C equipment was the concentration. 3owever in this step the surroundings of machinery are organi"ed. /ecessary items should e organi"ed, such that there is no searching and searching time is reduced. Dork environment is modified such that there is no difficulty in getting any item. %very ody should follow the work instructions strictly. /ecessary spares for equipments is planned and procured.

Autonomous Management :

,%% and ,P% and other TPM targets must e achieved y continuous improve through ?ai"en. P+)' ( Plan, +o, )heck and 'ct ) cycle must e implemented for ?ai"en.

Co clusio : Today, with competition in industry at an all time high, TPM may e the only thing that stands etween success and total failure for some companies. *t has een proven to e a program that works. *t can e adapted to work not only in industrial plants, ut in construction, uilding maintenance, transportation, and in a variety of other situations. %mployees must e educated and convinced that TPM is not just another Fprogram of the monthF and that management is totally committed to the program and the e8tended time frame necessary for full implementation. *f everyone involved in a TPM program does his or her part, an unusually high rate of return compared to resources invested may e e8pected. :ast updated on ,

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